Research Methodology and Procedure
Research Methodology and Procedure
Research Methodology and Procedure
This chapter briefly presents the different methods and procedures that is use by
the researchers in doing this study. It consists the research design, research locals, and
research process. It also contains the research instrument and techniques, gathering of
The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of chili pepper
extract as main component of the insecticide and how it may differ to the other
The researchers have chosen the place to conduct their study and assign it in
their field of study. The place is at Ibayo Silangan Naic, Cavite headed by Mayor Jun
Dualan. The said place has a public market where the researchers can find enough
sources and it has a big population so that it has a lot of consumers of products.
32 oz. water
Get the right equipment. Plan to work in a well-ventilated room with good
lighting so you can see what you're doing. You'll need the following supplies:
Spray bottle
The researchers develop a questionnaire with checklist to gather the need data
for every student. The questionnaire was drawn out based on the researchers’ reading,
previous study, and gathering data. The design of a good data collection is consider in
The researchers followed some procedure of the experiment in order to meet the
The internet provides information of what appropriate materials are going to use.
Also, the researchers studied and read some existing thesis and articles to act as guide
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