NT 109.15 PDF
NT 109.15 PDF
NT 109.15 PDF
15 (1988)
Tunisian Edition October 1997
Nr of registration : 1662
Edited and diffused by the national institute for the standardization and industrial property
Postal address: Po.Box 23 – 1012 Tunis – Belvédère
Tel: 785.922 – Telefax: 781563
NT 109.15(1988)
The present Tunisian standard has been adopted by the members of the
technical committee of standardization CT 109: Hydrocarbons – Installations,
materials and security rules.
ICS 75.160.20
Describers Hydrocarbons, content.
Price based on 19 pages
NT 109.15(1988)
1. Scope and field of application
The present rules applied to the warehouses of liquid hydrocarbons of 1st and 2nd degree
whose fictive global capacity, is at maximum equal to 1000 cubic meters at the time of
their creation, or after extension.
We differentiate:
The hydrocarbons of 1st category whose flash point is inferior to 55°C(1) ;
The hydrocarbons of 2nd category whose flash point is superior or equal to 55°C
but inferior to 100°C(2).
For the application of the present standard and unless contrary indication:
The hydrocarbons put in work at a temperature superior to their flash point are
considered of 1st category (3)
The heavy fuel-oils are considered as hydrocarbons of 2nd category.
2. References
NT 109.10 (1987) Tanks of storage of steel – horizontal tanks for liquid flammable
NT 109.14 (1988) Hydrocarbons liquid – Rules of development and exploitation of
Warehouses of liquid hydrocarbons of 1st and 2nd class.
3. Definitions
3.1 Fictive capacity of the warehouse
The fictive capacity(4) of the warehouse is defined as the sum of volumes of tanks in
affecting these volumes to corresponding coefficient to the category of stored
- Hydrocarbons of 1st category: coefficient 1 ;
- Hydrocarbons of 2 category: coefficient 1/3 ;
- Heavy fuel-oils: coefficient 1/15.
3.2 Decanting
Is considered as decanting every operation of changing at the exclusion of the
following operations:
Discharge of carriage vehicle in a fixed storage ; used in one installation of
combustion or of conversion ;
Loading in a carriage vehicle when the latter is required for reasons of security ;
Taking out samples.
Category B in the meaning of rules of development and exploitation of liquid hydrocarbons warehouses.
Category C in the meaning of rules of development and exploitation of liquid hydrocarbons warehouses.
Category C1 and D1 in the meaning of rules of development and exploitation of liquid hydrocarbons warehouses.
When, in the present standard, it is not precise that it is matter of “fictive” capacity, it will be convenient to
consider the “nominal” capacity (or real capacity).
NT 109.15(1988)
3.3. Sites of hydrocarbons
They are namely the following installations:
Storage tanks of hydrocarbons and retention ponds;
Hydrocarbons pumps;
Interior piping of hydrocarbons at the warehouse and their accessories, at the
exception of buried piping or in closed and staunch gutters
Pits and gutters not freely aired or unplugged and containing oil equipments as
flange, cocks and fittings susceptible to present leakage of hydrocarbons of
Posts of filling ( devices of filling in normal position of operation and tanks of
vehicles, barges or wagons during loading) and discharge (devices of discharge in
normal position of functioning);
Posts of transfer of cistern wagons and road cisterns;
Posts of filling mobile tanks;
Storage of mobile tanks full or empty with gas;
Orifices of respiration of aerial tanks or buried and of closed gutters
Uncovered separators of polluted waters containing hydrocarbons of first category.
The site of hydrocarbons is limited by the simple perimeter containing the projection to
the ground of installations of site.
3.4 No fire zones
We call “no fire zone” a zone where gases or combustible vapours may appear in course
of functioning of the installation.
Every site of hydrocarbons of first category, at the exception of piping, entails a “no fire
zone” including the considered site and a piece of width
- 5 meters, except for the filling posts and pumps of retention;
- 15 meters for the posts of loading, for the evacuation of free air of systems of
respiration and safety valves and for the extremities of blow off lines
The “no fire” zone of pumps of retention of hydrocarbons of first category are limited to
the plan of filling out, but the other elements contained in the pump tanks, etc., entail
a piece of width indicated above.
The inside of hydrocarbon tanks of second category is also considered as no fire zone.
Also, every premises having an opening on the no fire zone or containing an oil
equipment which might present leakage of gas or combustible vapours is classed in no
fire zone.
NT 109.15(1988)
3.5 Naked Fire
Shall be considered as “naked fire” the flames or sparks as well as any thing which can
give place in contact with free air to flames or sparks or which present susceptible
surfaces which might reach high temperature, as for example:
- boilers, forges, fixed or mobile, and all the other fires causing equipments ;
- heating or lighting equipment using naked fire ;
- welding equipments ;
- diesel engines, controlled ignition engines and gas turbines excepted those of
no surety ;
- electrical materials not of surety ;
- aerial electrical lines and the vertical plans containing then located between
these lines and the ground ;
- the openings of buildings or premises where it is allowed to make fire or to
When an establishment includes at the same time liquid hydrocarbon sites and liquefied
hydrocarbon sites, the minimal distance between liquid hydrocarbon site and liquefied
hydrocarbon site, at the exception of canalisations, shall be of 20 meters.
NT 109.15(1988)
This distance is reduced to 10 meters when the activity of liquefied hydrocarbons of the
establishment concerns a warehouse without decanting of global capacity superior to
the limit of classification in second class but not exceeding 70 cubic meters.
The above distances are respectively reduced at 10 meters and 5meters if one of the
two sites at least is buried.
The storages, the facilities of loading or unloading shall be fitted up with such ways.
4.5 Fencing
The hydrocarbons sites shall be implanted within the fencing area. Some sites without
hydrocarbons may also be inside the fencing.
The fencing shall be at the exterior of the “no fire zones” and in any way at more than 3
meters from the hydrocarbon sites. It must have a minimal height of 2,50 meters. It
must not make an obstacle to the aeration and shall be preferably in grids.
When the warehouse is located in premises having a general fencing of 2,50 meters, the
particular fencing of the hydrocarbons warehouse may be reduced to 1 meter height.
With the agreement of the inspector of classified premises, it may be removed when the
whole of premises is classed in 1st or 2nd category for the risks of fire or explosion and is
the object of a general regulation regarding these risks.
From the loading facilities and the sites of tanks of a nominal capacity at a maximum
equal to 200 cubic meters:
- Hydrocarbons of 1st category: 15 meters
- Hydrocarbons of 2nd category: 10 meters
From the sites of tanks of nominal capacity superior to 200 cubic meters and at a
maximum equal to 1000 cubic meters:
- Hydrocarbons of 1st category: 30 meters
- Hydrocarbons of 2nd category: 20 meters
NT 109.15(1988)
Starting from the sides of tanks of a nominal capacity superior to 1000 cubic meters:
- Hydrocarbons of 2nd category: the two thirds of diameter of tank, with a
minimum of 30 meters.
The respect of distances towards the limit of external zones in the warehouse on the
other sites of habitations, offices, etc., shall not be located or implanted, shall be
insured by the acquisition of respective pieces of land, or by the constitution of
amicable servitudes “non aedificandi”, or by any other mean giving an equivalent
The minimum distance between the site of hydrocarbons of 1st category on the one
hand, at the exception of piping or buried tank, and a premise receiving a public of 2nd,
3rd or 4th category from the other hand, and existing at the date of construction of the
concerned installation, shall be of 75 meters to be counted from the external walls of
the buildings of the premises receiving public. This distance is reduced to 60 meters
when it is a site of hydrocarbons of 2nd category, at 40 meters when it is matter of tanks
of heavy fuel oils.
5. Rules of Construction
This coating should not affect however soldered joints between the tank and framework
sustaining it.
5.2.2 The diverse metallic parts of the loading or unloading facility shall be permanently
interconnected electrically and besides being connected to earth. When the loading
(filling-up) is carried out via the dome of the tank, the diving tube and its extremity
point must be made of non ferrous material.
When the diving tube is not metallic, its extremity must then be turned into a conductor
electrically connected to the fixed piping of the loading facility.
The filling tube shall be of a sufficient length to reach the bottom and allow a flow
without splashing.
5.2.3 In the loading and unloading facilities of tank cars, all the lengths of track rail
functioning of the loading or unloading facilities must be joint and electrically
connected to the frame work of that facility, to the filling-up or unloading piping
besides ground connection.
If the branch line is electrified, the electrical connection between the rails and the
facility installations needs to be mediated by a circuit breaker. The fitting-up of the
installation must be in conformity with the specific standards of S.N.C.F.T.
The accidental end-on collision of tanker cars with other tanker cars shall be made
physically impossible through appropriate safety devices.
5.2.4 In the loading facilities of ships, the piping on board must have ground
If the regular loading or unloading piping of the landing stage is not electrically insulated
from the ship, by means of an insulating joint gasket, then a conducting wire fitted with
an up lines for cutting power shall link this earth connection to the piping of the ship
during the operations of loading or unloading.
The cocks and valves made of ordinary cast (or pig iron) are prohibited at the extremity
of piping of hydrocarbons on ships, boats and barges which are likely to be connected to
the shore pipings.
NT 109.15(1988)
Are not considered as an ordinary cast iron in the meaning of the present standard the
ones whose quality is in conformity with the standards in force.
The outside walls and the partitions shall be in hard materials (stone, brick, parpaing,
reinforced concrete) or in light materials (metallic elements protected, asbestos
5.5.1 The conduits in which the hydrocarbons pipings are placed must be fitted at their
extremities and every 25 meters maximum of appropriate devices resisting
hydrocarbon outflow the hose pipings.
5.5.2 The pipings of loading or unloading must be in conformity with prescriptions
regarding the regulation of carriage of dangerous substances.
5.5.3 In the retention ponds, the use of screwed pipings of diameter superior to 50
millimeters is prohibited if the screwing is not completed by a weld seam.
NT 109.15(1988)
At the crossing of piping through the sides of the ponds, the stauncheity shall be insured
by devices presenting a stability to fire of a degree of four hours.
No aerial piping stranger to the storage of hydrocarbons shall cross the pond of
retention. The pipings shall come out from the ponds which they feed as directly as
possible without crossing other ponds.
The cocks and fittings made of ordinary cast are prohibited on the installations of
For the cocks and fittings placed in low position under the tanks, the galvanized iron,
the aluminium and its allied pipes, the thermoplastic substances are prohibited.
No packing of oil product shall be placed inside the ponds containing tanks.
When fixed tanks are grouped within a same pond, this should be as follows :
Its serviceable capacity shall be at least equal to the nominal capacity of the biggest
tank at 50% of the global capacity of the contained tanks.
NT 109.15(1988)
When one pond is affected only for tanks of heavy fuel oils whose global capacity does
not exceed 10000 cubic meters, its serviceable capacity shall be equal to the biggest of
the two following values:
- 50% of the nominal capacity of the bigger tank;
- 20% of the global capacity of the contained tanks.
When the global capacity of tanks of such pond exceeds 10000 cubic meters, the
serviceable capacity of retention required is the bigger of the two following values:
- 100% of the nominal capacity of the bigger tank;
- 20% of the global capacity of the contained tanks.
The geometrical capacity of one associated pond to mobile tanks of category B shall be
at least equal to 60% of the global capacity of mobile tanks susceptible to be stored.
5.6.2 The nominal height of the sides of the ponds of retention shall be one meter
compared to the inside of the ponds.
The sides are constituted by fire walls in land or walls resistant to the thrust of
hydrocarbons eventually scratched. The walls must prove to have solidity to resist 4 hour
degree fire. The wall corner joints must be strengthened when the pond is limited by
walls, these shall not exceed 3 meters compared to the level of outside soil.
5.6.3. When a pond contains several fixed tanks, it must be divided into two
compartments at least by one fire wall or a wall of 0,70 meter of height at least.
5.6.4 The lateral sides of ponds must be tight. The bottom of the ponds shall also be
staunch at least that the storage shall be implanted at the outside of the zone
presenting hazards of pollution of waters.
The devices shall allow the evacuation of waters; they must be fire-proof, staunch to
the hydrocarbons in closed condition and monitored from outside of the pond.
NT 109.15(1988)
This test shall be performed under the control of the competent service. A minutes of
test shall be drawn up; it should be put at the disposal of the inspector of the classified
establishments copy of which should be addressed in any way before the putting in
service of the tank.
The cylindrical aerial tanks with horizontal axis shall be in conformity with the Tunisian
standard NT 109.10.
Some dispositions shall be taken in view to reduce the effects of current flow.
The metallic equipments and installations shall be put to earth. The resistance of
putting on earth shall be inferior or equal to 20 ohms.
The currents voluntarily created (electrical protection destined to avoid the corrosion)
shall not constitute a source of hazard.
This network shall be conceived to avoid every infiltration in the soil and should be easy
to be cleaned. It should have an efficient device to be opposed to the progression of
NT 109.15(1988)
6.2 Protection of soil
The sides other than ponds of retention, where accidental flowing are to be feared: the
pumping area, loading and unloading facilities, etc…, shall have a staunch soil enabling
to detect and put in piping the leaks towards the network of draining waters susceptible
to be polluted.
This installation may include a separator conceived in such a manner that the speed of
crossing the effluents enables a separation and a decantation efficient in normal
Controls are effected periodically; the results are consigned in one register.
Moreover, the extremity of fixed piping of loading or unloading, from the landing stage
side, shall be equipped with valve of rapid closing.
7.1 Extinguishers
All sites of hydrocarbons, other than the pipings, tanks and their ponds of retention shall
be protected by mobile extinguishers or on wheels in conformity with standards and
efficient for fires susceptible to occur.
There should be, in minimum, in the proximity of loading or unloading facilities in bulk a
powder extinguisher on wheels of 100 Kilograms of content or two extinguisher of 50
Kilograms and in the workshop of conditioning or filling up tanks in one extinguisher 55B
per 100 square meters or fraction of 100 square meters of surface, with a minimum of
two extinguishers by site.
Every set of transformation, cutting power or every site including one or several
electrical engine shall be equipped with at least two mobile extinguishers usable in
presence of electrical current.
7.2 Sand
Quantities of sufficient sand with shovels and wheebarrows shall be convenient divided
in view to put in piping or stop the leakage of products.
It is predicted to apply:
For the cooling of the tank supposed in fire: fifteen liters per minute and per meter of
For the cooling of other tanks located in the cylinder of circular section axed on the
tank supposed in fire and of radius equal to 2,5 R and at least R+15m :
- 5 liters per minute and by square meters on the quarter of the surface(2) of
tanks of hydrocarbons of first category.
- 2 liters per minute and by square meters on the part of the surface(2) of tanks
of hydrocarbons of second category.
if it is a cylindrical tank with horizontal axis, it is the perimeter of its vertical projection on a
horizontal plan which shall be considered.
the surface to be taken into consideration is:
- the total surface for the cylindrical tanks with horizontal axis and for the spherical tanks.
- the lateral surface (robe) for the cylindrical tanks with vertical axis.
NT 109.15(1988)
For the spreading of foam, it is predicted to apply a layer of foam of 0,20 meter of
thickness in ten minutes on the tank supposed in fire. For an average swell equal to 6,
the output of water in cubic meters per hour to be predicted for the production of foam
on tank of surface S (in square meters) is of the order of 0,2 S.
8.1.2 Case of ponds of retention containing only tanks of heavy fuel oil
The regulatory output of water corresponds to one which is necessary to cool the biggest
tank at a rate of 15 liters per minute and per square meter of circumference.
The mobile pump engines shall be able to use the reserves of water.
The network of water may eventually feed the tubs of fire or any other fixed or mobile
8.3.1 The pipings constituting the fire network should be reserved to this use.
However, the feeding of other circuits, starting from the fire network, is admitted at a
condition that the requirements formulated as for the fire water (output, pressure,
reserve) remain satisfactory.
The pipings and the accessories constituting the fire network shall be performed in
materials capable to resist to the mechanical and physical constraints to which they are
submitted in service; they must be, in addition, in materials resisting to fire and
protected against corrosion. The sections of pipings shall be calculated to obtain the
output necessary in any site, to the required pressures, for the good functioning of the
means of fire fighting.
The network should be meshed as far as possible and englobes valves of sectioning to
isolate rapidly every section effected by a rupture and allow to follow up the fire
8.3.2 The output and the pressure of the fire network are insured by the means of
pumping proper to the establishment or by connection on an outside network of
water in pressure giving all required guarantees for the safety of functioning..
The set of the means of pumping fire water shall assure the statutory output as it is
defined in article 8.1, at the necessary pressure to guarantee the good functioning of
the means of emergency.
NT 109.15(1988)
When more than the half of the statutory output is assured by the means of pumping
actioned only by electrical engines, these engines shall be feeded by two distinct and
independent electrical sources.
For the interpretation of this rule, shall be considered for example as distinct sources of
energy, the electricity of the public network and the one produced by the considered
Every thermal engine of group of pumping shall be provided with a device of launching
offering every guarantee of immediate starting: this engine shall be well roded.
The reserve of emulsifier shall be placed in spots judicially chosen and constituted in
such a manner to be easily and rapidly put in work. It must be at least equal to the
greater of the two following values:
Necessary quantity to cover with a layer of 0,40 meter of foam the biggest pond
containing the hydrocarbons of 1st category (tanks not deducted)
Necessary quantity to cover with a layer of 0,20 meter of foam the biggest pond
containing the hydrocarbons of 2nd category (tanks not deducted).
In the actual state of the technique the quantity of emulsifier to be provided shall be
respectfully 2 liters per square meters of surface of pond for the hydrocarbons of
category 1st and 1 liter by square meters for the hydrocarbons of 2nd category.
8.4.2 The warehouse shall be fitted with the means of production of foam enabling to
cover a layer of 0,20 meter thickness in 10 minutes the surface of ceiling of the
biggest tank.
NT 109.15(1988)
In the contrary case, the establishments shall be equipped with necessary means of
foam production.
8.4.3 the dispositions of the present article shall not apply to the ponds of retention
which contain only heavy fuel oils.
A reserve of water equal to the sum of biggest reserve which should be prescribed
for the warehouses taken isolatly and the half of total of other reserves which
should be prescribed for each of the interested warehouses;
An output of water equal to the sum of the biggest of output which should be
prescribed for each of the warehouse taken isolatly and the half of total of other
outputs which should be prescribed for each of the interested warehouses.
9. Rules of Exploitation
This regulation is remitted to every person admitted to work in the warehouse; against
signature of paper.
It should be displayed inside the warehouse.
The special permits are nominative, of limited duration and signed by a person entitled
by the chief of establishment.
NT 109.15(1988)
9.2.1 Instructions in case of fire
These instructions precise notably:
The organization of establishment in case of occurrence;
The composition of intervention teams;
The frequency of drills;
The general dispositions concerning the maintenance of fighting systems and
The mode of transmission and alert;
The means of call of external emergency and the persons authorized to make call;
The persons to be notified in case of occurrence;
The organization of control of entries and the internal policy in case of
In addition, the thermal engines of fire pump generators shall be tested at least one per
fortnight and the feedings of combustible should be filled after every use.
In isolating the arrivals and the departure of the installations by full metallic gaskets
easily identifiable and mounted between flanges;
An annual drill is achieved in common with the fire brigade and the specialized services
of establishments having eventually concluded an agreement of mutual assistance, after
understanding between the chief of the warehouse and the authorities on which depend
the fire brigades or specialized services.
The staff of the warehouse shall participate to the real fire drill at least every two
In addition, every user of post in free service of fluid fuel-oils or gas-oil shall be formed
as for the measures to be taken in case of fire.
9.4 Watch-keeping
In every warehouse containing more than 600 cubic meters of hydrocarbons of first
category, of staff conveniently instructed shall be present when shiftings of products are
9.5 Tanks
9.5.1 Control of tanks levels
In the absence of means of automatic measure of level in the tanks, these are gauged
periodically depending on the service they assure. The results are by written.
9.5.2 Cleaning of tanks or capacities having contained the gasoline auditioned to alkyls
components of lead basis.
The following general dispositions shall be taken:
Every operator working outside and at the proximity of openings of tanks or polluted
appliances or at the proximity of an extracted muds shall bear the equipment of safety
with the filtered cartridge mask;
The uncleaned tanks containing or having contained gasoline added to alkyl components
of lead basis shall bear the inscription:
The naked fires are prohibited inside the warehouse, at the exclusion of those necessary
for the running of the warehouse (boiler rooms, workshops, laboratories, etc..). These
fires shall be compulsorily outside the no fire zones.
The works necessitating the putting in work of naked fires inside the no fire zones shall
yield compulsorily to the establishment particular instructions précising notably: the
conditions of work, the fire equipment to be provided (extinguishers, etc.), the
watchkeeping during and after the work, etc.
The supplementary dispositions fixed in articles 9.8.2 to 9.8.4 included shall apply to the
operations of loading and unloading of road cisterns, tank cars or barges.
The driver shall bring his vehicle in position of discharging the head part turned towards
the exit facility, in such a manner that he can start again without manoeuvring. He
must, as soon as putting in place:
NT 109.15(1988)
To put on the handbrake or immobilize the vehicle with the means of wedges
easily retractable, place the gear lever to the stint steel point;
Stop the engine of the vehicle;
Switch off lighting of the vehicle and the circuit of the battery;
Establish equipotential link with the fixed installation, then proceed to the
unloading operations.
In case of inflowing by pump, the engine of the latter shall be put in work after
branching the hoses.
It is also forbidden to proceed on the vehicle or its engine for intervention as for
cleaning or repairs.
Besides, whether it is the matter of several detectible cisterns or cistern with several
compartments, at time of manual loading, one cover of dome shall be covered at the
same time, the others remaining closed. However, for the automatic loading, by counter
at predetermination for example, the simultaneous loading of totality of compartments
is admitted.
Inversely, the opening of the switchbraker shall follow the disconnection of the hoses
and precede the closing of the current of traction of the connection.
NT 109.15(1988)
When the fixed pump of loading or discharging of the landing stage is not isolated
electrically from the vessel or the ship by an isolating joint, the following dispositions
shall be taken:
a) the conductor provided in article 5.2.4 is put in place between the earth
plug and the piping of the vessel, ship or barge;
b) when putting in place this conductor or its disconnection, the device of
cutting shall be opened;
c) the hose or articulated arm is connected after closing of the device of
cutting and disconnected before its opening.
When the fixed piping of loading or unloading of the landing stage is isolated electrically
from the vessel, ship or barge, the equipotential link between the landing stage and the
vessel, ship or barge, is not prescribed.
When the landing stage is protected electrically against corrosion, special dispositions
shall be taken and shall be object of instructions posted at the proximity of loading or
unloading facilities.
The operations of pumping shall be effected under the commandment of the designated
responsible of the warehouse. The responsible or his representative shall control
permanently these operations.
During the whole period of operations, dispositions shall be taken to stop immediately
the pumping in case of necessity.
Every disposition shall be taken in such a manner that the eventual closing of the valves
would not provoke the bursting of piping or their gaskets.
NT 109.15(1988)
10. Controls
The regulations and instructions referred to in articles 9.1 and 9.2 are communicated to
the inspector of classified establishments who may formulate every observation, notably
in the subject of their conformity with the present instruction.
Upon his visits, the inspector of the classified establishments may be shown the register
referred to in article 6.5.
Operator shall inform in the best delays the inspection of classified establishments of
every incident or accident having compromised the safety of the warehouse or the
neighbourhood or the quality of waters.