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The News Reporter: Property Owners Not Happy With Revaluation

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The News Reporter

Published since 1890 every Monday and Thursday for the County of Columbus and her people.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thieves face
stiffer terms
Jury to decide
Volume 122, Number 32 for break-ins today about
Cox, badge
Whiteville, North Carolina

75 Cents nNew law gives DA bet-

ter tool to handle crimi-
nals for repeated break- nTown manager of Chadbourn on
Inside Today ins and thefts. trial for impersonating an officer in
4-A Staff Writer
Staff Writer
8BUFSCSPPLF C h a rl e s A nine-woman, three-man jury will decide
Thursday (today) the fate of Stevie Lee Cox,
SFTQPOTF E u g e n e
Barsh, 30, of Chadbourn’s town manager, in his trial on a
the Clark- charge of impersonating a law enforcement
DIDYOB? ton area, officer last spring.
is the first The state’s case ended Wednesday at 4 p.m.,
Did you observe ... defendant and it took most of the day. Cox was arrested in
in Colum- March 2011 after he allegedly showed a High-
Mike Cutchin, with bus County Lynn Wilkie way Patrol trooper a police chief ’s badge and
his face painted like a to be arrested for habitual told the officer he was the chief in Chadbourn,
tiger, giving free bubble breaking and entering, a new according to records.
tool being used by the District Cox was in Chadbourn Police Chief Steven
gum to kids at the Law Attorney’s staff to address Shaw’s car returning with Mayor Ken Waddell,
Enforcement Asso- the continuing problem with and two members of Chadbourn’s ABC Board
property crime. from a meeting with lawmakers in Raleigh
ciation booth at the Barsh, on probation after when he was stopped for speeding on U.S. 74
County Fair? ... Leba- a conviction of selling a con- about two miles east of Boardman.
non United Methodist trolled substance, has only one State Trooper Ronnie Walker, reassigned to
prior break-in conviction, and Cumberland County this year, swore the first
Church Pastor Carl this is the unique formula for See Jury, page 5-A
Zorowsky having to the new law. It takes only one
kiss a goat after chal- prior conviction for breaking

and entering, and not three,
lenging his congrega- such as being a habitual felon Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist
tion to increase church or habitual drunk driver.
No flu drive-thru
owners not
“Property crimes are kill-
membership? ... WHS ing this county,” says Lynn
junior Madison Hege Brenda Sellers gets a flu shot without leaving her car at the Columbus
Wilkie, assistant DA who is
handling most of the break-in
County Health Department last Friday, during a first-ever drive-thru flu
still unbeaten in all
happy with
cases here. shot service. Nurse Tammy Stevens administered the shot, one of more
her singles and doubles than 60 that day.
tennis matches as the See New law, page 5-A
WHS season continues
into the second round of 2012 deer Waccamaw Siouan tribe revaluation
the playoffs Tuesday? ...
John Plasky making his
season opens pow wow this weekend nBoard calls for second public hear-
ing on schedule of values.
first solo flight Tuesday? to slow start By NICOLE CARTRETTE
... No mail delivery at The Waccamaw Siouan Tribe horse riders, advertising businesses
the Ned Reynolds home Staff Writer
invites the public to attend its 42nd and politicians, are invited for $6 per
annual pow wow celebration this person. Float units will be included in
at Lake Waccamaw due weekend on the tribal grounds, 7275 the parade judging with prizes of $50,
This room won’t hold them all.
That is what Commissioner Edwin Russ
to a big hairy spider on One of the most anticipated Old Lake Road, Bolton, in the Buck- $25 and a Native American beaded
said about a number of Lake Waccamaw resi-
days of the year started not head community. ribbon for the top three winners.
the mailbox? ... Council with a whimper, but a some- Friday’s program includes school Traders open at 9 a.m. Chief Lacy
dents who promised to fill the commissioners
Tool featured on the what muted bang Saturday chambers at their next meeting.
day activities from 9 a.m until 2 p.m., Wayne Freeman will give the wel-
as the conventional hunting Russ said residents were upset about the
“Modern Marvels” TV displays and vendors from 2:30-6:30 come and invocation at noon. The
2013 proposed schedule of values and public
season for whitetail deer got p.m., and line up for grand entry at new princess will be crowned and the
series Tuesday night? under way. 6:30 p.m. The grand entry at 7 p.m. grand entry, posting of colors, flag
hearing scheduled for Oct. 15.
“I’ve been asked to postpone the hearing,”
The show was on the Archery and muzzleload- will include the flag song, prayer, song and veterans honor song will be
Russ said, adding that he had received many
ing seasons came in during veterans song, inter-tribal dancing held. Intertribal and exhibition danc-
topic of how to make September and early October, and exhibition dancing. ing will begin at 1 p.m. and continue
phone calls.
axes. ... respectively, but for most hunt- A parade will be held Saturday at through the afternoon. Drawings for
In July, county tax administrator Richard
ers, deer season means modern Gore said values at Lake Waccamaw had in-
11 a.m. with “Honoring Our Soldiers door prizes will be held and tiny-tot
firearms, dogs and crowded creased and would be reflected in the new 2013
Past and Present” as the theme. and competition winners will be an-
County Deaths woods. Line-up will begin at 10 a.m. Parade
entries, including groups, clubs,
See Pow wow, page 2-A
values as part of the property revaluation but
Monday night he said the county “would not
See Deer, page 9-A See Revaluation, page 7-A
Deb Tyman
Wiley “Dragman” Allen Jr.
Gary Michael Rogers
Tabor City
Mysterious weed in lake is hydrilla
Tanya Mae Long By RAY WYCHE piece of its branches one-inch in length, and officials
Ladosca Stevens Fecher Staff Writer agreed Tuesday that small pieces of the weed could
Hallsboro have come from a boat or boat trailer using the
Jessie Porter Godwin A mysterious aquatic plant that fouls boat pro- launch ramp. A piece of the weed could have been
pellers, makes boating and swimming difficult, and brought in on the talons of a fish-eating raptor such
William Lorenzo Spears as bald eagles. (Their presence around the lake has
has the potential to make fishing less productive
Lloyd Curtis Mitchell has been identified as hydrilla, an invasive species. been confirmed.)
Bolton Rob Emens, an environmental specialist with Another possible way the harmful weed found
Fred Bennett the North Carolina Division of Environment and
a home in Lake Waccamaw could have been from
Clarendon Natural Resources, made positive identification a homeowner emptying a home aquarium’s water
after a short air-boat ride from the Canal Cove Road just west of Dale’s Seafood. Infestations of the into the lake as hydrilla is often used in the home
Harvey David Richardson boat launch Tuesday afternoon, where the noxious underwater weed are not visible from the shore fish tanks.
weed was first discovered. in most locations and according to lake residents, Getting rid of the weed is no easy matter, Emens

Index Emens docked at the nearby pier of James

Grantham where Lake Waccamaw State Park of-
extends from the shore for about one-half mile out
into the lake.
said. The two standard treatment methods are grass
carp, a large fish that is an invasive species itself
ficials and others were awaiting his verdict. Hydrilla is a familiar pest plant in many areas of that eats only vegetation, and a chemical herbicide.
&EJUPSJBMT" Emans doubled-checked his identification by the state, and can thrive in any body of fresh water, “I would say a combination of the two is your best
0CJUVBSJFT" consulting a field manual he had aboard the boat. even in ditches. option,” Emens added
4QPSUT# The hydrilla outbreak was first discovered “It has shown up in Wake County and it is in the Emens went on to say that the standard treatment
around the boat ramp and extends from the Wac- mountains,” Emens said. pattern is to first “box” the infested area to stop the
$SJNF" How the plant got into Lake Waccamaw is impos-
camaw Sailing Club along the northwest and north
-JWJOH$ shorelines to the site of the old Weaver’s Pavilion sible to determine; the plant can reproduce from a See Hydrilla, page 2-A
2-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

Trapping class expands

to include other critters
By JEFFERSON WEAVER The class was originally ated habitats more attractive
Staff Writer designed to help local trap- to beavers.
pers learn how to take ad- The impact of coyotes on
What started as a class to vantage of the county’s new deer and small game is a big
help area outdoorsmen learn beaver bounty program. Re- issue with area sportsmen,
how to catch beavers has sponding to complaints about Jones said. Interest in coyote
expanded to include other continued beaver problems trapping – either for the furs,
species. in the county, the Colum- or for sale to hunting pre-
The N.C. Trappers As- bus County Board of Com- serves – drew many trappers
sociation, working with the missioners formed a beaver to a similar class at Honey
Soil and Water Conservation committee last year. The Hill last year.
Service and the N.C. Wildlife committee proposed either “We decided since so many
Resources Commission, will increasing the county’s share people were interested in
sponsor a free trapping class in the Beaver Management other species, this would be
Saturday at the agriculture Assistance Program (BMAP), a good opportunity to give
extension office in Whiteville. whish is run through the them a better idea what it’s
Lunch will be provided, but local USDA APHIS office, or all about,” Jones said.
pre-registration is required. establishing a bounty system. The class is from 8 a.m.
Dan Jones of Fair Bluff, a The commissioners Monday until 3 p.m. Saturday, at 45
member of the NCTA board approved both Monday. (See Government Complex Drive.
of directors and one of the related story). Students should bring pen
instructors, said the interest County officials anticipat- and paper, and dress for the
in the class has been amazing. ed more interest in trapping weather. The class will fea-
“We have a lot more folks the large rodents after the ture both classroom and out-
interested than we thought,” bounty was approved. Low side instruction.
he said, “and people were ask- prices for hides, combined To sign up for the class,
ing about catching coyotes, with the labor-intensive work call 642-2196. Deadline to pre-
so we decided to expand the required by beaver trapping, register is noon Friday.
class.” has dissuaded many trappers
As of Wednesday, around from pursuing the flat-tail Jefferson Weaver
35 people had signed up to tree chewers for decades. At 910-642-4104 ext. 227
attend, and more were ex- the same time, changes in jeffweaver@whiteville.com
pected. farming techniques have cre-

Staff photo by Ray Wyche

AARP Tax-Aide seeks volunteers Lake Waccamaw State Park Superintendent Toby Hall examines a sample of hydrilla
removed from the lake along Canal Cove Road Tuesday. The invasive species is new
to Columbus County, and DENR is working to control or remove it with chemicals and
AARP Tax-Aide is seeking state tax laws. Last year, these are asked to commit to at least a species of carp that will consume it.
volunteers to prepare and local Tax-Aide volunteers pre- four hours per week; many

electronically file federal and pared and filed more than 5,000 commit to two four-hour days
North Carolina tax returns tax returns. per week.
for low and moderate income In order to continue and Volunteer service locations Continued from page 1-A
taxpayers, with special at- expand the program, Tax- are available locally at Caro-
tention to those 60 and older. Aide needs more volunteers lyn T. High Memorial Library. spread of hydrilla and then Hydrilla can grow main Someone said to Hall, “You’ve
Membership in AARP is not to serve either as greeters or Anyone interested in chal- treat the boxed-in area. branches as long as 25 feet. got your work cut out for you.”
required; adult volunteers of tax preparers. lenging work, expanding your “We need to move as quick- It can flourish in only 1 per- “I’ve got to go and start
all ages are welcome. Greeters meet and greet the knowledge, and helping others ly as we can,” Superintendent cent sunlight and grows in making phone calls,” Hall
AARP Tax-Aide is an all- taxpayers and maintain the or- in thecommunity by using Toby Hall of the Lake Wac- clumps of vegetation that replied.
volunteer program provided der of service. Tax preparers your skill and training, then camaw State Park said when resemble wet Spanish moss.
completely free to the target receive IRS approved training this is the volunteer opportu- he heard Emans’ words on On the Grantham pier Ray Wyche
taxpayers. The program has and IRS certification. nity for you. eradicating the plant. when Emans returned from 910-642-4104 ext. 229
more than 100 volunteers in Training begins in Janu- For more information on The state park is respon- his short boat trip were Hall,
Brunswick, Columbus, New ary. Practical exercises in- how you can join the Tax-Aide sible for care of the lake. David Scott of Lake Wac-
Hanover, Pender, Onslow and clude preparing sample re- team call toll free at 1-888-687- “Hopefully, we can con- camaw and a member of the
Duplin counties. turns on IRS-provided soft- 2277 or visit www.aarp.org/
Volunteers assist those who ware to complete the training. tavolunteer8. Locally, you can
trol it here,” Emans said of state park advisory council, Beaver Trapping
the aquatic weed. Grantham, Lake Waccamaw
cannot afford to hire tax coun- Actual preparation of returns contact Daryl Patrick at 910- Some had suggested resident Brent Jernigan, and Workshop
selors to assist them through begins Feb. 1 and continues 642-7565 or email patricd@
the maze of the federal and through April 16. Volunteers centurylink.net.
that the increasing clarity of a News Reporter writer. Park Oct. 20
the water during the last few Ranger Jonathan Short ac- Columbus County Cooperative
years has allowed more sun- companied Emans on the boat Extension Office
light to reach the bottom of ride to secure samples of the 45 Government Dr., Whiteville

SCC Continuing Education the lake, enabling the hydrilla weed. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. • FREE
Lunch Included
to flourish, but Emans said Someone asked Emans how Learn to locate, trap and handle beavers.
the plant will grow in murky, long it would take to treat the

courses slated for late October

Seminar will be in the classroom and out-
side. Students will learn how to set bodygrip
clouded waters. lake of the unwanted weed. and foothold traps, as well as snares.
Grantham pointed out that “You’re looking at five to Pre-registration required.
the area in front of his home seven years,” he answered. Call 910-642-2196 for more details
Southeastern Communi- meeting; introduces several own iPhone. is among the the deepest in
ty College’s Workforce and Web applications with similar Work Zone Flagger Pro- the lake, and therefore re-
Community Development
Division will offer several
functionality of traditional
office suites including Gmail,
gram, Saturday, Oct. 27, 8
a.m.-noon in T-Building, room
ceives little sunlight on the
lake’s bottom. Hydrilla is
continuing education classes
and seminars in the coming
Google Groups, Google Calen-
dar, Talk, Docs, and others.
111. N.C. DOT requires this
training for all employees di-
a rooted plant and can ex- t)PNFNBEF4BVTBHFt1PSL$IPQT )BNT 
tend its growth by lengthy
weeks. To pre-register or for Learn how to download, in- recting traffic in a work zone stems. 3JCT.PSFt64%"$IPJDF"OHVT#FFG
more information, call (910) stall and use these apps. within a DOT right of way. “I hate to put bad news
642-7141, ext. 296, 397 or 425. QuickBooks Pro, Monday, Course fee is $65, textbook after bad news but it doesn’t t3JCFZFT 5#POFT 4JSMPJO (SPVOE#FFG.PSF
Financial assistance with Oct. 22-Dec. 10, 6-9 p.m. in T- available for $5. need a lot of light to grow,”
registration fees and books
to gain new employment-
Building, room 126. Students
will discover how this user-
HVAC License Renewal,
Saturday, Oct. 27, 8 a.m.-2:30
Emans said. )055&451SJDFPO##21JHT
related skills may be available friendly software program p.m. in T-Building, room 122. Located Beside The Cement Barn
through the Workforce Invest-
ment Act (WIA) and other
can make business record
keeping fast and easy; course
Course approved by the N.C.
State Board of Examiners of Pow wow #ERRO'ORDO .#s  
funding sources. To see if fee is $65, and financial as- Plumbing, Heating and Fire Continued from page 1-A
they qualify, students should sistance may be available Sprinkler Contractors and
contact the Columbus County through N.C. Tobacco Trust will cover changes to the N.C. The supper menu consists
JobLink Career Center im- Fund Commission. Mechanical Code, changes of maize (corn) and potato
mediately at (910)642-7141, ext. Creative Cupcakes, Mon- to the N.C. Energy Code and chowder, squash cornbread,
261 or by visiting the Center
in A-Building on the SCC
days, Oct. 22-Nov. 26, 6-9 p.m.
in T-Building, room 118; $44
changes to the N.C. Fuel Pip-
ing Code. The course fee is
chicken salad sandwich or col-
lard sandwich, peach cobbler, For all
Your Halloween Treats
campus. registration and $10 materials $65 plus $10 for class materi- tea and water. A social dance
Google Apps course, Tues- fee must be paid at first meet- als and lunch. The textbook will be held at 9 p.m. and the
days, Oct. 23-Dec. 11, 6-9 p.m. ing. Each class will have a dif- will be available for $62.60 tribal grounds will close at
in Cartrette Technology Cen-
ter, room 108; $65 registration
ferent occasion as the theme.
Employee Initiative: How
plus tax.
Plumbing License Renew-
& Home
fee must be paid at the first to Make it Happen, Tuesday, al, Saturday, Oct. 27, 8 a.m.- Baked
Oct. 23, 9 a.m.-noon in T- 2:30 p.m. in T-Building, room
The News Reporter Building, room 120. In this 120. Course approved by the Goods
free seminar, participants N.C. State Board of Examin-
(USPS 387-600) Cookies · Cakes · Pies · Cupcakes · Brownies · Cake Pops
will learn how to create a ers of Plumbing, Heating and
Published twice weekly by shared vision with employees Fire Sprinkler Contractors * Made to Order *
In-home and on Location
The News Reporter Co. Inc. and identify and overcome and will cover installation 5066 James B. White Hwy. S.
127 W. Columbus St. obstacles. of fixtures, water heaters 770.1834 across from Time Saver in New Hopes(910) 234-4872
Whiteville N.C. 28472 Will Your Business Idea and water distribution sys- www.fullerroyalphoto.com
Mailing address: Keep You in Business, Tues- tems, installation of sanitary
P.O. Box 707, day, Oct. 23, 6-9 p.m. in T- drainage and indirect waste
Whiteville, N.C. 28472-0707 Building, room 120. This free systems and vents, traps,
seminar will teach attendees interceptors and separators, COASTAL STADIUM 10
Periodical postage paid at how to make the dream of plus 2012 changes to the N.C.
Whiteville, N.C., 28472-0707 1BSBOPSNBM"DUJWJUZ 3
owning a business a profitable Plumbing Code. Course fee is tQNtQNtQN
Postmaster: send address and successful reality. $65, plus $10 for class materi- "MFY$SPTT 1(
changes to P.O. Box 707, A course on the basic uses als and lunch; textbook avail-
"SHP 3
Whiteville, N.C. 28472 of an iPhone will be offered able for $62.60 plus tax. 4JOJTUFS 1(
Jim High, Publisher Tuesdays, Oct. 23-Dec. 11, 6-9 tQN

Mail Subscriptions
(Columbus County)
p.m. in Cartrette Technology
Center, room 126. A $65 reg- Vineland )FSF$PNFT5IF#PPN 1(

istration fee must be paid at tQNtQN
$30.00 year
the first meeting. This course 5BLFO 1(
Other N.C. Counties provides instructions about
$46.00 year setting up, managing content, Available for wedding **'SBOLFOXFFOJF 1(
Home Delivery $45.00 year using apps, sending mail, receptions & other )PUFM5SBOTZMWBOJB 1(

Out of State $65.00 year

taking photos, and more. events )PUFM5SBOTZMWBOJB 1(
Participants must bring their 642-3157
©2008, The News Reporter Co., Inc. 5SPVCMF8JUIUIF$VSWF 1(

CINEMA III Advance Tickets on sale for Halloween Lockin $IBTJOH.BWFSJDLT 3

Paranormal Activity 4 Alex Cross House at the End of the Street 4JMFOU)JMM3FWFMBUJPO 3
1 • 4 • 7 • 10 Daily 1 • 4 • 7 • 10 Daily 1 • 4 • 7 • 10 Daily
(PG13) (R) 24 Hr. Movie Hotline: 910-754-7469
SHOWTIMES: October 19 - October 25
MOVIE LINE 910-642-6025 Daytime: $5.50 • Nighttime: $7.50 4QFDJBM4VSDIBSHFJT"QQMJDBCMFGPS"MM%'FBUVSFT
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 – 3-A

State holding adult care home’s response

n Waterbrooke’s dead- The adult care home li- ed the patient stop taking. partments of social services when state officials attempted Waterbrooke, a.k.a Rain-
line to correct deficien- censed for 80 beds had until An unpaid pest control play a major role in oversight to force what appeared to be tree Healthcare of Tabor City,
cies is Oct. 20. Oct. 13 to respond to numerous company, and wandering resi- of such facilities. closure of the facility by Sept. appears to be one of several fa-
deficiencies in writing and dents who regularly passed “The local Department of 22 with a summary notice of cilities in the Raintree Health-
By NICOLE CARTRETTE until Oct. 20 to correct those through doors without alarms Social Services is the front deficiencies that contained care portfolio with articles of
Staff Writer deficiencies. or staff who ignored alarms line of monitors for adult care no detailed explanation of organization on file with the
Raintree Healthcare of Ta- were also in the report. homes in North Carolina, and specific violations. Secretary of State.
While state officials were bor City, LLC has a Charlotte Sharon Crawford, manager the DSS staff work closely An administrative law Reema Owens is named
eager to close Waterbrooke As- mailing address and Reema of the facility, has failed to with state Adult Care Section judge subsequently issued a as the managing partner of
sisted Living in Tabor City in Owens named as managing respond to a request for com- staff when problems arise,” temporary order on the facil- several current and active
late September they are not as partner of the facility. ment on the latest report but Jones said. “State inspections ity’s behalf when about 30 of Raintree Healthcare facilities
eager to release the facility’s The state’s deficiency re- told The News Reporter in are conducted annually. DSS the facility’s original 77 resi- across the state.
written response to a more port detailed the death of a recent weeks that incidents inspections are two or more dents remained.
than 50-page deficiency report. resident and raised questions had been blown out of propor- times a year, and upon com- Many retur ned but the Nicole Cartrette
“Our Adult Care Licensure about how many hours passed tion and statements made by plaints, as needed.” facility, licensed for 80 beds, 910-642-4104 ext. 225
Section has received the facil- before the resident was found former employees are not true. Waterbrooke gained media is not allowed to accept new nicolecartrette@whiteville.com
ity’s response. It is under re- dead. A series of deficiencies If the state Division of attention in late September patients, officials say.
view,” said spokesperson Jim in reporting accident-related Health Services Regulation is

Please join Rep. G. L. Pridgen for a

Jones for the Department of and injury-related incidents successful in shutting down
Health and Human Services to social services as required the facility, it will become one
by law was also claimed in the of a limited number across the
in response to The News Re-
porter’s request.
“In this process, a response
state’s report.
One resident who had a hip
state that have met such a fate
at the hand of regulators.
Town Hall/Meet & Greet.
is closely examined to see how injury was not x-rayed until In the fiscal year that ended
well it covers/corrects con- three days later. June 30, the state issued just
cerns raised in the findings A bedbug and roach issue three revocation actions.
(statement of deficiencies),” was not quickly addressed ac- There are more than 600
Jones said. “I cannot tell you cording to the report. adult care homes and more
when this process will be One resident continued to than 600 family care homes in
completed.” receive blood thinner medica- North Carolina.
tion that a doctor had request- Jones has said county de-

Yam auction is Oct. 15

at SCHS; public invited
The annual Quality Sweet Norris, spokesperson for and Columbus counties.
Potato Auction will be held the band, stated the band This year, the N.C. Yam
on Tuesday, Oct. 23, and will has been together for several Festival has partnered with
feature a country music years and has perfor med the N.C. Sweet Potato Com-
band. for many types of functions mission, Benson, the N.C.
Pictured are Rep. G. L. Pridgen (center) with niece Tricia Norris and her husband, Bryan Norris.
The auction will be at throughout Brunswick and Cooperative Extension Ser-
South Columbus High
School near Tabor City, and
surrounding counties.
The Sweet and Savory
vice and Farm Bureau, en-
couraging g rowers from
Monday, October 22nd, 6:30 PM, Tabor City Courthouse
will begin at 6 p.m. with a Reception will be held prior throughout the entire sweet Refreshments. Come as you are. Questions and Answers about
Sweet and Savory Recep- to the auction. potato growing area of North Local and State Issues. Everyone Is Welcome!
tion. George Wooten, W. E. The auction is expected Carolina to enter the Quality *Paid for by the committee to re-elect GL Pridgen
Bailey & Sons, Chadbourn, to begin at approximately Contest.
president of the U.S. Sweet 6:30 p.m. In efforts to expand inter-
Potato Council, will give a Anyone who plans to at- est in the auction, chief auc-
brief update regarding the tend should call Diane N. tioneer Jack Miller will be
organization and function of Ward at the Tabor City Visi- assisted by Dale Shelley of
the U.S. Sweet Potato Coun- tors Center, at 653-4141. Loris, Joey Formyduval of
cil as well as an update on Efforts have been made to Nakina and Bruce McPher- GRAND OPENING SPECIAL IN
the local and national sweet expand the area of growers son of Tabor City. Plans are
potato crop. in the Quality Contest, to for each auctioneer to “sell” WHITEVILLE
The Flat Land Ramblers, be held on Monday, Oct. 22, five bushels each.
a country music band from at the Tabor City Public Li- Also, there will be an ex-
Use this coupon for
Brunswick County, will pro- brary. In prior years, entries hibit featuring several an- Subway savings at our
vide entertainment. Phil have come from Brunswick tique farm items. NEW WHITEVILLE
LOCATION only. Eat
healthy/live well - choose
Whiteville Rotary to host blood drive at Arts Center Subway.
The Whiteville Rotary is helping save and improve with a signed American
Club is helping make sure the lives of individuals in Red Cross Parental Consent
that blood is available by need of blood. form, weigh a minimum of
sponsoring a blood drive “I am extremely grateful 110 pounds, be in general
with the American Red to Whiteville Rotary Club for good health, and have a pic-
Cross on Tuesday, Oct. 30 leading this event,” stated ture I.D. eat fresh
from 1:30-6 p.m. Tanya Tilley-Hall, donor re- Blood donors are en-
The drive will be held at
the Columbus County Arts
cruiter. “When the members
heard of our need for blood
couraged to call 1-800-RED-
CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go
Buy Any Fountain Drink &
Center located at 822 S. Madi-
son St. in Whiteville.
they offered to help.”
The blood drive is open to
to www.redcrossblood.org to
schedule an appointment to Get Any 6” Regular Sub Free
By sponsoring a blood the public who are at least donate blood. Walk-ins are All day Monday, October 22 only
drive, the Whiteville Rotary 17 years old or 16 years old also welcome. Exception- No Double Meat. Premium Sandwich. Extra Cheese.


Health agency says get that flu shot now 207-6333

By RAY WYCHE ment held a special drive-thru people with hospital insur-
Staff Writer clinic last Friday to emphasize ance, will not have to pay for
the need for all residents to the vaccinations.
T he Columbus County obtain the vaccine, and about Most people have insurance
Health Department has plenty 60 people took advantage of that covers the cost of the vac-
of influenza vaccine and is the special day. cinations, Smith said.
urging all county residents The flu shot clinics are open “We get very few that are
to take advantage of the vac- Mondays through Fridays cash-paying,” Smith said.
cinations to prevent or at least from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Miller
lessen the effects of the winter Building (old hospital) on Jef-
disease. ferson Street. Ray Wyche
Health Department Direc- Medicare and Medicaid 910-642-4104 ext. 229
tor Kim Smith said the depart- card holders, as well as most

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Shuck & Shag
Thursday, October 18, 5:30pm until 9pm

“Whiteville’s Leading Jewelers”
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4A - The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

New law
Crime briefs Continued from page 1-A
Three women arrested
Disorderly Shoplifters Off the streets
for cashing stolen checks
“This new law will enable Stacey Sellers’
A 17-year-old Whiteville Curtis Gowans, 24, of White- Leann pickup dur-
us to get some of these repeat
resident was arrested for dis- ville, was arrested last week T e d d e r, ing Septem-
offenders off the streets, and
orderly conduct after he was for stealing four knit tops and 28, of Mrs. b e r, p l u s
into prison where they belong.
ordered off the Central Middle two pairs of shoes from Belk Tate’s five counts
One of the best things about
School campus, and used abu- here. The items were valued R o a d , of fraud
this new law is if the defendant
sive language in response to at $205.96. White- involving
has more than six points as a
the order to leave, local police Kevana A. McGraw, 18, of ville; Lo- cashing
prior record, a conviction for
records show. Whiteville, was arrested last gan A. checks on
habitual breaking and enter- Tedder McBride
week for stealing $99.65 worth McBride, Sellers’ ac-
ing brings an automatic prison
Computers of cosmetics from Walmart
here, according to local police.
sentence of almost two years,” 29, of Mrs. Tate’s
Road and First Av-
Wa r r a n t s o b -
Wilkie said.
T i m o t hy Belonda Renee Davis, 29, of enue, Chadbourn, tained by Sheriff ’s
Lawmen across the county
John Good- Loris, S.C., was arrested last and Wanda K. Sell- Detective Rene Tre-
praised the DA’s action, and the
win, 17, of week for stealing feminine ers Jackson, 49, of vino show Sellers,
new law, which went into effect Charles Eugene Barsh
Shallotte, hygiene products and sprays Silver Spoon Road, McBride and Jack-
last November. there. They now have them,
was arrest- worth $21.94 from the Tabor Clarkton, have been son cashed a $675
“Fantastic,” said Tabor City and the criminals making
ed here last City IGA store. arrested on several check on Sept. 22;
Police Chief Donald Dowless. easy money by selling stolen
we e k o n a “Outstanding,” said White- charges of fraud Jackson one for $894.07 on
items is very frustrating here,”
f e l o ny l a r-
ceny charge
Indecent ville Police Chief Jerry Britt. Wilkie added. involving stolen
Sept. 23; one for $680
during the Sept. 22-23 period;
Goodwin Marshall O’Brian Ray, 25, Repeat offenders New ‘best friend’
for stealing “This is a great law for this Tedder is also charged one for $625 on Sept. 24, and
of New Life Church Road, She said Barsh is only the
computers and other items area, and the problems we en- with breaking into Graham one for $625 on Sept. 25.
Tabor City, has been arrested first to be arrested. At least one
from Walmart with a total counter every day with break-
on charges of taking indecent other person has been indicted
value of more than $2,900.
Local police arrested the
teen after he pushed a shop-
liberties with a juvenile girl,
plus committing a first-degree
ins and thefts,” said Sheriff
Chris Batten. “Should have
under the new guidelines for
breaking and entering, and she Lumberton men caught
in insurance fraud case
sex offense with the girl, ac- been done long ago. This will has other cases ready to be sent
ping buggy out of the store. help us in Chadbourn,” Chief
cording to warrants obtained to the grand jury.
He had a large computer, four Steven Shaw said.
by Sheriff ’s Detective Jason “I’m sifting cases and look-
laptop computers, and other “Ms. Wilkie and the DA’s of- Ronnie Earl Locklear Jr., 35, portation’s License and Theft
Soles. ing for more to indict,” Wilkie
items, including cereal, a soft fice are doing a great job with and Michael Andrew Currie, Bureau, the Department of
The acts took place in 2009, said. “A defense attorney asked
drink and Pringles’ chips in this new law. We see many 49, both of Lumberton, were ar- Insurance, Lumberton police
records show. me the other day, ‘What is this?’
his possession. of the same people over and rested last week on charges of and the Columbus County
when he saw the indictment for insurance fraud on warrants Sheriff ’s Office.
over again, and this should his client.
Stolen Marijuana be a strong deterrent to those
repeat offenders,” said Lake
“I told him, ‘This is my new
obtained by the N.C. Depart-
ment of Insurance.
Locklear and Currie are
charged with insurance fraud,
Martha best friend,’ and just smiled,” The warrants charge Lock- conspiracy to commit insur-
Jean Davis, Waccamaw Chief of Police Wilkie stated.
Rico Lee lear and Currie staged the theft ance fraud, fraud, and conspir-
50, of West Scott Hyatt. Barsh’s record of Locklear’s pickup truck, and acy to commit fraud. Locklear
Jackson, 20,
Third Street, “This new law gets these re- Barsh was convicted of Locklear reported the vehicle is also charged with making a
of Old Stake
Chadbourn, peat offenders out of society’s breaking and entering in 2008 stolen to Lumberton Police. false police report.
Road, Clar-
has been ar- way. We applaud Ms. Wilkie, involving a December 2003 Locklear also filed a claim Currie is charged with alter-
endon, was
rested on a and we’ll cooperate 150 per- break-in of Johnny Watts’ with Farm Bureau Insurance, ing a vehicle serial number.
arrested last
charge of cent,” Dowless added. I know home in Bolton, and the theft and was paid $24,108 to settle
week for
possession Davis possession Jackson we have several suspects that of three shotguns. This crime the claim. Eagle Nest Golf Course
of stolen will fit into these guidelines.” set the stage for the indict- The pickup was recovered Located In Little River, SC
of marijuana with intent to
goods on a warrant obtained More to come ment, coupled with a new in Fair Bluff on June 7, 2012 Local Appreciation Special

sell after he was found at the
by Whiteville Police Detective “With some new guidelines break-in charge. during a narcotics traffic stop, Plus Tax
County Fair with three grams After 12:00
Sgt. Tedd Dixon. put into place for scrap metal Barsh is charg ed with and an investigation was begun
of the drug. Through 10/31
Davis is charged with pos- dealers, this will definitely breaking into Jonathan Daryl by the Department of Trans-
The warrant was obtained (843) 249-1449
session on Feb. 25, 2011, of a help us with property crimes. Mintz’ home along Carver
by Sheriff ’s Drug Detective
stolen diamond ring, valued I’m sure there will be many Moore Road, Lake Waccamaw,

Aaron Herring. The officer
at $1,200, according to the more than just this first person on July 14 of this year, and
said he saw Jackson pull some-
warrant. who will face this new law,” the theft of jewelry. Barsh was
thing from his pocket, and a
Batten declared. found by Mintz in the home,
packet, containing marijuana,
“This is a great tool to ad- and one of the bullets fired
Probation fell out. A second packet and a
marijuana cigarette were also
dress the problems of a career by Mintz grazed Barsh’s leg, For the recovery or info leading to
criminal. Victims are upset reports show.
B a r r y
Loften Spauld-
when there’s usually nothing Barsh’s current probation recovery of a 2011 golf cart, Rough &
but probation given, and res- began last December and is for
ing, 26, of Tough, camo. Stolen Oct. 13 around
Carver Moore Cocaine titution is ordered. However, two years after his conviction
Ro a d , L a ke
most of these criminals can’t
or won’t pay restitution, and
in Bladen County for selling a 1 am from Wilson Auto Sales.
Travis Lee controlled substance.
W a c c a m a w,
was placed on
Bellamy, 40, of when they eventually go to The break-in and drug con- Call 910-641-7965
Timber Creek prison when their probation victions aren’t the only prior
probation for Spaulding is revoked, the restitution is
Trail, Clark- convictions for Barsh. He was
three years wiped off the books,” Britt
ton, pleaded convicted of larceny in 2008,
and ordered to pay restitu- stated.
this week here DWI in 2008 and 2010, and
tion of $3,900 Monday after he “I came here from Cleveland
to selling co- Bellamy possession of marijuana with
pleaded in Superior Court here County, and we didn’t have
caine to an un- intent to sell in 2010, records
to breaking and entering. metal recycling centers up
dercover buyer on Oct. 25, 2011 show.
Spaulding was convicted of
at his home, and was placed Saturday October 20th at 1pm
stealing items from Charles
Allred of Longwood, and was
arrested in June 2011. A prison
on probation for two years in
a Superior Court case. Best arrested as fugitive Elizabeth Brinkley Park,
Lake Waccamaw
Bellamy has a suspended K i s h a M i ch e l l e Sept. 18.
term of five to six months was 30 per team to enter
prison term of six to eight Best, 34, of Brook- She is also
suspended, and Spaulding’s
months. His prior record shows berry Apartments, charged in North OR $25 if you bring a
prior record showed a convic-
tion for DWI in 2004.
a conviction for possession of Whiteville, was ar- Myrtle Beach with nonperishable food item
stolen goods in 2004. rested this week forgery and passing
as a fugitive from a forged document
Double elimination, Prizes depend on
participation. The more participants,
Break-ins, thefts
Horry County, S.C., (uttering) of a fake
for forgery, plus forg- check on the account the bigger the prize!
ery here involving a Best of Grand Hospitality Proceeds will go to the
counterfeit check on in the name of Jerica Lake Waccamaw Police Department
s/CTn*OSH"OYD(ODGES 4UCKER$RIVE 4ABOR#ITYnTHEFT For more information call 840-7772
warrants obtained by Lake Thompson.
of golf cart, recovered in woods near old BP station near Guide-
Waccamaw Police Sgt. Rocky

way school; Camelia Watts, Cedar Branch Road, Chadbourn
Best is charged with at-
County Fatalities
tempted fraud in attempt- To this date
ing to cash a fake check for
of home along Will Inman Road, Tabor City, theft of Pioneer
$1,742.15 drawn on Cape Fear 2012 ......….……...12

speakers, Zenith and Vizio TVs, Whirlpool dryer, Frigidaire
Manor at BB&T at the lake on 2011 ……...………8
freezer, four tires, rims, Hewlett Packard desktop computer;
Total 2011...........17
Sunny View Drive, Chadbourn; Jack White, McKenzie Street, Total 2010..........26
hydraulic dump trailer; Camelia Watts, Cedar Branch Road,
74-76, Delco.
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The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 - 5A

Witness threatened Jury

Continued from page 1-A

after drug arrest thing Cox did was to remove a police chief ’s badge from a
windshield post and briefly show it to Walker after the trooper
who claimed he had been a Marine and won
the Medal of Honor.
Jamie O’Brian tective Aaron Her- requested his driver’s license and vehicle registration. If Cox lied
Shipman 35, of ring for possession Walker said he saw “Chief of Police” on the badge when it Willis said if Cox lied about being a law
W h i t e v i l l e, h a s of three Endocet was briefly displayed, but didn’t see any town mentioned. After officer “it caused no harm,” and didn’t offset
been arrested on pills and 19 Xanax Cox gave Walker his driver’s license, Walker asked, “Where you getting a speeding ticket. “Cox would have
three charges of tablets near his resi- chief at?” been a fool to try and fool Walker within eight
intimidating a wit- dence along Martin “In Chadbourn,” the 46-year-old Cox replied, according to miles of Chadbourn,” Willis argued.
ness after he tele- Luther King Jr. Av- Walker and the audio from a more than 25-minute videotape of The attorney argued that showing the
phoned threats to enue here. the traffic stop on March 15, 2011 on U.S. 74. badge wasn’t “conduct by Cox,” but was free Cox
a man. The victim Shipman Shipman is Part of statement speech.
was in a vehicle charged with Defense attorney Mike Willis argued with Walker that the Judge Croom wouldn’t dismiss the charges, and asked the
with Shipman when Ship- threatening to bur n the trooper only heard – because of noise created by passing traffic DA’s office to consider offering a plea to Cox for giving fictitious
man was arrested for the man’s home, plus threaten- – the “in Chadbourn” part of a statement Cox made that was, information to an officer, with a sizeable number of community
possession of two types of ing to kill him, and to “cut “I’m the town manager in Chadbourn.” service hours. The offer was made.
controlled medication for your head off. You’re going Walker, however, is heard on audio and testified that he asked Willis and Cox left the courtroom for 20 minutes, and declined
the purpose of sale. to need a pine box,” accord- again for Cox to verify that he was the chief in Chadbourn, and the deal.
Shipman was arrested on ing to warrants obtained on Cox answered, “Yes.” Public record
Oct. 8 by Sheriff ’s Drug De- Oct. 9. Walker said he knew Shaw to be the Chadbourn chief, and Willis also attempted to have the case dismissed on the basis
asked another question, “So you’re the chief in Chadbourn,” of pre-trial publicity by two Wilmington TV stations. Both sta-

Probation for marijuana,

even when he knew Cox wasn’t such a person. tions showed portions of the video of the traffic stop, which
Not chief Willis claimed was given to the stations by the DA’s office.
This time, Cox replied, “No, I’m not the chief, I’m driving the Willis said there were “inane” comments on blogs about the

pay for okra, chicken chief ’s vehicle.”

Walker, somewhat louder than before, said, “Back up! You
just told me you were the chief in Chadbourn.” That’s when
video and case, and he understood portions of the video made
it to YouTube.
John Burvie Spiv- from Walmart, and However, it was pointed out that the video had been placed
Cox began repeating, “I apologize” over and over. into the court file in September 2011 after a pre-trial hearing,
ey, Jr., 22, of White- given a 30-day jail
A string of defense character witnesses will be heard Thurs- and was therefore, public record, and could be copied by anyone,
ville, was fined $200 in term. He appealed to
day (today) and Cox told Judge Craig Croom he wouldn’t know and displayed anywhere.
Superior Court here Superior Court. He
until Thursday morning if he would testify.
Monday and placed
on probation after he
pleaded to possession
must pay $4.41 to the
store for the value of
the items.
Walker said he was “upset when he (Cox) pretended to be
a law officer.” Walker got the badge and saw Chadbourn on it.
Woman to pay restitution
Walker also said Cox’s license showed it had expired on Jan. 30,
of marijuana with in- A prison term of Christine Shaw, 50, Shaw stole the
J. Spivey 2011, his birthday.
tent to sell, possession four to five months who has had Fair- funds during the
The trooper is shown retreating to his unmarked car, and is
of cocaine, and misdemeanor was suspended. His prior re- mont and Irvin Enzor period of Aug. 9-29,
heard trying to reach Shaw to discuss the situation, plus calling
larceny for stealing a cup of cord shows convictions for Road, Fair Bluff, ad- records show. Shaw
his Patrol first sergeant to apprise him of the development, and
breaded okra and a bag of possession of marijuana in dresses in the past two pleaded to misde-
to ask for advice.
chicken from a local store. 2010, and possession of drug years, was ordered meanor larceny, and
Allowed to leave
Spivey was arrested in Jan- paraphernalia in 2008. Monday in Superior will be on probation
Walker eventually is heard typing a citation for speeding 78
uary 2011 with 50 grams of Cases of misdemeanor lar- Court to pay Walmart for three years. A 45-
in a 60-mph zone, and having an expired driver’s license, before
marijuana in the marijuana ceny, possession of marijuana here $1,600 in cash she Shaw day jail term was sus-
he returned to Cox and his passengers, and they drove away
case, and five months later was and paraphernalia, plus two stole from the store as pended. She had no
toward Chadbourn, after Walker returned the badge to Cox and
caught with cocaine. counts of possession of an an employee in August 2011. prior record.
told him to put it in the glove box.
Spivey was convicted in open container of alcohol, and
Walker said he allowed Cox to continue driving with the
District Court here in May of driving left of center were dis-
stealing the okra and chicken missed in his plea deal.
expired license, because it was still valid and not suspended www.whiteville.com
or revoked, the same he would do for “just about any driver.”

Clark gets probation Walker, on cross-examination, said he assumed the repeated

apology by Cox was for “his impersonation.” He admitted he
never asked why Cox was driving Shaw’s police Ford SUV. Need Cash?
Stephen Lee Clark, on term of four to five Walker angry Don’t be
Walker also admitted he was angry over the impersonation
26, of Whiteville, one
of two men caught
months. He and Wil-
liam Corey Bullard, situation, and said his “Sir?” to Cox as a truck passed was a
breaking into Ashley his co-conspirator, matter of being polite. The trooper is heard telling then-First
Electric’s offices and were caught by po- Sgt. Terry Robinson if it was up to Walker he’d handcuff Cox We can carve out
warehouse here in lice stealing a roll of and take him to the county jail. a loan that’s right
February 2011, was copper wire. Clark’s Willis attempted to get the jury to hear why Walker was trans-
placed on probation prior record shows a ferred from Columbus County, but Judge Croom didn’t want to
for you!
Clark hear Sheriff Chris Batten, whom Willis said would testify that he
for two years here this conviction for larceny
week after he pleaded in Su- in 2004. “demanded” Walker’s transfer after an incident early this year. Call today.....
perior Court to conspiracy to Bullard, 29, also of White-
commit breaking and entering. ville, was placed on probation
Willis, with the jury out, said there was a “BOLO” – Be On
Lookout For -- on a vehicle in a Fair Bluff incident involving CARDINAL
Clark has a suspended pris- last November in this case. the Sheriff ’s Office, and Walker eventually stopped the car,
questioned the driver, then allowed the driver to leave without FINANCE
Prosecution is deferred
Prosecution of fel-
notifying sheriff ’s deputies.
‘Childish, stupid’
The judge also didn’t allow Shaw to state why Walker’s tenure
608 S. Madison St.
Whiteville 642-5174
late summer of 2011
ony larceny and fraud from Ronald Junior as an auxiliary officer in Chadbourn ended a few years ago.
against Fonzie T. Spiv- Norris, and sold for Walker spent three hours on the stand, 30 minutes of it being
ey, 29, of Whiteville, scrap metal. Spivey got examined by Willis.
was deferred in Superi- $52.80 for the freezer, Walker said, in questioning by Lynn Wilkie, assistant district
or Court here Monday records show. attorney, that there was an expression of “shock” on Chadbourn

Now Serving
when he pleaded to the Spivey will be on Mayor Ken Waddell’s face when Cox claimed he was the police
theft of a commercial F. Spivey probation for a year. chief.
stainless steel freezer, It wasn’t clear if com- Waddell testified what Cox did was “childish and stupid,” and
valued at $2,000. munity service was part of his offered no statement and didn’t utter a word to Walker during
The freezer was stolen in probation.

Woman’s prosecution deferred

the vehicle stop. “I felt it was best for me to keep my mouth shut
when I saw him (Cox) show the badge,” Waddell stated.
‘Not professional’
Waddell said he never heard Cox say he was the chief or an
Soup & Chili
Adrian Samika drug to a Sherif f ’s officer, and also claimed Walker was “not professional or courte-
Bullock, 29, of Berry Drug Unit undercover ous” in his manner and demeanor that day.

Street, Fair Bluff, was buyer. Shaw, called as the second witness for the state, said he was

given deferred prosecu- She had no prior shocked when Walker told him that Cox impersonated an officer.
tion status in Superior record. She will be on “He’s not that type of person Shaw said. Cox usually becomes
Court here Monday probation for a year, nervous in person-to-person contact, but is a “fair, and may be Buy 1 Whole Sub
after she pleaded to with a requirement to
misdemeanor posses-
Bullock do 24 hours of com-
too lenient” a person in dealing with town affairs and employees.
“I couldn’t ask for a better boss,” Shaw said. Waddell said Cox
& a Large Drink &
sion of a controlled substance. munity service within 90 days.
Bullock appeared in a sale Her case costs, to be paid while
was “very truthful, and had a tendency to not to be able explain Get a 2nd Sub for
himself if nervous.”
of cocaine case, brought in on probation, include paying Of equal or lesser value. Additional charge for extras
Eleven excused
January 2011 for selling the $600 for a lab fee by the SBI. added to subs. Not valid with any other promotion.
Eleven jurors were excused Monday and Tuesday in the se- Must present coupon. Expires Oct. 24, 2012.
lection process, including all with a Chadbourn address. Most
Two students disorderly Wednesday of the seated jurors were from Whiteville, and eastern parts of
Juvenile petitions will be sought against two 15-year-old male the county.
students at Whiteville High School after disorderly incidents In pre-trial arguments Tuesday, Willis wanted a dismissal
Wednesday at the school, local police report. based on a recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Stolen
The first was at 12:10 p.m. when an angry boy grabbed a Valor controversy – making it unlawful for a person to claim
teacher. The second involved a boy angry because a teacher to be a veteran and have been awarded a decoration for valor,
took his cell phone during class. He threw a chair against a desk including the Medal of Honor.
at 12:50 p.m., and damaged some plants at the school entrance Willis said the court ruled such a claim was free speech, S. Madison St., Whiteville • 642-3930
when leaving. although it might be a lie, and threw out a conviction of a man

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6-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

Columbus Regional not touched

by national meningitis outbreak
By JEFFERSON WEAVER land Compounding at the the tainted materials, then just
Staff Writer time,” she said. made it a point to inform and
As soon as the announce- educate everyone about the
The fungal meningitis out- ment about the injections be- problem.”
break that has killed two peo- came public, Kamberger said, The Centers for Disease
ple in North Carolina has not the hospital checked all its Control (CDC) said Wednes-
affected Columbus Regional supplies of similar products, day it is working with state
Health Care in Whiteville, and began notifying medical and local health departments
hospital officials say. practitioners of the potential and the Food and Drug Admin-
The outbreak was discov- for problems. istration (FDA) on the investi-
ered after a shipment of in- “It has really had no effect gation, which involves around
jections used to treat spinal here,” she said. “We got the 20 states. Affected patients
patients was found tainted word out, and took proper received a steroid injection
with a fungus that causes steps.” into the spinal area.
meningitis. The disease can be Kamberger emphasized The investigation also in-
deadly, and has affected dozens that the strain of meningitis cludes fungal infections as-
of treatment centers across currently being investigated sociated with injections in a
the country. cannot be passed through per- peripheral joint space, such
All the tainted injections son to person contact. as a knee, shoulder or ankle,
came from New England “It isn’t like a cold or the the CDC says.
Compounding. The pharma- flu,” she said. “This is spread Officials are referring any
ceutical manufacturer has only through the injections, patients who have symptoms
since recalled all the affected and we had none of this prod- that suggest possible men-
products and closed its doors uct here anyway.” ingitis or a possible periph-
pending completion of an in- The hospital immediately eral joint infection to their
vestigation. As of Wednesday, began communicating with physicians who can evaluate
19 people have died across all health professionals in its them further. Those patients
the country from the tainted network as soon as the notice injected in peripheral joints
medicines, and more than 200 came out from the state Divi- only are not believed to be at
sickened. sion of Public Health, Kam- risk for fungal meningitis but
Miranda Kamberger of berger said. could be at risk for joint infec-
Columbus Regional said the “We didn’t have to notify tion, the CDC said.
outbreak has not affected the any patients because we had
Jefferson Weaver
local hospital. nothing affected by the recall,”
910-642-4104 ext. 227
“We did not have anything she said. “We double-checked jeffweaver@whiteville.com
on our shelves from New Eng- to make sure we had none of

One stop voting begins today

By NICOLE CARTRETTE The 2008 presidential elec- be registered.
Staff Writer tion brought with it a 45.57 per- The deadline to register to
cent voter turnout in Columbus vote on Election Day has passed
One stop, early voting in the County. More than 16,803 ballots but individuals who missed
Nov. 6 General election begins were cast and the total number the deadline can participate in
today (Thursday) at the Colum- of registered voters in the same day registration at any
bus County Board of Elections county at the time was 36,874. one-stop site in the county. See
office. One-stop voting will be held a special section in today’s edi-
Board of Elections Director at the Columbus County Board tion for satellite one-stop loca-
Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist
Carla Strickland said she is of Elections Oct. 18 through tions, candidate profiles, and
anticipating one of the largest
voter turnouts in the county
Nov. 3.
One-stop voting hours at the
other elections information.
Elections coverage continues
Pet fundraiser
history. Registered voters in Board of Elections office are with additional candidate in- Families First of Whiteville held its annual PAWS walk recently to raise money for vic-
the county reached 37,442 as of Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.- terviews on Monday. tims of domestic violence and their pets. Participants walked from Courthouse Circle
Oct. 13. 5 p.m. and from 8:30-1 p.m. on to downtown and back.
There are 24,149 registered Saturday Nov. 3. Nicole Cartrette
Democrats, 6,228 registered One-stop absentee voting is 910-642-4104 ext. 225
open to any registered voter and

Beer & Wine

Republicans and 7,027 inde- nicolecartrette@whiteville.com
pendents. county residents who may not

Columbus County’s Millie-Christine Making Supplies In Stock!

subject of Sunday program here
By RAY WYCHE northeast of Whiteville in 1851 a cemetery that soon was no
• Bottles • Yeast
Staff Writer and died in the same commu-
nity Oct. 8 and 9, 1912.
longer being used, and the
defunct historical society was • Cleaning Agents
• Mashes • Barrels
Millie -Christine, Columbus She performed in circuses instrumental in the placing of
County’s famous conjoined and theatres in Europe and a roadside historical marker
twins, will be the subject of the United States before going on old U.S. 74-76 in the 1960s.
two speakers Sunday at a 3 into semi-retirement in a large Later the society asked the
p.m. program at Westmin- house she had built in Welches state Archives and History
ster Presbyterian Church on
Franklin Street.
Millie-Christine was con-
Division to move the grave to
the maintained Welches Creek
The program is part of
the literary series sponsored
sidered extremely wealthy and
bought the land where she was
Cemetery, which was done in
December 1969.
Starter Kits
by the Reuben Brown House born as a slave, giving plots of Last Saturday, Oct. 13, a
Preservation Society and is the former plantation of her ceremony commemorating the
open to the public. extended family. centennial month of Millie-
Brenda McKoy T roy, a She was known for sharing Christine’s death was held
great-great-great niece of the her wealth with her neigh- at the cemetery, where the
twins, and Ray Wyche, presi- bors of both races who were historical society had erected
dent of the Columbus County
Historical Society that has
in need.
She was a talented singer
a granite stone, and at the
home of a deceased great-
1675 North Roberts Ave., Lumberton
ceased to exist, will discuss
the twins (who always referred
and dancer and was highly
intelligent, having learned to
great nephew, Homer McKoy.
An estimated 100 collateral
to herself in the singular) speak several European lan- descendants of the famous
who became world famous as guages fluently. twins were present.
a show personality and who Millie died of tuberculosis
did command performances Oct. 8, 1912, and Christine died
17 hours later, the following Ray Wyche
before European royalty.
day. 910-642-4104 ext. 229
Millie-Christine was born
into slavery in Welches Creek The twins were buried in

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The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 – 7-A

County Fair Prize winners:

Heyward wins football tickets
Helena Heyward of Clark- Jonathan Rawls of Northwood
ton won the UNC-Maryland Assembly Church;
college football tickets at The s#ORN (OLE GAME BOARDS
News Reporter’s booth at the Marygrace Taylor of North-
County Fair last week. wood Assembly Church;
Prize winners at the County s4 SHIRTS ,INDA(EWETTAND
Fair’s Xtreme Youth Connec- Jess Edwards.
tion Rally Sunday afternoon Natalie Carroll, chairman
include the following: of the Christian rock music
s ) 0 O D 4O U C H + A T E L Y N event geared toward youth,
Beck of Union Valley Baptist said three good sized boxes
Church; of food were collected for the
s&OUR  7ALMART GIFT “Blessing in a Bag” Project,
cards, Michael Worthington which provides food for chil-
of Mt. Calvary Original Free- dren whose only meals some-
will Baptist Church, Wayne times are those they receive
Davis of Piney Forest Baptist during school.
Church, Eddie Williams of Pop-top cans of soup, Vienna
Whiteville Assembly of God sausage and such, crackers and
Church, and Harry Ransom of other non-perishables that are
Mt. Calvary Original Freewill easy for children to prepare are
Baptist Church; distributed to those children
s6IZIO 3MART  INCH 46 for holidays and weekends.

Outdoor Concert
& Movie
Saturday October 20th
Bring a blanket & chair
Concert The Staffsmen - 6 pm
Movie “The Grace Card” - 7 pm
506 Lee Street, Whiteville
Whiteville Church of God
Rev. Charlrean B.
Special Guest Speaker
Staff photos by Fuller Royal
Welcome homecoming Jonathan Barfield, Jr.
Whiteville High School held its an-
nual homecoming parade last Friday.
The parade featured the WHS home-
coming court, the WHS Band and the
Central Middle School Band.The WHS The officers and members of St. Mark
JROTC led the parade. Trailers full of A.M.E. Zion Church, 119 Virgil Street,
Whiteville, NC request the honor of
various club members completed the your presence at the Appreciation
Wolfpack convoy. Service for our Pastor, Reverend
Charlrean Batten Mapson, on Sun-
day, October 21, 2012, at 11:00 a.m.
Our guest speaker for this auspicious

Revaluation occasion will be the Honorable Jona-

than Barfield, Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover County Commis-
sioners, Associate Pastor of New Beginning Christian Church and
Continued from page 1-A
owner of Barfield Associates Realty, LLC.

go up on the value of lakefront show actual property values for “I didn’t get a chance to wanted to see quotes from ad- Dinner will be served immediately following the service at the
Whiteville City School Board Civic Room, 107 West Walter Street,
property.” individual parcels of land but speak,” Gore said. ditional firms.
Gore suggested things had
changed “because of the recent
is a set of rules, compiled data
and other information used in
“The attorney would advise
us if we were doing something
The last revaluation began
in 2004 with new values in place
Please join us!
sales we have had.” the process. wrong,” McKenzie said. by 2005 and resulted in an aver-
Commissioner Buddy Byrd Gore said each property County Attorney Mike Ste- age property value increase of
asked about property at Lake owner in the county will receive phens said that Gore had satis- 35 to 40 percent. Gore has said
Waccamaw that was not wa- notice of the new value for their fied the statutory requirements little change is expected this
terfront. property and will have the op- but the board had the discretion year and averages to about a 2.5
“Subdivisions went up a portunity to appeal that value, to give the public more time to percent increase overall.
little bit,” Gore said. at that time. comment if they chose to do so. State law dictates that re-
“A newer house may go up During the last revaluation “I have to advertise again,” valuations be conducted at
a little bit,” Gore said of all in 2004-2005 when the average Gore said. least every eight years. Some
property in the county. Tuesday increase was 30 to 40 percent, “Next time it will be over,” counties have them more often.
he said homes built in the 2000s Gore said about 1,500 appeals McKenzie said. Gore could not say how many
may have increases. were heard. Then in yet another motion, parcels of land had value in-
“I had some calls,” Commis-
sioner James Prevatte said.
Many were landowners who
had 10 or more acre tracts of
Byrd called for the schedule to
be placed in all county libraries.
creases but said the increases
were very small, if any. offered every Tuesday night at
“I’d like to have another public
farmland not in the state’s pres-
ent use program that essentially
Russ seconded the motion with
the full board in approval.
He added that after the valua-
tion is complete, commissioners Forest Lawn Baptist Church
Prevatte said property own- reduces the taxed value of the In 2010, commissioners con- have the opportunity to set a
ers told him they had “not
had access” to the 150 pages
Gore said open land may in-
tracted with Inland Associates,
a Loris, S.C. real estate apprais-
revenue neutral tax rate.
Some counties with much ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING IN

of guidelines used to assess crease in value by roughly $100 al firm, to conduct an in-house lower tax rates have higher land
property for the upcoming re- per acre in the new valuation. revaluation at $170,00. values.
valuation. The use value guidelines are Under the terms of the origi- In 2005, a tax rate that was
“I haven’t found a single set by the N.C. Department of nal proposal with Inland Asso- 78 cents per $100 value was re-
person that has property they Revenue. ciates, the revaluation project duced to 73 cent per $100 value.
think has gone up 2.5 percent,” “Buildings is where most of would have cost county taxpay- In subsequent years it crept up
Prevatte said of the average
increase Gore has reported
the value increased, not land,”
Gore said.
ers $205,000 but Gore negotiated
a better rate after the board
and today is set at 81.5 cents per
$100 value.
• Drug & Alcohol Abuse and Family Support
overall. McKenzie hinted that he • Anger • Food Addictions
Gore said not all property wanted to see actual changes.
would increase in value. Some
may drop. Some may see slight
G o re s a i d t h e d r a f t o f
changed values had not been
Mount Zion Baptist Church • Sexual Addictions • Eating Disorders
increases and some may stay approved by the board yet and 9512 Red Hill Road, • Adult Children of Family Dysfunction
about the same, he said.
Gore, who advertised the
approval of the schedule came
Whiteville, NC • Physical/Emotional/Sexual Abuse
will celebrate its

public hearing as required, “It could be unofficial,” McK-
was concerned about a delay in
the process by holding another
enzie said of the actual values.
“Put unofficial on there.” OUR MISSION
hearing and said the document “It’s not that much differ-
To provide a safe, confidential, anonymous,
was available for public viewing
at his office.
ent,” Gore said of value chang-
Anniversary accepting, spirit-filled environment for recovery.
“I’m not arguing with you, “We have to pacify the con- and To come alongside the broken and hurting.
Mr. Gore,” Prevatte said. “I
think we should have another
stituents – those are the people
we work for,” McKenzie said.
public hearing.” Prevatte made a motion to
Sunday Contacts: Pastor Jim - 843-503-3699
Commissioner Amon McK- reschedule the public hearing Lynn Williams - 910-499-1336
enzie said he wanted the sched- to the next commissioners October 21
ule placed in all of the county meeting. Commissioner Ricky Timmy Lanier - 910-625-5239
libraries. Bullard seconded the motion Featured speaker will be William J. Blanton
Thank you Good Shepherd House for your support.
“I want it put in the librar- and the board agreed in a unani- Special music provided by Alex Bryan and friends
ies,” McKenzie said. “This is mous vote.
their lives. People say they
haven’t seen it.”
The board voted before Gore
had a chance to comment on
Dinner on the grounds immediately following worship
Gore emphasized that the how it would impact the pro- Pastor Dr. M.L. Boone 16025 James White Hwy., Tabor City
schedule of values does not cess. Everyone Welcome forestlawncr@yahoo.com
8-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rates will rise, CEO says

Four County Electric by approximately five and ing was a special occasion,
Membership Cooperative a half percent beginning in marking the 75th anniver-
customers will see a slight January 2013. sary of the co-op.
increase in their bills next For the average home- Four County is headquar-
year. owner this will cost an extra tered in Burgaw, and serves
CEO Mitchell Keel told $7 per month. parts of Pender, Sampson,
the crowd at last week’s “Whenever the power bill Bladen, Columbus and Dup-
annual meeting that the goes up beyond what we can lin counties.
increase was inevitable, but absorb we have no choice The meeting this year was
still far below that of other but to pass the costs along,” held in Elizabethtown, and
utility companies. stated Keel. despite heavy downpours,
Rates have not increased At the same time, Keel saw around 626 registered
for four years, Keel ex- said, the co-op will still issue members, with more than
plained, but wholesale power capital credits to its mem- 1,200 people attending.
costs are continuing to rise. bers from the 2011 year. The anniversary was also
“Wholesale power costs A capital credit refund of marked by the delivery of
from our power supplier $593,000—representing 50 the co-op’s history book.
A popular feature at the newly remodeled IGA grocery – now known as KJ’s – is the full have gone up every year over percent of the capital credits Lighting Rural Communities,
service deli. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, the deli is already gaining a reputa- the past four years,” he said. on the books for 1983, and by Jefferson Weaver, details
tion for its breakfast offerings and home cooking. “Retail rates will increase four percent of capital cred- the cooperative’s early days,
its from 2011. growth, formation, and oth-
Members will receive er details.

Grocery promises same service, newer store Free seminars capital credit refunds in
early December.
The book was free to all
registered members who at-

By JEFFERSON WEAVER South Carolina,” he said. “We becue chicken,” Suggs said,
at the college Capital credits are a re-
tur n of the money taken
tended the meeting.
Entertainment was pro-
Staff Writer concentrate on an old-fash- “but I tried some of ours, and The Southeastern Com- in by the co-op over what it vided by the Dove Brothers
ioned shopping experience.” I hate to say it – it might have munity College Small Busi- costs to operate the utility. Quartet and David Brown-
There is a new name on the The store’s new deli is gain- been better.” “We are pleased that the ing, the Mayberry Deputy.
ness Center will offer free
sign, and a new look to the ing a reputation as a breakfast While the deli has drawn Cooperative’s financial con- Eugene Jordan, Steve
seminars in the coming
store, but Whiteville’s KJ’s provider, he said, offering a lot of attention, Suggs said, dition allows this refund to Matthis, and Ronald Allen
grocery store still empha- grits, bacon, sausage, and the entire store is new, from our members,” stated Keel. were also reelected to the
To pre-register or for more
sizes old-fashioned customer most other traditional break- top to bottom. The 63rd annual meet- board of directors.
information, call (910)642-
service. fast dishes. “We have new shelving,
7141, ext. 296, 397 or 425.
“That was drilled in to me “We have great cooks back wider aisles, new freezers
Personal Credit 101 for
by my first boss, when I was there, people who know what and refrigerated lockers, new
your Business will be held
16,” said manager Carlisle people like and how to make floors, and a new décor,” he
Monday, Oct. 29, 6-9 p.m. in
Take Charge of Your Future.
Suggs. “That’s what I love it,” he said. “We had people said. “We appreciate all the
asking for livers and gizzards, T-Building, room 120.
about this company – they compliments – people seem to
and now we have them avail- This free seminar focuses
focus on customer service.” agree with us that it’s a nice
able. You have to listen to your store, and an attractive one. on factors that make up cred- Create and implement a strategy designed to help
KJ’s recently completed a
customers to keep them satis- “I have a lot of senior citi- it scoring and how to over- you achieve your long-term financial goals.
million-dollar-plus renovation
fied and coming back.” zens tell me KJ’s has that ‘old come negative credit issues.
of the store. In the past, Suggs Do something positive for yourself. Call today for a
Birthday cakes and other time’ feel they like in a grocery Participants will lear n no-cost, no-obligation portfolio review. Together, we
said, it was a Wilson’s and a
fresh desserts are available store. We want people to be how to respond to negative can create a strategy that’s right for you based on
Piggly Wiggly before becom-
daily, he said, and full meals comfortable and enjoy shop- credit ratings, how to build your current situation, objectives and risk tolerance.
ing an IGA.
are available for lunch and ping here.” better credit and how to
KJ’s is just a new name for Edward Jones ranked “Highest in Investor
the same IGA brand, Suggs dinner. The fried, rotisserie While large chains use a engage creditors more suc-
Satisfaction with Full Service Brokerage
said. and barbecue chicken specials one-size-fits-all rule, Suggs cessfully on current or past Firms” according to the J.D. Power and
“It’s still a small chain, per- are very popular. said the offerings at KJ’s are credit relationships. Associates 2012 Full Service Investor
Choosing the Right Busi- Satisfaction StudySM.
haps 40 stores, in North and “I love my momma’s bar- tailored to the market and the Edward Jones received the highest numerical score among full
community. ness Entity will be held service brokerage firms in the proprietary J.D. Power and
Associates 2012 Full Service Investor Satisfaction StudySM.
“We try to have associated Tuesday, Oct. 30, 6-9 p.m. in Study based on responses from 4,401 investors who used
products closer together, and T-Building, room 120. full-service investment institutions. Fourteen investment firms
that received a representative sample of investor opinions were
have plenty of them,” he said. The free seminar will measured on seven factors: investment advisor; investment
performance; account information; account offerings;
“We don’t have plans made to teach participants the ad- commissions and fees; website; and problem resolution.
Proprietary study results are based on experiences and
satisfy someone in a corporate vantages and disadvantages perceptions of consumers surveyed in February 2012. Your
office – we try to stock our of C-Corporations, Limited experiences may vary. Rating may not be indicative of future
performance and may not be representative of any one client’s
shelves to keep our customers Partnerships, Sole Propri- experience because it reflects an average of experiences of
responding clients. Visit jdpower.com.
happy.” etorship, S-Corporations,
The store is located on Jef- and Limited Liability Com-
Eric G Lanier, AAMS®
ferson Street in Whiteville,
Financial Advisor
and within days, Suggs said,
G Lanier

the last remodeling touches 117 West Main

28472 Advisor
will be completed.
“We’ve finished the store,” W.B. & Dockers Whiteville, NC
117 West www.edwardjones.com
Main Street
at Emporium
Member SIPC
he said, “and now we’re wait-
ing to repave the parking lot. Whiteville, NC 28472
At that point, everything will 910-642-3001
be new, but we will still be the W. B. and the Dockers will www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC

same grocery store people perform Friday, Oct. 19, from

have so kind to support. We 7 to 9 p.m. at the Vineland Em-
like knowing our customers porium. Band members are
by name, and being there to Woodrow Noble, Preston Gore
help them.” and Richard and Karen Gore.

Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist

Pine Tree Festival

s Colu us i c ool r or d
durin in r s iv l r d in Bol on urd .
s iv l rin s color, usic, ood nd s o
own c r.

Jeff Jackson Glenn Ray Revice Butler

Agency LUTCF Agent
Manager Agent 642-8206
642-8206 642-8206

Teddy Tedder Lynn Simmons James Edwards

Agent Agent Agent
642-8206 642-8206 642-8206

Jeff Register Mike Waddell Julie Ward

654-1100 Agent Agent
654-1100 654-1100

113 West Smith St.
705 North Brown St.
Chadbourn Johnson Equipment Co.
910-642-8206 910-654-1100 1590 Vinson Blvd., Brunswick, NC 28424 • (910) 642-6051
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 – 9-A

Deer Breaking the Silence Rally

Continued from page 1-A
Families First Inc. will host This is one of several activi-
Thus far, though, the days, when you could hunt according to biologists, and hunters have a bad experi- a candlelight vigil to bring ties planned to commemorate
opening week of the sea- anywhere, and everyone was both officers said hunters ence dealing with hunters. awareness to the issue of Domestic Violence Awareness
son hasn’t been as busy as respectful. should play their part by “We need to project a domestic violence. Families Month, which is recognized
usual, according to Wildlife Under the Landowner taking more antlerless deer. positive image to the non- First will honor the survivors nationally, statewide, and lo-
officers. Protection Act, we have an- “If you shoot a little spike hunting public,” Rogers of domestic violence as well cally. For more information
“We have had a few calls other law enforcement tool buck with hor ns as long explained. “That includes as remember those victims call 642-5996.
about trespassing and people to help the landowner and as your finger, where’s the following the laws and safety who died this year in North
hunting improperly from the honest hunter.” trophy in that?” Hinson said. rules.” Carolina. As of Oct.11, 48 vic- QUOTES
tims have died due to domestic
the roadside,” said Wildlife Courtesy extends long after “Let him grow up to be a Hinson said one of the
violence. The event will be
Enforcement Officer Keith the hunt as well, Hinson said. big deer later on. Take a doe most important things hunt-
held Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. He that cannot forgive others
Rogers, “but really, opening “It’s illegal to dump the or two—the meat is often ers can do is share their love
at Vineland Station depot. breaks the bridge over which
day wasn’t as busy as we leftovers from your cleaned better, and you’ll be thinning of the outdoors.
“In addition to honoring he must pass himself; for every
expected.” deer beside the road or under the herd and allowing the “Take a young person out man has need to be forgiven.
the victims, we will present
“It could be the heat, gas a bridge,” Hinson said. bucks more food, so they can with you this year,” he said. Thomas Fuller
four ‘Good Guy’ awards to law
prices, any number of fac- “We haven’t had any re- grow bigger.” “Introduce them to hunting.
enforcement personnel, and
tors,” said Officer Charles ports of it yet, but it will Being good stewards as It’s a great way to protect the When I stand before God at
our Community Angel Award,
Hinson. happen. Bury the remains in well as representatives to future for all sportsmen.” the end of my life, I would hope
which goes to someone who
“I have also heard that a secure place, or bag them the non-hunting community has gone over and beyond to that I would not have a single
some leases are becoming properly and dispose of them is important, both officers bit of talent left, and could say,
Jefferson Weaver assist the victims and our pro-
harder to obtain for groups in a sanitary manner. said. gram” said Vickie Pait, execu- “I used everything you gave me.”
910-642-4104 ext. 227
that hunt with dogs, or for “Some hunters ask permis- As more urban residents jeffweaver@whiteville.com tive director of Families First. Erma Bombeck
all hunters, for that matter. sion from livestock producers move to the country—many
It will pick up when things to use the dumpsters where with no hunting heritage
cool off, but it has been a they put dead hogs and tur- or experience—hunters are
slow start.” keys. watched more closely.
Keep Them
Both officers said officers “It’s unhealthy and ille- The impressions left dur-
will be strictly enforcing the gal to just throw what you ing hunting season can play Happy Sweet 16th Birthday
new Landowner Protection
Act (LPA) this year.
don’t want out beside the
highway, and we will cite
out at election time, if non-
Under the LPA, land may
be posted with purple paint
anyone caught doing so with
Nicole Hinson
October 18, 2012
or surveyor’s tape along the Basic hunter safety rules
boundaries, allowing the use are paramount during deer
of fewer store-bought signs. season, Rogers said.
If you see our little
Anyone entering the land “Always know what is soccer player on
must be able to produce behind your target,” he October 18, wish her
written permission from the said. “Some rounds can pass
landowner, or face charges. through a deer—are you go- a Happy Birthday,
Posted signs are often the ing to hit a cow or a building she’s Sweet Sixteen!
targets of thieves, vandals or
scofflaw hunters who want
if you take the shot?
“What about your buddy
to play dumb about property hunting on the other side of Nicole
lines, Hinson said. the woods? Always have a
Available Now
The LPA helps eliminate clear field of fire, and iden-
Some people are gifted
some of that defense. tify your target.” with beauty and radiance.
“You can steal a sign,” he “Wearing blaze or hunter Some have the power
said, “but you can’t steal a orange is smart, and it’s the To make you feel joy from their smile.
whole tree.” law,” Hinson said. Orange But you my dear have a gift of one kind.
And that is your inner and outer beauty.
Anyone caught hunting, clothing is required for most
You’re loving and trusting and caring
fishing or trespassing with- species in most seasons. My Perfect Princess!
out written permission on “Hunting accidents have -Author Unknown
LPA posted land can be im- dropped dramatically in the God couldn’t have given us a Also Available During Our Saturday Walk-in Hours
mediately cited for trespass- state since the orange laws more perfect daughter!
ing. went into effect,” Hinson We are proud of you Injection Fee of $15 may be applicable.

Columbus Pediatrics
“It’s courtesy as much as said, “and you will be cited and the young lady you have
the law,” Rogers said. “You for not wearing a safety or-
Always put God first in your

& Adolescent Care

can’t hunt on or enter the ange cap, vest or jacket that life!
land of another without per- can be seen from all direc- We Love You!
mission in North Carolina tions. No deer is worth dying Mom & Dad 800 Jefferson Street • Suite 116, Whiteville
anyway. over.”
“Plus it’s bad manners The deer herd is still over-
Love, Mama, Daddy, 642-2642
not to ask. It’s not like the old populated in North Carolina, and Brittany #3435 #3442


& Help Others! Put Life Back

In Your Life

NOVEMBER 6-9 2012

Columbus County DREAM Center
403 Martin Luther King Ave., Whiteville
*Lunch will be served each day and stipends
for your time will be given for each of the three days.
Interested? Please contact: Sarah Gray,
Columbus County Health Department
910-640-6615 ext. 365 or sarah.gray@columbusco.org

About the presenter: Rev. Fred Gordon has traveled the world helping others. He recently returned from Jamaica where he
led a team that helps orphans learn to read, write, and receive love. To carry this ministry, Rev. Gordon has to first take charge
of his diabetes. He has learned to manage his condition through Stanford University’s Diabetes Self-Management Program.
Sponsored by funding from North Carolina Diabetes Prevention and Control Branch, the Columbus County Health Department, and space is provided by the Columbus County D.R.E.A.M. Center, Inc.
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 -- Page 10A


TABOR CITY -- LaDosca HALLSBORO -- William Hauser Sr., 67, died Monday,
DEBBIE TYMAN Stevens Fecher, 87, died Sun- Lorenzo Spears, 80, died Tues- Oct. 15, 2012. He
WHITEVILLE -- Mrs. day, Oct. 14, 2012 in Agape day, Oct. 16, 2012 at Columbus was a Vietnam
Deborah F. Tyman, 61, died Hospice of Conway, S.C. after Regional Healthcare. Veteran.
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012 at a lengthy illness. She was born Final rites will be held at The fam-
Liberty Commons. She was July 17, 1925 and was the first 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 19 at Mt. ily will receive
born in South Charleston daughter of Davis and Hattie Hebron AME Zion Church, 570 friends from noon-2 p.m.
West Va., the daughter of Cox Stevens. She was preceded Red Bug Road, Hallsboro with Thursday, Oct. 18 at Open Door
Mrs. Phyllis Ann Walker in death by her parents; one Rev. Alonzo Braggs officiating. Ministries, Elizabethtown. Fi-
Farley of Whiteville and brother, Elmer Stevens; and ex- Burial will be in Hallsboro nal rites will follow the visita-
the late Lawrence Carter husband, Ernest Leon Fecher. Memorial Park. Peoples Fu- tion at 2 p.m. with Rev. Randy
Farley. Her husband, Ron She was a bookkeeper at neral Home of Whiteville is Andrews officiating. Burial
Tyman recently preceded Carolina Department Store handling the arrangements. will be in Suggs Grove Baptist
WILEY ‘DRAGMAN’ and also worked for Columbus Viewing will be held from Church Cemetery in White
her in death in August of ALLEN JR.
this year. County Farm Bureau many noon-7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18 Oak. Balden-Gaskins Funeral
W H I T E V I L L E - - Wi l e y years. She was a member of at the funeral home and Friday,
Mrs. Tyman was employed Home of Elizabethtown is han-
“Dragman” Allen Jr., 70, of Tabor City Baptist Church. Oct. 19 one hour prior to the
with the Columbus County dling the arrangements.
FRED BENNETT Mullins died Friday, Oct. 12, She is survived by one son, service at the church. The fam-
Health Department. He is survived by his wife,
BOLTON -- Mr. Freder- 2012 at South- Conrad Stevens Fecher of ily will receive friends from 6-7
Her family held a celebra- Gayle Hauser of the home; one
ick Lynn Bennett, 62, died easter n Re- Holly Hill, Fla.; one brother, p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18 at the
tion of life for Mr. & Mrs. son, Gary “Lee” Hauser Jr.;
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012 in gional Medical Albro Stevens of Murrells In- funeral home.
Tyman, conducted by Rev. one daughter, Judy Dufault;
New Hanover Regional Center in Lum- let, S.C.; three sisters, Daphne He is survived by his wife,
Josh Bower, Wednesday, five grandchildren; two step-
Medical Center, Wilming- berton after an Stevens Gause of Willard, Louise Spears; two sons, Mike
Oct. 17 at First Presbyte- grandchildren; and two great-
ton. He was born Aug. 26, illness. Carole Davis Stevens Dusen- Spears of Irvington, N.J., Wil-
rian Church, 511 N. Thomp- grandchildren.
1950 in Columbus County, He was born April 10, 1942 in bury and Wee Rene Stevens liam Spears Jr. of Hallsboro;
son St., Whiteville. Peacock Marion County, the son of the
the son of the late Carl Ace Funeral Home handled the Turner, both of Wilmington; three sisters, Patricia S. Lundy DOUGLAS EDWIN
Bennett and Lucy Irene late Wiley William Allen and two grandchildren; and three of Hallsboro, Brenda S. Thur-
arrangements. BRYANT
Knox Bennett. He was pre- the late Geneva Jackson Al- great-grandchildren. man of Leland, Linda F. Stukes
She is survived by her SUPPLY -- Douglas Edwin
ceded in death one brother, len. He was a truck driver and Final rites were held of Wilmington; one brother,
mother, Phyllis Farley of Bryant, 49, died Sunday, Oct.
Carl “Mac” Bennett. a car dealer. He was preceded Wednesday, Oct. 17 in the In- James B. Pierce of Hallsboro;
Whiteville; and one broth- 14, 2012 at his residence.
Mr. Bennett retired from in death by one son, Ronnie man Funeral Home Chapel, one sister, Theresa Mae Free-
er, Greg Farley and wife, Final rites will be held at 1
International Paper and Allen; and one sister, Bonnie Tabor City with Rev. Hay- man of Clarkton; and 15 grand-
Beverly, of Whiteville. p.m. Monday, Oct. 22 at Cedar
was employed with Mal- A. Daniels. wood Fowler officiating. En- children.
In lieu of flowers memo- Grove Missionary Baptist
pass Construction. He had served in the S.C. tombment was in Columbus Friends may visit the family
rials may be made to First Church with Pastor Rev. Free-
He is survived by his National Guard. Memorial Park Mausoleum, at the home of Patricia Lundy,
Presbyterian Church Piano man Gause officiating. Burial
wife, Hilda Little Bennett; A graveside service was Whiteville. 944 Red Bug Road, Hallsboro.
Fund, 511 N. Thompson St., will be in Riley-Hewett Cem-
one son, Justin Bennett of held Sunday, Oct. 14 at River- In lieu of flowers, the fam-
Whiteville, N.C. 28472 or PATRICK HEWETT etery. Smith Funeral Home
Hillsborough; one daugh- side Cemetery with Rev. Jerry ily requests that memorial
the Columbus Humane So- N E W P O RT N E W S , Va . of Whiteville is handling the
ter, Amber Bennett of Orr officiating. Cox-Collins donations be made to Agape
ciety, P.O. Box 742, White- -- Patrick Hewett, 49, died arrangements. Viewing will
Delco; one brother, Darryl Funeral Home of Mullins Hospice, 2320 Hwy 378, Conway,
ville, N.C. 28472. Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 at his be held from 4-7 p.m. Sunday,
“Bud” Bennett and wife, handled the arrangements. S.C. 29526.
w w w. p e a c o c k f u n e r a l - residence. Oct. 21 in the funeral home
Martha, of Bolton; two The family is planning to have
home.net Final rites will be held at 11 chapel and Monday, Oct. 22 one
sisters, Jeanette “Bunny” a gathering for all family and ZELMA GODLEY
BREWINGTON a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 at New hour prior to the service at the
Turbeville and husband, friends at a later date to be an-
BETTY LOU SEALEY LITTLETON -- Zelma God- Hope Baptist Church, 1415 church.
Richard, of Tabor City, Ty- nounced.
ORRUM -- Betty Lou Sealey, ley Brewington, 100, died Fri- Bethel Road, Hampton, Va. He is survived by his moth-
lana “Tootsie” Bennett of He is survived by children,
78, died Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012 at Cathy Allen Church of Lum- day, Oct. 12, 2012 at Litchford Burial will be in Memorial er, Louise Hewett Bryant of
Bolton; one granddaughter, her residence. She was born in berton, Wendy Gore and Eric Gardens, Newport, News. Va. Supply; and one brother, Mar-
Falls Healthcare in Raleigh.
Erica Bennett; and his pet, Robeson County, the daughter Allen, both of Whiteville, CC Carter Funeral Home, 3314 vin N. Bryant of Holly Springs.
She was the owner and op-
Rusty. of the late Cortez and Lorena Jimmy Allen of Evergreen; Roanoke Ave., Newport News,
erator of the Littleton Beauty
Final rites will be con- Lewis Hardin. She was pre- four sisters, Mary A., Rog- Va. is handling the arrange- GARY MICHAEL ROGERS
Salon. Zelma was a longtime
ducted at 2 p.m. Friday, ceded in death by her husband, ers, Margie A. Lewis, Joan A. ments. Smith Funeral Home WHITEVILLE -- Gary Mi-
member of Weavers Chapel
Oct. 19 in the Peacock Fu- Hal Sealey. of Whiteville is announcing chael Rogers, 24, died Wednes-
Rogers and Barbara A. Goble, United Methodist Church. She
neral Home Chapel with A graveside service will be all of Mullins, S.C.; and nine for the family. day, Oct. 17, 2012 at his resi-
was member of the Women’s
Elgin Cribb officiating. held at 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19 grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, dence.
VFW Auxiliary.
Interment will be in Lake at Proctorville Cemetery, Or- Kimberly Hewett of the home; Arrangements are incom-
A memorial service will be
Waccamaw Hillcrest Cem- rum, with Rev. Donnie Paschal JESSIE PORTER GODWIN one daughter, Jasmine Hewett; plete and will be announced by
held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct.
etery. The family will re- officiating. Meares Funeral one son, Patrick Hewett Jr.; his Peoples Funeral Home.
HALLSBORO -- Jessie Por- 20 at Columbus Memorial Park
ceive friends from 6-8 p.m. Home of Fair Bluff is handling ter Godwin, 101, died Tuesday, parents, Perry and Virginia
in Whiteville.
Thursday, Oct. 18 at the fu- the arrangements. The family Oct. 16, 2012 at Columbus Re- Hewett of Hampton, Va.; two
She is survived by three VELMA LONG OAKLEY
neral home. will receive friends from 7-9 gional Healthcare. brothers, Marcus O. Hewett,
sons, Haywood Corbett of WHITEVILLE -- Velma Long
A special thanks to care- p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18 at the USMC Central Forces Overseas
Final rites will be held at Whiteville, David Corbett of Oakley, 95, died Thursday, Oct.
givers Jenny and Tony funeral home. and Deon Hewett of Hampton, Va.
2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 21 at New Tabor City, Willis Pinnell of 18, 2012 at Columbus Regional
Parker and Ida Byrd. She is survived by one son, Light Baptist Church, Halls- Manassas, Va.; one daughter, Healthcare.
Online condolences may Terry Sealey of Lumberton; boro with Pastor Franklin TANYA MAE LONG
June Thames of Raleigh; three Arrangements are incom-
be made at wwwpeacockfu- one daughter, Vickie Lane of Graham officiating. Burial TABOR CITY -- Tanya Mae
grandchildren; and four great- plete and will be announced by
neralhome.net Barnesville; two sisters, Ina will be in New Hope Cemetery, Long, 35, died Saturday, Oct. 13,
grandchildren. McKenzie Mortuary.
Ruth Horne of Bladenboro, Council. Union Funeral Home 2012 at her residence.
The family requests that
HARVEY DAVID Myrtle Rose McKeithian of of Whiteville is handling the A graveside service will be
memorials be made to the char-
RICHARDSON Lumberton; three grandchil- arrangements. Viewing will ity of one’s choice.
held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. Happy Birthday in
CLARENDON -- Harvey dren; amd four great-grand- be held from 1-7 p.m. Saturday, 17 in Harley Ford Cemetery. Heaven
David Richardson, 64, died
Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 in Thom-
children. Oct. 20 in the funeral home cha- Sacred Heart CC
Inman Funeral Home of Tabor
City is handling the arrange-
Josephine Jones
pel and Sunday, Oct. 21 follow-
ments. Davis
asville Medical Center. Born in
Conway, S.C., he was the son of LLOYD CURTIS
ing the service at the church.
Family and friends will be
to hold yard sale October 20, 1924-April 23, 2011

Card of
the late Annie Mae Martin and S a c re d H e a r t C at h o l i c
HALLSBORO -- Lloyd Cur- received at the home of Mr. and
Harvey Dewey Richardson. In Church will hold its annual
tis Mitchell, 88, died Monday, Mrs. Daniel Godwin, 396 Clyde
addition to his parents, he was
preceded in death by a grand-
Oct. 15, 2012 at Southeastern
Regional Medical Center in
Collier Road, Hallsboro. yard sale Saturday, Oct. 27
from 7 a.m.-2 p.m rain or shine. Thanks
There will be a variety of toys,
No service will be held
at this time. Inman Funeral
Final rites will be held at Homecoming at household items and clothes.
No baked goods.
Home of Tabor City is han-
dling the arrangements.
11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 at
Rehobeth AME Zion Church, Mishop Springs The church is located across
from the hig school on Lee
He is survived by two daugh- Clarkton. Burial will be in
Cutler Cemetery, Lake Wac- Mishop Springs United Street.
ters, Tammy Nobles of Fair Methodist Church, 2756 Pine For more information call
Bluff, Vicky Benson of Thom- camaw. Peoples Funeral Home
of Whiteville is handling the Log Road, Whiteville, will have 642-3895.
asville; four sons, Andrew homecoming on Oct. 28. Lunch
arrangements. Viewing will be
Richardson, Robert Richard- will be served on the grounds. The family of Wualeina
son, Sammy Richardson, all of held from noon-7 p.m. Friday,
The Rev. Willie Allen, pastor, Burns wish to express our
Clarendon, David Richardson Oct. 19 at the funeral home and
and the congregation invite heartfelt and sincere grat-
of Thomasville; four sisters, Saturday, Oct. 20 one hour pri- Bankruptcy itude to all our relatives,
or to the service at the church. everyone to attend, especially
Eula Mae Tucker of Longs, past, present and regular mem- Stop Foreclosures friends who showed us so
S.C., Martha Richardson of The family will receive friends
from 6-7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19 at bers. Get A Fresh Start much love and concern
Raleigh, Dottie Lowrimore of The Rev. Robert (Bob) Rattz and kindness during our
Autryville, Joan Richardson of the funeral home.
will give the 11 a.m. sermon Attorney time of bereavement. We Mothers hold their Children’s
Thomasville; three brothers, He is survived by one son, hands for just a little while...but
and the Rev. Karl Zorowski James thank everyone for their
Tommy Richardson of Dunn, Curtis Bernard Mitchell of their hearts forever.
will speak at 7 p.m., beginning Robbins prayers, cards, food and
Jimmy Todd of Conway, S.C., Bermuda. I kneel and I pray,
a four-day revival. The Rev. Al visits, and their donations, Asking God to be with me, as I
Bill Cox of Loris, S.C.; and five Marshburn will speak at 7 p.m.
922 S. Madison St. calls and the love that was face each day.
grandchildren. Whiteville shown to us. Your prayers I understand the emptiness and

Steak plate sale SDA Church

Monday, the Rev. Shannon Ross
will speak at 7 p.m. Tuesday & thoughtfulness has been the sorrow too,
and the Rev. Neill Smith will CALL 642-4860 a great source of strength
Because “My precious mother

at Beaverdam Women’s Day

has gone to heaven above.
speak at 7 p.m. Wednesday. www.bankruptcylawwebsite.com for our family. May God
continue to bless you all. You left now a year and six
Beaverdam Original Free- The Praise Tabernacle SDA The Burns & Bellamy months ago
will Baptist Church will have Families
its annual steak plate sale
Church Women’s Ministry will
have its annual Women’s Day
Happy 2nd #3434 Mamie Davis & Family
Friday, Oct. 26 from 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20. The theme is Anniversary in Heaven
until 6 p.m. at the church, eat
in or take out. Deliveries will
be made for five or more plates.
Women on the Move, the color
theme is green, and the pro-
of Whiteville, Inc.
gram will begin with church
Ribeye steak, baked potato,
salad and cake are included.
study at 10 a.m. followed by “Service with Dependability,
divine worship at 11:30 a.m.
For more information call A Women on the Move pre-
Distinction, and Dignity”
Odis Cribb, 840-5415; Glenn
Cribb, 80-1365; or the church,
sentation will be made at 3 We offer Oct. 21, 1945 ~ Apr. 10, 2011
p.m. and Ladies Night Out will
653-4713. begin at 7:30 p.m. Pre-need Planning
and Insurance
Regardless of Age
or Health Condition
Highway 130 East, Whiteville
Phone (910) 642-4055     
Fax (910) 642-8535 

Visit our website:

www. peoplesofwhiteville.com Love, Bernice #3418 www.mckenziemortuary.net
LaDeen Powell, C.O.O.
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 -- Page 11A

Magnolia MBC to Health fair Saturday at VIJM Vietnam Veterans Bolton COGIC to hold Family/
hold homecoming/ #962 to hold
harvest Oct. 21
Victory In Jesus Ministries Church is sponsoring a health Friends Day Oct. 28
fair on Saturday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at VIJM, 132 West
main Street, Whiteville next door to Off Price Outlet. Activities
fundraiser Nov. 16 Bolton Church of God in Christ will hold its Family and
Magnolia Missionary Bap- The Vietnam Veterans #962 Friends Day Sunday, Oct. 28 at 5 p.m. The guest speaker will be
are open to the public and designed to increase healthy people of
tist Church of Crusoe Island will hold its annual Boston Rev. Lester Jacobs of Greenville.
Columbus County. Special emphasis will be on persons ages18
will hold its homecoming/ Butt fundraiser Friday, Nov. 16.
and older.
harvest Sunday, Oct. 21 at 10 Tickets are $20.
The Light Program (Life skills, Inspiration, God’s Word, His
a.m. The guest speaker will be The fundraiser will be held
Will, our Talents) under the auspices of the Columbus County
Rev. Leroy Long. at 1028 S. Madison Street,
Health Department features parish nurses to educate the lo-
Lunch will follow in the fel- Whiteville.
cal faith community. This is one of the strategies to inform
lowship hall. For tickets call Denise Sell-
the public about the negative state of the health of the county
Rev. Ralph Gore is the pas- ers at 642-8625 or Dale Spivey
population, which includes a three-year ranking of having the
tor. at 653-3128.
worst health in North Carolina.
Various screenings such as blood sugar, blood pressure, BMI, Pick up is from 4-6 p.m.
Baldwin Branch BC height and weight will be held. Tickets must be presented at
time of pickup.
to hold Wonderous Health professionals, led by Pat Ray, a parish nurse, will con-
duct educational sessions on chronic diseases such as obesity, There will be a limited num-
Wednesday, Oct. 31 heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and HIV/STD. They will ber of walk-ins available.
also discuss nutrition and exercise in relation to one’s lifestyle.
Baldwin Branch Baptist
Church will hold a Wonderous
Persons may also receive flu shots by using their insurance Chadbourn Baptist
such as Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Persons
Wednesday service Oct. 31 at without insurance may pay $31 for a flu shot. to hold trunk or treat
7:30 p.m. immediately follow- Pastor Tracey A. Troy is senior pastor at VIJM. Interested Chadbourn Baptist Church
ing Bible class. persons can receive daily motivational inspiration on her will hold a trunk or treat Sat-
The church is located at Facebook page. urday, Oct. 27 from 5-7 p.m. in
4047 N.C. 242 Hwy. South in For more information, contact the VIJM office at 642-5416 or the parking lot.
Elizabethtown. through the website at victoryinjesusministries.org. The church is located at the
Rev. Louie Boykin is the corner of Howard and 4th Ave.
Happy Home BC to Godwin reunion set The event is sponsored by area
churches and the Chadbourn
hold fall festival Sunday, Nov. 4 Police Department.
Watts-Watts reunion Happy Home Baptist A family reunion for the
set Sunday, Oct. 28 Church of Nakina will hold descendants of Albert and
Descendants of the late its fall festival Saturday, Oct. Lorena Godwin is planned for
Cortis O’Dell Watts and the late 20 from 5-7 p.m. There will be Sunday, Nov. 4 in the Beaver-
Eva Belle Watts-Watts will hold fun and games and a hayride dam Fellowship Hall at 1 p.m.
its 39th annual family reunion for all ages. Bring a covered dish.
Sunday, Oct. 28 at the home of Richard Collins is the pas- For more information call
Grady and Pauline Watts, 2761 tor. 653-3663.
E. Hwy. 9 business in Loris,
S.C. The reunion will start at Love Grove FWBC Happy Home BC to
11 a.m. and lunch will be at
1 p.m. Family members are to hold revival hold homecoming
asked to bring a covered dish, Love Grove Freewill Baptist Happy Home Baptist
old photos and family Bibles. Church will hold its revival Church of Nakina will hold
Wednesday, Oct. 24-Friday, Oct. its homecoming Sunday, Oct. 28
26 at 7:30 p.m. nightly. The guest beginnig with Sunday school
speaker will be Elder Bobby at 10 a.m. and worship service
Baldwin Branch BC to Jones along with a different at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served
hold support ministry choir each night. following the morning worship
The church is located in the service.
T h e B a l d w i n B r a n c h Welches Creek Community. Richard Collins is the pas-
Shepherd Support Ministry Elder Ronald Brown is the tor.
will sponsor a prog ram “ pastor.
God is trying to tell you some-
thing” (Part 1) Sunday, Oct. 28
Mill Branch MBC
at 3 p.m. featuring mini-ser- Fair Bluff COG to to hold revival
mons by Ministers D’Vora Len-
non Shaw, Marie McLaughlin,
hold TMT ministry Mill Branch Missionary
Baptist Church will hold its
Charles Crocker and Ronnie Fair Bluff Church of God
annual revival Oct. 22-Oct. 26
Jackson. will hold its TMT Ministry
at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker
The church is located at Sunday, Oct. 28 at 6 p.m. will be Rev. Antonie Bellamy.
4047 N.C. 242 Hwy. South in TMT presents “choices” a
The church is located on
Elizabethtown. drama that includes singing,
Harrellsonville Road.
Rev. Louie Boykin is the skits, sign language and a gos- Rev. Jerry S. Ganus is the
pastor. pel message.

Come Help Us Support

Crippled & Burned Children
It’s Our Biggest Ever Annual
Shriners Serving Continually

(Rain or Shine)
from 11 am till 5 pm

October 18
UÊ ,ˆi}iÜœœ`
Ê -…œ««ˆ˜}Ê
Sponsored by Columbus County Shrine Club
The World’s
You may buy your tickets from any
Shriner, or just come by any location
October 19
Best Fish Plate and pay for your plate. At all locations
we will have facilities for you to eat UÊ œœ`ʈœ˜Ê*>ÀŽˆ˜}
Includes: there or plates prepared to “take out.” Ê œÌʇÊ
q FISH FILETS Enjoy the food, enjoy the fellowship
UÊ "`Ê-“ˆÌ…ÃÊ7>Ài…œÕÃi
and fun, and be assured the children
q HUSH PUPPIES in Shriner’s Hospitals will appreciate Ê ÜÞÊÇä£Ê ]Ê7…ˆÌiۈi

your help. All proceeds benefit the:
$ 00
Per Plate have been helped by the Tabor City
EAT IN or TAKE OUT Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals. ­œÀ“iÀÞÊ>ÞʈÅiÀÊ
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hydrilla find is
great concern
for lake waters
Biologists have solved the mystery of
the unusual weed discovered recently in
Lake Waccamaw, and it’s not good news.
Hydrilla has taken root in the lake,
which has people rightfully concerned.
Fortunately, an observant lake resi-
dent had the good sense to report this
unusual-looking underwater weed to
state park officials. No one is quite sure
with Ann
how widespread hydrilla is in the lake,
but early indications are that it could By ANN WORTHINGTON
take years to
kill it with The point Well, my friends, I have fi-
nally made a promise to myself
chemicals The invasive species come true.
and the in- that has ruined many I have been promising my
troduction of bodies of water has family I would remove the 80s
grass carp. wallpaper in my house for a long
It’s likely
been found at Lake time, and in the past week, my
that some Waccamaw. Nothing promise came true.
form of hy- less than all-out war I finally got the courage to
drilla control on this noxious, under- get in touch with a friend of

Public opinion
will always mine and told her to get her pad
water weed needs to be and pencil out and get started
be needed
in the lake
declared. with some ideas before I had
the chance to change my mind.
because the Thank goodness, she did just
spider-like grass is so hard to isolate on that.
such a large body of water.
The noxious and invasive species is
Gives his all conferences and support groups to give him a hug and thank him for
us in Columbus County to teach us “making us better” many times.
She sketched, measured and
came up with ideas I really
notorious for overtaking small lakes in liked. Within a day or two, she
I am writing about an amazing more about Alzheimer’s. I have worked with Dr. Ray
Florida and essentially turning some and her co-workers were hard at
physician I have had the honor of He has championed Alzheimer’s Thigpen, MD for this past 30 years
into cesspools. work.
working with during my career. and Hospice for many years. When at the hospital, health department
My daughter made me
The discovery underscores the prob- He arrives every day to work at 4 he became the medical director of and the Lower Cape Fear Hospice
promise I would decide to do
lems that occur when invasive species a.m. His patients get his undivided the Angel House, it was a perfect House, and have found it indeed
away with what I claimed to be
are introduced into an environment that attention. match. He was able to care for those an honor.
memories I just could not part
is ill-equipped to control it. Officials say He reviews their lab work and who were facing the most difficult 0AT#OX-C'OUGAN
with; however, I found a way to
tests within the past 24 hours. He challenge of their life. He was Registered Nurse
it could have come from someone’s fish smuggle a few of my most pre-
visits every patient in the hospital found in the Angel House every day,
tank or the prop of a motorboat that had cious items in a safe place and
operated in a lake with hydrilla.
under his care twice each day, early
morning and each evening.
multiple times per day and every
weekend for the six years that I Thanks knew that just maybe the time
would come when I could pass a
The lake has been under stress for On many occasions, he had his served there with him.
some time. Draining the Green Swamp few things to some close rela-
sons with him on these visits in He is a very generous man. Ev-
The DAV Post #35 would like to tives or friend.
started the process decades ago. This was the evening. He does this every ery Thanksgiving and Christmas
thank all who participated in its I sat with my memories piled
followed by the overuse of aquifers that day, twice a day 7 days per week 52 he baked full meals and served
fundraiser Sept. 28. up on a bed and picked up a
feed spring water into the lake and the weeks per year, year after year. His the families in the Hospice House
Without your help buying Bos- little ceramic frog. I immediate-
inflow of farm chemicals like nitrogen, energy is exhaustive. He fights for lunch, including desserts. The
ton Butts, use of your grills, or ly thought about the sweet little
better health care for all. He serves piano in the Hospice House was a
to name just a few of the threats. anything you may have done, our 5-year-old boy as he handed me
on various boards throughout the gift from him. The music that flows
Regardless of the cause, it’s important fundraiser would not have been a this very special little creature
county, region, state and country. through the halls is evident of his
that controlling the hydrilla outbreak be success. Funds will be used to help he had made at his granny’s
He learns regulations affecting love for mankind everywhere.
at the top of everyone’s priority list when veterans and families in the county. ceramic shop. I remember his
the care of his patients. He is the first to tell a patient
Dale Spivey sweet little smile, tousled blonde
it comes to ensuring good water qual- He faced a disease that could not and family that they are in God’s
Denise Sellers hair, and sparkling blue eyes
ity. Judging by the comments of people be cured with his own father and hands, not his.
Disabled Veterans Post #35 of as he handed me his wonderful
who have seen hydrilla overrun other instead of accepting the disease, he He does not expect applause, but
Columbus County creation in our school class-
bodies of water, this challenge should learned more about it, he brought when you see him again, please
room. Now how could I throw
be a worry for everyone who loves the that away?
lake and understands its importance to I just could not bring myself

Is state an economic leader or laggard?

Columbus County. to expose of a heart-shaped
wreath that one of my children
gave me. I knew their money
was very limited at the time and
"Y$R-)+%7!,$%. waters by going inside the num- the mid-2000s, North Carolina led I thought about the proud look
N.C. Cooperative Extension bers for a closer look. Then I’ll the country 11 percent to 6 percent on their faces as I bragged and
let you decide if North Carolina’s in additional jobs. bragged about my beautiful gift.
The economic story of North economy is on or off the tracks. Where our state has typically I will admit that I am a keep-
Carolina in recent decades is as- The income per person num- faltered is during recessions. In er. I like things neat and orderly,
tonishing. bers, generally referred to as “per the recession of the early 2000s, so I bag up my pile of memories,
From a state that relied on capita income,” are derived by tak- North Carolina lost jobs at double and when I can make myself do
farming and manufacturing to ing all income received by persons the rate of the nation (4 percent so, I will share them sometime.
provide jobs,North Carolina re- in the state and dividing by the versus 2 percent). A question from my friend
made its economy into one of the population. And in the recent recession, our reminded me that a transition in
most transformative and dynamic Included in the income num- state lost 8 percent of its jobs com- my house was taking place, so I
in the country. bers will be money earned from pared to 6 percent for the country. watched as the wet, sticky, gooey
Much of this change had to working and income from pen- Since the job market bottomed in stuff slipped from my walls with
be done for the state to survive sions and Social Security as well early 2010, both North Carolina the promise that I think twice,
economically. Although farming as any funds received from public and the U.S. have added jobs at a maybe three times before deco-
is still a major income producer, assistance. Also, the population rate near 3 percent. rating my house.
many jobs in the sector have been includes everyone: working adults, So North Carolina has gone The remodeling of my house
supplanted by modern machinery retired persons and children. through more of a boom and bust reminds me of the turmoil we

Thumbs up and technology.

Manufacturing jobs, particu-
Therefore, it is incorrect to cycle than the nation, and there find our lives in sometimes. We
interpret the per capita income are two reasons for this. One is let our lives become cluttered
larly in the historic mainstays of calculation as the average amount the state’s relatively larger manu- with so many things instead of
s4O THE #OLUMBUS tobacco, textiles and furniture, a person earns from working. facturing base. turning to God for guidance and
#OUNTY(EALTH$EPART- were also replaced by technology Fortunately, we do have those In terms of production, manu- directions to set us on the right
or migrated to foreign countries, numbers, and they show a dif- facturing is more than 50 percent path.
where labor was cheaper. ferent trend for North Carolina. bigger as a share of the economy My friends, my time is up,
shot clinic last week, Yet, despite these headwinds, When we compare the average in North Carolina than in the na- and I thank you for yours. So
WHERE OFlCIALS CLOSED North Carolina forged ahead and compensation (which includes tion. Manufacturing traditionally until next time, don’t forget God
4HOMPSON 3TREET IN attracted or developed new indus- earnings plus the value of any has been a very volatile economic loves you, and so do I.
7HITEVILLE AND VAC- tries in health care, technology, benefits like health insurance) per sector, rising more during the good
CINATEDPEOPLEASTHEY machinery manufacturing, food worker in North Carolina to the times but plunging deeper during
sat in their cars. Get-
processing and financial services.
And what is perhaps even more
same measure for the nation, two recessions.
results are seen. The second reason is in-migra- Contact info
SMART.OTONLYDOESIT amazing, the state did so while First, this measure has con- tion. North Carolina is one of the
improving its economic ranking tinued to trend upward, meaning leading states in the nation attract-
protect those who are Send letters to the editor
in the nation. North Carolina has been getting ing people from other states.
VACCINATED FROM THE Income per person in North closer to the national average, for These new folks can help fuel
or contact editorial page
mU ITREDUCESTHERISK Carolina as a percent of the same the last four decades, with only a growth during expansions but editor Les High at leshigh@
OF SPREADINGTHEmUVI- measure in the country rose from modest pause in the early 2000s. add to our unemployment in whiteville.com, or mail them
RUSTOOTHERS!BOUT 80 percent in the 1970s to over 90 And second, the latest available downturns. to PO Box 707, Whiteville
PEOPLETOOKADVANTAGE percent in the 1990s. comparison, for 2010, stands at its Like the nation, North Carolina N.C., 28472.
OF THEOPPORTUNITY BUT Yet there is worry today that the highest level ever, at 91 percent. has certainly struggled during the All letters must be signed
THE UNIQUE NATURE OF North Carolina economic miracle Now let me take you behind recession and slow recovery. But and include a phone number,
THEEVENTRAISEDAWARE- has waned. Income per person in the unemployment rate numbers. our state’s economic track record which will not be published.
the state, relative to income per There is no question North Caro- is more complex than some head-
NESSOF JUSTHOWEASYIT Letters are limited to 400
person in the nation, began drop- lina’s unemployment rate is high. line numbers might suggest. So,
ISTOBEVACCINATED4HE ping in the late 1990s and is now But does this mean North Carolina you decide if we lead or lag!
words and must be signed
COST IS ZERO FOR MOST in the upper 80 percent range. The has had a problem creating jobs? and include the author’s
people with private state’s unemployment rate -- per- Well, let’s see. In each of the last Walden is a William Neal Reyn- community.
ORGOVERNMENTHEALTH haps the most watched economic two job growth periods -- spanning olds Professor and North Carolina Authors are limited to one
INSURANCE 7AITING indicator -- surged during the re- May 1991 to February 2001 and Cooperative Extension economist letter every 30 days. Letters
TIME AT THE HEALTH DE- cession to be one of the highest in then from August 2003 to in the Department of Agricultural about business and personal
PARTMENT IS MINIMAL the country and has been above 9 January 2008 -- North Carolina and Resource Economics of N.C. disputes will not be consid-
AND MOST PHARMACIES percent for more than 40 consecu- created jobs at a faster rate than State University’s College of Agri- ered. Letters are subject to
tive months. the nation. In the expansion of culture and Life Sciences. He teach-
These economic statistics don’t the 1990s, it was North Carolina 28 es and writes on personal finance,
shots as well. paint a positive picture for North percent versus 22 percent for the economic outlook and public policy.
Carolina. But let me muddy the nation, and in the growth phase of

People, Places and Things Speech pathology

Let us celebrate our twin legacy firm to open Nov. 1
"Y-!2+'),#(2)34 Their le gacy is invalu- to lead their march into the or similar space. After a few Speech Solutions, a re- 671-9630, and the Laurinburg
Staff Writer able to the county they called history books. years, it could expand and be gional business that offers office, which is at 714 Atkinson
home. When assessing what Third, well, the nature of installed in an empty store- speech pathology services, is St., can be reached at 910-277-
For the last century, Colum- resources we have here, one their fame. They toured the front. As the project grows, opening an office in Whiteville 1588 or 910-277-1589.
bus County has hidden one cannot ignore the story of country as freaks, and were the perfect Millie-Christine on Nov. 1. The business was started
of its treasured jewels from “Millie-Christine” McKoy. promoted regularly as such. museum would be built as a The office, which will be at in 2003 by Allison Harrington
the rest of the world. In this, But most of all I feel that it I am very proud of them, replica of their Welches Creek 106 S. Lee St., will be staffed out of her Rowland home.
another of my “Out of the is a shame that these coura- but for many, well, it’s just home. with two people, in- Harrington, a gradu-
Box” columns, I propose that geous and successful ladies not the same as if they had All told, the project would cluding Kim White, ate of The University
we finally and properly tell the lived such extraordinary lives invented penicillin or won a cost at least $1 million, but I who has a master’s of North Carolina
story of Millie and Christine only to die in obscurity. They great battle. believe that it will be money in education, is at Pembroke, taught
McKoy. were without a doubt the most Fourth, they were African well spent for the future of certified in clini- school for almost five
The twins, joined at the hip famous, well-traveled, wealthy, Americans. I’m not calling Columbus County. cal competence in years before earning
for all of their 61 years, were and extraordinary Columbus anybody a racist, but face it, Without much effort, I can speech language her master’s degree
the best-known Columbus County residents this cause has not think of two events that could pathology, and is in Speech Pathology
County residents of their of their time, and, had the majority accompany our museum. Speech Solution’s at North Carolina
time. Born a few years be- I could argue, of pushing for it. First would be a perennial lead therapist in Central and opening
fore the Civil War, they were all time. Why do I think “passion” play performed here the Columbus Speech Solutions.
bought and sold, stolen and ex- And, except for that now is the seasonally, telling the story of County area. The Harrington says
hibited, and then they turned a simple g rave- time? Well, the our favorite twins. telephone numbers her business is mind-
their misfortune into extraor- stone, a road name biggest roadblock Second, we could hold a for the Whiteville ful of the communi-
dinary careers. and one highway in my mind has “Twins Day.” They hold these office will be 910- ties it serves. Speech
The McKoys, promoted as sign, they have been the fire. I just in many cities, but honestly, 640-0856 and 910- Solutions has already
“Millie-Christine” a single completely dis- couldn’t imagine few places have a better rea- 640-0857. joined the Whiteville
person with “two heads and a appeared, their creating a muse- son than we do right here. Mt. The Whiteville Chamber of Com-
single body” were put on dis- legacy evaporat- um to tell this sto- Airy has an exhibit of Chang office will be the merce, and is also a
play under circus tents and in ed. Our children ry without some- and Eng Bunker, and their third for Speech member of the cham-
carnival shows throughout the are given little to thing substantial hundreds of descendants hold Solutions, which bers of commerce
Eastern United States and Eu- learn from their extraordi- to illustrate it. a festival each year – but the also has locations in Lumberton and
rope. Their story is fascinating nary lives, from the struggles But I’m beyond that for a Bunkers were not even native in Lumberton and Laurinburg.
and enlightening. they endured and the chal- few reasons. First, their story to North Carolina! Laurinburg. The business “We are fortunate enough
I have believed for years lenges they overcame to live is compelling and sufficient I pitched the museum idea employs 33 full-time people to have employees that are all
that there should be a museum with dignity. enough that we can tell it us- with Reggie McKoy Sr. during in specialties ranging from born and raised in the commu-
showcasing the lives of these The story will not be ig- ing various media and “new” the recent centennial celebra- articulation/language delays, nity where they work and they
courageous women, and I be- nored forever, as someone materials. tion Saturday at the cemetery fluency and voice disorders, all have a vested interest in the
lieve that museum should be – maybe decades from now Second, I believe that many where Millie’s and Christine’s hearing impair ment, dys- community as well as the pa-
located right here in Colum- – will realize the need for a artifacts of the age (1851 – 1912) remains are buried and am phagia and safe-swallowing tients they serve,” he said. “We
bus County. Millie-Christine museum and exist today and are available at very encouraged by his re- techniques, aphasia, apraxia, enjoy each other and therefore
Here is why I feel so strong- will build one – and it may not auctions or on the Internet. sponse. dyarthria, oral motor deficits, working together to meet the
ly about this. even be located here. I’m just The more we look, the more A relative of the twins, augmentative communication, speech and language needs
Their story is a powerful saying that now is an excellent we’ll find, and who knows, we he has enjoyed a success- dementia and traumatic brain of our community as well as
and inspiring one, as they en- time for this, and Columbus will likely locate a significant ful career in marketing and injury. The business offers free working together to enhance
dured the curious gaze of the County is the right place. item or two that could be the business, and even from his language and speech screen- our community is easy.”
world, beginning early in their I ’ ve g ive n t h i s m u c h centerpieces for our museum. home near Washington, D.C. I ings. Harrington’s parents, Ann
childhoods and throughout thought, especially puzzled as Actually, the most appro- believe he could play an inte- Speech Solutions serves cli- and Frank Harrington, live in
their lives. to why the McKoys have all but priate centerpiece will be a gral role in the creation of a ents ages 2 to 102 in Columbus, Rowland and work part-time
They were victims of ambi- disappeared from our county life-size model of the sisters, museum, should he decide to. Robeson, Scotland, Richmond, at the business. Her son Seth
tious hawkers first, and then history, and I have come up and that, of course, will be But he certainly couldn’t do Moore, Cumberland, Bladen designed the company logo for
after emancipation they built with a few reasons. manufactured. it alone, and this would have and Brunswick counties. its T-shirts.
their careers around the cir- First, their home and pos- Now is an excellent time, as to be a cooperative effort that T he Lumber ton of fice, The company’s website is
cus circuit. sessions were destroyed in a the objects we will need to col- would include people from which is located at 4260 at www.speechsolutionsinc@
Their story illustrates an fire only a few years before lect may disappear over time, all sectors of our community. Fayetteville Road, can be hotmail.com.
important era of civil rights in their deaths. Any memora- and relatives who can relate That cooperation itself may be reached at 910-671-9629 or 910-
our nation, as they were sold bilia illustrating their lives their family history will pass “out of the box,” but it would
like pieces of farm equipment,
were freed after the Civil War
turned to ashes. How can you
create a museum with nothing
on, and that history will pass
with them.
be the right way and the best
way to organize this project, to Visually impaired, blind
and lived through the late
1800s until their deaths 100
years ago this month.
to exhibit?
Second, they had no chil-
dren, no direct descendants
Such a museum could eas-
ily start very small, as an
exhibit in an existing office
build this museum, to finally
tell the world our story of Mil-
lie and Christine McKoy.
support group to meet
Individuals who are blind Regional Medical Center. The
or visually impaired and their featured speaker for the Nov.

Farm crops will show increase family members are invited

to join a support group which
meets the second Thursday of
each month at 10 a.m. in Com-
8 meeting will be the Robeson
County Social Worker for the
Blind. For more information,
call Victor Alford at 739-2799 or
Thanks to timely rains and statewide basis, and Columbus of 2009. percent. But Columbus Coun- munity Classroom I on the Ethel Bullard at 738-8012.
favorable temperatures, North County farmers in most cases Shaw predicts Columbus ty’s cotton harvest “won’t main campus of Southeastern
Carolina’s main farm crops have exceeded the predicted County growers will top the be quite as good as the state
are expected to show increases statewide yields on a per-acre predicted 35 bushels per acre estimate,” Shaw said.
in harvests this year.
The National Agriculture
The report forecast a corn
“I think our beans should
County farmers planted
6,704 acres in cotton this year,
Pridgen sets Town Hall meeting
Statistics Service (NASS), an yield of 93.6 million bushels do better. We should be close up about 1,000 acres from the Representative G.L. Pridgen have about what has been go-
agency of the U.S. Depart- in North Carolina this harvest to 36 to 37 bushels per acre,” 2011 crop. will hold a Town Hall Meeting ing on in the N.C. House of
ment of Agriculture, recently season, a 37 percent increase he said. Flue-cured tobacco, for at the Tabor City Courthouse Representatives.
released the predicted harvest over last year’s production. A 34 percent increase in years the big money crop for on Monday, Oct. 22. The meeting will begin at
yields for the main farm crops Corn was forecast to yield the state’s peanut harvest is the county, will yield less than The public is encouraged 6:30 p.m. and light refresh-
in North Carolina. 120 bushels per acre; Colum- predicted by NASS this year, the predicted statewide aver- to come and meet Pridgen and ments will be served.
Three of the row crops bus County Extension Agent with a per-acre yield of 3,700 age of 2,400 pounds per acre. ask any questions that they
grown in Columbus County Michael Shaw thinks county pounds. “Our tobacco will be a little
— corn, soybeans and peanuts farmers will beat that pre- “We will do better than less than that,” Shaw said.
— are predicted to produce dicted per-acre yield. that,” Shaw said. “We’ve got
larger per-acre yields than “We might do a little better the makings of a pretty good
the NASS forecasts while to-
bacco and cotton are going to
— 120 to 125 bushels per acre,”
he said.
peanut crop. I think we’ll do
3,800 pounds per acre.” Trane’s Fall 2012 Promotion...
be slightly less than the state NASS thinks soybeans will Statewide cotton produc-

Brutally-Tested Reliability.
average. average 35 bushels per acre in tion is estimated at 910 pounds
The NASS report gave es- the state, one bushel greater per acre, and the statewide
timates for the crops on a than the record-setting yield yield is predicted to be up 7

Loss and the Holidays workshops set in November

Wallet-Tested Affordability
Lower Cape Fear Hospice & 27 at Angel House Hospice Care new holiday traditions.
LifeCareCenter Bereavement Center, 206 Warrior Trail Road The workshop is free, and
Services presents Loss and the in Whiteville. Grief group dis- donations are appreciated. Reg-
Holidays, a one-session work- cussions include understand- istration is required; call 620-
shop for adults experiencing ing the grief process; coping 3093. Please leave your name,
grief during the holiday sea- with loss; defining realistic phone number, and indicate
son, 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. expectations for the holidays; the specific session you wish
15 or 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. and suggestions for creating to attend.

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14-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

Board approves beaver bounty; eliminates USDA landowner fees

By NICOLE CARTRETTE missioner James Prevatte from other counties. Agriculture’s Animal and ing of the county’s beaver to prevent landowners from
Staff Writer seconded the motion and the “They want both,” Davis Plant Health Inspection ser- control board but was told his having to pay any cost share.
full board approved. said of the committee the vice (APHIS) via cooperative program was “ineffective.” Adams said Columbus
Given two beaver control Commissioner Lynwood board put together months agreements provides bea- “We have been extremely County officials had not re-
options for consideration Norris was not present. ago to suggest ideas for better ver management services to effective in lots of places,” quested additional services or
Monday night, the Columbus Soil and Water Conserva- beaver control. nearly 50 counties in the state, Adams said at that time. asked about other options be-
County Board of Commis- tion Director Edward Davis, County Attorney Mike Ste- including Columbus. He suggested that failure fore putting together a beaver
sioners adopted both a beaver stepped in on behalf of county phens said obtaining property Dif ferent counties pay of landowners to request committee that for months
bounty program and agreed beaver committee chairman by false pretenses is a felony. varying amounts for the level services was an issue. has pushed a beaver bounty
to appropriate $6,000 to elimi- John Deans who could not be “Licensed trappers or of service or man-hours they “We cannot go where we as the only recommendation.
nate the landowner cost-share present. landowners” are eligible to contract to receive annually. are not invited,” Adams said. “Bounty trappers gener-
in requesting U.S. Department The board wanted to hear participate in the bounty pro- Basic participation in the He added that the program ally only trap a few days at a
of Agriculture assistance the proposals. gram. Trappers must pay a $2 program costs the county provided more than trapping site and target those beavers
through the BMAP Program. During the discussion tag deposit and are allowed no $4,000. Columbus County pays services. easiest to catch,” BMAP of-
The county will pay $30 Davis said that USDA trap- fewer than five and no more an additional $50,000 annu- “We will train and teach ficials assert. “One or more
for each tagged beaver tail pers were hesitant for safety than 10 tags. ally for a fulltime technician/ people to trap beavers on beavers are usually left be-
under the program. In the reasons to go behind other Licensed trappers may re- trapper. their land for free,” Adams hind because it is not worth
initial six months of the pro- trappers and also wanted to quest the county soil and wa- Individual landowners said. He said that in instances the time to continue.”
gram, the board has appropri- maintain the reputation of ter district to add them to the also contribute to the pro- where state Department of Officials say in a document
ated $15,000 to go toward the their program. contractors list to participate gram by paying a $20 assess- Transportation work or other titled “A Few Misunderstand-
bounty. He added there were con- and obtain a vendor number ment fee and $125 in instances obligations lead to longer ings” that means flooding
“I’m in favor of moving cerns about possible fraud from the county finance office. where a dam must be blown, wait times for landowners, problems are not alleviated.
forward with this,’ Commis- with the bounty and wording A landowner trapper agree- regardless of the amount or the agency provides a list of In addition, bounties make
sioner Charles McDowell had been added to suggest ment is also required to be cost of explosives involved. contractors to landowners. all beavers a target “when
said. He made the motion to criminal prosecution in cases executed. Monday’s vote means the Adams said at the time that probably less than 10 percent
approve both options. Com- of beaver tails brought in The U. S. Department of county will now take on those some counties pay for more are actually causing damage.”
costs in an upfront payment services. Duplin pays $125,000
of $6,000 to the program. annually and has two full time
Nicole Cartrette
For some, the bounty pro- trappers who work within the
910-642-4104 ext. 225
posal was a bad idea. They county. Pender County pays
made that clear in past dis- an additional $6,000 annually
cussions and workshops with

“It’s been applied else-
where. It never works,” Butch
Adams said earlier in the
year. Adams is the district su- t Sinus Pressure
pervisor for Wildlife Services, t Post Nasal Drip
which is under APHIS. t Nasal Congestion
“For us, it always ends up tChronic Cough
making things worse,” he said
at that time.
Tuesday, Adams had not Re
been told of the county’s de- lie
cision when a reporter from
f is ea
The News Reporter contacted sier th
him. He said “in this situation
an you think.
of not being informed,” he did
not have a lot to say.
Adams said in going be- ur well-established practice is the FIRST in
hind many trappers the agen- southeastern North Carolina to offer IN-OFFICE
cy had “numerous adverse BALLOON SINUPLASTY. This Revolutionary
experiences in the past. The Procedure opens the sinuses by using Minimally
beaver is an incredibly smart Invasive Technology in our Office.
animal if he has been tam-
pered with or encountered t NO DOWNTIME tNO PACKING
steel traps and wises up very tCLINCALLY PROVEN
quickly,” Adams said. “In t FDA APPROVED
many cases where we have
Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist
been asked to go in to pri- Call us today!
vate trapper areas, we find 910.914.0540 | Whiteville
Bouncing blue educated beavers. They are
extremely hard to remove.”
DR. KENYON - DR. DIMUZIO - DR. COURY 910.755.3682 | Shallotte
Columbus Charter School students Brinkley Martin, front, and Kaydee Davis take a Months ago, Adams said he
spin on an inflatable water at the Columbus County Agricultural Fair this weekend. www.ccentfacialplastics.com
was invited to the first meet-

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The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 - 1B

Wolfpack, Stallions prep

for 21st gridiron meeting
By DAN BISER head coach Luke Little hopes that last Friday’s
Sports Editor win has given his team the confidence it needs
in going against South Columbus.
In last Friday night’s area high school foot- “A lot about last week was unacceptable,”
ball action, the Whiteville Wolfpack snapped said Fonvielle, whose Stallions trailed East
its four-game losing streak, and the South Co- Bladen 21-0 at halftime and did not register a
lumbus Stallions saw their four-game winning point until the game’s final 17 seconds. “East
streak come to an end. Bladen took it to us in the first half, but we were
The two teams will meet Friday night at unable to put ourselves in position to battle our
7:30 with South Columbus still hoping to grab way back into the game. We didn’t do a good job
at least a share of the Waccamaw Conference of trying to contain their running game and we
2A-3A championship it has won the last two didn’t take advantage of some opportunities we
seasons, and Whiteville holding onto hopes of had on offense.
gaining a berth in the state 2A playoffs. “Whiteville has a good running game and
Friday’s clash will be Senior Night at South we know we need to be a lot more focused this
Columbus, and it will mark the 21st meeting week,” Fonvielle added.
between the staunch county rivals. South Little said that after last week, he is expect-
Columbus has dominated the annual game, ing the Stallions to be hitting on all cylinders
holding a 15-5 advantage with all the Stallions Friday.
wins coming in the last 17 games. “Anytime you play South Columbus, you
Whiteville won the first three games of the know it’s going to be really tough,” Little said,
series after South Columbus was formed in “but when you have to play them a week after
1992 by the consolidation of Tabor City, Nakina they’ve lost, you know that you really have your
and Williams Township high schools, but the work cut out for you.”
Wolfpack’s only other wins in the series came South Columbus is led by senior quarter-
in 2006 and 2009. back/safety Pharoah McKever, a strong threat
South Columbus won last year’s match-up as a passer, runner, punter and defender. The
14-6 and romped to 51-21 victory in 2010. 6-foot-7, 220 pound McKever, who has committed
South Columbus (7-2 for the season and 3-1 to play his college football at North Carolina
in conference) suffered its first conference loss State, had to deal with a lot pressure from the
last Friday when it fell hard to East Bladen 28-6 East Bladen defense in last week’s loss, Junior
at Elizabethtown. In the meantime, Whiteville Dashaun Daniels is the Stallion workhorse at
(3-5, 1-3) was celebrating its Homecoming with running back and linebacker.
a 57-20 victory over a winless West Bladen team. Whiteville is paced by senior backs Robert
Gator kicks South Columbus head coach Jake Fonvielle Smith and Fuquon Thompson. The Wolfpack
East Columbus High soccer player Cade Andrews advances the ball in Tuesday is hoping that last week’s experience at East defense has had several good efforts this season
night’s Three Rivers 1A-2A match with visiting Red Springs. Red Springs claimed a Bladen serves as a wake-up call for his squad go- and it has not yielded more than 28 points to an
1-0 victory to drop East Columbus’ conference record to 1-1. ing into Friday night’s games while Whiteville opponent this season.

Vikings to entertain St. Pauls in WCHS Homecoming game

By DAN BISER place in the Three Rivers 1A- in overtime, but their kicker Pauls endured a difficult road ter a tough loss to Red Springs. rable runner for the Bulldogs.
Sports Editor 2A Conference standings with stuck the field goal through loss at East Columbus, falling We can expect St. Pauls to be at St. Pauls won last year’s
two games remaining. and that was it. The loss at to the Gators 60-18. their best Friday.” game with the Vikings by a
It will be Homecoming at West Columbus suffered a South Robeson gave West Co- “You can’t judge St. Pauls’ West Columbus relies on a 30-2 score at St. Pauls. The
West Columbus High School 23-20 road defeat at the hands lumbus a 4-2 record in its road ability as a team by the score running attack led by sopho- Bulldogs also defeated the Vi-
Friday night and the Viking of South Robeson. The game games this fall. at East Columbus,” Little said. more Rostin Bromel and senior kings in 2010 by a 30-8 verdict,
football team will be trying was decided in the third over- “Hopefully we can close out “They have won six games this Savon Dawson. Senior quarter- and West Columbus took a 24-6
to gain its first homefield win time period. the regular season by playing year and Coach (Trey) Sasser back Harvey Lesane has been win over the Bulldogs in 2009.
of the season when it takes “Our kids really took that a couple of good games on our is really doing a good job with a clutch passer this fall with West Columbus is still hop-
the field against the St. Pauls loss hard,” said WCHS head homefeld and be ready for the their program, senior Ethan Morris leading ing to gain its first winning
Bulldogs. coach Mark Little. “It was a playoffs,” Little said. “They made some early the Viking receiving corps. record since 1985 when it
Gametime is 7:30 p.m. game we should have won, but While West Columbus ab- turnovers that really worked Quarterback Kane Banner is finished 8-5 and advanced to
West Columbus and St. South Robeson did a good job. sorbed a disappointing loss at against them, and East Colum- the offensive leader for St. Pauls the second round of the 1AA
Pauls are in a tie for third It could have gone either way South Robeson last week, St. bus came out ready to play af- and Shawn Williams is a du- playoffs.

Gators hoping to On this date Touchdowns by Bryan Dixon and Ben Jordan, and a field goal by Joon
Sames give the South Columbus Stallions a 17-0 victory over the visiting
Whiteville Wolfpack in a key Waccamaw Conference football game. In other

keep momentum October 18, 2002 county action, West Columbus defeats East Columbus 33-6 behind a pair
of touchdown passes from Stefon Geathers to Devon Ward.

against Fairmont By DAN BISER

Match your skills against the VIP Pickers each week! Two ways to Play: In the
Sports Editor
Sports Section of Monday’s paper or Online at www.whiteville.com
The East Columbus Gators have gone winless on the football ¶Ç¶
field against the Fairmont the past three seasons, making their 1 1 1
game this Friday night at 7:30 against the Tornadoes an even
bigger point of emphasis.
“The Fairmont game the past two seasons has been a
letdown,” said Gator coach Toby Kasell, whose Gators fell to
VIP Winning Picks
Fairmont 34-14 last year and 14-6 in 2010. Fairmont also topped
East Columbus by an 18-7 score in 2009. “We’re really trying to *All printed picks are preliminary, final picks Terry Mann Ted Williams Freddie Norris Brian Slagle Angie Arnette Jamie Norris Brian Murphy
keep focused on things this Friday.” can be changed until online deadline. J.S. Mann’s Waffle International Black’s Tire Allstate Sam’s Pit Stop Jamie’s Tire Pawn USA
Kasell and his coaching staff are hoping that the Gators can
come back with the same type effort they had last Friday when Last Week Score 1 13-5 14-4 13-5 12-6 14-4 12-6 13-5
they demolished St. Pauls 60-18, Overall Score 1 65 64 64 61 63 55 60
East Columbus is carrying a 2-1 conference record and its
season record stands at 5-4. Whiteville at South Columbus South Columbus South Columbus South Columbus South Columbus South Columbus South Columbus South Columbus
Fairmont, the three-time defending conference champion, St. Pauls at West Columbus St. Pauls St. Pauls St. Pauls West Columbus St. Pauls West Columbus St. Pauls
fell hard to Red Springs 46-10 last Friday, a week after getting East Columbus at Fairmont East Columbus East Columbus East Columbus East Columbus East Columbus East Columbus East Columbus
upset by Fairmont 32-30. Coach Jim Atkinson’s Tornadoes now
stand at 1-2 in the conference and 4-5 overall. Virginia Tech at Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson
Fairmont’s season has also been hindered by the fact that Wake Forest at Virginia Virginia Wake Forest Wake Forest Virginia Wake Forest Wake Forest Wake Forest
it lost state playoff privileges this fall when it got into a bench- Louisiana State at Texas A&M Texas A&M Louisiana State Louisiana State Louisiana State Louisiana State Texas A&M Texas A&M
clearing altercation in its Sept. 7 home game with Lake View,
S.C. Fairmont had four players ejected from the game and ejec- Boston College at Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech
tions of three or more players per team automatically takes NC State at Maryland NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State Maryland
away playoff rights. North Carolina at Duke North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina Duke
East Columbus got a big running night by junior back Nick
McClure in last Friday’s homefield rout of St. Pauls. The Gators Kansas State at West Virginia West Virginia Kansas State Kansas State Kansas State West Virginia West Virginia Kansas State
led 34-12 after one quarter and got three of their touchdowns Georgia at Kentucky Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia
on returns of Bulldog fumbles. The Gators also got its kicking East Carolina at Alabama Birmingham East Carolina East Carolina East Carolina East Carolina East Carolina East Carolina East Carolina
game bolstered last week with the addition of soccer player
South Carolina at Florida South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina Florida Florida Florida
Martin Lamas. Lamas made good on four point-after-touchdown
kicks. Senior defensive standout Henry Baldwin, a three-year Alabama at Tennessee Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Tennessee Alabama
starter, returned to the line-up last week after sitting out two Baylor at Texas Texas Texas Texas Baylor Texas Baylor Texas
games with a dislocated finger.
Michigan State at Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan State Michigan Michigan Michigan
Fairmont, which posted a 12-1 record last fall, defeated
South Robeson 12-6 for its only conference win to date. The Florida State at Miami Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State
Golden Tornadoes also have wins over Hobbton, West Bladen Penn State at Iowa Penn State Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa
and Jones Senior.
2B - The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

Three Rivers Conference Waccamaw Conference

football standings football standings
Conf. Overall Conf. Overall
Red Springs 3-0 6-3 330 216 W. Brunswick 4-0 4-4 207 204
E. Columbus 2-1 5-4 244 137 S. Columbus 3-1 7-2 233 136
St. Pauls 1-2 6-3 416 325 E. Bladen 3-1 5-3 226 175
W, Columbus 1-2 4-5 176 278 N. Brunswick 3-2 6-3 259 148
Fairmont 1-2 4-5 210 213 Whiteville 1-3 3-5 195 172
S. Robeson 1-2 3-5 126 174 S. Brunswick 1-3 2-6 141 274
W. Bladen 0-5 0-9 177 494
Friday’s games
St. Pauls at West Columbus Friday’s games
East Columbus at Fairmont Whiteville at South Columbus
South Robeson at Red Springs West Brunswick at West Bladen
East Bladen at South Brunswick
Games begin at 7:30 p.m.
Jordan-Matthews at North Brunswick
Games begin at 7:30 p.m.
Last Friday’s results
The Whiteville High School doubles team of Kianna Washington (left) and Madison Hege East Columbus 60, St. Pauls 18 Last Friday’s results
clinched the Lady Wolfpack’s 5-4 state 2A playoff win with a clutch tie-breaker victory. South Robeson 23, West Columbus 20 Whiteville 57, West Bladen 21
(3 overtimes) East Bladen 28, South Columbus 6

Lady Pack defeats Reidsville Red Springs 46, Fairmont 10 North Brunswick 47, South Brunswick 7
West Brunswick - OPEN

in 2A tennis playoff opener 701 Bowling

The Waccamaw 2A-3A Con- clincher in the tie-breaker of In another state 2A playoff
ference champion Whiteville the No. 3 match with the WHS match, held at Snow Hill on W-L
High School girls tennis team duo of Madison Hege and Ki- Tuesday, perennial Eastern 3 Musketeers 18-2
opened play in the state 2A anna Washington prevailing. N.C. champion Greene Central No. 5 16-4
dual team playoffs Tuesday by Results follow: defeated Waccamaw Confer- Mornin’ Star 13-7
defeating Reidsville 5-4 at the Whiteville 5, Reidsville 4 ence runnerup South Colum- Look to the Hill 10-10
WHS courts. Singles: Elizabeth Brady (R) bus 9-0. South Columbus closed No. 4 9-11
C o a ch S e re n a S m i t h ’s def. Olivia Butler, 6-2, 6-0; Ashton its match-play season with a Forget Me Knots 911
Whiteville squad, now carry- Daniel (R) def. Carly High, 6-3, 4-7, 9-4 record. No. 7 8-12
10-6; Maleah Murray (W) def. Olivia
ing a 15-1 season record, will Also, the Three Rivers 1A-
Cotter, 6-3, 6-4; Ainsley Eure (R) def. Men
travel to play East Central 2A Conference champion East
Margaret High, 6-1, 6-1; Madison Top scratch games:Albert
Conference champion Topsail Hege (W) def. Nancy Goodes, 6-1, Columbus Lady Gator squad Brown, 179; J.C. Worthington, 164;
next Tuesday at Hampstead. 6-2; Kianna Washington def. Allyson received a forfeit victory over K.C. Melvn, 163; Mac McDowell,162.
Whiteville and the Mid- McLamb, 6-2, 6-2. Pender. Top scratch series: Charles
State Conference runnerup Doubles: Butler-C. High (W) def. The Lady Gators will make George, 524; K.C. Melvin, 460; Albert
Reidsville team were tied 3-3 at Brady-Eure, 10-6; Daniel-Cotter (R) the long trek to Gates County Brown, 451; J.C. Worthington, 443
the completion of singles play, def. Murray-M. High, 11-10 (10-4 Tuesday for second-round play.
but Whiteville won two of the tie-breaker); Hege-Washington (W) Women
def. Goodes-McLamb 11-10 (7-0 in Top scratch games: Vivian
three doubles, including the
tie-breaker. BB&T executive Joey Schultz (left) presents Whiteville Lawson, 172; Augusta Burnett 158;
Albenny Burney, 142; Lillian Craw-
principal Jes Sealey a check for $2,049.77, representing
Wolfpack girls finish third in the WHS portion of gate receipts and ad sales from the
2012 BB&T Football Jamboree that was held on Aug. 10
ley, 133.
Top scratch series: Augusta

conference cross country meet

Burnett, 422; Vivian Lawson, 392;
in Wilmington. The presentation came during halftime Albenny Burney, 376; Lilliam Craw-
of the The WHS-West Bladen football game at Legion ley, 340.
LELAND - The Whiteville honors.
Whiteville runners McCoy
Stadium. In addition, a check for $250 was presented to

High School girls cross coun- WHS varsity cheerleader coach Julie Fonvielle (right) for
try team finished third in Creech, Erica Williamson,
the Wolfpack cheerleading squad’s participation in the
Tuesday’s Waccamaw 2A-3A Carly Shaw, Kendall Bush and
Conference meet, hosted by Madelynn McCullen all ran Jamboree Showcase. Also, two WHS senior athletes who

North Brunswick High School. personal bests in the meet. took part in the Jamboree will receive BB&T Football
Coach Will Dorn’s WHS In the boys competition, Jamboree scholarships next spring.

squad was paced by Laura Whiteville’s Quantavius McK-
Nye and Madison Creech, who
placed fifth and ninth respec-
oy posted a school record 19:42
and Cole Faircloth turned in a Whiteville Youth Recreation Football $ 95
personal best time. DAILY
tively among individual fin- Buccaneers 2-1
ishers to earn all-conference
OCTOBER 13 Hwy. 701, South of Whiteville
Steelers 1-2
Ages 5-7 Division (Flag)
Giants def. Panthers Bears 0-3
Biser’s football predictions Steelers def. Cowboys

HIGH SCHOOLS: South Columbus 28, Whiteville 21; Ages 8-10 Division (Tackle)
East Columbus 36, Fairmont 14; St,. Pauls 28 ,West Colum- Dolphins def. Raiders
bus 26, St. Pauls 24; Red Springs 44, South Robeson 20; West Steelers def. Panthers
Brunswick 50, West Bladen 16; North Brunswick 23, Jordan-
Matthews 12. Last week’s record: 4-2 Overall: 52-22 STANDINGS
COLLEGES: LSU 34, Texas A&M 27; Clemson 29, Virginia Ages 5-7
Tech 20; Georgia Tech 36, Boston College 24; N.C. State 35, Steelers 3-0-1
Maryland 22; North Carolina 34, Duke 24; Kansas State 33, Panthers 1-2-1
West Virginia 29; Georgia 44, Kentucky 17; East Carolina 37, Cowboys 0-2-2
UAB 23; Florida 36, South Carolina 34; Alabama 42, Tennessee Giants 0-2-2
21; Baylor 32, Texas 27; Michigan 30, Michigan State 27; Penn
East Columbus High School State 27, Iowa 26; Florida State 37, Miami 23. Last week’s Ages 8-10
girls tennis coach Ryan
Sellers was named the 2012
record: 9-3 Overall: 60-28 Steelers 4-0
Raiders 2-2
Sewer Jet / Vac Truck
Three Rivers Conference Panthers 1-3
Dolphins 1-3
Coach of the Year after guid-
ing the Lady Gators to the
SCHS spikers trip N. Brunswick
Three Rivers 1A-2A Confer- to gain state 2A playoff berth Ages 11-12
Panthers 3-0
ence championship and a
high-seeding in the 2012 South Columbus came a 5-7 record. Their season
state 1A playoffs. The Lady away with a 3-1 Waccamaw record stands at 5-7 and they
Gators will travel to meet 2A-3A Conference volleyball have received the conference’s
win over North Brunswick on No. 2 seed in state 2A playoffs
Gates County next Tuesday
in the second round of state
Tuesday. that are scheduled to open — Available With Driver —
Coach David Marlowe’s Saturday. • Horizontal Drilling • Public Utility Contractor
1A playoffs. Lady Stallions took the match South Columbus wrapped
by scores of 22-25, 25-14, 25-14 up its fourth consecutive Wac- • Maintenance & Construction

Pack booters and 25-26.

Karly Suggs had 16 service
camaw Conference junior
varsity title with a 9-1 record 910.642.1883
blast Knights
points (seven aces) and Mi- and a season record of 15-1. The Ken: 910.840.2820 PO Box 1330
randa Harris had 12 service Also, the East Columbus
News Reporter Axel: 910.641.7971 Whiteville, NC 28472
points (three aces) for the High volleyball team will be
Lady Stallions while Katie competing in the state 1A
Make The Switch To E-CIGARETTES!
DUBLIN - Eight Whiteville
players figured in the scor- Evans had five kills and 15 playoffs as the No. 2 seed from
ing Monday as the Wolfpack blocks. the Three Rivers Conference.
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host West Bladen in a Wacca- play in the conference with Saturday. Why Should I Make The Switch?
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Whiteville squad put its con- RENT-A-CAR
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The team of Bobby Rife, Nathan Watts and Marcus Craw-
Bladen. ford emerged as champion of the Johnnie Jernigan Sr.
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The News Reporter, Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 3B

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Now with two Whiteville locations to serve you

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Tyqwan McDougal Cheyenne Cox Katlyn Britt Jaclyn Koonce

Football Tennis Volleyball Tennis
The 6-foot-1, 195-pound junior Cheyenne Cox is the No. 2 singles A junior member of the Lady Koonce came away with the Wac-
scored both second-half touch- player on the Lady Gator tennis Viking volleyball squad, Britt camaw Conference Tournament
downs for the Wolfpack in last team that has clinched at least has provided a lot of leadereshio 2A singles title Tuesday and will
Friday’s 28-18 Waccamaw 2A-3A a tie for the Three Rivers 1A-2A and hustle throughout her high compete next weekened in the
Conference loss to West Bruns- Conference championship. Lady school athletic career, acccording East 2A Regional Tournament at
wick at Shallotte. McDougal gives Gator coach Ryan Sellers said to West Columbus coach Keith Snow Hill. The South Columbus
a lot of strength to the fullback that Cox has made steady pro- Ransom.“She loves to play and senior helped pace the Coach
position with the ability to make gression with the squad and has always gives her bes.” A straigh-A Brett Burroughs’ Lady Stallions
big thrusts through the line and developed into one of the team’s student, Britt is also a standout on to a runner-up finish in the Wac-
then show some speed once in the most consistent players. Cox is the softball team and is a varsity camaw 2A-3A Conference stand-
secondary. also a varsity cheerleader. cheerleader. ings.
South Columbus High School color guard stands in


pre-game ceremony’s colors at last Friday’s football
game against North Brunswick High School. find the complete calendar
online at sports of all sorts

Upcoming Sports Events

Thursday, October 11 V Football - SCHS at E Bladen Monday, October 15
4:00pm V Football - St Pauls At ECHS 4:00pm
Boys Soccer - Antioch vs BGH at Lake Wacca- Three Rivers Girls Tennis Conference Tournament
maw Saturday, October 13 5:00pm
4:30pm 7:00am Boys Soccer - S Brunswick at SCHS
Volleyball - WHS at SCHS Deer Hunting Gun Season Begins in Eastern NC 6:00pm
5:30pm 3:00pm Boys Soccer - WHS at W Bladen
Children’s Tractor Pull at County Fair - Main Stage 39th Indian Summer Sailing Regatta at Lake Wac
6:30pm camaw Sailing Club Tuesday, October 16
JV Football - E Bladen at SCHS - Conference 4:00pm 4:30pm
Game Dixie Youth Day at Maze Craze - 1/2 price for Volleyball - South Brunswick at WHS
JV Football - S Robeson at WCHS Dixie Youth coaches and players all day long Volleyball - SCHS at N Brunswick
JV Football - WHS at W Bladen 5:30pm 6:00pm
Children’s Tractor Pull at County Fair - Main Stage MS Football - Central Middle at Acme Delco
Friday, October 12
5:30pm Sunday, October 14 Wednesday, October 17
Children’s Tractor Pull at County Fair - Main Stage 3:00pm 5:00pm
7:30pm 39th Indian Summer Sailing Regatta at Lake Wac Boys Soccer - Red Springs at WCHS
V Football - WCHS at S Robeson camaw Sailing Club 6:00pm
V Football - West Bladen at WHS - County Fair - Xtreme Strength Ministries- World Boys Soccer - SCHS at W Brunswick
HOMECOMING class athletes motivate young generation V Boys Soccer - E Bladen at WHS
Youth soccer games are intense but fun, as the
players learn skills and strategies.
Look for more Sports photos, videos and scores on whiteville.com under the Sports of all Sorts tab.

outdoor youth Agri-taining Mazes offer outdoor fun

presents spotlight on Cherry Grove and Hallsboro farms
When you mix agriculture and entertainment
you can expect family fun down on the farm.
more. Snacks and picnic tables are available at
both maze locations.
By Jefferson Weaver
Staff Writer Another old friend The Strickland Farm Corn Maze in the Cherry
Grove community and the Galloway Farm Maze
Craze in Hallsboro have created the finest agri-
tainment for young and old to enjoy this fall.
Call Allyson Strickland at Strickland’s Corn
Maze at 843-283-0038 and Alma Galloway at
Maze Craze at 910-520-8940 for a complete list of
activities and special event dates.
This week’s Waccamaw Outdoors Youth is an- siast share the adventure of a lifetime with all
other old friend, Zach Green. our readers. If your young angler, hunter or Strickland’s Farm in the Cherry Grove Com- The mazes are perfect venues for educational
We first met Zach last year when he wrangled trapper has a story to tell, please contact Jef- munity between Tabor City and Fair Bluff was groups, birthday parties, corporate events and
a big black drum during a fishing trip to the ferson Weaver at 642.4104, ext. 227, or email jef- ahead of its time when the owners established church outings. Complete contact, location and
beach. This summer, his Uncle Stan Pomeroy fweaver@whiteville.com. Trophy pictures are the first corn maze in Columbus County 10 website information is included in the blog, on
took Zach to Lake Watree, S.C. for another fish- welcome and encouraged, but should be taste- years ago. The new kid on the block is the Gal- whiteville.com under Sports of all Sorts.
ing trip. Zach whacked some good-sized catfish ful. All photos must be sent in the high resolu- loway Farm Maze Craze in Hallsboro, which How do you create a maze of intricately de-
there on a previous trip, and this trip was no tion setting (300 dpi). is planted with a special hybrid sorghum crop signed paths in a field full of 12-14 foot stalks?
less exciting. growing between 12 and 14 feet high. Very carefully with a tractor and GPS! Here’s
While fishing for catfish, Zach tied A “corn” maze is basically a field of paths de- the secret…the paths are cut in late July and
into this three-foot long garfish. signed and cut with a theme challenging partic- early August before the crop is taller than the
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so ipants to find their way out. A map, checkpoints tractor.
excited,” said his Aunt Bonita. “The and teamwork make finding the way entertain- The Stricklands use a “no-till” method of
fish was over three feet long. He’s ing and educational. planting so guests navigate on smooth paths.
caught bigger ones, but this is the A castle design inspired by Allyson Strick- The maze corn is harvested at the end of the
one he talks about the most.” land’s granddaughter is the 81/2-acre maze season to feed cattle on the farm. The cattle are
While gar takes careful prepara- theme this year at Strickland’s. Their maze will then turned out on the harvested field to eat left
tion for the table, many anglers en- be open until Sunday, November 4. over corn and weeds, which naturally tills the
joy catching the vicious predators A Jeep and Dodge truck maze design spon- soil. This cycle preserves topsoil and prepares
because of their fighting skills. Gars sored by Vann Underwood Chrysler Jeep Dodge the field for the next maze.
also have a mouthful of sharp teeth, dominates the 13-acre Maze Craze field. The The Galloways do not harvest their field of
making landing the fish an adventure sorghum crop stays green until the first hard sorghum. The longer sorghum season allows
in itself. Many times a strong garfish frost, so they will be open until late November them to stay open until the first hard frost and
can cut the line before reaching the or early December. is the reason they chose this alternative crop for
boat, or snap a line while running for Both mazes offer many added attractions such their maze...
cover in brush or underwater debris. as mini-mazes for the little ones, rides around
Help your young outdoors enthu- the field on a “barrel train,” corn hole games, Catch the rest of this story on whiteville.com
guided haunted mazes for Halloween and much under the Sport of all Sorts tab

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Missing Saturday’s Bank of America concussion.

500 at Charlotte Motor Speedway pretty “A concussion can be seeing stars. A concussion can be
much ended any hope Earnhardt had of just being addled for a minute. Any time the brain is not do-
winning the Sprint Cup championship, ing what it’s supposed to be doing after an acceleration or
but the driver and those around him all deceleration, that’s a concussion.”
said the most important thing at this But despite the possible consequences of concussions af-
point is the driver’s health. ter concussions, drivers tend to try to keep their symptoms
And most around him were praising from keeping them out of their race cars, especially when
him for having the courage to come for- there are big trophies to be had.
ward and admit he was suffering. Earn- Earnhardt’s teammate Jeff Gordon said he probably
hardt, throughout his career, has been wouldn’t take the steps Earnhardt took if there was a cham-
known for telling the truth no matter the pionship on the line.
consequences. “Honestly, I hate to say this, but no, I wouldn’t,” he said.
“I think that’s one thing everybody “That’s why I say we all play a part in this. If I have a thought
admires about Dale is how honest and at the championship, there’s two races to go, my head is
up front he is,” Earnhardt’s car owner Rick hurting, and I just came through a wreck, and I am feeling
Hendrick said in a press conference at signs of it, but I’m still leading the points, or second in the
Charlotte. “He cares a lot about the team, points, I’m not going to say anything.
his fans, and the sport in general. “That’s the competitor in me, and probably many other
TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY: EARNHARDT TALKS “But when he knew that there was
something not right, he went to see Dr.
guys. And, that’s to a fault. That’s not the way it should be. It
is something that most of us, I think, would do. I think that is
ABOUT CONCUSSION, ‘PLAYING HURT’ [Jerry] Petty, and I admire him. I think a what gets a lot of us in trouble.”
Concussions in the sports world have pretty much been lot of guys would try to play hurt, but But Earnhardt’s comments reveal that there’s a lot at stake,
a football story, until last week when NASCAR’s biggest star, when the doctor tells you if you get hit again like right away, career-wise and otherwise, when a driver has literally rattled
Dale Earnhardt Jr., had to get out of his car. it could be catastrophic.” his brain in a crash. And sometimes the best decision is the
Earnhardt’s problems began with a violent wreck during Petty, who has worked for years with NASCAR and its driv- one that seems so hard to make at the time.
a tire test at Kansas Speedway in August. But he kept it quiet ers, said the very nature of concussions requires honest an- “I want to live a healthy life, so I’m going to make sure that
until a seemingly minor impact on the last lap at Talladega swers on the driver’s part to get a correct diagnosis. I’m doing the right thing, and that’s all I felt like I was do-
Superspeedway triggered more symptoms and led to his “Ninety percent of a concussion probably depends on in- ing here,” Earnhardt said. “I think if I give myself time to get
seeking medical help for concussions suffered in both inci- dividual information,” Petty said. “People around you might healed up, I can race for as long as I want to race, and that’s
dents. notice that you’re different. By and large, the history that the my objective.”
patient gives is the thing that tells you that they’ve had a


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Furniture, tools, antiques & and repair pianos. Restore grand, Girls Homes. $10 per yd. Pick up only.
LOST STRAIGHT TALK Touch is selling Silver and Gold American NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY
much more. upright and self- player pianos and Proceeds benefit B&GH. Call Eric at
Screen black cell phone in parking lot Eagle Coins at 1 percent over dealer YARD SALE
Cannon’s Auction House pump organs. We buy and sell pianos. 910-234-1751.
at Columbus County Fair. It’s been cost. 1-888-470-6389 October 20, 2012
N. Railroad St., Clarkton Over 35 years experience. Call 642-
reported stolen or lost and you can’t CORBETT TIMBER COMPANY NCAL 3877 6:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 3934, 9 a.m. -6 p.m. and 642-0264 HAY FOR SALE
reactivate unless you know the pass Buyers of land and timber. We buy Call 640-8465 First Bank: nights. Round & Square Bales
word. Call Janie Price 910-918-6347. pine saw timber, hardwood saw tim- 1104 N. J.K. Powell Blvd. SPRIGGING/PLANTING
ber, and pulpwood - 5 acres or great- Large variety of items! of Coastal Bermuda grass. Call 910-
ESTATE AUCTION 649-6145 or 910-770-0910.
er. Call days 642-2909. Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012 YARD SALE, SAT., Oct. 20th, 8-1.
I BUY/TOW Junk Cars $175-600. 10:00 am - On site 622 Jefferson Rd., Lake Wacca-
WANT TO FIND a hunting lease. I Take free junk metal, appliances. 16039 NC Hwy 87 East maw. School umniforms, toys and
$19.99/month PLUS 30 Premium
This is NOT a club. No dogs. This is Open 24/7. Call now 910-385-8585 Council, NC 28434 misc. items.
House, 10 acres, 2 cars Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months!
grandfather, sons and grandsons. YARD SALE, SATURDAY, 8 am SAVE! & Ask About SAME DAY Instal- TRACTOR FOR SALE. B Allis Cham-
Prefer Columbus, Brunswick, Bladen, OLDER MODEL SNAPPER 12hp rid- Personal Property bers. $1,500. Call 654-6966.
Hilton Auction & Realty, Inc. until. 26 Hickory Rd, Southwood. lation! CALL 888-827-8038.
Duplin or Pender. Please contact ing mower. Running or for parts. Call
655-8978 after 6pm. NCAL #7531, NCRL-C2392 Arrow heads, Router, tools, drain tile, 300 GAL 27’ SPRAYER, a 650 New
Gregg: 910-777-3984 SAVE ON CABLE TV-Internet-Digital
www.hilton-realty.com clothes, shoes, books & more. Holland round baler, 4 basket Kuhn
Phone. Packages start at $89.99/mo
060 Special Notices needs to buy used lift chair for large
910-862-4549 (for 12 months.) Options from ALL hay tedder, 2 basket Lely hay tedder
and rake combo. A Massey Ferguson
major service providers. Call Accel-
size person. Call 910-648-2505. 12 square baler and 3 point back hoe
ler today to learn more! CALL 1-877-
FREE CAMPING SPECIAL! 2 Nights 715-4515. attachment. Call 910-840-4097
FREE. Looking for YOUR feedback 100 Pets & Animals 4X8 CHERRY DINING ROOM table
5425 JOHN DEERE Tractor with
with 6 chairs with fabric cushions.
about our updated campground
Solid beige. $250. 640-6796 cab, 4WD, 541 front loader, 2074hrs.
resort. Limited Time. Call 1-800-795- Farmall M tractor. Farmall 300 trac-
KITTENS FREE to a good home &
2199 TODAY! BED 2 PC, BRAND NEW. Full mat- tor. Very nice 2 seat horse carriage,
cats free, has be spaded. Call 910-
tress sets $99. Queen $109. King fringe top and brakes. 910-840-4097

$189. Can deliver. Call 910-794-
Free Bible course. Call Neil Floyd 4111. Dealer.
TION- Wednesday, October 24 at 10 Female $300. Shots & wormed. Call
a.m. 201 S. Central Ave., Locust, NC.
Items Selling Large Quantity of Res-
table & 6 chairs, china cabinet, $1000.
Broy Hill Entertainment Center with
lighted curio. $800, Retailed $1500.
Call 840-9214.
APARTMENTS ES, spyware, email, printer issues,
bad internet connections FIX IT
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING Tabor City, NC NOW! Professional, U.S.-based tech-
OAK BUNK BED. Looks new. Mat- taking applications on: nicians. $25 off service. Call for imme-
FOR IMPROVING SAFETY AND TRAFFIC OPERATIONS tress, still in plastic. Bunky pads, also diate help. 1-888-431-2934.
$100. Call 653-4385. 3 bedroom units.
AT THE INTERSECTION U. S. 74 AND OLD U.S. 74 ROAD (SR 1574) Laundry center,
exercise room,
TIP Project No. W-5206T WBS: 45336.1.20 Columbus County THOMPSON computer room
ESTATES Water included
Taking applications
APARTMENTS Mon. Wed. Fri. Propane Refills
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will hold

103 Jones Place
the above Public Informational Meeting on October 25, 2012 located Whiteville, NC 9-5 pm OR
at Evergreen Elementary School, 7211 Old U.S. 74 Road, Evergreen, Now accepting applications. 125 Forest Edge SAVE MORE
28438 from 5 to 7 p.m. 1 bedroom units, handicap
accessible units available.
Tabor City, NC From exchange prices
Total electric with range &
The purpose of this meeting is for NCDOT representatives to pro- refrigerator furnished. 910-653-2073
vide information, and answer questions regarding this project. The op- Community room and
laundry room on site. Head 106 Quality Street, Whiteville
portunity to submit written comments will also be provided. Interested of household must be 62 or 910-640-FAST (640-3278)
citizens may attend at any time during the above mentioned hours. older. Rent based on income.

NCDOT proposes to construct a directional crossover at the inter-

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
section of U.S. 74 and Old U.S. 74 Road (State Road 1574) with me- 640-3315 CAREER
dian U-turns located on U. S. 74 a minimum of 800 feet on both sides SEEKERS ONLY
of the intersection. This project will improve safety and operations.
Anyone desiring additional information may contact Jerry Bradley, Metropolitan Property Management Resumés Accepted Only Through Email
NCDOT Division Project Manager at Post Office Box 1150, Fayette-
ville, phone (910) 437-2611, fax (910) 437-2577 or email jbradley@nc-
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Ameri- 62 YEARS AND OLDER
cans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate • Refrigerator • Range • Blinds • Carpet • Central Heat & Air • Coin Operated Laundry Room
in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Mr. • Handicap Accessible • Emergency Call System • Community Room
Bradley as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. “Rent Based on Income”

Persons who speak Spanish and do not speak English, or have a

limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive inter-
pretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800- Green Sea Rd., Box 127, Tabor City, NC 28463
481-6494. For application or information, please call
910-653-2675 • TTY 800-735-2962 EQUAL HOUSING
6B - The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

6556, x6 or apply at www.gypsum- *WARD’S EXCAVATION* 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath house with car-
230 Miscellaneous express.com Insured. Lot clearing, demolition, tree port. Central heat/air. Good location.
removal, crush/run, top soil/sand. Call $600 per month, plus deposit. Refer-
OTR/CDL CLASS A DRIVERSS- 910-212-8737 or 910-642-7033. ences required. Call 910-880-0977.
ATTENTION DIABETICS WITH DEER SWEET POTATOES for sale. ingles, Teams, Owner Ops. Multiple ****Publisher’s Notice****
Medicare. Get a FREE talking meter Call 840-4897. Locations at Ryder Facilities in NC AUSTIN’S LAWNCARE Equal Housing 2 BR HOUSE at 164 Roger Street,
and diabetic testing supplies at NO and SC. USA/Canada routes. Good Landscaping, mow yards, and any Opportunity Fair Bluff. Security Deposit. Call
COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best DIXIE LEE PEAS, Covington sweet Home Time, Excellent Pay with winter yard work. Call anytime 910- All real estate advertised herein is 642-2736.
potatoes, also taking orders on Red subject to the Federal Fair Housing
of all, this meter eliminates painful fin- Monthly Bonus and Good Benefits. 641-2491 Act, North Carolina and Columbus
ger pricking! Call 888-284-9573. Ripper now ready. 642-7548. www.catconcord.com. Call 1-800- 212 W. 3rd Ave in Chadbourn
Bobby Hinson Construction Fair Housing Law which makes it ille- 2 bed, 1 bath
869-2434 x16, Ron Hettrick. gal to advertise any preference, limi-
ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUF- Lot clearing, pond building, bushhog- $450/month + security deposit
tation discrimination based on race,
FERERS with Medicare. Get FREE TANKER & FLATBED INDEPEN- ging, lots and hedge rows with mini color, religion, sex, handicap, familial Email required to apply
CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO DENT Contractors! Immediate place- excavator. Call 640-7606. status or national origin, or intention 252-756-2920
COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best ment available. Best Opportunities in to make any such preferences, limi-
of all, prevent red skin sores and bac- the trucking business. CALL TODAY Carpentry Work tations or discrimination. We will not 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. $400
terial infection! Call 877-763-9842. 800-277-0212 or www.primeinc.com Roofing, painting and wallpaper. No knowingly accept any advertising for per month. Chadbourn area. Call 917-
job too small. Workmanship guaran- real estate which is in violation of the 771-9174.
DIAMOND PENDANT 16 princess TRUCK DRIVER/OTR- $1000 Sign- teed. Call 642-4226. law. All person are hereby informed
cut diamonds in white gold. Cost On Bonus!! Competitive pay & home that all dwellings advertised are avail- 3 BR 1 BATH HOME for rent. Coun-
AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for try kitchen style design. Rent: $525;
$2000, asking $700. Hamilton railroad time, safety bonus paid quarterly, HANDYMAN 910-654-3341 or able on an equal opportunity basis. To
hands on Aviation Career. FAA complain of discrimination, call HUD Deposit: $525; call 703-258-5540
pocket watch $150. 654-4440 vacation & benefits. Family Environ- 740-6758
approved program. Financial aid if toll-free at 1-800-765-9372.
qualified. Job placement assistance. ment. Applicant must possess CDL 3 BR HOUSE in Chadbourn. No pets.
EXTRA DIABETIC TEST Strips? Class A. Contact Corney Transpor- LARRY HINSON’S BACKHOE
Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 3 BR 2 ba, $450 month + $450 security dep., ref-
We Pay More! Most Major Brands tation. 1-800-354-9111 ext. 7 (Judy). All types of backhoe work, lot clear-
877-300-9494. 2050 sq ft home. 2 blocks off Lake erences req. Call 654-4973
Bought. Volume Sellers Welcome. ing, sand, top soil and marl. Waccamaw. Central heat/air. Hard-
CALL TODAY! 800-293-0492. EXPERIENCED GRILL COOK WANTED CDL DRIVERS - 2 years Call 654-4503. 3 BR, 2 BATH in Whiteville Central
wood floors. Call 640-6497 for details.
NEEDED. Call Donut Shop 910- experience over the road. Pay by the Heat/Air, $650 mo + $650 security
GOLD AND SILVER Can Protect Your mile, drop pay & layover pay. Must McPherson Carpentry
640-3317. HOUSE FOR SALE. 617 Blue Jean dep. References req. No pets. 654-
Hard Earned Dollars. Learn how by have valid CDL license. Call 910- Remodeling, additions, for all your Rd. In good shape, 3BR, 2 full bath, 4973
calling Freedom Gold Group for your EXPERIENCED LICENSED INSUR- 654-1261 home improvements needs - From A 910-620-9376
free educational guide. 888-478-6991 ANCE Representative for local insur- to Z. Turn key job. Work guaranteed. 955 Cedar Branch Rd. Chadbourn.
ance office. Send resume to mary@ 25 years experience. Call 910-654- NEW 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath house in 2 bed, 1 bath
marywilliamson.net 4920 or cell 910-770-1260. Col. Co. Owner Financing. Energy $350/month + security deposit +
across the state or across the country
effeciate. Call 843-385-1855. last month
with just one call! NCPS offers place- EXPERIENCED TAX PREPARER CNAS UNDER PRESSURE 252-756-2920
ment on classified and display ad Seasonal/Part Time FT 2nd shift 2:30-10:30pm available. Pressure Washing cleaning homes, PRICE REDUCTION $175,000
networks. Affordable rates, extensive 2+yrs experience and PTIN required NC license. Excellent pay and great decks & driveways and NOT your 3BR 2ba brick home 400 E Oliver BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT! 2 bed-
reach! For more information, call 919- Mail resume to: H&R BLOCK benefits. Apply in person. Autumn wallet. Call Mike Hyatt Jr. 840-2550 St, Whiteville. 2 car garage, new room, 3 baths, nice yard, good loca-
789-2083 or visit www.ncpsads.com. PO Box 2349, Whiteville, NC 28472. Care of Shallotte, 237 Mulberry St. for free estimate paint, multi updates, move in ready. tion. $500 mo., 1 mo. deposit. Private
Equal Opportunity Employer. Shallotte, NC Call 840-0833/840-6998. No owner or HUD. NO inside pets. 521 Ramsey
finance please Ford Rd., Nakina. 910-645-6673.
bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. for Saw Mill Apartment Complex in AGEMENT, INC. is currently recruit- BRICK HOUSE, 3 BR, 2 bath 1,600
In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/ Whiteville. 24 hours per week. Pre- ing for the following positions for our sq. ft. City. $750 month + security
DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com. vious experience helpful but not Whiteville location: dep. 336-870-2501.
1-800-578-1363, Ext. 300N. required. Detail oriented & comput- "ILLING !SSISTANT s -EDICAL 2ECEP- 3/4 ACRE lot w/improvement 16X80 LAKEFRONT DOWNSTAIRS unit
er skills necessary. Competitive sal- TIONIST
!#4410s!#4400s#OM- 3BR, 2 bath. Ready to move in. Dou-
STEEL BUILDINGS FOR Garages, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, pier, patio
ary. Boyd Management is an Equal munity Support Team Lead ble carport & storage for more info.
Shops, Barns, Homes. SAVE THOU- facing the lake. Year lease Call 910-
Opportunity Employer. Send resume: #OMMUNITY 3UPPORT 4EAM 00 s 1995 FORD F-150 Super Cab, 4 654-4128
SANDS on Clearance buildings. 602-3437 or 910-617-5105
don.messer@boydmanagement.com )NTENSIVE)N(OME4EAM,EADs)NTEN- WD with 34,000 miles. Excellent
20x24, 25x32, 30x40, 35x56. Make
or Attn: Don Messer, PO Box 9, Lin- sive In Home QP condition. Cash price $6,500. Call FOR SALE OR RENT. Mobile home
offer and low payments. Call Now! MOBILE HOME FOR RENT for
den, NC 28458. 4ARGETED #ASE -ANAGER 4#- s 640-7154. & lot off Smyrna Rd, Whiteville. Call
800-991-9251 Nicole. small family on private lot in Nakina
)NTENSIVE)N(OME!0s*OB#OACH 910-612-5792
1999 MAZDA MIATA, convertible, area. No pets. Call 642-6506 or leave
USED EXERCISE EQUIPMENT. (Supported Employment)
5 speed, air. Price $4,850. Call cell message.
Gym quality. Tread Mills, Bikes, Ellip- Fully Licensed Out Patient Therapist
tials, and misc. items. 625-7421 Evergreen Behavioral Management, 910-770-2614.
AVERITT KEEPS YOUR Wheels Roll- Inc. is currently recruiting for the fol-
2008 MERCURY SABLE, 4 dr, V6
ing! Hiring CDL-A Drivers and Recent lowing positions for our Evergreen, RESTAURANT FOR SALE
auto, moonroof, 82k, $11,800. Fair
The Greater Grads - Great Benefits. Weekly NC location: Fully equipped, good location. Priced
Bluff Ford 910-649-7531 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. No pets.
Hometime & Paid Training. Apply Supervisor In Charge (Preferred can- for quick sale. For more info call 910- Please call J.L. Powell & Co., Inc. Call
Now! 888-362-8608. AVERITTcareers. didates will be: DHHS Certified Medi- 2011 CHEVY IMPALA, V6, 4 door 918-3528 642-4049.
com. Equal Opportunity Employer. cation Aide) sedan, flexible fuel, 32k, $16,500. Fair
Please visit our website at www.ever- Bluff Ford 649-7531 Cypress Village Apartments
Chamber of Commerce On Bonus! Super Service is hiring
greeenbehavioral.com to apply.
Evergreen Behavioral Management, 2011 FORD FUSION, 4dr, sedan, SEL
197 Orange St., Fair Bluff, N.C.
1 and 2 bedrooms with Handicap
Seeks solo and team drivers. Great Bene- Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employ- sunroof, SYNC, 15k. $19,500. Fair LOT FOR SALE: Williams Township/
fits Package. CDL-A required. CDL-A accessible units available.
er, M/F/D/V Bluff Ford. 910-649-7531 Mollie area. Large lot, nice commu-
Executive Director required. Call 888-691-4472 or apply Free laundry facilities + Community
nity. Call 642-2872 or 653-3582. room **24 hour maintenance**
online at www.superservicellc.com MEDICAL OFFICE TRAINEES Need- 2011 LINCOLN MKZ, 4 door sedan,
The position of ed. Train to become a Medical Office SYNC, leather, 24k. $25,900. Fair Section 8 Assistance Available
DRIVER- $0.03 enhanced quarterly Assistant! No Experience Needed! Bluff Ford 649-7531 Income Restrictions may apply
President/Executive bonus. Get paid for any portion you Career Training & Job Placement Seniors 62 years and older
Director of the Greater qualify for: safety production, MPG, 2012 FORD TAURUS SEL, 4dr, 910-649-7971
Assistance at CTI! HS Diploma/GED 64 ACRES OF WOODED LAND off
CDL-A, 3 months current OTR expe- sedan, auto, moonroof, 14k. $25,900. Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am-2 pm
Whiteville Chamber of & Computer needed. Careertechnical. Red Hill Rd. Great road system, over
rience. 800-414-9569. www.drivek- Fair Bluff Ford. 910-649-7531 TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962
edu/nc. 1-888-512-7122. 1 mile long. Set up for still hunting.
Commerce is currently night.com
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR $78,000. 910-840-9936
Professionally Managed by
NURSE POSITIONS LPN or RN Community Management
seeking qualified DRIVERS NC TO MIDWEST CDL-A Full time or part time. Must have NC BOAT to Heritage for the Blind. Free
w/ 4yrs experience. Up to 0.41/mile 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free BLACK RIVER Home + 2.25 acres @
candidates. Any license. Excellent benefits. Vacation, Yonder Store for sale or rent. $39,500.
& benefits. $1500 Sign-on Bonus. Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of.
Holiday pay, Sick pay and more. 910-642-0344
interested candidate Advance Dist. 877-992-9079, ext. Autumn Care of Shallotte, 237 Mul- 877-752-0496.
should visit the 200 or apply online www.advancedtw. berry Street, Shallotte, NC 28459. SMOKY MOUNTAIN TENNESSEE
com Please apply in person LAKE PROPERTY Bank Liquidation
Chamber website at Sale! 1-8 Acres Starting at $12,900. FURNISHED 2 BR APARTMENT IN
www.whitevillechamber.org Up to $5,000 Sign-On Bonus! Tuition Bank says: Make offer! 10/27-28.
County Hospital, Elizabethtown NC 2011 FORD F-150 XLT crew cab, 4x2, 910-642-4049
Call for map/pricing! 1-800-574-2055
and follow the details as reimbursement up to $6,000. New is seeking Registered Nurses for our power pkg, 11k. $26,900. Fair Bluff
ext. 108.
student pay AND lease program. Call Surgical Services Dept (willing to take Ford. 910-649-7531
outlined on the site for or Apply Online! 877-521-5775. www. MADISON HILL APARTMENTS
call), Med/Surg Unit and Emergency 206 S, Madison St., Whiteville, NC
the position. The position usatruck.jobs Dept. Must be licensed with NCBON, One Bedroom Apts.
will remain posted until DRIVERS/CLASS-A Flatbed. Get experience preferred. Full Time and "3-%05"$*+*2*&16.,,3-*25
Home Weekends! Up to 39c/mi. Late Per Diem positions available 7a & 7p. ABSOLUTE AUCTIONSATURDAY, r..,6
a candidate is hired. Competitive Salary, Excellent Bene- 2001 CHEVY EXPRESS handicap
model equipment & big miles! 1 year October 27. 12pm. 149 Westview Rental assistance up to 100%
fits. Send Resume to gparks@cape- van incl. chair lift, tie down for wheel-
The Greater Whiteville OTR Flatbed Experience. 800-572- Drive, Hendersonville, NC 2-story log based on income. Income restric-
fearvalley.com or by fax to GParks chair, new tires. Very clean. 105k.
5489, x227. Sunbelt Transport, LLC. home, minutes from Biltmore House. tion may apply
Chamber of Commerce is an 910-862-1127. $10,500. NOW $9.500 910-641-1250.
1.29 +/- acres. www.hallauctionco. Seniors 62 years and older
equal opportunity employer. GYPSUM EXPRESS CLASS A CDL com. Troy L. Hall NCAL-4703. 336- 

2007 FORD ECONOLINE 350, 3dr,
Flatbed Drivers. Road & Regional
Positions. Call Melissa, 866-317- SERVICES 141k. 15 passenger $7,900. Fair Bluff
Ford 910-649-7531
835-SOLD (7653). Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am to 2 pm
Professionally Managed by
2009 FORD SPORT TRAC 4 dr, V6, Community Management
sunroof, 56k, $22,900. SYNC. Fair Corporation
Bluff Ford 910-649-7531
2012 FORD ESCAPE limited, 4dr,
FOR SALE - 3 sections, deluxe res- heated leather, 18k, $21,900. Fair
taurant buffet. Has 9 wells plus salad ****Publisher’s Notice****
Bluff Ford 910-649-7531 Equal Housing
bar area. Includes cabinets, complete
and ready to use. Call 910-918-5177 All real estate advertised herein is
or 910-918-6067 for an appointment subject to the Federal Fair Housing
to see. Act, North Carolina and Columbus
4-2008 ACURA rims, factory chrome Fair Housing Law which makes it ille- 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME for
w/Michelin Pilot tires, less than 500m. gal to advertise any preference, limi-
tation discrimination based on race, rent. References required. Call 910-
$1,500 OBO 843-251-2285 or 843- 654-4182 days, or 642-4073 between
color, religion, sex, handicap, familial
756-1080 status or national origin, or intention 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
to make any such preferences, limi-
home. Medical, Business, Criminal tations or discrimination. We will not 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME, East-
Justice, Hospitality. Job placement knowingly accept any advertising for over Park. Call J.L. Powell & Co Inc.
assistance. Computer available. real estate which is in violation of the 642-4049.
Financial aid if qualified. SCHEV HONDA REBEL 2007 250 340mi. law. All person are hereby informed
authorized. Call 888-899-6918. www. $2300,00 Honda 1983 3-Wheeler that all dwellings advertised are avail- 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile home. N.
CenturaOnline.com Good condition $500.00 Vintage mini able on an equal opportunity basis. To Hallsboro area. No pets. References.
complain of discrimination, call HUD 642-5801 or 640-9435.
bike 3.5 Briggs $225.00 All negotiable toll-free at 1-800-765-9372.
call 910-642-5347 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile home,
11948 Peacock Rd, Chadbourn front & back porch. Fenced in back-
1 bed, 1 bath yard. Highway 130, 5 miles from

Subscribe Today,
**Watts Backhoe & Tree Service* $350/month + security deposit + Whiteville. 642-5216 or 642-5644.
Insured, tree removal, bucket truck, last month
top soil, fill dirt, marl for driveway, land 252-756-2920 PRIVATE LOT - East of Whiteville.
clearing. Free estimates. 640-2463 or Large 2 BR, 2 bath mobile home. No

Call 642-4104
mobile 770-0534. 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH with refrigera- pets. 918-4684 or 640-3896.
tor. Behind Walmart. Call 625-6371.

Brighten Your
Holiday Season!
Store Location:
Belk 56 Business Hours:
Whites Crossing Sunday 12pm-7pm,
Whiteville, N.C. 28472 Monday - Saturday
910-642-6179 10am-9pm




The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012- 7B

Notice greater, will be required at the time of

the sale. Following the expiration of
IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE- health or safety conditions existing
in, on, at or relating to the property
9. Approximately 250’ 4ft. 9ga.
the statutory upset bid period, all the EXECUTED BY JUNIOR WILLIAM being offered for sale. Any and all Assorted terminals and line posts
The Columbus County Board of Elec-
remaining amounts are immediately PITTMAN AND ANZALENE PITT- responsibilities or liabilities arising out Assorted Hardware 3- 10’ drive gates
tions will meet on the following dates
FOR LEASE - 1,200 sq. ft. office/retail due and owing. MAN DATED MARCH 18, 2002 AND of or in any way relating to any such 2- 4’ walk gates
at 5:30 p.m. (if necessary) to approve
space. Powell Plaza. Contact Memo- Said property to be offered pursu- RECORDED IN BOOK 685 AT PAGE condition expressly are disclaimed. 10. 12 Ton trailer
absentee applications for the General
ry Enterprises. 642-5824 ant to this Notice of Sale is being 223 IN THE COLUMBUS COUNTY This sale is made subject to all prior 11. 2004 Chevy Impala
Election to be held on November 6,
offered for sale, transfer and con- PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAR- liens and encumbrances, and unpaid Sealed bids, marked with the appro-
FOR LEASE - Retail or office space, 2012. The meetings will be held at the
veyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There OLINA taxes and assessments including but priate identification, will be received
various sizes. Memory Plaza. Memory Board of Election’s Office, located at
are no representations of warranty Under and by virtue of the power and not limited to any transfer tax associ- until 2 pm on November 2, 2012.
Enterprises. 910-642-5824. 50 Legion Dr., Suite A in Whiteville,
relating to the title or any physical, authority contained in the above-ref- ated with the foreclosure. A deposit Sealed bids should be returned to
NC pursuant to G.S. 163.230.1(c1).
FOR RENT Downtown Commercial environmental, health or safety con- erenced deed of trust and because of of five percent (5%) of the amount of Mr. Darren L. Currie, Town Manager,
Any other business transacted by the
Building. Spacious parking. Call J.L. ditions existing in, on, at, or relating default in the payment of the secured the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars 205 Flemington Drive, Lake Wacca-
Board will be done at this time.
Powell & Co., Inc. (910) 642-4049. to the property being offered for sale. indebtedness and failure to per- ($750.00), whichever is greater, is maw, NC 28450.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
This sale is made subject to all prior form the stipulation and agreements required and must be tendered in the The Town of Lake Waccamaw
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land therein contained and, pursuant to form of certified funds at the time of reserves the right to accept or reject
Monday, November 5, 2012
transfer taxes, special assessments, demand of the owner and holder of the sale. This sale will be held open any or all bids or part of a bid for the
Friday, November 9, 2012
easements, rights of way, deeds of the secured debt, the undersigned ten days for upset bids as required lack of fair and adequate price. All
David Lee McPherson, Chairman
LEASE LAND FOR HUNTING. Con- release, and any other encumbrances substitute trustee will expose for by law. Following the expiration of property is sold as is and is to be
Columbus County Board of Elections
tact 910-625-6893 for information or exceptions of record. To the best sale at public auction to the highest the statutory upset period, all remain- removed from Town property with-
Oct. 18, 25, Nov. 1, 2012
of the knowledge and belief of the bidder for cash at the usual place of ing amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE in 10 days upon notification of bid
NOTICE TO CREDITORS undersigned, the current owner(s) of sale at the county courthouse of said AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in award.
Having qualified as Executrix of the property is/are Joseph S. Nobles county at 10:30 AM on October 25, a timely manner will result in a Dec- Any information desired may be
the Estate of FAYE C HOWARD, and Sara F. Nobles. 2012 the following described real laration of Default and any deposit obtained from Mr. Darren L. Cur-
FOR SALE - 1 ACRE LOT well/septic deceased, late of Columbus Coun- An Order for possession of the prop- estate and any other improvements will be frozen pending the outcome rie, Town Manager, at Town Hall,
tank 2.5 miles from Walmart 910-642- ty, The undersigned hereby notifies erty may be issued pursuant to G.S. which may be situated thereon, in of any re-sale. M-F, 8 am- 5 pm or by calling (910)
0344. all persons having claims against the 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and Columbus County, North Carolina, SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD 646-3700. All items are available for
estate of said decedent to present against the party or parties in posses- and being more particularly described TENANTS: If you are a tenant resid- inspection between the hours of 9am
them to the undersigned within (3) sion by the clerk of superior court of as follows: ing in the property, be advised that an and 4pm Monday thru Friday, as well.
months from the date of the first pub- the county in which the property is BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the Order for Possession of the property October 18, 22, 25, 2012
lication, or this notice will be pleaded sold. Any person who occupies the Western right of way of SR 1003 (Sil- may be issued in favor of the purchas-
in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate will please
property pursuant to a rental agree-
ment entered into or renewed on
ver Spoon Road), said point being er. Also, if your lease began or was
renewed on or after October 1, 2007,
Notice of Sale of
Advertisement for make immediate payment. or after October 1, 2007, may, after
2162.41 feet Northeasterly along the
center line of SR 1003 from its inter- be advised that you may terminate the Surplus
Bids The 4th day of October, 2012
Anita Faye Ward
receiving the notice of sale, termi-
nate the rental agreement upon 10
section with SR 1574 and 30 feet from
center, and running thence from the
rental agreement upon 10 days writ-
ten notice to the landlord. You may Equipment by
Phase 4 Sewer Executrix of the estate of days’ written notice to the landlord.
The notice shall also state that upon
beginning North 23 degrees 37 min- be liable for rent due under the agree- Columbus County
FAYE C HOWARD ment prorated to the effective date of
Improvements 5664 Honey Hill Rd termination of a rental agreement,
utes West 208.71 feet to an iron pipe;
thence South 68 degrees 23 minutes the termination. Board of Education
Town of Lake Hallsboro, NC 28442
October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2012
the tenant is liable for rent due under
the rental agreement prorated to the
West, 208.71 feet; thence South 23
degrees 37 minutes East, 208.71 feet;
The date of this Notice is October
4, 2012. The Columbus County Board of Edu-
Waccamaw, NC effective date of the termination.
If the trustee is unable to convey title
thence North 68 degrees 23 minutes 10-000259 cation will sell at public auction to the
NOTICE TO CREDITORS East, 208.71 feet with the right of way Jonathan Blake Davis highest bidder for cash the surplus
RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS Having qualified as Executrix of the to this property for any reason, the of SR 1003 to the Beginning, and Attorney for the Substitute Trustee equipment described in this Notice
Sealed proposals for the furnishing of Estate of MARGIE OLETER BOONE, sole remedy of the purchaser is the containing 1 acre. This being a por- 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 pursuant to NCGS 115C-518.
equipment and materials are invited, deceased, late of Columbus Coun- return of the deposit. Reasons of tion of the land Charlotte, NC 28216 This sale will be held at the following
and will be received by the Town of ty, The undersigned hereby notifies such inability to convey include, but conveyed by deed to James C. Turner (704) 333-8107 place and time:
Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina, in all persons having claims against the are not limited to, the filing of a bank- and wife, Ethel Turner on 13 July, 1927 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ School Bus Garage at 1231 Chad-
the Board Meeting Room of the Town estate of said decedent to present ruptcy petition prior to the confirma- and recorded in Book 132, Page 139, October 11, 18, 2012 bourn Hwy., Whiteville, North Caroli-
Hall on or before, but no later than them to the undersigned within (3) tion of the sale and reinstatement of in the Office of the Columbus County na 29472 at 10:00 AM to be followed,
months from the date of the first pub- the loan without the knowledge of the
11:00 a.m., local time, on Tuesday, the
20\super th\super0 day of November, lication, or this notice will be pleaded trustee. If the validity of the sale is
Register of Deeds.
LESS AND EXCEPT that 0.26 acre
Notice of Sale of at the sale’s conclusion, by a sale at
Plant Operations, Mount Olive Facil-
2012. Immediately thereafter all bids
received will be publicly opened and
in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate will please
challenged by any party, the trustee,
in their sole discretion, if they believe
tract of land conveyed in deed dated Property by the ity, located at 5487 Silverspoon Road,
October, 1988 from Junious W. Pitt- Whiteville, North Carolina on Friday,
read aloud. A non-mandatory pre-bid make immediate payment. the challenge to have merit, may man and wife, Anzalene Pittman to Town of Lake November 2, 2012.
The 11th day of October, 2012 request the court to declare the sale
conference will be held at the Lake
Waccamaw Town Hall at 11:00 a.m. Peggy Bryant to be void and return the deposit. The
Derneck L. Pittman and wife, Barba-
ra Gayle Pittman, recorded in Deed
Waccamaw FIRST SALE:
on Thursday, the 8\super th\super0 Executrix of the estate of purchaser will have no further remedy. Notice is hereby given that the follow-
Book 397, Page 444, Columbus THAT WILL BE SOLD AT THE
day of November, 2012. MARGIE OLETER BOONE Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC ing items will be sold to the highest
Proposals must be made on the blank 1474 Cedar Grove Rd. Substitute Trustee bidder for cash:
And Being more commonly known DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:
form provided in the Contract Docu- Supply, NC 28462 Brock & Scott, PLLC 1. 1997 Ford F-150 Pickup
as: 393 Silver Spoon Rd, Evergreen, 1 - Lot of Used Tires
ments, and must be enclosed in a October 11, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 2012 Attorneys for Trustee Services of Car- (VIN # 1FTZF1726WNA80192)
NC 28438 1 - Lot of Steel Drums
sealed envelope and addressed to olina, LLC 2. 2004 Crown Vic
The record owner(s) of the proper- 1 - Lot of Gas Air Compressor/
the Mayor, Town of Lake Waccamaw, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 (VIN#2FAFP71W74Z175568)
ty, as reflected on the records of the Weedeaters
North Carolina. The name, address, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, NC 28403 3. 1974 Ford F-700 Pump Truck
Register of Deeds, is/are Anzalene 1 - Lot of Valve Gride/Seat Cut
and Licensing Number of the Bidder COUNTY OF COLUMBUS PHONE: (910) 392-4988 (VIN#- C75FVT08474)
Pittman. Machine
must be plainly marked on the outside IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUS- FAX: (910) 392-8587 750 GPM pump; capacity of 700 gal-
The property to be offered pursuant 1 - Tire Changer
of each envelope. TICE File No.: 12-10740-FC01 lons of water
to this notice of sale is being offered 1 - Lot of Diagnostic Equipment
PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION October 18, 25, 2012 4. 1982 Ford F-600 Crash Truck
for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS 1 - Lot of Shop Tables
This Project consists of the furnishing FILE NO.: 12E309 (VIN#- 1FDNF60H8CVA48989
IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee 1 - Brake Rivet Machine
of all materials, labor, and equipment IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
Notice of Public nor the holder of the note secured by
5. Ferguson Roller/Packer Model #
46 Serial # 2491 1 - Metal Lathe
to install the following:
Approximately 3,200 Linear Feet of Having qualified as Administratrix of Hearing the deed of trust, being foreclosed,
nor the officers, directors, attorneys,
6. 2- Onan Generators 1 - Lot of Drink Machines
1 - Lot of Welders
8” gravity sewer pipe bursting; 2,515 the Estate of WILLIAM FREEMAN, 7. Sweepster Street Sweeper- Rear
employees, agents or authorized rep- 1 - Lot of Transmission Jack & Misc.
Linear Feet of 10” gravity sewer pipe deceased, late of Columbus County, NOTICE is hereby given that the Pro- Mount
resentative of either Trustee or the Equipment
bursting; 1,775 Linear Feet of 10” North Carolina, the undersigned here- posed Schedules, Standards, and Model# HFAC6 Serial # 0031008
holder of the note make any repre- 1 - Lot of Grease Guns
gravity sewer lining; correspond- by notifies all persons having claims Rules to be used in appraising real 8. Reznor Hanging Gas Heater
sentation or warranty relating to the 1 - Electric Oil Filter Crusher
ing sewer service replacements and against the estate of said decedent property in 2013, in Columbus Coun- 104,000 BTU’s Serial # D15F7L9936
title or any physical, environmental, 1 - Lot of Tanks/Scrap Metal
rehabilitations; 290 Verticle Feet of to present them to it on or before ty, were submitted to the Board of

Summer Is Over, Our Prices Are Fall’n!

manhole rehabilitation; repairs to a the 10th day of January, 2013, or County Commissioners at the Octo-
self-priming, duplex sewer lift station; this notice will be pled in bar of their ber 01, 2012 Board Meeting, and are
and all appurtenances as shown in recovery. All persons indebted to available for public inspection at the
the Contract Documents. said estate will please make immedi- following locations: Columbus County
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ate payment. Tax Assessor’s Office and the six (6)
The Contract Documents for the The 4th day of October, 2012 public libraries as follows, Carolyn
above work are on file and available
for inspection during regular business
Administratrix of the estate of
T. High Memorial (Whiteville), Rube
McCray Memorial (Lake Waccamaw), 2012 Ford 2002 Ford 2011
Chadbourn Community (Chadbourn),


hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 WILLIAM FREEMAN, DECEASED
p.m., Monday through Friday at the PO Box 183, 350 Money Hole Rd Tabor City Public (Tabor City), East
following locations: Bolton, NC 28423 Columbus Public (Riegelwood), and
MATTHEW J. TEDDER Fair Bluff Community (Fair Bluff).
Town of Lake Waccamaw
Attorney for the Estate The second Public Hearing will be
V6, Convertible, Leather Coupe, V6, Auto Luxury, Loaded, Navigation, Silver
P.O. Box 145
205 Flemington Drive
Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450-0145
Engineering Services, PA
110 West Nance Street
Whiteville, NC 28472
October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2012
held on November 05, 2012, at
6:30 P.M., on the Proposed Sched-
ules, Standards, and Rules for the
White $21,900 Charcoal $6,800 $30,900
PO Box 1849 2013 Revaluation, by the Columbus
1202 Benson Rd., #200 Notice of County Board of Commissioners, in
the Commissioners’ Chambers, in 2007 Nissan 2004 VW 2011 Chevy
Garner, NC 27529
Foreclosure Sale the Dempsey B. Herring Courthouse


Copies of the Contract Documents
required for review or bidding pur- Annex located at 112 West Smith
poses may be obtained, during regu- 12 SP 209 Street, Whiteville, North Carolina.
lar business hours between 8:00 a.m.
COLUMBUS COUNTY Clerk to the Board Quad Seats, 3rd Row, Rear A/C GLS, TDI, Auto, Power Pkg, Sunroof LS, CD, Power Package
and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Fri-
day, only, at the office of Engineering
Services, PA located at 1202 Ben-
son Road, #200, Garner, NC 27529,
Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale
contained in that certain Deed of Trust
executed by Joseph S. Nobles and
Columbus County Board of Com-
Please send Affidavit of Publication
Gold $8,500 $15,900 Silver White

Best Gas Mileage Vehicles Available

upon deposit of $200 for each docu- Sara F. Nobles a/k/a Sara F. Hill to Wil- to: June B. Hall
ment so obtained. Each application liam R. Echols, Trustee(s), which was Columbus County Administration
must be accompanied by a certified dated December 6, 2003 and record- Building
check made payable to Engineering ed on February 26, 2004 in Book 771 111 Washington Street
at Page 674, Columbus County Reg- Whiteville, NC 28472 YEAR MAKE MODEL SERIES MILES COLOR INTERNET PRICE
Services, PA. The full amount of the
deposit for the first set will be refund- istry, North Carolina. October 18, 2012 2008 Chevy Impala 4DR SDN LS, Power Seat, CD, Trip Computer 90500 Silver $9,900
ed to each Bidder who submits a for- Default having been made of the note 2011 Chevy Impala 4DR SDN, CD, Power Seat, Auto-Headlamps 32756 Mineral Gray $15,900
mal proposal to the Owner. thereby secured by the said Deed of
Trust and the undersigned, Trustee
NOTICE OF 2011 Chevy Malibu 4DR SDN, Heated Leather, ON-Star, Remote Start 34864 White $17,900
Each Proposal must be accompanied Services of Carolina, LLC, having REQUEST FOR 2005 Chrysler Town & Country 4DR, Van, LX, Rear A/C, Quad Seats w/Stow & Go 100781 Dk. Blue $6,900
2010 Dodge Charger 4DR SDN SXT, Power Seat, Satellite, Alloy 51850 White $17,900
by a certified or cashier’s check pay-
able to the order of the Owner, Town
been substituted as Trustee in said
Deed of Trust, and the holder of the PROPOSALS 2006 Ford E-150 Econoline Cargo Van, Power Pkg, Tilt & Cruise140641 White $7,900
of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina, note evidencing said default having 2007 Ford E-150 Econoline Cargo Van, Power Pkg, Tilt & Cruise 141510 White $7,900
or a satisfactory bid bond executed directed that the Deed of Trust be FOR PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION
2013 Ford Edge 4DR SUV, SEL, SYNC, Alloys, Low Miles 11057 White $27,900
by the Bidder and a corporate surety foreclosed, the undersigned Sub- SERVICES
stitute Trustee will offer for sale at 2012 Ford Escape 4DR SUV, XLT, 4x2, Power Pkg, Sunroof 22670 Sterling Gray $20,500
licensed under the laws of the State of WHITEVILLE FY2011 CDBG NC CAT-
the courthouse door of the county ALYST PROGRAM 2012 Ford Escape 4DR SUV Limited, Heated Leather, SYNC, Alloys 18318 White $21,900
North Carolina to execute such bonds
in an amount not less than 5% of the courthouse where the property is 2012 Ford Expedition 4DR SUV, XLT w/Eddie Bauer type trim, Leather 15552 White $35,900
bid as a guarantee that the Bidder will located, or the usual and customary The City of Whiteville has received 2012 Ford Explorer 4DR, SUV, XLT, Leather, Reverse Camera, SYNC 19133 Red Candy $30,900
within ten (10) days after the date of location at the county courthouse for notice of the award of a FY2011 2011 Ford Explorer 4DR, SUV, XLT, Heated Leather, Camera, MyFord Touch 20471 Sterling Gray $30,800
the Bidder’s receipt of the NOTICE conducting the sale on October 31, CDBG NC Catalyst Grant funded by 2009 Ford Sport Trac 4DR, XLT, V6, SYNC, Power Sunroof 56966 Burgundy $22,900
OF AWARD of a contract, execute an 2012 at 11:30AM, and will sell to the the North Carolina Department of
highest bidder for cash the following Commerce through the U.S. Depart- 2007 Ford F-150 Crew Cab 4x4, XLT, Power Bucket Seat, Bedliner, New Tires 90907 White $16,900
agreement and file same as required
by the Contract Documents if his Pro- described property situated in Colum- ment of Housing and Urban Devel- 2010 Ford F-150 Crew Cab, 4X2, XL, Power Pkg. 33814 White $24,500
posal is accepted. If a Bidder fails to bus County, North Carolina, to wit: opment. The total estimated cost of 2011 Ford F-150 Crew Cab, 4x2, XLT, CD, Power Pkg. 11752 Sterling Gray $26,900
execute and file an agreement, the All that certain lot or parcel of land the city=s FY2011 CDBG NC Catalyst 2010 Ford F-150 Crew-Cab Lariat 4x2, Loaded, Slimline Bed Cover 26835 Dk Blue $32,900
amount of his security shall be for- situated in the City of Chadbourn, program is $525,000, 95% of which
Columbus County, North Carolina will be financed with CDBG funds. 1998 Ford F-150 Reg Cab 4x4, XLT, Power Pkg, Tilt/Cruise, Toolbox 225747 White $4,800
feited as liquidated damages.
AWARD OF CONTRACT and more particularly described as During the course of the project, the 2007 Ford F-250 Crew-Cab 4x4 Lariat FX4 Diesel, Heated Leather, Lifted 96093 Dk Stone $25,900
The Owner will award a contract to follows: city will require general administra- 2012 Ford Taurus 4DR, SDN, SEL, Heated Leather, Sunroof 14669 White Suede $25,900
the lowest responsive Bidder(s) for Being all of Lot No. 8 in Town and tion, housing inspection, and housing 2010 Ford Focus 4DR SE, Power Pkg, SAT, “Certified Pre-Owned” 71710 Silver $12,900
the work of the project in accordance Country Estates Subdivision as activities administration services from 2011 Ford Fusion 4DR SE Sunroof, SYNC, CD w/Satellite 15456 Black $19,500
with the General Statutes of North shown on map made by H.L. Wil- a private firm or non-profit agency.
lis, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor, on If your firm is interested in provid- 2010 Ford Mustang GT, 5-Spd, Power Pkg, Spoiler 19259 Red $23,800
Carolina, Article 8, Chapter 143-
129. The Owner reserves the right July 15, 1966, and recorded in Book ing professional services to the City 1997 GMC Sonoma Ext Cab 4x2, Auto, CD, Power Pkg, Alloys 226701 Black $3,700
to reject all Proposals of Bidders for 9, Pages 48 and 98 (formerly and of Whiteville for this program, please 2006 GMC Envoy XL, 4DR SUV, Power Pkg, 3rd Row w/Rear A/C 170171 Dk Blue $6,900
any Phase of the project. The Owner erroneously referred to as Book 9, contact the City Manager’s office at 2007 Lincoln Town Car 4DR SDN, Signature Loaded, Local Trade 89750 White Pearl $13,500
further reserves the right to reject the page 18 in Deeds recorded in Book 910/642-8046, or in writing at PO
771, page 672, Book 676, page 490, Box 607, Whiteville, NC 28472. The 2011 Lincoln MKZ 4DR SDN Hot-Cold Leather, SYNC, Reverse Sensors 24628 White Platinum $25,900
Proposal of any Bidder submitting a
proposal which is not responsive to Book 668, page 234 and Book 266, city will deliver detailed Instructions 2011 Mercury Mariner 4DR SUV Premier V6, Leather, SYNC, Alloys 32,611 Steel Blue $19,800
the bid document or the proposal of page 643 and Deed of Trust recorded to Proposers to any firm contacting 2011 Mercury Mariner 4DR SUV Premier V6, Sunroof, Leather, SYNC 26023 White $21,900
any Bidder which is found not respon- in Book 771, page 674), which map is the city by October 29, 2012. The 2006 Mercury Mariner 4DR SUV, Premier, Loaded w/Leather, Moonroof 108280 White $8,900
sible to carry out the scope and intent hereby incorporated by reference for deadline for receipt of proposals is 2010 Mercury Mountaineer 4DR, SUV, AWD, Luxury, Heated Leather, 7 passenger 60434 Silver $20,800
of the bid document. a more particular description. 5:00 p.m., November 2, 2012. The
Save and except any releases, deeds 2008 Mercury Sable 4DR, SDN, Premiere, Sunroof, Heated Leather 82751 Silver $11,800
The Owner reserves the right to reject City of Whiteville is an equal oppor-
any Proposal for failure to comply with of release or prior conveyances of tunity employer and encourages pro- 2007 Mitsubishi Endeavor 4DR SUV LS, Power Pkg, CD, Alloys 118565 Beige $8,800
all requirements of this notice or of record. posals from historically underutilized 2011 Nissan Altima 4DR SDN, 2.5S, Power Pkg, Push-Button Start 14932 Dk Red $16,900
the Contract Documents; however, he Said property is commonly known businesses, including minority-and 2012 Nissan Altima 4DR SDN, 2.5S, Power Pkg, Push-Button Start 26954 White $17,900
may waive any minor defects or infor- as 334 Pinecrest Drive, Chadbourn, female-owned firms.
NC 28431. 2005 Toyota Camry 4DR SDN, LE, Power Pkg, Leather, Low Miles 71288 Silver $9,900
malities at his discretion. The Owner October 18, 2012
Third party purchasers must pay the


further reserves the right to reject any
and all Proposals.
excise tax, and the court costs of For-
ty-Five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred
Notice of Sale
Ivan Wilson, Mayor Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS
By: Darren Currie, Town Manager 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no per-
sonal checks) of five percent (5%) of
OF NORTH CAROLINA Hwy. 76/Main St., Fair Bluff, NC (910) 649-7531 • (888) 870-FORD
the purchase price, or Seven Hundred
Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is
COLUMBUS COUNTY Monday-Friday 8-7 • Saturday 8-2
8B - The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

1 - Lot of Cabinets THE SALE IS SUBJECT TO CON- Being that certain tract or parcel of tance of 368.56 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); is exempt from paying the same, the utes East 164.32 feet to a nail in said
1 - Lot of Drivers ED Signs FIRMATION BY THE COLUMBUS land lying in Columbus County, North thence turning and running along successful bidder shall be required to centerline; running thence North 88
1 - Lot of Van Seats COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Carolina, and being more particularly property now or formerly of Elaine pay revenue stamps on the Trustee’s degrees 29 minutes West 295 feet to
1 - Lot of Van Seats AT THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHED- described as follows: P. Hinson N.65¡09’07”W. for a dis- Deed, and any Land Transfer Tax. an iron; thence South 01 degree 27
1 - Lot of Sprayer/Lawn Mowers ULED MEETING FOLLOWING THE Beginning at the intersection of the tance of 108.95 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); The real property hereinabove minutes West 164.32 feet to a point
1 - Lot of Scrap Metal/Wash Rack SALE, WHICH IS CURRENTLY northern right-of-way margin of Love thence turning and running along described is being offered for sale in the center of a ditch; thence with
1 - Tractor (ECHS) SCHEDULED ON NOVEMBER 5, Mill Road and the western right-of- property now or formerly of Mark E. “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold the center of said ditch and beyond
1 - Lot of Scrap Metal/Alignment 2012, BUT WHICH IS SUBJECT TO way margin of J.K. Powell Blvd. (U.S. & Eric E. Teachey N.50¡57’38”E. for a subject to all superior liens, unpaid (passing over a concrete monument
Machine CHANGE. THE BOARD OF EDU- Hwy. No. 701 Bypass), thence run- distance of 264.59 feet to a 1” Pipe taxes, and special assessments. at 265 feet) South 88 degrees 29 min-
1 - Mowing Deck CATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ning along the western right-of-way (o); thence turning and running along Other conditions will be announced utes East 295 feet to the POINT AND
1 - Fork Lift (11,000 LBS.) REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. margin of J.K. Powell Blvd. (U.S. property now or formerly of James at the sale. The sale will be held open PLACE OF BEGINNING, and con-
1 - Water Cooler The balance must be paid and a Hwy. No. 701 Bypass) for a distance Edward Price for the following bear- for ten (10) days for upset bids as by taining 1 acre, exclusive of highway
1 - Steam Jennie receipt presented on all items, prior of 566 feet to a 1”Pipe (o), said point ings and distances: N.85¡04’51”E. law required. right of way.
1 - Lot of Kitchen Appliances to picking them up and all items pur- being the Point of Beginning (POB); for a distance of 307.86 feet to a If the Trustee is unable to convey THIRD TRACT: For a tie line begin
SECOND SALE: (FOLLOWING CON- chased cannot be picked up until thence turning and running along the 1” Pipe (o); thence turning and run- title to this property for any reason, located in the centerline of SR 1562
CLUSION OF FIRST SALE) Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 12:00 property now or formerly of Edens & ning S.61¡14’38”E. for a distance of the sole remedy of the purchaser is said nail being located South 1
THE SURPLUS EQUIPMENT LOTS NOON and must be picked up no Avant Properties Limited Partnership 114.76 feet to a 1/2” rebar (o); thence the return of the deposit. Reasons degree 27 minutes West 7 feet from
THAT WILL BE SOLD AT THE MOUNT later than Friday, November 9, 2012 (Outparcel 3) for the following bear- turning and running N.80¡50’58”E. of such inability to convey include, the point at which said centerline
OLIVE PLANT OPERATIONS, BEING at 4:00 PM. ings and distances: N. 60¡53’11”W. for a distance of 20.65 feet to a 1/2” but are not limited to, the filing of a intersects with the centerline of SR
DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: This the 15th day of October, 2012. for a distance of 224.38 feet to a rebar (o); thence turning and run- bankruptcy petition prior to the sale 1564 extended; and running thence
1 - Lot of Ladders & Alternator Tester Columbus County Board of Education 1” Pipe (o); thence turning and run- ning S.34¡24’07”W. for a distance of and reinstatement of the loan with- North 88 degrees 29 minutes West
1 - Lot of 2 Air Jacks/Tire Dolly Monte Herring, Chairman ning S.28¡55’03”W. for a distance of 12.79 feet to a 1/2” rebar (o); thence out the knowledge of the Trustee. If 295 feet to an iron, THE POINT AND
1 - Lot of Air Jack/Tire Dolly William W. Phipps, 226.90 feet to a 1”Pipe (o); thence turning and running S.61¡15’47”E. the validity of the sale is challenged PLACE OF BEGINNING; running
1 -Lot of Miscellaneous Shop Equip- School Board Attorney, turning and running along property for a distance of 368.05 feet to a 1” by any party, the Trustee, in its sole thence North 88 degrees 13 minutes
ment The Phipps Law Firm, PLLC now or formerly of Ricky J. Benton Pipe (o); thence turning and running discretion, if it believes the challenge West 128.17 feet to an iron; thence
1 - Lot of Air Jacks PO Box 35 for the following bearings and dis- along property now or formerly of to have merit, may declare the sale to North 01 degree 27 minutes East
1 - Lot of A/C Units Tabor City, North Carolina 28463 tances: N.61¡06’11”W. for a distance Shelby Sellers for the following bear- be void and return the deposit. The 336.89 feet to an iron located in the
1 - Lot of A/C Units Phone: 910-653-7770 of 194.46 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence ings and distances: S.30¡39’28”W. purchaser will have no further remedy. southern margin of a 60 foot wide
1 - Lot of A/C Units October 18, 25, 2012. turning and running S. 28¡45’01”W. for a distance of 34.40 feet to a 1” Additional Notice Where the Real street; thence with said margin of
1 - Lot of Refrigeration Equipment for a distance of 201.47 feet to a PK Pipe (o); thence turning and run- Property is Residential With Less said right of way North 80 degrees
1 - Lot of Toilets Nail (n); thence turning and running ning S.61¡36’30”E. for a distance of Than 15 Rental Units: 30 minutes East 18.5 feet to an iron;
1 - Lot of Ball Field Lights
1 - Lot of Floor Machine and Steps Notice of along the northern right-of-way mar-
gin of Love Mill Road N.42¡30’13”W.
104.35 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence
turning and running along the west-
An order for possession of the prop-
erty may be issued pursuant to
thence continuing with said right of
way South 88 degrees 29 minutes
1 - Lot of Water Coolers and Plumb- Substitute for a distance of 107.14 feet to a
1” Pipe (o); thence turning and run-
ern right-of-way margin of J.K. Pow-
ell Blvd. (U.S. Hwy. No. 701 Bypass)
N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the
purchaser and against the party or
East 110 feet to an iron; thence South
ing Fixtures 01 degree 27 minutes West 341.02
1 - Lot of Electrical Equipment Trustee’s ning along the property now or for- S.29¡37’55”W. for a distance of parties in possession by the clerk of feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF
1 - Lot of Scrap Metal
1 - Lot of Scrap Aluminum
Foreclosure Sale of merly of Edens & Avant Properties
Limited Partnership (Outparcel 2)
68.54 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence
turning and running along property
superior court of the county in which
the property is sold.
BEGINNING, and containing 1 acre.
All three tracts described are a por-
1 - Lot of Exhaust Fans, Hoods, Shin- Real and Personal for the following bearings and dis-
tances: S.66¡16’43”E. for a distance
now or formerly of Edens & Avant
Properties Limited Partnership for
Any person who occupies the prop-
erty pursuant to a rental agreement
tion of the F.T. Burney original tract.
gles and Scrap Metal The property to be offered pursu-
1 -Lot of Commercial Ovens and Property of 12.43 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence the following bearings and distanc- entered into or renewed on or after ant to this Notice of Sale is being
Stove 1088539 turning and running N.77¡39’43”E. es: N.61¡05’51”W. for a distance of October 1, 2007, may, after receiving offered for sale, transfer and convey-
1 - Lot of Lockers and Steam Pot 12-SP-213 for a distance of 17.86 feet to a 1” 223.12 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence the notice of sale, terminate the rent- ance: “AS IS, WHERE IS”. Neither
1 -Lot of Reach in Cooler and Doors UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power Pipe (o); thence turning and run- turning and running S.28¡53’25”W. for al agreement upon 10 days’ written the Commissioner nor the County
1 - Lot of Milk Box and Mixers and authority contained in that cer- ning N.71¡00’05”E. for a distance of a distance of 189.10 feet to a 1” Pipe notice to the landlord. Upon termina- of Columbus, nor the officers, direc-
1 -Lot of Misc. Tools, Mower Wheels tain Deed of Trust, Assignment of 18.93 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence (o); thence turning and running along tion of a rental agreement, the tenant tors, attorneys, employees, agents or
and Tool Cases Rents, Security Agreement and Fix- turning and running N.42¡07’04”E. property now or formerly of Chris- is liable for rent due under the rental authorized representatives of either
1 - John Deere 525 Mower ture Filing executed and delivered by for a distance of 18.41 feet to a 1” tine T. Black for the following bear- agreement prorated to the effective the Commissioner or the County of
1 - Floor Fan Whiteville Shopping Center, LLC, a Pipe (o); thence turning and run- ings and distances S.28¡55’16”W. date of the termination. Columbus make any representation
1 - Auto Lift North Carolina limited liability com- ning N.28¡53’37”E. for a distance of for a distance of 136.45 feet to a Any person who occupies the prop- of warranty relating to the title or any
1 - Powermatic Band Saw pany (“Borrower”), dated December 121.13 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence 1” Pipe (o); thence turning and run- erty pursuant to a bona fide lease or physical, environmental, health or
1 - Rockwell Table Saw 21, 2001 and recorded on December turning and running N.61¡05’10”W. ning S.60¡52’32”E. for a distance of tenancy may have additional rights safety conditions existing in, on, at, or
1 - Washing Machine 27, 2001 in Book 675 at Page 440 of for a distance of 200.66 feet to a 224.24 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence pursuant to Title VII of 5.896Protect- relating to the property being offered
1 - Sun Engine Analyzer the Columbus County, North Caroli- 1” Pipe (o); thence turning and run- turning and running along the west- ing Tenants at Foreclosure Act which for sale, and any and all responsibili-
1 - Lot of Used Furniture na Public Registry (“Deed of Trust”); ning S.28¡55’25”W. for a distance ern right-of-way margin of J.K. Pow- became effective on May 20, 2009. ties or liabilities arising out of or in
1 - Lot of Used Furniture and because of default in the pay- of 92.42 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence ell Blvd. (U.S. Hwy. No. 701Bypass) Substitute Trustee Services, Inc., any way relating to any such condi-
1 - Wood Planer ment of the indebtedness secured turning and running S.06¡25’10”W. S.28¡44’57”W. for a distance of 52.02 Substitute Trustee tion expressly are disclaimed.
1 - Table Saw with Dado Blade thereby and failure to carry out and for a distance of 14.78 feet to a 1” feet to a 1” Pipe (o); the Point of By: Also, this property is being sold free
1 - Rockwell Shaper Saw perform the stipulations and agree- Pipe (o); thence turning and running Beginning (POB). Lauren S. Thurmond, Esq. and clear of all taxes, special assess-
1 - Rockwell Frame and Trim Saw ments contained therein and, pursu- S.11¡58’46”E. for a distance of 12.94 Present Record Owner: Whiteville Hutchens, Senter, Kellam & Pettit, P.A. ments, prior liens or encumbranc-
1 - Floor Sander ant to demand of the holder of the feet to a 1” Pipe (o); thence turning Shopping Center, LLC Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Ser- es of record against said property
1 - Joiner indebtedness secured by the Deed and running S.32¡38’42”E. for a dis- The terms of the sale are that the real vices, Inc. except as may exist under Federal
1 - Hospital Bed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute tance of 12.57 feet to a 1” Pipe (o); property hereinbefore described will Substitute Trustee Law, if any.
1 - Hospital Bed Trustee will place for sale, at pub- thence turning and running along be sold for cash to the highest bid- P.O. Box 12497 A cash deposit of 20% of the pur-
1 - Hospital Bed lic auction, to the highest bidder for the northern right-of-way margin of der. The sale of the personal property Charlotte, NC 28220-2497 chase price, or $750 whichever is
1 - Hospital Bed cash at the usual place of sale at the Love Mill Road N.43¡36’38”W. for a is made in accordance with N.C.G.S. (704) 357-6262 greater, will be required at the time of
1 - Hospital Bed Columbus County Courthouse, in distance of 168.84 feet to a 1” Pipe § 25-9-604 (a) and (b). A deposit of Posted: the sale with the balance remaining
All units and equipment will be Whiteville, North Carolina, on October (o); thence turning and running along five percent (5%) of the amount of Witness: due to be paid in full by cash or cer-
sold “AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY, 23, 2012 at 1:30 PM all of Borrower’s the northern right-of-way margin of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dol- Assistant/Deputy Clerk of Superi- tified funds at the Office of the Com-
EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED “. A good estate, right, title and interest to the Love Mill Road N.51¡34’31”W. for lars ($750.00), whichever is greater, or Court missioner within three (3) days after
faith deposit of ten percent (10%) property described hereinbelow and a distance of 7.27 feet to a 1” Pipe is required and must be tendered October 11, 18, 2012 the entry of the Judgment of Confir-
of the high bid will be required at in paragraphs (i) through (xii) on pages (o); thence turning and running along in the form of certified funds at the mation by the Clerk of Court.
the sale. 2 and 3 of the Deed of Trust: property now or formerly of Elaine
P. Hinson N. 24¡42’05”E. for a dis-
time of the sale. In the event that the
note holder or its intended assignee
Notice of Tax Hearing before the Honorable Sher-
ry Dew Tyler, District Court Judge
Foreclosure Sale presiding for the Thirteenth Judi-

Best Savings Of The Year

cial District was held in connection
with this foreclosure on the 28th day
of August, 2012 at which time the
Honorable Sherry Dew Tyler, autho-
rized this foreclosure sale as required


John Donoghue
by statute.
This the 4th day of October, 2012.
FILE NO.: 11 CV 1087


TELEPHONE: 910-642-3965

October 11, 18, 2012
NOTICE is hereby given that the
COUNTY OF COLUMBUS as a body Notice of Tax
Foreclosure Sale
politic incorporate of the State of
North Carolina, is exercising its power
and authority to assess, levy and col-
lect taxes against real and personal STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA
property located within its boundar- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS
ies in accordance with the laws of

12 Buick Lacrosse 12 Chevy Silverado 12 Chevy Cruze LT

the State of North Carolina and the TICE
Judgment entered on the 28th day DISTRICT COURT DIVISION
of August, 2012 and are foreclos- FILE NO.: 11 CV 1156
#9641 #9710, 4x4, Crew Cab #P9738 ing on the following land of ALONZO COUNTY OF COLUMBUS and
Was $31,691 Was $38,485 Was $21,785 DORIS YATES and ROSEL MCNAIR in Plaintiffs
order to satisfy the properly assessed
Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price vs

23 995 27,995 14,995

but unpaid taxes and/or special

$ $ $
assessments upon certain lands. CUTLER-GUIRTY,

Pursuant to Judgment entered on Defendants
the 28th day of August, 2012 William NOTICE is hereby given that the
E. Wood has been appointed Com- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS and the
missioner with the authority to sell

12 Chevy Tahoe 12 Chevy Equinox LT 12 GMC Canyon

CITY OF WHITEVILLE as bodies poli-
the following land at the Courthouse tic incorporate of the State of North
Door, Columbus County Courthouse Carolina, are exercising their power
in the City of Whiteville, Columbus and authority to assess, levy and col-
#P9728, Leather, Sunroof, DVD #9723 #P9742, Crew Cab County, North Carolina at 12:15 p.m. lect taxes against real and personal
on the 25th day of October, 2012 and property located within their bound-
Was $49,978 Was $26,400 Was $26,492 will sell to the highest bidder for cash aries in accordance with the laws of
all interest in the following described
Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price the State of North Carolina and the

33,985 $
23,995 $
real estate:

Judgment entered on the 14th day of
Being those certain lots or parcels of August, 2012 and are foreclosing on
land located in Chadbourn Township, the following land of the UNKNOWN
Columbus County, North Carolina, HEIRS OF EVELYN F. CUTLER-
and being more particularly described GUIRTY in order to satisfy the prop-
as follows: erly assessed but unpaid taxes and/
Financing As Low As 1.9% FIRST TRACT: For a tie line, begin at
a nail located in the centerline of SR
1562, located South 1 degrees 27
or special assessments upon certain
lands. Pursuant to Judgment entered
on the14th day of August, 2012 Wil-
07 Chevy 09 Nissan 10 Nissan 09 Chrysler 04 Hyundai 11 Chevy minutes West 7 feet from the point at
which said centerline intersects with
liam E. Wood has been appoint-
ed Commissioner with the author-
HHR LT Altima Frontier Town & Country Santa Fe V6 Malibu LTZ the centerline of SR 1564 extended;
running thence with the centerline of
ity to sell the following land at the
Courthouse Door, Columbus County
Ext. Cab, SE Touring SR 1562 North 01 degree 27 minutes Courthouse in the City of Whiteville,
East 164.32 feet to a nail in said cen- Columbus County, North Carolina at
terline, the POINT AND PLACE OF 12:00 o’clock noon on the 25th day
BEGINNING; running thence North of October, 2012 and will sell to the
88 degrees 29 minutes West 295 feet highest bidder for cash all interest in
to an iron; thence North 01 degree 27 the following described real estate:
Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price

9,995 $13,995 $15,985 $12,985 $5,995 $14,950

minutes East 179.06 feet to an iron; Lying and being in the City of White-
$ thence South 88 degrees 29 minutes
East 182.42 feet to an iron in the
ville, Whiteville Township, Columbus
County, North Carolina, and being
Western margin of the Right of way more particularly described as fol-

07 Chevy 12 Scion 07 Chevy 08 Chevy 09 Buick 09 Chevy

of SR 1580, (soil); thence with said lows:
line South 40 degrees 53 minutes TRACT ONE: Being those two lots

Tahoe IQ Silverado Equinox Lucerne CXL Silverado East 80.10 feet to a concrete monu-
ment located at a common corner of
numbered one and two conveyed by
J.T. Best to Lottie Cutler, on Decem-
Z-71, Crew Cab
V8, Z-71 SR 1580 and SR 1562; thence South ber 12, 1913, as per Deed recorded
54 degrees 16 minutes East 35.30 in Book N-2, Page 447, Columbus
feet to a concrete monument; thence County Registry.
continuing South 54 degrees 16 min- TRACT TWO: Also those lots num-
utes East 35.67 feet to a nail in the bered 6, 7, and 8 conveyed by F.P.
centerline of SR 1562; thence with Grantham and wife, Caroline John-
Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price the centerline of SR 1562 South 01 son, on April 8, 1910, as per Deed
19,995 14,950 9,950 13,995 13,985 15,995
$ $ $ $ $ degree 27 minutes West 80 feet to the recorded in Book C-2, Page 422,
and containing 1 acre, exclusive of The above described property was
highway right of way. owned by Jasper Cutler by virtue of

John Donoghue 910-642-2400 SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a that Deed from Lina Cutler, his moth-

Automotive nail located in the centerline of SR

1562, located South 1 degrees 27
er, dated August 6, 1947, recorded

in Book 177, Page 557, Columbus
minutes West 7 feet from the point at County Registry. Jasper Cutler died
which said centerline intersects with May 29, 2001, in Elizabeth, New Jer-
the centerline of SR 1564 extended;
www.johndonoghueautomotive.com *All prices plus tax & tags and $299 doc fee.
See dealer for details on all leases & financing options. (IGHWAY%ASTs7HITEVILLE running thence with the centerline of
sey, leaving as his only heirs at law,
Tensey L. Cutler, his widow, and his
SR 1562 North 01 degree 27 min-
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012- 9B

two children, Ramona D. Cutler and PEARL MILLS, ADMINISTRATRIX This property is located at 92 13th we offer in order to better serve our
The News Reporter’s
Evelyn F. Cutler-Guirty.
Being the same property conveyed by
Tensey Lee Cutler, widow, and Ramo-
139 10th Street
Bolton, NC 28423
Williamson, Walton & Scott, L.L.P.
Street, Bolton, North Carolina 28423
The auction is scheduled to be held
at 10:00 a.m., Monday, November
customers. The following changes
are planned:
On or about October 23rd, the fol-
Special Section
na D. Cutler, unmarried, to Evelyn F. Attorneys at Law 26, 2012 in the Lobby at the Colum- lowing channel will launch as part of
Cutler-Gurity, by Deed dated Novem- P. O. Box 1467 bus County Courthouse, Whiteville, the Digital Tier: Bloomberg HD Chan-
ber 7, 2003, recorded in Book 761, Whiteville, NC 28472 North Carolina. nel 1412.
Page 707, Columbus County Registry. Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 2012 The high bidder for the property must On or about October 31, 2012, Fox
LESS AND EXCEPT any portion pre- present at the auction a bid deposit of Business Network on channel 404
viously conveyed away.
The property to be offered pursuant to
Public Notice Sale five percent (5%) of the amount of the
bid, either in cash or a certified check.
and Fox Business Network HD on
channel 1404 will be repositioned
this Notice of Sale is being offered for of County This deposit will be held by theCounty from Digital Tier to Basic TV and view-
sale, transfer and conveyance: “AS
IS, WHERE IS”. Neither the Commis- Property until either the Board of Commission-
ers rejects the high bid for the prop-
able with a digital converter and/or
HD converter.
sioner nor the County of Columbus,
nor the officers, directors, attorneys,
State of North erty or, if the Board of Commission-
ers accepts the high bid, the closing
On or about October 31, 2012, Fox
Movie Channel will be repositioned
employees, agents or authorized rep- Carolina of the sale. The deposit will be for- from Movie Pass to the Digital Tier.
resentatives of either the Commis-
sioner or the County of Columbus County of feited to the County if the high bidder
refuses to close the sale after the bid
On or about November 1st, the fol-
lowing channels will launch as part of
make any representation of warranty Columbus has been approved by the Board of Sports Pass: Pac-12 Arizona channel
Coming Monday, October 29th, 2012
relating to the title or any physical, The Columbus County Board of Com- Commissioners. 546 and Pac 12 Arizona HD channel
environmental, health or safety con- missioners, at its meeting on October After the auction, the high bid for 1546, Pac-12 Mountain channel 547
ditions existing in, on, at, or relat- 15, 2012, authorized the sale by pub- the property will be reported to the and Pac 12 Mountain HD channel
ing to the property being offered for Board of Commissioners. The Board 1547, Pac-12 Bay Area channel 550
sale, and any and all responsibilities
lic auction of the following County-
of Commissioners will accept or reject and Pac 12 Bay Area HD channel The News Reporter’s Special
owned property:
or liabilities arising out of or in any
way relating to any such condition
Tract 1: BEGINNING at a stake East the bid within 30 days after the bid is
reported to it. No sale may be com-
1550, Pac-12 Oregon channel 551
and Pac 12 Oregon HD channel 1551,
Section, N.C. Pecan Harvest
Margin line of Williams Street at
expressly are disclaimed. Northern end of said street near Bar- pleted until the Board of Commission- Pac-12 Los Angeles channel 552 and Festival is the go-to publication
Also, this property is being sold free bacue Bay, and runs with said Street ers has approved the high bid. Pac 12 Los Angeles HD channel 1552,
and clear of all taxes, special assess- South 1 _ degrees East fifty (50) feet The County reserves the right to with- Pac-12 Washington channel 553 and for information on this great
ments, prior liens or encumbranc- draw any listed property from the auc- Pac 12 Arizona HD channel 1553.
es of record against said property
to a Stake; thence South 86 _ degrees
100 feet to a stake; thence North 1 tion at any time before the auction From November 1-15, a free preview event. Don’t miss out on the
except as may exist under Federal sale of that property. of TV Japan will be available for digital
Law, if any.
_ degrees West 100 feet to a stake,
This the 18th day of October, 2012 subscribers on channel 868.
opportunity to have your ad in
THE BEGINNING, and being the
A cash deposit of 20% of the pur-
chase price, or $750 whichever is
Northern half of Lot #20 in block #1 MICHAEL H. STEPHENS
Columbus County Attorney
On or about November 20th, Blue
Highways will move from channel 470
this popular section.
as shown in a map made by James M.

Publication Features
greater, will be required at the time of Shipman for Donald McRacken which 111 Washington Street to channel 463, Music On Demand
the sale with the balance remaining said plat includes the Western portion Whiteville, North Carolina 28472 will move from channel 480 to channel
due to be paid in full by cash or cer- of the field formerly occupied by Josef Telephone: (910) 642-5645 464, MC On Demand will move from
tified funds at the Office of the Com- and Mariah Williams and shown on October 18, 22, 2012 channel 481 to channel 465.
missioner within three (3) days after On or about November 28th, the fol-
the entry of the Judgment of Confir-
Lot #20 and this deed conveys all the
Northern half of the said lot. Being the lowing channel will launch as part of s&ESTIVAL3CHEDULEOF%VENTS
mation by the Clerk of Court. same land conveyed by Lena Graham Time Warner Cable the Digital Tier: RLTV Channel TBD.
Hearing before the Honorable William
Fairley, District Court Judge presiding
to Redin Floyd by deed dated Decem- The new services listed below can-
not be accessed on CableCARD-
ber 27, 1922, recorded in Book 116, Time Warner Cable’s agreements with
for the Thirteenth Judicial District was
held in connection with this foreclo-
Page 28, Columbus County Registry.
Tract II: BEGINNING at Redin
programmers and broadcasters to
carry their services and stations rou-
equipped Unidirectional Digital Cable
Products purchased at retail without s0ECAN"ELLES
sure on the14th day of August, 2012 additional, two-way capable equip-
at which time the Honorable William
Floyd’s South corner; thence South
1 _ degrees East fifty feet to a stake;
tinely expire from time to time. We
are usually able to obtain renewals or ment: Pac-12 Arizona channel 546 s7INNING0ECANRECIPES
Fairley, authorized this foreclosure thence East 86 _ degrees East 100 and Pac 12 Arizona HD channel 1546,
extensions of such agreements, but in
sale as required by statute. feet to a stake; thence North 1 _ Pac-12 Mountain channel 547 and
order to comply with applicable regu-

Publication Specifics
This the 1st day of October, 2012. degrees West 50 feet to a stake; Pac 12 Mountain HD channel 1547,
lations, we must inform you when an
WILLIAM E WOOD thence West 86 _ degrees 100 feet to Pac-12 Bay Area channel 550 and
agreement is about to expire. The fol-
COMMISSIONER the BEGINNING, and being Lot #21 in Pac 12 Bay Area HD channel 1550,
lowing agreements are due to expire
100 COURTHOUSE SQUARE Block #1 as shown on plat. Pac-12 Oregon channel 551 and Pac
soon, and we may be required to
WHITEVILLE, NC 28472 Tract III: BEGINNING at a stake in the 12 Oregon HD channel 1551, Pac-12
cease carriage of one or more of these
TELEPHONE: (910)-642-3965 Southwest corner of Lot #21; thence Los Angeles channel 552 and Pac 12
services/stations in the near future.
STATE BAR NO.: 5901 South with Williams Street South 86 Los Angeles HD channel 1552, Pac- !DVERTISING$EADLINE 7ED/CT 
Service: BBC America, BBC America
October 11, 18, 2012 _ degrees East 50 feet to a stake; 12 Washington channel 553 and Pac
HD, Bandamax, Cooking Channel,
thence East 1 _ degrees West 100 feet Cooking Channel HD, Current TV, De 12 Arizona HD channel 1553, Bloom- 0UBLICATION$ATE -ON/CT 
NOTICE TO CREDITORS to a stake; thence North 1 _ degrees berg HD Channel 1412, RLTV Chan-
Pelicula, De Pelicula Classico, DIY,
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA East 50 feet to a stake; thence West nel TBD.
DIY HD, Encore(East), Encore(West),
Encore HD, Encore Action, Encore
The undersigned, PEARL MILLS, being Lot #22 in block #1 as desig- PLEASECONTACTYOUR3ALES2EPRESENTATIVEOROUR
Love, Encore Mystery, Encore Drama,
has qualified as Administratrix of the nated in a plat made by James Ship- Encore Westerns, Encore Wam, Food !DVERTISING$EPARTMENTAT
Estate of RONALD RAY MILLS, late of man for Donald McRacken which said Network, Food Network HD, Great
Columbus County, and this is to noti-
fy all persons having claims against
plat includes the Western portion of
field formerly owned and occupied by
American Country, GSN, Gol TV, Gol
TV HD, Music Choice (Channels 900-

said Estate to present them to the Joseph Williams. 945), MC On Demand, NHL Network,
undersigned on or before December BEING the same as conveyed by Cur- NHL Network HD, NHL Center Ice,
27, 2012, pursuant to North Caroli- tis Floyd and wife, Louise Floyd to RetroPlex, Sprout, Starz(East), Starz
na General Statute 28A-14-1, or this Ronnie Kirksey and Chyrel Floyd by (West)Starz Cinema, Starz HD, Starz
notice shall be pled in bar of their deed dated March 10, 1978, record- Kids & Family, Starz Kids & Family
recovery. All persons indebted to ed in Book 306, Page 748, Columbus HD, Starz In Black, Starz Edge, Starz
said Estate will please make imme- County Registry. For back title see Edge HD, Starz Comedy, Starz Com-
diate payment to the undersigned at
the following address:
deed to Floyd in Book 308, Page 57, edy HD, Starz On Demand, Youtoo. The
Columbus County Registry. In addition, from time to time we make
This the 27th day of September, 2012. certain changes in the services that
News Reporter


Honor Your

on Thursday, October 25

Sometimes pastors and church staff are the loneliest people in the
church. Their hours are long and unpredictable, their pay may be
minimal, and the criticisim they receive can be considerable.

Show your ministry leaders that you recognize their hard

work and appreciate their service and dedication during
Pastor Appreciation Month.

Pastor Reserve your space on

Donald Williams
our special
Thank you Pastor
for your Appreciation
dedication page coming
and service to
our church. Thursday, October 25!
We’re praying
for you and Email your message
your family. and photo to
East Side BaptiitevstilleOnly nrgraphics@whiteville.com
or call

, NC

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am and 6:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 am, 11:00
Ser vic e Tim es:
Wednesday 6:00 pm 910-642-4104

3 3/4” x 4” Free Color Deadline is Monday,

included October 22 at 10am.

The News Reporter

10B -- The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Pastor Pastor
Anthony Rowell Rev. Wayne Faulk & Mrs. Katherine Rev. Kyle Powell
The New Mt. Zion We, the congregation of Dulah
Missionary Baptist Missionary Baptist Church would
like to thank our new pastor,
Church family thank Rev. Kyle Powell, for accepting God’s
you for your dedicated call to come to us. We appreciate
service and faithful your faithfulness to the Lord
leadership that you and to our church. Thank you
have shown to us and for encouraging us to get a closer
walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.
to the community. You and your family are a blessing
We pray that God will to us. May God bless you as you
continue to bless you We are so blessed to have you as continue to spread His word.
and your family. our pastor and friend. We love and Thank You!

New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church appreciate you! Dulah Missionary Baptist Church
1980 Mill Pond Rd., Whiteville, NC Sweet Home Missionary 3WAMP&OX(WY 4ABOR#ITYs 
Sunday School 9:45 am, Worship 11:00 am, 6:00 pm
Service Times: Sunday School 10 a.m. each Sunday
Morning Worship 2nd & 4th Sundays at 11 a.m.
Baptist Church Youth & Children’s Ministry 6:00 pm
Wed. Night Bible Study & Missions Night 7:30 pm
Noonday Prayer each Wednesday Bible Study each Wednesday at 7 p.m. Mollie, NC Saturday Morning Prayer & Share Time 8:00 am

Pastor Pastor Pastor

Rev. Ralph Gore Rev. Paul Stallsworth Corey Lyons
Rev. Ralph, we like to thank Your time has been Pastor Lyons, we would
you for all you do to guide like to say thank you
our church in God’s will. You
short with us, but we
for all of your hard
are the man God chose to have learned to love you. work and dedication
lead our congregation; for Your dedication to our to our church. You are
this we are truly thankful. Lord has inspired us a great man of God,
Galatians 6:25 If we live in to be examples for His whom we love truly and
the Spirit, let us also walk kingdom, and to bring appreciate. May God
in the Spirit. Thank you for forever bless you and
others to His service. your family.
your spiritual strength, your
May He bring only good “Trust in the Lord with all your
loving care and concern,
and we appreciate you things to you and your heart, and lean not on your own

throughout the entire year! wonderful family. understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall
Your Church Family The members of WUMC direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5,6)

Magnolia Missionary Whiteville United Methodist Church New Beginnings Missionary Baptist Church
902 Pinckney St., Whiteville 519 South Wilson St., Chadbourn, NC
Baptist Church 642-3376
Sunday School 9:00 am, Worship 10:00 am
Service Times: Sunday School 10:00 am, Worship 11:00 am
Bible Study on Wednesday Night 7:00 pm

I thank my God every time I remember you.

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your
partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident
Just as the Apostle Paul gave
of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to comple- thanks for fellow believers
tion until the day of Christ Jesus. in the church at Philippi,
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in we give thanks and express
knowledge and depth of insight, 10so that you may be able to discern our appreciation to our
what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,
pastors...for their dedication,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—
to the glory and praise of God. their leadership, and their
Philippians 1:3-6, 9-11 NIV partnership in the Gospel.

Pastor Pastor Pastor

Joe Turner Russell & Kim Honeycutt Rev. James H. Nobles
Words can’t 1st Timothy 5:17 In honor of our pastor, we
Let the elders who perform
express the deep the duties of their office well
want to thank you for all
the hard work and faithful
appreciation we be considered doubly worthy
leadership you have shown.
of honor especially those who
at Seven Creeks labor faithfully in preaching and From your first message
teaching. “Keep the Fire Burning”,
Baptist Church We, your Northwood family,
until now, 16 years later, we
have for you. We thank you Pastor Russell and Kim
appreciate your dedication
Honeycutt for answering the call.
prayed for a great We appreciate your leadership and to the work for the Lord
your heart for God. We are thrilled and to our church. We want
pastor, God sent about what God is doing through to thank God for sending
you. Thank you you and are very excited to see
you to us - a Bible-believing
His plan unfold. May the Lord
for answering bless you and keep His mighty man, just wanting to
hand upon you both. We love you, preach God’s word...and
God’s call. Northwood Assembly YES, he loves to preach!

Seven Creeks Baptist Church Northwood Assembley Mission Valley Original Freewill Baptist Church
12449 Seven Creeks Rd., Nakina, NC *AMES"7HITE(WY.s7HITEVILLE .# Clarendon, NC
641-9062 Service Times: Sunday 9:30 am (Sunday School) & Service Times: Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am
AM7ORSHIP s7EDNESDAYPM"IBLE3TUDY Wednesday Bible & Prayer 7:30 pm

Pastor Pastor Pastor

Rev. Dr. Jerry Ganus, Sr. Rev. Stuart Shumway Ronnie Wilson
And I will give you pastors Pastor Stuart Shumway Thank you, Pastor
according to mine heart, which and Family
shall feed you with knowledge and Ronnie, for loving
“And we urge you, brethern,
understanding. Jeremiah 3:15 the Lord and loving
to recognize those who
Mill Branch would like to thank
labor among you, and are us. Your life truly
you for your prayers for your
flock, your leadership, your over you in the Lord and exemplifies Christ.
faithfulness, your energy and admonish you, and to We appreciate your
eagerness to teach, preach, and esteem them very highly in
spread the love of God not only dedication, service,
to us but to the communities of love for their work’s sake.” 1
Whiteville as well. Thessalonians 5:12-13 and your passion for
You are a dedicated and Thank You missions. We love you
anointed Pastor. WE LOVE First Baptist Church of and your family.
and APPRECIATE YOU!!! Lake Waccamaw
Mill Branch Missionary Baptist Church Western Prong Baptist Church
Whiteville, NC First Baptist of Lake Waccamaw 0EACOCK2Ds7HITEVILLE .#s 
Please join us on Sundays at 10:00 am for Sunday %3AM0OTTS(WYs,AKE7ACCAMAW .# Service Times: Sunday 8:30 am & 11 am (Worship),
School and on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11:15am Service Times: Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 11:00 am 6:00 pm 9:45 (Sunday School), 6 pm (Training Union) &
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012, Section C

Completed in 1956, this 16-

room Georgian style estate
The Mozelle Hooks Bunn Home

was built by A. G. Carter and

W. Pridgen for the Bunn fam-
ily. Designed without compro-
mise, this 4,400-square-foot.
home is the “epitome of yes-
teryear.” Greeted by a slate
foyer and curved staircase, the
dignity, mystery and excite-
ment of this 20th century home
will transport visitors into an
era of true Southern elegance.
202 Maple Street

Ordained with European decor,

the parlor boasts an elaborate centered fireplace while custom black wal-
nut walls complement the library. The royal-sized dining room with French
doors opens to the patio, where family and friends can walk around the
impressive gardens. Graced with black and iron fencing, elegant outdoor
entertaining was something Mrs. Bunn prided herself upon and left her
guests talking about for weeks. High ceilings, intricate detailing, wide cov-
ered porches and an underground secret room have all been carefully pre-
served to recapture the joys of a gentler time.
The Larry Beltz Home

208 North Franktin Street

The Boyette Home
905 Pinckney Street

The Beltz home was built by John H. and Eliza Byrne Maxwell in 1867, just after the The Kendall and Debbie Boyette home was built in 1956 by the late Horace Smith.
Civil War, as part of the original Whiteville village of 1811. This home features seven This cottage style home has a kitchen, utility room, living room, two bedrooms
bedrooms, three baths and five fireplaces. There are 11-1/2-foot ceilings in part of and two full bathrooms. The bathrooms were recently renovated and the original
the house. This home has been a part of the fabric of Whiteville’s history and has fireplace remains. Throughout the house, pattern style furnishings and objects
witnessed many changes and modernizations. The current owner, Larry Beltz, is complete the warm and cozy atmosphere. The front and back yards have been
determined to keep with the era and character of the home with his restoration of landscaped with crape myrtles, tea olive trees, knockout roses and many more sur-
the first floor. prises. The backyard has a cobblestone patio with a pergola, often used to entertain
family and friends. Cobblestone pavers are used on the pathways as well as an ac-
cent to the driveway. Visitors should sure to notice the unusual iron day bed that
was created from Debbie’s grandmother’s antique iron bed.
The Stephens Home

The Teeya Reaves Home

43 Prestwick Drive

20 Gaston Sellers Road

The Stephens home was built on Land

O’ Lakes golf course in 2010. The New
American Style home is characterized by
Mediterranean and traditional influenc- The Reaves home is situated on 2.5 acres
es. The four bedroom, three and a half South of the Whiteville city limits. A three
bath features tray and vaulted ceilings story traditional home, the residence was
throughout, including 16 columns on the built in 1995 by Joe Reaves and acquired
first floor. Large windows along the back by Teeya Reaves in 2005. Featuring a brick
of the home give inviting views of the golf veneer, the home has an expansive floor
course and lake. Staircases with wrought plan with four bedrooms and three full
iron balusters lead to balcony overlooks baths. The first floor consists of a large en-
on the second floor. Custom cherry cabi- trance with a wide staircase accented by
nets with exotic granite countertops are an elegant chandelier and flanked by a for-
featured in the spacious kitchen. The tumbled marble backsplash is highlighted by mal dining area and study. The great room,
a bronze medallion over the gas cooktop. Heated tile bathroom floors offer cozy anchored by a fireplace and palladium
warmth on those cold winter days. The Pittsburgh Steelers are the Stephens favorite window, joins the master suite. Adjacent
NFL team as evidenced by their football-themed bonus room with kitchenette. The to the kitchen area is a breakfast room, which leads to a large wooden deck. Off
screened porch with tile floors and vaulted wood ceiling is one of the Stephens’ fa- from the deck is a swimming pool and play area. The second floor features three
vorite gathering spots for family and friends. Additional home features include two bedrooms and two full baths. The entire third floor is a family room featuring an
fireplaces, a walk-out basement and patio. exercise area and play space for children of all ages.

The Columbus County Arts Center on the corner of Madison and Pecan streets will be open for the tour.

Pecan Tour of Homes is Nov. 2

Staff Photos Teeya Reaves, Larry Beltz, Kendall and ceremonies at 11:30 a.m.
by FULLER ROYAL Debbie Boyette and the late Mozelle On hand will be 2012 Queen Danica
Hooks Bunn. Honeycutt, the 2012 Pecan Belles and the
The North Carolina Pecan Festival Participants are also encouraged to Camden Cadets.
is hosting its annual Elegant Homes of visit the Reuben Brown House and the Lunch is at noon.
Whiteville Home Tour on Friday, Nov. 2 Columbus County Arts Center, which Tickets may be purchased at the Pe-
from 1 until 4 p.m. and 5 until 7 p.m. will premier a new exhibit on Thursday, can Festival’s office at Vineland Station
The tour, which begin after the Pecan Nov. 1. or by calling 642-4299, 642-9732 or 234-0261.
Celebrity Queen’s Luncheon, includes The Celebrity Queen’s Luncheon is at Tickets are $15 for the luncheon and
The Reuben Brown House the homes of Mark and Debbie Stephens, the Vineland Station Depot with opening tour or $10 for the tour only.
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 -- 2C
Victory in Jesus Ministries of
Hallsboro BC to Annual cleaning of
Whiteville will hold two morn-
ing worship services. The ser- hold fall festival George Cemetery set
vice times are 9 a.m. and 11:15
a.m. each Sunday with Sunday Hallsboro Baptist Church Saturday, Oct. 20
Forest Lawn Baptist Church of school at 10:30 a.m. Believ- will hold its fall festival Sat- The annual fall cleaning of
Tabor City is holding a celebrate ers night Bible study is held on urday, Oct. 20 from 4-7 p.m. George Cemetery will be held
recovery seminar that will be of- Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Voices of Vic- There will be games, bounce Saturday, Oct. 20 from 8 a.m.
fered every Tuesday night. Din- tory services are aired weekly on house, obstacle course, hay- until. Family, friends and loved
ner from 6-7 p.m., main meet- WMIR 1200 AM in Myrtle Beach,
ride, slide and Courtney’s Cre- ones are asked to bring work
ing 7-8 p.m., small groups 8-9 S.C. on Fridays at 4 p.m. with
p.m. and Solid Rock Cafe at 9 streaming available via the in- ations (face painting). tools to assist in cleaning.
p.m. The seminar offers help ternet. The ministry is located at Free admission, games and Donations of $20 are being
for the following: drug and alco- 626 S. Madison Street. Tracey A. food. asked to help with upkeep and
hol abuse and family support, Troy is the pastor. For more in- For more information call clearing of land of the cem-
anger, food addictions, sexual formation call 642-5416 of visit 876-9861. etery.
addictions, eating disorders, victoryinjesusministries.org A senior banquet was held recently at Cerro Gordo The church is located at 551 A cemetery committee
adult children from dysfunction- Baptist Church in which seniors enjoyed a movie at the Hallsboro Road South. meeting will follow the clean-
al families, physical/emotional/ New Ebenezer Faith Ministries
“Starlite Drive-in.” up at New Prong Chapel Free-
sexual abuse. For more informa- will hold its 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Boardman BC to will Baptist Church in the Rose
tion call Pastor Jim at 843-503- 4th Sundays - Sunday school at
3699, Lynn Williams at 499-1336 9:45 a.m. Morning worship is at hold homecoming Hill community of Whiteville.
The cemetery is located
or Timmy Lanier at 625-5239. 11:15 a.m. Intecessory Prayer Boardman Baptist Church at 6170 James B. White Hwy.
The church is located at 16025 every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Bible will hold its homecoming
James B. White Hwy. study/youth night is held every Sunday, Oct. 21 with Sunday
Friday at 7 p.m. Every 2nd and School at 10 a.m., preaching at
The DivorceCare recovery semi- 4th Friday is “Dine on us” from
nar and support group meets 6-9 p.m. (Feeding the commu-
11 a.m. and homecoming meal Dulah MBC to
at Peace Baptist Church, 653 nity). The church is located at
at noon.
The church is located at hold homecoming
Love Mill Rd., Whiteville, each 1705 Southport-Supply Road, 4443 Old Boardman Road, Ev- Dulah Missionary Baptist
Monday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bolivia. Bishop Ronnie McCray ergreen. Church will hold its home-
Childcare is provided through is the pastor. coming Sunday, Oct. 28 at 9:45
fifth grade. DivorceCare features
nationally recognized experts The Waccamaw Siouan Tribe Blackman/Blackmon a.m. Rev. Kyle Powell will be
the guest speaker. Special
on divorce and recovery topics. will hold its council meetings the
Seminar sessions include Fac- 3rd Thursday of each month at
reunion Oct. 28 singing will be rendered by
ing My Anger, Facing My Loneli- 7:30 p.m. at the Tribal Grounds Pictured are several youth from Cerro Gordo Baptist that The descendants, other rel- church choirs.
Lunch will follow in the fel-
ness, Depression, New Relation- on Old Lake Road, Bolton. assisted with the senior banquet. atives and friends of the fam-
lowship hall.
ships, KidCare and Forgiveness. ily of Henry Ernest and Josie
For more information call Peace Mt. Tabor MBC to Cribb reunion set
The church is located at
Clewis Blackman will hold its 12476 Swamp Fox. Hwy. East,
New Townsend TM to
Baptist Church at 640-2877. The
pastor is Chip Hannah. host praise dance hold pastor appreciation for Sunday, Oct. 28
family reunion Sunday, Oct. 28 Tabor City.
at 12:30 p.m. at Shiloh United
GriefShare seminar and sup- workshop Oct. 20 New Townsend Temple The 27th annual Cribb
Methodist Church, Hallsboro
Road South, Whiteville.
Cribb Cartrette
Ministries will hold its pas-
port group meets at Peace Bap-
tist Church, 653 Love Mill Rd.,
The youth department of
Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist
tor appreciation celebration
family reunion will be held
Sunday, Oct. 28 at the Shrine
Bring a favorite side dish, reunion set Nov. 10
Whiteville, each Tuesday from for Pastor Lula M. Webb Oct. Club on Millpond Road from a drink and a dessert. A pig The annual Cribb Cartrette
Church in Cerro Gordo will pickin that includes BBQ reunion will be held Satur-
6:30-8:30 p.m. GriefShare is a 17-19 at 7:30 p.m. nightly and 11 a.m.-until.
host a praise dance ministry conclude Sunday, Oct. 21 at 11 chicken will be provided by day, Nov. 10 from 2-4 p.m. at
friendly, caring group of people The family genealogy
workshop Saturday, Oct. 20 at a.m. The guest speakers will the hosts. Family members Welcome Freewill Baptist
who will walk alongside you charts by Waylon Cribb will
through one of life’s most difficult 9 p.m. be Rev. Henry Gregory III of are encouraged to bring fam- Church. Bring your favorite
be on display. Bring old pic-
experiences. For more informa- The workshop will be con- St. Andrews AMEZ of Wilm- ily photos and other memora- covered dish and enjoy fellow-
tures and other family infor-
tion call Peace Baptist Church, ducted by Gina Moore of ington, Bishop Terry Mc- bilia. ship.
642-0251, 640-7237 or 770- Victory in Jesus Ministry of Zeke of Monument of Faith Lunch will be served at 1:30 For more information call The church is located on
1271. Chip Hannah is the pastor. Whiteville. There is a $30 reg- Ministries of Marion, S.C., p.m. Bring food and drinks. Jim Blackman at 646-1567 or Old Cribbtown Road, Chad-
istration fee for each church Bishop Varnie Fullwood of Ice and eating utensils will be Thurman Blackman at 425- bourn.
Members of The Lord’s Chapel that attends. Mt. Pleasant Missionary Bap- furnished. 5610
are on a mission to provide items
to the community, at a minimal
Deadline for registration is tist Church of Clinton and Dr. For more information call Western Prong to hold
Oct. 12. Lunch will be provid- Patricia Thomas-Wright of
fee, from their year ‘round back-
ed and each participant will Goldsboro.
Charles Cribb at 642-7660 or
Whiteville UMC to Women of Worth 2013
yard sale. It is located at 2886
receive a T-shirt. The church is located at 273 host All Saints Sunday The Western Prong Bap-
Hallsboro Road South, Halls-
boro. The shop is open Monday For more information call Smith Lane, Bolton. Yokefellows Prison Whiteville United Meth- tist Church will hold Women
of Worth 2013 Jan. 25-26. The
– Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Brenda McKenzie at 234-4837.
Unity the Way of HCC to Ministry seeking odist Church will hold All
Saints Sunday, Nov. 4 at 10 guest speakers will be Lisa
closed on Wednesday. Items
donated will be greatly appreci- Fall Festival at East hold ‘Bible Alive’ Oct. 20 particpants a.m. Dietrich Bonhoeffer will Whelchel and Kelly Ingram
ated. Proceeds go to The Lord’s Arcadia Nov. 2 The Unity the Way of Holi- Yokefellows Prison Minis-
be remembered during this
at the Bowers Auditorium at
Chapel. ness Christian Church pres-
East Arcadia School will try is seeking Christians in At 6 p.m. “Bonhoeffer,” a Single tickets are $35 and
hold its Fall Festival Friday, ents “Bible Alive” Saturday, the Tabor City area to be a
Good News Community Youth documentary film, will be can be purchased at Lee Lee’s
Oct. 20 at 6 p.m. Come and
Outreach Ministry Inc., 1138 Nov. 2 from 6-8 p.m. with a part of this ministry. shown in the church parlor. Boutique in Whiteville or call
Giles Byrd Rd., Hallsboro has dance to follow from 8-11 p.m. quote your favorite scripture For presentation dates call Bonhoeffer was a German 640-1784.
changed the date of their Inform- Admission is .50 for children from the Bible. 377-3119. Lutheran pastor, theologian, Group tickets (10 or more)
er Bible study from Thursdays and $1 for adults. For more information call anti-Nazi resistant, and found-
at 7 p.m. to each Saturday at 3 For more information call Ella Wooten at 234-0416. Facts of Life Church to ing member of the Confessing
are $30 each and can be pur-
chased by calling 640-9400.
p.m. to benefit seniors who may Ricky Graham at 669-2355. The church is located at hold choir rehearsal Church. His book The Cost of For more information call
not be able to travel at night. For
more information call 646-4898.
Southeastern COG to The Facts of Life Church
8237 Lisbon Road, Clarkton.
Maurice Hunt is the pastor.
Discipleship is a modern clas-
465-7750 or 770-3523.
hold homecoming will hold a community and The church is located at 902
The Southeastern Church Williamson’s Crossroads Shephards House
Honey Hill Missionary Baptist multi ministries choir re- Pinckney Street.
Church services. Sunday school of God will celebrate its home- BC to hold homecoming hearsal Saturday, Oct. 20 at
is held at 10 a.m. and service coming Sunday, Nov. 4 at 11 10 a.m. This is in preparation changing service times
begins at 11 a.m. Sunday night a.m. featuring The Oxendines Williamson’s Crossroads for an outreach and nursing JCPC meetings The Shepherds House
service is held at 6 p.m. and from Shannon as the special Baptist Church will hold its home holiday concert. Church, Chadbourn, will
Wednesday service is at 7:30 guests. Lunch will be served homecoming Sunday, Oct. 21 The Juvenile Crime Pre-
The church is located at change its service hours to
p.m. The church is located at on the grounds. beginning at 10 a.m. Lunch 24678 Peacock Road, Tabor vention Council meetings are
Saturdays and Sundays at 10
6140 Honey Hill Rd., Hallsboro. held every second Wednesday
The church is located at 200 will be served at noon in the City. a.m.
The new pastor is Troy Little. at noon in the Whiteville City
W. Lewis Street in Tabor City. fellowship hall. For more information call Dr. Denise Clewis is the
Rev. Linzy Nance is the pastor. Daisy Brooks at 377-3119. Schools Civic Room.
Brian Wible is the pastor. pastor.

This Religious Message Is Sponsored By These Local Merchants

Photo Credit: ©istockphoto.DNY59

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Worship in God’s house each week; through faith and patience you 0H  s&AX  
can grow to your full potential. www.ewgreene.com J.K. Powell Blvd., Whiteville 607 Jefferson St., Whiteville
EW Greene, Jr. 642-1861 910-642-8141

Weekly Scripture Reading

Collier’s Jewelers PREGNANT?
1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel “Serving The Area Since 1931” Don’t know where to turn?
8:1–22 9:1–27 10:1–27 11:1–15 12:1–25 15:1–35 16:1–23 Whiteville’s Leading Jeweler We can help you.
Scriptures Selected by the American Bible Society 717 South Madison St. Call 910-642-2677
Whiteville • 642-3183
©2012, Keister-Williams Newspaper Services, P.O. Box 8187, Charlottesville, VA 22906, www.kwnews.com 24 Hours A Day
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012--3C
Cherry Grove BC Living Healthy Lake Tabor gospel Lake Waccamaw Whiteville Junior
Woman’s Club to hold
to hold yard sale sessions to be held sing set Oct. 26 Food ministry to Fall-A-Palooza Oct. 27
Cherry Grove Baptist Are you sick and tired of A gospel sing featuring the
Lumber River Quartet will
distribute food The Whiteville Junior
Church will hold a 10+ church being sick and tired? Ongo- Lake Waccamaw food min- Woman’s Club will hold its
ing health conditions such as be held at Lake Tabor Friday,
wide yard sale Saturday, Nov. istry will distribute food to first Fall-A-Palooza Saturday,
arthritis, high blood pressure, Oct. 26.
3 at 8 a.m. (No early birds). It those in need. Oct. 27 from 2-6 p.m.
diabetes and heart disease Scheduled from 6-9 p.m. at
will be held behind the sanc- the public lake access on Lyn- The distribution days will There will be a Halloween
tuary in the gym. can affect your quality of life. be the second Wednesday costume contest, chili cook-
Living Healthy is a free six- wood Norris Street, the sing
There will be hot dogs, will feature The Lora Harper and fourth Saturday of each off, cornhole tournament,
homemade chili, drinks, pop- week series designed to help month, from 9-10 a.m. at First kids activities, pumpkin deco-
Family and Elwood Smootch.
corn and desserts for sale. you better manage chronic Baptist Church, Sam Potts rating contest, carnival games
Admission is free and con-
Proceeds go toward litera- conditions and live a happier, Hwy. Lake Waccamaw. Sarah Allen is a C.N.A. at and live music.
cessions will be available.
ture and Bible study materials healthier life. Food recipients need only a Shoreland Healthcare and The event will be held at
Bring a chair.
Living Healthy sessions photo ID to receive free food. for the past year has been the Fox E Hunting Preserve
for CAFE Women’s Club.
are once a week for six weeks
and will be followed by exer-
New Mt. Zion to honor The partnering churches making hats for babies and at 27 Fox Drive, Hallsboro. Ad-
mission is $10 and $5 for ages
are Lake Waccamaw Method- donating them to Colum-
First St. Paul MBC to cise sessions. deacons, trustees ist Church, Lake Waccamaw bus Regional Healthcare. 5-10 and free for 4 and under.
hold Usher Anniversary The sessions, sponsored by Rev. Anthony Rowell and Presbyterian Church, Little Admission includes all you
She recently won one blue
the Columbus County Health the congregation of New Wheel of Hope Church and can eat chili, barbecue and
First St. Paul Missionary Department and other com- and two red ribbons for her
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist First Baptist Church of Lake hot dogs while they last. Soft
Baptist Church will hold its munity partners, will be held baby hats. drinks and water will be avail-
usher anniversary Sunday, at the Westside Alumni build- Church will honor its dea- Waccamaw.
Oct. 21 at 4 p.m. The guest
ing, 650 W. Smith Street, Chad-
cons John Gardner, Eugene
McMillian, Joseph Neil, Rich-
For more information call
VIJM to hold able for purchase.
For more information call
speaker will be Rev. Vaughn
Cherry of Pleasant Hill Mis-
For more information or
ard Threadgill and trustees healing and 770-0376.
Michael Faison, Greg Ever-
sionary Baptist Church of
questions call Sarah Gray at ett and Marcel Hawkins dur- Donna’s Fine deliverance service
640-6615 ext. 362.
The church is located on ing its annual Deacons and
Trustees Appreciation ser-
Instruments Plus to Victory in Jesus Ministries
Artesia Alumni to
Campground Road, White- will hold its 3rd Sunday heal-
ville. vice Sunday, Oct. 21 at 4 p.m. host musical guests ing and deliverance service at hold 5th annual
Rev. Ronnie Blue is the pastor. West Columbus class of Rev. M.C. Herring of Mt. Zion
Donna’s Fine Instruments 7 p.m.
2002 to hold reunion
Missionary Baptist Church of
Longwood will be the guest
Plus will have live music each VIJM is located at 626 S. Rainbow Tea
Smyrna BC to hold The West Columbus High speaker.
Friday. Open mic starts at 6:30 Madison Street. The Artesia Alumni Schol-
p.m. and scheduled bands at Regular services are held arship Association presents
homecoming School class of 2002 will hold Refreshments will be
7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 6 p.m. for Bible its 5th annual Rainbow Tea
Smyrna Baptist Church its 10-year reunion Saturday, served. Admission is $5. study and worship service on Saturday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. at
The church is located on
will hold its homecoming Sun- Nov. 24 at the Columbus Coun- Donna’s is located at 211 N. Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. the Hannah Lodge, Hallsboro.
Mill Pond Road in the Bruns-
day, Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. Lunch ty Fairgrounds. Brown St., Chadbourn. For more information call Donations are $10. All pro-
wick community.
will follow. The church is lo- For questions contact wch- For more information call 642-5416. ceeds go to the Artesia Alum-
For more information call
cated at 4934 Peacock Road. sreunion2002@gmail.com 840-2122. Tracey A. Troy is the pastor. ni Scholarship Fund.

CHURCH DIRECTORY For Columbus County

and Surrounding Areas
How to Become a Part of Our Western Prong Baptist Church
Church Directory . . . 167 Peacock Rd., Whiteville
Our church directory features a weekly sion. We’ll include your church name, westernprong.org
church profile, helpful information about address, phone number, pastor’s name, Rev. Ronnie Wilson, Pastor
area churches, a devotional thought and service times and web address. You’ll also
Rev. Mike Ramsey, Youth Pastor
daily Bible readings. have an expanded church profile, includ-
Debbie Simmons, Children’s Director
If you would like your church includ- ing church photos, run in the directory
ed on this page, we invite you to call us sometime during the six month period. As the Pastor of Western Prong Bap- I believe you will discover a place where
today at 642-4104, ext. 237. For only We encourage you to help make this di- tist Church, I would like to extend a people can find friendships and love; a
$21.50 per month (six month commit- rectory complete by having your church personal invitation for you to come place where lives are established upon
ment), we’ll include your church in this information included. worship with us. We have many excit- the promises of God’s Word. This truly
weekly directory, plus in our web ver- ing opportunities for your family to be is a place where hearts are touched and
involved in. Whether you’re new to the lives are changed. Our main goal is that
AFRICAN-METHODIST First Baptist Church of Sweet Home Missionary area and looking for a Church home, or you would feel welcome and comfort-
Baptist Church
EPISCOPAL Lake Waccamaw 3111 Walter Todd Rd., Clarendon if it’s been a long time since you’ve at- able at your visit here at Western Prong!
300 E. Sam Potts Hwy., Lake Waccamaw Rev. Wayne Faulk • 910-653-4421
Mount Horeb AME Church Rev. Stuart Shumway • 910-646-3727 Sun 9:30 am Assembly, 9:45 Sun School, tended Church at all; I trust that your We hope you will find in this place a
187 Otis Donnell Nixon Rd., Evergreen Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm, 11 am & 6 pm Worship • Wed 7 pm visit at Western Prong will be awesome! warm family spirit, truth from God’s
Church Phone 654 1887 7:00 pm Youth Group, Wed 7:00 pm Trinity Baptist Church
201 S. Thompson St., Whiteville Word, and a place where you can grow
Rev. Jerry Pearson • 910-371-0604
Forest Lawn Missionary Randy K. Speight, Senior Pastor Services: in God’s grace.
Sunday School 9:45 am
Sun Morning Worship 11:00 am
Baptist Church 910-642-7764
Early Morning Worship 8:30 a.m.
10625 James B. White Hwy., Tabor City tbc4me@embarqmail.com
Wed 6:30 pm Jim Ponder, Pastor • 910-6 25-7739
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. We offer two Sunday Morning Ser-
Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm
St. James AME Church Sun 9:45 am, 6:00 pm Wednesday 6:45 pm
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. vices. The first service begins at 8:30
225 West Walter St., Whiteville Wed 7:00 pm
Western Prong Baptist Church a.m. and the second service begins
Church Phone 642-8832
Happy Home Baptist Church 167 Peacock Rd., Whiteville Discipleship Training 6:00 p.m.
Rev. Philip A. Blair Rev. Ronnie Wilson • 910-648-2744 at 11:00 a.m. Both Sunday Morning
Sun Church School 9:45 am
2670 Happy Home Rd., Nakina westernprong.org Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Services are the same.
Richard Collins, Pastor Sun 8:30 am Worship, 9:45 am
Sun Morning Worship 11:00 am 910-642-7284 Sunday School, 11:00 am Worship, Wednesday Night 7:00 p.m.
Wed 6:00 pm www.happyhomebaptistchurch.org 6 pm Training Union, 7 pm, Wed 7 pm
Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm White Marsh Baptist Church
AFRICAN-METHODIST Wed 7:00 pm 341 White Hall Rd., Whiteville
Lennon’s Cross Roads Sunday 9:45 am, 11 am
First Missionary Baptist Church
St. Mark AME Zion Church Baptist Church Wed 7:00 pm Chadbourn United Methodist
505 S. Wilkes St., Chadbourn
114 W. Virgil St., Whiteville 13804 Haynes Lennon Hwy., Evergreen Williamsons Crossroads 300 E. 2nd Ave., Chadbourn
Rev. Lionel E. Cartwright • 910-654-3225 Rev. Dr. Milford Oxendine, Jr. • 516-2092
Rev. Charlrean Mapson, Pastor Dr. Fred Senter, Pastor • 910-642-4436 Baptist Church
4071 Princess Ann Rd., Chadbourn www.fmbchurchnc.com cell 461-7811 • frectorjr@ec.rr.com
Church Phone: 910-642-7327 Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 2nd Sun of
Rev. Linzy Nance, Pastor Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am Northwood Assembly
Sunday School 9:45 am each month 6:00 pm Special Fellowship
Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am 2672 James B. White Hwy. N., Whiteville
Sun Morning Worship 11:00 am Activity, Wed 7:00 pm Wed Noon Day Prayer Circle 12 noon, Prayer Tues 10:00 am
Sunday 10:00 am, 11 am Pastor Russell Honeycutt
Bible Study/Prayer Service 6:30 pm
Wed 7:00 pm 910-642-7654
Tuesday - Noon and 7:00 pm Macedonia Baptist Church Chadbourn United Methodist
100 Macedonia Church Rd.,Evergreen CHURCH OF GOD Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church Sunday 10:30 am
Rehobeth AME Zion Church 5548 Silverspoon Rd., Whiteville 300 E. 2nd Ave., Chadbourn Wed 7:00 pm Bible Study
Jimmy Caines, Pastor
475 Rehobeth Church Rd., Clarkton
Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am 2nd & 4th Sun, New Life Community Church Pastor T.A. Lance • 910-648-2476 Rev. Dr. Milford Oxendine, Jr. • 516-2092 Zion Tabernacle Church, Inc.
Dr. Arnold B. Coley • 910-635-5330 moderatorlance@aol.com cell 461-7811 • frectorjr@ec.rr.com 2565 Jenkins Rd., Whiteville
6:00 pm every Sun • Wed 7:30 pm 107 Maultsby St., Whiteville www.mombcwhitevillenc.com
abcoleyjr@earthlink.net Rev. DeWayne Dickerson 910-642-0130 Sunday 9:45 am, 10:50 am
Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am Pastor Gloria C. Moore
Sun Worship 11 am, Sun School 10 am Mt. Sinai Baptist Church nlcc@embarqmail.com 1st & 3rd Sunday BTU at 4:00 pm Prayer Tues 10:00 am 910-647-0047
Wed Bible Study/Tutoring 6:30-7:30 pm 72 Sidney-Cherry Grove Rd., Clarendon Sun 9:30 am, 10:30 am Wednesday 6:45 pm Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am
Scott Enzor, Pastor Thursday 7:00 pm Fair Bluff United Methodist
ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sun 10:00 am, 6:00 pm Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church 1030 Main St., Fair Bluff PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS
Wed 7:30 pm Whiteville Church of God 824 Cherry Grove Rd., Cerro Gordo Rev. Neill Smith • 910-649-7749 Chadbourn Pentecostal Holiness
Abundant Life Assembly of God 506 N. Lee St., Whiteville Rev. Kennis Rolle, Sr. • 910-207-7397 fairbluffumc@tds.net
5384 James B. White Hwy. S., Whiteville 518 N. Elm St., Chadbourn
Nakina Baptist Church Pastor Chris Yarusinsky • 642-3395 rolleministries@att.net Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am Rev. Rick Robinson • 910-654-4850
Pastor Jerry J. Spivey • 910-642-5003 7883 Seven Creeks Rd., Nakina whitevillecog@yahoo.com Sun School 10 am, Service 11 am Tues 7pm Bible Study www.chadbournph.org
pastorspivey@embarqmail.com Rev. J. Darryll Hester Facebook: Whiteville Church of God
Sunday 10:00 am, 10:45 am, 6:00 pm Wed Youth Bible Study 6 pm Sunday School 9:45 am
Wednesday 7:30 pm
910-499-1598 Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am Wed Adult Bible Study/Prayer Meeting 7 pm Whiteville United Methodist Sunday Worship 10:40 am, 6 pm
nakinabaptistchurch@centurylink.net Wednesday 7:00 pm 902 Pinckney St., Whiteville Teen Worship in Sanctuary 6 pm
Whiteville Assembly of God Sun 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Saturday Night: Every last Sat. of each month CATHOLIC Rev. Paul Stallsworth • 910-642-3376 Wednesday 7:00 pm
3654 James B. White Hwy 701, South Wed 7:00 pm
Hallsboro Church of God Sacred Heart Catholic Church wumc@whitevilleumc.org Nakina Pentecostal Holiness
Pastor Tim Rausch, Sr. 312 Giles Byrd Rd., Hallsboro www.whitevilleumc.org
Sunday School 9:30 am New Hope Baptist Church 302 N. Lee St., Whiteville 9745 Seven Creeks Hwy., Nakina
252 Rough and Ready Rd., Whiteville Pastor Danny Williams • 840-3137 Rev. Marco Antonio Gonzalez-Hernandez Sunday 9:00 Sunday School, Rev. Anthony Rich • 876-2589
Morning Worship 10:30 am Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm
Rev. J. Kenneth Byrd fr.marco.gonzalez@raldios.org 10:00 Worship Service nakinaphc@gmail.com
Wednesday, Family Night 7:00 pm Wednesday 7:30 pm www.bcrcatholics.org • 910-642-3895
910-642-6345 Sunday School 10:00 am
BAPTIST www.nhbcwhiteville.com
FREE WILL BAPTIST Daily Mass Mon-Thurs 8am NON-DENOMINATIONAL Sunday Morning Worship 11:00
Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm First Fri Mass & First Sat Mass 8:00am Sun. Evening 6:00 except 5th Sunday
Boardman Baptist Church Wed 7:00 pm Avants Chapel FWB Church Reconciliation before Mass or by Barefoot Church Wednesday Teen/Youth Group 7:30 pm
4443 Old Boardman Rd., Evergreen appointment, Holy Mass Sun 8am & 28 Whiteville Plaza, Whiteville Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 pm
Peace Baptist Church 947 Cedar St., Cerro Gordo
Pastor Rodney Evers 10am English, 12 noon Spanish,
Pastor Mack Watts • 843-756-0417 Clay NeSmith, Lead Pastor
Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 7:00 pm 653 Love Mill Rd., Whiteville
Holy Day of Obligation 6:30pm English
843-280-1270 • www.barefootchurch.com PRESBYTERIAN
Wednesday 7:00 pm Pastor Chip Hannah and 7:30pm Spanish
Thursday Youth Group 7:00 pm 910-642-0251 Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Faith Formation from Sept to May Facebook: Barefoot Church First Presbyterian Church
www.peacebc.org Wednesday 7:30 pm 11 am - 12 noon Twitter: @BarefootChurch 511 N. Thompson St., Whiteville
Calvary Baptist Church Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Sun 9:30 am & 11:15 am Rev. Joshua Bower
5028 Pleasant Plains Church Rd., Whiteville Sunday 5:45-7:15 pm Awanas
Love Grove FWB Church CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY 910-642-2253
Rev. Kenneth Barnes • 910-642-6904 1763 Mille-Christine Rd., Whiteville Christian Fellowship Church fpcwhiteville@embarqmail.com
Sunday 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm
Tuesday 6:30-8:30 pm Grief Share
Dr. Elder Ronald Brown • 910-640-1144 Missionary Alliance Church 5662 Sam Potts Hwy., Hallsboro
Wednesday 7:00 pm 516 N. Madison St., Whiteville Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 pm Sunday 10 am, 11:15 am Bishop Henry Richardson, Jr.
Monday 6:30-8:30 pm Divorce Care 910-640-3223 • www.missonaryalliance.com
2nd Sun. Missionary, 4th Sun. Pastoral 910-646-3388 Westminster Presbyterian Church
Faith Baptist Church Piney Forest Baptist Church Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am, Wed 6:30 pm 307 S. Franklin St., Whiteville
4262 Rough N Ready Rd.
4509 Andrew Jackson Hwy. SW, Chadbourn EPISCOPAL/LUTHERAN Sun 10:00 am, 11:15 am, Tues 7:00 pm 910-642-2762
Chadbourn Rev. Willard McPherson • 910-654-5284 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST westminster_presbyterian@hotmail.com
Rev. Russell Long, Pastor Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 7:00 pm Grace Episcopal Church & Living Word Church Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am
Sun 10 am, 11 am, 6 pm, Wed 7 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm Lynn Hill Independent Christ the King Lutheran Church 6374 Chadbourn Hwy., Chadbourn
Baptist Church 105 S. Madison St., Whiteville Pastor Lester Holcomb, Jr. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST
First Baptist Church Smyrna Baptist Church
412 N. Madison St., Whiteville 4934 Peacock Rd., Whiteville 620 Lynn Hill Rd., Whiteville Rev. Anne Natoli • 910-642-4784 910-654-4164
Church Phone: 642-6266
Seventh Day Adventist
910-642-2139 Pastor William A. Schalk • 910-914-0002 gracechurchwhiteville@embarqmail.com www.livingwordnc.com 1002 N. Franklin St., Whiteville
Pastor Ray Best graceandchristtheking.com
Dr. Ron Hinson, Pastor http://pastorpreacher.com/lynnhillbc.html Sunday School 9:30 am Pastor Kenneth A. Lee
Praise Service 9:30 am, Sunday School
fbcoffice@embarqmail.com 9:45 am, Worship Service 11 am, Evening Sun Services 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am 910-642-0698
www.fbcwhiteville.com Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm pastorlee3@gmail.com
Worship 6 pm, Bible Buddies 5:45 pm Wed 6:00 pm Communion, Bible Study
Sun 9:45 am, 11 am, Wed 6:30 pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm Sat 9:30 am, 10:45 am, Wed 7:00 pm
and Dinner
4C -- The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friendship MBC to host Holy Land Pilgrimage

planned April 8-19 CLASS REUNIONS New Life to dedicate
women’s symposium, A Holy Land Pilgrimage
will be held April 8-19, 2013.
The 1971 Hallsboro High
new sanctuary
Missionary Day
The hosts are Virginia Greer,
School Class will hold its 41st
Enoch Holloway and Dr. Tom
reunion Saturday, Nov. 24 at
Jackson. The Israel guide will In June of this year the church began what was intend-
6 p.m. at the Hannah Lodge
be Doron Heilinger. ed to be an updating of lighting fixtures but turned out
T he Women’s Ministry #204, 101 Mill Quarter Road.
Daily itinerary will be: to be a complete renovation of the sanctuary in the for-
and the Missionary Circle of Classmates are asked to pro-
Monday, April 8 - Bound for vide phone numbers and email mer Jasper Textiles facility. One hundred new seats were
Friendship Baptist Church the Promised Land. Depart addresses if you have informa- added to the worship area. Drywall and revealed edge ceil-
will hold a symposium for USA aboard U.S. Air. tion about other classmates. ing tiles changed the facility dramatically. The ceiling was
women of all ages Saturday, Tuesday, April 9 - Welcome For more information call Joyce also raised several feet in height and every hint of a for-
Oct. 27. Fellowship will be- to the Holy Land. Overnight Thurman at 201-618-4799 or mer industrial setting was removed. A digital state of the
gin at 10 a.m. The theme is in Tiberias. email joycewrk@aol.com, Paula art sound system was also installed.
“Empowering Women to Live Wednesday, April 10 - Upper Jacobs at 646-3964 or email pja-
Galilee and the Golan. Over- Dickerson, the founding pastor, added that in the midst
Virtuous Lives.” Lunch will cobs1952@gmail.com, Wanda
night in Tiberias. of the building program the unexpected death in late Au-
be served. Dowless Batten at 647-8611 or
Thursday, April 11 - The gust of Thelma Best, the church’s oldest member caused
The annual Missionary email battenfarms@yahoo.com.
Coast and Hill Country. Over- the congregation and friends in the community to work
Day celebration will be held Get your dues in soon by con-
night in Tiberias. around the clock to prepare the sanctuary in time for her
Sunday, Oct. 28 with Sunday Dr. Shakina R. Dunbar tacting reunion treasurer Patri-
Friday, April 12 - The Heart cia Spears Lundy, 944 Red Bug funeral service.
school at 10:00 a.m. and morn-
In June 2008, she was li- of Galilee. Overnight in Tibe- Road, Hallsboro, N.C. 28442 or The congregation has been able to utilize the sanctuary
ing worship at 11:00 a.m.
censed by her pastor, Dr. Leon- rias. call 646-3391. since that service. “So many have done so much to bring
Following the morning wor-
ard L. Hamlin Sr. Saturday, April 13 - The about the transformation of this building,” stated the pas-
ship service, lunch will be
served in the fellowship hall. In 2011, she extended her Valleys: Jezreel and Jordan.
Overnight at Dead Sea Resort.
Clarkton PFWBC tor, “and we desire to acknowledge God and His workers in
this dedication ceremony.“
The guest speaker for both
events will be Dr. Shakina R.
ministry to community out-
reach as Founder of Jireh’s
Sunday, April 14 - Masada to hold revival
and Qumran: Places of Ref- Clarkton Pentecostal Free-
Dunbar, associate pastor of Place, an organization dedi- uge. Overnight in Jerusalem.
administration of Macedonia cated to the development and will Baptist Church will hold
Monday, April 15, Experi-
Baptist Church, Arlington, well-being of teenage girls its revival Sunday, Oct. 21
encing the Holy City. Over-
Va. Dunbar received her Bach- and young mothers who do night in Jerusalem. at 6 p.m. and Monday, Oct.
elor’s Degree in Sociology from not have an adequate support Tuesday, April 16 - The En- 22-Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m.
George Mason University and system to help diffuse the daily chanted Old City. Overnight nightly. Sunday and Monday
her Master of Divinity from educational, economic and in Jerusalem. revival will be rendered by
Howard University School of social challenges that all too Wednesday, April 17 - City Rev. Mike Jacobs pastor of
Divinity. Dunbar received her often determine the destiny of of David excavations. Over- Mt. Sinai Holiness Church of
Doctorate of Ministry in Pro- our young people. night in Jerusalem. Buckhead and Tuesday and
phetic Ministry from United Dunbar advises “that we all Thursday, April 18 - Behold Wednesday will be given by
stay renewed daily, by the Word the New Jerusalem. Farewell Rev. Richard Priest pastor of
Theological Seminary.
of God and to allow His light to dinner, drive to airport. Liberty Church of Clarkton.
She has been a leader of
direct us as we should go.” Friday, April 19 - Return to The church is located on
Young Empowered Students USA.
(YES); Youth and Teen Church; The church is located at South Page Road, Clarkton
For more information call across from Dowless Catering.
Daughters of Destiny (DOD) 239 West Columbus Street,
Greer at 642-7000 or email For more information call
Sons of Salvation (SOS), and Whiteville.
vagreer@embarqmail.com. 876-2689 or 625-8816.
the Youth and Young Adult Rev. Algernon W. McKenzie
is the pastor. New Life Community Church will conduct a dedi-
Voter registration Bladenboro Christmas cation ceremony for its newly renovated sanctu-
ary Sunday, Oct. 21 at 10 a.m. featuring two sing-
Christian Fellowship held at Peoples FH parade set Dec. 1 ing groups, The Glorybound Quartet, above, and
COMMUNITY Church to hold Women If not registered to vote The Bladenboro Christmas Nadine and Stevie, below. After the service an old-
of Integrity Ministry in the Nov. 6 general elec- parade will be held Saturday, fashioned homecoming meal will be served in the
NEWS tion, registration will be held
Christian Fellowship Church at Peoples Funeral Home of
Dec. 1 at 10:30 a.m. Line up church cafeteria.
to start at Bo’s Parking Lot
will hold Women of Integrity in Whiteville, Monday through
and go to Bladenboro Middle
Alcoholics Anonymous meets Ministry “Gathering of the fu- Friday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. School.
at First Presbyterian Church, ture church” Friday, Oct. 19 at For more information call To be in the parade call
511 N. Thompson St., Whiteville 7:30 p.m. The guest speakers 642-4055. Amanda Sykes at 874-2627,
on Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- will be Missionary Melissa Da- Greg Sykes at 879-5802 or
day, and Saturday nights at 8 vis and Minister DaQuan Bald- Jane Walters are 648-4379 or
p.m. A guest speaker will be at win. Music will be rendered
the meeting on the last Thurs- by New Generation, Men of
FUNDRAISERS email asykesfd@yahoo.com or
day of each month. The church Faith, St. James Male Chorus.
is located on Thompson Street in For more information call First Presbyterian Church
Whiteville. 646-3388 or 918-4748. women have cookbooks for sale Trinity OFWBC to hold
Narcotics Anonymous meets
The church is located at for $5 each. The cookbooks are revival Oct. 22-26
5662 Sam Potts Hwy. Hallsboro. available at the church located at Trinity Original Freewill
at Highest Praise Church, 109 511 N. Thompson St., Whiteville.
N. Madison St., Whiteville on Office hours are Monday-Friday, Baptist Church will hold
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 8:30 a.m.-noon and 1-2:30 p.m. its fall revival Monday, Oct.
p.m., at Mt. Pleasant AME Zion 22-Friday, Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m.
Church, 15956 Old Lake Road, FMBC to hold nightly. The guest speaker will
Riegelwood on Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 7 p.m. and at Bare- Harvest Day Oct. 20 Spring Branch BC be Rev. Buddy Seay of Beaver-
foot Church, 25 Whiteville Plaza, The First Missionary Bap- to hold yard sale dam Original Freewill Baptist
Church. There will be special
Whiteville on Fridays at 12:30 tist Church young adult mis- Spring Branch Baptist
sionary department will hold Church youth department singing each night.
its annual Harvest Day Sat- The church is located at Shiloh Outreach to Facts of Life Church
Al-anon meets at First Presby- urday, Oct. 20 at 6 p.m. The will host a yard sale Saturday, 1049 Hwy. 646 off Hwy. 410 be-
terian Church, 511 N. Thompson theme is “It’s your season to Nov. 3 from 7 a.m.-noon. Items tween Tabor City and Green hold Laborers of offers transportation
St., Whiteville on Mondays at 8 be blessed.” The guest speaker include furniture, clothes, Sea, S.C. The Facts of Life Church
p.m. household appliances, Christ-
will be Elder Anthony Grady, mas decorations, shoe, elec- Love: food pantry will provide transportation
Recovery (Christian Support pastor of New Beginnings tronics and more. Drinks and China Grove MBC to Shiloh Outreach will hold for Smithfield employees to
a Laborers of Love: food pan- and from Smithfield.
Group) meets at Forest Lawn Ministries, Fayetteville along snacks will also be available
Church, U.S. 701, Tabor City on with the choir and congrega- for purchase.
hold homecoming try, every Wednesday from 10 For more information call
tion. China Grove Missionary a.m.-noon and from 5-7 p.m.
Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Proceeds will go towards 653-7215 or 918-4531 between
Bring non-perishable food Baptist Church will hold its There will be free food, but
Diabetes Support Group meets items for the Harvest Day projects the youth department annual homecoming service call for an appointment. Also
the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
is involved in as well as mis-
at Columbus Regional Health- Food Drive. Dress is casual. Sunday, Oct. 21. Sunday school available will be a consign- Fellowship IBC to
sion projects.
care, Education Center, Class- The church is located at 505 starts at 10 a.m., worship ser- ment store.
The church is located at
room 2 the second Thursday of S. Wilkes Street, Chadbourn. vice at 11 a.m., followed by a The outreach is located hold Bible study
each month at 6 p.m. For more 6710 Church Loop Road, Nich-
Rev. Lionel E. Cartwright is ols, S.C. (five miles west of covered dish lunch in the fel- at 426 S. 9th Street in the old
information call Shauna Nobles the pastor. Fellowship Independent
lowship hall. The guest speak- International Paper building,
at 642-9458 or 641-8208. Fair Bluff off Hwy. 76 west). Baptist Church will hold its
ers will be Revs. Tim Jerni- Bolton.
For more information call Bible study every Thursday at
Brain Injury Support Group
meets at Columbus Regional VFW seeks student essays; gan, director of missions of
the Columbus Baptist Asso-
655-0540. Serving Bolton and 7:30 p.m.
The church is located at
Columbus County.
Healthcare, Education Center,
Room 1A the second Thursday teacher nominations ciation and Thomas Fairfax,
3070 Hallsboro Road North.
Elder Shawn Maynor is the
of each month at 6 p.m. For more
information call Shauna Nobles Scholarships and teacher awards go to winners 2903TheOldchurch is located at
Stake Road, Chad-
Barefoot Church pastor.
or Sonja Green at 642-8011 ext.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8073 is sponsor- bourn. to feature family Union BC to hold
Compassionate Friends Sup-
ing several essay scholarship and teacher recognition awards. For more information call
The competitions are open to public, private and homeschool- Karen McPherson at 654-3013.
movie night homecoming Oct. 21
port Group (Grief group for par- ers. Entry forms and guidelines can be picked up at guidance Barefoot Church will fea- Union Baptist Church will
ents who have lost children to counselor offices at schools across the county or by going on- Sharon UMC to hold ture a family movie night ev- hold its homecoming Sunday,
death) meets at Grace Episco- line to vfw.org/community/programs. The deadline to submit annual bazaar Oct. 26-27 ery third Friday of the month Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. Lunch will be
pal Church, 105 S. Madison St., an entry is Nov. 1. at 7:30 p.m. served following the service.
Whiteville the second Monday Sharon United Methodist
Middle school The church is located at 28 Gregory W. Spaulding is
of each month at 7:30 p.m. For Church will hold its annual
Students in grades 6 to 8 are eligible to participate in the Pa- bazaar Friday, Oct. 26 and Whiteville Plaza. the pastor.
more information call 647-8401.
triot’s Pen Scholarship, “What I Would Tell America’s Found- Saturday, Oct. 27 from 7 a.m.-
Vietnam Veterans of America ing Fathers.” Contact Tonya Schoolcraft for more info at 641- until. Food and fun all day.

Chapter #962 of Columbus 7105. Available will be breakfast,
County meets the first Tuesday High school
of each month at 7 p.m. at 1028 fried bananas, hot dogs, baked
Students in grades 9-12 must write and record an audio es- items, canned items and yard
S. Madison St., Whiteville.
say on the theme “Is Our Constitution Still Relevant?” Final- sale.

Fall Festival
The American Legion Post ists could win thousands in scholarship money and state win- A barbecue will be held
#233 meets the first Saturday ners a four-day trip to Washington, D.C. Friday from 4-7 p.m.
of each month at 11 a.m. at 313 Contact Randy Norris for more information at 840-5207.
Phillips St., Whiteville. Teacher award
Fellow teachers, supervisors or other interested individuals
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
#8073 and Ladies Auxiliary
meets on the second Tuesday of
are encouraged to nominate teachers in the county who pro-
mote civic responsibility, flag etiquette and patriotism. Teach-
needs volunteers Saturday, Oct. 20
each month at 6:30 p.m. at 121
W. Wyche St., Whiteville.
ers who plan civic related trips, organize community projects Wish Granting Volunteers
and help students to develop a better understanding of demo- are needed for the Make-A-
4:00 - 7:00 pm
cratic values are ideal candidates. Wish Foundation of Eastern
Disabled American Veterans UÊ>“iÃÊUÊ œÕ˜ViÊœÕÃiÊUÊ"LÃÌ>ViÊ
Self-nominations or those made by relatives are not eligible. North Carolina.
Chapter #35 meets the sec-
For more information contact Angela Norris at 840-3848. Wish Granters visit the
ond Thursday of each month at
7 p.m. at 1028 S. Madison St.,
family and help determine Free Admission - Free Games
the wish of the child while ex-
Unity the Way of HCC to Peace BC to hold plaining wish procedures and FREE FOOD
homecoming Oct. 21 using their creative side to
St. James AME to
hold Fall Crusade
make the wish truly magical.
Join us for the fun at:
hold Fun Day Oct. 20
The Unity the Way of Ho- Peace Baptist Church will Wish Granters see first-
liness Christian Church will hold its homecoming Sunday, hand the impact a wish can Hallsboro
Baptist Church
St. James AME Church will hold a Fall Crusade Thursday, Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. The guest make on a child with a life-
hold its Fun Day Saturday, Oct. Oct. 25 and Friday, Oct. 26 at 7 speaker will be Pastor Stuart threatening medical condi-
20 from noon-4 p.m. with games, p.m. The guest speaker will be Shumway of Lake Waccamaw tion. 551 Hallsboro Rd. S,
bounce house, sport activities, Minister Vincent Adams Jr. Baptist Church. For more information,
zumba dance, bike exhibits, music For transportation call 645- The church is located at 653 contact Lisa at 919-821-7111 or Hallsboro
and food. 6144, 234-0416, 704-819-1495 or Love Mill Road behind Trac- lbrinkerhoff@eastncwish.org.
The church is located at 225 W. 704-819-1494. tor Supply. Call 910-499-2900
Walter Street. The church is located at
8237 Lisbon Road, Clarkton.
For more information call with questions
Rev. Philip A. Blair is the 642-0251.
pastor. Maurice Hunt is the pastor. Chip Hannah is the pastor.
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012, Section C

Southeastern students
gain edge on emerging
technologies in showcase

Southeastern Community College held a Technology

Showcase Sept. 25 as a part of its Student Engagement Day
series. The morning began with an introduction in the audi-
torium, from where students – all on a day off from regular
classes – fanned out to locations in and around the Cartrette
Technology Center.
Stopping at more than a dozen stations filled with exhib-
its, demonstrations, classes and even a texting competition,
students honed their technical edge, sharpened their study
skills and gained insight on emerging technologies.
SCC was the first community college in the state system
with an agricultural biotechnology program. Dr. Karen Stirrett gives students a behind-the-scenes tour of how a forensic crime lab works last month
during the SCC Technology Showcase, a part of the college’s Student Engagement Day series.

Sustainable Technologies Instructor Larry Gilman demon-

strates a solar-powered submersible machine.

Academic Skills Lab Coordinator Jessica Rivenbark, left, explains to a student a feature of Gmail.

Jock Brandis of the Full Belly Project in Wilmington demonstrates a foot-powered water
pump, right, and a solar-powered pump that is supplying a water sprinkler.

Students raced to type the fastest and win prizes during

a texting competition.

David Dennis makes a connection between solar power,

SCC Instructor Gary Nealy gives a demonstration on Ag- the moon landing and popcorn in a nuts-and-bolts exhibit Greg Yoder of Motorcycles of Charlotte rides an electric
biotechnology and environmental science. of electrical components. motorcycle around the Cartrette Technology Center.
The News Reporter,
release Thursday,
dates: October 13-19 October 18, 2012 41-1 (12)

Mini Spy . . .

© 2012 Universal Uclick
from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick

The Little Creature That Could

We Owe It All to Algae

Have you ever eaten algae? You Kelp, such Feasting on sunlight
probably have, although you might not as these Like plants, most algae use sunlight
have known it. Just what are algae, at the
to turn carbon dioxide gas and water
anyway? Bay into food. When organisms create
The Mini Page talked with a Aquarium, their food out of light, it is called
scientist from the National Museum are a type photosynthesis (foe-toe-SIN-the-sis).
of Natural History, Smithsonian of algae. It
Algae and plants take in carbon
looks as if
Institution, to learn more about algae kelp have dioxide and give off oxygen. Luckily
and their importance to humans and leaves, for people and animals, oxygen is
animals. but they the waste product of photosynthesis.
What are algae? really. We couldn’t live without the oxygen
An alga (AL-guh) is a plant-like Kelp can produced by algae.
organism. Most live in groups, so we be as Algae are often organized by their
tall as colors, which are usually shades
usually use the plural, algae (AL-jee). 300 feet
Algae are simple organisms. (about as of green, red or brown. Different
Sometimes larger algae look like tall as a colors have different ways of using from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick

plants, but they don’t have specialized 30-story photosynthesis. Experts believe each
building). color probably developed, or evolved,
parts, such as leaves or roots. TM
Rookie Cookie’s Recipe
from a different organism.
This Kid’s Mini Page
photo by Stef Maruch
There are thousands of different
Dr. Robert Ricker, NOAA/NOS/ORR

types. Algae can Habitats Crunchy Edamame

photo by Prof. Gordon T. Taylor, Stony Brook University,

You’ll need: sponsored by
be single cells Most algae live where it is very
so small that moist, in the sea or in bodies of fresh s OUNCE BAGFROZENSHELLEDEDAMAMESOYBEANS
hundreds could water. They also live in soil and snow. sTABLESPOONOLIVEOIL
fit on the period One type of algae lives by using the sTABLESPOONFRESHLEMONJUICE
at the end of this Bubble algae morning dew in the desert. s13 cup grated parmesan cheese
sentence. Or they can be large, many-

courtesy NOAA
This algae What to do:
celled organisms. from 1. Thaw frozen edamame by rinsing with cold water in a large colander.
Phytoplankton (FIE-toe-PLANK- Australian 2. Dry edamame with paper towels; place in a 9-by-13-inch baking dish.
tun) are a type of algae that live in waters was One beautiful type of algae is a diatom "LENDOLIVEOILWITHLEMONJUICEPOUROVEREDAMAME
bodies of water. They are usually made photographed (DIE-uh-tahm). Diatom cell walls are made 4. Sprinkle cheese evenly over the soybeans; salt and pepper to taste.
through a of glass. The tiny one-celled organisms "AKEINA DEGREEOVENFORMINUTESUNTILCHEESEMELTS
of only one cell. (Zooplankton, or microscope. come in many shapes. These live between
single-celled animals, are not algae.) You will need an adult’s help with this recipe.
photo by Dr. Robert Ricker, NOAA/NOS/ORR crystals of sea ice in Antarctica. from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick

Meet Tim Burton

from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick

A Friend Indeed
photo by Leah Gallo, © Disney Enterprises

and producer. He recently remade

an earlier film of his, the Disney
MOVIEh&RANKENWEENIEv Creating the air we breathe This green Dining on algae
Tim is famous for his movies, grape algae
Inc. All Rights Reserved

photo courtesy NURC/UNCW and

INCLUDINGh#HARLIEANDTHE Algae have been on Earth for more grows in Algae are a super-important food
#HOCOLATE&ACTORY vh-ARS than 1.6 billion years. Early algae the Gulf of source. Sea animals, from tiny one-
!TTACKSvANDTHEREMAKEOFh4HE existed when there was hardly any Mexico. celled zooplankton to giant whales,

0LANETOFTHE!PESv(ECO WROTE all depend on algae for most of their

ANDPRODUCEDh4HE.IGHTMARE"EFORE#HRISTMASv oxygen in the air. Over time, they
4IM  WASBORNIN"URBANK #ALIF(ELIKEDTODRAWCARTOONS produced so much oxygen waste that food.
when he was a child and won a prize for a poster he drew against it changed the atmosphere. They put Humans eat algae too. Seaweed, a
littering when he was in the ninth grade. He went to a college of enough oxygen into the air that Trapping carbon dioxide type of algae, is an important part of
art and majored in animation. He was hired as an animator by Algae also help our atmosphere Asian food. It is in everything from
&OXANDTHE(OUNDvANDh4HE"LACK#AULDRONvfrom The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Without algae, none of us would be by trapping carbon dioxide and bread to sushi.
here. taking it out of the air. Carbon You may be eating algae without
from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick
0LANTSALSOPRODUCEOXYGEN"UT dioxide is poisonous to people and realizing it. Kelp and other types
algae were producing oxygen more animals. It also traps the heat in our of algae are used as thickeners in
than a billion years before plants atmosphere, warming the planet. foods such as cheese,
Supersport: Maurice Jones-Drew even existed. Plants also take carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere. When plants
pudding, chocolate
Height: 5-7 Weight: 210 Hometown: Antioch, Calif. The algae in the ocean are milk, orange juice
Forget his height. Measure Maurice Jones-Drew by responsible for more than half of are burned or they decay, they and soup. Algae keep
his might. all the oxygen we breathe today. release the carbon dioxide they had ice cream smooth
Darting, dashing and smashing, the Jacksonville pulled in. In some cases, it may take
Jaguars’ stocky running back has wrecked opposing Some experts believe they may have and help get rid of
defenses the last few years. He led the NFL in rushing PRODUCEDASMUCHASPERCENTOF YEARSFORTHECARBONDIOXIDETO ice crystals. They can
LASTSEASONWITHACAREER BEST YARDSANDEARNED the oxygen in our atmosphere. return to the atmosphere. also be found in products such as
All-Pro honors for the third time. "UTAFTERALGAEDIE THEIRTRAPPED toothpaste and pet food.
A star at UCLA in college, Jones-Drew gets around off the field These red algae carbon dioxide sinks to the bottom of
are a type of Check the ingredient list on some
as well. He has played a role on a television comedy. He also hosts a the ocean. It could be 1 million years
photo by Eric Guinter

radio show and has been supportive of multiple charities. seaweed from of the foods in your house. If you see
Now, with another season under way, he’s back on the field, ready the waters off of before it returns to our atmosphere. hAGAR vhALGINATEvORhCARRAGEENAN vIT
to rumble again.
Hawaii. This helps slow global warming. means there are algae in the product.

from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick

The Many Faces of Algae


All the following jokes have something in common.

Can you guess the common theme or category?
Out of control Partnerships
Stanley: Where do spooky creatures go to learn?
Sometimes algae can cause Algae often form partnerships, Susan: A s-ghoul!
problems for us. They need certain or symbiotic SIM "%% AHT IC
minerals to help them grow. If there relationships, with other organisms.
are a lot of these minerals in the For example, lichen (LI-kuhn) is Sam: What do future bankers love about
water, algae grow like crazy. circle time at school?
formed by a partnership with a Stuart: Show and teller!
Sometimes algae’s wild growth is fungus and algae. The colors of
caused by pollution such as sewage hard coral are Sunny: What is a thermometer’s purpose at
photo © OriginOil, Inc.

runoff. Algae love the extra nutrients caused by algae school?

found in animal or human waste. living inside the Steve: To earn a degree!
If there are too many algae in an bodies of the
coral animals. If
area, they can strip the oxygen from A scientist checks an algae sample at from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick
the algae leave TM
the surrounding water. Overall, OriginOil Inc. The blue and red colors in Bassetews TRY ’N
the coral, the
algae do produce more oxygen than the tank take the place of the sunlight coral will die. The Nnd’s FIND
needed for photosynthesis. photo courtesy Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Hou
THEYUSE"UTATNIGHT WHENTHERE Words that remind us of algae are hidden in the block below. Some
is no sun, they can take in so much Super creature words are hidden backward or diagonally. See if you can find: AIR,
fish to breathe. Also, when algae source, experts believe algae could PLANKTON, RED, SEA, SEAWEED, SEWAGE, SUN, TIDE, WATER.
die, the process of decay uses a lot of be an important source of fuel and C D E E W A E S M O T A I D K
oxygen. fertilizer. They could also be used to SMALL BUT O E F T E G A W E S T H G I L
Large groups of algae can block clean up sewage. MIGHTY! R O L O I V L A R O C P L E K
sunlight from reaching plants living G A N L O D D E R A E S N U S
Just as animals store extra food
photo courtesy NURC/UNCW and NOAA/FGBNMS

in the water. Also, certain types of as fat, algae store extra food as oil. N R K R E T A W E D I X O I D
algae produce poison that can kill 2ESEARCHERSHOPETHEYCANUSEALGAE I N O B R A C N O T K N A L P
fish or make shellfish poisonous to oil as a biofuel. For example, the U.S. S E U L B E R E H P S O M T A
eat. It isn’t safe for people either. Navy is experimenting with using a M L E U F R E Z I L I T R E F

mixture of algae oil and animal fat to

fuel its ships and aircraft.
from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick

If algae are put into a tank full

OFSEWAGE THEYCANhEATvMUCH This leafy green algae lives in the Gulf of
Ready Resources
of the harmful waste. The algae Mexico. The Mini Page provides ideas for websites,
growing in the sewage can then be books or other resources that will help you learn
photo courtesy NOAA

The Mini Page thanks Barrett Brooks, more about this week’s topics.
fed to livestock. They can clean the National Museum of Natural History,
environment and feed animals at the Smithsonian Institution, for help with this On the Web:
same time. issue. sSEAWEEDIE
This “red tide,” or “algal bloom,” in the For years, people have been Add`i]gdj\]ndjgcZlheVeZg[dgVYhd[ sYOUTUBECOMWATCHV*9"H$0)
Gulf of Mexico is a type of algae super gathering algae from the shore and egdYjXihi]Vib^\]iXdciV^cVa\VZ# sDAILYMOTIONCOMVIDEOXHXIN?JEAN MICHEL COUSTEAU OCEAN
growth. Red tides can occur naturally, but
are often fueled by pollution. They can be feeding them to livestock or using ADVENTUR?TECH
Next week, The Mini Page is about maple At the library:
poisonous, or toxic. them as fertilizer. trees.
Betty Debnam - Founding Editor and Editor at Large Lisa Tarry - Managing Editor Lucy Lien - Associate Editor Wendy Daley - Artist &ORESTvBY.ORBERT7U

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District Court
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 -- 7C
Alphabetical key to court list probation, cost, pay $100 today, pay balance CCJ active. VD on SP 85/70. Per plea. s!RVIZV(UERTA2OSENDO AMENDNAMETO
ABPG - assault by pointing a gun; AISI - as- w/i 30 days. 20 installment fee. VD on pos- s3ANDY7EAVER.ANCE*R2TO30RE- Rosendo Huerta Arvizv, G of NOL. 10 days
sess/consume wine/liquor/mixed beverage duced to IE. Cost, $25 fine, $20 installment fee. CCJ/18 months unsupervised probation, $150
sault inflicting serious injury; AOF - assault
unauthorized premises. Pay w/i 30 days. VD on DWLR. fine, costs, NON OP MV.
on female; AOO - assault on officer; AWDW
- assault with deadly weapon; AWDWIK - as-
s2OBERT'ARY#RIBB6$ONOPERATE VEHI- and expired/no inspection. Complied. in possession.
sault with deadly weapon with intent to kill;
cle no insurance. Complied. s 3HELDON $ESMON .EALEY 6$ ON #2 s 6ELASQUEZ - 3ILVERIA CHARGED WITH
AWDWIKISI - assault with deadly weapon
s*OSEPH0AUL$AVID6$ON!7$7.O07 SC/T and operate vehicle no insurance. Com- NOL. Paid.
with intent to kill inflicting serious injury; s *ACOB !LLEN 'ODWIN 2 TO 0/##!0! plied. s 4HERSA -ARY 3IMPSON 2 TO 30 
B&E - breaking and/or entering; B&E&L - lar- Cost. VD on consume alcohol by 19/20. Per s 4ERRY ,EE 0HIPPS *R !+! 4ERRY ,EE Paid.
ceny after B&E; B/S/P - buy/sell/purchase; plea. Phipps G of ML. 120 days NC DOC, bond s-ARION3HENELL3MITH6$ONOPERATEVE-
CCG - carrying concealed gun; CCJ - Colum- s ,AMAR 4ERENCE 'RAHAM ' OF 2$%  modified $1,000 secured, w/GPS. No contact hicle no insurance and C/R/SC/T. Complied.
bus County Jail; CCMH - Columbus County days/12 months probation, cost, $100 fine. VD w/PW, wrote on blue sheet. NOA. s "ILLY 2AY 3TEPHENS CHARGED WITH 3!
Mental Health; CCW - carrying concealed on SP 100/60. s-ATTHEW*AMES0ITTMANISCHARGEDWITH SMTC denied. No PW.
weapon; CRD - careless and reckless driving; s#ARL*AMES*ENRETTE6$ON#40ER07 simple possession schedule VI Cs. In Pitt s'LORIA!MBER4APSCOTT2TO30RE-
CRDL - civil revocation of drivers license; s+ATRINA-C#AIN*ONES6$ON&4# County Jail. Cont. 11-30. duced to IE. Costs, $25 fine.
C/R/SC/T - canceled/revoked/suspended s !RETHA ,OUISE ,EGGETT 2 TO 30  s2ONNIE$AVID2ICHBURG2TO30RE- s#ORNELIUS%4ISDALE6$ON)000ER07
certificate/tag; c/s - community service; CS Paid. duced to IE. Cost, $25 fine, $20 installment fee. s *ACQUELINE - 6EREENE 6$ ON $7,2
- controlled substance; CT - communicating s *OANNA $AWN ,EMMONS !+! *OANNA Pay w/i 30 days. Complied.
threats; C/TV - city/town violation; DAC Dawn Emmons VD on expired/no inspection, s $ANIEL +IRK 2OJAS 2 TO %03 REDUCED TO s #ANDY ,YNN 7RIGHT 2 TO 30  RE-
< 21 - driving after consuming < 21; DART - F/AT/RC/T. IE. Cost. duced to IE. Cost.
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment; s*EREMY,EE,ORENCZ6$ON!)3).O07
D/AVNR/T - driving/allowing vehicle not s 2AHEEM -C!LLISTER !+! 2AHEEM (Submitted photo)
registered/titled; D/AMVNR - drive/allow
MV no registration; D/ARPND - drive/allow
McAlister G of consume alcohol by <19. 45
days CCJ/12 months probation, cost. Also
Flag raising, wreath Former resident seeks Betty Hinson from Woodmen of the World Lodge 130,
reg. plate not displayed; DB/WWD - drink
beer/wine while driving; DD - drunk and
G of RPO. Consol with 1st charge. NOA bond
remains the same. laying set Nov. 10 woman who was nurse Cerro Gordo, was presented the Fraternalist of the Year
Award by the new president and CEO of Woodmen, Lar-
disorderly; Def. Pros. - deferred prosecution; s 4RISHA -ARIE .ELSON 6$ ON 30 
DLC - driving left of center; DMTC - defense DWLR. More serious felony charges in Union A flag raising, wreath laying Faye Weathers-Anderson of ry King, from Omaha, Neb. during the ENC Woodmen
motion to continue; DOC - Department of
s2ASHAWN4ARMINE2OSE !+! 2ASHAWN event will be held Saturday, Pooler, Ga., a former resident District convention in Kinston. This award is given to
Corrections; DV - domestic violence; DWI -
driving while intoxicated; DWC < 21 - driving Tremane Rose is charged with felony AWD- Nov. 10 at 9 a.m. at the Carolyn of Whiteville in the late 1970s the one who has promoted Woodmen and volunteered
WIKISI, felony possess weapon mass destruc-
while consuming < 21; DWLR - driving while
tion and felony possession of firearm by fel- T. High Memorial Library. The and early 1980s, is seeking to their services to Woodmen and their community during
license revoked; EHA - electronic house ar-
rest; EPS - exceeding posted speed; ERC/T on. Bond modified to $100,000 secured for all guest speaker will be Amon renew a contact with Alice 2012.
cases combined with GPS. Cont. 11-26.
- expired registration card/tag; ESS - exceed-
s7ANDA+AY2OZIER2TO30REDUCED McKenzie, a Vietnam Veteran. Faye Thompson, a nurse at the
ing safe speed; F/AT/RC/T - fictitious/altered
title/registration card/tag; F/C/RRC/T - fic- to IE. Cost. VD on DWLR. hospital here during the time Allen-Mingo to hold
titious/canceled/revoked registration card/
tag; FDT - first degree trespass; FL - felony
liquor/mixed beverage <21. Veterans to hold Weathers-Anderson lived here. HOPD to hold pastor Harvest banquet Oct. 20
Weathers-Anders and her
anniversary Oct. 18

fundraiser Nov. 5
larceny; FOE - forgery of endorsement; FOI -
forgery of instrument; FRS - failure to reduce
DWI, FWSB-driver, DWLR, P/DA/F./RDL husband, Jack Weathers, were Allen-Mingo Consistory
speed; FSIV - federal safety inspection viola-
tion; FTA- failure to appear; FTC - following
and lane change signal violation. In Robeson co-owners of the Piggly-Wig- The House of Prayer and #325 and Allen-Mingo Assem-
County Jail. Cont. 10-2. Pizza Hut of W hiteville Deliverance will hold the first bly #325 will hold its annual
too close; FTRRP - failure to return rental s +ELLY -ARIE 7ILLIAMS 2 TO FAILURE TO gly grocery store when they
property; FTSP under 16 - failure to secure maintain lane control. Cost, $20 installment will hold a fundraising event night of their pastors anniver- harvest banquet Saturday, Oct.
passenger under 16; FTSSS/FRL - failure to lived here. Some of the Weath-
fee. Pay w/i 30 days, VD on operate vehicle no Monday, Nov. 5 from 5-9 p.m. sary celebration for Barbara 20 at 6 p.m. in the Whiteville
stop for stop sign/flashing red light; FTYSS/ insurance, C/R/SC/T, D/AMVNR. ers’ children still live in and
FRL - failure to yield stop sign/flashing red s 2OSALIND 2 7ILLIAMS 6$ ON CONSUME A percentage of the money Powell Thursday, Oct. 18 at City School Administration
light; FV - fishing violation; FWSB - failure around Whiteville, according
malt beverage/wine off premise permit. collected will be donated to the 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker building. The guest speaker
to wear seat belt; G - guilty; HR - hit and run; s $UANE &RANKLIN ,EE 2 TO 30  RE- to Faye.
HV - hunting violation; IE - improper equip- duced to 64/55. PJC, cost. Strike FTA/fee. DAV #35, VFW #8073 and VVA will be Elder Tito and Eldress will be Minister Colene Kelly
ment; IPP - injury to personal property; IRP Alice Faye Thompson is
s 3TEVEN $RAKE 3CHMITTER 2 TO 30  #962 funds. Shannon Council of Evan- along with the consistory and
- injury to real property; IV - inspection viola- reduced to 64/55. Cost. asked to contact Faye by phone
tion; LOA - letter of apology; MAR - motion Eat-in, pick up or delivery gelical House of God in Spring assembly choir.
for appropriate relief; MHA - mental health District Court in Whiteville at 912/272-2287 or 912/988-3216,
is available. Lake. A donation of $15 is being
assessment; ML - misdemeanor larceny; MTC 9-13-12 or by email at one of two ad-
- motion to continue; NC - no contest; NG - not s +ENNETH !NDERSON CHARGED WITH !/& Future dates for Pizza Hut The anniversary will con- asked. See a member of the
guilty; NOA - notice of appeal; NOL - no oper- SMTC-denied. No PW. dresses – Faye@fbc-sav.org or
night are Dec. 3 and Jan. 7, tinue Wednesday, Oct. 24 at consistory or assembly for
ators license; NON OP MV - non-operation of s +ENNETH "OWEN 6$ ON  COUNTS OF $6 fayeander@gmail.com
a motor vehicle; NOV - noise ordinance viola- protective order violation. Per PW. 2013. 7:30 p.m. with speaker Pastor tickets.
tion; NR - not responsible; OA - outstanding s*AMES#ECIL'OWANSDISMISSEDON!/&
order for arrest; OFA - order for arrest; OPB- Dismissed per PW.
Clarkton PFWB to East Arcadia to hold fall Lucy Young of Freewill Holi-
ness Church of Lake Wac- New Beginnings MBC to
FP - obtaining property by false pretense; PC - s *ONATHAN !LBERT )NMAN CHARGED WITH 
probable cause; PD - public disturbance; PDP counts of AOF. SMTC denied. No PW.
festival Friday, Nov. 2
- possession of drug paraphernalia; P/DA/F/
RDL - possess/display altered/fictitious/
SMTC denied. No PW. hold gospel sing camaw and Friday, Oct. 26 at hold revival Oct. 24-26
East Arcadia School will 7:30 with Prophetess Vivian
revoked drivers license; PJC - prayer for
Ward G of CT. 2 days CCJ with credit time Clarkton Pentecostal Free- hold its annual fall festival Fri- Cogdell of Word Afire Minis- New Beginnings Mission-
judgment continued; POC - possession of co-
caine; POC/CAPA - possess open container/ served. VD on IPP. Per plea. will Baptist Church will hold day, Nov. 2 from 6-8 p.m. with a tries of Fayetteville. ary Baptist Church will hold
consume alcohol passenger area; POM - pos-
a gospel sing featuring The dance to follow from 8-11 p.m. its fall revival Wednesday,
session of marijuana; PV - probation viola- District Court in Tabor City Sunday, Oct. 28 at 11:15 the
tion; PW - prosecuting witness; PWISD - pos- 9-14-12
Lewis’ Saturday, Nov. 10 at 7 Admission is .50 for children speaker will be Pastor Rob- Oct. 24-Friday, Oct. 26 at 7 p.m.
s 9AZAN ! !LNASHASH .' ON 3! AND #4
session with intent to sell/deliver (marijuana
Not enough evidence. Motion to dismiss at p.m. and $1 for adults. nightly .
or cocaine); PWISDM - possession with intent ert Williams Jr. of El Bethel
to sell/deliver/manufacture (marijuana or
close of state’s evidence allowed.
The church is located at 24 For more information call Church in Whiteville. The guest speakers will be:
cocaine); R - responsible; RDE - reckless driv-
use of traffic lane reduced to IE. Remit cost, South Page Road across from Ricky Graham at 669-2355. Wednesday, Rev. Andy Ander-
ing to endanger; RWDW - robbery with dan- A lso Sunday, Oct. 2 8 at
gerous weapon; RPO - resisting public officer;
good cause.
Dowless Catering. son, Thursday, Apostle Pat-
s *ULIUS . "LACKWELL 6$ ON ./, #OM- 5 p.m. will be Pastor Leona
SA - simple assault; SAA - Substance Abuse
For more information call rick McNair and Friday, Elder
Assessment; SC - show cause; SCG - shoplift-
ing concealment goods; SDT - second degree
Cerro Gordo UMC to Cromartie of New Beginnings
Dontae Wooten.
Holiness Church of Council.
trespass; SDTP - state declines to prosecute;
harassing phone call. Subpeona unavailable,
PW moved. SMTC denied. No PW. hold homecoming HOPD is located at 1113 S.
The church is located at 519
SFTP - state failure to prosecute; S/F - super-
vision fee; SMTC - states motion to continue;
s !LEXIS .OEL "ULLARD 6$ ON %2#4 LI-
cense not in possession. VD on 9-11-12.
Diamond Branch Cerro Gordo United Meth- Madison Street, Whiteville. South Wilson Street, Chad-
SP - speeding; TASC - Treatment Alternative bourn.
to Street Crime; UFE - uttering forged en-
NOL. Paid. MBC to hold Family/ odist Church will hold its
homecoming Sunday, Oct. 21
Nakina High classes of
dorsement; UFI - uttering forged instrument; s 7ILLIE $OUGLAS ' OF ./, AND &#
UUMV - unauthorized use of motor vehicle;
UW/LPA - unsealed wine/liquor in passen-
RRC/T. 10 days CCJ active. Consol both
Friends Day Oct. 21 at 11 a.m.
ger area; VD - voluntarily dismissed; VL - s7ILLIAM.ORWOOD&IPPS2TO30RE- Diamond Branch Mission- Lunch will be served after
dismissed with leave; WC - worthless check;
WRC - Wildlife Resource Commission; WS
- warrantless searches; WTV - window tinting
duced to IE. $25 fine, costs.
FRL. Paid.
ary Baptist Church will hold
its fall Family and Friends
the service at the Legion Com-
munity building.
1984-1988 to hold reunion
violation. s7ILLIAM2EECE'RAHAM2TO30RE-
Day Sunday, Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. Nakina High School classes of 1984-1988 will hold a reunion
duced to IE. $25 fine, costs.
scheduled for Friday, Nov. 29 at the Ocean/Sand Dunes Resort.
District Court in Whiteville
s#HERYL!NN(OLMES6$ON%2#4 &43
steady red light. Per computer.
The guest speaker will be El- Cedar Grove BC to hold The cost is $65 per person. Attire is semi-formal (no jeans). The
s&REDRICK/TIS"AKER6$ON##'3-4# s "OBBY 2AY (UNT 2 TO &4333&2, RE- der Robert Williams, pastor of homecoming Nov. 4
Denied. duced to IE. $25 fine, cost, $20 installment fee.
El-Belthel Church along with time will be from 6 p.m.-12 a.m. The greet and dinner program
s 'LENN 7ENDELL "ELLAMY ' OF $7,2  Pay w/i 30 days.
days CCJ to run concurrent. VD on FTSSS/ s7IESLAW+SIAZCZYK2TO30REDUCED his church family. Cedar Grove Baptist Church will be held from 6-9 p.m. with intermission from 9-9:30 p.m.,
to IE. Cost.
Lunch will be served. will hold its homecoming Sun- cash bar open from 9-11:30 p.m. and a dance/live DJ from 9:30
days/12 months probation. Cost. VD on POM duced to IE. Cost. day, Nov. 4 at 10 a.m. The guest p.m.-12 a.m.
up to 1/2 oz. and FWSB-driver. Per plea.
s +RISTEN 7OOSTER -AY 6$ ON 3! 3-4#
denied. Union BC to hold speaker will be Wayne Faulk. Email address for full reunion details to nakina 84-88@hot-
Jeff Stocks is the pastor. mail.com or call 478-918-7662. Daycare available for $5 per child
session Schedule VI CS. 10 days/12 months s *OHNNY 0 -ILLER ' OF $7,2  DAYS
homecoming Oct. 21 per hour.
Lower Cape Fear Hospice and Union Baptist Church will
hold its homecoming Sun- Clothing and diapers
The resort is located at 201 75th Ave., North Myrtle Beach,
S.C. 29572.

LifeCare Center to hold Begin day, Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. The

guest speaker will be Pastor
available at Living
Hope Pregnancy
the Conversation workshop Cliff Freeman of First Baptist
Chu rch of Elizabethtow n. Support Services
Lower Cape Fear Hospice & LifeCareCenter presents Begin Lunch will be served following
Living Hope Pregnancy
The Conversation, a free community workshop on important the worship service.
Support Services provides
topics that are difficult to talk about, from 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, The church is located at
free clothing and diapers for
Nov. 15 at Trinity Baptist Church, 201 S. Thompson Street in 2290 Old Northeast Road, Lake
children through size 3T.
Whiteville. Waccamaw.
The center is located at 116
Jason Clamme from Lower Cape Fear Hospice & LifeCare- Gregory W. Spaulding is
Premiere Plaza, behind Waffle
Center will discuss ways to begin the conversation about end- the pastor.
International in Whiteville.
of-life options; Terray Suggs, certified public accountant and Cedar Grove BC to hold Office hours are Mondays
consultant will talk about the ins and outs of estate planning; from 3-7 p.m., and Tuesdays
Coburn Powell, attorney at law will present understanding wills revival Nov. 5-8 and Thursdays from noon-4
and trusts; and a funeral director from Peacock Funeral Home Ceda r Grove Baptist p.m. No appointment is neces-
will give an overview of funeral planning. Church will hold its revival sary.
Having a plan for the end of life makes it easier to ensure that Monday, Nov. 5-8 at 7:30 a.m. For more information call
wishes are honored and confusion and conflict are avoided. It is each night. The guest speaker the helpline at 642-2677.
truly a gift people can give to family members. will be Eugene Ridley. All services are free and
Refreshments will be available. To register, call 642-7764. Jeff Stocks is the pastor. confidential.

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Today’s special addition to The News
New House district race pits
Reporter contains a sample ballot in the
upcoming General Election, one-stop
and Election Day voting locations and
incumbent against town mayor
By NICOLE CARTRETTE I think we have done a lot for
times. Staff Writer teachers this year,” Pridgen
In addition, this section features three said.
local races, Senate District 13, House A new N.C. House district He is supportive of expand-
seat is at the center of a heated ing the number of charter
District 46 and the District Court judges race between Chadbourn’s schools.
race for District 13. mayor and an incumbent leg- “Charter Schools are an
islator from Lumberton. alter native and parental
Those races, along with the U.S. House Chadbourn Mayor Kenneth choice,” Pridgen said. “In
race for District 7, and many others will Waddell, 58, and Rep. G.L. Prid- Robeson County there are
also appear on the ballot in the Nov. 6 gen, 68, of Lumberton are in so many kids choosing one
the running for the N.C. House school they are having to add
General Election. District 46 seat. more classrooms,” he said.
Please see Monday and future edi- New district lines give Dis- “It should be that way for any
trict 46 a new composition school,” he said.
tions of The News Reporter for more that includes all of Colum- Parents do not have mon-
candidate profiles, state judge’s races bus County and portions of ey to send kids to private
G.L. Pridgen Ken Waddell
and additional elections coverage. Bladen and Robeson counties. schools.”
Columbus County is cur- Pridgen said a lot of people industry. Pridgen has two grandkids
rently included in N.C. House have asked him if he believed “All those things come in a charter school, one in a
District 20, along with por- Republican leadership did through the governor’s of- traditional public school and
tions of Brunswick County. one who is home schooled.

One stop, early

him a disservice in the way re- fice,” Pridgen said, adding
Redistricting following new districting played out for him. that the House was prepared Pridgen disagrees with the
census data released last year Pridgen said that redistrict- to offer incentives but was argument that charter schools

voting begins Oct. 18 resulted in the change. Thus, ing was a difficult process and never called back into session draw only the best students
Columbus County will become in response to a Lumberton to do so. from traditional schools.
part of District 46 when elect- reporter who asked if he felt About a week later large in- “It’s a lottery. Anybody can
ed officials take office. he had been “thrown under centives for Chiquita to locate do it,” Pridgen said.
One-stop voting at the Co- ment check, paycheck or other Long-time incumbent and the bus” responded “No, but “A parent has to be willing
in Charlotte were rolled out.
lumbus County Board of Elec- government document. Lake Waccamaw Democrat, they are making me change to sacrifice to take their child
“The state takes this area
tions offices begins Oct. 18 and Curbside voting Dewey Hill, chose not to seek the tires.” for granted,” Pridgen said. to school every day,” Pridgen
ends Nov. 3. Curbside voting is a pro- reelection this year. “I’ve never believed you said.
When asked about his plan
One-stop Absentee Voting cess that persons with disabili- Waddell, who served on the should give special treat- “They have to abide by the
to improve the economy, Prid-
or Early Voting allows any reg- ties may use to vote. If a voter Chadbourn town board for ment,” Pridgen said, adding same rules,” he said.
gen said he was open to new
istered voter to cast an absen- cannot access a polling place more than two decades, defeat- that percentagewise the new Pridgen said Charter
tee ballot in-person on select because of physical disability, ed Tabor City town manager district is less Democratic Schools are saving the state
“I’m willing to listen to
days prior to Election Day. a curbside official is in place Al Leonard for the Democratic than it was. money. “The state does not
everybody’s plan,” he said,
One-stop voting hours at the at all polling site locations to nomination in May. The new district still has a have the money to build.”
adding that companies needed
Board of Elections office are bring voting materials out to Pridgen, a Republican, is Democrat majority. “Taxpayers come out better
certainty to plan for future
Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. the voter on site. serving his first term in the Pridgen is hoping to appeal with charter schools – they
to 5 p.m. and from 8:30 a.m. to A word about N.C. House. It is his first elect- to conservative Democrats. “They need to know with don’t have to spend money on
1 p.m. on Saturday Nov. 3. buffer zones ed position. “I have to have Democrats certainty what their taxes will buses and gas.”
Early voting Satellite Buffer zones at the pre- Each candidate partici- vote for me and there are a lot be,” Pridgen said. “I support improving edu-
One-stop sites cincts on Election Day and pated in individual interviews of conservative Democrats,” He suggested the gover- cation. Whatever it takes,”
Satellite One-stop One-stop voting sites will be with The News Reporter and Pridgen said. Pridgen said.
nor’s plan was to shift costs on
dates and times: clearly marked off with yel- shared their views on jobs, the “I was probably a Democrat Pridgen said he is an advo-
to the counties that ultimately
Oct. 24, 25, 26 and 31 low caution tape (50 feet from economy, education and other longer than I was a Republi- cate for lower taxes.
would call for higher local
Nov. 1 and 2 main entrance of voting place issues they believe are decid- can,” he added. “I voted to let the three-
property tax rates.
2 to 8 p.m. each day entrance). Only individuals ing factors in the election. He was happy with new quarters cent sales tax sun-
The governor budgeted a
Locations: arriving for purpose of voting, G.L. Pridgen leadership in Raleigh that he set,” Pridgen said. “It’s prob-
shift in buses and insurance to
Bolton Town Hall, 221 pre-approved observers or an One of nine children, G.L. said brought “new ideas and ably the fairest tax around”
the counties, he said. That was
9th St. Bolton individual filing a challenge Pridgen, grew up on what new leadership.” he said, but he did not believe
a move he said he opposed.
Chadbourn Municipal An- may enter this area. There he describes as a small farm Pridgen said he has family keeping it would add to the
Pridgen said he under-
nex, 208 E. 1st Ave, Chadbourn shall be no campaigning inside in Robeson County with his ties to Columbus County. A educational budget. He said
stands the county’s need for
Fair Bluff Fire and Rescue, the buffer zone area nor should mother, a homemaker and son and his family reside here he would support a sales tax
rail service that ended here
653 Railroad St, Fair Bluff anyone impede a voter’s access father, who worked as a me- along with a niece and he has increase only if there was a
last year due to infrastructure
East Columbus Senior Ctr., into this area. chanic and farmer. been spending more time here. “break on the other side” in
problems with the privately
2694 General Howe Hwy, Rie- Check your voter “We grew up working,” “The people over here I’ve owned Carolina Souther n other forms of tax.
gelwood registration online Pridgen said of his siblings met have been really nice,” Railroad but did not discuss Pridgen emphasized the
Tabor City Courthouse, 110 Columbus County voters and self. “I would not trade Pridgen said. need for less regulation and
W. Fourth St., Tabor City can go to columbusco.org my family for anything in the “The same you see me today cutting taxes – measures he
“The state is kind of tied
Old Dock Community Bldg, and click on the drop down world,” he said. is the same I will be tomor- said will bring and keep busi-
because it is privately owned,”
12820 New Britton Hwy E, link to the Board of Elections After graduating from Lit- row.” ness in the state.
Pridgen said. “I’ve told (key
Whiteville webpage to check registration tlefield High School, Pridgen Pridgen said his children Pridgen said regulations
people) anything I could do to
How one stop status. worked in a mill for a few and grandchildren are the let me know.” “handicap” farmers. “No one
voting works The voter’s information can years before going to work reason he is running for office. Pridgen said the economy cares more about the environ-
Same-Day Registration be viewed and a sample ballot. with Southern Bell. “My grandkids –I’d love for ment than farmers,” Pridgen
and crime rate impact one
The deadline to register to The elections office encour- While working for the tele- there to be a job here so they said.
vote on Election Day is 25 days ages voters to verify with the phone company in 1967, Prid- don’t have to go to Charlotte, Pridgen sees some environ-
“If people have work they
before the day of the election Board of Elections that their gen was drafted into the U.S. Raleigh or Atlanta for a job,” mental regulations as hinder-
don’t have time to break into
and has now passed; however, registration is up to date. Army and served for two years Pridgen said. ing economic growth.
a house,” he said.
individuals who missed the Those who have not voted – one during the Vietnam War. He added that there are “Building projects have
Pridgen believes the com-
registration deadline, may since the last presidential elec- He returned to the phone “successful folks” from our been stopped over an extinct
munity college system needs
register in person and vote at tion year may be in an inactive company where he retired af- area “movers and shakers” spider,” Pridgen said. “This is
to focus on traditional trade
an one-stop absentee voting status and a confirmation of ter working a total of 30 years who “move away and don’t kind of crazy.”
site in the person’s county of their residential address may combined. come back” and “that is sad.” Pridgen said in Brunswick
“I think the community col-
residence, during the one-stop be needed, officials say. Pridgen founded and oper- Voters he has met along County blockage of the dredg-
lege system is great but they
absentee voting period. Where to vote on ated The Communications the campaign trail tell him have moved away from doing ing of a canal for a new indus-
To register and vote under Election Day Company (CommCo) in the they are ready for change, he jobs like mechanics and refrig- try was an issue.
this statutory provision, the Tuesday Nov. 6 mid-90s. He sold the service said. “People know we can’t eration repair. I’d like to see “These are just things that
person must: Precincts are open from and installation firm this year keep spending money we don’t are crazy. We need business,”
them get back into allowing
1. Sign and complete a voter 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. after 17 years of ownership. In have,” he said. he said. “Some little tiny min-
and teaching trades,” he said.
registration form, attesting P01 Bogue 2010, he was first elected to the He discussed the state’s now will stop a whole project.”
“Sometimes I think we are
that the person meets each Hallsboro Fire Dept. N.C. House. failure to recruit Continental “I think over the years in-
pushing too many kids into
eligibility requirement under 753 Hallsboro Rd. S., Halls- “I believe in treating the Tire to the region earlier in stead of having an economic
college that would be better
law. Such attestation is signed boro whole district the same,” Prid- the year. plan we just raised taxes,”
off in a trade,” Pridgen said.
under penalty of a Class I gen said. “Anything I can do Pridgen believes North Pridgen said. “We have the
Pridgen said statistics that
felony. P02 Bolton to help one county will help Carolina was offering more highest corporate tax, the
show a high number of 4th
2. Provide proof of resi- Bolton Fire Dept. another and the state. Every incentives to the firm than the highest income tax and the
graders cannot read are telling
dence by presenting a docu- 225 9th St. decision we make affects all state of South Carolina where highest gas tax of any South-
signs of a failed educational
ment showing the person’s Bolton the people.” it ultimately chose to locate. eastern state,” Pridgen said.
name and current address in His district took on a very “I don’t know that we could Pridgen said voters are
“It needs to be revamped,”
the county. P03 Bug Hill 1 different shape and make up have gotten it,” Pridgen said, concerned about values, too.
Pridgen said.
Acceptable identification Riverside Baptist Church after GOP-led redistricting suggesting higher taxes and Pridgen emphasized that
“You learn to read and read
includes: a North Carolina 15838 Swamp Fox Hwy. E. took place. regulations here were an issue he supported the state’s mar-
to learn,” he said.
driver’s license; a photo iden- Tabor City Pridgen was double-bunked and that it is the governor and riage amendment.
Teachers got raises and
tification from a government in the same district with long- secretary of the Department “I voted for it rather than
retirees. Retirement was fund
agency; or a current utility time legislature Dewey Hill. of Commerce’s job to recruit
See Voting, page 3 fully funded for teachers and See House, page 4
bill, bank statement, govern-
The News Reporter’s Election Guide 2012 - Page 2

Walters, White in running for Senate seat

By NICOLE CARTRETTE islation includes necessary Robeson County back on the with his own party.
Staff Writer safeguards to protect the en- right path,” White said. “The few (legislators) I
vironment. When it comes to educa- have talked with thus far – I
Under the new redistricting Walters said politics played tion, White said he wants don’t really like them,” White
plans, Columbus County no a role in the state’s loss of “smarter kids and happier said. “I’m going to do the
longer shares a state senator Continental Tire to South kids.” people’s work.”
with Brunswick and Pender Carolina. White said he wanted to White said he understood
counties. Columbus County Walters said there are dif- learn more about education the importance of rail service
is removed from Senate Dis- fering opinions about if a in the state and understood and the need to restore it in
trict 8, now represented by reduced corporate tax or bet- that charter schools are a big the county.
Bill Rabon, and is paired with ter incentives are needed in issue. “If this railroad is solely
Robeson County in Senate the state. “I see nothing wrong with a private enterprise, they
District 13. Of voters in the He said the state needs to more schools,“ White said, but should be paying the bill,”
new District 13, 72 percent offer incentives that are com- added, “I don’t know specifics White said. He said if it was
are Democrat, 12.7 percent petitive with other states. but if giving more to charter for the benefit of just one fam-
Republican and 15 percent “If Belk has a 40 percent schools is taking more from ily he would oppose help but
unaffiliated. off sale, J.C. Penny had better (traditional) public schools if it “benefits many” he would
Two candidates are vying have a sale going to,” Walters Michael Walters Bernard White Jr. that may not be a great thing,” be open to ideas relating to a
for the opportunity to repre- said. White said. private-public partnership.
sent the new district. He suggested industrial medical tor t refor m that “I think we have issues “Many times it is difficult
to be over $100,000 more expen-
Michael Walters recruitment is difficult for placed new caps on medical on the administrative side. to understand what game is
sive, he said.
Incumbent Michael Wal- rural areas, as larger metro- malpractice lawsuits in the I’d like to reward excellent being played and who is ben-
“It was a shake down --pay
ters, 56, a Fairmont real es- politan areas seem to have the state. teachers. I’d like to see teach- efiting,” White said.
to play politics,” White said.
tate broker and Democrat, advantage. Walters, who served on a ers who want to teach here “As senator, I love to play
“My opponent owned 20 per-
is facing opposition from Walters believes operation hospital board, said he saw because we pay premiums and detective. I will shift through
cent of the land. He was in-
W. Bernard White, Jr., 43, a of a rail service in the area is the real need for it in terms bonuses.” these things,” White said.
Whiteville business owner crucial. of physician recruitment in White takes issue with ”Why should tax dollars be
White also blames the gov-
and Republican. He said in his role as a sena- the state. school uniforms. taken and given to a few peo-
ernor and her son.
Walters said over the years tor he is actively participating “We were having trouble “One thing about schools ple?” White said.
“As a new state senator
he was active in a number of in meetings to address the rail recruiting physicians to ru- in general I dislike is school White said incentives for
Columbus and Robeson coun-
civic organizations and on issue. ral N.C. because of medical unifor ms,” White said, “I industry recruitment is a
ties will be open for business
the board of a private school Walters said that parents malpractice insurance costs,” think growing minds should “fuzzy” area.
and shakedown street closed,”
that eventually led to him seek are concerned about their he said. be able to express their indi- “I’m not a fan of incentives.
White said. “I intend to flood
elected office. In 2009 he was children’s education. Walters on the other hand viduality. Uniforms – that’s a Lower tax rates should be in-
Robeson and Columbus Coun-
appointed to complete a term “The educational system supported keeping the three- little much.” centive enough but there may
ty with jobs. I‘ll open the flood
in the Senate and was elected and N.C. College system are quarter cent sales tax for White said as he campaigns be times when an incentive is
in 2010. renowned,” Walters said. education. voters are telling him they needed,” White said.
White said he supports a
Walters believes the dis- “That didn’t happen over- Walters said cuts in text- like his “positive message. He said he believes a “ris-
reduced corporate tax and
trict should focus on its talents night. We need to continue to book funding and other areas “People know I mean what ing tide lifts all ships” but it
expanding the state ports.
and build upon those. invest in education.” have a negative impact. I say and say what I mean,” will take time to see economic
“Property tax, sales tax,
“We have to stay focused Walters said that he has “We are not giving teachers White said. growth.
gas tax – all of our taxes are
on what we do best and that concerns about public dollars all of the resources they need “I‘m not running for me. “I will do whatever it takes
through the roof,” White said.
is agriculture,” Walters said. going to privately run charter to move our kids forward,” I‘m very insignificant in all to get industry. It’s going to
“All of our taxes are through
He is an advocate for more schools but that he is “not Walters said. of this. I‘m running for the take some fortitude and deter-
the roof and the highest in
streamlined regulations. against charter schools.” Walters sees agriculture people,” White said. mination to make these things
every category through the
“You have to be careful,” “We need to keep our com- and agricultural tourism as White said he is an advo- happen. It may take a street
Southeast. We have to lower
Walters said, adding that he munities involved. That is areas of real promise for the cate for voter ID laws. fighter,” White said.
these taxes.”
favors less regulation but not where we get our success,” district. “I think the legislature He, like his opponent, sup-
White said those measures
measures that he thinks will Walters said. One of three sons, Walters should have passed the voter ports fracking for oil and
will not harm education or
be harmful. “We have to be real careful grew up on a farm in Robeson ID bill,” White said. He sug- natural gas, “as long as we can
senior citizens.
“For example, it shouldn’t and make sure they are given County and learned business gested some Republicans in do it safely.”
“We are not going to harm
take the Department of Trans- the same rules,” Walters said. skills from his father’s farm- the legislature were not con- White added that he sup-
education or senior citizens,”
portation 12 to 15 months to “I see myself as a middle- ing operation and logging servative enough. ported traditional marriage
White said.
go over paperwork,” Walters of-the-road candidate,” said company. “All the new Republicans and believes the Democratic
“If something will have a
said. Walters, who was the only Walters, who obtained his who got elected in 2010 are not Party will try to repeal the
negative impact we will not
Walters said a modernized Democrat chosen by Repub- B.S. in Agriculture Education, all republicans,” White said. marriage amendment.
be able to do that,” White said.
tax system is one of his legis- lican legislatures to serve as is married to wife Barbara, He said he wants to work in “I’m pro-life, pro-God and
“I’m interested in listen-
lative goals. He said it needs co-chair of a committee in the whom he met in college. The a bipartisan effort on issues. pro-guns, too,” White said.
ing to ideas from all sorts of
to be updated so that it is “fair last session of the Senate. Wal- couple has three daughters “I do not care what some-
people,” White said.
and equitable.” ters served on the state and – the youngest of whom is one’s political affiliation is, I
“I’m someone with the Nicole Cartrette
Like his opponent he says local government committee. in graduate school at UNC care about who has the best
best intentions of people in 910-642-4104 ext. 225
he supports reducing the cor- “That speaks for itself,” Chapel Hill. idea,” White said. nicolecartrette@whiteville.com
my mind,” White said. “It’s
porate tax. Walters said of his ability to They are Morgan Walters White isn’t exactly thrilled
time we put Columbus and
Jobs are another priority, work in a bipartisan effort on Strickland (Jeremy), Mary
he said. Voters have told him issues. Page Pierce (Walt), Elizabeth

once their children graduate While Walters voted for Lea Walters and three grand-
from college there are not jobs the fracking bill he opposed a sons.
for them to come back to. voter ID bill. Sen. Walters’ community
Walters supported and was “Voting is a constitutional involvement includes Chair- Republican Representative
man, Board of Directors,

Gaston (G. L.) Pridgen

a co-sponsor of fracking leg- right and we should not in-
islation. fringe upon anyone’s right to Forestry Mutual Insurance
“Natural gas is a clean vote,” Walters said. “It would Company, Raleigh; Executive
source of energy,” Walters make it difficult for the elderly Committee, Board of Direc-
said. and minorities to vote,” he tors, North Carolina Forestry When I was elected to the NC House
He believes the senate leg- said. Association; Local Advisory in 2010 and took office in 2011, the state
Walters also supported Board, BB&T, Fairmont,; Trea- faced a 2.5 billion dollar deficit. Instead of
surer, Executive Board, North raising taxes, as the other side suggested,
Carolina State University we asked each department to do what you
Voting Wolfpack Club, Raleigh; Board
of Trustees, Southeastern Re-
and I have to do if we over spend which
was to take a cut and reduce expenses. By
Continued from page 1-A gional Medical Center; Board being conservative and fiscally respon-
of Directors, United Way of sible, we were able, in 2012, to give teach-
P04 Bug Hill 2 P16 Waccamaw Robeson County; Board of ers a 1.2% raise. The teachers also now
Old Zion Wesleyan Church Lake Waccamaw Fire De- Directors, Greater Lumberton have their liability insurance paid for by
Fellowship Hall, 10172 Swamp partment, 203 Flemmington Area Chamber of Commerce. the state. Retired teachers got a 1% raise
Fox Hwy E., Tabor City Dr., Lake Waccamw Bernard White Jr. and the retirement fund was fully funded;
Bernard White Jr., owner all without raising taxes. With the new
P05 Bug Hill 3 P17 Welches Creek of Advanced Computing in
Nakina-Bug Hill Senioi Cen- Welches Creek Fie Depart- conservative legislators, this was the first raise teachers had received in years without adding to our
Whiteville since 2003, is chal- debt.
ter, 11300 Seven Creeks Hwy., ment, 45 Millie-Christine Rd., lenging incumbent Michael
akina Whiteville I am not a career politician. This is the first position I have been elected to so I don’t have an
Walters for the Senate District obligation to anyone, except the taxpayers. I am a true conservative and believe that we are taxed
P18 Western Prong 13 seat. enough and you can’t spend your way into prosperity. To spend more than we are taking in is in-
P06 Cerro Gordo
Cerro Gordo Fire and Res- Western Prong Community White said in his nine years debting our children and grandchildren and, to me, that is not an option.
cue, 75 Railroad St., Cerro Center, 185 Wootens Store Rd., of business he has had an op-
Recent legislation has added many regulations that have hurt and hampered our farmers. We need
Grodo Whiteville portunity to see firsthand how
to reduce regulations on farmers and businesses that harm job creation and expansion. All regula-
local businesses are impacted
tions should be reviewed to see if they are still needed.
P07 Chadbourn P19 Whiteville 1 by the economy.
Some have said that only someone from Columbus County can represent the county. If that is
Chadbourn Municipal An- Whiteville Rescue Build- White grew up in Chad-
nex, 208 E 1st Ave., Chadbourn ing, 106 Flowers Pridgen Dr., true, then where does that leave Bladen and Robeson counties, and the many other counties in the
bourn, the son of a USDA
Whiteville state that have no representative living in those counties? When someone calls me with a question
employee and self-employed
P08 Cherry Grove or a problem, my first question to them is not “Which county do you live in?” but, rather, “How can
daycare owner. The youngest
Cherry Grove Community P20 Whiteville 2 and only son of four children,
I help you?”. I have shown that I represent all of District 46. I helped write the new Copper Theft
Center, 9814 Swamp Fox High- Whiteville City Hall, 317 S White said he grew up with his
Bill, signed into law by the governor, which helps Columbus County, the district and all of the North
way, Cerro Gordo Madison St., Whiteville Carolina. I wrote the NC Energy Independence Bill to allow NC not to be dependent on Washington
father farming in addition to
his government work. or the Middle East for our energy. This helps all of NC.
P09 Fair Bluff P21 North Whiteville When you recognize a problem, you work to fix it. A staffing company in Scotland County called
Fair Bluff Fire and Rescue, North Whiteville Fire De- White said his upbringing
taught him the “importance of our office and needed help because an ex-employee had signed several people up for unemploy-
653 Railroad St., Fair Bluff partment, 747 Peacock Rd.,
being fair and honest.” ment benefits, including herself and other family members, who had never worked for the staff-
P10 East Lees “I spent many Saturday ing company. The benefits they received totaled over
Old Dock Community Build- P22 South Whiteville mornings on a bush hog even $100,000. The company owner had tried calling to report
ing, 12820 New Britton High- Abundant Life Church, 5384 when I didn’t want to,” White the unemployment fraud problem but no one from the
way East, Nakina James B. White Hwy S., White- said. agency would call them back. They called our office, we
ville “I learned that most people helped and the person was convicted. The NC House
P11 North Lees are good and decent and trying Speaker, Thom Tillis, recognized that this was not an iso-
Pleasant Plains Church P23 West Whiteville to better themselves. lated incident so he formed a new Unemployment Fraud
Fellowship Hall, 61 Pleasant American Legion Post #137, Task Force committee and appointed another legislator
“I learned that the Bible
Plains Church Rd., Whiteville 76 Legion Dr., Whiteville and myself to chair it, investigate it and work toward a
has many answers we seek
on a daily basis. I learned the solution.
P12 South Lees P24 Williams 1
Macedonia FB Church Fel- Roseland Fire Department, importance of holding true to My wife Wendy and I have four children and seven
lowship Hall, 216 Crusoe Island 9527 Clarendon-Chadbourn your word,” White said. grandchildren. We live in Lumberton and attend Zion Hill
Rd., Whiteville Rd., Chadbourn “My view is that the state Baptist Church. I am a Vietnam Veteran (1967-1968). I be-
and country are on the wrong lieve in the Second Amendment and that law abiding citi-
P13 West Lees P25 Williams path,” White said. “I’ve always zens have the right to own a gun to protect their family,
VFW Post 6066, 4604 Ervin T. Lebanon United Method- had an interest in politics, the their property and themselves. I have a son, daughter-in-
Richardson Rd., Nakina ist Church Fellowship Hall, state of affairs, and most espe- law, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other relatives
9237 James B. White Hwy. S., cially the loss of Continental living in Columbus County. I am running for re-election
P14 Ransom-Union Hall Whiteville Tire was the straw that broke to the NC House and am asking for your vote.
Local 783
102 Hwy. 87, Riegelwood P26 South Williams
Tabor City Courthouse, 110
the camel’s back,” White said.
“It is a known fact that Early voting begins today, October 18th.
P15 Tatum-WOW Lodge W Fourth St., Tabor City
many businesses have been
kept out of our area,” White Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th.
(Old Lions Club) 6847 Haynes
Lennon Hwy, Evergreen
said. “The people involved
did not have to be greedy. The
Please vote. God bless, G. L.
Continental project was made Paid for by the committee to elect G.L. Pridgen for NC House
The News Reporter’s Election Guide 2012 - Page 3

Two vying for District Court Judges seat

Two Brunswick County Griffin (2-year-old son) ter place for our families. I years of courtroom experi-
attorneys are in the running E d u c a t i o n : B.S. from have handled almost every ence in all divisions of dis-
for a District Court seat that North Carolina State Univer- type of legal matter in our trict court combined with
serves District 13 (Columbus, sity, J.D. from North Carolina district courtrooms for over a my vast knowledge of the
Bladen and Brunswick). Central University decade. I have the experience law in each of these divisions
The seat carries a Bruns- Professional experience/ necessary to be a district court and experience as arbitrator
wick County residency re- work history: Law office in judge. judge to provide excellent
quirement but is elected by Brunswick County 2001-03; an Pauline Hankins judicial service.
voters in all three counties associate with Nexsen Pruet Age: 44 What are issues you see
that make up the district. in Myrtle Beach 2003-05; law Place of birth: Bruns- with the judicial system in
Judge Napoleon Barefoot office in Brunswick County wick County the district?
holds the seat and is retiring 2005-present. Residence: Bolivia Local courts are required
this year. Areas of practice: Gener- Family: Mother Elloise to do more with less. Our
District Court judges al practice – criminal defense, Hankins, Father Lasalle clerk’s office is understaffed;
preside over civil, criminal DWi defense, real estate, wills, Hankins (deceased) our caseloads mandate the
and juvenile matters, among estates, trusts, family law, Education: B. S. elec- need for another judge in
others. Civil cases include corporate law, special proceed- trical engineering, North addition to the office I seek.
divorce, custody, child sup- ings, personal injury, and civil Richard Cox Pauline Hankins Carolina State University. The officers and bailiffs are
port, child neglect and abuse litigation. J.D. North Carolina Central working longer court days
and cases involving less than Community: New Begin- to the people of Bladen, Bruns- School of Law, cum laude. and our dockets continue
$10,000, along with criminal nings Church, South Bruns- my home where my wife and I
wick, and Columbus counties. Professional experi- to grow.
cases involving misdemeanors wick Islands Rotary Club, are raising our two young chil-
I have practiced law in these ence/work history: Gen- What positive things do
and infractions. Cape Fear Council Execu- dren. I know our courtrooms
counties for over 10 years. I eral practice attorney for you see in the judicial sys-
Richard Cox tive Board for the Boy Scouts and our community. I will be
have handled almost every 18 years; arbitrator judge tem in the district? Given
Age: 40 of America (I am an Eagle fair and impartial and serve
type of legal matter in our for 13 years; per diem as- the response above, we are all
Place of birth: Laurin- Scout), South Brunswick Is- with integrity.
district courtrooms. There sistant district attorney for working harder and stepping
burg, lands Committee of 100 How can voters contact
have not been many days in eight years. President of up to the challenge of budget
Residence: Sunset Beach, Personal Statement: I am you? Voters can contact me
the last several years that I Brunswick County Bar As- cuts. Moreover, our local
Family: BridgetSample
Ballot committed to providing the
via email at richardcox@
Columbus County,
Olivia (7-year-old daughter), North Carolina
highest standards of justice courtroom
have not been in one district
or another. This is
coxandwatts.com. Also, by sociation. system has elected officials,
November 6, 2012 *G0010* mail at P.O .Box 2191, Shallotte, Areas of practice: De- court personnel and lawyers
Ballot Style G0010
N.C. 28459. fense attorney appointed by who genuinely care about
What made you want to the court to represent indi- the community in which we
PARTISAN OFFICES viduals who cannot afford
a. With the marking device provided or a black NC Secretary of State become a judge? live. All are involved in some
ball point pen, completely fill in the oval Q to (You may vote for ONE)
the left of each candidate or selection of your US House of Representatives I was asked by several an attorney in child support, civic activity which contrib-
choice, like this: R District 7 criminal and juvenile mat-
b. Where authorized, you may write in a (You may vote for ONE) Elaine Marshall people in the community if utes greatly to our district.
candidate by filling in the oval and writing the
name on the Write-in line.
I would be interested in run- ters. I am also a privately What role should reha-
Mike McIntyre Ed Goodwin
c. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark this ballot, Democrat Republican ning for district court judge. retained attorney in general bilitation play in the jus-
return it to request a replacement.
David Rouzer
NC Superintendent of Afterwards, I discussed the practices handling many tice system? Rehabilitation
Public Instruction types of legal matters.
thought of me becoming a is a vital part of reducing
NC Governor
(You may vote for ONE) judge with several others. I Community: Peer court recidivism and thus plays a
The offices of President and Vice President of June Atkinson
the United States are not included in a Democrat thought of my family and judge for Cedar Grove and major role in the justice sys-
Straight Party vote. This contest must be
voted separately. Walter H. Dalton
John Tedesco
friends in the community, South Brunswick Middle tem. Rehabilitation should
President and Vice President Pat McCrory and believed that I could do Schools, Teen court judge for be a factor that the courts
NC Treasurer
of the United States
(You may vote for ONE)
more for this community as the high schools; board of di- consider along with many
(You may vote for ONE) Barbara Howe
Libertarian a judge. Throughout this elec- rectors for the Criminal Jus- other factors, including, but
Barack Obama _______________________________ Janet Cowell
tion process I have met several tice Partnership Program not limited to, punishment
Joe Biden wonderful people in our com- (CJPP) and Juvenile Crime
Democrat Steve Royal for the deference of crime,
NC Lieutenant Governor munity who I may never have
(You may vote for ONE)
Prevention Council (JCPC). victim’s compensation and
Mitt Romney NC State Senate met. This has been a learning
Paul Ryan District 13
For mer board member likelihood of rehabilitation.
Republican Linda D. Coleman (You may vote for ONE) experience that has made me for Communities-in-Schools. What is the role of a dis-

Gary Johnson Dan Forest Michael Walters a better person. Adjunct professor of busi- trict court judge? To pre-
James P. Gray
Republican Democrat What are issues you see ness law, Brunswick Commu- side over all matters before
W. Bernard White, Jr.
NC Attorney General Republican with the judicial system in nity College; member at Love the District court, including,
(You may vote for ONE)
NC House of Representatives the district? of Christ Church of Bolivia. accepting pleas and agree-
Roy Cooper
District 46 Our judges face the difficult Personal Statement: I ments, hearing contested
(You may vote for ONE)
Democrat issue of handling a large num- vow to bring justice to all. I matters before the case by
STRAIGHT PARTY VOTING Ken Waddell ber of matters in a limited
NC Auditor Democrat have the experience, integ- hearing evidence and ren-
a. Unless otherwise noted, a Straight Party (You may vote for ONE) Gaston (G.L.) Pridgen amount of time. This issue rity, knowledge and deep
vote is a vote for ALL candidates of that party Republican dering a fair and impartial
in PARTISAN OFFICES. It is not necessary is increased by the number sense of fairness to make
to mark individual candidates for PARTISAN Beth A. Wood
County Register of Deeds
OFFICES if you vote a Straight Party. Democrat of clerks in our district. Our an excellent judge for the
Debra Goldman (You may vote for ONE) How do you define a
b. You may vote a Straight Party AND ALSO
clerks’ offices are understaffed 13th District. I pledge to
vote for a candidate of a different party in any Republican
good judge? Pauline Han-
individual office.
Kandance H. Whitehead for the amount of matters they continue my involvement
c. In any multi-seat office, a Straight Party NC Commissioner of Agriculture Democrat kins! judge who has the
vote is a vote for ALL candidates of that party. (You may vote for ONE) handle. in the community through
If you individually vote for any candidate in a End of Straight Party Voting ability to apply the law to the
multi-seat office, you must also individually What positive things do mentoring youths and the
mark all other candidates in that office for
Walter Smith facts of the case and render a
whom you wish to vote in order for all votes you see in the judicial sys- disadvantaged. I pledge to
for that office to be counted. Democrat
fair and impartial judgment.
d. If you do not vote a Straight Party below, Steve Troxler NONPARTISAN OFFICES tem in the district? promote judicial excellence I most admire those who
you may vote by marking each office Republican
A positive thing that I see
NC Supreme Court in district court by apply- know and understand the
e. A Straight Party vote does not include US NC Commissioner of Insurance in the judicial system in the
President and Vice President, unaffiliated (You may vote for ONE) Associate Justice ing the law without bias or law and are able to follow the
candidates, nonpartisan offices, issues or (You may vote for ONE) district is that I believe our
referenda. prejudice and upholding the law without legislating from
Wayne Goodwin judges truly believe in bet-
Sam J. Ervin IV Constitution of the United the bench. Furthermore, I
tering our community and
Mike Causey Paul Martin Newby States. sincerely appreciate hard-
Straight Party Republican helping those in it. Our judges
Endorsements: Bladen working judges who are able
(You may vote for ONE)
NC Commissioner of Labor NC Court of Appeals Judge
try to help the court system
County Improvement As- to maintain a professional
(You may vote for ONE) (You may vote for ONE) move orderly and efficiently.
sociation; Piney Grove Im- demeanor and order while
Our judges have a good knowl-
Democratic John C. Brooks Linda McGee provement Association presiding.
Democrat edge of the law. I respect our
Cherie Berry judges. How can voters contact What is the g reatest
Republican David S. Robinson
What role should reha- you? Telephone (910) 253-7400 misconception about the
Libertarian via email paulinehankins@
bilitation play in the justice judicial system in your
Continue voting
E system? atmc.net; Facebook: I sup- opinion?
next side
Rehabilitation is needed in port Pauline Hankins for That the bench and bar
A B North Carolina C
the justice system. Most of the District Court Judge; In are not concer ned about
-- VOTE BOTH SIDES -- matters in our courtrooms are person at the law office of justice.
a result of some form of addic- Pauline Hankins, 3029 Old What have we not asked
D E F tion. Not everyone who comes Ocean Highway, Bolivia about that you would like
through the justice system is What made you want to to add?
Whiteville City Schools a lost cause. There are several become a judge?
NC Court of Appeals Judge
(You may vote for ONE) Board of Education District 3 individuals caught up in the The desire to use my 18 See District, page 4
(You may vote for ONE)
justice system who could be
Wanda Bryant R. Arnold Harwood productive citizens with a
NC Court of Appeals Judge
(You may vote for ONE)
Chris Dillon End of Ballot judge is to handle civil, crimi-
Cressie Thigpen nal, and juvenile matters.
They preside over divorce and
NC District Court Judge
child support cases, as well #OUNTY3CHOOLSNEEDTOBESUCCESSFUL
District 13
How do you define a good FARMINGFOROVERYEARS
Pauline Hankins
NC District Court Judge I define a good judge as one
(You may vote for ONE) who is fair, impartial and rules
according to the law. A good 4HENPLEASE
Jerry Arnold Jolly
NC District Court Judge
judge is respectful to those
that appear before him. Vote for
District 13
(You may vote for ONE) What is the greatest mis-
Scott L. Ussery
conception about the judi-
cial system in your opinion?
NC District Court Judge
District 13
I believe the greatest mis-
(You may vote for ONE) conception about the judicial
Marion Roscoe Warren system is that the judges con- for NC House, District 46
trol everything that happens
Soil and Water Conservation
District Supervisor in the courtroom. A judge
(You may vote for ONE) is only able to rule on what
Frank Galloway is presented to the judge. I
believe that everyone should
Harold Dean Register
visit the courthouse and at-
Write-in tend various courtrooms. As
a citizen, everyone should ex-
perience and learn about our
judicial system.
What have we not asked
about that you would like
to add?
I would just like to add that
this district is my home where
my wife and I are raising our
two young children. My par-
ents were born and raised in
Ballot styles depend on the voter’s district. There are more than a dozen differ- Columbus County, and I have
ent ballot styles that vary depending on county commissioner and school district. family and friends throughout
Residents in the Riegelwood Sanitary district have the choice of five of seven candi- the district. I am committed
dates in that district, for example. Above,is
D North Carolina a one sample ballot that residents who
to making this district a bet- Paid for by Ken Waddell for State House
reside in one of the Whiteville-- City School
-- will see.
The News Reporter’s Election Guide 2012 - Page 4


N.C. House District 46 includes all of Columbus Coun- N.C. Senate District 13 includes Columbus and Robe-
ty and portions of Robeson and Bladen counties. son counties. Sen. Michael Walters, a Fairmont Dem-
Chadbourn Mayor Ken Waddell and Rep. G.L. Pridgen ocrat, and Bernard White Jr. a Whiteville Republican,
of Lumberton are in the running to represent the new are in the running to represent the new district brought
district born of redistricting last year. about by redistricting last year.

House race
Continued from page 1

have some radical judge “sometimes not pursued or a proven track record that sources on.” Waddell said. He believes ter schools is they are in
decide what is marriage,” explained well enough.” shows I am a pretty good Waddell said he supports with the addition of toll business to make money,”
Pridgen said. He said the loss of Conti- consensus builder,” Wad- a strong higher educational roads, special consideration Waddell said. “Once they find
“We gave people an op- nental Tire to South Carolina dell said. “I’m able to bring system. should be made for local out that education is not like
portunity to decide and that raised questions about law- groups together.” “I do believe the citizens residents. building cars or tractors they
is the fairest thing on some- maker’s failure to focus on Waddell said Pridgen is of North Carolina are en- Waddell said he is willing can stop and then you will
thing that controversial,” the issue at hand. a “nice guy” but Waddell titled to access the college to meet with constituents be left.”
Pridgen said. “The focus should have believes he can be more ef- system at a reasonable cost,” and keep them informed via “When you take money
Pridgen resides in Lum- been on the people who need- fective. Waddell said. articles, meetings and phone out of the traditional public
berton with wife Wendy of 15 ed to get jobs,” Waddell said. “I think I’d do better fol- He added that infrastruc- calls. schools for private schools
years. The couple has three States like South Carolina, low-through on the issues ture was a key issue with “I’m within a phone call you are depriving students,”
sons, one daughter and seven Virginia and Georgia are important to the counties roads and water systems im- away,” Waddell said. Waddell said, adding that he
grandchildren ranging from competing with the state for I represent. The key is the portant parts of job creation. Waddell, a retired agri- does not support vouchers.
15 months to college age. jobs and the state “needs to people you represent.” Waddell said he is one of culture teacher, said there Waddell said that charter
Kenneth Waddell be competitive,” he said. Waddell, like his oppo- several local officials work- is a need to focus on young schools “tend to segregate
One of four children “If South Carolina offers a nent, favors less regulation. ing to for m solutions for children to ensure they are students by their economic
raised by a farming father package and North Carolina Waddell favored keeping restoring rail service in the prepared to succeed. status.”
and schoolteacher mother, doesn’t offer the same, we the quarter-cent sales tax county. “We need to focus on so- “If charter schools had to
Ken Waddell grew up on a will lose,” Waddell said. that lawmakers let sunset “We have cooperation cial skills and job skills as play by the same rules there
farm in western Columbus He said the area has limit- this year. from South Carolina (where well as begin building char- probably would not be as
County. ed resources but a lot to offer. “In my mind I cannot most of the railway is locat- acter at an early age. If we many,” he said.
A fourth generation farm- “We have lots of space,” imagine that small of a sales ed) and the N.C. Department can do that by middle school, Waddell calls himself a
er, retired agriculture teach- Waddell said. tax affecting business,” Wad- of Transportation,” he said. high school teachers will “fiscally conservative Demo-
er and hog grower, Waddell, He suggested that the state dell said. “Columbus County is kind have easier jobs,” he said. crat.”
is a 1971 graduate of West may need to take a closer “I will push for a lower of boxed in with all of this.” Waddell is an advocate for “I understand as a busi-
Columbus High School. look at what other states are corporate tax and support Waddell said a public- a more “streamlined curricu- ness owner you cannot spend
He graduated from N.C. doing to recruit and keep reducing it,” he said. private partnership is being lum” in public schools. more than you make and
State University with B.S. in industry. Waddell said the state considered. “Char ter schools may I plan to use my business
Animal Science in 1975 and “My understanding is needs to work to create a He said voters see jobs as serve a good purpose in the sense in Raleigh,” he said.
earned his Masters in Educa- that South Carolina has an “better business environ- a main priority along with total education picture but Waddell resides in Chad-
tion in 1985. independent board that deals ment.” fiscal responsibility. education can be better deliv- bourn with his wife, Susan.
Waddell began his politi- with economic incentives,” “There are too many regu- Waddell said the state ered by (traditional) public The couple has two children,
cal career more than two de- Waddell said. “It seems to lations,” he said. “They need needs to look for a more mod- schools,” Waddell said. Brittany and Taylor.
cades ago when he was first understand what it takes to to be streamlined.” ern tax system. “They tend to take funds
elected to the Chadbourn get business and expedites He said he is focused on He believes the gas tax is out of the (traditional) public Nicole Cartrette
town board in 1987. the process. jobs. an issue that needs to be ad- schools,” he said. 910-642-4104 ext. 225
“I’ve always liked to help “Time is of the essence “It is my desire to see if dressed in that more fuel ef- “The problem I have with nicolecartrette@whiteville.com
people and I always liked when business is concerned there is anything we can do ficient vehicles results in less private education and char-
challenges,” Waddell said. and we need to be flexible.” to bring jobs to Columbus tax for road infrastructure.
This is his second run for “South Carolina has been and Robeson counties,” he “Roads are not getting any
the N.C. House. very successful in getting said. “Public education is cheaper and we need to keep Experience • Integrity
Jobs and the economy are business and their budget the avenue to focus our re- our roads in good shape,”
of the greatest concern to is one-forth of North Caro-
people, Waddell said. lina’s,” Waddell said.
It appears that the N.C. Waddell, like his oppo-
House will likely remain in
GOP control next year but
nent, is trying to appeal to
more than voters in his party. Continued from page 3

Waddell said he is confident Waddell said even in the
even as a Democrat he can minority party in the legisla-
work to accomplish things ture he can be effective. The best judges are the have worked as a defense

for the district in a nonpar- “There has got to be some ones with the most legal attorney, as a per diem pros-
tisan effort. cooperation between the experience. District court ecutor and as an arbitrator
“People are people,” Wad- parties,” he said. “I’m a regis- is divided into seven divi- judge.
dell said. He believes com- tered Democrat but I’m also a sions: criminal, DWI, abuse/ As an arbitrator judge,
munication is the key to common-sense person.” neglect juvenile, delinquent rendering fair and impartial
crossing party lines. Waddell emphasized he juvenile, child support, gen- decisions, I bring 12 years F or District court JuDge
• Arbitrator Judge 13 years
Waddell said he wants to has more than two decades eral civil and domestic civil. of judicial experience to the
“present issues relative to of experience as a member of Since I have practiced exten- bench. Decidedly, I am the
our area and talk about the the Chadbourn town council. sively in all seven of these most experienced candidate
• 18 years of progressive legal
need to help rural North “Pridgen has two years divisions during my legal with the skills, knowledge experience
Carolina because it affects in the House but I have 24 career, I would competently and ability to execute the
the rest of North Carolina.” years of experience dealing preside in all seven divisions. duties of a District Court • Per Diem Assistant District
Waddell said issues are with public issues and I have Unlike my opponent, I Judge.
Attorney 8 years
• 2011 N.C.Governor’s Award for

Kandle McKeel RE-ELECT Volunteer Service

• President Brunswick County

ROGERS A Voice for

Michael Walters
“My first priority is
Bar Association

Students, creating good jobs South Brunswick High School, 1986
N.C. State, BS Electrical Engineering 1991
Teachers in Southeastern
N.C. Central School of Law, Cum Laude, 1994
and Parents North Carolina.”
• Graduate of
Whiteville High School WaltersForSenate.com
• Served on school
PTA ten years
including two terms Fair H Honest H Concerned The Most Experienced
as PTA president
of WPS and CMS Candidate
• Active classroom

Whiteville City School Board
District 3 Senate District 13 Knowledge • Fairness
Paid for by the candidate Paid for by Michael Walters for Senate Paid for by the Campaign to Elect Pauline Hankins

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