1 - Preliminary Design Technical Research Investigation Report - May 2024 (Final) Rev04
1 - Preliminary Design Technical Research Investigation Report - May 2024 (Final) Rev04
1 - Preliminary Design Technical Research Investigation Report - May 2024 (Final) Rev04
Amatola Water /
James Kleynhans
Bulk Water Supply
Design, Technical
Research and
Report (Rev 1)
PROJECT No 8010/013 MAY 2024
Water Engineering
© COPYRIGHT: Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd
This report has been prepared under the control of the Bosch Projects Quality
Management System which meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 as independently
certified by international auditors.
4.5.1. Storage Reservoirs.......................................................................................................................................1817
4.6. BUILDINGS.......................................................................................................................................................1918
4.6.1. Administrative Office / Laboratory Building...................................................................................................1918
4.6.2. Replacement of Roof Sheeting.....................................................................................................................1918
4.7. ROADWORKS........................................................................................................................................................2019
4.7.1. Alignment......................................................................................................................................................2019
4.7.2. Cross section..................................................................................................................................................2019
4.7.3. Structural.......................................................................................................................................................2019
4.7.4. Kerbing.........................................................................................................................................................2019
4.8. DRAINAGE.......................................................................................................................................................2120
4.8.1. Existing Drainage.....................................................................................................................................2120
4.8.2. Minor Drainage..........................................................................................................................................2120
4.8.3. Major Drainage.........................................................................................................................................2120
4.8.4. Surface Drainage......................................................................................................................................2120
4.8.5. Sub-surface Drainage..............................................................................................................................2120
4.9. PIPE CULVERTS..............................................................................................................................................2120
4.9.1. Design standards for pipe culverts.......................................................................................................2120
4.10. ELECTRICAL.....................................................................................................................................................2221
4.10.1. Pump Station................................................................................................................................................2221
4.10.2. Main Incoming Suppliers...............................................................................................................................2524
4.10.3. Switchgear and Controls...............................................................................................................................2625
4.10.4. Pump Supply Cables....................................................................................................................................2726
4.10.5. Telemetry and Communication Systems......................................................................................................2726
4.11.1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................2928
4.11.2. Draining of the James Kleynhans High Lift Pumpstation During Flooding.....................................................2928
4.11.3. Reconfiguration of the Pipework and Pumps for the James Kleynhans High Lift Pumpstation......................3029
4.11.4. Additional Identified Requirements................................................................................................................3130
4.12. ADDITIONAL PRELIMINARY DESIGNS...........................................................................................................3130
4.12.1. Pump Station Drain Pipeline from Pump Station to River..............................................................................3130
4.12.2. Upgrading of High Lift Pump Station.............................................................................................................3231
4.12.3. Interconnecting Pipework at High Lift Pump Station.....................................................................................3231
4.12.4. Subsoil Drain Outlet and Gabion Works.......................................................................................................3231
4.12.5. Refurbishing of 350mm dia Pumping Main....................................................................................................3332
4.12.6. Refurbishing of 450mm dia Pumping Main....................................................................................................3332
4.12.7. Security Fencing...........................................................................................................................................3332
4. DRAWINGS 6463
GrahamstownMakhanda is situated in the Eastern Cape Province approximately
130km north east of Port Elizabeth and 170km south west of East London.
The bulk water supply system can be separated into two supply zones, namely:
The Waainek WTW Scheme has no scope for extension as there is a restricted
permitted abstraction rate from the supply Dams and the Dams are also unreliable
during drought conditions and Tthe WTW cannot be therefore be extended for future
The Waainek WTW however requires urgent upgrading due to the aged existing
infrastructure. This works produces water for GrahamstownMakhanda at a lower cost
and is dependent on rainfall to sustain the works. This works is required to operate at
its maximum due to the lower cost of water. The Waainek WTW refurbishment will not
be covered under this report.
James Kleynhans WTW scheme has a reliable water source from the
Orange-Fish-Sundays’ scheme and can be augmented for future growths and has a
sustainable supply during drought conditions.
Phase 1
Augmentation of the James Kleynhans WTW – At Construction Stage
Cost = R70,2 million.
Phase 2
Augmentation of the James Kleynhans WTW – At Construction Stage
Cost = R184,2 million
Phase 3
Augmentation of the James Kleynhans WTW – At Construction Stage
Cost = R138,6 million
Total Cost = R393,1 million
The reader is referred to the locality map, Drawing No. 8010/006/101 & 102 which
shows the project area.
The area receives a summer rainfall with the mean annual rainfall being 666 mm.
Winters are cold and dry with summer being hot and wet.
The Makana Municipality has indicated in their appointment letter dated 18 September
2013 that Bosch Projects (BP) existing appointment, Supplier Database 21 May 2012
and appointment letter dated 20 November 2006 be extended to cover the Technical
Feasibility, Preliminary Design, Implementation Ready Study and Funding application
for the GrahamstownMakhanda Bulk Water Supply.
Water Conservation / Water Demand Management Strategy and Business Plan: 2012
This Preliminary Design Report sets out the requirements of all parties for the Aug -
mentation of the James Kleynhans WTW and defines the proposals which have been
developed to meet these requirements. Any subjective issues or alternatives have been
discussed with the Client and the basis of the decisions haves been set out. Items re-
lating to cost and programme have not been covered in the Preliminary Design Report.
The objective of the Preliminary Design Report is to also define the scope requirements
and content of the project for the Preliminary review. It confirms the scope, content of
the project and Client requirements, by providing a record of the basis on which plan -
ning and subjective decisions were made.
The following Preliminary Design Report revisions have been issued, with the amend -
ments as stated,
Phase 1
Terminated R 5 370 057 R 3 069 359 R 268 503 R 8 707 919 R 1 219 109 R 9 927 027
Phase 1
Completed R 36 483 331 R 13 615 057 R 2 504 919 R 52 603 307 R 7 703 676 R 60 306 983
Phase 2
Terminated R 58 765 776 R 18 005 895 R 3 838 584 R 80 610 255 R 12 091 538 R 92 701 793
Phase 2
Construction R 65 344 669 R 10 444 636 R 3 789 465 R 79 578 771 R 11 936 816 R 91 515 586
Phase 3
Future R 93 302 526 R 21 512 238 R 5 740 738 R 120 555 502 R 18 083 325 R 138 638 827
TOTAL R 259 266 358,64 R 66 647 185,11 R 16 142 209,41 R 342 055 753,16 R 51 034 463,76 R 393 090 216,92
Pipeline, reservoir and water treatment works (Refer to Annexures “DA and
No further geotechnical investigations have been conducted due tocarried out for the
drain pipeline as it is assumed that similar conditions will be encountered as within
the WTW.
From the results of the tests done, it is recommended keeping the plant flocculation
pH at between 7.0 and 8.0. It was established that the optimum dosage rate for lime
is 20mg/l and that of liquid alum to be between 100-120 mg/l. In the case of Ultrafloc
3500 a dosage rate of 8-10mg/l be applied. All tests were conducted at 30 mg/l. The
pH was varied by varying the dosage of saturated lime. The pH was recorded at the
end of the tests. Turbidity, colourcolour, and aluminium in solution were measured
and are also recorded.
Water samples were taken at the following points at the James Kleynhans water
treatment works (Refer to Annexures “EA and EB“);
A detailed survey has been conducted by Nzelenzele, Preston & Medcalf and Surplan
to ascertain the existing infrastructure, lie of the land and existing services to be
encounteredanticipated at and along the following locations;
Pipeline route
Reservoir site
Water treatment works site
A further detailed survey has been conducted by Exakt Surveys & Back Sight Projects
JV to ascertain the existing infrastructure, lie of the land and existing services to be
encountered at and along the following locations;
Makana Municipality, as the Water Services Authority (WSA) has shown its
commitment to Water Conservation and Water Demand Management (WC/WDM) by:
aAppointing a PSP to provide a strategy for the water conservation and demand
management required for the area and to bring the NRW down to acceptable
standards. The international norms put NRW at 12% - 15% of supply and Makana
Municipality currently is experiencing approximately 50% losses.
The following recommendations are extracts from the Makana Municipality water
conservation / water demand management strategy and business plan for the above
mentioned report. (Refer to Annexure “F“)
Implement Awareness and Education (AWED) as spelt out in the strategy and
this business plan;
Makana Municipality should work closer with the Institute of Water Research at
Rhodes University. It will be beneficial to both institutions.
Use this strategy report and this business plan to implement interventions
funded by DWA
Water Services Development Plan Makana Municipality, 2013 provision is not only
made for the development of new infrastructure, but also for managing of ground and
surface water resources, water quality monitoring, operation and maintenance,
conservation and demand management, maintenance of existing water schemes.
The design pressure for gravity pipelines will be taken as the static pressure plus the
full surge pressure as calculated by the following method (Joukowsky). It is accepted
that an instantaneous water hammer pressure equal to 1.5 times the safe working
pressure (for uPVC and Steel) will be adopted when selecting the pipe class, provided
the static pressure does not exceed the safe working pressure of the pipe.
This assumes that the change in velocity of the water will be the velocity at full flow in
the pipeline at any time during valve opening or closing operations.
Hence h = -------
a = Wave celerity
*V = Change in velocity = v
The design has performed a comprehensive surge analysis of the rising main and the
results have been tabled. (Refer to Annexure “G“)
The bulk electricity supply is via a 22 000V overhead line feeding of the national
electricity grid and falls within the supply area of the ESKOM Distribution - Southern
ESKOM’s responsibility in terms of the bulk electricity supply end at the metering
point situated on the site where the James Kleynhans water treatment works are
situated. Electricity consumption is metered at this point and billed to Makana
Municipality on a monthly basis.
Please refer to Annexure K for an overview of a typical electricity account for this
particular water treatment works.
ESKOM confirmed in a letter dated 29 May 2012 that the bulk electricity supplies
would be sufficient for the proposed upgrading of the James Kleynhans water
treatment works. The relay settings will however be required to be adjusted according
to the new notified maximum demand (NMD). A budget quotation was received with
reference number 68881061 from ESKOM to implement the relevant changes and is
attached as Annexure L.
It should be noted that the budget quote will be replaced by a final quote once
confirmation has been received that the upgrading will commence. The final quotation
could be up to 15% higher than the budget quotation and should be allowed for in the
cost estimate.
Makana LM indicated that they wanted to maximise the capacity of the existing pump
station and the two (2) pumping mains.
Amatola Water approved the provision of professional engineering services for the
transient (water hammer) hydraulic analysis of the existing 450 & 350mmØ bulk
pipelines from the James Kleynhans Water Treatment Works to the existing Botha’s
Hill reservoir.
The Terms of Reference for Bosch Projects was to provide the following services and
a. Review of the available pumpstation and pipeline layouts, valve and pump hy-
draulic data, operating philosophy and the previous water hammer analysis
model relating to the Water treatment works High Lift pumpstation and
pipeline system.
b) Undertake a hydraulic steady state and water hammer analysis of the pipeline
system in order to determine the maximum and minimum pressures which
will be encountered in the pipeline. The modelling to be undertaken using the
Kentucky University Pipe 2010 water hammer analysis software.
c) Carry out simulations for various operating conditions which result in water
hammer for the situation when all mechanical components of the water treat-
ment works pump station are upgraded.
d) Simulate the effects of water hammer for different pump and pipeline opera-
e) Compile a report on the water hammer analysis results, findings and recom-
The results of the above steady state and transient hydraulic analysis and the imple -
mentation of the recommendations below would assist Makana LM in making more in-
formed decisions regarding the operation of the pumpstation and pipeline systems.
The additional works approved was the Proposed Optimum Operating Scenario and
Pumpstation Pipework Reconfiguration to maximise the pumping output.
A detailed survey would be required and was conducted to ascertain the envisaged
levels for the various phases of the project. Bosch Projects submitted quotations to
AW for approval.
A social facilitator would be required and was appointed for the various phases of the
project. Bosch Projects submitted quotations to AW for approval.
It is envisaged that we will work closely on project implementation with the project
team to ensure the maximum use of labour-based construction and employment of
local labour where practical. Bosch Projects has staff qualified with NQF5 and NQF7
suitable for EPWP projects.
With regard to the construction stage, skills transfer will generally be based on identi -
fication and screening of local individuals and SMME’s, involving a participatory
hands-on approach which will generally be undertaken under the direction of the Con-
A Quality Management system will be applied to all stages of the project in order to
ensure a structured approach with specialist reviews at critical stages of the project.
These incorporate compliance with the project quality plan as set out in Bosch
Projects Quality Management Systems procedures and work instructions.
The Bosch Projects Quality Management System has recently successfully undergone
its re-certification Audit, having originally been certified by Dekra as ISO 9001/2000
compliant. The project quality plan adopted for this project will be discussed and
agreed with the Employer’s Representative.
3.9.1. ESKOM
The proposed project may follow or cross existing power lines which falls under the
jurisdiction of ESKOM. In this case an application for a wayleave agreement will be
forwarded to ESKOM to obtain the necessary approvals.
3.9.2. TELKOM
The total estimated treatment demand in 2035 for GrahamstownMakhanda is 21,.6 Mℓ/d (SDDWW) of
which the Waainek and James Kleynhans Works can currently only produce 19Mℓ/d. A shortfall of 2,6
Mℓ/d by 2035 is expected.
However, with reference to the completed Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategy
and Business Plan and on site investigations both WTW are currently unable to supply the existing
demands. This is due to ageing infrastructure on the GrahamstownMakhanda East supply area (Waainek
WTW) as insufficient raw water is reaching the WTW and seasonal drought conditions. Water loss in the
system it also estimated to be high with water balance currently being implemented.
During drought conditions (experienced between 2007 and 2011) however, there is no reliable yield from
the Waainek Works, thus reducing the current production of the two works combined to 10 ,.0Mℓ/d. The
shortfall in 2035 (based on SDDWW from Table 2), should drought conditions be present at that time, is
11,6 Mℓ/d.
The source of additional raw water will be the Orange-Fish-Sundays scheme via the
off-channel Glen Melville storage dam.
The 500mm diameter raw water supply pipe has sufficient capacity for the current and future
The James Kleynhans WTW is currently operating beyond its capacity under drought conditions and will
require extension to provide sufficient purified water for current and 2035 demands.
The existing James Kleynhans water treatment works therefore requires to be augmented to cater for the
future/drought demand of 21.6 Mℓ/d (250 ℓ/s). The WTW to be extended by 10 Mℓ/d in Phase 2 or by 5
Mℓ/d in Phase 2 and in 2020 it would be required to be extended by an additional 5 Mℓ/d to ensure that
the future/drought requirements are achieved.
The quality of the raw water is unlikely to require pre-chlorination during the initial design horizon for
the works. This facility is therefore omitted.
Although coagulant/flocculent addition is unlikely to be required for long periods of the year, high flow
conditions in the Glen Mellville Dam are likely to result in turbidity in excess of 40 NTU. To adequately
provide for flocculent addition, it is proposed that two hopper fed direct feed or knife or worm screw
feeders with water fed vortex mixers be installed for Alum dosing. The maximum dosing rate for Alum is
expected to be in the order of 100 mg/l. In addition, given the possibility of fine silts and organic material
in the water, provision is to be made for the installation of 2 positive displacement liquid feed chemical
dosing pumps for poly-flocculent addition in concentrate form. The pumps are each to have a rated
capacity to provide up to 20 mg of concentrate per litre of treated water.
Chemical storage facilities are to be provided on site adjacent to and at the same level as the top of the
hopper for lime and Alum storage. Near ground level storage for poly flocculent concentrate is to be
provided. Separate facilities for spares, tools and equipment and chlorine are to be provided.
Given the high turbidity of floodwaters, the system must be designed for this situation notwithstanding the
presence of low turbidity water for much of the year. It is proposed that horizontal sedimentation units be
installed in parallel. The tanks will have hoppers over the whole floor and drain-off points. Sludge
withdrawal will be undertaken hydrostatically and require manual intervention on the part of the plant
The clearwater will discharge via a constant level overflow. Both sedimentation tanks will discharge to a
single distribution box via closed pipes.
It is proposed that the post-sedimentation water be filtered in rapid gravity sand filters operated in
parallel. Each sand filter unit will be designed at an operating filtration rate of 5 m3/m2/hr. The filter units
will be filled with 0.8 mm diameter silica sand laid on top of a supported filter nozzle gallery.
Backwashing with air at 30 m3/m2/hr and water at 24 m3/m2/hr is recommended. All filtered water will be
collected in covered sumps and piped to the disinfection point.
The de-sludge water from the settling tanks flows under gravity to a thickening basin adjacent to the
recycle water holding basin. Here the sludge settles and thickens, while the supernatant overflows to the
adjacent recycle water holding basin and is recycled to the head of the treatment works with the spent
backwash water. This flow will have had its pH adjusted and will contain some residual dosed chemicals.
It normally has so little effect on the process that the chemical dosage rates do not need adjustment when
the recirculating pump kicks in, however, this will be checked.
The thickened sludge is usually drained once a day to the sludge drying lagoons, via a manually operated
de-sludge valve. Sludge lagoons will provide retention time for sludge before disposed and allow for
more than the annual production of sludge. The units, will be sized to take advantage of the topography of
the area of the works site.
Sludge accumulated in the recycle water holding basin can also be drained to the sludge drying lagoons.
As the existing two duty pumps combined deliver approximately 115 ℓ/s, the capacity of the pumpstation
will need to be increased with additional pumps to cater for the anticipated shortfall of 112 ℓ/s. It is
recommended that one additional pumps be installed thereby increasing the supply to approximately 170
ℓ/s to cater for future/drought demands. In 2020 an additional pump to be installed to supply the 227 ℓ/s.
There will therefore be 4 duty pumps and the standby pump (1 No) to be used only upon pump failure of
the duty pumps. Slightly larger future pumps can be installed to meet full demand.
Table 5 : Proposed Pumps
(ℓ/s) (kW) FUTURE
Pump 1 65 530 Existing (Duty)
Pump 2 65 530 Existing (Duty)
Pump 3 65 530 Existing (Standby)
Pump 4 65 530 Proposed (Duty)
Pump 5 65 530 Future (Duty - 2025)
Table – 7 reflects the flow rate required to be pumped through the pipeline.
As can be seen from the above table the velocity through the existing pipeline using the future/drought
demand is 2.8 m/s which is above the maximum recommended allowable velocity of 1.5 m/s.
It is therefore necessary to augment the existing 350mm ø pipeline to maintain a velocity of 1,0m/s in the
pipelines due to the high head, surge and water hammer. The lower velocity also translates into less
friction head-loss and a lower pumped head. It is therefore proposed to install a 450mm ø rising main
parallel to the existing 350mm ø rising main. The pipeline will have some spare capacity for any future
expansion if required.
The existing 350mm ø and proposed 450mm ø pipe would each deliver 68 and 140 ℓ/s respectively for the
proposed future requirements and maintain a velocity of 0.85 and 1.01 m/s respectively. Both pipes can
ultimately deliver 208 ℓ/s.
The storage reservoirs require that 48hrs storage be provided as the water supply is from a pumped
source. The capacity of the storage reservoir, calculated in accordance with DWAF guidelines is:
The building is founded on a concrete structural slab above the 1Ml reservoir and filter pipework gallery.
The building will consist of an approximately 20m 2 room with a desk, laboratory working surface and a
double sink and cupboard unit. A toilet and hand basin are to be provided for the office.
Manufacture new roof structure incl. trusses, supply, store and install 0.8 mm thick Brown-Built Klip-
Lok roof sheeting with Aluminium Finish, coated on both sides. Facias, Bargeboard, gutters and
downpipes. Fixing in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications by an approved Brownbuilt
The road alignment will be designed to suit the topography and the layout of the works, keeping to a
30km/h design speed.
Minimum horizontal radii and bellmouth radii is 4m – suitable for crawl speed of the design vehicle.
The structural pavement design of the road / parking areas is based on the requirements of UTG2
(Structural Design of Segmental Block Pavements for Southern Africa) and TRH4 (Structural Design of
Flexible Pavements for Interurban and Rural Roads). This design allows for a high level of service for
the duration of the design life.
4.7.4. KERBING
Precast concrete rectangular edging (figure 11) and cast-in-situ 25MPa concrete channels, 300mm wide
are specified on the lower edge of the road throughout. The precast sections are to be backed (continuous)
and bedded with 25MPa concrete.
The entire length of road has a cross-fall of 2%, with mountable kerbing on right hand side and sunken
kerb on left hand side.
Design criteria:
Minimum gradient: 1 in 250
Minimum pipe size: ø375 mm
Pipe class: 100D
Type of pipe: concrete with interlocking joints
Minimum design velocity: 0.9 m/s
Maximum design velocity: 3.0 m/s
Cover at road crossings: Minimum 750 mm to crown of pipe
Maximum distance between manholes/catchpits: 80 m
*Considering the WTW layout and topography there is no current need for pipe culverts at the
All electrical calculations were based on a systematic switching approach of pumps. As proposed, the
upgraded pump station would consist of the following pumps:
The short to medium term demand of the water treatment plant will require Pumps 1, 2, 3 and 4 to operate
simultaneously at certain instances. In this case pump 1 will start first then pump 2 and then pump 3 each
starting with a pre-programmed time delay of 20 minutes between pumps. Pumps 1, 2 and 3 will be
programmed via a PLC to start in an alternating fashion. Further to the above, there will be a specific
order of switching of pumps. This will also be controlled via a PLC. The order of switching will be as
While reviewing the requirements for the upgrade, different pump motor starting methods were
considered to optimize the utilization of the existing electrical capacity of the water treatment plant.
Based on its technical properties, three main starting options were identified as possibilities to be
implemented for the upgrade of the water treatment works. The three starting methods are as follows:
Direct online
Autotransformer starting
“Soft” starting
It is recommended that the existing autotransformer starters be replaced with 3300V soft starters and that
the proposed new motors are equipped with new 3300V soft starters. Although the initial cost of this will
be expensive, the long term expenditure will be less than when using the existing autotransformers.
The following table indicates the electrical calculations used to arrive at the proposed design:
(A) : AUTO-
(A) : SOFT
(A) : DOL
Pump 1 530 0.80 662.50 3300 115.91 811.38 231.82 173.87
Pump 2 530 0.80 662.50 3300 115.91 811.38 231.82 173.87
Pump 3 530 0.80 662.50 3300 115.91 811.38 231.82 173.87
Pump 4 530 0.80 662.50 3300 115.91 811.38 231.82 173.87
Pump 5 530 0.80 662.50 3300 115.91 811.38 231.82 173.87
From the above it is clear that the direct online starting method is not an option to consider as it will result
in very high starting current.
The following figures provide an indication of the difference in starting current for the remaining two
starting methods (autotransformer and soft) for individual pump motors.
Figure 3 : Future Combined pump motor starting current with a soft starter
The ultimate total starting demand, using soft starters will therefore be 637.51A and the ultimate total
running demand will be 579.55A.
As mentioned in the previous section, the total demand for the short and long term demand will be at least
637.51A at 3300V.
This total capacity of 3200kVA computes to a total supply of 559.87A on 3300V. The existing supply of
559.87A will be sufficient for the proposed upgrade when only one new pump is installed.
The secondary feeders(3300V) terminated onto the existing transformers consists of 185mm 2 AL PILC
cables. The following table provides an overview of the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the
existing cables used:
If two new pumps are installed as per the future demand, the main incoming supplies will not be
sufficient. A new 1000kVA; 22000/3300V distribution transformer will then need to be installed and taken
off from the existing 22kV overhead MINK line. The proposed upgrade of the existing supplies will result
in a total 3300V capacity of 734A, which will be sufficient for the medium and long term demand.
Sufficient space exists in the suBPtation yard to accommodate the new transformer see layout drawing
8010/001/300. All calculations in determining the demand are based on starters being soft starters.
The new distribution transformer will be connected to the existing 3300V grid of the James Kleynhans
Water Treatment Works via a 70mm2 x 3c PILC cable, installed underground at 1000mm deep and rated at
3,8/6,6kV. Existing sleeves will be used for cable entry into the existing medium voltage switch room.
Primary protection of the existing 22kV take-off line will be done using 30A inland fuse link switches
with the following characteristics:
The existing 22kV overhead line does not need to be upgraded. It has been confirmed by the supply
authority (ESKOM) to have sufficient capacity to accommodate the upgrade.
All 3300V switchgear are ABB type Rayrolle circuit breakers and switch disconnectors, protected by
IDMT protection relays for overload and earth leakage protection.
Currently the three 530kW pump motors are started using an autotransformer starting method. Two
Republic Tranarmco and one Magnalec type autotransformers are used.
A new 3300V circuit breaker switch will be installed to isolate the proposed new 1MVA supply from the
water treatment works. This new switch will be ABB type Rayrolle to match the existing two main
incoming switches. The supply to this new switch will be a 70mm 2 x 3C 3,8/6,6kV armoured PILC cable
installed in the ground in a PVC sleeve at 1000mm deep.
Each new pump will be protected with a 3300V circuit breaker switch with IDMT relays programmed for
over current (180A) and earth fault protection (20kA).
New ABB type soft starters shall be used for the motor control of the proposed new 530kW pump motors.
Starters shall be protected by moulded case circuit breakers designed to provide full short circuit
protection to the contactors, overloads, the interconnecting cables and the motor. The circuit breaker shall
be correctly coordinated with the motor overload protection. It shall be of a type specifically designed for
motor protection duty fitted with high speed tripping devices which are calibrated to avoid nuisance
tripping during starting.
The existing autotransformers will also be replaced by with ABB type soft starters.
The existing flow/level meters will be utilized to monitor the inlet flow and levels of the pump station.
Signals obtained from the flow meters will be used to control the integrated switching of the pumps. The
pumps will be switched in an alternating algorithm to maximize lifetime of the pumps. Power supply will
be via a 2.5mm2 x 3c cable from the existing indoor distribution switchboard.
A new MCC panel will be installed in the existing switchgear room. This panel will be equipment with the
control equipment for the proposed 2 new pumps. It will also make provision for the future addition of
new controls for the existing 3 pumps. The existing switchgear room would need to be extended by 2.6m
into the store room in order for it to have sufficient space to accommodate the new MCC panel.
No standby emergency power was allowed for and should be included in future should the need arise.
The existing Siemens S5 PLC will be upgraded to an S7 3152PN/DP CPU with profinet I/O in the
Chemical House, the upgrade will include the following:
The existing telemetry will be upgraded by a specialist installer to include the following:
Teleflex 5 (CPU with onboard RS232 port and RS485 port, Ethernet port, USB
1 port - 32 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs and 8 analog inputs
1 LCD Display (Local and Remote Site Info)
2 SurgeArrestor Module (8 inputs @ 7.5V)
1 8 Relay Outputs (5A, 220 Vac)
1 Assembly, Run-up and Test
Teleflex 5 (CPU with onboard RS232 port and RS485 port, Ethernet port, USB
4 port - 32 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs and 8 analog inputs
8 Surge Arrestor Module (8 inputs @ 7.5V)
4 4 Relay Outputs (5A, 220 Vac)
4 GPRS Modem
10 Battery 12V 18a/h
10 6A Charger
5 12V-24V Converter (2A)
1 75W Solar Module
Due to updated requirements from Makana LM a Phase 3 project meeting was held on the 15th of
November 2021 for the James Kleynhans WTW project between Amatola Water, Makana Municipality
and Bosch Projects.
The existing James Kleynhans High Lift Pump Station has been flooded on numerous occasions and as
the water cannot be drained the pumps and motors are almost always flooded. The existing drain pump
installed can only discharge minor leaks and discharge low water flows when maintenance is performed.
Makana LM has indicated that due to the flooding of the pump station the pump-set repair costs are
currently unnecessarily draining the Makana LM budget, annually.
Makana LM have requested that various options be considered to limit or drain the pump station to the
existing stream / river be installed.
Makana LM indicated that they wanted to maximise the capacity of the existing pump station and the two
(2) pumping mains.
Amatola Water approved the provision of professional engineering services for the transient (water
hammer) hydraulic analysis of the existing 450 & 350mmØ bulk pipelines from the James Kleynhans
Water Treatment Works to the existing Botha’s Hilll reservoir.
The Terms of Reference for Bosch Projects was to provide the following services and deliverables:
a) Review of the available pumpstation and pipeline layouts, valve and pump hydraulic data,
operating philosophy and the previous water hammer analysis model relating to the Water
treatment works High Lift pumpstation and pipeline system.
b) Undertake a hydraulic steady state and water hammer analysis of the pipeline system in order to
determine the maximum and minimum pressures which will be encountered in the pipeline. The
modelling to be undertaken using the Kentucky University Pipe 2010 water hammer analysis
c) Carry out simulations for various operating conditions which result in water hammer for the
situation when all mechanical components of the water treatment works pump station are
d) Simulate the effects of water hammer for different pump and pipeline operations.
e) Compile a report on the water hammer analysis results, findings and recommendations.
The results of the above steady state and transient hydraulic analysis and the implementation of the
recommendations below would assist Makana LM in making more informed decisions regarding the
operation of the pumpstation and pipeline systems.
The additional works approved was the Proposed Optimum Operating Scenario and Pumpstation
Pipework Reconfiguration to maximise the pumping output.
The options allowed for and accepted and approved by ECTAC for funding on the 24 April 2023,
following the submission of the Scoping Report and Technical Feasibility Report in January 2023 was the
Optimum Operating Scenario
Existing 350mmØ Pipeline Integrity Assessment
Pumpstation Pipework Reconfiguration
Makana LM further requested that the following additional works form part of Phase 3 due to additional
requirements at the James Kleynhans WTW.
To achieve this discharge a pipeline of approximately 600m in length is to be installed to drain the pump
station due to the difference in levels as the outlet has to be lower than the pump station floor level. The
depth of excavation will be from 8m deep at the pumpstation and for the majority of the length and to
then daylight at the Brak River. This drain will prevent the pumpstation from being flooded, however if
the Brak river floods measures must be put in place so that the drain does not flood the pump station, or
the pipeline be filled with sediment.
A survey has been conducted to determine the levels along the river and the design determined the
discharge point as well as the required length for the pipeline.
A sluice gate could be installed at the outlet of the pumpstation and operated automatically from a signal
that will be relayed from the pumpstation or when Brak river is in flood to prevent water entering the
A 600mm diameter concrete gravity main drains the flooding conditions that could occur from the James
Kleynhans pump station and discharges the water into the Brak River.
The gravity drain pipeline is capable of delivering 488 ℓl/sℓ/s to the Brak River.
It is noted that the original design capacity of the pipeline based on the demand was 241 l/sℓ/sec. Hence,
there is additional capacity available.
Pumpset Bay 1, 2 and 3 will be allocated to the 450mmdia Pipeline and Pumpset Bay 4 and 5 will be for
standby or allocated to the 350mmdia Pipeline.
New suction and delivery pipework to be manufactured for Pumpset bay 5 and the 500mm Ødia manifold
will be extended to cater for Bay 4 and 5 and a 350mm branch installed. Refer to Annexure Q – Transient
(water hammer) Hydraulic Analysis.
Pumpset Bay 1, 2 and 3 will be allocated to the 450mmdia Pipeline and Pumpset Bay 4 and 5 will be for
standby or allocated to the 350mmØdia Pipeline.
From the 350mm Ødia manifold branch installed in the pump station tor Bay 4 and 5 the 350mm delivery
pipework will be extended to connect into the existing 350mm Ødia pumping main at the existing
A new actuated isolating valve to be installed to cater for the new 350mm Ødia pumping main. Refer to
Annexure Q – Transient (water hammer) Hydraulic Analysis.
The existing reservoir and pumpstation does not have a scour or a drain due to them being at or below the
Brak River level.
The two new reservoirs, 2Ml reservoir and new 1Ml reservoir have scours installed. These all drain to the
supernatant pumpstation where the water is taken back to the head of the works. The two (2 No) new
reservoirs are unable to gravitate fully to natural daylight.
When scouring or maintenance is required the reservoirs are to be discharged as far as possible and the
balance of the water is removed by the supernatant pumpstation and pumped to the head of the works.
There is an emergency overflow at the supernatant, but this is just below ground level and does not fully
drain the reservoir.
In the instance when an emergency has occurred and the water in the reservoir is full and the supernatant
pump station not operational the water would back up and flood the pumpstation during a pipe failure.
This would occur due to the isolating valves not been closed once this failure has occurred.
To eliminate the above a gabion scour outlet was introduced so that the majority of the water can be
scoured, and no flooding can occur in the pump station.
This is motivated by the potential deterioration of the pipeline due to its age, and the fact that the pipeline
appears to have been unduly stressed to above the recommended maximum pressure limits of the steel
pipe over its operating life. Refer to Annexure Q – Transient (water hammer) Hydraulic Analysis. This
works is currently being attended to in Phase 2 and not part of Phase 3. Should the works not be
completed in Phase 2, the outstanding works to be accurately determined on completion of Phase 2.
All valves and fittings to be checked to ensure they are operational and no leaks. All valves and fittings
not operational or leaking to be repaired / replaced.
Mr Theo Geldenhuys of DWA has requested that relevant documentation be forwarded to them for the
increase in abstraction.
Makhanda has been provided with a 6.0 million m 3/a allocation from the Orange-Fish-Sundays scheme to
the off-channel Glen Melville Dam and the James Kleynhans WTW. This water will be stored in the Glen
Melville Dam.
Makana Municipality has signed the documents listed below and Bosch Projects has delivered them on
the 7 February 2014 to Lizna Fourie at the DWA offices in East London. (Refer to Annexures “HA to
On the 1 March 2015 DWS issued the Water Use Licence in terms of chapter 4 of the National Water Act,
1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998). (Refer to Annexure “A”)
Licence No: 12/Q93B/A/2790
File No: 27/2/2/Q2931
The potable water produced will have to comply with SANS 241, Class 1 water.
A Health and Safety Agent is required for the various project phases and AW would
make these appointments.
In terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993 and Construction
Regulations 2014 a Health and Safety Agent will be appointed for each phase of the
works in terms of Regulation 4(5) of the Construction Regulations and the following to
be performed;
Prepare a baseline risk assessment
Prepare site specific H&S specification
HIV and AIDS Specification for awareness campaign by principle contractor
Evaluation of the contractor’s Health and Safety Plan
Monitoring of the contractor during the construction phase
Monthly Health and Safety Compliance Audits
Preparation and submission of a close-out report
Trapo Trading was appointed for phase 1 by AW on the 16 February 2018 in terms of
sub-regulation 5.7. There appointment was extended to Phase 2.
8. ISD and Social facilitation services
A social facilitator would be required for the various project phases and Bosch
Projects to submit a costing for Social Facilitation to AW for approval.
Koloni Energy Solutions was appointed as ISD for Phase 1 by the EA on behalf of AW
on the
04 July 2017.
Leesa Social Facilitators was appointed as ISD for Phase 2 by the EA on behalf of AW
on the 23 March 2020.
International best practice has proved that one of the factors contributing towards the successful
implementation of infrastructure related projects within existing communities is the role the community,
targeted by the development intervention, will play in the process.
It is of utmost importance that the community is involved in all aspects of the infrastructure upgrading
The key component of social facilitation is the involvement and participation of the affected and the
broader community to ensure maximum participation for project sustainability. Social facilitation
activities are underpinned by the principle of “Batho Pele” hence the importance of ensuring there is
reasonable time and resources allocated to successfully implement the project.
The objectives and importance of facilitation in Social and Physical Infrastructure is to achieve the
In rolling out the implementation of the projects the following methodology is generally adopted:
Inception Meeting
Community Participation Plan
Set up Project Steering Committee (PSC)
Support to Community Liaison Officer (C.L.O.)
Capacitation of Project Steering Committee (PSC)
PSC Monitoring
Project Closure and Community Awareness
An introductory meeting will be arranged with the relevant Officials from the Municipality, Ward
Councillors, Ward Committee Members, the Social Facilitator and eventually the appointed Contractor.
The sole purpose of the meeting would be to define Social Facilitator role, realising the expectations of
the different stakeholders and pave the way forward to implement the Project.
Prior to the Contractor being appointed, a Community Awareness session will be conducted to inform the
community of the Project Implementation Plan which will describe project matters such as timing,
opportunities for local labour / EME involvement etc.
At the kick-off meeting it will be highlighted that the community members from George will be included
in the Social Facilitation process.
The Participation Plan will be developed to ensure that the Community Members is involved in the
project from the onset and is aware of the labour opportunities the project would bring about.
Therefore, the community will be involved to partner in developing the Community Participation Plan to
ensure that enough time and space is allowed to address their needs / concerns and to provide input form
their respective forums. It would also assist the community to know that they formed part in developing
an arrangement / opportunity for their participation to be undertaken within the context of a structured
agreement between themselves and the GM.
Most important of all in the planning process is that fragile community survival networks which are the
hallmark of poor communities must be preserved to ensure the future sustainability of the community and
settlement. This can be achieved by enhancing the capacity of the community to actively participate in all
aspects of the planning and development of the settlement.
This will entail the establishment of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) that will oversee the project
implementation and liaise with Community Members. The PSC members will be elected by the relevant
community at a Public Meeting. The PSC will also coordinate Community Meetings to provide Progress
Reports and allow Community Members some input on project aspects that will ensure maximum
community participation.
The appointment of the Community Liaison Officer (CLO) is done through the Municipality own internal
Through the duration of the Project, Bosch Projects will mentor the CLO with the aim of strengthening
his / her Community Management skills.
Social Facilitator will facilitate the Establishment of the PSC and conduct training of the PSC which will
cover all the areas that would be pertinent in the day-to-day activities of the PSC.
The training of the PSC would cover the follow, but not limited to:
PSC meetings will be held monthly for the duration of the project and Social Facilitator will be
responsibility to co-ordinate them. An attendance register will be compiled at all these meetings to
monitor the participation of the PSC in the project.
A rotation policy will also be adopted whereby members of the PSC would be afforded the opportunity to
chair the PSC meetings to ensure the individual members are capacitated in the process.
During the PSC meetings, all social related issues pertaining to the project will be discussed and problems
emanating from the project will be dealt with and resolved. All relevant stakeholders such as the
Contractor, Municipality, PSC members and Community Members will be attending these meetings.
The PSC will also be encouraged to attend monthly Technical Meetings to ensure maximum Community
Participation in the project.
Monthly Progress Reports will be submitted which will include the Minutes of PSC meetings held.
Progress Reports on the Construction Project will also be given to community members at the PSC
On conclusion of the Project, a Project Closure Meeting with the PSC and Community Members will be
convened to allow all relevant Stakeholders to reflect and identify any possible shortcomings and / or
lessons learnt that could assist in the implementation of future projects.
The installation of the drain pipeline from the pump station at James Kleynhans Water Treatment Works
to the Brak River, which is in the order of 700 m in length requires Landowners Consent. The depth of
excavation will be from 8 m deep at the pump station to daylight at the river. This drain will ensure that
the pump station does not flood when flooding occurs due to back flow or bursts. The depth of the
excavation is mostly 7m to 8 m for the first 350 m and then tapers to the river for the remaining 350 m.
Consent in terms of Regulation 39 of the NEMA EIA Regulations by the landowner or person in control
of the land that the proposed pipeline activity/ies may be undertaken on the land in question.
The pipeline traverses over the following portions of land.
Remaining extent of Portion 0 and Portion 1 of the Farm 199, division of Albany (T35963/98)
Remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm No. 199, division of Albany within the Province of Eastern
Cape with the property size of 151,3778 hectares. Extending as in Deed of Transfer 10109/1930
with Diagram No. A4293/1930 annexed and held by Deed of Transfer No. T6268/1977.
Remainder of the Farm No. 199, division of Albany within the Province of Eastern Cape with the
property size of 740,7871 hectares. Extending as in Deed of Grant with diagram annexed thereto
and dated 1 July 1881 (Albany Quitrents Volume 12 No. 17) and held by Deed of Transfer No.
The Environmental Consultant would consult with the landowner in terms of their Application for
Environmental Authorisation for the drain pipeline at James Kleynhans WTW and provide the landowner
agreement consent to DEDEA.
The Title Deeds to be sourced from the Deeds Office and will be integrated into the application form.
The applicant being Makana Local Municipality (being landowner of ptn 7 of Erf 199), whereas the
landowner of Ptn 0 and 1 of Farm 199, is MUNSTER NO 127 Prop Trust.
A signed declaration by the applicant must also be attached to the submission.
A servitude or right of way would be required once the pipeline has been installed. No servitudes have
been registered currently where the pipeline traverses Municipal land and through the private property.
The widths of servitude or right of way would be a maximum of 5m wide.
A land surveyor will be appointed by AW to incorporate a servitude through Municipal land and through
the private property. A right of way or servitude would be registered across the property to formalise
where the drain pipeline traverses all properties. The registration of the servitude will be performed once
the drain pipeline is complete or nearing completion and will be done in conjunction with Makana LM.
Makana Municipality has secured two loans from DBSA amounting to a total of R50
million. The loans are for the James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply project. The
repayment period for both loans is 20 years.
A resolution by the Executive Mayor authorising the Municipal Manager to sign the
loan agreement with DBSA was taken on the 28 March 2011. A copy of the loan
agreement is attached as Annexure. (Refer to Annexure “N“)
Phase 1
Terminated R 5 370 057 R 3 069 359 R 268 503 R 8 707 919 R 1 219 109 R 9 927 027
Phase 1
Completed R 36 483 331 R 13 615 057 R 2 504 919 R 52 603 307 R 7 703 676 R 60 306 983
Phase 2
Terminated R 58 765 776 R 18 005 895 R 3 838 584 R 80 610 255 R 12 091 538 R 92 701 793
Phase 2
Construction R 65 344 669 R 10 444 636 R 3 789 465 R 79 578 771 R 11 936 816 R 91 515 586
Phase 3
Future R 93 302 526 R 21 512 238 R 5 740 738 R 120 555 502 R 18 083 325 R 138 638 827
TOTAL R 259 266 358,64 R 66 647 185,11 R 16 142 209,41 R 342 055 753,16 R 51 034 463,76 R 393 090 216,92
Phase 3 estimated project cost is reflected below.
James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply Project No 8010/013
Prelim Design, Tech Research and Investigation Report April 2024 Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd
Table - 22 18 reflects the Anticipated Program for the Augmentation of the James Kleynhans WTW, Phase 1 and Phase 2
Table - 24 19 reflects the Anticipated Program for the Augmentation of the James Kleynhans WTW, Phase 3
756492229.doc Page 47
James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply Project No 8010/013
Prelim Design, Tech Research and Investigation Report April 2024 Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd
Table - 205 reflects the Anticipated Cashflow for the James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply – Phase 1 and Phase 2
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James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply Project No 8010/013
Prelim Design, Tech Research and Investigation Report April 2024 Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd
DWS - Apr to Mar
2013 2014 2013/2014
April May June July August September October November December January February March Inclusive of IA Fee
RBIG funding - Phase 1 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 490 783.48 R 289 178.96 R 357 673.02 R 178 125.00 R 684 224.24 R 1 999 984.70
Co-funding R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 490 783.48 R 779 962.43 R 1 137 635.46 R 1 315 760.46 R 1 999 984.70 R 1 999 984.70
Consultant R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 430 511.82 R 253 665.75 R 313 748.27 R 156 250.00 R 600 196.70 R 1 754 372.54
Contractor R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 430 511.82 R 253 665.75 R 313 748.27 R 156 250.00 R 600 196.70 R 1 754 372.54
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 490 783.48 R 289 178.96 R 357 673.02 R 178 125.00 R 684 224.24 R 1 999 984.70
Cumulative exp. (For Year) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 490 783.48 R 779 962.43 R 1 137 635.46 R 1 315 760.46 R 1 999 984.70 R 1 999 984.70
Table - 215 reflects the Anticipated Cashflow for the James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply – Phase 1 and Phase 2
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James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply Project No 8010/013
Prelim Design, Tech Research and Investigation Report April 2024 Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd
2018 2019 2018/2019
April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 1 R 7 685 415.41 R 2 668 512.84 R 3 756 889.81 R 1 081 793.56 R 1 392 120.21 R 695 148.48 R 3 755 774.46 R 3 707 077.18 R 1 385 291.67 R 1 761 715.16 R 1 920 135.19 R 0.00 R 29 809 873.96
Co-funding - LSIP R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 33 373 129.16 R 36 041 642.00 R 39 798 531.81 R 40 880 325.38 R 42 272 445.58 R 42 967 594.06 R 46 723 368.52 R 50 430 445.69 R 51 815 737.36 R 53 577 452.52 R 55 497 587.71 R 55 497 587.71 R 55 497 587.71
Consultant R 1 024 015.40 R 290 155.75 R 281 772.20 R 234 244.50 R 175 696.90 R 215 791.25 R 255 684.90 R 393 426.95 R 350 902.80 R 340 153.49 R 303 899.20 R 0.00 R 3 865 743.34
Contractor R 5 379 646.28 R 1 919 792.77 R 2 829 523.71 R 661 650.79 R 977 197.68 R 359 901.07 R 2 854 687.32 R 2 676 616.26 R 796 336.68 R 1 120 117.78 R 1 286 274.87 R 0.00 R 20 861 745.21
Implementation Fee R 320 183.08 R 110 497.43 R 155 564.80 R 44 794.76 R 57 644.73 R 28 784.62 R 155 518.61 R 153 502.16 R 57 361.97 R 73 013.56 R 79 508.70 R 0.00 R 1 236 374.43
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 6 723 844.76 R 2 320 445.95 R 3 266 860.71 R 940 690.05 R 1 210 539.31 R 604 476.94 R 3 265 890.83 R 3 223 545.37 R 1 204 601.45 R 1 533 284.83 R 1 669 682.77 R 0.00 R 25 963 862.98
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 7 685 415.41 R 2 668 512.84 R 3 756 889.81 R 1 081 793.56 R 1 392 120.21 R 695 148.48 R 3 755 774.46 R 3 707 077.18 R 1 385 291.67 R 1 761 715.16 R 1 920 135.19 R 0.00 R 29 809 873.96
Cumulative exp. R 33 373 136.34 R 36 041 649.18 R 39 798 538.99 R 40 880 332.55 R 42 272 452.76 R 42 967 601.24 R 46 723 375.69 R 50 430 452.87 R 51 815 744.54 R 53 577 459.70 R 55 497 594.89 R 55 497 594.89 R 55 497 594.89
2019 2020 2019/2020
April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 1&2 R 6 308 917.02 R 3 518 551.13 R 691 424.52 R 302 612.54 R 1 463 676.64 R 179 744.12 R 1 129 850.84 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 3 111 003.54 R 0.00 R 16 705 780.36
Co-funding - LSIP R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 61 806 504.73 R 65 325 055.86 R 66 016 480.38 R 66 319 092.93 R 67 782 769.57 R 67 962 513.68 R 69 092 364.52 R 69 092 364.52 R 69 092 364.52 R 69 092 364.52 R 72 203 368.07 R 72 203 368.07 R 72 203 368.07
Consultant R 1 250 267.75 R 174 197.97 R 189 478.10 R 250 610.80 R 0.00 R 148 856.41 R 0.00 R 2 576 400.45 R 4 589 811.48
Contractor R 3 974 508.25 R 2 739 716.01 R 383 130.20 R 0.00 R 1 212 154.57 R 0.00 R 935 694.28 R 9 245 203.31
Implementation Fee R 261 238.80 R 145 695.70 R 28 630.42 R 12 530.54 R 60 607.73 R 7 442.82 R 46 784.71 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 128 820.02 R 0.00 R 691 750.74
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 5 486 014.80 R 3 059 609.68 R 601 238.72 R 263 141.34 R 1 272 762.30 R 156 299.23 R 982 478.99 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 2 705 220.47 R 0.00 R 14 526 765.53
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 6 308 917.02 R 3 518 551.13 R 691 424.52 R 302 612.54 R 1 463 676.64 R 179 744.12 R 1 129 850.84 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 3 111 003.54 R 0.00 R 16 705 780.36
Cumulative exp. R 61 806 511.91 R 65 325 063.04 R 66 016 487.56 R 66 319 100.10 R 67 782 776.75 R 67 962 520.86 R 69 092 371.70 R 69 092 371.70 R 69 092 371.70 R 69 092 371.70 R 72 203 375.25 R 72 203 375.25 R 72 203 375.25
2020 2021 2020/2021
April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 2 R 4 060 541.35 R 1 524 465.21 R 5 414 848.58 R 7 004 960.82 R 2 139 256.58 R 2 115 237.12 R 2 817 420.22 R 3 406 895.50 R 3 120 328.81 R 2 205 284.33 R 3 576 861.28 R 49 266.00 R 37 435 365.81
Co-funding - LSIP R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 76 263 909.41 R 77 788 374.63 R 83 203 223.21 R 90 208 184.03 R 92 347 440.61 R 94 462 677.73 R 97 280 097.94 R 100 686 993.45 R 103 807 322.26 R 106 012 606.59 R 109 589 467.87 R 109 638 733.87 R 109 638 733.87
Consultant R 1 721 975.36 R 408 286.82 R 459 298.66 R 426 096.93 R 445 444.26 R 443 261.17 R 449 536.63 R 473 747.26 R 425 909.87 R 408 957.87 R 544 421.63 R 40 800.00 R 6 247 736.46
Contractor R 1 640 791.80 R 854 210.25 R 4 025 047.99 R 5 375 112.86 R 1 326 196.80 R 1 308 488.00 R 1 883 730.63 R 2 347 698.29 R 2 158 213.37 R 1 417 364.56 R 2 417 782.33 R 24 754 636.88
Implementation Fee R 168 138.36 R 63 124.85 R 224 217.33 R 290 060.49 R 88 582.05 R 87 587.46 R 116 663.36 R 141 072.28 R 129 206.16 R 91 316.12 R 148 110.20 R 2 040.00 R 1 550 118.67
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 3 530 905.52 R 1 325 621.92 R 4 708 563.98 R 6 091 270.28 R 1 860 223.11 R 1 839 336.63 R 2 449 930.62 R 2 962 517.83 R 2 713 329.40 R 1 917 638.55 R 3 110 314.16 R 42 840.00 R 32 552 492.01
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 4 060 541.35 R 1 524 465.21 R 5 414 848.58 R 7 004 960.82 R 2 139 256.58 R 2 115 237.12 R 2 817 420.22 R 3 406 895.50 R 3 120 328.81 R 2 205 284.33 R 3 576 861.28 R 49 266.00 R 37 435 365.81
Cumulative exp. R 76 263 916.59 R 77 788 381.80 R 83 203 230.38 R 90 208 191.20 R 92 347 447.78 R 94 462 684.91 R 97 280 105.12 R 100 687 000.62 R 103 807 329.44 R 106 012 613.77 R 109 589 475.05 R 109 638 741.05 R 109 638 741.05
2021 2022 2021/2022
April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 2 R 7 018 743.37 R 3 753 068.93 R 4 226 456.13 R 3 506 641.46 R 6 521 016.93 R 4 189 312.91 R 4 846 094.55 R 5 233 263.46 R 3 305 874.92 R 6 478 873.78 R 428 503.01 R 435 148.80 R 49 942 998.27
Co-funding - LSIP R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 116 657 477.25 R 120 410 546.18 R 124 637 002.31 R 128 143 643.77 R 134 664 660.70 R 138 853 973.62 R 143 700 068.17 R 148 933 331.63 R 152 239 206.54 R 158 718 080.32 R 159 146 583.34 R 159 581 732.14 R 159 581 732.14
Consultant R 1 111 090.94 R 738 061.82 R 579 915.81 R 524 134.10 R 561 142.10 R 559 594.77 R 591 558.24 R 556 031.81 R 746 104.20 R 491 064.11 R 0.00 R 360 371.68 R 6 819 069.58
Contractor R 4 701 532.97 R 2 370 069.80 R 2 920 254.90 R 2 379 916.80 R 4 839 286.00 R 2 909 815.51 R 3 421 770.58 R 3 777 933.79 R 1 991 680.41 R 4 874 462.83 R 354 867.92 R 0.00 R 34 541 591.51
Implementation Fee R 290 631.20 R 155 406.58 R 175 008.54 R 145 202.55 R 270 021.41 R 173 470.51 R 200 666.44 R 216 698.28 R 136 889.23 R 268 276.35 R 17 743.40 R 18 018.58 R 2 068 033.05
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 6 103 255.11 R 3 263 538.20 R 3 675 179.25 R 3 049 253.45 R 5 670 449.51 R 3 642 880.79 R 4 213 995.26 R 4 550 663.88 R 2 874 673.84 R 5 633 803.29 R 372 611.32 R 378 390.26 R 43 428 694.14
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 7 018 743.37 R 3 753 068.93 R 4 226 456.13 R 3 506 641.46 R 6 521 016.93 R 4 189 312.91 R 4 846 094.55 R 5 233 263.46 R 3 305 874.92 R 6 478 873.78 R 428 503.01 R 435 148.80 R 49 942 998.27
Cumulative exp. (For Year) R 116 657 484.42 R 120 410 553.35 R 124 637 009.49 R 128 143 650.95 R 134 664 667.88 R 138 853 980.79 R 143 700 075.34 R 148 933 338.80 R 152 239 213.72 R 158 718 087.50 R 159 146 590.51 R 159 581 739.32 R 159 581 739.32
2022 2023 2022/2023
April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 2 R 1 732 360.83 R 569 745.87 R 540 423.15 R 494 831.86 R 16 701.93 R 16 701.93 R 483 671.14 R 77 987.12 R 277 778.46 R 2 928 327.04 R 663 421.50 R 0.00 R 7 801 950.83
Co-funding - LSIP R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 161 314 092.97 R 161 883 838.84 R 162 424 261.98 R 162 919 093.84 R 162 935 795.77 R 162 952 497.71 R 163 436 168.85 R 163 514 155.97 R 163 791 934.43 R 166 720 261.47 R 167 383 682.97 R 167 383 682.97 R 167 383 682.97
Consultant R 1 434 667.35 R 471 839.23 R 447 555.40 R 409 798.64 R 13 831.83 R 13 831.83 R 400 555.81 R 64 585.61 R 230 044.27 R 360 192.46 R 3 846 902.43
Contractor R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 2 064 923.10 R 549 417.39 R 2 614 340.49
Implementation Fee R 71 733.37 R 23 591.96 R 22 377.77 R 20 489.93 R 691.59 R 691.59 R 20 027.79 R 3 229.28 R 11 502.21 R 121 255.78 R 27 470.87 R 0.00 R 323 062.15
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 1 506 400.72 R 495 431.19 R 469 933.17 R 430 288.57 R 14 523.42 R 14 523.42 R 420 583.60 R 67 814.89 R 241 546.48 R 2 546 371.34 R 576 888.26 R 0.00 R 6 784 305.07
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 1 732 360.83 R 569 745.87 R 540 423.15 R 494 831.86 R 16 701.93 R 16 701.93 R 483 671.14 R 77 987.12 R 277 778.46 R 2 928 327.04 R 663 421.50 R 0.00 R 7 801 950.83
Cumulative exp. (For Year) R 161 314 100.14 R 161 883 846.01 R 162 424 269.16 R 162 919 101.02 R 162 935 802.95 R 162 952 504.89 R 163 436 176.03 R 163 514 163.15 R 163 791 941.61 R 166 720 268.65 R 167 383 690.14 R 167 383 690.14 R 167 383 690.14
Table - 225 reflects the Anticipated Cashflow for the James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply – Phase 2 and Phase 3
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RBIG funding - Phase 2 & 3 R 7 136 931.66 R 3 932 691.43 R 7 089 988.25 R 2 960 483.87 R 2 694 744.85 R 2 874 162.62 R 2 968 618.10 R 3 370 313.78 R 2 146 650.55 R 1 847 214.20 R 3 508 047.68 R 1 112 127.89 R 41 641 974.89
Co-funding - LSIP R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 174 520 614.63 R 178 453 306.05 R 185 543 294.30 R 188 503 778.18 R 191 198 523.02 R 194 072 685.65 R 197 041 303.75 R 200 411 617.53 R 202 558 268.08 R 204 405 482.28 R 207 913 529.96 R 209 025 657.86 R 209 025 657.86
Consultant R 1 471 386.89 R 2 150 366.61 R 486 168.04 R 617 915.16 R 508 660.83 R 453 592.59 R 709 603.21 R 2 436 170.74 R 381 354.88 R 880 115.92 R 751 118.02 R 861 126.89 R 11 707 579.78
Contractor R 4 439 115.52 R 1 106 520.70 R 5 385 457.84 R 1 833 831.32 R 1 723 011.92 R 1 926 666.31 R 1 748 879.69 R 354 979.39 R 1 396 409.55 R 649 668.10 R 2 154 097.45 R 59 890.00 R 22 778 527.79
Implementation Fee R 295 525.12 R 162 844.37 R 293 581.29 R 122 587.32 R 111 583.64 R 119 012.95 R 122 924.15 R 139 557.51 R 88 888.22 R 76 489.20 R 145 260.77 R 46 050.84 R 1 724 305.38
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 6 206 027.53 R 3 419 731.68 R 6 165 207.17 R 2 574 333.80 R 2 343 256.39 R 2 499 271.85 R 2 581 407.05 R 2 930 707.64 R 1 866 652.65 R 1 606 273.22 R 3 050 476.24 R 967 067.73 R 36 210 412.95
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 7 136 931.66 R 3 932 691.43 R 7 089 988.25 R 2 960 483.87 R 2 694 744.85 R 2 874 162.62 R 2 968 618.10 R 3 370 313.78 R 2 146 650.55 R 1 847 214.20 R 3 508 047.68 R 1 112 127.89 R 41 641 974.89
Cumulative exp. (For Year) R 174 520 621.80 R 178 453 313.23 R 185 543 301.48 R 188 503 785.36 R 191 198 530.20 R 194 072 692.82 R 197 041 310.92 R 200 411 624.71 R 202 558 275.26 R 204 405 489.46 R 207 913 537.14 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03
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April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 2 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 3 000 000.00 R 5 000 000.00 R 5 000 000.00 R 5 000 000.00 R 42 000 000.00
RBIG funding - Phase 3&4 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 212 025 657.86 R 215 025 657.86 R 218 025 657.86 R 221 025 657.86 R 224 025 657.86 R 227 025 657.86 R 230 025 657.86 R 233 025 657.86 R 236 025 657.86 R 241 025 657.86 R 246 025 657.86 R 251 025 657.86 R 251 025 657.86
Consultant R 0.00
Contractor R 0.00
Implementation Fee R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative exp. (For Year) R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03
R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03
2025 2026 2023/2024
April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 2 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 72 000 000.00
RBIG funding - Phase 3&4 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 257 025 657.86 R 263 025 657.86 R 269 025 657.86 R 275 025 657.86 R 281 025 657.86 R 287 025 657.86 R 293 025 657.86 R 299 025 657.86 R 305 025 657.86 R 311 025 657.86 R 317 025 657.86 R 323 025 657.86 R 323 025 657.86
Consultant R 0.00
Contractor R 0.00
Implementation Fee R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative exp. (For Year) R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03
R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03
2026 2027 2023/2024
April May June July August September October November December January February March
RBIG funding - Phase 2 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 6 000 000.00 R 4 064 551.89 R 70 064 551.89
RBIG funding - Phase 3&4 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative Funding. R 329 025 657.86 R 335 025 657.86 R 341 025 657.86 R 347 025 657.86 R 353 025 657.86 R 359 025 657.86 R 365 025 657.86 R 371 025 657.86 R 377 025 657.86 R 383 025 657.86 R 389 025 657.86 R 393 090 209.75 R 393 090 209.75
Consultant R 0.00
Contractor R 0.00
Implementation Fee R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Total expenditure (Excl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Total expenditure (Incl VAT) R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00 R 0.00
Cumulative exp. (For Year) R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03 R 209 025 665.03
Table - 236 reflects the Anticipated Temporary Employment Generated for the James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply – Phase 1 and Phase 2
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Section 6: Clarifiers
Optimisation of flocculation
Control of sludge blanket level
Sludge blow down systems operation
Shut-down and maintenance of accelerator clarifiers
Bypass of clarifiers
De-sludge system and operating procedures
Maintenance manuals and procedures
Air compressors
Sample pumps
Maintenance manuals and procedures
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Operators duties
Operators normal shift routine
Essential tasks checklist
Operators routine and preventive maintenance tasks
A water services institution must employ for the operation control of water services works the following:
The minimum number of persons to be employed is related to the type of works to be operated. In terms
of the classification system for Water Care Works detailed in the Government Gazette No. 2834 of 27
December 1985, both the WTW at GrahamstownMakhanda are classified as Class C works.
The staff required in terms of the registration of the plants is detailed below. Four Full-time operators are
required for the WTW at Waainek and four at the James Kleynhans, in addition to a Class III supervisor at
each works. Maintenance team and laboratory staff are excluded.
An estimated ten permanent workers are required to operate the project’s infrastructure.
Table 256: Minimum number of person to be employed for the operation of a water care
Work Class Class and number of Class of supervisor Class of weekly inspec-
person as operators tion
1 x Trainee
1 x II
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Makana Municipality has two vacancies in the water services section out of a total staff complement of
38. There are a total of 15 registered process controllers of which four are situated at Waainek and five at
James Kleynhans, thus complying with the minimum number of specified in the regulations.
Since water treatment is an essential service, workers are not allowed to strike and backup staff are
always required to be available. To this extent Makana Municipality has an essential services policy in
Makana Municipality has concluded a five-year agreement with Amatola Water in October 2013. Amatola
Waters responsibility is to manage the bulk water supply including the water treatment works and
reservoirs in GrahamstownMakhanda.
The Makana Municipality WCDM strategy suggests that consideration be given to forming closer ties
with the Institute of Water Research at Rhodes University and that the institute could assist in water
Any future projects is to ensure that the contractor implementing the project be appointed to oversee the
O&M for a minimum of a six month period.
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Social awareness & education
Rehabilitation of a water source
Dam storage optimisation
Removal of invading alien plants
Pressure management
Preventative maintenance
Infrastructure optimisation
Loss minimisation
Duel distribution system
Minimising losses
Minimising infiltration
Minimising pollution
As the proposed project deals with the augmentation / upgrading of water treatment works, pump stations,
pumping mains and reservoirs the following design criteria will be incorporated into the design in terms
of water use efficiency.
Meters to be installed at the WTW
Meters to be installed at the pump station and reservoirs
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Non Return valves to be installed along the pumping main to assist with water hammer and
isolation should breakages occur
The water management plan is to put the following framework in place to achieve the reduction in water
Zone prioritisation and identification
Water balance
Integrity checks
Night flow analysis
Validation and condition assessment
Pressure management program
Network calibration
Non-visible leak detection
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Attached are the following drawings:
8010/013/WTW/001 Locality Plan
8010/013/WTW/002 Existing Services Layout & Test Pits
8010/013/WTW/003 WTW P&ID
8010/013/WTW/004 Proposed Overall Layout
8010/013/WTW/005 Drain Pipeline Layout
8010/013/WTW/006 Drain Pipeline - Plan & Longsection - (Ch 0 - 202.81)
8010/013/WTW/007 Drain Pipeline - Plan & Longsection - (Ch 202.81 - 382.81)
8010/013/WTW/008 Drain Pipeline - Plan & Longsection - (Ch 382.81 - 577.38)
8010/013/WTW/009 Drain Pipeline Inlet Details At Ps - Sheet 1 Of 2
8010/013/WTW/010 Drain Pipeline Inlet Details At Ps - Sheet 2 Of 2
8010/013/WTW/011 Drain Pipeline Outlet Details
8010/013/WTW/012 Drain Pipeline Typical Cut & Fill Details
8010/013/WTW/013 Cast In-Situ Concrete Manhole Details - Type 1
8010/013/WTW/014 Cast In-Situ Concrete Manhole Details - Type 2 & 3
8010/013/WTW/015 Chemical Housing Building Typical Roof Details
8010/013/WTW/016 Filter Block Typical Roof Details
8010/013/WTW/017 Pump House Typical Roof Details
8010/013/WTW/018 Existing Cathodic Protection - Anode Groundbed Layout
8010/013/WTW/019 Existing Cathodic Protection Installation Details
8010/013/WTW/020 Underdrain And Scour Outlet Details - Gabions
8010/013/WTW/021 Typical Fence Layout & Details
8010/013/WTW/022 Road Layout, Vertical Alignment
8010/013/WTW/023 Road Layout, Vertical Alignment & Typical Cross Sections
8010/013/WTW/024 Stormwater Grid Inlet Details
8010/013/WTW/025 Stormwater Control and Earth Retaining
8010/013/WTW/026 Old Filter Building (As Built Plans And Sections) - 1 Of 3
8010/013/WTW/027 Old Filter Building (As-Built Typical Slab Details) - 2 Of 3
8010/013/WTW/028 Old Filter Building (As-Built Typical Slab Details) - 3 Of 3
8010/013/WTW/029 Old Filter Building Layout (Upgrading Of Air And Backwash)
8010/013/WTW/030 Old Filter Building - Air Blower Pipework Details (Upgrading) - 1 Of 2
8010/013/WTW/031 Old Filter Building - Air Blower Pipework Details (Upgrading) - 2 Of 2
8010/013/WTW/032 Old Filter Building - Backwash Pipework Pipe Details - (Sheet 1 Of 2)
8010/013/WTW/033 Old Filter Building - Backwash Pipework Pipe Details - (Sheet 2 Of 2)
8010/013/WTW/034 Old Filter Building - Backwash Header Pipework Details (Upgrading)
8010/013/WTW/035 Existing Pumpstation Layout
8010/013/WTW/036 Existing Suction & Delivery Pipework Details
8010/013/WTW/037 Proposed Upgrading Pumpstation Layout
8010/013/WTW/038 Proposed Pump & Plinth Details
8010/013/WTW/039 Pumpstation Suction & Delivery Pipework Details
8010/013/WTW/040 Pumpstation Proposed Bay 4 & 5 Alternate Pumping Pipework
8010/013/WTW/041 Refurbishment Of Inlet Chamber To Pumpstation
8010/013/WTW/042 Proposed Water Layout
8010/013/WTW/043 New 350mm Dia Valve Chamber & 450mm Dia Valve
8010/013/WTW/044 Refurbishing Of Chemical Housing Building
8010/013/WTW/045 Refurbishing Of Existing Filter Building
8010/013/WTW/046 Refurbishing Of Existing Pumpstation
8010/013/WTW/047 Refurbishing Of Sedimentation
8010/013/WTW/048 Typical Details
8010/013/WTW/049 Penetron Construction Details
8010/013/WTW/050 Proposed Filter Sewer Connection
8010/013/WTW/051 Sewer Manhole Details
8010/013/WTW/052 Trench Details
GN 504 Stormwater Unlined Drain
GN 234 Typical Headwall Details For Stormwater Inlets And Outlets
S505 Light And Heavy Duty Circular Precast Concrete Manhole
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