Distribution Tariff Regulations: Kerala: Regulatory Framework For Distribution ARR and Tariff Determination
Distribution Tariff Regulations: Kerala: Regulatory Framework For Distribution ARR and Tariff Determination
Distribution Tariff Regulations: Kerala: Regulatory Framework For Distribution ARR and Tariff Determination
Dr. Jayasankar B
Senior Economist Analyst
Present Scheme of Power sector Regulation in Kerala
KSEB Ltd remains as a single integrated utility having three strategic business units (SBU-G, SBU-T,
SBU-D) and engaged in the field of Generation, Transmission and Distribution, established after the
2nd transfer scheme as per EA 2003
There are other 8 distribution licensees in the State, covering small service /licence areas
All the other licensees purchase power in Bulk from KSEB Ltd for sale in their area of supply.
Commission follows the principle of Uniform Retail Supply Tariff (RST) for the
entire State
Ie., irrespective of the area of licensee, the consumer has to pay same tariff.
Since the consumer mix and revenue generation potential is different,
differential Bulk Supply Tariff (BST) regime is followed for licensees purchase
energy from KSEB Ltd for retail sale
Ie., the power purchase cost of each distribution licensees is different and
dependent on their consumer mix and revenue potential
The power purchase cost is determined in such a way that the revenue after meeting
the distribution cost is treated as power purchase cost and Bulk Supply Tariff (BST)
determined accordingly, irrespective of voltage level or usage pattern or cost
Regulations issued by the Commission
B A&G Costs
1 Rs. lakh per '000
0.18 0.21 0.22 0.23
2 Rs. lakh per
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
distribution transformer
3 Rs. lakh per km of HT
0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04
4 Rs. per unit of sales 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
C R&M Costs as % of
2.7% 3% 3% 3%
Features of existing Regulations……10
O&M Norms 2018