Redox Potential Measurements
Redox Potential Measurements
Redox Potential Measurements
1. Platinum electrode
2. Voltmeter
3. Reference electrode
456 mv
Pt wire electrode
Fig. 1. The Pt wire is buried into the soil to be in contact with the soil
solution. The reference electrode must also be in contact with the soil
solution. It has a ceramic tip which can be placed in the soil, or the
electrode can be placed in a salt bridge which is itself placed in the soil.
Wires from both the Pt electrode and reference electrode are connected to
the voltmeter.
Pt Electrodes
Platinum electrodes consist of a small piece of platinum wire that is soldered or fused to
wire made another metal. Platinum conducts electrons from the soil solution to the wire
to which it is attached.
Platinum is used because it is assumed to be an inert metal. This means it does not give
up its own electrons (does not oxidize) to the wire or soil solution. Iron containing
materials such as steel will oxidize themselves and send their own electrons to the
voltmeter. As a result the voltage we measure will not result solely from electrons being
transferred to or from the soil.
Metals such as copper and aluminum will oxidize and also cannot be used for redox
potential measurements. Stainless steel also may oxidize, but to a small extent, and
should not be used.
Reference Electrodes
Reference electrodes provide a standard redox reaction that will accept or give up
electrons to the soil solution. Two types of reference electrodes are in use: Ag/AgCl and
Wire to voltmeter
Plastic case
Silver wire
AgCl salt
KCl solution
Ag Ag+ + e-
When the reaction goes to the right (Ag is oxidized) the electron is sent to the voltmeter
and could be transmitted to the Pt wire to reduce chemicals in the soil solution if the
voltmeter were not present. If the reaction goes to the left then an electron comes from
the voltmeter into the electrode.
The Ag and Ag+ are surrounded by a solution of KCl which maintains electrical
neutrality. When the reaction above goes to the right, then a K+ is released to the soil
through the ceramic tip of the electrode. When the reaction goes to the left then a Cl-
anion is released through the ceramic tip.
Another type of reference electrode in common use is the calomel which contains Hg.
The basic reaction is:
Hg Hg+ + e-
Correction Factors
While both kinds of reference electrodes give reliable data, the voltages measured with
each electrode are interpreted slightly differently. It is for this reason that users must
know which electrode they have.
The voltage measured in the field must be corrected to what would have been obtained
with a different reference electrode, called the standard hydrogen reference electrode.
This electrode cannot be used in the field, but our interpretations of redox potential
measurements are based on values determined with it. Therefore, all voltages measured
in the field with either the Ag/AgCl or calomel reference electrode have to be adjusted to
the value that would have been obtained had a standard hydrogen electrode been used.
The basic correction factors are:
These correction factors are temperature dependent, but in most instances the effect of
temperature is must less than the variability in the data for a given time. Therefore, in my
opinion a temperature correction is not necessary unless very precise measurements are
Formula for Converting Field Data to Redox Potential:
The symbol Eh or EH is used to indicate a voltage that has been corrected to what would
have been obtained with a standard hydrogen electrode.
Voltmeters measure the amount of voltage needed to stop electrons from flowing
between the Pt electrode and the reference electrodes. These meters should not let
electrons flow, otherwise stable readings will not be obtained.
Two basic kinds of voltmeters are available: 1) laboratory grade Eh-pH meters and 2)
commercial voltmeters. The lab grade meters are probably the most accurate of the two
to use. They can be expensive (>$300) and are preferred for research use.
Commercial voltmeters that measure millivolts seem to be adequate for routine use.
These are available for <$100.
Sources of Equipment
The following supplies provide equipment. We have used all with good results or know
of others who have used these with good results.
Reference Electrodes
Platinum Electrodes
• Jensen Instruments: have constructed excellent electrodes in the past, but there
may be a delay in delivery of up to 9 months.
• Louisiana State University: contact Dr. Wayne Hudnall. We have not used
electrodes from this laboratory but they have a good reputation.
Platinum Electrode Construction
For Redox Potential Measurements
Over the last 10 years, graduate students and technicians in the Soil Science
Department have constructed their own Pt electrodes using the procedures
described below. The methods have evolved over time, and we expect will continue
to evolve. Two methods are described below. Method A uses epoxy to insulate and
seal the brass rod from the environment. Method B uses a rigid heat-shrink tubing
in place of the epoxy. Method A has been tested for a number of years and found to
be reliable. The epoxy is messy and therefore, Method B is easier to use. However,
our experience with Method B is limited and while we use it now, it is still being
1/8” diameter brass brazing rod (available at many welding supply companies)
1/4” and 3/16” initial diameter adhesive-lined polyolefin heat-shrink tubing (available from McMaster-Carr
Supply @
Propane torch with adjustable flame attachment (available from most hardware stores)
Latex gloves and a pair of heat resistant gloves for handling propane 3 mm
5) Insert one end of the platinum wire into the hole on the
brass-brazing rod. Hold wire in place with pliers.
6) While holding the wire in place, direct the tip of the hot Fig. B (steps 5 & 6)
blue flame from the propane torch at the area of the rod
where the platinum wire was inserted. Continue to heat the
rod until it melts, thereby creating a bond between the rod and the platinum. Hold the
wire in place until the rod cools. (Note: Rod must be held in a vertical position while
performing this procedure to avoid sagging of the molten metal.) Once the rod cools, be
sure to check the Platinum/brass interface by tugging on platinum wire with a pair of
At least
Sealing with Epoxy: Method A Marine-Tex
5 mm
10a) Let the Marine-Tex set up until the Marine-Tex can be touched with a latex glove
without adhering to the glove. Smooth the Marine-Tex with gloved fingers. Work the
Marine-Tex down the rod until at least 5 mm of the Marine-Tex is thin enough for the
heat shrink tubing to slide over. Leave excess Marine-Tex above this thinned area.
the platinum exposed for proper contact with the soil. Melted
Then, using the heating gun, heat the insulator until brass rod
A second layer of
6.35mm (1/4in.)
tubing will also be
Be sure to
connection exposed wire
with heat around brass
rod then
solder in
Seal with
18 gauge copper
Once constructed the electrodes have to be checked for accuracy. This is first done using
a solution of known and stable redox potential. The solution we have used was described
by Light (1972) and is prepared from scratch. The ingredients are shown below.
Composition: Concentration:
Ferrous ammonium sulfate 0.100M
39.21 g/l Fe (NH4)2 (SO4)2 . 6H20
Ferric ammonium sulfate 0.100M
48.22 g/l FeNH4 (SO4)2 . 12H20
Sulfuric Acid 1.00 M
56.2 ml/l concentrated H2SO4
First, scratch the platinum tips of each electrode with steel wool. Second, fill a beaker
halfway with the Light’s solution you have made. Fill a second beaker with tap water.
Using a redox potential meter outfitted with a Ag, AgCl reference electrode you will take
an mV reading of each electrode individually in both the buffer solution and in tap water.
The buffer solution should read at +476mV (+/- 20 mV). The tap water reading will vary
from the buffer reading but should not vary by more than 100 to 150 mV from other
electrodes. If an electrode is varying more than 150 mV, there may be something wrong
with that electrode. Problems with electrode readout include; electrode not being water
tight, platinum not having a good connection to brass rod, and copper wire not being
soldered on correctly.
Sample Results of Redox Electrode Test
• PVC braces (2-3) were constructed for each plot (see figures F&G).
• The stand was installed in a 10 cm diameter hole at approximately 45 cm depth.
• The braces were arrayed around the stand on three sides at approximately one
meter from the stand base. The braces were installed with a push probe so that the
cross brace was about 15 cm above and parallel to the soil surface.
• The platinum-tipped electrodes were installed with a push probe at various depths.
In a bucket, soil from the push-probed holes was mixed with water to form a
slurry. The slurry was used to backfill the hole. The electrode platinum tip was
scraped before insertion into the soil and was then inserted through the slurry and
into undisturbed soil. The probes were secured to the brace with plastic cable ties.
• Using a staple gun, the copper wire leads of the electrodes were attached to the
stand. The extensions were arranged on the stand in the same order the electrodes
are to be read.
L- braces for
Brace (fig. F)
½ in. PVC Brace •48 in. long
30 cm PVC stakes
~120 cm
4x4x60 inch treated
Soil Surface
Salt Bridge Construction
• Salt bridges, one per brace, were constructed and installed to aid redox potential
• The salt bridges were constructed using 1-inch PVC, Potassium Chloride and
• These ingredients are allowed to cool until a pour able gel forms. This gel is then
poured into the 1-inch PVC tubes until they are full and then allowed to cool. The
salt bridges were installed using a 1-inch auger. A hole about 60 cm deep was
drilled between the stand and the nearest brace. The hole was 30 to 50 cm from
the brace and placed approximately in line with is center. 2 holes were drilled
into the PVC approximately 10 cm from the bottom of the pipe to allow the agar
to come into contact with the soil. Then the salt bridge was installed into the pre-
drilled hole.
1in. diameter
PVC Agar filled PVC pipe
Soil surface
Bottom of PVC is
♦ Cut a pair of wires to 25” and 37” for each PVC pipe.
♦ On one end of each wire, strip outer and inner insulation back 1”.
♦ Twist copper and constantan wires together.
♦ Solder the twisted wires together.
♦ Trim soldered wire to 1cm.
♦ On the other end of each wire, strip outer insulation back 1”-2” and strip inner
insulation of both the copper and constantan back 1cm.
♦ Tie a knot in the short wire of each pair near the non-soldered end (this allows for the
differentiation of the shallow and deep thermocouples in the field).
♦ Test each pair of wires against a mercury thermometer at OoC (ice water) and at room
temperature to verify that each wire is within established tolerance range.
♦ Cut PVC pipe to 36” lengths.
♦ Make a mark 14” down from the top end of pipe (this represents the soil surface).
♦ From this mark measure down 6” and 20” and make a mark (this will be the depths of
temperature measurement).
Drill a 3/8” hole in the side of the