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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2020

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

in Statistics S1 (WST01) Paper 01
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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January 2020
Publications Code WST01_01_2001_MS*
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2020
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark
the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised
for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to
their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer
matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to
award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit
according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced
it with an alternative response.

Special notes for marking Statistics exams (for AAs only)

• Any correct method should gain credit. If you cannot see how to apply
the mark scheme but believe the method to be correct then please send
to review.
• For method marks, we generally allow or condone a slip or transcription
error if these are seen in an expression. We do not, however, condone or
allow these errors in accuracy marks.
• If a candidate is “hedging their bets” e.g. give Attempt 1…Attempt 2…etc
then please send to review.

January 2020
Scheme Marks
1. [Sum of probs = 1 gives] a + b + c + 0.3 =
1 (o.e.) M1
[F(1) = 0.63 gives ] 0.15 + a + b = 0.63 or 0.63 + c + 0.15 = 1 (o.e.) M1
Solving c = 0.22 A1
[Use of E(X) = 1 or symmetry gives ] a = c a = 0.22 M1
Therefore b = 0.26 A1
Each of the 3 Ms can be awarded at any point for either the correct equation seen or
clearly implied by its use e.g. choosing their b ( 0 < b < 0.7) so that a + b + c = 0.7 (1st M1)
1st M1 for use of sum of probabilities to form an equation in a, b and c.
Can allow the use of their value for c in the equation or implied by its use to find b
2 M1 for equation in a and b from using F(1) = 0.63 e.g. a + b = 0.48 or c + 0.15 = 0.37
1st A1 for deducing c = 0.22
3rd M1 for using E(X) = 1 to deduce a = c ft their value of c (provided 0  a  0.35 )
NB E(X) = 1 gives – a + b + 3c = 0.7 but only scores M1 when they state a = c
or give their value of a (0  a  0.35 ) = their value of c
2 A1 for b = 0.26
All 3 correct answers only (no working) scores 5 marks (they may be seen in the table)
If answers seen in the table contradict answers with working in the body of the script the
script takes preference.

January 2020
Scheme Marks

2. (a) B1

(b) Since no family has a dog and a rabbit a mutually exclusive pair is D, R B1
 2 + "4"  3 B1ft
(c)  40  =
20 (1)
(d) e.g. P ( D ∩ C ) = 402 = 201 P(D=
) 12
40 = 3
10 P(C=
) =
or M1
20 ≠ 103 × 207 =
 200
 so they are not independent A1
ALT P(C) = 14
= 7
vs P(C|D) = 2
12 = 1
or P(D) = 12
40 = 103 vs P(D|C) = 142 = 1

P( R ∩ C ) " 404 "
(e) e.g. [ P( R | C ) = ] or M1
P(C ) 14
4 2
= = A1ft
14 7
"10"+ "7" 17  461 )
(f) (o.e.) ;= (accept 0.6538 M1; A1
"10"+ "7"+ 9 26
(a) 1 B1 for 3 intersecting circles with n( D ∩ R ) = 0 (either diagram)[Blank is not equiv’to 0]

2nd B1 for a box and 9 outside the circles Allow probabilities (out
3 B1 for n( D ∩ C ) = 2 and n( D ∩ C ′ ) = 10
of 40) or decimals or
4th B1 for 8, 4 and 7 correctly placed integers.

(b) B1 for D and R with a suitable reason (extra pairs is B0) e.g. P ( D ∩ R) =
0 Condone ∅ for 0
or no intersection/overlap. Must see an attempt at a reason. Must be D, R not P(D) , P(R)
P(D ∪ R)= P( D) + P( R) is not a suitable reason though.
For (c) onwards if their N ≠ 40 allow denominators of probs with 40 or N
(c) B1ft ft their “4” (but must give a proper fraction) ft blank as 0 or 20
or exact equivalent

M1 for stating all the probabilities (values) required for a suitable test, must be labelled.
Must use D and C ft their VD. Must be clear which test they are trying to use.
A1 for the correct probabilities and correct calculation or comparison and correct conclusion
(e) M1 for a correct ratio of probabilities (ft their 4): either as an expression or values
A1ft for 72 or exact equivalent (allow ft of their 4 [ ≠ 0] provided it gives an exact fraction)

(f) M1 for a correct ratio (possibly of probabilities) ft their 10 and their 7 [Not expression here]
A1 for 17
or exact equivalent (e.g. 0.654 will score M1A0)

January 2020
Scheme Marks
1124 × 281
3. (a) =
Smp 32 958 − [= 1373.6] (*) B1cso
(b) [r =] M1
6046.4 × 382.9
= 0.9027… awrt 0.903 A1
(c) In scatter diagram points are close to a line or r is close to (or near to) 1
It is consistent with the manager’s belief

∑ m = 1124 (o.e) M1
∑ p 281
So k = 4 A1
(e) b
= =[ 0.22717...] M1
28.1 − "0.2271..."×112.4 [ = 2.5653…]
a= M1
p = 2.565… + 0.2271…m p = 2.57 + 0.227m A1; A1
(f) [2.565…+ 0.2271… × 70 = ] 18.467… accept answers in range [18, 18.6] B1
(g) Manager’s model (when m = 70) estimates p = 17.5 B1ft
So use manager’s model since wants the lower estimate. (o.e.) dB1
(a) B1cso for a correct expression seen (need all 4 numbers seen)

(b) M1 for a correct expression or an answer only of 0.90 (2sf) or 0.902 (truncation)
A1 for awrt 0.903

B1 for “points close to a line” or “r is close to 1” or “strong correlation” (o.e.)

but “nearer to 1” is B0
and “consistent with manager” or “ consistent with belief” (o.e.) or “yes”

(d) M1 for a correct calculation or equation in k

A1 for k = 4 NB using the point (140, 35) is M0A0 despite giving k = 4

(e) 1st M1 for a correct expression for b

2nd M1 for a correct equation in a (ft their value of b or even letter b in correct formula)
1st A1 for b = awrt 0.227 in an equation in p and m or allow y and x
Allow a transciption error (e.g. 0.277 etc) if 0.227 is seen in earlier working.
2 A1 for a = awrt 2.57 in an equation in p and m only

(g) 1st B1ft for 17.5 or 70 ÷ k for their value of k

nd st
2 dB1 (dep on 1 B1) for therefore choosing manager’s model because it has the lower
estimate. (o.e.) ( Must be true for their values)

January 2020
Scheme Marks
4. (a) Width = 0.5 (cm) B1
1cm2 rep’s 4 babies or 0.25cm2 rep’s 1 baby or their h × w =
3.5 or area = 3.5 cm2 M1
Height =  4  0.5  7 (cm) A1
− 16 8.5
(b) Lower Quartile = [ 2.5] + 4
× 0.5 = [ 2.5] + × 0.5 M1
24 24
= 2.50 + 0.177… = awrt 2.68 A1
(c) Q2 − Q1 = 3.14 − "2.68" = 0.46 > 0.41 = 3.55 − 3.14 = Q3 − Q2 M1
So negative skew A1
(d) w= = 3.17857… = awrt 3.18 B1
1051.125 M1
= = − w2 0.622448... ; = 0.78895… = awrt 0.789
98 A1
(e) 3("3.18"− 3.14) M1A1
= 0.152… awrt 0.15
(f)(i) 49th value now 3.25 [or median in group 3.25  w < 3.50 ] so median increases B1
(ii) more higher values or Σfx increases … so mean increases B1
(a) B1 0.5 only
M1 may be implied by correct height
A1 correct height of 7(cm)

(b) M1 for any correct equation leading to correct fraction as part of m = …or (m – [2.5]) = …
Ignore incorrect end point and watch out for “working down” Using 25 for 24.5 is M0
A1 awrt 2.68 allow exact fraction e.g. 257
(allow 8.75 for 8.5 [ or 192
] if n +1 used)

(c) M1 for use of Q2 − Q1 and Q3 − Q2 (o.e.) ft their Q1 [ or correct inequality and –ve skew]
or a correct quartile inequality and statement that negative skew
A1 for correctly concluding negative skew from their values. Their ft calc should be correct.

(d) B1 for awrt 3.18 (allow 89

M1 for a correct expression (including square root) ft their mean ( 122
14 scores M1)
A1 for awrt 0.789 (accept s = 0.79301… = awrt 0.793)

(e) M1 for correct substitution (ft their values and condone missing 3)
A1 for awrt 0.15

(f)(i) 1st B1 for median increases with a suitable reason to support this (must mention the 3.25)
(ii) 2nd B1 for mean increases with a suitable reason to support this (Recalc of x = 3.196... is B0)

January 2020
Scheme Marks
 7 − 10 
5. (a) P(X < 7) = P Z < =  P ( Z < −0.5 ) M1
 6 
= 1 – 0.6915 ; = 0.308537… awrt 0.309 M1; A1
10 + k − 10
(b) = 0.8416 M1 B1
k = 5.0496 awrt 5.05 A1
(c) Area of rectangle is X (X – 3 ) M1
Need X (X – 3 ) > 40 M1
X 2 − 3 X − 40 > 0 ⇒ ( X − 8)( X + 5) > 0 M1
So critical values are 8 and – 5 A1
Need P(X > 8) + P( X < – 5) or 1 – P(– 5 < X < 8) M1
So P(Z > – 0.33) + P(Z < – 2.5) M1
= 0.6293 + 0.0062 dM1
= 0.6355 [ 0.6355  0.637 ] A1
(a) 1st M1 for standardising 7 (or 13) with 10 and 6 (allow +)
2nd M1 for 1 – p (where 0.68 < p < 0.70)
A1 for awrt 0.309 (calc. 0.3085375……) (Ans only scores 3/3)

(b) M1 Standardising 10 ± k with 10 and 6 and setting equal to z value 0.8  z  0.9
B1 for z = ± 0.8416 or better (calc gives 0.8416212…..) used in a linear equation for k
A1 k = 5.05 or better (or use of z = 0.84 and answer of 5.04)
Ans only awrt 5.04 scores M1B0A1
Ans only Answer in the range 5.049 ~ 5.0499 scores M1B1A1 but answer only of 5.05 is M1B0A1

(c) 1st M1 for a suitable expression for the area of the rectangle (in x or X) [ ⇒ by 2nd or 3rd M1]
2nd M1 for a correct quadratic inequality (accept x(x – 3 ) > 40 [o.e.])
3rd M1 for an attempt to solve their 3TQ to find critical values (allow = 0) (e.g. factorise)
Allow (X + 8)(X – 5) or use of formula with  1 sign error or ( X − 32 ) − k − 40 (k>0)

1st A1 for the correct critical values (cvs) of 8 and – 5

4th M1 for solving their quadratic inequality - taking the “outside” region (ft their cvs)
[ P(..) not required]
5 M1 for standardising at least one of their values (with 10 and 6) correctly (ft their cvs)
6th dM1 for an attempt at both probabilities: one ≈ 0.006 and one > 0.6 and adding
or for 1 – q where q = 0.36 or better
This mark is dependent on all the other 5 M marks being scored
2 A1 for answer in range [0.6355, 0.637] with clear attempt at both probabilities used
(calc 0.636768…)
Ans only If 6 M1 is not explicitly seen then must have an answer awrt 0.636 or 0.637

January 2020
Qu No. Scheme Marks
 1 1 1 1 1 147 k
6. (a) [Sum of probs = 1 gives] k 1 + + + + +  {=1} or =1 M1
2 3 4 5 6
 60 
k= A1 cso
1  1 1 1 1 1
(b) E(
= S)  60 × + 120 × + 180 × + 240 × + 300 ×  or 3.55k M1A1
147  2 3 4 5 6
= A1
(c) Expected profit = 260P(S = 5) – 10 or −10 × P(S ≠ 5) + 250 × P(S =5) M1M1
 10 
=  260 × − 10  = 7.68707… = awrt ($)7.69 A1
 147 
(d) p2 because Roger must win 1st and 2nd round (accept “wins 2 rounds”) B1
(1 – p) because Roger loses in 3rd round match B1
[r] 0 1 2 3 4 5 B1
[P(R = r)] 1–p p(1 – p) [p2(1 – p)] p3(1 – p) p4(1 – p) p5 M1A1
(f) E (profit) = 260 × p − 10 M1 A1
[E(profit)  7.69] ⇒ p5  so p  0.58418.. M1; A1
(a) M1 for clear attempt to find sum of probs. (Condone 147
60 = 1
A1cso for the correct answer with M1 clearly scored and no incorrect working seen.
Verify Need to see all 6 probs added and = 1 for M1 and a comment (e.g. therefore k = … ) for A1
(b) M1 for an attempt at E(S) – at least 4 correct products (allow use of k or k = 0.408 or better)
1st A1 for a fully correct expression (allow 3.55k)
2nd A1 for 49
(accept 1.45 or better [calc:1.44897…] ) (Ans only 3/3)

(c) 1st M1 for 260 × P(S = 5) or 250 × P(S = 5) Probabilities can be in

2nd M1 for N × P(S = 5) – 10 or N × P(S = 5) – 10 × P(S ≠ 5) ( N ∈  ) terms of k or ft their values
A1 for awrt ($)7.69
(d) 1st B1 for an explanation of the p2 term (e.g. use of tree diagram) WWL alone scores 1st B1 but
2nd B1 for an explanation that must lose the 3rd round match WWL and pp(1 – p) will get B1B1

(e) B1 for correct set of values for R (in a table or a list)

M1 for at least 3 correct values [apart from P(R = 2)] for R and correct probabilities
A1 for a fully correct probability distribution

(f) 1st M1 for 260 × P(R = 5) (ft their P(R = 5) implied by 2nd M1 1st A1 for 260 × p − 10 or p 5  147
5 10

2nd M1 for forming a correct ft of P(R = 5)  P(S = 5) (accept > or allow =) [ft their (c)]
2nd A1 for awrt 0.58 or 0.59 [ If equals sign is used we need to see awrt 0.59 for the A1]
ALT 260 p − 10  260 × 147 − 10 (M1A1) ⇒ p 5  147 (M1) etc (A1)
5 10 10

January 2020
Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828
with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom

January 2020

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