Cadastral 19
Cadastral 19
Cadastral 19
1. In a sectional cadastral maps scale 1:1000, the southwest (SW) section of the sectional map
scale 1:2000 is the ________.
a. Section 1-D c. Section 1-B
b. Section 1-A d. Section 1-C
3. The common boundary line between the previously approved survey not yet patented or
decreed and the tract undergoing survey need not be surveyed entirely if the applicant
undergoing survey ________.
a. Accepts the corners of the previous survey as common to his property
b. Accepts the corners now occupied by adjoining owner/s as common to his property
c. Accepts some of the corners of the previous survey as common to his property
d. Do not accept the old boundary as common to his property.
1. The adjoining Cadastral Map number on the Southwest of a certain Cadastral Map is the latitude
minus one minute and longitude minus one minute of the point of intersection is the
quadrangles of its extremes ________.
a. South parallel and West meridian
b. North parallel and West meridian
c. South parallel and East meridian
d. North parallel and East meridian
2. Location monuments shall be established by pair, and pairs of location monuments shall be set
at an interval of ________.
a. 5 to 6 kilometers c. 3 to 4 kilometers
b. 6 to 7 kilometers d. 4 to 5 kilometers
3. The corresponding map number of a Cadastral Map is the latitude and longitude of the point of
intersection in the spheroidal quadrangle of its extremes of ________.
a. South parallel and West meridian
b. South parallel and East meridian
c. North parallel and West meridian
d. North parallel and East meridian
1. Portions of patented, leased, or decreed which form part of river, estero, arroyo, creek during
the cadastral project shall be surveyed and ________.
a. as a separate lot
b. demarcated only on the ground by monuments
c. demarcated on the plan by dotted lines
d. sketched in the field notes
2. Without corresponding survey notification card submitted, during court hearing the ________.
a. answer shall not be verified
b. court shall declare default
c. court shall declare public land
d. party is not interested
3. Private claims within unclassified forest and with authority to be surveyed during cadastral
survey, claimant shall also be given ________.
a. supplementary index card
b. sketch and survey record card
c. sketch record card
d. survey record card
4. Lot data computation sheets are plainly marked with their respective lot numbers and bound
in consecutive order in books not more than ________.
a. 100 lots c. 300 lots
b. 200 lots d. 500 lots
5. In the above listed work, which activity be first done following the scheme of work in a
cadastral survey project
a. 4 c. 2
b. 3 d. 1
6. In the above listed work, which of these be the second activity to be done, following the
scheme work is a cadastral project.
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
7. In the above listed work, which of these be the third activity to be done, following the scheme
of work in a cadastral project
a. 3 c. 4
b. 1 d. 2
8. In the above listed work, which of these be the fourth activity to be done, following
the scheme of work in the cadastral project.
a. 2 c. 4
b. 1 d. 3