Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 3 and 4
A company with a heart ♥
This set of Specifications shall govern the methods of construction and kinds of materials
to be used for the proposed Project shown on the accompanying plans and detailed drawings.
The plans, detailed drawings and the Specifications shall be considered as complementing
each other so that what is mentioned or shown in one, although not mentioned or shown in the
All plans (Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Plumbing Plans) are printed in an A3
paper and attached in the Appendix of this manual. The Specifications are as follows:
I. Temporary Facilities
A. Field Office
1. The Contractor shall construct a field office of adequate size 2 weeks after
B. Storage
1. The Contractor shall provide storage for stock piling of cement steel bars,
for his construction personnel, properly maintained for the duration of the
Contract Works.
E. Sanitary Facilities
1. The Contractor shall construct temporary toilets for use during the
1. The Contractor shall provide for the lighting and power requirements of
2. The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangement for the supply,
I. Excavation
other excavations required and necessary for the proper prosecution of the work.
1. The materials to be excavated shall include: any rock, earth and other
2. The excavation for footings shall be made deeper until the specified safe
pumping. Great care should be taken in order that the surrounding soil is
4. When the concrete poured for foundation has hardened and can already
withstand the pressure resulting from fills, the materials removed from
5. The fills and backfills shall be placed in layers not more than 150 mm in
6. Open tile drains under floor slab shall be covered with broken stones or
I. Acoustic Ceiling
2. All materials shall be carefully handled and delivered to the job site
4. Acoustical boards shall be used as ceiling underneath all floor ceilings and
2”) ceiling studs spaced 500 mm (20”) on centers both ways. The ceiling
shall include slats vent at selected spots along the perimeter of the ceiling.
A. Glass Doors
sections true to details with clean, straight, sharply defined profiles and
stainless steel.
4. Hardware for fixing and locking devices shall be closely matched to the
5. Vinyl weather strip shall be first class quality flexible vinyl forming an
B. Windows
a. Window Panel
b. Sliding Windows
with bottom guide pitch outward and slotted for complete drainage.
c. Casement Window
from extruded aluminum alloy. They shall open on stay arms having
2. Locking device shall be one arm action handle for manual operations
3. All joints between metal surface and masonry shall be fully and neatly
1. All glass and glazing materials shall be delivered at jobsite with labels
affixed indicating quality, make, type and thickness. Each glass in glazed
position shall resist a design pressure of 244 kilograms per square meter.
rounded and polished and sealed with a coating of silver and a uniform
paint to seal out moisture from the silver. Use where good vision is
3. Use Sealant as glazing material for glass installation. Setting and edge
sealant. Accessories like glazing clips, shims spacer strips, etc. shall be
4. Use 5.6 mm (7/32”) thick sheet glass of locally manufactured clear quality
5. All comfort rooms whether shown or not, the Contractor shall provide and
fit securely in place at the most convenient height above each lavatory one
mirror, made from local glazing quality polished plate glass 6 mm thick
with beveled edges and brass chromium plated frame 12 mm thick steel
A. Ceramic Tiles
1. Ceramic tiles and trims shall be made of clay, or a mixture of clay and
other materials which is called the body of the tile classified by ASTM C-
2. Ceramic tiles and trims are manufactured either by dust pressed process or
by plastic process in which the clays are made plastic by mixing with
B. Glazed Tiles
1. Glazed tiles and trims shall have an impervious face of ceramic materials
2. The glazed surface may be clear white or colored depending on the color
4. Glazed tiles shall be used for floors provided that these are used as light
duty floors.
V. Painting
2. All paint materials shall be delivered on the job – site in their original
4. A white & tinted ready-mix paint with AASHTO M-70 Specification shall
be used for finished coat on metal and concrete surface. For ceiling, use
flat wall paint white & tinted with BS 75-80 002-IFP Specifications.
6. Surface defects such as cracks, dents, and holes must be filled with putty
diluted with water. Metal and steel must be primed with anti-rush paint
I. Concrete Works
A. Portland Cement
B. Fine Aggregates
1. Sand shall be clean, hard, coarse river sand or crushed sand free from
C. Coarse Aggregate
2. The maximum size shall be 1/5 of the nearest dimension between sides of
D. Mixing Water
1. Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious
E. Proportioning of Concrete
laboratory which shall design the mix for each type of concrete required
C-192 and G-39 and by Slump Tests in accordance with ASTM C-143.
3. The testing laboratory shall submit 5 copies of the mix design and the test
approved mix design proves to be unsatisfactory for the reason such as too
7. The water content shall not exceed 28 liters per 40 kilograms per bag of
cement, and the slump test shall not exceed 10 cm in all cases unless
II. Reinforcement
A. Reinforcing Bars
1. Reinforcing bars shall be fixed one to the other by means of adequate steel
bars, links and stirrups, and all to be provided at the Contractor’s expense.
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drawings and the distance between bars shall not be less than those
recommended in ACI-318.
b. 20 mm Ø for footings
B. Concrete Cover
a. 75 mm for footings
b. 30 mm for columns
C. Anchorage Length
1. Plain bars shall be provided with end hook unless otherwise specified. The
recommended in ACI-318.
D. Splices
1. For walls and partitions, the Contractor either uses concrete or ceramic
strength of 7 MPa (1000 psi) computed from the average of five (5) units
based on the average gross area, and a minimum of 6 MPa (800 psi) for
3. All units shall be sound and free from cracks or other defects that would
interfere with the proper placing of the unit or impair the strength or
4. All cells of hollow blocks to be laid shall be filled with cement mortar
joints between units shall be provided with 1:3 cement mortar mixture at
least 10 mm thick.
deformed bars both ways for every hollow block laid horizontally and
practices and in particular comply with the requirements laid down in the
1. The Contractor shall furnish and install a concrete pedestal pole size 30
2. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to request the local power company
to install a proper type and size of service metering instruments and all
1. The Contractor shall furnish and install the necessary panel boards’ multi-
cabinet consisting of code gauge galvanized sheet steel box with trim and
4. All panel boards shall be set plumb and symmetrical with the surrounding
appropriate size provided with a stop in-door trim and good quality
cylinder lock. The inside and outside of panel board cabinets and trims
shall be factory painted with one rust proofing primer coat and two finish
4. Conduit run shall be continuous from outlet and no running thread shall be
in any conduit run. Conduit shall be cut square and properly reamed.
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5. All joints shall be screwed enter knockouts of conduit boxes, pull boxes,
panels and cabinet squarely. Lock – nuts shall be screwed tight to ensure
6. Bonds and offset shall be avoided where possible, but when necessary it
7. Conduits which have been deformed or crushed in any manner should not
be installed.
8. The contractor shall plug with approved pipe caps the ends of all conduit
boxes so as to prevent the entrance of white ants and dirt within the
conduit system.
9. This cap shall be placed that can be easily removed when so desired and at
V. Wiring Methods
1. Wiring for all systems shall be type THW conductors using plastic conduit
3. All conduit and conduit fittings shall be PVC and shall conform with the
4. The smallest size of conductor to be used shall be 2.0 mm2, type THW.
5. Circuit homeruns for lighting shall be 3.5 mm2 and 5.5 mm2 for the power.
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6. All splices, tape and junctions for all systems using conductors up to 14
7. Taps and splices shall be properly protected with both plastic and friction
1. All boxes for outlets and switches shall be galvanized iron approved
2. All ceiling outlet boxes intended for lighting outlets shall be of the 10 cm
octagonal box.
4. Convenience outlets and wall switches shall be mounted 0.30 m and 1.37
5. All boxes including junction and pull boxes shall be of sufficient size to
flush tumbler type and receptacles with proper bake lite cover plates shall
2. Wall switches intended to control lights on the 220 volts system shall be
1. All non – current carrying metallic parts like conduits, cabinets and
2. Ground rods shall be copper clad steel with diameter of 16 mm and length
of 2.0 m.
2. The main breaker shall include insulation control switch, manual trip
I. Plastic Pipes
2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) shall be used for rigid type of connections and
3. The PE tubes are in coil form available up to 150 meters long in coil form
defects, and shall be true, smooth and cylindrical, their inner and outer
5. They shall be in all aspect, sound and perfectly molded free from laps, pin
holes or other imperfections and shall be neatly dressed with its end
6. Pipes and fittings for sanitary and potable water lines as approved
7. Fittings shall be molded type and designed for solvent cement joint
connection for water lines and rubber O – ring seal joint for sanitary lines.
1. The septic tank shall be provided as shown on the plans including all pipe
2. Inlet and outlet pipes shall conform to the latest edition of the National
Plumbing Code.
1. All fittings and trimmings for fixtures shall be chromium plated and
polished brass.
2. Exposed traps and supply pipes for fixtures shall be connected to the
fittings. Model make and color shall be approved by the Owner and
designing Architect.
mounting accessories.
c. Urinal shall be vitreous china, wall hung wash – out urinal with
mounting accessories.
6. Toilet paper, soap holder, hand dryer and vending for toiletries shall be
wall mounted.
valve hose rack with 30 mm nipple rubber hose cable with square nozzle
mounted inside the cabinet. Cabinet shall be full flush mounting door with
3. Frame and box shall be made of gauge 14 galvanized iron sheet with white
interior and red exterior baked enamel finish over the well-prepared
I. Air Conditioning
A. Pipe Insulation
3. Insulated pipes, valves and fittings located outdoors shall be provided with
metal jackets.
B. Duct Works
1. Duct shall be galvanized steel sheet of not less than No. 22 for 775 mm to
1500 mm wide.
2. Joints and stiffeners of ducts using slip joints shall be 775 mm to 1500
3. Stiffeners shall be located not more than 12.0 cm from each joint.
C. Diffusers
and volume control as specified and shall have factory applied prime coat
of paint.
D. Dampers
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1. Dampers shall be of same materials as duct, at least one gauge thicker and
E. Fire Dampers
1. Main duct shall be provided with proper fire dampers of the fusible link
actuated type.
2. Access door shall be provided in ductwork for renewal of fusible link and
to rest damper.
A. Fire Pump
1. The type, size, capacity and quantity and power characteristics shall be
2. The fire pump shall be diesel engine driven and capable of delivering a
minimum of residual pressure of 103 kPa at the top – most and remotest
3. The pump unit shall be supplied with relief valve, gate valve, suction
gauge and discharge pressure gauge. The diesel engine shall be designed
instantaneous operation of the engine to drive the fire pump with the aid of
5. The tachometer, oil pressure gauge and temperature gauge and control
6. A diesel fuel day tank shall be provided to supply the engine for a
7. The fuel storage tank shall be asphalt coated with necessary piping and
B. Jockey Pump
power connection. The capacity to be supplied shall not be less than that
C. Sprinkler Head
3. Pressure rating
1. The alarm assembly shall be constructed and installed that any flow of
water from the sprinkler system equal to or greater than that from the
single automatic head shall result in an audible and visual signed in the
installed that all parts shall readily accessible for inspection, removal and
This set of Work Requirements shall govern the methods of construction to be used for the
proposed Project shown on the accompanying plans and detailed drawings. All construction
plans and works shall pass based on the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) and
the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) for technical, architectural, structural and
mechanical works, Provision of the Philippine Electrical Code for electrical works and National
Plumbing Code of the Philippines for plumbing works. Also, all laborers that will participate in
A company with a heart ♥
this should pass the required forms and standards of the Department of Labor and Employment
All building permits and other construction requirements shall be accomplished by the
Owner before the construction proceeds. These are the lists of permits and other requirements
1. Certified true copy of the land title from the Register of Deeds (RD)
c. Barangay Clearance
d. Location Plan
4. Inspection for the locational clearance from the CPDO upon release of the permit
5. Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) from the local Fire Marshall at the Bureau of
b. Bill of Materials
c. Locational Clearance
6. Building permit and ancillary permits at the Office of the Building Official
- Electrical Permit
- Mechanical Permit
- Sanitary Permit
- Plumbing Permit
- Electronics Permit
A company with a heart ♥
Conceptual Signing of
Procurement Mobilization Construction Control Completion
Stage Contract
Detailed Site Drainage
Equipment Footings Lighting Conditioning Cost Control Turnover
Design Development System
Excavation Columns Power Water Sprinkler Quality
Distribution System Control
given project.
3. The Project Management team shall develop the preliminary plans that
will follow the specifications and requirements of the client/owner and the
4. The Project Engineering team shall estimate the cost and construction
2. The Project Engineering team shall present the estimated cost of the
suitable management and financing style that will be used on the project.
1. The Project Management team shall inspect the plans and specifications of
presenting the plans to the client/owner and executives. The Architect and
the Designing Team shall make the necessary changes, if there is any.
2. The Architect and the Designing team shall present the complete plans and
3. The plans should have an approval before finalizing the cost estimation
and schedule.
I. Signing of Contract
1. The final compilation of the plans and bills shall be presented to the
II. Procurement
1. The Contractor shall acquire the materials and equipment to the chosen
III. Mobilization
IV. Construction
A. Site Works
labor, plants, applications, methods and all operations that may be necessary,
accordance with the Plans and subject to the terms and conditions of the
may be omitted from any side or sides other than those adjacent to
3. Cut slope for permanent excavations shall not be steeper than 1–½
horizontal to one vertical, and slopes for permanent fills shall not be
B. Architectural Works
i. Acoustic Ceiling
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materials, tools, labor and equipment and performing all operations for all
covered and the conditions under which all acoustic ceiling work is
treatment shall be clean, dry, level and free from irregularities and
manual of instructions.
6. All joints around electrical outlets, pipes and other work extending
7. The finished surface shall be cleaned and free from any spots, dirt
This work shall consist of furnishing all aluminum glass door and
1. For all assembly and fabrication works, the cut ends shall be true to
3. Main frame shall consist of head, sill and jamb stiles specifically
4. Frame sill shall be stepped and sloped with offset weep holes for
A company with a heart ♥
This work shall consist of furnishing all glass and glazing materials,
2. All glass shall be accurately cut to fit openings and set with equal
5. All glass sheets shall be bedded, backed puttied, secured in place and
bevels and clean-cut corners, then remove excess putty from glass
and frames.
and improperly installed glass which does not fully meet the
extra cost.
This work shall consist of furnishing all ceramic tiles and cementitious
electrical and other trades have been completed and tested. The work
2. Mortar mix for scratch coat and setting bed shall consist of one-part
3. Surface to receive tile must be level, true to elevation, dry, free from
4. Allow at least seven (7) days curing of scratch coat and setting bed.
coat is applied.
6. On masonry surface apply first a thin coat with pressure, then bring
7. Evenly rake the scratch coat to provide good mechanical key before
10. Thoroughly dampen surface of wall but not to saturate the surface.
11. Apply a bond coat mix with consistency of cream paste 1.5 mm thick
12. Lay the tiles true to profile then exert pressure and tamp tile surface
13. Continue with the next full tile to be laid and pressed firmly upon the
setting bed tamped until flush and in place of the other tiles.
appropriate trim.
15. All lines shall be kept straight and true to profiles, plumbed and
v. Painting
This work shall consist of furnishing all paints, enamels and other
the Plans.
which may jeopardize the quality the quality and appearance of the
painting or finishing.
varnishing operations.
A company with a heart ♥
6. All paints, and other coatings shall be mixed and applied strictly in
carefully puttied after the first coat with putty matching color of the
stain or paint.
12. When surface is dried, apply first coating. Hairline cracks and
patching compound. After all defects are corrected, apply the finish
C. Structural Works
i. Reinforcement
This work shall consist of furnishing of all reinforcing steel and their
ii. Formworks
5. Forming shall start at the first-floor level with new materials. Forms
for exposed concrete may be reused only if the surface has not
reinforcement. The form oil shall not contain chemical that will
bottom form and shoring be removed until after the members have
buildings conforming to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Plans.
C-94, placed in forms within one hour after adding water or not more
2. Pouring of concrete should not be started until after the forms and
reinforcement for the whole unit are properly laid and installed,
4. The conveyors shall be kept full of concrete during the placing and
their lower ends shall be kept buried in the newly placed concrete.
6. After the initial set of the concrete, the forms shall not be jarred, and
or Engineer.
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1. Masonry work shall not be started when the horizontal and vertical
2. All masonry works shall be laid true to line, level, plumb and neat in
v. Masonry Finish
This work shall consist furnishing of all necessary materials, tools,
1. Plaster work shall be finished level, plumb, square and true to line
well–up to screeds.
D. Electrical Works
This work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor
and all other services necessary to complete and make ready for operation the
The same job foreman shall be assigned and maintained at the job
E. Plumbing Works
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This work shall consist of furnishing all materials, tools, equipment and
fixtures required as shown on the Plans for the satisfactory performance of the
4. All main vertical soil and waste stacks shall be extended full size to
vent line serving other fixtures, the connections shall be at least 120
7. All changes in pipe sizes such as soil and waste lines shall be made
degrees Y; half Y; long sweep; quarter bends or elbows for soil and
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9. Cleanouts at the bottom each soil stack, waste stack, downspout, and
where else indicated shall be the same size as the pipe lines.
10. Vent pipes shall be flashed and made water tight at the roof with
1. The water supply piping shall be extended to all fixtures, outlets and
equipment from the gate valves installed in the branch near the riser.
3. All piping above the ground shall be run parallel with the lines of the
A company with a heart ♥
iv. Disinfection
3. Valves for the water distribution shall be opened and closed several
F. Mechanical Works
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i. Air Conditioning
and shall not require the presence of an attendant except for periodic
2. All equipment and materials shall be inspected upon the delivery and
4. Walls, floors and other parts of the building and equipment damaged
Sprinkler System, inclusive of all piping and pipe fittings connections, control
and all other accessories ready for service in accordance with the Plans.
2. Sign boards shall be mounted on the wall nearest the equipment for
easy identification and reading. Paints shall be gloss fire red and
V. Control
continuously inspect and check the works of the Operation team and it
I. Completion
or by the client/owner.
2. After the procurement of the furniture, the Operation team shall place and
project. A correction shall be made if there are any defects are found.
III. Occupation
1. The Contractor shall turn over the project to the owner/client after the
The organization chart shown below is the graphic representation of the structure of J.W.
The organization of the Project Management Team is being leaded by the Project Manager,
which is task to report to the President/General Manager. The team is divided into three (3)
department groups namely the Finance/Administration group, Engineering and Control group
Ivan Panganiban
Kalvin Mesina
Emerson Pilipiña Macky Vergara
John William Lapitan
Yhanz Hangad Barron Inglis Gabe Nemis Mia Clarete
John Rey Cantos
Bec Pangilinan
Liam Lapitan
Ber Picolados
A company with a heart ♥
and one-line group, the Operations group which is headed by Finance / Administration Manager,
The Finance and Administration function covers all not related to the technical aspect of
the project. It is consisting of two (2) subgroups namely Administration and Human Resources.
The Engineering and Control function oversee the technical aspects of the project. It is
consisting of three (3) subgroups namely Production Planning and Control, Project Engineering
and Equipment Yard Maintenance. The basic responsibilities of this division include cost
control, quality control, material control, design, procurement, programming and scheduling and
The Operations function handles all field operations. To underline the importance of the
Manager is assigned to head each function. These Assistant Operations Managers, in effect,
become the persons who will be directly involved in, and responsible for the production and,
therefore, the profit generating function of the entire organization together with the five (5) area
With reference to the Project Organization chart, the project will be headed by the
President/General Manager followed by the Project Manager and different support groups
The Project Manager, as the person in charge overall of the project, represent J.W.
Builders in all the functions and responsibilities regarding the project. He is, therefore,
primarily responsible for the on-time, on cost execution of the work required.
Manager, the Project Superintendent and the Engineering and control Manager.
Specifically, the responsibilities of the Project Manager, over and above his primary
responsibility of completing the project on time and within the budget are indicated as
a. To maintain good relations with the Owners, the Consultants, the Architects, the
Prime Contractor, other trade Sub-contractors and all other persons who are
b. To review all plans and specifications and to determine the technical and practical
evaluate variations from the bills of quantities, if any and to cause the approval of
d. To promptly gather and deliver to the Architects/ Prime Contractor all submittals
required for approval. These include work programs, shop drawings, material
f. To ensure the coordination and proper working of all departments and functions
under him for the smooth and on time progress of the work.
g. To coordinate with all trade subcontractors, making sure that they adhere to the
the progress of their work and to thresh our any or all problems that affect the
reports are promptly submitted to the Central Office for evaluation, furnishing
The Finance & Administration Manager is in charge of all aspects that are not
technical in nature as far as the project is concerned. His major role, however, is the
preparation of accurate and on time cost figures to enable the Project Management Team
to make fast, good and efficient decisions. Another important role is that of a secondary
accounting practice.
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c. To ensure the efficiency and security of the warehouse and its contents.
d. To keep proper and accurate personnel records and to ensure the maintenance
e. To administer the proper operation of all camp facilities, staff houses and
Project offices.
i. To ensure that the project have enough cash fund to augment day to day
j. To ensure and check that the Owner-furnished materials are delivered time
A. Administration Head
and regulations.
ii. Accounting
- Preparation of payroll.
iii. Warehousing
procurement of materials.
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and storage.
during delivery.
iv. Purchasing
Architects/Prime Contractor.
i. Personnel
each employee.
regular check-up.
The Project superintendent is the second in command in the project regarding all
field operations as such his basic responsibility is the total support to and
CPM and other work schedules and to coordinate with all the supervisor for
and equipment against the approved budget for his division. To coordinate
Project Manager on problems, both internal and external, will affect the
progress of work.
d. To coordinate with all trade sub-contractors, making sure that their respective
e. To ensure that the project will be completed in the agreed time and budget.
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A. Architect
- Organizes team or technology partner around design; manages
B. Mechanical Engineers
- Responsible for all mechanical works included in the project.
C. Electrical Engineers
- Responsible for all electrical works included in the project.
D. Structural Engineers
- Responsible to design the structure of the building, including drainage
- Ensures that the design co-ordinates with that of the Architect and the
Services Engineer.
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E. Sanitary Engineers
- Responsible for all plumbing works included in the project.
F. Foreman
- Places orders, receives and distributes materials to specified sections for
future work.
proper utilization.
The Engineering & Control Manager is not only responsible for the cost, material
and quantity control aspect but, is also responsible for the continuing planning of the
a) To check/ensure that all requisition made by the supervisors are within the
b) To check and ensure that all services, materials and equipment delivered to
c) To check that the Work performed by all trades are within the required quality
standards and to ensure that these conform with the plans and specification,
d) To prepare, update and safe keep all technical records such as logbooks, CP
minutes of the project meetings, and such other technical papers and
I. Survey
II. Design
III. Procurement
and specifications.
The production Planning & Control Head is directly responsible to all the
subcontract agreements.
with accounting.
II. Programming/Scheduling
III. Estimator
Reporting Preferred
Stakeholder Format When Person Responsible
Needs Medium
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Status report -
finance, Finance/Administration
Face to face
schedule, Manager, Project
Project Summary and meeting or
materials and Weekly Superintendent, &
Manager Report Email
equipment. Engineering and
issues and Control Manager
Status report -
Superintenden Summary and Face to face
schedule, budget, Daily Site Project Engineer
t Report meeting
variances, issues
and progress
Quality Control
Status report - Engineer, Safety
Site Project Summary and Face to face
issues, variances Daily Engineer, &
Engineer Report meeting
and progress Construction and
Operation Head
Production Planning
and Control Head,
Engineering & Status report -
Summary and Face to face Project Engineering
Control variances, issues Weekly
Report meeting Head & Equipment
Manager and progress
Yard Maintenance
The project report includes the compilation of budgets, schedules, progress reports, and
Financial reports contain supplies, budget, expenses, labor, payrolls and salaries, taxes,
client down payments and other finance-related matter. These reports should include income
The reports for Engineering and Controls should include list of equipment and materials,
supplies, conditions and qualities of each equipment and materials, and other issues and concerns
This will be the sample for Project Report Paper. It will be filled up by the Operation Head
Secretary and will be submitted to the Project Engineer at the end of the month. This is to
monitor the phase and status of the construction project, budget and the schedule.
Evaluation reports contains work attitude assessment that will be conducted by the Human
Resources Head every end of the month. This will be the reference for promotions,
A memo will be sent to all Department Heads one week prior to the said meeting. In
any cases, a meeting will be held every last Wednesday of the month. If ever there will be
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emergency situations, a meeting should be set immediately to address the issue. In the
meeting, it is expected that the attendees to report the status, progress, concerns and
issues encountered by their team for the entire month. The secretary will prepare the
minutes of the meeting which will include the date, time, and place of the meeting,
attendance and the discussions to meet the agenda. The Project Manager will listen to the
report and decide if there should be changes in the construction strategy. He can also state
his expectations for the coming months, changes in management style and statements
from the client of the project. All Department Heads will be given minutes of the meeting
As for the Departmental meeting, the meeting will be set by the Department Head.
The purpose of this meetings is to monitor the work of the employees and determine if
there are issues that should be addressed and resolved before reporting it to the Project
Manager. Minutes of the meeting should be prepared and distributed for the sake of the
During site operations, there will be allotted time for meetings every afternoon of
each day. The main purpose of these meetings is to check the time table set by the Project
Manager. These meetings are also to address every operation strategy, daily progress
report that includes material and equipment’s conditions, safety and health of workers
and other concerns. Each meeting will be facilitated by the Project Superintendent or
Operation Head.
The flow and the minutes of each meeting should follow this guideline: