Placement Management System For Campus Recruitment
Placement Management System For Campus Recruitment
Placement Management System For Campus Recruitment
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Placement Management
System for Campus Recruitment
Ajeena Sunny1 Aneena Felix1 Angelin Saji1 Christina Sebastian 1 Praseetha V.M2
UG Student, Dept. of CSE, SJCET, Palai, Kerala, India
Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, SJCET, Palai, Kerala, India
Abstract:- From a student’s perspective, placements can eligibility criteria demanded by the respective companies
bring a wide range of benefits and opportunities. and a list of eligible candidates will be prepared and they
Training and management of placement is a crucial can choose if they are interested to attend that particular
part of an educational institution in which most of the drive or test. Based on this a final data-set is created and the
work is done manually. Manual system in the colleges interested candidates will be registered automatically by the
requires a lot of manpower and time. With this project system. This way it reduces the work of college staff or
we aim to develop a web portal to solve this issue. The faculty from the problems caused by human error and
project is aimed at developing an application for the wastage of time doing all processes manually.
placement department of the college. The system is an
application which will be accessed and effectively used II. PURPOSE
throughout the organization with proper login enabled.
It can also be used as an application for the Placement Placement Management System manages student
Officers in the college to manage the student information in the college with regard to placement. It
information about placement thus reducing the manual improves existing system .It has the facility of maintaining
work and consumes less paperwork. The system also the details of the student, thereby reducing the manual
provides the facility of viewing the personal and work. It will save time and energy which are spending in
academic information of the student. The system gets making reports and collecting data. Placement Management
the requested list of candidates for the companies who System can be accessed throughout the college with proper
would like to recruit the people according to their login provided.
eligibility criteria. Laravel framework is used to
facilitate the process of making the program. III. SCOPE
Another problem students face is that they are not Admin Module
made aware of the Training and Placement activity held in The Placement officer is the administrator of the
their institutions, hence there might have been a loss of system. Admin plays a very crucial role in the system.
opportunities. There is also a large communication gap Admin can log in through a username and password. He/she
between students and the placement officers as it is difficult can maintain the placement activities via the system. Admin
to maintain coordination between them. The existing system can add departments, create new batches, add /delete
is also inefficient as it could not take acknowledgment from drives. Students can directly join in the placement drive if
the students attending a particular drive. Hence lots of interested. Admin can manage the training programs
confusion at the last moment also arises. As all this is done conducted in the college. Admin is also able to analyze the
manually, there is a lot of workload on the placement placement activities of each student.
HOD Module
The existing method used for placement management Admin provides access to the head of each department
is not computerized [2]. All the records are main- tained with a username and password. By using this HOD can
manually. The departments or the management carry out enter into the system. HOD can upload an excel sheet
this job manually making it more com- plicated and tedious which has the details of the students in a batch. HOD can
most of the time. The best solution here is to computerize view every student’s placement status. He can also view the
the current environment. active placement drives and registered students.
SMTP server
The login page of the online training and placement management system is shown in the Figure 2. The users can login to the
system by using this login form.
The admin dashboard is shown in the Figure 4. The admin can do all the necessary work in the options provided to him related
to students.
The Tutor dashboard is shown in the Figure 7. The Tutor can do all the necessary work in the options provided to him related
to students and training details.