The News Reporter: Property Owners Not Happy With Revaluation
The News Reporter: Property Owners Not Happy With Revaluation
The News Reporter: Property Owners Not Happy With Revaluation
Thieves face
stiffer terms
Jury to decide
Volume 122, Number 32 for break-ins today about
Cox, badge
Whiteville, North Carolina
and entering, and not three,
lenging his congrega- such as being a habitual felon Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist
tion to increase church or habitual drunk driver.
No flu drive-thru
owners not
“Property crimes are kill-
membership? ... WHS ing this county,” says Lynn
junior Madison Hege Brenda Sellers gets a flu shot without leaving her car at the Columbus
Wilkie, assistant DA who is
handling most of the break-in
County Health Department last Friday, during a first-ever drive-thru flu
still unbeaten in all
happy with
cases here. shot service. Nurse Tammy Stevens administered the shot, one of more
her singles and doubles than 60 that day.
tennis matches as the See New law, page 5-A
WHS season continues
into the second round of 2012 deer Waccamaw Siouan tribe revaluation
the playoffs Tuesday? ...
John Plasky making his
season opens pow wow this weekend nBoard calls for second public hear-
ing on schedule of values.
first solo flight Tuesday? to slow start By NICOLE CARTRETTE
... No mail delivery at The Waccamaw Siouan Tribe horse riders, advertising businesses
the Ned Reynolds home Staff Writer
invites the public to attend its 42nd and politicians, are invited for $6 per
annual pow wow celebration this person. Float units will be included in
at Lake Waccamaw due weekend on the tribal grounds, 7275 the parade judging with prizes of $50,
This room won’t hold them all.
That is what Commissioner Edwin Russ
to a big hairy spider on One of the most anticipated Old Lake Road, Bolton, in the Buck- $25 and a Native American beaded
said about a number of Lake Waccamaw resi-
days of the year started not head community. ribbon for the top three winners.
the mailbox? ... Council with a whimper, but a some- Friday’s program includes school Traders open at 9 a.m. Chief Lacy
dents who promised to fill the commissioners
Tool featured on the what muted bang Saturday chambers at their next meeting.
day activities from 9 a.m until 2 p.m., Wayne Freeman will give the wel-
as the conventional hunting Russ said residents were upset about the
“Modern Marvels” TV displays and vendors from 2:30-6:30 come and invocation at noon. The
2013 proposed schedule of values and public
season for whitetail deer got p.m., and line up for grand entry at new princess will be crowned and the
series Tuesday night? under way. 6:30 p.m. The grand entry at 7 p.m. grand entry, posting of colors, flag
hearing scheduled for Oct. 15.
“I’ve been asked to postpone the hearing,”
The show was on the Archery and muzzleload- will include the flag song, prayer, song and veterans honor song will be
Russ said, adding that he had received many
ing seasons came in during veterans song, inter-tribal dancing held. Intertribal and exhibition danc-
topic of how to make September and early October, and exhibition dancing. ing will begin at 1 p.m. and continue
phone calls.
axes. ... respectively, but for most hunt- A parade will be held Saturday at through the afternoon. Drawings for
In July, county tax administrator Richard
ers, deer season means modern Gore said values at Lake Waccamaw had in-
11 a.m. with “Honoring Our Soldiers door prizes will be held and tiny-tot
firearms, dogs and crowded creased and would be reflected in the new 2013
Past and Present” as the theme. and competition winners will be an-
County Deaths woods. Line-up will begin at 10 a.m. Parade
entries, including groups, clubs,
See Pow wow, page 2-A
values as part of the property revaluation but
Monday night he said the county “would not
See Deer, page 9-A See Revaluation, page 7-A
Deb Tyman
Wiley “Dragman” Allen Jr.
Gary Michael Rogers
Tabor City
Mysterious weed in lake is hydrilla
Tanya Mae Long By RAY WYCHE piece of its branches one-inch in length, and officials
Ladosca Stevens Fecher Staff Writer agreed Tuesday that small pieces of the weed could
Hallsboro have come from a boat or boat trailer using the
Jessie Porter Godwin A mysterious aquatic plant that fouls boat pro- launch ramp. A piece of the weed could have been
pellers, makes boating and swimming difficult, and brought in on the talons of a fish-eating raptor such
William Lorenzo Spears as bald eagles. (Their presence around the lake has
has the potential to make fishing less productive
Lloyd Curtis Mitchell has been identified as hydrilla, an invasive species. been confirmed.)
Bolton Rob Emens, an environmental specialist with Another possible way the harmful weed found
Fred Bennett the North Carolina Division of Environment and
a home in Lake Waccamaw could have been from
Clarendon Natural Resources, made positive identification a homeowner emptying a home aquarium’s water
after a short air-boat ride from the Canal Cove Road just west of Dale’s Seafood. Infestations of the into the lake as hydrilla is often used in the home
Harvey David Richardson boat launch Tuesday afternoon, where the noxious underwater weed are not visible from the shore fish tanks.
weed was first discovered. in most locations and according to lake residents, Getting rid of the weed is no easy matter, Emens
AARP Tax-Aide seeks volunteers Lake Waccamaw State Park Superintendent Toby Hall examines a sample of hydrilla
removed from the lake along Canal Cove Road Tuesday. The invasive species is new
to Columbus County, and DENR is working to control or remove it with chemicals and
AARP Tax-Aide is seeking state tax laws. Last year, these are asked to commit to at least a species of carp that will consume it.
volunteers to prepare and local Tax-Aide volunteers pre- four hours per week; many
electronically file federal and pared and filed more than 5,000 commit to two four-hour days
North Carolina tax returns tax returns. per week.
for low and moderate income In order to continue and Volunteer service locations Continued from page 1-A
taxpayers, with special at- expand the program, Tax- are available locally at Caro-
tention to those 60 and older. Aide needs more volunteers lyn T. High Memorial Library. spread of hydrilla and then Hydrilla can grow main Someone said to Hall, “You’ve
Membership in AARP is not to serve either as greeters or Anyone interested in chal- treat the boxed-in area. branches as long as 25 feet. got your work cut out for you.”
required; adult volunteers of tax preparers. lenging work, expanding your “We need to move as quick- It can flourish in only 1 per- “I’ve got to go and start
all ages are welcome. Greeters meet and greet the knowledge, and helping others ly as we can,” Superintendent cent sunlight and grows in making phone calls,” Hall
AARP Tax-Aide is an all- taxpayers and maintain the or- in thecommunity by using Toby Hall of the Lake Wac- clumps of vegetation that replied.
volunteer program provided der of service. Tax preparers your skill and training, then camaw State Park said when resemble wet Spanish moss.
completely free to the target receive IRS approved training this is the volunteer opportu- he heard Emans’ words on On the Grantham pier Ray Wyche
taxpayers. The program has and IRS certification. nity for you. eradicating the plant. when Emans returned from 910-642-4104 ext. 229
more than 100 volunteers in Training begins in Janu- For more information on The state park is respon- his short boat trip were Hall,
Brunswick, Columbus, New ary. Practical exercises in- how you can join the Tax-Aide sible for care of the lake. David Scott of Lake Wac-
Hanover, Pender, Onslow and clude preparing sample re- team call toll free at 1-888-687- “Hopefully, we can con- camaw and a member of the
Duplin counties. turns on IRS-provided soft- 2277 or visit
Volunteers assist those who ware to complete the training. tavolunteer8. Locally, you can
trol it here,” Emans said of state park advisory council, Beaver Trapping
the aquatic weed. Grantham, Lake Waccamaw
cannot afford to hire tax coun- Actual preparation of returns contact Daryl Patrick at 910- Some had suggested resident Brent Jernigan, and Workshop
selors to assist them through begins Feb. 1 and continues 642-7565 or email patricd@
the maze of the federal and through April 16. Volunteers
that the increasing clarity of a News Reporter writer. Park Oct. 20
the water during the last few Ranger Jonathan Short ac- Columbus County Cooperative
years has allowed more sun- companied Emans on the boat Extension Office
light to reach the bottom of ride to secure samples of the 45 Government Dr., Whiteville
SCC Continuing Education the lake, enabling the hydrilla weed. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. • FREE
Lunch Included
to flourish, but Emans said Someone asked Emans how Learn to locate, trap and handle beavers.
the plant will grow in murky, long it would take to treat the
Mail Subscriptions
(Columbus County)
p.m. in Cartrette Technology
Center, room 126. A $65 reg- Vineland )FSF$PNFT5IF#PPN 1(
istration fee must be paid at tQNtQN
$30.00 year
the first meeting. This course 5BLFO 1(
Other N.C. Counties provides instructions about
$46.00 year setting up, managing content, Available for wedding **'SBOLFOXFFOJF 1(
Home Delivery $45.00 year using apps, sending mail, receptions & other )PUFM5SBOTZMWBOJB 1(
By RAY WYCHE ment held a special drive-thru people with hospital insur-
Staff Writer clinic last Friday to emphasize ance, will not have to pay for
the need for all residents to the vaccinations.
T he Columbus County obtain the vaccine, and about Most people have insurance
Health Department has plenty 60 people took advantage of that covers the cost of the vac-
of influenza vaccine and is the special day. cinations, Smith said.
urging all county residents The flu shot clinics are open “We get very few that are
to take advantage of the vac- Mondays through Fridays cash-paying,” Smith said.
cinations to prevent or at least from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Miller
lessen the effects of the winter Building (old hospital) on Jef-
disease. ferson Street. Ray Wyche
Health Department Direc- Medicare and Medicaid 910-642-4104 ext. 229
tor Kim Smith said the depart- card holders, as well as most
Proud Sponsor of
Shuck & Shag
Thursday, October 18, 5:30pm until 9pm
“Whiteville’s Leading Jewelers”
"7 /"7 Ê7/
4A - The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012
New law
Crime briefs Continued from page 1-A
Three women arrested
Disorderly Shoplifters Off the streets
for cashing stolen checks
“This new law will enable Stacey Sellers’
A 17-year-old Whiteville Curtis Gowans, 24, of White- Leann pickup dur-
us to get some of these repeat
resident was arrested for dis- ville, was arrested last week T e d d e r, ing Septem-
offenders off the streets, and
orderly conduct after he was for stealing four knit tops and 28, of Mrs. b e r, p l u s
into prison where they belong.
ordered off the Central Middle two pairs of shoes from Belk Tate’s five counts
One of the best things about
School campus, and used abu- here. The items were valued R o a d , of fraud
this new law is if the defendant
sive language in response to at $205.96. White- involving
has more than six points as a
the order to leave, local police Kevana A. McGraw, 18, of ville; Lo- cashing
prior record, a conviction for
records show. Whiteville, was arrested last gan A. checks on
habitual breaking and enter- Tedder McBride
week for stealing $99.65 worth McBride, Sellers’ ac-
ing brings an automatic prison
Computers of cosmetics from Walmart
here, according to local police.
sentence of almost two years,” 29, of Mrs. Tate’s
Road and First Av-
Wa r r a n t s o b -
Wilkie said.
T i m o t hy Belonda Renee Davis, 29, of enue, Chadbourn, tained by Sheriff ’s
Lawmen across the county
John Good- Loris, S.C., was arrested last and Wanda K. Sell- Detective Rene Tre-
praised the DA’s action, and the
win, 17, of week for stealing feminine ers Jackson, 49, of vino show Sellers,
new law, which went into effect Charles Eugene Barsh
Shallotte, hygiene products and sprays Silver Spoon Road, McBride and Jack-
last November. there. They now have them,
was arrest- worth $21.94 from the Tabor Clarkton, have been son cashed a $675
“Fantastic,” said Tabor City and the criminals making
ed here last City IGA store. arrested on several check on Sept. 22;
Police Chief Donald Dowless. easy money by selling stolen
we e k o n a “Outstanding,” said White- charges of fraud Jackson one for $894.07 on
items is very frustrating here,”
f e l o ny l a r-
ceny charge
Indecent ville Police Chief Jerry Britt. Wilkie added. involving stolen
Sept. 23; one for $680
during the Sept. 22-23 period;
Goodwin Marshall O’Brian Ray, 25, Repeat offenders New ‘best friend’
for stealing “This is a great law for this Tedder is also charged one for $625 on Sept. 24, and
of New Life Church Road, She said Barsh is only the
computers and other items area, and the problems we en- with breaking into Graham one for $625 on Sept. 25.
Tabor City, has been arrested first to be arrested. At least one
from Walmart with a total counter every day with break-
on charges of taking indecent other person has been indicted
value of more than $2,900.
Local police arrested the
teen after he pushed a shop-
liberties with a juvenile girl,
plus committing a first-degree
ins and thefts,” said Sheriff
Chris Batten. “Should have
under the new guidelines for
breaking and entering, and she Lumberton men caught
in insurance fraud case
sex offense with the girl, ac- been done long ago. This will has other cases ready to be sent
ping buggy out of the store. help us in Chadbourn,” Chief
cording to warrants obtained to the grand jury.
He had a large computer, four Steven Shaw said.
by Sheriff ’s Detective Jason “I’m sifting cases and look-
laptop computers, and other “Ms. Wilkie and the DA’s of- Ronnie Earl Locklear Jr., 35, portation’s License and Theft
Soles. ing for more to indict,” Wilkie
items, including cereal, a soft fice are doing a great job with and Michael Andrew Currie, Bureau, the Department of
The acts took place in 2009, said. “A defense attorney asked
drink and Pringles’ chips in this new law. We see many 49, both of Lumberton, were ar- Insurance, Lumberton police
records show. me the other day, ‘What is this?’
his possession. of the same people over and rested last week on charges of and the Columbus County
when he saw the indictment for insurance fraud on warrants Sheriff ’s Office.
over again, and this should his client.
Stolen Marijuana be a strong deterrent to those
repeat offenders,” said Lake
“I told him, ‘This is my new
obtained by the N.C. Depart-
ment of Insurance.
Locklear and Currie are
charged with insurance fraud,
Martha best friend,’ and just smiled,” The warrants charge Lock- conspiracy to commit insur-
Jean Davis, Waccamaw Chief of Police Wilkie stated.
Rico Lee lear and Currie staged the theft ance fraud, fraud, and conspir-
50, of West Scott Hyatt. Barsh’s record of Locklear’s pickup truck, and acy to commit fraud. Locklear
Jackson, 20,
Third Street, “This new law gets these re- Barsh was convicted of Locklear reported the vehicle is also charged with making a
of Old Stake
Chadbourn, peat offenders out of society’s breaking and entering in 2008 stolen to Lumberton Police. false police report.
Road, Clar-
has been ar- way. We applaud Ms. Wilkie, involving a December 2003 Locklear also filed a claim Currie is charged with alter-
endon, was
rested on a and we’ll cooperate 150 per- break-in of Johnny Watts’ with Farm Bureau Insurance, ing a vehicle serial number.
arrested last
charge of cent,” Dowless added. I know home in Bolton, and the theft and was paid $24,108 to settle
week for
possession Davis possession Jackson we have several suspects that of three shotguns. This crime the claim. Eagle Nest Golf Course
of stolen will fit into these guidelines.” set the stage for the indict- The pickup was recovered Located In Little River, SC
of marijuana with intent to
goods on a warrant obtained More to come ment, coupled with a new in Fair Bluff on June 7, 2012 Local Appreciation Special
sell after he was found at the
by Whiteville Police Detective “With some new guidelines break-in charge. during a narcotics traffic stop, Plus Tax
County Fair with three grams After 12:00
Sgt. Tedd Dixon. put into place for scrap metal Barsh is charg ed with and an investigation was begun
of the drug. Through 10/31
Davis is charged with pos- dealers, this will definitely breaking into Jonathan Daryl by the Department of Trans-
The warrant was obtained (843) 249-1449
session on Feb. 25, 2011, of a help us with property crimes. Mintz’ home along Carver
by Sheriff ’s Drug Detective
stolen diamond ring, valued I’m sure there will be many Moore Road, Lake Waccamaw,
Aaron Herring. The officer
at $1,200, according to the more than just this first person on July 14 of this year, and
said he saw Jackson pull some-
warrant. who will face this new law,” the theft of jewelry. Barsh was
thing from his pocket, and a
Batten declared. found by Mintz in the home,
packet, containing marijuana,
“This is a great tool to ad- and one of the bullets fired
Probation fell out. A second packet and a
marijuana cigarette were also
dress the problems of a career by Mintz grazed Barsh’s leg, For the recovery or info leading to
criminal. Victims are upset reports show.
B a r r y
Loften Spauld-
when there’s usually nothing Barsh’s current probation recovery of a 2011 golf cart, Rough &
but probation given, and res- began last December and is for
ing, 26, of Tough, camo. Stolen Oct. 13 around
Carver Moore Cocaine titution is ordered. However, two years after his conviction
Ro a d , L a ke
most of these criminals can’t
or won’t pay restitution, and
in Bladen County for selling a 1 am from Wilson Auto Sales.
Travis Lee controlled substance.
W a c c a m a w,
was placed on
Bellamy, 40, of when they eventually go to The break-in and drug con- Call 910-641-7965
Timber Creek prison when their probation victions aren’t the only prior
probation for Spaulding is revoked, the restitution is
Trail, Clark- convictions for Barsh. He was
three years wiped off the books,” Britt
ton, pleaded convicted of larceny in 2008,
and ordered to pay restitu- stated.
this week here DWI in 2008 and 2010, and
tion of $3,900 Monday after he “I came here from Cleveland
to selling co- Bellamy possession of marijuana with
pleaded in Superior Court here County, and we didn’t have
caine to an un- intent to sell in 2010, records
to breaking and entering. metal recycling centers up
dercover buyer on Oct. 25, 2011 show.
Spaulding was convicted of
at his home, and was placed Saturday October 20th at 1pm
stealing items from Charles
Allred of Longwood, and was
arrested in June 2011. A prison
on probation for two years in
a Superior Court case. Best arrested as fugitive Elizabeth Brinkley Park,
Lake Waccamaw
Bellamy has a suspended K i s h a M i ch e l l e Sept. 18.
term of five to six months was 30 per team to enter
prison term of six to eight Best, 34, of Brook- She is also
suspended, and Spaulding’s
months. His prior record shows berry Apartments, charged in North OR $25 if you bring a
prior record showed a convic-
tion for DWI in 2004.
a conviction for possession of Whiteville, was ar- Myrtle Beach with nonperishable food item
stolen goods in 2004. rested this week forgery and passing
as a fugitive from a forged document
Double elimination, Prizes depend on
participation. The more participants,
Break-ins, thefts
Horry County, S.C., (uttering) of a fake
for forgery, plus forg- check on the account the bigger the prize!
ery here involving a Best of Grand Hospitality Proceeds will go to the
counterfeit check on in the name of Jerica Lake Waccamaw Police Department
s /CT n *OSH "OYD (ODGES 4UCKER $RIVE 4ABOR #ITY n THEFT For more information call 840-7772
warrants obtained by Lake Thompson.
of golf cart, recovered in woods near old BP station near Guide-
Waccamaw Police Sgt. Rocky
way school; Camelia Watts, Cedar Branch Road, Chadbourn
Best is charged with at-
County Fatalities
tempted fraud in attempt- To this date
ing to cash a fake check for
of home along Will Inman Road, Tabor City, theft of Pioneer
$1,742.15 drawn on Cape Fear 2012 ......….……...12
speakers, Zenith and Vizio TVs, Whirlpool dryer, Frigidaire
Manor at BB&T at the lake on 2011 ……...………8
freezer, four tires, rims, Hewlett Packard desktop computer;
Total 2011...........17
Sunny View Drive, Chadbourn; Jack White, McKenzie Street, Total 2010..........26
hydraulic dump trailer; Camelia Watts, Cedar Branch Road,
74-76, Delco.
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The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 - 5A
after drug arrest thing Cox did was to remove a police chief ’s badge from a
windshield post and briefly show it to Walker after the trooper
who claimed he had been a Marine and won
the Medal of Honor.
Jamie O’Brian tective Aaron Her- requested his driver’s license and vehicle registration. If Cox lied
Shipman 35, of ring for possession Walker said he saw “Chief of Police” on the badge when it Willis said if Cox lied about being a law
W h i t e v i l l e, h a s of three Endocet was briefly displayed, but didn’t see any town mentioned. After officer “it caused no harm,” and didn’t offset
been arrested on pills and 19 Xanax Cox gave Walker his driver’s license, Walker asked, “Where you getting a speeding ticket. “Cox would have
three charges of tablets near his resi- chief at?” been a fool to try and fool Walker within eight
intimidating a wit- dence along Martin “In Chadbourn,” the 46-year-old Cox replied, according to miles of Chadbourn,” Willis argued.
ness after he tele- Luther King Jr. Av- Walker and the audio from a more than 25-minute videotape of The attorney argued that showing the
phoned threats to enue here. the traffic stop on March 15, 2011 on U.S. 74. badge wasn’t “conduct by Cox,” but was free Cox
a man. The victim Shipman Shipman is Part of statement speech.
was in a vehicle charged with Defense attorney Mike Willis argued with Walker that the Judge Croom wouldn’t dismiss the charges, and asked the
with Shipman when Ship- threatening to bur n the trooper only heard – because of noise created by passing traffic DA’s office to consider offering a plea to Cox for giving fictitious
man was arrested for the man’s home, plus threaten- – the “in Chadbourn” part of a statement Cox made that was, information to an officer, with a sizeable number of community
possession of two types of ing to kill him, and to “cut “I’m the town manager in Chadbourn.” service hours. The offer was made.
controlled medication for your head off. You’re going Walker, however, is heard on audio and testified that he asked Willis and Cox left the courtroom for 20 minutes, and declined
the purpose of sale. to need a pine box,” accord- again for Cox to verify that he was the chief in Chadbourn, and the deal.
Shipman was arrested on ing to warrants obtained on Cox answered, “Yes.” Public record
Oct. 8 by Sheriff ’s Drug De- Oct. 9. Walker said he knew Shaw to be the Chadbourn chief, and Willis also attempted to have the case dismissed on the basis
asked another question, “So you’re the chief in Chadbourn,” of pre-trial publicity by two Wilmington TV stations. Both sta-
Now Serving
when he pleaded to the Spivey will be on Mayor Ken Waddell’s face when Cox claimed he was the police
theft of a commercial F. Spivey probation for a year. chief.
stainless steel freezer, It wasn’t clear if com- Waddell testified what Cox did was “childish and stupid,” and
valued at $2,000. munity service was part of his offered no statement and didn’t utter a word to Walker during
The freezer was stolen in probation.
Street, Fair Bluff, was buyer. Shaw, called as the second witness for the state, said he was
given deferred prosecu- She had no prior shocked when Walker told him that Cox impersonated an officer.
tion status in Superior record. She will be on “He’s not that type of person Shaw said. Cox usually becomes
Court here Monday probation for a year, nervous in person-to-person contact, but is a “fair, and may be Buy 1 Whole Sub
after she pleaded to with a requirement to
misdemeanor posses-
Bullock do 24 hours of com-
too lenient” a person in dealing with town affairs and employees.
“I couldn’t ask for a better boss,” Shaw said. Waddell said Cox
& a Large Drink &
sion of a controlled substance. munity service within 90 days.
Bullock appeared in a sale Her case costs, to be paid while
was “very truthful, and had a tendency to not to be able explain Get a 2nd Sub for
himself if nervous.”
of cocaine case, brought in on probation, include paying Of equal or lesser value. Additional charge for extras
Eleven excused
January 2011 for selling the $600 for a lab fee by the SBI. added to subs. Not valid with any other promotion.
Eleven jurors were excused Monday and Tuesday in the se- Must present coupon. Expires Oct. 24, 2012.
lection process, including all with a Chadbourn address. Most
Two students disorderly Wednesday of the seated jurors were from Whiteville, and eastern parts of
Juvenile petitions will be sought against two 15-year-old male the county.
students at Whiteville High School after disorderly incidents In pre-trial arguments Tuesday, Willis wanted a dismissal
Wednesday at the school, local police report. based on a recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Stolen
The first was at 12:10 p.m. when an angry boy grabbed a Valor controversy – making it unlawful for a person to claim
teacher. The second involved a boy angry because a teacher to be a veteran and have been awarded a decoration for valor,
took his cell phone during class. He threw a chair against a desk including the Medal of Honor.
at 12:50 p.m., and damaged some plants at the school entrance Willis said the court ruled such a claim was free speech, S. Madison St., Whiteville • 642-3930
when leaving. although it might be a lie, and threw out a conviction of a man
1010 N J.K. Powell Blvd.
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The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 – 7-A
Outdoor Concert
& Movie
Saturday October 20th
Bring a blanket & chair
Concert The Staffsmen - 6 pm
Movie “The Grace Card” - 7 pm
506 Lee Street, Whiteville
Whiteville Church of God
Rev. Charlrean B.
Special Guest Speaker
Staff photos by Fuller Royal
Welcome homecoming Jonathan Barfield, Jr.
Whiteville High School held its an-
nual homecoming parade last Friday.
The parade featured the WHS home-
coming court, the WHS Band and the
Central Middle School Band.The WHS The officers and members of St. Mark
JROTC led the parade. Trailers full of A.M.E. Zion Church, 119 Virgil Street,
Whiteville, NC request the honor of
various club members completed the your presence at the Appreciation
Wolfpack convoy. Service for our Pastor, Reverend
Charlrean Batten Mapson, on Sun-
day, October 21, 2012, at 11:00 a.m.
Our guest speaker for this auspicious
go up on the value of lakefront show actual property values for “I didn’t get a chance to wanted to see quotes from ad- Dinner will be served immediately following the service at the
Whiteville City School Board Civic Room, 107 West Walter Street,
property.” individual parcels of land but speak,” Gore said. ditional firms.
Gore suggested things had
changed “because of the recent
is a set of rules, compiled data
and other information used in
“The attorney would advise
us if we were doing something
The last revaluation began
in 2004 with new values in place
Please join us!
sales we have had.” the process. wrong,” McKenzie said. by 2005 and resulted in an aver-
Commissioner Buddy Byrd Gore said each property County Attorney Mike Ste- age property value increase of
asked about property at Lake owner in the county will receive phens said that Gore had satis- 35 to 40 percent. Gore has said
Waccamaw that was not wa- notice of the new value for their fied the statutory requirements little change is expected this
terfront. property and will have the op- but the board had the discretion year and averages to about a 2.5
“Subdivisions went up a portunity to appeal that value, to give the public more time to percent increase overall.
little bit,” Gore said. at that time. comment if they chose to do so. State law dictates that re-
“A newer house may go up During the last revaluation “I have to advertise again,” valuations be conducted at
a little bit,” Gore said of all in 2004-2005 when the average Gore said. least every eight years. Some
property in the county. Tuesday increase was 30 to 40 percent, “Next time it will be over,” counties have them more often.
he said homes built in the 2000s Gore said about 1,500 appeals McKenzie said. Gore could not say how many
may have increases. were heard. Then in yet another motion, parcels of land had value in-
“I had some calls,” Commis-
sioner James Prevatte said.
Many were landowners who
had 10 or more acre tracts of
Byrd called for the schedule to
be placed in all county libraries.
creases but said the increases
were very small, if any. offered every Tuesday night at
“I’d like to have another public
farmland not in the state’s pres-
ent use program that essentially
Russ seconded the motion with
the full board in approval.
He added that after the valua-
tion is complete, commissioners Forest Lawn Baptist Church
Prevatte said property own- reduces the taxed value of the In 2010, commissioners con- have the opportunity to set a
ers told him they had “not
had access” to the 150 pages
Gore said open land may in-
tracted with Inland Associates,
a Loris, S.C. real estate apprais-
revenue neutral tax rate.
Some counties with much ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING IN
of guidelines used to assess crease in value by roughly $100 al firm, to conduct an in-house lower tax rates have higher land
property for the upcoming re- per acre in the new valuation. revaluation at $170,00. values.
valuation. The use value guidelines are Under the terms of the origi- In 2005, a tax rate that was
“I haven’t found a single set by the N.C. Department of nal proposal with Inland Asso- 78 cents per $100 value was re-
person that has property they Revenue. ciates, the revaluation project duced to 73 cent per $100 value.
think has gone up 2.5 percent,” “Buildings is where most of would have cost county taxpay- In subsequent years it crept up
Prevatte said of the average
increase Gore has reported
the value increased, not land,”
Gore said.
ers $205,000 but Gore negotiated
a better rate after the board
and today is set at 81.5 cents per
$100 value.
• Drug & Alcohol Abuse and Family Support
overall. McKenzie hinted that he • Anger • Food Addictions
Gore said not all property wanted to see actual changes.
would increase in value. Some
may drop. Some may see slight
G o re s a i d t h e d r a f t o f
changed values had not been
Mount Zion Baptist Church • Sexual Addictions • Eating Disorders
increases and some may stay approved by the board yet and 9512 Red Hill Road, • Adult Children of Family Dysfunction
about the same, he said.
Gore, who advertised the
approval of the schedule came
Whiteville, NC • Physical/Emotional/Sexual Abuse
will celebrate its
public hearing as required, “It could be unofficial,” McK-
was concerned about a delay in
the process by holding another
enzie said of the actual values.
“Put unofficial on there.” OUR MISSION
hearing and said the document “It’s not that much differ-
To provide a safe, confidential, anonymous,
was available for public viewing
at his office.
ent,” Gore said of value chang-
Anniversary accepting, spirit-filled environment for recovery.
“I’m not arguing with you, “We have to pacify the con- and To come alongside the broken and hurting.
Mr. Gore,” Prevatte said. “I
think we should have another
stituents – those are the people
we work for,” McKenzie said.
public hearing.” Prevatte made a motion to
Sunday Contacts: Pastor Jim - 843-503-3699
Commissioner Amon McK- reschedule the public hearing Lynn Williams - 910-499-1336
enzie said he wanted the sched- to the next commissioners October 21
ule placed in all of the county meeting. Commissioner Ricky Timmy Lanier - 910-625-5239
libraries. Bullard seconded the motion Featured speaker will be William J. Blanton
Thank you Good Shepherd House for your support.
“I want it put in the librar- and the board agreed in a unani- Special music provided by Alex Bryan and friends
ies,” McKenzie said. “This is mous vote.
their lives. People say they
haven’t seen it.”
The board voted before Gore
had a chance to comment on
Dinner on the grounds immediately following worship
Gore emphasized that the how it would impact the pro- Pastor Dr. M.L. Boone 16025 James White Hwy., Tabor City
schedule of values does not cess. Everyone Welcome
8-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012
Grocery promises same service, newer store Free seminars capital credit refunds in
early December.
The book was free to all
registered members who at-
By JEFFERSON WEAVER South Carolina,” he said. “We becue chicken,” Suggs said,
at the college Capital credits are a re-
tur n of the money taken
tended the meeting.
Entertainment was pro-
Staff Writer concentrate on an old-fash- “but I tried some of ours, and The Southeastern Com- in by the co-op over what it vided by the Dove Brothers
ioned shopping experience.” I hate to say it – it might have munity College Small Busi- costs to operate the utility. Quartet and David Brown-
There is a new name on the The store’s new deli is gain- been better.” “We are pleased that the ing, the Mayberry Deputy.
ness Center will offer free
sign, and a new look to the ing a reputation as a breakfast While the deli has drawn Cooperative’s financial con- Eugene Jordan, Steve
seminars in the coming
store, but Whiteville’s KJ’s provider, he said, offering a lot of attention, Suggs said, dition allows this refund to Matthis, and Ronald Allen
grocery store still empha- grits, bacon, sausage, and the entire store is new, from our members,” stated Keel. were also reelected to the
To pre-register or for more
sizes old-fashioned customer most other traditional break- top to bottom. The 63rd annual meet- board of directors.
information, call (910)642-
service. fast dishes. “We have new shelving,
7141, ext. 296, 397 or 425.
“That was drilled in to me “We have great cooks back wider aisles, new freezers
Personal Credit 101 for
by my first boss, when I was there, people who know what and refrigerated lockers, new
your Business will be held
16,” said manager Carlisle people like and how to make floors, and a new décor,” he
Monday, Oct. 29, 6-9 p.m. in
Take Charge of Your Future.
Suggs. “That’s what I love it,” he said. “We had people said. “We appreciate all the
asking for livers and gizzards, T-Building, room 120.
about this company – they compliments – people seem to
and now we have them avail- This free seminar focuses
focus on customer service.” agree with us that it’s a nice
able. You have to listen to your store, and an attractive one. on factors that make up cred- Create and implement a strategy designed to help
KJ’s recently completed a
customers to keep them satis- “I have a lot of senior citi- it scoring and how to over- you achieve your long-term financial goals.
million-dollar-plus renovation
fied and coming back.” zens tell me KJ’s has that ‘old come negative credit issues.
of the store. In the past, Suggs Do something positive for yourself. Call today for a
Birthday cakes and other time’ feel they like in a grocery Participants will lear n no-cost, no-obligation portfolio review. Together, we
said, it was a Wilson’s and a
fresh desserts are available store. We want people to be how to respond to negative can create a strategy that’s right for you based on
Piggly Wiggly before becom-
daily, he said, and full meals comfortable and enjoy shop- credit ratings, how to build your current situation, objectives and risk tolerance.
ing an IGA.
are available for lunch and ping here.” better credit and how to
KJ’s is just a new name for Edward Jones ranked “Highest in Investor
the same IGA brand, Suggs dinner. The fried, rotisserie While large chains use a engage creditors more suc-
Satisfaction with Full Service Brokerage
said. and barbecue chicken specials one-size-fits-all rule, Suggs cessfully on current or past Firms” according to the J.D. Power and
“It’s still a small chain, per- are very popular. said the offerings at KJ’s are credit relationships. Associates 2012 Full Service Investor
Choosing the Right Busi- Satisfaction StudySM.
haps 40 stores, in North and “I love my momma’s bar- tailored to the market and the Edward Jones received the highest numerical score among full
community. ness Entity will be held service brokerage firms in the proprietary J.D. Power and
Associates 2012 Full Service Investor Satisfaction StudySM.
“We try to have associated Tuesday, Oct. 30, 6-9 p.m. in Study based on responses from 4,401 investors who used
products closer together, and T-Building, room 120. full-service investment institutions. Fourteen investment firms
that received a representative sample of investor opinions were
have plenty of them,” he said. The free seminar will measured on seven factors: investment advisor; investment
performance; account information; account offerings;
“We don’t have plans made to teach participants the ad- commissions and fees; website; and problem resolution.
Proprietary study results are based on experiences and
satisfy someone in a corporate vantages and disadvantages perceptions of consumers surveyed in February 2012. Your
office – we try to stock our of C-Corporations, Limited experiences may vary. Rating may not be indicative of future
performance and may not be representative of any one client’s
shelves to keep our customers Partnerships, Sole Propri- experience because it reflects an average of experiences of
responding clients. Visit
happy.” etorship, S-Corporations,
The store is located on Jef- and Limited Liability Com-
Eric G Lanier, AAMS®
ferson Street in Whiteville,
Financial Advisor
and within days, Suggs said,
G Lanier
113 West Smith St.
705 North Brown St.
Chadbourn Johnson Equipment Co.
910-642-8206 910-654-1100 1590 Vinson Blvd., Brunswick, NC 28424 • (910) 642-6051
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 – 9-A
Columbus Pediatrics
“It’s courtesy as much as said, “and you will be cited and the young lady you have
the law,” Rogers said. “You for not wearing a safety or-
Always put God first in your
About the presenter: Rev. Fred Gordon has traveled the world helping others. He recently returned from Jamaica where he
led a team that helps orphans learn to read, write, and receive love. To carry this ministry, Rev. Gordon has to first take charge
of his diabetes. He has learned to manage his condition through Stanford University’s Diabetes Self-Management Program.
Sponsored by funding from North Carolina Diabetes Prevention and Control Branch, the Columbus County Health Department, and space is provided by the Columbus County D.R.E.A.M. Center, Inc.
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 -- Page 10A
Card of
the late Annie Mae Martin and S a c re d H e a r t C at h o l i c
HALLSBORO -- Lloyd Cur- received at the home of Mr. and
Harvey Dewey Richardson. In Church will hold its annual
tis Mitchell, 88, died Monday, Mrs. Daniel Godwin, 396 Clyde
addition to his parents, he was
preceded in death by a grand-
Oct. 15, 2012 at Southeastern
Regional Medical Center in
Collier Road, Hallsboro. yard sale Saturday, Oct. 27
from 7 a.m.-2 p.m rain or shine. Thanks
There will be a variety of toys,
No service will be held
at this time. Inman Funeral
Final rites will be held at Homecoming at household items and clothes.
No baked goods.
Home of Tabor City is han-
dling the arrangements.
11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 at
Rehobeth AME Zion Church, Mishop Springs The church is located across
from the hig school on Lee
He is survived by two daugh- Clarkton. Burial will be in
Cutler Cemetery, Lake Wac- Mishop Springs United Street.
ters, Tammy Nobles of Fair Methodist Church, 2756 Pine For more information call
Bluff, Vicky Benson of Thom- camaw. Peoples Funeral Home
of Whiteville is handling the Log Road, Whiteville, will have 642-3895.
asville; four sons, Andrew homecoming on Oct. 28. Lunch
arrangements. Viewing will be
Richardson, Robert Richard- will be served on the grounds. The family of Wualeina
son, Sammy Richardson, all of held from noon-7 p.m. Friday,
The Rev. Willie Allen, pastor, Burns wish to express our
Clarendon, David Richardson Oct. 19 at the funeral home and
and the congregation invite heartfelt and sincere grat-
of Thomasville; four sisters, Saturday, Oct. 20 one hour pri- Bankruptcy itude to all our relatives,
or to the service at the church. everyone to attend, especially
Eula Mae Tucker of Longs, past, present and regular mem- Stop Foreclosures friends who showed us so
S.C., Martha Richardson of The family will receive friends
from 6-7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19 at bers. Get A Fresh Start much love and concern
Raleigh, Dottie Lowrimore of The Rev. Robert (Bob) Rattz and kindness during our
Autryville, Joan Richardson of the funeral home.
will give the 11 a.m. sermon Attorney time of bereavement. We Mothers hold their Children’s
Thomasville; three brothers, He is survived by one son, hands for just a little while...but
and the Rev. Karl Zorowski James thank everyone for their
Tommy Richardson of Dunn, Curtis Bernard Mitchell of their hearts forever.
will speak at 7 p.m., beginning Robbins prayers, cards, food and
Jimmy Todd of Conway, S.C., Bermuda. I kneel and I pray,
a four-day revival. The Rev. Al visits, and their donations, Asking God to be with me, as I
Bill Cox of Loris, S.C.; and five Marshburn will speak at 7 p.m.
922 S. Madison St. calls and the love that was face each day.
grandchildren. Whiteville shown to us. Your prayers I understand the emptiness and
Magnolia MBC to Health fair Saturday at VIJM Vietnam Veterans Bolton COGIC to hold Family/
hold homecoming/ #962 to hold
harvest Oct. 21
Victory In Jesus Ministries Church is sponsoring a health Friends Day Oct. 28
fair on Saturday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at VIJM, 132 West
main Street, Whiteville next door to Off Price Outlet. Activities
fundraiser Nov. 16 Bolton Church of God in Christ will hold its Family and
Magnolia Missionary Bap- The Vietnam Veterans #962 Friends Day Sunday, Oct. 28 at 5 p.m. The guest speaker will be
are open to the public and designed to increase healthy people of
tist Church of Crusoe Island will hold its annual Boston Rev. Lester Jacobs of Greenville.
Columbus County. Special emphasis will be on persons ages18
will hold its homecoming/ Butt fundraiser Friday, Nov. 16.
and older.
harvest Sunday, Oct. 21 at 10 Tickets are $20.
The Light Program (Life skills, Inspiration, God’s Word, His
a.m. The guest speaker will be The fundraiser will be held
Will, our Talents) under the auspices of the Columbus County
Rev. Leroy Long. at 1028 S. Madison Street,
Health Department features parish nurses to educate the lo-
Lunch will follow in the fel- Whiteville.
cal faith community. This is one of the strategies to inform
lowship hall. For tickets call Denise Sell-
the public about the negative state of the health of the county
Rev. Ralph Gore is the pas- ers at 642-8625 or Dale Spivey
population, which includes a three-year ranking of having the
tor. at 653-3128.
worst health in North Carolina.
Various screenings such as blood sugar, blood pressure, BMI, Pick up is from 4-6 p.m.
Baldwin Branch BC height and weight will be held. Tickets must be presented at
time of pickup.
to hold Wonderous Health professionals, led by Pat Ray, a parish nurse, will con-
duct educational sessions on chronic diseases such as obesity, There will be a limited num-
Wednesday, Oct. 31 heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and HIV/STD. They will ber of walk-ins available.
also discuss nutrition and exercise in relation to one’s lifestyle.
Baldwin Branch Baptist
Church will hold a Wonderous
Persons may also receive flu shots by using their insurance Chadbourn Baptist
such as Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Persons
Wednesday service Oct. 31 at without insurance may pay $31 for a flu shot. to hold trunk or treat
7:30 p.m. immediately follow- Pastor Tracey A. Troy is senior pastor at VIJM. Interested Chadbourn Baptist Church
ing Bible class. persons can receive daily motivational inspiration on her will hold a trunk or treat Sat-
The church is located at Facebook page. urday, Oct. 27 from 5-7 p.m. in
4047 N.C. 242 Hwy. South in For more information, contact the VIJM office at 642-5416 or the parking lot.
Elizabethtown. through the website at The church is located at the
Rev. Louie Boykin is the corner of Howard and 4th Ave.
Happy Home BC to Godwin reunion set The event is sponsored by area
churches and the Chadbourn
hold fall festival Sunday, Nov. 4 Police Department.
Watts-Watts reunion Happy Home Baptist A family reunion for the
set Sunday, Oct. 28 Church of Nakina will hold descendants of Albert and
Descendants of the late its fall festival Saturday, Oct. Lorena Godwin is planned for
Cortis O’Dell Watts and the late 20 from 5-7 p.m. There will be Sunday, Nov. 4 in the Beaver-
Eva Belle Watts-Watts will hold fun and games and a hayride dam Fellowship Hall at 1 p.m.
its 39th annual family reunion for all ages. Bring a covered dish.
Sunday, Oct. 28 at the home of Richard Collins is the pas- For more information call
Grady and Pauline Watts, 2761 tor. 653-3663.
E. Hwy. 9 business in Loris,
S.C. The reunion will start at Love Grove FWBC Happy Home BC to
11 a.m. and lunch will be at
1 p.m. Family members are to hold revival hold homecoming
asked to bring a covered dish, Love Grove Freewill Baptist Happy Home Baptist
old photos and family Bibles. Church will hold its revival Church of Nakina will hold
Wednesday, Oct. 24-Friday, Oct. its homecoming Sunday, Oct. 28
26 at 7:30 p.m. nightly. The guest beginnig with Sunday school
speaker will be Elder Bobby at 10 a.m. and worship service
Baldwin Branch BC to Jones along with a different at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served
hold support ministry choir each night. following the morning worship
The church is located in the service.
T h e B a l d w i n B r a n c h Welches Creek Community. Richard Collins is the pas-
Shepherd Support Ministry Elder Ronald Brown is the tor.
will sponsor a prog ram “ pastor.
God is trying to tell you some-
thing” (Part 1) Sunday, Oct. 28
Mill Branch MBC
at 3 p.m. featuring mini-ser- Fair Bluff COG to to hold revival
mons by Ministers D’Vora Len-
non Shaw, Marie McLaughlin,
hold TMT ministry Mill Branch Missionary
Baptist Church will hold its
Charles Crocker and Ronnie Fair Bluff Church of God
annual revival Oct. 22-Oct. 26
Jackson. will hold its TMT Ministry
at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker
The church is located at Sunday, Oct. 28 at 6 p.m. will be Rev. Antonie Bellamy.
4047 N.C. 242 Hwy. South in TMT presents “choices” a
The church is located on
Elizabethtown. drama that includes singing,
Harrellsonville Road.
Rev. Louie Boykin is the skits, sign language and a gos- Rev. Jerry S. Ganus is the
pastor. pel message.
(Rain or Shine)
from 11 am till 5 pm
October 18
UÊ ,i}iÜ`
Ê -
Sponsored by Columbus County Shrine Club
The World’s
You may buy your tickets from any
Shriner, or just come by any location
October 19
Best Fish Plate and pay for your plate. At all locations
we will have facilities for you to eat UÊ `ÊÊ*>À}
Includes: there or plates prepared to “take out.” Ê ÌÊÊ
q FISH FILETS Enjoy the food, enjoy the fellowship
UÊ "`Ê-Ì
and fun, and be assured the children
q HUSH PUPPIES in Shriner’s Hospitals will appreciate Ê ÜÞÊÇä£Ê ]Ê7
your help. All proceeds benefit the:
$ 00
Per Plate have been helped by the Tabor City
EAT IN or TAKE OUT Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals. ÀiÀÞÊ>ÞÊÃ
The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012
Hydrilla find is
great concern
for lake waters
Biologists have solved the mystery of
the unusual weed discovered recently in
Lake Waccamaw, and it’s not good news.
Hydrilla has taken root in the lake,
which has people rightfully concerned.
Fortunately, an observant lake resi-
dent had the good sense to report this
unusual-looking underwater weed to
state park officials. No one is quite sure
with Ann
how widespread hydrilla is in the lake,
but early indications are that it could By ANN WORTHINGTON
take years to
kill it with The point Well, my friends, I have fi-
nally made a promise to myself
chemicals The invasive species come true.
and the in- that has ruined many I have been promising my
troduction of bodies of water has family I would remove the 80s
grass carp. wallpaper in my house for a long
It’s likely
been found at Lake time, and in the past week, my
that some Waccamaw. Nothing promise came true.
form of hy- less than all-out war I finally got the courage to
drilla control on this noxious, under- get in touch with a friend of
Public opinion
will always mine and told her to get her pad
water weed needs to be and pencil out and get started
be needed
in the lake
declared. with some ideas before I had
the chance to change my mind.
because the Thank goodness, she did just
spider-like grass is so hard to isolate on that.
such a large body of water.
The noxious and invasive species is
Gives his all conferences and support groups to give him a hug and thank him for
us in Columbus County to teach us “making us better” many times.
She sketched, measured and
came up with ideas I really
notorious for overtaking small lakes in liked. Within a day or two, she
I am writing about an amazing more about Alzheimer’s. I have worked with Dr. Ray
Florida and essentially turning some and her co-workers were hard at
physician I have had the honor of He has championed Alzheimer’s Thigpen, MD for this past 30 years
into cesspools. work.
working with during my career. and Hospice for many years. When at the hospital, health department
My daughter made me
The discovery underscores the prob- He arrives every day to work at 4 he became the medical director of and the Lower Cape Fear Hospice
promise I would decide to do
lems that occur when invasive species a.m. His patients get his undivided the Angel House, it was a perfect House, and have found it indeed
away with what I claimed to be
are introduced into an environment that attention. match. He was able to care for those an honor.
memories I just could not part
is ill-equipped to control it. Officials say He reviews their lab work and who were facing the most difficult 0AT #OX -C'OUGAN
with; however, I found a way to
tests within the past 24 hours. He challenge of their life. He was Registered Nurse
it could have come from someone’s fish smuggle a few of my most pre-
visits every patient in the hospital found in the Angel House every day,
tank or the prop of a motorboat that had cious items in a safe place and
operated in a lake with hydrilla.
under his care twice each day, early
morning and each evening.
multiple times per day and every
weekend for the six years that I Thanks knew that just maybe the time
would come when I could pass a
The lake has been under stress for On many occasions, he had his served there with him.
some time. Draining the Green Swamp few things to some close rela-
sons with him on these visits in He is a very generous man. Ev-
The DAV Post #35 would like to tives or friend.
started the process decades ago. This was the evening. He does this every ery Thanksgiving and Christmas
thank all who participated in its I sat with my memories piled
followed by the overuse of aquifers that day, twice a day 7 days per week 52 he baked full meals and served
fundraiser Sept. 28. up on a bed and picked up a
feed spring water into the lake and the weeks per year, year after year. His the families in the Hospice House
Without your help buying Bos- little ceramic frog. I immediate-
inflow of farm chemicals like nitrogen, energy is exhaustive. He fights for lunch, including desserts. The
ton Butts, use of your grills, or ly thought about the sweet little
better health care for all. He serves piano in the Hospice House was a
to name just a few of the threats. anything you may have done, our 5-year-old boy as he handed me
on various boards throughout the gift from him. The music that flows
Regardless of the cause, it’s important fundraiser would not have been a this very special little creature
county, region, state and country. through the halls is evident of his
that controlling the hydrilla outbreak be success. Funds will be used to help he had made at his granny’s
He learns regulations affecting love for mankind everywhere.
at the top of everyone’s priority list when veterans and families in the county. ceramic shop. I remember his
the care of his patients. He is the first to tell a patient
Dale Spivey sweet little smile, tousled blonde
it comes to ensuring good water qual- He faced a disease that could not and family that they are in God’s
Denise Sellers hair, and sparkling blue eyes
ity. Judging by the comments of people be cured with his own father and hands, not his.
Disabled Veterans Post #35 of as he handed me his wonderful
who have seen hydrilla overrun other instead of accepting the disease, he He does not expect applause, but
Columbus County creation in our school class-
bodies of water, this challenge should learned more about it, he brought when you see him again, please
room. Now how could I throw
be a worry for everyone who loves the that away?
lake and understands its importance to I just could not bring myself
Brutally-Tested Reliability.
average. average 35 bushels per acre in tion is estimated at 910 pounds
The NASS report gave es- the state, one bushel greater per acre, and the statewide
timates for the crops on a than the record-setting yield yield is predicted to be up 7
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14-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012
“It’s been applied else-
where. It never works,” Butch
Adams said earlier in the
year. Adams is the district su- t Sinus Pressure
pervisor for Wildlife Services, t Post Nasal Drip
which is under APHIS. t Nasal Congestion
“For us, it always ends up tChronic Cough
making things worse,” he said
at that time.
Tuesday, Adams had not Re
been told of the county’s de- lie
cision when a reporter from
f is ea
The News Reporter contacted sier th
him. He said “in this situation
an you think.
of not being informed,” he did
not have a lot to say.
Adams said in going be- ur well-established practice is the FIRST in
hind many trappers the agen- southeastern North Carolina to offer IN-OFFICE
cy had “numerous adverse BALLOON SINUPLASTY. This Revolutionary
experiences in the past. The Procedure opens the sinuses by using Minimally
beaver is an incredibly smart Invasive Technology in our Office.
animal if he has been tam-
pered with or encountered t NO DOWNTIME tNO PACKING
steel traps and wises up very tCLINCALLY PROVEN
quickly,” Adams said. “In t FDA APPROVED
many cases where we have
Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist
been asked to go in to pri- Call us today!
vate trapper areas, we find 910.914.0540 | Whiteville
Bouncing blue educated beavers. They are
extremely hard to remove.”
DR. KENYON - DR. DIMUZIO - DR. COURY 910.755.3682 | Shallotte
Columbus Charter School students Brinkley Martin, front, and Kaydee Davis take a Months ago, Adams said he
spin on an inflatable water at the Columbus County Agricultural Fair this weekend.
was invited to the first meet-
-Demir Bastug, MD
Gators hoping to On this date Touchdowns by Bryan Dixon and Ben Jordan, and a field goal by Joon
Sames give the South Columbus Stallions a 17-0 victory over the visiting
Whiteville Wolfpack in a key Waccamaw Conference football game. In other
keep momentum October 18, 2002 county action, West Columbus defeats East Columbus 33-6 behind a pair
of touchdown passes from Stefon Geathers to Devon Ward.
Lady Pack defeats Reidsville Red Springs 46, Fairmont 10 North Brunswick 47, South Brunswick 7
West Brunswick - OPEN
High School girls cross coun- WHS varsity cheerleader coach Julie Fonvielle (right) for
try team finished third in Creech, Erica Williamson,
the Wolfpack cheerleading squad’s participation in the
Tuesday’s Waccamaw 2A-3A Carly Shaw, Kendall Bush and
Conference meet, hosted by Madelynn McCullen all ran Jamboree Showcase. Also, two WHS senior athletes who
North Brunswick High School. personal bests in the meet. took part in the Jamboree will receive BB&T Football
Coach Will Dorn’s WHS In the boys competition, Jamboree scholarships next spring.
squad was paced by Laura Whiteville’s Quantavius McK-
Nye and Madison Creech, who
placed fifth and ninth respec-
oy posted a school record 19:42
and Cole Faircloth turned in a Whiteville Youth Recreation Football $ 95
personal best time. DAILY
tively among individual fin- Buccaneers 2-1
ishers to earn all-conference
OCTOBER 13 Hwy. 701, South of Whiteville
Steelers 1-2
Ages 5-7 Division (Flag)
Giants def. Panthers Bears 0-3
Biser’s football predictions Steelers def. Cowboys
HIGH SCHOOLS: South Columbus 28, Whiteville 21; Ages 8-10 Division (Tackle)
East Columbus 36, Fairmont 14; St,. Pauls 28 ,West Colum- Dolphins def. Raiders
bus 26, St. Pauls 24; Red Springs 44, South Robeson 20; West Steelers def. Panthers
Brunswick 50, West Bladen 16; North Brunswick 23, Jordan-
Matthews 12. Last week’s record: 4-2 Overall: 52-22 STANDINGS
COLLEGES: LSU 34, Texas A&M 27; Clemson 29, Virginia Ages 5-7
Tech 20; Georgia Tech 36, Boston College 24; N.C. State 35, Steelers 3-0-1
Maryland 22; North Carolina 34, Duke 24; Kansas State 33, Panthers 1-2-1
West Virginia 29; Georgia 44, Kentucky 17; East Carolina 37, Cowboys 0-2-2
UAB 23; Florida 36, South Carolina 34; Alabama 42, Tennessee Giants 0-2-2
21; Baylor 32, Texas 27; Michigan 30, Michigan State 27; Penn
East Columbus High School State 27, Iowa 26; Florida State 37, Miami 23. Last week’s Ages 8-10
girls tennis coach Ryan
Sellers was named the 2012
record: 9-3 Overall: 60-28 Steelers 4-0
Raiders 2-2
Sewer Jet / Vac Truck
Three Rivers Conference Panthers 1-3
Dolphins 1-3
Coach of the Year after guid-
ing the Lady Gators to the
SCHS spikers trip N. Brunswick
Three Rivers 1A-2A Confer- to gain state 2A playoff berth Ages 11-12
Panthers 3-0
ence championship and a
high-seeding in the 2012 South Columbus came a 5-7 record. Their season
state 1A playoffs. The Lady away with a 3-1 Waccamaw record stands at 5-7 and they
Gators will travel to meet 2A-3A Conference volleyball have received the conference’s
win over North Brunswick on No. 2 seed in state 2A playoffs
Gates County next Tuesday
in the second round of state
Tuesday. that are scheduled to open — Available With Driver —
Coach David Marlowe’s Saturday. • Horizontal Drilling • Public Utility Contractor
1A playoffs. Lady Stallions took the match South Columbus wrapped
by scores of 22-25, 25-14, 25-14 up its fourth consecutive Wac- • Maintenance & Construction
“Equipment For Any Job”
Auto Collision Repair
Corner of Lee & Walter Streets, Whiteville All Major Credit Cards Accepted Hwy. 130 E., Whiteville
Mike Spivey 642-3820 Jason Klara 910-642-3196 • Hwy. 701 South, Whiteville
Phone: 642-6642
• Fuel Oil • Lubricants • Diesel Fuel • Gasoline
Tire Rotation & Balance
360 Motorcycles
$ 95
080 Wanted To Rent 365 ATVs
250 General Employment 500 Houses
SALE ITEMS 255 Drivers & Delivery MARINE 510 Resort Homes
085 Auctions 370 Boats 520 Apartments
260 Health/Medical
090 Lawn Mowers 375 Jet Skis 530 Manufactured Housing
270 Employment Wanted
100 Pets & Animals 380 Trailers 540 Condominiums
110 Appliances
SERVICES 390 Motors 550 Rooms
120 Antiques 275 Financial Services 400 Accessories 570 Commercial Your ad runs 3 times (twice in the News Reporter, and
130 Yard & Garage Sales 280 Child Care REAL ESTATE 580 Land once in the News Times) and reaches practically all the
140 Clothing 290 Business Opportunities
SALES 590 Equipment households in Columbus County. It’s working for others; 2000 Redman Silverlake double-
150 Furniture 295 Schools/Institutions
410 Permanent Homes 600 Farms why not give it a try? wide. 1680 sq. ft. Wind Zone 2. To
Call 642-4104
160 Musical Items 300 Insurance 420 Manufactured Housing 610 Manufactured be moved. $30,000.00 or best offer.
170 Televisions, Satellites 310 Business Services 430 Resort Homes Housing Lots Serious inquiries 910-840-4107.
315 Farm Services
Simple To Pay! Don’t Wait To Call... CORRECTIONS
" All major credit cards accepted Monday
Persons should check their adver-
tisement for accuracy the first time it
appears in the newspaper so that any
" as well as Visa debit cards. Deadline: Friday, 2 pm necessary changes can be made. The
newspaper will not be liable for mis-
#!!!! takes in an ad beyond the first issue.
Deadline: Wednesday, 10 am If a mistake is found, please notify
! WANDA or HANNE at 642-4104.
$189. Can deliver. Call 910-794-
Free Bible course. Call Neil Floyd 4111. Dealer.
TION- Wednesday, October 24 at 10 Female $300. Shots & wormed. Call
a.m. 201 S. Central Ave., Locust, NC.
Items Selling Large Quantity of Res-
table & 6 chairs, china cabinet, $1000.
Broy Hill Entertainment Center with
lighted curio. $800, Retailed $1500.
Call 840-9214.
APARTMENTS ES, spyware, email, printer issues,
bad internet connections FIX IT
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING Tabor City, NC NOW! Professional, U.S.-based tech-
OAK BUNK BED. Looks new. Mat- taking applications on: nicians. $25 off service. Call for imme-
FOR IMPROVING SAFETY AND TRAFFIC OPERATIONS tress, still in plastic. Bunky pads, also diate help. 1-888-431-2934.
$100. Call 653-4385. 3 bedroom units.
AT THE INTERSECTION U. S. 74 AND OLD U.S. 74 ROAD (SR 1574) Laundry center,
exercise room,
TIP Project No. W-5206T WBS: 45336.1.20 Columbus County THOMPSON computer room
ESTATES Water included
Taking applications
APARTMENTS Mon. Wed. Fri. Propane Refills
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will hold
103 Jones Place
the above Public Informational Meeting on October 25, 2012 located Whiteville, NC 9-5 pm OR
at Evergreen Elementary School, 7211 Old U.S. 74 Road, Evergreen, Now accepting applications. 125 Forest Edge SAVE MORE
28438 from 5 to 7 p.m. 1 bedroom units, handicap
accessible units available.
Tabor City, NC From exchange prices
Total electric with range &
The purpose of this meeting is for NCDOT representatives to pro- refrigerator furnished. 910-653-2073
vide information, and answer questions regarding this project. The op- Community room and
laundry room on site. Head 106 Quality Street, Whiteville
portunity to submit written comments will also be provided. Interested of household must be 62 or 910-640-FAST (640-3278)
citizens may attend at any time during the above mentioned hours. older. Rent based on income.
6556, x6 or apply at www.gypsum- *WARD’S EXCAVATION* 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath house with car-
230 Miscellaneous Insured. Lot clearing, demolition, tree port. Central heat/air. Good location.
removal, crush/run, top soil/sand. Call $600 per month, plus deposit. Refer-
OTR/CDL CLASS A DRIVERSS- 910-212-8737 or 910-642-7033. ences required. Call 910-880-0977.
ATTENTION DIABETICS WITH DEER SWEET POTATOES for sale. ingles, Teams, Owner Ops. Multiple ****Publisher’s Notice****
Medicare. Get a FREE talking meter Call 840-4897. Locations at Ryder Facilities in NC AUSTIN’S LAWNCARE Equal Housing 2 BR HOUSE at 164 Roger Street,
and diabetic testing supplies at NO and SC. USA/Canada routes. Good Landscaping, mow yards, and any Opportunity Fair Bluff. Security Deposit. Call
COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best DIXIE LEE PEAS, Covington sweet Home Time, Excellent Pay with winter yard work. Call anytime 910- All real estate advertised herein is 642-2736.
potatoes, also taking orders on Red subject to the Federal Fair Housing
of all, this meter eliminates painful fin- Monthly Bonus and Good Benefits. 641-2491 Act, North Carolina and Columbus
ger pricking! Call 888-284-9573. Ripper now ready. 642-7548. Call 1-800- 212 W. 3rd Ave in Chadbourn
Bobby Hinson Construction Fair Housing Law which makes it ille- 2 bed, 1 bath
869-2434 x16, Ron Hettrick. gal to advertise any preference, limi-
ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUF- Lot clearing, pond building, bushhog- $450/month + security deposit
tation discrimination based on race,
FERERS with Medicare. Get FREE TANKER & FLATBED INDEPEN- ging, lots and hedge rows with mini color, religion, sex, handicap, familial Email required to apply
CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO DENT Contractors! Immediate place- excavator. Call 640-7606. status or national origin, or intention 252-756-2920
COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best ment available. Best Opportunities in to make any such preferences, limi-
of all, prevent red skin sores and bac- the trucking business. CALL TODAY Carpentry Work tations or discrimination. We will not 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. $400
terial infection! Call 877-763-9842. 800-277-0212 or Roofing, painting and wallpaper. No knowingly accept any advertising for per month. Chadbourn area. Call 917-
job too small. Workmanship guaran- real estate which is in violation of the 771-9174.
DIAMOND PENDANT 16 princess TRUCK DRIVER/OTR- $1000 Sign- teed. Call 642-4226. law. All person are hereby informed
cut diamonds in white gold. Cost On Bonus!! Competitive pay & home that all dwellings advertised are avail- 3 BR 1 BATH HOME for rent. Coun-
AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for try kitchen style design. Rent: $525;
$2000, asking $700. Hamilton railroad time, safety bonus paid quarterly, HANDYMAN 910-654-3341 or able on an equal opportunity basis. To
hands on Aviation Career. FAA complain of discrimination, call HUD Deposit: $525; call 703-258-5540
pocket watch $150. 654-4440 vacation & benefits. Family Environ- 740-6758
approved program. Financial aid if toll-free at 1-800-765-9372.
qualified. Job placement assistance. ment. Applicant must possess CDL 3 BR HOUSE in Chadbourn. No pets.
EXTRA DIABETIC TEST Strips? Class A. Contact Corney Transpor- LARRY HINSON’S BACKHOE
Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 3 BR 2 ba, $450 month + $450 security dep., ref-
We Pay More! Most Major Brands tation. 1-800-354-9111 ext. 7 (Judy). All types of backhoe work, lot clear-
877-300-9494. 2050 sq ft home. 2 blocks off Lake erences req. Call 654-4973
Bought. Volume Sellers Welcome. ing, sand, top soil and marl. Waccamaw. Central heat/air. Hard-
CALL TODAY! 800-293-0492. EXPERIENCED GRILL COOK WANTED CDL DRIVERS - 2 years Call 654-4503. 3 BR, 2 BATH in Whiteville Central
wood floors. Call 640-6497 for details.
NEEDED. Call Donut Shop 910- experience over the road. Pay by the Heat/Air, $650 mo + $650 security
GOLD AND SILVER Can Protect Your mile, drop pay & layover pay. Must McPherson Carpentry
640-3317. HOUSE FOR SALE. 617 Blue Jean dep. References req. No pets. 654-
Hard Earned Dollars. Learn how by have valid CDL license. Call 910- Remodeling, additions, for all your Rd. In good shape, 3BR, 2 full bath, 4973
calling Freedom Gold Group for your EXPERIENCED LICENSED INSUR- 654-1261 home improvements needs - From A 910-620-9376
free educational guide. 888-478-6991 ANCE Representative for local insur- to Z. Turn key job. Work guaranteed. 955 Cedar Branch Rd. Chadbourn.
ance office. Send resume to mary@ 25 years experience. Call 910-654- NEW 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath house in 2 bed, 1 bath
REACH CLASSIFIED READERS 4920 or cell 910-770-1260. Col. Co. Owner Financing. Energy $350/month + security deposit +
across the state or across the country
effeciate. Call 843-385-1855. last month
with just one call! NCPS offers place- EXPERIENCED TAX PREPARER CNAS UNDER PRESSURE 252-756-2920
ment on classified and display ad Seasonal/Part Time FT 2nd shift 2:30-10:30pm available. Pressure Washing cleaning homes, PRICE REDUCTION $175,000
networks. Affordable rates, extensive 2+yrs experience and PTIN required NC license. Excellent pay and great decks & driveways and NOT your 3BR 2ba brick home 400 E Oliver BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT! 2 bed-
reach! For more information, call 919- Mail resume to: H&R BLOCK benefits. Apply in person. Autumn wallet. Call Mike Hyatt Jr. 840-2550 St, Whiteville. 2 car garage, new room, 3 baths, nice yard, good loca-
789-2083 or visit PO Box 2349, Whiteville, NC 28472. Care of Shallotte, 237 Mulberry St. for free estimate paint, multi updates, move in ready. tion. $500 mo., 1 mo. deposit. Private
Equal Opportunity Employer. Shallotte, NC Call 840-0833/840-6998. No owner or HUD. NO inside pets. 521 Ramsey
finance please Ford Rd., Nakina. 910-645-6673.
bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. for Saw Mill Apartment Complex in AGEMENT, INC. is currently recruit- BRICK HOUSE, 3 BR, 2 bath 1,600
In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/ Whiteville. 24 hours per week. Pre- ing for the following positions for our sq. ft. City. $750 month + security
DVD: vious experience helpful but not Whiteville location: dep. 336-870-2501.
1-800-578-1363, Ext. 300N. required. Detail oriented & comput- "ILLING !SSISTANT s -EDICAL 2ECEP- 3/4 ACRE lot w/improvement 16X80 LAKEFRONT DOWNSTAIRS unit
er skills necessary. Competitive sal- TIONIST