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Test Paper ADVANCED GRAMMAR C1 - July 10, 2018: Students Write Their Answers On The Answer Sheet

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Full Name: ________________________ Class Code: ________ Student ID: _______________

ADVANCED GRAMMAR C1 – July 10, 2018
Notes: Materials and dictionaries of all kinds are NOT allowed.
Students write their answers on the answer sheet.
Questions 1-20: Choose the lettered word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
The first has been done as an example.
0. Water _______ at 100 degrees Celsius. A. boiling B. boils C. is boiling D. boil
The gap can be filled with “boils”, so on the ANSWER SHEET write __B___.
1. Four hours of skiing __________ plenty of exercise.
A. provide B. are providing C. provides D. have provided
2. Look at all the people standing in line to get into that movie. It _________ be a good movie.
A. must B. should C. ought to D. will
3. “I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn't know what to do.” ---- “You __________ called your
A. must have called B. could have called C. would have called D. may have called
4. “__________ to party tonight?” --- “Ann, Bob, and Al.”
A. Who are they going B. With who are they C. Who are going D. Who is going
5. The government must __________ strong measures against crime.
A. be seen to be taking B. see to be taking C. see to be taken D. be seen to be taken
6. Renoir is one of the most popular French impressionist painters. His paintings __________ masterpieces
all over the world.
A. had considered B. are considering C. are considered D. consider
7. The problem is that council environmental health departments have __________. So there’s simply too
much work.
A. too few staff B. too little staff C. too few a staff D. too few staffs
8. “Do you remember when Mateo did all the cooking?” --- “Of course. It was __________ Christmas the
rest of us had __________ flu.”
A. the / - B. - / a C. the / a D. - / -
9. Self-esteem is important. It’s important for people to like __________.
A. oneself B. yourself C. him/herself D. themselves
10. Janet, please do not put that __________ ornament on the Christmas tree.
A. disgusting, pink plastic B. disgusting pink plastic
C. plastic pink disgusting D. pink plastic disgusting
11. We probably had three or four __________ strawberries as we’re getting this year.
A. time as many B. time as much C. times as many D. times as much
12. Louis is rich, but his aim in life seems to be to become even ___________.
A. wealthy B. more wealthy C. more wealthier D. wealthier
13. In boxing, hitting __________ the belt is considered unfair.
A. below B. under C. underneath D. beneath
14. We had arranged to meet at 8 o’clock but he didn't __________ until half an hour later.
A. pick up B. turn up C. show off D. put in
15. I don’t appreciate __________ when I’m speaking.
A. interrupt B. interrupting C. be interrupted D. being interrupted

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16. I hadn’t seen Laura for nearly ten years, __________ I’d got married and had three children. I was
amazed to see that she hadn’t changed at all.
A. at which point B. in which case C. during which time D. at which time
17. “What do you recommend __________ about this tax problem?” --- “I strongly suggest that we consult
an expert as soon as possible.”
A. do we do B. we will do C. we do D. should we do
18. __________ we extricate ourselves from this with any dignity is anybody’s guess.
A. However B. That C. Whenever D. How
19. __________ quickly we ran, we just couldn't catch up with the van.
A. Though B. Although C. However D. Despite
20. __________ that Lana was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful was her business B. Such a successful business she had
C. So successful her business was D. Such a successful business did she have


Questions 21-30: There is one error in each of the following sentences. Identify the error and then make
changes to correct the sentence. The first has been done as an example.
0. In his twenties, Lawrence has spent many years travelled around Spain.
The error lies in “travelled”, so on the ANSWER SHEET write ___travelled___ è ___travelling___
21. The people who we met them on our trip last May are going to visit us in October.
22. I had a red pen, but I seem to have lost it. I guess I’d better buy the other one.
23. In one class, we had to do a research on the language used in business.
24. Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s wedding. He should be exhausted by the time he arrived.
25. Under no circumstances you should sign a contract which you haven’t read thoroughly.
26. Who do you expect that will read your blog?
27. Businesses are failing despite a lack of trained workers and people to buy products.
28. We spent a great deal of time looking through a large number of books to help him find few information
about Bermuda, but he knew most of it already.
29. She’s so impatient! She can’t stand to wait in line for anything.
30. The current constitutional problem is studying by the top legal minds in the country.


Questions 31-50: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the verbs in
parentheses. The first has been done as an example.
He (0. always / come) __________ chocolate after lunch. The gap can be filled by “always comes”, so on the
ANSWER SHEET write _always comes_.
It is easy (31. fool) ___________ by his lies.
What a mess! This room needs (32. clean) ______________ up. We need _____________ (33. clean) it up
before the company arrives.
Mr. Gow mentioned (34. injure) _____________ in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details.
It’s exciting (35. travel) _____________ to faraway places and (36. leave) _____________ one’s daily
routine behind.
“What’s wrong, Bob? You look awful! You look as if you (37. run) _____________ over by a truck!” ----
“Well, you (38. look) _____________ this bad today, too, if you (39. have) _____________ a day like mine
yesterday. My car slid into a tree because the roads were icy.”

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I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. I know we agreed it was advisable that Stavros (40. spend) _____________
the summer holiday with you. Unfortunately, my parents have changed their minds and are now insisting he
(41. go) _____________ to Athens to stay with Aunt Sophia.
I got a new bicycle when I was ten. My friend (42. ask) _____________ to ride it, but for a long time I (43.
never / let) _____________ anyone else use it.
Maria, I’m afraid I (44. get) _____________ some bad news. I know we agreed it was advisable that Ben (45.
spend) _____________ the summer holidays with you. Unfortunately, my parents have changed their minds
and are now insisting he (46. go) _____________ to Athens to stay with Aunt Betty.
Not until much later (47. we / discover) _____________ the mistake.
It is reported that gunshots (48. hear) _____________ in the city center.
This year, income from manufacturing exports still (49. provide) _____________ the largest proportion of
the country’s export earnings, but the proportion (50. drop) _____________ over the last few years.


Questions 51-70: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the words in
parentheses. The first has been done as an example.
The sun should be enjoyed but (51. expose) ____________ can cause sunburn, leading to (52. mature)
____________ skin ageing and increased risk of skin cancer. It is the ultraviolet rays which cause this; even
in the UK they can damage your skin, and UV is much more (53. power) ____________ the nearer the equator
you go. You should stay out of the sun during the 2 hours around midday, use shade at other times, a sun hat
and (54. tight) ____________ woven but loose clothing. (55. Protect) ____________ creams suitable for
your skin type can help protect (56. avoid) ____________ exposed parts of the bod. A further sun (57. relate)
____________ risk is heatstroke, caused by (58. heat) ____________. Avoid strenuous activity during the
(59. hot) ____________ hours and make sure you drink plenty of (60. alcohol) ____________ drinks (best is
water which has been boiled or soft drinks from sealed cans or bottles) to replace body fluids.


Alicia Rhett was an actress who rose to international (61. star) ____________ in the 1939 film Gone With the
Wind. In the film, which enjoyed (62. phenomenon) ____________ success and is among the most popular
ever made, she played the part of India Wilkes, the serious young woman whose love for the dull and timid
(63. center) ____________ character, Charles Hamilton, is spurned in favor of Scarlett O’Hara. Despite the
film’s (64. last) ____________ acclaim, however, it was to be her only screen role.
While Alicia later insisted that she ‘enjoyed the experience (65. immense) ____________’, she was (66. suit)
____________ to the life of a Hollywood star. An intensely private individual, she lacked the drive and
ambition of (67. contemporary) ____________ Joan Crawford or Bette Davis, and went on to reject all
subsequent roles from agents and (68. produce) ____________. Though fans continued to hound her with
requests for (69. sign) ____________ photographs seven decades later, letters went (70. answer)
____________ and requests for interviews were seldom granted.


Questions 71-80: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You should use from THREE to EIGHT words. Write ONLY
YOUR ANSWERS on the answer sheet. The first has been done as an example.
0. Chloe would only eat a pizza if she could have a mushroom topping. ON
Chloe ______________ a mushroom topping when she ate a pizza.
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The gap can be filled with “insisted on having”, so on the answer sheet write _insisted on having_.
71. It is possible that Theresa took your car keys this morning by mistake. ACCIDENTALLY

Theresa _______________________________________________________ your car keys this morning.

72. You should arrange to install central heating before winter comes. HAVE

You should _________________________________________________________ before winter comes.

73. I’d help you, but I have very little time on my hands. HARDLY

I’d help you, but I __________________________________________________ free time on my hands.

74. The red cross is $50 and the green one is $100. TWICE

The green dress _____________________________________________________________ the red one.

75. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth,” Peter said us. APOLOGIZED

Peter _______________________________________________________________________ the truth.

76. Sarah wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize her. AVOID

Sarah wore dark glasses ______________________________________________________ recognized.

77. Some of the many people we questioned gave us good descriptions of the robber. SOME

We questioned ______________________________________________ good descriptions of the robber.

78. His arrival prevented fights from breaking out amongst the passengers. WOULD

Had it__________________________________________________ broken out amongst the passengers.

79. The medicine may not be pleasant but you must take it anyway. HOW

You must take medicine ___________________________________________________________tastes.

80. You must never talk to the press about this, whatever happens SHOULD

Under_____________________________________________________________ to the press about this.

-------e END OF TEST f-------

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