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Radar Cross Section Measurements of Pedestrian Dummies and Humans in The 24/77 GHZ Frequency Bands

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Radar Cross Section Measurements of

Pedestrian Dummies and Humans in the

24/77 GHz Frequency Bands
Establishment of a Reference
Library of RCS Signatures of
Pedestrian Dummies in the
Automotive Radar Bands

Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch
Jean-Marc Chareau



Safety Systems
Advance Forward-Looking

Safety Administration
National Highway Traffic
Safety Systems
Advance Forward-Looking


! ! !
105° 75°
120° 60°
135° 45°

150° 30°

165° 15°
Range (m)

Rx Ant
±180° Disc ø=12 cm 0° Tx Ant

-165° -15°

-150° -30°

-135° -45°

-120° -60°

-105° -75°
Bistatic RCS (dBsm) of a Metal Disc (Diameter 12 cm) at 24 GHz Azimuth (deg)

Report EUR 25762 EN

European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

Contact information
Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch
Address: Joint Research Centre, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP 723, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
E-mail: joaquim.fortuny@jrc.ec.europa.eu
Tel.: +39 0332 78 5104
Fax: +39 0332 78 5469


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EUR 25762 EN
ISBN 978-92-79-28230-0
ISSN 1831-9424

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013

© European Union, 2013

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Printed in Italy
Executive Summary

Road safety has become undoubtedly a major societal issue that needs to be addressed
at the policy level. In a recent Communication1 , the Commission has underlined the impor-
tance of a European transport policy which should aim at ensuring sustainable mobility for all
citizens, “decarbonising” transport and make full use of technological progress. Road safety
already plays an important role in a recent White Paper on transport policy 2010–20202 , as
lowering the number of road users’ casualties is key to improving the overall performance of
the transport system and to meet citizens’ and companies’ needs and expectations.
In view of achieving the objective of creating a common road safety area, the Commis-
sion has proposed to continue with the target of halving the overall number of road deaths
in the European Union by 2020 starting from 20103 . Achieving this target requires an inte-
grated approach requiring a wide range of actions at different levels, where the protection
of vulnerable road users has been identified as a highly relevant issue. The high number
of fatalities and serious injuries faced by vulnerable road users such as riders of motorcy-
cles, mopeds, cyclists and pedestrians are significant and in some European States are still
increasing. In 2008, they represented 45% of all road deaths and statistics, which clearly
shows that they have been given insufficient attention until now. However, at present, a wide
range of new technologies, including intelligent speed adaptation and radar-based collision
avoidance systems, are being widely deployed to improve road safety levels and reduce
these casualties.
Automotive short-range radar (SRR) systems can constantly monitor the area around a
vehicle to detect obstacles, such as other vehicles, pedestrians or static obstacles. They
aim to warn drivers of potential collisions and alert them to pedestrians or obstacles in blind
spots. Depending on the specific application, SRRs also have the potential to automatically
trigger active safety measures, such as pre-tensioning of seat belts or automated braking
to avoid or mitigate collisions. In recent years, the market penetration of automotive SRRs
has been increasing quite rapidly because radar-based assistance functions, which were
almost exclusively available in luxury cars, are currently stepping down towards the medium
and compact car segments. Furthermore, a recent survey by the European New Car As-
sessment Programme (Euro NCAP) has decided to include autonomous emergency braking
(AEB) systems (e.g., SRR sensors) as part of the overal Euro NCAP star rating from 2014
onwards. Two very important functions of AEB sensors are to detect other vehicles and,
more importandly, to detect pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycles and other vulnerable road
The development of AEB sensors and also the need to assess quantitatively their detec-
“Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” COM(2010) 2020, March 2010,
Communication from the Commission, Europe 2020.
“Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport
system”, March 2011. Commission White Paper COM(2011) 144.
“Towards a European road safety area: Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020” (SEC(2010) 903), July
2010. European Commission – Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council,
the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

tion performance has led to an increasing use of pedestrian dummies (i.e., test targets or
surrogates mimicking pedestrians for the AEB sensors). Since a widespread use of these
dummies is required to develop and test the AEB sensors, a clear need for harmonized test
and evaluation procedures and standards has emerged recently. Today, the availability of
SRR signatures of pedestrians, particularly in the 24 GHz and 77 GHz frequency bands,
is very limited. The European Commission Joint Research Centre, in the framework of the
FP7 ICT Project “More Safety for All by Radar Interference Mitigation” (MOSARIM), has con-
ducted an extensive series of laboratory measurements aimed at establishing a reference
library with the SRR signatures of a large collection of pedestrian dummies and a few adult
humans in the 24 GHz and 77 GHz frequency bands. About a hundred RCS measurements
took place during three entire weeks in August 2012, at the European Microwave Signature
Laboratory (EMSL) of the JRC’s Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, lo-
cated in Ispra, Italy. Key aspects such as the influence of the height of the SRR antennas
above the ground, height of the dummies, and the effect of the clothing on the measured
RCS signatures have been investigated.
A first analysis of the complete set of the various RCS signatures collected on all the
pedestrian dummies and humans allows to draw the following qualitative assessments:

• For the first time, it has been proven that the observed global frequency/azimuth RCS
averages in the two frequency bands are quite close and they do not show significant
differences. This is an important finding given the fact that there is a current trend to
manufacture almost exclusively SRR systems at the 77 and 79 GHz bands.

• A first analysis on the impact of the pedestrians’ height on the measured RCS sig-
natures has been completed. Results show that, particularly in the higher frequency
bands, the height of the pedestrian has a clear effect on the RCS averages observed.
In the case of the child dummies, for instance, the observed RCS at the lower an-
tenna height (i.e., aligned with the center of mass of the dummy) was 6 dB above that
observed at a position 0.5 m higher.

• A first qualitative comparison of the RCS signatures between dummies and humans
was also completed. Results show that the RCS averages of the available dummies
are slightly below those of the humans. It has also been observed that some of the
dummies showed some peculiar dependence of the average RCS versus azimuth
(e.g., a square shape with four clear corners), making them clearly distinguishable
and different from all the other targets.

• A dedicated set of the measurements was designed to assess the impact of clothing
on the measured RCS signatures. It was found that in most cases clothing did not
impact significantly the RCS signatures observed. It was observed, as expected, that
the impact is more evident in the high frequency band of 76–81 GHz, in particular,
when some very thick clothes were worn.

Finally, it is important to note that a more exhaustive analysis of the data collected in this
measurement campaign is currently being carried out. Subjects of interest that need to be

addressed more in detail include the definition of robust RCS signatures that can be used for
classification purposes, and the identification of robust techniques to assess quantitatively
the degree of similarity between two different targets.


List of Acronyms xi

1 Introduction 1

2 Measurement Set-up 3
2.1 Millimeter-Wave Frequency Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Control Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Frequency Bands for Automotive Radar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 RCS Data Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Test Setup Repeatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 RCS Measurement Results 15

3.1 RCS Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1.1 Frequency average RCS versus azimuth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.2 Backscatter RCS range profiles versus azimuth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1.3 Global frequency/azimuth average RCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 RCS Measurements on Pedestrian Dummies and Humans . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.1 Influence of Antenna Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.2 Influence of Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.3 Similarity of RCS Signatures of Dummies and Humans . . . . . . . . 27

4 Conclusions 29

A Bistatic RCS of a Metal Sphere 31

B RCS Signatures of Pedestrians: Measurement Group I 35

C RCS Signatures of Pedestrians: Measurement Group II 55

D RCS Signatures of Pedestrians: Measurement Group III 67

Acknowledgements 89

References 91

List of Figures

1 View of the anechoic chamber showing a van loaded on the computer-controlled

turntable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 View of the test setup inside the anechoic chamber of the EMSL. . . . . . . . 4

3 (a): Sketch showing the measurement set-up used in the RCS measurements
(left); (b) Close view of the mm-Wave frequency extension heads and the two
sets of Tx/Rx antennas at 24 (upper) and 77 GHz (lower). . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Block diagram of the mm-Wave frequency extension heads for the E-Band
RCS measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5 Flowchart of EMSL measurement control software with an extension for two

simultaneous RCS measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

6 Range profiles of the backscattered power measured both with and without
a dummy present on the turntable in the 23–28 GHz (left) and 76–81 GHz
(right) frequency bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

7 Laboratory setup with the calibration sphere mounted on the turntable at a

distance of 3.4 m from the radar antennas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

8 Results of the calibration measurements using a metal sphere to estimate the

amplitude offsets in the 24 GHz (left) and 77 GHz (right) frequency bands. . . 12

9 Results of the short term repeatibility measurement at the 24 (left) and 77 GHz
(right) frequency bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

10 Results of the long term repeatibility measurement at the 24 (left) and 77 GHz
(right) frequency bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

11 Example polar plots of the average backscatter RCS in the six sub-bands in
the 23–28 GHz frequency range (left), and four snapshots of the dummy #1
on the turntable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

12 Example backscatter RCS versus azimuth integrating the entire frequency

band 23–28 GHz for the dummy #1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

13 Pictures of the IDIADA dummy at the four positions measured (upper), and
phases of the human gait with the corresponing gate cycle times (lower). . . 21

14 Pictures of the dummy #1 on the turntable with (left) and without (right) JRC
working clothes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

15 Measured RCS signatures at three different heights for the adult (upper) and
child dummy (lower) in the 76–81 GHz frequency band. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

16 Summary of the results of the measurements to assess the impact of clothing

on the RCS at the 24 (a) and 77 GHz (b) frequency bands. . . . . . . . . . . 25

17 Comparison of the global frequency/azimuth RCS averages of all the dum-
mies and humans characterized: (left) 23–28 GHz band, and (right) 76–
81 GHz band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
A.1 Bistatic RCS of a metal sphere: illumination geometries for HH (left) and VV
(right) polarizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
A.2 Monostatic RCS of a 3 in metal sphere in the 23–28 GHz (left) and 76–81 GHz
(right) frequency bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
A.3 Bistatic RCS of a 3 in metal sphere, respectively, at 24 (left) and 77 GHz (right)
for a bistatic angular extent of 10 deg: HH (red) and VV (blue) polarizations. . 34
B.1 RCS Signatures of dummy #2 (4a adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band at
three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
B.2 RCS Signatures of dummy #2 (4a adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band at
three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
B.3 RCS Signatures of dummy #3 (Audi bike and 4a adult dummy) in the 23–
28 GHz band at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
B.4 RCS Signatures of dummy #3 (Audi bike and 4a adult dummy) in the 76–
81 GHz band at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
B.5 RCS Signatures of dummy #4 (vFSS adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band at
three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
B.6 RCS Signatures of dummy #4 (vFSS adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band at
three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
B.7 RCS Signatures of dummy #5 (vFSS child dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band at
three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
B.8 RCS Signatures of dummy #5 (vFSS child dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band at
three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B.9 RCS Signatures of dummy #6 (NHTSA adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band
at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
B.10 RCS Signatures of dummy #6 (NHTSA adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band
at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
B.11 RCS Signatures of dummy #7 (NHTSA child dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band
at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
B.12 RCS Signatures of dummy #7 (NHTSA child dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band
at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
B.13 RCS Signatures of dummy #11 (IIHS adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band
at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.14 RCS Signatures of dummy #11 (IIHS adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band
at three antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

B.15 RCS Signatures of dummy #8 (TRL/innovITS Advance adult dummy) in the
23–28 GHz band at two antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

B.16 RCS Signatures of dummy #8 (TRL/innovITS Advance adult dummy) in the

76–81 GHz band at two antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

B.17 RCS Signatures of dummy #9 (TRL/innovITS Advance child dummy) in the

23–28 GHz band at two antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

B.18 RCS Signatures of dummy #9 (TRL/innovITS Advance child dummy) in the

76–81 GHz band at two antenna heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

C.1 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the standing position in
the 23–28 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

C.2 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the standing position in
the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

C.3 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the initial swing (ISw)
position in the 23–28 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

C.4 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the initial swing (ISw)
position in the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

C.5 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the mid swing (MSw)
position in the 23–28 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

C.6 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the mid swing (MSw)
position in the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

C.7 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing (TSw)
position (1st measurement) in the 23–28 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

C.8 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing (TSw)
position (1st measurement) in the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

C.9 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing (TSw)
position (2nd measurement) in the 23–28 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

C.10 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing (TSw)
position (2nd measurement) in the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

D.1 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a shirt in the in the 23–28 GHz band . . 68

D.2 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a shirt in the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . 69

D.3 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a shirt in the 23–28 GHz band . . . . . . 70

D.4 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a shirt in the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . 71

D.5 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 23–28 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

D.6 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 76–81 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

D.7 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 23–28 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
D.8 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 76–81 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
D.9 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 23–28 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
D.10 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 76–81 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
D.11 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 23–28 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
D.12 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 76–81 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
D.13 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a winter blue coat in the 23–28 GHz band 80
D.14 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a winter blue coat in the 76–81 GHz band 81
D.15 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a winter blue coat in the 23–28 GHz band 82
D.16 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a winter blue coat in the 76–81 GHz band 83
D.17 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) wearing JRC working cloths in
the 23–28 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
D.18 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) wearing JRC working cloths in
the 76–81 GHz band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
D.19 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) with no clothes in the 23–28 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
D.20 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) with no clothes in the 76–81 GHz
band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

List of Tables

1 Summary of the laboratory equipment used for the RCS measurements in the
24 GHz and 77 GHz frequency bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Summary of the settings programmed on the two vector network analyzers in
the 24/77 GHz frequency bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 List of pedestrian dummies used in the RCS measurement campaign. . . . . 15
4 Start and stop frequencies of the six frequency sub-bands used average the
backscatter RCS versus the azimuth angle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Global frequency/azimuth average RCS for the measurement on the dummy
#1 at the 24 GHz band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6 List of dummies and antenna heights of the measurement group I. . . . . . . 20
7 List of clothes used in the RCS measurements with the manufacturer and fibre
composition information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
B.1 List of captions for the figures with the RCS signatures of measurement group I. 35
C.1 List of captions for the figures with the RCS signatures of measurement group
II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
D.1 List of captions for the figures with the RCS signatures of measurement group
III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

List of Acronyms

AEB Autonomous Emergency Braking systems

ASPECSS ASsessment methodologies for forward looking integrated Pedestrian and further
Extension to Cyclist Safety Systems EC ICT FP7

CEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunication Administrations

EC European Commission

ECC Electronic Communications Committee of the CEPT

EMSL European Microwave Signature Laboatory

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

EU European Union

FCC Federal Communications Commission

FFT Fast Fourier Transform

FP7 7th Framework Programme of the EC

GHz Giga Hertz

HEATCO Developing Harmonised European Approaches for Transport COsting EC FP6 Project

HH receive Horizontal transmit Horizontal polarization

ICT Information and Communications Technologies

ID Identification

IF Intermediate Frequency

IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform

IIHS Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar

ISw Initial Swing

JRC European Commission Joint Research Centre

KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

LO Local Oscillator

LRR Long Range Radar

MOSARIM MOre Safety for All by Radar Interference Mitigation EC ICT FP7 Project

MSw Medium Swing

NCAP New Car Assessment Programme

NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

PNA Performance Network Analyzer

PVC Poly-Vinyl Chloride

RCS Radar Cross Section

RF Radio Frequency

Rx Receive

SARA Strategic Automotive Radar frequency Allocation group

SEM Singularity Expansion Method

SRR Short Range Radar

TSw Terminal Swing

Tx Transmit

USA United States of America

UWB Ultra-Wide Band

VV receive Vertical transmit Vertical polarization


1 Introduction

Road safety has become a major societal issue that should not be ignored. In 2009, more
than 35,000 people died on the roads of the European Union, i.e. the equivalent of a medium
town, and no fewer than 1,500,000 persons were injured. The associated costs for society
are huge, representing approximately 130 billion Euro in 2009 [1]. A recent OECD Report
has evaluated the global impact of these new technologies on road safety, providing rec-
ommendations to governments and industry [2]. A recent Communication of the European
Commission stated that a wide deployment of SRR systems could help reach the EUs policy
goal of halving the number of deaths on the road [3]. Achieving this target requires an in-
tegrated approach requiring a wide range of actions at different levels, where the protection
of vulnerable road users has been identified as a highly relevant issue. The high number
of fatalities and serious injuries faced by vulnerable road users such as riders of motorcy-
cles, mopeds, cyclists and pedestrians are significant and in some European States are still
increasing. In 2008, they represented 45% of all road deaths and statistics, which clearly
shows that they have been given insufficient attention until now. However, at present, a wide
range of new technologies, including intelligent speed adaptation and radar-based collision
avoidance systems, are being widely deployed to improve road safety levels and reduce
these casualties.
Automotive SRR systems can constantly monitor the area around a vehicle to detect
obstacles, such as other vehicles, pedestrians or static obstacles. In fact, radars have been
used since decades to measure accurately the distance and relative speed of the target
being interrogated [4]. Today’s SRR systems are similar to parking assistants but with a
longer range. They aim to warn drivers of potential collisions and alert them to pedestrians
or obstacles in blind spots. Depending on the specific application, SRRs also have the
potential to automatically trigger active safety measures, such as pre-tensioning of seat
belts or automated braking to avoid or mitigate collisions [5].
From a pure technology stand point, the main advantage of radar sensors compared to
other alternatives such as video cameras, ultrasounds or lidar is its immunity to weather
conditions, highly compact housing (i.e., particularly in the 77 GHz frequency band), and
potential for low manufacturing costs [6, 7, 8]. In 2009, around 900,000 new 24 GHz SRR
radars units have been installed in passenger cars in Europe, including both ultra-wide band
(UWB) and narrow band radars. However, the 24 GHz UWB radars are subject to time-
limited frequency regulations in Europe due to compatibility issues with radioastronomy, fixed
and Earth exploration satellite services allocated in the same band [9, 10], which has led to
a significant increase in the number of 24 GHz narrow-band radar sensors. Moreover, in
the long term, the 24 GHz UWB sensor technology is planned to be replaced by 79 GHz
At present, the market penetration of automotive radars is increasing quite rapidly, in
particular those operating in the 77 GHz and 79 GHz bands [11]. This is mainly because
radar-based assistance functions, which were almost exclusively available in luxury cars,
are currently stepping down towards the medium and compact car segments. An important

driver behind this trend in Europe is the fact that a recent survey by the European New
Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) has decided to include autonomous emergency
braking (AEB) systems (e.g., a forward-looking radar) as part of the overal Euro NCAP
star rating from 2014 onwards [12]. Two very important functions of AEB sensors are to
detect other vehicles and, more importandly, to detect pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycles
and other vulnerable road users. The development of AEB sensors and also the need to
assess quantitatively their detection performance has led to an increasing use of pedestrian
dummies (i.e., test targets or surrogates mimicking pedestrians for the AEB sensors). Since
a widespread use of these dummies is required to develop and test the AEB sensors, a clear
need for harmonized test and evaluation procedures and standards has emerged recently.
In this context, it is very important to make sure that the SRR signatures of pedestrian
dummies match those of humans with a high degree of accuracy. However, the availabil-
ity of this kind of test targets is rather new and, consequently, there is a limited knowl-
edge on the radar signatures they show, particularly in the 24 GHz and 77 GHz frequency
bands [13]. The available radar signatures of humans are in the USA FCC UWB band (i.e.,
3.1–10.6 GHz) [14] and in the mm-Wave bands above 100 GHz. As an example, one of the
key aspect in the tests of SRR sensors is to prove that a pedestrian is detected at a certain
distance, which requires the definition of a threshold or minimum radar cross section (RCS)
the radar must be able to measure. Therefore it is extremely important to have precise esti-
mates of the typical RCS values of pedestrians and, more precisely, of pedestrian dummies
that are required in the tests of AEB sensors.
This report presents the results of an extensive series of RCS laboratory measurements
on pedestrian dummies and humans. The measurements took place in August 2012, at the
European Microwave Signature Laboratory (EMSL) [15] of the European Commission Joint
Research Centre, Ispra, Italy. This measurement campaign was carried out in the context of
the EC FP7 ICT Project MOSARIM [16] and was aimed at establishing a reference library
with the RCS signatures of pedestrian dummies and humans in the 24 GHz and 77 GHz
bands. To this end, issues such as the influence of the height of the SRR antennas above
the ground, height of the dummies, and the effect of the clothing on the measured RCS
signatures are investigated. The definition of a proper metric that could be used to quantify
the degree of similarity between two RCS signatures is also addressed and some examples
are given.
This report is organized as follows. A description of the measurement set-up and, in-
cluding a detailed description of the test set-up, the control software, the frequency bands
selected for the tests, the calibration procedure and an assessment of the test set-up re-
peatibility are given given in Section 2. Section 3 includes a complete description of the
RCS signatures selected to characterize the pedestrians, and a discussion on the results
that have been obtained in this campaign, along with some key parameters that influence
the characteristics of the RCS signatures. Finally, the conclusions drawn from the analysis
of the measurement results are summarized in Section 4.

2 Measurement Set-up

All the radar cross section (RCS) measurements subject of this report were performed in the
anechoic chamber of the European Microwave Signature Laboratory (EMSL). This chamber
has a hemispherical shape with a diameter of 20 m and a height of 15 m, and is equipped
with a computer-controlled 5 ton capacity turntable mounted on a movable platform that
can be brought in and out for load/unload operations, as shown in Figure 1. The goal of
the measurement campaign was twofold: firstly, to collect the RCS signatures of pedestrian
dummies in the SRR frequency bands at 24/77 GHz, and secondly, to assess their similarity
with the RCS signatures of humans. It is important to note that pedestrian dummies are
not exclusively designed for the testing of SRR systems, and they are also used to test
other automotive forward looking safety systems such as infrared cameras. The dummies
were placed on the computer-controlled turntable of the anechoic chamber. A stepper motor
with very high step accuracy and resolution (i.e., both below 0.01◦ ) controlled the rotation
axis position of the turntable. For safety reasons, the height of the target holder inside
the chamber was lowered down to a position 1 m above the ground. The turntable could
be rotated from 0 to 360◦ , and brought outside the chamber when the dummy had to be
replaced. Some of the dummies had to be suspended with a thin Nylon rope attached to the
chamber ceiling to have them standing stably during the tests. The control of the instruments
and the rotation axis of the turntable were performed remotely from the laboratory control
room. A view of the anechoic chamber with a dummy under test standing on the turntable
and the instrumentation installed inside the chamber is shown in Figure 2.
The RCS measurements were performed in the bands 23–28 GHz and 76–81 GHz si-
multaneously using two Vector Network Analyzers with a common trigger input signal. The
two network analyzers were installed inside the anechoic chamber, with the antennas and

Figure 1: View of the anechoic chamber showing a van loaded on the computer-controlled

Figure 2: View of the test setup inside the anechoic chamber of the EMSL.

millimeter wave extension heads being mounted on a tripod with adjustable height, as shown
in Figure 3. One can distinguish the two horn antennas in the E-band (60–90 GHz) attached
to the mm-Wave extension heads (i.e., the blue boxes) and the Ka-band (26.5–40 GHz)
horn antennas mounted on top. A quasi-monostatic configuration was used, with Tx and
Rx antennas colocated along the horizontal cross-range axis. The horizontal separation
between the two sets of Tx/Rx antennas was 15 cm. The range distance between the an-
tenna apertures to rotation axis of the turntable was 3.4 m. The gain of the antennas in
the 24 GHz and 77 GHz frequency bands was in both cases approximately 20 dB. The half-
power beamwidth in the E-plane (i.e., the vertical plane) for both sets of Tx/Rx antennas was
about 20◦ , which is basically enough to guarantee a quasi-uniform illumination of a pedes-
trian or human standing on the turntable, as illustrated in Figure 3. The polarization was
vertical both for Tx and Rx antennas, simply because that is the polarization currently used
by automotive SRRs. The laboratory equipment used for the RCS measurements subject of
this report is summarized in Table 1.

2.1 Millimeter-Wave Frequency Extension

The solution adopted to carry out the measurements in the 77 GHz band has been to use a
vector network analyzer in combination with a frequency extension for the E-Band, both from
Agilent Technologies [17]. The frequency extension for the Vector Network Analyzer PNA-
X consists of a millimeter wave controller and two millimeter wave heads. The controller
provides the RF and local oscillator (LO) signals to the millimeter wave heads and receives
the IF of the reference and test channels. The block diagram of an Agilent N5256 mm-wave
extension head that can operate alternatively in the Tx or Rx modes is shown in Figure 4.
In Tx mode, the frequency of the RF input signal in the band 10 to 15 GHz is multiplied by
a factor 6 using an active frequency doubler followed by a tripler. The waveguide output of
the tripler in the band 60 to 90 GHz feeds the Tx antenna connected to the test port through
2.1 Millimeter-Wave Frequency Extension 5


H = 0.8 m


Figure 3: (a): Sketch showing the measurement set-up used in the RCS measurements
(left); (b) Close view of the mm-Wave frequency extension heads and the two sets of Tx/Rx
antennas at 24 (upper) and 77 GHz (lower).

23–28 GHz Frequency Band

Description Model Manufacturer
Network Analyzer E8364B Agilent Technologies
Std Gain Horn 22240-20 Flann Microwave
Coax-to-Waveguide Adaptors 22093-KF 20 Flann Microwave

76–81 GHz Frequency Band

Description Model Manufacturer
Network Analyzer N5247A Agilent Technologies
Millimeter Wave Controller N5262A Agilent Technologies
E-Band T/R mm-Wave heads N5256AW12 Agilent Technologies
Std Gain Horn 26240-20 Flann Microwave

Table 1: Summary of the laboratory equipment used for the RCS measurements in the
24 GHz and 77 GHz frequency bands.

a directional coupler, with one part of the signal going to the reference channel mixer. In
Rx mode, the RF input is absent. The wave received by the antenna connected to the test
port is routed to the test channel mixer using a directional coupler. This mixer works at the
5th harmonic of the LO frequency, which is in the 12 to 18 GHz band to produce a fixed
intermediate frequency (IF).

2.2 Control Software

A measurement control software written in Microsoft Visual C# .NET was used to control the
rotation of the turntable and acquire the RCS data from the vector network analyzer working
at 77 GHz at every aspect angle of a given measurement scenario. Since a simultaneous
acquisition of the backscattering data in two frequency bands was needed, a second stand-
alone measurement control software was developed to acquire the backscattering data in
the 24 GHz frequency band, this time using a National Instruments Labview Script. The
solution that was adopted to synchronize the two measurements was to configure the PNA-
X, which was doing the measurements at 77 GHz, such that it was giving a trigger signal
to the second PNA at the start of every frequency sweep. The swept times (i.e., the IF
bandwidth) of the two measurements were configured such that the measurement in the
77 GHz band finished slightly after that in the 24 GHz band. A flowchart of the control and
acquisition software is shown in Figure 5. The left part of the chart represents the main
steps of a standard EMSL measurement cycle. After initialization, the program enters in a
loop in which the angular position is set, the 76–81 GHz frequency sweep is started and the
RCS data is streamed to the hard disk in binary format.
2.2 Control Software 7

Source: Agilent Technologies N5256/7/8A Millimeter-wave Modules Users Guide [17]

Figure 4: Block diagram of the mm-Wave frequency extension heads for the E-Band RCS

Figure 5: Flowchart of EMSL measurement control software with an extension for two simul-
taneous RCS measurements.

2.3 Frequency Bands for Automotive Radar

The choice of the frequency bands used in the RCS measurements was made in accordance
to the current status of the European spectrum regulation for automotive radar. The first
regulatory decisions on the 24 GHz band for short range automotive radars started in 2002.
A Consortium formed by more than 30 car manufacturers and OEM suppliers was created
(i.e., the SARA Group) to support the UWB regulation for automotive radar in the 24 GHz
band in Europe. In 2005, a Commission Decision was adopted and the 21.65–26.65 GHz
band was allocated for UWB SRRs. Recently, authorisation to use the 24 GHz frequency
band for anti-collision SRR in cars has been extended until 2018 by a European Commission
Decision [18]. This temporary extension will ensure that SRR systems remain available on
the market until manufacturers develop technology using the 79 GHz band.
The choice of the two frequency bands of the RCS measurements was as follows. The
horn antennas used in the 24 GHz band were designed for operation in the Ka band (26.5–
40 GHz). Since the waveguide cutoff frequency of the flange was about 21 GHz, the center
frequency of the RCS measurements at 24 GHz was slighly shifted up and the 23–28 GHz
band was finally used.
Regarding the E-band frequency allocation, the band range 76–77 GHz was allocated to
long range automotive radars (LRR) in 2002, following the CEPT Electronic Communications
Commitee Decision ECC/DEC/(02)01. This Decision led subsequently to a European Stan-
dard for automotive radars [19]. In 2004, the frequency band 77–81 GHz was allocated to
automotive SRR, following the Commission Decision 2004/545/EC [20, 21]. Bearing these
two regulatory decisions in mind, the frequency band chosen for the present study on the
RCS measurements of pedestrian dummies was finally 76–81 GHz.
Having a bandwidth of 5 GHz in the two RCS measurement bands provided an extremely
high range resolution in the time domain (i.e., ∆R ' 3 cm), which means that one can ap-
ply time gating techniques to isolate the backcatter from the target and effectively remove
unwanted contributions such as the Tx/Rx coupling, noise and background clutter. A vec-
tor network analyzer can be programmed to acquire the complex backscattering data in the
frequency domain at a selected number of uniformly spaced frequency points. The network
analyzer in this case becomes a stepped frequency radar [22, 23]. A range profile of the
radar backscatter can be simply obtained through a Fourier transform of the frequency do-
main backscatter data. The number of frequency points used in the measurements was
2001 in the two bands. This resulted in an unambiguous range of about 60 m, which was
far beyond the dimensions of the anechoic chamber. The choice of the bandwidth of the in-
termediate frequency (IF) filter directly affects the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement,
leading to a trade-off between the sweep time and the measurement uncertainty. Short
measurement sweeps are needed in order to be able to collect RCS signatures of humans
standing on a turntable. On the other hand, sweep times should not be too short since this
would increase significantly the uncertainty and noise in the measurement. Bearing this in
mind, and after a series of laboratory tests, it was decided to set the IF bandwidth in the
24 GHz and 77 GHz bands to, respectively, 15 and 10 kHz. This choice represents a rea-
2.4 RCS Data Calibration 9

Frequency Band
Parameter 24 GHz 77 GHz
Start Frequency (GHz): 23.0 76.0
Stop Frequency (GHz): 28.0 81.0
IF Bandwidth (kHz): 15.0 10.0
Sweep Time (ms): 200.0 250.0
Number of Frequency Points: 2001 2001
Acquired Traces: A/R1 and B/R1 A/R1

Table 2: Summary of the settings programmed on the two vector network analyzers in the
24/77 GHz frequency bands.

sonable compromise that guarantees a high accuracy of the RCS measurements on both
pedestrian dummies and humans. A summary of the settings that were programmed on the
two vector network analyzers is given in Table 2.

2.4 RCS Data Calibration

The raw RCS backscatter data collected in the two frequency bands are not calibrated and
include unwanted terms such as the Tx/Rx direct coupling, Tx/Rx antenna gains, cable
losses, free-space propagation losses, and the possible impedance mismatch and insertion
loss at the various connectors and waveguide flanges in the RF chain. Therefore, an addi-
tional measurement using a reference or canonical target with known RCS in the frequency
range of the measurement is needed to calibrate the backscatter data and obtain a precise
estimate of the RCS [24, 25]. The target RCS as a function of the frequency is the exclusive
characteristic signature of interest in these measurements.
Since just a single polarization was used in all measurements (i.e., VV), a single refer-
ence target with known RCS in this polarization is needed. In indoor RCS measurements,
in addition to the calibration measurement, it is common to apply a background substraction
or empty room measurement. This is an additional measurement made exactly under the
same conditions as the RCS measurements but with no target present on the turntable. The
set-up used in the measurements was designed to ensure an extremely low RCS within the
range window enclosing the turntable. This was largely achieved and the measured aver-
age power of the empty room measurement was at least 35 dB below that of the target that
was being characterized, which means that a background substraction was not needed. An
example range profile of the backscattered power measured both with and without a dummy
present on the turntable is shown in Figure 6. These range profiles have been obtained
prior to the calibration and therefore the round trip travel times from the Tx/Rx antennas to
the turntable (i.e., region coloured in light yellow) in the two frequency bands are different.
Anyway, it can be clearly seen that the peak RCS of the dummy is significantly higher than
the average RCS of the empty room backscatter within the region occupied by the turntable.
More specifically, the peak RCS of the dummy is about 45 dB and 35 dB above that of
the average background RCS, respectively, in the 24 and 77 GHz frequency bands. The

(a) (b)

Figure 6: Range profiles of the backscattered power measured both with and without a
dummy present on the turntable in the 23–28 GHz (left) and 76–81 GHz (right) frequency

background noise in the 77 GHz measurements was slightly higher because of the E-band
frequency extension, which has some active elements that raise the noise floor of the re-
ceiver. It must also be noted that the direct coupling between the Tx and Rx antennas is
present in both range profiles and is effectively filtered out after a time gating. The coupling
level observed in the 77 GHz band is significantly lower than that in the 24 GHz band. This
is because in both bands the separation distance between the Tx and Rx antennas was
exactly the same and the sidelobes of the horn antennas at 77 GHz were significantly lower.
The calibration of the measurement data has been carried out in four steps, namely.
Firstly, a one-dimensional inverse FFT along frequency is applied to get the time domain
backscatter data. Secondly, a time gating is applied to filter out the backscatter falling outside
the region of interest centered at the turntable time bin. Thirdly, a one-dimensional FFT
along the time dimension to get the gated frequency domain backscatter data. Fourthly, a
frequency domain calibration of the backscatter data using the theoretical and measured
backscatter from a canonical target located at the center of the turntable. A mathematical
expression that formulates the calibration technique that has been used can be given as
Z Tstop Z Fstop     
Ctheo [f] 2πft 2πft
Scal [f, φ] = × Suncal [f, t] exp +j df exp −j dt (1)
Cmsr [f] Tstart Fstart c c
where Ctheo [f ] and Cmsr [f ] denote, respectively, the theoretical and actually measured backscat-
ter from a reference target as a function of the frequency, Suncal [f, φ] denotes the frequency
domain raw data to be calibrated, Fstart and Fstop are the start and stop frequencies of the
RCS measurement, Tstart and Tstop are the start and stop times enclosing the region occu-
pied by the turntable, c is the speed of light, f is the RF frequency variable, and t denotes
the time variable.
The coding of the calibration given in Eq. (1) using a mathematical toolkit such as Matlab
is straightforward. First, the equation has to be re-written in discrete form based on the fact
that the radar backscatter was measured at a set of frequency and azimuth aspect angles
2.4 RCS Data Calibration 11

both uniformly spaced. Then, the two integrals in Eq. (1) shall be calculated using FFT
codes, which reduces drastically the computational cost. In fact, the calibration basically
reduces a sequence of an inverse FFT followed by an FFT and a complex product. Thus,
Eq. (1) in discrete form can be written as follows:
Ctheo [fn ]
Scal [fn , φm ] = × FFTtime [Wtn IFFTfreq [Suncal [fn , φm ]]] (2)
Cmsr [fn ]
where n = 0, . . . , Nf − 1 denotes the index of the frequency sweep, m = 0, . . . , Mφ − 1 is the
index of the 360◦ azimuth scan of the turntable, Wtn is a time gating weighting function that
is null at all the time bins except those within the time window [Tstart , Tstop ], where it equals
The measurement set-up used for the calibration of the RCS data using a metal sphere
is shown in Figure 7. The calibration was performed in two steps. A first coarse calibration
was achieved using a conducting circular disc of 12 cm diameter precisely located at the
center of the turntable. The disc was carefully aligned pointing towards the middle point of
a line segment between the Tx and Rx antennas using a laser distometer. A planar surface
such as a disc has the advantage of showing a very high RCS that increases steadily as
the frequency increases. However, at the frequencies used in the measurements, a disc
of 12 cm shows a very high directivity and it is practically not possible to have a precise
simultaneous aligment with the two sets of Tx/Rx antennas because of the small height
separation distance (i.e., about 7 cm). Still, the use of a small circular disc is useful to get
a precise calibration of the phase of the backscatter data using a reference target with very
high RCS. The effect of the small misalignment will be that the calibration will introduce a
slight amplitude offset that can be corrected using a second reference target not requiring a
careful alignment. In this case, a metallic sphere of diameter 3 in was used to estimate the
amplitude offset and calibrate the RCS accordingly. A metal sphere shows the nice property
of having a rather constant RCS for small bistatic angles that can be easily predicted using
the Mie’s solution, as described in Appendix A. In the set-up used in the RCS measurements,
the bistatic angle was approximately 2.5◦ .
The first calibration with the circular disc was made using the theoretical RCS response
for normal incidence, which can be simply expressed as follows [26]:

4 π A2 f 2
σdisc (f ) = (3)
where A denotes the physical area of the circular disc and λ is the wavelength at the fre-
quency of the measurement. The theoretical complex backscattering that needs to be used
in Eq. (1) is: √
disc j2 πA f
Ctheo (f ) = (4)
The precise magnitude of the amplitude offsets that may be introduced when using a circular
disc as the reference target has been estimated using a second calibration measurement
with a metal sphere of 3 in diameter. The results of this second calibration measurement
are shown in Figure 8. The estimated amplitude offsets to be added to the RCS data cal-
ibrated using the circular disc were 1.41 dB and 2.70 dB, respectively, in the 24 GHz and

Figure 7: Laboratory setup with the calibration sphere mounted on the turntable at a distance
of 3.4 m from the radar antennas.

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Results of the calibration measurements using a metal sphere to estimate the
amplitude offsets in the 24 GHz (left) and 77 GHz (right) frequency bands.

77 GHz frequency bands. The rms error after the compensation of the amplitude offsets in
the measurement of the calibration sphere in these two bands were 0.41 dB and 0.38 dB.
This result is considered to be good enough and the proposed two-steps calibration using
the metal disc and the compensation for the amplitude offsets will be used in all the RCS
measurements subject of this report.

2.5 Test Setup Repeatibility

The repeatibility of the test setup used in the RCS measurements was assessed in two
different conditions. First, the short-term repeatibility was estimated by conducting two con-
secutive measurements on the very same pedestrian dummy. In this repeatibility test, the
second measurement was carried out right after the first one without touching the dummy on
2.5 Test Setup Repeatibility 13

(a) (b)

Figure 9: Results of the short term repeatibility measurement at the 24 (left) and 77 GHz
(right) frequency bands.

the turntable. The backscatter data was collected in two frequency bands 23–28 GHz and
76–81 GHz, at a total of 360 azimuth positions spaced 1 deg, just as in all the other tests on
the pedestrian dummies. A possible way to assess the repeatibility of the measurement is,
for instance, to compare the polar plots of the frequency average of the measured RCS as
a function of the azimuth rotation angle, which in discrete form can be expressed as:

Nf −1
1 X
σavg [φm ] = |S[fn , φm ]|2 (5)

where S[fn , φm ], as defined in Eq. (2), denotes the calibrated backscatter data of the dummy
under test, as a function of the frequency and azimuth position of the turntable.
The result of this comparison for the two frequency bands measured is shown in Figure 9.
It can be observed that the RCS values from the two consecutive measurements are almost
indistinguishable. This confirms a very high short term repeatibility and stability of the entire
test setup, which is an important requirement for the long series of RCS measurements
subject of this report.
Similarly, an assessment of the long term repeatibility of the setup was completed. This
test consisted of two measurements on the very same dummy carried out three days apart.
After the first measurement, the turntable was brought out of the anechoic chamber and
the dummy was removed. In between the two measurements, a series of other tests on
various dummies was completed. The dummy used in the first measurement was placed
back on the turntable and a second RCS measurement was completed. The comparison
of the results of these two measurements is shown in Figure 10. It can be seen that the
observed differences are minimal, particularly taking into account the fact that the precise
position of the dummy was not exactly the same in the two tests. The overall agreement is

(a) (b)

Figure 10: Results of the long term repeatibility measurement at the 24 (left) and 77 GHz
(right) frequency bands.

good enough and shows that the procedure to mount and remount the dummy guarantees
a reasonable repeatibility.

3 RCS Measurement Results

In collaboration with members of the ASPECSS (Assessment methodologies for forward

looking Integrated Pedestrian and further extension to cyclist safety systems) EC FP7 Project
Consortium [27], a representative selection of pedestrian dummies was made. Among the
various activities organized within the framework of the ASPECSS project, a series of mea-
surement campaigns requiring a representative selection of pedestrian dummies has been
planned. Therefore, it was agreed to share use as much as possible of the very same dum-
mies in both measurement campaigns. As a result, a total of 11 pedestrian dummies were
kindly made available for this measurement campaign during August 2012. The complete list
of the dummies, along with its identification names and the provider/manufacturer is shown
in Table 3. The precise details on the material composition of the dummies were not made
available and, consequently, cannot be provided in the present report.
In addition to the RCS measurements on pedestrian dummies, a series of tests collect-
ing the RCS of humans under the same conditions was also carried out. The purpose of
these additional measurements was twofold. Firstly, for comparison purposes, to assess the
degree of similarity between the typical RCS signatures of pedestrian dummies and those
of real humans. Secondly, to investigate the impact of different types of clothing on the
measured RCS in the two frequency bands, respectively, at 24 and 77 GHz.

ID # Identification Name Dummy Provider/Manufacturer

1 KIT Dummy Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

2 4a Dummy 4a engineering GmbH, Austria
3 Audi Bicycle and 4a Dummy Audi AG, Germany / 4a engineer-
ing GmbH, Austria
4 vFSS Adult Dummy Advance Forward-Looking Safety
Systems, Germany
5 vFSS Child Dummy Advance Forward-Looking Safety
Systems, Germany
6 NHTSA Adult Dummy National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, USA
7 NHTSA Child Dummy National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, USA
8 TRL/innovITS Advance Adult Dummy Transport Research Laboratory,
United Kingdom
9 TRL/innovITS Advance Child Dummy Transport Research Laboratory,
United Kingdom
10 IDIADA Dummy Applus IDIADA Group, Spain
11 IIHS Dummy Insurance Institute for Highway
Safety, USA

Table 3: List of pedestrian dummies used in the RCS measurement campaign.


3.1 RCS Signatures

Establishing the degree of similarity among different types of pedestrian dummies or be-
tween humans and pedestrian dummies is not a trivial task. The collected backscatter
datasets are multi-dimensional and as such they can be treated in many different forms.
One could use, for instance, the radar backscatter in the time domain and try to classify
the target based on its late time response using the so-called singularity expansion method
(SEM) [28, 29]. The RCS measurements subject of this report have been carried out using
a very wide frequency bandwidth (i.e., 5 GHz), which provides a very high resolution in the
time domain. The SEM technique exploits the fact that late time response of a given target
can be modelled as a sum of exponentially decaying sinusoids. Under the assumption that
the late time response is an exclusive characteristic signature of the target, the loci of the
associated complex frequency poles of this sum of sinusoids has been used to classify the
targets. Alternatively, one could also use the time domain backscatter as a function of the
aspect angle or azimuth position of the turntable, also known as the B-scan or sinogram,
as the key characteristic signature to classify the targets. In some cases, targets can be
modelled as an ensamble of point-like scatterers that are clearly distinguisable in the range
profile. As the target rotates through the 360◦ , the loci of these point scatterers in the B-scan
determines a characteristic pattern that can also be used for classification purposes. This
feature could be further exploited if the RCS measurement is made with a sufficiently fine
angular sampling such that:
∆φmin ≤ (6)
2 Dmax
where λc denotes the wavelength at the center frequency and Dmax is the diameter of the
smallest cylinder enclosing completely the target under test. Collecting the frequency do-
main backscatter using an angular sampling satisfying Eq. (6), allows the formation of a
radar image using inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) techniques [23, 30]. The spatial
resolution of ISAR images can be extremely high, i.e., with ∆x = ∆y ' λc /5 in the case of
an azimuth aperture synthesis spanning 360◦ [31].
Another interesting alternative to classify and compare quantitatively the RCS signatures
of pedestrians is based on the micro-Doppler signatures, which are particularly useful when
there is a relative movement between the SRR and the pedestrian being characterized [32].
The use of the micro-Doppler and time-frequency signatures has been suggested to classify
pedestrians and effectively extract characteristic features of their gait [33, 34, 35].
Finally, it is worth mentioning that in addition to the above feature extraction techniques,
one could also attempt to classify the pedestrians RCS signatures from an statistical view-
point. For instance, the probability density function of the frequency-domain RCS at each
azimuth position of the turntable is expected to show some characteristic features. Thereby,
pedestrians may be classified based on the boxplots of the RCS as a function of the aspect
angle [36, 13]. However, this statistics-based classification technique does not exploit the in-
formation present in the phase of the frequency-domain backscatter data, which might pose
some limitations in certain cases.
The main objective of the present report is to present a wide range of typical RCS sig-
3.1 RCS Signatures 17

natures of pedestrians measured in the two SRR frequency bands at 24 and 77 GHz. How-
ever, an in-depth study on the suitability of the characteristic signatures that can be extracted
from the data collected in this measurement campaign falls beyond the scope of this report.
Therefore, in the present report, three main classes of signatures are suggested to charac-
terize the pedestrians (i.e., both the pedestrian dummies and humans) will be used. A brief
description of these three signatures is next.

3.1.1 Frequency average RCS versus azimuth

The calibrated backscatter data defined in Eq. (2) can be averaged within a given sub-band
within the measured frequency band. Noting that the frequency span of the RCS mea-
surements both at 24 and 77 GHz was 5 GHz, it has been decided to split both frequency
bands into five sub-bands spanning 1 GHz each. Then, one can define the following six fre-
quency averages of the backscatter RCS versus azimuth and use them as the characteristic
signatures of a given pedestrian. The frequency average of the backscatter RCS can be
expressed as follows:
Z fistop
iband [φ] = |Scal [f, φ]|2 df (7)
Bavg fistart

where Bavg is 1 GHz, and fistart /fistop denote the start/stop frequencies of the ith sub-band,
which have been defined as shown in Table 4. A sub-band spanning the entire measured

Frequency Band
24 GHz 77 GHz
Sub-band Start Freq (GHz) Stop Freq (GHz) Start Freq (GHz) Stop Freq (GHz)
1st 23.0 24.0 76.0 77.0
2nd 24.0 25.0 77.0 76.0
3rd 25.0 26.0 78.0 79.0
4th 26.0 27.0 79.0 80.0
5th 27.0 28.0 80.0 81.0
6th 23.0 28.0 76.0 81.0

Table 4: Start and stop frequencies of the six frequency sub-bands used average the
backscatter RCS versus the azimuth angle.

frequency range of 5 GHz has been defined in view of the fact that some of the planned SRR
radars in the 77 GHz band may occupy such a wide portion of spectrum. An example of the
polar plots of the average backscatter RCS in the six sub-bands that have been defined is
shown in Figure 11. The frequency band of these example polar plots is 23–28 GHz. The
target under test was the dummy #1 (i.e., KIT dummy). Four snapshots of this dummy on the
turntable corresponding to the front, rear, left, and right azimuth positions are also shown.
In this example, the radar antennas height above the turntable was 0.8 m.

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

Azm=90° Azm=270°

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz Azm=180

(a) (b)

Figure 11: Example polar plots of the average backscatter RCS in the six sub-bands in the
23–28 GHz frequency range (left), and four snapshots of the dummy #1 on the turntable.

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)
Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Azimuth (deg)

Figure 12: Example backscatter RCS versus azimuth integrating the entire frequency band
23–28 GHz for the dummy #1.
3.2 RCS Measurements on Pedestrian Dummies and Humans 19

3.1.2 Backscatter RCS range profiles versus azimuth

The backscatter RCS range profiles versus azimuth have been selected as a characteristic
signature of the pedestrians. The range profiles of the backscatter RCS can be computed
from the frequency domain calibrated backscatter as follows:
Z fistop  
j 2πft
St [t, φ] = Scal [f, φ] Wf [f] exp + df (8)
fistart c

where Wf [f ] denotes a windowing function used to lower the sidelobes of any scatterer
present in the range profile [37]. At this point, the backscatter RCS can be expressed as:

RCSt [t, φ] = |St [t, φ]|2 (9)

The calculation of the backscatter RCS range profiles in Eq. (8) is rather straightforward and
can be implemented very efficiently using FFT codes. An elegant implementation of the
Fourier integral in Eq. (8) can also be made using the Chirp-Z transform [38], which allows a
flexible definition of the extent and number of points in the time window where the backscat-
ter is calculated. It is important to note that the backscatter RCS profiles can be obtained
integrating the frequency domain data in a given sub-band or, alternatively, using the en-
tire frequency band of the measurement. An example of backscatter RCS profiles versus
azimuth for the dummy #1 is shown in Figure 12. This backscatter RCS has been calcu-
lated integrating the entire frequency band of the measurement 23–28 GHz. A Hamming
frequency window has been applied in order to reduce the sidelobes in the range profiles
down to 42 dB. From this result, one can conclude that the backscatter of this dummy can
be modelled as an ensemble of dominant scattering centers. The sinusoidal paths that are
distinguishable in the figure are associated to these scattering centers and can be used as
a characteristic feature of the dummy for classification purposes. However, it must be noted
that the identification of the position of the dominant scattering centers is not a simple task.
The scattering centers are located at different heights and, unfortunately, the radar viewing
geometry was such that it provided almost no resolution along the vertical axis.

3.1.3 Global frequency/azimuth average RCS

The third characteristic signature of the pedestrians that has been selected was the global
frequency/azimuth average of the calibrated backscatter RCS. This average can be ex-
pressed as follows:
Z 2π Z fistop
1 1
iband = |Scal [f, φ]|2 df dφ (10)
Bavg 2π 0 fistart

where it can be observed that one can obtain a global average RCS at the six frequency
sub-bands defined in Table 4. As an example, the global frequency/azimuth average RCS
at all the sub-bands for the dummy #1 are summarized in Table 5.

Dummy Type: KIT Dummy with Clothes

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −11.60 −11.73 −11.67 −11.44 −11.19 −11.53

Table 5: Global frequency/azimuth average RCS for the measurement on the dummy #1 at
the 24 GHz band.

Antenna Height (m)

ID # Identification Name 0.5 m 0.8 m 1.0 m
2 4a Dummy X X X
3 Audi Bicycle and 4a Dummy X X X
4 vFSS Adult Dummy X X X
5 vFSS Child Dummy X X X
6 NHTSA Adult Dummy X X X
7 NHTSA Child Dummy X X X
8 TRL/innovITS Advance Adult Dummy X X
9 TRL/innovITS Advance Child Dummy X
11 IIHS Dummy X X X

Table 6: List of dummies and antenna heights of the measurement group I.

3.2 RCS Measurements on Pedestrian Dummies and Humans 21

Standing ISw MSw TSw

TSw (Terminal Swing)

TSw (Terminal Swing)

ISw (Initial Swing)

ISw (Initial Swing)

MSw (Mid Swing)

MSw (Mid Swing)

PSw (Pre-Swing)

PSw (Pre-Swing)

PSw (Pre-Swing)
Right Left Left Right Right Left
heel toe- heel toe- heel toe-
contact off contact off contact off

0% 50% 100%
Time, percent of gait cycle

Figure 13: Pictures of the IDIADA dummy at the four positions measured (upper), and
phases of the human gait with the corresponing gate cycle times (lower).

(a) (b)

Figure 14: Pictures of the dummy #1 on the turntable with (left) and without (right) JRC
working clothes.

3.2 RCS Measurements on Pedestrian Dummies and Humans

The RCS measurements that have been selected for the present report have been divided
into three different groups, namely:

Group I: In this group of measurements a selection of the available dummies were charac-
terized at different heights of the radar antennas above the turntable. The objective
of these tests was twofold: firstly, to collect the RCS signatures of the dummies under
test and, secondly, to have measurements on the same dummy at different antenna
heights. A sketch showing how the height of the antennas was measured is shown in
Figure 3. More precisely, there was a total of seven dummies (i.e., dummies ID #2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11 of Table 3) that were characterized at three antenna heights (i.e.,
H=0.5, 0.8, and 1.0 m). The dummy #8 (i.e., TRL/innovITS Advance Adult Dummy)
was also measured but just at the middle and upper position (i.e., H=0.8 and 1.0 m).
The complete set of results corresponding to this group of measurements is given
in Appendix B. The last measurement included in this group was that of the dummy
#9 (i.e., TRL/innovITS Child Dummy). The RCS signatures of this child dummy were
collected only at the middle antenna position of H=0.8 m. A detailed list of the dum-
mies and the antenna height positions actually used in the measurements is shown in
Table 6.

Group II: This second group of measurements included the tests made on IDIADA dummy,
which has been specifically design to assess the impact of the movement on measured
RCS. The objective of these tests was to assess how the RCS signatures of a given
dummy change depending the phase of the human gait cycle. This dummy was mea-
sured in five different positions at a fixed antenna height of H=0.8 m, corresponding
to specific phases of the human gait [39]. A sketch showing the phases of the human
gait and the corresponding gait cycle time is given in Figure 13. The five positions that
were characterized were: standing, ISw (initial swing), MSw (medium swing), and the
TSw (terminal swing), which was measured twice in a sequence. The complete set of
results corresponding to this group of measurements is given in Appendix C.

Group III: The last group of measurements was devoted to assess the impact of clothing on
the RCS signatures of pedestrian dummies and humans. This group of measurements
included a series of eight tests with two humans and four different types of clothing (as
shown in Figure 16), plus two additional tests on the dummy #1 with and without JRC
working clothes, as illustrated in Figure 14. The complete set of results corresponding
to this group of measurements is given in Appendix D.

3.2.1 Influence of Antenna Height

The series of tests conducted in the first group of measurements have been useful to assess
the influence of the height of the antennas above the ground on the observed RCS signa-
tures. Looking at the results presented in Appendix B, one can conclude that in the case
3.2 RCS Measurements on Pedestrian Dummies and Humans 23

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5


RCS (dBsm)
Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270° (a)
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: vFSS Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −8.29 −8.33 −8.55 −7.99 −7.94 −8.22

Height=0.8 m −7.80 −8.27 −7.53 −7.33 −7.26 −7.63

Height=1.0 m −7.25 −7.34 −7.25 −6.77 −6.70 −7.06 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270° (b)
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: vFSS Child

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −8.80 −8.96 −8.57 −8.31 −8.15 −8.55

Height=0.8 m −11.97 −12.11 −11.68 −11.33 −11.20 −11.65

° °
Height=1.0 m −14.47 −14.57 −14.17 −13.81 −14.14 −14.22 Azm=180 Azm=0

Figure 15: Measured RCS signatures at three different heights for the adult (upper) and child
dummy (lower) in the 76–81 GHz frequency band.

of the adult dummies the highest RCS is normally observed at the middle antenna position
(i.e., H=0.8 m). The influence of the antenna heigth seems to be more evident on the global
frequency/azimuth average RCS, where differences in the range 1-2 dB can be seen. The
polar plots of the frequency average RCS versus azimuth show some similar patterns at the
three height positions. On the contrary, some very significant changes of the RCS signa-
tures have been observed in the case of the measurements on the child dummies when the
antenna height was changed. In fact, the measured RCS on the child dummy has been
significantly higher at the lowest position of the antennas. Assuming one can model the
human body as a vertical cylinder of finite length, it is clear that the measured RCS shall be
maximum when the incidence is normal to the center position of the cylinder. Slightly oblique
incidence angles will lower the RCS because of the fact that the reflected electromagnetic
wavefront will be located in the specular direction. Noting that the adult and child dummy
show a clear height offset of their center of gravity, one can therefore expect a higher RCS
at the lower antenna position on the child dummy and, on the contratry, a higher RCS at
the middle position for the adult dummy. This is clearly illustrated in Figure 15, where the
RCS signatures of both a child and adult dummies are shown in the 76–81 GHz frequency
band. In this example, the average RCS of the child dummy varies significantly as a function
of the antenna height, and a difference of almost 6 dB between the RCS at the high and
low positions is observed. This clearly proves that the RCS at the lower antenna position
is significantly higher. The differences between the RCS at the high and low positions are
more significant in the high frequency band, something that was certainly expected.

3.2.2 Influence of Clothing

A dedicated series of tests was carried out to assess the effect of different types of clothes on
the observed RCS of pedestrians. As in the previous measurements, the RCS backscatter
data was collected in the frequency bands at 24 and 77 GHz. Results did not show significant
variations of the frequency average of the RCS of a human wearing cotton shirt, laboratory
coat or a woolen jacket. A possible explanation for this result is that all these clothes are
electrically thin (i.e., thickness is much smaller than the wavelength) and dry, which makes
them almost transparent to the electromagnetic waves. Consequently, in the case of these
three clothes, the observed RCS will be basically that of the pedestrian body and will not
depend on the clothes worn. However, it is expected that this might not be the case with
other types of clothes. Clothes that are electrically thick and show smooth planar facets
pointing towards the radar that may have a signficant contribution to the observed RCS at
some specific aspect angles. In order to investigate this assumption, a second series of
experiments was performed, in this occasion using clothes of larger sizes. In addition to thin
summer shirts, clothes consisted of a 250 µm thick PVC coated polyester rain coat (yellow
coat), a 150 µm thick PVC coated nylon rain coat (blue coat) and a multilayered parka worn
by two adults of different size, as illustrated in the snapshots shown in Figure 16. Results
show that the RCS observed on the taller adult (i.e., adult #1) is slighly higher than that of
adult #2. The influence of the clothing observed on the taller adult is minor in the 23–28 GHz
band, with just a slight increase when he was wearing the multilayered parka. The variability
3.2 RCS Measurements on Pedestrian Dummies and Humans 25



RCS vs Clothes 23-28 GHz

-1 Adult#2

RCS (dBsm)

-5 (a)
S hirt Y ellow Coat B lue Coat Parka

RCS vs Clothes 76-81 GHz

-1 Adult#2

RCS (dBsm)

-5 (b)
S hirt Y ellow Coat B lue Coat Parka

Figure 16: Summary of the results of the measurements to assess the impact of clothing on
the RCS at the 24 (a) and 77 GHz (b) frequency bands.

Item # Item Name Manufacturer Fibre Composition Size Picture

Textil GOR
1 Working shirt 100 % Cotton T46

2 Working shirt Textil GOR 100 % Cotton T50

3 Working shirt Textil GOR 100 % Cotton T54

4 Trouser Professional Serio Canvas 100 % Cotton M

5 Trouser Professional Serio Canvas 100 % Cotton L

6 Trouser Professional Serio Canvas 100 % Cotton XXL

7 N.A. 100% Cotton M

8 N.A. 100% Cotton L

9 N.A. 100% Cotton XL

Laboratory 65% Polyester 35%

10 N.A. M
Coat Cotton

Laboratory 65% Polyester 35%

11 N.A. L
Coat Cotton

Laboratory 65% Polyester 35%

12 N.A. XL
Coat Cotton

Industrial Starter
13 Parka N.A. L

Yellow Panoply
14 PVC/Polyester/PVC L
Rain Coat http://www.deltaplus.fr

Blue Industrial Starter

15 PVC Coated Nylon L
Rain Coat http://www.industrialstarter.com

Table 7: List of clothes used in the RCS measurements with the manufacturer and fibre
composition information.
3.2 RCS Measurements on Pedestrian Dummies and Humans 27

Average RCS in 23-28 GHz band Average RCS in 76-81 GHz band
10 10
Child Dummies Child Dummies
Adult Dummies Adult Dummies
5 Adult Humans 5 Adult Humans

RCS (dBsm)
RCS (dBsm)

-5 -5

-10 -10

-15 -15

-20 -20

(a) (b)

Figure 17: Comparison of the global frequency/azimuth RCS averages of all the dummies
and humans characterized: (left) 23–28 GHz band, and (right) 76–81 GHz band.

of the RCS on the second adult in the lower frequency band is slightly higher, showing a
small decrease of the RCS when he was wearing the cotton shirt and the multilayered parka.
The behaviour of the RCS in the 76–81 GHz frequency band is quite different and a much
higher variability due to clothing is observed on both adults. It is also interesting to see that
the observed RCS on the two adults is highly correlated. The lowest RCS is observed when
the adults were wearing a cotton shirt. On the other hand, the highest RCS was observed
with the thick yellow rain coat. In between, a rather similar RCS was observed when the
adults were wearing the blue coat and the multilayered parka. The differences between the
highest and lowest RCS observed were about 2.5 dB. In short, it can be concluded that the
influence of the clothing is more important in the 76–81 GHz band, and particularly when
very thick clothes are worn.
A detailed list of the clothes that were used in the various tests described above and
some additional ones not reported here is provided in Table 7. On some clothes, the fibre
composition information was available and has been included.

3.2.3 Similarity of RCS Signatures of Dummies and Humans

Although the main objective of the RCS measurement campaign was not that of assessing
quantitatively the similarity of the RCS signatures from dummies and humans, one can nev-
ertheless complete a qualitative assessment. Having a look to the global frequency/azimuth
RCS averages in the two frequency bands, it can be concluded the measured RCS of the two
humans are slighly above those of most of the adult dummies. This difference is more evi-
dent in the 76–81 GHz band, where the RCS of the adult dummies is about 2-4 dB smaller.
In the lower frequency band, the dispersion of the average RCS measured on the adult dum-
mies is larger and therefore a proper comparison cannot be made easily. The RCS averages
of the child dummies are smaller than those of the adult dummies and the humans in both
frequency bands. This difference has been estimated to be in the order of 5 dB. Overall, it
can be said that the RCS averages in the 23–28 GHz and 76–81 GHz frequency bands are
quite close and they do not show significant differences. A summary of the measured RCS

averages in the two frequency bands for all the targets that were characterized is shown in
Figure 17.

4 Conclusions

An RCS measurement campaign on a wide range of different pedestrian dummies currently

used for the testing of automotive short range radar (SRR) sensors was completed in August
2012. This work was carried out in the context of the EC FP7 ICT Project MOSARIM and was
aimed at establishing a reference library with the RCS signatures of pedestrian dummies and
humans in the 24 GHz and 77 GHz bands. The measurements took place at the EC Joint
Research Center in Ispra, Italy, in the hemi-spherical anechoic chamber of the European
Microwave Signature Laboratory. A rather unique test set-up acquiring simultaneously the
RCS data in the two SRR frequency bands of 23–28 GHz and 76–81 GHz was designed and
put in place for this measurement campaign. A total of 11 pedestrian dummies and a few
adult humans were used in a extensive series of tests. Some more than 100 measurements
lasting for almost three entire weeks were completed.
An important result of this measurement campaign has been that, for the first time, an ex-
tensive library of RCS signatures of a wide range of pedestrian dummies has been collected
simultaneously in the two main SRR frequency bands, namely, 23–28 GHz and 76–81 GHz.
On purpuse, the bandwidth of the twe measurements was set as wide as possible in order to
make the collected RCS signatures valuable to test both narrow-band and wide-band SRR
sensors. The calibration of the RCS data was a key aspect of this measurement campaign.
Following a series of tests, a calibration procedure combining the use of two reference tar-
gets (i.e., a metal disc and a sphere) was finally chosen because of its higher accuracy and
A first analysis of the complete set of the various RCS signatures collected on all the
pedestrian dummies and humans allows to draw the following qualitative assessments:

• The observed global frequency/azimuth RCS averages in the two frequency bands are
quite close and they do not show significant differences. This is an important finding
given the fact that there is a current trend to manufacture almost exclusively SRR
systems at the 77 and 79 GHz bands.

• A first analysis on the impact of the pedestrians’ height on the measured RCS sig-
natures has been completed. Results show that, particularly in the higher frequency
bands, the height of the pedestrian has a clear effect on the RCS averages observed.
In the case of the child dummies, for instance, the observed RCS at the lower an-
tenna height (i.e., aligned with the center of mass of the dummy) was 6 dB above that
observed at a position 0.5 m higher.

• A first qualitative comparison of the RCS signatures between dummies and humans
was also completed. Results show that the RCS averages of the available dummies
are slightly below those of the humans. It has also been observed that some of the
dummies showed some peculiar dependence of the average RCS versus azimuth
(e.g., a square shape with four clear corners), making them clearly distinguishable
and different from all the other targets.

• A dedicated set of the measurements was designed to assess the impact of clothing
on the measured RCS signatures. It was found that in most cases clothing did not
impact significantly the RCS signatures observed. It was observed, as expected, that
the impact is more evident in the high frequency band of 76–81 GHz, in particular,
when some very thick clothes were worn.

Finally, it is important to note that a more exhaustive analysis of the data collected in this
measurement campaign is currently being carried out. Subjects of interest that need to be
addressed more in detail include the definition of robust RCS signatures that can be used for
classification purposes, and the identification of robust techniques to assess quantitatively
the degree of similarity between two different targets.

A Bistatic RCS of a Metal Sphere

The problem of the scattering of a monochromatic plane wave by a conducting sphere is

well known in the literature [40, 41]. Here we are interested in using a conducting sphere to
calibrate precisely the bistatic radar cross section (RCS) measurements made using a vector
network analyzer in two different frequency bands, respectively, 23–28 GHz and 76–81 GHz.
The radius of the sphere is a and the wavenumber k = 2π/λ, where λ is the wavelength at
the working frequency. The two illumination geometries are shown in Figure A.1. The two
polarizations that are appropriate for a calibration measurement are HH and VV only, simply
because the cross-polar components of the scattered field are too small or null in some
cases (e.g., monostatic incidence).
The closed form of the bistatic RCS in the HH and VV cases can be written as follows:
s 2

2 |E |
σHH (θ) = lim 4πr = |Aθ (θ)|2 (A.1)
r→∞ |Ei |2 π
σVV (θ) = |Aφ (θ)|2 (A.2)

where Ei and Es denote, respectively, the incident and scattered electric vector fields at the
transmit and receive antennas, θ denotes the bistatic angle, Aθ (θ) and Aφ (θ) are the θ and
φ components of the vector potential A in an spherical coordinate system, which can be
expressed as follows:
∞ 01
" #
X P (cos θ)
Aθ (θ) = j −n cn n − bn sin θ Pn1 (cos θ) (A.3)
sin θ

Pn1 (cos θ)
Aφ (θ) = j cn sin θ Pn (cos θ) − bn (A.4)
sin θ

where Pn1 (·) and Pn1 (·) denote, respectively, the associated Legendre functions and its
derivative. The coefficients of the spherical wave expansion in Eqs. A.3 and A.4 are given
by the following expressions:

2n + 1 Jˆn0 (ka)
bn = −j −n (A.5)
n(n + 1) Ĥn0 (2) (ka)
2n + 1 Jˆn (ka)
cn = −j −n (A.6)
n(n + 1) Ĥn(2) (ka)

with the spherical Bessel and Hankel functions Jˆn (·) and Ĥn ()˙ expressed as a function of
the regular Bessel and Hankel functions as follows:
Jˆn (ka) = Jn+1/2 (ka) (A.8)
πka (2)
Ĥn(2) (ka) = Hn+1/2 (ka) (A.9)

0 (2)
where Jˆn0 (·) and Ĥn (·) denote, respectively, the derivatives of the Bessel and Hankel func-
The spherical wave expansions of Eqs. A.3 and A.4 have an infinite number of terms. In
practice, one has to terminate the serieas after a N terms. A practical rule of thumb is to use
a number of terms of the same order of magnitude as ka. This means that the number of
spherical modes in the series expansion increases with an increasing electrical size of the
sphere. As an example, the minimum number of modes that guarantees an error below 4%
is given by [26, 42]:
N ' 14 + 1.16 ka (A.10)

Since the computation of the RCS by spheres that are electrically large implies the inclu-
sion of high order spherical modes, one must take into account some important implemen-
tation aspects. Firstly, the calculation of the coefficients bn and cn is a bit tricky even using
mathematical toolkits such as Matlab or Mathematica. Numerators and denominators of
these coefficients must be generated recursively in order to ensure a proper convergence of
the series expansion. In practice, one must use a forward and backward recursions, respec-
tively, for the calculation of the Bessel and Hankel functions in these coefficients. Secondly,
the calculation of high order associated Legendre functions should be made using a for-
ward recursion only in order to guarantee the convergence of the series. A direct call to
these functions using mathematical toolkits will may not give results with the required accu-
racy. The details on the implementation of the recursions needed to calculate the spherical
Bessel and Hankel functions, and that of the associated Legendre functions may be found
in [43].
The conducting sphere used in the calibration measurements subject of this report had
a diameter of 3 inches. Both the monostatic and bistatic RCSs of this calibration target were
calculated in order to be able to use this sphere as a reference target in our measurements.
As an example, the monostatic RCS or Mie solution computed in the two frequency bands
used in the measurements are shown in Figure A.2. The number of spherical modes used
in the series expansion is 28 and 80, respectively, in the low and high frequency bands,
ensuring an error well below 1%. It is important to observe that in both frequency bands
we are well within the high frequency region [26], and consequently the monostatic RCS
is close to the physical optics solution (i.e., σ ' π a2 ), which corresponds to an RCS of –
23.41 dBsm. Interestingly, that means the RCS of our reference target is almost the same in
the two frequency bands, showing just some tiny differences. This similarity is kept also in
the bistatic case for quite a large angular extent of the bistatic angle, as shown in Figure A.3.
It can be concluded that the use of the physical optics approximation is perfectly valid
for the two frequency bands of the measurements. In addition, the fact of using a quasi
monostatic configuration of the transmit and receive antennas with a small separation dis-
tance, which has associated a small bistatic angle (e.g., about 2.5◦ in the set-up used in our
measurements), does not influence the measured RCS of the calibration sphere, remaining
in any case always very close to the physical optics solution (i.e., HH and VV illumination
geometries). Noticing that the set-up used in the measurements is designed for the VV po-

HH Pol

VV Pol

Figure A.1: Bistatic RCS of a metal sphere: illumination geometries for HH (left) and VV
(right) polarizations.

Metal Sphere 3 in Diameter Metal Sphere 3 in Diameter

Monostatic RCS HdBsmL
Monostatic RCS HdBsmL


-23.4 -23.40

23 24 25 26 27 28 76 77 78 79 80 81
Frequency HGHzL Frequency HGHzL

(a) (b)

Figure A.2: Monostatic RCS of a 3 in metal sphere in the 23–28 GHz (left) and 76–81 GHz
(right) frequency bands.

Metal Sphere 3 in Diameter ž 24 GHz Metal Sphere 3 in Diameter ž 77 GHz

-23.0 -23.400


Bistatic RCS HdBsmL

Bistatic RCS HdBsmL


-23.6 HH Pol
HH Pol
VV Pol -23.415
-23.8 VV Pol

-24.0 -23.420
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Θsct HdegL Θsct HdegL

(a) (b)

Figure A.3: Bistatic RCS of a 3 in metal sphere, respectively, at 24 (left) and 77 GHz (right)
for a bistatic angular extent of 10 deg: HH (red) and VV (blue) polarizations.

larization only, one can conclude that the choice of a conducting sphere to calibrate the RCS
data is perfectly adequate and should guarantee a very high accuracy.

B RCS Signatures of Pedestrians: Measurement Group I

The captions of the figures included in this annex is provided here due to formatting con-
straints. The complete list of captions is shown in Table B.1.

Figure Caption Page No.

B.1 RCS Signatures of dummy #2 (4a adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band at 36
three antenna heights.
B.2 RCS Signatures of dummy #2 (4a adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band at 37
three antenna heights.
B.3 RCS Signatures of dummy #3 (Audi bike and 4a adult dummy) in the 23– 38
28 GHz band at three antenna heights.
B.4 RCS Signatures of dummy #3 (Audi bike and 4a adult dummy) in the 76– 39
81 GHz band at three antenna heights.
B.5 RCS Signatures of dummy #4 (vFSS adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band 40
at three antenna heights.
B.6 RCS Signatures of dummy #4 (vFSS adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band 41
at three antenna heights.
B.7 RCS Signatures of dummy #5 (vFSS child dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band 42
at three antenna heights.
B.8 RCS Signatures of dummy #5 (vFSS child dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band 43
at three antenna heights.
B.9 RCS Signatures of dummy #6 (NHTSA adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz 44
band at three antenna heights.
B.10 RCS Signatures of dummy #6 (NHTSA adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz 45
band at three antenna heights.
B.11 RCS Signatures of dummy #7 (NHTSA child dummy) in the 23–28 GHz 46
band at three antenna heights.
B.12 RCS Signatures of dummy #7 (NHTSA child dummy) in the 76–81 GHz 47
band at three antenna heights.
B.13 RCS Signatures of dummy #11 (IIHS adult dummy) in the 23–28 GHz band 48
at three antenna heights.
B.14 RCS Signatures of dummy #11 (IIHS adult dummy) in the 76–81 GHz band 49
at three antenna heights.
B.15 RCS Signatures of dummy #8 (TRL/innovITS Advance adult dummy) in the 50
23–28 GHz band at two antenna heights.
B.16 RCS Signatures of dummy #8 (TRL/innovITS Advance adult dummy) in the 51
76–81 GHz band at two antenna heights.
B.17 RCS Signatures of dummy #9 (TRL/innovITS Advance child dummy) in the 52
23–28 GHz band at two antenna heights.
B.18 RCS Signatures of dummy #9 (TRL/innovITS Advance child dummy) in the 53
76–81 GHz band at two antenna heights.

Table B.1: List of captions for the figures with the RCS signatures of measurement group I.

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: 4a Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.5 m −2.71 −2.56 −2.59 −2.77 −2.43 −2.61

Height=0.8 m −2.15 −2.05 −2.27 −1.96 −2.01 −2.08

Height=1.0 m −2.32 −2.20 −2.22 −2.25 −1.93 −2.19 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.1

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: 4a Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −3.97 −4.07 −3.86 −3.32 −3.24 −3.68

Height=0.8 m −3.05 −3.38 −2.89 −2.56 −2.74 −2.92

Height=1.0 m −2.78 −3.21 −2.66 −2.31 −2.24 −2.63 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.2

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: Audi Bike and 4a Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.5 m −5.17 −5.63 −4.87 −3.36 −3.06 −4.31

Height=0.8 m −4.11 −4.16 −4.22 −3.81 −3.39 −3.94

Height=1.0 m −4.24 −4.04 −4.02 −3.81 −3.49 −3.92 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.3

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: Audi Bike and 4a Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −4.70 −4.75 −4.55 −5.20 −4.74 −4.79

Height=0.8 m −4.82 −5.08 −4.44 −4.57 −4.35 −4.65

Height=1.0 m −4.67 −4.74 −4.31 −4.12 −4.02 −4.36 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.4

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: vFSS Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.5 m −8.93 −8.69 −8.77 −8.81 −9.08 −8.85

Height=0.8 m −7.78 −7.50 −7.55 −7.79 −7.45 −7.61

Height=1.0 m −7.89 −7.76 −7.79 −7.45 −7.14 −7.60 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.5

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: vFSS Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −8.29 −8.33 −8.55 −7.99 −7.94 −8.22

Height=0.8 m −7.80 −8.27 −7.53 −7.33 −7.26 −7.63

Height=1.0 m −7.25 −7.34 −7.25 −6.77 −6.70 −7.06 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.6

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: vFSS Child

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.5 m −9.25 −9.03 −9.03 −8.58 −8.59 −8.88

Height=0.8 m −12.01 −12.00 −12.58 −12.47 −12.05 −12.23

Height=1.0 m −13.56 −13.50 −14.18 −14.60 −14.30 −14.01 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.7

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: vFSS Child

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −8.80 −8.96 −8.57 −8.31 −8.15 −8.55

Height=0.8 m −11.97 −12.11 −11.68 −11.33 −11.20 −11.65

Height=1.0 m −14.47 −14.57 −14.17 −13.81 −14.14 −14.22 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.8

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: NHTSA Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.5 m −12.31 −12.17 −12.19 −11.50 −10.84 −11.78

Height=0.8 m −10.48 −10.60 −10.55 −10.14 −10.05 −10.36

Height=1.0 m −11.18 −10.90 −10.43 −10.33 −10.26 −10.60 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.9

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: NHTSA Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −9.72 −10.22 −9.90 −9.31 −9.27 −9.68

Height=0.8 m −9.59 −9.59 −8.84 −8.56 −8.73 −9.04

Height=1.0 m −9.51 −9.26 −8.89 −8.75 −8.30 −8.92 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.10

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: NHTSA Child

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.5 m −11.89 −11.75 −11.66 −11.67 −11.62 −11.72

Height=0.8 m −11.60 −10.99 −11.47 −11.00 −10.86 −11.17

Height=1.0 m −12.49 −11.46 −11.39 −11.20 −10.75 −11.42 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.11

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: NHTSA Child

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −10.27 −10.35 −9.87 −9.82 −9.74 −10.00

Height=0.8 m −10.30 −10.57 −9.40 −9.66 −9.51 −9.86

Height=1.0 m −10.45 −10.64 −10.10 −10.26 −9.82 −10.25 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.12

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IIHS Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.5 m −9.43 −8.61 −8.92 −9.26 −9.06 −9.04

Height=0.8 m −6.11 −6.05 −5.81 −5.98 −7.06 −6.16

Height=1.0 m −6.17 −5.75 −5.72 −5.43 −6.52 −5.88 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.13

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.5 m H=0.5 m H=0.5 m
H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300° H=0.8 m 240° 300°
H=1.0 m H=1.0 m H=1.0 m
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IIHS Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.5 m −11.33 −11.69 −11.34 −10.66 −10.47 −11.08

Height=0.8 m −9.69 −10.43 −10.21 −9.24 −8.89 −9.67

Height=1.0 m −8.13 −8.76 −8.59 −8.11 −7.81 −8.28 Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.14

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8 m H=0.8 m H=0.8 m
H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8 m H=0.8 m H=0.8 m
H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: TRL/innovITS Advance Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8 m −4.84 −4.24 −4.12 −4.10 −3.84 −4.21

Height=1.0 m −4.85 −4.40 −4.12 −4.37 −3.79 −4.29

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.15

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8 m H=0.8 m H=0.8 m
H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8 m H=0.8 m H=0.8 m
H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300° H=1.0 m 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 1.0 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: TRL/innovITS Advance Adult

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8 m −8.05 −8.38 −7.86 −7.74 −7.64 −7.93

Height=1.0 m −8.14 −8.33 −8.09 −7.82 −7.98 −8.07

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.16

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: TRL/innovITS ADVANCE Child

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −9.35 −8.89 −9.11 −8.47 −8.97 −8.94

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.17

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: TRL/innovITS ADVANCE Child

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −12.74 −13.18 −12.78 −12.95 −12.87 −12.91

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure B.18

C RCS Signatures of Pedestrians: Measurement Group II

The captions of the figures included in this annex is provided here due to formatting con-
straints. The complete list of captions is shown in Table C.1.

Figure Caption Page No.

C.1 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the standing position in 56
the 23–28 GHz band.
C.2 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the standing position in 57
the 76–81 GHz band.
C.3 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the initial swing (ISw) 58
position in the 23–28 GHz band.
C.4 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the initial swing (ISw) 59
position in the 76–81 GHz band.
C.5 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the mid swing (MSw) 60
position in the 23–28 GHz band.
C.6 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the mid swing (MSw) 61
position in the 76–81 GHz band.
C.7 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing 62
(TSw) position (1st measurement) in the 23–28 GHz band.
C.8 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing 63
(TSw) position (1st measurement) in the 76–81 GHz band.
C.9 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing 64
(TSw) position (2nd measurement) in the 23–28 GHz band.
C.10 RCS Signatures of dummy #10 (IDIADA dummy) in the terminal swing 65
(TSw) position (2nd measurement) in the 76–81 GHz band.

Table C.1: List of captions for the figures with the RCS signatures of measurement group II.

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA Standing Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −6.21 −6.20 −6.07 −6.13 −6.16 −6.15

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.1

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA Standing Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −6.81 −6.76 −6.61 −6.27 −5.84 −6.45

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.2

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA ISw Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −5.67 −5.45 −6.02 −5.78 −5.32 −5.65

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.3

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA ISw Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −5.55 −5.92 −5.59 −5.51 −5.63 −5.64

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.4

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA MS Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −8.46 −8.13 −8.22 −8.20 −7.98 −8.19

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.5

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA MS Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −8.25 −8.57 −8.40 −7.88 −7.92 −8.20

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.6

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA TSw Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −6.42 −6.76 −6.94 −6.98 −6.30 −6.69

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.7

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA TSw Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −7.62 −7.86 −7.48 −7.14 −7.01 −7.42

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.8

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA TSw Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −6.41 −6.39 −6.68 −6.56 −6.09 −6.43

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.9

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: IDIADA TSw Position

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −7.30 −7.48 −7.44 −7.19 −6.82 −7.25

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure C.10

D RCS Signatures of Pedestrians: Measurement Group III

The captions of the figures included in this annex is provided here due to formatting con-
straints. The complete list of captions is shown in Table D.1.

Figure Caption Page No.

D.1 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a shirt in the in the 23–28 GHz band. 68
D.2 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a shirt in the 76–81 GHz band. 69
D.3 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a shirt in the 23–28 GHz band. 70
D.4 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a shirt in the 76–81 GHz band. 71
D.5 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 23– 72
28 GHz band.
D.6 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 76– 73
81 GHz band.
D.7 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 23– 74
28 GHz band.
D.8 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thick yellow rain coat in the 76– 75
81 GHz band.
D.9 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 23–28 GHz 76
D.10 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 76–81 GHz 77
D.11 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 23–28 GHz 78
D.12 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a thin blue rain coat in the 76–81 GHz 79
D.13 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a winter blue coat in the 23–28 GHz 80
D.14 RCS Signatures of adult #1 wearing a winter blue coat in the 76–81 GHz 81
D.15 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a winter blue coat in the 23–28 GHz 82
D.16 RCS Signatures of adult #2 wearing a winter blue coat in the 76–81 GHz 83
D.17 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) wearing JRC working cloths in 84
the 23–28 GHz band.
D.18 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) wearing JRC working cloths in 85
the 76–81 GHz band.
D.19 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) with no clothes in the 23– 86
28 GHz band.
D.20 RCS Signatures of dummy #1 (KIT dummy) with no clothes in the 76– 87
81 GHz band.

Table D.1: List of captions for the figures with the RCS signatures of measurement group III.

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Shirt

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −4.37 −3.89 −4.15 −3.75 −3.78 −3.98

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.1

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Shirt

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −6.20 −6.45 −6.11 −6.12 −5.49 −6.07

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.2

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Shirt

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −5.69 −5.77 −5.03 −4.29 −5.59 −5.22

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.3

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Shirt

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −6.57 −7.70 −6.87 −6.62 −6.55 −6.86

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.4

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Thick Yellow Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −4.31 −3.99 −4.37 −4.25 −3.49 −4.08

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.5

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Thick Yellow Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −3.50 −3.84 −4.16 −3.04 −3.07 −3.51

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.6

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Thick Yellow Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −4.55 −4.63 −4.90 −4.30 −4.73 −4.62

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.7

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Thick Yellow Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −4.66 −4.72 −4.64 −4.81 −5.35 −4.82

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.8

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Thin Blue Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −4.45 −3.82 −3.56 −4.15 −4.20 −4.01

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.9

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Thin Blue Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −5.43 −5.71 −5.31 −4.99 −4.71 −5.22

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.10

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Thin Blue Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −5.34 −4.78 −5.37 −4.51 −4.13 −4.81

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.11

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Thin Blue Rain Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −6.54 −7.01 −6.53 −6.37 −6.51 −6.59

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.12

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Winter Blue Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −4.05 −3.89 −3.56 −3.59 −3.78 −3.76

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.13

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#1 Winter Blue Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −5.69 −6.03 −5.15 −4.94 −5.43 −5.43

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.14

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Winter Blue Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −5.53 −5.87 −5.85 −5.57 −5.18 −5.60

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.15

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Adult#2 Winter Blue Coat

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −5.90 −6.48 −6.86 −6.16 −6.80 −6.43

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.16

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: KIT Dummy with Clothes

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −11.60 −11.73 −11.67 −11.44 −11.19 −11.53

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.17

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: KIT Dummy with Clothes

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −9.93 −9.75 −9.64 −9.50 −9.35 −9.63

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.18

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 23−24 GHz Band: 24−25 GHz Band: 25−26 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 26−27 GHz Band: 27−28 GHz Band: 23−28 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 23−28 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: KIT Dummy without Clothes

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 23−24 24−25 25−26 26−27 27−28 23−28

Height=0.8m −12.56 −12.54 −12.96 −12.80 −12.07 −12.59

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.19

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 5 −5 5 −5
−15 −25 −15 −25 −15 −25
180° 0° 180° 0° 180° 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 76−77 GHz Band: 77−78 GHz Band: 78−79 GHz

90° 90° 90°

120° 60° 120° 60° 120° 60°
Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

Freq Avg RCS (dBsm)

150° 30° 150° 30° 150° 30°

5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15 5 −5 −15

180° −25 0° 180° −25 0° 180° −25 0°

210° 330° 210° 330° 210° 330°

H=0.8m H=0.8m H=0.8m
240° 300° 240° 300° 240° 300°
270° 270° 270°
Band: 79−80 GHz Band: 80−81 GHz Band: 76−81 GHz

Range Profiles vs Azimuth − Band: 76−81 GHz, Height: 0.8 m


0.4 −5

RCS (dBsm)

Range (m)

0 −20


−0.4 −35

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Azm=90° Azm=270°
Azimuth (deg)

Dummy Type: KIT Dummy without Clothes

Frequency/Azimuth Average RCS (dBsm)

Band (GHz) 76−77 77−78 78−79 79−80 80−81 76−81

Height=0.8m −13.55 −13.89 −13.53 −13.05 −13.13 −13.42

Azm=180° Azm=0°

Figure D.20


The authors of this report are thankful to the partners of the ASPECSS and MOSARIM
Projects for the support provided in this measurement campaign. In particular, we thank all
those who provided the sample dummies that have been charecterized in the tests presented
in this report.
We acknowledge the kind support of Messrs. Martin Kunert and Eugen Schubert, both
from Robert Bosch GmbH, who assisted us with the planning and preparation of the mea-
surement campaign.
We thank the support engineers from Agilent Technologies Italy, Messrs. Davide Beretta
and Giancarlo De Chirico, who helped us with the installation of the PNA-X and its frequency
extension for the RCS measurements in the E-band.
Special thanks for the support provided during the measurement campaign are also due
to Messrs. Philippe Viaud, Marco Basso, Jorge Figueiredo-Morgado, and Martin Zürn, all in
the Unit G06 of the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, EC Joint Research


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European Commission
EUR 25762 EN – Joint Research Centre – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

Title: Radar Cross Section Measurements of Pedestrian Dummies and Humans in the 24/77 GHz Frequency Bands

Authors: Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch, Jean-Marc Chareau

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

2013 – 109 pp. – 21.0 x 29.7 cm

EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series – ISSN 1931-9424 (online), ISSN 1018-5593 (print)

ISBN 978-92-79-28230-0


Road safety has become a major societal issue that should not be ignored. At present, a wide range of new technologies, including
intelligent speed adaptation and collision avoidance systems, are being introduced to improve road safety levels and reduce these
casualties. Among the various types of collision avoidance systems, automotive short-range radars (SRRs) are those most widely
deployed. A recent Communication of the European Commission (i.e., SEC(2010) 903) has stated that a wide deployment of SRR
systems could help to reach the EU’s policy goal of halving the number of deaths on the road. In this context, it is very important to
make sure that the SRR signatures of pedestrian dummies match those of humans with a high degree of accuracy. This report
summarizes the results of an extensive series of radar cross section (RCS) laboratory measurements on pedestrian dummies and
humans completed in August 2012 at the European Microwave Signature Laboratory of the EC Joint Research Centre. This
measurement campaign has allowed the establishment of a reference library with the RCS signatures of pedestrian dummies and
humans in the 24 GHz and 77 GHz bands, which are those currently allocated for automotive SRR systems. Results show for the
first time that the observed global frequency/azimuth RCS averages in the two frequency bands are very close to each other. A
significant impact of the pedestrian height on the observed RCS, particularly at 77 GHz, has also been noted. A first qualitative
comparison of the RCS signatures between dummies and humans was also completed. and showed that the RCS averages of the
available dummies are slightly below those of the humans. Finally, following a dedicated series of measurements, it has been
observed that the impact of the clothing on the measured signatures is minimal except for those cases where some very thick
clothes were worn.
As the Commission’s in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre’s mission is to provide EU
policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy

Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the JRC addresses key societal
challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new standards, methods and tools, and
sharing and transferring its know-how to the Member States and international community.

Key policy areas include: environment and climate change; energy and transport; agriculture and food
security; health and consumer protection; information society and digital agenda; safety and security
including nuclear; all supported through a cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary approach.

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