Steve Zoerb C+I 336 Logo Where To Get Mswlogo
Steve Zoerb C+I 336 Logo Where To Get Mswlogo
Steve Zoerb C+I 336 Logo Where To Get Mswlogo
C+I 336
The Turtle:
Why a "Turtle"? - The original idea behind Logo was that a small robot device would be
connected to the computer and made to move around the floor, drawing as it goes. The
first such robot was a domed perspex device with wheels. It’s domed "shell' made it look
like an electronic turtle. The robot 'turtle' has evolved into a graphical turtle on the screen.
In some logos a representation of a turtle remains as the 'pointer'. In MSW Logo it has
been reduced to a triangular pointer.
Logo Commands:
First, view the Demo under “help” in the logo interface. Then go through the procedures
below. Examples can be found in:
In one file, create and save procedures that will make each of the following:
1. a square
2. a circle
3. a square with the side length as input
4. any polygon, with the side length and number of sides as inputs
5. a star filled with a color
6. some creative 2D shape
7. a pattern that repeats itself
8. a basic sphere
9. some creative 3D shape
Challenge (not required):
If you have extra time, try to create procedures that will make each of the following:
10. a spiral
11. a heart
12. a sine wave
13. a car
14. a design made by multiple turtles
15. a sphere with a colored outer shell
16. a creative 3D pattern that repeats itself