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Placement Management System For Campus Recruitment

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Placement Management
System for Campus Recruitment
Ajeena Sunny1 Aneena Felix1 Angelin Saji1 Christina Sebastian 1 Praseetha V.M2
UG Student, Dept. of CSE, SJCET, Palai, Kerala, India
Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, SJCET, Palai, Kerala, India

Abstract:- From a student’s perspective, placements can eligibility criteria demanded by the respective companies
bring a wide range of benefits and opportunities. and a list of eligible candidates will be prepared and they
Training and management of placement is a crucial can choose if they are interested to attend that particular
part of an educational institution in which most of the drive or test. Based on this a final data-set is created and the
work is done manually. Manual system in the colleges interested candidates will be registered automatically by the
requires a lot of manpower and time. With this project system. This way it reduces the work of college staff or
we aim to develop a web portal to solve this issue. The faculty from the problems caused by human error and
project is aimed at developing an application for the wastage of time doing all processes manually.
placement department of the college. The system is an
application which will be accessed and effectively used II. PURPOSE
throughout the organization with proper login enabled.
It can also be used as an application for the Placement Placement Management System manages student
Officers in the college to manage the student information in the college with regard to placement. It
information about placement thus reducing the manual improves existing system .It has the facility of maintaining
work and consumes less paperwork. The system also the details of the student, thereby reducing the manual
provides the facility of viewing the personal and work. It will save time and energy which are spending in
academic information of the student. The system gets making reports and collecting data. Placement Management
the requested list of candidates for the companies who System can be accessed throughout the college with proper
would like to recruit the people according to their login provided.
eligibility criteria. Laravel framework is used to
facilitate the process of making the program. III. SCOPE

I. INTRODUCTION The project has a wide scope. Our project mainly

helps in improving productivity and makes use of
Manual Training and Placement which is done at utilization of resources. There is no duplication of work as
various colleges is by human intervention due to which there this was not the case when done manually. Thus it reduces
is a maximum chance of errors. The major problem is labor and increases morale. The system intends user-
searching and updating of the student data. Placement friendly operations which may resolve ambiguity. The
officers have to manage the student’s profile and their project is a total management and informative system,
documents. Placement Officer has to collect the which provides the up- to-date information of all the
information of various companies who comes for students in the college. Our system also help the college to
recruitment. They have to arrange profiles of students overcome the difficulty in keeping records of hundreds of
according to various streams and notify them each time students and searching for a student eligible for recruitment
according to company requirements. Placement officers criteria from the whole thing. It helps in effective and
submit the information of students and if any changes or timely utilization of resources. The project facilitates user
updates are required in the profile of any student, it has to be friendly, reliable and fast management system. The
done manually. This process is so difficult and tedious when placement officer itself can carry out operations in a smooth
the number of users increases. This is tedious and time- and effective manner. They need not concentrate on record
consuming. Chances of missing data are also possible. It is keeping. The college can maintain computerized records
also difficult for collecting, managing, and updating student thus reducing paper work, time and money.
data as the number of students increases[3]. ’Placement
Management System’ like many other placement IV. PROJECT OBJECTIVE
management web sites, provides informa- tion on
placement providers and the placements and also keeps up The main objective of the placement management
to date information of all students. It is a platform where system is to reduce manual work and time[4]. It is difficult
students can view and assess their opportunities. The system and time-consuming to collect all the details from each
will be having different types of accounts for different types student. To avoid this problem we have planned to develop a
of users such as Admin, Student, HODs, and tutor. A profile web-based placement management system.
for each student is created with the necessary credentials for  Easy to find out the list of eligible students attending the
the portal. The system uses MySQL for database drives.
management and will sort the data of the student based on

IJISRT20MAY826 www.ijisrt.com 1705

Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 It manages the details of student records, placement as Principal, HOD, placement officers and coordinators,
training, different placements happening in and out of and students. A profile for each student is created with the
the college. necessary credentials for the portal. The system uses
 Saves the time of placement officer and faculties. MySQL for database management and will sort the data of
 Reduces the manual works. the student based on eligibility criteria demanded by the
 This system makes student information more secure. respective companies. Also a link will be broadcasted to all
eligible candidates via an email for them to choose if they
V. EXISTING SYSTEM are interested to attend the particular drive or test. The main
feature of the system is a machine learning application that
In colleges the records were stored in excel sheets can predict placement probabilities of a particular student
hence sorting the data is always a problem. The excel sheets in different companies based on the previous placement
are also less advanced. Hence sorting and searching frequency of his/her department, his skill set, marks, and
problems arises. Updating Records is another tedious task. other data available.
Due to the above problems the updating was very difficult
and ambiguous. Data redundancy also occurs due to the VII. SYSTEM DESIGN
duplication of files and records. The files were not stored in
a hierarchical format, hence searching the eligible students The system contains 4 modules as admin module, hod
was the greatest problem [1]. The placement officer has to module, tutor module, student module. Each module has the
find out the eligible students by looking at the excel sheet. same login page. The login page has a login id and password
He/she has to see the marks of every student and their field. By entering values in that field users should log in to
eligibility. the system.

Another problem students face is that they are not  Admin Module
made aware of the Training and Placement activity held in The Placement officer is the administrator of the
their institutions, hence there might have been a loss of system. Admin plays a very crucial role in the system.
opportunities. There is also a large communication gap Admin can log in through a username and password. He/she
between students and the placement officers as it is difficult can maintain the placement activities via the system. Admin
to maintain coordination between them. The existing system can add departments, create new batches, add /delete
is also inefficient as it could not take acknowledgment from drives. Students can directly join in the placement drive if
the students attending a particular drive. Hence lots of interested. Admin can manage the training programs
confusion at the last moment also arises. As all this is done conducted in the college. Admin is also able to analyze the
manually, there is a lot of workload on the placement placement activities of each student.
 HOD Module
The existing method used for placement management Admin provides access to the head of each department
is not computerized [2]. All the records are main- tained with a username and password. By using this HOD can
manually. The departments or the management carry out enter into the system. HOD can upload an excel sheet
this job manually making it more com- plicated and tedious which has the details of the students in a batch. HOD can
most of the time. The best solution here is to computerize view every student’s placement status. He can also view the
the current environment. active placement drives and registered students.


Every batch has a tutor that manages the placement
To design and implement a web-based placement activities of their batch. In this module, the tutor will log in
management system. High-quality placements bring good through the username and password. Once he login, he is
benefits and positive impacts on students as well as for the directed to the dashboard where he can see the upcoming
colleges. During this process college finds it difficult and placement drives. The tutor can see the details of the student
time-consuming to collect data from each student. In most registered for the ongoing placement drive. The tutor can
cases they collect data manually. Working in a manual also create a demo exam in the system.
system in the colleges requires a lot of manpower and time.
The placement management system is an online application  Student Module
that can be accessed throughout the college and outside Every student is given a default username and
with proper login details. This system can be used as an password, using this he/she can enter the system. Students
application for the placement officer, Hod, faculty can fill the necessary details like 10 th grade etc. if
coordinator of the college to manage the student interested, students can register for the upcoming drives.
information with regards to placement. The student is able The student is also able to attend the online aptitude test
to upload their information. The web application is being conducted in the system. Based on this aptitude test
developed in laravel framework with Model-View- and other criteria the placement probabilities of a particular
Template (MVT) pattern [5]. The system will be having student is been predicted.
different types of accounts for different types of users such

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1:- Architectural diagram


 JavaScrpt
 Bootstrap
 PHP 7
 Laravel
 SMTP server


The login page of the online training and placement management system is shown in the Figure 2. The users can login to the
system by using this login form.

Fig 2:- Login Page

IJISRT20MAY826 www.ijisrt.com 1707

Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The student dashboard of the system is shown in figure 3.Students can login to this page using the de- fault username and
password. They can access their profile, see the upcoming placements and can register if they are eligible.

Fig 3:- Student Login

The admin dashboard is shown in the Figure 4. The admin can do all the necessary work in the options provided to him related
to students.

Fig 4:- Admin Login

Fig 5:- Drive Creation

IJISRT20MAY826 www.ijisrt.com 1708

Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The HOD dashboard is shown in the Figure 6. HOD can view the placement status, active drives and the students who have
registered for the drive.

Fig 6:- HOD Dashboard

The Tutor dashboard is shown in the Figure 7. The Tutor can do all the necessary work in the options provided to him related
to students and training details.

Fig 7:- Tutor Dashboard

X. CONCLUSION proposed system, all of these problems become automated.

The registration of the student for an upcoming placement,
Maximum work goes manually in the present the addition of a new user, notifying students, sharing
placement system which makes it take time to avail information, the privacy of the student, etc is all met. The
changes. This includes main problems like searching for the admin validates the information and gives the student list
data of students and sorting them along with it. Also, based on the criteria required which otherwise would have
updating student data is a cumbersome job and does not been very difficult to manage.
have a method to notify the stu- dent in time which makes
the management of the placements very difficult. In the

IJISRT20MAY826 www.ijisrt.com 1709

Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

[1]. Santhosh Kumar H,” Online Training and Placement

Management system” ,International Journal of
Engineering Research Technology (IJERT),ICACT -
2016 Conference Proceedings.
[2]. Mythili M, Aishwarya R, Shenbagam P, Sandhiya C,”
E Placement Management”, International Jour- nal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM), Volume 119
No. 10 2018, 1823-1834.
[3]. Anjali v, Jeyalakshmi PR, Anbubala R,Sri Mathura
devi, Ranjini.V, ”Web Based Placement Management
System”, International Journal of Computer Science
and Information Technologies(IJCSIT), Vol. 7 (2) ,
2016, 760-763.
[4]. Rajnesh Tripathi, Raghvendra Singh, Jaweria Usmani,
”Campus Recruitment and Placement Sys- tem”,
International Conference on Recent Innovations in
Science and Engineering(Icrise-18), April, 2018.
[5]. Laracasts https://laracasts.com/

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