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Seacom Skills University: B.Tech4 Year7 Semester Theory Paper SL - No. Paper Paper Code Credit Point

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Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

B.Tech4TH Year7TH Semester

Sl . No. Paper Paper Code Credit Theory
point Paper
1 Environmental Engineering CE-701 3
2 Water resource Engineering CE-702 3
3 Professional Elective II CE-703 3
4 Professional Elective III CE-704 3
5 Free Elective II CE-705 3

Practical Paper

Sl. No. Paper Paper Code Credit Point

1. Group Discussion HU-791 2
2 Environmental Engineering lab CE-791 2
3 Civil Engineering Practice sessional CE-792 2
4 Free elective laboratory CE-793 2
5 Industrial Training CE-794 2
6 Project Part I CE-794 2

Free Elective II
CE705A Engineering Materials (ME303)
CE705B Electrical and Electronic Measurement (EE402)

Free Elective Lab

CE793A Material Testing Lab (ME493)
CE793B Electrical and Electronic Measurement Laboratory (EE492)

List of Electives:
Professional Elective – II
3. CE703A Advanced Transportation Engineering
1. CE703B Advanced Structural Analysis

Professional Elective – III

1. CE704A Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement Techniques
2. CE704B Hydraulic Structures

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

Environmental Engineering
Code – CE 701
Contact – 3L
Credits- 3
1 Water Demand Water demands; Per capita demand; Variations in demand; Factors affecting demand;
Design period; Population forecasting

2 Sources of Water Surface water sources; ground water sources 2

3 Water Quality Impurities in water; Water quality parameters; Standards for potable water

4 Conveyance of water Hydraulic design of pressure pipes

5 Water Treatment Typical flow chart for surface and ground water treatments; Aeration, Plain
sedimentation, Sedimentation with coagulation, Water Softening, Filtration, Disinfection.

6 Water Distribution Analysis of distribution network; Storage and distribution reservoirs; Capacity of

7 Sewage and Drainage Definition of Common Terms, Quantity estimation for sanitary sewage and storm

8 Sewer Design Hydraulic design of sewers, Partial flow diagrams and Nomograms

9 Wastewater Characteristics Physical, chemical and biological characteristics, DO, BOD and COD

10 Wastewater Treatment Typical flow chart for wastewater treatment; Primary Treatments; Secondary
Treatments: Activated Sludge Process, Trickling Filter Process, Septic Tank
Sl. No Name Author Publishers
1 Environmental Engineering, S.K .Garg, Khanna Publishers
2 Water Supply, Waste Disposal and Environmental Pollution Engineering, , A.K.Chatterjee Khanna
3 Environmental Engineering, Vol.II, P. N. Modi,
4 Environmental Modelling, , Rajagopalan Oxford University Press.
5 Environmental Engineering P. V. Rowe TMH

Water Resource Engineering

Code – CE 702

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

Contact – 3L
Credits- 3

1 Catchment area and Hydrologic cycle, Measurement of rainfall – Rain gauges, Estimation of missing
rainfall data, checking of consistency, Optimum number of Rain gauges. Calculation of average rainfall
over area – different methods, Frequency analysis of rainfall intensity duration curve. Rainfall mass
curve, hyetograph, Examples

2 Evaporation, evapo-transpiration and infiltration: Processes, Factors affecting run off, estimation of run-
off, rainfall run off relationship

3 Stream flow measurement: Direct and indirect methods, Examples. Stage discharge relationships

4 Hydrographs; characteristics: Base flow separation. Unit Hydrographs. Derivation of unit hydrographs,
S-curve, flood routing.

5 Types of Irrigation systems, methods of irrigation: Water requirements of crops: Crop period or Base
period, Duty & Delta of a crop, relation between Duty & Delta, Duty at various places, flow Duty &
quantity Duty, factors affecting Duty, measures for improving Duty of water, crop seasons

6 Canal Irrigation: Introduction, classification of irrigation canals, Efficient section, certain important
definitions, Time factor, Capacity factor, full supply coefficient, Nominal duty, Channel losses,

7 Design of unlined alluvial channels by silt Theories: Introduction, Kennedy’s theory, procedure for
design of channel by Kennedy’s method, Lacey’s theory, concept of True regime Initial regime and final
regime, design procedure using Lacey’s theory, examples

8 Water logging and drainage: Causes, effects and prevention of water logging. Type of drains-open
drains and closed drains (introduction only), Discharge and spacing of closed drains. Examples. Lining of
Irrigation Canals : Objectives, advantages and disadvantages of canal lining, economics and requirements
of canal lining, Design of lined Canals examples

9 Introduction to ground water flow, Darcy law; Wells: Definition, Types-open well or Dug well, Tube
well, open well-shallow open well, deep open well, cavity formation in open wells, construction of open
wells, Yield of an open well – Equilibrium pumping test, Recuperating test, examples, Tube wells –
Strainer type, cavity type, slotted type. Examples.

Sl. No Name Author Publishers
1 Engineering Hydrology K. Subramanya Tata McGraw-Hill
2 A Text Book of Hydrology- P. Jaya Ram Reddy Laxmi Publications-New Delhi
3 Hydrology & Water Resource Engineering- S.K Garg Khanna Publishers.
4 Hydrology Principles, Analysis and Design H. M. Raghunath. .

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

5 Hydraulics of Groundwater J. Bear McGraw-Hill

6 Water Resources Engineering Through Objective Questions K. Subramanya Tata McGraw-Hill
7 Irrigation & Water Power Engineering- B.C Purnia, S Pande- Standard Publication-New Delhi.
8 Irrigation Engineering G.L Aswa Wiley Eastern-New Delhi
9 Irrigation, Water Resource & Water PowerEnginee ring-. Dr. P.N Modi- Standard Book House-New

Advanced Transportation Engineering

Code – CE 703A
Contact – 3L
Credits- 3

Unit -1 Overview of Transportation Engineering

1.1 Role of transportation in the development of nation.
1.2 Modes of transportation system – roads, railway, airways, waterways, other mode of
transport, Importance of each mode, comparison and their relative merits and demerits.
1.3 Necessity & importance of Cross drainage works for roads & railways.(3L)

Unit -2 Railway Engineering.

2.1 Railway as a mode of land transport, Classification of Indian Railways, zones of Indian
Railway, classification of Indian railway lines, general features of Indian railway, organization of
Indian railway; Alignment- Factors governing rail alignment; Rail Gauges – types, factors
affecting selection of gauge, advantages of uniform gauge; Rail track cross sections – standard
cross section of BG & M.G; Single &double line in cutting and embankment.(3L)
2.2 Permanent ways: Ideal requirement, component parts, conning of wheel, tilting of rail and
adzing of sleepers. (2L)
Rails: function & its types. Requirement of ideal rail section, standard rail section, weight,
length and specification of rail section, wear in rail andmethods to reduce wear; defects in rail,
failure in rail(2L)
Rail Joints – requirements, types; welded rails – purpose, advantage and success of welding of
rails, length of welded rails; Creep of rail – causes, measurement & prevention of creep.(2L)
Sleepers: functions & Requirement, types – wooden, metal, concrete sleepers & their suitability
andrelative merits and demerits, sleeper density. (problem on sleeper density)(3L)
Ballast: function & requirements of good ballast, different types with their properties, relative
merits & demerits., size and section of ballast, quantity and renewal of ballast, terminology –
packing, boxing and ballast crib(3L)

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

Rail fixtures & fastenings: fish plate, bearing plates, spikes, bolts, keys, anchors & anti creepers.
2.3 Railway Track Geometrics: Gradient & its types, grade compensation on curves(problems)
Super elevation – governing formula, limits of Super elevation on curves, cant deficiency, cant
excess and negative cant (along their permissible value), realignment of curves by string line
2.4 Branching of Tracks: Definition of point & crossing, a simple split switch turnout consisting
of points and crossing lines. Sketch showing different components, their functions & working.
Line sketches of track junctions- symmetrical split, three throw switch, crossovers, scissor cross
over, diamond crossing, single and double slip, gathering lines or ladder track, triangle
Inspection of points and crossings. (3L)
2.5 Station and Yards: Site selection for railway stations, Requirements of railway station, Types
of stations (way side, crossing, junction & terminal), Station yards, types of station yard,
Passenger yards, Goods yard, Locomotive yard – its requirements, water column, Marshaling
yard – its types; level crossing. (3L)

Unit 3- Airport Engineering :

Functional areas of airports: Runways, Taxiways, , Aprons, Terminal buildings; Classification of
Airports; Airport site selection; Design of Runway, Runway orientation, Wind Rose diagram; Design of
Taxiway and Terminal Building

Sl. No Name Author Publishers
1 Transportation Engineering Khisty and Lal PHI
2 A Text Book of Railway Engineering S.P. Arora& S.C. Saxena
3 Railway Engineering Satish Chandra Oxford University press
4 Transportation Engineering Vazirani&Chandola
5 Airport planning and Design S.K.Khanna&M.G.Arora
6 Airport Transportation Planning & Design-. Virendra Kumar &Satish Chandra Galgotia Publication
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

Advanced Structural Analysis

Code – CE 703B
Contact – 3L
Credits- 3

1 Review of analysis of indeterminate structures; Force methods: Statically indeterminate structures

(method of consistent deformations; theorem of least work) Displacement Methods: Kinematically
indeterminate structures (slope-deflection method; moment distribution method). Matrix concepts and
Matrix analysis of structures: Introduction; coordinate systems; displacement and force transformation
matrices; Contra-gradient principle; element and structure stiffness matrices; Element and structure

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

flexibility matrices; equivalent joint loads; stiffness and flexibility approaches. Matrix analysis of
structures with axial elements: Plane Truss; Analysis by flexibility method Space trusses: Matrix analysis
of beams and grids: Flexibility method for fixed and continuous beams: Stiffness method for grids:
Matrix analysis of plane and space frames: Flexibility method for plane frames:Stiffness method for space

2 Theory of Elasticity : Three dimensional stress and strain analysis, stress - strain transformation, stress
invariants; equilibrium and compatibility equations, boundary conditions; Two dimensional problems in
Cartesian, polar and curvilinear co-ordinates, bending of a beam, thick cylinder under pressure, complex
variable, harmonic and bi-harmonic functions; Torsion of rectangular bars including hollow sections,
bending problems; Energy principles, variational methods and numericalmethods.

Sl. No Name Author Publishers
1 Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis M.B. Kanchi.
2 Analysis of Structures T.S. Thandavamoorthy Oxford University Press
3 Intermediate Structural Analysis C.K. Wang Mc Graw Hill
4 Theory of Elasticity Timoshenko & Goodier McGraw-Hill

Soil Stabilisation & Ground Improvement Technique

Code – CE 704A
Contact – 3L
Credits- 3
1 Soil Stabilization: Introduction, Stabilization of soil with granular skeleton and soil without granular
skeleton, common nomenclature of stabilized soil systems and stabilization methods, specific methods of
soil stabilization: Stabilization with cement, lime fly-ash

2 Insitu densification: Introduction, Compaction: methods and controls Densification of granular soil:
Vibration at ground surface, Impact at ground surface, Vibration at depth (Vibroflotation), Impact at
depth. Densification of Cohesive Soils: Preloading and dewatering, Design of Sand drains and Stone
columns, Electrical and thermal methods.

3 Geo-textiles: Over view: Geotextiles as separators, reinforcement. Geotextiles in filtration and

drainage, geotextiles in erosion control.

4 Grouting: Over view: Suspension and Solution grout, Grouting equipment and methods, Grout design
and layout, Grout monitoring schemes.

5 Soil stability: Reinforced earth fundamentals, Soil nailing, Soil and Rock Anchors, Underpinning

Sl. No. Name Author Publishers
1 Foundation Analysis & Design J.E. Bowels McGraw Hill

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

2 Principles of Foundation Engineering B.M. Das Thomson Book

3 Foundation Design Manual N. V. Nayak Dhanpat Rai Publication Pvt. Ltd
4 Construction and Geotechnical methods in foundation engineering R.M. Koener McGraw Hill
5 Technology in tunnelling and dam construction A.V. Shroff. & D.L. Shah Oxford and IBH Publishing
6 Reinforced Earth T S Ingold Thoam Telford

Hydraulic Structures
Code – CE 704B
Contact – 4L
Credits- 4

1 Diversion Head works: Necessity, Difference between weir and Barrage, Type of Weirs,Selection of
site, layout and description of each part, Effects of construction of a weir on theriver regime, causes of
failure of weirs on permeable foundation and their remedies

2 Theories of seepage and Design of weirs and Barrages: Failure of Hydraulic Structures Foundedon
Pervious foundations: i) By piping ii) By Direct uplift, Bligh’s creep theory of seepage flow,Khosla’s
theory & concept of flownets, concept of exit gradient and critical exit gradient,Khosla’s method of
independent variable for determination of pressures and exit gradient forseepage below a weir or a
barrage, necessary corrections, examples.

3 Hydraulic structures for canals: Canal falls – necessity, locations, types and description of Ogeefall,
Trapezoidal-notch fall, Syphon well drop. Examples.

4 Cross-Drainage Works: Necessity, types, selection of a suitable type (Introduction only)

5 Dam (General): Definition, classification of Dams, factors governing selection of type of

dam,selection of suitable site for a dam.

6 Earthen Dams: Introduction, Types of Earthen Dams, Methods of Construction, Causes offailure,
Design Criteria, Determination of line of seepage or phreatic line in Earthen Dam,seepage control in
Earthen Dam, Examples.

7 Gravity Dam: Definition, Typical cross- section, Forces acting on Gravity Dam, Combination offorces
for design, Mode of failure and criteria for structural stability of Gravity Dams, Principaland shear
stresses. Elementary profile of a Gravity Dam, Concept of High and low Gravity Dam,Examples.

8.Spillways: Types, Location, Essential requirements, spillway capacity. Components of spillway,Energy

Dissipators, Stilling basins (Indian standard).


Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

Name Author Publishers

1 Irrigation Engineering and hydraulic structures.Santosh Kumar GargKhanna Publishers.
2 Irrigation, water Resources and Water Power Engg.Dr.P.N. Modi, Standard Book House,Delhi-6
3 Water Resources Engineering Principle and practice By SatyaNarayana MurthyChalla.New Age
Internation (P)Ltd. Publishers. Newdelhi,
4 Design of Small Dams. US Department of the InteriorBureau of Reclamation.McGraw Hill
5 Concrete Danms R.S. Varsney, Oxford & I & HPublishing Co. New

Engineering Materials
Code – CE 705A
Contact – 3L
Credits- 3

1. Introduction: Material Science―its importance in engineering; Classification ofMaterials―metals,

polymers, ceramics, composites; Advancedmaterials―semiconductors, smart materials, nano-materials;
Review atomic structure,Atomic bonding in solids―bonding forces and energies; ionic/covalent/metallic

2. Crystal Structure: Fundamental concepts; Unit cells; seven crystal systems; singlecrystal,
polycrystalline and non-crystalline materials; Metallic crystal structures―FCC,atomic packing factor,
BCC & HCP structures.

3. Imperfections in Metals: Point defects due to vacancy & impurities, alloys, solidsolutions;
Dislocations―linear defects, interfacial defects, grain boundaries.

4. Phase Diagrams: Definition and basic concepts; solubility limit; Phase equilibriam,
onecomponentphase diagram, binary phase diagram, interpretation of phase diagrams.

5. Iron-carbon System: allotropy of iron, iron-iron carbide phase diagram, properties anduses of plain
carbon steel

6. Classification of Metals and Alloys- compositions, general properties and uses:

6.1 Ferrous alloys: Classification –low carbon steels, medium carbon steels, highcarbon steels, stainless
steels, alloy steels, tool and die steel, cast irons.
6.2 Non-ferrous alloys: Copper & Copper alloys; Aluminum alloys; Zinc alloys;Nickel alloys; Lead &
Tin alloys;

7. Mechanical Properties of Materials: Elastic properties of materials―tensile andcompressive stress

and strain, stress-strain behaviour, modulus of elasticity (Young’smodulus), yield strength, tensile
strength, plastic deformation, true stress and strain;Ductility; Resilience; Toughness, impact tests;
Hardness- Brinell, Rockwell andVickers hardness and their testing procedures, correlation between
hardness and tensilestrength; Fatigue strength; Effect of temperature on tensile strength &
impactproperties, creep failure.

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

8. Heat Treatment: Definition and purposes; Heat treatment processes forsteels―Hardening, structural
change during heating and cooling, factors affectinghardening; Tempering; Austempering; Normalizing;
Annealing―full annealing,spheroidising annealing, stress–relieving, recrystallisation annealing;
Preciptation orAge Hardening of non-ferrous alloys.

9. Polymers & Elastomers: Definition; How polymers are made- polymerization;Polymer molecular
structures; Thermoplastics & Thermosets; Special characteristicslike low sp. gravity, optical, electrical &
thermal property, decorative color, easyformability, low corrosion etc; Uses of polymers and elastomers.

10. Ceramic Materials: What is ceramics; common ceramic materials and theircharacteristics; How
ceramics are made―sintering and vitrification process; Ceramicstructures; Properties and applications.

11. Composite materials: What is composites; Polymers matrix and their applications;Metal matrix and
ceramic matrix composites and their applications; How compositesare made.

12. Corrosion and Degradation of Engineering Materials: Definition; Types ofcorrosion―uniform,

pitting, crevice, galvanic, stress corrosion cracking and erosion;Corrosion control ― material selection,
environment control, proper design.

13. Materials Selection Methodology: Selection of material based on required properties,availability and
cost of material, environmental issues.

Books Recommended
1. Materials Science and Engineering by W.D. Callister and adapted by R. Balasubramaniam, Willey
India, 2010 Ed.
2. Engineering Materials: properties and selection by Budinski&Budinski, 9th Ed., Prentice Hall India
3. Engineering Materials and Metallurgy by R.Srinivasan, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Materials & Processes in Manufacturing by E.P.Degarmo and adapted by Black & Kosher, 10th Ed.,
Wiley India.
5. Materials Science and Engineering by V.Raghavan, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall Indi

Electrical & Electronic Measurement

Code – CE 705B
Contact – 3L
Credits- 3

Method of measurement, Measurement system, Classification of instruments, Definition of accuracy,
Precision, Resolution, Speed of response, Error in measurement, Classification of errors, loading effect
due to shunt and series connected instruments.
Analog meters:

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

General features, Construction, Principle of operation and torque equation of Moving coil, Moving iron,
Electrodynamometer, Induction instruments
Principle of operation of the Electrostatic, Thermoelectric, Rectifier type instruments, Extension of
instrument ranges and multipliers.

Instrument transformer:
Disadvantage of shunt and multipliers, Advantage of Instrument transformers, Principle of operation of
Current & Potential transformer, errors.
Measurement of Power:
Principle of operation of Electrodynamic & Induction type wattmeter. Wattmeter errors.
Measurement of resistance:
Measurement of medium, low and high resistances, Megger.

Measurement of Energy:
Construction, theory and application of AC energy meter, testing of energy meters.
Principle of operation and application of Crompton’s DC potentiometer, Polar and Coordinate type AC
potentiometer. Application.
AC Bridges:
Measurement of Inductance, Capacitance and frequency by AC bridges.

Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO):
Measurement of voltage, current, frequency & phase by oscilloscope. Frequency limitation of CRO.
Sampling and storage oscilloscope, Double beam CRO.
Electronic Instruments:
Advantages of digital meter over analog meters, Digital voltmeter, Resolution and sensitivity of digital
meters, Digital multimeter, Digital frequency meter, Signal generator.
Sensors & Transducers:
Introduction to sensors & Transducers, Strain gauge, LVDT, Temperature transducers,
Flow measurement using magnetic flow measurement.

Text Books:
1. A course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation, A.K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai &
2. Electrical Measurement & Measuring Instruments, E.W. Golding & F.C. Wides, Wheeler Publishing.
3. Electronic Instruments, H.S. Kalsi, Tata Mc-Graw hill, 2nd Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Sensors & Transducers, D. Patranabis, PHI, 2nd edition.
2. Digital Instrumentation, A.J. Bouwens, Tata Mc-Graw hill.

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

3. Modern Electronic instrumentation & Measuring instruments, A.D. Heltric & W.C. Copper, Wheeler
4. Instrument transducers, H.K.P. Neubert, Oxford University press.


CODE: CE-791
.Experiment Name Type of Test
1. Determination of turbidity for a given sample of water Physical
2. Determination of color for a given sample of water
3 Determination of solids in a given sample of water: Total Solids, Suspended Solids and Dissolved
4 Determination of pH for a given sample of water Chemical
5 Determination of concentration of Chlorides in a given sample of water
6 Determination of carbonate, bi-carbonate and hydroxide alkalinity for a given sample of water
7 Determination of hardness for a given sample of water
8 Determination of concentration of Fluorides in a given sample of water
9 Determination of concentration of Iron in a given sample of water
10 Determination of the Optimum Alum Dose for a given sample of water through Jar Test
11 Determination of the Residual Chlorine in a given sample of water
12 Determination of the Chlorine Demand for a given sample of water
13 Determination of the Available Chlorine Percentage in a given sample of bleaching powder
14 Determination of amount of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in a given sample of water
15 Determination of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) for a given sample of wastewater
16 Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) for a given sample of wastewater
CE 792
Course Content
Foundation Engineering
Stability Analysis of Slopes, Preparation of typical soil test report, Estimation of bearing capacity and
settlement of
foundation from typical field data, Structural design and detailing of isolated rectangular footing and
combined footing.
Water Resource Engineering
Estimation of runoff, Field capacity and permanent wilting point Construction of hydrograph& S curve,
efficient section of
canal, Design of lined canals, Determination of yield of wells, flood routing
Environmental Engineering
Population forecasting, Analysis and design of water distribution network, Hydraulic design of sewer
Transportation Engineering
Determination of highway capacity, Highway geometric design, Design of flexible and rigid pavement,
Traffic Signal Design

Syllabus for B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Up to Fourth year

Material Testing lab

CE 793A
Impact tests: Charpy and Izod tests;
Test for drawability of sheet metals through cupping test;
Fatigue test of a typical sample.
Sample preparation and etching of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys for metallographic
Experiments on heat treatment of carbon steels under different rates of cooling including quenching, and
testingfor the change in hardness and observing its microstructural changes through metallographic
Observation of presence of surface/ sub-surface cracks using different non-destructive techniques, such as
dyepenetration (DP) test, magnaflux test, ultrasonic or eddy current test.

Electrical & Electronics Measurement lab

CE 793B
1. Instrument workshop- Observe the construction of PMMC, Dynamometer, Electrothermal and
Rectifier type of instruments, Oscilloscope and Digital multimeter.
2. Calibrate moving iron and electrodynamometer type ammeter/voltmeter by potentiometer.
3. Calibrate dynamometer type wattmeter by potentiometer.
4. Calibrate AC energy meter.
5. Measurement of resistance using Kelvin double bridge.
6. Measurement of power using Instrument transformer.
7. Measurement of power in Polyphase circuits.
8. Measurement of frequency by Wien Bridge.
9. Measurement of Inductance by Anderson bridge
10. Measurement of capacitance by De Sauty Bridge.
11. Measurement of capacitance by Schering Bridge.

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