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Set 3 CE Board April 2023 - Geotechnical Engineering

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Review Innovations CE Review for April 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 3

Flow of Water thru soil Situation 2.

A falling head hydraulic conductivity test is performed on a
1. Discharge (Q) sample of soil. The standpipe having a diameter 0.2 cm is
Q = Av = kiA observed and it takes 60 seconds for the water to drop by 50
cm from an initial hydraulic head of 90 cm. The sample has a
2. Discharge Velocity (V) length of 20 cm, and a diameter of 4 cm. Determine the
v = ki following:
4. Coefficient of permeability of soil
3. Seepage Velocity or Interstitial Velocity (V s) 5. Hydraulic gradient
v ki
vs = = 6. Rate of flow of water in the soil
n n
Situation 3.
4. Seepage Force (j) A pumping test was made in a sand layer extending to a
j = i w depth of 15 m. The initial ground water table is located 2 m
below the ground surface. Observation wells were sighted at
5. Transmissivity (T) distances 3m and 7.5 m from the pumping well. Using a
T = kt discharge of 0.4 m3 per hour, a steady level is attained at the
pumping well. The measured drawdowns at the two
6. Hydraulic Gradient (i) observation
h wells are 1.5 m and 0.35 m respectively. Determine the
L following:
7. Hydraulic head at the observation well farther from
7. Coefficient of Permeability (k) pumping well.
or Hydraulic Conductivity
8. Hydraulic head at the observation well nearer from
A. Constant Head Test
pumping well.
Vol L
k= 9. Coefficient of permeability of the soil.
B. Falling/Variable Head Test Situation 4.
aL h1 Three layers of soil is shown with the corresponding values
k= ln
At h2 of coefficient of permeability.

C. Pumping Test (Unconfined Aquifer) K1 = 4 x 10 –3 cm/sec 3m

Q ln(r1 / r2 )
 (h12 − h2 2 ) K2 = 5 x 10 – 3 cm/sec 4m
D. Pumping Test (Confined Aquifer)
Q ln(r1 / r2 )
k= K3 = 6 x 10-3 cm/sec 5m
2 t (h1 − h2 )

8. Equivalent hydraulic conductivity (k eq) Determine the following:

A. Parallel Flow 10. Equivalent horizontal coefficient of permeability
h1k1 + h2 k2 + h3k3 + ... + hn kn 11. Equivalent vertical coefficient of permeability
keq =
H 12. Ratio of equivalent coefficient of permeability
B. Perpendicular Flow
H Situation 5.
keq = The figure shows the layers of soil in the tube that is 10 cm
h1 h2 h3 h
+ + + ... + n by 10 cm in cross section. When the tube is supplied with
k1 k2 k3 kn
water, a constant head difference of 30 cm is observed. The
coefficient of permeability of each sample are as follows.
Sample Problems:

Situation 1. Sample K (cm/s)

A constant-head permeability test is performed on a sample A 2x10-3
of granular soil. The length of soil sample is 15 cm and the B 3x10-3
cross-sectional area is 10 cm2. If a 24 cm3 volume of water C 4x10-3
passes through the soil sample in a 3-minute period and the Determine the following:
constant head is 30 cm determine the following: 13. Equivalent coefficient of permeability
1. Coefficient of permeability of the soil 14. Hydraulic gradient
2. Discharge velocity 15. Rate of water supply
3. Seepage velocity if the void ratio is 0.64

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Cebu FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch
 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for April 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 3
Head difference at t = 0 s, h1= 500 mm
Head difference at t = 180 s, h2 = 300 mm
23. Calculate the hydraulic conductivity in mm/sec
30 cm (2.27 x 10-2 mm/sec)

Situation 10.
A B C 24. Hydraulic gradient (0.07813)
25. Quantity of water which flows into the canal
A (158.203 m3/day)
15cm 20cm 25 cm
26. Seepage velocity if the porosity of the sand
Situation 6. is 0.22 (1.065 m/day)
A test is set up as shown in the figure. A cylindrical mold 4
cm in diameter is filled with silt to a height of 15 cm, whose Situation 11.
coefficient of permeability K1 = 1.1 x 10-2 cm/min. A second For the layered soil shown below.
coaxial mold is placed around the first mold to form an
annular ring whose outside diameter is 10 cm and whose
height is also 15 cm. Its thickness is negligible. The second
mold is filled with sand whose coefficient of permeability is
K2 = 8.2 x 10-2 cm/min. The test set up is a permeameter of
constant head. Water is placed in the mold and maintained
at a level of 36 cm above the level of the outlet.
16. What is the total flow of water in cm3/min?
27. Estimate the ratio of equivalent hydraulic conductivity
17. What is the equivalent coefficient of permeability
(horizontal to vertical ratio) (145.4)
18. What is the total amount of water percolated after 55 Situation 12.
min? The figure shows three layers of soil that is in a 100 mm by
100 mm container. Water is supplied to maintain a constant-
Situation 7. head difference of 300 mm across the sample. The hydraulic
A river and a canal run parallel to each other but at different conductivities of the soils in the direction of flow through
elevations as shown in the figure and has been determined them are as follows:
to exist for a 450 m length. The coefficient of permeability of Sample K (cm/s)
the sand is 3 m per day. Determine the following: A 1.0 x10-2
19. Hydraulic gradient B 3.0 x 10-3
20. Quantity of water which flows into the canal C 4.9 x 10-4
21. Seepage velocity if the porosity of the sand 28. Estimate the discharge in the soil in cm3/hr
is 0.22 (291.24 cm3/hr)

Elevation = 90m

Elevation = 80m

Sand layer 1.5m thick


Problems for Practice:

Situation 8.
For the constant head permeability test conducted below:
L = 30 cm
A = Area of Specimen = 177 cm2
Constant head difference, h = 50 cm
Water collected in a period of 5 min = 350 cm3
22. Calculate the hydraulic conductivity in cm/sec
(3.95 x 10-3 cm/sec)

Situation 9.
For the falling head permeability test conducted below:
Length of specimen = 200 mm
Area of soil specimen = 1000 mm2
Area of standpipe = 40 mm2

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Cebu FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch
 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998

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