Chapter N0 1
Chapter N0 1
Chapter N0 1
The appearance of your student records says a lot about the quality of your
school. Other educators and registrars make judgments based on student
records that can permanently affect a student's life. SMS capabilities include the
basics such as transcripts, report cards, attendance, and discipline as well as
many other specialized capabilities, including parental access to real time
student grades on the Internet. This means that not only administrators but also
parents, teachers, and students have access to real-time data.
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1.1 Existing System
In the current system we need to keep a number of records related to the student
and want to enter the details of the student and the marks manually. In this system
only the teacher or the school authority views the mark of the student and they
want to enter the details of the student. This is time consuming and has much cost.
Teachers may want to associate a student with his parent or emergency persons for
disciplinary measures which need searching of the student’s record in the record
office. It has been difficult to search a record from thousands of such records and
observed that students can take any person claiming that he/she is their parent or
emergency person which creates problem in control of students.
With traditional reporting methods parents may not find out how their student is
performing in school until the end of the quarter or semester -- usually too late to
correct a problem situation. SMS allows parents to know how their student is doing
on a continual basis by using the internet. SMS can even send electronic progress
reports to parents via email on a weekly, monthly, or even daily basis.
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1.3 Need for System
In our proposed system we have the provision for adding the details of the students
by themselves. So the overhead of the school authorities and the teachers is
become less. Another advantage of the system is that it is very easy to edit the
details of the student and delete a student when it found unnecessary. The marks of
the student are added in the database and so students can also view the marks
whenever they want.
Less error
Search facility
The School Management System (SMS) will replace the paper-based data
collection and information exchange system among the various departments of
a particular school.
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School Management System opens a universe of opportunities to automate the
laborious paperwork involved in proper school management. With our proposed
record-keeping software, the management can more effectively interact with the
students as they develop skills and character for success. They will not only
have more time to spend with them, but it will be quality time because they will
have up-to-date student information to facilitate them.
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1.4 Purpose
The purpose of any new technology is to make people life easier. This project is
database used to manage the school and allows the administrators to register the
daily required information of Students, Teachers & office staff.
1.5 Scope
School Management System will organize work inside school and
proposed system will do the following tasks:
Insert student’s information such as student name, student number, address
View data about certain student and can edit it like adding or removing a
View data about certain employee and can edit it like adding or removing
an employee.
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1.6 Process Model
A process model for software engineering is chosen based on the nature of the
project and application, the methods and tools to be used, and the controls and
deliverables that are required.
The model is used to build the “School Management SYSTEM”
software is “The Prototyping Model”. The prototyping paradigm is: - “Water fall
1.Requirement Analysis
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1.7 Overview
The remainder of this document identifies the actors, use-cases, use-case scenarios,
activity diagrams, assumptions and dependencies needed for the analysis and
design of the School Management System software package. The rest of the
document contains the overall description of the system, requirements, data model
and behavioral description of the
system and project planning.
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