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1 0 0 5 0 N o r t h Wo l f e R o a d S W 2 - 1 3 0 C u p e r t i n o , C A 9 5 0 1 4 T: 4 0 8 . 4 5 4 . 6 9 0 0 F : 4 0 8 . 8 7 3 . 2 8 7 2
The Results
iZeno worked with Digi to deploy Sugar Professional to
200 sales people. The SugarCRM partner not only
helped with the deployment but also the training and
user acceptance that is critical to any successful imple-
mentation. iZeno tailored SugarCRM’s easy-to-use
interface with customized fields to make data entry
more simple. With a centralized system of lead informa-
tion, including emails, calls, campaigns and meetings,
Digi salespeople saw benefits almost immediately.
About Digi Telecommunication For more information, call (408) 454-6900 or 1 87 SUGARCRM
Established in 1995, DiGi is listed on Bursa Malaysia and tollfree in the US, email contact@sugarcrm.com, or visit
is part of the global telecommunications provider, Telenor www.sugarcrm.com.
Group. As the first telco to operate a fully digital mobile
network in Malaysia, DiGi focuses on delivering excellent
customer experience that are simple, innovative and of “With the help of iZeno, Sugar
best value through DiGi Prepaid, DiGi Postpaid and DiGi
Professional has removed obstacles and
Business. Customers can now also enjoy a fresh broad-
band experience with the launch of DiGi’s 3G broadband
unlocked the potential of our sales teams.”
services. Through its corporate initiative, Deep Green, Christian Schutt
DiGi is committed to a sustainable business that is fiscally Head of Operations
and ecologically responsible to all stakeholders. Digi
www.s u g a r c r m .c om
10050 North Wolfe Road SW2-130 Cupertino, CA 95014 T: 408.454.6900 F: 408.873.2872
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