1.2shared Intentionality-ASD
1.2shared Intentionality-ASD
1.2shared Intentionality-ASD
Paper title: Shared intentionality in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
University of the Aegean
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
Contact author: Asimenia Papoulidi, Tritonos 60, Palaio Faliro, 175 61,
Research fields
Physical development
Motor development
Cognitive development
Language development
√ Emotional development
√ Social development
Research methods
Applications (Family, School – Interventions, etc)
Age Phase
Prenatal phase – Neonatal phase – Infancy
√ Preschool years
Middle childhood
Young adulthood
Middle adulthood
Late adulthood
Lifespan development
It is well documented that the ability and motivation to engage with others in collaborative,
activities with joint goals and shared intentions is the foundation of human uniqueness.
However, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) show difficulties in sharing their
motives, intentions, and emotions with others about topics in the environment and manifest
low levels of engagement. The purpose of the present study was to compare the level of
intentionality and social engagement in ten children with ASD and ten Typically
Developing (TD) children, matched for mental age, during free play interactions with their
mothers. Children were video-recorded while playing with their mothers in a naturalistic
condition with toys provided by the researcher. For the microanalysis of the video
recordings the EUDICO Linguistic Annotator was used, which permits the analysis of joint
behaviors and captures subtle qualitative differences in social engagement. Results
indicated that children with ASD showed deficits in joint attention, exhibited no functional
play and employed less communicative gestures than their peers in the comparison group.
These differences between the two groups in their mode of communication led to the
emergence of two distinct patterns of engagement which depict the different level of
intentionality that these groups have in sharing their experiences during mother-child
interactions. These representative patterns of interaction can be used as a potential tool
for early identification of children at risk of ASD well before other behaviors become fully
of attention between social partners and objects in order to share an experience (Bakeman &
Adamson, 1984).
Around the same age, infants begin to act intentionally in order to influence the behavior
of their communicative partner (Bates, 1976; McLean, 1990). They exhibit a new readiness to
tune in with the intentions and interests of a partner in joint exploration and use of objects.
Infants gradually progress from preintentional communication, which entails acts directed to
either a communication partner or object with no indication of joint attention, to intentional
communication, which includes acts clearly directed toward a communication partner (Crais &
Ogletree, 2016). These skills are described under the term “shared intentionality” which refers
to collaborative interactions in which participants share psychological states with one another
(Tomasello & Carpenter, 2007). The capacity to share intention with others is unique to human
social cognition and makes human social skills very different from those of other animal species
(Tomasello, 1999). The transition from preintentional to intentional communication is a major
milestone for all children and is critical to the development of higher-level communication
skills (Brady, Marquis, Fleming, & McLean, 2004; Tomasello, Carpenter, & Liszkowski,
However, for many children with developmental disabilities this critical transition to
intentional communication is delayed or does not happen at all. This seems to be the case for
children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized
by social and communicative deficits as well as restricted and repetitive behaviors (APA, 2013).
In particular, children with ASD show deficits in communicative abilities and difficulties in
sharing their motives, intentions, and emotions with others about topics in the environment
(Papoulidi, Papaeliou, Samartzi, 2017; Trevarthen & Delafield-Butt, 2013).
Children with ASD show impairment in contingent interactions and mutual
coordination with their communicative partner (Macintosh & Dissanayake, 2006) that may
stem from their severe difficulties in creating expectancies and predicting the behavior of others
(Sinha et al., 2014). In their seminal study, Trevarthen and Daniel (2005) examined home
videos of 11-month-old twin infants with Rett syndrome, one of whom was diagnosed with
ASD at the age of two years. Their research focused on rhythmic behavior and synchrony during
the interaction of the twin girls with their father. Results demonstrated that the infant who later
developed ASD showed little eye contact, incoherent engagement of mutual attention, absence
of co-regulation, weak emotional expression and lack of anticipation, making the interaction
asynchronous. Moreover, a series of prospective studies with high-risk infants (siblings of
children with ASD) has detected differences in early social engagement, weaker synchrony in
infant-led interactions and stronger tendency toward inactivity (Rozga et al., 2011; Wan et al.,
2012; Yirmiya et al., 2006).
Impairment in joint attention is among the earliest signs of the disorder (Charman, 2003;
Dawson et al., 2004; Jones & Carr, 2004) and constitutes a key diagnostic criterion. In addition,
numerous studies have shown that children with ASD present deficits in multiple
communicative gestures (Iverson et al., 2018; Watson, Crais, Baranek, Dykstra, & Wilson,
2013). The lack of motivation in social engagement is also revealed in play activities. Although
children with ASD may play with objects functionally, this play tends to be less frequent,
elaborated, varied and integrated than that of TD children (Christensen et al., 2010; Williams,
Reddy, & Costall, 2001). They also show particular difficulties in symbolic play (Dominguez,
Ziviani, & Rodger, 2006; Stanley & Konstantareas, 2007; Thiemann-Bourque et al., 2012;
Warreyn, Roeyers, & De Groote, 2005). Unsurprisingly, children with ASD prefer solitary
actions and simple manipulation of objects (Elison et al., 2014). In most cases, they do not show
any interest in sharing their experiences with others and they do not engage in social
The aim of the present study is to compare the level of intentionality and social
engagement in ten children with ASD and ten typically developing children, matched for mental
age, during free play interactions with their mothers by employing a microanalytic approach.
The following hypotheses were raised. Compared to TD children, children with ASD
would present:
1. deficits in gaze coordination with their mother
2. difficulties attuning their affect to that with their communicative partner
3. a different pattern of interaction with their mothers, which would reveal their limited
intentionality to share their experiences with her.
The current study constitutes part of a larger-scale project, the BabyAffect, which
studied affective and behavioral modeling of early childhood lexicalizations and
communicative functions with application to ASD and language delay detection. Τhe method
followed in the present study, which is described below, was also applied in the BabyAffect
The participants of the present study were ten children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(9 males), aged between 29 and 81 months (M = 55.1, SD = 21.03) and ten typically developing
children (8 males), aged between 9 and 30 months (M = 16.9, SD = 5.82) (F = 33.23, p < .001).
The male/female ratio of the sample depicts the overrepresentation of males with ASD, which
is well known in the literature (Halladay et al., 2015; Wijngaarden-Cremers et al., 2014).
Participants were recruited from pediatric clinics, daycare centers, developmental pediatric
clinics, private psychological centers and special schools (non random sampling). Typically
developing children were mainly recruited through the social network of the researchers. All
participants came from Greek-speaking families and were matched for visuospatial, fine motor,
and linguistic abilities on the raw scores of the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (1995). This
test is administered in infants and preschool children from birth to 68 months and is commonly
used in studies of infants and young preschoolers with developmental disorders (Klein-Tasman,
Mervis, Lord, & Phillips, 2007). Table 1 presents the raw scores of participants on the four
subscales that were assessed (visual reception, fine motor, receptive and expressive language).
Performance on Mullen Scales of Early Learning
Visual reception
Mean 20.9 21.6 0.07 .782
Range 14 - 29 12 - 35
Sd 4.22 6.63
Fine motor
Mean 20.8 20.2 0.04 .832
Range 14 - 28 13 - 38
Sd 5.51 6.84
Receptive language
Mean 15.6 19.5 1.82 .193
Range 6 - 23 10 - 33
Sd 5.29 7.42
Expressive language
Mean 17.2 16.2 0.15 .699
Range 8 - 29 13 - 29
Sd 6.54 4.68
Parents were informed of the procedure of the study and were asked to sign a consent
form. During the first visit, a questionnaire for demographic and medical information was
administered to parents. Even though, mothers and fathers in the two groups did not differ
significantly in age (F = 0.14, p = .708 and F = 0.02, p = .883 respectively), significant
differences were observed in parents’ education. In particular, the majority of mothers in the
ASD group had graduated from High School, while the majority of mothers in the TD group
had a University degree (χ2 = 13.24, p = .004). The same holds for fathers as well (χ2 = 14.00,
p = .007).
Videorecordings took place in children’s homes. Home environment was considered
more appropriate for obtaining representative samples of the children’s spontaneous behavior
than the unfamiliar laboratory environment (Papaeliou, Minadakis, & Cavouras, 2002). Each
session lasted approximately 35 minutes and was video recorded using a high quality camera,
mounted on a tripod. According to the relevant literature, this is a common duration for video
recordings, which provides adequate data and has been extensively used in previous work,
including children with ASD (Iverson & Fagan, 2004; Iverson & Wozniak, 2007). Mothers
were asked to play with their child, as they would normally do, trying to introduce to the child
all the toys provided by the researcher.
partner or object with no indication of joint attention between communication partner and
object, (i.e. parallel looking: partners are looking at the same object without though
communicating about it). Intentional communication includes acts clearly directed toward a
communication partner that carry intent for interaction (i.e. joint attention, functional play).
Joint attention is achieved through the use of alternating gaze (looking back and forth between
the partner and an object) and/or communicative gestures (pointing, showing, offering).
Functional play refers to conventional use of objects according to their function (Bigelow,
MacLean, & Proctor, 2004). The innovation of the current research lies on the grouping of the
separate behaviors observed in mothers and children into the above-mentioned categories of
intentionality. It also demonstrates the way these categories are alternated during the interaction
which produces a distinct rhythmical pattern for each group of participants. Inter-rater and intra-
rater reliability was calculated for three ASD children and three TD children (30% of the
sample) for each behavior category and was found to be very high. For inter-rater reliability
Cohen’s kappa ranged from .77 to .87 and for intra-rater reliability kappa ranged from .78 to
Interaction initiation
A chi-square test was performed to examine the relation between initiation of interaction
and group category. The relation between these variables was statistically significant, χ2 (1, N
= 20) = 5.05, p = .025. Overall, compared to TD children, children with ASD were less likely
to commence an interaction and engage their mother in their actions. In particular, only two out
of 10 children with ASD initiated the interaction. In all other cases, it was the mother who
initiated the interaction and attempted to engage the child in order to play together and share
their experiences.
Table 2
Mean time of gaze direction of the dyad
Mean duration SD t p
Eye contact 0.09 .927
ASD 1.60 3.40
TD 1.47 3.10
Parallel looking 0.77 .449
ASD 9.62 1.53
TD 8.73 3.32
Alternating gaze - 5.76 <.001*
ASD 0.99 3.13
TD 9.33 3.33
Different focus of attention 3.94 .002*
ASD 10.07 0.44
TD 8.48 1.19
*p < .05.
Table 3
Mean duration of attuned vs. non attuned affect of the dyad
Mean duration SD t p
Affect attunement -1.00 .327
ASD 9.81 3.57
TD 10.99 0.91
Lack of affect attunement 1.01 .325
Table 4
Between group differences in type of action performed by children
Mean duration SD t p
Exploratory play 1.36 .190
ASD 8.01 4.41
TD 5.26 4.59
Communicative gestures -3.85 .001*
ASD 2.30 3.72
TD 8.11 2.97
*p < .05.
With regards to mothers, an independent samples t-test indicated that there was a
significant difference in the time they spent in exploratory play. In particular, mothers of
children with ASD used this type of play much longer than mothers of TD children. It was also
observed that mothers in the ASD group displayed more functional play than mothers in the
TD group, while the second group performed more communicative gestures than the first.
However, as it is presented in Table 5, these differences were not statistically significant.
Table 5
Between group differences in type of action performed by mothers
Mean duration SD t p
Exploratory play 2.21 .045*
ASD 4.45 4.71
TD 0.75 2.39
Communicative gestures -0.80 .432
ASD 4.71 4.12
TD 6.23 4.30
Functional play 0.89 .387
ASD 8.23 3.03
TD 6.67 4.65
*p < .05.
An independent samples t-test indicated that there were significant differences between
the groups in relation to non-intentional and intentional communication (Table 6). More
specifically, the duration of non-intentional communication was statistically significantly
longer in the ASD group. Marked differences between the groups were also observed in relation
to intentional communication, since it was almost absent from the ASD group, with the
exception of one child, while it dominated in the pattern of interaction of the TD group. No
significant differences between the groups were found in pre-intentional communication.
Table 6
Between group differences in levels of intentionality
Mean duration SD t p
Non-intentional communication 3.65 .002*
ASD 10.70 0.78
TD 9.09 1.15
Pre-intentional communication 1.23 .231
ASD 9.01 1.10
TD 7.38 4.00
Intentional communication -9.30 <.001*
ASD 0.99 3.13
TD 10.64 0.96
*p < .05
The purpose of the present study was to compare the level of intentionality of ten
children with ASD and ten TD children, matched for mental age, during free play interactions.
As evidenced in the literature, infants are socially responsive from soon after birth and their
motive for sharing a narrative is clearly demonstrated by their ability to imitate the expressive
movements of their partner and collaborate in turn-taking sequences (Kugiumutzakis &
Trevarthen, 2015; Trevarthen & Delafield-Butt, 2013). The emergence of intentional
communication around the end of the first year of life is widely recognized as a basic milestone
in the infant’s development.
Shared intentionality drives human cooperation. This unique human ability allows
people not only to understand that others act intentionally but also to share common goals.
Humans are from a very early age motivated to share their goals and communicate about the
coordinated strategies necessary to achieve them (McClung, Placì, Bangerter, Clément, &
Bshary, 2017). However, this is not universal; children with ASD have particular difficulties in
shared intentionality which accounts for the social-cognitive impairments they display
(Tomasello, Carpenter, Call, Behne, & Moll, 2005).
Several neurodevelopmental disorders that impair the individual’s social functioning
are manifested in reduced eye contact or atypical gaze behavior and may be detected in early
infancy (Niedźwiecka, Ramotowska, & Tomalski, 2017; Yirmiya et al., 2006). According to
the findings of the present study, children with ASD made much fewer gaze alternations than
TD children, a finding which was also reported in the retrospective study of Clifford and
Dissanayke (2008). Using eye tracking technology, Thorup et al. (2018) found that reduced
alternating gaze during social interaction in infancy is associated with elevated symptoms of
ASD in toddlerhood. Similarly, prospective studies focusing on initiating joint attention have
reported fewer gaze alternations in 14 month-old infants who later received an ASD diagnosis
(Landa, Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007; Macari et al., 2012).
Gaze alternation which indicates intentional communication is impaired in children with
ASD. This deficit in intentionality is also confirmed by the long time these children spent
focusing their attention on a different object than the one indicated by the mother. This finding
is consistent with reports that many children with ASD are less likely to orient socially
(Dawson, Meltzoff, Osterling, Rinaldi, & Brown, 1998) and more likely to ignore the social
aspects of a communicative context (Adamson, Deckner, & Bakeman, 2010). These results
support the view that the social difficulties associated with ASD are in part due to lowered
levels of motivation to engage with people (Carr, 2007; Dawson et al., 2004).
Moreover, it is well established that children with ASD gesture at a lower rate than TD
children (Shumway & Wetherby, 2009) and demonstrate an atypical developmental trajectory
for gesturing (Paparella, Goods, Freeman, & Kasari, 2011). Τhe social communicative gestures,
such as pointing, showing and offering, were the most affected (Barbaro & Dissanayake, 2013;
Werner & Dawson, 2005; Wetherby et al., 2004). The findings of the present study confirmed
that children with ASD produced significantly less communicative gestures than TD children.
According to Manwaring, Stevens, Mowdood and Lackey (2018), not all types of deictic
gestures are equally impaired in toddlers with ASD. These researchers suggest that reduced
pointing in the second year is a marker for delay, but that reduced showing may be a more
specific marker of ASD, at least until closer to 2 years of age.
In relation to exploratory play no marked differences were found between the groups in
the present sample. This finding is also confirmed by other studies (Baranek et al., 2005; Wilson
et al., 2017) but comes in contrast to findings showing that children with ASD spend more time
in exploratory play than TD children (Bentenuto, De Falco, & Venuti, 2016; Dominguez et al.,
Furthermore, in accordance with other work (Jarrold, Boucher, & Smith, 1993;
Williams et al., 2001) the present study showed that children with ASD show severe difficulties
in producing functional play. In particular, none of the ASD participants in the present sample
played functionally with the toys. A recent study conducted by Wilson et al. (2017), presented
the low frequency of high level play behaviors exhibited by infants in natural contexts,
especially by infants with ASD and other developmental disorders (DD). Their findings
demonstrated that functional play acts were exhibited by 41% of the TD group, but only by
13% of the DD group and 9% of the ASD group. However, it should also be noted that there
are other studies that do not report differences between the groups in functional play (Barοn-
Cohen, 1987; Dominguez et al., 2006; Libby, Powell, Messer, & Jordan, 1998). Discrepancies
in findings may be attributed to the definition of functional play, the specific nature of the play
setting, the structure of the coding system and the time interval method of analysis which was
The pattern of intentional communication exhibited by children with ASD during
interaction with their mother may reveal deficits in innate motives for intersubjective
communication, which constitute a core characteristic of the disorder (Trevarthen & Daniel,
2005). According to Fuchs (2015), ASD is a paradigmatic disorder of intersubjectivity. Several
research projects have shown that deficits in intersubjective behaviors are the best way to
discriminate children with ASD from those with typical development during the first year of
life (Muratori & Maestro, 2007). The representative patterns of interaction that were revealed
in the present study may be used as a potential tool for early identification of children at risk of
ASD well before other behaviors become fully manifested.
This research is supported by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) under the
“Granting Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies of the second-cycle (PhD)” Action of the
operational programme “Development of Human Resources, Education and Lifelong Learning”
cofunded by the European Social Fund (NSRF 2014-2020) and the project “BabyAffect” which
was implemented under the “ARISTEIA II” Action of the operational programme “Education
and Lifelong Learning” and was cofunded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and National
Resources (NSRF 2007-2013).
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Gaze direction
Looking at Partner’s eyes/face Gaze clearly directed to partner’s face
Looking at Partner’s hands or body Gaze directed to partner’s hands or body
Looking at object Partner focuses attention on one object from those
provided by the researcher.
Looking around Partner does not focus attention on anything in
Fixing gaze while listening to a sound Partner fixates gaze while listening to a sound
Blank stare/still face Partner looks without focusing
Action on object