Progress Test 14 PDF
Progress Test 14 PDF
Progress Test 14 PDF
English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010
Progress test 14 – A matter of opinion 2
1 A Children spend far too much time playing 5 I wonder what happen if all the computers in the
computer games these days. world suddenly stopped working!
B but a lot of / sorry, / really educational. / are
actually / computer games
6 If it’s the only time you’re free, then 10 is fine, but if
2 A It’s obvious that kids with intelligent parents are not, it be better for me to meet a bit later.
going to do well at school.
B they still have to / do / not really. / well, / the work.
7 Free tickets for the match? That be fantastic!
3 A I never read newspapers. They’re all full of lies.
B you’re talking about. / I think it / just / which 8 When I was a child it often snow so much that we
newspapers / a second. / depends couldn’t go out for a week!
4 A So basically you think it’s a good idea for schools
to teach children about food and health? EXPLORE SPEAKING
B can argue / I don’t think / yes, exactly. / with that.
6 Agreeing and disagreeing
/ anyone
Complete B’s responses, using one word from box A
and one word from box B. (8 marks)
5 A Car parks have to be expensive because if they
Example: A That was a fantastic speech.
weren’t they would always be full.
B I’m not sure about that. She didn’t really
B they could / OK, that’s / a bit cheaper! / make say anything new.
them / a good point. / but I still think
might I’m good guess wrong point
thought I about not
English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010