UIBenefit Rights Information
UIBenefit Rights Information
UIBenefit Rights Information
Warning: Your PIN has the same legal authority as your signature. Protect your PIN. Do not
give it to anyone. If you believe someone knows your PIN or has accessed your claim,
immediately call 1-866-783-5567.
“Easy Call” Option 1: Filing for Weekly Benefits
You will be asked nine questions about the week you are claiming. You will always be
claiming the week ending the Saturday before your call. Answer each question Yes or No by
pressing 1 or 9 or by saying “One” or “Nine. Be sure to listen to the entire question before
answering. Note: These same questions, in slightly different order and wording, are
asked if you are filing for weekly benefits online through HiRE.
Louisiana Employment Security Law requires that you report your gross earnings (before
deductions) in the week worked if you claim that week, even if you have not yet been paid.
Failure to report your earnings could result in overpayment of benefits, which you will
be required to repay. Worse, a determination that you committed fraud could lead to an
investigation and criminal charges.
The LWC uses various ways and multiple sources to check if someone who gets
unemployment benefits is working. Louisiana has a computerized cross-match system that
checks Social Security numbers against other states’ records of wages to detect fraudulent
claims. Your employment and earnings information may be used in data verification
cross-match resources to determine eligibility and/or proper payment of unemployment
Question 1: Did you work during this week? If you did, you will be asked to list the gross
dollar amount of wages earned only, followed by the pound sign (#).
Question 2: Did you begin receiving a veteran’s administration allowance, an employer
pension, or any other pension during this week, excluding Social Security benefits?
Question 3: Did you receive or apply for workers’ compensation during this week?
Question 4: Did you receive a vacation or severance payment during this week?
Question 5: Did you receive a bonus payment during this week, excluding any incentive
payments or safety awards?
Question 6: Did you receive any holiday pay during this week?
You should keep a record of your work searches, including the employer’s name, address
(mailing, web, or email), phone number, date of contact, person contacted, method of contact
and results.
If you are a member in good standing with a recognized craft union and continue to be
available to your union for referrals to jobs, you must satisfy the work search requirement by
reporting to your union hall at least once each week and securing a union officer’s signed
statement. If your home is more than 20 miles round trip from your union hall, you should call
the union hall at least once each week. You should keep a record of the call, including the
name of the person contacted, date, and time of the call.
If you are on temporary layoff from your regular employer, with a definite return date for this
employer (within a six-week period), you will have satisfied the work search requirement if you
hold yourself available for re-employment at your last pace of employment.
If you travel from place to place in search of work, you may continue to file for benefits online
through HiRE at www.louisianaworks.net/HIRE or by using the “Easy Call” system. You
must be able to work, available for work, and actively seeking work while traveling. If you
move to a new location, you must notify this agency to change your address, as soon as
possible. Review the “Changing Your Address” section earlier in this document for more
It is your responsibility to keep accurate records of the weeks you claim, payments you
receive, wages you earn and work search contacts you make. When you inquire about your
claim, we will be better able to assist you if you keep accurate records.
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address with the U.S. Postal Service does NOT change your address with us. You may
change your address online through HIRE at www.louisianaworks.net/HIRE. If you do not have
internet access, you can call us at 1-866-783-5567. Please refer to the “Do You Have
Questions?” section on Page 12 of this document for your designated call-in day.
Unemployment insurance is funded by a tax on employers. You do not pay anything for
unemployment insurance while you are working. Unemployment insurance is for individuals
who earn wages from an employer who is required by law to pay the unemployment insurance
tax. It does not include self-employment. Any employer that you worked for in the past 18
months is notified immediately when you file for unemployment benefits. Your employer(s) tell
us why you are no longer working for them (for example: laid-off, quit, discharged/fired, etc.)
The reason why you left that employer(s) could make a difference to your claim. See the
“Nonmonetary Issues – Disqualification” section later in this document for more information.
To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must meet the following requirements:
a) You must no longer be working through no fault of your own OR your work hours MUST
have been reduced. If you quit or were fired, you may not be eligible for benefits. You may
be eligible if you are working less than full-time and earning less than what you would
receive in weekly unemployment benefits. You MUST report ANY earnings for the week
you work, even if you’ve not yet been paid. Include all income, commissions, tips and
gratuities. Report the gross amount before deductions.
(b) During your benefit year, you may be required to report to your nearest Business & Career
Solutions Center to participate in reemployment assistance activities The goal of these
activities is to help you become reemployed. Failure to report as instructed may result in a
denial of benefits.
(c) You must file a weekly claim to receive benefits. You can file online through HiRE at
www.louisianaworks.net/HIRE or by phone at 866-783-5567. Please refer to the “Do
You Have Questions?” section on Page 12 of this document for your designated
call-in day. Continue to file for each week as long you do not have a job. You cannot be
paid for any week(s) that you do not claim.
(d) You must be able to go to work each day. If you are sick, in the hospital or otherwise
unable to work even one day of a week, you cannot claim benefits for that week.
When you are able to work each day again, you will need to reopen your claim.
See the “New/Additional/Reopened Claims” section later in this document for more
(e) You must be available for full-time work. If you were offered a job today, you must be able
to accept. If there is any time that you cannot accept work, it is your responsibility to tell us.
(f) You must actively look for work by contacting at least THREE different employers about job
openings during EACH week that you claim benefits. You MUST contact DIFFERENT
employers each week. You should keep a list of your work searches, including the
employer’s name, address (mailing, web, or email), phone number, date of contact, person
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contacted, method of contact, and results. Union members and those on temporary layoff
with a definite date of return may not have to follow this rule. More details about your work
searches can be found in the “Reporting Work Search Contacts” section in this document.
Your benefit year is the 52 calendar weeks that immediately follow the Sunday of the week
you filed your first claim. Each benefit week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. If you
are determined to be eligible for benefits, you will have a maximum of 26 payable weeks plus
the week of waiting during the 52 week benefit year.
You will have a maximum amount that you can collect in unemployment benefits, based on
your eligibility. During your benefit year, you may receive weekly benefits, up to the maximum
weekly amount you are eligible to receive. Any earnings, pensions, accrued vacation, holiday
pay, severance or dismissal pay, and wages in lieu of notice must be deducted from this
weekly amount.
You may receive weekly benefits until you reach your maximum amount. If you reach your
maximum amount before the end of your benefit year, and you are still unemployed, you must
wait until the end of your benefit year before you can file a new unemployment claim in
During periods of high unemployment, you may be eligible for benefits under the Extended
Benefits (EB) Program. As appropriate, you will receive further information regarding the EB
Program or any other program enacted and funded by the federal government. EXTENDED
Employers report wages every three months, also known as a quarter. There are four quarters
in a year. For UI purposes, the calendar quarters are divided as shown below:
When you file a new or first claim for unemployment benefits, we do not look at your wages
from the current quarter. We also do not count wages earned in the quarter immediately
before the current quarter. The quarter immediately before the current quarter is called the lag
When you file a new or first claim for unemployment benefits, the amount you receive is
determined by how much money you earned in the four quarters before the lag quarter. You
had to have worked for employers who paid unemployment insurance taxes during that time.
See the illustration on Page 7 to help explain base period:
Your claim generally becomes effective on the Sunday before the day you file your claim.
Benefits are claimed on a calendar week basis. Each week begins Sunday and ends at
midnight the following Saturday. You are always filing for the week before the date that you
submit your request for benefits.
The first seven days following the effective date of your new claim is generally your week of
Your unemployment claim will become inactive if:
• If you miss filing one or more weeks of benefits for any reason (e.g., you returned to work).
• If you have three or more consecutive weeks in which you report gross wages that are
equal to or greater than your Weekly Benefit Amount.
When your claim becomes inactive, you must go online to reactivate it if you wish to continue
filing for benefits. Under Unemployment Services from your HiRE dashboard, you can select
the option File a claim to reactivate your claim. Once your claim is reactivated, you will have to
wait until the following Sunday to begin filing for your weekly benefits again.
When reactivating an existing claim, if you have worked at all since the last time you filed, you
MUST report your most recent employer and i ndicate the reason why you are no l onger
Debit cards will come in an unmarked envelope. Please follow the instruction to activate
your card. Debit cards will arrive via U.S. Postal mail within 7-14 days.
Once you have been found eligible for benefits, a deposit will be made to your debit card
account each week for the amount of benefits you are entitled to and that you have claimed. It
may be three or four days after you file your weekly claim before the benefits are available
through the debit card. You may check on the balance on the card by calling the customer
service number listed on the card. Depending upon the service you need, the bank may
charge you service charge.
Your debit card will remain current for three years after it is issued. Please note the expiration
date printed on the front of the card. If you have problems with the debit card, contact U.S.
Bank at (855) 274-0354 or (855) 282-6161.
Direct deposit – Direct deposit is a convenient, safe, and reliable way to receive your
benefits. You may have your benefit payments deposited directly into your bank account or
financial institution.
You can establish and update your direct deposit online through HiRE at
www.louisianaworks.net/hire. When you log in, go to the “My Personal Profile” section on
your dashboard and select “Update Banking Information.” Complete the online form and click
“Save.” Allow two business days for your banking change to be processed.
Your bank or financial institution information will be kept strictly confidential. It is your
responsibility to notify your bank or financial institution of your direct deposit
Any benefit payment you are eligible to receive before your direct deposit request goes into
effect will be deposited to your debit card. If you file your weekly claims by “Easy Call,” you will
not receive any notification from us that your benefit payment has been deposited into your
account. It is your responsibility to verify receipt of benefits with your financial institution.
If a problem with your direct deposit develops, we will notify you and provide you information
to assist in resolving the problem. Payments will be sent to your mailing address until the
problem is resolved.
You have the right to appeal any nonmonetary determination or monetary redetermination we
make regarding your unemployment benefits. If you disagree with the Agency’s decision, you
have a right to appeal the determination(s) within 15 calendar days of the determination’s mail
date. Instructions for filing an appeal are included in the decision.
There are four methods for filing an appeal:
1. Online at www.louisianaworks.net/HIRE
2. E-mail – clerkappeal@lwc.la.gov
3. Postal mail – LWC Appeals Unit, P.O. Box 94094, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9094
4. Fax the appeals to 225-346-6077
The appeal must be postmarked (if mailed), received (if submitted online) or faxed within 15
days of our mailing the disqualification determination to the last address of record. DO NOT
DELAY YOUR APPEAL. If you are filing your appeal late, you should explain why. Continue
to file your weekly claims until a final decision has been issued.
If your appeal is filed timely, you have a right to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge
of the Appeals Tribunal. You may appeal an Appeals Tribunal decision to the Board of
Review. You may appeal a Board of Review decision to the Judicial District Court where you
Appeal hearings are usually conducted by telephone; therefore, it is important that you
provide LWC with a telephone number where you can be reached at least one day
before the hearing.
After receipt of your appeal, you will be notified of a date and time that the hearing will be
conducted. When you receive the notice of the telephone hearing, please read it carefully and
follow the instructions. You are asked for a phone number on your initial application, but you
may update your phone number at any time through HiRE at www.louisianaworks.net/HIRE
or by calling the Claim Center at 1-866-783-5567. You may request an in-person hearing.
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There is no charge for an appeal to the Appeals Tribunal or the Board of Review.