Lda MQP 0807
Lda MQP 0807
Lda MQP 0807
Morey’s Dam Restoration Project
Hydraulic and Structural Analysis of Morey’s Dam with the Implementation of a Fish Passage
of the
Yisel Mantilla
Bethany Santangelo
Michael Butler
Date: December 20, 2007
Bethany Santangelo, Mike Butler, and Yisel Mantilla shared the writing responsibilities of the
background of the report. Yisel and Bethany were primarily responsible for the writing
represented in the Introduction, Results, and Conclusion sections.
Each team member focused on writing specific sections. Mike Butler was responsible for the
work in 3.1 Hydrologic Analysis and 4.1 Hydrologic Analysis. Bethany Santangelo focused on
3.1.4 Fish Passage Hydrology, 3.2 Hydraulic Analysis, 4.1.4. Fish Passage Hydrology, and 4.2
Hydraulic Analysis. Yisel Mantilla focused on 3.3 Structural Analysis and 4.3 Structural Analysis.
Yisel Mantilla and Bethany Santangelo shared authorship on 3.4 Cost Analysis and 4.4 Cost
Yisel Mantilla
Bethany Santangelo
Michael Butler
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. I
AUTHORSHIP .......................................................................................................................................... II
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................................................... IX
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
2 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................ 4
3 METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Physical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................22
3.1.3 Meteorological Characteristics .................................................................................................................30
3.1.4 Fish Passage Hydrology ............................................................................................................................33
MAJOR QUALIFYING PROJECT REPORT PROPOSAL: ............................................................... LL
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
2 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................ 3
3 METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Write Report............................................................................................................................................... 15
List of Figures
FIGURE 1. MOREY'S BRIDGE DAM SITE RELATIVE TO TAUNTON, MA. ..........................................................................................2
FIGURE 2. BASIC WATER CYCLE. (UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2007) ....................................................5
FIGURE 3. TYPES OF SOIL PRESENTED IN THE SITE .....................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 5. EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS.....................................................................................................................................9
FIGURE 6. SUMMARY OF LOADS ACTING ON A BASIC GRAVITY DAM. ...........................................................................................10
UNSTEADY, VARIED. (NED H. C. HWANG 1996) .......................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 8. FLOW PROFILES. (NED H. C. HWANG 1996) ..........................................................................................................12
FIGURE 9. HYDRAULIC JUMP. (STURM 2001) .......................................................................................................................14
FIGURE 10. DENIL FISHWAY SECTION. (QUINN 2007) .............................................................................................................15
FIGURE 11. CURRENT SPILLWAY CONDITION SHOWING GATE HOUSE SUPPORTS. ...........................................................................16
FIGURE 12. DEAD MUSSELS ON THE RIVER BED. .....................................................................................................................16
FIGURE 13. TEMPORARY COFFER DAM. ...............................................................................................................................17
FIGURE 14. FROM BENEATH THE BRIDGE AND GATE HOUSE. PVC PIPES AND GATE HOUSE SUPPORTS. ..............................................17
FIGURE 15. TEMPORARY COFFER DAM PLAN DRAWING. (PARE CORPORATION 2007) ..................................................................18
FIGURE 16. HYDROLOGIC METHODOLOGY FLOWCHART ..........................................................................................................21
FIGURE 17. LOCATION OF MILL RIVER WATERSHED................................................................................................................23
FIGURE 18. AUTOCAD 2007 REPRESENTATION OF MILL RIVER WATERSHED OUTLINE. ................................................................23
FIGURE 19. CN VALUES. (NATIONAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION SERVICE 2004).........................................................................25
FIGURE 20. DIVISION OF LAND USE. ....................................................................................................................................26
FIGURE 21. HEC-HMS LAYOUT .........................................................................................................................................31
FIGURE 22. BASIN CHARACTERISTIC TABS. ............................................................................................................................32
FIGURE 23. METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS TAB. ...........................................................................................................32
FIGURE 24. CONTROL SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................................................32
FIGURE 25. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FLOWCHART. ....................................................................................................................35
FIGURE 26. HYDRAULIC CROSS SECTIONS, PLAN VIEW..............................................................................................................36
1989) ..................................................................................................................................................................37
FIGURE 28. EXAMPLE FISHWAY. (MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2007) ........................................................39
FIGURE 29. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FLOWCHART A. ...............................................................................................................40
FIGURE 30. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FLOWCHART B.................................................................................................................41
FIGURE 31. COFFER DAM PLAN VIEW. (PARE CORPORATION 2007) ..........................................................................................42
FIGURE 32. FORCES ACTING ON DAM. ..................................................................................................................................43
FIGURE 33. SHEAR DIAGRAM. ............................................................................................................................................47
FIGURE 35. EXAMPLE FISHWAY. (MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2007) ........................................................49
STANDARD DENIL FISHWAYS 2003) ...........................................................................................................................49
FIGURE 38. MILL RIVER WATERSHED RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH AT MOREY'S BRIDGE DAM FOR PMS .................................................52
FIGURE 37. GLOBAL SUMMARY TABLE. ................................................................................................................................52
FIGURE 39. DRAINAGE AREA VS. MAXIMUM HISTORICAL FLOWS...............................................................................................53
FIGURE 41. MAXIMUM FLOW ASSOCIATED WITH HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS ......................................................................................54
FIGURE 40. RAINFALL DATA FROM USWB TP 40 FOR TAUNTON WATERSHED. ...........................................................................54
FIGURE 42. HYDROGRAPH ASSOCIATED WITH HYDRAULIC MAXIMUM FLOW................................................................................55
FIGURE 43. GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE OF TAIL WATER CHANNEL. ..................................................................................................57
FIGURE 44. EXPANSION AND CONSTRICTION COMPARISON, LOW FLOWS. ...................................................................................62
FIGURE 45. EXPANSION AND CONSTRICTION COMPARISON, AVERAGE FLOWS. .............................................................................63
FIGURE 46. EXPANSION AND CONSTRICTION COMPARISON, HIGH FLOWS. ..................................................................................63
FIGURE 47. DENIL FISHWAY SECTION VIEWS. (ODEH 2003) ....................................................................................................65
FIGURE 48. FISHWAY HEAD AND DISCHARGE VALUES AT FIRST BAFFLE. ......................................................................................65
FIGURE 49. DEAD LOAD. ...................................................................................................................................................66
FIGURE 50. UPSTREAM HYDROSTATIC LOADS.........................................................................................................................66
FIGURE 51. UPLIFT PRESSURE.............................................................................................................................................67
FIGURE 52. FISHWAY CROSS SECTION. .................................................................................................................................71
FIGURE 53. COST DISTRIBUTION. ........................................................................................................................................75
FIGURE 54. PROPOSED SITE PLAN........................................................................................................................................78
FIGURE 55. DAM REINFORCEMENT......................................................................................................................................79
FIGURE 56. FISH LADDER PLAN. ..........................................................................................................................................79
FIGURE 57. CURRENT USGS DATA REGARDING THE MILL RIVER AND ITS WATERSHED.................................................. A
FIGURE 58. LAND USAGE WITHIN THE MILL RIVER WATERSHED. ................................................................................................ D
FIGURE 59. IMPERVIOUS AREA WITHIN MILL RIVER WATERSHED ................................................................................................ E
FIGURE 60. HMR-51 ISOPLUVIAL MAP (COMPLETE FIGURES PROVIDED IN DATA FILES) ................................................. F
FIGURE 61. MILL RIVER WATERSHED RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH AT MOREY'S BRIDGE DAM................................................................ Q
FIGURE 62. HISTORICAL DAILY MEANS DATA. (UNITED STATES GEOLOGIC SURVEY (USGS) 2007) ................................................. R
FIGURE 63. HDM CONTINUED ............................................................................................................................................. S
FIGURE 64. HDM CONTINUED. ............................................................................................................................................ T
FIGURE 65. HDM CONTINUED. ........................................................................................................................................... U
FIGURE 66. SPILLWAY CREST CONDITIONS, UNDER ALL ANALYZED FLOW RATES. .......................................................................... CC
FIGURE 67. SPILLWAY CREST CONDITIONS, FLOW RATES <350 CFS........................................................................................... DD
FIGURE 68. FISHWAY PLAN AND CROSS SECTIONAL VIEWS. ....................................................................................................... EE
FIGURE 69. PROPOSED SITE PLAN........................................................................................................................................ FF
FIGURE 70. DAM REINFORCEMENT.....................................................................................................................................GG
FIGURE 71. DAMS LOCATED ALONG THE MILL RIVER. ...............................................................................................................2
FIGURE 72. FORCES ACTING ON CONCRETE DAMS.....................................................................................................................4
FIGURE 73. MUSSELS DOWNSTREAM OF THE DAM. ..................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 74. DENIL FISHWAY .................................................................................................................................................7
FIGURE 75: PLAN VIEW OF VERTICAL SLOW FISHWAY................................................................................................................8
FIGURE 76. MILL RIVER LOCATION. .......................................................................................................................................9
FIGURE 77. SPILLWAY CONDITION BELOW THE GATEHOUSE. .......................................................................................................9
FIGURE 78. DOWNSTREAM VIEW OF CURRENT SPILLWAY STRUCTURE. ........................................................................................10
FIGURE 79. COFFER DAM. .................................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 80. MOREY'S BRIDGE DAM........................................................................................................................................ I
FIGURE 81. BEDROCK GEOLOGY MAP A. (USDA SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 1978) .................................................................. II
FIGURE 82. BEDROCK GEOLOGY MAP B. (USDA SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 1978) ................................................................. III
List of Tables
TABLE 1. PORTION OF TABLE 8 OF BRISTOL COUNTY SOIL SURVEY, NORTHERN PART .......................................................................6
TABLE 2. PORTION OF TABLE 10 OF BRISTOL COUNTY SOIL SURVEY, NORTHERN PART. ....................................................................7
TABLE 3. PORTION OF TABLE 11 OF BRISTOL COUNTY SOIL SURVEY, NORTHERN PART .....................................................................7
TABLE 4. PORTION OF TABLE 12 OF BRISTOL COUNTY SOIL SURVEY, NORTHERN PART .....................................................................7
TABLE 5. PORTION OF TABLE 13 OF BRISTOL COUNTY SOIL SURVEY, NORTHERN PART .....................................................................7
TABLE 6. WEIGHTED CN VALUE DETERMINATION ..................................................................................................................28
TABLE 7. PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION VALUES FOR SOUTHEASTERN MA........................................................................30
TABLE 8. HYDRAULIC EQUATIONS USED IN ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................38
TABLE 9. SUMMARY OF STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS. .................................................................................................................44
TABLE 10. AREAS, WEIGHTS, AND DIMENSIONS OF REINFORCING BARS .....................................................................................48
TABLE 11. SUMMARY OF FISHWAY DESIGN FLOWS..................................................................................................................57
TABLE 12. TAIL WATER CHANNEL DATA. ..............................................................................................................................58
TABLE 13. MANNING'S EQUATION DATA FOR TAIL WATER.......................................................................................................59
TABLE 14. SPILLWAY EQUATION VALUES. .............................................................................................................................59
TABLE 15. MANNING'S EQUATION VALUES AT SPILLWAY TOE. .................................................................................................60
TABLE 16. HYDRAULIC JUMP CALCULATIONS .........................................................................................................................61
TABLE 17. VELOCITIES AND DEPTHS AT CREST. ......................................................................................................................64
TABLE 18. SUMMARY OF ALL THE LOADS RESULTS**...............................................................................................................68
TABLE 19. SUMMARY OF THE LOADS OBTAINED FROM ANALYSIS ...............................................................................................72
TABLE 20. COST ESTIMATE WORKSHEET. ..............................................................................................................................74
TABLE 21. ARBITRARY COORDINATES FOR OUTLINE OF MILL RIVER WATERSHED ......................................................... B
TABLE 22. FLOWS GREATER THAN 230 CFS. .......................................................................................................................... V
TABLE 23. FLOWS GREATER THAN 350 CFS. .......................................................................................................................... W
TABLE 24. FLOWS LESS THAN 33 CFS. ....................................................................................................................................X
TABLE 25. FLOWS LESS THAN 15 CFS. .................................................................................................................................... Y
TABLE 26. TAIL WATER CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................................5-Z
TABLE 27. SPILLWAY CREST CONDITIONS, WITH SPILLWAY EQUATION.................................................................................... 5-AA
TABLE 28. SPILLWAY TOE CONDITIONS. .............................................................................................................................. BB
TABLE 30. COST OF DAM CONSTRUCTION. ..............................................................................................................................II
TABLE 31. COST OF FISHWAY CONSTRUCTION. ....................................................................................................................... JJ
1 Introduction
Dams have been a vital structure to society, erected for reasons of both energy production and
flood protection. Due to the large volumes of water that pass through river systems, large
amounts of energy can be produced through hydroelectric power. Large volumes of water can
also create public safety hazards through flooding. By creating a reservoir upstream with
storage space, a dam enables society to protect communities along river systems against
flooding, while harnessing the energy carried in the water to provide electricity to these
While dams are functional and important structures, they can also impact the environment
negatively. A major environmental impact of dams is the fact that they create a barrier to
native anadromous fish species, who must migrate upstream to spawn and downstream to
feed. Dwindling fish populations due to these migration barriers have effects on habitats up
and downstream in these rivers, and impact the economy negatively through poor fishing
conditions. In the past, dams were constructed with only the flood protection and energy
production functions in mind, and without these types of ecological factors taken into
consideration. As a result, native anadromous populations have declined. Recent dam
reconstruction projects have begun to take these kinds of environmental concerns into
Many dams were built during the industrial revolution to provide power to factories.
Communities have grown along the rivers, in the areas where flood protection is provided by
these aging dams. Many of these dams are around 100 years old, and their deteriorating
conditions presents serious public safety threats in the event of floods.
Many dams in Massachusetts were built during the industrial revolution and large communities
have grown in the areas downstream of these dams. Massachusetts has 2,917 dams as of 2003,
many of which are deemed unsafe by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and
Recreation. (Association of Dam Safety Officials 2007) These unsafe conditions create high risk
situations where a flood caused by dam failure could destroy communities downstream.
Morey’s Bridge Dam in Taunton, Massachusetts is an example of a dam currently in an unsafe
condition with a large community downstream. Through recent dam inspection reports, it has
been deemed to have a high hazard potential. (Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife
2007) This dam is also an obstruction to anadromous species. Specifically, the anadromous
alewife (a species of river herring) is prevented from spawning in the quiescent lacustrine
habitat of Lake Sabbatia.
The goal of this project was to explore the processes and analysis required to design a small
dam and fish passage at this location. The project involved studying the hydrology of the area
to identify the volume of water passing through the Morey’s Bridge Dam site, and designing a
dam that would provide adequate flood protection to downtown Taunton. Through hydraulic
and structural design, a small overflow dam was designed to fit into the site. To address the
environmental concerns of alewife passage to Lake Sabbatia, a fish passage was designed to be
built into the dam. Due to time constraints, this process involved making assumptions where
adequate information was not available, and creating a final design that incorporated the
preliminary findings from each discipline. The final design reached through this project was
sufficient based on the information available; however more detailed information on the site
would allow for further refinement of the design. Areas where the design could benefit from
further refinement were identified and discussed in the Conclusions and Recommendations
By applying realistic engineering design considerations (economic, environmental,
sustainability, ethical, health and safety, and social concerns), the resulting design was a
solution that fit into the community as more than just another piece of infrastructure.
The environmental and sustainability part of the requirements were addressed through the fish
passage design and the design of the height of the dam. Controlling the water depth of Lake
Sabbatia has a direct impact on the water quality of the lake. Sustainability issues were also
addressed through the design of the fish passage; native populations must have access to
appropriate breeding habitats to maintain healthy breeding populations. This concept
addresses sustainability issues by seeking to provide native populations with the access to
breeding grounds, resulting in conditions that favor healthy populations.
Health and safety issues were relevant in the hydrologic and structural stability studies. This
ensured that in the case of extreme conditions, the structure could prevent massive flooding of
highly developed downtown areas. This also applies to the social requirements of the project.
Socially, it was very important to maintain the downtown area of Taunton, and make it a place
where the population could feel safe downstream of the dam. The structure was also designed
to maintain a reservoir elevation (Lake Sabbatia) that would allow the local community to enjoy
the lake recreationally.
This project also fit the capstone requirements though a cost estimating model. A cost
estimating model was produced to find a price for the final design based on selected materials,
size, and the amount of man-hours required to produce the design. This section addresses the
economic constraints by creating a base price for the design that can be either simplified to
decrease cost or embellished on if there are funds exceeding the budget for the design.
Ethical concerns for the project were addressed through construction methods that would
preserve the local ecosystem, and provide a dam that was both functional and welcomed by
the local community.
2 Background
A balanced and methodical design approach incorporates elements from many different areas.
This section highlights important areas of information for the design. The scope of this
information ranges from broadly applied design equations to site specific elements.
2.2 Hydrology
Hydrological analysis on a given site investigates the manner in which the natural water cycle
process can effect construction of structures such as dams. Hydrologic analysis incorporates
concerns such as possible storm events, rainfall accumulation, and the manner of upstream
flow contributions. Figure 2 shows how the water cycle proceeds in a systematic fashion.
Figure 2. Basic Water Cycle. (United States Environmental Protection Agency 2007)
Figure 3. Types of Soil Presented in the site
Soil Name Shallow Dwellings Dwellings Small Local Roads and Lawns and
without Commercial Streets Landscaping
and Excavations Basements with Buildings
Map Symbol Basements
Table 2. Portion of Table 10 of Bristol County Soil Survey, northern part.
Windsor-WnA, WnB Good Good Poor: excess fines Poor: too sandy.
Soil Name and Pond reservoir Aquifer-fed Drainage Irrigation Terraces and Grassed
diversions waterways
Map Symbol areas excavated ponds
Hinckley- Slope, No water Not needed Slope, droughty, Slope, too sandy Slope,
fast intake droughty
HfA, HfB, HfC seepage
Windsor- Seepage, slope No water Not needed Slope, droughty, Piping, slope, too Droughty,
fast intake sandy. slope.
WnA, WnB
Soil name and map Camp areas Picnic areas Playgrounds Paths and Trails Golf faiways
Hinckley-HfC Moderate: slope Moderate: slope Moderate: slope Slight Moderate: slope
Windsor- Moderate: too sandy Moderate: too sandy Severe: too sandy Moderate: too sandy Severe: too sandy,
WnA, WnB
Soil Name and Grain Grasses Wild Hardwood Coniferous Wetland Shallow Openland Woodland Wetland
map symbol and and herbaceous trees plants water wildlife
seed Legumes plants plants areas wildlife wildlife
Hinckley- Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Very Very Poor Poor Very
poor poor
HfC poor
Medisaprist- Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Very Very Poor Poor Very
poor poor
MC poor
Windsor- Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Very Very Poor Poor Very
poor poor
WnA, WnB poor
2.4 Dams
Dams are concrete or earth barriers built across a drainage course to impound water that
creates lakes called reservoirs. They provide flood control, fresh water storage, and
hydroelectric power between other benefits. Dams are grounded on abutments, right
abutment on the right side of the dam and left abutment on the left side, and are supported by
foundations, which may be pervious or impervious depending on the type of dam used.
Figure 4. Shasta Dam impounds the Sacramento River in northern California (Microsoft Encarta 2007)
Concrete gravity dams usually have a triangular shape; however the design of a concrete gravity
dam depends on the purpose of the structure and the configuration of the site where the
structure will be placed. The design of a concrete dam involves an extensive range of disciplines
and technical professionals such as geologists, environmental engineers, seismologists,
geotechnical engineers, hydraulic engineers, computer analysts, cost analysts, and mechanical
and electrical engineers. The overall design of the structure is made in a team composed by all
these professionals, whom interchange data and analysis with each other to get a final and
unique design that meets the requirements and purposes stated at the beginning of a project.
Although a structural design meeting these
conditions is considered to be in equilibrium, its
stability must be checked according to
engineering design codes and regulations. In this
design, the American Concrete Institute Code
(ACI), and the Army Corp of Engineers design
standards were used for the stability analysis of
the structure.
structure is most common for the spillway, as the gate offers the most control on discharge
flow rates, and can be adjusted to handle high or low flow situations.
The overflow spillway, which is a spillway design typical to the Northeast, is essentially a large
weir that spans a river. The height of this weir dictates the upstream elevation of the reservoir.
This type of spillway not only fits well into the landscape of the site, it is also the most
inexpensive option, requiring no power or gate apparatus.
Open channel hydraulic analysis is based on analyzing characteristics of water flow such as
depth, velocity, and flow rate, and the relationships among these parameters through given
cross sections of the channel. Relationships are analyzed through equations such as Manning’s
Equation, Froude number, and energy balances. Through identifying relationships between the
depth, velocity, flow rate, and cross sectional area, flow profiles can be assigned to each cross
section to identify the nature of the flow through that cross section. This is the basis of
predicting whether a flow will be rapid and shallow (termed supercritical flow) or slow and
deep (termed subcritical flow). Incorporating barriers such as weirs and channel constrictions
and expansions have impacts on the flow through the changes in cross sectional areas.
Figure 7 is a rough guide to characterizing flow types. More accurate analysis of flow depths
and velocities will yield flow profiles, as shown in Figure 8. These profiles characterize how the
surface elevation of an open water channel fluctuates as the flow changes from one regime to
another. Changes between flow regimes are identified through the application of a series of
equations. Values of Manning’s Equation, Froude number, and critical depth are all found to
put the flow into a profile type.
Critical Depth
3 𝑞2
𝑦𝑐 =
Critical depth is the water surface elevation that acts as the boundary between slow, deep
water and shallow, fast flow. This calculation is a function of the flow rate and the channel
base width, expressed through q, which is the unit flow rate, and of gravity which is expressed
as g.
Froude Number
𝐹𝑟 =
The Froude number is an expression of the momentum versus the force of gravity. A Froude
number less that unity (Fr<1) expressed subcritical flow, where the forces of gravity dominate
the flow regime. A Froude value greater than unity (Fr>1) expresses supercritical flow, where
the velocity and momentum of the water create a flow regime where the flow is shallow and
fast. A Froude value of 1 is an unstable, uniform flow condition. Froude values are the basis of
analysis for much of the spillway flow, where flow regimes are expected at certain cross
sections of the channel, and Froude values are used to find flow velocities and depths that can
satisfy regime requirements.
Energy Balance
2𝑔 2𝑔 + 𝑦1 − 𝑦2 + 𝑧1 − 𝑧2 + 𝐶𝑉12
𝑉2 =
The energy balance is used to identify flows where the channel characteristics have a significant
influence on the flows through head loss. This equation is an adaptation of the conservation of
energy, where energy in the approaching flow is either carried through to the tail water in a
different form (perhaps through varied depths or velocities) or some of it is dissipated through
head loss due to friction.
Hydraulic Jump
𝑑2 = 𝑑1 1 + 8𝐹𝑟 2 − 1
The hydraulic jump is a rapid regime change from supercritical to subcritical flow, where much
energy is dissipated through turbulence in the transition. Frequently, hydraulic jumps occur
near the toe of a spillway, where the energy of the supercritical discharge coming down the
spillway is rapidly changed to subcritical flow. This is largely a factor of the change in slope,
from the steep slope of the spillway face to the gradual slope of the tail water channel. The
above equation was developed using a ratio of initial (y1) and subsequent (y2) depths. This
equation, however, does not prove that a hydraulic jump occurs. If tail water conditions inhibit
the natural transition, the subsequent depth and location of the hydraulic jump can be
inaccurate. The hydraulic jump subsequent depth must be compared to tail water conditions
determined through Manning’s equation or the energy equation to accurately predict the
location of the jump. Figure 9 shows the transition from initial to subsequent depth with
energy dissipation.
The Denil type fishway is
best for variable flow
patterns. Figure 15 shows
the cross section and
dimensions of the Denil
fishway. This type of fishway
is commonly designed and
built on site, so it can be
applied to the specific to the
needs of the target species.
(Quinn 2007) This type of
fishway is also the most
appropriate fishway for the
Morey’s Bridge Dam site.
This design is the most
effective because of the
Figure 10. Denil fishway section. (Quinn 2007) dimensions of the site
(approximately 25 feet
between the dam structure and a downstream bridge), and the water depths that can be
achieved from one pool to the next.
Pool and weir fishways are a common type of fishway, but would not be appropriate for the site
because of the spatial constraints, and the large capacity of the pool and weir fishways is
unnecessary for the seasonal flow rates characteristics of the Northeast. These types of
fishways are more appropriate for the West Coast, where seasonal fluctuation in flow rates is
Target Species
The target species in the Mill River are alewife, a type of river herring, who spawn in lake
environments. (Bigelow and Schroeder 2002) These particular fish seek the spawning
environment of Lake Sabbatia. These river herring are a swimming species, meaning that they
cannot leap out of the water from pool to pool. This necessitates a design like the Denil
fishway, where a deep stream of water spilling over each baffle is characteristic. Adult alewife
have been observed swimming at speeds of 4.9 ft/s. (Haro, et al. 2004) This parameter requires
that the velocity of the water in the fish passage channel not exceed 5 ft/s.
public highways or other properties, engineering design costs, and administrative costs for the
entire project.
Contamination released when the spillway is fully open, and high seasonal variation in the Mill
River water depth has caused death to many of the species inhabiting the river near the dam
such as mussels, and algae. Figure 12 shows dead mussels found downstream of the current
dam structure.
The orientation of the spillway (directly under the gate house) was one of the reasons why it
was necessary the introduction of a temporary coffer dam to the site. This approach retains the
water coming from the reservoir without affecting the gate house support, which were built
into the deteriorating spillway. Figure 13 shows the current coffer dam, designed by Pare
Corporation, and its proximity to the gatehouse. Figure 15 shows the limited area of the site
for rehabilitation construction. There is approximately 25 feet between the current cofferdam
and the gatehouse.
However, the temporary structure had some negative consequences, specifically the dry out of
the Mill River. As a quick solution, some polyethylene pipes were added to increase the
amount of flow going over the coffer dam. These pipes are shown in Figure 14. Currently, these
pipes are not meeting the expectations either since they are (getting stuck) with debris from
the site contamination. Morey’s Bridge dam’s site has been classified as a high hazard zone.
Figure 14. From beneath the bridge and gate house. PVC Pipes and gate house supports.
Figure 15. Temporary coffer dam plan drawing. (Pare Corporation 2007)
2.9 Implications of Background Information
A wide variety of information was taken under consideration while designing the dam and
fishway structures. Environmental conditions at the site are of concern to define parameters
for the design in areas of structural stability. Soils information, meteorological information, site
geometry, and the characteristics of the target species for the fish passage had to be
researched to reach a design that catered to the specific needs of the site. As time was a
limiting factor in the analysis, it was important to use background information to eliminate
certain designs. For example, due to the limited are for construction on site, certain types of
dams and fishways were immediately eliminated. The overflow spillway concrete gravity dam
was a relatively compact design which could fit well into the existing boundaries of the site, and
allow space for a fishway. The Denil fishway was selected for reasons of seasonal flow variation
and a baffle design which was conducive to the swimming capabilities of the target species.
The following section explains the approach taken after certain designs were eliminated from
consideration. The Hydrologic study completed on the area using produced flow values that
were used to estimate the conditions that could be expected on site under Probable Maximum
Flow conditions. This was applied through the hydraulic and structural analysis to design a
structure that would keep the town of Taunton safe under the highest flow conditions expected
on site. The Hydraulic analysis was applied through the structural design to create a structure
that could withstand the forces of the flow passing through the Mill River at the site, while
keeping constructability issues in mind. Cost and constructability issues were also addressed
through a cost analysis and constructability plan, where the expected materials and time for
construction were used to come up with a final cost for the project, and a plan was made for
location of construction materials and activities was made.
3 Methodology
The approach to the problem started with the hydrologic characteristics of the area. This
entailed a detailed analysis of the soils characteristics, weather patterns, and topography of the
watershed surrounding the site. Next, a hydraulic analysis was needed to take the flow values
found through the hydrologic analysis and apply them to the geometry of the site. This
involved looking into the shape and characteristics of a spillway and fish passage that would fit
the needs of the geometry of the site, ensuring that major flooding could be avoided to protect
the surrounding community. Lastly, the structural analysis took the information found through
the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to find a design solution where the dam and fish passage
could be constructed out of a material that was appropriate for the site and followed design
guidelines of the ACI and USACE.
HMR-51 Report Data Data Points along
(Locations East of 105th Watershed Mill River Watershed
Meridian) Boundary Boundary
(AutoCAD 2007) Coordinates
Mill River
Watershed Input
HMR-52 Data (43.5 mi2)
Basin Model
Time Interval
Start/End Date
Meteorological Model Control Specification
Peak Flow Discharges at Morey’s Bridge Dam (PMF)
100-Yr Frequency Hydrographs
The first flow that was needed was the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) flow rate. Establishing
this flow rate allowed structural features of the proposed dam to be designed. The main
structural feature that incorporated this maximum flow rate is the outlet works of the dam.
Ensuring that a proper PMF is calculated enables the design of the dam to be designed safely
and effectively.
A high population exists in close proximity to the Mill River downstream of the Morey’s Bridge
Dam. Furthermore, historical occurrences surrounding the Mill River and the series of dams
along it have shown the problems that the site could pose. Due to the situation, this is the
Inflow Design Flood that was used for this site. Using the PMF as the Inflow Design Flood will
also imply that average annual storm flows will be properly controlled.
The second type of flow that was needed to be determined was a maximum flow for a hydraulic
analysis. This maximum flow used for this type of analysis would ensure that the structure
would be able to withstand a high flow situation in terms of passing the water flow from Lake
Sabbatia to the Mill River. This would include protection of the structure, its surroundings, and
public safety in proximity to the site area. For analysis, this flow rate will be applied to
equation’s that look at discharge volumes, spillway design, and water levels at certain points
through the system.
Ensuring the structure to be structurally and hydraulically sound is extremely important when
redesigning, reconstructing, or analyzing a structure that establishes societal protection against
naturally occurring situations. As stated, the manner in which these maximum flows were
determined account for safety as much as functionality.
Basin Characteristics
Figure 17. Location of Mill River Watershed.
Information System 2007) When the outline was completed, the area of the watershed was
determined in the AutoCAD 2007 program to verify that the drainage area matched up with the
drainage area that the United States Geographical System (USGS) had calculated (Appendix A).
Once the watershed was delineated, the coordinates were applied to the delineation. An
arbitrary origin was created at the base of the set of Mass GIS quadrangles. Points were placed
along the outline. Figure 18 shows the delineation of the watershed boundary and the points
associated with it. The coordinates associated with the watershed (Appendix A) were now
established for input into the HMR52 computer program.
Loss Method
Once the outline of the watershed was determined, the next step was to obtain information
that allowed us to represent the flow losses associated with the watershed. There is a certain
method of determining the amount of water that will be retained by the land and will not
contribute to the overall flow regime. The method that was chosen to find these losses was the
SCS (Soil Conservation Service) Curve Number method.
Other theoretical methods include the Initial and Constant Loss method, Soil Moisture
Accounting, and the Green and Ampt method. The SCS Curve Number method is a widely
accepted method when looking at a single storm event such as this analysis. This method is also
able to represent a wide variety of situations, especially surrounding large areas of interest,
such as basic watershed analyses. (Purdue University Research Foundation 2004)
There were certain reasons that the other methods were not utilized in determining the runoff
characteristics of the watershed. For instance, when applying the Green and Ampt method,
there is an important assumption made in that for a given watershed, the soil is primarily dry.
This method was not used due to the upstream conditions of Lake Sabbatia and the fact that
the site location was within New England, a geographical area with varied weather conditions.
(Alan A. Smith Inc. 2007) Another popular runoff method that was deemed unfeasible was the
Initial and Constant method. For this method, the continual loss associated with the system
only ended up occurring when the system was already saturated. This would require a more
specific piece of information on the watershed than was available. This piece of information
was the constant rate at which the rainfall is lost throughout the watershed after the soil is
totally saturated. This was unavailable due to fact that extremely accurate soil data was
needed. It is for these reasons that the SCS Curve Number method was used for the runoff loss.
(Texas University Research Foundation 2001)
When applying this method to the HEC-HMS program, there are three key pieces of information
are needed for input in order for the program to run effectively. They include the determined
Curve Number (CN), Initial Abstraction, and the Percentage of Impervious Area. For this
theoretical method, it can be assumed that the initial loss coefficient is 0.1 for developed land
and 0.2 for undeveloped land. (A. Osman Akan 2003) For the Mill River Watershed, a value of
0.15 was used. The reason by which this value was used is that the ratio of developed land to
undeveloped land was relatively equal throughout the watershed.
The first piece of information, the CN value of the entire watershed, was needed. Due to the
many different types of soil and different land uses, a certain technique to obtain a weighted
value of the entire area was used. This value is calculated by incorporating the soil type and
land use throughout the entire watershed.
In order to represent the entire watershed effectively, a weighted CN value needed to be
determined. The first step was to determine a CN value for each land usage. The land uses were
applied as close as possible to the given land uses in Figure 19. The soil type associated with a
land use was coupled with the land use to obtain a CN value for a certain land use within the
watershed. The weighted CN value for the entire watershed could now be determined by
applying an equation that would proportionally integrate each land use’s CN value:
𝐶𝑁1 𝐴1 + 𝐶𝑁2 𝐴2 +. . . 𝐶𝑁𝑛 𝐴𝑛
𝐶𝑁𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑑 =
CNwatershed = CN value for entire watershed
CN1,CN2 ,CNn = CN values for various land uses
A1,A2 ,An = Total areas for respective land uses
Atot = Total area of incorporated land uses
In order to obtain the information on
the soil and land use of the Mill River
Watershed, Mass GIS data layers were
needed. For a reference point, layers
such as sub basin areas and town
boundaries were downloaded and
uploaded onto ArcGIS v. 9.2. (Figure 18)
Once the watershed was located, land
use and soil type data layers were
transposed over the watershed and
were clipped to determine the land use
and soil types within the Mill River
Watershed. Appendix A illustrates the
land use within the watershed and
Appendix A illustrates the soil types
throughout the watershed.
These data layers were all found within
the Mass GIS website. (Massachusetts
Geographical Information System 2007)
Due to the complexity of the process for
analyzing data within the ArcGIS
program, the attributes associated with
these new layers were exported into
Figure 19. CN Values. (National Resource Conservation Service 2004) Microsoft Excel 2007 where the data
could then be examined in a workable
fashion. Percentages of land usage within the watershed were determined by calculating the
amount of land area taken up by each respective land use.
The next step in the process for finding the CN value was to take the data acquired from the GIS
process and transfer it to data that can be compared to similar land uses and soil types to
determine CN values (Figure 19). The land uses that were found from the GIS data layers were
matched as best as possible with similar land uses from Figure 19. To determine what soil type
each land use was, the soils data layers were cut and joined to fit within the watershed
boundary. (USDA Soil Conservation Service, 2004) . Figure 20 below shows a pie chart that
related the different land uses within the Mill River Watershed as well as the actual area for
each land use in acres.
Water Based
Participation Recreation
4.82 Recreation Water Based Recreation
215.01 Residential 0% Residential
137.72 Residential
0% Residential
2% Residential
2306.06 Residential 0%
2% Residential
3105.17 Residential
84.63 Commercial Industrial
402.53 Transportation
Figure 20. Division of Land Use.
5.83 Waste Disposal
Due to the nature of the watershed, some of the land uses were
765.27 Water
simplified and condensed to ensure that the CN values could be
represented effectively over the watershed. All residential uses were
271.35 Woody Perennial
combined into one total area and allocated as 1/3 acre lots. This was due
to the fact that data on the size of residential lots throughout the
watershed could not be specifically determined. Therefore, the lot size was set at an average lot
size. Another way the data was altered to determine CN values was to combine woody
perennial and forest uses. Incorporating these two into the forest land allowed for the woody
perennial land to be represented, rather than totally omitting it.
It was determined that the soil type to be used for the hydrologic analysis within the Mill River
Watershed was all Type C soil. By using ArcGIS, there was a substantial area within the
watershed where the actual soil types were in fact determined. However, the nature of this
incomplete data lied in concentrated areas. Due to this, accurate data reflective of the
watershed could not be obtained.
Due to this, the soil characteristics were considered on a much broader scale. In terms of the
watershed overall, Lake Sabbatia lies within a sizeable section of the watershed. There are also
various locations of wetland areas that lie along the forested areas. Also, the slope of the
watershed is relatively small, at approximately 1%. From the basic layout of the Mill River
watershed, it was deduced that the water table has the opportunity of being quite high. The
Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) is not solely based on the makeup of the soil, but also on other
factors such as water table elevation and saturation rates. In understanding this idea,
regardless of what exactly the soil consists of, it was applied to distinguishing between soil
types. (National Resource Conservation Service 2004) The soil type that best represented the
watershed as a whole was type C soil, with a CN value of 73.99. Table 6 below illustrates the
difference in weighted CN values from type B soil and Type C soil. As you can see, the difference
in CN value is substantial due to the range of values available. It should also be noted that the
“CN Value (B)/(C)” represents the portion of the total CN value that accounts for each individual
land use.
Table 6. Weighted CN Value Determination
Mining 0% - B - - C -
0% - B - - C -
Water Based
0% - B - - C -
Commercial 0% - B - - C -
Waste Disposal 0% - B - - C -
Water 2% - B - - C -
62.16 73.99
Once the weighted CN value of the watershed was determined, the next piece of information
needed was the initial abstraction, or the loss associated prior to runoff beginning. For our case,
this outlet was the Morey’s Bridge Dam site. Once this was determined, the information
needed for the “loss” tab within HEC-HMS would be complete. The initial abstraction was
calculated by applying the weighted CN value of the watershed. The next equation yields the
total potential abstraction of the watershed:
By taking 20% of the value (S), (Alan A. Smith Inc. 2007) the initial abstraction was determined
to be 0.703.
The last piece of information that was to establish the percent that was impervious throughout
the entire watershed. This was needed for input into HEC-HMS. Again, ArcGIS was used to
determine this number. Appendix A illustrates the impervious area within the Mill River
Watershed. The percent impervious was estimated to be 10%.
The aspects of loss associated with the watershed that were needed for the HEC-HMS program
were now available. These three pieces of information were then entered into the loss tab
associated with the basin characteristics of the watershed.
Transform Method
The next calculation was in determining the response time for the flow within the watershed to
reach a given site, which in our case is the Morey’s Bridge Dam site. This response time is
known as the standard lag time. The standard lag time is needed to represent the flow intensity
at given times in the single storm event. This lag time was determined using the SCS Lag Time
Equation, expresses in the equation below.
Tlag = Standard Lag time (hrs).
L = Hydraulic length of watershed (ft).
S = Maximum retention in the watershed in inches as defined by:
By applying information obtained in the previous paragraph, Tlag was determined to be 12.29
hours. This value was entered into the HEC-HMS software.
Precipitation Characteristics
Table 7. Probable Maximum Precipitation values for Southeastern MA.
maximum precipitation (PMP) in inches that would fall within a certain area over a certain time
period. The precipitation amounts were estimated from the graphs in Appendix E. The values
that were determined to be suitable for southeastern Massachusetts are listed in the Table
The next step was to enter certain pieces of information into the HMR52 program such that
rainfall amounts from the probable maximum storm could be determined. The two key pieces
of information that were input into the program were the data from the HMR51 and the
coordinates of the watershed that were determined.
Another piece of information that was needed for the program to successfully run was what the
storm area would be. In this case, because we were designing for “worst case scenario,” the
total drainage area of the watershed (44.3 mi2) was used. Appendix A shows the data that was
entered for the program to successfully run.
In order to use the program efficiently, The United States Army Corps of Engineers created a
basic tutorial that explains the basic steps to run the program successfully. Appendix F presents
the tutorial in depth.
The output data consisted of the precipitation amounts over a three day period for every six
hours. This data can be seen in the later section of Appendix A. The data generated from this
program was then inserted into the precipitation characteristics HEC-HMS. Because a three day
storm with six hour intervals could not be entered into the precipitation table in HEC-HMS, the
data up until a two day storm was used. This limitation was determined to not be an issue due
to the fact that the dramatic increase in rainfall occurred prior to 24:00 on the second day of
the storm. Therefore, total rainfall accumulation on the last day (day three) was no more than
two inches, with the accumulation occurring at a steady rate. This enabled the values up
through day two to be sufficient.
The pieces of information determined for the program to run both successfully and sufficiently
were entered. Proper data of the basin characteristics and the nature of the basins
meteorology were determined for such input. Figure 22 and Figure 23 below list the input data
for the basin characteristics in tab format, as it appears within the program.
Once this critical data was input into the HEC-HMS program,
the program model was run using all the characteristics
previously entered. The program required a control
specification for the model to run successfully. The HMR52
output data gave precipitation amounts over a 3 day period
with 6 hour intervals. These parameters were used to control
the Mill River watershed basin model, which were inserted
into HEC-HMS under the control specification tab. The tab,
along with what
was inserted can
be seen in
Figure 24.
3.1.4 Fish Passage Hydrology
The hydrologic approach for the fish passage was based on recommendations from Dick Quinn,
Hydraulic Engineer for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Quinn, Intro to Fishway Hydrology &
Hydraulics -FERC Fish Passage Training Course 2007). The hydrologic design of the fish way
differs from the design of the spillway significantly in that the flows of concern were only the
flows within the migration period of the target species, alewife. The main migration month is
April, but many individual fish may pass earlier or later for unknown reasons, so the migration
period to be applied here was determined to be the months of April and May. This period was
extended by 10 days into March and June, to allow for individual fish that may pass early or
late. Data were found through the USGS website, under Massachusetts Surface Water Data
(United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 2007).
It was necessary to determine maximum, minimum and average (day-to-day) flows to find a
hydraulic operating range for the ladder. It was important to use as many years of stream
gauging data as possible to correcting flow patterns from year to year. The Wading River,
located in Norton, Massachusetts, is a nearby river of similar size to the Mill River in both
drainage basin area and streamflow statistics. Wading River flow data was used because data
from the Mill River only went back only 6 years and the Wading River had 17 years of recorded
daily flow data. These maximum and minimum flows of operations were determined through
statistical analysis of the last 17 years of gauge data within the migration period. Considering
the 3 day window of passage, it is important that under extreme high or low flow conditions
that may occur within 15-20 years are taken into account. These extreme conditions may
persist for an excess of 3 days. These flows may represent an unusually wet year (rain and
snow) or an unusually dry year. If fish are not able to pass under these conditions, it could
result in a dramatic reduction in the population counts for the following years.
The operating flows were established based on the Wading River data from 1990-2007. The
primary flow calculations were based on the month of April only. Then, these numbers were
compared to the entire period of interest, March 10 through June 20 of each year 1990-2007.
Establishing the average flow conditions, which is a flow rate that would be expected on an
average day in a season of typical temperatures and precipitation, involved calculating the
mean of the mean daily flows for March 20- June 10, and the highest median for April.
Establishing the maximum flows, which is a flow rate that would be expected during a rainy or
snowy year, involved calculating the annual mean flow and multiplying it by 3. This was a
recommendation of Mr. Quinn to get a basic maximum flow rate that was compared later on in
the analysis to actual daily flow data.
The minimum design flows were determined by finding the 99% flow (99th percentile) for the
latest month on record (May 2006). Similar to the maximum flow procedure, the minimum
flow procedure started with establishing a low flow and then comparing it to collected daily
data. (Quinn 2007)
Since the fishway must be passable for individual fish within three days of entering the passage,
the daily data were checked for periods where the minimum or maximum design flows were
exceeded for 3 or more days. This involved a process of elimination, where the first minimum
or maximum flow was compared to the daily data, and flows that exceeded the flow were
crossed out. A period of more than 3 days was counted as an impassable flow period, and the
number of these periods was counted. If the number of impassable events in the last 17 year
exceeded 3, the boundary value has to be changed to reflect these flows. (Quinn 2007) In this
way, the maximum and minimum flows were established, until flow values were reached such
that they were not exceeded more than 3 times. Tables showing USGS data and analysis of this
data can be found in Appendix A.
Using Wading River historical flow data for
estimating Qlow, Qavg, and Qhigh, and USACE
method for checking Qhigh.
To locate expected changes in the flow profile between the toe of the spillway and the bridge
channel, a momentum balances was applied and the results were used to generate a graph for
the possible flow conditions as the flow entered the bridge channel (constriction). This plot was
compared to another plot of the flow conditions as the flow exited the bridge channel
(expansion). This plot was generated using tail water flow values. These plots were compared
to predict flow conditions through the bridge channel.
The first step in the hydraulic analysis was to segment the channel of water between Morey’s
Bridge dam and the next dam on the river into sections for analysis. This was necessary to
apply the correct hydraulic equations to each section to predict the flow profiles at each
section. Next hydraulic design equations
were applied.
After velocities and depths were
established at the toe of the spillway and
in the tail water section, the hydraulic
jump section, and constriction/ expansion
sections were analyzed. First, it was
assumed that the hydraulic jump occurred
near the toe of the spillway, or between
the spillway and the bridge. The initial and
subsequent depths of the jump were
found through application of a force-
momentum balance applied to the water
depths and velocities calculated at the toe
of the spillway. Next, the subsequent
depths were used in an energy balance to
determine possible flow conditions in the
channel passing under the bridge. This
channel occurs after the constriction. The
possible depths and velocities here were
plotted and compared to the possible
depths and velocities of the tail water
Figure 27. Sharp crested Weir (a) and Ogee Spillway (b). (Hwang,
Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems 1989) section, also plotted using the energy
balance. Comparing these two plots
established where the hydraulic jump can be expected to occur, and what depths and velocities
can be expected in the channel passing under the bridge.
Table 8. Hydraulic Equations used in Analysis
Critical depth Finds the depth where All analyzed sections. (Hwang 1989)
transition from sub to
3 𝑞2 supercritical flow occurs.
𝑦𝑐 =
Froude number Ratio between forces of All analyzed sections. (Hwang 1989)
velocity and gravity.
𝐹𝑟 = Determines whether flow
𝑔𝑦 is sub or supercritical.
Force/ Momentum Balance Given initial depths, finds Spillway toe, entering (Hwang 1989)
subsequent depths constricted flow energy
through hydraulic jumps. balance.
𝑑2 = 𝑑1 1 + 8𝐹𝑟 2 − 1
Fishway Discharge Rating Equation Relates flow rate, passage Fish passage channel. (Odeh 2003)
slope, baffle opening, and
𝑄= 𝐶𝑑 ℎ1.75
𝑢 𝑏
0.75 2
𝑔𝑠0 head losses due to baffles
throughout fishway
channel to establish depth
at first baffle.
than those specified for the spillway. This was because the fishway was designed for optimal
operation under migration period flows. The process for calculating design flow rates and
depths for the fishway was based on the design that the fishway channel would essentially be
incorporated into the spillway, but separated by a wall.
Important areas of concern for the fish passage were the entrance conditions, water velocity
and depths through the passage channel, and exit conditions.
Under the flows that could be expected during the
migration period the velocities in the passage channel
were checked to make sure that the conditions were
passable for the target species. To check the depth of
water traveling through the passage, dimensions and
flow rates were calculated using the flow discharge
equation developed by Mufeed Odeh in the Journal of
Hydraulic Engineering (Odeh 2003). Incorporating the
fish passage into the spillway by setting it in and
separating the fish passage channel from the spillway
Figure 28. Example Fishway. (Maryland channel by a tall wall, Odeh’s flow rate calculation was
Department of Natural Resources 2007) used to find the depths of water passing through the
channel. As flow rates and water depths at the crest of
the spillway can fluctuate, a graphical approach was used to approximate the water depths at
different flow rates. This approach was based on comparing velocities and depths possible for
a given flow rate to Froude numbers that were expected at the exit channel. Appendix C
shows these plots of depths versus velocities for different flow rates, compared to Froude
numbers of 0.9 and 0.1. Since it was assumed that flows at the crest of the spillway
(immediately before the flow starts to accelerate down the spillway) is in a subcritical state,
depth and velocities near the intersection of the 0.9 Froude number plot were used in the
analysis. Since the baffles are incorporated into the fishway channel to decrease the velocity of
the flow, the depths through the fishway can be expected to increase as the flow approaches
the entrance channel. This equation is shown in Table 8.
The entrance jets were of concern because the velocity of the water exiting the fish passage
had to be greater than the velocity of the water discharge over the spillway. A target value for
this jet was set at greater than 5 fps. This high velocity jet is what attracts fish to pass through
the fish way channel, instead of continuing towards the dam. The flow conditions throughout
the passage were important because the target species (alewife) is a swimming species, not a
jumping species. Therefore, the depth of the water passing over each of the baffles had to be
deep enough for the fish to swim. The exit channel is upstream of the spillway structure. These
conditions had to be analyzed to find the flow conditions in the fish way channel.
Figure 28 is an example of what the Morey’s Bridge Dam Fishway may look like. The entrance
channel is labeled in the figure. This is the area where the flow velocity must be high enough to
attract alewife towards the passage channel.
The flow velocity travelling across the first baffle (near the exit channel) will be the highest
velocity through the entire passage. This velocity was checked and compared to velocities that
alewife were capable of swimming through. If this velocity was too high for alewife to pass,
none would be able to pass through the fishway. The target velocities for the passage were
between 3-5 feet per second (Maine Department of Transportation 2004).
Since gravity concrete dams require a site where there is hard rock at or near the surface, the
depth of soft material above the rock should not exceed 20 ft, the rock should be able to
support 8 to 10 tons per square foot, and they are well suited where the length of the crest of
the dam is at least five times its maximum height, this type of dams is was a good choice for
Morey’s Bridge Dam’s restoration project. A concrete gravity dam was chosen over a roller
compacted concrete dam or an embankment dam mainly because of the characteristics of the
spillway, the future incorporation of a fish passage to the site, and the space needed for
construction process. The spillway used in this project was an overflow spillway, which
produces nappe forces that act against the structure, affecting its stability. The weight of the
water flowing over the crest of the dam and the nappe forces are not resisted by embankment
dams as well as by concrete gravity dams. The functions and strengths of roller compacted
concrete gravity dams are similar to those of concrete gravity dams. However, concrete gravity
dams can be precast or cast in place while roller compacted concrete dams can be only
constructed in the site. This option offers a benefit through the cost of construction. Roller
compacted concrete dam’s construction might be faster than the concrete gravity dam’s
construction, but it is usually used in big sites since the amount of equipment and
transportation used for the construction of roller compacted concrete dam would not fit
comfortably in a small site like the one under consideration. Although precast materials often
can be less expensive, cast in place is usually used when the structures are relatively small. One
of the main advantages of precast materials, such as beams is that it accelerates the
construction process of a project. If the project involves a multistory building this would be a
good consideration, but since the concrete dam designed in this project was a very small
structure that requires a relatively short construction period, the cost difference between cast
in place and precast process is not relevant. These reasons made the gravity concrete dam the
most feasible solution for the design.
The structural design for the structure of the dam was made assuming that there was not a fish
ladder included. According to the hydraulic analysis results for the spillway design, the
downstream face of the dam needed to be sloped at 0.85 %, which is still under the maximum
base/ height ratio limit of 1.0, stated by the Army Corp of Engineers. Taking into consideration
the site elevations provided by the Coffer dam plan drawings shown in Figure 15 on page 18,
the height of the structure had to be at least 3.5 ft to maintain an adequate depth for well
recharge, while minimizing the chance of flooding septic systems surrounding the lake. The
length of the dam for the design is considered to be 100 ft; this value is taken from the site plan
and taking the existing temporary coffer dam as a second reference. All these dimensions are
involved in the geometry of the dam. The other important consideration in the design was the
properties of the material, in this case concrete. For this design, it was assumed normal weight
concrete with a density of 150 lb/cfs and strength of 3500 psi would be used to construct the
The overall design of the dam was based on the purpose of the structure, site characteristics,
and a detailed hydrologic analysis. The purpose of Morey’s Bridge Dam is to control the water
flow from the reservoir to the river. However, it also acts as a barrier in case of a flood in the
area. The site and soil characteristics (abbreviated form can be found in the background
section) were the source of an overall view of the site and its surrounding areas. Through the
data collection phase, the site plan of the existing conditions at the site was obtained, which
included a topographic survey made by PARE Corporation. The following figure is a
reproduction of this plan at a smaller scale (a bigger scale plan is included in the background
section of the report).
This plan provided the spot elevations of the site. Some of the elevations used for the design
were the pool elevation, the top of the temporary coffer dam elevation, and the existing
elevation of the gravel section located between the temporary structure and the gatehouse.
According to Dick Quinn the actual pool elevation, which is 58.9 feet, is 3.4 feet below the
normal pool elevation. However, the actual pool elevation was considered for the design. The
top of the coffer dam elevation was approximately 61.6 feet, while the elevation of the gravel
section was about 60 feet. The difference between the current pool and the gravel section was
about 1 foot and the height of the coffer dam was about 3 feet. These values served as a guide
for the height of the structure. This structure was designed with a height of 3.5 feet, which also
agreed with the required height from the hydraulic analysis.
For the structural design of a dam, the main issue is stability. A detailed stability analysis was
completed in order to ensure that the dam was stable and safe. For the structural analysis of
the dam, the structure stability, reinforcement, and cracking on the base of the dam were
checked to assure that the structure was stable and met the requirements of the American
Concrete Institute Code (ACI) and Army Corp of Engineers design standards.
For the stability analysis of the dam it was necessary to calculate all the loads acting on the
structure, and their different combinations for the design. On this concrete gravity dam with an
overflow spillway, the loads acting were: Dead Load, which is considered the weight of the
structure, the hydro static pressure and forces, which are the loads that the reservoir and tail
water exerts on the structure, Uplift force, Nappe Force, which is a function of velocity and flow
rate of the water coming from the reservoir downstream, and Earthquake Loads, which are
base on the ground acceleration on the base of the dam. For the dead load of the structure, the
cross sectional area was and multiplied by the concrete density. For the Hydrostatic Loads, the
pressure distribution about both faces of the dam was converted. This results in the
corresponding hydrostatic forces. To find the hydrostatic pressure, the Equation 2 was used. In
the reservoir case, this force was acting only in the x-axis direction, while downstream the
hydrostatic force acting normal to the dam’s face was decomposed into x and y components.
For the calculation of the uplift force acting on the base of the dam, the procedure subjected by
the Army Corp of Engineers, article EM 1110-2-2100 Dec 05 was followed.
A representation of all the forces acting on the structure under normal conditions is shown in
Figure 32 and Table 9 includes all the equations used to calculate these loads.
Table 9. Summary of Structural Equations.
Equation 1
Dead Load
DL *150lb / cf
Equation 2
Hydro Static Load
HsLoad w * H
Uplift Load U1 w * H1
U 2 w * H 2
Equation 3
U 3 (1 e)(U1 U 4) * U 4
L1 L2
Equation 4
Nappe Load
Equation 5
ae H
E c * B *
g 2
After all these forces were calculated, the stability analysis of the structure could be started.
For the stability analysis, the gravity Analysis Method using basic loadings was used, for which
the minimum sliding safety factor (SF) was considered to be 2.0. The Army Corps of Engineers
uses a sliding safety factor of 1.6 but ACI code suggests a value of 2.0 or greater. For the
purposes of this project, it was decided to be more conservative and use a safety factor of 2.0
or greater.
Gravity Method Analysis using Basic Loadings
The gravity method analysis using basic loadings was based on all the loadings calculated
before. The sum of all moments divided by the sum of all vertical forces would yield the
resultant location of the force at the base of the dam. In Table 4-1 of EM 1110-2-2200 from
Army Corps of Engineers there are stability and stress criteria for the analysis. In this case, there
was an unusual loading condition, where the resultant location at the base is “middle ½”, which
means that the resultant must remain within the middle half of the base for overturning
stability. The sliding factor of safety related to failure is the ratio between the shear strength
and the applied shear stress along the failure planes of the specimen; this is the same as the
following equation from EM1110-2-2200 from Army Corp of Engineers.
Equation 6. Sliding Factor related to failure
N tan cL
The Equation 7 was used for stability factor of safety was:
Equation 7. Sliding factor equation based on vertical and horizontal loads
Fy * tan( )
Where α = 0, and 45
And the thirdly, Equation 8 was used to check the sliding safety factor:
Equation 8. Sliding factor equation based on hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads
CA (W UI tan
Hs Hd ( )a
If the sliding factor of safety is 2.0 or greater, the dam is stable; if not, other considerations
such as changing the dimensions of the dam have to be taken.
Figure 29 and Figure 30 illustrate the approach involved in applying the hydrologic and
hydraulic considerations to the structural analysis and design.
Unfactored Loading
According to the Army Corps of Engineers, the stability analysis of hydraulic structures must be
performed using unfactored loads in accordance with EM 2101 Stability Analysis of Hydraulic
Structures. With these unfactored loads, the unfactored moments and shears could be found at
the most critical sections of the structure. These unfactored loads are then multiplied by load
factors and hydraulic factors to determine the required nominal strength of the section. The
required minimum design strength shall resist the dead loads and live loads acting on the
structure. In this case they were the weight of the structure and the nappe forces respectively.
The hydraulic factor was used for the determination of the required design strength for all axial
load combinations and shears and moments combination. The difference between the
hydraulic factored ultimate shear force and the shear strength provided by the concrete would
give the excess shear, for which the shear reinforcement should be designed.
The design shear for reinforcement is Vs, which is given by the following equation:
Equation 9
Vuh 1.3Vc
For the loading combinations we combined dead load and live load using the single load factor
of 1.7 for both, as shown below
Equation 10
Uh Hf 1.7( DL LL )
Here Hf is the hydraulic factor considered to be 1.3 and Uh is the factored load for the hydraulic
For hydraulic structure where earthquake loads are present, this equation becomes
Equation 11
U Hf (0.75Ue)
The other loading combination equation is using more than one load factor, in this case we use
a load factor of 1.4 for dead load and a load factor of 1.7 for live load. The Hydraulic factor is
also included in this equation.
Equation 12
Maximum permitted upper limit when excessive deflections are not predicted when using the
method specified in ACI 318 is 0.50 ρb
For the reinforcement design, we used ultimate moment at the structure and Equation 14.
Figure 33 represents the shear
distribution throughout the beam.
This shear diagram for the beam is
using unfactored load combinations,
and it shows the maximum shear at the
two ends of the span and at midspan,
which is very low.
The ultimate moment is found by the
following equation:
Wu * l * l
With this value, the total area of steel needed for the structure could be found using Equation
15. However, the reinforcement of a concrete gravity dam is divided into horizontal and vertical
reinforcement and its design is considering the structure as a wall. The minimum vertical and
horizontal reinforcement ratios can be written in terms of the maximum spacing between the
reinforcement bars. According to ACI code sections 14.3.2 and 14.3.3 the maximum horizontal
and vertical reinforcement spacing is s(h) Av /(0.0012t ) for horizontal reinforcement and
s(v) Ah /(0.0020t ) for vertical reinforcement.
The required minimum areas are 0.0012 Ag and 0.0020 Ag for vertical and horizontal
reinforcement respectively. The reinforcement bars can be chosen from Table 10.
Equation 15
* fy * jd , where 0.9, fy 60ksi, jd 2.8
This area of steel is used to find the size and number of the steel bars to be used in the
structure. For this step, Table 9 was used.
Table 10. Areas, Weights, and Dimensions of Reinforcing Bars
Bar size designation No Grades Weight (lb/ft) Diameter(in) Cross-sectional Area (in²)
Cracking Considerations
Crack length and width was also checked for the stability analysis, part of these calculations
were done in the gravity method analysis. It was important to know that when the crack size is
0.2* Height of the structure, the maximum moment can occurs and the structure could suffer
an overturning moment, which would also affect the stability of the structure.
Figure 36. Basic Denil fishway design elements. (Odeh, Discharge Figure 35. Example Fishway. (Maryland
Rating Equation and Hydraulic Characteristics of Standard Denil Department of Natural Resources 2007)
Fishways 2003)
The cost analysis included two structures, the dam and the fish ladder. The analysis was used to
show the price difference of constructing only one of the elements at a time.
4 Results & Analysis
Following the approach presented in the Methodology chapter, the preliminary results of the
analysis are presented in this chapter. An overflow spillway was designed for the site based on
a combination of background information collected on the site and analysis through the
methodology of the design approach. Locating the dam was the first and most important step
in the design. It was critical that the dam be in a location that had the potential to allow room
for both the fishway channel and for the PMF flows that were calculated through the hydrologic
analysis. The PMF flow data used to calculate safety factors for the dam was the priority design
information. Flows estimated for the fishway analysis were important to the design, but
secondary to the overall design where public safety was the most important aspect.
The results presented in this chapter include hydrologic analysis, hydraulic analysis, and
structural analysis. A plan view and elevations are presented in section 4.5 and shown in Figure
54. The resulting dam was sited at the maximum distance from the gatehouse that was
allowed by the existing coffer dam, approximately 25 feet from the bridge. Although this
location may constrict to construction activities, it offered the best area for overflow volumes
over the spillway, and adequate room to site the fishway channel on the east side of the dam.
The fishway channel was designed to be set 1.5 feet into the dam, allowing adequate depths of
water to travel over the first baffle in the spillway, even under low flow conditions. The
fishway, in turn, was also designed to withstand the forces of flood waters in the event of the
Since the fishway and dam were considered to the two separate structures that were
incorporated through this design, cost estimates were completed comparing the construction
costs of installing both structures simultaneously, or completing one and then completing the
second at a later time. It was found to be most cost effective to construct both structures at
the same time. According to estimates, this would save approximately $ 86,500.
Figure 37. Global Summary Table.
By running the HEC-HMS model, a unit hydrograph was produced that represents the flow
patterns associated throughout the Probable Maximum Storm. (PMS) The figure below
illustrates the maximum flow associated with the Probable Maximum Storm.
Figure 38. Mill River Watershed Runoff Hydrograph at Morey's Bridge Dam for PMS
The hydrograph shows that the peak discharge for the PMS over the Mill River Watershed
occurs at approximately 06:00 on day 3 of the storm. Initially, the peak flow is increasing at a
steady rate due to the fact that less and less rainfall is retained by the watershed. Upon
reaching its first peak at 18:00 on Day 1, it can be seen that there is a slight decrease as the
storm enters day 2. One possible reason for this is that the storm intensity decreased slightly. If
the intensity had stayed the same or decreased, the peak flow would have continued to stay
the same for a longer period of time, and decreased as the storm was ending. However, due to
the dramatic increase in rainfall on Day 2, the flow again began to increase. Once the intensity
had subsided, the peak flow at the Morey’s Bridge Dam site began to decrease as there was less
and less rainfall for the watershed to retain.
This flow is a reasonable value in terms of designing for a Probable Maximum Flow (PMF).
Historical data of the nearby Wading River, which has similar characteristics, does not have a
daily maximum flow above 2,000. However, compared to other historical floods along other
gauged stations, this value is relatively low. Figure 39 below illustrates the historical maximum
flow conditions along certain rivers in the northeastern United States. By plotting these flow
values with respect to the drainage area, a maximum flow over a certain drainage area can be
estimated. The maximum flow of 6,211 cfs with the given drainage area that determined for
the Mill River Watershed by HEC-HMS is relatively low. It was concluded that this value is
represented effectively given the historical data and the conditions represented throughout the
Mill River Watershed. (United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 2007)
The subsequent maximum flow that needed to be determined was the maximum flow in order
for the hydraulic design of the dam to function properly. Through historical maps, a flow of
2000 cfs was initially used when analyzing the dam hydraulically. Using historical rainfall data
from a technical paper produced by the United
States Weather Bureau, frequency rainfall
amounts of the Taunton Watershed were input
into HEC-HMS to determine what the peak flow at
the Morey’s Bridge Dam site would be given this
rainfall data. This data was entered rather than
taking the data obtained from the HMR52
software. When the model was executed, both the
basin characteristics and control specifications
remained the same. Figure 40 shows the rainfall
data entered into HEC-HMS.
The model was run in HEC-HMS and a summary
table and hydrograph was produced with the peak
flow being 2051 cfs. Figure 41 shows the summary
table of from the HEC-HMS model. Figure 42
illustrates the hydrograph produced from the
running the model. This flow of 2051 cfs is
reasonable when looking at historical data from
the Wading River gauge station. Analyzing the site
Figure 40. Rainfall data from USWB TP 40 for Taunton in terms of this maximum flowrate will ensure that
Watershed. the dam will safely and effectively pass flows
under normal high flow rates.
Figure 42. Hydrograph Associated with Hydraulic Maximum Flow
From the graph, it can be seen that the peak flow occurs around the same time as the Probable
Maximum Storm flow rates. Although the peak flow is considerably lower than the flow for the
PMS, the rate at which the flow increases is initially slower than that of the PMS flow. The
reason for this is that the intensity of the rainfall occurs at a much steadier rate than during the
The rainfall values that were produced from the HMR-52 software were relatively high. The
average amount of total precipitation for Massachuestts is 43.84 inches per year. (The World
Almanac 1988) The total precipitation produced is almost half of this value. This high value is
possibly correlates to the values entered from the HMR-51 isopluvial maps. This value may be
high due to the fact that the majority of the HMR-51 rainfall values represent too large of areas
seen in Table 7. On the other hand, the calculated peak flow of the PMS is a reasonable value.
So although these initial precipitation values seem extremely high, it may still be a fair
representation of the Probable Maximum Precipitation during a high intensity storm such as
the PMS.
It should also be noted that in both hydrographs, the flow decreases at a much slower rate than
it was when it was increasing. The reason for this is that the watershed is saturated. Therefore,
the rainfall has nowhere to go other than into the system and to the point of discharge. Over
time, the flow rate will decrease and eventually return to its normal condition once the
watershed is able to retain the rainfall as it was able to prior to the storm condition.
In addition, the starting date of January 1 and the ending date of January 3 are only reflective of
the time that elapsed during the storm. It is not indicative of the weather characteristics
surrounding this time.
The CN value of 74 used for the HEC-HMS model included all the land uses containing a Type C
soil. The model was run a second time, using the CN value determined from all land uses with
Type B soil. Keeping all other factors the same, the peak flow decreases from 6,221 cfs to 5,784
cfs. It can be deduced from the explanation in the methodology, that Type C and Type B soil
effects the peak flow enough to alter the peak flow by about 430 cfs for the Morey’s Bridge
Dam site. Further investigation could follow to determine a more exact value regarding a better
understanding of the soil type. For our design, the higher peak flow was used due to the
uncertainty of the actual soil type within each land use.
By having justifiable hydrogeological characteristics regarding the Morey’s Bridge Dam site, the
next steps can be addressed in terms of design criteria, planning, and so on. Additionally, the
information obtained through the hydrologic analysis allows for a better understanding of the
surrounding area of the site.
While maximum and minimum flows were found to define the operating boundaries of the
fishway, an average flow value (Qavg) was defined to find the average operating conditions for
the passage. These were the flows that are primarily designed for, under the assumption that
these flows are the closest to day-to-day flows that fish will have to be passed through. These
flows were also intended to model the most common migration time period, so calculations for
Qavg were based only on flow records for the month of April. Average operating flows were
determined by taking the average of April’s average daily means and highest median for the last
17 years of daily flows. By taking the mean of April daily medians for the years between 1990
and 2006, Qavg was determined to be 140 cfs.
Table 11. Summary of fishway design flows.
Qmin 15 cfs
It is important to note that the fishway design flows differ from the approach and values of the
dam design flows and PMF. These flows were intended to find the design flowrate for only the
migration period of the target species and not for year round flows or unusually high flows
(such as the PMF).
4.2.1 Tailwater Analysis
The tail water channel cross section was measured using Google Earth. The length was
measured to be roughly 4000 feet, and the width averaged at 180 feet under high flows, were
used to model channel dimensions. The Google Earth images were not dated, therefore the
flow condition was estimated to be at high flow, based on observations of water elevations
made at the site under low flow conditions. The channel, though somewhat winding, was
modeled as a straight channel for simplification purposes.
Table 12 shows a summary of data for the tail water. The critical depth was calculated based
solely on the flow rate, channel width, and the force of gravity. Water velocity was also
determined by channel dimensions and flow rate.
Table 12. Tail water Channel Data.
Next, Manning’s equation was applied and Froude numbers were calculated for the tail water
channel using Excel. Manning’s equation was applied to find the normal depth of the water.
The Froude number was found to determine whether the depth was sub or supercritical. The
comparison of Froude number, normal depth, and critical depth yield and estimate of the flow
profile, and whether it is slow deep flow (subcritical) or fast shallow flow (supercritical).
The slope of the channel was estimated based on readings from a topographic map and the
length measurement from Google Earth. The topographic map showed a maximum elevation
difference between Morey’s Bridge dam, and the Mill River Dam (both highlighted in Figure 43)
to be 3 meters, converted to 9.68 feet. Using this elevation difference and a channel length of
4000 feet, the average channel slope was calculated as 0.00246 ft/ft. This average slope was
used for all hydraulic calculations except for the spillway calculations. The roughness
coefficient was found from Manning’s Roughness Coefficient tables (Hwang 1996). The
roughness was based on a natural channel, with pebbles, sand, and some grass. The unit flow
rate is simply a value of flow rate per unit width of the channel. The channel was modeled as
rectangular. These findings for all three flow conditions are summarized in the following table.
Table 13. Manning's Equation Data for Tail water.
Using the flow values from the spillway equation, Manning’s Equation was applied to find
normal depths and velocities under all three flows, and compared to the critical depths
calculated for this section. The steps for applying Manning’s Equation to find the normal depth,
and calculating the Froude number and critical depths is similar to the process described for the
tail water analysis. The slope for the spillway was set at 0.85. The value of 0.85 was initially set
during the hydraulic analysis, and checking the value against structural design guidelines
specifying that the ratio of dam height to base width must be between 0.75 and 0.95, the
spillway slope of 0.85 is a reasonable value. (For purposes of this analysis, the spillway slope
was simplified as straight, and not exactly following the curved nappe that can be expected
with a free discharge.) A spillway of this slope has a 3.5 foot elevation from the base to the
crest, and a base that is approximately 4 feet wide. Other specific spillway characteristics are
described in the Structural Analysis section. Table 15 shows calculated values for the toe of the
spillway under all three flow conditions.
Table 15. Manning's Equation Values at Spillway Toe.
the subsequent hydraulic jump depths were correct. The intersection of curves in Figure 44 is
an example where the subsequent hydraulic depth yielded an accurate representation of the
flow profile of the channel. This plot indicates that the depth of the flow under the bridge can
be expected to be 0.275 ft. The constriction curves differ by the location of the hydraulic jump.
Intersection between curves in these plots indicates that the method used to model the
hydraulic jump was correct. Lack of intersection among these curves indicates that the
subsequent hydraulic depth is greater than calculated through the force/ momentum equation.
The location of the hydraulic jump is specified in Figure 44, Figure 45, and Figure 46 by the
width of the channel where they occur. For example, a hydraulic jump occurring at 70 ft occurs
where the channel is 70 feet wide, between the toe of the spillway and the bridge.
Using a force and momentum balance, the hydraulic jump subsequent depths and water
velocities were calculated, assuming that the jump occurred in a location between the spillway
toe and the bridge. The initial depth was assumed to be the depth at the toe of the spillway.
Since the Froude Number is part of the Hydraulic Jump Equation, the channel width has an
impact of subsequent depths. Curves were plotted for channel widths of 100 feet, 90 feet, 70
feet, 60 feet, and 50 feet, depending on the flow rate.
Table 16 shows subsequent depths for hydraulic jumps occurring at a point where the channel
width is 70 feet (approximately halfway between the spillway toe and the bridge channel).
These were the starting values for the hydraulic jump analysis.
Table 16. Hydraulic Jump Calculations
Using the subsequent depths and velocities, plots were made to compare these values to the
Froude values were applied to predict the flow conditions for the channel underneath the
bridge. These values were applied to the constricted side of the channel, utilizing a constriction
coefficient of 0.5 for head loss. On the tail water side, the energy equation was applied utilizing
the expansion head loss coefficient on 1.0. These values differ from the head loss coefficient
values found in the USACE hydraulic guidelines of Cc=0.1 and Ce=0.2 because it was suspected
that the flow could be more accurately modeled by increasing these values. However, setting
Ce=1.0 is still twice the head loss that is experienced through the constriction (Cc=0.5). These
two balances were plotted on the same chart (per flow rate) and compared.
Expansion & Constriction Comparison, 10 cfs
Velocity (ft/s)
constriction, HJ @ b=70
constriction, HJ @ b=60 ft
constriction, HJ @ b= 50 ft
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Depth (ft)
As shown by the intersection of the expansion and constriction curves in Figure 44, it was most
likely that the hydraulic jump occurred where the channel is 50-60 feet wide, before the bridge.
This was interpreted through the intersection of the expansion curve with the constriction
curves calculated with the subsequent hydraulic jump depths at locations where the channel is
50 feet wide and 60 feet wide, at a depth of approximately 0.275. Under low flow conditions,
the conditions in the channel passing underneath the bridge can be expected to be under 0.3
feet deep, with velocities under 3 ft/s.
Using the same procedure, Figure 45 and Figure 46 can be interpreted in a similar manner to
deduce the location of the hydraulic jump. Figure 45 and Figure 46 show the comparison of
depths and velocities under high and average flow conditions.
The fact that these curves do not intersect as they did under low flow conditions suggests that
it is likely that a hydraulic jump does not occur with a subsequent depth as modeled with the
force momentum equation, and the spillway discharges into a channel with the water backed
up in it.
Under these conditions, there is still a high energy dissipation at the toe of the of the spillway
before the flow reaches the bridge, however it cannot be modeled with the force/ momentum
balance applied because the energy dissipation does not occur through a hydraulic jump where
force and momentum energies balance. This energy dissipation can be modeled more
accurately by free discharge, where much energy is lost where the discharge stream meets the
pool of water below it, and there is a more gradual transition to the tailwater conditions.
Expansion and Constriction Comparison, 100 cfs
Velocity (ft/s)
constriction, HJ @ b=70 ft
constriction, HJ @ b=100 ft
2 constriction, HJ @ b=90 ft
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Depth (ft)
Velocity (ft/s)
constriction, HJ @ b=70 ft
10 constriction, HJ @ b=100 ft
0 5 10 15 20 25
Depth (ft)
4.2.3 Fish Passage Hydraulics
Critical flows to analyze in fishway design are the head at the entrance and exit of the fishway
channel. These values are important to compare to the depths and velocities that the target
species is capable of swimming.
The first value to be established was the head at the exit channel. Values shown in Table 17
were selected from Figure 67 (located in Appendix C), approximately halfway between the plots
for Froude number 0.9 and Froude number 0.1. These Froude values were selected as a basis
for estimating flow conditions under a subcritical flow. As these conditions can vary
significantly, these values for depth and velocity were selected as a starting point for analysis.
The resulting depths from this analysis would be used to design how far the fishway would be
set into the dam.
These depths would occur in the fishway channel if the floor of the channel were set flush with
the crest of the spillway. By setting the channel deeper into the spillway, greater depths can be
achieved in the exit channel. This significantly impacts design because alewife are primarily a
swimming species, not a jumping species, and the depths flowing through the fishway channel
must compliment the alewifes’ swimming capabilities.
Letting the width of the fishway channel equal 4 feet sets the flow travelling through this
channel at approximately 4 percent of the total flow travelling over the spillway. Thus, at flow
rates of concern, namely 15 cfs, 140 cfs, and 350 cfs, the flows expected in the fishway channel
are 0.45 cfs, 4.2 cfs, and 10.45 cfs, respectively. Reading these values from Figure 48, expected
depths (hu) at the fishway exit are 0.3 feet, 1.85 feet, and 2.25 feet, respectively. These depths
are summarized in Table 17.
Table 17. Velocities and Depths at Crest.
Flow Velocity Depth at Hu values from flow Depth with set Velocity at first
(ft3/s) (ft/s) crest (ft) rate equation (ft) in of 1.5 feet baffle (f/s)
Setting the channel 1.5 feet into the spillway structure (from the crest) results in greater depths
at the fishway exit. These depths will become greater at the base of the fishway channel,
where energy dissipation will have occurred through the series of baffles set into the channel.
Figure 47. Denil fishway section views. (Odeh 2003)
The velocity of the water flowing over the first baffle was of concern. Figure 48 was plotted
based on the flow rate equation (Odeh 2003) where the flow rate values were plotted versus
the head over the baffle, denoted as hu in Figure 47. Since it can be expected that the flow
travelling through the fishway will be a fraction of the flow travelling over the entire spillway,
and this ratio can be found by finding the percent of the width of the fishway out of the span of
the entire spillway, that
Head and Discharge Values portion of the flow will
be searched for on the
40 chart to find the
corresponding head over
Flowrate (cfs)
Figure 48. Fishway Head and Discharge Values at first baffle. By reading the plot, the
flowrate at a head of 1.7
ft is approximately 7 cfs. This had a velocity traveling through the fishway of 1.3 feet per
second. The velocities at the first baffle under the other two flowrates of concern were 2.2 ft/s
and 2.6 ft/s. As these are the highest velocities throughout the fishway, it was not a concern
that the alewife would be able to travel through the fishway because the species is capable of
traveling through water up to 5 ft/s.
Dead Load
Figure 49. Dead load.
DL *150lb / cf
2 = 788 lb/ft
Hydrostatic Loads
P1 =62.4 lb/cf * 3 ft = 188 lb/sf
P2= 62.4 lb/cf *6.5 ft = 405.6 lb/ft
F1= 188 lb/sf * 3.5 ft = 655 lb/ft
F2= (405-188)* 3.5 ft /2 = 382.2 lb/ft
F1+F2 = 1037.4 lb/ft Figure 50. Upstream hydrostatic loads
P=175 lb/sf
F=245 lb/ft
Uplift Loads
U1 w * H1 405.6lb / sf
F1 228.4 *1 228.4lb / ft
U 2 w * H 2 174.7lb / sf
F 2 (405.6 228.4) *1 177.2lb / ft
U 4 larger of U2 and 72.4 lb/sf
F 3 174.7 * 2 355.4lb / ft ; F 4 53.7lb / ft
U 3 0.7(405.6 174.7) * 174.7 Figure 51. Uplift pressure.
Assuming e = 30%
F1+F2+F3+F4 = 814.7lb/ft
Nappe Force
For the nappe force, the velocity of the water flowing over the top of the dam had to be
considered, but taking into account that the velocity at 3ft over the crest of the dam is not the
same as the one right at the crest. The nappe force is a momentum force based on upstream
and downstream conditions. For this calculation the flow Q=8000cfs, which was the maximum
probably flood obtained in the hydraulic analysis, was divided by the cross sectional area of
300sf, which was based on the 100 ft length times the 3 ft of water flowing over the structure.
This gave us a velocity of 26 ft/s at 3ft over the crest. The velocity throughout the entire height
of the dam is 0 since the structure acts as a retaining wall.
To calculate the nappe force on the structure, it was necessary to apply the momentum
principle. The following equation is the momentum principle. With this condition, the velocity
difference was found and then the hydraulic equation for the nappe force could be used.
F1 F 2 Fx QV (hydraulic equation for nappe force using momentum principle)
F1= upstream hydrostatic pressure
F2=downstream hydrostatic pressure
Fx= force of the structure on water
Momentum Principle
H1V1=H2V2= 6.5 ft*26ft/s=2.8ft*V2; so V2 = 60 ft/s, and V 34 ft / s
Using the hydraulic equation for nappe force:
F1 F 2 Fx QV = 1037 lb/ft-245 lb/ft- Fx
Fx = 266 lb/ft, so the nappe force is equal to -266 lb/ft .The nappe force can be considered as a
live load.
Earthquake Load (E)
The ground acceleration for the earthquake loads is a=0.1g
Pe * c * B
The Earthquake pressure is g ;
E Pe *
And the earthquake load is 2
In this case E= 78.75 lb/ft acting at 0.1ft up from the heel of the dam.
Table 18. Summary of all the loads results**
When the FS equation that considers earthquake loadings was applied,
CA (W U ) tan( )
FS , with C=0, and 0 , FS= 8.01 was calculated. This also shows that
Hs Hd ( ) * a
the structure is stable.
The ultimate strength Vu has to be less than or equal to the nominal shear strength Vn times
the reduction factor Φ =0.75, and ΦVn has to be less than or equal to shear strength of
concrete divided by 2.
Wu * l * l 2022*100*100
Mu 2527.5lb ft
8 8
Mu 2527 .5
As 0.12 sf 16.72
fyjd 0.9 * 60 *144 * 2.8 in²
Considering the structure as a wall, vertical and horizontal reinforcement is designed.
The required minimum areas for these reinforcements are 0.0012 Ag and 0.0020 Ag for vertical
and horizontal reinforcement respectively. The minimum thickness for the wall is 1/25 of the
shorter of the unsupported height or the length, so the minimum thickness for this design is
* 3.5 ft *12in 2" , but because the minimum thickness given by ACI section is 8”,
the design is governed by this thickness.
According to Army Corps of Engineers, EM 1110-2-2104, Aug 2003, when considering
reinforcement for cracking the minimum bar size and spacing is #6 at 12” on center, so Number
6 steel bars are chosen for reinforcement.
Assuming that vertical reinforcement is placed in a single layer of vertical No 6 bars,
Av = 0.44 in², and the spacing is s(v) Ah /(0.0020t ) = 0.44 in²/ (0.0012*8 in) = 27.5 in, and
s(h) Av /(0.0012t ) = 45.8 in.
If we try a smaller size bar, like No 4 bars, Av = 0.20 in² and the spacing is s(v) Ah /(0.0020t ) =
0.20 in²/ (0.0020*8 in) = 20.8 in, and s(h) Av /(0.0012t ) = 0.20 in²/(0.0012*8in) = 12.5 in on
The gross area of the wall (Ag) is 5.25 ft² and 0.01Ag is 7.56 in², so the area of vertical steel
(Av = 0.20 in²) is less than 0.01 Ag, which means that the steel provided has an area of :
As = 0.20 in²/(8 in * 18 in) = 0.0014 times the gross area of the wall, so it is a good idea to
provide a No. 5 bar vertically at each end of each curtain of wall steel.
The concrete gravity dam structure was designed to be supported by an impervious foundation,
which means that the structure won’t be affected by seepage. If seepage effects are negligible,
the uplift pressure on the structure won’t be influenced by seepage effects and the forces
created under the structure. According to the Army Corp of Engineers’ Gravity Dams Design’s
standards, in relatively small concrete gravity dams impervious foundations with high bearing
strength are essential to prevent the structure from stability failure , that’s why we chose this
type of foundation for our dam. If the dam’s foundation is designed to be impervious the design
done in this project won’t be affected.
Figure 52. Fishway cross section.
The dimensions for this cross-section were based on the equations provided in the Figure 34
from ASCE (included in the methodology section).
7 1 1 2
b W ; c W ; c' W ; s W
12 2 4 3
The fish way is 4 ft wide, so W=4 = 4 % of the spillway span, so b=2.3 ft, c= 2 ft, c’= 1 ft.
As in the analysis for the dam, the first step was to determine the loads. In this concrete
channel the loads are as follows;
Dead Load
(c'c) * b
DL (W * H ) (b * ( H c' )) ( ) *150lb / cf 1533lb / ft
Hydrostatic Pressure
Hydrostatic pressure on the walls of the channel
Hspressure w * H , in this case H=1.5 ft and the hydrostatic pressure on the walls of the
structure is 62.4lb/cf*1.5ft=93.6lb/sf, which yeilds a load of 93.6 lb/ft since analysis is based on
a unit (1ft) strip of the channel.
The hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the channel is 71.76 lb/sf, and the hydrostatic load is
71.76lb/ft. This load is decomposed into x and y components, yielding 50.74lb/ft in the negative
x direction and 50.74lb/ft in the negative y direction.
Table 19. Summary of the Loads obtained from Analysis
ΣF 0 -1634
The sum of the forces in the x-direction was zero, and the weight of the structure is greater
than the sum of the rest of the forces acting on the y-axis, which indicates that the structure is
equilibrium. The structure is also stable because it spans from the dam to the channel
Since the structure is an open channel, it is recommended that bracing be installed at the top of
the channel to hold the two walls together. The force needed to hold each wall is 94 lb/ft.
Nappe Force
This is the most important load for this analysis since uplift forces and earthquake loads are not
a big concern when the structure is considered a continuous simply supported beam.
For the nappe forces, the momentum principle was also applied and the maximum flow of 350
cfs was used, which gives a velocity of 19.44 ft/s at the top of the structure.
The velocity difference was 40.5 ft/s , which produces a nappe force of 27.5 lb/ft
After all these loads are found, the structure can be checked against the sliding; this is done
using the sliding safety factor equation (Equation 7 in the structural analysis methodology)
For the reinforcement analysis, the channel was divided into three sections, the two walls and
the bottom of the channel. For this section, the unfactored loading equations used in the
previous analysis were considered.
Since the main forces are Dead load, Live Load, and Hydrostatic Loads, are only using Equation
21 and Equation 22.
Equation 21
Equation 22
The second division was site construction. All the elements included in this section were based
on experience in this field. A list of all the activities required to complete this type of project
was generated, and the time that each activity would take was estimated. The time that each
activity would take, multiplied by the cost/ time value given in the RS Means manual gave the
total cost per activity. Other elements such as excavation, grading and fill were evaluated based
on volume quantities and the cost per unit volume.
The last two divisions, concrete and steel, were estimated according to volume and linear foot
A summary of all those values is revealed in the following table.
Mass concrete cy
Reinforcement lb $0.00
Total $206,558.90
The total cost of the project is assuming that both, the fish ladder and the dam are being
constructed at the same time. This would save money to the owner since it would only have to
pay to general requirements and site construction once.
This cost estimate is also based on the assumption that the location of the current coffer dam
leaves sufficient space for construction of the new dam and fishway structures. It is likely that a
new coffer dam will be needed to provide more space for dam construction. This step would
increase the cost significantly.
As a final design, the proposed structure consists of 3.5 feet high concrete gravity dam, with an
overflow spillway with 0.85 slope. The concrete used to construct the structure should be
normal weight concrete, with a strength of 3500 psi and a density of 150 lbs/cf.
The stability of the structure depends on the maximum upstream and downstream hydrostatic
loads of 1037 lb/ft and 1062 lb/ft, respectively. The water velocity difference between
upstream and downstream of 34 ft/s, and a ground acceleration of 0.1 times the three foot
base of the structure. If, however, these values are altered, the stability of the structure may
not meet the factor of safety required by ACI 350, Environmental Structure Engineering, of 2.0.
The structure proposed would have to include No. 4 vertical Grade 60 bars spaced at 18 inches
on center and No. 4 horizontal Grade 60 bars spaced at 12 inches on center for the shear
reinforcement of the structure. These values also meet the minimum crack reinforcement of
No. 6 Grade 60 bars spaced at 12 inches on center, as stated in ACI 350. It is also
recommended that one No. 5 Grade 60 vertical bar to be added at each end of the structure.
The structure is proposed to be supported by an impervious foundation to avoid the forces
caused by underseepage under the structure. The type of foundation was also determined
based on the size, type, weight of the structure, and loads supported by it.
This project also included the implementation of a fish passage to the site. For the analysis of
the structure, the target species were essential to find the type and dimensions of the
structure. For this structure, it is proposed that concrete Denil fish ladder 5 feet high, with a
pool depth of 3 feet inside the channel for the fish passage. These dimensions also depended
on the maximum and low flows found through the hydrologic analysis. The fish ladder was also
determined to be stable, and it must include a total reinforcement area of 1.7 in 2 of steel, 0.7
in2 of steel in each wall and 0.3 in2 of steel at the bottom section of the channel.
The durability and service life of the concrete depends on the concrete mix design, which
includes aggregate type, proportions, mix, place, and cure. After the aggregate and the
proportions are designed, they should be mixed thoroughly, transported and placed without
segregation, and cured to minimize cracking and optimize long term strength and durability of
the concrete. The environmental conditions of the site that the concrete will be used are also
important. For example, exposure to freezing, thawing, sulfates, acids, and variation of
moisture should also be considered in the mix design. The service life of the concrete used in
the structure depends majorly on these design elements, which were not within the scope of
this design. However, the strength of the concrete under this design is considered to be 3500
Through the cost estimates, it was found that when the structures were built independently,
the total cost was higher than if the structures were built at the same time. This increase in
cost can be attributed to the repetition of some construction elements, such as site cleaning,
dewatering, transportation of materials, renting facilities, and excavation. Built independently,
the total cost would be $293,086, while built together the cost would be $206,559. The cost
savings where the structures are built simultaneously is approximately $90,000. Because of the
large savings, it is recommended that the structures are built at the same time.
The following figures show the site plan including the proposed structures, cross section of the
structures, and reinforcement for the dam structure. It should be noted that the fish ladder is
located on the western side of the channel, as concrete connected to the dam.
Figure 55. Dam reinforcement.
5 Conclusion & Recommendations
In summary, this project included the design of a small dam and Denil fish ladder to replace the
deteriorating dam at Morey’s Bridge Dam in Taunton, Massachusetts. The dam was designed
through a hydrologic study of the area to estimate Probable Maximum Flood volumes that the
dam would be exposed to, hydraulic analysis of the site to determine optimal dimensions of the
dam and fishway, and structural analysis to determine public safety factors and structural
The hydrology of the area was analyzed using techniques of the USACE HMR-51, HMR-52, and
HEC-1 programs. These methods are iterative. Due to time constraints, the value expressed
through the hydrologic analysis as the PMF is less than the value used in the hydraulic and
structural analysis. The hydraulic and structural analysis were made based on preliminary
hydrologic data, with a PMF equal to 8000 cfs. Considering that the final PMF value was 6200
cfs, this design is conservative.
The hydraulics of the site was analyzed using common hydraulic modeling techniques and
equations. Principal factors in the fish passage design were adapted from presentations and
information generously provided by Dick Quinn, a Hydraulic Engineer from the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service.
The hydraulics analysis of the site concluded with calculated depths and velocities for the flows
expected under low, average, normal, and PMF conditions. This led to the design of the dam
structure to meet the sliding and overturning stability requirements. Since historical flow data
for the site was limited, historical USGS flow data was used from an analogous river (Wading
River) to estimate seasonal flows.
The constriction of the bridge abutments on the channel is of concern under PMF conditions.
Despite efforts to design a dam structure that meet public safety requirements, the current
condition of the bridge abutments suggest that they may not be structurally stable under PMF
flows. Reconstruction of this bridge is beyond the scope of this project. However, upon
reconstruction of this bridge, expansion of the bridge abutments should be considered to
remove the constriction and expansion section of the channel. This would allow for greater
flood protection and public safety in the area immediately downstream.
A key difference between suggested design techniques and the one used in this design is the
orientation of the fishway channel. This channel could be termed a “straight shot", and under
the spatial constraints presented by the landscape of the site, it seemed the best option. Other
orientations for the fishway, relative to the channel, may be more effective in moving fish over
the barrier. It is recommended that more flow measurements be made seasonally at the site
for more accurate modeling. In addition to more frequent flow measurements, more accurate
seasonal channel dimensions would be beneficial in producing a more accurate model.
Time was a significant constraint in this design. The constraints for the hydraulic design of the
dam’s spillway and fish passage, such as time and limited flow data, influenced the structural
design of the structures, since this design was based on the results obtained in the hydraulic
design. Detailed gauging data and revisitation of the hydraulic parts of this analysis may yield
more accurate results for the site at hand. At the very least, more detailed streamflow data
from the project site would reinforce the conclusions of the hydraulic analysis. In particular,
revisitation of the hydraulic analysis utilizing a hydraulic modeling program would improve the
accuracy of tailwater depth calculations. As the tailwater channel was modeled as a straight,
uniform channel in this analysis, modeling the channel with more detailed characteristics of
elevations, channel path, and floodplain areas would improve the accuracy of predicted water
depths at design flows. Physical modeling of the fishway is always the most accurate way to
test the design, so it would be beneficial to create a physical model of this passage to insure
effective passing of native alewife.
The goals expressed in the scope of this project were reached. The dam and fishway structures
were designed following Capstone Design guidelines to meet the needs of the community and
the target species. A cost evaluation was also completed to conclude that there is a significant
financial benefit in constructing both the dam and fishway structures at the same time.
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Appendix A. Hydrologic Analysis.
x y
5.4 17.5
7.4 17.9
8.6 14.8
9.2 14.2
9.5 13.2
9.6 11.8
10.7 9.7
10.3 9.4
11.7 6.5
11.3 4.4
11 3.3
11.8 2.4
9.9 2
9.5 2.8
9.9 4
9.7 5.7
8.9 6.9
7.6 8.3
7.2 9.2
6.6 10.5
5.8 12.1
5.7 13.2
4.9 14.5
5.6 17.1
Figure 58. Land usage within the Mill River Watershed.
Figure 59. Impervious Area within Mill River Watershed
The Hydrologic Engineering Center JONES.DAT
10 February 1988 LEON.DAT
This version of HMR52 (April 1987) will run WASH.OUT
on an IBM or
compatible microcomputer that has the
following: Explanation of Files Included on the HMR52
* 256 Kilobytes (KB) of Random Access
Memory (RAM)
* MS DOS 2.1 or greater HMR52.EXE: The HMR52 program in an
* One 5 1/4 inch floppy diskette drive (360 executable form.
KB or 1.2 MB)
* A 10 Megabyte (or larger) hard disk is HMR52T.DAT: HMR52 table file, which
contains Hydromet Report No. 51
* A math coprocessor (8087, 80287, or
80387) is highly in tabular form (this is
recommended, but not required. The math necessary for execution of the
coprocessor program).
will greatly reduce the execution time of
the program
JONES.DAT: HMR52 example input data.
(increases computational speed by a factor
LEON.DAT: HMR52 example input data.
of 5 to 10).
WASH.DAT: HMR52 example input data.
JONES.OUT: example output file for
A. Contents of the HMR52 Diskette
The HMR52 computer program, example
input data, and
example output are provided on a 5 1/4 LEON.OUT: example output file for
inch double- LEON.DAT.
sided 360 KB floppy diskette as follows:
WASH.DAT. * Go to the drive (e.g. C:) in which you
would like to install the software.
README.DOC: file containing this * Type MD\HMR52 then press the <ENTER>
implementation guide.
* Type MD\HECEXE then press the <ENTER>
B. Installation on a Hard Disk System
* Type MD\HECEXE\SUP then press the
The following set of instructions will allow <ENTER>
user to run the HMR52 program from any of
2. Place the HMR52 diskette into the A
user's data directories.
3. The next step will be to copy the HMR52
1. You will need to create three directories. and output files. If you do not want these
files copied to your hard disk, go to step 4.
of the directories should be labeled
If you would like these files copied to your
hard disk, do the following:
This directory will be used to store all of the
* Type CD HMR52 then press the <ENTER>
HEC executable programs. A second
* Type COPY A:*.DAT C: then press the
should be labeled \HECEXE\SUP. This
will be used to store all of the supplemental
* Type COPY A:*.OUT C: then press the
files required by the executable programs.
third directory should be created to store key.
data 4. The next step will be to copy the HMR52
files. This dat directory can be given any program. The file is named HMR52.EXE. Use
name. You may want this data directory to
following commands to do so:
represent a specific project, person, or
* Type CD \HECEXE then press the <ENTER>
program. For this example, let's assume
* Type COPY A:*.EXE C: then press the
you are going to label the data directory
\HMR52. To accomplish these tasks do the
* Type CD \ then press the <ENTER> key. For more information concerning the
5. To allow access of the executable
programs from file, consult your DOS manual.
any directory, it will be necessary to edit
the C. Installation on a Two-Floppy-Diskette
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to include a path to the System
\HECEXE directory. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file There is no installation for a two-floppy
should be in your root (C:\) directory. The
following is an example PATH command
allow access to the \HECEXE directory as A. To run HMR52 from the hard disk do the
well following
as the root (C:\) directory: commands:
PATH C:\;C:\HECEXE * Go to the directory in which your data are
-- You may want to include a path to other stored (e.g. \HMR52).
directories on your system. If so, just add * Type HMR52 then press the <ENTER> key.
the names of the directories to this
command. program then will prompt you for input
For more information on the PATH filename, output filename, etc.
command and OR
the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, consult your DOS * Type HMR52 INPUT=filename
manual. OUTPUT=filename then
6. The final step will be to modify your press the <ENTER> key; where:
CONFIG.SYS file. Many HEC programs INPUT=filename: the filename where the
require the
HMR52 input data
capability to open more than eight (8) files
at resides.
any one time. Because eight is the system OUTPUT=filename: the filename where the
default, you will need to modify your output data will be
CONFIG.SYS file to include the following two written. If the user
lines: wishes the output to
FILES=20 go directly to the
BUFFERS=20 screen or printer, the
commands CON (screen)
or LPT1 (printer) can program by using one of the example data
be used in place of
provided to you. At this point you should
the output filename.
B. To run HMR52 from a floppy diskette do
your output file (HMR52.ANS, for example)
with the one
following commands:
provided to you (LEON.OUT, JONES.OUT,
* Place the diskette containing the HMR52 WASH.OUT).
Comparing the two output files can be
on it in drive A accomplished by
* Type A:HMR52 then press the <ENTER> using the DOS compare command (COMP).
key. The Check your
program then will prompt you for input results to insure that they are the same,
filename, output filename, etc. except for
* * * *
* * * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616 *
* RUN DATE 10/04/2007 TIME 16:44:41 * * (916) 551-1748 OR
(FTS) 460-1748 *
* * * *
LINE ID.......1.......2.......3.......4.......5.......6.......7.......8.......9......10
3 BS 1
4 BX 5.44 7.43 7.80 8.55 9.20 9.49 9.57 10.66 10.31 11.76
5 BX 11.68 11.31 11.04 11.78 9.92 9.49 9.92 9.72 8.90 7.63
6 BX 7.16 6.56 5.77 5.74 4.92 5.57
7 BY 17.55 17.90 16.88 14.79 14.22 13.20 11.78 9.72 9.35 7.18
8 BY 6.49 4.40 3.26 2.36 1.99 2.76 3.98 5.72 6.93 8.25
9 BY 9.20 10.46 12.13 13.17 14.54 17.10
10 PL 2
11 ID Hydrogeologic Data From HMR-51
12 HO 208
13 HP 10 25 29 32 36 38
14 HP 200 17.0 20.5 23.5 27.0 28.2
15 HP 1000 12.0 15.5 19.5 23.0 23.5
16 HP 5000 7.5 11.0 14.0 17.5 18.5
17 HP 10000 5.8 9.1 12.0 15.0 16.1
18 HP 20000 4.2 7.2 9.9 13.1 14.1
19 ID Storm Specifications
20 SA 20.31 0
21 ST 360 .3
22 ZZ
* * * *
* * * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616 *
* RUN DATE 10/04/2007 TIME 16:44:41 * * (916) 551-1748 OR
(FTS) 460-1748 *
* * * *
Hydrogeologic Data From HMR-51
Storm Specifications
(SQ. MI.) 6-HR 12-HR 24-HR 48-HR 72-HR
10. 25.00 29.00 32.00 36.00 38.00
200. 17.00 20.50 23.50 27.00 28.20
1000. 12.00 15.50 19.50 23.00 23.50
5000. 7.50 11.00 14.00 17.50 18.50
10000. 5.80 9.10 12.00 15.00 16.10
20000. 4.20 7.20 9.90 13.10 14.10
X 5.4 7.4 7.8 8.6 9.2 9.5 9.6 10.7 10.3 11.8
Y 17.5 17.9 16.9 14.8 14.2 13.2 11.8 9.7 9.4 7.2
X 11.7 11.3 11.0 11.8 9.9 9.5 9.9 9.7 8.9 7.6
Y 6.5 4.4 3.3 2.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 5.7 6.9 8.3
I 1000. 45. 3.60 .63 .39 .27 .21 .17 .14 .12 .11 .10 .09 .08
J 1500. 45. 2.42 .49 .30 .21 .16 .13 .11 .09 .08 .07 .07 .06
K 2150. 45. 1.38 .31 .19 .13 .10 .08 .07 .06 .05 .05 .04 .04
L 3000. 45. .43 .11 .06 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01
M 4500. 45. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
N 6500. 45. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
O 10000. 45. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
P 15000. 45. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
Q 25000. 45. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
R 40000. 45. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
S 60000. 45. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
AVERAGE DEPTH 16.68 2.69 1.55 1.09 .84 .68 .58 .50 .44 .39 .36 .32
0600 .32 .32 1200 .39 .72 1800 .50 1.22 2400 .68 1.90
0600 1.09 2.99 1200 2.69 5.69 1800 16.68 22.37 2400 1.55 23.91
0600 .84 24.75 1200 .58 25.33 1800 .44 25.77 2400 .36 26.1
Figure 61. Mill River Watershed Runoff Hydrograph at Morey's Bridge Dam
Appendix B. Fish Passage Hydrology
Figure 62. Historical Daily Means Data. (United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 2007)
Figure 63. HDM continued
Figure 64. HDM continued.
Figure 65. HDM continued.
Table 22. Flows Greater than 230 cfs.
Table 23. Flows greater than 350 cfs.
Table 24. Flows less than 33 cfs.
Table 25. Flows Less than 15 cfs.
Appendix C. Hydraulic Analysis.
Table 26. Tail water conditions
Table 27. Spillway Crest Conditions, with Spillway Equation.
Table 28. Spillway Toe Conditions.
Spillway Crest Conditions Under All Analyzed Flowrates
10 cfs
20 15 cfs
100 cfs
15 140 cfs
350 cfs
2000 cfs
8000 cfs
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 6 6.4 6.8 7.2 7.6 8 8.4 8.8 9.2 9.6
Velocity (ft/s)
Figure 66. Spillway Crest Conditions, under all analyzed flow rates.
Spillway Crest Conditions Under Analyzed Flowrates <350 cfs
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5
Velocity (ft/s)
Appendix D. Plans
Figure 69. Proposed Site Plan.
Figure 70. Dam reinforcement.
Appendix E. Cost Estimating
Table 29. Cost with simultaneous construction of Fishway and Dam. Con't on next page.
No. of
100 Finish Grading 2.37 2400.03 sy $5,688.07
Mass concrete cy
Reinforcement lb $0.00
Total $206,558.90
No of
2310 GRADING 0
mass concrete
Total 195031.02
No of
500 Photograph 250 1 250
pre cast
Ladder 60 4.7300591 cy 283.80355
Ladder 0.45 450 lb 202.5
Total 98055.463
of the
Yisel Mantilla
Bethany Santangelo
Michael Butler
Date: December 20, 2007
Lakes, rivers and streams have been extremely important in the civil engineering field; they are
all interrelated, impacting the ecology and the economy of the society in a very direct manner.
The health of river systems has a direct impact on the surrounding communities economically,
socially, and in a public safety sense. Man communities are founded on river ways acting as
navigational routes or fishing as a livelihood. Socially, healthy river and lake systems can also
provide the communities with recreational activities, food, transportation, and the threat of
flooding. River can also provide society with energy, as is the case with hydroelectric dams.
As a consequence of the great importance of rivers, lakes and streams; engineers, scientists and
governmental agencies such as Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife have been
paying special attention to restoration projects with the goals of habitat improvement, water
quality, hydrological purposes, and recreational interests; all of them contributing to the
Some of the most relevant river or stream projects include dams, which act as barriers to the
flow of rivers. This barrier can provide energy through turbines, flood protection by creating
storage space upstream for excess water in wet seasons, and can also act as barriers to the
continuity of natural habitats.
Many dams were constructed for energy purposes during the industrial revolution. These dams
are currently aging, and the failure of any of these dams could have negative consequences
downstream such as water contamination, flooding and degradation of the zone’s ecology. Of
course, the failure of any of these dams could also restore continuity to the surrounding aquatic
habitats. In the case of an aging dam close to failure, a restoration project is necessary to
restore the public safety value of the dam in its ability to hold back flood waters, and install a
structure to allow native aquatic species to pass.
One example of this type of project is Mill River Habitat Restoration Project, which includes
Reed and Barton Dams, Whittenton Dam and Morey’s Bridge Dam restoration at Taunton city in
Massachusetts. The fundamental goal of this restoration project is to restore 37 miles of
riverine and lake habitat and to provide a safe environment to the city of Taunton. The
Whittenton Dam failure in 2005 and its consequences called national attention and gave place
to a feasibility study for this restoration project in the Spring of 2007. The restoration project is
divided in three subprojects consisting of the feasibility of removing Reed and Barton and
Whittenton Dams to increase fish passage, and to improve the safety of Morey’s Bridge Dam
while incorporating a fish passage structure into the restoration design.
and environmental needs of the community, while considering the impact of engineering
ethics, constructability, and costs of the project.
This project will meet the requirements of the capstone design process by analyzing existing
environmental and structural conditions of the site, applying hydrologic and hydraulic analysis
to define the maximum design requirements, and creating a structure that fits those
requirements. A cost estimate and constructability issues will be addressed to create a design
that is functional and reasonable for the requirements of the site.
A review of the purposes of dam structures, and the environmental implications of these
structures is a starting point for the analysis. It is necessary to complete a review of dam
structures to find a structure that fits the spatial limitations of the site, the economic limitations
of the community, and the environmental limitations of the surrounding ecosystem and
2.1.2 Forces on Embankment Dams.
The most important force acting on an embankment dam is the force of the water and uplift
forces and its own weight, which will vary according to the type of soil or material used.
However, there are some other forces acting on the structure such as internal hydrostatic
pressure, silt pressure, ice and wave loads in the upstream sides, earthquake loads, settlement,
and the weight of any other structure on top of the dam.
2.1.5 Settlements
For structural design considerations only the highest section of the dam is considered in
settlement analysis and calculations. Settlement depends on the fill and consolidation stages
for the entire height of the structure.
Consolidation Settlement
Consolidation settlement occurs when the soils particles are pressed together increasing the
effective stress of the soil. For this analysis, we considered the soil to be 100% saturated.
Consolidation Status in the field
This classification is made comparing the pre-consolidation stress with the initial vertical
effective stress of the specific soil.
Normally Consolidated Soils: if the pre-consolidation stress value is very approximate or equal
to the initial vertical effective stress value of the specific soil.
Over consolidated Soils: if the pre-consolidation stress value is greater than the initial vertical
effective stress value of the specific soil.
Under consolidated Soils: if the pre-consolidation stress value is less than to the initial vertical
effective stress value of the specific soil.
Depending on the classification of the soil, the consolidation settlement can be found or
Distortion Settlement
Distortion settlement occurs when big loads are applied over a small area of the soils provoking
the soil to deform laterally. This type of settlement is usually smaller than consolidation
Structure Loads in Soils
Structure loads are transferred to the ground producing compressive and shear stresses in the
soil. Sometimes, the shear stress can be enough to cause a failure on the soil and furthermore
the collapse of the structure.
species of mussels rely on spawning fish to transport their larvae upstream. With a barrier in
place, more species than anadromous fish suffer from the inability to spawn in different
Dams also have environmental safety issues, the majority of which pertain to public safety and
the ability of the dam to hold back flood waters.
system, to ensure feasible construction costs, and to maintain social tolerance. Different
strategies have been created over the years to best fit these criteria. Although the following
types of fish passages explain basic design, fish passage design can change considerably
depending on the specific needs and constraints of the proposed site.
Denil Fishway
This type of fish passage contains symmetrical closely spaced baffles on the sidewall and floor.
The fishway is usually sloped between 1:5 and 1:8. (Quinn 1990). The reason for these baffles is
so that the velocity of the water flowing downstream decreases considerably by altering the
direction of the flow. (Kamula, et al 2001). To decrease the velocity of the water, different flow
directions are involved. The first flow direction is the apparent downstream flow. The baffles
create other lateral flows. This process enables the velocity of the water to decrease. Figure 75
below shows the cut-out of a denil fishway.
The following equation was formulated by studies at the University of Alberta, Canada since the
1984 that have been accepted for design features of a Denil fishway passage:
Where α and β are constants depending on the structure geometry of the fishway, Y0 is the
water depth in the flume, and bo is the width of the free opening, and in Equation 2
where S0 is equal to the bottom slope of the fishway.
Regardless on the type of passage chosen for the proposed site, the pool volume is sized in the
same manner. The final pool volume is determined by taking the peak rate of fish passing
through the passage (fish per minute) and multiplying that by the minutes allowed for the fish
to stay in each pool. A common value for this is 3-5 minutes. This value is multiplied by the pool
volume per fish. This calculation is based on the amount of fish that would run during the peak
time of migration. The type of fish is also a concern. Common values are described below; each
determined based each fish needing 0.5 FT3 per pound that they weigh.
American Shad @ 4lbs. 2 FT3/fish
Atlantic Salmon @ 8lbs. 4 FT3/fish
River Herring @ 0.5 lbs. 0.25 FT3/fish
After this pool volume is determined, a factor of safety is added to allow for other species of
fish and difference in seasonal water levels. This factor is usually between 10 and 15% more
than the calculated pool volume.
2.5 Morey’s Bridge Dam: Existing Conditions
Morey’s Bridge Dam is located on the northern shore of Sabbatia Lake in the city of Taunton,
Bristol County, in the state of Massachusetts. The dam is in the latitude of 41˚ 56’ 02.684” N
and in the longitude of 71˚ 06’ 28.348” W on the Taunton USGS Quadrangle. The dam’s spillway
is located under Morey’s Bridge. The main purpose of Morey’s Bridge Dam is to control the
quantity of water flowing from Lake Sabbatia to Mill River.
The following figure shows the poor condition of the current spillway. This spillway is located
directly under the gatehouse.
2.5.1 DCR Size & Hazard Classification
Morey’s Bridge Dam has been classified as a small sized structure, according to the Department
of Conservation and Recreation Office of Dam Safety classification in the state of
Massachusetts. Morey’s Bridge Dam had been classified as high hazard zone. Oil from the
spillway gates has spilled all over the river causing death to most of the living species, such as
mussels, and algae.
2.6.2 Reservoir
According to the city’s conservation agent, the current level of the lake must stay high to
maintain a water table depth that will charge some of the surrounding wells. The level that the
lake is at in a dry season (late summer) may be used as the target water level for the dam
necessary to construct the new dam and using the coffer dam in place would decrease the
construction cost significantly. The figure below shows the space between the temporary
coffer dam currently in place, and the gate house of Morey’s bridge dam. It is favorable to
place the new structure in between the coffer dam and the gatehouse.
The goal is to build a new dam that can hold back flood waters, such as those observed during
2005 and 1996 in Taunton, while allowing the target species (alewife) to pass the barrier. It will
take a series of well-planned steps to collect and analyze the information required to create a
design that will satisfy the technical and aesthetic requirements of the site. The steps include
assessing the current conditions, reviewing pertinent literature and reference materials to gain
background information and technical references, designing the hydraulic and structural
aspects of the dam and passage, and assessing the costs of different construction techniques.
ways. While the site under analysis will have a dam designed to incorporate the fish way (no
retrofitting necessary) this is a way for the team to explore many placement and orientation
options for the fish way, which will lead to flexibility in the design process.
As a dam drastically changes the landscape and ecosystem around it, the environmental
impacts of dam replacement will be researched. The release of sediments trapped by the dam
structure may become an environmental issue downstream after the dam is constructed.
3.3.2 Fish Passage
The target species, alewife, has characteristics that need to be accommodated through both
the structural and hydraulic designs. One aspect of this design is the combination of the flows
and depths that these fish need to swim through, and the structure that will allow these flows
and depths to be achieved. Recommendations for the depth, velocity, and allowable waiting
time for these fish will be taken from Dick Quinn and applied to the site. For example, alewife
are primarily a swimming species, not a jumping species. Therefore, there must be adequate
overflow from one section of the fish way to the next for these fish to swim and not have to
jump over a weir.
The types of fluctuations in the flow during the migration season will determine what type of
fish way is most appropriate for the site. After design flows are established, the fish way
designs that seem most appropriate for the site will be analyzed in further detail.
After hydrologic analysis of the seasonal flows on the site, the structural and hydraulic designs
of the passage will be closely intertwined. The structure of the passage defined the profile of
the water flowing through it. Therefore, a series of trial and error calculations will most likely
lead to the final design. Basic hydraulic design equations utilizing cross sectional area, flow
volume, and structural characteristics will be used to design a passage that is passable for these
site and using the recommendations of Dick Quinn. Some of these recommendations include
keeping the passage within a certain distance of the spillway outlet. The fish way may
incorporate designs from the pool and weir style, or the denil fishway. Specific dimensions of
the passage will be specific to passing Alewife within the migration months.
Works Cited
Walters, R.C.S. Dam Geology. London: Butterworth’s. 1962
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Riverways Program.
http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/river/programs/priorityprojects/millriver.htm (accessed
September 8, 2007).
Delaware River Foundation. "Let it Flow -Newsletter of the Delaware River Foundation." Vol.4
Issue 2. http://delawareriverfoundation.org/Nov%202004%20Newsletter.pdf. (accessed
September 13, 2007)
Golzè, Alfred R., Ed. Handbook of Dam Engineering. New York: Litton Educational Publishing,
Herzog, Max A.M. Practical Dam Analysis. London: Thomas Telford Publishers, 1999.
Houghtalen, Robert J., and Ned Hwang. Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems.
Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1996.
John Muir Institute of the Environment. “Natural Fish Passage Structures in Urban Streams (Part
2: Hydrologic design and analysis).
(accessed September 10, 2007).
Massachusetts Department of Fish & Wildlife. "Lake Sabbatia."
http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dfw/habitat/maps/ponds/pdf/dfwsabbi.pdf. (accessed
September 13, 2007).
Nyman, David C. “Restoration for an Urban River: Some Lessons Learned.” ENSR International.
12-05%20Tuesday%20PM2/Session%2010/10.3.Nyman.pdf (accessed September 10, 2007).
River and Stream Continuity Project. “Massachusetts River and Stream Crossing Standards.”
http://www.nae.usace.army.mil/reg/MAStreamCrossingGuidelines.pdf (accessed September
10, 2007).
Transportation Association of Canada. Guide to Bridge Hydraulics. London: Thomas Telford
Publishing, 2004.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Massachusetts Agricultural
Experiment Station. Soil Survey of Bristol County, Massachusetts, Northern Part. 1978.
U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation. Design of Small Dams. Second ed.
Appendix A. Mill River Location & Soil Data
Figure 81. Bedrock Geology Map A. (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1978)
Figure 82. Bedrock Geology Map B. (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1978)