Estimation of Wave Making Resistance by Wave Analysis Ship Wave at Sea
Estimation of Wave Making Resistance by Wave Analysis Ship Wave at Sea
Estimation of Wave Making Resistance by Wave Analysis Ship Wave at Sea
This paper presented some estimation result of three-scale a model ship's wave making resistance based
on ordinary wave analysis. In this study, in order to estimate the actual ship wave making resistance,
actual ship experiment were carried out. Actual ship's wave measurement is difficult in actual sea because
other wave exist. We studied a method of estimation actual ship's wave making resistance applied the
Fourier transfer. Using the proposed method, estimated value of wave making resistance was very close
between actual ship result and model ship result. From this result, the ordinary wave analysis can be
estimated the actual ship wave resistance excepting other wave value from the recorded actual sea data
included some information related ship's forms. Therefore, many investigation and
study were performed for ship wave already. Qualitative ship wave was used for wave
resistance analyze. Nowadays, there are many study and investigation about the wave
making resistance. However, it was not performed that the systematical study of wave
making resistance with using different model scale a ship. Especially, the experiment of
actual ships navigation waves measurement and analysis is so rare [5], [6J. In this
reason, the recorded data at the real sea was included some non-linear factor. And it is
waves data for wave making resistance, it will be make the advance for the study of
using different scale model ship's data included the actual ship data recorded in real sea.
For the purpose, we studied a method of separation ship wave and sea wave from actual
ship wave data. In this paper, we used and applied to Newman [1トSharma [2] method
that is so popular and ordinary method at analyzing wave resistance from a ship wave.
In order to the verification of this method, tank test data were carried out used model
ship. And we compared result actual test data result and tank tests data result.
(42) 南 清和,庄司邦明
・ -警∬-(x-,y-,I-)dS
-β+osec2 eeK-c2e{z+zl) sin[iC。sec2 6{(x -x')cos# + (y -y')s-d}]dd (1)
analyze Newman [1] - Sharma [2] method. This method is very popular method
(ordinary method) and some papers used this method [4], [5J.
following equation.
However, this formula was expanded by IKEHATA and NOZAWA [3] considering for
realistic calculation. Here, p was indicated the following formula.
Functions -P(OD) and Q(6{)) are amplitude function, which fund the Fourier Transfer
using measured ship navigation wave. Wave making resistance is indicated the
following formula
R -空J^{p2(O。)+22(O。)}sec30。rfO。 (5)
From this formula, wave一making resistance is obtained amplitude function. Amplitude
function is obtained from that analyzing by Fourier Transfer to the measured ship
navigation wave.
because measurement actual ship s data included sea wave. In this paper, we consider
the technique that remove from the recorded data except ship navigation wave.
P(6>)and (2(0).
A(e)---^2(d)+Q2(e)}sec'e (6)
In this amplitude spectrum, we define a function A^yd) , which is amplitude spectrum
calculated from the data including ship navigation wave and sea wave. On the other
hand, we defined function A2(6) that is amplitude spectrum carried out using sea
Aa(6)-Al(6)-A2(0) (7)
Namely, we perform a subtracted A2{6) from A^O), we obtained the value of the
ship navigation wave's amplitude spectrum ^(9). We appraised the result of value for
the technique.
towing tank test and actual ship test. Towing tank test was performed in Tokyo
experiment installment and arrangement are shown in Fig.3. We measured total ship
Resistance and ship navigation wave in Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine's
towing tank. In order to measure SHIOJI MARU total resistance, we set a load cell,
which have 5kg capacity. As the motion of model, heave and pitch were free. However,
other motions were fixed. Wave height meatier was set 2 point in towing tank. One of
them, it was set on 2-meter point from ship navigation line. And other one, we set on
3.0-merter from ship navigation line. When we measure wave height, we used the 2-
type wave height meter. One of then, it is servo type and other one is capacitance type.
And we used two lengths SHIOJI MARU model ship that are 1.5m models and 2.7m
models. In experience, model speed is set from 0.345m/sec to 1.2m/sec at 1.5m models.
And as used 2.7m models, model ship speed is from 0.643m/sec to 1.2m/sec.
course line used by GPS. We are shown ship speed and distance from ship and
measuring point in actual ship test in the Table 2. Regarding Weather condition in actual
test day (July 23r '1998), wind velocity was 4m/sec. On the other days, wind velocity
was 6 or 7 m/sec. There was not big swell in the experiment area
On the Fig.5, we indicated the result of experiment that is compare with estimated wave
resistance by the propose method. In this figure, abscissa is indicated wave resistance
coefficient. Resistance coefficient rw estimated by resistance measurements
Cw,r - (9)
実海域航走破を用いた船舶の造波抵抗推定 (45)
And horizontal axis is FROUDE number (Fn). In this formula, R means a resistance and
P represent density of fluid and delta represent displacement. In the figure, the marks
of black circle and circle represent the non-dimension position of wave height meter (Y)
that is the divided the value of distance that is between ship navigation line and wave
height mater position by ship length. The marks of black circle indicated the result of Y
equal 0.5 and the mark of the circle indicated result of the Y equal 2.0. And the mark of
diamond shaped was represented the estimated wave resistance coefficient which is a
value from wave making resistance experiment by resistance experiment. The form
effect value coefficient that is K was 0.279. This value recorded from an experiment m
IHI towing tank. And solid line is the coefficient of wave resistance that recorded from
National University towing tank. Other marks are same definition in Fig.5. From Fig.5
and Fig.6, it is qualitative same that wave resistance wave analyze and resistance
resistance experiment. In this result, the past paper and experiment were recorded same
value and result [3], [4], [5]. About these results, we consider that different of present
method result and result from resistance result show a different of definition above
some value. The results of free running conditions were higher than the towing
conditions one. About this result, we consider that wave resistance affected some
experiment condition. But the results are nearly same value to resistance experiment.
Compare with model scale effect, we were shown a result of wave analyze
from every scale model in the Fig.7. In the figure, the mark of black circle is shown the
result of 1.5m models and the circle is shown 2.7m models result. And the diamond
shaped is shown 2.7m model results at free running condition. These results were
The result of wave resistance analyze in the wave was indicated in the Fig.8. In
the figure, abscissa is the wave resistance coefficient (Cw) and horizontal axis is the
Froude number (Fn). From the figure, the mark of black circle indicated the result of
wave analyze from the data of irregular wave conditions and the mark of square
indicated the result of free running condition and the mark of circle indicated the result
of slight wave conditions. And we were shown the result of IHI tank experiment result
to compare other result. The experiment of measuring ship wave in the wave, we were
done five times. We used 2.7m models at this experiment. In the result, we could
recognize same result compared with wave conditions result and slight condition.
(46) 南 清和,庄司邦明
However, Fn is 0.242 results are different from same condition data. In this result, we
result at slight surface experiment and dot line and one point chain line represent the
result in irregular wave condition result. From these results, one point chain line is
shown sharp fluctuations. Wave resistance which is the result from wave analyze is able
to know integration amplitude spectrum. We consider that if aptitude spectrums suffer
sharp fluctuation, integration value (wave resistance) increase. In all result, we could
know a wave resistance used present method from the data included irregular wave
ship (towing tank experiment) it. This figures definitions are same Fig.5. The mark of
double circle represents actual ship result. The result of experiment gave agreement
with the value that had been obtained by model ship experiment. From this result, our
present method was able to get wave resistance from the data included irregular wave
different scale ship model. As one of these models, actual ship was used. In order to
analyze to wave making resistance from these models ship experimental data, ordinal
wave analyzing method (Newman - Sharma method) was adopted. The results may be
summarized as follows:
(l) We compared these results (experiment result of model and actual ship) as
coefficient of wave making resistance Cw. At the result, in qualitative, there values
were good agreement. However, when Cw compared with rw, it was lower than
about 50 or 60%.
(2) In the towing tank test, we measured ship navigation wave using two different scale
model ships. And we were obtained some good result used the present method. In
this result, sea wave and ship wave were separated by presented method.
実海域航走波を用いた船舶の造波抵抗推定 (47)
(3) From actual ship experiments that were carried out verify the proposed method,
actual ship navigation waves that was included sea wave were measured. And we
were obtained some good result form proposed method. From the result, actual ship
wave making resistance was estimated from a data that removed the sea waves.
【1] Newman, J.N∴ The Determination of Wave Resistance from Wave Measurement
[4] Tanaka, Yamazaki, et al: Some Application of the Wave Analysis on the
Geosim-Method and Their Actual Ship, Journal of Society of Navel Architects of
Japan No. 126(1969)
[5] Tanaka, Adachi,: Study on Wave Analysis by use of INUID Geosims : Journal of
Society of Navel Architects of Japan No.128(1970)
[6] Shiotani S. et al: Measurement and Simplified Estimation Methods of Ship Waves
due to Small Vessel, Techno-Ocean '96 International Symposium (1996)
[7] Study of Influence a Navigation Ship's Wave for Small Vessel (Completion Report),
Society of Prevention丘3r Sea Accident of Japan, 1994
2000. 1 1. 9
S H P M O D E L ( 2 .7 m ) M O D E L ( 1 .5 m )
L p p (m ) 4 6 .0 2 .7 1 .5
B e 「 亡K m ) 1 0 .0 0 .5 8 7 0 .3 2 8
D e p t h くm ) 3 .8 0 .3 5 8 0 .1 2 4
D ra ft(m ) 3 -0 0 .1 7 6 0 .0 9 8
D is p la c e m e n tC O 7 8 5 .0 0 .1 5 4 9 0 .0 2 6 5
W a t o r P la n e A re a ( r一寸) 5 3 0 .1 1 .8 2 6 2 0 .5 3 4
C b 0 .5 5 5 0 -5 5 5 0 .5 5 5
S c a le r a t io 1 / 1 7 .0 4 1 / 3 0 .6 7
E x p e rim e n t d a y S h ip Y (m )
J u ly .2 3 e d 1 9 9 6 5 .J 211
J u ly .2 6 t h .1 9 9 6 6 .0 7 0 28 2
J u ly ,3 0 t h ,1 9 9 6 5> 3 70
A u g a s t ,1 s t ,1 9 9 6 6 .1 271
/ .
、J 0 、.J l
実海域航走波を用いた船舶の造波抵抗推定 (49)
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(50) 南 清和,庄司邦明
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