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A. Opens 2. A. Danger 3. A. Breathe 4. A. Parachute 5. A. Doubt

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TEST :13/2/2021

Part one: phonology

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the space provided on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. opens B. works C. keeps D. wants ________A______
2. A. danger B. angel C. anger D. general _________C_____
3. A. breathe B. cloth C. bathe D. without __________B____
4. A. parachute B. machinery C. champagne D. champion _______D________
5. A. doubt B. climber C. describe D. comb ________C______
II. Choose the word which has a different stress position from the others in each group.
Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the space provided on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. pro’pose B. de’fend C. com’pose D.‘moment ______D________
2. A. com’petitor B. uni’versity C. par’ticipate D. fa’cilities _______B_______
3. A. ‘operate B. op’ponent C. ‘decorate D. ‘interesting ________B______
4. A. a’ward B. ‘offer C. ‘spirit D. ‘major _________A_____
5. A. en’vironment B. de’partment C. ‘compliment D. de’velopment __________C____
I. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space provided on the right. (10 pts)
1. We try to _____ the score, but we were unsuccessful.
A. level up B. make up C. clear up D. even up _______A_______
2. _____ are people who live and work in a city.
A. city dwellers B. commuters C. workers D. passengers _________A_____
3. Shakespeare was not only a famous playwright _____ a poet _____ well.
A. but/ as B. also/ as C. but/ so D. and/ too __________A____
4. Let's take a vote, _____. All those in favour of going on strike raise your hand, please!
A. will you B. won't you C. shall we D. shan't us _________C_____
5. _____ the people who saw the exhibition thought it was marvellous.
A. Most B. All C. Everyone D Almost _________B_____
6. After a three-hour search, the missing _____ girl was found alive and well.
A. five-year-old B. five-years-old C. five-years D. five-year-aged _________A_____
7. You go ahead, I'll catch _____ you later.
A. on to B. out on C. up with D. down on _________C_____
8. Put that knife down, _____ I'll call the police!
A. then if not B. or else C. other than D. besides ___B___________
9. His face looks _____ but I can’t remember his name.
A. similar B. alike C. memorial D. familiar ____D__________
10. You have to pay extra if you take too _____ with you.
A. much luggages B. many luggages C. much luggage D. many luggage _____C_________
11. Hello! I didn't expect _____ back so soon.
A. you will be B. you were C. your being D. you to be ______D________
12. They invited _____ dinner with them.
A. us for having B. us to have C. that we have D. our having _______B_______
13. This is the hotel _____ we stayed last month.
A. which B. in that C. in which D. in where _______C_______
14. Did you break that window on _____?
A. deliberation B. purpose C. intention D. reason ________B______
15. "Where's Polly?" - "She _____.
A. is in her room studying B. in her room is studying ________A______
C. studies in her room D. has in her room studied
16. There is too much noise in the room upstairs. I can't understand _____.
A. what are the children doing B. that are doing the children _________D_____
C. that the children are doing D. what the children are doing
17. _____ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman was B. The woman was _________A_____
C. That the woman was D. What was the woman
18. It's obvious that neither the workers _____ to close the factory.
A. nor the manager intend B. intend nor the manager _________C_____
C. nor the manager intends D. intend nor the manager intends
19. On February 26, 1993, a bomb _____ in New York City's World Trade Centre when 55,000 people _____ there.
A. exploded/ worked B. was exploding/ worked ______________
C. exploded/ were working D. exploded/ was working

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20. Many people lost their homes after the earthquake. The government needs to establish more shelters to care for those
_____ have homes.
A. who don't B. who doesn't C. which don't D. which doesn't ______________
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the right. (10 pts)
1. It is expected that there is a serious (short) of electricity this summer. _______shortage________
2. Unfortunately, the film got (favour) reviews . _______unfavorable_____
3. I’d like you to make the opening (speak) at the meeting. _______speech_________
4. It’s always true that (honest) is the best policy. _______honesty________
5. There have been three (burglar) in my neighbourhood this week. _______burglary_______
6. The roads are rough in (mountain) areas, so it’s hard to travel by road. _______mountainous_____
7. His father asked him to (apology) for being so rude to his guest. _______apologize___________
8. I was upset by Bob's (refuse) to help me. _______refusal____________
9. Playing for the national team for the first time was an (forget) experience for him _ unforgettable________
10. The situation is (hope). Nobody can do anything about it now. _______hopeless________
III. Complete each blank in the following passage with a word from the list. Use each word once only.
Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (5 pts)
Amounts 8 anything 3 believe 7 disappearing 10 projects 5
Materials 6 rapidly 1 clear 4 increasing 9 steps 2
A recent report says the world’s tropical rain forests are disappearing much more _(1)_ than had been believed. It
says if _(2)_ are not taken soon, it may be too late to do _(3)_ about the problem.
People cut down rain forests to _(4)_ the way for farms, houses, roads, and other development _(5)_. They use the wood
for fuel, and to make paper and building _(6)_.
Rain forests in Asia, Africa and America are the most biologically rich areas in the world. Scientists _(7)_ many
plants and animals there can provide us with medicines and new kinds of food.
Rain forests also take in large _(8)_ of carbon dioxide. Many scientists believe _(9)_ levels of carbon dioxide will
warm Earth's environment to a dangerous level. As rain forests disappear, more and more of the gas will remain.
The new report found that rain forests are _(10)_ at a rate of between sixteen-million and twenty-million hectares a year.
1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________
6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________ 9. _______________ 10. _______________
IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (10 pts)
1. I (doubt) whether Jim (come) here next week.
2. When Mrs Smith (retire) next month, she (work) as a teacher for 30 years.
3. He didn’t feel like (go) to sea so he suggested (spend) the day in the country.
4. (You have) dinner when I (phone) you?
5. This is the second time I (read) a novel (write) by a Japanese author.
6. On my way to work yesterday I (find) a tree (lie) across the road.
7. The doctor advised me (not work) too hard, but (take) a rest.
8. I’d rather (be) unemployed than (work) for him.
9. She (work) at this company ever since she (graduate) in 2006.
10. When we (get) to the theatre, the film (show) for 10 minutes.
1. ________doubt________ ___will come__________ 6.______found______ ____lying__________
2. ______retires_________ __will have worked______ 7. ____not to work_____ ______take________
3. __________to go_ ____ ____spending___________ 8. _______be____________ __work________
4. _____were you having_______ ____phoned______ 9. ____has worked______graduated_________
5. ______have written____ _____________written___ 10. ____got___ ______had been showed_____
V. Fill each gap with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (5 pts)
1. The sun has disappeared _____behind_____ the clouds.
2. The Vietnamese people successfully carried __out ____ the August Revolution in 1945.
3. Her father has gone to Ho Chi Minh City _____on______ business.
4. When I saw the house ______on____ fire, I didn’t know what to do.
5. _______By___ the way, can you lend me 20 dollars?
6. _____Without_____ hard work, no one can achieve anything worthwhile in life.
7. The students were very angry because they were treated ______like_____ children.
8. You should be responsible _____for______ what you have done.
9. The police are searching _____for ____ the escaped prisoner.
10. My father was ______on_____ his own in his room watching TV.
VI. Point out one of the underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct and get it right.
Write A, B, C or D and your corrections in the spaces provided. Number 0 is an example. (10 pts)
0. The television programs on that channel are improving recently.
1. While she was on vacation, she buys gifts for her family.
A B C D bought
2. Although very young, both of the boys know to make coffee.
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A B C D how to make
3. In spite of its small size, these cameras take very good pictures.
A B theirs C D
4. His father was quite satisfied about his success.
A B C D with
5. The Department of Foreign Languages are located in the new building opposite the old one.
A B C D is
6. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in the wrong direction.
A B C D had been driving
7. You should always look both ways before cross the street.
A B C D crossing
8. The progress making in space travel in the early 1960s was remarkable.
A B C D made
9. The climbers reached not only the top of the mountain, but also spent the night there.
A B C D not only reached
10. The explanation that our teacher gave us was different from the one your gave you.
A B C D yours
0. __ C __ ___ have been _____
1. ______ ___________________ 6. ______ ___________________
2. ______ ___________________ 7. ______ ___________________
3. ______ ___________________ 8. ______ ___________________
4. ______ ___________________ 9. ______ ___________________
5. ______ ___________________ 10. ______ ___________________
I. Read the following passage and choose the correct answers. Write A, B, C, or D in the spaces on the right. (5 pts)
We were sorry to hear about the accident. Anyway, you mustn't feel too anxious about work. A lot of people are
away on holiday this month, so there's not as much business as usual. When you are feeling a little better we'd like to
come and see you; we'll bring you some of your favourite chocolate.
Now for office news. Have you heard that the boss is getting married next month? She tried to keep it quiet but one
of the secretaries heard her talking about wedding arrangements over the phone, so now of course everyone knows! We're
collecting money to buy her a present. It's really difficult to know what to get her as she has most things. Someone has
suggested theatre or concert tickets, which is a good idea. We can find out from her personal assistant what her plans are
and when she has a free evening. The only problem is that although we know what she likes, we don't know whether her
future husband shares her tastes.
All being well, we'll see you some time next week. Until then we all send our good wishes and hope you recover
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text? _______A_______
A. to give some cheerful news. B. to offer professional advice.
C. to describe her office work. D. to suggest ways to recover.
2. Why would somebody read the text? ________A______
A. to find out about a wedding present. B. to arrange to see friends.
C. to learn about a person's accident. D. to help them stop worrying.
3. What does the writer suggest about one of the secretaries? ________D______
A. She's hard-working. B. She talks too much.
C. She likes secrets. D. She enjoys weddings.
4. Why is it difficult to buy the boss a present?
5. A. She already has a lot of things. B. No one knows her fiancé.
C. They haven't much money. D. She's been married once before. ________A______
6. Which of the following words do you think the writer sent? _________C_____
A. Really pleased to hear your news. Hope all goes well on the big day. Don't forget to send us a photo.
B. Under stress? Don't worry. Have a good rest, hope the weather stays fine and you come back feeling fit and healthy.
C. What bad luck. Anyway, glad things aren't too serious. Keep smiling. See you soon.
D. Come and have supper with us next week before going to the theatre. That should cheer you up. I hope you can come.
II. Read the passage and choose the word that fits each gap. Write your answers in the spaces on the right. (5 pts)
The reality of an interview is never as bad as your fears. For some ...(1)… people imagine the interview is going
to jump on every tiny mistake they …(2)... In truth, the interviewer is as …(3)… for the meeting to go well as you are. It
is what ...(4)... his or her job enjoyable.
The secret of a good interview is preparing for it. What you wear is always important as it creates the first
impression. So …(5)… neatly, but comfortably. Make …(6)… that you can deal with anything you are …(7)…. Prepare
for questions that are certain to come up, for example: “Why do you want to become a nurse? What is the most important
…(8)… a good nurse should have? Apart from nursing, what other careers have you …(9)…?”
Answer the questions fully and precisely. …(10)…, if one of your interests is reading, be prepared to talk about
the sort of books you like.
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1. A. reason B. idea C. explanation D. excuse _______A_______
2. A. perform B. do C. make D. have ________C______
3. A. keen B. wanting C. interested D. delighted ________A______
4. A. does B. causes C. happens D. makes ________D______
5. A. dress B. wear C. put on D. have on ________A______
6. A. evident B. sure C. definite D. clear ________B______
7. A. requested B. questioned C. enquired D. asked ________D______
8. A. character B. quality C. nature D. point ________B______
9. A. thought B. regarded C. considered D. wondered ________C______
10. For instance B. That is C. Such as D. Let’s say ________A______
III. Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word. Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (10 pts)
One day in summer a fox (1) a cock near a village. It was time (2) dinner and the fox decided to eat the cock. He went up
to the cock and said to him, “Your father could sing very well. Can you sing well, too?” The cock shut his eyes and (3) to
sing. The fox immediately caught the cock in (4) mouth and ran away.
A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers, “Look! A fox has caught our cock! Look! Look! That is our
cock!” The cock (5) the farmer and said to the fox: “Do you hear (6) the farmer is saying? He says that I am their cock.
Tell them that I am your cock now, (7) their cock.” When the fox opened its (8) to say it, the cock quickly jumped into a
tree. He cried out to the fox, “I am not your cock. I am their cock now.” The poor fox got very angry. He beat his head
hard against the tree and said, “Mouth, (9) talk so much and we have (10) dinner today.”
1. __________saw_____ 5. _______heard_______ 9. _______you_________
2. _________for______ 6. _____what__________ 10. _______no__________
3. ______started_______ 7. ______not__________
4. ________its________ 8. _____mouth_________
I. Finish the second sentence so that its meaning stays the same as the original one. (10 pts)
1. They believe that the castle was built in 14th century.
The castle is believed to have been built in 14th century
2. I'll get someone to repair the washing machine tomorrow.
I'll have the washing machine repaired tomorrow
3. This is the first time I've eaten Japanese food.
I've never eaten Japanese food before
4. Because it rained hard, the match was cancelled.
If it had not rained hard, the match wouldn’t have been cancelled
5. “Did you go anywhere last weekend?” Tom asked me.
Tom wanted to know if I had gone anywhere the previous week
6. Making friends is sometimes difficult. It can be difficult to make friends
7. I would prefer him to check the result carefully before handing it in.
I’d rather he checked the result carefully before handing it in.
8. I read a lot of books while I was on holiday in the summer.
During my summer holiday, I read a lot of books
9. He is sorry he didn’t attend the lecture yesterday.
10. He regrets not attending the lecture yesterday.
11. It was such a difficult question that no one answered it correctly.
The question was so difficult that no one answered it correctly
II. Rewrite these sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the first, using the word at the end of each      sentence.
Do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1. I don’t intend to tell you my plan. Intention I have no intention of telling you my plan
2. I think we shouldn’t go out in this cold weather. Object
3. I didn’t agree with these ideas. favour I wasn’t in favour of these ideas
4. There’s no point in asking him for help. use it is no use asking him for help
5. I haven’t heard from him for 3 years. since it is 3 years since I have heard from him
III. Use the words and phrases to write complete sentences. (5 pts)
1. climate / Vietnam / similar / that / Cuba.
The climate in VN is similar to that in Cuba
2. no matter / how hard / she / try / she / not able / solve / problem.
No matter how hard she tried, she wasn’t able to solve the problem
3. some people / think / television / do / harm than good.
Some people think that watching television do more harm than good
4. despite/ bad weather condition / we / not give up / plan.
5. Despite bad weather condition , we did not give up the plan.
6. Sunday / she / usually spend 2 hours / do / gardening.

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