4.6 Common Mid-Point Surveying 4.6.1 Common Mid-Point Gathers
4.6 Common Mid-Point Surveying 4.6.1 Common Mid-Point Gathers
4.6 Common Mid-Point Surveying 4.6.1 Common Mid-Point Gathers
(1) As we saw in Section 4.1, reflections tend to have a low amplitude (generally less
than 20% of the incident wave amplitude). This means that noise in the seismic data can
obscure reflections.
(2) Each reflection occurs at a different point on the interface. The analysis of shot
gathers assumes uniform horizontal layers. If there are significant lateral variations in
structure, this assumption is no longer valid and the analysis can result in errors.
These problems can be overcome by using shots from a number of different points and
multiple detectors. The source and detectors are moved in between shots.
From the complete data set, a subset of traces are chosen that have a common reflection
point. The reflection point is taken to be halfway in between the shot and the detector.
• this is valid for areas with horizontal layering
• if the reflection occurs at a dipping interface, this is an approximation, but does
not introduce large errors (see Kearey et al., fig 4.9).
The collection of traces with the same reflection point is called a common mid-point
gather (CMP gather) or common depth point (CDP) gather.
As in shot gathers, the traces are arranged in order of distance from the shot.
• travel time curves for reflections from an interface will plot as parabolas
- the travel times can be analyzed in the same manner as a shot gather to
determine the velocity structure in the vicinity of the CMP
CMP Gather
-200 -100 0 100 200
Distance from shot (m)
The traces in CMP gathers have sampled the same point on the reflecting interface. They
can then be stacked (added together). Seismic traces contain both coherent energy (e.g.,
reflections) and random noise. When traces are added together, the coherent signals will
increase in amplitude, and the random noise will cancel. This increases the signal to
noise ratio (SNR), enhancing weak reflections.
Note that prior to stacking it is necessary to apply a time correction to account for normal
To increase the fold of the data, seismic surveys follow this procedure:
• a seismic source is located at the front of the array of detectors
• the detector spacing is Δx, and there is a space of Δx is between the first detector
and source
• a shot is fired and the resulting seismic waves are recorded by the detectors
• the whole array, including the source, is moved forward a distance of nΔx, where
n is an integer
- on land, this involves moving the last geophone (or more) to the front of
the line and drilling a new hole for the source
- in a marine survey, this corresponds to the air gun and hydrophone
streamer moving forward with the ship
• if there are N geophones and the array moves forward a distance of nΔx between
shots, it can be shown that the number of rays that share the same common mid-
point is N/2n. This is the fold of the data. Fold is sometimes reported as a
percentage of coverage (100×N/2n %)
In the example below, there are 6 geophones and the array moves forward a distance of
Δx between shots. This gives 3-fold CMP coverage or 300% coverage.
• in most surveys, the fold is 24-60, but may be over 1000 for exceptional cases.
The first correction is a static correction. Until now, we have assumed that the seismic
data has been collected on a flat surface above a layer with uniform velocity. As we
know, the Earth has significant topography and the near-surface geology can be highly
variable, due to weathering and other effects. Both factors will cause the travel time of
seismic waves to vary between traces. These delays are called statics because they cause
a shift in the arrival time of all the arrivals in a seismic trace.
Weathering statics: the upper few metres to 10’s of metres of the subsurface is
generally a zone of low seismic velocity due to fractures and joints associated with
weathering. Even though this layer may be thin, the velocities are so low that the seismic
waves experience a noticeable time delay.
CMP Gather with Statics
Question: The bedrock has a velocity of 0
Travel time (s)
The plot on the right shows a CMP gather
that includes the effects of variations in 0.6
elevation and weathering between traces.
Note the vertical offset between adjacent 0.7
-500 0 500
Distance from shot (m)
• Often a residual static analysis is performed to correct for any remaining static
shifts between traces – compares traces and aligns them to produce the most
continuous seismic event. (see Kearey et al., Fig 4.16)
Marine surveys are much simpler – there is no weathered layer and the hydrophones and
source are in water, where the velocity is well-known. Marine traces are usually
corrected to sea level, using the depth of the hydrophones and airguns.
The following figure is from Kearey et al. (2002). It illustrates the effects of statics on
the arrival times of reflections and how the static corrections result in the alignment of
the reflections.
Consider a CMP gather for a single horizontal reflector. A velocity analysis is carried out
to determine what velocity should be used for the NMO correction. This is a trail and
error procedure:
• choose a velocity. This is called the stacking velocity (Vst)
• calculate the normal moveout as a function of offset (Section 4.4)
• subtract the normal moveout from each trace
• examine the results: is the reflection flat? after stacking, is the reflection a sharp,
high amplitude peak?
• vary the velocity to improve the results
Original CMP Gather NMO Corrected CMP Gather Stacked CMP
0 0 0
The same procedure can be used for multiple reflections. In this case, a different stacking
velocity is used to correct the NMO of each reflector. Because the correction varies as a
function of time along the trace, the NMO correction is also called a dynamic
Usually a computer program is used for the analysis. Traces are divided into small time
windows and the NMO correction is calculated for a range of velocities. The results are
plotted in a velocity spectrum, which shows the semblance (a measure of the alignment
of the NMO-corrected reflections) as a function of velocity and time. From the plot, the
appropriate velocity for each time period can be chosen. (See Kearey et al., Figure 4.18.)
As seen in the figures above, the direct wave and ground roll are not aligned on the CMP
traces. Therefore, when the traces are stacked, these waves are nearly removed.
For noisy data, stacking will increase the signal to noise ratio, as random noise will not
stack coherently.
1 1 1
-200 0 200 -200 0 200 0 0.5 1
Distance from shot (m) Distance from shot (m) Amplitude
For each CMP gather, the same procedure is followed to obtain a single stacked zero-
offset trace. Each stacked CMP trace is plotted at the location of the common mid-point.
This results in a seismic section for the study area.
Vertical resolution
The vertical resolution determines the minimum spacing of reflecting interfaces that can
be observed in seismic reflection data. Remember that the seismic source generates a
seismic pulse with a given length. This means that reflections on a seismic trace must be
separated by a minimum length of time in order to be clearly identified.
In the following examples, assume that there is a layer with a velocity of 2000 m/s. A
sinusoidal seismic pulse is generated with a wavelength of 200 m. (frequency = 10 Hz)
What is the smallest layer thickness that can be observed by this seismic wave?
Time (s)
350 0.35 0.35 0.35
Velocity profile Reflection from top Reflection from bottom Top + Bottom
0 0 0 0
20 m thick layer
50 0.05 0.05 0.05
be distinguished.
Tim e (s )
Velocity profile Reflection from top Reflection from bottom Top + Bottom
0 0 0 0
Depth (m)
Time (s)
250 0.25 0.25 0.25
Velocity profile Reflection from top Reflection from bottom Top + Bottom
0 0 0 0
55 m thick layer
100 0.1 0.1 0.1
two reflections.
200 0.2 0.2 0.2
Depth (m)
Time (s)
The critical point where two reflections can be identified occurs when the waves are
separated by a distance of λ/2.
For a layer with a thickness of t, the reflection from the bottom boundary travels a
distance of 2t more than the reflection from the top.
Only layers that are thicker than λ/4 will be observable in seismic reflection data.
Horizontal resolution
Horizontal resolution is determined by: 1) properties of the seismic waves, and 2) spacing
of the detectors. The factor that gives the larger value will determine the resolution of the
Fresnel zones
In much of our analysis, we consider seismic reflections to involve only one ray that
samples a single point on the interface. Consider a source and detector located above a
horizontal interface. Ray theory predicts that the detector will record the ray that has
travelled vertically from the source to the interface and back up (normal incidence).
These waves will be recorded by the detector, but because they have travelled a greater
distance than the normally-incident wave, they will arrive later. Following the same
ideas used above, the recorded waves will interfere constructively if the total distance
that they have travelled is within λ/2 of the normal (zero-offset) reflection - the waves
will appear as one reflection.
The part of the interface from which this energy is reflected is called the Fresnel zone. It
can be shown is a circular disc with a width, w = 2zλ .
This width represents the horizontal length of the smallest feature that will be observable
in the data recorded at the surface. This equation indicates that the horizontal resolution
will decrease for deeper reflectors (larger z).
From the above discussion, short wavelengths will yield the highest vertical and
horizontal resolution. However, attenuation causes the preferential reduction in
amplitude of high frequency (short wavelength) energy. This means that only the
shallowest regions can be studied with short wavelengths. As waves travel to greater
depths, the dominant wavelength of the seismic waves will increase, and therefore the
vertical and horizontal resolution will decrease.
Detector spacing
As shown in the figure below, for a horizontal reflector, the reflections are spaced at a
distance that is half of the detector spacing. In designing a seismic survey, it is important
to make sure that this spacing is less than the Fresnel zone, so that the survey layout
does not limit the resolution of the data. A rule of thumb is that the detector spacing
should be no more than one quarter of the Fresnel zone width.
Seismic waves with a dominant frequency of 50 Hz travel through sediments with a
velocity of 3000 m/s.
• What is the smallest layer thickness that will be detected?
• If the deepest reflector is at a depth of 2000 m, what is the size of the smallest
horizontal feature that will be detected?
• What is the largest geophone spacing that should be used in the survey?