On Evaluating Control Performance On Large Data Sets: Alexander Horch, Friedrun Heiber
On Evaluating Control Performance On Large Data Sets: Alexander Horch, Friedrun Heiber
On Evaluating Control Performance On Large Data Sets: Alexander Horch, Friedrun Heiber
ABB Corporate Research, Germany
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Figure 1: Example data (SP and PV respectively) for 20 loops from one data collection occasion. The signals
are scaled such that they have equal standard deviation and are plotted on top of each other.
index description
3 PERFORMANCE INDICES CE mean [%] mean of control error
CE std [%] standard dev. of control err.
Quite a number of performance measures for ass ess- OP std [%] st. dev. of controller ouptut
ing controller performance have been pro posed in the CE skewness skewness of control error
literature, especially during the last decade. Most of CE kurtosis kurtosis of control error
them targeted to be computed from normal operating ratio of std of control error
data only. It is the constraint of not allow ing std ratio
and controller output
experiments that outperforms the computation of maximum bic max. bicoherence
similar perfor mance measures that are typically used correlation coefficient bet -
in controller design (e.g. the loop overshoot or rise correlation
ween control error and
time). coefficient
controller output
3.1 Simple statistics Table 1: Simple performance indices that were
evaluated for all data sets. The units [%] refer to the
The term 'simple indices' refers to indices that can be operating ranges of OP and PV.
evaluated with a modest amount of computa tions and The (normalised) standard deviation of the control
that do not require any non -trivial a priori know- error can also give considerable insight into loop
ledge. Table 1 shows the simple p erformance indices behaviour, see Figure 3. It can be clearly seen that
that were evaluated in this study. loop No. 8 has a problem with increased variability
between logs no. 250 and 300. At this time, the loop
The control error mean should of course be centered had a strong oscillatory behaviour.
around zero with no off -set and a sufficiently small
standard deviation. Long or excessive deviation can
easily be identified (see loops no. 2, 12, 15 and 20 in
Figure 2.
a cycle time of around one hour. The data batches are
too short for a detection algorithm to detect this
Figure 4: Skewness trend of control error for loop For a last example consider Figure 7 where the
No. 2. maximum bicoherence of the control error is plotted
for all loops. In [Choudhury et al., 2004] it is shown
Consider another example in Figure 5 where the that the bicoherence plot can be used to assess signal
control error kurtosis for loop No. 12 is shown. For nonlinearity. Single evaluations may tend to contra -
Gaussian signals, the kurtosis should be centered dict this hypothesis but when considering many data
around zero. In this case, it is clearly around –1 sets, it turns out that such a measure may be able to
instead, indicating rather non - Gaussian signals. The detect loops that exhibit nonlinearity problems (in
reason in this case is a slow periodic behaviour with
this case loops No. 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11). This is in Oscillation detection can be done in various ways,
line with the knowledge about these loops. see [Hägglund, 1995], [Forsman and Stattin, 1999] or
[Seborg and Miao, 1999].
Badly performing loops often exhibit oscillatory be- Figure 10: Correlation coefficients for oscillation
haviour. Therefore, oscillation indices for oscillation indices over all loops.
detection and assessment are the most important
quantity that should be monitored. More and more Consider Figure 10 where oscillation indices are
industrial applications start focussing on periodic correlated for each loop. Such a plot indicates which
disturbances in addition to the Harris index, which loops typically oscillate simultaneously. The plot
was mostly discussed in the mid -90s. reveals a common oscillatory behaviour between
loops no. 5, 7 and 17; see Figure 11. Note that the n Creation of static input – output maps
equality of frequency is of no importance for the n Indication of data sets suitable for model
correlation of the oscillation indices. identification
Figure 12: Static maps for all 20 control loops. The fitted curve is quadratic. Vertical axis is the controller
output and horizontal axis is the process variable.
It was mentioned that static maps provide useful changes the process input stepwise. For both cases, a
insight into the process model when dealing with regular analysis of data could raise and store a flag if
controller tuning. A natural question is then: Could suitable identification data is available.
the regular analysis of normal operating data be used Since it may not be sufficient to flag for setpoint
to detect data sets that are suitable for model changes (or input changes in manual loop mode)
identification? This would be data sets where (a) the only, it was chosen to use a flag that indicates if an
setpoint is changed abruptly by a significant amount estimated dynamic model for the process has
or, (b) the loop is in manual mode and the operator sufficiently good quality. The quality is measured by
goodness of fit test as they are u sed in standard batches is available. From the analyses, some general
system identification pack ages. Figure 13 shows an conclusions shall be drawn:
example of a data set that typically would flag for
being suitable for system identification. n Simple statistics are most useful for fast and
overview-like scans of large amounts of data.
n More complex indices are very useful when
averages over many data sets are available.
Single evaluations may be misleading.
n Combination (e.g. correlation) of indices is
useful and gives insight into the plant dynamics
n Storage of results for later usage are very
helpful, especially for tuning (linearity, stiction).
n Trending of indices presents an extreme data and
information compression for comfortable repor -
Figure 13: Data set suita ble for model identification REFERENCES
and controller tuning.
Clearly, some loops would never generate these flags
Bezergianni, S. and C.Georgakis (2000). 'Con troller
since setpoints may never be changed or the loops
are never taking into manual mode. Note that performance assessment based on mi nimum and
disturbances alone never qualify data to be useful for open-loop output variance'. Control Engineering
Practice, 8, pp. 791-797.
process model identification. In these cases, only the
Harris, T. (1989). 'Assessment of control loop
controller can be identified.
performance'. The Canadian Journal of
Chemical Engineering, 67, pp 856-861.
Using both static maps and the described model fit
Salsbury, T.I. (1999). 'A practical algorithm for
flags, it is hence possible – at least for some loops –
diagnosing control loop problems'. Energy and
to generate the information that is usually required
for controller tuning without being forced to perform Buildings, 29, pp. 217-227.
experiments. Hägglund, T. (1995). 'A control loop performance
monitor', Control Engineering Practice, 3(11),
pp 1543-1551.
Yet another flag that is useful to store for later use in
Forsman, K and A. Stattin (1999). 'A new criterion
controller tuning is whether the loop exhibited
for detecting oscill ations in control loops.', In
stiction behaviour [Horch, 1999]. Such information
European Control Conference ECC, Karlsruhe,
should be available when tuning loops.
Germany. Session CP8 -3.
Seborg, D. and T. Miao (1999). 'Automatic detection
5 IMPLICATIONS FOR IND USTRIAL TOOLS of excessively oscillatory feedback control
loops'. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Control
Applications, Hawaii, USA, pp 359-364.
From the above results, some implications for the
Choudhury, M.A.A.S., S.L.Shah and N.F. Thornhill
controller performance tools shall be drawn. A
(2004). "Diagnosis of Poor Control Loop
senseful tool should …
Performance using Higher Order Statistics",
accepted for publication in Automatica.
n … enable analysis of performance indices
such as plot combinations, correlation, trend Horch, A. (1999). 'A simple method for detection of
plots etc., stiction in process control loops.', In Control
Eng. Practice, 7(10), pp 1221-1231.
n … enable application -dependent selection
/discarding of indices,
n … offer an index database for search
n … help to retrieve data collection dates and
– if possible – specific data sets.