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Can/ could/ would you…? is also used to make requests, offers, permission and
- Asking people to do things (requests)

- Asking for things

- Asking to do something

- Offering to do things

- Offering and inviting




4/ Choose the correct option
1. Ted’s flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He _____ be exhausted after
such a long flight.
A had better B can C must
2. The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit.
But we _____ read it if we don’t want to.
A don’t have to B can not C must not
3. Susan _____ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
A can’t B couldn’t C might not
4. The television isn’t working. It _____ damaged during the move.
A must B must be C must have been
5. Kate: _____ hold your breath for more than 1 minute?
Jack: No, I can’t.
A Can you B Are you able to C Might you
6. You _____ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know
haven’t got a penny to their name.
A can’t B shouldn’t C don’t have to
7. I’ve redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong
according to the answer key. The answer in the book _____ be wrong!
A must B should C have to
8. You _____ do the job if you didn’t speak Japanese fluently.
A can’t B won’t be able to C couldn’t
9. You _____ worry so much. It doesn’t do you any good. Either you get the job or you
don’t. If you don’t, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find work.
A don’t have to B shouldn’t C can’t
10. You _____ be kidding! That can’t be true.
A should B ought to C have to
11. You _____ leave the table once you have finished your meal and politely excuse
A might B may would
12. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous. It _____ a fortune.
A must be costing B must cost C must have cost
13. _____ we move into the living room? It’s more comfortable in there and there’s a
beautiful view of the lake.
A shall B will C must
14. At first, my boss didn’t want to hire Sam, but because I had previously worked with
Sam, I told my boss that he _____ take another look at his resume and reconsider
him for the position.
A must B has to C ought to
15. You _____ take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.
A can B had better C has to
16. The machine _____ on by flipping this switch.
A could be turning B may turn C can be turned
17. I can’t stand this people. I _____ get out of here.
A had better B might C have got to
18. You _____ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying
on time.
A couldn’t B mustn’t C don’t have to
19. Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head. _____ you think
once in a while before you speak?
A don’t can B can’t C can not
HOMEWORK: Reading comprehension
Exercise 1/

Exercise 2

Exercise 3/
Exercise 4/
1. Overview
The question word Where is used to ask about the location, place, or direction of
people or things. Most correct responses have the structure preposition + noun/noun
phrase of location/place.
Below are common prepositions used in responses to the questions with Where:
in + area/ place In the desk drawer.
In the storage room.
In Singapore
At + building/ place At the conference center.
At the comer of the street
On + (building) floor/ furniture/ street On the second floor.
On Ms. Smith's desk.
On Main Street
To + destination To the head office
From + source From the supply cabinet
Next to/ near + location Next to the grocery store.
Near the park
Across + street Right across the street.
In front of + building In front of the bank
Sometimes, the correct response does not mention a specific location, but it
indicates a person who has a certain object.
Where is the monthly sales report?  Mr. Jackson has it.
Example: listen and choose the best response to the question (2-2-01)
Where is your new office building?
(A) At the end of King Street.
(B) Yes, that’s my job.
(C) I worked for five years.
It is impossible to choose a response starting with Yes/No for a question with the question
word Where. Therefore, response (B) is wrong. Response (C) entraps you by using the
word work which has a connection with office while the meaning of the whole-statement
is irrelevant to the question. Only response (A) mentions a specific street name, which
corresponds to the question.
2. Practice – Question “where” (1) (2-2-05)
Listen and choose the correct response to each question. Then, listen again and fill in the
missing words for the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. Where is the copy machine? 1. Where are the documents _____?
(A) On the _____ (A) The store is _____
(B) I need ______ (B) _____ Sharon.
2. Where are the documents stored? 2. Where is your _____ ?
(A) The store is _____on_____ (A) _____, _____ is in L.A.
(B) _____ the drawer of my _____ (B) _____ to the convention _____
3. Where can I submit my application? 3. Where is the _____?
(A) You can _____ it _____ (A) _____ Michael’s office
(B) I _____ it. (B) I need _____ copies.
4. Where is the closest supermarket 4. Where can I _____my _____ ?
around here? (A) Please go to the _____
(A) I will _____ some_____ (B) He _____it.
(B) Next to the _____ 5. Where is the __________?
5. Where is the guest list for Friday’s (A) I will _____ cheese.
reception? (B) Just _____the _____
(A) Mr. Smith _____knows. 6. Where is the _____ for Friday’s _____?
(B) It will be _____ the banquet hall. (A) The _____ has it.
. guest reception banquet hall (B) It will _____ at the Hilton Hotel.
6. Where is your new office located?
(A) Yes, his office is ___ New York.
(B) In the _____
3. Practice – Question “where” (2) (2-2-09)
Listen and choose the correct response to each question. Then, listen again and fill in the
missing words for the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B

1. Where did you hear the news? 1. Where will the _____ be _____?
(A) A _____ of mine _____ me. (A) To show _____
(B) He will be here _____ (B) At the _____ .
2. Where should I put my suitcase? 2. Where are they going to _____a new
(A) The handbag suits _____ factory?
(B) In the closet in the _____ (A) Yes, they_____ in the _____
3. Where are you traveling next (B) Several options are being _____
summer? 3. Where did you _____ the _____ ?
(A) I haven’t _____ (A) Everyone _____ it.
(B) _____ the Bahamas! (B) He will be _____
4. Where will the trade show be held? 4. Where should I _____ my _____ ?
(A) _____ some new clothing lines. (A) The _____ you well.
(B) _____ Chicago. (B) You can _____
5. Where are they going to build a new 5. Where did Samantha _____ the _____?
factory? (A) She left _____ ago.
(A) On the outskirts _____ (B) I have no _____
(B) Is _____the _____? 6. Where are you _____ next summer?
6. Where did Samantha leave the (A) Hawaii.
application form? (B) _____ Hong Kong.
(A) She left an _____
(B) In the _____ .
4. Practice with possible questions (2-2-11)
Listen and chose the correct response to each question
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)

9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)
5. Practice with TOEIC actual questions (2-2-12)
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)
HOMEWORK: Common vocabulary in part 2 (3)
First, look up new words in the dictionary, listen to the words. Then, listen and fill the
missing words in the gapped questions and responses below (2-3-11)
 announce  finish
 approve  hire
 arrive  leave (for)
 begin/start  move
 complete  receive
 deliver  release
 end  relocate
 expect  reopen
 expire  return
[Check-up 1]
1. A: When will the last package ____ ?
B: Next Tuesday.
2. A: When is your company planning to ____ new employees?
B: The plan is for January of next year.
3. A: When will the opening in the Accounting Department be filled?
B: When Mrs. Sato ____ from vacation.
4. A: When will the marketing company _____ to New York?
B: Not until next month.
5. A: When do you _ ____ the merger to be____?
B: By the end of the week.
■ application ■ passport
■ appointment ■ plant (= factory)
■ board meeting ■ proposal
■ contract ■ renovation
■ deadline ■ result
■ exhibition ■ shipment
■ flight ■ warranty
[Check-up 2]
1. A: When is your _____ scheduled to depart?
B: At 5 p.m.
2. A: When did you submit your job _____?
B: Three days ago.
3. A: When can I get _____ of my physical examination?
B: Later this week.
■ physical examination
4. A: When are you going to turn in your _____ ?
B: Sorry. I’m still working on it.
5. A: When is the budget report due?
B: The _____ is Thursday


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