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Case Study

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Rubric for Case Studies - MSL Elizabethtown College

Criteria Requirements Weight Score Distinguished/ Proficient/Good Basic/Fair Non-

Excellent (3) (2) Performance/Poor
(4) (0)
Identification of the 3-5 issues and/or 10% Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and
main issues and/or problems. understands all the understands most of understands some of understands few of
problems. main issues in the case the main issues in the the main issues in the the main issues in the
study. case study. case study. case study.
Literature research Majority (at least 15% Excellent research Good research and Limited research and Incomplete research
& review. 60% or higher) of with clearly documented associations between and associations
articles and/or documented associations between the problems or between the problems
references must be associations between problems or questions questions and key or questions and key
within last 10 years. problems or questions and key course course concepts and course concepts and
and key course concepts and some (2 little (1 or more) use no use of
concepts and good (3 or more) use of of corroborating corroborating
or more) use of corroborating sources. sources. sources.
corroborating sources.
Analysis of the key All issues must be 25% Insightful and thorough Insightful and thorough Insightful and Incomplete analysis
issues. analyzed. analysis of all the key analysis of most of the thorough analysis of of the key issues.
issues. key issues. some of the key
Alternative solutions Provide method of 20% Alternatives cover all Alternatives cover Alternatives cover Incomplete analysis
and/or options. comparison between the key issues with most of the key issues some of the key of alternatives with
alternatives. method to evaluate all with method to issues with method to no evaluation method.
equally. evaluate. evaluate.
Observations and/or Include short-term 20% Well-reasoned, Solid, well-thought out Shallow observations Superficial
recommendations on and long-term logical, relevant observations and and observations and
effective solutions. recommendations; observations and recommendations on recommendations on recommendations on
Included should be recommendations on effective solutions to effective solutions to effective solutions to
realistic time frames, effective solutions to many of the some of the a few of the
designation of roles most of the problems/issues. problems/issues. problems/issues.
and responsibilities problems/issues.
of all stakeholders
and an appropriate
evaluation program.

Writing Includes overall 10% Writing is totally free There are few spelling There are several There are many
Skills/Professional composition, of grammar and or grammatical errors. spelling or spelling errors and
Presentation. structure, grammar, spelling errors. Clear, Most ideas are clearly grammatical errors. grammatical
spelling, and concise and creative presented and Some ideas are mistakes. Ideas are
punctuation. presentation of ideas references are used. clearly presented. hard to follow.
and properly References are References are not
referenced. sporadic or not used. used.
Criteria Comments
Total Weight 100% Identification of the main
Total Assignment issues and/or problems.
(Case Study)
Points Literature research &
Case Study Final Analysis of the key issues.
Score: 0
Alternative solutions and/or
Observations and/or
recommendations on
effective solutions.
Writing Skills

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