Assignment No.:01: Course Title: Cloud Computing Submitted By: Sabera Sultana (1803003)
Assignment No.:01: Course Title: Cloud Computing Submitted By: Sabera Sultana (1803003)
Assignment No.:01: Course Title: Cloud Computing Submitted By: Sabera Sultana (1803003)
A generic term for connecting devices to each other in order to transfer data back and forth. It
often refers to network connections, which embraces bridges, routers, switches and gateways as
well as backbone networks. It may also refer to connecting a home or office to the Internet or
connecting a digital camera to a computer or printer. Connectivity, security, management and
control are pushed to the cloud and delivered as a service. Cloud networking is a form of
Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology, in which groups of networking switches and
access devices can deploy over the wide area as shared, virtual resources.
Interactivity is the communication process that takes place between humans and computer
software. The most constant form of interactivity is typically found in games, which need a
continuous form of interactivity with the gamer. Database applications and other financial,
engineering and trading applications are also typically very interactive. There are many software
packages that run in the background without any need for input from humans or output to them --
that is, with no interactivity. A web browser is a common interactive program that most people
deal with. During an online session, the web browser is the only interactive application that the
user deals with. The code included in every Internet page defines a degree of interactivity with
the user. For example, an online form needs input from a user and then it gives output in the
form of labels that indicate the data to be entered in each text box or lists for the user to choose
Reliability is an attribute of any computer-related component (software, or hardware, or a
network, for example) that consistently performs according to its specifications. It has long been
considered one of three related attributes that must be considered when making, buying, or using
a computer product or component. Reliability, availability, and serviceability - RAS, for short -
are considered to be important aspects to design into any system. In theory, a reliable product is
totally free of technical errors; in practice, however, vendors frequently express a product's
reliability quotient as a percentage. Evolutionary products (those that have evolved through
numerous versions over a significant period of time) are usually considered to become
increasingly reliable, since it is assumed that bug s have been eliminated in earlier releases. For
example, IBM's z/OS (an operating system for their S/390server series), has a reputation for
reliability because it evolved from a long line of earlier MVS and OS/390 operating system
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE ) sponsors an organization devoted to
reliability in engineering, the IEEE Reliability Society (IEEE RS). The Reliability Society
promotes industry-wide acceptance of a systematic approach to design that will help to ensure
reliable products. To that end, they promote reliability not just in engineering, but in
maintenance and analysis as well. The Society encourages collaborative effort and information
sharing among its membership, which encompasses organizations and individuals involved in all
areas of engineering, including aerospace, transportation systems, medical electronics,
computers, and communications.
Cloud computing offers many benefits, but performance issues can complicate matters. It is a
way to dynamically allocate and deliver IT services in response to rapidly changing business
needs without having to understand the technology itself. As the pace of business and society in
general continues to accelerate, the physical and digital foundations on which progress depends
are straining to keep up. Focusing on performance is key. Here are 5 things to know about
performance when using cloud computing:-
Cloud computing (PAYG cloud computing) is a payment method for cloud computing that
charges based on usage. The practice is similar to that of utility bills, using only resources that
are needed. One major benefit of the pay-as-you-go method is that there are no wasted resources,
since users only pay for services procured, rather than provisioning for a certain amount of
resources that may or may not be used. With traditional enterprise design, users architect data
storage to handle the maximum workload. But with the public cloud, the pay-as-you-go method
allows you to be charged only for what you store. Pay-as-you-go platforms, such as Amazon
EC2, provide services by allowing users to design compute resources and charges by what is
used. Users select the CPU, memory, storage, operating system, security, networking capacity
and access controls, and any additional software needed to run their environment. There are three
main categories of cloud computing services, and each one can use a different form of the pay-
as-you-go model.
Ease of Programmability
The cloud model has lots of benefits, but it still represents change — and there are inevitable
cultural issues that arise when you ask people to do things differently. To ensure the success of
new cloud model, take the time to ease the transition to cloud computing by laying the
groundwork and helping people to understand how much it can help their work.
Cloud computing, heralded as the Next Big Thing in IT infrastructure, promises new levels of
efficiency, flexibility and cost savings – particularly in the area of outsourced hosting, also
known as infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). The crux of the matter is that cloud computing gives
real value. In essence, cloud computing is a new approach to IT infrastructure and a logical step
on a path to more efficient use of computing resources. Business enterprises can transform their
business models and gain a competitive edge through early adoption of cloud computing
SCALABILITY - ability of a system to increase the workload on its current hardware resources
(scale up); Cloud computing offers numerous major benefits to organizations, but perhaps the
biggest benefit of all is the ability to scale your cloud environment on-demand. Scalability in the
context of cloud computing can be defined as the ability to handle growing or diminishing
resources to meet business demands in a capable way. In essence, scalability is a planned level of
capacity that can grow or shrink as needed.
ELASTICITY - ability of a system to increase the workload on its current and additional
(dynamically added on demand) hardware resources (scale out); Elasticity is strongly related to
deployed-on-cloud applications. In cloud computing, elasticity is defined as "the degree to
which a system is able to adapt to workload changes by provisioning and de-provisioning
resources in an autonomic manner, such that at each point in time the available resources match
the current demand as closely as possible". Elasticity is a defining characteristic that
differentiates cloud computing from previously proposed computing paradigms, such as grid
computing. The dynamic adaptation of capacity, e.g., by altering the use of computing resources,
to meet a varying workload is called "elastic computing.
All Technologies That Combine Cloud Computing
The term "cloud computing" is everywhere. In the simplest terms, cloud computing means
storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive.
The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. Storing data on a home or office network does not
count as utilizing the cloud.
Web 2.0
The web is the primary interface (medium) through which cloud computing delivers or provides
its services to everyone. The meaning of term Web has evolved since time in memorial. At
present the Web encloses a troupe of technologies and services that facilitate interactive sharing,
collaboration, user-centered design, and application composition. So basically Web 2.0 is the
current state of online technology as it compares to early days of the Web, it comprises by
greater user interactivity and collaboration and enhanced communication channels.
The name Web 2.0 used to elaborate the second generation of www i.e. World Wide Web, where
Web moved towards static HTML pages for more responsive and interactive as well as dynamic
web experience. Web 2.0 is focused on the ability for user or people to collaborate and share
information online via social media, web based communities, blogging and internet of course.
But now for Web social media is a major component, new web applications such as AZAX and
more modern browser providing opportunities for people to express their views.
Fault Tolerance
Fault tolerance in cloud computing is about designing a blueprint for continuing the ongoing
work whenever a few parts are down or unavailable. This helps the enterprises to evaluate their
infrastructure needs and requirements, and provide services when the associated devices are
unavailable due to some cause. It doesn’t mean that the alternate arrangement can provide 100%
of the full service, but this concept keeps the system in running mode at a useable, and most
importantly, at a reasonable level. This is important if the enterprises are to keep growing in a
continuous mode and increase their productivity levels.
Parallel computing is also called parallel processing. There are multiple processors in parallel
computing. Each of them performs the computations assigned to them. In other words, in parallel
computing, multiple calculations are performed simultaneously. The systems that support
parallel computing can have a shared memory or distributed memory. In shared memory
systems, all the processors share the memory. In distributed memory systems, memory is divided
among the processors.
There are multiple advantages to parallel computing. As there are multiple processors working
simultaneously, it increases the CPU utilization and improves the performance. Moreover, failure
in one processor does not affect the functionality of other processors. Therefore, parallel
computing provides reliability. On the other hand, increasing processors is costly. Furthermore,
if one processor requires instructions of another, the processor might cause latency.
Distributed computing divides a single task between multiple computers. Each computer can
communicate with others via the network. All computers work together to achieve a common
goal. Thus, they all work as a single entity. A computer in the distributed system is a node while
a collection of nodes is a cluster.
There are multiple advantages of using distributed computing. It allows scalability and makes it
easier to share resources easily. It also helps to perform computation tasks efficiently. On the
other hand, it is difficult to develop distributed systems. Moreover, there can be network issues.
Utility Computing
Utility computing, or The Computer Utility, is a service provisioning model in which a service
provider makes computing resources and infrastructure management available to the customer as
needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Like other types of on-
demand computing (such as grid computing), the utility model seeks to maximize the efficient
use of resources and/or minimize associated costs. Utility is the packaging of system resources,
such as computation, storage and services, as a metered service. This model has the advantage of
a low or no initial cost to acquire computer resources; instead, resources are essentially rented.
Cloud Computing offers application developers an abstract view of computational resources that
can be provisioned on demand over a computer network. This model allows organizations to
concentrate on the applications needed to support their core business, instead of having to
manage the infrastructure required to run those applications. Yet, even though this approach
promises very compelling benefits, there is still a lack of programming models capable of
bringing the power of parallel programming into the hands of ordinary programmers.
Storage Technologies
Cloud storage is a service model in which data is maintained, managed, backed up remotely and
made available to users over a network (typically the Internet). Users generally pay for their
cloud data storage on a per-consumption, monthly rate. Although the per-gigabyte cost has been
radically driven down, cloud storage providers have added operating expenses that can make the
technology more expensive than users bargained for. Cloud security continues to be a concern
among users. Providers have tried to deal with those fears by building security capabilities, such
as encryption and authentication, into their services.
There are three main cloud-based storage architecture models: public, private and hybrid.