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Workshop Manual: Technical Data

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Workshop Manual

Technical Data

Technical data




Safety information ............................................... 2

Introduction ......................................................... 2
Important ............................................................ 2
General information ............................................ 5
About the Service Manual ................................... 5
Spare parts ......................................................... 5
Certificated engines ............................................ 5
Technical data ...................................................... 6
References to Service Bulletins ......................... 31
Group 20

Safety information

The Service Manual contains technical data, If work is carried out near an engine that is run-
descriptions and repair instructions relating to the ning, an incautious movement or a dropped tool
Volvo Penta products or product versions included in could in the worst case lead to bodily harm. Be
the list of contents. Make sure you use the right mindful of hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, the
workshop literature. turbocharger, charge air pipes, starter elements,
Read the safety information, “General etc.) and hot liquids in lines and hoses on an
information” and “Repair instructions” carefully engine that is running or has just been stopped.
before starting any service work. Before starting the engine, refit all guards and
protective elements that were removed in the
course of carrying out service work.

The following special warning symbols occur in the Make sure that the warning and/or information
Service Manual and on the product. decals affixed to the product are always in plain
sight. Replace decals that are damaged or have
WARNING! Warns of the risk of injury and been painted over.
extensive damage to the product or property,
or that serious functional faults could arise if
the instructions are not followed.
Never start the engine unless the air filter is
IMPORTANT! Used to draw attention to any-
fitted. The rotating impeller in the turbo could
thing that could cause damage to the product or
cause serious injuries. Foreign objects in the in-
property or functional disorders in the same.
let line could additionally cause machinery dam-
NOTE: Used to draw attention to important information
for facilitating work operations or handling.

To provide an overview of the risks you should always

be aware of and the precautionary measures that Never use a starter spray or the like to help start
should always be adopted, we have listed them here. the engine. It could cause an explosion in the in-
let manifold. Danger of injury.

Make it impossible for the engine to start. Turn

off the current by means of the main switch (or
switches) and lock it (them) in the OFF position Start the engine in well-ventilated premises only.
before starting service work. Affix a warning If the engine is run in a confined space, exhaust
sign in the driver’s area. gases and crankcase gases should be conduc-
ted away from the engine bay or workshop area.
As a rule, all service work should be carried out
when the engine is stationary. Some work,
including certain adjustments, nonetheless
requires the engine to be running. Approaching
an engine that is running could be dangerous.
Bear in mind that loose-fitting clothes or long Avoid opening the coolant filler cap when the
hair may get caught in rotating parts and cause engine is still hot. Steam or hot coolant could
serious injury. squirt out while the built-up pressure will be lost.
If necessary, open the filler cap slowly and re-
lease the pressure in the cooling system. Be
extremely careful if a cock, plug or coolant line
has to be removed while the engine is still hot.
Steam or hot coolant could squirt out in an un-
expected direction.
Group 20 General instructions

Hot oil can cause burns, Avoid getting hot oil on WARNING! Under no circumstances should the
your skin. Make sure that the lubricating system engine’s pressure pipes be bent or reshaped.
is depressurized before starting any work on it. Damaged pipes must be changed.
Never start or run the engine with the oil filler
cap removed as oil under pressure could then
All fuels and many chemicals are flammable.
Stop the engine before doing any work on the Make sure that they cannot be ignited by a
cooling system. naked flame or spark. Petrol, certain diluents
and hydrogen from batteries, when mixed with
air in the right proportions, are highly flammable
and explosive. No smoking! Arrange for ad-
Always use protective goggles when carrying equate ventilation and take the necessary safety
out work where splinters, grinding sparks and measures prior to the start of welding or grind-
splashes of acid or other chemicals could occur. ing work in the vicinity. Always keep a fire ex-
The eyes are especially sensitive and an injury tinguisher easily accessible at the workplace.
could result in loss of sight.

Ensure that rags saturated with oil and fuel, as

Avoid getting oil on your skin. Prolonged or re- well as used fuel and oil filters, are kept in a
curring contact with oil can remove the skin’s safe place prior to their disposal. Under certain
natural moisture with irritation, dehydration, ec- conditions, spontaneous combustion can occur
zema and other skin disorders as a result. From in oil-ingrained rags. Used fuel and oil filters
a hygienic point of view, used oil is more harm- comprise environmentally hazardous waste and,
ful than fresh oil. Wear protective gloves and together with used lubricating oil, contaminated
avoid clothes and rags ingrained with oil. Wash fuel, residual paint, solvents, degreasants and
residual detergents, should be taken to a suit-
yourself regularly, particularly before mealtimes.
able plant for destruction.
Use skin lotion intended for this purpose to
avoid dehydration and to facilitate cleansing of
the skin.

Batteries should never be exposed to naked

flames or electric sparks. Never smoke near the
batteries. When the batteries are being charged
Most chemicals intended for the product (such
they give off hydrogen which, when mixed with
as engine and transmission oils, glycol, petrol
air, forms oxyhydrogen gas. This gas is highly
and diesel oil) or chemicals for workshop use
flammable and extremely explosive. A spark,
(such as degreasants, paints and solvents) are
which can occur if the batteries are connected
injurious to the health. Carefully read the ins-
incorrectly, could cause a battery to explode
tructions on the package. Always follow the with injury and damage as a result. Do not dis-
prescribed safety rules (such as the use of res- turb the connections when attempting to start
pirators, protective goggles, gloves, etc.). Make (risk of sparks) and do not lean over any of the
sure that other personnel are not exposed with- batteries.
out their knowledge to substances that are in-
jurous to health, such as through the air they
breathe. Make provision for good ventilation.
Deal with used and surplus chemicals in the pre-
Never mistake the positive and negative ter-
scribed manner.
minals for each other when installing the bat-
teries. If this happens it could cause serious
damage to the electrical equipment. Compare
with the wiring diagram.
Exercise great care when detecting leaks in the
fuel system and testing fuel nozzles. Wear pro-
tective goggles. The jets from a fuel nozzle are
under very high pressure and have great pen- Always wear protective goggles when charging
etrative power; the fuel can penetrate deep into and handling batteries. The battery electrolyte
body tissues and cause serious injury. Risk of contains highly corrosive sulphuric acid. If it
blood poisoning. gets on your skin, wash the affected area with
soap and plenty of water. If the electrolyte gets
in your eyes, rinse them at once with plenty of
water and see a doctor as soon as possible.
General instructions Group 20

Stop the engine and cut off the current with the WARNING! Electrical system and fuel system
main switch (or switches) before starting to work components on Volvo Penta products are de-
on the electrical system. signed and manufactured to minimize the risk of
explosion and fire. The engine must not be run
The clutch should be adjusted with the engine in environments where they will be surrounded
switched off. by explosive media.

Use the lifting eyes mounted on the engine

when lifting it. Always check that all lifting Always use fuel recommended by Volvo Penta.
equipment is in good condition and that it has See the Owner’s Manual. The use of a poorer
the right capacity for the job (engine weight plus grade of fuel could damage the engine. On a
reversing gear and extra equipment, if any). To diesel engine, a poor grade of fuel could lead to
ensure safe handling and to avoid damaging binding of the control rod and overrevving of the
components mounted on the top of the engine, engine with a consequent risk of injury and dam-
it should be lifted using an adjustable lifting age. Poor fuel can also give rise to higher main-
beam or one suitably adapted to the engine. All tenance costs.
chains or cables should run parallel to each
other and as perpendicular as possible to the
top of the engine.
If other equipment that has been connected to Bear in mind the following when cleaning with
the engine changes its centre of gravity, special high-pressure equipment: never direct the jet of
lifting devices may be needed to obtain the right water on seals, rubber hoses or electrical com-
balance and ensure safe handling. ponents. Never use the high-pressure function
Never carry out any work on an engine that is when cleaning the engine.
suspended solely from a lifting device (hoist, etc.).

Never work alone when heavy components are

to be removed, not even when a safe lifting dev-
ice like a lockable block and tackle is used.
Even when a lifting device is used two people
will generally be required, one to handle the lif-
ting device and the other to make sure that the
components go clear and are not damaged when
lifted away.
Always make sure in advance that there is suf-
ficient space for dismantling to be carried out in
the area with no danger of it causing injury or
material damage.

Group 20

General information

About the Service Manual Certificated engines

This Service Manual contains technical data for the For engines that are certificated in compliance with
standard versions of the TAD1240GE, TAD1241GE/VE, national and regional environmental legislation the
TA1242GE/VE and TWD1240VE engines. manufacturer undertakes to ensure that the environ-
All references from the service manuals containing mental requirements are fulfilled both in new engines
repair instructions for the TAD1240GE, TAD1241GE, and those already in use. The product must corres-
TAD1242GE and TWD1240VE engines will be found pond to the specimen product that was approved for
in the “Technical data” Service Manual. certification. For Volvo Penta as the manufacturer to
be answerable for ensuring that engines in use meet
The Service Manual is primarily produced for Volvo the stipulated environmental requirements, the follow-
Penta’s service workshops and their qualified person- ing requirements in regard to service and spare parts
nel. It is therefore assumed that persons using the must be fulfilled:
manual have the necessary basic knowledge and can
carry out work of a mechanical/electrical nature that
forms part of their occupational duties. • The service intervals and maintenance measures
Volvo Penta is continuously developing its products recommended by Volvo Penta must be followed.
and we therefore reserve the right to introduce • Only Volvo Penta Original Spare Parts intended
changes and modifications. All the information in this for the certificated engine version may be used.
manual is based on product data available up to the • Service embracing injection pumps, pump set-
time of going to press. Any changes of vital import- tings and injectors must always be carried out by
ance that have been introduced in product or service an authorized Volvo Penta workshop.
methods after that date will be announced in the form
of Service Bulletins. • The engine must not be rebuilt or modified in any
way, except for the accessories and service kits
that Volvo Penta has developed for the engine in
Spare parts question.
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are • Installation changes to exhaust pipes and supply
subject to different national safety requirements. Volvo air ducts for the engine bay (ventilation ducts)
Penta Original Spare Parts meet these require-ments. must not be made indiscriminately as this could
All types of damage occurring as a result of using affect exhaust emission levels.
non-original Volvo Penta spare parts for the pro-duct • Security seals, if any, must not be broken by non-
in question will not be covered under the terms of authorized personnel.
warranty as undertaken by Volvo Penta.
In other respects the general instructions for driving,
operation and maintenance given in the Owner’s Man-
ual are applicable.

IMPORTANT! When spare parts are required,

use only Volvo Penta Original Spare Parts.

If non-original spare parts are used, AB Volvo

Penta will no longer be responsible for ensur-
ing that the engine corresponds to the cer-
tificated version.
All types of injury, damage and/or costs arising
due to the use of non-original Volvo Penta Original
Spare Parts for the product in question will not be
covered under the terms of warranty as under-
taken by Volvo Penta.

Group 20

Technical data

Type designation ................................................... TAD1240GE TAD1241/42GE TWD1240VE TAD1241/42VE
Number of cylinders .............................................. 6
Cylinder bore ......................................................... 131 mm (5.16")
Stroke .................................................................... 150 mm (5.91")
Swept volume ........................................................ 12.13 dm3 (740.20 inch3)
Number of valves .................................................. 24
Direction of rotation (viewed from front) ................. Clockwise
Compression ratio ................................................. 18.5:1 17.5:1 18.5:1 17.5:1
Firing order ............................................................ 1-5-3-6-2-4
Slow idling speed (rpm) ......................................... 600-1200 600-1200 600-900 600-900
Fast idling speed (rpm) .......................................... 1500-1620 1500-1620 2100 1000
/1800-1920 /1800-1920
Highest full-load engine speed (rpm) ..................... 1500/1800 1500/1800 2100 1800
Dry weight (kg) ..................................................... 1230* 1230* 1270 1230
(2706 lbs) (2706 lbs) (2794 lbs) (2706 lbs)

Weight TAD engines without radiator assembly and air filter

Engine block
Cylinder head
Type ..................................................................... One cylinder head for all cylinders with single overhead camshaft
Length ................................................................... 1078 mm (42.44")
Width ..................................................................... 397 mm (15.63")
Height .................................................................... 135 mm (5.32")
Max. surface unevenness (bottom surface) .......... 0.1 mm (0.004")

Cylinder head bolts

Number of bolts per cylinder head ......................... 38
Thread size ........................................................... M16
Length ................................................................... 200 mm (7.87")

Group 20 Technical data

Cylinder liners
Type ...................................................................... Wet, replaceable
Sealing surface height above block surface ........... 0.15–0.20 mm (0.006–0.0079")
Number of sealing rings per cylinder liner ............... 4

Height above cylinder block surface ....................... 0.05-0.45 mm (0.002–0.018")
Diameter, combustion chamber .............................. 89 mm (3.5")
Depth, piston bowl ................................................. 18.55 mm (0.73") (E=17.5:1) 17.14 (E=18.5:1)
Number of ring grooves .......................................... 3
Front marking ......................................................... Arrow pointing forwards
Gudgeon pin diameter ............................................ 55 mm (2.17")

Piston rings
Compression rings
Number .................................................................. 2
Piston ring clearance in groove:
upper compression ring ....................................... Trapezoidal section, no clearance
lower compression ring, vertical .......................... 0.05-0.08 mm (0.002–0.0031")
Piston ring gap:
upper compression ring ....................................... 0.425-0.575 mm (0.0167–0.0226")
wear tolerance .................................................. 1 mm (0.04")
lower compression ring ....................................... 0.8 mm (0.032")
wear tolerance .................................................. 1.3 mm (0.051")

Oil control ring

Number .................................................................. 1
Width, incl. spring .................................................. 4.3 mm (0.17")
Piston ring clearance, vertical ................................ 0.03-0.08 mm (0.0012–0.0031")
Piston ring gap ....................................................... 0.35-0.75 mm (0.014–0.03")

Technical data Group 20

Valve mechanism
Valve head diameter
Inlet .................................................................... 40 mm (1.58")
Exhaust .............................................................. 40 mm (1.58")
Stem diameter
Inlet .................................................................... 7.960–7.975 mm (0.3134–0.3140")
Exhaust .............................................................. 7.947–7.962 mm (0.3129–0.3135")
Valve face angle
Inlet .................................................................... 29.5°
Exhaust .............................................................. 44.5°
Valve head face, (see illustration below)
Inlet (new valve) .................................................. Min.1.8 mm (0.07")
wear tolerance ..................................................... 1.4 mm (0.055")
Exhaust (new valve) ........................................... Min.1.6 mm (0.063")
wear tolerance ..................................................... 1.2 mm (0.0472")
Seat angle in cylinder head
Inlet .................................................................... 30°
Exhaust .............................................................. 45°
The valve seat should be ground down until
the distance from the valve head (new valve)
to the cylinder head surface is:
Inlet ...................................................................... 0.9–1.4 mm (0.035–0.055")
wear tolerance ..................................................... Max. 1.5 mm (0.06")

Exhaust .............................................................. 1.2–1.7 mm (0.047–0.067")

wear tolerance ..................................................... Max. 1.8 mm (0.071")
If the distance is greater the valve seats
must be changed.

Valve clearances, cold engine, setting value

Inlet .................................................................... 0.2 mm (0.008")
Exhaust .............................................................. 0.5 mm (0.020")
Valve clearance, cold engine, check value
Inlet .................................................................... 0.15–0.25 mm (0.006–0.010")
Exhaust .............................................................. 0.45–0.55 mm (0.018–0.022")

Group 20 Technical data

Valve seats
Outer diameter (dimension A) Standard:
Inlet .................................................................... 43.1 mm (1.697")
Exhaust .............................................................. 43.1 mm (1.697")
Inlet .................................................................... 43.3 mm (1.710")
Exhaust .............................................................. 43.3 mm (1.710")
Height (dimension B):
Inlet .................................................................... 8.4-8.6 mm (0.331–0.339")
Exhaust .............................................................. 7.9-8.1 mm (0.311–0.319")

Valve face seat

Diameter (dimension C) standard:
Inlet .................................................................... 43 mm (1.69")
Exhaust .............................................................. 43 mm (1.69")
Diameter (dimension C) oversize:
Inlet .................................................................... 43.200–43.225 mm (1.701–1.702")
Exhaust .............................................................. 43.200–43.225 mm (1.701–1.702")
Depth (dimension D):
Inlet .................................................................... 11.2±0.1 mm (0.441±0.004")
Exhaust .............................................................. 11.2±0.1 mm (0.441±0.004")
Seat bottom radius (dimension R):
Inlet. max. .......................................................... 0.8 mm (0.032")
Exhaust, max. .................................................... 0.8 mm (0.032")
Dimension between valve head and
cylinder head surface:
Inlet .................................................................... 0.9–1.4 mm (0.035–0.055")
Exhaust .............................................................. 1.2–1.7 mm (0.047–0.067")

Valve guides
Inlet .................................................................... 83.2–83.5 mm (3.28–3.29")
Exhaust .............................................................. 83.2–83.5 mm (3.28–3.29")
Inner diameter:
Inlet .................................................................... 8.0 mm (0.032")
Exhaust .............................................................. 8.0 mm (0.032")
Height above cylinder head spring plane:
Inlet .................................................................... 26.5±0.4 mm (1.04±0.016")
Exhaust .............................................................. 18.5±0.4 mm (0.73±0.016")
Clearance, valve stem - guide:
Inlet .................................................................... 0.03–0.05 mm (0.001–0.002")
Wear tolerance ................................................... 0.2 mm (0.008")1
Exhaust .............................................................. 0.04-0.07 mm (0.002–0.003")
Wear tolerance ................................................... 0.3 mm (0.012")1
Max. permissible clearance between valve stem and valve guide:
(according to the method described in ”Service Manual Engine block D12CA: valve guides, inspection”)

Technical data Group 20

Valve springs
Valve springs, exhaust/inlet
Valve springs:
Length without load ............................................. 72-73 mm (2.8-2.9")
With 600 N (61.2 kgfm (134.6 lbs)) load .............. 56 mm (2.2")
With 1076 N (109.7 kgfm (241.3 lbs)) load ........... 43 mm (1.7")
Rigid length max. ................................................ 41 mm (1.6")
Inner valve spring (exhaust):
Length without load ............................................. 67-68 mm (2.6-2.7")
With 243 N (24.8 kgfm (54.6 lbs)) load ................ 52 mm (2.1")
With 447 N (45.6 kgfm (100.3 lbs)) load .............. 39 mm (1.5")
Rigid length max. ................................................ 36 mm (1.4")


1. Drive, camshaft (z=76)

2. Drive, compressor (z=29)
3. Idler (z=83)
4. Drive, coolant pump (z=27)
5. Drive, crankshaft (z=38)
6. Drive, lubricating oil pump (z=23)
7. Idler (z=44)
8. Drive, hydraulic pump (z=39)
9. Idler (z=71)
10. Drive to belt and fuel pump (z=27)
11. Drive, servo pump (z=23)
12. Spray nozzle, drive lubrication
13. Idler, adjustable (z=97)

Flank clearance, adjustable intermediate gear (13) . 0.05–0.17 mm (0.0020–0.0067")

Intermediate gear shaft journal, diameter ............... 99.99±0.01 mm (3.937±0.0004")
Intermediate gear bush, diameter .......................... 100.04±0.01 mm (3.939±0.0004")
Radial clearance for intermediate, max. diameter .. 0.03–0.07 mm (0.0012–0.0028")
Axial clearance for intermediate gear ..................... 0.07–0.17 mm (0.0028–0.0067")

Group 20 Technical data

Checking camshaft setting. The engine should be cold and the No. 1 cylinder valves should be adjusted to a
clearance of 0. At a flywheel position of 6° ATDC the No. 1 cylinder inlet valve should have opened 1.6±0.3 mm
When checking this the timing mechanism must be rotated in the right direction (clockwise viewed from the front)
to take up any backlash.

NOTE: Do not forget to adjust the valve clearance back to the correct value after the test.

Drive ...................................................................... Gears

Number of bearings ................................................ 7
Diameter of journals, standard ................................ 70 mm (2.76 ")
Diameter of journals, undersize:
0.25 .................................................................... 69.720–69.780 mm (2.7449–2.7472")
0.50 .................................................................... 69.470–69.530 mm (2.7350–2.7374")
0.75 .................................................................... 69.220–69.280 mm (2.7252–2.7276")
Wear tolerances
Axial clearance, max. ............................................ 0.35 mm (0.0014")
Radial clearance, max. ........................................... 0.01 mm (0.0004")
Valve lift:
Inlet .................................................................... 13.1 mm (0.516")
Exhaust .............................................................. 13.1 mm (0.516")
Unit injector (stroke) ............................................... 17 mm (0.669")

Camshaft bearings
Camshaft bearing thickness, standard: .................. 1.9 mm (0.075")
0.25 .................................................................... 2.0 mm (0.079")
0.50 .................................................................... 2.2 mm (0.087")
0.75 .................................................................... 2.3 mm (0.091")
Diameter, camshaft bearing housings:
Bearings 1-7 ........................................................ 73.9 mm (2.91")

Technical data Group 20

Crank movement

Length .................................................................... 1203 mm (47.36")
Crankshaft axial clearance1 .................................... 0.10–0.40 mm (0.0039–0.0157")
Main bearing radial clearance1 ................................ 0.01–0.15 mm (0.0004–0.0059")
Max. permissible ovality
of main bearing journals and crankpins .................. 0.08 mm (0.003")
Max. permissible conicity
of main bearing journals and crankpins .................. 0.05 mm (0.002")
Max. runout of centre bearing ................................. 0.15 mm (0.006")
The dimensions apply to oiled parts

Main bearing journals

Diameter (Ø) for machining, standard ..................... 108.0 mm (4.25")
0.25 mm (0.010") ................................................ 107.73–107.75 mm (4.2413–4.2421")
0.50 mm (0.020") ................................................ 107.48–107.50 mm (4.2315–4.2323")
0.75 mm (0.030") ................................................ 107.23–107.25 mm (4.2216–4.2224")
1.00 mm (0.040") ................................................ 106.98–107.0 mm (4.2118–4.2126")
1.25 mm (0.050") ................................................ 106.73–106.75 mm (4.2020–4.2027")
Surface finish, main bearing journal ....................... Ra 0.25
Surface finish, radius ............................................. Ra 0.4
Width, thrust bearing journal (A) standard ............... 47.0 mm (1.85")
0.2 mm (0.008") (thrust bearing 0.1) .................... 47.175–47.225 mm (1.8573–1.8592")
0.4 mm (0.016") (thrust bearing 0.2) .................... 47.375–47.425 mm (1.8652–1.8651")
0.6 mm (0.024") (thrust bearing 0.3) .................... 47.575–47.625 mm (1.8730–1.8750")
Fillet radius (R) ....................................................... 3.75–4.00 mm (0.148–0.158")

Thrust washers (thrust bearing)

Width (B) standard ................................................. 3.1–3.2 mm (0.122–0.126")
0.1 mm (0.004") .................................................. 3.2–3.3 mm (0.126–0.130")
0.2 mm (0.008") .................................................. 3.3–3.4 mm (0.130–0.134")
0.3 mm (0.012") .................................................. 3.4–3.5 mm (0.134–0.138")

Group 20 Technical data

Main bearing shells

Type ...................................................................... replaceable
Outer diameter (C) ................................................. 113.0 mm (4.45")
Thickness (D) standard .......................................... 2.5 mm (0.098")
0.25 mm (0.010") ................................................ 2.6–2.7 mm (0.102–0.106")
0.50 mm (0.020") ................................................ 2.7–2.8 mm (0.106–0.110")
0.75 mm (0.030") ................................................ 2.8–2.9 mm (0.110–0.114")
1.00 mm (0.040") ................................................ 2.9–3.0 mm (0.114–0.118")
1.25 mm (0.050") ................................................ 3.1–3.2 mm (0.122–0.126")
Diameter (Ø) for machining, standard ..................... 92.0 mm (3.62")
0.25 mm (0.010") ................................................ 91.73–91.75 mm (3.6114–3.612")
0.50 mm (0.020") ................................................ 91.48–91.50 mm (3.6016–3.6024")
0.75 mm (0.030") ................................................ 91.23–91.25 mm (3.5917–3.5925")
1.00 mm (0.040") ................................................ 90.98–91.00 mm (3.5819–3.5827")
1.25 mm (0.050") ................................................ 90.73–90.75 mm (3.5720–3.5728")
Surface finish, crankpin ......................................... Ra 0.25
Surface finish, radius ............................................. Ra 0.4
Width (A) thrust bearing journal .............................. 56.9–57.0 mm (2.240–2.244")
Fillet radius (R) (5.25–5.5) ...................................... 3.75–4.00 mm (0.148–0.158")

Big-end bearing shells

Outside diameter (B) .............................................. 96.85 mm (3.8130")
Thickness (C) standard .......................................... 2.39–2.40 mm (0.0941–0.0945")
0.25 mm (0.010") ................................................ 2.51–2.52 mm (0.0988–0.0992")
0.50 mm (0.020") ................................................ 2.64–2.65 mm (0.1039–0.1043")
0.75 mm (0.030") ................................................ 2.76–2.77 mm (0.1087–0.1091")
1.00 mm (0.040") ................................................ 2.89–2.90 mm (0.1138–0.1142")
1.25 mm (0.050") ................................................ 3.01–3.02 mm (0.1185–0.1189")
Diameter, bearing shell seat (D) ............................. 96.84–96.85 mm (3.8126–3.8130")

Technical data Group 20

Connecting rod
Length, centre-to-centre (E) .................................... 260 mm (10.236")
Connecting rod and cap1 ........................................ 1 to 6
”FRONT” on the shank to face ............................... Forwards
Connecting rod bush inside diameter (G) ................ 55 mm (2.165")
Axial clearance, big-end - crankshaft, max.2 .......... 0.35 mm (0.014")
Big-end bearing, radial clearance, max.2 ................. 0.10 mm (0.004")
Straightness, max. deviation per 100 mm (3.94")
measured length .................................................... 0.06 mm (0.002")
Warping, max. deviation per 100 mm (3.94")
measured length .................................................... 0.15 mm (0.006")
Marking on same side
The measurements apply to oiled parts

Flywheel. fitted
Max. permissible axial runout,
test radius 150 mm (5.91") ...................................... 0.20 mm (0.008")
Number of teeth on starter ring ............................... 153
Sensor grooves on flywheel ................................... 3 x 18

Group 20 Technical data

Lubricating system
Oil grade Fuel sulphur content in per cent by weight

up to 0.5 % 0.5 - 1.0 % more than 1.0 %

Oil change interval: in operation whichever reached first
VDS-2 and ACEA E3 600 hours or 12 months 300 hours or 12 months 150 hours or 12 months
VDS and ACEA E3 400 hours or 12 months 200 hours or 12 months 100 hours or 12 months3)
ACEA : E4, E3, E2
API: CE, CF, CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 200 hours or 12 months 100 hours or 12 months 50 hours or 12 months3)

NOTE: Mineral-based, fully-synthetic or synthetic-based oil can be used provided that the above oil grade
require-ments are fulfilled.
At a sulphur content >1.0 per cent by weight, oil with a TBN >15 should be used.
Lubricating oil should meet both requirements.
Note: API: CG-4 or CH-4 is acceptable in markets outside Europe (instead of ACEA E3).
Lubricating oil with TBN 14-20 should be used

VDS = Volvo Drain Specification

ACEA = Association des Constructeurs Européenne d’Automobiles
API = American Petroleum Institute
TBN = Total Base Number

The viscosity should be selected from the adjacent
table. Note: the temperatures refer to constant outside
air temperature.

* Refers to synthetic or synthetic-based oil.

Change volume including changing three filters:
For horizontal installation ....................................... 35 litres (9.2 US gal)

Oil pressure
Operating engine speed 1100 rpm or higher ........... 400–550 kPa (58–80 psi)
Idling speed, minimum ........................................... 175 kPa (25 psi)

Oil filters
Number .................................................................. 3
Full-flow filter (tightened 1/2–3/4 turn after fitting) ... 2
Bypass filter (tightened 3/4–1 turn after fitting) ....... 1

Oil pump
Type ...................................................................... Gear driven

Technical data Group 20

Oil valves

1. Safety valve
Marking .................................................................. Yellow
Safety valve opening pressure ............................... 700 kPa (101 psi)

2. Delivery valve, oil cooler

Marking .................................................................. 124
Delivery valve, oil cooler, opening pressure ........... 300 kPa (43 psi)

3, 5. Overflow valve, oil filter, full-flow/by-pass

Marking on spring ................................................... Blue/yellow
Overflow valve, oil filter, opening pressure ............. 110 kPa (16 psi)
Free length ............................................................. 68.8 mm (2.71")
Loaded with 25–29 N (2.5–2.9 kgf (5.5–6.4 lbs)) ..... 40.0 mm (1.58")

4. Piston cooling valve

Marking .................................................................. Orange
Piston cooling valve, opening pressure .................. 200 kPa (29 psi)

6. Pressure reducing valve

Marking .................................................................. Blue
Pressure reducing valve, opening pressure ............ 480 kPa (70 psi)

Group 20 Technical data

Fuel system

Injection order
Injection order ........................................................ 1-5-3-6-2-4

Feed pump
Feed pressure after fuel filter at 1000 rpm, min. ..... 350 kPa (51 psi)
Feed pressure after fuel filter at full load, min. ....... 350 kPa (51 psi)

Overflow valve
Opening pressure ................................................... 400–450 kPa
(58–65 psi)

Sensor spacing
Camshaft ............................................................... 0.3–1.0 mm (0.012–0.040")
Flywheel ................................................................ 0.75–2.1 mm (0.030–0.083")

Unit injectors
Prestress (setting with gauge) ................................ 68.9±0.1 mm (2.712±0.004")

Technical data Group 20

Inlet and exhaust system

Engine ................................................................... TAD1240GE TAD1241GE/VE
Manufacturer and type ........................................... 3K/Warner K31 3971 QXAKB K31 3971 QXAKB
24.21 DCAYD 27.21 DCAYD

Lubrication system ................................................ Force-feed lubrication

Max. permissible axial clearance ........................... 0.16 mm (0.0063")
Max. permissible radial clearance
(turbocharger side) ................................................ 0.45 mm (0.0177")

Pressure drop indicator

Air filter TAD1240-42GE TAD1241-42VE
Level for indication (vacuum) ................................. 500 mm (19.7") w.g.

Exhaust back pressure

Exhaust back pressure, max. ................................ 10 kPa 15 kPa
(1.5 psi) (2,2 psi)

Cooling system
Type ...................................................................... Overpressure, closed
Pressure cap valve opens at ................................. 75 kPa (11 psi)
Capacity (engine) .................................................. 20 litres (5.3 US gal)
Capacity (engine + radiator and hoses) ................. 44 litres (11.6 US gal)

Thermostat TAD1240-42GE TWD1240VE

Type ...................................................................... Piston thermostat
Number .................................................................. 1
Opening temperature ............................................. 82° C 75° C
(187°F) (167°F)
Coolant filter
Number .................................................................. 1

Coolant pump
Type ...................................................................... Geared centrifugal pump

Group 20 Technical data

Type ...................................................................... Volvo Penta glycol
Consisting of .......................................................... Glycol + corrosion inhibiting additives
Colour .................................................................... Blue-green
Mixed with .............................................................. Water*

Corrosion inhibitor
Type ...................................................................... Volvo original corrosion inhibitor
Used ...................................................................... When Volvo Penta anti-freeze is unnecessary
Mixed with .............................................................. Water*

NOTE: The corrosion inhibitor additive must not be

mixed with coolant or any other type of corrosion in-
hibitor as this could give rise to adverse effects.
* Water quality
To avoid the risk of clogging in the cooling system the coolant
should be mixed with pure water to ASTM D4985. If in any
doubt about the purity of the water, distilled water or ready-
mixed coolant should be used instead.

ASTM D4985:
Total solid particulate ............................................. < 340 ppm
Total hardness ....................................................... < 9.5° dH
Chloride .................................................................. < 40 ppm
Sulphate ................................................................ < 100 ppm
pH value ................................................................ 5.5–9
Silicon .................................................................... < 20 mg SiO2/l (<20 ppm SiO2)
Iron ........................................................................ < 0.10 ppm
Manganese ............................................................ < 0.05 ppm
Conductivity ........................................................... < 500 µS/cm
Organic content, CODMn ......................................... < 15 mg KMnO4/l (<15 ppm KMnO4)

Technical data Group 20

Tightening torques
General tightening torques Nm (kgfm)
M6 standard bolt 8.8 .............................................. 10±1.5 (1.0±0.15)
M8 standard bolt 8.8 .............................................. 24±4 (2.4±0.4)
M10 standard bolt 8.8 ............................................ 48±8 (4.8±0.8)
M12 standard bolt 8.8 ............................................ 85±15 (8.5±1.5)
M14 standard bolt 8.8 ............................................ 140±25 (14.0±2.5)

Special tightening torques Nm (kgfm) Angle tightening

Group 21
Front engine mounting, crossmember (M14) .......... 180±15 (18.0±1.5)
Front engine mounting (M16) .................................. 220±35 (22.0±3.5)
Rear engine mounting, flywheel housing (M16) ....... 220±35 (22.0±3.5)
Main bearings
Stage 1 .................................................................. 150±20 (15.0±2.0)
Stage 2 .................................................................. 120°±5°
Big-end cap ............................................................ 275±12 (27.5±1.2)
-0 -0
(see tightening diagram ”Flywheel” page 22) ........... 245 +25 +24.5 +2,5
Flywheel housing ................................................... 140±14 (14.0±1.4)
Vibration damper, inner (2 socket cap screws)
Stage 1 .................................................................. 60±5 (6.0±0.5)
Stage 2 .................................................................. 90°±5°
Vibration damper outer or Pulley
(10 bolts, see tightening diagram
”Outer vibration damper” page 24)
Stage 1 .................................................................. 60±5 (6.0±0.5)
Stage 2 .................................................................. 90°±5°
Rocker cover (see tightening diagram
”Rocker cover” page 22) ......................................... 20±2 (2.0±0.2)
Stud, rocker cover ................................................. 40±3 (4.0±0.3)
Cylinder head (see tightening diagram
”Cylinder head” page 23)
Stage 1 .................................................................. 60±10 (6.0±1.0)
Stage 2 (check tightening) ..................................... 60±10 (6.0±1.0)
Stage 3 .................................................................. 90°±5°
Stage 4 .................................................................. 90°±5°
Clean-out plugs, cylinder head ............................... 60±10 (6.0±1.0)
Lock nut, valve adjustment bolt ............................. 38±4 (3.8±0.4)

Group 20 Technical data

Special tightening torques

Bolts for camshaft bearing caps should be tightened in 5 stages, see tightening diagram “Bearing caps, camshaft/
rocker arm shaft” page 23.
Timing cover, upper (see tightening diagram ”Timing cover, upper” page 25)
Timing gear incl. toothed wheel (see tightening diagram ”Timing gear” page 25)

Nm (kgfm) Angle tightening

Timing plate (see ”Timing plate” page 24) ............. 34±4 (3.4±0.4)

Group 22
Oil nozzle in timing gear
(see ”Timing gear” page 25) .................................... 34±4 (3.4±0.4)
Oil cooler, retaining bolts ........................................ 27±4 (2.7±0.4)
Cover, oil cooler (see tightening diagram
”Cover, oil cooler” page 27) ................................... 24±4
Delivery oil pipe (see ”Delivery oil pipe” page 26) .. 180° new pipe 60° used pipe
Bolt, piston cooling nozzle
(see Piston cooling nozzle” page 26) ...................... 24±4 (2.4±0.4)
Drain plug, oil sump ............................................... 60±10 (6.0±1.0)

Group 23
Bolt, retaining yoke, unit injector
(new copper sleeve)
First tightening
Stage 1 .................................................................. 20±5 (2.0±0.5)
Stage 2 .................................................................. 180°±5°
Undo the bolt for the unit injector retaining yoke
before the second tightening
Second tightening
Stage 1 .................................................................. 20±5 (2.0±0.5)
Stage 2 .................................................................. 60°±5°
Bolt, retaining yoke, unit injector
(old copper sleeve)
Stage 1 .................................................................. 20±5 (2.0±0.5)
Stage 2 .................................................................. 60°±5°
Lock nut for adjusting screw, unit injector .............. 52±4 (5.2±0.4)
Nut, connection, unit injector .................................. 1.5±0.5 (0.15±0.05)
Clamping and tightening torques for fuel lines
(see ”Fuel lines” page 28).

IMPORTANT! Pay attention and do NOT tighten the nut for the electrical
connections (on the unit injector) to a higher torque than specified above.

Technical data Group 20

Tightening diagram


Rocker cover

Group 20 Technical data

Cylinder head

Bearing caps, camshaft/rocker arm shaft

NOTE: Tightening in stage 2 should be carried out gradually to ensure that the rocker arm shaft bottoms against
the bearing housings without bending.

NOTE: In stage 4 undo the marked bolts before continuing to stage 5. If the rocker arm shaft has been loosened
or removed, only the bolts retaining the shaft should be tightened according to the diagram on refitting.

Technical data Group 20

Timing plate

Centre the plate using tool 9998267. No special tightening sequence for marked bolts.

Outer vibration damper

Group 20 Technical data

Timing cover, upper


Technical data Group 20

Piston cooling nozzle

NOTE: The piston cooling nozzle retaining bolt has a
friction coating and can be used only once.

IMPORTANT! Incorrect piston cooling always

leads to seizing of the piston or pistons. If it is
suspected that the piston cooling nozzle could
be damaged or deformed it must be changed.
This applies to new nozzles also. Always check
that the piston cooling nozzle is correctly loca-
ted in the hole in the cylinder block and that the
retaining plate lies flat against the cylinder block.
If the piston cooling nozzle is not correctly fit-
ted, engine breakdown when under load will be
the immediate result.

Delivery oil pipe

Tighten to ”0 clearance” and then angle tighten 60º for
a used delivery oil pipe and 180º for a new delivery oil

Group 20 Technical data

Cover, oil cooler

Always use locating pins when positioning the cover on the engine.

1 Insert screws A and B to align the cover.

2 Tighten screws C and D.
3 Insert all screws, tighten the screws in numerical order from the center outwards, in accordance with the
diagram (1 - 4).
4 Check screws C and D for tightness.

Technical data Group 20

Fuel lines TAD

A. Banjo bolt 34±4 Nm (25±3 lbf. ft)

B. Nipple 14±3 Nm (10±2.2 lbf. ft)
C. Overflow valve 55±5 Nm (41±3.7 lbf. ft)
D. Banjo bolt 35±4 Nm (26±3 lbf. ft)
E. Nut 65±5 Nm (48±3.7 lbf. ft)
F. Nut 65±5 Nm (48±3.7 lbf. ft)
G. Banjo bolt 15±2.5 Nm (11±1.8 lbf. ft)
1 H. Bolt 55±5 Nm (41±3.7 lbf. ft)

Group 20 Technical data

Fuel lines TWD

A. Overflow valve 55±5 Nm (41±3.7 lbf ft)

B. Banjo bolt 35±5 Nm (26±3.7 lbf ft)
C. Nut 65±5 Nm (48±3.7 lbf ft)
D. Nut 65±5 Nm (48±3.7 lbf ft)
E. Banjo bolt 15±2 Nm (11±1.5 lbf ft)
1 F. Banjo bolt 34±4 Nm (25±3 lbf ft)
2 G. Hose connection 55±5 Nm (41±3.7 lbf ft)

Group 20

Exhaust manifold

Stage 1. Tighten bolts 1 to 10 Nm (0.7 to 7.4 lbf.ft) (max.) Stage 4. Tighten bolts 2 to 52 ±4 Nm (1.5 to 38 ±3 lbf.ft)
Stage 2. Tighten bolts 2 to 10 Nm (1.5 to 7.4 lbf.ft) (max.) Stage 5. Tighten bolts 4 to 52 ±4 Nm (3.0 to 38 ±3 lbf.ft)
Stage 3. Tighten bolts 3 to 52 ±4 Nm (2.2 to 38 ±3 lbf.ft) Stage 6. Tighten bolts 1 to 52 ±4 Nm (0.7 to 38 ±3 lbf.ft)

Intercooler (TWD)

Tightening diagram

Tightening is done in two stages, in accordance with the tightening diagram.

Stage 1. Insert all of the screws; screw them down until they touch the surface.
Stage 2. Tighten the screws in accordance with the tightening diagram, to a torque of 20 ±2 Nm (14.7 ±1.5 lb. ft.).

Group 20

References to Service Bulletins

Group No. Date Concerning













Group 20














Group 20














Group 20

Report form

Do you have any complaints or other comments about this manual. Please
make a copy of this page, write your comments down and send them to us. The
address is at the bottom. We would prefer you to write in English or Swedish.

From: ............................................................................




Refers to publication: .............................................................................................................................................

Publication No.: ............................................................. Date of issue: .................................................................

Proposal/motivation: ..............................................................................................................................................









Date: ................................................................

Signed: .............................................................

AB Volvo Penta
Technical Information
Dept. 42200
SE-405 08 Göteborg
7741112-2 English 10–2001

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