Buku Kalibrasi Termometer PDF
Buku Kalibrasi Termometer PDF
Buku Kalibrasi Termometer PDF
A11 102485264
QC100 .US56 N0.174 1986 C.I NBS-PUB-C 19
Jacquelyn A. Wise
No. 174
C 2
m he National Bureau of Standards' was established by an act of Congress on March 3, 1901. The
Bureau's overall goal is to strengthen and advance the nation's science and technology and facilitate
their effective application for public benefit. To this end, the Bureau conducts research and provides: (1) a
basis for the nation's physical measurement system, (2) scientific and technological services for industry and
government, (3) a technical basis for equity in trade, and (4) technical services to promote public safety.
The Bureau's technical work is performed by the National Measurement Laboratory, the National
Engineering Laboratory, the Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, and the Institute for Materials
Science and Engineering
coordinates the system with measurement systems of other nations and • Radiation Research
furnishes essentiaJ services leading to accurate and uniform physical and • Chemical Physics
chemical measurement throughout the Nation's scientific community, in- • Analytical Chemistry
dustry, and commerce; provides advisory and research services to other
Government agencies; conducts physical and chemical research; develops,
produces, and distributes Standard Reference Materials; and provides
calibration services. The Laboratory consists of the following centers:
'Headquarters and Laboratories at Gaithersburg, MD, unless otherwise noted; mailing address
Gaithersburg, MD
^Some divisions within the center are located at Boulder, CO 80303.
'Located at Boulder, CO, with some elements at Gaithersburg, MD.
Hierniometer Calibration:
Jacquelyn A. Wise
Robert J. Soulen, Jr.
2.4 Personnel 13
6. CONCLUSION . . .' 51
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Counter and Storage Area Counter Sink
Exhaust Hood
Sand Blaster
Thermometer Pick-up
Figure 4. Exhaust hood over oil baths.
Figure 6. Thermometers placed in
thermometer rack.
clip is placed above the top of the flask to hold the thermometer
perpendicular to the telescope used for reading. A siphon is
placed in the bottom of the flask to remove excess water that
will form due to the melting of the ice during the day. A small
soft mallet, which is used to gently tap the thermometers before
reading, should be available.
Shaved ice (of quality described below) and distilled water
are placed in the Dewar flask and allowed to reach a constant
temperature, a process that takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes.
After this time, any excess water should be siphoned off and
additional ice added. When the ice bath is ready for use, there
should be no floating ice in the flask and no excess water on the
surface. There should be as much ice as can be forced into the
flask and sufficient distilled water to fill the small crevices
between the ice chips. Failure to follow this procedure can lead
to vertical or radial temperature gradients, which can result in
a calibration error as large as 0.01 at the ice point.
Whenever the ice bath is used, care should be taken not to
contaminate the ice or water. Thermometers should be rinsed with
cool distilled water before being placed in the ice and plastic
gloves should be worn by the operator or hands washed often while
taking ice points. It is important that impurities, such as salt
from the hands, not be allowed to come in contact with the ice.
This will cause a depression of the freezing point and result in
an error in subsequent ice-point determinations.
From what has been stated in this section, it is clear that
a calibration laboratory will need an adequate supply of
distilled water and pure ice (see below). A still and storage
tank can be purchased for this purpose. The distilled water that
is produced can be frozen to form blocks of distilled water ice.
The freezer and containers used for this purpose should not be
used for anything else and kept as clean and free from impurities
as possible. The containers should be washed thoroughly with
soap and water and rinsed two or three times with distilled water
before being used initially.
Ice purchased commercially can also be used if it is crystal
clear. Some companies produce large blocks of ice by freezing
the outside first. When ice is made in this manner, the
impurities are forced to the center where the ice will be cloudy
and white. This unclear portion is removed and only the crystal-
clear portion is used.
An ice shaver, which can be purchased from restaurant supply
companies, is used to shave the ice to the proper consistency.
The ice chips should be approximately 2 to 5 mm in diameter.
These particles are smaller than those produced by crushing or
chipping the ice.
Figure 8. Variable, constant-temperature
water bath.
that will result as the temperature of the medium is increased.
It should also be easy to add fluid so that the liquid level can
be maintained within 6 mm to 12 mm of the bottom of the
thermometer holder.
A constant-temperature bath should have the heating and
cooling coils isolated from the volume where the thermometers
will be placed (see Figure 5 in NBS Monograph 150 [1]). There
should be an unrestricted path of flow for the bath medium, which
is stirred or pumped at a sufficient rate to maintain a uniform
temperature throughout the medium. There should be adequate
insulation around the bath. The holder for the thermometers
should be designed so as to prevent heat loss.
Every bath should be checked to determine the magnitude of
the horizontal and vertical temperature gradients. One way of
doing this is to regulate the bath sequentially at several
temperatures throughout the range. At each temperature a
thermometer is placed in one position and constantly read to
determine if the temperature of the bath is changing. A second
thermometer, either another liquid-in-glass type or preferably a
faster responding one, such as an electronic digital readout
using a thermistor or small resistance device as the sensor, is
placed next to the first one. When it is observed that the
thermometer readings are not changing or are increasing at a rate
of no more than 0.01 to 0.05 in 5 minutes, stability can be
considered to have been reached. At this time both thermometers
are read and the readings are recorded. While the stationary
thermometer is monitored, the second thermometer is moved to
other locations and depths in the bath and readings on both
thermometers are recorded. If a liquid-in-glass thermometer is
used to probe the bath, adequate time must be given for it to
stabilize, since the response time may be slower than that of an
electronic thermometer. After adjusting the reading of the
second thermometer for any change that may be noted by the
stationary thermometer, the change in the second thermometer
reading at various locations will indicate the uniformity of the
bath temperature. The accuracy of either thermometer is not
important for this test, only its temperature sensitivity.
A common cause of bath temperature nonun i f or m i ty is
inadequate circulation of the fluid. If this is suspected to be
the case, it is necessary to increase the circulation rate and
recheck the temperature gradients. On the other hand,
circulation rates cannot be increased beyond the point where
overheating and cavitation of the bath medium will occur
(observable by the generation of temperature fluctuations). It
is best to determine optimum rates experimentally.
A second problem can occur when the bath is used at elevated
temperatures. In this situation, heat escapes from the top of
the fluid, causing a vertical gradient in the upper 25-50 mm
region of the fluid. Clearly, for accurate results, no part of
the bulb or contraction chamber of a liquid-in-glass thermometer
or the sensing portion of an electronic thermometer should be in
ASIM^ Thenrcmeters[3]
Inprecision at
TheriTDneter Graduation Calibration It>ints
Asm No. Range Interval Tbtal Length After NBS Calibration
^ASM acronym for the American Society for Ttesting and Materials.
is an
°MSI an acronym for the American National Standards Institute.
^SAMA is an acronym for the Scientific /^aratus Makers Association.
"For imprecision between the calibration points see Section 5.4 of NBS Monograph 150 [1]
identified by a serial number. The scale must be placed on the
thermometer according to NBS specifications (see Section 7.3, NBS
Monograph 150 [1]), which do not permit it to be graduated close
to an enlargement in the capillary. The thermometers must meet
all other requirements given in NBS Monograph 150 [1], such as
being made of the proper glass and giving temperature indications
within the specified tolerances. When ordering liquid-in-glass
thermometers that will be used as standards, it is advisable to
request the company to guarantee in addition that they will pass
the NBS visual inspection. This service may increase the initial
cost of the thermometer, but it will be replaced at no additional
cost in the unlikely event that it is found ineligible for test
by NBS.
To equip the laboratory with adequate primary thermometers,
two liquid-in-glass thermometers from each range should be
purchased from the choices given in Table 1. Then these thermom-
eters should be sent for calibration to the NBS or another
competent laboratory, accompanied by a letter or purchase order
requesting calibration. In the former case, the thermometers
will be calibrated by NBS personnel and returned to the sending
laboratory along with Reports of Calibration, which list the
corrections to be made at each calibration point. By virtue of
their calibration at the NBS, such standard thermometers will
automatically bear the IPTS-68 scale.
2.4 Personnel
college education and 20 years experience in the laboratory.
Approximately 800 liquid-in-glass thermometers and a small number
of other types of thermometers are calibrated per year in this
laboratory. An individual chosen to be employed in a thermometer
calibration laboratory should be adept in mathematics, a stickler
for details, and always striving for perfection. Depending on
the initiative of the individual, we estimate that it would take
12 months of practice and experience for a high school graduate
to operate a calibration laboratory as described in this
publication. We strongly recommend that an individual chosen for
this responsibility attend a session of the NBS Precision
Thermometry Seminar which is given twice yearly. In the Seminar,
participants are given lectures on all common types of
calibration including liquid-in-glass thermometers, and the
attendees also perform simulated calibrations at the NBS
To summarize: when the laboratory has been properly
equipped and staffed, and when NBS-cal ibr a t ed primary
thermometers have been incorporated into a careful measurement
program, then the State calibration laboratory can be considered
to be ready to perform calibrations, based on the IPTS-68, for
its customers. We now turn to a discussion of the procedures to
be followed in performing those calibrations.
appear to have a uniform diameter. If any variation in the
diameter of the capillary can be seen under the microscope, the
thermometer is not acceptable for calibration. The distance
between scale graduations must be uniform, the scale must be
placed on the thermometer according to NBS specifications (see
Section 7.3 in NBS Monograph 150 [1]), and the thermometer must
be numbered correctly and be free of cracks in the glass. If any
of the above conditions are not met in a thermometer that has
been submitted for calibration, it should be ineligible for test
and should be replaced by the customer.
back (most thermometers have both). These thermometers are
immersed only to the immersion line or specified depth. The
portion of the stem that contains mercury above the immersion
line is known as the "emergent stem". It tends to reach ambient
temperature or the temperature prevailing above the calibration
bath. If the emergent stem is to have a specified stem
temperature, as is the case with all ASTM partial-immersion
thermometers, a stem temperature correction must be made as
described in Section 3.3.10,
Like total-immersion thermometers, calibration points are
taken in the same sequence; the thermometer must remain at room
temperature (23 ^C) for 3 days before calibrating; and a
contraction chamber must be immersed properly.
this accuracy, the thermometer must be sent to another
calibration laboratory, such as NBS.
thermometers are calibrated at two points on the main scale. Ice
points are measured afterwards.
Figure 9. Thermometer properly placed in ice
calibration laboratory personnel from indicating temperatures
correctly. The first is permanent irregularities in the
thermometer, such as nonuniform bore and inaccurate scale
markings. This correction need only be obtained once when the
thermometer is sent to a national standards laboratory such as
NBS. Here the readings of the thermometer are compared with the
temperatures determined from a precision standard platinum
resistance thermometer that has been calibrated on the current
IPTS. On the basis of these measurements, a Report of
Calibration is issued, which gives a table of corrections for
these permanent errors at the calibration points resident on this
The other two conditions, caused by long-term or short-term
changes in the bulb glass, must be corrected by personnel in the
State calibration laboratory on a routine basis according to a
procedure to be described later in this section. Briefly, glass,
as a supercooled liquid, will slowly flow, and thus on a long-
term basis (over the life of the thermometer) the volume of the
bulb will change, causing the readings of the thermometer to
change. This is easily detected and can be corrected by
determining the correction at the ice point and shifting
uniformly the corrections given on the Report of Calibration (see
Section 5.2, NBS Monograph 150 [1]).
There is also a short-term (three days or less) change in
the bulb glass. To understand this, we appreciate the well known
fact that when a liquid-in-glass thermometer is heated to higher
temperatures, the glass as well as the mercury expands. This
expansion of the bulb, which has a greater effect on the
thermometer readings than changes in the stem glass, can
correspond to a change in temperature reading as great as
0.01 oc for every 10 degrees that it is heated. As the
thermometer is cooled (e.g., to the ice point), the mercury will
return to its original volume, but the bulb has been found to
take approximately 3 days to return to its original volume.
During this three-day period the thermometer will indicate that
the temperature is lower than it actually is, because the
expanded glass bulb volume causes the mercury column to fall
lower in the stem. In order to obtain a correct temperature
value, one must compensate for this temporary, short-term change
in the bulb volume known as an "ice-point depression".
To illustrate this procedure, we provide the following
example. Consider a primary thermometer that, for simplicity, we
assume has no error in the graduations, i.e., all corrections on
the Report of Calibration, which were obtained after the
thermometer had been at room temperature (23 OC) for three days
and calibrated from the lowest calibration point to the highest,
are zero. (See column 2 of Table 2.) We conduct the following
measurements: First, a measurement at 0 ^C, taken after the
thermometer had been at room temperature for not less then three
days, shows no correction. The thermometer then is heated to a
given temperature, (e.g., 50 ^C) and then returned within a few
minutes to the ice bath. The volume of the thermometer bulb has
been increased by virtue of the heating to 50 so the mercury
will not return to the original height in the glass tube and the
reading at 0 will be lower (e.g., -0.05 OC) We now cycle the
thermometer to 100 and note the new reading at the ice point
(e.g., -0.10 OC) and then cycle to 150 and back to 0 for a
fourth ice-point reading (e.g., -0.15 ^C) The data thus obtained
Or ig inal
Calibration Report of Ice-Point Ice -Point
Point Calibrat ion Reading^ Correct ion^
back to its equilibrium volume. After this period of time an ice
point is taken. If the ice point is the same as the one on the
Report of Calibration, then it can be assumed that the correc-
tions given on the report are current and valid. Since long-term
changes can occur in the volume of the bulb with time and use, it
would not be unusual for the ice point to have a different value.
If the ice point has changed, all of the corrections should be
changed by the same amount and in the same direction (see
Section 5.2 in NBS Monograph 150 [1]). This technique gives the
operator a current set of corrections and is a r ecal ibrat ion
procedure followed by NBS for many years. If the primary stan-
dard thermometers are to be used only once or twice a week, with
a 3-day waiting period between their use, and they will be used
only from some lower point to some higher point, the corrections
determined after changing the corrections for the change in ice
point can be used. If the primary standard thermometers will be
used several times within a week, as most standards are, then one
must determine and compensate for the ice-point depression caused
by the short-term, temporary change in the bulb volume.
The data in Table 2 provides the basis for establishing
"adjusted scale corrections" in order to compensate for the ice-
point depression and long-term changes that will occur in the
volume of the bulb. This is done using the following equation.
Ci = C2 - C3 (1)
Report of
Calibration Calibration Ice-Point Adjusted Scale
Point Correct ion Correct ion^ Correct ion
(C2) (C3) (Ci)
Primary Standard 1
Primary Standard 2
Figure 10. Correct placement of
thermometers in calibration bath.
. .
T = Tr + Ci + C4 (2)
T = True temperature.
Tr = Average of two readings for the primary standard
Ci = Adjusted scale correction.
C4 = Ice-point correction taken after thermometer has
been used.
is not necessary to take an ice point after every calibration
point, but one should be taken at intervals of every 200 scale
divisions. The ice-point correction between these points can be
determined by interpolation. Adjusted scale corrections at tem-
peratures between the calibration points can also be determined
by interpolation.
In the far left and right columns of Table 5(b) are shown
the calculations used to obtain T for Primary Standards 1 and 2.
For example, at the nominal temperature 20 ^C, Primary
Thermometer 1 had the following parameters: T = 19.76;
Ci = +0.01; C4 = +0.20, and thus T was calculated to be 19.97 ^C.
By a similar technique. Primary Thermometer 2 also indicated that
the temperature of the calibration bath medium was 19.97 ^C.
After the temperature of the bath has been determined for
each primary standard and the calculated temperatures are found
TABLE 5 (a)
0 -0.20 -0 .09
-0.22 -0. 10
-0.23 -0.11
TABLE 5(b)
Primary Primary
Standard 1 Tl T2 T3 T4 Standard 2
-0.20 : -0.09
+.05 +.03 +.04 -.035"
-0.23 -0.11
.00 +.01 +.02 -.04
^Average of two readings for the primary standard thermometer (whai rounding off
.the ev^ nunber was chosen)
Mjusted scale correction corputed for primary standard at indicated tenperature.
^Ice-point correction - tak&n after calibratiOTi point.
Interpolated ice-point ccarrection.
Tteiqperature of calibration bath medium as determined by the corrected primary
Average of two readings for the thermDmeters being calibrated.
^Iteicperature of calibraticm batli medium as determined by average of two cor-
,rected primary standard thermometers.
Corrections given on Report of Calibration for thermometers under test.
to agree within 0.2 of a scale division (in our example,
0.2 X 0.2 = .04 °C) or within other limits established by the
1 Scale
.10 - Division
00 -J-
20 40 60 80 100
Temperature °C
coefficient of mercury (or other ther mome tr ic liquid) in the
particular kind of glass from which the thermometer is made (k).
These values have been established and used for many years and
are given in NBS Monograph 150 [1], Table 4, and discussed in
Section 5.3 of that publication.
The second value needed is the number of scale degrees
equivalent to the length of emergent stem (n). This is
essentially the number of degrees that is in the incorrect
temperature environment. If it is a total-immersion thermometer
with a portion of the stem above the bath, then the value n is
the number of degrees from the degree mark at the surface of the
bath medium to the meniscus (the top of the mercury column). If
the thermometer is a partial-immersion thermometer the value n
is the number of degrees from the immersion line to the meniscus.
Since partial-immersion thermometers are not graduated to the
immersion line, there is a portion of the stem containing no
scale divisions. It must be determined how many degrees could be
inscribed in this portion of stem and that number included in the
value n. One way of doing this is to measure the distance from
the immersion line to the lowest scale graduation, then move the
ruler on the thermometer scale and determine how many degrees
this distance represents.
The third value needed is the observed average temperature
of the emergent stem (tobs)* This value is found by actually
measuring the temperature of the environment where the emergent
stem is located. The preferred way of doing this involves the
use of faden thermometers as described in Section 5.3a of NBS
Monograph 150 [1]. Because the availability of faden ther-
mometers is limited (see Section 9.4 of this Monograph), the
emergent stem temperature can also be measured by using one or
more auxiliary thermometers. Whether one, two, or even three,
auxiliary thermometers are needed depends on the length of
mercury column emergent from the bath. Generally an auxiliary
thermometer should be attached for every 120-mm to 150-mm length
of emergent mercury column. If one auxiliary thermometer is
used, then the center of its bulb should be placed at the
midpoint of the emergent mercury column. If two auxiliary
thermometers are used, then the center of their bulbs should be
placed at 1/3 and 2/3 the height of the emergent mercury column.
An average of the two auxiliary thermometer readings is used as
the temperature of the emergent stem.
The fourth value is the specified average temperature of the
emergent stem (tgp). This value is the temperature at which the
emergent stem should be. If the thermometer is a total-immersion
thermometer having a portion of the stem out of the medium being
measured, the specified temperature of that portion of the stem
should be the temperature of the medium. If it is an ASTM par-
tial-immersion thermometer, the specified temperatures should be
the values given in ASTM Specification E-1 [3].
The stem-temperature correction is added to or subtracted
from the initial correction. Examples are given in Tables 6(a)
and 6(b) and a discussion is given in Section 5.3 of NBS
Monograph 150 [1].
In Tables 6(a) and 6(b), Thermometer T6 is an ASTM 33C
thermometer and at 40 the correction should reflect a stem
temperature of 30 as specified in ASTM E-1 [3]. The length of
emergent mercury column is equal to 314 mm and the centers of the
auxiliary thermometer bulbs are placed adjacent to the stem
105 mm and 209 mm from the immersion line. This procedure is
shown in Figure 12.
TABLE 6(a)
T6 T7
Nominal Pr imary 50 mm 50 mm Pr imary
Temp (°C) Standard 3 Immers ion Immers ion Standard 4 Auxi Aux-
0 -.138 -.151
-.139 -.150
0 -.139 -.154
-.139 -.153
TABLE 6 (b)
T6 T7
Pr imary 50 mm 50 mm Pr ima ry Aux^ Aux.
Standard 3 Immersion Immers ion Standard 4
39 .916^ 39 .909 39 .96 39.882 39 .882 31 26
-.032° 39.923 39.97 39.883 -.013"^ 31 26
+.138° + .150*^
39 .96*
40 .022*^ 40 .019
-40 .020'
+ .06-
+ .01
44 .86
44 .885 44 .871
-44 .878-
+ .02
+ .02
-.139 -.02 -.154
-.139 -.153
Average of two readings for the primary standard thermometer (when rounding off, the even number
j^was chosen) .
78 Degrees
314 mm
209 mm
20 Degrees
120 mm
105 mm i
60 mm
15 Degrees 15 Degrees
N/ Si/
i i
The average observed stem temperature (tobs) 28.5
[(31+26)/2], the specified stem temperature (tgp) is 30 °C, the
coefficient of expansion of mercury in glass for Celsius
thermometers is 0.00016 and the number of degrees emergent from
the bath, including the portion from the immersion line to the
first graduation (n), is 93 degrees.
= -0.02 OC
Notice that the values tgp and tpj-,5 are reversed in the above
formula, as compared to the one given in NBS Monograph 150 [1] ,
= -0.02 OC
Reading of thermometer
Temperature of emergent mercury .
37 it)
The tabulated corrections apply provided the ice-point
reading taken after exposure for not fewer than 3 days to a
temperature of about 23 °C (73 °F) is . If the ice-
point reading is found to be higher (or lower) than stated,
all other readings will be higher (or lower) by the same
amount. If the thermometer is used at a given temperature
shortly after being heated to a higher temperature, an error
of 0.01 ° or less, for each 10° difference between the two
temperatures, may be introduced. The tabulated corrections
apply if the thermometer is used in its upright position; if
used in a horizontal position, the indications may be a few
hundredths of a degree higher.
all other readings will be higher (or lower) by the same
This stem correction sheet is designed to explain Stem correction=0.00016x65 (85°—38°) =+0.49° C.
the process of computing the corrections for emergent The true temperature is therefore the observed
stem, but has not been specifically adapted to the reading, 84.76° C, + tabular correction as interpolated
individual thermometer with which it is issued. from the report, -(- emergent stem correction
If a total-immersion thermometer is actually used (+0.49° C).
with a part of the liquid column in the capillary
emergent from the bath, a stem correction must be
Example 2. — Suppose the observed reading was
calculated and applied as explained below, making
780° F and the thermometer was immersed to the
200° mark on the scale, so that 580° of the column
use of the formulas given.
projected into the air, and the mean temperature of
The general formula used in computing the correc-
the emergent column was found to be 170° F, then
tion for emergent stem is:
Stem correction=0.00009x580(780°—170°)=+32° F
Stem correction=A;x«(*i — t),
as a first approximation.
where fc=the differential expansion coefficient of
mercury (or other liquid in the thermom- Since the result shows that the bath temperature
eter such as alcohol, toluene, pentane, was approximately 780° F+32° F, a second approxi-
etc.) in the particular kind of glass of mation should be made, using h=S12° F instead of
which the thermometer is made; (for ii=780° F. This gives-
numerical values see below) Stem correction=0.00009x580(812°— 170°)=+34° F.
Tirrnumber of degrees emergent from the bath; The true temperature is therefore the observed
fi=temperature of the bath; reading, 780° F, + tabular correction as interpolated
t=mean temperature of the emergent stem. from the report, + emergent stem correction (+34° F).
Example 1. — Suppose the observed reading was It will be noted that if the average temperature of
84.76° C and the thermometer was immersed to the the stem is below that of the bulb, the sign of the cor-
20° mark onthe scale, so that 65° of the column pro- rection will be +, while if the temperature of the
jected into the air, and the mean temperature of the stem is above that of the bulb, the sign of the correc-
emergent column was found to be 38° C, then tion will be — .
pointed and graduated that they will read correct, or approxi- temp. for for "boro- temp. for for "boro-
mately correct, temperatures when the bulb and only a short
t, +t "normal" sillcate" t, + t
"normal" silicate"
2 glass glass 2 glass glass
length of the stem of the thermometer are immersed in the bath,
the temperature of which is to be measured. Thermometers of the 0° 0.000158 0.000164 0° 0.000088 0.000091
former class are known as "total-immersion thermometers," and 100 158 164 200 88 91
150 158 165 300 88 92
those of the latter class as "partial-immersion thermometers." 200 159 167 400 89 93
250 161 170 500 90 95
300 164 174 600 92 97
Total-immersion thermometers are tested under the condition 350 178 700 .000100
of total immersion and the corrections resulting from such a test 400 183 800 103
450 188
will serve to reduce the observed readings of the thermometer to
true temperatures only if the thermometer is used as a total-
If kind of glass of which the thermometer is made is
immersion thermometer. If such a thermometer is actually used known, the value of k to be used in computing the stem correc-
as a partial-immersion thermometer, i.e., with a part of the tion mav be taken from the above table. If the kind of glass is
mercury column emergent into the space above the bath, and not known, use fc = 0.00010 for Celsius or 0.00009 for Fahrenheit
thermometers. High-grade thermometers are now generally made
with the emergent stem therefore either colder (or warmer) than of "normal" or "borosilicate" glasses. If a thermometer is grad-
the bulb, the thermometer will obviously read lower (or higher) uated only to about 450° C (850° F), it may be made of either
than it would under the condition of total Immersion. Hence, if of the above glasses; if it is graduated to 500° C (932° F) and
is actually usable at that temperature, it is made of one of the
a total-immersion thermometer is so used, a so-called stem borosilicate glasses or a similar glass.
correction must be applied to the observed reading in addition The expansions of liquids such as alcohol, toluene, etc., vary
to the correction taken from the accompanying table of correc- quite rapidly with the temperature, so that k varies considerably
for different temperature intervals. An approximate stem cor-
tions. This stem correction is very large if the number of degrees
rection for such thermometers may be calculated by taking k in
emergent and the difference of temperature between the bath the above equation =
0.001 for Celsius thermometers or 0.0006
and the space above it are large. It may amount to more than for Fahrenheit thermometers.
20° C (36° F) for measurements made with a mercury The value of f, the mean temperature of the emergent stem, is
the most difficult of the terms in the above formula to estimate.
thermometer at 400° C (750° F). It may be quite accurately measured by the use of special capil-
lary thermometers. This is. however, very rarely done except in
the testing laboratory, and then only when the stem correction
The coefficient k is different for different kinds of glass and, must be determined with considerable precision (to 10 percent or
even for the same kind of glass, it differs for different tempera- better). In general, the value of t may be determined to a suffi-
ture intervals, i. e., different values of (f, —
t). Values for k cient approximation by judgment or preferably by suspending an
auxiliary thermometer close beside the emergent stem, with the
for two widely used thermometric glasses, for use in calculating bulb of the aux lary thermometer somewhat nearer to the top
stem corrections are tabulated as follows of the bath than to the liquid meniscus.
— —— .
Differential stem correction =0.00016 (5-2) (25° +
Example 1. — Suppose the point. 7°. to which the 2° +
5° -24°) = +0.004°.
thermometer was immersed was 16° C its initial :
thermometers are pointed and Kraduated by the makers to t°=mean temperature of the emergent stem.
read correct or approximately correct temperature intervals
when the bnlb and the entire mercury index in the stem are It should be noted that this differential stem correction, as
exposed to the temperature to be measured, and such thermom- well as the difference d" may be either positive or negative,
eters are standardized for the condition of "total immer- and the correction must be applied with due regard to these
sion," and the corrections Riven in reports apply for the con- signs.
dition of total Immersion.
emergent stem coiTection for metastatic
In practicall.v all cases, however, such thermometers are
actually used with only the bulb and a portion of the stem
(licckmnnn) —
thermometers. The differential emergent stem
correction may be computed from the following formula, pro-
immersed, the remainder of the stem projecting into the air vided the thermometer Is immersed to its 0° mark :
0.00016 for Celsius thermometers ; A Beckmann thermometer of the ordinary type should not
0.00009 for Fahrenheit tlieruKmieters :
be used with any part of the lower portion of the stem ex-
n=number of degrees emergent from the bath : posed, as this part ma.v contain from 5 to 10 times as much
r° =
temperature of the bath: mercury per centimeter as the graduated portion, and if ex-
J° =
niean temperature of the emergent stem. posed introduces a large and uncertain error.
However, in differential measurements the parts of the In case it Is necessary to use such a thermometer with some
scale on which readings are made are. in general, emergent of the lower portion of the stem emergent from the bath,
from the bath and it is usually permissible to assume that f the necessary correction may be computed from the above
will be constant during the measurement. In this case, in- formula, provided S° in the formula is replaced by S°+m°,
stead of calculating the stem corrections for the initial and where TO is the number of degrees the temperature of the
final readings, and applying them separatel.v. the differential thermometer must be lowered to bring the meniscus from
stem eorrection can be more conveniently computed by using the zero position on its scale to the point of immersion.
the appropriate formula of the two given below.
If the thermometer Is immersed to some point other than Its
Dijfferentinl emerfjent stem correction for ordinary thermom- 0° mark, as would ordinarily be the case with thermometers
FterK.- -The differential stem correction may he computed having the 0° graduation at the top of the scale, the differ-
from the following formula : ential stem correction may also be computed from the above
formula, provided 8° in the formula is replaced by iS°+m°,
Differential stem correction = fcXrf(7"'i + 7'°:— 7° — f°) ;
where m Is the number of degrees the temperature of the
thermometer must be lowered to bring the meniscus from the
J-=0.00016 for Celsius thermometers :
zero position on its scale to the point of immersion. Provided
= 0.00009 for I'ahrenhelt thermometers: the points at which readings are made are above the point
7'°i = the Initial reading; to which the thermometer Is immersed, the preceding state-
7'°- = thp final reading: ment is applicable whether the point to which the thermom-
(7 = 7'°~T°i : eter is immersed is on the scale or below it.
This sheet gives a table of setting factors and an example to explain the processes
employed in calculations. The example, however, has not been specifically adapted to the
individual thermometer with which this sheet is issued.
The thermometer is said to have a given setting, for instance 20°C, if its scale reading is
0° when the temperature of the bulb is 20°C.
The following table, calculated for thermometers of Jena 16'" glass, gives a series of
factors corresponding to different settings by which each observed temperature difference
must be multiplied after applying the corrections given on the preceding page. This factor is
made unity for a setting of 20°C.
Difference = 3.056
Setting factor 1.0014 corr. +.004
Emergent stem correction* = +.004
Corrected difference = 3.064
gaithersburg; md. aeasg
-. lei C . IIZI C
£0. m . 05
40. 00 -. 07
60.00 .01
80. 00 -. 04
100.00 .00
FORM NBS — 259
IREV. I2-7«l
Surety Model 1234 RTD Digital Thermometer S/N 4567
Resistance Thermometer S/N 999
Submitted by
Resistance thermometer S/N 999, which was attached to a Surety Model 1234 RTD
Digital Thermometer S/N 4567, was calibrated by intercomparison with a
standard platinum resistance thermometer in stirred liquid comparison baths at
four temperatures. The unit was allowed to warm up 20 hours before
measurements were made. An ice point was taken before and after test by
immersing the probe in an ice bath. The probe was immersed to a depth of
18 cm for all measurements and the ambient temperature of the laboratory was
23 °C. The results are given below.
Reading of
Bath Temperature Resistance Thermometer
0.00 °C +0.40 °C
50.00 50.49
100.00 100.48
125.00 125.40
150.00 150.23
0.00 +0.40
Effect Inaccuracy
Range 1 Range 2
have statistical significance that, when analyzed, can indicate
clearly the performance of the laboratory.
As an example, we discuss some data obtained at NBS for
check standard Serial Number 48425. This thermometer is a total
immersion type, with a range of -2 to +102 ^C, and with scale
divisions of 0.2 ^c. Using the measurement techniques described
in this Monograph, the measurement resolution was found to be
0.01 OC (the cross hair of the telescope is placed at the center
of the scale division thus dividing the scale division into two
equal parts; the meniscus was read to 1/10 of these divisions).
This thermometer was incorporated as a check standard in several
calibrations conducted from 1976 to 1984. Measurements were
repeated at many temperatures over the full range of the thermo-
meter. In these experiments the bath temperature was not defined
by two primary liquid-in-glass thermometers, but by a calibrated
standard platinum resistance thermometer. The imprecision of
this resistance thermometer is only 0.001 °C, so that no signifi-
cant source of uncertainty was introduced in the temperature
scale. The thermometer was allowed to rest at room temperature
(23 °C) for 3 days before being calibrated, allowing the volume
of the bulb to recover from a previous thermal cycling. In
Figures 20 and 21 we have plotted control charts for this thermo-
meter. Such charts consist of the correction for the thermometer
(before and after the ice point shift was accounted for) plotted
versus time. We chose to show the data at four temperatures.
Such plots immediately reveal the consistency of the calibration
process and can indicate calculation errors or degradation of the
In addition to plotting the data in a control chart format
shown in these figures, we recommend that the same data be
submitted to elementary statistical analysis. At each
temperature the average correction and the standard deviation may
be calculated with the pressing of a few keys on almost any
scientific hand-held calculator. In this way, the quality of the
calibration process may be quantified. When this was done for
the data for check standard Serial Number 48425, it was found
that the standard deviation at all temperatures was 0,01 oc.
This is perhaps understandable, given the fact that the measure-
ment resolution is also 0.01 oc. At any rate, as more data are
accumulated, these quantifiers may be used to watch for any
For this liquid-in-glass thermometer, the imprecision (i.e.,
standard deviation) was found to be 0.01 *^C. Since the impreci-
sion of the primary thermometer was so small (0.001 °C) in this
case, no additional uncertainty was introduced by the primary
thermometer. This will not be the case in the State calibration
laboratory, where the primary thermometers will be liquid-in-
glass thermometers of performance comparable with check standard
Serial Number 48425. Thus, if two primary thermometers with
performance similar to thermometer Serial Number 48425 are used
to measure the bath temperature, and the measurements are assumed
to be independent, then the standard deviation of the temperature
o 0.10
o 0.00
.c 0.10
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
P 0.10
will be ^
X (0.01 OC) = 0.014 oc. If we now measure a check
standard (again with a performance comparable with the other two)
repeatedly versus these two primary thermometers, and construct a
control chart, the standard deviation will be the square root of
the sum of the squares of the standard deviation of the check
standard and of the thermometers used to define temperature.
Thus we would expect the standard deviation for a State calibra-
tion laboratory to be /3 x (.01) = 0.017 ^C. That is an increase
by a factor of ^ is introduced into the standard deviation
because two liquid -in-glass thermometers are used as the primary
standards instead of a platinum resistance thermometer.
Check standards were studied at NBS versus a standard
platinum resistance thermometer for four ranges in order to
determine the standard deviation. We present these results in
Table 8. Remember: The standard deviation expected at a State
calibration laboratory using two other primary thermometers
should be roughly a factor of larger than that obtained by
NBS. Note too that the standard deviation increases at higher
temperatures, and that this is most likely due to the decreasing
resolution of the liquid-in-glass thermometer and larger time-
varying gradients in the bath.
Temperature Thermometer
Range Gr aduations Resolution Std. Dev.
Temperature ( Imprec ision) Systemat ic Total
Range 3 Std. Dev. Error Uncertainty
(OC) (°C) (OC) (OC)
In this monograph we have indicated the procedures by which
a laboratory may be equipped and staffed so that temperature
calibrations in the range 0 to 200 ^C may be performed accurately
within ±0.1 ^C or less. The temperature scale thus established
is shown to be traceable to the IPTS-68. Detailed procedures are
given for using liquid -in -glass thermometers as primary standards
and for deriving calibration corrections for a variety of
laboratory thermometers. A checklist for establishing a
calibration laboratory to the specifications described is
provided in Table 10.
1. Liquid-in-glass thermometers
a) total-immersion
b) partial-immersion
d) calo rime trie
e) Beckmann
f) clinical standards
g) kinematic viscosity
D. Laboratory Specifications:
1. Dimensions: 7m X 7m X 3m
2. Other requirements
E. Equipment:
Equipment: (continued)
F. Standards:
1. "Primary"
2. "Check"
G. Personnel Requirements:
Mr. L. F. Eason
North Carolina Department of Agriculture
Consumer Standards Division
1) Hart Scientific
P. 0. Box 9 34
Provo, UT 84601
4) Techne Incorporated
3700 Brunswick Pike
Princeton, NJ 08540
1) Dow Corning
Chemical Products Division
Midland, MI 48640
4) 3M Company
Commercial Chemicals Division
223-6S-04 3M Center
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
9.3 Suppliers of Thermometers*
1. Introduction _ 1
3. Definitions 5
7. Thermometer Design 21
7.1. Materials of construction 21
7.2. Scale design and workmanship 21
7.3. Scale dimensions 22
7.4. Reference point 22
7.5. Marking of partial-immersion thermometers 22
8. Special Notes 23
8.1. Glass changes 23
a. Temporary changes 23
b. Permanent changes 24
8.2. Pressure effects 24
8.3. Lag 24
8.4. Separated columns 25
9. References 26
Liquid-In-Glass Thermometry
Jacquelyn A. Wise
This Monograph, which supersedes NBS Monograph 90, contains information of general interest
to manufacturers and users of liquid-in-glass thermometers. Instructions explaining how to submit
a thermometer to the National Bureau of Standards for calibration are provided, and the techniques
£md equipment, such as stirred liquid comparison baths, used in the calibration procedures are
described. A discussion of important principles of acceptable thermometer design and factors affect-
ing their use is included. Listed are tables of tolerances reflecting good manufacturing practices
and reasonably attainable accuracies expected with liquid-in-glass thermometers. The calculation of
corrections for the temperature of the emergent stem is given in detail for various types of
thermometers and conditions of use.
Key words: Calibration; emergent stem; liquid-in-glass thermometer; reference point; stirred liquid
comparison bath; temperature scale.
1. Introduction
2.1. Kinds of Thermometers Accepted for or if the thermometer can be easily detached from the
Calibration mounting.
Any thermometer, such as a household thermometer,
Not all thermometers classified as liquid-in-glass consisting of a pa])er, plastic or metal mounting con-
are acceptable for calibration by the NBS. In general taining the scale graduations and attached to the
they must be of an acceptable design and workman- unmarked glass thermometer by metal clips, is not
acceptable for calibration. Maximum self-registering
mercury-in-glass clinical thermometers are no longer
'Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this
tested at the NBS.
It advisable to contact the liquid-in-glass ther-
is on the thermometer, the NBS test number and com-
mometry laboratory at NBS if there is any doubt pletion date, and explanatory notes defining the
concerning the acceptability of a thermometer for conditions under which the results of the test are
Every effort will be made to assist and
calibration. applicable. When necessary, accompanying the Report
satisfy needs of the scientific and industrial
the of Calibration is a sheet explaining how to calculate
community with problems involving temperature the corrections for emergent stem. If the thermometer
measurement. is of the metastatic (Beckmann) type, the report will
be accompanied by a second sheet containing a table
of setting factors (See Sec. 6.4) enabling the user to
2.2. Preliminary Examination apply the calibration results for settings other than
Every thermometer submitted for test must be the 20 °C setting for which the corrections are re-
uniquely identified by a serial number and pass a ported. A facsimile of a Report of Calibration is
preliminary examination before final acceptance. These shown in figures 1 and 2.
thermometers are viewed under a microscope having a Any departure from the conditions under which
magnification of 15 or 20X to assure that the mercury the corrections were obtained, as stated on the Report
and capillary are clean. Any foreign matter found in of Calibration, may significantly change the values of
the capillary or bulb that, in the judgment of the the corrections. Conditions of immersion are particu-
laboratory personnel, might tend to make the ther- larly important (Sec. 6). It should be emphasized
mometer readings erratic, is reason for rejection. that the estimates of error assigned to the scale cor-
Glass chips or oxides of mercury in the capillary rections do not assure the user of this accuracy in a
or bulb are considered foreign matter that can cause temperature measurement.
the thermometer to indicate different readings at
different periods of time. [For example, if a small
chip of glass is located in the capillary at the 30 °C 2.4. General Instructions to Applicants
indication, each time the mercury column advances for Tests
past this point, it could cause the reading of the ther-
Testing will be conducted in accordance with the
mometer to vary for temperatures above 30 °C, because policies of NBS as described in NBS Special Publi-
of different quantities of gas that may be trapped
cation 250. The cost of calibration will depend on
around the chip. The movement of the chip to different the number of calibration points requested, the tem-
locations in the capillary, or the trapping of mercury
perature range, and the quantity of thermometers
around the chip when the mercury column recedes, submitted. For tests not sf)ecifically outlined in the
would also cause erroneous readings.]
above publication, NBS should be consulted. If th?
Other reasons a thermometer may be ineligible for
required measurements appear feasible, and, in the
test are given below:
opinion of NBS, sufficiently important to justify the
(a) Defective design or workmanship. work, such tests will be undertaken for a special fee
(b) Part of graduated scale not usable. determined by the nature of the work and time in-
(c) Errors in scale graduation or numbering. volved. In all requests for test the following procedures
(d) Unsuitable bulb glass or inadequate and information are pertinent,
(e) Inadequate gas filling. a. Initial Arrangements
(f ) Cracks in the glass.
A or purchase order requesting the test must
A complete list of all possible causes for rejection be sent to NBS either with the thermometer or sep-
is not feasible. The prime consideration in the pre-
arately. No work can be undertaken unless both the
liminary examination is that the thermometer be thermometer and letter or purchase order have been
capable of precise, reproducible readings. received. Information in the request for test should
include the quantity and serial numbers of the ther-
mometers sent, the calibration points required, (See
2.3. Reports of Calibration
Sec. 5.4) and the suggested method for return ship-
In most instances a Report of Calibration will be ment. If it is desired that the thermometer be insured
issued by NBS for every liquid-in-glass thermometer upon return, a statement to this effect must appear
submitted for test that is found JFree from serious on the request, and a value assigned; otherwise, the
defects as determined by the preliminary examination. thermometer will be returned uninsured.
In order to receive a Report of Calibration, the ther- NBS number to each calibration
will assign a test
mometer must be calibrated at two or more calibration request and acknowledge the receipt of the ther-
points. If only one point is requested, a Report of mometer. On the acknowledgment will be stated the
Test will be issued. estimated coippletion date and estimated cost of
The Report of Calibration contains the corrections calibration. Any foreseeable difficulty that may be
determined for each point requested and an estimate encountered involving the calibration will be men-
of the uncertainties associated with the corrections. tioned on the acknowledgment, as well as the name
Also stated on the document are the agency or firm of someone in the testing laboratory who can be
requesting the test, the trade mark and serial number contacted if questions arise.
-.06 C .06 C
20.00 .13
40.00 .05
60.00 .04
80.00 .06
100.00 .04
b. Shipping Instructions mitting them, and, if applicable, the company's
purchase order number.
To assure safe arrival of the thermometers, they
Unless otherwise specified, the thermometers will
should be packed firmly in their individual cases.
be returned via the best method in the judgment of
A rigid material, such as wooden slats or corrugated
paper, can be wrapped around^ the thermometer case
NBS. Shipping charges, both to and from the NBS,
will be paid by the applicant. All possible care will
as an additional aid against breakage. The package
should contain enough packing material to absorb any be taken in handling thermometers at NBS, but the
shock that it may receive. Included with each ship- risk of damage either in shipment or testing must be
ment should be a packing list stating the number of assumed by the agency, firm or individual submitting
thermometers shipped, the name of the company sub- them.
3. Definitions
The principle features of a solid-stem liquid-in-glass provided to prevent the buildup of excessive pressures
thermometer are shown in figure 3. Not all of the in gas-filled thermometers as the liquid filling ad-
features shown would necessarily be incorporated in vances toward the top of the scale (see Sec. 7.1).
any one thermometer. Contraction Chamber: An enlargement of the ca-
pillary bore which serves to reduce a long length of
CHAMBER CHAMBER capillary or to prevent contraction of the entire liquid
column into the bulb. This chamber is introduced
below the main scale or between the main scale and
an auxiliary scale.
Reference Point: A reference temperature, such as
Figure 3. Principle features of a solid-stem liquid-in- glass
the ice point or steam point, used periodically to
thermometer. check the thermometer for changes in bulb volume.
(See Sec. 5.2). The reference point can be included
Bulb: The reservoir for the thermometer liquid. in the main scale or on an auxiliary scale.
The bulb of a thermometer will contain a volume Total-Immersion Thermometer : A thermometer de-
equivalent to a specific number of degrees of the scale signed to indicate temperatures correctly when the
depending upon the coefficients of expansion of the bulb and the entire liquid column is exposed to the
thermometric liquid and bulb glass. For mercury in temperature being measured. (See the definition for
a bulb made of "normal" glass, the bulb volume is complete-immersion thermometer.)
equivalent to approximately 6,222 times the volume Partial-Immersion Thermometer: A thermometer
of a 1 degree length of the capillary on the scale for designed to indicate temperatures correctly when the
Celsius thermometers, or 11,200 times the volume of bulb and a specified portion of the stem is exposed
a 1 degree length of the capillary on the scale for to the temperature being measured. The remaining
Fahrenheit thermometers. For organic thermometric portion of the stem, referred to as the emergent stem,
liquids with higher coefficients of expansion than will be at the ambient temperature, usually different
mercury, the bulb volumes are correspondingly less. from the temperature being measured. Such thermom-
Stem: The glass capillary tube through which the eters are generally marked with an immersion line to
thermometric liquid advances or retreats with changes indicate the proper depth of immersion.
in temperature. Complete-Immersion Thermometer: A thermometer
Main Scale: The scale graduated in degrees or designed to indicate temperatures correctly when the
multiples or submultiples of degrees; in many in- whole thermometer, including the expansion chamber,
stances the main scale constitutes the only scale. is subjected to the temperature being measured. In gas-
Auxiliary Scale: A short scale including a reference filled thermometers the reading will be different for
temperature such as the ice point, to provide a means complete, as compared to total immersion, as a result
for checking the therm.ometer for a change in cali- of the effect of temperature on the gas pressure in
bration with time (see Sec. 7.4). This scale is added the thermometer (see Sec. 8.2). Although the differ-
when a suitable reference temperature is not included ence in readings under the two conditions is particu-
in the range of the main scale. larly significant at high temperatures, it is also
Expansion Chamber: An enlargement at the top significant at moderate temperatures if the bulb and
end of the capillary bore having a volume equivalent expansion chamber are both relatively large.
to not less than the volume of a 20 mm
length of un- Calibration Points: The temperatures on the ther-
changed capillary. Smaller chambers are not regarded mometer scale (i.e., 0°C) where calibrations are
as expansion chambers. The expansion chamber is performed and corrections reported.
Accuracy: The accuracy of a measurement refers Instability of the thermometer glass, capillary forces
to the difference between the measured value and the at thesurface of the thermometric liquid, non-
true value of the quantity being measured. In this uniformity of capillary bore, and inaccuracies in scale
Monograph the accuracy of a given thermometer refers graduation are among the important factors. With
to its ability to indicate temperatures correctly on the partial-immersion thermometers, uncertainties in cor-
International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 [1] rections for the emergent stem may greatly limit the
within the uncertainty stated (See tables 5-12) provid- accuracy. Observer errors are also involved, but with
ed all corrections are applied and the thermometer is care these can usually be made relatively small.
used in the same manner as when it was calibrated. Precision: The precision of measurement refers to
The accuracy attainable is principally limited by the the degree of agreement amongst repeated measure-
characteristics of the thermometer itself (See Sec. 6). ments at a given time of the same quantity.
The scale to which measurements of temperature The units of Tea and t^a, like the thermodynamic
should ultimately be referred is the Thermodynamic scales, are the Kelvin, symbol K, and degree Celsius,
Kelvin Temperature Scale (TKTS). Values of tem- symbol °C.
perature expressed on the TKTS are designated by Due more sophisticated equipment and
to the use of
the symbol T. The unit of temperature is the Kelvin, more accuracy the defining
the ability to measure with
symbol K, which is a base unit of the Systeme Inter- fixed points, the new temperature scale more closely
nationale (SI), and is defined as "the fraction agrees with thermodynamic temperatures. This scale,
1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the IPTS-68, is intended to provide scientific and indus-
triple point of water" [3] trial laboratories throughout the world with a com-
Because of the difficulties that are encountered in mon basis for stating temperatures. Calibrations of
the practical realization of the TKTS, it has been thermometers at NBS, therefore, are made with ref-
necessary to define and utilize practical temperature erence to values of temperature on the IPTS-68.
scales. The International Temperature Scale and de- Shown in Table 1 is the approximate difference in
fining text was first adopted in 1927 and later revised degrees Celsius between the values of temperature
in 1948. The Eleventh General Conference of Weights given by the IPTS-68 and the IPTS-48 [1] The differ- .
tas — Tes —273.15 K. between the liquid and vapor phases of water (nor-
Table 1. — Approximate difference ( tss — tis), in degrees Celsius,
-100 0.022 0.013 0.003 -0.006 -0.013 -0.013 -0.005 0.007 0.012
- 0 0.000 0.006 0.012 0.018 0.024 0.029 0.032 0.034 0.033 0.029 0.022
tts °C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 0.000 -0.004 -0.007 -0.009 -0.010 -0.010 -0.010 -0.008 -0.006 -0.003 0.000
100 0.000 0.004 0.007 0.012 0.016 0,020 0.025 0.029 0.034 0.038 0.043
200 0.043 0.047 0.051 0.054 0.058 0.061 0.064 0.067 0.069 0.071 0.073
300 0.073 0.074 0.075 0.076 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.076 0.076
400 0.076 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.075 0.076 0.077 0.079
500 0.079 0.082 0.085 0.089 0.094 0.100 0.108 0.116 0.126 0.137 0.150
600 0.150 0.165 0.182 0.200 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.34 0.36 0.39
700 0.39 0.42 0.45 0.47 0.50 0.53 0.56 0.58 0.61 0.64 0.67
800 0.67 0.70 0.72 0.75 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.89 0.92 0.95
900 0.95 0.98 1.01 1.04 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24
1000 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.44
Examples showing the use of these tables are given below to help clarify any difficulty that may be encountered.
These standards are calibrated for stem-temperature the bulbs are at the same temperature and the stem
conditions expected to prevail during the use of these temperatures are essentially the same for all of the
thermometers or for specified stem temperatures. This thermometers under comparison.
use of like standards eliminates the need for many of All of these liquid-in-glass standards should be
the precautions necessary when dissimilar thermom- calibrated with reference to the IPTS-68 through
eters are compared and permits the direct comparison comparisons with a standard platinum resistance
of the indications of similar thermometers as long as thermometer.
5. Calibration
In most instances, the determination of the liquid- circulation of steam around the thermometers sus-
in-glassthermometer scale corrections is accomplished pended within this space. A
provision is made both
by comparing its scale indications with a known tem- for relieving any excess pressure in the space sur-
perature from a platinum resistance thermometer or rounding the thermometers and for determining the
mercury-in-glass thermometer standards. This com- excess pressure by means of a small differential
parison is achieved by placing the standard and the manometer.
thermometers under test in a series of stirred liquid
comparison baths (See Sec. 5.1c). A discussion of
the equipment needed, the procedure followed, addi-
tional corrections that may be necessary, and the
choice of calibration points is given in the following
5,1. Equipment
a. Ice Bath SPACE —
An can be easily assembled and consists
ice bath
of a container, a siphon tube, ice and distilled water.
A Dewar flask, approximately 36 cm deep and 8 cm
in diameter, can serve as a container for the ice.
A vessel of this type is preferable, since the melting
of the ice is retarded by the insulating properties of
the Dewar flask. A siphon is placed in the flask to
enable excess water to be removed as the ice melts.
The clear or transparent portion of commercially
purchased ice. or ice made from distilled water, can
be used. The ice is shaved or crushed into small chips CONDENSER
measuring 2 to 5 mm. The flask is one-third filled
with distilled water and the shaved ice is added.
This mixture is compressed to form a tightly packed
slush and any excess water is siphoned off. Before BOILER
the bath is used, adequate time 15 to 30 min.) should
the steam bath and the barometer, and for any excess c. Comparison Liquid Baths
pressure above atmospheric in the steam jacket. After
At NBS two types of stirred liquid baths are used
the corrected pressure reading is obtained, the tem-
for comparison calibrations in the range —110 to
perature of the steam can be derived from the values
given in Table 2. With a barometer accurate to 0.1 540 °C (-166 to 1004 °F). Each is equipped with a
mm Hg. this procedure is capable of an accuracy of stirring unit to provide a uniform temperature
0.002 to 0.003 (0.004 to 0.005 °F). The Fortin throughout the medium and a controlled current to
type barometer will usually suffice for all but the most the heating coils for proper temperature regulation.
exacting measurements. A 5 to 7 cm thickness of insulation surrounding the
The steam bath can also be used as a comparison
baths and an insulated cover is provided to help mini-
bath, with the temperature of the steam being deter-
mize heat loss. Fitted into the top cover is a holder
mined at the time of test by means of a previously
standardized thermometer. This method, which does containing the thermometers. This holder can be ro-
not require the use of a barometer, may be preferable, tated, enabling each thermometer to appear in the
particularlywhen a platinum resistance thermometer field 01 view of a vertically adjustable telescope at-
p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
500 88.674 0.726 0.778 0.830 0.882 0.935 0.987 *0.039 * 0.090 0.141
510 89.193 .244 .295 .347 .398 .449 .499 .550 .601 .652
520 89.702 .753 .803 .853 .904 .954 * .004 * .054 * .104 .154
530 90.203 .253 .303 .352 .402 .451 .500 .550 .599 .648
* * .086 *
540 90.697 .746 .795 .843 .892 .941 .989 .038 .135
550 91.183 .231 .279 .327 .375 .423 .471 .518 .566 .614
* *
560 91.661 .709 .756 .803 .851 .898 .945 .992 .039 .086
570 92.133 .179 .226 .274 .320 .367 .413 .460 .506 .552
580 92.598 .644 .690 .736 .782 .828 .874 .920 .965 .011
590 93.056 .102 .147 .193 .238 .283 .328 .373 .418 .463
600 93.5079 .5527 .5975 .6422 .6868 .7315 .7760 .8204 .8645 .9092
* * * * * * * *
610 93.9534 .9976 .0419 .0860 .1300 .1740 .2179 .2617 .3055 .3493
620 94.39.30 .4366 .4802 .5237 .5671 .6105 .6538 .6972 .7404 .7835
* * * * *
630 94.8266 .8696 .9126 .9555 .9985 .0413 .0841 .1268 .1694 .2120
640 95.2546 .2972 .3396 .3819 .4242 .4665 .5087 .5508 .5929 .6351
* *
650 95.6771 .7190 .7609 .8027 .8445 .8862 .9280 .9696 .0112 .0526
660 96.0941 .1355 .1769 .2182 .2595 .3007 .3419 .3830 .4240 .4650
670 96.5060 .5469 .5878 .6286 .6693 .7100 .7506 .7912 .8318 .8724
* * .1143 * * .1947 * .2347 *
680 %.9128 .9532 .9936 * .0339 .0741 .1546 .2747
690 97.3147 .3546 .3945 .4343 .4741 .5138 .5535 .5931 .6327 .6722
* *
700 97.7117 .7511 .7906 .8300 .8693 .9085 .9477 .9869 .0260 .0651
710 98.1042 .1431 .1821 .2210 .2598 .2986 .3373 .3761 .4148 .4534
720 98.4920 ..5305 .5690 .6074 .6458 .6842 .7225 .7608 .7990 .8372
* .0275 * * * * *
730 98.8753 .9134 .9515 .9896 .0654 .1033 .1411 .1789 .2107
740 99.2544 .2922 .3298 .3673 .4049 .4424 .4798 .5172 .5546 .5920
750 99.6293 .6666 .7038 .7409 .7780 .8151 .8522 .8893 .9262 .9631
760 100.0000 .0368 .0736 .1104 .1472 .1839 .2205 .2571 .2937 .3302
770 100..3667 .4031 .4395 .4760 .5123 .5486 .5845 .6210 .6572 .6934
* *
780 100.7295 .7656 .8016 .8376 .8736 .9095 .9453 .9811 .0169 .0528
790 101.0885 .1242 .1598 .1954 .2310 .2665 .3020 .3376 .3730 .4084
The type of bath shawn in figure 5 is suitable when
the medium is liquid atroom temperature. It consists
of two cylindrical wells of different diameters with
connecting passages top and bottom. The heating
at the
coil and stirrer are located in the smaller well, leaving
the larger well unobstructed for the insertion of the
thermometers. The fluid is forced past the heating
coils, through the bottom opening into the larger well,
around the thermometers, and back into the smaller
well through the connecting passage at the top.
between the walls of the inner Dewar flask through
the side tube. M, which is connected to a vacuum
system. Vigorous stirring of the bath liquid is main-
tained by the propeller, I, which circulates the liquid
around the walls of the stirrer tube, P, similar to the
flow of the medium in the high temperature bath.
The temperature of the bath is thermostatically con-
trolled by heater coils, J. wound on the outside of the
stirrer tube. The thermometers are immersed inside
the stirrer tube, thus shielding them from the heater
for lower) by the same amount. An example is given Ice-point readings on the thermometers being cali-
below: brated are not taken after each test point on the
scale. For thermometers graduated below 300 °C or
Original Corrections from NBS Report 600 °F, ice points are taken before the comparison
calibrations and 3 days (with the thermometer at room
Reading Correction temperature) after the last test point to assure that
the bulb has recovered within acceptable limits. With
+ 0.011 °C -0.011 °C
thermometers graduated above 300 °C or 600 °F, an
10.000 - .015
20.000 - .020
ice point is taken and it is immediately tested at the
30.000 + .008 highest test point on the scale. After a rest period of
40.000 - .033 3 days at room temperature a second ice point is
50.000 .000 taken. The agreement between the first and second
ice point must be within the stated accuracy limit of
A later ice-point reading may be +0.019 °C. This the thermometer, or it is deemed unsuitable for cali-
means that the ice-point correction will be —0.019 °C bration and no further testing is done.
and a new set of corrections should be made by sub- The ice point is the only test temperature taken in
tracting 0.008 from all of the original corrections. the manner described above. Comparison measure-
The new table would look as follows: ments are made with the temperature of the bath
slowly increasing at a steady rate, which does not
Reading Correction
exceed one scale division in 3 to 10 minutes [7]. All
thermometers are read using a 10 power telescope,
+ 0.019 °C -0.019 °C which is attached to each calibration bath and per-
10.000 - .023
20.000 - pendicular to the thermometers. The telescope is a
30.000 .000 necessity if errors due to parallax are to be avoided.
40.000 - .041 When a liquid-in-glass thermometer is intended to
50.000 - .008
be used as a standard, an ice point should be taken
after heating it at each test temperature. The adjusted
Once a thermometer has been calibrated, an ice point scale correction is determined by adding the ice-point
check is all that is necessary to obtain a current cali- reading to the current correction at the corresponding
bration, provided the thermometer has not been test temperature. The example shown above is modified
abused. in this way.
Current Ice-Point Reading After Adjusted
Correction Heating to Test Temperature Scale Correction
When this thermometer is used as a standard, the ice ice-point depression (See Sec. 8.1a) that appears
point should again be taken after each calibration when thermometer is heated. The standard can be
point. To obtain the actual temperature of the bath, used at any time and at any temperature with no con-
the ice-point correction is added to the appropriate cern about the change in bulb volume, provided the
adjusted scale correction and thermometer reading. ice point is taken after it is used.
If the calibration temperature is 25 °C, the thermom- It advisable to use two liquid-in-glass standards
eter reads 24.983 °C, and the ice-point reading taken when calibrating, in order to detect reading errors
after the calibration is +0.014 °C, the actual tempera- and maintain a cross check of the standards. The
ture is computed as follows: calibration procedure can best be described by follow-
ing a hypothetical calibration of four thermometers,
Thermometer reading 24.983 °C T, through T4.
Interpolated Adjusted Scale Correction — .001
Table 3 shows hypothetical observations taken in
Ice-point correction — .014 obtaining the corrections applicable to the thermome-
Actual Temperature of Bath Medium 24.968 °C ters at 20 °C. For simplification, all of the entries in
the table reflect perfect thermometer performance with
This method eliminates the need to wait 3 days for a temperature rise of 0.001 °c between each observation
the bulb to recover and avoids the error due to the and no observer error.
Table 3. — Comparison of test thermometers obtain a correction to the scale of the thermometers.
with liquid-in-glass standards
The thermometer comparisons are repeated in the same
manner at the next higher test point until the calibra-
Ice-point readings of test thermometers
tion completed.
Ice Points of Standards medium. The corrections apply as given on the report,
Observer A -0.01 -0.08
when this thermometer is used at total immersion.
Observer B - .01 - .08 Occasionally it becomes necessary to use a total-
Mean ice points - .01 - .08 immersion thermometer with a portion of the stem
Ice-point emergent from the bath medium. The temperature of
corrections + .01 + .08
the environment above the bath, or apparatus con-
Adjusted scale
corrections + .12 + .04 taining the thermometer, may differ markedly from
the temperature of the thermometer bulb. It is also
possible to have pronounced temperature gradients
Calculations of corrections
along the length of exposed mercury column. A cor-
Correction to rection can be calculated to account for the difference
standards +0.13 +0.12 in temperature between the bulb and the emergent
Mean temperature,
stem. A reliable estimate of the mean temperature of
each standard 20.01 20.01.
Mean temperature the emergent stem is required and should actually
of all readings 20.01 be measured. The determination of the stem tempera-
Corrections to test ture should be repeated each time the thermometer is
thermometers +0.02 +0.04 -0.02 -0.03 used in this way, or the accuracy of the correction
will depend upon the constancy of the environmental
The first observations are the ice points of the
temperature over a period of time. Significant varia-
thermometers under thermometers are
test. The test
tions in the temperature of the emergent stem may
then mounted in the comparison bath between the two
occur due to air circulation and variations in ambient
standards. It is preferable to have two observers
temperature, even though the location of the ther-
(A and B Observer A reads in the order left to right
) .
auxiliary thermometers near the emergent stem as In calculating the emergent stem correction, it is
shown in figure 8(c). For a more accurate measure- convenient to express the length of the thermometer
ment faden or thread thermometers [8, 9] can he stem adjacent to the faden bulb in terms of degrees
used. These thermometers have long bulbs measuring on the thermometer scale. If a faden thermometer,
variously 5 to 20 cm, with wall thicknesses and bore having a bulb which is 10 cm long, is used for a stem
sizes nearly the same as the stem of an ordinary temperature measurement, then the number of degrees
thermometer. The bulb length is selected to approxi- corresponding to the 10 cm length must be found by
mate that of the emergent stem whose temperature is measuring a portion of the thermometer scale. This
to be measured. The stem of the faden thermometer measurement should be made over the portion of the
has a finer capillary than the bulb and is usually graduated scale which was adjacent to the faden
graduated in intervals of 2, 5, or 10 degrees Celsius. thermometer bulb. This is particularly important with
Stem temperature measurements taken at NBS are high-temperature thermometers, where the length of
based upon the use of faden thermometers whenever a degree is generally not the same throughout the
possible. entire length of the scale. In some instances the adja-
convenient method for measuring the emergent- cent portion of the thermometer stemis not graduated.
is followed. In this case it is necessary to measure the to the faden thermometer bulb,
mean temperature from the immersion line to the top t = average temperature of n degrees of the ther-
of the mercury column of the partial-immersion ther- mometer stem (faden thermometer reading),
mometer. One or more faden thermometers with ti = temperature of the thermometer bulb.
appropriate bulb lengths are chosen to accomplish this
measurement. This procedure is shown in figure 8(b). The varies for different kinds of
coefficient k
glass, or for different temperature intervals, i.e., differ-
ent values of (t, —
t). For purposes of computing the
emergent-stem correction, the value of k may be
considered as depending on the average of <i and t.
FADEN Values of k as the function of ('j +
t) /2 for two wide-
BULB ly used thermometric glasses are given in table 4. If
the kind of glass is not known, it is acceptable to use
OF THERMOMETER k = 0.00016 for mercury thermometers graduated in
degrees Celsius and k =
0.00009 for mercury ther-
'BULB IMMERSION LEVEL mometers graduated in degrees Fahrenheit.
7777 '/////
The expansions of liquids such as alcohol, toluene,
etc., vary quite rapidly with the temperature causing
IMMERSION IMMERSION k to vary considerably for different temperature in-
tervals. An approximate stem correction for such
thermometers may be calculated by setting the value
of k in the above equation as equal to 0.001 for Celsius
thermometers or 0.0006 for Fahrenheit thermometers.
Calculation of the stem correction may be illustrated
Figure 8. Schemes for measurement of emergenl-slem
by the following example: A total-immersion ther-
temperature. mometer indicates a reading of 90 °C in a bath when
Table 4. — Values of k for mercury-in-glass thermometers
0° 0.000158 0.000164
100 .000158 .000164
150 .000158 .000165
200 .000159 .000167
250 .000161 .000170
300 .000164 .000174
350 .000178
400 .000183
450 .000188
0° 0.000088 0.000091
200 .000088 .000091
300 .000088 .000092
400 .000089 .000093
500 .000090 .000095
600 .000092 .000097
700 .000100
800 .000103
immersed to the 80 °C graduation mark on the scale. c. Formula for Partial-Immersion Thermometers
A 10 cm faden thermometer placed alongside the The scale corrections for partial-immersion ther-
thermometer is adjacent to the scale between the 60 mometers calibrated at NBS are applicable when the
and 90 °C graduations and indicates a stem tempera- thermometer is immersed to the immersion mark and,
ture of 80 C. For this case n = 90-60 or 30 degrees.
unless otherwise requested, for the unspecified stem
The stem correction is: temperatures which prevailed over the comparison
0.00016 X 30 (90-80) = +0.048 °C. baths at the time of calibration. Frequently it is
necessary to report scale corrections which are ap-
This correction is added to the corrected thermometer plicable when specified mean temperatures of the
reading to obtain the actual temperature of the bath emergent stem are requested. In such cases the emer-
medium. Note that when the temperature of the emer- gent stem temperatures are measured during calibra-
gent stem is lower than the bath temperature, the sign tion and the observations are corrected as necessary
of the correction is +, since the thermometer would to account forany differences found between the
indicate a higher temperature reading if immersed specified stem temperatures and the stem temperatures
properly. observed during test. The magnitude of the stem cor-
If a faden thermometer was not available in the rection will be proportional to the difference between
above example, the emergent-stem temperature could the specified and observed stem temperatures, and
be estimated by suspending a small auxiliary ther- may be calculated for Celsius mercurial thermometers
mometer above the bath adjacent to the thermometer. by using the following formula:
The bulb of the auxiliary thermometer would be ~ —
stem correction 0.00016 n (Up tots),
placed at the center of the emergent stem or at the
85 °C graduation. The reading of the auxiliary ther- where
mometer will indicate the approximate mean tempera-
ture of the 10 degrees (80° to 90 °C) emergent from tsp = specifiedmean temperature of the emergent
the bath. For this correction the value for n would stem (for which reported scale corrections
be 10. If the auxiliary thermometer indicates a read- apply),
ing of 60 "C, the stem correction would be: tobs = observed mean temperature of the emergent
stem (faden thermometer reading),
0.00016 X 10 (90-60) = +0.048 °C.
n = number of scale degrees equivalent to the
length of emergent stem (including the eval-
This method is not usually as reliable as the method
involving the use of a faden thermometer [9]. uated area above the immersion line).
This formula may also be used to correct the indica- A Beckmann thermometer should not be used with
tions of a partial-immersion thermometer, when, dur- any part of the lower portion of the stem exposed to
ing use, the actual stem temperatures differ from the ambient temperature. Since this part may contain
specified ones for which the scale corrections apply. 5 to 10 times more mercury per centimeter than the
graduated portion, a large and uncertain error will
be introduced if this section is not in the bath medium.
d. Formula for Calorimetric Thermometers If it is unavoidable, and such a thermometer must
The stem correction is often important when ther- be used way, the necessary correction may be
in this
mometers are used for differential temperature meas- computed from the above formula, provided S in the
urements, as in calorimetry (Sec. 6.5). The correction formula is replaced by S + m, where m is the number
may be computed from the following formula, which of degrees the temperature of the thermometer must
involves the difference between the initial and final be lowered to bring the meniscus from the zero mark
readings, provided the mean temperature of the stem on the scale to the point of immersion.
remains constant. If the thermometer is immersed to some point other
than the zero mark, as would ordinarily be the case
Stem correction = kd {h +iF — / — t)
with thermometers having the zero graduation at the
where top of the scale, the differential stem correction may
be calculated from the above formula if S is replaced
k = factor for relative expansion of glass and by 5 +m. The formula is applicable whether the
mercury, point of immersion is on the scale or below it, provided
ti = initial reading, the points at which readings are made are above the
tF — final reading, point to which the thermometer is immersed.
/ = scalereading to which the thermometer is
t = mean temperature of the emergent stem, 5.4. Number and Choice of Test Points
J = — h.
A thermometer is usually calibrated at points spaced
This correction must be applied (added if positive, uniformly over the entire range of the main scale.
subtracted if negative) to the difference of the read- The number of calibration points chosen depends on
ings to give the actual temperature difference. the range of scale, graduation interval, and accuracy
Example: The thermometer was immersed to the desired. The interval between the calibration points
20° mark: the initial reading, ii, was 25 °C; the final should not be unnecessarily small, nor should it be
reading, U, was 30 and the stem temperature was so large as to destroy confidence in interpolated cor-
20 °C. The correction is: rections for temperature values between the calibration
0.00016 x 5 (25 +30—20—20) = +0.012 °C. For thermometers not graduated above approxi-
mately 200 °C, it is generally accepted that the inter-
Since the difference between U and Zf was 5°, the
val between test points should not exceed 100 scale
actual difference between the initial and final tem-
divisions, if the corrected temperature values between
perature readings was:
the calibration points are to have an expected accu-
— + correction = 5.012 °C. racy of approximately one-half of one scale division.
If accuracies of one or two-tenths of a scale division
are desired, it will be necessary to reduce the calibra-
e. Formula for Beckmann Thermometers tion interval to every 40 or 50 scale divisions. If a
The formula used to compute the stem temperature thermometer is graduated above 200 °C, a 40 to 50
correction for Beckmann thermometers (Sec. 6.4) is scale division calibration interval is required to pro-
similar to the one used for calorimetric thermometers. duce corrected temperature values with expected ac-
The formula given below is applicable provided the curacies of approximately one-half of a scale division,
thermometer is immersed near the zero degree indi- and a 20 to 25 scale division calibration interval is
cation on the scale and the temperature of the stem necessary for expected accuracies to be approximately
remains constant. one or two-tenths of a scale division.
The above results were derived from analysis of
stem correction = kd (5 + + ?f — ;), calibration data taken on more than 50 thermometers
purchased from 1930 through 1956 for use as labora-
tory standards. The data indicated that there was con-
k — factor for relative expansion of glass and siderable variation between individual thermometers
mercury, and that scale corrections obtained over a given inter-
~ initial reading, val for a particular thermometer were not sufficient to
tr = final reading, predict whether or not more calibration points were
t = mean temperature of the emergent stem, required. The above studies were made with only a
d — If — (1 few of the many types of thermometers submitted to
S = setting of the thermometer (Sec. 6.4). NBS for calibration, and may not necessarily be
applicable to other types. Experience with a particular the purchase order, be tested at a reference
it will
type of thermometer seems to be the most reliable point and at approximately every 100
intervals of
guide in the choice of its calibration points. scale divisions. A calibration should never consist of
fewer than two points on the main scale, and should
If a thermometer is submitted to NBS for calibra- always be tested at a reference point, whether on the
tion and the calibration points are not specified on main scale or on an auxiliary scale.
Table 5. — Tolerances for Celsius total-immersion mercury emergent stem, t gether with the inherent difficulty
thermometers of estimating or measuring the emergent-stem tem-
perature with sufficient accuracy, can contribute
Temperature range in Graduation Tolerance Accuracy markedly to the uncertainty of a given thermometer
degrees interval in in in degrees indication. For these reasons tolerances and accu-
degrees degrees racies expected of partial-immersion thermometers,
as given in tables 7 and 8, are not as stringent as
Thermometer graduated under 150 °C those for total-immersion thermometers.
°C —
Table 7. Tolerances for Celsius partial-immersion
0 up to 150 1.0 or 0.5 0.5 0.1 to 0.2
mercury thermometers
0 up to 150 .2 .4 .02 to .05
0 up to 100 .1 .3 .01 to .03
32 up to 600
Above 600 up to 950 ....
^ or i ^
g ^
0.2 to 1.0
^ ^ q Thermometers graduated above 600 °F
ditions differ, especially the temperature of the emer- smaller intervals than shown in these tables, but this in no way
improves the performance of the thermometers, and the listed
gent stem, the necessary emergent stem correction
tolerances and accuracies still apply.
must be calculated as shown in section 5.3c. An un- ^ The accuracies shown are attainable only if emergent stem
steady or irreproducible environment surrounding the temperatures are closely known and accounted for.
6.3. Low-Temperature Thermometers Table 9. — Tolerances for low-temperature total-immersion
The use of mercury-in-glass thermometers for low
temperature measurements is limited bv the freezing
Temperature Type
point of mercury, which is —
38.9 °C' (— 38.0°F). range in
interval in
ance in
in degrees
This limit may be extended to lower temperatures by degrees degrees degrees
forming an eutectic alloy consisting of mercury and 8.5
percent by weight of thallium. The freezing point of Celsius thermometers
this alloy is approximately —
59 °C ( —
74 °F). How-
ever, small differences in the quantity of thallium
-35 to 0 Mercury 1 or 0.5 0.5 0.1 to 0.2
present have the effect of markedly raising the freez- -35 to 0 do .2 .4 .02 to .05
ing point of the alloy. It has also been found that -56 to 0 Mercury- .5 .5 .1 to .2
The "setting" of a Beckmann thermometer refers setting factor is 1.0000 at this temperature. For a set-
to the temperature of the bulb when the reading on ting other than 20 °C, the observed temperature differ-
the scaleis 0°. When the setting is changed, enabling ence must be multiplied by the appropriate setting
the thermometer to be used at a higher or lower tem- factor as shown in the example given below the table.
perature range, the quantity of mercury affected by a For most Beckmann thermometers, the large bulb
temperature change is not the same. Therefore, two is joined to a fine capillary, which is backed by a
equal changes in temperature at different settings milk-glass scale, by a capillary of much larger diam-
cause different indications on the scale, and a "setting eter. This large capillary is a source of some un-
factor" must always be used to convert reading differ- certainty when the thermometer is used at partial
ences into actual temperature differences whenever immersion and this portion is not entirely immersed.
the thermometer is used at any setting other than the For appropriate emergent-stem corrections refer to
one at which the scale was calibrated. These setting section 5.3e.
factors combine corrections for the different quan- Tolerance requirements for Beckmann thermometers
tities of mercury during equal temperature changes, are given in table 12. Under the heading "Accuracy
and the difference between the mercury-in-glass scale of interval in degrees" is given the estimated accuracy
and the International Practical Temperature Scale of attainable in the measurement of any interval within
1968. Table 11 lists setting factors calculated for the limits of the scale. No tolerances for scale error
thermometers of Jena 16"' - glass or, its American are given, although it is desirable that it be no larger
equivalent, Corning normal. The scale calibrations for than 0.02 °C over a 1.0 °C interval.
Beckmann thermometers as reported by NBS are
applicable for a setting of 20 °C. Consequently, the
Table 12. — Tolerances for Beckmann and calorimetric
Table 11. — Setting factors for Beckmann thermometers
50 1.0082 interval
Gas calorimetric ... .1 -F 0.15 over a 5° .02 to .05
7. Thermometer Design
Reproducibility and accuracy of readings are influ- and causing only small changes in the thermometer
enced markedly by the design, choice of materials, readings with continued use. This is especially impor-
and actual construction of the thermometer. The cali- tant for a thermometer graduated above 300 °C or
bration laboratory personnel exercise judgment in 600 "F. The quality of the thermometer glass and the
deciding whether individual thermometers are likely adequacy of the annealing process may be judged by
to maintain a calibration; however, general recom- the stability of the reference-point readings. A method
mendations for acceptable thermometer design and for testing bulb stability is described in The American
construction are given in the following sections. Society for Testing and Materials Method E77.
All high-temperature thermometers should be filled
7.1. Materials of Construction with a dry inert gas such as nitrogen under sufficient
pressure to prevent separation of the mercury at any
While the cleanliness of the thermometer bulb, bore, temperature indicated on the scale. Total-immersion
and liquid filling have a pronounced effect upon the thermometers graduated above 150 °C or 300 °F must
performance of a thermometer, equally important is be gas filled to minimize the distillation of mercury
the proper choice of the glass from which the ther- from the top of the mercury column. An expansion
mometer is manufactured. The thermometer, and chamber at the top of the capillary or a specified
especially the bulb, must be made of glass suitable length of unchanged capillary above the highest grad-
for use in the temperature range indicated on the stem. uation is essential for thermometers containing a gas.
Some types of glasses commonly used
in the manu- The gas must have an adequate area for compression
facture of thermometer bulbs and reasonable upper when the mercury is advanced toward the top of the
temperature limits are estimated by Thompson [12] scale; otherwise, excessive pressure in the capillary
in table 13. Thompson's estimates are based upon the will cause the thermometer to burst.
work of Liberatore and Whitcome [13]. The results For thermometers graduated below 150 °C or
show that significant changes in bulb volume may 300 °F a gas filling is optional, but is strongly rec-
occur if the bulb is heated for long periods of time ommended. The mercury column of a vacuous ther-
at temperatures higher than 130 °C (234 °F) below mometer will tend to separate easily if the thermometer
the strain point of the bulb glass. The strain point of a is inverted or subjected to a sudden shock.
glass is defined as the temperature at which the glass
has a viscosity of 10"^ poises [14]. Thermometers
may be used intermittently, to approximately 70 °C 7.2. Scale Design and Workmanship
(126 °F) of the strain point. It should be noted that Solid-stem thermometers must have the graduation
the use of a glass with a high strain point, such as
marks placed directly on the stem and opposite the
borosilicate glass, results in better thermometer per-
enamel back. If the thermometer is of the enclosed-
formance and stability even in thermometers used at scale type, the graduated scale must be securely
temperatures much lower than the exposure limits
fastened to prevent relative displacement between the
given in table 13.
scale and the capillary, or a datum line should be
conveniently located to indicate at any time whether
Table 13. — Temperature exposure limits for various
the scaleis in its original position. The graduation
thermometer glasses ^
marks should be clear cut, straight, of uniform width,
and in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the
Exposure limits thermometer.
The scale should be graduated in 1.0, 0.5, 0.2, or 0.1
Continuous Intermittent degree intervals, or in decimal multiples. The divisions
should be numbered in such a manner that the iden-
tification of any graduation is not unnecessarily
"C "C °F "C
''430* 1-805* difficult. Thermometers with scales graduated in 0.25
Corning normal 7560 500 370 700
Kimble R 6 490 360 680 420 790 degree intervals, or submultiples, are sometimes diffi-
Jena 16 III 495 365 690 425 795 cult to read and the discontinuance of their production
Coming borosilicate 8800 529 400 750 460 860
is desirable. If the thermometers are graduated in 0.1
Jena borosilicate 2954 548 420 790 480 900
1005 600 1110 or 0.2 degree intervals (or decimal multiples), every
Corning 1720 668 540
Jena Supremax 2955 665 535 995 595 1100 fifth mark should be longer than the intermediate
ones and a number should appear at every tenth mark.
a From reference
Thermometers graduated in 0.5 degree intervals (or
b *405 °C or 760 T
if Corning Standard Thermometer 0041 decimal multiples) require three lengths of graduation
glass is used for the stem. marks. These consist of alternating short and inter-
mediate marks, with every tenth line distinctly longer
The thermometer must also be adequately annealed than the others. A number should appear at every
bulb volume to remain reasonably stable
to enable the 10th or 20th mark.
The must not be extended to temperatures
scale graduation next above, if the graduation is not above
beyond which the particular thermometer glass is 100 °C (212 ° F) a 30; mm
length if the graduation
suited. A thermometer made of borosilicate glass, for is above 100 °C (212 °F).
example, should never be graduated to 500 °C (d) A 10 mm length of unchanged capillary above
(932 °F). It would be ruined in a short time if used the highest graduation, if there is an expansion cham-
at that temperature. ber (see definitions, Sec. 3); a 30 mm length if there
is no expansion chamber.
8. Special Notes
The following brief notes on the characteristic be- responding to that particular high temperature will
havior of mercury-in-glass thermometers are added to appear to be reached. If the thermometer is cooled
aid the user in understanding the behavior of these slowly through critical temperature regions, the glass
thermometers, and to better utilize the information will nearly return to its initial state, and the ice-
contained in the Reports of Calibration. point reading will show no change. If, on the other
hand, the thermometer is cooled rapidly (such as
cooling naturally in still air), the bulb will retain a
8.1. Glass Changes portion of its expanded condition, and the ice-point
reading will be lower than the reading taken before
The changes which occur in the glass of a ther-
mometer bulb after first heating to a high temperature heating. This phenomenon is known as "zero, or ice-
point depression." Thermometers which have been
within the acceptable exposure limits of the glass and
heated to high temperatures recover from this ice-
subsequent cooling to ambient temperatures, are an
point depression in an unpredictable way, and fre-
involved function of time and temperature. They will
quently there will be no significant recovery after a
depend upon the thermal history of the glass (both
period of one year at room temperature. Since the
during manufacture and previous use) the time of .
consistentmeasurements of the same temperature where and R\ are external and internal radii of
intervalcan be made repeatedly, calorimetric ther- the bulb, and A: is a constant containing elastic prop-
mometers should be used in this way. erties of the glass and a conversion factor for express-
ing the volume change in terms of change of
= k formly, the thermometer always indicates what the
temperature was at some previous time. The thermom-
eter readings are said to "lag" behind the temperature 1 1 1
time 7 A approximately 0.1 percent. Determinations perature changes (as in calorimetry it has been ) ,
of A for solid-stem laboratory thermometers, represen- shown by White [21] that the lag enters into the
tative of American manufacture, have yielded values
observations in such a way as to be eliminated from
the results in applying the usual radiation corrections.
of approximately 2 to 3 seconds in a well-stirred water
bath. Figure 10 shows the approach of thermometer
Therefore the lag need not be considered, providing
the initial and final readings are made when the tem-
readings to the water bath temperature for three
perature is varying uniformly. This is not strictly
selected thermometers having different values of A.
If the thermometer having A = true, however, in the case of some Beckmann ther-
2.2 seconds is initially
at 25 "C. and is immersed in a constant temperature
mometers, which have no true value of A, as is ex-
bath at 75 °C, the thermometer reading will be within plained in the paper referred to above.
0.05 "C (0.1 percent of 50 °C) of the bath tempera-
ture in 15 seconds, and within 0.01 °C in 19 seconds. 8,4. Separated Columns
The curve showing A =
3.1 was obtained for an
Many inquiries are received concerning separated
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
mercury columns which occur especially during ship-
specification 56C calorimetric thermometer with an
ment. Since no means of avoiding such occurrences
outside bulb diameter of 7.9 mm
and a bulb length
has yet been found, some directions for joining the
of 44 mm. The value of A = 2.2 was found for an
mercury may be helpful and are described below.
ASTM 7C thermometer having bulb dimensions of 5.4
by 12 mm. The third curve, where A =
1.7, was ob- (a) The bulb of the thermometer may be cooled
tained for a bulb with dimensions of 5.4 by 34 mm. in a solution of common and water (or other
salt, ice,
It is probable that most solid-stem thermometers of cooling agent) to bring the mercury down slowly into
American manufacture will have values of A lying the bulb. If the salt solution does not provide sufficient
within the range of the three curves shown. It will cooling, carbon dioxide snow (dry ice) may be used.
be noted that, according to Harper [20], the value Since the temperature of dry ice is approximately
— 78 °C — 108 °F), and mercury
( freezes at approxi- warming into droplets tiny enough to leave space for
mately —40 °C (— 40 °F), the mercury will solidify. the gas to by-pass. The thermometer is heated, and
Cool only the bulb and never the stem or mercury the droplets are collected by the rising mercury
column. Moderate tapping of the bulb on a rubber column.
stopper or similar soft spongy object, or the applica- The procedure for thermometers containing organic
tion of centrifugal force, by swinging the thermometer liquids is similar. Separated liquid in the stem can be
in a short arc (i.e. use of centrifugal force), usually vaporized and permitted to drain down the capillary.
serves to unite the mercury in the bulb. Care must be Another method consists of gently tapping the stem
taken to warm the top of the bulb first, so that pres- above the separation against the palm of the hand,
sures in the bulb due to expanding mercury may be forcing the organic liquid to break away from the
relieved. wall of the capillary and flow down the bore to join
(b) If there is a contraction chamber above the the main column.
bulb or an expansion chamber at the top of the ther- Minute gas bubbles, which are sometimes found
mometer, the mercury can sometimes be united by along the surface of the mercury in the thermometer
warming the bulb until the column reaches the sep- bulb, may be collected by "washing" the bulb with
arated portions in either enlargement. Great care is a large gas bubble. Bring all of the mercury into the
necessary to avoid filling the expansion chamber com- bulb as outlined in section (a). Hold the thermometer
pletely with mercury, which might produce pressures in a horizontal position and gently tap it against the
large enough to burst the bulb. (The expansion cham- hand form a large gas bubble. Force the bubble to
ber should never be more than 2/3 full.) Joining the travel around the walls of the bulb by rotating the
mercury is more readily accomplished if the quantity thermometer and tapping it against the palm of the
in either cavity has first been shattered into droplets hand. When the entire surface has been "washed"
by tapping the thermometer laterally against the hand. rotate the bubble to the top of the bulb and reunite
This procedure should not be used if it requires the mercury as described above.
the thermometer to be heated above 260 °C (500 °F) All of these manipulations require patience, and
and the bulb should never be heated in an open flame. experience is helpful, but they will yield results if
(c) As a last resort, especially for thermometers care is used. A convenient method of ascertaining
having no expansion chambers, small separated por- that all of the liquid has been joined is a check of the
tions of the column can sometimes be dispersed by ice point or some other reference point on the scale.
9. References
[1] "The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968," [11] Ween, Sidney, "The Beckmann Differential Thermometer:
Metrologia, Vol. 5, No. 2, 35 (April, 1969). Its Principles of Construction and Application," Ma-
[2] Calibration and Test Services of The National Bureau of terials Research and Standards, MTRSA, Vol. 12,
[6] Scott, R. B., and Brickwedde, F. G., A precision cryostat [16] Liberatore, L. C, Method of stabilizing the molecular
with automatic temperature regulation, BS J. Res. 6. arrangement of glass thermometers, U.S. Patent No.
401 (1931) RP284. 2,610,445 (Sept. 16, 1952).
American Society [17] Ruh, E. L., and Conklin, G. E., Thermal stability in
[7] for Testing and Materials Designation
E77-72, Calibration at Temperatures Other Than Fixed
ASTM thermometers, ASTM Bui. No. 2,33. 35 (Oct.
Points, Section 11.2.
[18] Martin, W. I., and Grossman, S. S., Calibration drift with
[8] Buckingham, E., The
correction for emergent stem of the
thermometers repeatedly cooled to ~30 °C, ASTM
mercurial thermometer, Bui. BS 8. 239" (1912) S170.
Bui. No. 231. 62 (July 1958).
[9] Pemberton, L. H., Further consideration of emergent col- [19] Guillaume, C. E., Traite Practique de la Thermometrie,
umn correction in mercury thermometry, J. Sci. Instr. Gauthier-Villars et Fils, Paris (1889) p. 99.
41, 234 '(1964).
[20] Harper 3d. D. R., Thermometrie lag, Bui. BS 8, 659
[10] Hall, J. A., and Leaver, V. M., The design of mercury (1912) S185.
thernK^meters for calorimetry, J. Sci. Instr. 36. 183 [21] White, W. P., Lag effects and other errors in calorimetry,
(195P). Phys. Rev. 31, 562 (1910).
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