1. Click Items & Services from the Company section of the homepage. This opens the Item List
2. Select the Consignment Item from the Item List.
3. Click the Item button in the lower left corner of the Item List window, and then select Delete
4. Click OK to confirm.
5. Click the Item button again, and then select Add/Edit Multiple Items.
6. Select Service Items from the List drop-down list.
7. Click the Customize Columns button.
8. Click Subitem from the Chosen Columns List.
9. Click the Remove button.
10. Now click the Sales Description from the available Columns List.
11. Click the Add button. With Sales Description selected, click the Move Up button so that Sales
Description appears just after Item name.
12. Click OK to close the Customize Columns window.
13. Type 20-Hour Service(for example) in the space bellow the Item Name column and then press
[Tab]. Click OK if a Time Saving Tip window appears.
14. Type Labor charge for 20-Hour service check(for example) in the Sales Description column
and then press [Tab].
15. Type 175(for example) as the Sales Price and then press [Tab].
16. Type Service as the Income account and then press [Tab].
17. Click Setup in the Account Not Found window.
18. Select Income in the Account Type drop-down list and then click Save & Close.
19. Select Tax as the Sales Tax Code and then press [Tab].
20. Type Engine Service(for example) as a new item in the Item Name column below 20-Hour
service and then press [Tab].
21. Type Labor charge for changing engine oil and filter(for example) in the Sales Description
column and then press [Tab].
22. Type 125(for example) in the Sales Price column and then press [Tab].
23. Select Service in the Income column and then press [Tab].
24. Select Tax in the Sales Tax Code column and then press [Tab].
25. Click below the Engine Service Item you just added in the Add/Edit Multiple List Entries
26. Once you’ve entered all the service items above click Save Changes and then click OK.
27. Select Inventory Parts from the List drop-down list.
28. Click the Customize Columns button.
29. Click Subitem from the Chosen Columns List.
30. Click the Remove button. Additionally, remove Total Value, Preferred Vendor, Max and
Manufaturer's Part Number columns.
31. Click Purchase Description from the Available Columns List. Click the Add button.
32. Click the Purchase Description column title and then click the Move Up button multiple times
until the Purchase Description column title appears below the Item Name column title. Additionally,
add the As Of Date column to the end of the list.
33. Click OK to close the Customize Columns window.
34. Continue this process for other inventory items in your business.
35. Click Save Changes after you’ve entered all your other inventory items and click Close to close
the Add/Edit Multiple List Entries window.
Set up Accounts
1. Click the Chart of Accounts from the Company section of the home page.
2. Click the Account button, and select New.
3. Select Credit Card from the list and then click Continue.
4. Type MasterCard in the Account Name text box.
5. Click the Enter Opening Balance button.
6. Type the corresponding amount in the Statement Ending Balance text box and type the
corresponding date in the Statement Ending Date text box. Then click OK.
7. Click Save & New to enter another account.
8. Select Long-term Liability from the Account Type drop-down list.
9. Type Loan Payable in the Account Name text box.
10. Click the Enter Opening Balance button, type the corresponding amount in the Opening Balance
text box and the corresponding date in the As of text box. Then click OK.
11. Click Save & Close.
12. Follow these process for the other accounts. Take note that on the case of contra-accounts, enter
the amounts in a negative number. Then close the Chart of Accounts window.
1. Press the F1 key to start QuickBooks Accountant Help.
2. Type process payroll manually in the text box, then press the Enter key.
3. Click the Process payroll manually (without a subscription to QuickBooks Payroll).
4. Click the text manual payroll calculations.
5. Click the text Set my company file to use manual calculations.
6. Click OK and then close the Have a Question? window.
7. Click Payroll Setup from the Employees menu.
8. Click the Continue button after reading each windows until you get to the Add New window.
9. Make sure that only the Salary, Hourly wage and Overtime checkboxes are checked in the Add
New window and then click Finish.
10. Click continue to accept the Compensation list provided.
11. Click Continue again, check the My company does not provide insurance benefits checkbox,
then click Continue again and then click Finish.
12. Proceed in the same manner through the payroll setup process, as the company does not
provide retirement benefits, and paid time off or have any special editions and deductions.
13. Click Continue when you get to the Set up your employees section.
14. Enter the information for your employee, say for example Patrick Garcia.
15. Click Next and then enter the hiring information for Patrick Garcia.
16. Click Next and then enter the compensation information for Patrick Garcia.
17. Click Next two times and then enter the subject to tax information for Patrick Garcia.
18. Click Next and then enter the various tax information in various category for Patrick Garcia.
19. Click Finish to finish adding Patrick to the payroll system. Click Continue to carry on the
payroll setup process.
20. Click Continue two more times to accept the tax items set up for you.
21. Click Edit and then click Next, type of the corresponding company rate with details and then
click Finish.
22. Click Continue, set the payee for all tax payments and then click Next.
23. Type of the corresponding account number and then click Finish.
24. Click Continue twice and then click the corresponding year, say for example 2016, if you are
asked when you will start processing payroll in QuickBooks Accountant. If asked, select No to a
question about whether your company issued paychecks this year.
25. Click Continue and then click Go to the Payroll Center to finish the payroll setup process.
1. Click the New Employee to open the New Employee window.
2. Be certain that the Personal tab is selected. Then fill the form with the needed information.
3. Click the Address and Contact tab and then type the corresponding information in the Home
Address section.
4. Click the Payroll Info tab, select Monthly as the pay frequency and Hourly as the Item Name in
the Earnings section.
5. Type of the corresponding amount as the Hourly/Annual Rate in the Earnings section.
6. Click the Taxes button and enter the needed information.
7. Click the State tab and identify the employee as working in your business and subject to
various taxes.
8. Click OK two times to finish entering the particular employee as a new employee.
9. Click Leave As Is when asked if you want to set up other payroll information and then close the
Employee Center window and click Home to return to the Home window.
Chapter Processes:
2. Restore the file that you downloaded from the text website.
4. Click Record Deposits icon from the Banking section of our home page. The Make
Deposits window appears. Note that QuickBooks Accountant has automatically inserted
today’s date.
5. Enter the information for Karen and Donna’s(for example) stock purchase and be sure
to enter the correct date and add Karen Wilson to the employee list.
6. Click Save & New to record the deposit. Do not close the Make Deposits window.
3. Type Bank of Florida in the received from text box and then press [Tab].
5. Click Other in the Select Name Type window and then click OK.
7. Type the corresponding amount and then click Save & Close.
The create a new ledger account and record the purchase of money market funds
1. Click the Write Checks icon from the Banking section of the home page. The Write
Checks window appear.
5. Select Other in the Select Name Type window and then click OK.
6. Type 30000 as a check amount, and then press [Tab] three times or until the cursor is in
the account section of to check. Trouble? Near the bottom of the Write Checks window
are two tabs, one labeled Expenses and one labeled Items. The Expenses tab is
somewhat misleading because you can type or select any account to appear here
including assets, On the other hand used Items tab to enter inventory acquisitions only.
The main difference between them is that the Items tab has a column for quantities
purchased and the Expenses tab has a column for an account.
7. In the Expenses tab, select <Add New> from the drop-down arrow list of accounts. An
Add New Account: Choose Account Type window should appear.
10. Click Save & Close to record the new general ledger account.
11. Click Save & New to record this transaction. Do not close this window.
1. Type 1002 as the check number(if it is not already there). Trouble? If you previously closed the
Write Checks window, open it again by clicking the Write Checks icon on the home page.
2. Type 1/9/16 as the date of purchase in the Write Checks window.
3. Type Staples in the Pay to the Order of section of the check, and then press [Tab].
5. Select Vendor in the Select Name Type window and then click OK.
6. Type 7000 as the check amount and then press [Tab] three times or until the cursor is in the
account section of the check.
7. In the Expenses tab, select Furniture and Equipment from the drop-down arrow list of
10. In the Expenses tab, select Furniture and Equipment from the drop-down arrow list of
accounts and then press [Tab] twice.
1. Click the Purchase Orders icon from the Vendors section of the home page to open the
Create Purchase Orders window.
3. Type 1/12/16 as the date and type 4001 as the P.O No.
4. Select MW XTI as the item, type 1 as the Qty(quantity), and select Florida Sports Camp
as the customer for which we are ordering the boat. (You’ll need to add them as a new
5. Click on the Hide History to hide this information and then click Save & New. Note that
QuickBooks Accountant may identify a word it doesn’t know and, before processing this
purchase order, a Check Spelling on form window may appear to verify the spelling of
6. Add Tige Boats to the Vendor drop-down list in the new purchase order form.
7. Type the date and the P.O No if it’s not already there.
8. Select <Add New> from the drop down Items list to display the New Item window.
10. Type the Item Name/Number(T 22v) and the Description(Tige 22v) for both purchase
and sales transactions.
18. Click OK to accept this new item and add Tige to the dictionary if necessary.
20. Select <Add New> from the drop-down Customer list to display the New Customer
21. Type the corresponding Customer and Company Name as well as the Customer’s
22. Click Copy >> to copy the Bill To address to the Ship To address section. Click OK to
1. Click the Receive Payments icon located in the Customers section of the home page.
2. Select Florida Sports Camp as the customer from which the first deposit was received.
7. Click OK to save the credit on the customer’s account and not print a credit memo.
8. Select Performance Rentals as the customer from which the second deposit was received.
10. Select Credit Debit Card and then select MasterCard as a payment method.
11. Type the corresponding credit card number and expiration date. Click Done.
12. Click Save & Close to exit, and then click OK once again to leave this credit balance for the
1. Click the Receive Payments icon located in the Customers section of the home page.
2. Select Buena Vista Water Sports from the Received From drop-down list.
4. Select Check as the payment method and type the corresponding check number.
1. Click the Create Sales Receipt icon located in the Customers section of the home page.
7. Type the corresponding check number and select Check as the payment method.
9. Select the applicable tax from the Tax drop-down list if it is not already there.
11. Click the Hide History arrow and then click Save & New to record another receipt. Click Yes if
asked to have the new tax item appear next time.
12. Follow the same process in recording another sales receipt. Click Save & Close when done.
Click Yes to accept tax change.
1. Click the Record Deposits icon located in the Banking section of the home page to open the
Payments to Deposit window.
2. Click next to the two 1/12/16 dates to place a check next to each and then click OK.
3. Type 1/14/16 as the date of deposit. Note also that the From account is the Undeposited
Funds account, which is where the payments recorded when first received and accounted for.
5. Click next to the 1/15/16 and 1/16/16 dates to place a check next to each and then click OK.
8. Follow the same process in placing another check and click Save & Close when done.
1. Click the Write Checks icon located in the Banking section of the home page.
2. Select Malibu Boats from the Pay to the order pf drop-down list. An Open POs Exist window
should appear.
4. Click next to the 1/24/16 to place a check mark on the purchase order 4001 line and then click
OK. If a Warning window appears then click OK and ignore the warning since, although you
owe funds to Malibu Boats from a previous purchase (for example) , you are not accounting for
that payment at this point.
5. Type 1004 as the check number if it is not already present. (You may have to uncheck the
Print Later check box)
7. Note that, because this transaction was treated as the payment for and receipt of inventory,
the transaction is recorded using the Items tab, and the item being received is that item
ordered under purchase order 4001 for 56,000. Click Save & New to continue for another
transaction following the same process or click Save & Close when done.
To record the sales of inventory, application of advance deposits received and receipt of
payment for the balance due
1. Click the Create Invoices icon located in the Customers section of the home page.
2. Select Florida Sports Camp from the Customer: Job drop-down list. A Billable Time/Cost
window should appear indicating that this customer has billable costs.
3. Check the Save this as preference check box and then click OK.
4. Click the Items tab. Note that this window identifies that an item has been received for Florida
Sports Camp and is available for billing. Click next to the 1/29/16 date in the ✓column to place
a check mark there, indicating you would like to bill this customer for this item.
5. Click OK.
6. Type the corresponding date for the invoice date and the corresponding number for the Invoice
7. Click the Hide History arrow, uncheck the Print Later and Email Later check boxes, and then
complete the invoice by adding a Tax code, a Bill To address and a Ship To address.
9. Click Yes two times to accept the changes you made to the invoice and customer. An Apply
Credits window should appear.
10. Note that the credit balance shown in deposit we recorded earlier this month and that it is
prechecked for application. Click Done to apply this credit to the balance owed on the invoice.
12. Select Performance Rentals from the Customer: Job drop-down list and then click the Items
15. Click Apply Credits, click Yes to save your changes, and then click Done. You may have to
uncheck the Email Later check box to proceed.
17. Click Save & Close, and then click Yes twice as before.
1. Click the Write Checks icon in the banking section of the home page.
4. Type Manchester Insurance in the Pay to the Order section of the check and then press [Tab].
6. Select Vendor from the Select Name Type window, and then click OK.
10. Type the check amount and then press [Tab] three times.
11. Select Expenses tab and then select <Add New> from the account drop-down list.
12. Select the Other Account Types option and then select Other Current Asset from the drop-
down list in the Add New Account window.
14. Type Prepaid Insurance in the Account section and then click Save & Close.
1. Click the Pay Bills icon in the Vendor section of the home page.
2. Click next to the corresponding date to select this bill for payment.
1. Click the Report Center icon from the icon to toolbar and then click the Standard tab.
2. Double-click the Profit & Loss Standard view under the Profit & Loss section.
4. Change the To date to 1/31/16. And then click Refresh. Remove the Date Prepared,
Time Prepared and Report Basis fields from the header as you have done before.
5. Click the Print button from the toolbar, select Report, and then click Print in the Print
Reports window.
6. Close the Profit & Loss Report window, memorize the report in a group with your name,
and then minimize the Report center.
7. Expand the Report center, and then double-click the Balance Sheet Standard view from
the Balance Sheet & Net Worth section.
8. Change the As of date to 1/31/16, and then click Refresh. Remove the Date Prepared,
Time Prepared, and Report Basis fields from the header as you have done before.
9. Click the Print button from the toolbar, select Report, and then click Print in the Print
Reports window.
2. Double-click the Transaction List by Date view from the Accountant Activity section of
Accountant and Taxes.
5. Click the Refresh button. Edit the report to remove the Date Prepared and Time Prepared
information. Trouble? On occasion, you might accidentally enter the wrong date for a
transaction. If you’re pretty sure you entered a transaction but don’t see it in your transactions
list, it is likely that dates are your problem. To verify this, try entering 1/1/06 as the From date
and 12/31/20 as the To date. If your missing transaction appears, double-click it to correct the
date and you’ll be good to go.
6. Close the Report window, and then memorize the report in a group with your name, and then
close the Report Center window.