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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering

Vol:5, No:8, 2011

Design of Gravity Dam by Genetic Algorithms

Farzin Salmasi

• Load condition No. 1: unusual loading condition-

Abstract—The design of a gravity dam is performed through an construction
interactive process involving a preliminary layout of the structure - Dam structure completed
followed by a stability and stress analysis. This study presents a - No headwater or tailwater
method to define the optimal top width of gravity dam with genetic • Load condition No. 2: usual loading condition normal
algorithm. To solve the optimization task (minimize the cost of the operating
dam), an optimization routine based on genetic algorithms (GAs) was - Pool elevation at top of closed spillway gates where spillway
implemented into an Excel spreadsheet. It was found to perform well is gated and at spillway crest where spillway is ungated
and GA parameters were optimized in a parametric study. Using the - Minimum tailwater
parameters found in the parametric study, the top width of gravity - Uplift
International Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:5, No:8, 2011 waset.org/Publication/5993

dam optimization was performed and compared to a gradient-based - Ice and silt pressure, if applicable
optimization method (classic method). The accuracy of the results
was within close proximity. In optimum dam cross section, the ratio The procedure of the design of a solid gravity dam involves
of is dam base to dam height is almost equal to 0.85, and ratio of dam the determination of theoretical profile initially and then the
top width to dam height is almost equal to 0.13. The computerized modification from practical point of view. The basic
methodology may provide the help for computation of the optimal modifications required in the theoretical profile are:
top width for a wide range of height of a gravity dam.
• The sufficient freeboard is provided to avoid over flow
Keywords—Chromosomes, dam, genetic algorithm, global from the dam. The requirement of free board is decided
optimum, preliminary layout, stress analysis, theoretical profile. from the wave action created at the water surface. The
minimum free board should be provided as 0.9 m.
I. INTRODUCTION The sufficient top width is provided which is required for
the provision of road above the dam for inspection
B ASICALLY, gravity dams are solid concrete structures that
maintain their stability against design loads from the
geometric shape and the mass and strength of the
purposes.Due to above provisions, extra material is required at
the top of the dam, which results in shifting of resultant
concrete. Generally, they are constructed on a straight axis, towards the heel in reservoir empty condition and chances of
but may be slightly curved or angled to accommodate the development of tension at the toe. To avoid this tension, base
specific site conditions. Gravity dams typically consist of a width of the dam is increased at the upstream side and upstream
nonoverflow section(s) and an overflow section or spillway. batter is provided. Hence material is increased on the upstream
The two general concrete construction methods for concrete side of the dam.In reservoir full condition, the resultant
gravity dams are conventional placed mass concrete and RCC. remains in middle third portion due to provision of top width
Dam profiles consist of nonoverflow and overflow and the section remains quite safe, hence the material from the
section. The configuration of the nonoverflow section is downstream side may be removed to bring resultant in the
usually determined by finding the optimum cross section that outer middle third point.The material required in modification
meets the stability and stress criteria for each of the loading of theoretical profile consists of the material required at the
conditions. The design cross section is generally established at top plus the material required at the upstream bottom minus
the maximum height section and then used along the rest of material removed from downstream side. The net material
the nonoverflow dam to provide a smooth profile. The required is a function of top width. Hence a particular top
upstream face is generally vertical, but may include a width is to be decided for which the net material required is
batter/fillet to increase sliding stability or in existing projects the minimum. This top width is known as the optimal top
provided to meet prior stability criteria for construction width [3]. Creager [4] had proposed that the economical top
requiring the resultant to fall within the middle third of the width of gravity dam can be adopted as 14% of height of the
base. The downstream face will usually be a uniform slope dam. He had not considered earthquake forces. Several
transitioning to a vertical face near the crest. Based on U.S. researchers have studied genetic algorithm in engineering
Army Corps of Engineers [1], the slope will usually be in application. In the study of Sarabian and Lee [5], Non-
the range of 0.7H-1V and 0.8H-1V, depending on uplift and oriented case of Two-Dimensional Rectangular Bin Packing
the seismic zone, to meet the stability requirements. Two Problem (2DRBPP) was investigated. The objective of this
basic loading conditions are used in gravity dam design. problem was to pack a given set of small rectangles, which
Loadings that are not indicated should be included where may be rotated by 90°, without overlaps into a minimum
applicable [2]: numbers of identical large rectangles. Aim was to improve
the performance of the MultiCrossover Genetic Algorithm
(MXGA) proposed from the literature for solving the
problem. Rayner [6], proposed a genetic semi-supervised
F. Salmasi is with the water engineering department, faculty of agriculture,
Tabriz university, Tabriz, IRAN (e-mail: Salmasi@Tabrizu.ac.ir). clustering technique as a means of aggregating data stored in

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering
Vol:5, No:8, 2011

multiple tables to facilitate the task of solving a • Apply genetic operators (mating): reproduction
classification problem in relational database. This algorithm (reproduce chromosomes with a high fitness), cross-over
is suitable for classification of datasets with a high degree of (swap parts of two chromosomes, chosen based on their
one-to-many associations. It was shown in the experimental fitness to create their offspring) and mutation (apply a
results that using the reciprocal of Davies-Bouldin Index for random perturbation to parts of a chromosome). All of
cluster dispersion and the reciprocal of Gini Index for these operators are assigned a probability of occurrence
cluster purity, as the fitness function in the Genetic • Assemble the new generation from these chromosomes
Algorithm (GA), finds solutions with much greater and evaluate their fitness
accuracy.The main objective of Al Rahedi and Atoum [7]
• Apply genetic mating as before and iterate until
study’s was to propose a new representation method of
convergence is achieved or the process is stopped
chromosomes using upper triangle binary matrices and a
new crossover operator to be used as a heuristic method to As can be seen above, the primary usefulness of the GA is
find near-optimum solutions for the Traveling Salesman that it starts by sampling the entire design space, possibly
Problem (TSP). The outcomes obtained from running the enabling it to pick points close to a global optimum. It then
proposed genetic algorithm on several TSP instances taken proceeds to apply changes to the ranked individual design
from the TSPLIB had showed that proposed methods found points, which leads to an improvement of the population
International Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:5, No:8, 2011 waset.org/Publication/5993

optimum solution of many TSP benchmark problems and fitness from one generation to another. To ensure that it
near optimum of the others. Optimal operation of single and a doesn’t converge on an inferior point, mutation is randomly
cascade hydro-electricity reservoirs systems were analyzed by applied, which perturbates design points and allows for the
Asfaw and Saiedi [8] with using genetic algorithm and excel evaluation and incorporation of remote points.
optimization solver and the results were comparatively The main advantages of GAs are:
analyzed. The objective function was to minimize the
difference between actual and installed generation capacity of • The nature of the optimization model does not need to be
plants. The state transformation equation (the equation of known. This makes GAs very interesting for complex
water balance), the minimum and maximum stage and turbine problems or for users inexperienced in gradient-based
releases were taken as constraints. The results showed that the optimization techniques
release policy of genetic algorithm was better than that of • The optimization model and its constraints do not have to
excel optimization solver in two ways: greater electricity be continuous or even real values. No simplification of a
generation and convenience of the operation. problem is necessary to accommodate it to a particular
Other related topics can be traced on: Kumar and Vidivelli algorithm (e.g., linearization)
[9]; Tessa [10]; Eldrandaly [11]; Haut et al. [12]; Yedjour et • They are readily available and easily implemented
al. [13]. This study deals with the determination of the optimal
top width of gravity dam by a Genetic Algorithms in which The main disadvantages are:
the top width is taken as a function of water depth and
systematic checking of the section is done. The net required A large number of parameters need to be set. This is
material is calculated for the dam section in which no tension simplified by information from literature, but problem-specific
is developed anywhere in the dam section. adjustments might need to be made.
Due to the comparatively very large number of function
Genetic Algorithms (GAs): GAs are based on biological calls, GAs require significant computational resources. This
principles of evolution and provide an interesting alternative makes them unattractive for optimization problems with
to “classic” gradient-based optimization methods. They are computationally demanding analyses.
particularly useful for highly nonlinear problems and models,
whose computation time is not a primary concern. Similar to II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
other methods such as Simulated Annealing, they perform The elementary or theoretical profile is determined and then
better than gradient-based methods in finding a global it is modified for the practical consideration. The bottom
optimum if a problem is highly nonlinear and features width is extended in upstream side such that tension should
multiple local minima.In general, GAs approach the entire not develop at the toe in reservoir empty condition. The
design space randomly and then improve the found design bottom width is reduced in the downstream side to save the
points by applying genetics based principles and probabilistic construction material and precaution is taken that the tension
selection criteria [14]. Although a large number of modified should not develop at the heel in reservoir full condition. First
algorithms are available, a GA typically proceeds in the the top width is assumed as percentage of the height of dam.
following order: For this top width, the extension of bottom width at upstream
• Start with a finite population of randomly chosen side is determined for no tension at the toe in reservoir empty
chromosomes (“design points”) in the design space. This condition.
population constitutes the first generation (“iteration”) Similarly the reduction in the bottom width is determined at
• Evaluate their fitness (“function value”) the downstream side for no tension at the heel in reservoir full
• Rank the chromosomes by their fitness condition. The top width (a) is assumed as percentage of the
water depth (h). By referring to Fig. 1, for the selected top

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International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering
Vol:5, No:8, 2011

width, the bottom width of upstream batter (x) is assumed as a III. RESULTS
fraction of top width (a/x1) and reduction in bottom width (y)
in the down stream is also assumed as a fraction of top width Calculation of moments: With reference to Fig. 1, forces
(a/y1). By changing values of x1 and y1, the values of width x acting, lever arm from the toe and moments about toe are
and y are determined such that the dam section is safe for tabulated in Tables 1 and 2.
reservoir empty as well as for reservoir full conditions [3]. In the Table I;
For various values of top width, the final profile of the dam S = specific gravity of dam material=2.4, w= specific weight
section is obtained. The top width, corresponding to the of water in N/m3=9810, M1, M2, …= moments of
minimum cross section of profile will be the optimal top width corresponding forces about the toe, vertical (d)= vertical
downward forces, vertical (u)= vertical upward forces.
In the present study, GA Optimization for Excel software is
Computation of eccentricity:
used for the design of dam corresponding to the optimal top
a) Reservoir empty condition:
− M1 + M 2 + M 3
Problem definition: The optimization problem introduced X = (4)
above was implemented as a minimization of the cross section w1 + w2 + w3
International Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:5, No:8, 2011 waset.org/Publication/5993

of a proposed gravity dam. All parameters, design variables,

the objective function and all constraints have been inserted
into an Excel spreadsheet for ready processing. The problem
ed = X − B / 2 , ed ≤ B / 6 (5)
was defined as follows (Fig. 1):

Where X is the distance between the point of intersection
The height of dam = H in meter of the resultant with the base and dam toe and ed is the
The height of water surface = h in meter. distance between the centroid of the area of the base and the
The base width of the profile from no tension criteria is given point of intersection of the resultant with the base, or
by: eccentricity of loading in reservoir empty condition.

b = h /( S − 1) (1) b) Reservoir full condition:

Where: − M1 + M 2 + M 3 + M 4 + M 5 − M 6 − M 7
X = (6)
S = Specific gravity of dam material w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 − U 1
a = Top width provided (in meter) −
f = Free board (in meter) ef = B/ 2 − X , ef ≤ B/6 (7)
h1 = The depth up to which vertical upstream face is
provided (in meter)
Where ef is the distance between the centroid of the area
This is given by: of the base and the point of intersection of the resultant with
the base, or eccentricity of loading in reservoir full condition.
h1 = H − h2 − f (2)

h2 = The height of upstream batter from the base (in meter)

x = a/x1 = The width of upstream batter
h3 = The height of downstream sloping face from the base
In triangle ECD:
h / h3 = b1 /(b1 − a) ⇒ a = b1 (h − h3 ) / h (3)
y = a/y1 = The base width reduced in the downstream

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Vol:5, No:8, 2011
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Fig. 1 Basic loading conditions in concrete gravity dam design

Forces Expression Nature Lever arm Moment
Weight of dam (w1) 0.5 h 2 x S w Vertical (d) B − 2x / 3 M1
Weight of dam (w2) a HSw Vertical (d) (b1 − a) + 0.5a M2
Weight of dam (w3) 0.5 (b1 − a)h 3 S w Vertical (d) 2 / 3(b1 − a) M3
Weight of water supported x h1 w Vertical (d) b1 + 0.5x M4
by upstream face (w4)
Weight of water supported 0.5 h 2 x w Vertical (d) b1 + 2x / 3 M5
by upstream face (w5)
Hydrostatic pressure (P1) 0.5 h 2 w Horizontal h/3 M6
Uplift pressure (U1) 0.5 h B w Vertical (u) (2 / 3)B M7

Forces Value (N/m) Nature Lever arm (m) Moment (N.m)
Weight of dam (w1) 52997.33 Vertical (d) 60.10 3185231.67
Weight of dam (w2) 18299338.56 Vertical (d) 54.69 1000726837.26
Weight of dam (w3) 39401996.11 Vertical (d) 33.06 1302538138.31
Weight of water supported
by upstream face (w4) 223865.02 Vertical (d) 60.24 13484890.58
Weight of water supported
by upstream face (w5) 24525.00 Vertical (d) 60.39 1480985.47
Hydrostatic pressure (P1) 27590625.00 Horizontal 25.00 689765625.00
Uplift pressure (U1) 22330748.25 Vertical (u) 40.47 903680720.18

Excel file: Design values (gene values) are given to Excel and references for the function value, all design variables and all
function values (fitness values) and constraint values are read constraints can be specified. On another tab, the user can
from Excel interface. As can be seen in Fig. 2, an Excel file, modify the given GA parameters and then on a third tab, the
which contains the calculation model, can be selected and cell user can run the GA algorithm and capture its output. All

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering
Vol:5, No:8, 2011

design variables can have lower and upper limits. If during the variable were selected as a, x and y that after optimization,
GA process, a gene reaches or overshoots any of these limits their values obtained 10.2, 0.9 and 3.6 m respectively.
its value is set to the limit itself. OPTIMIZATION OF THE OF GRAVITY DAM DIMENSIONS
The following conclusions were drawn from the parametric
h (m) f (m) B (m) a (m) h2 (m)
• Increasing the number of chromosomes per population 75 1.2 60.70 10.2 5
directly increased the accuracy of the solution. This was
most pronounced when the number changed from 8-50. h3 (m) x (m) y (m) b (m) h1 (m)
Changing it to 100 did not yield a significant 62.93 0.90 3.60 63.39 25.34
improvement. Evidently, a higher number of
chromosomes provide a higher chance of starting closer b1 (m) x1 (m) y1 (m) W (N/m)
to the optimum. Since the number of chromosomes 59.78 11.33 2.83 57754332
generally determines the number of function calls, it
should be kept to a minimum.
• Increasing the cross-over probability from 0.6-0.9 also
International Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:5, No:8, 2011 waset.org/Publication/5993

yielded an improved performance. A cross-over This study deals with the determination of the optimal top
probability of 1, however, decreased the accuracy width of gravity dam by a Genetic Algorithms in which the
significantly. top width is taken as a function of water depth. First the top
• Probability of mutation was found to be well performing width is assumed as percentage of the height of dam. For this
at the 0.1 level. Although this is quite high compared to top width, the extension of bottom width at upstream side is
the recommended values for the mutation probability determined for no tension at the toe in reservoir empty
(0.01-0.02), the nature of the test function and the small condition. The net required material is calculated for the dam
target (peak) area explain the necessity of having this section in which no tension is developed anywhere in the dam
parameter at high levels. When this parameter was chosen section. The proposed methodology can be used very
at too high level (0.5 for example), it was observed that it conveniently to determine the safe and economical dam
led to an instable convergence and necessitated a section corresponding to the optimal top width. The
significantly higher number of generations before optimization problem introduced above was implemented as a
convergence. minimization of the cross section of a proposed gravity dam.
• The effect of maximum generations and selecting the best All parameters, design variables, the objective function and all
performing individuals for the starting generation of the constraints have been inserted into an Excel spreadsheet for
actual runs was found to be significant. Comparing only ready processing. In Table 4, other optimization run for
the number of preliminary runs, a number of 2 showed gravity dam cross section is presented. Based on table 1, ratio
the lowest and 8 the best performance. When the number of is dam base (B) to dam height (H) is almost equal to 0.85,
of generations per preliminary run was set to a higher and ratio of dam top width (a) to dam height (H) is almost
value (50), performance was increased. Similar to the equal to 0.13.
total number of generations, however, the preliminary run OPTIMIZATION OF THE OF GRAVITY DAM DIMENSIONS
generations also contribute to the total number of function H (m) a (m) x (m) y (m) B (m)
calls and should be kept to a minimum.
76.2 10.2 0.9 3.6 64.3
80 10.3 1.2 3.8 68.8
90 11.8 1.6 4.2 75.6
100 12.9 2.2 7.1 86

The design of a gravity dam is performed through an
interactive process involving a preliminary layout of the
structure followed by a stability and stress analysis. If the
structure fails to meet criteria then the layout is modified and
reanalyzed. This process is repeated until an acceptable cross
section is attained. Modification could be suitable free board
and suitable top width, that due to such provisions the weight
of the dam is to be increased at the top portion, which creates
Fig. 2 GA Optimization for Excel user interface instability of the section in reservoir empty condition and
tension may be develop at the toe. Hence it becomes necessary
Application of GA for optimal top width of gravity dam: The to increase weight in the upstream and a batter is provided on
optimization of the of gravity dam dimensions was performed the upstream side. In this study the design of gravity dam
using the values given in Table 3. Target cell in Excel spread corresponding to the optimal top width can be carried out for
sheet was selected as dam dead weight (W) and decision any required height of the dam. The obtained design is the

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 5(8) 2011 456 scholar.waset.org/1307-6892/5993
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering
Vol:5, No:8, 2011

most economical and the safest in which no tension is

developed anywhere in the dam section. Computation of
optimal top width of gravity dam performed with genetic
algorithm method by using Excel spreadsheet software.

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