Denton, Texas
August, 1974
Phillips, Kathryn Elaine, Key Schemes and Modulation Tech-
as a group.
LIST OF TABLES. .. .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS,.............. . vi
I. INTRODUCTION................... .1
Table Page
Table Page
Figure Page
. . . . . . - 17
3. Haydn, Sonata One, Measures 30-34
Haydn, Sonata Two, Measures 4-5. 18
. . . . . . 25
7. Haydn, Sonata Six, Measures 4-7
. . . . . 34
13. Haydn, Sonata Ten, Measures 9-12
20. Haydn, Sonata Seventeen, Measures 13-16 .
21. Haydn, Sonata Seventeen, Measures 26-30 .
. . . .
22. Haydn, Sonata Eighteen, Measures 2-5 . . . 49
23. Haydn, Sonata Twenty, Measures 1-3 . . . 51
. . . . 51
24. Haydn, Sonata Twenty, Measures 15-16 . .
. . . . 54
25. Haydn, Sonata Twenty-two, Measures 12-16
. . . .
27. Haydn, Sonata Twenty-three, Measures 30-R 57
. . . . 58
28. Haydn, Sonata Twenty-four, Measures 7-11.
. 60
29. Haydn, Sonata Twenty-four, Measures 18-27
. . . . 62
30. Haydn, Sonata Twenty-six, Measures 20-R
Figure Page
45. Haydn, Sonata Thirty-four, Measures 32-24 .*0 . . . 87
and also the types and frequency of any deviations from these consisten-
cies. According to the Harvard Dictionary of Music, "the two most im-
rapid harmonic modulation. ,"l Many writers uphold that frequent modu-
lation and the resultant tonal outline or key scheme is of more impor-
Classic Era states that the fundamental organizing factor of the develop-
ment section lies in the tonal outline.2 Henry Charles Banister, in his
Fantas ia. "3 In an article entitled "Form and Style, " H. Raynor sug-
that, "to Haydn, dramatic interest in sonata form depends upon the
opposed tonalities and not upon the material stated in them. . .11
removed, and ending with a phrase bringing the music back to tonic. 5
The excursion in the third phrase to a different key suggests the germ
of the development section. The phrase is set apart from the rest of
the melody for tonal reasons rather than thematic reasons. Bairstow
Henry Charles Banister, Lectures on Musical Analysis
(London, 1887), p. 137.
H. Raynor, "Form and Style, " Chesterian, XXVIII (October,
1953), pp. 42-47.
Edward Bairstow, The Evolution of Musical Form -(London,
1943), p. 78.
within a development section to each other and to the tonic of the sonata,
certain terms which are used throughout the study. The first impor-
6 Ibid., p. 81
pitch called "tonic. " Rather than retain one pitch as the tonic sound
in the location of the tonic pitch. The act of changing from one key to
to the aural effect of a change of the tonic sound and to the stability or
cult to define the process of modulation and to identify the
repetition of strong cadences in that new key; or at the other
for ex-
the new tonic sound may only be hinted at by a progression of,
a fifth
ample, a secondary dominant chord to a chord whose root lies
this study with reference to the two keys involved in a modulation. The
key, " and the key which is arrived at as result of the modulation is
The justification for a particular modulation and the subsequent
cadences in that key combined with the element of length to fully estab-
lish the key. The length of a musical portion is also a valid consider-
the musical material following a modulation remains in the new key long
enough, the sound of the tonic pitches of any previous keys are likely to
sion will also give proper emphasis. The cadence receives additional
that particular key, even for a very short time. Also, if the cadence
the key preceding that in which the cadence occurs, the possibility of
for the existence of a new key and the modulation to it, even if another
tween the tonic chord in second inversion and the dominant chord. In
most cases, if the music were to stop abruptly at this point, the tonic
pitch a listener would most likely identify would be that of the new key
and not of the original key or preceding key, thus justifying the exis-
tence of the modulation. Extra strength is often given to the tonic chord
key is in a
very short time is often justified if the passage in the new
length might progress through several keys rather rapidly. These keys
long musical sections clearly identifiable in one key. From the other
seventh chord other than V or V to the chord whose root lies a fifth
musical passage in which the material before and after the said progres-
modulation, that is, the precise point when one key ends and the other
specific point in the music as being the only possible correct location
than definitely in one or the other. However, in the belief that some
in this study to locate some feasible place for the change of key.
may be analyzed reasonably in both the original and new keys. The
chords function very well as pivot chord while others are poor choices.
Robert W. Ottman, Advanced Harmony: Theory and Practice
(Englewood Cliffs, 1961), p. 25.
Ibid p. 26.
because it ordinarily has such a strong feeling in one key and does not
function well in two keys at once. There are cases, of course, in which
the use of the dominant chord as a pivot chord is unavoidable, but these
are rare. In most situations, the pivot chord is soon, if not immedi-
easier to define. Often the music will cadence in one key and then,
different key. If there is no clean break between the two keys, there
process of moving from the final chord in the original key to the first
the key feeling is still that of the original key and ends in the new key,
9 Ibid., p. 27
at random any chord within the sequence to act as pivot chord, the
any sonata begins is always referred to as the "tonic key of the
Any key may be closely related or foreign in relation to any other key.
A closely related key is one which has a signature the same as, or one
accidental more or less than that of the key to which it is being com-
key to a minor key having the same pitch as tonic or vice -versa, is
Now, - awma
trated by a symbol which indicates the analysis of the chord in both the
original and the new keys, the chord symbol in the original key listed
publication. Table I includes the sonata number for use in this study,
the dates of publication, and the location of each sonata in the Peters
1 0
Robert W. Ottman, Elementary Harmony: Theory and Practice
(Englewood Cliffs, 1961).
Sonata Sonata
Location Location
Sonata in Sonata in
Number Date Peters Number Date Peters
in this of Edition in this of Edition
Study Publication Vol. No. Study Publication Vol. No.
1 1765 II 22 18 1776 IV 36
2 1766 III 26 19 1776 III 30
3 1767 IV 43 20 1776 IV 39
4 1767 II 18 21 1778 II 20
5 1767 II 15 22 1778 I 2
6 1767 (?) II 19 23 1780 1 5
7 1767 I 9 24 1780 1 6
8 1771 III 25 25 1780 I 7
9 1773 II 16 26 1780 IV 35
10 1773 IV 40 27 1784 III 27
11 1773 11 21 28 1786 (?) IV 41
12 1773 III 31 29 1786 I 4
the first movements of the sonatas listed in Table 1. Since only first
matically signifies the first movement of that sonata. Chapter III con-
of the key schemes of all the development sections under study and
and also includes some final overall conclusions resulting from the
entire study.
- ---------
Sonata One
The development section begins in the key of the dominant, F major, the
key in which the exposition closes. The first modulation, from F major
to Bb major, occurs in measure seven at a pivot chord of 1~7 = V
After remaining in Bb major for only three measures, the second modu-
sequence which cadences at the end of measure fifteen in the new key
measure begins on the root and third of that triad. However, at the
end of the measure, the presence of the pitch E4j causes the spelling of
h a I* UI 1%0
9 n w
2I1 st I
chord roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth and which cadences once
again in Bb major. The fact that every other chord in this sequence is
still sounding, a fourth modulation occurs, and for the third time, on a
I = III pivot chord, a new harmonic sequence begins with chord roots
-- .-l.k7
- A ..-n
;60 =
remains in G minor through the first half of measure thirty, and, in the
gress ion of VI - ii in the new key. This fifth modulation is the final one
in this development section, Bb major being the tonic key of the sonata
30u U
33 3 _
Sonata Two
tonic and dominant chords of each key to which modulation occurs and
on to iiO-V7 -.i.
7 Here
it alternates between V and i until the middle of measure eight.
to the new key of Eb major. Once again, as in sonata one, the tonic
After alternating again between V and I, as in the C minor portion, a
and remains in the new tonality through the end of the development.
Sonata Three
sonatas one and two. The development section of sonata three begins
measure four with an authentic cadence. Then the melody simply be-
ond, up a minor third, is a very basic pattern, the use of which seems
Sonata Four
publication, actually begins in the tonic key of the sonata, E major, and
it remains in that key for only four measures, and the key is estab-
lished only by fairly strong progressions between vii and i and between
put the entire development section in the tonic key of the sonata, E
Sonata Five
is found in the
number of different keys to which modulation occurs
lations, six of which are to different keys, begins in the key of the
A: b:
seventh chord pivot of #id7 = vii d7. This diminished seventh chord
gww , malOmlwl.
the new key of B minor in measure thirteen. Up to this point, the key
6, begins which lasts for six measures and contains five modulations.
7 YV A- 1[ !.!
cw: 'I
pI r ~ 7
Gr i
the cadence in G major, the melodic pattern begins again, this time in
major, instead of beginning the entire melodic pattern again, only the
third to A minor. The pivot chord for this modulation could be one of
two chords. The C major chord could act as a pivot of 16 = 1116, or the
The latter choice seems the more logical of the two, because the man-
the only foreign pitch. The resolution of the V7 chord, at the begin-
tonic key of the sonata and final key of the development, D major.
new key. The A minor tonic chord is the pivot chord, i = ii, in modu-
in the new key. The chord analyzed as 1116 in the G major portion con-
tains only the third of the chord and hence only implies the 1116 as part
of the sequence.
that were the sequential portion left out, the key scheme pattern would
Sonata Six
found again in the development section of the very next sonata, sonata
begins in the key of the dominant, F major. After only five measures,
chord pivot, #ivd 7 _ #igd7. Two kinds of harmonic sequences are used
which begins at the pivot chord in G minor, the chord roots move up by
i~,'w W
r top
N a f
aw I -
sounded for two measures and becomes the first chord of a new har-
monic sequence with chord roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth. The
v5 10
1% ___
Sonata Seven
above, the new key is closely related to the original key. For the first
14__ __
(0 A:
when the pitch A, root of the tonic chord, continues to sound alone until
the middle of measure six where a C4 joins the A to suggest the A minor
triad sound borrowed from the parallel minor mode. This A minor
chord appears in first inversion with the fifth of the chord missing and
Sonata Eight
tions. The modulations also occur fairly frequently, the longest portion
in one key being six and one-half measures in the key of Eb minor,
which is foreign in relation to the tonic key of the sonata, C minor, but
The development section begins in the key of Eb major, the key of the
length, and the new key is justified by the fairly strong V -i progres-
sion and the fact that key change occurs at frequent intervals through-
out this development section. Repetition of the melodic idea with which
Ab major section is also very short, only four measures long, and
are two possible analyses for measures eight and nine. Since measure
La 1At
nine ends with V 7 chord and since both measures eight and nine are
non -harmonic tone s. The second pos sible analy sis tr eats the lowe r
pitch F as a pedal tone while V and i sound alternately in measure
i h*SOW
G minor chord which is the pivot chord, i = iv, in modulation to the new
..30 c
P _F
c,: 7
melodic passage which is similar to that of measure twenty-nine
which suggests io
in D minor and also acts as pivot chord, o7 =
in a modulation to C minor. Once again the iio7 progresses to
eight forms
The key scheme of the development section of sonata
to Ab major, is identical,
by the first three keys, Eb major to F minor
of sonatas three
keys, to the key scheme pattern of the developments
and six. However, since the development section of sonata eight begins
to tonic relation-
in the key of the mediant, the dominant to submediant
Db major. Db major then progresses up a whole step to Eb minor
if to begin the same pattern again, but here the pattern is interrupted.
section form a
Consequently, the first six keys of this development
kind of sequence pattern consisting of alternate major and minor
and a minor
and also alternating between intervals of a major second
Sonata Nine
the development section of sonatas three and six appears again in the
short sequence with chord roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth. The
Sonata Ten
chord of i= iii. The iii chord immediately progresses on to V -ITin the
new key and remains in that key until the last of measure nine. Modu-
chord pivot of #id7 -id7. As illustrated in Figure 13, this pivot chord
N dha At 9 1 /4. -jo, Z". ho-10*.
Co.. C
4t f I
44 4Oii
$ I~I
i -VW-
0 r
also serves as the beginning of a harmonic sequence in the new key con-
The pivot chord of i = iii is used for two of the three modulations in this
development section. In both cases the iii chord progresses to V , a
Sonata Eleven
section begins in the key of the dominant, C major. The second modu-
pivot chord of I~7 = I7,, which has a secondary dominant function and
sequence with chord roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth. The portion
Sonata Twelve
': - -1-4
41 - - wm
harmony with short references to I over the pedal tone A. Direct mod-
measures in the new key are very similar to the four previous meas-
the end of measure nine (Figure 14) a vii d7 chord, misspelled in the
original key, becomes the pivot chord viid 7 #iiid7 in modulation to the
on a pivot chord of i = iii (Figure 15) and stays in the new key for only five
u iii
r U, S ' W00"
to analyze the five measures in the key of B minor, although this analy-
VII chord would then progress to III1-VI in what could be called a short
of this part in B minor rather than in G major is the fact that there is
for the strength of the G major analysis: first, the chord progressions
emphasis by the II chord which precedes it. The pivot chord in modu-
iv = ii which progresses on to V in the new key, this being the chord on
Sonata Thirteen
always modulate to the tonic key before the actual beginning of the re-
sonata six to ten and one-half measures in sonata one. In sonata twenty-
one, not yet discussed, there are twenty-five measures in the tonic key
of the recapitulation which begins on the tonic chord of the new key.
Sonata Fourteen
the exposition closes in the dominant key of E major. This is the third
W"%% 1~
44r.-..***1-f 0001-o.
T wr 7V
one and one-half measures in any one of them until the key of F# minor
where it remains for only one and one-half measures, direct modula-
root of the I-7 chord moves up a half step, in measure six, altering the
in measure seven the i chord, to which the viid7 of the pivot chord
leading tone chords. However, the portion analyzed in each key con-
Figure 17, the roots of the chords in this passage form a definite pat-
Chord roots D F# B E A
_... ...
JS W,.11t 1 t I F-
iv v
pivot chord of iv=vi. The new key of A major sounds for the remainder
Sonata Fifteen
a pivot chord of I =V17. The pivot chord, being altered in both keys,
chords with roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth. The sequence arrives
Sonata Sixteen
six, and nine. The development section begins in the key of the domi-
being viid7 in the new key, resolves in the normal manner to the i chord
the recapitulation.
Sonata Seventeen
section begins in a key closely related to the tonic key of the sonata.
the tonic key of the sonata. C minor is, however, the parallel minor
beginning the development on the minor form of the chord which closes
the exposition is used in sonatas two and fifteen, but in those instances
ning key of the development. In sonata seventeen, the first chord in the
~, I
I vr
I E5rE_____ rrA
~.-* li i
in the new key progresses normally to iv which sounds for two meas-
measure twelve and is the V 7 chord in the new key of C minor. Since
since the relationship of the original key to the new key in each modula-
ever, as shown in Figure 20, instead of this chord being the V 7 in a new
~I ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m2_______________________________________________-______________________q________________
AF 4"A
ft---- _a--
it -XOj i
the second half of measure twenty-eight, the fifth and seventh of the
Vi aL
' ~t#*D,
h Z4 30
f /V%~
chord are replaced by the root and third, still sounded with the D pedal.
the recapitulation.
Sonata Eighteen
V-i in the new key. After remaining in F# minor for thirty-four meas-
Sonata Nineteen
lation to the tonic key, where it remains for only one measure, between
the portion in the key of the dominant and that in the key of the sub-
tonic key, E major, occurs in measure three when the melodic mate-
rial stated in measure one is restated in the new key. Rather than
with chord roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth. The modulation back
to the tonic key occurs eight and one-half measures later in measure
E major.
Sonata Twenty
still D major at the beginning of the development, the very first chord
cess is used for the next modulation from E minor to F# minor, which
progresses to I7, then to #id7 which is the pivot chord, #jd7 =vii d7 in
Sonata Twenty-one
tains the least number of keys. Containing only two keys, this develop-
ment section begins in B minor, the key of the submediant, after the
of this development section, the key scheme pattern would match the
tions of sonatas three, six, nine, sixteen, and eighteen. The differ-
ence, then, between the key scheme of the development section of sonata
twenty-one and that of the development sections of the five other sonatas
of remaining in the key in which the exposition ends for the first few
Sonata Twenty-two
cation, is the third sonata of those under study written in a minor key.
In sonatas eight and twenty, both of which are written in minor keys,
the exposition ends in the key of the mediant and the development sec-
tion begins in that same key then modulates up a major second to the
the key of the mediant, but the development section, rather than begin-
that key, A minor, for five measures, alternat ing between V 7 and '6
and ending on a half cadence. After a fermata at the end of measure
h I IL
I LAOh hMi4m
A# A
C: s' ivt
Ix A&
N-v ,I 16
chord. The iio chord progresses to V 6 , with the bass pitch moving down
another third to continue the melodic aspect of the sequence. The reso-
h*l ~ b
'50 31
IV 00
Sonata Twenty-three
tion, is the fourth sonata of those discussed in this study in which the
sonata, as in the other three, which are sonatas four, twelve, and
fourteen, the exposition closes in the key of the dominant and the devel-
opment section begins on the dominant seventh chord in the tonic key.
key, C major for only one and one-half measures. In the second half
of the ninth to the chord in measure thirty-three. The chord then re-
pivot chord, iv = ii into C major. The ii chord in the new key progresses
k30 r t% 31
3r 7
tEl v;
Sonata Twenty-four
h .0a '7
m II
qlp 1# 1U
1 IE
IA. V do' d
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Z &I& O
4w. r Jr
X I-,'
the spelling of the chord to be that of a German sixth chord in the new
C# minor in measure ten establishes the key even though the C# minor
tonic chord never appears. Measure eleven, also in Figure 28, begins
C# minor.
turn to E major, the key in which this development section begins. The
minor seventh chords with chord roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth
chords and their resolutions causing the bass line to ascend chromat-
minor seventh chord sound. The function of that chord, in its resolu-
than the strength obtained from its tonic chord being in second inver-
sion and following a German sixth chord sound. The next measure,
twenty-six, contains a #ivd7 chord which is the pivot chord, #ivd 7 =viid7
the recapitulation.
Sonata Twenty-five
t\ #+ gW% f ao
1) 4. f4 l :- ,' l-m 1 v ill i1111 A lL
1 ".. IW U -f 0 10 1 if 0N I L I j l1 li~
Im 1-
I -, I
or i
1OF 1'
]a 8 AF
i AP Aa
i F
il I i. -" i
f r-.aF I.F i
do I
i A=
1 3w 2r1 a t0 L4 I I
WL K rrY]
I - r
j IV
- -##, EM L ANI__ __ __
II i MOC 4= i 3F i IL-
T-7 I
PF viI-i / i
INH" W-- i FA
- ,-,_-
4 11f
0 AF
IF - r-
Af A?
F F:
0S r- 1
0F- - VE -9I 1 I* 9 . 1I I FI .F F
hb+F r .a----
doFFFI -F ffi I
m m w f 30
1 1 1 2 o 1
ff 0 ffV F 1
o1il Jill] 11 1111111-
I 1 11 - 1 1 1 0I1i I -I1I- I -I- I ... -.1- =.L~l I-II 1I1I-L I I I I
~tj-.IUE I
h -IL
a: il- -w
Na F*I 1
ME !ff-I
NowWLJL4O (itI _ _
- %--IF
-J4 --W i
I- I i
3F ff
3 IV i
-r -r
i VIT- Ofr
oil- 0- 106- - OL-
Of I 1,01
F f i f i i i im 6 i i 0 1 1 I 10 i v
b~b~ H~ V~d4H
P7;p 'if21~T
c1~wz IF I
oft i
v 1;
1 1 - a
A: # I' ~ (.5%
r fZ
rf~~L~LJ io~
wo I
ff I
a ff a 1
a 1. - .a
r II aI I- I F II I I
*r . .- wit
"II I ~ I
_I I -F
begins in A major, the key of the dominant, and remains in that key
for only two measures. At the end of measure two, on a pivot chord of
7 The
to the tonic key, D major, occurs on a pivot chord of I =VI .
the development in the key of the submediant after the exposition closes
in the key of the dominant instead of continuing in the key of the domi-
ure two, the pitch G is sounded by itself several times. Then, instead
After remaining in the new key of Ab major for seven and one-
- a '". m P- m
dominant chord III , becomes the pivot chord, vi = iv, in the modula-
tion back to the key of C minor. Measure twenty, the final measure of
in Figure 30, the pitch Eb, when sounded has a dual function of being
the third of the C minor chord and also of being the first pitch of an
irzzz~~zzzm2 i ~ I
twenty-one. The modulation from C minor to E major is direct and
ON, wo
Sonata Twenty-seven
ment section begins on the tonic chord of the new key of Db major
(Figure 31), a key which is foreign not only in relation to the tonic of
the sonata but also in relation to the ending key of the exposition. The
D b major triad sounds in the first two measures, then, following a rest
at the end of measure two, the third measure begins on V7 of the new
the F major chord, which closes the exposition, to the Db major chord
to the Bb major -minor seventh chord, the chord roots, which appear in
the lowest voice each time, move down by thirds, this pattern being
matically to D
31 r 1
W400 low- I
pitches, a particular chord. The set of two triplets that suggest the
seems to
pivot chord is the only set which has no chromaticism and
Sonata Twenty-eight
tion, is the seventh and last of the sonatas under study to contain
diminished seventh chord pivot of #iiid7 - #id7. The #id7 chord resolves,
the tonic key for another nine measures before the recapitulation begins.
Sonata Twenty-nine
modulation in the first half. In the first eleven measures, there are
to F minor are very similar, including use of the same type of melodic
material, the only difference being that the pivot chord in the second
correctly in the new key. This difference from the first modulation is
C minor, the longest stay in one key up to this point in this develop-
ment section.
The modulation back to the tonic key of G minor, occurring one meas
ure before the recapitulation, involves an unusual pivot chord. The
r- r r
_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
3VIa 7
Sonata Thirty
where it remains for the first three measures. In measure four, each
ascends and the second of which descends, all of them moving stepwise
with one exception in the fourth beat. The first pitch for each beat and
the uppermost pitch for each group of two triplets combine to spell a
9 The
C E 4 G Bb Db chord which analyzes as V in a new key of F minor.
The next modulation, from F minor to Eb minor, the new key be-
Eb minor which is established when II9 progresses to V in measure
ses to iv. The iv chord in measure twenty is then altered to #ivd
though the viid 7 chord resolves promptly to i, the new key of Bb minor
r 16#
I' ft
-r 'I
rial never stops for a cadence and because only two measures can be
upper pitch F moves up to Gb and the lower pitch F moves down to Eb.
(See Figure 35. ) This viid7 chord is the pivot chord, viid 7 #iiid7 in
Ala F
N Vf
IV .3C....
This time the V chord resolves to i and the portion in F minor is lengthy
ever, that the use of the #iv 7 G-V progression in the F minor portion
Sonata Thirty-one
mately 4. 75. The development sections of the last six sonatas, with
only two modulations and also has a simple key scheme in comparison
with the more complex key schemes of the development sections in the
surrounding sonatas.
nant. In measure eight, the borrowed minor i chord is the pivot chord,
the original key, C major, but is closely related to the tonic key of the
measure fourteen the sequence continues with the root movement pat-
new sequence, again with roots moving up a fourth, down a fifth, begins
The I chord appears several times in the course of the sequences, but
this development section is in F major and that all but two of the thir
teen measures in that key are involved in some form of harmonic
Sonata Thirty-two
I-7 =V 7 in modulation to Eb major, the tonic key, causing the I- -ii pro-
ttIL I I X I " ~ - *
Ik 2 -am-
U Ale
loi Ej w
or 0
-Po' i-r
t 0'b*'4' Ao
go FF
I I Iq f I
zL1 7 m1 t7 L v T
never been sounded. There are two reasons, however, that make this
actuality, any chord within the sequence could conceivably be the pivot
original key ends and the new key begins. In the case of this particu-
F minor. One more possibility presents itself, that being the analysis
the pivot chord being ii=v in measure three. This analysis, although
tonic chord, when finally reached, becomes the pivot chord, i = iv, in
down a third. Also the melodic patterns are very similar, almost
The viid 7 of the pivot chord resolves to i in measure fifty, and the
that small period of time modulation occurs four times. The first
. .........I-
.~-7-~3 1 5 * I Io.rI i4
. 1 j
AZ e
mWo n- 6
vi -d7
ity WI
or Eb major. There are two reasons that support the analysis of the
new key as Ab minor. First, the beginning chord in this new key is a
the music were to stop at that point, it would seem easy to imagine a
The possibility that this new key is Eb major rather than Ab minor
the tonic chords all lie a perfect fifth apart. Also, the chord progres-
spelling of the German sixth chord seems to make the Ab minor analy-
same manner, the i chord in F minor becomes the pivot chord, i = iv, in
mains in C minor until measure sixty-one when the root of the viid
chord moves down a half-step to form a V chord in the new key of
Sonata Thirty-three
the key of the minor dominant, the exposition having ended in G major.
F major is established well by several repetitions of the V -I progres-
of V 7 is to the borrowed minor tonic chord, and this is the pivot chord,
sary to justify its existence as a new key. The C minor portion con-
movement of the treble line which not only justifies modulation from
0 Again
with chromatic movement from i in C minor to vii in D minor.
the D minor portion is only one measure in length with two viid 7 _i
47 ~ woo~
* "7 IlLo
melodic material in the two keys, C minor and D minor, also strength-
twenty-six, also in Figure 38, the treble line again ascends chromati-
I LA *1*.
'% NaJw r2
Ao .0 't 1 44 A
-4 A Ab
J #4 f F.
diminished seventh chord, this being the pivot chord, #iiid7 =viid 7 in
modulation to D minor.
chord being misspelled in the original key to allow for correct spelling
the recapitulation.
Sonata Thirty-four
sition of this sonata ends in Bb major, and the first chord of the devel-
occurs immediately on the very next chord to the new key of C major.
vi=v, which is not only an unusual pivot chord but is also the beginning
ond, down a fourth. The sequence ends on a German sixth chord which
resolves to V and on to i.
ever, is unique not because of its chord root movement, which is sim-
ply up a fourth, down a fifth, but because of the rapidity of chord change.
The sequence contains nine chords and lasts for approximately one
a highly chromatic passage begins. (See Figure 42, page 84.) Because
of the chromaticism in the bass line, part of the harmony in this pro-
r ko l
I bi-' 4$6
It 'I
.. / Ab
twenty-one and the pitch Ab is dropped from the chord changing its
direct modulation. (See Figure 43.) The #ivd7 chord resolves normally
to V and for the next two and one-half measures V alternates with i
0 & AsOIr l0
I rI
new key of E major. Not only is this a direct modulation, but the new
m 7
A. Aw
- *i~j I]I2'0
identical for these two portions, only different keys are involved. As
in the modulation from C major to F major, the pivot chord for this
F#A# C#E1, move down a half-step to the II7 chord in the tonic key of
ot__I Azzz
one-half measures are spent in the key of C minor, the key occurs at
two different times within the section with other keys coming between
them. Also, six of the eleven modulations are direct rather than pivot
chord modulations. This sonata was published seven years after sonata
ing the key schemes of the development sections in the sonatas dis
cussed in this study, it is necessary to first take an overall view of the
ing the tonic pitches of the keys, mode of the keys, and number of
the sonata is indicated beside each sonata number, capital letters for
major tonic keys and lower-case letters for minor tonic keys. On the
staff are the tonic pitches for the keys sounded in each development
keys, and black noteheads represent minor keys. The number beneath
lar key. The measures for any key are counted beginning with the pivot
chord into that key or, if the modulation is direct with no pivot chord,
3% I33.-57
3, ftI
14Izj *1"1 Y p1ysj
GEb Ct)5F ?dag 113 2. 5,.2.5
A get t ma 5 11 '..
(aob I aD
tb..7 I
increase in the number of keys. Although the last few sonatas have the
early sonatas also have many and sonata thirty-one, one of the last
key occurs at the beginning of the recapitulation rather than in the last
teen, twenty-one, and thirty-one, the final modulation to the tonic key
sonata nineteen has this same key scheme pattern except for a premature
modulation to the tonic key for one measure before progressing to the
the last two keys of this pattern and, if the final key of the exposition
in the key of the mediant rather than the dominant, has the same inter-
valic pattern, the same direction of key progression, and the same
order of major and minor key relationships. Also, the pattern is re-
III, IV, V, VI, and VII. Table II indicates the interval and direction of
down a perfect fifth, major third, minor third, major second, minor
that these two intervals of modulation which occur most often in these
is found forty times and the perfect fifth is found thirty-seven times.
val 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617
5 1 1 -11 1 2 2
5 _ 2 1 2 1
M340 2 2 1 1 2
M3 t 1 1 2
m3 2 1 2 2
m3 2111 1121 1 1 1 1 1
M2 1 1 1
M2 1 1 1 31 - 1 2 1 2
m2 T
Keys I
TABLE II -- Continued
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Total
1 1 1 2 1 4 18
1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 19
1 1 1 1 2 14
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 13
1 1
1_ 1 1 1 1 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 __ 1 1 1 29
1 1 1 1 2 2 10
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 28
1 2
tions is divided according to the relationship between the two keys in-
major or minor. The new key in each modulation may be closely re-
Spaces which are blocked out in Table III are instances for which no
major third from a major key to a closely related key. In a large ma-
jority of modulations, the new key is closely related to the original key.
minor key up a major second to a foreign key, in each case a minor key
also, occurs eight times. By calling the original key a temporary tonic,
54 9 none 9 none 18
51 3 2 14 none 19
M3t 11 none 2 13
m3l 11 1 none 12
m3 1 28 none 29
M2 1 4 5 10
M2 18 2 8 28
m2 2 none 2
m2 t none none 0
Total 52 9 69 15
keys number no more than two for any particular interval and direction
tonic of each sonata and each different key modulated to in the develop-
ment section and also between the first key of the development section
and each different key modulated to. The first column in Table IV indi-
cates the relation of the opening key of each development section to the
tonic key of that sonata. In eighteen of the sonatas, the first key of the
In two of the sonatas, seventeen and thirty-three, the first key of the
development section begins in the tonic key itself. In four of the sonatas
with major tonic keys, the development sections begin in the key of the
submediant, also called the key of the relative minor. Of the five
sonatas which have minor tonic keys, three contain development sec-
tions which begin in the key of the relative major or the mediant, and
two contain development sections which begin in the key of the subdomi-
nant. In both sonatas in which the development begins in the key of the
In only two sonatas, two and fifteen, the development section be-
gins in the key of the supertonic. Sonata twenty-seven is the only sonata
aT1 JO ZoIUOlI 4 0
01o1o1o olohitIolo10 0
U04ea-dM JO 1;a~f
;uax7dOTaA9G : aX44 JO
p sAaM jo Tqxunm
0 s.A,;aX o i;@qxu-nM
sAMTaTIeitd 00 0 00 0-1oo-qo0oo000
4 UO~lII1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
0- z
Hq 0 (LIN 0 00000~ 00
PUZ u 0 0 0 0
1e4euos C r--l
r-4 .1
N N Nm-N N N N 0NcIN-IN c
00 0000000000 -qo0oo-o 00
00 0 00 0 0 00 0C) 0 00 0 0 0 0
00 0 0 00000000 0 C) C) C0 C 0C C) N
N m
. N~.Nm. IN-q.N~. .~.No.n.IN.- .0.
Nc q U)oIoM"t - C oI o CMNr o
'.0 0O0
2-i~ Nq Nq NqC N N N 00
N 1j"N10
Co) Co
seven have three modulations. Since a key often occurs at two and
ulation has already occurred once. For instance, the key of F minor
key may be at an interval of a major or minor second, major or
third, perfect fifth, or tritone from the first key of the development
ond away from the first key of the development section occurs in thirty-
lated to and the first key in a development section is found more than
three are evaluated in their tonal relationship to the first key of the de-
velopment section and also to the tonic key of the sonata. Column five
are closely related to the first key of the development section. Column
six contains the number of keys which are closely related to the tonic
key of the sonata. The number of keys which are foreign in relation to
and column eight contains the number of keys foreign in relation to the
number of keys are closely related to the first key of their development
sections and to the tonic of their sonatas. Naturally, the keys which
are closely related to the first key of the development section are not
necessarily the same keys as those closely related to the tonic of the
which modulation occurs are closely related to the first key of the de-
ent keys to which modulation occurs are closely related to the tonic key
are no keys foreign in relation to either the first key of the development
section or to the tonic key of the sonata. In only a few development sec-
tions does the number of keys foreign in relation to the first key of the
development match or exceed the number of keys which are closely re-
to the first key of the development section exceed in number the keys
which are closely related, although never by more than three keys.
different keys, and two of those are foreign in relation to the first key
foreign in relation to the tonic of the sonata exceed the number of those
the number of keys foreign in relation to the tonic key of the sonata is
Table V is concerned with the key other than the tonic key of the
sonata in which the development section remains for the largest number
tionship to the tonic key of the sonata, the number of measures that are
analyzed as being in that key, and the percentage of the total develop-
sonatas, the majority of the development section is in the key of the sub-
G minor being the exception. Of the nine remaining sonatas, five have
Key Other
than Tonic Relation Number Percentage
0 Tonic with Most to of of
Ke y _Measures Tonic Measures Development
7 DM e minor supertonic 6 23
TABLE V--Continued
Key Other
than Tonic Relation Number Percentage
0 Tonic with Most to of of
U)__ Key Measures Tonic Measures Development
21 DM b minor submediant 23 48
25 DM b minor submediant 16 80
tion of sonata ten, the predominating key is the key of the mediant.
was a tendency in the late classic era to guide modulations into minor
key. I The fact that twenty-eight of the twenty-nine sonatas with major
tonic keys have large portions of the development sections in the minor
lation to the tonic sound, 2 it seems unusual for the dominant key to be
section is actually in the tonic key. The key of the dominant is the key
other than tonic to occupy the largest number of measures, but it also
keys. In the development sections of two of these, the key other than
tonic occupying the most measres is that of the dominant in its natural
minor spelling. The key of the mediant is the predominating key in the
eight. Sonata eight is the only one in which the predominating key in the
eral instances, this predominating key occurs more than once in the
would be the total of the measures in each occurrence of the key. The
ment section of sonata thirty-two with one or more keys coming between
# - N.J-
than the actual number of measures in that key. The smallest percent-
age occurs in the development section of sonata four, in which the pre-
dominating key occupies only four measures. In this sonata, 17.4 per-
sonata is one of the earlier sonatas, and the majority of the develop-
ment section, in fact all but those four measures in the submediant, are
in the tonic key. The percentage just larger than that found in sonata
four occurs in sonata eight, an early sonata, but one which contains nine
dominating key, the minor form of the key of the mediant, Eb minor.
In sonata thirty-four, the last sonata, only 21.4 percent of the develop-
early sonata according to its date of publication, contains nine keys and
remains in the key of the submediant for seven and one-half measures,
25. 8% of the entire development section. The tonic key in this devel-
ing key other than tonic occurs in sonata six. In this sonata, 84. 3 per-
should be noticed that this development section contains only three keys.
centage of sections which have only three or four different keys. This
Figure 46, the development section of sonata five contains seven modu-
lations to six different keys. In this sonata, 56. 5 percent of the devel-
tion. This table indicates the number of measures and the number of
1 40 6 6.6 18 48 3 16
2 17 5 3.4 19 17 4 4.2
3 17 3 5. 6 20 19 5 3. 8
4 23 3 7.6 21 48 2 24
5 38 8 4.75 22 33 4 8.2
6 35 3 11.6 23 36 5 7.2
7 26 4 6.5 24 31 7 4.4
8 32 10 3.2 25 20 3 6.6
9 38 3 12.6 26 20 4 5
10 17 4 4.2 27 41 5 8.2
11 39 4 9.75 28 45 3 15
12 47 6 7.8 29 21 8 2.6
13 23 4 5.7 30 39 6 6.5
14 29 9 3.2 31 22 3 7.3
15 29 3 9.6 32 67 14 4.7
16 39 3 13 33 48 8 6
17 29 6 4.8 34 35 12 2. 9
keys in each development section and then gives the average number of
measures in each key. Thus, the larger the larger the average number
of measures, the longer the portion of the development in each key and
the slower the rate of modulation. For instance, the development sec-
average of every two and six-tenths measures, the fastest rate in these
Table VII lists the average number of measures per key for each
development section from the highest to the lowest, and beside each
Average Average
Number of Number Numbe rof Number
Measures of Measures of
Per Key Keys Sonata Per Key Keys Sonata
24 2 21 6. 5 6 30
16 3 18 6 8 33
15 3 28 5.7 4 13
13 3 16 5.6 3 3
12.6 3 9 5 4 26
11.6 3 6 4.8 6 17
9.75 4 11 4.75 8 5
9.6 3 15 4.7 14 32
8.2 4 22 4.4 7 24
8.2 5 27 4.2 4 10
7.8 6 12 4. 2 4 19
7.6 3 4 3.8 5 20
7*3 3 31 3.4 5 2
7.2 5 23 3.2 9 14
6.6 3 25 3.2 10 8
6.6 6 1 2.9 12 34
6.5 4 7 2.6 8 29
are organized according to the relationship which lies between the origi-
nal key and the new key. For instance, all modulations in which the
original key and the new key have the relationship of major tonic to
tions are again divided into those which use pivot chords and direct
listed under the particular type of pivot chord in each instance. All
Modulations in which the original key is major and the new key is
which the relationship between the two keys is that of I to ii. These
eighteen modulations are listed in Table VIII. Nine of these make use
these four modulations, the tonic chord in the original key is altered to
tion 9-A, this procedure is also used but with the deletion of the
5-A 16 -A 3-A
#id7 = Viid7 9-A 20 -A 8-A
14-C 25-A 8-C
#vd7 #id7 6-A 18-A
V =i7 32-B 28-A
vi=v 34-C 34-J
-- somolow P,
I-7 chord. The pivot chords of modulations 32-B and 34-C are both the
The new key in modulation 3-A begins on i, but in the remaining eight
modulations the first chord in the new key is some form of the domi-
the root of the I chord in the original key up a half-step to the third of
key to the new key is that of I to iii. These are listed in Table XIX.
chord. A variety of pivot chords are used, the most unusual being
I~ 7 -#iv
G. This pivot chord is approached by the I chord in the origi-
nal key and is spelled as #iv7 G in the new key, resolving normally to i
In the only direct modulation in Table IX, 34-G, the final chord in
the original key is I which progresses to #ivd 7 in the new key. Both
#ivd 7 chord, but the fact that the chord is in root position and the
I=VI 23-C
-- *.7
d7 24-F
I~7 = #iv7G29-G
manner in which it resolves rules out the possibility of its being ana-
lyzed as iv7G.
nal and new keys as that of I to IV are listed in Table X. This particu-
Table X employ the diatonic or seventh chord form of this pivot chord.
the new key of D major, the final chord in the progression in A major
the modulations occur in the same sonata and have the same melodic
their resolutions, the iii chord in the original key of E major progresses
keys in only three modulations as indicated in Table XI. All three use
I= IV 2-D
27-B none
vi = ii 5-G
Listed in Table XII are the eleven modulations in which the rela-
tionship between the keys is that of I to vi. Eight of these use a pivot
chord, the most frequently used being I = III or I~7 = III7. In modulations
1-B, 1-D, and 19-B, this pivot chord begins a harmonic sequence. The
pivot chord in modulation 5-E, which is II= IV, deserves some comment
1-D 5-C
14-E 27-C
32-E 29-E
17=III7 19-B
vi1=_I 23-A
In modulations 27-C and 29-E, the final chord in the original key is V
and the beginning chord in the new key is V or V . The characteristic
chromatic movement occurs between the root of the V in the original
which the original key is major and the new key is foreign in relation to
it. There are six different foreign relationships with no more than two
tionship and the one modulation having the I to bIII relationship have in
common the use of a pivot chord in which the tonic chord in the original
iv 6 7
I to v --------------------- none
i =iv 31-A
I to VI none 14-B
27 -A
I to II none 34-A
of I to bVII exists, is I-7 = II7. The IT7 in the new key functions as a
cism occurs between the fifth of the I chord and the root of the
#iv t chord.
The modulations in which the original key is minor and the new
tions in which the two keys have the relationship of i to III. Of these
plished by use of a pivot chord. Two of the five different types of pivot
chords are used almost exclusively. The pivot chord iv= ii is used in
ten modulations, once with the seventh added. In nine of these modula-
tions the pivot chord is preceded by some form of the tonic chord in the
original key and progresses to some form of the dominant chord in the
new key. The pivot chord i =vi is used in six modulations and the
ture from the pivot chord. Of the three remaining pivot chords in
Table XIV, the most unusual is vio = #iv? which begins a harmonic
Of the six direct modulations in Table XIV, only two, 6-B and
26-C, use the same procedures. In both of these modulations, the final
chord in the original key is i and the beginning chord in the new key is I.
iv 7 =ii7 8-B
#iiid7#i17 28-B
.0 g.
iv 06)I-C
v16 61-C
matic, in the upper voices as well as in the bass line, that a few chords
Table XV. Six of these modulations are divided equally among three
13-A 14-F
34-E 17-B
1=v 34-D
different pivot chords. The two modulations usinv the pivot chord i=v
both involve harmonic sequences which begin on the pivot chord. The
chord of iiid7 =viid . The pivot chord is preceded by a melodic pass
chord in
age consisting of an alternation between the root E of the V
the original key of A major and its lower neighbor, D#. The pivot chord
In the three direct modulations in Table XV, the original keys all
end on i and the new keys all begin on V or V . This progression
a half-step and perhaps the addition of the minor seventh to the altered
eight use a i = iv pivot chord. With one exception, this pivot chord is
7 7 In modula-
preceded by V, V 7 or viid and is followed by V or viid .
the root of the i6 chord in the original key up a half-step changes the
I17=1III Z4 -D
bII - IV5-B
iv=vi 14-H
the two modulations using the iv=vi and I =III pivot chords, that chord
two modulations in sonata five, which are part of a short but highly
is that of i to VII are displayed in Table XVIII and are all accomplished
the pivot chord, the seventh of that chord descends a half-step, chang-
minor and the new key is foreign in relation to it. These are all listed
#III are both direct and both occur within the development section of
for this modulation involves the progression of all the members of the
34 -H
i to #III none 34-K
Siv6 d 29-B
#id7 d7 20-B
V = IV 32-J
7 7
which use a pivot chord. Two of the pivot chords, io = iio and I 9=f19,
both entail an alteration of the tonic chord, and in both instances the
pivot chord progresses to some form of the V chord in the new key.
is that of i to ii, five are pivot chord modulations. Four of these use a
the key relationship of I to ii. The tonic chord is altered to its major-
minor seventh chord form. The root of the chord is then raised a half-
gresses to V. The three direct modulations in this group are all accom-
7 9
plished by a progression from some form of the tonic chord to a V , V
or viio chord.
Ipill" lop
answers to which are discovered in the course of the survey and de-
throughout these sections in the repeated use of the key scheme pattern
which represents the key scheme of more than one development section.
third, and perfect fifth, are used over and over while others, such as
the minor second and the tritone are rarely used. Also a majority of
modulations are to keys closely related to the tonic of the sonata, to the
technique so that the listener might not even realize that a foreign key
away from the key to which modulation is occurring. Also, the foreign
tion occurs so rapidly that the listener has no time to make a judgment
lation occurs from D major to the foreign key of B major, but then
that precedes and follows it, is so short that were it not involved in a
Perhaps the only truly bold modulations to foreign keys are in the
discussed in this study. There are three instances in which one key
modulates to a new key foreign to it, and in each case the modulation is
ingly bold. The key of C minor ends on a half cadence, the V chord
held by a fermata, and the new foreign key of E major begins on its
among such modulations using the same kind of pivot chord, the approach
chord and cadences in the new key. The harmonic sequence with chord
in which the chord roots move up a fourth, down a third. Other types
nal and new keys is that of i to III, six different pivot chords are used,
this being the largest number of different pivot chords used in any one
relationship of I to v, only one pivot chord is used for the two modula-
tions in this group, although it occurs once in root position and once in
first inversion.
these end the original key and begin the new key in the same manner.
tween the two keys is that of I to vi, there are three direct modulations.
In two of them, the original key ends on V 7 and the new key begins on
group in which the relationship between the two keys is that of I to ii.
ing rate of modulation reveal that the fewer keys in a development sec-
tion the slower the rate of modulation and the more keys the faster the
a minor key if the tonic key of the sonata is major. Minor keys also are
w f,---jr44 - - 2'46V""4"--F*Ooflol ,,
of the consistent with the deviation to the unique and often very bold
1 Donald
Francis Tovey, The Forms of Music (New York, 1956),
p. 217.
Cornell, J. H., The Theory and Practice of Musical Form on the Basis
of Ludwig Bus sler's "Musikalische Formenlehre, " New York,
Schirmer, Inc., 1883.
Newman, William S.,, The Sonata in the Classic Era, Chapel Hill,
University of North Carolina Press, 1963.
Ottman, Robert W., Advanced Harmony: Theory and Practice, 1st. ed.,
Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961.
Raynor, H., "Form and Style, " Chesterian, XXVIII (October, 1953),
Musical Score