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Rehabilitation, Upgradation and Maintenance (RUM)-Group 3

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Bibhusan Basnet (04) Asst. Prof. Santosh Chaudhary
Suyog Gautam (13) Department of Civil Engineering
Nishan Luitel (21)
Kritik Niraula (29)
Newson Rai (36)
Dibyansh Sah (41)

July 12, 2024

We, the Civil Engineering students at Kathmandu University, are conducting an analysis on
the Rehabilitation, Upgradation, and Maintenance (RUM) of the Khopasi Hydropower Plant,
also known as the Panauti Hydropower Plant, under the guidance of Asst. Prof. Santosh
Chaudhary from the Department of Civil Engineering. Implementing RUM for older
hydropower stations proves to be highly cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and meets
sustainability standards, while also requiring less time for execution. Given the financial
constraints and the availability of existing infrastructure, selectively replacing critical
components such as the turbine, runner, and governor can significantly enhance efficiency,
peak power, and energy availability, thereby extending the plant's operational life.

Our project focuses on analyzing various components of the hydropower plant and developing
solutions to optimize, upgrade, and modernize its capacity through RUM. This includes
rehabilitation of components such as the canal, settling basin, and weir, as well as upgrading
elements like discharge and head variation. The RUM initiative for the Panauti Hydropower
Plant is expected to effectively improve both the quality and quantity of the plant’s output,
while also being technically and financially feasible.

We would like to extend our profound gratitude to everyone who contributed to the successful
completion of the Rehabilitation, Upgradation and Maintenance of the Panauti Hydropower

First and foremost, we sincerely thank Asst. Prof. Santosh Chaudhary for his invaluable
guidance, steadfast support, and expert knowledge throughout this project. His dedication and
mentorship have been crucial in shaping our understanding of hydrological design and analysis,
and we deeply appreciate the insights he has shared.

Additionally, we are grateful to our fellow students and colleagues for their insights and
assistance during various stages of the project. Their collaboration has greatly enriched our
learning experience and broadened our perspective on the subject matter.

We also wish to acknowledge the unwavering support and encouragement from our families
and friends. Their understanding and motivation during the challenges of this endeavor have
been a vital source of strength to us.

This project would not have been possible without the collective efforts and support of all those
mentioned above. We are deeply humbled by their contributions and take this opportunity to
extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who played a role in the successful
completion of this endeavor. Thank you all for your unwavering support and dedication.

Figure 1. Reservoir of Panauti Hydropower Plant ..................................................................... 2

Figure 2. Intake Location of Panauti Hydropower Plant ........................................................... 3

Figure 3. Catchment of Panauti Basin/Watershed ..................................................................... 4

Figure 4. Catchment area of Panauti weir basin illustrated with Roshi basin ........................... 5

Figure 5. Contour Map of Panauti Hydropower extracted from QGIS ..................................... 7

Figure 6. Methodology Flowchart ........................................................................................... 16

Figure 7. Flow Duration Curve ................................................................................................ 23

Figure 8. Hydrograph ............................................................................................................... 23

Figure 9. River boundary defined by Google Satellite map .................................................... 27

Figure 10. River Boundary defined in DEM ........................................................................... 27

Figure 11. Cross-section of the River (HEC-RAS) ................................................................. 28

Figure 12. 3D view of cross-sections of the river (HEC-RAS) ............................................... 28

Figure 13. Cross-section of the river (HEC-RAS) ................................................................... 29

Figure 14. Profile view of the river (HEC-RAS) ..................................................................... 29

Figure 15. Steady flow data (HEC-RAS) ................................................................................ 30

Figure 16. Steady flow data (HEC-RAS) ................................................................................ 30

Figure 17. Completion of Steady Flow Analysis (HEC-RAS) ................................................ 31

Figure 18. Profile plot for Q50 and Q400 return period (HEC-RAS)......................................... 31

Figure 19. Cross-sectional profile for Q50 and Q400 return period (HEC-RAS) ...................... 32

Figure 20. Profile of crest of weir ............................................................................................ 33

Figure 21. Designed Plan of Weir............................................................................................ 34

Figure 22. Designed section at X-X ......................................................................................... 34

Figure 23. Designed Intake Cross-section ............................................................................... 36

Figure 24. Re-designed Cross-section of Canal ....................................................................... 38

Figure 25. Settling Basin Plan ................................................................................................. 44

Figure 26. Section at A-A ........................................................................................................ 44

Figure 27. Topographical Map of Panauti Dam Site ............................................................... 42

Figure 28. Reconnaissance....................................................................................................... 43

Figure 29. Weir of Panauti Hydropower Plant ........................................................................ 44

Figure 30. Reconnaissance....................................................................................................... 44

Figure 31. Intake of Panauti Hydropower Plant ...................................................................... 45

Figure 32. Stilling Basin/ Energy Dissipator of Panauti Hydropower Plant ........................... 45

Figure 33. Settling Basin of Panauti Hydropower Plant .......................................................... 46

Figure 34. Earthen Canal after 700m ....................................................................................... 46

Figure 35. Concrete Canal upto 700m ..................................................................................... 47

Figure 36. Surveying with Total Station (TS) ......................................................................... 47

Figure 37. Measurement of Canal Bed Level .......................................................................... 48

Figure 38. Measurement of Canal trough thickness ................................................................ 48

Table 1. Salient Features of Panauti Hydropower ..................................................................... 5

Table 2. Project Boundary Coordinates ..................................................................................... 7

Table 3. Calculation for Flow Duration Curve ........................................................................ 22

Table 4. Calculation of Power and Energy .............................................................................. 24

Table 5. Discharge per year ..................................................................................................... 25

Table 6. Return Period ............................................................................................................. 26

Table 7. Work Schedule ........................................................................................................... 46

Table 8. Output table after steady flow simulation (HEC-RAS) ............................................. 37

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1.1 Hydropower Development in Nepal .................................................................... 1

1.1.2 Panauti Hydropower ............................................................................................ 2

1.2 Rehabilitation, Upgradation and Maintenance ............................................................ 8

1.2.1 Rehabilitation ....................................................................................................... 8

1.2.2 Upgradation.......................................................................................................... 8

1.2.3 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 8

1.2.4 Objectives of RUM .............................................................................................. 9

1.2.5 Advantage of RUM .............................................................................................. 9

1.2.6 Need for RUM ..................................................................................................... 9

1.3 Current Status of the Components of Panauti Hydropower ...................................... 10

1.4 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 12

1.5 Limitations ................................................................................................................ 12

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 13

2.1 Types of Hydropower Project ................................................................................... 13

2.1.1 Classification based on functional basis or operation ........................................ 13

2.1.2 Classification based on storage capacity............................................................ 14

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 16

3.1 Preliminary Study...................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Reconnaissance ......................................................................................................... 17

3.3 Topographical Survey ............................................................................................... 17

3.4 Plotting and Redesign................................................................................................ 18

3.5 Final Presentation ...................................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS THROUGH INVESTIGATIONS ........................................... 20

4.1 Diversion of river from its original position ............................................................. 20

4.2 Scouring of Launching Apron, Weir Footing and Bridge Abutment ........................ 20

4.3 Flushing Gate ............................................................................................................ 20

4.4 Canal.......................................................................................................................... 20

4.5 Sediment Problem ..................................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER 5: HYDROLOGICAL ANALYSIS.................................................................. 22

5.1 Flow Duration Curve................................................................................................. 22

5.2 Calculation of Power and Energy.............................................................................. 23

5.3 Return Period............................................................................................................. 25

5.4 Hydraulic Modeling using HEC-RAS....................................................................... 26

CHAPTER 6: DESIGN OF COMPONENTS ..................................................................... 33

6.1 Design of Weir .......................................................................................................... 33

6.2 Design of Intake ........................................................................................................ 35

6.2.1 Design of Trash rack / Coarse Screen ................................................................ 35

6.3 Design of Canal ......................................................................................................... 37

6.4 Design of Settling Basin............................................................................................ 39

6.5 Rehabilitation works in canal .................................................................................... 45

CHAPTER 7: WORK SCHEDULE..................................................................................... 46

CHAPTER 8: RESULTS & ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 47

CHAPTER 9: CONCLUSION.............................................................................................. 49

CHAPTER 10: RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................ 50

CHAPTER 11: REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 51

ANNEXES I: DATAS & PLOTTINGS ............................................................................... 37

ANNEXES II: PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................................... 43

1.1 Background

1.1.1 Hydropower Development in Nepal

Hydropower is a significant renewable energy source globally, accounting for 16.6% of total
electricity production by converting water's kinetic energy into electrical or mechanical energy.
Nepal, blessed with abundant water resources—holding 2.7% of the world's freshwater
reserves and ranking second after Brazil in water resources—relies heavily on hydropower,
which constitutes nearly 90% of its installed capacity and electricity generation. This eco-
friendly energy source produces no air or land pollution and is highly efficient.

Nepal's rivers, with their perennial nature and steep gradients, create ideal conditions for large
hydroelectric projects. The country has an estimated 40,000 MW of economically feasible
hydropower potential, yet by 2015, only around 753 MW had been developed. Thus, much of
this potential remains untapped, along with the secondary and tertiary benefits of river
development. Most Nepali power plants are run-of-river types, resulting in surplus energy
during the monsoon season and shortages during the dry season. Despite hydropower's
dominance in electricity generation, electricity constitutes only about 1% of Nepal's total
energy consumption, with the majority coming from fuel wood (68%), agricultural waste
(15%), animal dung (8%), and imported fossil fuels (8%). Moreover, only about 40% of the
population has access to electricity.

Given this context, increasing Nepal's energy dependency on hydropower is crucial. The
country's hydropower potential is estimated to be over 50,000 MW, but current production is
around 800 MW from 20 major plants and numerous small and micro plants. This potential
offers significant development opportunities, supported by a storage capacity of 202,000
million cubic meters. Storage schemes help control floods, provide irrigation, supply drinking
water, support navigation, tourism, aquaculture, food and health security, and preserve the

If Nepal fully leverages its hydropower potential and sells electricity to India, it could generate
substantial revenue, estimated at Rs. 310 billion per year by 2030 and up to Rs. 1,069 billion
per year by 2045. The Nepal Electricity Authority currently has a total installed capacity of
approximately 2,837 MW. This includes contributions from both NEA-operated projects and
private sector investments. The private sector has significantly contributed to this capacity,

generating around 1,697 MW, while the NEA and its subsidiary companies have produced 661
MW and 478 MW respectively. Thus, Nepal has immense potential for hydropower
development, which can significantly enhance its energy landscape.

1.1.2 Panauti Hydropower

The Panauti Hydropower Station, also known as Khopasi Hydropower Station, is the third
hydropower facility constructed in Nepal and the first to have a megawatt (MW) capacity.
Situated on the Roshi Khola river in Khopasi, Kavre district, it is located 35 km east of
Kathmandu and 7 km southeast of Panauti Bazar. This Peaking Run-of-the-River plant was
built in 1965 with assistance from the Soviet Union, costing NRs 27 million. The station has a
total capacity of 2.4 MW, with three units of 0.8 MW each, and an annual designed generation
of 6.97 GWh. It was designed to operate two units simultaneously, with the third as a standby
(Policy Entrepreneurs Incorporated (PEI), 2022).

The plant features a 3,721-meter-long open canal with a discharge rate of 3.2 cubic meters per
second, leading from the headwork to the reservoir, which has seven outlet gates for irrigation
near Khopasi. The reservoir is located near Satyalgaun in the Bagmati Zone, central Nepal.
Currently, the plant is only generating 400 KW from one functional unit, as the other two units
are damaged. Consequently, the station is shut down for modernization and maintenance,
necessitating rehabilitation, upgradation, and maintenance (RUM) of various components
(Policy Entrepreneurs Incorporated (PEI), 2022).

The reservoir location of Panauti Hydropower is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Reservoir of Panauti Hydropower Plant

(Google Earth, 2024)

The Coordinates of the project site are 27° 34’ 43” N and 85° 30’ 24” E. The site is located at
Khopasi, Kavre nearly 35 km east of Kathmandu.

The intake location of the Panauti Hydropower Plant is shown in Figure 2

Figure 2. Intake Location of Panauti Hydropower Plant

(Google Earth, 2024) Catchment Area

A catchment area, also known as a drainage basin, is a geographic region where all precipitation
collects and flows into a common outlet, such as a river, lake, or ocean. This area is defined by
the topographical boundaries, often referred to as watershed divides, which direct the water
flow from rainfall, melting snow, and other sources towards a single point. The catchment area
plays a critical role in hydrology, influencing water resources management, flood control, and
ecosystem health. It encompasses various landforms, such as hills, valleys, and plains, and can
vary greatly in size, from a small, localized area to extensive regions covering multiple states
or countries. The characteristics of a catchment area, including its size, shape, soil type,
vegetation, and land use, significantly affect the volume and speed of water flow, impacting
both the natural environment and human activities within the basin.

Four major tributaries that get accumulated at the location of Panauti Weir are listed as follows:

1. Phedi Khola 3. Khar Khola

2. Babar Khola 4. Kala Khola

The accumulation stream of these tributaries is collectively called Roshi Khola. Panauti Weir
Basin has a total catchment area of 85km2 which has been delineated from QGIS using SAGA
plugin. The Catchment Area map showing these tributaries along with the stream outlet at
Panauti Weir Basin are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Figure 3. Catchment of Panauti Basin/Watershed

Figure 4. Catchment area of Panauti weir basin illustrated with Roshi basin Salient Features of Panauti Hydropower

The salient features of Panauti Hydropower are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Salient Features of Panauti Hydropower

(Policy Entrepreneurs Incorporated (PEI), 2022)

Peaking Run of River


Location Panauti Municipality-12, Khopasi

Installed Capacity 2.4 MW

Annual Average Energy 6.97 GWh

Maximum Head 66m/60m

Catchment Area

Average Annual Flow 3.2 m3/s

Live Storage Volume 50,000 m3

Total Length of the Waterways 3.721km

Penstock 1 No., 370m long


Numerber and Type 3, Horizontal Francis

Rated Discharge 1.61m3/s

Rated Output 0.85MW

Rated Speed 1000 rpm


Rated Output 1000kVA

Rated Voltage 6.3kV

Rated Frequency 50Hz

Power Factor 0.8

1550 kVA, 6.3kV/33kV, 3 phase,

Power Transformer
2 Nos.

Transmission Line 33kV, 20km, single circuit

6 Contour Map Obtained From QGIS

Figure 5. Contour Map of Panauti Hydropower extracted from QGIS

The project boundary coordinates are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Project Boundary Coordinates

Project Boundary

Latitude(E) Departure(N)

85.5055 27.55

85.543 27.55

85.505 27.589

85.543 27.589

1.2 Rehabilitation, Upgradation and Maintenance

1.2.1 Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation refers to the process of restoring damaged elements to their original state. For
hydropower plants, this involves repairing and maintaining critical components such as
reservoirs, dams, canals, intake structures, forebays, surge tanks, penstocks, and turbines. The
Panauti Hydropower Plant, being Nepal's third oldest, has various components that are
currently in poor condition due to lack of replacement or maintenance. Local activities have
also caused damage; for example, irrigation practices have resulted in breaches at ten locations
along the canal, and the Kavre Integrated Water Supply has drawn water from five points at
the dam site. Depending on their current condition, components like the penstock, canal, intake,
reservoir, and forebay may all require significant maintenance efforts.

1.2.2 Upgradation

Upgradation involves enhancing something to a superior standard, particularly by improving

equipment or machinery through the addition or replacement of components. For a hydropower
plant like Panauti, this process includes boosting turbine efficiency, increasing generator
capacity, and optimizing discharge and head. Although its current installed capacity is 2.4 MW,
these improvements can ensure the plant operates effectively up to that capacity. The Panauti
Hydropower Plant requires comprehensive upgrades in all these areas to achieve optimal

1.2.3 Maintenance

Maintenance involves a set of procedures aimed at keeping equipment and machinery in prime
working condition, ensuring their reliability and extending their operational life. For
hydropower plants, this entails regular inspections, cleaning, lubrication, and prompt repairs of
vital components like turbines, generators, dams, canals, intake structures, forebays, and
penstocks. Consistent maintenance prevents unexpected failures, minimizes downtime, and
enhances equipment durability, thereby supporting efficient and uninterrupted power

At the Panauti Hydropower Plant, maintenance is particularly important due to the plant's age
and the degradation of its components over time. Key maintenance activities include
monitoring the canal and intake structures to avoid blockages and leaks, ensuring turbines and
generators are free from debris and function smoothly, and inspecting the penstock for any

signs of corrosion or damage. Additionally, addressing external issues, such as those caused by
local irrigation practices that have damaged the canal in multiple locations, is essential to
maintaining the plant’s operations.

1.2.4 Objectives of RUM

• To optimize the use of available resources and enhance the existing infrastructure for
societal benefit, it is essential to identify and address the issues impacting the plant's
• Examine the project areas requiring rehabilitation and maintenance, and design relevant
civil, mechanical, and electrical components to support these improvements.
• Conduct a financial analysis for the rehabilitation, modernization, and upgrading of the
project, or explore possible alternatives for enhancing the Panauti Hydropower Plant if

1.2.5 Advantage of RUM

Rehabilitation, Upgradation, and Maintenance (RUM) of hydropower facilities are essential to

sustain their effectiveness, safety, and environmental compatibility. Hydropower infrastructure
naturally deteriorates due to various factors such as environmental conditions, operational
strain, and evolving technology. Performing RUM activities enables the modernization of
aging equipment, improving their reliability and performance. Upgradation involves
integrating advanced technologies to enhance energy efficiency, minimize environmental
impact, and comply with current regulations. Maintenance is crucial in preventing unexpected
failures, reducing downtime, and extending the operational life of hydropower plants. Some
other advantages of RUM of a hydropower project can be listed below:

• Enhances machine performance.

• Extends project lifespan cost-effectively.
• Restores hydropower capacity potential.
• Improves project efficiency.
• Requires less investment compared to new hydro projects.
• Potential for reducing water and head losses.

1.2.6 Need for RUM

• Age of project

Since its inauguration in 1965 AD, this project has played a vital role in generating hydropower.
However, with the passage of time, the infrastructure and equipment have naturally aged,
potentially impacting their efficiency and reliability. It is now essential to conduct a thorough
investigation to assess the condition of critical components and identify areas requiring
upgrades or rehabilitation. This proactive approach aims not only to improve the project's
operational capabilities but also to ensure its continued contribution to sustainable energy
production. By addressing the challenges posed by aging infrastructure through thorough
investigation and necessary improvements, stakeholders can extend the project's lifespan and
optimize its performance for the future. This strategic investment in rehabilitation and
enhancement demonstrates a commitment to maintaining reliable hydropower generation
amidst evolving energy needs and technological advancements.

• Deterioration of components of hydropower

Due to its age, the project has experienced deterioration in its components, such as turbines
overheating and water seepage through structures like dams and penstocks. Addressing these
issues requires a comprehensive assessment to determine the extent of damage and degradation
throughout the infrastructure. Conducting thorough inspections and diagnostics is essential to
identify areas needing immediate repair or replacement. By taking proactive steps to mitigate
these challenges, stakeholders can restore the project's operational capacity and enhance its
resilience and longevity. Investing in rehabilitating and upgrading outdated components
ensures the project continues to contribute effectively to hydropower generation, meeting
current energy needs sustainably. This approach not only optimizes performance but also
reduces the risk of unexpected failures, ensuring the project remains a reliable energy source
for years to come.

1.3 Current Status of the Components of Panauti Hydropower

The Khopasi/Panauti Hydropower plant has been operational for over 50 years but has faced
numerous technical, social, and economic challenges due to its remote location from the valley.
In the past, power generation ceased entirely due to turbine malfunctions. However, after
repairing one turbine, they managed to generate 400 KW of power, despite its original capacity
being 2.4 MW. Subsequently, the powerhouse underwent complete shutdown for rehabilitation
and modernization. Since the last failure, the Panauti Hydropower plant has been upgraded,
improving its working and efficiency. Now, all three turbines are in good condition, with one
kept as a standby. When two turbines (typically unit 1 and unit 3) are operational, the plant's

total generation capacity is between 1 MW and 1.2 MW, with generator efficiency exceeding
70%. However, a significant issue remains: the reservoir frequently fills up with clinker from
Roshi Khola due to the intake design, which allows sediment particles to enter along with the

The station was originally designed for both hydropower generation and irrigation. There are
seven irrigation gates between the dam site and the power site. Additionally, locals in Kavre
use the canal water for drinking, which affects the discharge rate to the powerhouse. This
reduced discharge prevents the powerhouse from reaching its full generation capacity of 2.4

Based on information gathered from multiple sources, it has been identified that the
predominant sediment in the Roshi River, where the Khopasi Hydropower plant operates,
consists mainly of sand. This sediment poses a significant risk to the turbines as direct impact
can cause damage. Analysis of the intake design indicates that it allows not only water but also
particles of sediment to enter.

Furthermore, significant challenges have emerged at the Khopasi/Panauti Hydropower plant,

including the accumulation of a substantial amount of sand in front of the weir. Moreover,
critical structures like the weir and stilling basin have developed cracks over time due to
inadequate maintenance and neglect. These issues have compounded the operational
difficulties of the plant, necessitating comprehensive rehabilitation efforts to address structural
integrity and optimize efficiency.

Moreover, inadequate maintenance at the Khopasi/Panauti Hydropower plant included the

neglect of cleaning debris from the inlet trash racks. This oversight resulted in severe clogging,
thereby reducing the plant's operational efficiency. Rectifying these maintenance deficiencies
is essential to ensure optimal water flow and enhance the overall performance of the
hydropower facility.

1.4 Scope

• Improve the overall efficiency of turbines and other components to maximize power
generation output.
• Upgrade outdated technology and equipment to align with current industry standards
and improve reliability.
• Address structural issues such as cracks, erosion, and sediment buildup in weirs,
penstocks, and other critical infrastructure.
• Ensure consistent and reliable operation by conducting regular maintenance of
machinery, control systems, and safety features.
• Achieve long-term cost savings by preventing major failures, reducing downtime, and
optimizing energy production efficiency.

1.5 Limitations

• Due to resource constraints or access limitations, it may not be feasible to

comprehensively address all components of the hydropower plant, potentially leaving
some critical areas unexamined.
• Getting the right information needed to assess the RUM thoroughly can be difficult.
Limited access to historical records, operational data, or technical details might make
it hard to make well-informed decisions.
• Conducting a detailed RUM project requires significant time for planning, assessment,
and execution. We faced time limitations that restrict the depth or scope of the study or
prevent thorough exploration of all potential issues.

Renovating, upgrading, and maintaining (RUM) old power stations is significantly more cost-
effective compared to constructing new plants, with lesser environmental and social impacts
during implementation. The powerhouse, built 50 years ago, suffered from inadequate
maintenance and was further damaged during an attack by Maoists in 2002, resulting in
declining power generation. While minor repairs allowed for resumed operation, the original
machinery remained unchanged. However, ongoing repairs at the Panauti hydropower station
now include replacing turbines, governors, and generators with advanced models, marking a
partial modernization effort. Our investigation uncovered issues such as river path alterations
causing reduced discharge and subsequent lower power output, turbine erosion from sand, and
deteriorating generator conditions.

Understanding the complexities and challenges involved in RUM is crucial, as it involves

addressing technical, environmental, and economic factors to optimize performance and extend
the lifespan of hydropower plants.

2.1 Types of Hydropower Project

2.1.1 Classification based on functional basis or operation

Hydropower plant can also be classified in the basis of actual operation in meeting the demand

• Isolated Plant
• Grid connected (interconnected) Plant

In isolated power plants, they have a consistent demand of their own. In rural Nepal, there are
numerous micro and mini hydropower plants operating independently. Managing operations in
isolated systems is challenging due to significant fluctuations in demand within the system.
Conversely, in grid-connected systems, multiple projects are interconnected and controlled
through a central point. Nepal operates an Independent National Power System (INPS), where
all projects are linked. The grid is managed by NEA and operated from the load center in
Swichatar, Kathmandu. The grid connected powerplant is further divided into

• Base load power plant

• Peak load power plant

A base load power plant is designed to provide a steady and continuous supply of electricity to
meet minimum demand requirements around the clock. These plants typically operate at high
efficiency and are well-suited for supplying consistent power to meet the baseline electricity
needs of a region or grid. Examples include nuclear, coal-fired, and some large hydroelectric
plants. In Nepal’s system the Run-of-River plants act as base load plant. But in developed
countries, the power supplied through Nuclear, or coal plants act as a base load plant (Garg,

A peak load power plant is specifically designed to meet the maximum electricity demand
during periods of high consumption, such as hot summer days or evenings when people use air
conditioning and appliances extensively. These plants are often less efficient but are crucial for
supplementing base load plants during peak demand periods to ensure reliable electricity
supply. Gas-fired plants and some types of renewable energy sources like solar photovoltaic
systems are commonly used as peak load plants due to their ability to quickly ramp up and
down in response to demand fluctuations. In Nepal, the Peaking Run-of-River (PRoR) projects
are used for managing daily peak but for larger peak storage plant (Kulekhani) is operated. In
developed countries, hydropower projects are used for peaking load plant because, nuclear and
coal plants are difficult to maneuver but hydropower plant stop and re-operates within a few
minutes (Garg, 2009).

2.1.2 Classification based on storage capacity

Hydropower plants can be classified whether they provide storage reservoirs or not as below:

i. RoR/PRoR plants

Run-of-River (RoR) plants are hydroelectric facilities that generate electricity by utilizing the
natural flow of rivers, eliminating the need for extensive reservoirs. Unlike traditional dams,
RoR plants divert a portion of the river's flow through channels or penstocks to power turbines
and produce electricity. These plants typically have minimal environmental impact as they do
not significantly alter the river's natural flow or disrupt local habitats. RoR plants are well-
suited for areas with consistent water flow, providing renewable energy while preserving
aquatic ecosystems and surrounding landscapes (Baral, 2013).

A run-of-river plant is situated on a perennial river with consistent flow throughout the year.
In this system, a weir is built across the river to control water levels and ensure sufficient
discharge for the downstream power plant. During peak demand periods, run-of-river plants
may include pondage to manage daily or weekly water flow variations, storing water—either

fully or partially—to operate the plant at full capacity. These variations are referred to as
peaking run-of-river plants (PRoR), designed to optimize electricity generation based on
fluctuating demand. Plants like Marsyangdi, Kaligandaki, Middle-Marsyangdi, Sunkoshi
Panauti and Upper Tamakoshi are PRoR type whereas plants like Khimti-I, Bhotekoshi,
Indrawati III and Khudi are RoR type (Baral, 2013).

Peaking Run-of-River (PRoR) plants are specialized hydroelectric facilities designed to

manage varying electricity demand by storing water during periods of low consumption and
releasing it during peak hours. These plants use ponds or reservoirs to regulate flow, ensuring
reliable power generation despite fluctuating river levels. PRoR plants contribute to grid
stability by providing additional electricity during high-demand periods, complementing base
load and other power sources (Baral, 2013).

These hydropower projects are designed to adjust power generation in response to fluctuations
in electricity demand by regulating daily river flow. During dry seasons with lower river flow
than the design discharge, water is stored daily at the headworks to maintain capacity.
Conversely, during rainy seasons when river discharge exceeds the design, the plant operates
similarly to a standard run-of-river plant to aid in bed load flushing. PRoR schemes are sized
to handle flows larger than the dependable river flow to ensure they can meet peak electricity
demands, typically covering about 4 to 6 hours of operation during dry periods, depending on
site conditions and optimization. The layout of peaking run-of-river project is same as that of
run-of-river schemes i.e. three possible options are

• Peaking run-of-river with canal system

• Peaking run-of-river with pipe option
• Peaking run-of-river with tunnel option

The steps followed in the method of Rehabilitation, Upgradation and Maintenance of Panauti
Hydropower Plant is shown by flowchart given below.

Figure 6. Methodology Flowchart

3.1 Preliminary Study

The preliminary study of the methodology for the Rehabilitation, Upgradation, and
Maintenance (RUM) report of the Panauti Hydropower Plant focused on laying the
groundwork for a comprehensive assessment and strategic planning process. This initial phase
involved conducting detailed research through surfing internet, reading various papers and
magazines to gather essential data on the current condition of the plant's infrastructure,
including the weir, intake, settling basin, and canal systems.

The team utilized Google Maps to pinpoint the exact location of the power station, providing
a geographical context for subsequent assessments and planning. Furthermore, an on-site visit
was conducted to the Panauti Hydropower Plant, where close observation of the Penstock and

Forebay tank/Reservoir was carried out. This firsthand inspection allowed for detailed
assessments of the existing infrastructure and operational conditions. In compliance with
regulatory requirements, a Permission Letter obtained from the Nepal Electricity Authority
(NEA) was submitted to the administration office. This letter granted official clearance and
facilitated access for conducting further studies and assessments.

Additionally, the team collected detailed Salient Features of the Khopasi/Panauti Hydropower
Station, which provided valuable insights into operational parameters, design specifications,
and historical performance data. These features were instrumental in benchmarking against
industry standards and informing future recommendations for the Panauti Hydropower Plant's
RUM initiatives.

By undertaking these preliminary activities, the RUM project team ensured a comprehensive
understanding of the plant's current state and regulatory compliance, laying a solid foundation
for subsequent phases of detailed analysis and strategic planning.

3.2 Reconnaissance

The reconnaissance phase of the Rehabilitation, Upgradation, and Maintenance (RUM) report
for the Panauti Hydropower Plant involved a comprehensive survey and initial assessment of
critical infrastructure components. The methodology began with a visit to the Panauti Dam
Site, where detailed observations were conducted on the Intake, Weir, Stilling Basin, Settling
Basin, and Canal. This on-site inspection provided essential insights into the condition,
functionality, and operational challenges of these key elements.

Simultaneously, efforts were made to assess the terrain surrounding the plant and establish the
rough location of control points. This step was essential for accurate mapping and planning
subsequent surveys and installations, ensuring precise data collection and analysis.

Furthermore, the reconnaissance included logging detailed information on major components

of the Headworks, such as the intake structure, weir, settling basin, stilling basin, and canal
systems. This documentation facilitated a thorough evaluation of structural integrity, hydraulic
efficiency, and maintenance requirements.

3.3 Topographical Survey

A detailed topographical survey was conducted to establish accurate spatial data and
measurements. The survey employed the Control Point Establishment method, where specific

locations were marked with known coordinates to ensure precision and serve as reference
points for subsequent measurements. Utilizing a Total Station, surveyors meticulously
measured and recorded the coordinates of key topographical features such as rivers, roads,
bridges, and critical components of the headworks including the Intake, Weir, Settling Basin,
Stilling Basin, and Canal sections extending up to 400 meters. The Total Station, combined
with a Prism Pole, enabled precise data collection, ensuring comprehensive mapping of the
terrain and infrastructure surrounding the hydropower plant. This detailed topographical survey
provided essential spatial information essential for further engineering analysis, design, and
planning phases of the RUM project, ensuring accuracy in project implementation and
infrastructure management.

3.4 Plotting and Redesign

A detailed process of plotting and redesigning critical infrastructure components was

undertaken. Initially, a topographical map was meticulously plotted to scale (1:900), accurately
depicting the terrain and features surrounding the plant. Various software tools including SW-
DTM, MS-Excel, QGIS, and AutoCAD were employed to trace contour lines from available
survey points, ensuring precise representation of elevation changes and geographical features.

Additionally, the catchment area of the Panauti Basin was delineated using the SAGA plugin
integrated with QGIS software, providing essential data for hydrological assessments and
watershed management.

The weir was redesigned to enhance its flood handling capacity and optimize flow regulation.
Similarly, the intake system underwent redesign to optimize water capture efficiency and
minimize sedimentation issues. The new design incorporated improved screening mechanisms
and hydraulic adjustments to ensure a consistent and cleaner water flow into the plant. The
settling basin was redesigned to enhance sediment management and improve water quality
control. Upgrades included better sedimentation techniques and structural enhancements to
prolong its operational lifespan and reduce maintenance requirements. Additionally, the canal
system was redesigned to enhance its structural integrity and flow capacity. optimization of its
cross-sectional profile was implemented to accommodate higher water volumes and ensure
reliable water conveyance to the turbines.

3.5 Final Presentation

At the conclusion of the Rehabilitation, Upgradation, and Maintenance (RUM) project for the
Panauti Hydropower Plant, a comprehensive presentation was prepared to emphasize the
project's accomplishments and strategic results. The presentation covered thorough surveys,
precise topographical mapping, and thorough redesigns of essential infrastructure elements
such as the weir, intake, settling basin, and canal systems.

4.1 Diversion of river from its original position

The intake structure at the Panauti Hydropower Project is designed as a frontal type, but rapid
bank erosion has caused the upstream water flow to divert away from the intake side.
Investigations reveal that the river's original course from 50 years ago has shifted, now running
through a residential area. Natural processes may have contributed to this change, worsened by
sediment deposition during nearby road construction. To redirect the water and prevent further
erosion, groynes or spurs are proposed. These structures not only guide the water back on
course but also facilitate sediment deposition upstream, thus protecting the intake approach
canal from sedimentation.

Implementing groynes or spurs is essential to stabilize the riverbank and ensure the intake
structure receives a consistent water flow. Additionally, regular monitoring and maintenance
will be crucial to manage any future changes in the river's course and maintain optimal
hydropower generation efficiency at the Panauti facility.

4.2 Scouring of Launching Apron, Weir Footing and Bridge Abutment

At head works there is a serious scouring in the launching apron due to rapid and continuous
water flow over the apron. Due to water falling over from the vertical sharp crested spillway,
there are larger scours near the foot of the spillway which have extended up to bridge piers.

4.3 Flushing Gate

Among four flushing gates, one of the flushing gates is damaged and needs to be changed for
the regular operation of flushing. Other gates are still under operation

4.4 Canal

There is not any serious problem in the 3.721 km long canal. The canal is partly concrete and
partly earthen. Canal is in good condition and the cracks were also already maintained. No
modification and rehabilitation are required in canal until discharge is increased.

4.5 Sediment Problem

The Panauti Hydropower Plant faces significant challenges with sediment management due to
its age and the original design not adequately addressing sediment dynamics. As an older
facility, the plant did not undergo thorough sediment analysis during its initial design phase,

resulting in components that are ill-equipped to handle sedimentation issues effectively. Over
time, sediment accumulation has become a pressing concern, particularly affecting intake
structures, turbines etc. This buildup reduces operational efficiency by clogging equipment and
decreasing power generation capacity. Additionally, sediment deposition in the reservoir and
along the waterways can lead to siltation, impacting the plant's ability to store water and
compromising its reliability. Addressing these sediment problems in the Panauti Hydropower
Plant requires strategic interventions, such as retrofitting with improved sediment management
systems or implementing regular maintenance practices to mitigate the adverse effects on plant
performance and longevity.

5.1 Flow Duration Curve

For the flood duration curve, we extracted the hydrological data of the last 25 years of Panauti
Gauge Station from Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM). The calculations for
the Flow Duration Curve are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Calculation for Flow Duration Curve

Q in
Discharge Frequency prob of Discharge(
Month descending Rank
(Q) (N/n) ex(1/F) Q)

Jan 1.394 5.645 1 12.0 8.33 5.65

Feb 1.219 5.307 2 6.0 16.67 5.31

Mar 1.096 4.682 3 4.0 25.00 4.68

Apr 0.987 3.605 4 3.0 33.33 3.61

May 1.054 2.124 5 2.4 41.67 2.12

June 1.715 1.715 6 2.0 50.00 1.72

July 4.682 1.682 7 1.7 58.33 1.68

Aug 5.645 1.394 8 1.5 66.67 1.39

Sep 5.307 1.219 9 1.3 75.00 1.22

Oct 3.605 1.096 10 1.2 83.33 1.10

Nov 2.124 1.054 11 1.1 91.67 1.05

Dec 1.682 0.987 12 1.0 100.00 0.99

Figure 7. Flow Duration Curve

Figure 8. Hydrograph

5.2 Calculation of Power and Energy

Power and Energy calculation is done using the calculated head obtained after interpolation
from the contour map extracted from QGIS i.e. 58m and the design discharge is kept maximum
of 2.42 m3/s which is 40% of exceedance i.e. Q40, without any modification and upgrade.

Table 4. Calculation of Power and Energy

Generati Dry Wet

River Availabl Design Net
on Season Season
Month Flow e Flow Days Flow Head
Capacity Energy Energy
(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m)
(kW) (kWh) (kWh)

Jan 1.394 1.2258 31 1.2258 58 44

514.1803 347133.4
Feb 1.219 1.0508 29 1.0508 58
98 7

453.9936 327638.1
Mar 1.096 0.9278 31 0.9278 58
94 69

400.6575 279819.2
Apr 0.987 0.8188 30 0.8188 58
09 04

433.4421 312806.5
May 1.054 0.8858 31 0.8858 58
36 21

756.8845 517709.
Jun 1.715 1.5468 30 1.5468 58
07 003

1184.161 836965.
Jul 4.682 2.42 31 2.42 58
18 119

1184.161 836965.
Aug 5.645 2.42 31 2.42 58
18 119

1184.161 809966.
Sep 5.307 2.42 30 2.42 58
18 244

1184.161 836965.
Oct 3.605 2.42 31 2.42 58
18 119

957.0175 654599.
Nov 2.124 1.9558 30 1.9558 58
32 992

740.7368 534574.9
Dec 1.682 1.5138 31 1.5138 58
55 73

2234844. 4493170
Total Seasonal Generation, kWh
58 .6

2.234844 4.49317
Total Annual Generation, gWh
58 06

1877269 2156721
Seasonal Revenue
4.5 8.9

Total Revenue for a year 40339913.35

5.3 Return Period

Table 5. Discharge per year

Flow in
Year descending Rank

1973 30.6 84.6 1

1974 21 40 2

1975 84.6 33 3

1976 11.7 30.6 4

1977 9.01 22 5

1978 33 21.5 6

1979 40 21 7

1980 9.14 19 8

1981 19 14 9

1982 12.5 13.3 10

1983 8.09 12.5 11

1984 21.5 11.7 12

1985 22 9.14 13

1986 14 9.01 14

1987 13.3 8.09 15


Table 6. Return Period

Period(yea Yt K

50 3.902 3.321 85.637

100 4.6 4.005 98.477

150 5.007 4.403 105.954

200 5.296 4.687 111.279

400 5.99 5.367 124.044

5.4 Hydraulic Modeling using HEC-RAS

1. Obtaining Data

We downloaded geospatial data for the Roshi River area from Earthdata NASA. Using QGIS,
we imported this data and set the projection to WGS 84 / UTM zone 45N. This projection,
suitable for the region, ensures accurate spatial representation, converting latitude and
longitude into a planar coordinate system.

2. River centerline and bank lines

Using this DEM Google Satellite map in HEC-RAS, we defined the river boundary and banks.
The DEM provided elevation data, while the satellite map offered visual context. This
combination allowed precise delineation of the river's geometry, crucial for accurate hydraulic
modeling and analysis in HEC-RAS.

Figure 9. River boundary defined by Google Satellite map

Figure 10. River Boundary defined in DEM

3. River Cross-sections
The cross-sectional profile of the Roshi river is shown below. All the necessary values of
Manning’s Coefficient, Left and Right Downstream Reach Lengths, Left and Right Bank
Stations were inserted to prepare geometry data.

Figure 11. Cross-section of the River (HEC-RAS)

Figure 12. 3D view of cross-sections of the river (HEC-RAS)

Figure 13. Cross-section of the river (HEC-RAS)

Figure 14. Profile view of the river (HEC-RAS)

4. Steady flow analysis

The steady flow data of HEC-RAS was prepared with the discharge value of Q50 and Q400 year-
return-period as 85.637 m3/s and 124.004 m3/s respectively with downstream slope of 0.01441
and upstream slope of 0.03287. These discharge values were suitably assumed on the basis of
discharge of neighboring rivers while downstream slope was calculated through the RLs of
extreme upstream point and the extreme downstream point with their known length.

Figure 15. Steady flow data (HEC-RAS)

Figure 16. Steady flow data (HEC-RAS)

Figure 17. Completion of Steady Flow Analysis (HEC-RAS)

5. Results

Figure 18. Profile plot for Q50 and Q400 return period (HEC-RAS)

Figure 19. Cross-sectional profile for Q50 and Q400 return period (HEC-RAS)

6.1 Design of Weir

Placing a weir across the river raises the river raises the water level. Any excess flow that is
not withdrawn into the intake flows over the weir.

The discharge over the weir is given by the following equation:

Q= Cw*Lweir* hovertop1.5

Where, Q= Discharge over the weir in m3/s

Lweir = Length of weir in m

hovertop = Head over the weir crest level in m

Cw = Weir coefficient which varies according to the weir profile

For the new sharp-edged weir, Cw= 1.9

Figure 20. Profile of crest of weir

As we have the known design discharge of 2.42 m3/s, and length of weir = Lweir = 23.010 m,
the head over the weir can be calculated by rewriting the equation as follows:
hovertop= ( )2/3
𝐶𝑤 𝐿𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑟

Hence, Head over the weir crest level = hovertop = ( )2/3= 0.14524 m = 14.524 cm
1.9∗ 23.010

The modified or re-designed weir plan and cross-section is shown in Figure 21 and Figure 22.

Figure 21. Designed Plan of Weir

Figure 22. Designed section at X-X

6.2 Design of Intake

Turbine Discharge (Qd)=2.42 m3/s

Intake Discharge (Qi)= 2.42 * 1.2= 2.904 m3/s

Riverbed Level= 1467.63 m

Weir Crest Level / NWL (hr) = 1469.93 m

Canal Water Level (hh)= 1469.73 m

Place intake sill (top) level 30 cm below the normal water level

Assume the velocity of intake = 0.9 m/s

Cross sectional area of intake (A) = Q/v =2.904/0.9 = 3.226 m2

Assume depth of intake as 1 m, then length of intake = 3.226 m

Hence adopt 1.61 m width by 1m depth, 2 no intake openings

Now check discharge carrying capacity of intake in NWL condition and flood condition,

Q = AC √2𝑔 (hf − hh)

Where, hf – hh = 0.2 m

A = (1.61+1.61) * 1 = 3.22 m2

Q= 3.22*0.6 √2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ (1469.93 − 1469.73 ) = 3.82 m3/s

Which is greater than the design discharge of intake. Hence okay.

Intake Invert Level = 1469.93 – 0.3 – 1 = 1468.63 m

6.2.1 Design of Trash rack / Coarse Screen

Trash rack opening (a) = 100 mm

Thickness of bar (t) = 20 mm

Angle of inclination of bars with horizontal (α) = 71°

Here depth of intake is 1m. So, submerged depth of trash rack is 1m and there are two intakes

of 1m depth and with 1.61m.
The width of pier between two intakes is 0.5m and 0.3 m edge is taken.

So, the total submerged width of trash rack is (0.3+1.61+0.5+1.61+0.3 = 4.32 m).

Gross submerged area of trash rack = 4.32/sin (71°) = 4.67 m2

But trash rack is provided with opening 100 mm and thickness of bar 20 mm.

So, percentage opening = (100)/ (100+20) = 83.33 %

So effective opening area (Aeff) of trash rack is 83.33% of 4.67 m2 = 3.8 m2

Hence approach velocity,

Va = Q/Aeff = 2.904 / 3.8 = 0.764 m/s

Hence the velocity through the intake is within the limit of 0.6 to 1.5 m/s. Hence okay.

Now, the loss through the trash rack is

Hf = k (t/a)4/3 * (v2/2g) * sinα = 2.42 (20/100)4/3 * (0.7642/2*9.81) * sin (71°) = 0.00796 m =

7.96 mm

The designed intake cross-section is shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23. Designed Intake Cross-section

6.3 Design of Canal

Discharge (Q) = 2.904 m3/s

Mannings roughness coefficient (ŋ) = 0.015 for cement concrete finish

Maintain slope of Energy Grade Line (EGL) as 1:800 i.e. S = 1/800

Length of headrace canal (L) = 55 m

Hence, Vertical drop = 55 / 800 = 0.06875 m

For most economical rectangular section b = 2y

From Manning’s Formula;


2.904 = (B * y) * (1 / n) * (R)2/3 * (S)1/2

2.904 = (2y * y) * (1 / 0.015) * (y/2)2/3 * (1/800)1/2

‫ ؞‬y = 0.9916 m ≈ 1 m

‫؞‬b=2*y =2m



= 2.904 / 2

= 1.452 m/s

From IS 10430:2000,

The width of coping at the top shall not be less than 225mm for discharge up to 3cumes, 350mm
for discharge more than 3cumes. Hence, adopt 350mm i.e., 0.35m

For Cement Concrete finish,

Velocity < 2.7 m3/s

For above calculated velocity; 1.452 m3/s < 2.7 m3/s. Hence OK

For discharge above 2 m3/s adopt 0.5 m freeboard.

The designed canal cross-section is shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Re-designed Cross-section of Canal

6.4 Design of Settling Basin

Firstly, some parameters must be defined before the design which are explained below

i. Selection of particle size

The selection of particle size to be removed (dlimit) based on the design head should be
considered as follows:

a) Low head schemes, h<10m: dlimit= 0.3mm to 0.5mm

b) Medium head schemes, 10<h≤100m: dlimit= 0.2mm to 0.3mm
c) High head schemes, h>100m: dlimit= 0.1mm to 0.2mm

The following factors should be considered while deciding on the value of dlimit

a. If most of the suspended particles contained in water is highly abrasive (quartz or

mineral), lower limiting values should be selected for removal.
b. Francis turbines are more sensitive to any type of suspended matter and Pelton turbines
are intermediate type. The Crossflow turbines are relatively less sensitive to soft

Since, the head of Panauti Hydropower is 66m so it falls into medium head schemes. The
suspended particles in the water of Roshi Khola, Nepal, primarily consists of sand, silt and clay
which are abrasive in nature hence lower limiting value should be selected (Shrestha, Pradhan,
& Shrestha, 2023). Hence, the particle size to be removed is 0.2mm.

ii. Selection of Fall velocity or Settling velocity of particle

Also, the climate in Roshi Khola varies from subtropical to warm temperature with annual
mean temperature of 17±0.21°C as shown by the 15-year (2001-2015) records of the
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology of Nepal (Badu, Ghimire, Bajracharya, & Meyer,
2019). Now, from chart, we can get settling

Velocity (m/s) for temperature of 17°C and particle size 0.2mm to be 18.76mm/s i.e. 0.018m/s.

iii. Calculation of Design Discharge

The Q40 discharge of Panauti Hydropower Station is 2.42m3/s and increasing it to about 20%,
we get the design discharge as 2.904m3/s.

iv. Limiting flow velocity in the basin

The limiting flow velocity (Vc in m/sec) in the basin based on the particle size to be settled is
given by:

𝑉𝑐 = 𝑎√𝑑

where, d= size of gravel to be removed in mm

a= 0.36 for d>1mm

0.44 for 1mm>d>0.1mm

0.51 for 0.1mm>d

Since our particle size to be settled is 0.2mm, so adopt a=0.44.

𝑉𝑐 = 0.44√0.2

𝑉𝑐 = 0.196𝑚/𝑠

So, adopting the horizontal component of velocity 0.196m/s in the settling basin

Also, two basins for flushing purpose i.e. while one is flushing the other basin can run is used
for the design.

Now, the detailed calculation of the design is shown below:

1) Calculate the geometry of the settling basin

a) For plan area of settling basin
General equation of plan area: 𝐴𝑠 = 𝑤𝑡

Where, k= factor of safety for basin area= 1.5

Q is the design discharge of one basin = 2.904/2= 1.452m3/s

wt is the fall velocity of the particle= 0.018m/s

1.5 × 1.452
𝐴𝑠 =
= 121𝑚2
The 𝐵 ratio can be taken from 4 to 10
Use the 𝐵 ratio is 8

Where, L is the length of the basin and B is the breadth of the basin
From the above calculation L×B=160m2
𝐿× = 121
𝐿 = 31.11𝑚
Hence, for the breadth of the basin, B= 3.88m
Check the basin width by the following equation

𝐵 = 4.75√𝑄

𝐵 = 4.75√1.452
= 5.72𝑚
Adopt smaller dimension for easement of the flushing purpose, So, basin width (B)= 3.88m
b) For the depth of settling basin
i. Adopting the horizontal component of velocity 0.196m/sec (calculated earlier)
required depth of settling basin is

𝑉. 𝐵
0.196 × 3.88

= 1.90𝑚

ii. But, from the Continuity Equation, 𝑄 = 𝐴 × 𝑣


0.15 × 3.88
= 2.49𝑚
Take, horizontal velocity of flow (v)=0.15m/sec
Hence, adopt the height of the basin (H)= 2.49m (Take maximum of both)
Length of basin by M.A Velikanov’s Method

𝜆2 𝑣 2 (√𝐻 − 0.2)2
7.51𝑤 2
Where, 𝜆= correction coefficient= 1.5

1.52 × 0.1962 (√2.49 − 0.2)2

7.51 × 0.018762
= 62.09𝑚
Assuming sediment concentration as 5000ppm or 5kg/m3, time for settling/detention of
sediment = 6hrs and performance coefficient of Hazen= 0.17.

c) Compute the sediment depth in the basin

Density of sediment= 2600kg/m3

So, Sediment load= Q×T×C

= 1.452×6×60×60×5

= 156816kg

Packing factor of sediment in submergence = 0.5

Volume of sediment= 2600×0.5

= 120.62𝑚3

Then, we have, basin plain area= 121m2

So, height of sediment, ℎ𝑠 = = 0.997 ≈ 1𝑚

Since, the above calculation is considered for the case of rectangular base, we can
recalculate the area for the base with the sloping shape with the angle of inclination of the

Slope=40° when the area resembles a rectangular base.
2) Check the efficiency
a) From Hazen’s equation

𝑤 −1
Efficiency η= 1 − (1 + 𝑚𝐴𝑠 𝑄 ) 𝑚

Where, m is the performance coefficient = 0.17 (for very good)

0.018 −1
η = 1 − (1 + 0.17 × 121 × 1.452)0.17

Efficiency (η)= 73.71%

b) From Camp’s equation

Cross-sectional area (Ax) = (B×H) = 3.88×2.49 = 9.66m2

Wetted Perimeter (P) = (2×2.49+3.88) = 8.86m
(Assume H as only the clear water height)
𝐴𝑥 9.66
Hydraulic radius (R) = = = 1.09𝑚
𝑃 8.86
4.2𝑣 4.2×0.15
Hence, shear velocity (v*) = 100 𝑅1/6 = = 0.00621
𝑤 0.018
Ratio ( ) = = 2.89
𝑣∗ 0.00621

From the Camp’s chart for the sedimentation of turbulent flow,

Efficiency (η) = 93%
c) From Vetter’s equation
1−η=е 𝑄

where, η is the efficiency of the basin

w is the fall velocity
Q is the design discharge
−𝑤𝐴𝑠 −0.018×121
So, efficiency (η) = 1 − е 𝑄 = 1−е 1.452 = 0.7768 = 77.78%
Hence, from the above 3 equations regarding the calculations of the efficiency of the
sedimentation, the calculated plan area was enough to attain 93% efficiency for the case using
Camp’s equation. So, the plan area was taken as 31.11×3.88 = 121m2

The designed settling basin for the Panauti Hydropower is shown in Figure 25 and its cross-
section is shown in Figure 26.

Figure 25. Settling Basin Plan

Figure 26. Section at A-A

6.5 Rehabilitation works in canal

The field study concluded that minimal rehabilitation is needed for the canal up to length of
700m, which is fully concreted, and earthen after 700m. However, excessive sediment
accumulation and plant growth within the canal have significantly reduced its discharge
capacity. Consequently, the primary rehabilitation efforts should focus on removing these
sediments and clearing the canal surface. Additionally, no serious cracks were observed along
the canal's alignment, indicating that structural integrity is largely intact. To ensure long-term
functionality, regular maintenance should be implemented to prevent future sediment buildup
and plant overgrowth, thereby sustaining optimal water flow and canal performance.

The work schedule of the project is shown in Table 7. The highlighted portion in green shows
all the completed tasks.

Table 7. Work Schedule

Our Rehabilitation, Upgradation, and Maintenance (RUM) project for the Panauti Hydropower
Plant has successfully achieved significant improvements through the redesign of critical
infrastructure components: the weir, intake, settling basin, and canal. These redesigns are
pivotal in enhancing the plant's efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

The redesign of the weir has resulted in a more robust and durable structure, utilizing modern
materials and advanced engineering techniques. This new design significantly improves the
weir's flood handling capacity and optimizes flow regulation, effectively reducing sediment
buildup. As a result, the plant's ability to manage water flow has been restored, addressing
existing wear and tear. Furthermore, the simplified structure facilitates routine maintenance
tasks, thereby minimizing the overall maintenance burden.

The intake redesign has been focused on enhancing water capture efficiency and ensuring
debris-free water flow into the system. By integrating improved screening mechanisms and
optimizing the intake geometry, the redesigned intake ensures a more consistent and cleaner
water flow. This upgrade is crucial for preventing blockages and reducing the wear on
downstream components. The enhanced efficiency in water capture directly contributes to the
plant's overall operational effectiveness, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

The redesign of the settling basin has introduced improved sedimentation techniques to manage
the removal of suspended particles more effectively. The new design incorporates features that
enhance sediment settling, ensuring cleaner water flow downstream and reducing the risk of
clogging and erosion. An advanced flushing system, featuring two chambers, has also been
introduced to further improve sediment management. This system allows for more effective
and controlled removal of accumulated sediments from the settling basin and other critical
areas. The dual-chamber design ensures continuous operation, as one chamber can be flushed
while the other remains in service. This continuous operation minimizes downtime and
maintains optimal water flow and quality. The advanced flushing system significantly enhances
the plant's maintenance efficiency, reduces the risk of sediment-related issues, and prolongs
the lifespan of key components. The improved sedimentation process not only extends the life
of the settling basin but also reduces the frequency and intensity of maintenance activities,
ensuring long-term stability and efficiency.

The redesign of the canal has focused on enhancing its structural integrity and flow capacity.
By optimizing its cross-sectional profile, we have increased its ability to handle higher water
volumes without compromising stability. This improvement is essential for accommodating
future increases in water flow and ensuring consistent delivery of water to the turbines. The
reinforced structure requires less frequent maintenance and repairs, contributing to the overall
reliability and efficiency of the plant's water conveyance system.

After approximately 60 years of continuous operation, the project is currently in a degraded
condition, with only two-unit functioning, producing 1.6 MW of power at relatively low
efficiency. However, there is significant potential for rehabilitating the project, which could
then operate efficiently for another 50 years with proper modifications and maintenance. To
achieve this, all stakeholders, including the people of Panauti, Panauti Municipality and NEA,
must collaborate. Additionally, Kathmandu University could be a valuable stakeholder by
providing technical support.

The project has been studied to a feasibility level, and this report provides detailed information
on the feasibility study. After conducting extensive field investigations, such as topographical
mapping, site visits, observations, and hydrological data collection, design and layout work
was completed. Financial evaluations were also conducted to assess the project's viability. The
conclusions drawn are as follows:

• A routine dredging schedule is required to remove the accumulated sand in front of the
weir, ensuring continuous water flow.
• Appropriate repair techniques such as grouting, epoxy injection, or concrete patching
are required to fill the cracks or detailed structural assessment to evaluate the extent of
the cracks and overall integrity of the weir and stilling basin.
• Strict manual cleaning schedule is required to ensure trash racks are cleared of debris
regularly. Also, a comprehensive debris management plan is required that includes both
preventive measures and rapid response protocols to handle unexpected blockages.
• Lastly, development and implementation of a detailed maintenance program that covers
all critical components of the plant, including routine inspections, timely repairs, and
system upgrades are required.

In conclusion, the redesigns play a critical role in the rehabilitation, upgradation, and
maintenance of the Panauti Hydropower Plant. The enhanced durability, efficiency, and ease
of maintenance of these components ensure the plant's long-term operational success and
sustainability. Through these improvements, the plant is better equipped to meet current
demands and future challenges, ensuring a reliable and efficient energy supply for the region.

i. Conduct a thorough initial assessment

Begin with a detailed assessment of the current state of the Panauti Hydropower Plant. This
should include an evaluation of the structural integrity of the components, the operational
status of turbines and generators, and the efficiency of control systems. Utilize both
historical data and new inspections to form a complex picture of the plant’s state.

ii. Environmental and Social Impact Consideration

Take into account the environmental and social impacts of the rehabilitation and upgradation
projects. Ensure that all interventions adhere to national environmental regulations and
international best practices. Engage with local communities to understand their concerns and
address any adverse effects. Ensure that any disruptions to the community are minimized and
managed responsibly.

iii. Others

Also, before proceeding to the analysis it is essential to conduct several in-depth studies to
obtain detailed information. These studies will inform the detailed design, which in turn will
facilitate the preparation of tender documents for various aspects of the project. The initial
details provided may require further exploration on certain issues, such as:

• Conducting a comprehensive survey of waterways and transmission lines

• Performing geological and geotechnical investigations at major structure sites
• Reviewing previous hydrological investigations
• Developing hydraulic, structural, and hydro-electro-mechanical designs

• Badu, M., Ghimire, C. P., Bajracharya, R. M., & Meyer, W. S. (2019, August 15).
Negative Trade-offs Between Community Forest Use and Hydrological Benefits in the
Forested Catchments of Nepal's Mid-hills. Moutain Research and Development, 39(3).

• Baral, E. (2013). Fundamentals of Hydropower Engineering. Engineering and

Educational Servies Pvt. Ltd.

• Garg, S. K. (2009). Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Strucutures. Laxmi


• Policy Entrepreneurs Incorporated (PEI). (2022). Panauti Hydropower Station.

Retrieved from Nepal Water Resource Portal:

• Shrestha, S., Pradhan, P. M., & Shrestha, H. K. (2023, October 28). Stone Quarries and
Hydrological Regime of Roshi with Emphasis on Sedimentation. American Journal of
Water Science and Engineering, 9(4), 86-96.

Table 8. Output table after steady flow simulation (HEC-RAS)

River Profi Q Min W.S. Crit E.G. E.G. Vel Flow
Sta le Total Ch El Elev W.S. Elev Slope Chnl Area

(cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (ft)

1481. 1481. 1482.1

1148 Q50 85.64 1481 0.033 5.3 16.16 37.4
74 86 8

Q40 1481. 1482. 1482.4

1148 124 1481 0.033 6 20.71 40.69
0 86 02 2

1478. 1481. 1479. 1481.1

1097 Q50 85.64 2E-04 0.95 95.2 53.91
76 17 53 8

Q40 1478. 1481. 1479. 106.5

1097 124 1481.4 3E-04 1.24 55.98
0 76 38 69 9

1481. 1481.1 228.1

1029 Q50 85.64 1477 2E-05 0.39 85.02
17 8 1

Q40 1481. 1481.3

1029 124 1477 3E-05 0.53 246.2 87
0 38 9

1478. 1481. 1481.1 140.0

966 Q50 85.64 8E-05 0.64 81.09
73 17 7 9

Q40 1478. 1481. 1481.3

966 124 1E-04 0.83 157.1 83.61
0 73 37 8

1480. 1480. 1481.1

921 Q50 85.64 1480 0.02 4.18 21.58 44.09
88 88 4

Q40 1481. 1481. 1481.3
921 124 1480 0.018 4.55 29.13 49.42
0 04 04 4

1477. 1478. 1478. 1478.7

858 Q50 85.64 0.005 2.64 32.81 42.65
32 61 3 1

Q40 1477. 1478. 1478. 1478.9

858 124 0.005 2.95 42.74 45.95
0 32 83 46 6

1476. 1477. 1477. 1478.0

785 Q50 85.64 0.014 4.83 17.73 24.72
37 72 72 8

Q40 1476. 1477. 1477. 1478.3

785 124 0.014 5.23 23.69 28.47
0 37 94 94 7

1476. 1476. 1477. 1477.3

743 Q50 85.64 0.024 4.92 17.39 33.7
12 95 02 3

Q40 1476. 1477. 1477. 1477.5

743 124 0.026 5.68 21.85 36.14
0 12 08 2 8

1474. 1474. 1475.4

701 Q50 85.64 1474 0.106 8 10.7 32.4
42 69 1

Q40 1474. 1474. 1475.6

701 124 1474 0.09 8.5 14.59 35.3
0 53 85 5

1472. 1473. 1473.

658 Q50 85.64 1473.6 0.024 4.32 19.8 42.28
49 31 35

Q40 1472. 1473. 1473. 1473.8

658 124 0.02 4.65 26.72 46.22
0 49 47 49 1

1470. 1471. 1471. 1471.7

613 Q50 85.64 0.078 6.29 13.63 35.6
5 18 37 9

Q40 1470. 1471. 1471. 1472.0
613 124 0.088 7.24 17.14 40.43
0 5 27 54 8

1467. 1468. 1468. 1469.0

575 Q50 85.64 0.064 6.34 14.16 40.6
94 49 68 7

Q40 1467. 1468. 1468. 1469.2

575 124 0.06 6.82 19.07 46.16
0 94 6 81 8

1465. 1467. 1466. 1467.9 114.9

538 Q50 85.64 1E-04 0.83 73.46
85 92 4 3 5

Q40 1465. 1468. 1466. 1468.1 128.0

538 124 2E-04 1.09 76.28
0 85 09 54 1 4

1465. 1467. 1467.9 117.5

494 Q50 85.64 1E-04 0.8 76.38
75 91 2 3

Q40 1465. 1468. 130.9

494 124 1468.1 2E-04 1.05 79.56
0 75 08 5

1466. 1467.
453 Q50 85.64 1467.9 0.005 2.74 34.09 61.64
91 79

Q40 1466. 1467. 1468.0

453 124 0.005 3.1 42.82 64.46
0 91 93 6

1466. 1467. 1467. 1467.5

413 Q50 85.64 0.019 3.6 25.34 67.32
73 34 34 3

Q40 1466. 1467. 1467. 1467.6

413 124 0.018 4.03 32.84 71.18
0 73 45 45 8

1465. 1466. 1466. 1466.4

369 Q50 85.64 0.029 4.15 20.69 50.38
63 22 26 9

Q40 1465. 1466. 1466. 1466.6
369 124 0.028 4.7 26.6 53.41
0 63 34 4 8

1465. 1464. 1465.4

328 Q50 85.64 1464 9E-04 1.27 74.87 95.58
46 89 8

Q40 1465. 1465. 1465.6

328 124 1464 1E-03 1.48 91.99 99.19
0 63 02 6

1464. 1465.
280 Q50 85.64 1465.4 0.003 1.23 41.31 77.91
85 31

Q40 1464. 1465. 1465.5

280 124 0.003 1.57 55.15 86.64
0 85 48 7

1464. 1464. 1465.0

223 Q50 85.64 1464 0.018 3.83 22.37 50.07
78 78 1

Q40 1464. 1464. 1465.1

223 124 1464 0.017 4.13 30 57.4
0 93 93 9

1462. 1463. 1463.

177 Q50 85.64 1463.6 0.06 5.83 14.7 44.19
41 08 23

Q40 1462. 1463. 1463. 1463.8

177 124 0.059 6.5 19.09 47.99
0 41 17 37 3

1460. 1462. 1461. 1462.3

118 Q50 85.64 6E-04 1.55 55.14 39.09
18 33 26 7

Q40 1460. 1462. 1461. 1462.5

118 124 9E-04 1.97 62.89 40.86
0 18 53 45 9

1461. 1462. 1462.2

50 Q50 85.64 1462 0.014 3.13 24.3 52.24
27 03 3

Q40 1461. 1462. 1462. 1462.4
50 124 0.014 3.61 32.16 60.33
0 27 17 15 1

The plotted topographical map of Panauti dam site is shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27. Topographical Map of Panauti Dam Site


Figure 28. Reconnaissance

Figure 30. Reconnaissance

Figure 29. Weir of Panauti Hydropower Plant

Figure 31. Intake of Panauti Hydropower Plant

Figure 32. Stilling Basin/ Energy Dissipator of Panauti Hydropower Plant

Figure 33. Settling Basin of Panauti Hydropower Plant

Figure 34. Earthen Canal after 700m

Figure 35. Concrete Canal upto 700m

Figure 36. Surveying with Total Station (TS)

Figure 38. Measurement of Canal trough thickness

Figure 37. Measurement of Canal Bed Level

Figure 39. Overtopping of water in Canal


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