Jan 20-24
Jan 20-24
Jan 20-24
MONDAY(January 20,2020) TUESDAY(January 21,2020) WEDNESDAY(January 22,2020) THURSDAY(January 23,2020) FRIDAY(January 24,2020)
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals, groups and nature; also how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, pronouns and structures of
B. Performance Standards The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.
Answer the given test with their Answer the given test with their full Check the answers and get the item Gauge the comprehension Gauge the comprehension
C. Learning full knowledge and learning knowledge and learning from the analysis and scores of Third level of the students through level of the students
from the topics discussed. topics discussed. Periodical Test. through administering an
Competencies/Objectives administering silent reading
activity. oral reading activity.
Third Periodical Third Periodical Examinations Check and Get the Item Analysis Post Silent Reading for Grade ten Post Oral Reading for Grade
II. CONTENT Examinations Day 1 Day 2 of the Test students ten students
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages pp. 116-228 pp. 116-228 pp. 116-228 pp. 116-228 pp. 116-228
2. Learner’s Material Pages pp. 116-143 pp. 144-262 pp. 116-143 pp. 116-143 pp. 144-262
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from English Grade 10 English Grade 10 English Grade 10 English Grade 10 English Grade 10
Learning Resource (LR)portal Celebrating Diversity Through Celebrating Diversity Through Celebrating Diversity Through Celebrating Diversity Through World Celebrating Diversity Through
World Literature World Literature World Literature Literature World Literature
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Recall the previous activity done.
the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The purpose of the The purpose of the activity is Explain that the purpose of Explain that the purpose of Explain that the purpose
activity is to monitor the to monitor the progress of checking and getting the the activity is to practice their of the activity is to
progress of the students the students from the topics analysis is to determine difficult reading skills and improve practice their reading
from the topics discussed discussed in third grading. items from the test. their comprehension level. skills and improve their
in third grading. comprehension level.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Discuss how the test papers will Discuss the rules or directions on Discuss the rules or directions
new lesson be checked. how to do a silent reading activity. on how to do a silent reading
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Facilitate the students Facilitate the students with Read the first question and call a Guide the students on how Guide the students on
new skills #1 with the given task. the given task. student to give the answer. they will answer the given how they will answer the
questions. given questions.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing let the students read the Instruct the students to write their Instruct the students to cite
new skills #2 succeeding questions and state the answers in complete sentence as their answers in complete
answer. what the questions ask. sentence as what the
questions ask.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formation Let the students answer Let the students answer the Let the students analyze and give Let the students read the text Let the students read the
Assessment) the questions given in the questions given in the test. the correct answer to the given silently and answer the text aloud and answer
test. questions. the questions.
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
I. Evaluating learning Collect the test questions Collect the test questions Count the number of correct Call students to read the text Record the correct
and answer sheets. and answer sheets. answers and record the scores. Get and answer the questions. answers and check their
the item analysis and record the
data. Check their level. comprehension level in
oral reading.
J. Additional activities for application or
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
Prepared by:
Department Head English /OIC Filipino Department