Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability, capacity, skill; or, in the case of the trait EI model, a self-perceived ability
to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. Different models have been
proposed for the definition of EI and there is disagreement about how the term should be used.[1] Despite these
disagreements, which are often highly technical, the ability-EI and trait-EI models (but not the mixed models) enjoy
support in the literature and have successful applications in various domains.
The earliest roots of emotional intelligence can be traced to Darwin's work on the importance of emotional
expression for survival and second adaptation.[2] In the 1900s, even though traditional definitions of intelligence
emphasized cognitive aspects such as memory and problem-solving, several influential researchers in the
intelligence field of study had begun to recognize the importance of the non-cognitive aspects. For instance, as early
as 1920, E.L. Thorndike used the term social intelligence to describe the skill of understanding and managing other
Similarly, in 1940 David Wechsler described the influence of non-intellective factors on intelligent behavior, and
further argued that our models of intelligence would not be complete until we can adequately describe these
factors.[2] In 1983, Howard Gardner's Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences[4] introduced the idea of
multiple intelligences which included both interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions,
motivations and desires of other people) and intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to
appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations). In Gardner's view, traditional types of intelligence, such as IQ, fail
to fully explain cognitive ability.[5] Thus, even though the names given to the concept varied, there was a common
belief that traditional definitions of intelligence are lacking in ability to fully explain performance outcomes.
The first use of the term "emotional intelligence" is usually attributed to Wayne Payne's doctoral thesis, A Study of
Emotion: Developing Emotional Intelligence from 1985.[6] However, prior to this, the term "emotional intelligence"
had appeared in Leuner (1966).[7] Greenspan (1989) also put forward an EI model, followed by Salovey and Mayer
(1990), and Goleman (1995). The distinction between trait emotional intelligence and ability emotional intelligence
was introduced in 2000.[8]
Substantial disagreement exists regarding the definition of EI, with respect to both terminology and
operationalizations. There has been much confusion about the exact meaning of this construct. The definitions are so
varied, and the field is growing so rapidly, that researchers are constantly re-evaluating even their own definitions of
the construct. Currently, there are three main models of EI:
• Ability EI model
• Mixed models of EI (usually subsumed under trait EI)[9] [10]
• Trait EI model
Different models of EI have led to the development of various instruments for the assessment of the construct. While
some of these measures may overlap, most researchers agree that they tap different constructs.
Emotional intelligence 2
Ability model
Salovey and Mayer's conception of EI strives to define EI within the confines of the standard criteria for a new
intelligence. Following their continuing research, their initial definition of EI was revised to "The ability to perceive
emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and to regulate emotions to promote personal
The ability-based model views emotions as useful sources of information that help one to make sense of and
navigate the social environment.[11] The model proposes that individuals vary in their ability to process information
of an emotional nature and in their ability to relate emotional processing to a wider cognition. This ability is seen to
manifest itself in certain adaptive behaviors. The model claims that EI includes four types of abilities:
1. Perceiving emotions – the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural
artifacts—including the ability to identify one's own emotions. Perceiving emotions represents a basic aspect of
emotional intelligence, as it makes all other processing of emotional information possible.
2. Using emotions – the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and
problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon his or her changing moods in order
to best fit the task at hand.
3. Understanding emotions – the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated
relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to
slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve over time.
4. Managing emotions – the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally
intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals.
The ability EI model has been criticized in the research for lacking face and predictive validity in the workplace.[12]
Mixed models
The model introduced by Daniel Goleman[14] focuses on EI as a wide array of competencies and skills that drive
leadership performance. Goleman's model outlines four main EI constructs:
1. Self-awareness – the ability to read one's emotions and recognize their impact while using gut feelings to guide
2. Self-management – involves controlling one's emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances.
3. Social awareness – the ability to sense, understand, and react to others' emotions while comprehending social
4. Relationship management – the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while managing conflict.
Goleman includes a set of emotional competencies within each construct of EI. Emotional competencies are not
innate talents, but rather learned capabilities that must be worked on and can be developed to achieve outstanding
performance. Goleman posits that individuals are born with a general emotional intelligence that determines their
potential for learning emotional competencies.[15] Goleman's model of EI has been criticized in the research
literature as mere "pop psychology" (Mayer, Roberts, & Barsade, 2008).
Trait EI model
Petrides and colleagues[19] (see also Petrides, 2009) proposed a conceptual distinction between the ability based
model and a trait based model of EI.[8] Trait EI is "a constellation of emotional self-perceptions located at the lower
levels of personality". In lay terms, trait EI refers to an individual's self-perceptions of their emotional abilities. This
definition of EI encompasses behavioral dispositions and self perceived abilities and is measured by self report, as
opposed to the ability based model which refers to actual abilities, which have proven highly resistant to scientific
measurement. Trait EI should be investigated within a personality framework.[20] An alternative label for the same
construct is trait emotional self-efficacy.
The trait EI model is general and subsumes the Goleman and Bar-On models discussed above. The conceptualization
of EI as a personality trait leads to a construct that lies outside the taxonomy of human cognitive ability. This is an
important distinction in as much as it bears directly on the operationalization of the construct and the theories and
hypotheses that are formulated about it.[8]
Alexithymia and EI
Alexithymia from the Greek words "λέξις" (lexis) and "θυμός" (thumos) (literally "lack of words for emotions") is a
term coined by Peter Sifneos in 1973[27] [28] to describe people who appeared to have deficiencies in understanding,
processing, or describing their emotions. Viewed as a spectrum between high and low EI, the alexithymia construct
is strongly inversely related to EI, representing its lower range.[29] The individual's level of alexithymia can be
measured with self-scored questionnaires such as the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) or the Bermond-Vorst
Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ)[30] or by observer rated measures such as the Observer Alexithymia Scale
Emotional intelligence 5
Antonakis position: In fact, Harms and Credé found that overall (and using data free from problems of common
source and common methods), EI measures correlated only r = .11 with measures of transformational leadership.[41]
Interestingly, ability-measures of EI fared worst (i.e., r = .04); the WLEIS (Wong-Law measure) did a bit better (r =
.08), and the Bar-On measure better still (r = .18). However, the validity of these estimates does not include the
effects of IQ or the big five personality, which correlate both with EI measures and leadership.[42] In a subsequent
paper analyzing the impact of EI on both job performance and leadership, Harms and Credé[43] found that the
meta-analytic validity estimates for EI dropped to zero when Big Five traits and IQ were controlled for.
See also
• Dispositional affect
• Emotional literacy
• Intelligence quotient
• Motivation
• People skills
• Positive psychology
• Theory of multiple intelligences
• Social emotional learning
[15] Boyatzis, R., Goleman, D., & Rhee, K. (2000). Clustering competence in emotional intelligence: insights from the emotional competence
inventory (ECI). In R. Bar-On & J.D.A. Parker (eds.): Handbook of emotional intelligence (pp. 343-362). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
[16] Bradberry, Travis and Greaves, Jean. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0. San Francisco: Publishers Group West. ISBN 9780974320625
[17] Bar-On, R. (1997). The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i): a test of emotional intelligence. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems.
[18] Kluemper, D.H. (2008) Trait emotional intelligence: The impact of core-self evaluations and social desirability. Personality and Individual
Differences, 44(6), 1402-1412.
[19] Petrides, K.V., Pita, R., Kokkinaki, F. (2007). The location of trait emotional intelligence in personality factor space. British Journal of
Psychology, 98, 273-289.
[20] Petrides, K.V. & Furnham, A. (2001). Trait emotional intelligence: Psychometric investigation with reference to established trait
taxonomies. European Journal of Personality, 15, 425-448
[21] Pérez, J.C., Petrides, K.V., & Furnham, A. (2005). Measuring trait emotional intelligence. In R. Schulze and R.D. Roberts (Eds.),
International Handbook of Emotional Intelligence (pp.181-201). Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber.
[22] Petrides, K.V., & Furnham, A. (2003). Trait emotional intelligence: behavioral validation in two studies of emotion recognition and
reactivity to mood induction. European Journal of Personality, 17, 39–75
[23] Mikolajczak, Luminet, Leroy, and Roy (2007). Psychometric Properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire: Factor Structure,
Reliability, Construct, and Incremental Validity in a French-Speaking Population. Journal of Personality Assessment, 88(3), 338–353
[24] Vernon, P.A.; Petrides, K.V.; Bratko, D.; Schermer, J.A. (2008). "A behavioral genetic study of trait emotional intelligence". Emotion 8 (5):
635–642. doi:10.1037/a0013439. PMID 18837613.
[25] Gardner, J. K.; Qualter, P. (2010). "Concurrent and incremental validity of three trait emotional intelligence measures". Australian Journal
of Psychology 62: 5–12. doi:10.1080/00049530903312857.
[26] Martins, A.; Ramalho, N.; Morin, E. (2010). "A comprehensive meta-analysis of the relationship between emotional intelligence and
health". Journal of Personality and Individual Differences 49: 554–564. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.05.029.
[27] Bar-On, Reuven; Parker, James DA (2000). The Handbook of Emotional Intelligence: Theory, Development, Assessment, and Application
at Home, School, and in the Workplace. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass. ISBN 0787949841. pp. 40-59
[28] Taylor, Graeme J; Bagby, R. Michael and Parker, James DA (1997). Disorders of Affect Regulation: Alexithymia in Medical and
Psychiatric Illness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres. ISBN 052145610X. pp. 28-31
[29] Parker, JDA; Taylor, GJ; Bagby, RM (2001). "The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Alexithymia". Personality and
Individual Differences 30: 107–115. doi:10.1016/S0191-8869(00)00014-3.
[30] Vorst, HCM; Bermond, B (2001). "Validity and reliability of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire". Personality and Individual
Differences 30 (3): 413–434. doi:10.1016/S0191-8869(00)00033-7.
[31] Eysenck, H.J. (2000). Intelligence: A New Look. ISBN 0765807076
[32] Locke, E.A. (2005). "Why emotional intelligence is an invalid concept". Journal of Organizational Behavior 26: 425–431.
[33] Mattiuzzi, P.G. Emotional Intelligence? I'm not feeling it. (http:/ / everydaypsychology. com/ 2008/ 12/
emotional-intelligence-im-not-feeling. html) everydaypsychology.com
[34] Landy, F.J. (2005). Some historical and scientific issues related to research on emotional intelligence. Journal of Organizational Behavior,
26, 411-424.
[35] Mikolajczak, M., Luminet, O., Leroy, C., & Roy, E. (2007). Psychometric properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire.
Journal of Personality Assessment, 88, 338-353.
[36] Smith, L., Ciarrochi, J., & Heaven, P. C. L., (2008). The stability and change of trait emotional intelligence, conflict communication
patterns, and relationship satisfaction: A one-year longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 738-743.
[37] Austin, E.J. (2008). A reaction time study of responses to trait and ability emotional intelligence test items. Personality and Individual
Differences, 36, 1855-1864.
[38] Roberts, R.D., Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. (2001). Does emotional intelligence meet traditional standards for an intelligence? Some new
data and conclusions. Emotion, 1, 196–231
[39] Brody, N. (2004). What cognitive intelligence is and what emotional intelligence is not. Psychological Inquiry, 15, 234-238.
[40] Antonakis, J.; Ashkanasy, N. M.; Dasborough, M. (2009). "Does leadership need emotional intelligence?". The Leadership Quarterly 20:
247–261. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2009.01.006.
[41] Harms, P. D.; Credé, M. (2010). "Emotional Intelligence and Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analysis" (http:/ /
digitalcommons. unl. edu/ cgi/ viewcontent. cgi?article=1013& context=leadershipfacpub). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
17 (1): 5–17. doi:10.1177/1548051809350894. .
[42] Antonakis, J. (2009). “Emotional intelligence”: What does it measure and does it matter for leadership?. In G. B. Graen (Ed). LMX
leadership--Game-Changing Designs: Research-Based Tools (Vol. VII) (pp. 163-192). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Download article: (http:/ / www. hec. unil. ch/ jantonakis/ Antonakis Emotional Intelligence (EI) LMX no link for leadership. pdf), link to
book: http:/ / www. infoagepub. com/ products/ Predators-Game-Changing-Designs
[43] Harms, P. D.; Credé, M. (2010). "Remaining Issues in Emotional Intelligence Research: Construct Overlap, Method Artifacts, and Lack of
Incremental Validity" (http:/ / onlinelibrary. wiley. com/ doi/ 10. 1111/ j. 1754-9434. 2010. 01217. x/ full). Industrial and Organizational
Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice 3 (2): 154–158. doi:10.1111/j.1754-9434.2010.01217.x. .
Emotional intelligence 9
[44] Cote, S. and Miners, C.T.H. (2006). "Emotional intelligence, cognitive intelligence and job performance", Administrative Science Quarterly,
51(1), pp1-28.
External links
• Emotional Intelligence Consortium (http://www.eiconsortium.org)
• Trait emotional intelligence (http://www.psychometriclab.com) University College London, academic research
• Overview on Social-Emotional Learning (http://www.edutopia.org/social-emotional-learning), Edutopia
• The EQ Factor (http://www.time.com/time/classroom/psych/unit5_article1.html), Time Magazine. October
2, 1995
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