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Silicon Valley Pain Index

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White Supremacy and Income/Wealth Inequality in Santa Clara County

0 Number of Black women employed by ten large Silicon Valley technology


.7% Amount of wage increase for top 10% of Silicon Valley workers from 1997-2017 after
adjusting for inflation, while wages decreased for the 10th-90th percentiles.ii

1% Amount of venture capital dollars (out of $19 billion) that went to African American
start-up tech firms.iii

1 Rank among the 3,142 U.S. counties for average monthly housing costs ($2,341) and
apartment rental rates in Santa Clara County ($2,911).iv

3 Rank among U.S. counties for median household income ($125,933). v

3% Black employees in the top 75 Silicon Valley technology companies. vi

3 Number of large Silicon Valley technology companies who have no Black


3.5 Number out of 1,000 Asian American and Asian women workers in high tech firms
who are executives.viii

4.5% Whites who do not complete high school in Santa Clara County.ix

4.8% Latinos who are in corporate high tech executive positions.x

5.6% Whites who are living in poverty.xi

6 Rank among U.S. counties in income inequality.xii

6.5% Increase in commercial office space development from 2017 to 2018, with 18.2
million square feet of office space opening up in Santa Clara County.xiii

8.5% Decrease in number of new housing permits (to 5,500) from 2017 to 2018.xiv

10 Number of White youth arrested per every 1,000 young Whites.xv

11.5 Number out of 1,000 White men workers in high tech firms who are executives.xvi

11.8% Latinos who are living in poverty.xvii

$12 Amount of minimum wage in Saratoga and Los Gatos—two cities in the county that are
predominantly White and very wealthy—for businesses with 25 employees or less.xviii

12.7% Blacks who are living in poverty.xix

13% Households that have more than $1 million in net worth, controlling 75% of the wealth.xx

13.2% San José State University students who have experienced homelessness in past year
(over 4,000 students).xxi

14.2% Amount of wage decrease for middle-class earners (50th percentile) in Silicon Valley
from 1997-2017 after adjusting for inflation. xxii

14.9% Blacks who do not complete high school. xxiii

17% Newly approved housing units (614) deemed “affordable” (i.e., for households earning
50% of the median income or less) in 2017-18.xxiv

18% White households who are not self-sufficient.xxv

19% People who are living in poverty, using the Supplemental Poverty Measure (which is
adjusted for geographic differences in housing costs, as well as adds in-kind benefits
(e.g., nutritional assistance and subsidized housing) and subtracts necessary expenses
(e.g., income taxes, and costs of child care and medical care).xxvi

20% Households that have less than $400 in savings for an emergency, with the number of
households doubling for Latinos and tripling for Blacks.xxvii

20.8% Latinos who do not complete high school. xxviii

23% Household renters who pay more than 50% of their income toward housing.xxix

26.8% People who are experiencing food insecurity.xxx

31% Large tech companies with no women of color executives.xxxi

31% White children who are not proficient in math.xxxii

34% Latinos who have died from COVID-19; Latinos are 23% of county’s 18-and-older

37% K-12 students who receive free or reduced-price meals.xxxiv

40 Number of arrests of Latino youth for every 1,000 young Latinos.xxxv

46% Black households who are not self-sufficient.xxxvi

46% Whites who work at Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, LinkedIn, and Yahoo, but hold
70% of executive positions.xxxvii

47% Asian Americans and Asians who work at Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, LinkedIn,
and Yahoo, but hold 25% of executive positions.xxxviii

50% San José State students who sometimes or often cut the size of their meals or skip
meals because they don’t have enough money.xxxix

57% Latino households who are not self-sufficient.xl

61% Homeless population who are Black and Latino.xli

67% Black children who are not proficient in math.xlii

74 Number of billionaires living in Silicon Valley.xliii

74 Number of arrests of Black youth for every 1,000 young Blacks.xliv

75% Latino children who are not proficient in math.xlv

161 Number of homeless people who died on the streets last year.xlvi

9,706 Number of people who are homeless on any given night.xlvii

$28,960 Average per capita income for Latinos.xlviii

$40,807 Income of households at the 20th percentile.xlix

$40,886 Average per capita income for African Americans.l

$63,136 Average per capita income for Asian Americans.li

76,000 Number of millionaires and billionaires who live in Silicon Valley.lii

$82,810 Average per capita income for Whites.liii

$94,450 Yearly income for a family of four to be considered low income.liv

$428,729 Income of households at the 95th percentile.lv

$1,200,000 Median home price.lvi

$1,000,000 Dollar amount cut from libraries in San José, the largest city in Santa
Clara County, for the 2020-21 budget.lvii

$3,400,000 Average annual income of the top 1% of households in San José.lviii

$449,000,000 Dollar amount of the San José Police Department’s budget for 2020-21.lix

$47,000,000,000 Dollar amount that Apple saved under the most recent Republican tax bill.lx

$48,200,000,000 Net worth of Larry Page, co-founder, Google, and 3rd richest Silicon Valley

$55,700,000,000 Net worth of Sergey Brin, co-founder, Google, and 2nd richest Silicon Valley

$76,000,000,000 Net worth of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook, and the richest Silicon Valley

$248,200,000,000 Net worth of the top 10 richest Silicon Valley moguls, all of which are white

$307,500,000,000 Dollar amount of cash reserves for four Silicon Valley companies (i.e.,
Alphabet [Google’s parent company], Apple, Cisco, and Facebook).lxv

* Research Note: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information in the index
and utilize the most current information, in many cases 2020 data is unavailable and statistics
represent the latest data accessible. Any errors brought to the attention of the author or the SJSU
Human Rights Institute will be researched, and if verified, will be corrected in future editions.

i https://www.revealnews.org/article/heres-the-clearest-picture-of-silicon-valleys-diversity-yet/

ii https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/03/in-silicon-valley-wages-are-down-for-everyone-but-the-top-10-percent.html

iiihttps://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/10/racial-gap-vc-firms/; https://sanjosespotlight.com/growing-

ivhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/10/racial-gap-vc-firms/; https://sanjosespotlight.com/growing-

v https://cnsnews.com/article/national/terence-p-jeffrey/9-20-richest-counties-are-dc-suburbs-virginia-suburbs-beat

vi https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/07/silicon-valley-google-diversity-black-women-workers


viii https://www.npr.org/2015/05/17/407478606/often-employees-rarely-ceos-challenges-asian-americans-face-in-tech

ix www.sccgov.org/sites/probation/Documents/2019_08_12_Juvenile%20Justice%20Annual%20Report_2018_Final.pdf

x https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/03/silicon-valley-diversity-black-latino-women-decline-study

xi https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-counties/ca/santa-clara-county-population/

xii https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/02/15/income-inequality-in-the-bay-area-is-among-nations-highest/

xiii https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/10/22/bay-area-tops-u-s-in-new-office-space-but-lags-in-housing-starts/

xiv https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/10/22/bay-area-tops-u-s-in-new-office-space-but-lags-in-housing-starts/

xv www.sccgov.org/sites/probation/Documents/Juvenile%20Justice%20System%20Annual%20Report%202015.pdf

xvi https://www.npr.org/2015/05/17/407478606/often-employees-rarely-ceos-challenges-asian-americans-face-in-tech

xvii https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-counties/ca/santa-clara-county-population/

xviii https://sanjosespotlight.com/silicon-valleys-minimum-wage-workers-will-see-bigger-paychecks-in-2020/

xix https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-counties/ca/santa-clara-county-population/


xxi https://sanjosespotlight.com/state-to-transfer-downtown-property-to-sjsu-for-student-faculty-housing/

xxii https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/03/in-silicon-valley-wages-are-down-for-everyone-but-the-top-10-percent.html

xxiii www.sccgov.org/sites/probation/Documents/2019_08_12_Juvenile%20Justice%20Annual%20Report_2018_Final.pdf

xxiv https://jointventure.org/publications/institute-publications/1760-2019-silicon-valley-index

xxv https://jointventure.org/publications/institute-publications/1760-2019-silicon-valley-index

xxvi http://stepupsv.org/poverty-in-the-valley/

before-coronavirus; https://belonging.berkeley.edu/taking-count




xxxi https://www.revealnews.org/article/heres-the-clearest-picture-of-silicon-valleys-diversity-yet/

xxxii https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/09/27/california-school-test-scores-why-are-they-flatlining/


xxxiv https://sf.curbed.com/2019/2/19/18229922/silicon-valley-index-2019-housing-gentrification-wealth-gap

xxxv www.sccgov.org/sites/probation/Documents/Juvenile%20Justice%20System%20Annual%20Report%202015.pdf

xxxvi https://jointventure.org/publications/institute-publications/1760-2019-silicon-valley-index

xxxvii https://asiasociety.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/HiddenInPlainSight_Paper_042.pdf

xxxviii http://nwasianweekly.com/2017/12/asian-american-leaders-in-tech-silicon-valley/

xxxix https://www.shfb.org/impact/blog/college-hunger-sjsu/

xl https://jointventure.org/publications/institute-publications/1760-2019-silicon-valley-index

xli https://sanjosespotlight.com/report-minorities-in-santa-clara-county-are-overrepresented-in-homeless-population/

xlii https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/09/27/california-school-test-scores-why-are-they-flatlining/

xliii https://www.vox.com/2018/5/19/17370288/silicon-valley-how-many-billionaires-start-up-tech-bay-area

xliv www.sccgov.org/sites/probation/Documents/Juvenile%20Justice%20System%20Annual%20Report%202015.pdf

xlv https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/09/27/california-school-test-scores-why-are-they-flatlining/

xlvi https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/santa-clara-county-lists-161-homeless-deaths-this-year/2202040/

xlvii https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/05/16/san-jose-42-percent-spike-in-homeless-population/

xlviii https://siliconvalleyindicators.org/data/economy/income/personal-income/per-capita-income-by-race-ethnicity/

xlix https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/02/15/income-inequality-in-the-bay-area-is-among-nations-highest/

l https://siliconvalleyindicators.org/data/economy/income/personal-income/per-capita-income-by-race-ethnicity/

li https://siliconvalleyindicators.org/data/economy/income/personal-income/per-capita-income-by-race-ethnicity/


liii https://siliconvalleyindicators.org/data/economy/income/personal-income/per-capita-income-by-race-ethnicity/


lv https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/02/15/income-inequality-in-the-bay-area-is-among-nations-highest/

lvi https://sf.curbed.com/2019/2/19/18229922/silicon-valley-index-2019-housing-gentrification-wealth-gap

lvii https://sanjosespotlight.com/san-jose-leaders-propose-sweeping-cuts-to-public-safety-to-close-gaping-budget-hole/

lviii https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/23/how-much-you-have-to-earn-to-be-a-top-earner-the-biggest-us-cities.html


lx http://fortune.com/2017/12/06/tax-reform-apple/

lxi https://www.therichest.com/gadgets-and-tech/richest-silicon-valley-moguls-2019-tech/

lxii https://www.therichest.com/gadgets-and-tech/richest-silicon-valley-moguls-2019-tech/

lxiii https://www.therichest.com/gadgets-and-tech/richest-silicon-valley-moguls-2019-tech/

lxiv https://www.therichest.com/gadgets-and-tech/richest-silicon-valley-moguls-2019-tech/

lxv https://www.valuewalk.com/2019/11/top-10-companies-with-largest-cash-reserves-in-the-world/

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