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WTG Calculation

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International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.



Professor Atharva College of Engg Mumbai, 2J.S.P.M. Institute of Technology Pune, 3Atharva College of Engg Mumbai,
Atharva College of Engg
E-mail: Mandlik.jyo@gmail.com,krachana23@yahoo.in, praved10@rediffmail.com, sheetal_gore08@rediffmail.com

Abstract- Renewable power generation systems have been recently getting more and more attention due to the cost
competitiveness, and are environment friendly as compared to the fossil fuel and nuclear power generation. Besides the
conventional renewable power generation such as hydro and pumping storage, wind power generation has been considered
as the most cost effective with developing potential. The increase of unit size and enhancement of performance with higher
loading factor and reliability have made wind power generation more attractive and its unit generation cost becomes very
competitive as compared to traditional fossil generation. The main objective of most of the wind energy systems is to extract
the maximum power available in the wind stream. However, the wind regime varies continuously and thus the system
controllers should be updated to follow these variations. This paper is intended to apply fuzzy logic control techniques to
overcome the effect of the wind speed variations on the parameters of the wind turbines and their controllers.

Keywords- Fuzzy Logic, MPPT-Maximum Power Point Tracking, Power Coefficient, Pitch Angle


According to EWEA estimation, 12% of the power

demand of the whole world will be provided by wind
generation for year 2020. At present, the total
installation capacity of wind power generators has
reached 31128 MW and the generation cost
per kilowatt-hour has been reduced from 38 cents in
1982 to 4 cents in 2001. The wind power generators
can be installed by grid connection with the electrical
network. For the offshore islands or remote area
“Fig.3 Grid connected wind turbine”.
which cannot be reached by bulk power system
networks, the wind power generators can be operated
B. The utilization of wind energy may be an attractive
standalone or integrated with diesel generators and
alternative in places such as offshore islands, where
photovoltaic (PV) panels to serve the power demand.
fuel is usually expensive and wind regimes are
particularly favourable. The wind power is mainly
A. Growth trends
generated by rotating the blade of wind turbines via
the airflow to convert the wind energy into electrical
energy. The wind power generation can be assumed
to be varied with the wind speed.

Dispersed power generation systems are expected as

important electric power supply systems for the
next generation.

Wind power generation system (WPGS) is widely

“Fig.1Worldwide installed capacity (1997-2020), development being introduced in the worldwide power utilities.
and prognosis”. The WPGS output power fluctuates due
to wind speed variations. Hence, if a large number
of wind power generators are connected to the grid
system, their output can cause serious power quality
problems, that is, frequency and voltage fluctuations
may happen.

In order to solve these problems, the smoothing

control of wind power generator output is very
important. In addition, Superconducting Magnet
Energy Storage (SMES) is surely one of the key
“Fig.2 Worldwide installed capacity forecast”. technologies to overcome these fluctuations. The

Wind Power Generation

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2015

SMES can compensate even small disturbances. With of 1887-1888 by Charles F. Brush, this was built by
these points as background, this paper deals with. his engineering company at his home and operated
from 1886 until 1900.The Brush wind turbine had a
rotor 17 m (56 foot) in diameter and was mounted on
an 18 m (60 foot) tower. Although large by today's
standards, the machine was only rated at 12 kW. The
connected dynamo was used either to charge a bank
of batteries or to operate up to 100 incandescent light
“Fig.4 Wind generator with electrical circuit” bulbs, three arc lamps, and various motors in Brush's
I.List of wind farms in India

Fig.6 wind mill

D Wind farms
A wind farm is a group of wind turbines in the same
location used for production of electricity. A large
C History of wind power wind farm may consist of several hundred individual
wind turbines distributed over an extended area, but
the land between the turbines may be used for
agricultural or other purposes. A wind farm may also
be located offshore. Almost all large wind turbines
have the same design - a horizontal axis wind turbine
having an upwind rotor with three blades, attached to
a nacelle on top of a tall tubular tower. In a wind
farm, individual turbines are interconnected with a
medium voltage (often 34.5 kV), power collection
system and communications network. At a substation,
this medium-voltage electric current is increased in
” Fig.5 charl’s brush’s windmill 1888 used for generation of
voltage with a transformer for connection to the high
voltage electric power transmission system.
The first windmill used for the production of
electricity was built in Scotland in July 1887 by Prof
James Blyth of Anderson's College, Glasgow. Blyth's
10 m high, cloth-sailed wind turbine was installed in
the garden of his holiday cottage
at Marykirk in Kincardineshire and was used to
charge accumulators developed by the
Frenchman Camille Alphonse Faure, to power the
lighting in the cottage. Thus making it the first house
in the world to have its electricity supplied by wind
power. Blyth offered the surplus electricity to the
people of Marykirk for lighting the main street,
however, they turned down the offer as they thought
electricity was "the work of the devil. Although he “Fig.7. wind farm”
later built a wind turbine to supply emergency power
to the local Lunatic Asylum, Infirmary and E. Basics of wind power generation:-
Dispensary of Montrose the invention never really Wind – Atmospheric air in motion
caught on as the technology was not considered to be Energy source - Solar radiation differentially
economically viable. Across the Atlantic, absorbed by earth surface converted through
in Cleveland, Ohio a larger and heavily engineered convective processes due to temperature differences
machine was designed and constructed in the winter air motion.

Wind Power Generation

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2015

Fundamental Equation of Wind Power

Wind Power depends on:
• amount of air (volume)
• speed of air (velocity)
• mass of air (density) A flowing through the area of
interest (flux)
Energy definition:
1) Kinetic energy - K . E .  1 m V 2
2)Power is KE per unit time:
1 dm
P  m V 2
where m  (mass flux)
2 dt
3) Fluid mechanics gives mass flow rate (density *
volume flux):
- dm   AV
dt “Fig. 8 wind turbine types “

Thus: p  1  A V 3 Wind turbines use the wind’s kinetic energy to

Where, generate electrical energy that can be used in homes
• Power ~ cube of velocity and businesses. Individual wind turbines can be used
• Power ~ air densityg to generate electricity on a small scale – to power a
single home, for example. A large number of wind
• Power ~ rotor swept area A   r2 turbines grouped together, sometimes known as a
wind farm or wind park, can generate electricity on a
Wind Turbine Types much larger scale. A wind turbine works like a high-
1)Horizontal-Axis – HAWT tech version of an old-fashioned windmill. The wind
• Single to many blades - 2, 3 most efficient blows on the angled blades of the rotor, causing it to
• Upwind, downwind facing spin, converting some of the wind’s kinetic energy
• Solidity / Aspect Ratio – speed and torque into mechanical energy. Sensors in the turbine detect
• Shrouded / Ducted – Diffuser Augmented how strongly the wind is blowing and from which
Wind Turbine (DAWT) direction. The rotor automatically turns to face the
2)Vertical-Axis – VAWT wind, and automatically brakes in dangerously high
• Darrieus / Egg-Beater (lift force driven) winds to protect the turbine from damage.
• Savonius (drag force driven)
A shaft and gearbox connect the rotor to a generator
(1), so when the rotor spins, so does the generator.
The generator uses an electromagnetic field to
convert this mechanical energy into electrical energy.
The electrical energy from the generator is
transmitted along cables to a substation (2). Here, the
electrical energy generated by all the turbines in the
wind farm is combined and converted to a high
voltage. The national grid uses high voltages to
transmit electricity efficiently through the power lines
(3) to the homes and businesses that need it (4). Here,
other transformers reduce the voltage back down to a
usable level.

“Fig.9 general wind turbine model”.

Wind Power Generation

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2015

to give results in the form of recommendation for a

specific interval of output state, so it is essential that
this mathematical method is strictly distinguished
from the more familiar logics, such as Boolean
algebra. This paper contains a basic overview of the
principles of fuzzy logic. Today control systems are
“Fig.10 circuit diagram wind generation” usually described by mathematical models that follow
the laws of physics, stochastic models or models
F How wind energy works which have emerged from mathematical logic. A
general difficulty of such constructed model is how to
move from a given problem to a proper mathematical
model. Undoubtedly, today’s advanced computer
technology makes it possible; however managing
such systems is still too complex.

“Fig.12 fuzzy logic control –analysis method”.

Usually fuzzy logic control system is created from

“Fig.11 block diagram wind power generation” four major elements presented on fig 10, fuzzification
interface, fuzzy inference engine, fuzzy rule matrix
When wind blows past a turbine, the blades capture and defuzzification interface.
the energy and rotate. This rotation triggers an
internal shaft to spin, which is connected to a gearbox
increasing the speed of rotation, which is connect to a
generator that ultimately produces electricity. Most
commonly, wind turbines consist of a steel tubular
tower, up to 325 feet, which supports both a "hub"
securing wind turbine blades and the "nacelle" which
houses the turbine's shaft, gearbox, generator and
controls. A wind turbine is equipped with wind “Fig 13 fuzzy logic controller”.
assessment equipment and will automatically rotate
into the face of the wind, and angle or "pitch" its A. Use of fuzzy logic in wind power generation
blades to optimize energy capture. control
Wind energy generation has brought about many
1.6. Applications of wind power generation challenges to electrical power system engineers. The
1) Wind powered vehicles problems encountered in the electrical network
2) Wind/kite powered cargo ships comprising wind energy systems are due to the
3) Wind powered sports continuous variations in the wind regime. These
4) Wind powered water pumps variations may inflect undesirable fluctuation in the
5) In agriculture area network and thus has limited the capacity of the wind
6) In municipal waters energy systems which can be integrated with the
7) Home powering and lighting etc. network to a modest penetration factor.

There are four distinct categories of wind power, Various techniques have been proposed to cope with
these are: the variations in the wind speed to ensure high
 Small, non-grid connected performance and steady output for the wind energy
 Small, grid connected systems and hence contribute to allow for higher
 Large, non-grid connected penetration factor. The effect of the variation in the
 Large, grid connected wind speed may result in:

II. FUZZY LOGIC 1- Change in the output voltage

2- Change in the output frequency
Fuzzy logic is a complex mathematical method that 3- Change in the output power
allows solving difficult simulated problems with 4- Shift in the operating point (to track maximum
many inputs and output variables. Fuzzy logic is able power point on the operating curves)

Wind Power Generation

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2015

The shift in the operating point occurs due to the B. Capacity Factor (CF)
variation in the wind turbine characteristics at
different speed and other climate variations. These The fraction of the year the turbine generator is
variations require that the parameters of the controller operating at rated (peak) power Capacity Factor =
should be continuously updated to ensure that the Average Output / Peak Output ≈ 30% CF is based on
wind turbine operating at the optimal point. To cope both the characteristics of the turbine and the Site
with the fact the wind speed change in unpredictable characteristics (typically 0.3 or above for a good site).
manner, it is proposed to use fuzzy logic controllers.

“Fig. 15 power curve and frequency distribution pattern”

“Fig.14 system under study”.

The system under study which comprises a doubly-

fed induction generator connected to the electric
network. The generator is driven by a wind turbine.
The system is controlled by modulating the slip
power extracted from the rotor circuit to implement
the required control strategy.

The mechanical output power at a given wind speed “Fig. 16 power coefficient characteristics of wind turbine”.
is drastically affected by the turbine’s tip speed ratio
(TSR). At a given wind speed, the maximum turbine
energy conversion efficiency occurs at an optimal
TSR. Therefore, as wind speed changes, the turbine’s
rotor speed needs to change accordingly in order to
maintain the optimal TSR and thus to extract the
maximum power from the available wind resources.

Fuzzy logic provides a convenient method for

constructing a maximum power point tracking
algorithms. An adaptive fuzzy logic technique for
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) under
different aerodynamic conditions is proposed. The “Fig.17 power curves for different wind speeds”.
adaptive feature allows the algorithm to be robust
under wind turbine parameters uncertainties. C. Terms related to wind energy and fuzzy controller
for wind turbine modelling
B. Efficiency in Extracting Wind Power Among different types of wind turbine, permanent-
Betz Limit & Power Coefficient: magnet (PM) generator is widely used because of its
high reliability and simple structure, especially for
• Power Coefficient, Cp is the ratio of power small-size wind turbines.
extracted by the turbine, to the total contained in the
wind resource Cp =PT/PW The wind systems are, by nature, non-linear power
• Turbine power output P T  1  A V 3 C sources that need accurate on-line identification on
2 the optimal operating point. Thus, to achieve optimal
• The Betz Limit is the maximal possible C 16 point requires a MPPT controller. MPPT controller
p 
27 changes the rotor speed according to the variation of
• 59% efficiency is the BEST a conventional wind wind speed so that the tip speed ratio (TSR) is
turbine can do in extracting power from the wind optimal.

Wind Power Generation

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2015

depends on the air density and the turbine

performance coefficient.

“Fig.18 block diagram of fuzzy controller”.

D. wind turbine modelling

Ignoring the friction of the rotor, turbine mechanical
properties can be expressed by the following
d “Fig. 19 effect of changing i on power curves”.
Tm  TLoad  J
Pm  PLoad  J 
Pm  0.5C p ( ,  )  AV 3
  (R m  )  V
Where , Tm- mechanical torque, T load – load torque,
Pm- mechanical power output , Pload-load power
V-wind speed m/s
Cp-performance coefficient of turbine
-tip speed ratio
-blade pitch angle
A-area of blade
-air density “Fig.20 effect of changing i on Cp”
J-combined inertia of rotor
The output power of a wind turbine is given by the FUZZY SYSTEMS
following equation:
To overcome the previously mentioned uncertainties,
1 we propose a fast and efficient fuzzy based MPPT
Pm  Cp (,  ) AVwind technique. The proposed method is designed and
2 simulated for a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
(DFIG) variable-speed WECS, The traditional power
E. Uncertainties of the power curves tracking loop, which will be replaced by our proposed
The power curves illustrate the mechanical power of fuzzy systems, is shown. The block diagram of the
a wind turbine versus the rotor speed at different proposed fuzzy based MPPT .The proposed method
wind velocities. Power curves are found by field consists of two parts: First, the main fuzzy MPPT,
measurements, where an anemometer is placed on a and second, the fuzzy HCS adaptation. The main
mast reasonably close to the wind turbine (not on the fuzzy MPPT replaces the traditional PSF method
turbine itself or too close to it, since the turbine rotor which is used for MPPT. The main fuzzy MPPT has
may create turbulence, and make wind speed one input, the measured rotor speed, while the output
measurement unreliable). In reality, a swarm of is the reference Q-axis current.
points spreads around each power curve. The reason
is that in practice the wind speed always fluctuates,
and one cannot measure exactly the column of wind
that passes through the rotor of the turbine.
Moreover, the wind speed has different values at each
point of the blade. The mechanical power developed
by the wind turbine not only depends on the wind
speed (which is difficult to measure) but also it “Fig. 21 traditional power tracking loop block diagram”.

Wind Power Generation

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-2, Issue-2, Feb.-2015

and generator. This new MPPT doesn’t need the wind

speed measurements but the voltage and current load
is measured. So this method is not using any
mechanical sensor which will result in reduced costs
and increased reliability of the system. Moreover this
control strategy is comparatively easy, and has high
practical value.

“Fig.22 block diagram of proposed fuzzy based MPPT”. REFERENCES

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Wind Power Generation


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