The Wendelstein 7-X Fusion Stellarator Experiment: Mag Fus Energy PG 8
The Wendelstein 7-X Fusion Stellarator Experiment: Mag Fus Energy PG 8
The Wendelstein 7-X Fusion Stellarator Experiment: Mag Fus Energy PG 8
Likely the most common approach to achieving nuclear fusion, magnetic confinement reactors
utilize superconducting magnetic rings to create a magnetic field capable of holding an ionized
plasma of tritium and deuterium ions. The reaction byproducts of this fusion involve an alpha
particle and a neutron. The neutron contains 4/5 of the released energy (17.6MeV) and will go
towards heating the reactor housing and the alpha particle is recycled to reheat non fused plasma
to sustain the reaction.1 A “good” magnetic confinement reactor should be able to maintain
enough of the charged alpha particles for heating the plasma further such that the reaction
becomes self-sustaining.
In order to further understand the marvel of engineering that is Wendelstein 7-X, it’d be useful to
briefly overview the plasma physics principles behind their design and operation. Heating of the
plasma comes generally from two sources, alpha heating (P 𝛂) and auxiliary heating (PAUX) used
for the initial heating up to fusion capable temperatures (~105K).3 The ratio of these two values
dictate the Q of a reactor which determines efficiency of the reactor with a Q of 1 meaning a
reaction broke even and is self sustaining (Q = P𝛂 / PAUX). The fusion reaction is shown below.
Approximately 14MeV is carried by the neutron and results in the heating of internal shielding
while the remaining 3.6MeV is ideally utilized for alpha heating when. The problem lies in
MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD) instabilities.6 The most common shape for magnetic
confinement reactors is a torus, often referred to as Tokamaks. However, this toroidal field must
be twisted in such a way that any one given plasma path must rotate through the range of radii
allowing even treatment of the plasma. Tokamaks complete this twist through the use of a
transformer running through the center of the torus, whereas stellarators and specifically W7-X
have an entirely unique approach, utilizing non planar magnetic coils and special geometries.
Fig 1. CAD image of the outermost magnetic flux shell in the plasma chamber of the Wendelstein 7-X experiment.
The blue rings represent the unique non planar superconducting magnetic coils used to create the field. The 20
planar coils are not shown. [Magnetic Fusion Energy pg 497]6
Fig 2. Schematic of island diverter modules highlighting where the plasma vessel has a bean shaped cross section
versus a triangular cross section. [Magnetic Fusion Energy pg 500]
With the installation of the diverter units, W7-X was also able to achieve plasmas with an
average ꞵ of 1-3%, which still allowed W7-X to set records in plasma confinement in
comparison to other stellarator devices.
Current Sources
[1] A. Fasoli et. al. “Computational challenges in magnetic-confinement fusion physics” Nature
Physics (2016)
[2] Endler M. et. al. “Engineering design for the magnetic diagnostics of Wendelstein 7-X”
Fusion Engineering and Design 100 (2015)
[3] H. W. Patten et. al. “Identification of an Optimized Heating and Fast Ion Generation Scheme
for the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator” Phys. Rev. Let. 124, 155001 (2020)
[4] Jürgen Nührenberg et. al. “Development of quasi-isodynamic stellarators” Plasma Phys.
Control. Fusion 52 124003 (2010)
[5] Maurizio Gasparotto et. al. “Wendelstein 7-X—Status of the project and commissioning
[6] Neilson, George H. Magnetic Fusion Energy (book) Chapters 2, 16, 19 (2016)
[7] Viktor Bykov “Engineering Challenges of Wendelstein 7-X Mechanical Monitoring During
Second Phase of Operation”
[8] T. Klinger et. al. “Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation” Nucl.
Fusion 59 112004 (2019)