Rate Analysisr02
Rate Analysisr02
Rate Analysisr02
Rate analysis is a subject wherein the cost of finished products are undergoing changes periodically
with respect to inflation, market trends, increase in labour costs, input raw materials, change in govt
policies like excise & custom duties etc. Consequent to this constant updation is needed in the rate
analysis. An attempt is made here in these excel sheets wherein only the cost of material, labour or
equipment usage can be varied and the final cost is automatically read in the abstract.
The entire work book is divided into 5 sheets viz.
a Labour rates
b Material rates
c Equipment hire charges
d Analysis of item rates based on the above three sheets
e Absract of various items
1. The first three sheets namely a,b & c are merely data sheets wherein the details are entered based
on the prevailing market rates/quotation from the vendors or contractors.
II. Constants for labour/materials / equipment is a combination of details taken from CPWD compilation
of Analysis of Rates, B N Dutta - Estimation & costing inCivil engineering and my practical experience
in the site.
3.Abstract sheet
This sheet is an abstract of each item of analysis and is compiled in two categories
a. Cost including Labour & materials
b. Cost for labour only.
The various factors considered for addition as a percentage of Material, Labour & equipment as
applicable are
a.Water charges @ 1%
b. Electricity charges @0.5%
c. Scaffolding Charges as necessary @ 5%
d. EPF & Insurance formalities & safety @ 3%
e. Sundries @ 2%
f. Profit & overheads @ 15%
All the additional items are added and WCT @4% is added to the Material, labour cost & equipment
costs to arrive at the total rate for the quantity assumed in the rate analysis.
Male Assistant 90
Female assistant 55
Skilled mason 160
Foreman 225
Cement 165
Sand 350
40mm aggregate 360
Male Assistant 100
Female assistant 80
Skilled mason 175
Foreman 240
To summarise, we need to update the data sheet only w.r.t to the change in the rates.
I have made a beginning in this regard. I will have to work out for the balance general civil works on the
following heads
1 Joinery -all types
2 Formwork
3 Steelworks
4 Flooring
5 Painting
6 Other miscellaneous works
Attempts are to be made for doing the same for other areas like plumbing, sanitary & electrical works.
Finally I would like to add a word that the constants & the rates assumed may not be correct and tallying
100% to the actual or prevailing rates.They can be altered to the specific requirement to the project but
only care should be taken to see that the details in the analysis sheet are picked directly from the data
sheet (linked) and not copied or typed.
Trust this will be helpful to everybody at the site & the office.
Sl.no Particulars Rate/day in
1 Male Assistant 275
2 Female assistant 180
3 Skilled mason 350
4 Tile layer 350
5 Marble layer 275
6 Tile helper 250
7 Marble helper 250
8 Skilled carpenter 350
9 Carpenter helper 275
10 Skilled Bar bender 375
11 Barbender Helper 300
12 Stone dresser 300
13 Mate 350
14 Stone excavators 400
15 Chisellers 300
16 Foreman 375
17 Painter 350
18 Painter helper 275
19 Skilled Welder 350
20 Helper 275
21 Shuttreing Carpenter 350
22 Helper 275
Sl.no Particulars Unit Rate/unit in
1 Cement Bag 260.00
2 Sand cum 1500.00
3 20mm coarse agg cum 882.00
4 40mm Coarse agg cum 600.00
5 12 mm coarse agg cum 510.00
6 6mm baby jelly cum 425.00
7 Admixture- plasticiser litre 125.00
8 Size stones each 6.00
9 Boulders cum 700.00
10 Bricks each 5.50
11 Steel reinforcement mt 36000.00
Solid block 400mm x
12 200mm x 200mm each 39.00
Solid block 400mm x
13 200mm x150mm each 31.00
Solid block 400mm x
14 200mm x100mm each 23.00
15 Lime for plastering kg 1.00
16 POP kg 15.00
17 OBD kg 80.00
18 Emulsion paint litre 300.00
19 Enamel paint litre 175.00
20 Emulsion primer litre 100.00
21 Enamel primer litre 100.00
22 Cement primer litre 100.00
23 snowcem paint kg 35.00
24 Textured paint litre 15.00
25 Reinforcement Steel MT 36000.00
26 Structutal Steel MT 36000.00
27 12mm thk Granite Sqm 538.00
28 20mm thk Granite Sqm 1184.00
29 Kota stone Sqm 425.00
30 Ceramic Tiles Sqm 375.00
31 Vitrified Tiles Sqm 525.00
32 Cement paint kg 40.00
33 Brush each 200.00
34 Polish Ltr 200.00
35 Sal wood cum 31750.00
36 Masonite Shutter Sqm 1667.80
37 Commercial Shutter Sqm 1560.20
38 Gypsum Board each 350.00
39 Clay Tiles Sqm 250.00
40 Ply wood
PRE – 002 Felling trees of the following girth (measured at a height of 1m above ground level) including cutting of
trunks and branches removing the roots, filling the pit and depression, stacking of the serviceable
material, etc., as directed for.
(a ) Felling trees beyond 30cm upto including
60cm girth
Assume Each No
1 Male assistant each 0.250 275.000 68.75
2 Female assistant each 0.300 350.000 105.00
Total 173.75
Elec 0.50% 0.87
Sundries 2.00% 3.48
Contractor's over heads and Profit
15% 15.00% 26.06
Unit Rate Sqm 204.16
PRE – 002 Felling of trees of the girth beyond 60cm and upto 120cm girth, measured at a ht of 5m
above ground level,including transporting debris, removing the roots
(b) Felling trees beyond 60cm upto including
120cm girth
Assume Each No
1 Male assistant each 0.600 275.000 165.00
2 Female assistant each 0.750 350.000 262.50
Total 427.50
Elec 0.50% 2.14
Sundries 2.00% 8.55
Item no B.1
Surface dressing of ground including removing vegetation inequalities not exceeding 15cm
in depth and disposal of rubbish upto lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in Soft soil
Assume 100 sqm area
1 Male assistant each 2.000 275.000 550.00
2 Female assistant each 1.050 180.000 189.00
Total 739.00
Elec 0.50% 3.70
Sundries 2.00% 14.78
Item no B.2. Ploughing the surface to a depth of 15cm to 25cm and watering the same
Assume Area Sqm 100.000
1 Male assistant each 2.800 275.000 770.00
Total 770.00
Tools & equipments Plough hire charges day 0.080 750.000 60.00
Total 830.00
Elec&water 1.50% 12.45
Sundries 2.00% 16.60
1 Male Assistant each 6.500 275.000 1787.50
2 Female Assistant each 6.500 180.000 1170.00
Total 2957.50
Elec &Water 1.50% 44.36
Sundries 2.00% 59.15
Item no B.5 Earthwork in surface excavation exceeding 30cm in depth but exceeding 1.5m in width as
well as 10m in length on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 50m and lift
between 1.5m to 3.0m in all kinds of soil
(b) 1.5 mt To 3.0mts
Assume Area Cum 10.000
1 Mate each 0.150 0.000 0.00
2 Male Assistant each 3.000 275.000 825.00
3 Female Assistant each 3.500 180.000 630.00
Total 1455.00
Elec 0.50% 7.28
Sundries 2.00% 29.10
Item no B.6 Earthwork in surface excavation exceeding 30cm in depth but exceeding 1.5m in width as
well as 10m in length on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 50m and lift
between 3 to 4.5m in all kinds of soil
Assume Area Cum 10.000
1 Mate each 0.200 0.000 0.00
2 Male Assistant each 4.000 275.000 1100.00
3 Female Assistant each 4.500 180.000 810.00
Total 1910.00
Elec 0.50% 9.55
Sundries 2.00% 38.20
Item no B.7 Earthwork in surface excavation exceeding 30cm in depth but exceeding 1.5m in width as
well as 10m in length on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 50m and lift upto
1.5m in soft rock without blasting
Assume 10 cum
1 Mate each 0.350 0.000 0.00
2 Stone excavators each 5.000 400.000 2000.00
4 Male Assistant each 4.000 275.000 1100.00
5 Female Assistant each 4.500 180.000 810.00
Total 3910.00
Elec 0.50% 19.55
Sundries 2.00% 78.20
Item no B.8 Earthwork in surface excavation exceeding 0.3m in depth but exceeding 1.5m in width as
well as 10m in length on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 50m and lift
between 1.5m to 3.0m in soft rock without blasting
Assume Area Cum 10.000
1 Mate each 0.400 0.000 0.00
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
2 Stone excavators each 5.000 400.000 2000.00
4 Male Assistant each 4.500 275.000 1237.50
5 Female Assistant each 5.000 180.000 900.00
Total 4137.50
Elec 0.50% 20.69
Sundries 2.00% 82.75
EAR – 003 Earthwork in surface excavation exceeding 30cm in depth but exceeding 1.5m in width as
well as 10m in length on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 50m and lift
between 3m to 4.5m in soft rock without blasting
Assume Area Cum 10.000
1 Mate each 0.450 0.000 0.00
2 Stone excavators each 5.000 400.000 2000.00
3 Male Assistant each 5.000 275.000 1375.00
4 Female Assistant each 5.500 180.000 990.00
Total 4365.00
Elec 0.50% 21.83
Sundries 2.00% 87.30
Item no B.11 Earthwork in surface excavation exceeding 30cm in depth but exceeding 1.5m in width as
well as 10m in length on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 50m and lift
between 1.5m to 3 m in hard rock without blasting
Assume Area Cum 10.000
1 Mate each 0.500 350.000 175.00
2 Stone excavators each 13.000 400.000 5200.00
3 Chisellers each 3.000 300.000 900.00
4 Male Assistant each 3.750 275.000 1031.25
5 Female Assistant each 6.500 180.000 1170.00
Total 8476.25
Elec 0.50% 42.38
Sundries 2.00% 169.53
EAR-004 Same as item EAR – 002 above but for footing excavation in hard rock/ boulders (more than 1/2 Cum in size which
cannot be removed mechanically) by chiselling/ wedging to the required level & depth including all leads and lifts,
as per detailed specification and conforming to safety rules of authority during the progress of work.
Assume Area Cum 10.000
1 Mate each 1.000 350.000 350.00
2 Stone excavators each 20.000 400.000 8000.00
3 Chisellers each 11.000 300.000 3300.00
4 Male Assistant each 12.000 275.000 3300.00
5 Female Assistant each 14.000 180.000 2520.00
Total 17470.00
Elec 0.50% 87.35
Sundries 2.00% 349.40
Providing and filling with screed concrete 1:5:10 in sunken/ raised toilets to the required depth and compacted to
007 get a level surface etc., complete at all levels.
Grade of 01:05:10
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 3.000 260.000 780.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 705.00
3 40mm coarse aggregate cum 0.970 600.000 582.12
Total 2067.12
1 Foreman each 0.070 375.000 26.25
2 Mason each 0.150 350.000 52.50
3 Male assistant each 0.500 275.000 137.50
4 Female assistant each 1.000 180.000 180.00
Total 396.25
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.035 700.000 24.79
Total 2488.16
Elec & Water 1.50% 37.32
Sundries 2.00% 49.76
PCC-004 Providing and laying PCC 1:3:6 of specified thickness wherever specified using river sand, 20mm and down size
graded granite aggregates including base preparation, compaction, levelling, all leads and lifts, curing and
shuttering, etc., complete for sills or coping.
Grade of 1:3;6
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 4.200 260.000 1092.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 705.00
3 20mm coarse aggregate cum 0.920 882.000 811.44
Total 2608.44
1 Mason each 0.150 350.000 52.50
2 Male assistant each 0.210 275.000 57.75
Total 110.25
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.010 700.000 7.00
Total 2725.69
Elec & Water 1.50% 40.89
Sundries 1.00% 27.26
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 408.85
Unit Rate Each 3202.69
Item no
C.4 Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size coarse
aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days.
Grade of 1'2:4
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.400 260.000 1664.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 705.60
3 20mm coarse aggregate cum 0.941 882.000 829.79
Total 3199.39
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
2 Mason each 0.160 350.000 56.00
3 Male assistant each 0.850 275.000 233.75
4 Female assistant each 1.100 180.000 198.00
Total 525.25
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 3759.64
Elec & Water 1.50% 56.39
Sundries 2.00% 75.19
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Item no Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size coarse
C.5 aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days. Lean
concrete/levelling course
Grade of Mix M 5
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 1.870 260.000 486.20
2 Sand cum 0.361 1500.000 541.50
3 40mm coarse aggregate cum 0.564 600.000 338.40
4 20mm coarse aggregate cum 0.376 882.000 331.63
Total 1697.73
1 Foreman each 0.075 375.000 28.13
2 Mason each 0.150 350.000 52.50
3 Male assistant each 0.750 275.000 206.25
4 Female assistant each 0.900 180.000 162.00
Total 448.88
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.025 700.000 17.50
Total 2164.11
Elec & Water 1.50% 32.46
Sundries 2.00% 43.28
Item no Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 40mm and below size coarse
C.6 aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days. Lean
concrete/levelling course
Grade of Mix M 7.5
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 2.560 260.000 665.60
2 Sand cum 0.361 1500.000 541.50
3 40mm coarse aggregate cum 0.564 600.000 338.40
4 20mm coarse aggregate cum 0.376 882.000 331.63
Total 1877.13
1 Foreman each 0.075 375.000 28.13
2 Mason each 0.150 350.000 52.50
3 Male assistant each 0.750 275.000 206.25
4 Female assistant each 0.900 180.000 162.00
Total 448.88
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.040 700.000 28.00
Total 2354.01
Elec & Water 1.50% 35.31
Sundries 2.00% 47.08
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 353.10
Unit Rate Each 2789.50
Item no
C.7 Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 40mm and below size coarse
aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days.
Grade of Mix M 10
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 3.540 260.000 920.40
2 Sand cum 0.368 600.000 220.80
3 40mm coarse aggregate cum 0.564 600.000 338.40
4 20mm coarse aggregate cum 0.376 882.000 331.63
Total 1811.23
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
2 Mason each 0.150 350.000 52.50
3 Male assistant each 0.800 275.000 220.00
4 Female assistant each 0.950 180.000 171.00
Total 481.00
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.040 700.000 28.00
Total 2320.23
Elec & Water 1.50% 34.80
Sundries 2.00% 46.40
Item no
C.8 Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 40mm and below size coarse
aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days.
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Grade of Mix M 15
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 5.400 260.000 1404.00
2 Sand cum 0.359 1500.000 538.50
3 40mm coarse aggregate cum 0.564 600.000 338.40
4 20mm coarse aggregate cum 0.376 882.000 331.63
Total 2612.53
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
2 Mason each 0.200 350.000 70.00
3 Male assistant each 0.800 275.000 220.00
4 Female assistant each 1.000 180.000 180.00
Total 507.50
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.035 700.000 24.50
Total 532.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 7.98
Sundries 2.00% 10.64
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 79.80
Unit Rate Each 630.42
Item no
C.9 Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size coarse
aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days.
Grade of Mix M 15
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.260 260.000 1627.60
2 Sand cum 0.562 1500.000 843.00
3 20mm coarse aggregate cum 0.585 882.000 515.97
4 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.315 510.000 160.65
Total 3147.22
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
2 Mason each 0.200 350.000 70.00
3 Male assistant each 0.800 275.000 220.00
4 Female assistant each 1.000 180.000 180.00
Total 507.50
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.035 700.000 24.50
Total 3679.22
Elec & Water 1.50% 55.19
Sundries 2.00% 73.58
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 551.88
Unit Rate Each 4359.88
Item no
C.10 Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 12mm and below size coarse
aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days.
Grade of Mix M 15
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.260 260.000 1627.60
2 Sand cum 0.562 1500.000 843.00
4 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.900 510.000 459.00
Total 2929.60
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
2 Mason each 0.200 350.000 70.00
3 Male assistant each 0.750 275.000 206.25
4 Female assistant each 0.950 180.000 171.00
Total 484.75
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.035 700.000 24.50
Total 3438.85
Elec & Water 1.50% 51.58
Sundries 2.00% 68.78
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 515.83
Unit Rate Each 4075.04
Item no
C.11 Supplying and laying Plain cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size coarse
aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days.
Grade of Mix M 20
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 8.100 260.000 2106.00
2 Sand cum 0.440 1500.000 660.00
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.220 510.000 112.20
4 20m aggregate cum 0.670 882.000 590.94
Total 3469.14
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
2 Mason each 0.200 350.000 70.00
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
3 Male assistant each 0.750 275.000 206.25
4 Female assistant each 0.950 180.000 171.00
Total 484.75
Tools & equipments
1 Mixer machine day 0.035 700.000 24.50
Total 3978.39
Elec & Water 1.50% 59.68
Sundries 2.00% 79.57
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 596.76
Unit Rate Each 4714.39
Item no Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
D.2 coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level
Grade of Mix M 20
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.000 260.000 1560.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
Total 3032.04
1 Foreman each 0.175 375.000 65.63
2 Mason each 0.300 350.000 105.00
3 Male assistant each 1.050 275.000 288.75
4 Female assistant each 1.250 180.000 225.00
Total 684.38
Tools & equipments
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 3776.42
Elec & Water 1.50% 56.65
Sundries 2.00% 75.53
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 566.46
Unit Rate Each 4475.05
Item no
D.3 Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in walls, columns, struts and pillars
Grade of Mix M 20
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.000 260.000 1560.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
Total 3032.04
1 Foreman each 0.200 375.000 75.00
2 Mason each 0.300 350.000 105.00
3 Male assistant each 1.150 275.000 316.25
4 Female assistant each 1.400 180.000 252.00
Total 748.25
Tools &
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Total 3840.29
Elec & Water 1.50% 57.60
Sundries 2.00% 76.81
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 576.04
Unit Rate Each 4550.75
Item no
D.4 Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in beams,girders and slabs, staircases etc.,
Grade of Mix M 20
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.000 260.000 1560.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
Total 3032.04
1 Foreman each 0.250 375.000 93.75
2 Mason each 0.350 350.000 122.50
3 Male assistant each 1.250 275.000 343.75
4 Female assistant each 1.600 180.000 288.00
Total 848.00
Tools &
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 3940.04
Elec & Water 1.50% 59.10
Sundries 2.00% 78.80
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 591.01
Unit Rate Each 4668.95
Item no
D.5 Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in Walls, columns struts pillars etc
Grade of Mix M 25
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.000 260.000 1560.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
6 Notional additional cost cum 1.000 20.000 20.00
Total 3052.04
1 Foreman each 0.200 375.000 75.00
2 Mason each 0.300 350.000 105.00
3 Male assistant each 1.150 275.000 316.25
4 Female assistant each 1.400 180.000 252.00
Total 748.25
Tools & equipments
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 3860.29
Elec & Water 1.50% 57.90
Sundries 2.00% 77.21
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 579.04
Unit Rate Each 4574.45
Item no Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
D.6 coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in beams. Lintels slabs etc
Grade of Mix M 25
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.000 260.000 1560.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
6 Notional additional cost cum 1.000 20.000 20.00
Total 3052.04
1 Foreman each 0.250 375.000 93.75
2 Mason each 0.350 350.000 122.50
3 Male assistant each 1.250 275.000 343.75
4 Female assistant each 1.600 180.000 288.00
Total 848.00
Tools & equipments
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 3960.04
Elec & Water 1.50% 59.40
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Sundries 2.00% 79.20
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 594.01
Unit Rate Each 4692.65
Item no
D.7 Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in Walls, columns struts pillars etc
Grade of Mix M 30
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.400 260.000 1664.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
6 Notional additional cost cum 1.000 20.000 20.00
Total 3156.04
1 Foreman each 0.200 375.000 75.00
2 Mason each 0.300 350.000 105.00
3 Male assistant each 1.150 275.000 316.25
4 Female assistant each 1.400 180.000 252.00
Total 748.25
Tools & equipments
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 3964.29
Elec & Water 1.50% 59.46
Sundries 2.00% 79.29
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 594.64
Unit Rate Each 4697.69
Item no Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
D.8 coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in beams. Lintels slabs etc
Grade of Mix M30
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.400 260.000 1664.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
6 Notional additional cost cum 1.000 20.000 20.00
Total 3156.04
1 Foreman each 0.250 375.000 93.75
2 Mason each 0.350 350.000 122.50
3 Male assistant each 1.250 275.000 343.75
4 Female assistant each 1.600 180.000 288.00
Total 848.00
Tools & equipments
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 4064.04
Elec & Water 1.50% 60.96
Sundries 2.00% 81.28
Item no
D.9 Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in Walls, columns struts pillars etc
Grade of Mix M 35
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.800 260.000 1768.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
6 Notional additional cost cum 1.000 20.000 20.00
Total 3260.04
1 Foreman each 0.200 375.000 75.00
2 Mason each 0.300 350.000 105.00
3 Male assistant each 1.150 275.000 316.25
4 Female assistant each 1.400 180.000 252.00
Total 748.25
Tools & equipments
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 4068.29
Elec & Water 1.50% 61.02
Sundries 2.00% 81.37
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 610.24
Unit Rate Each 4820.93
Item no Supplying and laying Reinforced cement Concrete works using 20mm and below size
D.10 coarse aggregate, machine mixed, well tamped and cured with water for atleast 7 days
above plinth level and upto V floor level in beams. Lintels slabs etc
Grade of Mix M35
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 6.800 260.000 1768.00
2 Sand cum 0.470 1500.000 704.76
3 12mm coarse aggregate cum 0.233 510.000 119.00
4 20m aggregate cum 0.707 882.000 623.28
5 Ad mixture litre 0.200 125.000 25.00
6 Notional additional cost cum 1.000 20.000 20.00
Total 3260.04
1 Foreman each 0.250 375.000 93.75
2 Mason each 0.350 350.000 122.50
3 Male assistant each 1.250 275.000 343.75
4 Female assistant each 1.600 180.000 288.00
Total 848.00
Tools & equipments
1 Weigh batcher day 0.050 500.000 25.00
2 Mixer machine day 0.050 700.000 35.00
Total 4168.04
Elec & Water 1.50% 62.52
Sundries 2.00% 83.36
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 625.21
Unit Rate Each 4939.13
MAS-001 Providing and constructing size stone masonry for foundation using size stones in cement mortar 1:6 with
necessary quoin, through bond stone and header stone at regular intervals including dressing the stone and edge
poking by chisel/ hammer true to the required shape and size, curing, scaffolding, raking out joints, staging, leads
and lifts at all levels.
Cement Constant 1.47bags/Cum
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 1.800 260.000 468.00
2 Sand cum 0.360 1500.000 540.00
3 Size stones nos 115.000 6.000 690.00
5 Boulders cum 0.250 700.000 175.00
Total 1873.00
2 Mason each 0.900 350.000 315.00
3 Male assistant each 1.280 275.000 352.00
Total 667.00
Total 2540.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 38.10
Sundries 2.00% 50.80
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 381.00
Unit Rate Each 3009.90
Item no
E.2 Supplying and laying Burnt brick masonry in CM 1:6 masonry in superstructure 230mm thk
Assume for 1 cum
1 Cement bag 1.350 260.000 351.00
2 Sand cum 0.280 1500.000 420.00
3 Bricks nos 500.000 5.500 2750.00
Total 3521.00
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
2 Mason each 0.600 350.000 210.00
3 Male assistant each 0.650 275.000 178.75
4 Female assistant each 1.000 180.000 180.00
Total 606.25
Total 4127.25
Elec & Water 1.50% 61.91
Sundries 2.00% 82.55
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 619.09
Unit Rate Each 4890.79
Item no Supplying and laying Burnt brick masonry in CM 1:4 masonry in superstructure 115mm
E.3 thk,75mm thk concrete 1:2:4 band , with 2 rods of 8mm tor along the length of the wall and
one 8mm at 150mm c/c along the width at every 5th course.
Assume for 30 sqm 10m wide 3m ht
1 Cement bag 6.210 260.000 1614.60
2 Sand cum 1.232 1500.000 1848.00
3 Bricks nos 1000.000 5.500 5500.00
4 10mm and down aggregate cum 1.504 510.000 767.04
5 8mm bars mt 0.051 36000.000 1836.00
Total 11565.64
1 Foreman each 0.150 375.000 56.25
2 Mason each 4.000 350.000 1400.00
3 Male assistant each 2.750 275.000 756.25
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
4 Female assistant each 4.000 180.000 720.00
Bar bender each 0.350 375.000 131.25
Bar bender helper each 0.350 300.000 105.00
Total 3168.75
Total 14734.39
Elec & Water 1.50% 221.02
Sundries 2.00% 294.69
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 2210.16
Unit Rate Each 582.01
MAS-002 Providing and constructing 200mm thick solid concrete block work at all levels in walls, piers and architectural
features using approved solid blocks of strength 35kg/sqcm in cement mortar 1:6 with minimum crushing strength
of 35kg/sqcm including curing, scaffolding, staging, leads and lifts, etc., complete.
Cement Constant 0.124 Bags/Sqm
Assume 30 sqm 10m wide 3m high
1 Cement bag 4.000 260.000 1040.00
2 Sand cum 1.400 1500.000 2100.00
3 Blocks nos 375.000 39.000 14625.00
Total 17765.00
2 Mason each 2.000 350.000 700.00
3 Male assistant each 3.000 275.000 825.00
Total 1525.00
Total 19290.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 289.35
Sundries 2.00% 385.80
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 2893.50
Unit Rate Each 761.96
Providing and constructing 150mm thick solid concrete block work at all levels in walls, piers and architectural
MAS-003 features using approved solid blocks of strength 35kg/sqcm in cement mortar 1:6 with minimum crushing strength
of 35kg/sqcm including curing, scaffolding, staging, leads and lifts, etc., complete.
Assume 30 sqm Cement Constant3m
10m wide 0.124
1 Cement bag 4.000 260.000 1040.00
2 Sand cum 1.080 1500.000 1620.00
3 Blocks nos 375.000 31.000 11625.00
Total 14285.00
1 Mason each 2.850 350.000 997.50
2 Male assistant each 3.500 275.000 962.50
Total 1960.00
Total 16245.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 243.68
Sundries 2.00% 324.90
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 2436.75
Unit Rate Each 641.68
Same as item above but 100mm thick solid concrete block wall in cement mortar 1:4 at all levels including a
MAS-004 concrete band of 75mm thick with 2 numbers of 8mm dia reinforcement rod (RI Steel shall be measured in
relevant steel item) at every fifth course with M15 grade concrete mix including shuttering, staging, curing, etc.,
with minimum crushing strength of 35kg/sqcm.
Assume 30 sqm Cement Constant3m
10m wide 0.093Bags/Sqm
1 Cement bag 4.500 260.000 1170.00
2 Sand cum 0.720 1500.000 1080.00
3 Blocks nos 375.000 23.000 8625.00
Total 10875.00
2 Mason each 3.000 350.000 1050.00
3 Male assistant each 5.400 275.000 1485.00
Female assistant each 2.950 180.000 531.00
Total 3066.00
Total 13941.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 209.12
Sundries 2.00% 278.82
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 2091.15
Unit Rate Each 550.67
PLA-001 Preparing the surface and plaster the ceilings with cement mortar 1:4, 15mm thick with smooth finish to line and
level with lime rendering at all levels including all leads and lifts with necessary scaffolding, curing, hacking the
surface, etc., complete.
Cement Constant 0.115 Bags/Sqm
Assume 10 sqm area
1 Cement bag 1.150 260.000 299.00
2 Sand cum 0.160 1500.000 240.00
Total 539.00
1 Mason each 1.000 350.000 350.00
2 Male assistant each 1.700 300.000 510.00
3 Female assistant each 0.750 375.000 281.25
Total 1141.25
Total 1680.25
Elec & Water 1.50% 25.20
Sundries 2.00% 33.61
Sl.No Itemhads and Profit
Contractor's over Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
15% 15.00% 252.04
Unit Rate Each 199.11
PLA-003 Preparing the surface and plaster all internal RCC/ masonry surface with cement mortar 1:6, 15mm thick, smooth
finished to line and plumb with lime rendering at all levels including all leads and lifts with necessary scaffolding,
curing, hacking the surface, etc., complete. The rate shall include the cost of GI plaster mesh 100 to 150mm wide
(manufactured by M/s.Arpitha Exports Ltd.,) at the junctions of concrete and blocks.
Cement Constant 0.090/Sqm
Assume 10 sqm area
1 Cement bag 1.380 260.000 358.80
2 Sand cum 0.276 1500.000 414.00
Total 772.80
1 Foreman each 0.100 375.000 37.50
1 Mason each 1.150 350.000 402.50
2 Male assistant each 1.750 275.000 481.25
3 Female assistant each 0.00
Total 921.25
Total 1694.05
Elec & Water 1.50% 25.41
Sundries 2.00% 33.88
Scaffolding 5% 84.70
Contractor's over hads and Profit 15.00% 254.11
Unit Rate Each 209.22
PLA-005 Preparing the surface and plaster 20mm to all external RCC/ masonry surface with cement mortar 1:6 in two coats
with a under layer of 12mm and top layer of 8mm thick according to specification including sponge finished to
required line and plumb at all levels including all leads and lifts with necessary scaffolding, curing, hacking the
surface, etc., complete. The rate shall include the cost of GI plaster mesh 100 to 150mm wide (manufactured by
M/s.Arpitha Exports Ltd.,) at the junctions of concrete and blocks.
Cement Constant 0.148 Bags/Sqm
Assumed area Sqm 10.000
Material Cement Bags 1.150 260.000 299.00
Sand Cum 0.570 1500.000 855.00
1 Mason each 1.650 350.000 577.50
2 Male assistant each 2.000 275.000 550.00
Water & Electric 1.50% 34.22
Sundries 2.00% 45.63
Profit and over heads 15.00% 342.23
PLA-006 Preparing the surface and providing rough plaster 12mm with cement mortar 1:6 on RCC/ masonry surface at all
levels, to required level, line and plumb at all levels including all leads and lifts with necessary scaffolding, curing,
etc., complete. For dadoing and cladding.
Cement constant 0.074 Bags/Sqm
Assume 10 sqm area
1 Cement bag 0.740 260.000 192.40
2 Sand cum 0.140 1500.000 210.00
Total 402.40
1 Mason each 0.800 350.000 280.00
2 Male assistant each 1.300 275.000 357.50
3 Female assistant each 1.500 180.000 270.00
Total 907.50
Total 1309.90
Elec & Water 1.50% 19.65
Sundries 2.00% 26.20
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 196.49
Unit Rate Each 155.22
F.2 Providing and laying C.M 1:3 in 12mm thk plastering including scaffolding,curing complete
in ceiling with lime rendering
Assume 10 sqm area
1 Cement bag 1.350 260.000 351.00
2 Sand cum 0.135 1500.000 202.50
3 Lime kg 21.000 1.000 21.00
Total 574.50
1 Mason each 1.250 350.000 437.50
2 Male assistant each 1.750 275.000 481.25
3 Female assistant each 0.200 180.000 36.00
Total 954.75
Total 1529.25
Elec & Water 1.50% 22.94
Sundries 2.00% 30.59
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 229.39
Unit Rate Each 181.22
F.4 Providing and laying C.M 1:4 in 12mm thk plastering including scaffolding,curing complete
in walls without lime rendering
Assume 10 sqm area
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
1 Cement bag 1.200 260.000 312.00
2 Sand cum 0.160 1500.000 240.00
3 Lime kg 21.000 1.000 21.00
Total 573.00
1 Mason each 0.850 350.000 297.50
2 Male assistant each 1.500 275.000 412.50
3 Female assistant each 0.200 180.000 36.00
Total 746.00
Total 1319.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 19.79
Sundries 2.00% 26.38
F.6 Pebble dash plaster upto 10m ht with a mixture of washed pebbles or stone grit 6mm to
12.5mm thk dashed over and incl fresh plaster in 2 layers with a base layer of cm 1:6,and
finish layer of 8 to 10mm thk in CM 1:3
Assume 10 sqm area
1 Cement bag 1.650 260.000 429.00
2 Sand cum 0.255 1500.000 382.50
Providing & supplying 6 to 8mm thick POP punning for walls to have an even surface
Assume 10 sqm area
1 POP kg 89.680 15.000 1345.20
Total 1345.20
1 Mason each 1.500 350.000 525.00
2 Male assistant each 2.000 275.000 550.00
3 Female assistant each 0.200 180.000 36.00
Total 1111.00
Total 2456.20
Elec & Water 1.50% 36.84
Sundries 2.00% 49.12
Unit Rate Each 135.18
Unit Rate Each 191.80
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Providing and laying lathen plaster with 8mm dia MS bars at 150mm c/c both vertically and horizontally and tying of
26g x 12mm hexagonal chicken wire mesh in two layers on each face in cement mortar 1:3, 50mm thick at all
levels including the cost of steel, scaffolding, staging, sponge finishing, curing, etc., complete all as per drawing.
Cement Constant 0.550 bags /Sqm
Chicken mesh Sqm 1.560 15.000 23.40
Reinforcement 8 mm Dia. 10x3.05= 12
30.50 10.4
Total 22.4X0.395 = 8.85 Kg 7.000 40.000 280.00 22.4
Cement Bags 0.450 260.000 117.00
Sand Cum 0.010 1500.000 15.00
Labour Mason No 0.500 350.000 175.00
Helper No 0.340 275.000 93.50
Electric & water 1.50% 10.56
Contrctor's profit and over heads 15.00% 105.59
TOTAL 820.04
Rate (per unit) Sqm 525.67 525
Providing and applying internal ceilings with oil bound distemper of approved make and shade to give an even
shade with required finish over a coat of primer and two coats full of putty including cleaning the surfaces, filling the
crevices with approved filler, scaffolding, curing, etc., complete all as per specifications.
PNT-003 Painting external surfaces with exterior grade acrylic emulsion paint of approved make and shade to give an even
shade with required finish having protection against fungal growth, flaking, fading, alkali and UV degradation
including cleaning the surfaces, filling the crevices with approved filler, scaffolding, curing, etc., complete all as per
Sqm 10.000
Acrylic based washable distemper Kgs 1.500 300.000 450.00
Primer Ltr 0.810 100.000 81.00
G – 001 Providing and applying two coat white Cement Paint for Ceiling, walls etc. Considered 100
Sqm 10.000
White Cement Paint Kg 75.000 40.000 3000.00
Plaster of Paris Kg 2.000 15.000 30.00
Brush No 2.000 200.000 400.00
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Painter No 4.000 350.000 1400.00
Helper No 2.000 275.000 550.00
Total 5380.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 80.70
Sundries 2.00% 107.60
Scaffodimg 5.00% 269.00
PNT-005 Preparing the surfaces of wood, providing and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved make and
shade over one coat of primer including all tools and plants, scaffolding, all lead and lifts, necessary sand papering,
full putty work, etc., complete at all levels. The rate shall include for finishing the painting to obtain an even and
uniform shade as directed by the engineer-in-charge.
Total 926.25
Elec & Water 1.50% 13.89
Sundries 2.00% 18.53
Contractor's over heads and Profit
15% 15.00% 138.94
Unit Rate Each 109.76
PNT-008 Preparing the surfaces, providing and applying melamine spray polish for wooden surface including base material
and filler, finishing as directed, etc. Complete.
Unit Rate Each 120.43
FLR-001 Providing and laying 50mm thick granolithic flooring (at all levels), 1 portion of cement, 2 parts of coarse sand and
4 parts of stone aggregate by volume grading of aggregate. The floor shall be completed with 1:1 cement sand
mortar 12mm thick and cement slurry 2.2kg/sqm including glass divider strips 50x4mm thick set in the flooring
including necessary levelling, setting, etc. Rate to include curing and protection, etc., complete with all lead and lift
and as directed by architect/ engineer-in-charge.
For Pump Room and Lift machine Room
Cement Constant 0.416 bags /Sqm
FLR-004 ( a )
Providing and laying Vitrified tile flooring/ skirting of approved colour and make over minimum 20mm thick cement
mortar bed of 1:4 mix including spacers and pointing with the matching colour pigment cement, mild diluted acid
washing, etc., complete.
Cement Constant 0.28 Bags / Sqm
FLR-006 Providing and fixing ceramic tile flooring/ skirting of approved make and colour, in floors over minimum bed of 1:4
cement mortar 12mm thick base including finishing joints with matching colour pigment cement, washing with
approved cleaning agent, etc., complete.
Cement Constant 0.24 Bags / Sqm
Ceramic tile 300x300 Sqm 10.000 375.000 3750.00
Cement Bags 2.400 260.000 624.00
Sand Cum 0.326 1500.000 489.00
Labour Tile layer Each 2.000 350.000 700.00
Tile helper Each 2.400 250.000 600.00
Total 1300.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 92.45
Sundries 2.00% 123.26
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 924.45
Unit Rate Each 730.32
Rate Per Rmt 85.60
FLR-007 Providing and fixing ceramic tile of approved make and colour, in dado on walls/ RCC, etc. with 1:4 cement mortar
15mm thick base including border tile, finishing joints with matching colour pigment cement, washing with mild
diluted acid, etc., complete.
Cement Constant 0.27 Bags/Sqm
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
FLR -008 Providing and laying in position 20mm thick polished kota stone treads/risers landing as
( a) shown laid over a bed/ backing of minimum 20mm cement mortar 1:3 complete. Treads and risers
to be of single piece to full width of step. In treads of steps - allow for rounding and bull nosing of
edge including smooth polishing
Kota stone
Material Basic Rate -Rs 425 / Sqm
Kota stone Sqm 10.000 425.000 4250.00
Cement Bags 3.000 260.000 780.00
Sand Cum 0.255 1500.000 382.50
Labour Tile layer Each 5.150 350.000 1802.50
Tile helper Each 5.500 250.000 1375.00
Elec & Water 1.50% 128.85
Sundries 2.00% 171.80
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 1288.50
Unit Rate Each 1017.92
FLR-010 Providing and fixing of 12mm thick Granite tile dadoing in lift area with 1:4 CM.
10 Sqm
Material Taken
Sqm 1.575
Sal wood Frame Cum 0.020 31750.000 628.65 0.020
Flush Shutter Sqm 1.380 1560.200 2153.39
T.W Lipping Cum 0.003 74088.000 240.93
M S Hold Fast Ls 1.000 100.000 100.00
Labour Frame making Sqm 1.575 161.400 254.21
Flush Door Fixing Sqm 1.380 129.120 178.19
Total 3555.36
Elec 0.50% 17.78
Sundries 2.00% 71.11
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Contractor's over hads and Profit
15% 15.00% 533.30
Rate Per Sqm 2652.41
0.9X 2.1 -
I – 004 Providing and fixing shaft doors along Assumed 1.89 Sqm
Material with MS frame6mm of required
ply size and Sqm 3.780 215.200 813.46
section, including fixing with MS shutter
cladded with 6mm veneer
both side commercial Sqm 3.780 322.800 1220.18
ply including approved veneer with 2033.64
french polish to match with the other
Labour doors along Carpenter
necessary hardwares of Each 0.400 350.000 140.00
approved Helper colour,
make, finish Each 0.550 275.000 151.25
manufactured by approved vendors as
directed by the engineer-in-charge.
Electric 0.50% 11.62
Profit and over heads 15.00% 348.73
Unit Rate Sqm 1420.77
Material Consider
M.S 0.9X
Angle 50 X 502.1
X -6mm
1.89 for
frame Kg 21.850 48.000 1048.80 27
Dor shutters
40mm X 40mm X 6 mm L Angle
6.00 Mts @ 3.5 Kg / Mt Kg 18.000 48.000 864.00
M.S Sheet 0.9 X 2.1 = 1.89 Kg 26.900 48.000 1291.20 26.25
Labour 175.00
electricity 0.50% 16.90
Sundries 2% 67.58
Over heads and profit 15% 506.85
Unit Rate Sqm 2100.70
J – 007 M.S.Ladder
50 mm dia pipe 15' 0”=4.5mt Kg 24.030 56.000 1345.68
Material 32 mm pipe for steps Kg 12.015 56.000 672.84
Labour L.S 570.00
Tools & L.S 520.00
equipment 3108.52
Electricity 0.50% 15.54
Sundries 2.00% 62.17
Profir and over heads 15.00% 466.28
Painting L.S 450.00
Unit Rate No 4102.51
J – 008
MS angles of size 45x45x6mm in
position for kitchen granites counters Kg 26.618 53.500 1424.04
Material 1424.04
Labour 215.00
&Tools & 1639.04
equipment Electricity 0.50% 8.20
Sundries 2.00% 32.78
Profir and over heads 15.00% 245.86
Unit Rate Kg 72.35
Labour Carpenter Each 0.450 350.000 157.50
Helper Each 0.500 275.000 137.50
Electric 0.50% 2.44
Sundries 2.00% 9.76
Profir and over heads 15.00% 73.23
Rate (per unit) Sqm 332.54
Assumed 9.00Sqm
K – 004 For Columns all shapes Sqm 9.000 175.000 1575.00
Material 1575.00
Labour Carpenter Each 1.600 350.000 560.00
Helper Each 2.000 275.000 550.00
TOTAL 2685.00
Electric 0.50% 13.43
Sundries 2.00% 53.70
Profir and over heads 15.00% 402.75
Unit Rate Sqm 350.54
Sqm 7.90
K – 005 Providing, fabricating
For Roof &beam
erecting formwork for beams including deshuttering (considered area 8.00Sqm).
Assumed Sqm 8.000
Material – Verticals (3.50 mt 10 Nos),Horizontal-39 Nos ,Base plate ,U – Head,Channel,
Material Material rent Sqm 8.000 180.000 1440.00
TOTAL 1440.00
Labour Carpenter Each 1.000 350.000 350.00
Helper Each 1.150 275.000 316.25
TOTAL 666.25
TOTAL 2106.25
Electric 0.50% 10.53
Sundries 2.00% 42.13
Profit and over heads 15.00% 315.94
Unit Rate Sqm 309.36
TOTAL 3169.8
Labour Carpenter Each 2.750 350.000 962.50
Helper Each 3.000 275.000 825.00
Electric 0.50% 24.79
Sundries 2.00% 99.15
Profit and over heads 15.00% 743.60
Unit Rate Sqm 330.77
Corner angles 50 XSTEEL
50 X 6 WORK
mm , 5' 0”
L – 001 length
Kg 8.520 48.000 408.96 8.52
Hold fasts L.S 50.000 50.00
Red oxide L.S 25.000 25.00
Fixing charges L.S 84.000 84.00
Electric 0.50% 2.84
Sundries 2.00% 11.36
Profir and over heads 15.00% 85.19
Unit Rate Kg 77.99
TOTAL 1763.25
Electricity & water 1.50% 26.45
Sundries 2.00% 35.27
Profir and over heads 15.00% 264.49
Scaffodimg 5.00% 88.16
N – 007
Sump /OHT MS Cover 0.36
Material 75mm X 75 mm X 6 mm Frame Kg 1.920 43.000 82.56
16 Gauge M.S Sheet Kg 4.997 48.000 239.85
Labour Labour 100.00
Tools & 50.00
Sl.No Item Unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
Electricity 0.50% 2.36
Sundries 2.00% 9.45
Profir and over heads 15.00% 70.86
Unit Rate Each 555.08
TOTAL 8028.94
Water & Electrical 1.50% 120.4341
Sundries 2.00% 160.58
Profit and over heads 15.00% 1204.34
Unit Rate Sqm 951.43
G-001 Providing and applying two coat
white Cement Paint for Ceiling,
walls etc. Considered 100 Sqm
3430.000 1950.0000 0.0000 5380.00 53.80 107.60 26.90 269.00 807.00 6644.30 6644.30 10 sqm 664.43 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 2145.11 85.80 2230.92 223.09
G-002 Providing two coats of first quality
acrylic washable distemper paint
of approved make and colour
over one coat of priming
531.000 487.5000 0.0000 1018.50 10.19 20.37 5.09 50.93 152.78 1257.85 1257.85 10 sqm 125.78 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 682.61 27.30 709.92 70.99
G-03 Providing two coats of Matt/glossy
finished enamel paint on
Steel/Wood works 450.000 476.2500 0.0000 926.25 9.26 18.53 4.63 0.00 138.94 1097.61 1097.61 10 sqm 109.76 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 671.36 26.85 698.22 69.82
G-04 Prepare the surfaces of all work,
providing and applying french polish
for wooden surfaces 800.000 2150.0000 0.0000 2950.00 29.50 59.00 14.75 0.00 442.50 3495.75 3495.75 10 sqm 349.58 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 2345.11 93.80 2438.92 243.89
G – 05 Providing and applying two coat
water proof Cement Paint for walls
etc. Considered 100 Sqm 630.000 386.2500 0.0000 1016.25 10.16 20.33 5.08 0.00 152.44 1204.26 1204.26 10 sqm 120.43 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 581.36 23.25 604.62 60.46
G-06 Providing two coats of first quality
distemper paint of approved
make and colour over one coat of
priming 401.000 319.5000 0.0000 720.50 7.21 14.41 3.60 0 108.08 853.79 853.79 10 sqm 85.38 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0 27.23 514.61 20.58 535.20 53.52
H -001 Providing and laying 50mm thick
granolithic flooring 1 : 2 : 4 concrete
Constant 0.416 bags /Sqm
1811.500 555.0000 0.0000 2366.50 23.67 47.33 11.83 0.00 354.98 2804.30 2804.30 10 sqm 280.43 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 750.11 30.00 780.12 78.01
H – 002 Supplying and laying Vitrified tile
600mm x 600mm of approved
colour and make over minimum
20mm thick cement mortar bed of
1:4 6520.500 1287.5000 0.0000 7808.00 78.08 156.16 39.04 0.00 1171.20 9252.48 9252.48 10 sqm 925.25 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 1482.61 59.30 1541.92 154.19
H – 003 Providing and fixing ceramic tile
flooring/ skirting of approved make
and colour, in floors over minimum
bed of 1:4 cement mortar 12mm
thick base including finishing joints
with matching colour pigment
cement, washing with approved
cleaning agent, etc., complete.
4863.000 1300.0000 0.0000 6163.00 61.63 123.26 30.82 0.00 924.45 7303.16 7303.16 10 sqm 730.32 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 1495.11 59.80 1554.92 155.49
H – 004 Providing and laying in position
20mm thick polished kota stone
treads/risers landing as shown laid
over a bed/ backing of minimum
20mm cement mortar 1:3 complete.
Treads and risers to be of single
piece to full width of step. In treads
of steps - allow for rounding and bull
nosing of edge including smooth
5412.500 3177.5000 0.0000 8590.00 85.90 171.80 42.95 0.00 1288.50 10179.15 10179.15 10 sqm 1017.92 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 3372.61 134.90 3507.52 350.75
H – 005 Providing and fixing ceramic tile of
approved make and colour, in dado
on walls/ RCC, etc. over 1:4 cement
mortar 15mm thick base including 4752.000 1572.5000 0.0000 6324.50 63.25 126.49 31.62 0.00 948.68 7494.53 7494.53 10 sqm 749.45 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 1767.61 70.70 1838.32 183.83
border tile,
H – 006 Providing and finishing joints thick
laying of 12mm with
Granite tilecolour
dadoingpigment cement,
in 1:4 CM.
washing with mild diluted acid, etc., 10046.600 1555.0000 0.0000 11601.60 116.02 232.03 58.01 0.00 1740.24 13747.90 13747.90 10 sqm 1374.79 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 1750.11 70.00 1820.12 182.01
complete. #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 0.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 10 Rmt #REF! 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
H – 007 Vitrified tiles skirting 75
Cement Costant 0.27Bags/Sqm mm wide
H – 008 Ceramic tiles skirting 75 mm wide 539.900 182.5000 0.0000 722.40 7.22 14.45 3.61 0.00 108.36 856.04 856.04 10 Rmt 85.60 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 377.61 15.10 392.72 39.27
H – 009 Granite Skirting 75 mm wide #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 0.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 10 Rmt #REF! 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
H – 010 Kota stone skirting 75 mm wide #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 0.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 10 Rmt #REF! 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
H – 011 20 mm Granite for Kitchen Counter
1759.376 1075.0000 0.0000 2834.38 28.34 0.00 14.17 0 425.16 3302.05 3302.05 2 sqm 1651.02 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0 27.23 1270.11 50.80 1320.92 660.46
H - 012 Clay Tiles Flooring #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 0.00 #REF! 0 #REF! #REF! #REF! 1 sqm #REF! 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0 27.23 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
N – 007 Sump /OHT MS Cover 322.406 100.0000 50.0000 472.41 9.45 2.36 0.00 70.86 555.08 555.08 1 Kg 555.08 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 345.11 13.80 358.92 358.92
N– 014 Providing & fixing Bison Panel
including M.S frame of size
25x25x5 mm for PHE shaft 764.544 65.0000 25.0000 854.54 17.09 4.27 0.00 128.18 1004.09 1004.09 1.476 sqm 680.28 9.08 4.54 136.13 18.15 0.00 27.23 285.11 11.40 296.52 200.89