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Digi Telecommunications

CASE STUDY: Digi Telecommunications

Digi uses Sugar Professional™ to manage enterprise

customer relationships and ensure high level of
customer satisfaction
Company Profile If there is one defining story in the technology over integrating their CRM with other applica-
world today, it is most likely the explosive growth tion. The company leader were also concerned
Headquarters of mobile communications. It is well known that about date control and response times. “We
Shah Alam, Malaysia there are more mobile handsets than personal were not comfortable with our customer data
computers and that each of them has more residing outside our country,’ said Schutt. “We
Company Description
computing power than the NASA computers also needed to have control over uptime and
DiGi is a leading mobile that placed a man on the moon. This trend is performance.”
communications company connecting people all across the world and
providing a comprehensive
acting as a great leveler as people are able to Based on these needs, Digi began to work with
range of affordable, convenient
communicate and collaborate more seamlessly. iZeno, A SugarCRM Gold Partner located in
and easy to use wireless
Leading this charge in Malaysia is Digi Singapore, to implement Sugar Professional
services to simplify and enrich
Telecommunications, which serves over seven On-Site. iZeno helped Digi break down the key
the lives of its customers.
million mobile customers in its home market. processes that needed improvements and
Users developed an implementation plan that would
200 Employees for Enjoying a leadership position in a growing map Sugar Professional with core systems
Sales and Support industry brings many rewards but also a to automate:
number of growing pains. Digi, like other tele-
communications providers, is quite focused on • Leads identification and tracking
Serves over 7.2 million mobile customer acquisition and satisfaction. In order • Proposal Generation
customers across the country to better service customer through the sales • Accounts validation
Solution cycle, Digi decided to turn to the CRM experts • Approval matrix
Sugar Professional at iZeno and SugarCRM®. • Contract Generation
• Order fulfillment tracking
Implementation Partner Background • Billing system integration
Like many companies, Digi salespeople relied on • Reporting
homegrown processes to manage customer.
These methods led to common problems associ- “iZeno has the business and technical know-
ated with sales information that is not centralized. how to manage a large and complex CRM
Digi faced challenges understanding the status implementation,” said Schutt. “With iZeno and
of opportunities, inputting data manually into mul- SugarCRM we found the product and the exper-
tiple systems, tracking proposal approval status tise to deploy an effective CRM system.”
and lines activation status, and tracking the
success of marketing campaigns.

“Management did not have a complete view of

what was going on in the sales cycle,” said “With iZeno and SugarCRM we
Christian Schutt, Head of Operations at Digi. found the product and the
“We needed real-time visibility into what was expertise to deploy an effective
happening with accounts and better sharing of
CRM system.”
information to make sure our sales teams were
on the same page. Christian Schutt
Head of Operations
iZeno and Sugar Digi
In evaluating CRM systems, Digi focused on
vendors who would provide the most flexibility

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1 0 0 5 0 N o r t h Wo l f e R o a d  S W 2 - 1 3 0  C u p e r t i n o , C A 9 5 0 1 4  T: 4 0 8 . 4 5 4 . 6 9 0 0  F : 4 0 8 . 8 7 3 . 2 8 7 2
The Results
iZeno worked with Digi to deploy Sugar Professional to
200 sales people. The SugarCRM partner not only
helped with the deployment but also the training and
user acceptance that is critical to any successful imple-
mentation. iZeno tailored SugarCRM’s easy-to-use
interface with customized fields to make data entry
more simple. With a centralized system of lead informa-
tion, including emails, calls, campaigns and meetings,
Digi salespeople saw benefits almost immediately.

The new system introduced a full integration with fulfill-

ment order system and billing system that reduced
manual data entry and allowed salespeople to spend
more time selling. iZeno tailored workflow rules that
would automatically route leads to sales team based on About iZeno
specific attributes, such as lead source. Sugar Professional iZeno is the leading service provider of SugarCRM,
also incorporated delivery information in one system to Compiere ERP and Pentaho BI in the region. We have
allow sales person to ensure delivery of equipment and acti- served companies in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,
vation of lines on time. Australia and China. Working together with technology
leaders like SugarCRM, IBM, Oracle, Zend and No
For management, user-friendly reporting tools allow exec- Machine, iZeno brings to you the best of breed in Open
utives to create charts and customized reports which Source technologies to improve your key business process
provides management a 360°view of accounts, sales and lower your cost of investment in technology. iZeno
targets and business line performance. Malaysia: www.izeno.com.my iZeno China: www.izeno.
com.cn iZeno Singapore: www.izeno.com.sg
“With the help of iZeno, Sugar Professional has removed
obstacles and unlocked the potential of our sales teams,” About SugarCRM
said Schutt. SugarCRM is the world’s leading provider of commercial
open source customer relationship management (CRM)
With its success, Digi plans to expand its implementation software. Founded as an open source project in 2004,
of Sugar Professional to more areas in its organization. SugarCRM applications have been downloaded over five
Specifically, Digi will be introducing Sugar into its field million times and currently serve over 500,000 users
operations—the dealer networks responsible for a large in 75 languages. Over 5,000 customers have chosen
portion of its sales. It will also be deploying Sugar cam- SugarCRM’s On-Site and Cloud Computing services over
paign management features to deliver more closed-loop lock-in based, proprietary alternatives. In the last year,
processes between marketing to sales. “We are off to a SugarCRM has been recognized for its customer success
great start with Sugar and now we see the potential of how and product innovation by CRM Magazine, InfoWorld,
it can positively impact our entire customer operations.” Customer Interaction Solutions and Intelligent Enterprise.

About Digi Telecommunication For more information, call (408) 454-6900 or 1 87 SUGARCRM
Established in 1995, DiGi is listed on Bursa Malaysia and tollfree in the US, email contact@sugarcrm.com, or visit
is part of the global telecommunications provider, Telenor www.sugarcrm.com.
Group. As the first telco to operate a fully digital mobile
network in Malaysia, DiGi focuses on delivering excellent
customer experience that are simple, innovative and of “With the help of iZeno, Sugar
best value through DiGi Prepaid, DiGi Postpaid and DiGi
Professional has removed obstacles and
Business. Customers can now also enjoy a fresh broad-
band experience with the launch of DiGi’s 3G broadband
unlocked the potential of our sales teams.”
services. Through its corporate initiative, Deep Green, Christian Schutt
DiGi is committed to a sustainable business that is fiscally Head of Operations
and ecologically responsible to all stakeholders. Digi

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10050 North Wolfe Road  SW2-130  Cupertino, CA 95014  T: 408.454.6900  F: 408.873.2872
04-09-010 Copyright © 2009 SugarCRM, Inc. All rights reserved. SugarCRM and the SugarCRM logo are registered trademarks of SugarCRM, Inc.
in the United States, the European Union and other countries. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective companies.

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