14 - Chitra Nakshatra
14 - Chitra Nakshatra
14 - Chitra Nakshatra
It is closely linked to men creates man and woman and from the womb to be
right for each other and bless the marriage with descent. This explains why
the wives of the gods are his most constant companions. He made the world
and all things exist in and is the protector of the creatures he created.
The symbol for the brilliant Chitra nakshatra is a bright jewel or pearl.
Chitra translates as “the beautiful one” or “pretty pictures” which reflects its
ability to arrange things nicely with an artistic fashion. The deity is Tvashtar,
the divine celestial architect. The creator of Astro*Carto*Graphy, Jim Lewis,
had his natal Moon placed here. They are often successful artisan types. The
shakti is “the ability to accumulate merit in this life”. Chitra has a rakshasa
temperament with a primary motivation of kama or desire. The animal
associated with this nakshatra is a female tiger which reveals the passionate,
sensual nature experienced here. Mars is the ruling planet of this asterism.
Chitra is represented by the beautiful, high magnitude, fixed star Spica at the
beginning of sidereal Libra.
ACCUMULATE MERIT IN LIFE. The Nakshatra expresses Parachit-Mahaprem-Ananda: SupremeConsciousness—
Great Being—Bliss, or Supreme Light—GreatLove—Laughter. Here the Rudragarbha or Tamasic Red Egg
oLaughter- Bliss of Rudra or Shiva is the third of the three Eggs in the Maha-Nilagarbha or Great Sattvic Blue Egg
of Love-Being oMahendra or Mahavishnu, which is the first of the three Great Eggs in the Para-Hiranyagarbha or
Supreme Yellow Egg of Light-Consciousness of Parabrahma.
I am valuable, rare, amazing, and receive much attention. I benefit others and
like to be shown to the public, but protected. I am the gem of great price.
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Others who handle drawings, maps, and plans include urban planners, city
managers, advisers on complex environmental issues, designers of cityscapes
and fantasy environments in literature and video games.
The symbol for the brilliant Chitra nakshatra is a bright jewel or pearl.
Chitra translates as “the beautiful one” or “pretty pictures” which reflects its
ability to arrange things nicely with an artistic fashion. The deity is Tvashtar,
the divine celestial architect.
Barbara Pijan Lama statesThe creator of Astro Carto Graphy, Jim Lewis,
had his natal Moon placed here. They are often successful artisan types. The
shakti is “the ability to accumulate merit in this life”. Chitra has a rakshasa
temperament with a primary motivation of kama or desire. The animal
associated with this nakshatra is a female tiger which reveals the passionate,
sensual nature experienced here. Mars is the ruling planet of this asterism.
Chitra is represented by the beautiful, high magnitude, fixed star Spica at the
beginning of sidereal Libra.
Vallam for Kuvera, that is to say, all the things that are necessary for
sustenance, wisdom and things to protect industries for money.A person born
in this Nakshatra defeats his enemies gallantly, is an expert in politics and has
extraordinary intelligence. They enjoy good health and always appear much
younger than their actual age.
If a Chitra born native has a powerful Neptune in his/her chart, the person
will have dreams that can foretell the future. Ascendat in Chitra:Strong ego,
engaged n variety of pursuits, wealthy, lives away from birth place, wears
colourful clothes, jewelry, expressive nature, graceful, desire for spiritual
liberation, honest.
The Moon in Chitra: Beautiful body, attractive eyes, artistic, strong sexual
apetite, great lovers, recognized even in large crowd, trouble with father,
benefits through mother, good astrologers, intuitive, prophetic.The moon in
Chitra indicates someone with good opportunities in life, with charisma,
charm, and glamor. They love bright colors, jewellery and beautiful things
and are artistic. They are also spiritual and have great insight, and are good
conversationalists and organizers. Many of them will pursue higher education
and will retain a lifelong thirst for knowledge.
The Sun in Chitra: Warrior nature, militant, cunning, harsh at times, interest
in art, photography, music, strong need for recognition.
Health issues: ulcers, stomach, ailments like kidney and bladder troubles,
psychiatric and brain disorders, sunstroke, forehead, skin allergies, wounds
from insects, etc. Women should be careful about uterine problems.
Shadowy side: Srong sexual desires, if not harnessed, can make him develop a
passionate andseductive persona. A smug, arrogant and self -indulgent nature
can also develop. Tendency to give a reply on any matter without forethought
and try to rectify one’s utterances when it is too late. Chitraalso reflects the
world of maya and delusory appearances, connected with the work of
magicians and other masters of illusion. The word EGO stands for “Edging
God Out” and ego and self centred-ness could bring in a lot of problems to
the natives of this asterism if not checked or curbed.
The Nakshatras of Vedic Astrology: Ancient & Contemporary Usage
By: Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D. and Maire M. Masco
The Circle of Stars: Valerie Roubeck.
The Shaktis of the Nakshatras by David Frawley
The 27 Nakshatras by Pras Trivedi
Hindu Astrology by Shil Ponde
Nakshatra in Sidereal Astrology – Komilla Sutton