Deals Freshsales
Deals Freshsales
Deals Freshsales
Deals are sales opportunities you strike with your customers. In Freshsales, you can create
Click on save.
1. To create a deal,
4. In the Convert Lead overlay, you’d find the Last Name pre-filled. If the First name, Email
and Company Name is present, these fields are pre-filled too. If the fields are empty,
enter the appropriate data. Keep in mind that the all the required fields of contact,
account, and deal are mandatory to convert and create a deal. These required fields will
be listed in the lead convert overlay for the sales agent to fill in a single view and create
records with mandatory information.
5. To create a deal, select the create a deal for the contact checkbox.
8. Provide the Expected close date for the deal using the date picker.
9. Choose the Deal stage from the drop down. You can add custom stages in addition to
the stages listed in the drop down.
You can find the newly created deal on the details page of the contact and the account
associated with the deal (if any), and also in the Deals list view page.
Deal fields
A deal’s information is saved in the following groups:
Basic Information
This includes all the default deal fields provided by Freshsales that can be filled in manually
through deal forms and during import or automatically using Freshsales for Web.
This includes custom fields that capture additional information about the deal such as Products
Used, Product fit, Enterprise Requirement, etc. The custom fields can be filled in manually
through the deal forms or during import and automatically using Freshsales for Web.
To customize the deal fields,
You can edit the Field Label, and add a Tooltip and Placeholder text. The Internal Name
and Field type for default fields cannot be edited. However, they can be edited for
custom fields. You can also move the field to a group of your choice by selecting from
the Group or sub-group dropdown.
You can configure the field properties such as making it a required field, read-only field,
unique field and also opt to display the field in the quick add form.
If you have chosen the field type to be Multiselect, Checkbox, or Radio, you may edit or delete
the existing choices, and add new ones by clicking the Add choice button.
Click the Deals tab and select the deals by clicking the checkbox beside them.
Click the Deals tab and select the deals by clicking the checkbox beside them.
Enter the value for the field. If it’s a drop down or a radio button, you can choose the value
from the choices displayed under the drop down.
You can only update one field for each selection. You cannot update multiple fields all at once.
To update a different field, you’d have to select the deals again, and click Update field.
Add related contacts to a deal
Freshsales allows you to associate contacts of multiple companies in a single deal.
In deals page,for every deal after adding basic info we can choose related contacts.
To clone a deal,
Click a deal to visit the deal’s details page and select the More icon.
In the
Clone deal overlay, edit the desired fields.
To delete a deal,
Click a deal to visit the deal’s details page and select the More icon.
For ex, the sales journey of a B2B comapny differs from a B2C company.
So, with multiple pipelines, you can organize and process their activities with better clarity.
Say you were a Pipedrive user and want to migrate all your data into Freshsales. All your
pipelines can now be viewed as before without any loss of structure.
Based on different sales processes, a separate pipeline has to be created. This will let sales reps
to work with a set of stages that’s most relevant to them. To create one there are a set of steps
that need to be followed.
Admin-default pipeline
From the multiple pipelines present in your account, you can choose one of it to be the default
pipeline. For all admin related activities, this pipeline will be taken as the default one.
User-preferred pipeline
Despite the admin choosing a pipeline as default, as a sales rep, your most commonly used
pipeline might differ. That’s why, we give you the option of choosing a pipeline that’s most
relevant to your sales cycle even it is different from the Admin default.
There is no backup for your pipeline as such. But, all deals of the deleted pipeline are moved to
the first stage of your default pipeline.
If you downgrade, only the default pipeline remains and the rest of the pipelines are removed.
The deals of the other pipelines are moved to the first stage of the default pipeline that’s
retained after the downgrade.
As an Admin, you can set up multiple pipelines to accommodate the sales process of
Different territories
to name a few.
Whatever may your sales process be, to set up a new pipeline, follow these steps:
1. Log in as an Admin.
6.Won and Lost are default stages for every newly added pipeline.
7.To make your pipeline as the admin default, enable the Mark as Default checkbox. Click here
to know more on this.
8.You can go back and edit the pipelines using the Edit icon.
No! Each pipeline should have a unique name. They can have the same stages though.
Yes! You can edit and make changes to the name, add, rename or delete stages of multiple
pipelines parallelly.
Once you’ve successfully configured your pipelines, you can view them in the Deals tab.
You can now add deals to their relevant pipelines, helping sales reps view and work with a
focused set of deals.
This is the pipeline that’s used for Admin related activities like
- Data migration
- Deletion
- Downgrade
Only an Admin can mark a pipeline as default for the entire account.
5. At the bottom of the pipeline card, you will see the ‘Marked as default’ label.
set their preferred pipeline
User-preferred pipeline:As a sales rep, each time you go to the Deals tab, you’d want to see the
pipeline that’s most relevant and commonly used by you.
1. Log in to Freshsales.
5. Hit Save.
You can now delete the unwanted pipeline without any loss of important deals
To delete one,
1. Log in as an Admin.
Once you downgrade to Blossom or Sprout, your multiple pipelines cease to exist as separate
pipelines.Only the pipeline that was marked as the admin default pipeline is retained.All other
pipelines are dissolved and the deals are moved to the 1st stage of the default pipeline.
Forget a deal
In compliance with GDPR, Freshsales incorporates an option where users can opt to forget a
record from their system. Forgetting the record from the system will ensure that an entity’s
“Right to be forgotten” can be executed effectively.
Rotten Deals
All deals in Freshsales carry with them an age- the time elapsed from the day of deal creation.
As a deal ages, the likelihood of winning the deal diminishes i.e., the deal rots. Such deals are
referred to as rotten deals. Freshsales keeps track of the age of a deal and turns the deal red
whenever a deal crosses the rotting age. This helps users prioritize and pay attention to deals
that are rotting. It also helps users clean up their pipeline by getting rid of deals that are old and
are unlikely to convert.
Quick steps: Admin Settings > Pipelines > Edit > Assign rotting age > Save
As a deal ages and get closer to its rotting age, the likelihood of conversion of the deal drops.
Deal rotting identifies deals that have exceeded their rotting age. The deal card for such deals
turns red.
For example, let us assume that the sales cycle for your pipeline is 25 days. Whenever, the age
of deal in the pipeline exceeds 25 days, the deal turns red.
Also, clicking the icon on a rotten deal presents you with an option to bring up all rotten deals.
Similarly, the landing page of deals will also indicate the number of days since when the deal is
Freshsales allows admins to set an estimated probability against every deal stage. This enables
sales managers to forecast expected sales based on the probability of deals in their pipeline.
2) Click on associated with a pipeline. This opens the pipeline and its various deal stages.
3) Assign deal stage probability for each deal stage and hit . The probability is a percentage
operator and operates on the total deal value of the stage. Users can change probability of
deals manually if required.
In any given deal stage, only a fraction of deals convert successful. By factoring in this
probability for every deal stage, revenue from individual stages can be estimated realistically.
For example, let’s consider a deal stage ‘Contacted’. At this stage of the deal cycle, the
probability of winning the deal is only about 15%.
Now, let us consider that you have 5 deals in this stage with each carrying a value of $20000,
$10330, $4400, $2300, and $1500 respectively.
However, the expected deal value from this stage will be calculated on the basis of the deal
stage probability (15%). Therefore, the expected revenue from this stage will be 15% of
$38530= $5780
Create a custom deal report. After you’ve set the filter conditions for your report, choose how
you’d like the report to be generated as a table.
2)Opt for a bar graph with X-Axis plotted for Deals stages and Y-Axis plotted for Sum of
expected deal value. Hit save to generate the report.
Freshsales allows users to upload display pictures for deals. This is useful for sales agents in
domains such as Real estate or Antiques where users sell properties or artwork. Adding a
picture to a deal makes it easy for identification.
When this option is disabled, users will lose access to add display pictures to deals .
Click ‘Add display picture.’ This brings up the ‘Add files’ overlay. Choose and upload a picture
from your system. You can also choose an existing file and opt to make it a display picture.
You can also access the ‘Add display picture’ option from the icon on the deal card and from the
Deal Landing page.
Crop or resize the picture by dragging the highlight area. Once you’ve made suitable
modifications to the picture, click .
On disabling the display pictures from admin settings, the already uploaded pictures are
retained for a period of 7 days before they are completely removed from the system.
What will happen to my deal pictures if my admin disables the feature on the account?
If the Admin disables the feature, but the plan is still Garden or above, then the pictures will be
retained in the account for 30 days.
List View:
Go to the Deals tab, click the List View button and choose Open Deals from the views drop down.
You can sort them by their deal value, stage, expected close date and the time when they were created
and updated.
You can also use filters like Deal Type, Account name etc to narrow your list of open deals. You can add
filters and save filter criteria as custom views too.
Funnel View:
Go to the Deals tab, click the Funnel View button and choose Open Deals from the views drop down.
You can find your open deals listed under their respective stages (both custom and default).
You can sort the deals by their value, stage, expected close date and the time when they were created
and updated too.
You can move them to a different stage, delete them, or mark them as Won and Lost by simply dragging
and dropping the deals.
Deals in Freshsales can be viewed in two different and equally important views - the Funnel view and
the List view.
You can drag and drop fields to move them across stages.
You can switch between different pipelines and view the progress of deals in that pipeline.
You can choose a particular Owner in your team and have a look at their pipeline separately.
You can find the number of deals and the sum total of the deals’ value in each stage - This helps you get
a picture of the progress of the deals.
You can also sort your deals by their stage, pipeline, owner, expected close date and the time when they
were created and updated.
However, you cannot apply filters to the deals when you’re viewing them in the Funnel view.
List view
Displays the deals as a list that can be sorted by their deal value, pipeline, stage, type of business,
expected close date and the time when they were created and updated.
You can further narrow your list by using a combination of filters, custom views or both.
You could also add filters of your choice and save them as custom views that can be used in future.
Deals can be updated and deleted in bulk when you view them as a list.
Once you are done, choose to save it by clicking the tick button.
Freshsales gives you a few default views. In addition to these default views, you can create your own
views and access it anytime from the Views drop down. You can also share the custom views with your
team. However, users can view only those deals that they have access to.
Open deals - Lists the deals that are still in progress.
Custom Views
You can find the views created by you, or shared with you, above the default views. Freshsales gives you
4 sample custom views, based on the deal stage and deal value.
Cold deals - Lists the open deals that were created before 3 months.
Hot deals - Lists the deals whose deal value is greater than $999.
At any point of time, you can delete and modify these views by adding more filter criteria from the Filter
Cold deals - Lists the open deals that were created before 3 months.
Hot deals - Lists the deals whose deal value is above $999.
The best part about custom views is that you can edit them, delete them and create as many views as
you like with no restraints.
Select a view from the Deals list view page and use the filters you need to narrow your list of deals. If
you’d like to add more filters, click the + icon beside Filter.
You can edit filter criteria of any view (default and custom) and save the changes as a new view by
clicking the Save As button. However,
You cannot make changes to the default views and save them. You can only save them as new custom
You can make changes to any custom view and save the filter criteria to the same custom view by
clicking the Save icon.
In the Save As overlay, give a name for your view and share the view with your team by selecting
Everyone. If you’d rather not share the view, select Only me.
You can find your newly created view in the deal Views drop down.
Select a custom view from the views drop-down in the Deals list view page.
You can rename and change the visibility of the view. However, Edit does not let you modify the filters
used in that view.
If you’d like to change the filter criteria in your view, you should select the view and change the filter
values or add new filters, and click Save.
Select the view from the drop down and click the Delete icon.
In the dialog box that appears, hit Yes to delete the view.
Under Filter, choose the fields you'd like to use and enter the filter criteria.
You can also add more fields by clicking Add field and selecting the fields from the drop down list that
If you'd like to view the filtered results as a pipeline, click the Funnel view button.
The filters can be modified and added only in the List view. If you're viewing the deals in the Funnel view
and would like to edit the filter criteria, switch to the List view, make the changes, apply the filter and
then view the results in the Funnel view.
You can also sort these results in the ascending or descending order by their Value, Expected closing
date, Stage and by their time of creation and updation and save them as custom views.
Login to Freshsales.
Click Deals.
The column Name is fixed and cannot be replaced or shuffled. The other 19, however, can be replaced
with deal fields of your choice. To do so, click the Edit columns button.
The number of columns that's currently displayed in the list view. (For ex, 7/20).
Visible columns: Lists all deal fields that's currently selected by you.
Basic Information: All unselected(default+custom) deal fields that can be made made visible on the lead
list view page on selection.
You can reset the selection to default, where the following deal fields are displayed in the list view—
Name, Open deals amount, Last contacted time, related contacts, owner, website, phone.
Fields, once selected, will move under the Visible columns section.
You can reorder the fields right from this overlay. Choose to place your most used ones on the top of the
Visible column list for at a glance access.
Click the ‘All owners’ dropdown and all your active team members are listed.
Freddy tracks the activity on all deals in your Freshsales account, predicts its outcomes, assigns tags to
them, and displays them on the Freddy view. The Freddy view plots all Freddy-tagged Deals as colored
bubbles on an Age/Deal score graph.
Determine how the deal is faring: The deal insights card displays thetag assigned to your deal by Freddy.
Understand why the deal is trending: The deal card displays the best performing activity for your deal
and its current trend. The card also displays the upward or downward trend of a deal’s Freddy score. If a
deal is performing desirably, the graph reflects the same with an upward pointing arrow and the
percentage increase in the deal score. This graph is displayed only for deals that are ‘Likely to close’ or
Track the frequency of sales activities in the last 30 days: The deal insights card shows a calendar view of
the last 30 days and highlights the days when there was a sales activity. It also displays the frequency of
sales activities on the calendar.
Take the next best action on the deal: Based on past deal characteristics, Freddy suggests the next best
action for a particular deal. This action–an email, a phone call, or appointment– helps the deal move
forward and improves conversion probability.
Deal bubble: A deal is represented as a bubble and the size of the bubble indicates the deal value–bigger
the deal value, the bigger the bubble.
Deal color/tag: The color of the bubble depends on the tag assigned to the deal. Based on predictions,
Freddy assigns one of the following tags to deals:
-Trending: Deals that have seen a spike in activity in the last one week and are likely to proceed towards
closure if more attention is paid.
- At Risk: Deals that have seen a dip in activity in the last one week and are at risk of being lost unless
corrective action is taken.
-Gone Cold: Deals that are unresponsive and have a low chance of revival.
Filter legend: Customize the Freddy view to retain Deal bubbles belonging to a particular deal tag. For
example, if you want to view only the bubbles of deals that are ‘Likely to close’, click all other tags to
disable them.
Filters: Apply filters to the Freddy view to narrow down on a list of deals.
Deal insights card: Clicking on the deal bubble brings up the deal insights card. The card gives an
overview on the recent performance of the deal and shows how the deal is performing, sales activities
performed on the deal in the last 30 days, and suggests the next best action that can be carried out on
the deal.