Faye LP
Faye LP
Faye LP
in English 4
After a 45-minute lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. identify what tense is being use in a given sentence,
b. create sentence using verb tense, and
c. classify verbs whether they are past, present and future tense.
A. Topic: Tense
B. Reference: Times Complete Home Tutor English, pp. 27-43
C. Materials: Visual aids
- Very good!
- (pupils will create their
2. Motivation
own sentence using the
- You will have an activity, what you’re going to do is
verbs I will flash)
to create a sentence base on the card that I’m going to
- Yes ma’am!
1. Presentation
- Okay class, today we will be talking about tenses, the
past, present and future tense. Are you familiar with
it ?
- Tense is a form of a verb
2. Discussion that is used to show when
- What is the meaning of a Tense? an action happened.
- It is usually shows whether you are referring to past, - Past tense are the words
present and future tense. Let’s talk about the past tense that ends with –d and –ed
first, who will read the meaning of a past tense?
- Very good ! a past tense is a word that ends with –d
and –ed. For example, the word watch, its past tense is - yes ma’am!
watched. Right?
- Peter and John watched
- Can you create a sentence using the word watched? television yesterday.
- Let’s proceed to the present tense. Who will read the - Present tense are the
meaning of the present tense? words/verbs that ends in –s
and –ing.
- Correct! They are the words/verbs that end with –s
and –ing. Say for example, in the sentence, the sun
rises in the east. Where do you think is the verb their? - Rises ma’am!
- What did you notice about the two verbs rises and - Yes ma’am!
- Rises ends in –s and
- Very good! Now let’s go to the last, the future tense. reading ends with –ing so
Who will read the meaning of a future tense? they are both present tense.
- Very good!
1. Generalization - Ma’am it is a future tense
- What is the meaning of a tense again class? because of the word shall
that is being added in the
verb eat.
- Who can differentiate the three terms of a tense, the
past, present and the future tense?
- Very good class! I think you really understood our - Past tense is are verbs that
lesson for today. Let’s have an activity. end with –d and –ed but we
have the so called irregular
IV. EVALUATION verbs wherein they do not
Write the correct form of the verb inside the follow the rule because it
parenthesis. Write your answer in the space provided. changes in spelling, present
1. I ___________ (see) a ball in the ground. tense are verbs that ends
2. I ___________ (be) home at twelve o’clock. with –s and –ing and the
3. Seven Policeman are ___________ (patrol) the area. future tense is easy to
4. The children are _____________ (play) noisily in the determine because of the
playground. word will and shall that is
5. The snake ____________ (hesitate) for a few seconds, added before the stem
then it ____________ (raise) its head. word.
On a 1 whole sheet of paper, give two examples for each terms of tense (PAST, PRESENT,
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