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Yulia Karpova




Presented to the Faculties of Central European University in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
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Budapest, Hungary

Dissertation Supervisor: Marsha Siefert


Copyright in the text of this dissertation rests with the author. Copies by any process, either
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and lodged in the Central European University Library. Details may be obtained from the
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I hereby declare that this dissertation contains no materials accepted for any other degrees
in any other institutions and no materials previously written and/or published by another
person unless otherwise noted.
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This study explores the formation of a new aesthetics in Soviet Russia during the

1950s-60s, carried out by art professionals – art critics, philosophers, decorative artists,

architects and designers. It introduces the concept of “aesthetic turn,” understood not as a

rupture from the Stalin era art canon, but as the gradual broadening of the meaning of

aesthetics to encompass the spheres of everyday life, consumption, science and technology.

I argue that by reconfiguring the principles of visual and material cultures, art professionals

offered their specific vision of socialism, in many ways continuous with the Russian avant-

garde and based on honest and creative relationships with objects, cheerful labor using

beautiful, ergonomic tools and comfortable environments for recreation and self-


Extensively exploiting archival and published sources, I analyze ideas, debates,

projects, material objects and exhibitions across the closely interconnected fields of applied

art, monumental art and industrial design, thus offering a view of post-war Soviet design

in a broad sense. By revealing multiple voices of creative individuals, this study moves

beyond existing interpretations of Soviet design as a weapon in the cultural Cold War, an

instrument of social control employed by experts on the state’s behalf, or simply as an

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exercise in the plagiarism of Western models. As my analysis demonstrates, by the late

1960s Soviet art professionals succeeded to create a vibrant intellectual space between

conformity and dissent. This dissertation thus contributes to the growing body of

scholarship that recognizes the complex cultural and intellectual trajectories running

through the conventionally understood periodization of Soviet history.



It is a great pleasure to express my appreciation for all the support, professional and

otherwise, that I was lucky to receive while working on this dissertation. Thanks to a

number of people this process, in spite of all difficulties, has been an exciting journey.

My deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Marsha Siefert, for all the inspiring

advice, kind patience and help in improving my academic prose. This doctoral project could

hardly have been completed without Prof. Siefert’s constant trust in it and in my capacity

to cope with its various intellectual challenges. I would also like to thank Karl Hall for his

attentive reading of my text and his useful suggestions on how to handle particular research

questions. During my two-months as a visiting student at Princeton University, my external

adviser, Serguei Oushakine, provided me with invaluable help in developing my theoretical

framework and dissertation structure and in integrating literature from different disciplines

into my approach to late Soviet aesthetics.

Over the years of research and writing, I have been fortunate to receive financial

support from the CEU in the form of a doctoral stipend, several research and travel grants,

and a dissertation write-up grant. In the late stages of my work, I significantly benefited

from a 4-month research grant from the Malevich Society and a 2-month stipend of the
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German Historical Institute in Moscow (DHI). A travel subsidy from Princeton University

allowed me to participate in a conference on the “afterlives” of Soviet Constructivism,

which turned out to be immensely significant to my progress.

I am grateful to Irina Sandomirskaja, Susan Emily Reid, David Crowley, Vladimir

Paperny, Vitaly Komar, Olga Nekrasova-Karateeva, Galina Gabriel, Larisa Stepanova,

Mikhail Kos’kov, Julia Gusarova, Vasilii Gusarov and Larisa Romanova, Susanna

Weygandt, Daniil Leiderman, Sampsa Kaataja, Oleksandr Nadtoka, Tom Cubbin, Daria

Bocharnikova, Anton Sheverdiaev, Natalia Petrova, Natalia Malevskaia-Malevich,

Angelina Lucento, Ilya Kukulin, Alexander Terebenin, Dmitry Kozlov and Pavel Vasiliev,

who helped my doctoral project in various ways. Special thanks go to Anton Kotenko, who

tirelessly encouraged me not to give up and supplied me with copies of precious research

materials; to Ioana Toma, dearest friend, who taught me to reduce self-criticism and move

beyond my perceived limitations; to Anna Mazanik, who gave helpful advice during the

difficult moment, when I was writing the concluding pages; and to Marlow Davis and

Robin Bellers, who took over the task of proofreading parts of my text. I would also like to

thank the “inhabitants” of the CEU PhD lab for their encouragement and enlivening

conversations in the final stage of my work.

Finally, I greatly appreciate the enduring support and trust of my family. I am

especially indebted to my mother, Tatiana, who always reminded me that completing a

doctoral dissertation only seems to be an unbearable task.

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Table of Contents

List of Illustrations ..............................................................................................................vi

List of Abbreviations ..........................................................................................................ix
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter I: The Birth of Soviet Designer ............................................................................ 38
1. 1. Prolegomena: Design and Decoration in Stalin’s Time (1930s-1940s) ............. 39
1.2. The Beginning of Applied Artists’ Reformist Propositions (1950-1957) ........... 50
1. 3. From Applied Art to Design (1957 – 1962) ....................................................... 67
1.4. VNIITE and the Formation of the Soviet System of Design (1962-1968).......... 82
Chapter II: Realism Reconsidered ..................................................................................... 99
2.1. Compromises with Representation (first half of the 1950s) .............................. 100
2.2. Challenging the Visual Canon (around 1956) ................................................... 113
2.3. The Theme of “Organic” and Its Variations (1957-1970)................................. 120
Chapter III: Updating the Material Environment ............................................................. 177
3.1 “To Catch Up and Overtake”: Transcending the Lag of Decorative Arts (1954-
1960) ......................................................................................................................... 181
3.2. Designing for the Rising Generation: Student Projects for Moscow Pioneer
Palace (1959-60) ....................................................................................................... 205
3.3. Technical Aesthetics as an Updating Tool (the 1960s) ..................................... 239
Chapter IV: Excess and Taste .......................................................................................... 268
4.1. In search of a “honest” object (mid-1950s – early 1960s) ................................ 275
4.2. “Dynamizing” the Notion of Taste (mid-1960s) ............................................... 293
4.3. Beyond Utility: The “Decorativist Turn” (second half of the 1960s) ............... 305
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 323
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Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 338


List of Illustrations

Fig. 0.1. Double page (40-41) of Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 10 (October 1967). Left: M.
Primachenko, decorative painting, Bolotnia, Kiev oblast, 1965. Right: Mikhail Posokhin et
al, COMECON Building at Novyi Arbat in Moscow, 1967.
Fig. 0.2. Double page (48-49) of Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 10 (October 1967). Lenin
Monument in Batumi, 1920s.
Chapter II:
Fig. 2.1. Porcelain ware by Anna Leporskaia, the repository of the Museum of the Imperial
Porcelain Factory in St. Petersburg.
Fig. 2.2. Anna Leporskaia, jug “Round,” porcelain, colorless glaze, 1954.
Fig. 2.3. A. Sotnikov (Vkhutein) under supervision of Vladimir Tatlin, feeding cup for
infants. 1930.
Fig. 2.4. Anna Leporskaia, coffee set “Drop,” porcelain, colorless glaze, 1959.
Fig. 2.5. Variants of painting of “Drop’ by different artists of the Lomonosov Factory, 1960.
Fig. 2.6. Coffee Set “Evening,” painting by A. Semionova on the form “Drop” by A.
Leporskaia, porcelain, overglaze polychrome painting, 1960.
Fig. 2.7. Anna Leporskaia, saucer “Leaf,” porcelain, colorless glaze, 1960.
Fig. 2.8. Anna Leporskaia, Coffee set “Little Elephant,”porcelain, colorless glaze, 1960.
Fig. 2.9. Anna Leporskaia, Coffee set “Flowers and Leaves,” colorless glaze, 1966.
Fig. 2.10. Leonid Liak, design of Anna Leporskaia’s personal exhibition in Leningrad,
Fig. 2.11. Anna Leporskaia, 20.08.1964.
Fig. 2.12. Vessel-tykvianka; Nikolai Tyrsa, decanter for water, colored glass. 1941.
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Fig. 2.13. I. N. Sokolova and L. F. Amchislavskii, bucket, glued laminated timber, 1966;
L. N. and D. N. Sushkanov, mug, wood. 1965; L. N. and D. N. Sushkanov, trough, wood,
Fig. 2.14. A. M. Ostroumov, vase “Accord.” Lead glass, faceting, 1966.
Fig. 2.15. Unknown artist, tea-cup and saucer, porcelain, overglaze painting, Russia, 19th

Fig. 1.16. Eduard Krimmer, tea-set “Little Birch,” fragment, porcelain, polychrome over-
glaze painting, 1958.

Fig. 2.17. Boris Smirnov, Glass, bottle for brandy and shot from the set “Orchestra,” lead
glass, engraving by pobedit pencil, 1963.

Chapter III:

Fig. 3.1. Artist of the Slutskaia factory V. Kosovich examines the fabric with new pattern,
Leningrad, November 19, 1948.
Fig. 3.2. Artists of the Slutskaya factory N. E. Sorokin, E. M. Garbarian and Iu. A.
Parnitsyna examine the designs for textile patterns, Leningrad, February 6, 1956.
Fig. 3.3. All-Union House of Dress Protorypes, the dress from the staple viscose fabric
designed by P. Mel’nikov, 1955.
Fig. 3.4. Crepe “Sherbakovskii,” Shcherbakov silk combine, 1954 (author’s photograph of
an actual fabric sample attached to the article).
Fig. 3.5. Hotel “Iunost’” (Moscow), 1961, entrance hall.
Fig. 3.6. Pioneer Palace on Sparrow (Lenin) Hills, entrance to the main building, photo by
Polina Kirilenko.
Fig. 3.7. Pioneer Palace on Sparrow (Lenin) Hills, Concert Hall, photo by Polina Kirilenko.
Fig. 3.8. Pioneer Palace on the Sparrow (Lenin) Hills, Parade Ground, photo by Denis
Fig. 3.9. V. Egerev and P. Shimeson, decorative lattice of the winter garden (after the
project by V. Gubarev), Pioneer Palace on the Lenin Hills, 1962.
Fig. 3.10. Contemporary view on the lattice (photo by the author, July 2014), Pioneer
Palace on the Lenin Hills, 1962.
Fig. 3.11. D. Shakhovskoi and M. Lukashevker, decoration in the foyer of Planetarium,
fragment, Pioneer Palace on the Lenin Hills, 1962.
Fig. 3.12. Pioneer café interior, Pioneer Palace on the Lenin Hills, 1962.
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Fig. 3.13. Playroom for young schoolchildren (oktiabriata), Pioneer Palace on the Lenin
Hills, 1962.
Fig.3.14. Interior of the jet aircraft TU-105B, 1963-64.
Fig.3.15. Project of arranging kitchenware and implements for the family of 3-4 people, LF
VNIITE, 1966.
Fig. 3.16. Technical drawing of aluminum frying pan, LF VNIITE, 1966.
Fig. 3.17. Mock-up of aluminum frying pan, LF VNIITE, 1966.
Fig. 3.18. Technical drawing of enameled steel teapot, LF VNIITE, 1966.

Fig. 3.19. Mock-up of enameled steel teapot, LF VNIITE, 1966.

Chapter IV:
Fig. 4.1; 4.2. A still from the film “There is Such a Lad,” 1964.
Fig. 4.3. M. Levina, fruit set “Flame,” Faience, Kalinin Faience factory, 1957.
Fig. 4.4. Jonas Prapuolenis (Lithuanian SSR), model furniture set, wood, 1957.
Fig. 4.5. Kitchenware produced at the Factories of Leningrad sovnarkhoz: “Emal’-posuda
no. 2” and “Krasnyi Vyborzhets,” before 1961.
Fig. 4.6. A. Semenova (author of painting), V. Semenov (author of form), tea set
“Snezhnyi,” porcelain, before 1961, Leningrad Porcelain Factory.
Fig. 4.7. S. Beskinskaia, glassware set “Domashnii,” sulfide glass; E. Ivanova, vase
“Romashka”, sulfide glass, both before 1961, factory “Krasnyi Mai,” Tver’ oblast.
Fig.4.8. A. and V. Naskitis. Furnishing of the dining room of a two-room apartment, design
bureau of Lithuanian sovnarkhoz.
Fig.4.9; 4.10. Interiors of women’s rooms in students’ and workers’ dormitory in Kalinin,
Fig.4.11. V. Ol’shevskii, decorative vase, chamotte, before 1965.
Fig.4.12. V. Ol’shevskii, teapot from tea set, faience, before 1965.
Fig. 4.13. V. Ol’shevskii, sugar bowl from tea set, porcelain, before 1965.

Fig. 4.14. Boris Smirnov, decorative sculpture “Tea couple,” colored class, 1966, photo by
the author.
Fig. 4.15. Iurii Biakov, object “Troika,” glass, sand blasting, depolishing, 1968, photo by
the author.
Fig. 4.16. Figure 4.16. Vladimir Gorodetskii, tea set “Blossoming cobalt,” porcelain,
underglaze painting, 1968.
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Fig. 4.17; 4.18. Boris Smirnov, composition “Festive Table” (fragment), color glass, 1966.
Fig. 5.1. Tomas Maldonado with Marietta Gize and Iosif Vaks in the Mukhina School,
November 20, 1969.

List of Abbreviations

CPSU – Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Ginkhuk – State nstitute of Artistic Culture (Petrograd-Leningrad, 1923-1926).
Inkhuk – Institute of Artistic Culture (Moscow, 1920-1924).
KB – Engineering Bureau
KhKR – artistic-engineeringnelaboration (the predominant form of design practice at VNIITE in
the 1960s)
LOSKh – Leningrad Branch of the RSFSR Union of Artists (1959-1968); Leningrad Organization
of Soviet Artists (from 1968)
LSSKh – Leningrad Union of Soviet Artists (until 1959)
LVKhPU – Leningrad Higher School for Art and Industry named after V. I. Mukhina
MOSKh – Moscow Branch of the RSFSR Union of Artists
MVKhPU – Moscow Higher School for Art and Industry (former Stroganov School)
SKhKB – Special Artistic-Egineering Bureau (from 1964)
TsUES – Central Educational and Experimental Studio for Design (from 1964)
Vkhutein - Higher Artistic-Technical Institute (1926-1930)
Vkhutemas – Higher Artistic-Technical Workshop (1920-1926)
VLKSM, Komsomol – All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League (youth division of
VNIITE – All-Union Research Institute for Technical Aesthetics (from 1962)

Note on transliteration:

This dissertation uses the Library of Congress transliteration system, with the exception of
firmly established forms for specific names (Gorky, Mayakovsky, Shklovsky, Lissitzky,
and Groys).
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Design is a conscious and intuitive effort to impose meaningful order.

Victor Papanek, 1970.1

It is the way in which, by assembling words or forms, people define not merely various forms of
art, but certain configurations of what can be seen and what can be thought, certain forms of
inhabiting material world. These configurations, which are at once symbolic and material, cross
the borders between arts, genres, and epochs. They cut across categories of an autonomous history
or technique, art or politics.

Jacques Ranciere, 2002.2

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Victor J. Papanek, Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, 2nd ed. (London:
Thames and Hudson, 1991), 4.
Jacques Ranciere, “The Surface of Design, in Jacques Ranciere, The Future of the Image, English ed.
(London ; New York: Verso, 2007), 91.


In October 1967, readers of the Soviet journal Decorative Art of the USSR

(Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR) found the new issue without its usual table of contents and

mostly devoid of text. Instead, they saw forty-five pages of high quality color and black-

and-white reproductions of objects produced at different times during the fifty years of

Soviet power. This is how the journal editors—decorative artists, designers, critics and

philosophers—chose to celebrate the jubilee of the October Revolution, joining the chorus

of numerous festive events of the Soviet 1967. The editorial, appropriately entitled “Glory

to the 50th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution,” explained the choice:

“In this journal issue we give the floor to the wordless yet eloquent witnesses to our history,

the products of the creative spirit of artists.”1 The “witnesses” appeared on the following

pages: monuments to the Soviet Constitution, to Karl Marx and to Jean-Paul Marat, built

in 1918-19 in Moscow according to the Lenin Plan of Monumental Propaganda; a 1920

porcelain saucer, ‘Red Baltic Fleet,’ decorated with the figure of a revolutionary sailor; the

1935 post-constructivist pavilion of the Moscow metro station “Red Gates” by the avant-

garde architect Nikolai Ladovskii; an ensemble of traditional clay toys produced by Tajik,

Uzbek and Russian craftsmen in 1960-61; the 1967 memorial to the victims of Nazism on
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the site of the labor camp Salaspils (Latvia); a 1967 pulegoso2 glass vase by Moscow artists;

a selection of the late 1920s textile patterns with industrial motives; the interior of the

“Da zdravstvuet slavnoe 50-letiie Velikoi Oktiabr’skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii!” Dekrativnoe Iskusstvo
SSSR 10 (October 1967): 1-2. Unless indicated otherwise, the translation of all Russian quotations is mine.
Pulegoso (from the Italian dialect word pulega, “bubble”) refers to glass containing numerous bubbles of
various sizes, produced by adding bicarbonate of soda, gasoline, or other substances to the melt. The
technique was elaborated in the late 1920s at the Murano Island by designer and businessman Napoleone
Martinuzzi. The irregular texture of glass, produced by bubbles, resonated with Soviet glass artists’
experimentation with textures in the 1960s; hence the popularity of pulegoso in the Soviet Union.

Soviet Pavilion at Expo 1967 in Montreal; a decorative painting of a peacock by a village

craftsman from Kiev region; the recently finished high-rise building of the COMECON

Headquarters on the New Arbat Street in Moscow; and many more. The image gallery was

concluded by a black-and-white photo of the 1920s Lenin monument in Batumi, Georgia,

effectively opposed to a plain red page.

Figure 0.1. Double page (40-41) of Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 10 (October 1967). Left: M. Primachenko,
decorative painting. Bolotnia, Kiev oblast, 1965. Right: Mikhail Posokhin et al, COMECON Building at Novyi
Arbat in Moscow, 1967.
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Figure 0.2. Double page (48-49) of Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 10 (October 1967). Lenin Monument in
Batumi, 1920s.

To today’s viewers, the image gallery is striking by the eclecticism of themes, types,

scales and techniques. Its principles appear opaque, in a way similar to those of Borges’s

Chinese Encyclopedia, famously invoked by Michel Foucault in the preface to The Order

of Things – the reader faces the “oddity of unusual juxtapositions.”3 What was the reason

for placing together a war memorial, a porcelain cup, a youth café interior, and a Lenin

monument? The easy answer, that they had been all produced in the Soviet Union, does not

explain the choice of precisely these objects, and not others. Nor does it elucidate the

reasons for the slightly mixed chronology (interchanging objects from the 1920s and 1960s)

and for the conspicuous absence of the images from the period from the late 1930s to the

1950s. The question remains: what is the logic behind this order of things?

I suggest that the common ground for selecting objects for the special issue of

Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR, immediately comprehensible for the journal readership, was

the particular aesthetics that gradually emerged in the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death and

took a pronounced form by the late 1960s. Here I understand “aesthetics” not as art theory

or as a branch of philosophy dealing with art matters, but in a broader sense, put forth by

the philosopher Jacques Rancière, as “a specific regime for identifying and reflecting on

the arts: a mode of articulation between ways of doing and making, their corresponding

modes of visibility, and possible ways of thinking about their relationships.”4 The new
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aesthetics came to replace the Stalinist regime of the arts, which, following Rancière, can

be described as representative, that is, adhering to a hierarchy of genres and subject matter

Michel Foucault, The Order of Things: An Archeology of the Human Sciences (New York: Vintage Books,
1994), xvi.
Jacques Rancière, "Foreword," in The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible (London ; New
York: Continuum, 2006), 10.

and privileging speech over visibility.5 Within such a representative regime, the publication

of the image gallery discussed above was unthinkable. So was the appearance of a

specialized journal on decorative arts – notably, DI SSSR did not exist before December

1957. Though the rhetoric and meanings of art criticism changed throughout the Stalin era,

the narrative always overshadowed visual imagery. Thus, for example, the article “Thirty-

Five Years of the Soviet Art” by the President of the Soviet Academy of Arts Aleksandr

Gerasimov, published in November 1952 in the official art journal Iskusstvo, included only

few images – figurative painting and sculpture on heroic topics, – and a long narrative

glorifying the triumph of socialist realism, abundant with references to the works of Lenin

and Stalin.6 There, images appeared as illustrations to the text. On the contrary, the October

1967 issue of DI SSSR reduced texts to captions, allotting to the images the primary role in

expressing the ideals and effects of the Revolution, or, in other words, representing the

post-Stalin order of things. This dissertation investigates the historical event that made the

new type of representation possible – the formation of an aesthetic regime in Soviet Russia

in the 1950s-60s, carried out by art critics, art historians, philosophers, decorative artists,

architects and designers – a creative milieu that I call, for the sake of clarity, art

professionals. In what follows, I provide an extensive explanation of the notions comprising

the dissertation’s title – “Designer Socialism” and “Aesthetic Turn.” Then I proceed to
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discuss the basic terminology of my analysis, sources and methodology, and, finally, to

outline the dissertation’s chapters.

Rancière, "Foreword," 21.
Aleksandr Gerasimov, “Tridtsat’ piat’ let sovetskogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 5 (November-December 1952):

Conceptualizing the “Aesthetic Turn”

I call the process by which the aesthetic regime of arts came to replace the

representative one around 1953 in Soviet Russia the “aesthetic turn.” This term

immediately provokes two associations to be explained. Firstly, it recalls the numerous

“turns” that occurred in historiography in the second half of the twentieth century, as a

result of which today’s historian is, in Peter Burke’s witty expression, “in danger of

becoming dizzy.”7 In particular, the historiography of the Soviet Union witnessed a “social”

turn in the 1970s and a “cultural” turn spurred by the opening of the archives after the

collapse of the Soviet Union.8 In this dissertation, I by no means intend to exacerbate the

readers’ dizziness by proposing yet another turn in the scholarship on Soviet history. Nor

do I look for a historic “turn” in the Soviet academic disciplines of art history or aesthetics

in the 1950s – 1960s. Instead, I use the term to characterize the gradual broadening of the

meaning of aesthetics to encompass the world of objects and the ways people interact with

these objects.

Secondly, and more importantly, an “aesthetic turn” implies a certain position in the

periodization of Soviet history that was often written in terms of breaks, shifts and changes.

Up to the time period examined in this dissertation, Soviet history features such obvious
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Peter Burke, What Is Cultural History? (Cambridge, U.K: Polity Press, 2004), 71.
For a concise survey of these turns, see Sheila Fitzpatrick, "Introduction," in Fitzpatrick, ed., Stalinism: New
Directions (Routledge, 2000), 1:14. Starting in the field of the studies of Stalinism, “cultural turn” affected
the research on the Khrushchev period in the 2000s and more recently have inspired innovative historical
research on the Brezhnev period. See, for example: Polly Jones, ed., The Dilemmas of de-Stalinization:
Negotiating Cultural and Social Change in the Khrushchev Era, BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and
East European Studies 23 (London: Routledge, 2006); Melanie Ilič and Jeremy Smith, eds., Soviet State and
Society under Nikita Khrushchev, BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies 57
(London ; New York: Routledge, 2009); other examples of the scholarship on post-Stalin culture will be
discussed below in this introduction. For the survey of the recent studies of the Soviet 70s see Juliane Fürst,
“Where Did All the Normal People Go?: Another Look at the Soviet 1970s,” Kritika: Explorations in Russian
and Eurasian History 14, no. 3 (2013): 621–40.

landmarks as the introduction of New Economic Policy in 1921; Lenin’s death in 1924; the

launch of industrialization and forced collectivization in the late 1920s (notably,

characterized by Stalin himself as “Great Break”);9 the Great Terror of 1936-37, the

German Invasion in the Soviet Union in June 1941, the end of the war in 1945 and the new

wave of repressions; Stalin’s death on March 5, 1953 and Khrushchev’s famous “Secret

Speech” at the Twentieth Party Congress in 1956 that denounced Stalin’s personality cult

and proclaimed the Party’s return to the true Marxist-Leninist principles. While these

events strongly influenced all spheres of Soviet life, during the last two and a half decades

historians have presented more complex historical dynamics, focusing on particular

policies, activities and continuities such as retail trade, consumer culture, pleasure and

luxury, mass housing, youth culture, the position and value of intellectuals, and cultural

contacts with the West.10

The history of Soviet visual art, too, has its specific turning points, most famously,

the 1932 Party Decree “On the Reconstruction of Literary and Artistic Organizations” that

abolished all independent artistic initiatives; the First Convention of Soviet Writers in 1934,

I. V. Stalin, “God velikogo pereloma k XII godovshchne oktiabria,” Pravda, November 3, 1929. This term
was cited by a number of scholars of the period, for example: Lynne Viola, The Best Sons of the Fatherland:
Workers in the Vanguard of Soviet Collectivization (Oxford University Press, 1987); Michael David-Fox,
Revolution of the Mind: Higher Learning Among the Bolsheviks, 1918-1929 (Cornell University Press, 1997).
Jukka Gronow, Caviar with Champagne: Common Luxury and the Ideals of the Good Life in Stalin’s
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Russia, Leisure, Consumption, and Culture (Oxford: Berg, 2003); Julie Hessler and American Council of
Learned Societies, A Social History of Soviet Trade Trade Policy, Retail Practices, and Consumption, 1917-
1953 (Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2004); Amy E. Randall, The Soviet Dream World of Retail
Trade and Consumption in the 1930s, Consumption and Public Life (Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2008); David Crowley and Susan Emily Reid, eds., Pleasures in Socialism: Leisure and Luxury
in the Eastern Bloc (Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press, 2010); Mark B. Smith, Property of
Communists: The Urban Housing Program from Stalin to Khrushchev (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University
Press, 2010); Steven E. Harris, Communism on Tomorrow Street: Mass Housing and Everyday Life after
Stalin (Washington, D.C. : Baltimore: Woodrow Wilson Center Press ; The Johns Hopkins University Press,
2012); Juliane Furst, Stalin’s Last Generation: Soviet Post-War Youth and the Emergence of Mature
Socialism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010); Vladislav Zubok, Zhivago’s Children: The Last Russian
Intelligentsia (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011); Katerina Clark,
Moscow, the Fourth Rome: Stalinism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Evolution of Soviet Culture, 1931-1941
(Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2011).

where socialist realism was defined as the only approved method of Soviet art making; the

attack on cultural intelligentsia in 1948-1952, associated with the name of the Party

ideologist Andrei Zhdanov (the infamous “zhdanovshchina”), Khrushchev’s address at the

Second All-Union Convention of Construction Workers and Architects in December 1954,

denouncing “excess” in architecture and urging the architects and builders to turn to

industrial methods; the Picasso exhibition in Moscow in December 1956; and

Khrushchev’s intervention at the exhibition of Moscow Artists in December 1962 with a

harsh critique of abstract art that signaled the curtailment of the relative cultural freedoms

that had unfolded within the 20th Congress atmosphere. These events provide a general

framework of the perceived twin breaks: first, in 1932-1934, from the internationally

influential avant-garde, or “Soviet modernism,”11 to state-sponsored chauvinism and the

triumph of socialist realism, often dismissed as propagandist kitsch, or demonized as evil

“totalitarian art,” analogous to the art of the Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy;12 and second,

The widely known term “Russian avant-garde,” was applied to innovative art movements of the 1910s –
early 1930s retrospectively: it was used in the West since the 1960s and was not used as self-definition by
the artists in question (though was frequently referred to in broader political and social sense). Instead, such
terms as “leftist artists,” “futurists,” “Suprematists,” “Constructivists,” “productivists” proliferated, according
to artists’ professional orientations. The problematic nature of the term has been specifically discussed in
2009 in a special section of the No. 2 of the journal Russkaia literature. In particular, art historian Andrei
Krusanov brought to light the debate among late Soviet art historians about the criteria for defining a
movement or a particular artist as “avant-gardist” (such as active support of the Bolshevik revolution,
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provocative behavior, or rejection of figurative art). He also draws the line between the use of the term “avant-
garde” between art historians (iskusstvovedy) and historians proper (istoriki), arguing that the former pay
more attention at ideas and artworks while the latter explore social, economic, institutional and other contexts.
According to him, historians are responsible for turning “Russian avant-garde” from the notion (poniatiie) to
name (imia) – that is, from the tool of art criticism to the tool for describing particular historical event (see
A. V. Krusanov, “O termine ‘Russkii avangard,’” 2 (2009): 33-67). In spite of all these complexities, I chose
the term “Russian avant-garde” for present discussion, because it captures the character of post-war global
scholarly interest to this phenomenon; to borrow Krusanov’s classification, I use “avant-garde” as name. I
speak of Russian, rather than Soviet, modernism, in order to encompass also pre-revolutionary development,
while recognizing the spread of modernist art movements beyond what became Russian Socialist Federal
Soviet Republic. “Russkii arkhitekturnyi avangard: ot grants iavleniia k granitsam termina,” Russkaia
literatura 2 (2009): 33-67.
Igor Golomshtok, Totalitarian Art: In the Soviet Union, the Third Reich, Fascist Italy, and the People’s
Republic of China (London: Collins Harvill, 1990).

in 1954-1956, to the very cautious openness to Western culture, gradual “rehabilitation” of

the Russian avant-garde, at least in architecture, and, as several historians have recently

stressed, the emergence of design as a profession.13

Notably, the events associated with the second perceived break resulted in an

intensifying perception of the first one. In the atmosphere of renewed Soviet

internationalism and intensification of cultural contacts of the 1960s and 1970s, Western

travelers could become familiar with some avant-garde works, carefully preserved in

storage rooms of museums and in private archives, first of all, those by collectors Nikolai

Khardzhiev and George Costakis, and by artist Anna Leporskaia, a student of Kazimir

Malevich.14 These encounters fuelled excitement about the Russian avant-garde and,

consequently, its heroization as the victim of repressive Stalinist cultural policy. This

attitude was also greatly advanced within the Soviet Union by the surviving participants of

the avant-garde movements and by their pupils, the younger generation of creative

intelligentsia. The most prominent advocates of avant-garde visual art were the writer and

collector Nikolai Khardzhiev, who had been personally familiar with the avant-garde’s

greatest masters,15 and, from a younger generation, the architectural historian Selim Khan-

Susan E. Reid and David Crowley, eds., Style and Socialism: Modernity and Material Culture in Post-War
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Eastern Europe (Oxford: Berg, 2000); David Crowley and Jane Pavitt, eds., Cold War Modern: Design 1945-
1970 (London: V&A Pub, 2008); see also numerous articles by Susan Reid on Soviet design, domestic and
consumer culture.
Nikolai Khardzhiev, Stati Ob Avangarde: V Dvukh Tomakh, Arkhiv Russkogo Avangarda (Moskva: RA,
1997); Troels Andersen, ed., K. S. Malevich. The Leporskaia Archive (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press,
2011). See also an American art critic’s personal recollection about his experience of discussing avant-
garde in a circle of Moscow intellectuals in 1967: Hilton Kramer, “Rehabilitating the Russian Avant-
Garde,” The New Criterion 7 (September 1988): 1, available at
http://www.newcriterion.com/articles.cfm/Rehabilitating-the-Russian-avant-garde-5705 accessed
From 1960 to 1968, Khardzhiev organized a serious of short exhibitions of the avant-garde in the
Mayakovsky Museum in Moscow, including those of Malevich, Tatlin, Lissitzky and Filonov. Matthew Jesse
Jackson, The Experimental Group: Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Gardes (University
of Chicago Press, 2010), 55-56. See also Nikolaĭ Khardzhiev, A Legacy Regained: Nikolai Khardzhiev and
the Russian Avant-Garde (Palace Editions, 2002).

Magomedov and design critic Larisa Zhadova (the wife of the celebrated poet Konstantin

Simonov). Their enthusiasm about the avant-garde’s revival echoed that in the West,

especially in the US, where it was a part of a larger trend: European modernism was

imported to America before World War II by such masters as Mies van der Rohe and László

Moholy-Nagy and popularized by the Museum of Modern Art. After the war, it evolved

(or, according to some, degraded) into a uniform, business-driven International Style, yet

was also radicalized by certain progressively-thinking architects and designers.16 The

MoMA’s first director, Alfred H. Barr Jr., who had visited the USSR in the 1920s and met

many prominent artists,17 strongly contributed to the inscription of the Russian avant-garde

into the history of Western modernism in the 1950s and 1960s. He was a devoted supporter

of pioneering academic research in the art of late Imperial and early Soviet Russia,

conducted by the very young British art historian Camilla Gray in the late 1950s in MoMA

(after her communication with surviving Russian émigré artists in Paris) and in the early

1960s in the Soviet Union. The resulting book The Russian Experiment in Art, 1863-1922,

published in New York in 1962, was quickly translated into German (1963), Italian (1964)

and French (1968) and, in spite of its shortcomings, was for quite many Western art

historians a revelation.18 In her 1964 review of this book, Nina Juviler remarked:

“Unfortunately, we in the West have been inclined to underplay the important contributions
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Russian artists made to art during those years of fervent experimentation and creative

intercourse between Russian and European artists that began with the twentieth century and

Sarah Williams Goldhagen and Rejean Legault, eds., Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar
Architectural Culture (Montréal : Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 2001).
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., "Russian Diary, 1927-1928," October 7 (Winter 1978): 7-50
Camilla Gray, The Russian Experiment in Art, 1863-1922 (New York: H. N. Abrams, 1962). Notably, Gray
still did not use the term “avant-garde,” speaking of “modern movement in Russian Art instead.

ended three decades later.”19 Notably, in this interpretation Stalinist cultural policy of the

early 1930s appears as a much more decisive break in Russian art history than the October

Revolution. The book’s launch took place in London’s Grosvenor Gallery during the

opening of Two Decades of Experiment in Russian Art 1902-1922, the first survey

exhibition of Russian avant-garde. Gray’s book prepared a fruitful soil for the research,

publications and exhibitions on the Russian/Soviet avant-garde that followed in the 1970s

and the 1980s, proliferated in the 1990s with the opening of archives in post-Soviet

countries, and reached grandiose scale by today.20

Nina Juviler, “Review,” The Slavic and East European Journal 8, no. 1 (April 1, 1964): 103–5.
Since the International Art Deco Exhibition in Paris in 1925, where Russian artists, including
Constructivists, presented their works, Russian avant-garde art was little known in the West. The first
important post-WWI exhibition in this respect was the one of Malevich’s paintings, organized in Stedelijk
Museum, Amsterdam, in 1958; in 1959 it traveled to Braunschweig Kunstverein, to the Bern Kunsthalle and
further in Europe. In the 1960s, museums and commercial galleries in the West demonstrated growing interest
to the Russian avant-garde and showed inclusive exhibitions with high percentage of emirge artists like Naum
Gabo, Kandinsky and Chagall. The number of exhibitions grew in the late 1960s in the light of the
popularization of the avant-garde by the European and American New Left. After the Helsinki Accord of
1975, Russian avant-garde became the matter of international diplomacy and was now shown in the major
institutions in Europe and the U. S. Most prominent examples are “Paris-Moscow, 1900-1930” (The National
Museum of Modern Art at Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1979) and “The Great Utopia,” (Guggenheim Museum,
New York, 1981). For the informative account on this see: Éva Forgács, “How the New Left Invented East-
European Art,” Centropa 3, no. 2 (2003) 93-104. In 1979, Croatian literary theorist Aleksandar Flaker
organized a seminar on Russian avant-garde in Zagreb, which resulted in a publication of the “glossary” of
Russian avant-garde (Aleksandar Flaker and Dubravka Ugrešić, Pojmovnik ruske avangarde (Zavod za
znanost o književnosti filozofskoga fakulteta sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1984); German edition Aleksandar
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Flaker et al., Glossarum Der Russischen Avantgarde. Theorie, Auflage: 1. Aufl. (Graz: Literaturverlag
Droschl, 1989)). Post-1960s historiography of the Russian avant-garde is vast, even if one takes only its
visual part. Its complete survey is beyond the purpose of this introduction. To name just a few important
books and edited volumes (while there is also a large number of journal articles): Nikolai Khardzhiev, ed., K
istorii russkogo avangarda/ The Russian avant-garde (Stockholm: Hylaea press, 1976); Alexandra
Schazkich, Sowjetische Malerei aus den Karpaten (Seemann, 1976); Charlotte Douglas, Swans of Other
Worlds: Kazimir Malevich and the Origins of Abstraction in Russia (UMI Research Press, 1980); Andrei B.
Nakov, L’avant-garde russe (F. Hazan, 1984); Christina Lodder, Russian Contructivism (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1985); John E. Bowlt, ed., Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism, 1902-
1934, (New York, N.Y: Thames and Hudson, 1988); S. O. Khan-Magomedov, Pioneers of Soviet
Architecture, (New York: Rizzoli, 1987). Larisa Zhadova, Malevich: Suprematism and Revolution in Russian
Art 1910-1930 (New York, N.Y: Thames and Hudson, 1988); Elena Sidorina, Russkii Konstruktivizm: Istoki,
Idei, Praktika (Moscow: Galart, 1995); Evgenii Kovtun, Russkii avangard 1920-1930-kh godov (St.
Petersburg: Avrora, 1996); G. F. Kovalenko, ed., Amazonki avangarda (Moscow: Nauka, 2004). I mention
some later books on the Russian avant-garde later in this introduction.

In the late 1960s, the rise of the New Left in the West, in particular the student

movements and anti-Vietnam-war protests, as well as the Prague Spring reforms, prompted

a new wave of attention towards the Russian avant-garde as the art of “original” and

“uncorrupted” socialism. After the defeat of the 1968 movements, the avant-garde was

invested with the strong symbolic meaning of revolutionary anti-capitalism (but at the same

time, ironically, it was presented by liberal Western scholars as divorced from politics and

developed into a profitable brand for showing and selling).21 One prominent outcome of

this rediscovery of the avant-garde was the launch of a new journal of aesthetic criticism

and art theory, appositely called October, in New York in 1976.22 According to one of its

early editors, the philosopher Susan Buck-Morss, in contrast to MoMA’s portrayal of the

Soviet avant-garde as an aesthetic style, October “was loyal to new art that resurrected the

politics of avant-garde art, the desire, through the aesthetics of daily life, to transform

society.” She specifies:

It was for reasons of social engagement that we looked to the past, not as an issue of
art-historical chronology. Artists and theorists were attempting to revive the political
excitement that was generated at that earlier time. From Constructivism to cinema,
from public art to collective production, we turned to the work of Bolshevik
revolutionary artists for practical inspiration. As for the ultimate triumph of Stalin's
aesthetic program in the USSR, it seemed to be the utter defeat of the avant-garde.23

Thus, by the early 1980s, Russian avant-garde art acquired the status of a heroic experiment

and the innocent victim of Stalin on both sides of the “iron curtain.” While relevant
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scholarship had grown in sophistication and diversity since the publication of Gray’s book,

it often tended to contrast the eras of avant-garde and socialist realism (both in visual art

Forgács, “How the New Left Invented East-European Art.”
“About October,” October 1 (April 1, 1976): 3–5.
Susan Buck-Morss, review of Vladimir Paperny’s book Architecture in the Age of Stalin (2011),
http://www.paperny.com/k2_morss.html accessed 1.02.2015

and architecture) as the eras of blossoming creativity and dogmatism, respectively. 24 The

result was what historian Daria Bocharnikova aptly calls “history of lost modernism.”25

Not accidentally, from the 1960s, the general histories of modern art in Anglophone

scholarship consider the Russian/Soviet experience only up until 1932-1934, and very

selectively, focusing at such iconic figures as Malevich, Tatlin, and Lissitszky.26

However, the “break” of 1932 was most vigorously conceptualized not by these

Western and Soviet advocates of the avant-garde, but by an author who presented an

alternative vision – cultural historian and designer Vladimir Paperny. In 1975-1979, for his

PhD dissertation, he wrote an innovative account on Stalin era architecture, too daring to

be accepted in the USSR. In 1985, after the author’s emigration to the U. S, it appeared as

monograph entitled “Kul’tura dva” (Culture Two) thanks to Ardis Publishers27 (by that

Khan-Magomedov, Pioneers of Soviet Architecture; Zhadova, Malevich; Lodder, Russian Contructivism;
Bowlt, Russian Art of the Avant-Garde; Sidorina, Russkii Konstruktivizm; see also articles in Malewitsch zum
100 Geburstag (Köln: Galerie Gmurzynska, 1978); Khan-Magomedov’s and Zhadova’s seminal books were
first published in the socialist bloc: in East Germany in 1983 and Hungary in 1984, respectively (K. Paul
Zygas, “Review,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 50, no. 4 (December 1, 1991): 468–70).
For the critical summary of Western approaches to the Russian avant-garde by the time of the fall of the
Soviet Union, see Paul Wood, “The Politics of the Russian Avant-Garde,” in Solomon R. Guggenheim
Museum, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, and Amsterdam (Netherlands). Stedelijk Museum, The Great Utopia:
The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde, 1915-1932 (New York: Guggenheim Museum, 1992): 3-20.
Daria Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern: A History of Architectural Profession in the USSR,
1954-1971” (PhD diss., European University Institute, 2014), 17. Though she applies this term to the narrative
of Soviet architecture, I suggest that it is also relevant for the understanding of visual art, including easel art
and the art related to daily life, that in the 1920s and 1930s was given different names, depending on the
approach and setting: “applied,” “industrial,” or “productivist.”
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For example: Norbert Lynton, The Story of Modern Art (Oxford: Phaidon, 1992); Robert Hughes, The
Shock of the New: Art and the Century of Change, (London: Thames and Hudson, 1993). It is worth
mentioning the recent tendency in the international scholarship to move beyond the conventional narratives
of the Russian avant-garde and consider its hitherto overlooked artists, streams, and ideas. See John E. Bowlt
and Olga Matich, eds., Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian Avant-Garde and Cultural Experiment (Stanford,
Calif: Stanford University Press, 1996); Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier, Rosalind P Blakesley, and Margaret
Samu, eds., From Realism to the Silver Age: New Studies in Russian Artistic Culture : Essays in Honor of
Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier (DeKalb: Nothern Illinois University Press, 2014.
Vladimir Paperny, Kul’tura Dva (Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1985). In 1996 the book was issued in Russia by the
publishing house Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, founded in Moscow in 1992 by literary critic Irina
Prokhorova and her brother, businessman Mikhail Prokhorov, with the aim to bring together cutting-edge
scholarship on culture and politics, conducted both on the post-Soviet space and in the West (Vladimir
Paperny, Kul’tura Dva (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozreniie, 1996)). This publication was much
expected in Russian intellectual circles and generated even broader popularity of the book. Its 2002 and 2011

time the manuscript had already widely circulated in Moscow in samizdat copies); its

fragmented translation into English significantly impressed American scholars associated

with October.28 Paperny’s interest in structuralism, typical to Soviet liberal intelligentsia

of the mid-1970s, as well as his reading of Heinrich Wolfflin’s Renaissance and Baroque

(translated into Russian in 1913), led him to find a common ground for understanding the

architecture of the early Bolshevik and Stalin periods. Criticizing the unspoken consensus

on the “suppressed avant-garde” among architectural historians and critics of the 1970s,

including his teacher Khan-Magomedov, Paperny presented the change in the official

policy towards architecture of the early 1930s as a symptom of the change of cultural

paradigm. For the sake of impartiality, he offered the terms “Culture One” and “Culture

Two” for describing politico-cultural events, respectively, of the 1920s and of the 1930s–

early 1950s. Analyzing a broad range of archival and published materials, he distinguished

a number of binary oppositions underlying the major dyad Culture 1 - Culture 2. To

summarize this analysis, Culture 1 is dynamic, egalitarian, collectivist, iconoclastic and

future-oriented, while Culture 2 is static, hierarchical, focused on exceptional individuals

and eager to absorb the diverse cultural forms of the past to become a pinnacle of historical

progress. Moreover, Paperny suggested that the whole history of Russian culture can be

described in terms of cyclical interchange of the two cultures. Even though today this
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structuralist model may look simplistic, it remains valuable as historical evidence of the

bold revisionism within late Soviet scholarship on architecture. A pioneering

publications in English provoked a new wave of attention and a number of positive reviews. Vladimir
Paperny, Architecture in the Age of Stalin: Culture Two (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002;
2011). See the reviews by S. Frederick Starr, Susan Buck-Morss, Boris Groys, John Bowlt and Jean-Louis
Cohen (in French) at http://www.paperny.com/k2.html, accessed 2.02.2015.
Buck-Morss, review of Architecture in the Age of Stalin.

comprehensive study of Stalinist culture, devoid of moralist bias, Culture Two became for

leftist critics a new vantage point from which to criticize the Western culture industry.29

The central concept of my dissertation, the “aesthetic turn,” can be perceived as

structuralist, a variation of Paperny’s analytical scheme, which, in particular, implied the

return of Culture 1 after Stalin’s death. For example, after characterizing Culture 2 as

focused on the achievements of the past, in contrast with futurist Culture 1, Paperny argued:

“The new wave of the striving towards the future and rupture with the past started in Soviet

culture only in the late 1950s”; he quoted Khrushchev’s proclamation about the

approaching arrival of Communism, made on the XXII Party Congress in 1961, as the most

vivid manifestation of this rupture.30 While recognizing the significance of Party and state

reformist policy for the emergence of new cultural trends, I do not evaluate this process in

terms of rupture. With all due respect to Paperny’s intellectual rigor, I have not written this

dissertation as a sequel to Culture Two. While Paperny uses the concepts “Culture One”

and “Culture Two” to demonstrate the structural unity of each of the two historical periods,

my purpose is to analyze a heterogeneous set of ideas, pronouncements, concepts and

objects that constituted post-Stalin Soviet aesthetics. Even though this aesthetics was

strongly influenced by the legacy of the avant-garde, in particular Constructivism, it was

formed in very different social, political and economic circumstances and under the impact
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of a multitude of factors. Therefore, the aesthetic turn was not just a re-turn to the avant-

garde, or even to the cultural pluralism of the 1920s that exceeded the avant-garde. It was

According to the reading of young architecture historian and critic Ross Wolfe, Culture 2 sheds new light
on the crisis on modernism and reveals the contradictions of post-modern society by analyzing the crisis of
modernism in the Soviet Union which by three decades preceded similar situation in the West. See Ross
Laurence Wolfe, “Stalinism in Art and Architecture, Or, the First Postmodern Style,” Situations: Project of
the Radical Imagination 5, no. 1 (2013).
Paperny, Kul’tura Dva, 19.

a gradual process of the formation of new positions and categories, to a great extent

conducted by those people who had been active in the avant-garde movements and

continued to work, though often in different spheres and capacities, under Stalin. Therefore,

the “aesthetic turn” refers to change without neglecting the importance of continuity. In

this respect, my dissertation speaks to the growing body of work that recognizes the

complex cultural and intellectual trajectories running through the conventionally

understood periodization of Soviet history, in particular, the history of Soviet art and

cultural production.31 It does so, however, not by embracing the longue durée of Soviet

socialism, but by focusing on two decades – the 1950s – 1960s - marked by significant

reforms in cultural policy that allowed full-fledged development of certain previously

existing ideas as well as the emergence of new ones. Though on a much more modest scale,

my aim is akin to that of Foucault in his classic work The Order of Things: to describe “an

epistemological space specific to a particular period.”32

Explaining “Designer Socialism”

In official Soviet terminology, artists of all profiles, art critics and philosophers

belonged to the sub-stratum of “creative intelligentsia”;33 in the early 1960s, the newly

recognized profession of designer fell somewhere in between the categories of “creative”

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and “technical” intelligentsia, as their position vis-à-vis traditional art-making and

Bowlt and Matich, Laboratory of Dreams; Ekaterina Degot’, Russkoe iskusstvo XX veka (Moscow:
Trilistnik, 2002); Zubok, Zhivago’s Children; Clark, Moscow, the Fourth Rome; Diana Kurkovski West,
“CyberSovietica: Planning, Design and the Cybernetics of Soviet Space, 1954-1986” (Ph.D diss., Princeton
University, 2013), Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern”; Irina Sirotkina, Shestoe chuvstvo
avangarda: tanets, dvizhenie, kinesteziia v zhzni poetov I khudozhnikov (St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo
evropeiskogo universitea, 2014).
“Foreword to the English Edition,” in Foucault, The Order of Things, xi.
Dzhermen Mikhailovich Gvishiani et al., eds., Kratkii Slovar Po Sotsiologii (Moskva: Izdatelstvo
politicheskoi literatury, 1988), 92-94.

engineering was constantly a matter of debate. The aesthetic turn was thus an undertaking

of Soviet intelligentsia, and its study is a contribution to the scholarship concerned with the

agency of the intelligentsia – or, in other words, intellectuals or professionals – under state


The increasing social status of various sorts of professionals with the further

development of science and technology – in Soviet terminology, the “scientific and

technological revolution” – was discussed by a number of Western, mostly American,

scholars in the 1970s – 1980s.34 A related stream of research deals with the meaning of the

intelligentsia in socialist societies, in particular its position vis-à-vis state and Party elites.35

It often articulates the clash between two notions of the intelligentsia: the one presented by

Stalin in 1936 and maintained in official ideology throughout the Soviet era —a social

stratum (prosloika) of people with university degrees professionally engaged in highly

skilled mental work—and the 19th century notion, signifying a socially heterogeneous

milieu united by high moral standards and critical attitudes towards the state, with free

expression and critical thinking as its primary ideals.36 Interest in this problem was spurred

Franklyn Griffiths and H. Gordon Skilling, eds., Interest Groups in Soviet Politics, (Princeton, N.J:
Princeton University Press, 1971); Moshe Lewin, Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates: From
Bukharin to the Modern Reformers (Princeton University Press, 1974); George W. Breslauer, Khrushchev
and Brezhnev as Leaders: Building Authority in Soviet Politics (London: Allen & Unwin, 1982); See Susan
Reid’s comment on this stream of scholarship: Susan E. Reid, “Khrushchev Modern: Agency and
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Modernization in the Soviet Home,” Cahiers Du Monde Russe 47, no. 1/2 (January 1, 2006): 236.
Walter D. Connor, Socialism, Politics, and Equality: Hierarchy and Change in Eastern Europe and the
USSR (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979); György Konrád and Iván Szelényi, The Intellectuals
on the Road to Class Power, 1st ed (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979). Michael D. Kennedy,
Professionals, Power, and Solidarity in Poland: A Critical Sociology of Soviet-Type Society, Soviet and East
European Studies 79 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991); Vera S. Dunham, In Stalin’s Time:
Middleclass Values in Soviet Fiction (Durham: Duke University Press, 1990).
These notions can be viewed as symptoms of two major approaches to defining intelligentsia, which
sociologist Vladimir Shlapentokh terms “formal” and “normative.” According to him, formal approach is
based on such criteria as the level of education and involvement in creative work; it was taken not only by
Soviet sociology (that kept the Stalin’s notion of “prosloika”), but also by a number of Western scholars. The
normative approach is subjective, as it is based on the beholder’s judgment about moral virtues of persons,
such as altruism and kindness; this approach was popular not only among Soviet dissidents, but also some
official writers, such as Vladimir Dudintsev and Daniil Granin, and was shared by some Western intellectuals,

by the fall of socialist systems in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the USSR. In

particular, émigré and post-Soviet Russian authors demonstrated a tendency to internalize

the idea of the Soviet intelligentsia as a progressive, oppositional milieu, true to the highest

ideals of humanity and thus continuing the mission of their 19th-century predecessors –

sometimes termed “liberal intelligentsia.”37 This narrative is kindred to the earlier “history

of lost modernism,” because it, too, presents an opposition “creative individuals (or

collectives, depending on the perspective) vs. repressive state.”

Both narratives received timely criticism. A notorious example is the 1992 book The

Total Art of Stalinism by Leningrad counter-cultural philosopher Boris Groys (originally

published in German 1988 as Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin).38 It is often discussed together

with Paperny’s Culture Two due to the similarity in subject, polemical tone, unacceptability

in the USSR and the émigré status of both authors (Groys moved to West Germany in

1981).39 However, Groys disagreed with Paperny’s structuralist vision of two cultural

paradigms and argued instead for logical continuity between the avant-garde and Stalinist

including sociologist Karl Mannheim. While some of the authors cited above use the terms “intellectuals”
and “intelligentsia” interchangingly, Shlapentokh carefully notes that the former term is more characteristic
for Western academic discourse and the latter for Russian and Soviet one. Vladimir Shlapentokh, Soviet
Intellectuals and Political Power: The Post-Stalin Era (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,
1990), ix-x.
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Liudmila Alekseeva and Paul Goldberg, The Thaw Generation: Coming of Age in the Post-Stalin Era, 1st
ed (Boston: Little, Brown, 1990); E. Iu. Zubkova, Russia after the War: Hopes, Illusions, and
Disappointments, 1945-1957, New Russian History (Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 1998); Zubok, Zhivago’s
Children; this idea is also moderately presented by Shlapentokh, though he recognizes a high degree of Soviet
intellectuals’ cooperation with the political elite (Shlapentokh, Soviet Intellectuals and Political Power.)
Rather idealized portrayal of intelligentsia appears in memoirs of the participants of the aesthetic turn such
as art critic and theater director Irina Uvarova, the wife of the famous dissident writer Iurii Daniel, and by
design theorist and saxophone player Akeksei Kozlov. See Aleksei Kozlov, Dzhaz, rok i mednye truby
(Moscow: Eskmo, 2006); Irina Uvarova, Daniel i vse vse vse (St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo Ivana Limbakha,
Boris Grois, The Total Art of Stalinism: Avant-Garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship, and beyond (Princeton, N.J:
Princeton University Press, 1992). Original publication: Boris Groys, Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin (München-
Wien: Carl Hansen Verlage, 1988).
Wolfe, “Stalinism in Art and Architecture, Or the First Postmodern Style”; Bocharnikova, “Inventing
Socialist Modern,” 18-21.

art, based on the ongoing ambition to subject society to a single hyper-rational plan, that is,

to aesthetically reorganize it. Repudiating what he calls “the myth of the innocent avant-

garde,” Groys presented artists’ pronouncements and works as prolegomena to socialist

realism – the apogee of the avant-garde: “Under Stalin the dream of the avant-garde was in

fact fulfilled and the life of society was organized in monolithic artistic terms, though of

course not those that the avant-garde itself had favored.”40 According to Groys, Stalin took

the position of power to which Malevich, Tatlin and other avant-garde artists had aspired.

However bold and innovative, Groys’s analysis is unsupported by evidence about actual

participation of avant-garde artists in state institutions and campaigns; as Daria

Bocharnikova notices, he “never precisely explain how this or that metaphor or artistic

aspiration was translated into reality.”41

This problem was addressed two decades later by two American art historians, who

took advantage of the “archival revolution.” In 2005, Maria Gough presented her insightful

study The Artist and Producer: Constructivism in Revolution, where she investigated the

complex interrelation between formal and political experiments at Moscow’s Institute of

Artistic Culture (Inkhuk) – “the hotbed of Constructivist activity.” Analyzing previously

unknown and overlooked theoretical debates, concepts and objects, Gough traced the

development of constructivists’ attempt to enter industry, rationalize production processes

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and thereby assume an administrative role in Soviet system. As she concludes, this attempt

mostly failed, as the Constructivists’ ideas about an artist’s role in industry proved

Boris Grois, The Total Art of Stalinism: Avant-Garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship, and beyond (Princeton, N.J:
Princeton University Press, 1992), 9.
Bocharnikova, “Inventing socialist Modern,” 20.

incompatible with the Party’s views on the rationalization of industrial production.42

Pamela Kachurin’s 2013 book Making Modernism Soviet: the Russian Avant-Garde in the

early Soviet era, 1918-1928 pays more attention to the problem of continuity between early

Bolshevik and Stalin periods.43 Like Groys, Kachurin rejected the vision of avant-garde

artists as “political virgins,” but, unlike him, meticulously explored artistic networks,

patron-client relations and functioning of important art institutions (namely, The Moscow

Museum of Painterly Culture, the Vitebsk Art School, and the Petrograd Museum/Institute

of Artistic Culture). Working in these institutions during the stereotypically “liberal” era of

New Economic Policy, modernist artists (the term Kachurin prefers) implemented

restrictive measures for controlling activities of Soviet visual artists. However, in the late

1920s they had more and more to subsume their interests to those of their patrons in order

to retain agency in the cultural sphere. Thus, Kachurin demonstrated the importance of

patronage and power-relations in the development of Soviet art in the first half of the

twentieth century. Her study therefore belongs to the recent stream of studies devoted to

the role of professionals in the Sovietization of culture and their reliance on powerful

patrons and institutions.44

Recently, a number of studies presented a balanced response of the idealistic narrative

of Soviet intelligentsia. Rather than exposing Soviet intellectuals as opportunistic power-

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Maria Gough, The Artist as Producer: Russian Constructivism in Revolution (University of California
Press, 2005).
Pamela Kachurin, Making Modernism Soviet: The Russian Avant-Garde in the Early Soviet Era, 1918-
1928 (Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press, 2013).
Vera Tolz, Russian Academicians and the Revolution: Combining Professionalism and Politics, Studies in
Russian and East European History and Society (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997); Evgenii Sergeevich
Gromov, Stalin: Vlast I Iskusstvo (Moskva: Respublika, 1998); Kiril Tomoff, Creative Union: The
Professional Organization of Soviet Composers, 1939-1953 (Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press, 2006);
Iankovskaia, G. A. Iskusstvo, den’gi I politika: Sovetskii khudozhnik v gody pozdnego stalinizma (Perm’:
Permskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 2007; Stephen V. Bittner, The Many Lives of Khrushchev’s Thaw:
Experience and Memory in Moscow’s Arbat (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008).

seekers or, in the case of artists, aspiring master builders of society, scholars have strived

to achieve a nuanced picture. Thus, historian Steven Bittner recognized the complexity of

the intelligentsia’s reactions to Khrushchev’s contradictory policies, paying attention to

different generations and experiences in the preceding era, including complicity in

repressions. He also noticed the intelligentsia’s penchant for self-victimization, which to a

great extent nurtured the myth of the “Thaw” as a liberal era, radically different from the

oppressive periods of Stalinism and Brezhnev’s “stagnation.” Against this vision, created

post-factum by Soviet intellectuals, Bittner brought an argument for the historical

continuity of cultural processes and the intelligentsia’s diverse strategies of navigating “the

turbulent waters of de-Stalinization.”45 Katerina Clark, in her impressive revision of the

history of Soviet culture of the 1930s, demonstrated the complex roles of prominent figures,

such as filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein, as both agents of Stalinist cultural policy and

cosmopolitan intellectuals.46 In the most recent study, Benjamin Tromly portrayed Soviet

intellectuals under Stalin and Khrushchev as a heterogeneous group of educated

professionals, who to a great extent were reconciled with the state system and enjoyed the

benefits it provided, while also seeing themselves “as bearers of state-sanctioned models

of enlightenment and culture.”47 Building upon the arguments of these authors, this

dissertation aims to take a neutral stance towards Soviet “creative intelligentsia” and
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considers the activity of art professionals beyond the customary chain of dualities –

collaboration vs. opposition, cynicism vs. truth, power-seeking vs. altruism, and so on. It

Bittner, The Many Lives of Khrushchev’s Thaw, 11.
Clark, Moscow, the Fourth Rome.
Benjamin Tromly, Making the Soviet Intelligentsia: Universities and Intellectual Life under Stalin and
Khrushchev, Includes Bibliographical References (pp. 262-288) and Index (Cambridge ; New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2013), 12.

tells the story of professionals affirming their social role and aiming at betterment of the

society, who prepared the conceptual ground for Soviet design. They challenged the

principles of the Stalinist representative regime of arts, yet they did so within the official

institutional system, not against it. To be precise, some of the agents of the aesthetic turn

were at different times related to dissident subcultures: two remarkable examples are art

critic and Christian believer Aleksandr Saltykov (1900-1959), who was imprisoned in

1930-34 on charges of “church revolution,” and Marxist philosopher Boris Shragin, who

in the 1960s became a human rights activist and lost his job in 1968 because of his open

support for persecuted intellectuals.48 Clearly, the beliefs of such people influenced their

aesthetic views. However, one should be cautious not to present the post-Stalin aesthetic

turn as dissident or countercultural activity, especially given that some of its agents were

Party members. Rather, it was the initiative for a systemic change, stimulated at first by

immediate post-war optimism about positive changes in the society of the victors, and, after

the tough period of late Stalin’s repressions, fuelled by de-Stalinization and relative

liberalization of culture.

On the institutional level, the aesthetic turn stemmed from decorative artists’

lobbying for recognition as serious professionals, equal to painters, sculptors and architects.

In the context of the state and Party’s efforts for the improvement of citizens’ living
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standards, epitomized by the mass-housing campaign, decorative art could effectively

claim to be the most progressive of arts and thus worthy of generous financial and

ideological support. Definitely, patronage was a strong factor behind the aesthetic turn. For

example, the patronage of the Minister of Transport Machine Building Viacheslav

“Soobshcheniie A. A. Saltykova,” in Rossiiskaia muzeinaia entsiklopediia, T. 2 (Moscow: Progress, 2001),
163; OSA, f. 300-85-49, box 50:13 Khronika tekushchikh sobytii 1 (April 30, 1968), l. 9.

Malyshev allowed young technical professional Iurii Soloviev to establish the Architecture-

Engineering Bureau in 1946 and work as a designer when this profession was not yet

officially recognized. By the early 1960s he had gained a good reputation in the Soviet

governmental circles, in particular, the support of the First Deputy Chairman of the USSR

Council of Ministers Alexei Kosygin, and as a result Soloviev was able successfully to

implement his idea of a state-sponsored design system.49 Designers working in more

traditional spheres of industry, such as textile, glass and ceramics, appealed to the authority

of the city and regional leaders of the USSR Artists’ Union in their conflicts and

negotiations with administrators of factories where they were employed. 50 Patron-client

networking in the sphere of design is the subject of much-needed research that would

significantly complement Kachurin’s study.51 My dissertation, however, tells a different

story. It views the aesthetic turn not as the product of a power struggle but as a set of ideas

and strategies directed towards what I call “designer socialism.”52 Soviet art professionals

themselves never used this term; it is chosen for the present study as a metaphor for an ideal

that united a diverse field of creative activities –applied art, monumental art, industrial and

graphic design, as well as traditional crafts. Its essence was in making the Bolshevik

Enlightenment-inspired vision of the rational social order53 perceptible in the daily life
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Vladimir Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki. Kniga vtoraia (Moscow: Arkhitektura-S, 2007), 225-
229; Iurii Soloviev’s interview for Moscow design Museum, 2012, published on March 26, 2013, at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5JA6k4bJbI accessed on February 3, 2015.
Kim Slavin and Nina Slavina, Byli my molody (St. Petersburg: RID, 2000).
On the broader discussion of the role patronage in Soviet culture see a special journal issue: Contemporary
European History Vol. 11, No. 1, Special Issue: Patronage, Personal Networks and the Party-State: Everyday
Life in the Cultural Sphere in Communist Russia and East Central Europe (Feb., 2002).
Within this expression, “designer” is used in a broad sense of the professional determining qualities of
elements of material environment according to a rigorous system of principles, in particular the unity of
beauty and utility. See the discussion of terminology below.
On the Enlightenment roots of the Russian revolution see Stephen Kotkin, Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism
as a Civilization, Reprint edition (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), 6-9. Without debating
Kotkin’s thesis that Stalinism radicalized the revolutionary utopianism rather than betrayed it, I propose that

environment. It echoed ideological trends of the post-Stalin Soviet intelligentsia, discussed

by a number of scholars since the 1970s and summarized by émigré historian Vladimir

Shlapentokh as “neo-Leninism,” “technocratism” and “liberal socialism.” However,

“designer socialism” was not an attribute of any of these trends, but encompassed certain

characteristics of each: the neo-Leninist praising of the October Revolution and demand

that its “official slogans be implemented into life;” the technocratist belief in scientific

progress as the force for resolving social problems, including the organization of daily life;

and the search for pluralism and flexibility, characteristic of liberal socialism – yet in the

cultural rather than the political sphere.54 In a way, “designer socialism” was a liberal

continuation of the Stalinist project of kulturnost’—a shortcut program for becoming a

proper member of modern socialist society—but with higher ambitions prompted by the

achieved mass literacy, dramatic increase of urban population in Soviet Russia, the state’s

concern with increasing living standards, the progress in science and technology and

intensifying cultural contacts with the West as well as within the socialist bloc.

While “designer socialism” was quite far from the reality of Soviet consumption and

daily life, my aim is not to inscribe it in the history of socialist utopias55 but to present it as

driving force in the actual work of art professionals. For this purpose, I rely on the concept

of mediology, suggested by French philosopher Régis Debray for the critical theory of the
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transmission of cultural meanings within and across societies. In his famous recent article

in New Left Review, Debray looks for the common mediological basis underlying all

de-Stalinization, accompanied by scientific and technological revolution, prompted the multiple ways to
reformulate this utopianism, and aesthetic turn was one of such ways.
Shlapentokh, Soviet Intellectuals and Political Power, 149–171.
For the discussion of the abundant uses of the term “utopia” in the studies of Soviet Union see West,
“CyberSovietica,” 39-42

branches of socialism. He presents it “as an ensemble composed of men (militants, leaders,

theoreticians), tools of transmission (books, schools, newspapers), and institutions

(factions, parties, associations).”56 This approach helps to conceptualize post-Stalin Soviet

aesthetics as a mediological basis for “designer socialism,” whose composition, in addition

to people, books, journals, (design) schools and institutions (Artists Unions, Artistic

Foundation, and various research institutes and design bureaus) includes material objects.

Thus, the items of the image gallery published by DI SSSR in October 1967 appear as

transmitters of cultural meanings from art professionals to the readership.

What I have argued so far does not imply the coherence of all the agents of the

aesthetic turn in terms of personal beliefs and attitudes to the Soviet regime. The

protagonists of my study are not an artistic subculture with rigid borders, but a broad milieu

of intellectuals concerned with visual art and material culture, of different ages, social

backgrounds and life experiences, united by the common cause of the “extended historical

generation,” to borrow the term of historian Vladislav Zubok.57 While it is not my aim to

write a social history of the aesthetic turn or to map its social composition, a commentary

on its background is necessary for clearer understanding of its aesthetic views. The oldest

of this extended generation were born at the very end of the 19th or the very beginning of

the 20th century, came of age in the 1920s, had experience in vibrant and diverse artistic
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life of early Soviet Russia and, in many cases, were students of world-famous heroes of the

Russian avant-garde (who, with a few exceptions, did not live up to Stalin’s death). Among

this cohort, two characters are given special attention: the multi-talented designers Anna

Leporskaia (1900-1982) and Boris Smirnov (1903-1986), who matured as artists in

Régis Debray, “Socialism: A Life-Cycle,” New Left Review, II, no. 46 (August 2007): 6.
Zubok, Zhivago’s Children, 20.

Petrograd/Leningrad and had a profound influence on post-Stalin Soviet aesthetics. All of

these people were affected by the war: they fought, worked hard on the home front, in

particular helping to evacuate museums and art industries; many of them, including

Smirnov and Leporskaia, survived the siege of Leningrad.58

A younger stratum of this milieu was born in the 1920s and enrolled in higher

education soon after the war. In fact, the revival of special education for decorative artists

and designers – a crucial driver of the aesthetic turn – took place in Leningrad in the midst

of the war, primarily motivated by the need of restoring the city’s architectural treasures

after the envisioned victory. Yesterday’s soldiers and people too young to have fought but

traumatized by the war were united in the first cohort of post-war students of the newly

opened Leningrad and Moscow Schools for Art and Industry. For many of them, design

education was not only a lever for professional development, but also a way to receive food,

clothes and housing in the war-ravaged biggest Soviet cities.59 In several years, after the

new wave of repressions in the late 1940s – early 1950s, Stalin’s death and the start of

Khrushchev’s reforms, these young people joined their teachers in professional discussions,

at exhibitions and on the pages of special journals. Similarly to Western architects and

designers, such as Jaap Bakema of the Netherlands or Alison and Peter Smithson of Britain,

the younger stratum proceeded from their wartime experience to the burning question of
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material environment’s capacity to foster “free movement and individual choice,”60 while

also adhering to the socialist ideal of collectivism.

RGALI, f. 2475, op. 1, d. 1; TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 3. d. 175, 179, 181, 187, 304, 306; op. 5. d. 112, 177,
RGALI, f. 25460, op. 1, d. 1; TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 22; Svetlana Mirzoian and Sergei Khelmianov,
Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina (St. Petersburg: Iunikont Design, 2011), 123-128; 135-203.
Sarah Williams Goldhagen, “Freedom’s Domiciles: Three Projects by Alison and Peter Smithson, in Sarah
Williams Goldhagen and Rejean Legault, eds., Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar
Architectural Culture (Montréal : Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 2001), 75-95; 78.

Still younger agents of the aesthetic turn were born just before or during the war and

started their professional careers at a time when the design profession was officially

recognized and institutionalized. Thus, the aesthetic turn was by no means the revolt of

“sons” against “fathers”. It encompassed different generations and, as I will demonstrate,

diverse views.

Art and Design: the System of Concepts

From the explanation of the concepts, announced in the dissertation title, I proceed

to the explanation of operative terms. So far, I have used a number of aesthetic-related

terms: material culture, visual art, decorative art, monumental art, applied art, craft, and,

last but not least, design. All these terms have numerous historically specific and often

ideologically loaded definitions, exhaustive discussion of which would require a separate

dissertation. Here I lay out the definitions, one by one, which may seem problematic in

some aspects yet most relevant for this particular study.

First of all, my understanding of “material culture” shares the one generally accepted

in the interdisciplinary field of material culture studies – the relationship between people

and things, or, to specify, the system of symbolic meanings, sensory qualities, affects and

uses of things.61 By the latter I mean both man-made and natural things, since the latter, as
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I will demonstrate, were an important reference for Soviet art professionals. Sometimes I

also use the narrower term “material environment,” referring to the spatial and tangible

structures of daily life. The negative connotations of “material culture,” such as

This understanding is promoted, for example, by the Journal of Material Culture; its editorial, somewhat
tautologically, defines its concern as “the relationship between artefacts and social relations” and encourages
authors to explore “the linkage between the construction of social identities and the production and use of
culture.” http://mcu.sagepub.com/ accessed 16.02.2015. Though this definition can be criticized as too broad,
it has an advantage of openness for new research questions and approaches.

consumerism and commodity fetishism,62 are critically addressed in this dissertation as a

part of a fundamental problem of subject-object relations in socialist society. Therefore,

my study is a contribution not only to the by now established tradition of historical study

of material culture,63 but also, more specifically, to the emergent inquiry into the nature of

socialist commodity, demonstrated by such scholars as Susan E. Reid, David Crowley,

Emma Widdis, Christina Kiaer and, most recently, Tom Cubbin.64

It should be emphasized that, even though the protagonists of my study sometimes

spoke of “material culture” (material’naia kul’tura), as well as “object-spatial

environment” (predmetno-prostranstvennaia sreda), which is close to “material

environment,” I take both terms used as analytical tools rather than objects of analysis. By

contrast, the remaining terms are defined with attention to their uses within post-Stalin

aesthetics. Thus, “visual art” (izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo, or, in the Bolshevik speak of the

late 1910s – 1930s, izoslusstvo,) plays a formal role in my narrative – delimiting the scope

of arts perceptible mainly by vision, as opposed to music and literature; architecture is

understood here as close yet not belonging to visual art, as it was conceptualized by many

theorists, including Soviet ones from the period in question. The following terms are not

easy to define, because the very lack of clarity in terminology is to a great extent the subject

of my analysis. The terms “decorative art” (dekorativnoe iskustvo) and “applied art”
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Daniel Miller, Material Culture and Mass Consumption, Social Archaeology (Oxford, UK: Blackwell,
Leora Auslander et al., “AHR Conversation: Historians and the Study of Material Culture,” American
Historical Review 114, no. 5 (2009): 1355–1404.
David Crowley, “Warsaw’s shops, Stalinism and the Thaw,” in Reid and Crowley, Style and Socialism,
25–48; Emma Widdis, “Sew Yourself Soviet: The Pleasures of Textile in the Machine Age”; Susan E. Reid,
“Happy Housewarming: Moving Into Khrushchev-Era Apartment,” both in Marina Balina and Evgeny
Dobrenko, eds., Petrified Utopia: Happiness Soviet Style (Anthem Press, 2009), 115-132 and 133-160;
Christina Kiaer, Imagine No Possessions: The Socialist Objects of Russian Constructivism (The MIT Press,
2008); Tom Cubbin, “The Domestic Information Machine: Futurological Experiments in the Soviet
Domestic Interior, 1968–76,” Home Cultures 11, no. 1 (March 1, 2014): 5–32.

(prikladnoe iskusstvo) became popular in Russia from the mid-19th century under the

influence of the European, primarily British, movement for art reform, prompted by the

rapid industrialization and mass production. Both terms were associated with decoration of

mass-produced objects of utilitarian use and, more broadly, with the process of opening art

and industry schools and the organization of peasant craftsmen into artisanal manufactures

since the 1860s, which reached its peak in the turn of the century. 65 In the education of

decorative/applied artists, the main emphasis was put on meticulous study of traditional

Russian and European ornaments, understood as decisive stylistic elements. The promotion

of artisanal industry also played a role in popularizing traditional ornaments. The leftist

artists of early Bolshevik Russia, particularly Constructivists, dismissed this approach as

backward and superficial – this position was most vividly manifested on the pages of art

criticism journals LEF (1923-25) and Novyi LEF (1927-1928). “Applied art”

(prikladnizhestvo) and “decoration” (ukrashatel’stvo) were used as pejorative terms. They

were to be replaced by “production art” (proizvodstvennoe iskusstvo) that implied artists’

full participation in production, though the character of this participation was the subject of

much debate throughout the 1920s.66 At the extreme, productivist theorist Aleksei Gan

called for the “death of art” and introduction of “artistic labor” (khudozhestvennyi trud),

which implied an artist’s conversion into a proletarian.67 The unity of art and industry was
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not only the ambition of certain radical artists, but a state-sponsored campaign, manifested

as early as in 1918 in by the Department of Fine Arts at the Commissariat of Enlightenment

Wendy R. Salmond, Arts and Crafts in Late Imperial Russia: Reviving the Kustar Art Industries, 1870-
1917, Modern Architecture and Cultural Identity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996); Selim
Khan-Magomedov, Pionery Sovetskogo Dizaina (Moscow: Galart, 1995), pp. (366-367)
Jaroslav Anďel et al., eds., Art into Life: Russian Constructivism, 1914-1932 (Seattle: Rizzoli, 1990);
Gough, The Artist as Producer.
Aleksei Gan, Konstruktivizm (Tver: 2-ia Gostipografiia, 1922).

(IZO Narkompros). During the New Economic Policy, however, the crusade against

decorativism came at odds with the new entrepreneurial class’s taste for conventional

ornaments, which made Constructivists soften their position, or, in a different

interpretation, engage more seriously with the problem of the socialist commodity.68 After

the reform of artistic organizations in the early 1930s, accompanied by the condemnation

of “formalism,” the Constructivist slogan “art into life” was realized not so much in

industry as in the sphere of minor architectural forms (malye arkhitekturnye formy),

architectural decoration (arkhitekturno-dekorativnoe ubranstvo) of public parks and

gardens, and decoration (oformleniie) of festivities, parades and public interiors. The terms

“dekorativnoe” and “prikladnoe” were used quite frequently, but usually in the sense of

minor forms of art, secondary to painting and sculpture; at the same time, artisanal industry

was instrumentalized for souvenir production and showcase of the diversity of traditional

crafts of Soviet Republics, “national in form and socialist in content.69

This was the legacy with which the agents of aesthetic turn had to deal in establishing

operating terminology. The somewhat cumbersome term “decorative-applied art” was

popularized by Moscow art historian Aleksandr Saltykov as a signifier for the art of

organizing everyday life. The term was used in the official names of specialized

departments in artists’ unions and sections at exhibitions and became a part of the official
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terminology. In the polemics that constitute the object of my study, different art

professionals criticized either one of these terms—“decorative” or “applied”—or both, as

The former interpretation was offered by Christina Lodder, the later, considerably latter – by Khristina
Kiaer: Christina Lodder, “Constructivism and Productivism in the 1920s,” in Anďel et al., eds., Art into Life,
99-197; Kiaer, Imagine No Possessions.
David Aranovich, “Khudozhestvennoe oformleniie dvortsa sovetov,” Iskusstvo 4 (July-August 1938): 181-

pejorative and neglectful of the important function of this art in socialist society. The

mouthpiece of the aesthetic turn, established in late 1957, was, after some debate, named

Decorative Art of the USSR; in the first editorial, artist Mikhail Ladur and philosopher Karl

Kantor offered a new classification: decorative art as umbrella term for monumental art

(reliefs, frescoes, mosaics, etc.) and applied art (giving form to useful objects).70 Soon after

that, at the discussion of the editorial board with artists and critics, Ladur reiterated that

applied art is just one kind of decorative art, and thus the latter gave the title to the journal

oriented at the broad range of themes.71 The editorial of January 1962, discussing the new

tasks of artists in the light of the decisions of the XX Party Congress, presented decorative

art as a sphere encompassing not only applied and monumental art, but also all sorts of

decorative works (oformlenie) as well as folk crafts organized in the USSR in the form of

artisanal cooperatives.72 This statement did not preclude further debates and complaints

about terminological confusion, which DI SSSR actually welcomed as an evidence of the

intensity and dynamism of new art theory. However, the journal never denounced the

conventional terminology just outlined. For this reason, and for the sake of clarity, I adopt

it for my own discussion.

The rapid development of science and technology necessitated the recognition of a

particular type of specialist responsible for the visual organization of industrially produced
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objects: not only consumer goods, but also machine tools, electronic equipment,

transportation, industrial and laboratory interiors, as well as packaging and corporate

identity. The constructivist aspiration of rationally organizing environment and processes

“Krasotu v zhizn’,”Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 1 (December 1957): 3-5.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 398, l. 4.
“XX s’’ezd KPSS I zadachi dekorativnogo iskusstva,”DI SSSR 1 (January 1962): 1-2

had to be raised to a new level, and the traditional applied artist, working in such habitual

spheres as textile, ceramics, glass, etc., proved not competent for this task. Again, as in

early 1920s, the question of artist’s changing role in society became burning. On the

institutional level, this resulted in the 1962 governmental decree requiring the aesthetic

control of all industrial production in the USSR and creating for this purpose the all-Union

system of institutions, headed by the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics,

VNIITE, and special staff positions at factories (more detail on this is given in Chapter 1).

On the terminological level, art professionals had to maneuver: while the principles and

institutions of the new profession were modeled after the Western, in particular, British

experience, the Western term “design” would imply “kowtowing in front of the West” and

hence was unthinkable for official use. Therefore, a cluster of new terms, perceived as

properly socialist, was invented, with considerable influence from the professional

vocabularies of “brotherly” countries of the bloc (see part 3.3 of Chapter 3).

In this dissertation, I will use the term “design” in my own analysis and specific

“socialist” terms when quoting the sources. Recognizing the broadness of the Anglophone

term “design,” I take it in the modern sense indicated above – an activity concerned with

visual appearance of industrial products, complexes and environments, and its

correspondence to a number of other factors (functional, economic, ergonomic, etc). To be

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precise, there are numerous classifications of design, such as industrial design, graphic

design, product design, interior design, and process design. I will use some of these terms

when discussing relevant cases. It should be emphasized that drawing the line between

“decorative art” and “design” – for example, between applied art and product design, or

between oformleniie and interior design – is not always easy for a historian of post-Stalin

Russia, and neither was it for the protagonists of my story. Therefore, the choice of the term

is every time conditional. In my vision, the distinction between decorative art and design

lies in the scope of mass reproduction and in the corresponding sphere of industry (i.e.

textile vs. machine-building). My basic rule is to use the term “decorative art” in relation

to unique or small-edition items produced by artists working with traditional materials and

“design” in reference to the work of VNIITE employees; for all that lies in between, the

choice is bound to be conditional in each particular case. This terminological uncertainty is

the symptom of a broad debate on the relations between art and design that involved

professionals throughout the 20th century – from Hermann Muthesius to Hal Foster, which

can be an argument for seeing the post-Stalin aesthetic turn as a case study of the global

development of modern art and design.73

Sources and Methodology

As it should be clear by now, my dissertation is not about one particular type of

activity or profession, be it folk crafts, applied art, product or graphic design, etc. It covers

the whole range of activities, projects, objects and the ways professionals created, exhibited

and evaluated them. Accordingly, in my dissertation I use a diversity of sources that can be

divided into four categories. The first is archival material. In the archives of Moscow and

St. Petersburg, I worked with the following types of materials: state and Party documents,
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such as orders, resolutions, reports and correspondence with organizations; various

documents of several art- and design-related institutions: the USSR Artists’ Union and its

Moscow and Leningrad branches; VNIITE and its Leningrad branch; Research Institute of

Jonathan M. Woodham, Twentieth-Century Design (Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 1997);
Hal Foster, Design and Crime: And Other Diatribes (Verso, 2003); Alex Coles, ed., Design and Art (London;
Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2007).

Art industry; Moscow and Leningrad Houses of Dress Prototypes; and Lomonosov

Porcelain Factory in Leningrad; photo- and cine-documents related to retail trade, art

education, art exhibitions, fashion defiles, etc. Among these, the stenographic records of

professional discussions within the “decorative-applied” art sections of the Moscow and

Leningrad Artists’ Unions, preserved at the Moscow and St. Petersburg Archives of

Literature and Art (RGALI and TsGALI SPb) received most attention because they reveal

the diversity of professionals’ reactions to crucial economic, social and cultural changes

after Stalin. These documents, therefore, provide precious information for telling the story

of post-war aesthetics from the artist’s point of view. Definitely, the aesthetic turn was

constructed at numerous professional meetings beyond the Artists’ Union, within groups

ranging from VNIITE engineers to village craftsmen, whose aesthetic views and

approaches were very different. By the same token, it is clear that members of the

“decorative-applied art” sections of the regional and republican Unions of Artists produced

very different discourses from those of Moscow and Leningrad. Collecting all these records

and comparing discussions across professional and geographical (thus also cultural,

political and social) range is a challenging and time-consuming enterprise and the task for

my further research. In this dissertation I focus on a very influential segment of art

professionals who shaped publicly available discourse: their closed meetings served as
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workshops for ideas that appeared in the press and gradually crystallized in tangible objects,

exhibitions, public interiors and outdoor environments. The materials from the folders of

the Leningrad and Moscow Schools for Art and Industry were also among most important,

given the crucial role of art education in launching the aesthetic turn.

This point logically leads to another category of sources: periodicals and specialized

literature published in the period in question. Two major periodicals for my inquiry are, of

course, the journal Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR and the VNIITE bulletin Tekhnicheskaia

Estetika (Technical Aesthetics), founded in 1964 and concerned specifically with problems

of design, architecture, urban planning, as well as, from late 1960s, scientific forecasting

and cybernetics. Journals related to various aspects of the aesthetic turn range from the

narrow professional Tekstil’naia Promyshlennost’(Textile Industry) to the famous literary

journal Novyi Mir, a widely perceived mouthpiece of the “liberal intelligentsia.” Published

sources offer materials on different regions of Soviet Russia that can partially compensate

for the limited geographic scope of my archival research.

The third category of sources is represented by six interviews, conducted over four

years of research with artists, designers and art historians in St. Petersburg, Moscow and

New York. These sources were taken critically, not only as voices of the agents of aesthetic

turn but also as evidence of the present-day memory of late Soviet aesthetics on the level

of agency, creativity as well as bureaucratic routine.74

Finally, the fourth category of sources is the world of Soviet objects – artworks,

design models and parts of public interiors. The works of applied art that were produced

for exhibitions as unique pieces or as models for small editions are available in museums,

since such objects rarely made their way into people’s homes, serving instead as pure

manifestations of designer’s ideas, or, one can say, as conceptual art. The domestic objects
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that actually served people in their homes are mainly approached here through

reproductions. Investigating the objects in their domestic environments, or after their years-

long service, is the task of cultural anthropologist or a historian of everyday life; this

However, in the final version of the dissertation, the materials of only two interviews – with St.
Petersburg design theorist and former Leningrad designer Mikhail Alekseevich Kos’kov and with
Petersburg glass artist Natalia Malevskaia-Malevich, are cited directly; others were used for contextual

dissertation looks at objects at the moment of their presentation to the public by art


My basic method is modeled after Foucault’s archeology. In The Order of Things,

Foucault inquired into a “middle region” between the orders of codes governing a society

and the system of scientific theories explaining these orders – the domain where culture

frees itself from conceptual grids and reveals the unspoken order of things that constitute

the basis for ideas and objects dispersed throughout different fields of knowledge.75

Similarly, my work attempts to determine the common basis for different fields of artistic

activity through looking beyond the Party statements and official institutions at diverse

discursive and material objects, combining close reading of texts, formal analysis of objects

and the analysis of social and political contexts.

Chapter Outline

I consider the “unspoken order” of post-Stalin aesthetics as constituted by three major

categories, namely, realism, up-to-datedness and taste. This interpretation determined the

structure of the dissertation.

Chapter 1 represents the genealogy of Soviet decorative art and design from the 1930s

to the late 1960s, focusing on state policy and institutions. Three following chapters are
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devoted to categories. Chapter 2 traces the revision of the concept of realism, and,

consequently, of socialist realism, which officially remained the only allowed method of

art making until perestroika. It uncovers “lyrical” and “practical” variations of socialist

realism that emerged in the 1950s and then demonstrates how the theme of “organic,”

Foucault, The Order of Things.

important for the development of visual arts and architecture since antiquity, played a

particular role in the Soviet context as a tool for expanding the notion of “socialist realism.”

Chapter 3 brings the global concepts of modernity and modernization, which usually

accompany discussions of design, industry and production, to the level of objects, by

inquiring in the understanding of up-to-datedness among art professionals throughout the

two decades in question. Finally, Chapter 4 analyses taste as a category for constructing

and representing new social hierarchies as well as probing the limits between authenticity

and appearance, which resulted, on the one hand, in the proliferation of taste advice and

search for optimal assortment of goods, and, on the other hand, in restating the question of

artist’s role in modern society. This question had been crucial for Constructivists and

became even more painful in the condition of scientific and technical progress and the

Soviet society moving into post-industrial era.

Clearly, my archaeology is highly selective, and one could tell a very different story

using different sources. Yet this should not devalue the voices of the chosen protagonists

as they worked hard to make state socialism tangible and enjoyable. Following Foucault

again, I consider this dissertation “an open site”: 76 though it does not offer an exhaustive

explanation of late Soviet aesthetics, it uncovers meaningful questions.

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“Foreword to the English Edition,” in Foucault, The Order of Things, x-xiv; xii.

Chapter I: The Birth of Soviet Designer

Institutionally, Soviet design started in 1962 with the establishment of the All-

Union Scientific-Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE), following the active

institutional development of design in the U.S., Western Europe, Japan, and the countries

of socialist bloc.1 But the actual history of Russian/Soviet design starts earlier. It may be

traced back to the early 18th century, specifically to the construction and decoration of

machine tools and measuring instruments, while the origins of Soviet design, broadly

defined,2 are sometimes seen in traditional folk arts and town crafts.3 However, more often

historians of Soviet design view its starting point in the avant-garde experiments of the

1920s, especially Constructivism and the related movement of “productivists”

(proizvodstvenniki) with their radical project of rejecting fine art, converting the artist into

a producer and directing her or his creative energy to constructing a new everyday

environment (byt).4 Their legacy was crucial for further development of Soviet design, both

as an object of negation in Stalin’s time and as an example for emulation, even though often

disguised, during Khrushchev’s “Thaw” up to the end of the 1960s, when the system of

Jonathan Woodham, Twentieth-Century Design (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), 165-181.
There are numerous definitions of design, and, of course, the choice of a definition conditions the one writes
a history of design and the temporal point when one begins it. In this example, by “design broader defined” I
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mean any creative human activity of creating aesthetically expressive and practically useful objects,
complexes of objects, or whole environments or systems. Not surprisingly, such definition allows extending
design history far back in time, but also geographically and socially. Thus, design historian Vladimir Aronov
cites Russian wooden log hut (izba), peasant’s stove, samovar, Russian traditional baths (banya), the cut of
peasant’s clothes, etc., as examples of “the classic of Russian design.” Vladimir Aronov, “M. E. Gize i
problemy izucheniia istorii dizaina v Rossii,” in Marietta E. Gize, Ocherki istorii khudozhestvennogo
konstruirovaniia v Rossii XVIII – nachala XIX veka (St. Petersburg: Philology Department of St. Petersburg
State University, 2008), 7-37.
Aronov, “M. E. Gize.”
Selim Khan-Magomedov, Pionery sovetskogo dizaina (Moscow: Gallart, 1995); Aleksandr Lavrentiev and
Yuri Nasarov, Russian Design: Tradition and Experiment, 1920-1990 (London: Academic Publishers, 1995);
Dmitry Azrikan, “VNIITE, Dinosaur of Totalitarianism or Plato’s Academy of Design?” Design Issues 3
(1999): 45-77.

Soviet design was elaborated. However, there were also various systemic factors,

determining the profile of design in Soviet Russia in the 1950s – 1960s. This chapter

outlines the succession and effects of these factors, providing the background for the

following chapters, and highlights the trajectory of the development of the new profession

and new activity.

1. 1. Prolegomena: Design and Decoration in Stalin’s Time (1930s-1940s)

In 1923, a famous Soviet association of avant-garde artists, critics and writers, LEF

(“Levyi Front Iskusstv” - “Left Front of Art”), published the first issue of its mouthpiece

journal of the same name. One of the articles was by the prominent art critic, theorist of so-

called “productivist art” (proizvodstvennoe iskusstvo) and Vladimir Mayakovsky’s close

friend, Osip Brik. It was a call for converting artists into organizers of industrial production

and social life. Proclaiming Constructivism to be the only true method of building a new,

proletarian material culture, Brik denounced fake constructivists, who were, for him,

merely applied artists:

They don’t paint pictures, they work in production, speak of materials, textures,
constructions, but the result is still an old-fashioned decorativism [ukrashatel’stvo],
applied fancywork, [prikladnichestvo], [ornamental] roosters and flowers or circles
and doodles.5
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These miserable applied artists, “prikladnichki,” submit “stylish ornaments” to textile

factories, not understanding, that soon this will become irrelevant: “There is a producer

who needs neither pictures, nor ornaments, and who is not afraid of iron and steel. This

producer is the proletariat.”6

Osip Brik, “V Proizvodstvo!” LEF 1 (1923): 105. Translation of all the Russian quotes is mine except for
specially indicated cases.

By the end of the 1920s, Soviet authorities decided that what the proletariat needed

was neither expedient Constructivist objects, nor “stylish ornaments” in Constructivist

fashion, but modest luxury, deserved by hard work, including conventional ornaments 7

and, on the other hand, decorative abundance of public interiors and state holidays. From

1932, with the (in)famous resolution by the Central Committee of the Communist Party

“On the Reconstruction of Literary and Artistic Organizations,” (April 23, 1932)8 the

avant-garde idea of artist as life-organizer gave way to artist as collaborator with power,

obedient to the tastes of the Party leaders. The ideas of “productivists” were labeled

“bourgeois formalism” and rejected. The development of Russian/Soviet proto-design (or,

according to one author, early design of “first wave” of design in Soviet Russia)9 was

curtailed. Now visual artists were expected to celebrate the Soviet “bright future” in

paintings, sculpture, graphic arts, monumental art (frescoes, mosaics, or tapestries),

decoration of public interiors, city squares, parades, and festivals. In the sphere of

transportation and military hardware, specialists responsible for outer appearance of items

and its interconnection with their function were not called “designers” but “constructors”

(konstruktory) – design engineers (with the reference to construction as activity, not as a

concept of the Russian avant-garde).10 Their activity was perceived as purely technical and

not aesthetic; the predominant criteria for their designs were practicality, durability and
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Djurdja Bartlett, FashionEast: The Spectre That Haunted Socialism (MIT Press, 2010), p. 22; Jukka
Gronow, Caviar with Champagne: Common Luxury and the Ideals of the Good Life in Stalin’s Russia
(Berg, 2003); Aleksandr Vasiliev, “Doma mod vMoskve v 20-kh godakh,”
http://www.moda.ru/content/id/7363/5916/ accessed 15.01. 2013.
“Postanovlenie Politburo TsKVKP (b) ‘O perestroike literaturno-khudozhestvennykh organizatsii,’ 23
aprelia 23, 1932 g.,” Partiinoe stroitelstvo 9 (1932), p. 62, accessed 15.01.2013
Mikhail Kos’kov, Predmetnoe tvorchestvo, Vol. 3, Part VI (St. Petersburg: Ikar, 1996): 5.
Confusion might stem from the translation of “konstruktor” as “designer” in books on Soviet engineering.

economy.11 The only Soviet art journal Iskusstvo did not pay attention to their work, not

regarding it as not related to aesthetics.

In this context, did design exist from 1932 to 1953? Design is a broad concept and

the answer depends on the definition. Industrial design, which implies artists’ active

participation in all enterprises producing commodities and machines, was not a part of

Soviet practice at that time. Yet design in the sense of decoration and arrangement was

alive, albeit under strict control, in set design, book illustration, dress design, handicraft

workshops, public celebrations, etc. – what was termed “decorative” or “ornamental”

(oformitel’skoe) art. After 1932, these spheres became the refuge for avant-garde artists

who did not want to turn into mainstream painters or sculptors. The Moscow Regional

Union of Soviet Artists (MOSSKh), established on June 25, 1932, under the aegis of the

People’s Commissariat of Enlightenment of RSFSR, included a sector of decorative-

ornamental art (dekorativno-oformitelskogo iskusstva). This sector was divided into the

sections of decorators and textile artists.12 In 1940, it also included the section of

“decorative-applied art” (sektsiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva).13 The resolution of

the Council of People's Commissars “On Foundation of the Artistic Fund of the USSR,”

from February 4, 1940, listed decorators (oformiteli) and “artists of industry” (“khudozhniki

promyshlennosti”) among the artists to receive remunerations from the Fund for their work.
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Thus decorators and artists who created artistic prototypes for industrially produced goods

were recognized as artists.14 But they were seen as second-rate artists, helpers of architects

Dmitry Azrikan, Interview for the Journal Projector, September 23, 2008.
http://www.designet.ru/context/interview/?id=37621 accessed 17.11.2012; Lavrentiev and Nasarov, 47.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, l. 34.
Online catalogue of RGALI http://www.rgali.ru/object/227760804?lc=ru accessed 2.01.2013.
“Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov. Postanovleniie ot 4 fevralia 1940 goda no. 186 ‘Ob obrazovanii
Khudozhestvennogo Fonda Soiuza SSR.’”
http://www.economics.kiev.ua/download/ZakonySSSR/data04/tex16462.htm accessed 27.12.2012.

and engineers, and inferior to painters, sculptors and artists of easel graphics.15 They

submitted their designs to factories without actually participating in the production process.

Interior design was also practiced in the 1930s – 1940s. This was not only the ages-

old design of architectural interiors, but also design of the interiors of transportation

vehicles – ships, boats, airplanes, trams, etc. Thus, for example, architect Iosif

Alexandrovich Vaks, an employee of the Leningrad Research and Project Institute of House

Building and Civil Engineering (Lenproekt, established in 1925), was among the first

Soviet architects who engaged in industrial design activities in the 1930s. In the 1940s-

1950s, together with his colleague Leonid Katonin, he designed interiors for a number of

passenger boats, for a reconstructed arcade-type department store “Gostinyi Dvor” in

Leningrad, and a tram car for Leningrad car-repair plant.16

The two spheres, engineering and decorative art, had little in common at that time:

one was oriented to solving utilitarian tasks, the other to making new socialist “beauty.”

Designer Dmitry Azrikan contends that during the period of the 1930s to the 1950s,

industrial products “were withdrawn from the sphere of culture” and “were treated only as

tools to build socialism.”17 This claim might seem exaggerated: engineers of Soviet military

hardware and various transport vehicles obviously cared about the visual impact of their

work, such as grandiosity of size, visual expression of solidity, etc. – just like architects
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did. Hence, for example, the widespread use of streamlined forms, which were not always

functionally necessary, or the austere elegance of lamp designs by a prominent architect

Alexei Balashov, “Tvorcheskoe sodruzhestvo,” TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 23, l. 128.
Svetlana Mirzoian and Sergei Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina (St. Petersburg:
Iunikont Design, 2011).
Azrikan, “VNIITE”, 45.

Abram Damsky.18 Azrikan himself cites elsewhere the passenger car “Pobeda” (“Victory”,

1944-45) and the jet fighter MIG-15 (1947), as examples of Soviet design, albeit heavily

resembling Western models.19 However, these were carried out by engineers, with the

primacy of function and economic reasoning. They had appeared before a designer’s “type

of activity itself was constructed and legalized, forming an autonomous sphere.”20 Azrikan

explains this paradox by the immanence of design ideals to human labor as such.21

Developing his idea, I would characterize the Stalinist order of things not as totalitarian

Gesamtkunstwerk, as some scholars did,22 but as a regimented system, where the functional

environment is separate from the sphere of aesthetics. There was no clear system of

interrelation of utility and aesthetic appearance, and no theory of explaining such a system.

Different types of material objects, such as transportation vehicles, furniture, or textiles,

were not conceived as a stylistic unity. At least, there was no positive official discussion of

industrial aesthetics.23

The post-Stalin aesthetic turn began to be prepared during the war years. The reason

was practical. The astute need to train specialists for post-war restoration works on a huge

scale was recognized as early as in 1942.24 Leading Leningrad architects Valentin Golli

and Ivan Fomin discussed the project of arranging green spaces in Leningrad after the siege
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Aleksandr Lavrentev and Yuri Nasarov, Russian Design: Tradition and Experiment 1920-1990, English
Ed edition (London; New York: Wiley-Academy, 1996), 48-61.
Dmitry Azrikan’s interview for the Journal Projector, September 23, 2008
http://www.designet.ru/context/interview/?id=37621 accessed 23.07.2012.
Dmitry Azrikan’s interview for the Journal Projector.
Boris Groys, The Total Art of Stalinism: Avant-Garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship, and Beyond, trans. Charles
Rougle, Reprint edition (London ; New York: Verso, 2011); Hans Günther, “O krasote, kotoraia ne smogla
spastic sotsializm” [“On Beauty that could not Save Socialism”], translated from the German by A. Markov,
Novoe Literaturnoe Obozreniie, 101 (2010), http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2010/101/gu2.html, accessed
As evident from the issues the only official art journal Iskusstvo of this period; see also Vladimir Paperny.
Kul’tura Dva (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozreniie, 1996): 275-277.
Mirzoian and Helmianov, Mukha: Sankt-peterburgskaia shkola dizaina, 123.

would be broken.25 Also in 1942, Iosif Vaks sent a letter to the chief architect of the city,

Nikolai Baranov, with the request to open a school of art and industry, based on the

experience of the Central School of Technical Drawing, which had been liquidated in

1922.26 Vaks insisted: “Our school is a concern of all Leningrad architects. Your future

closest helpers would be prepared nowhere but here. Take the examples of the architects

[Andrei] Voronikhin, [James] Cameron, and [Francesco Bartolommeo] Rastrelli: they

governed their studios personally. But their students knew all their requirements, knew

every stroke of their sketches.”27 Baranov also held a position of the deputy Director of the

the Executive Committee (Ispolkom) of the Leningrad Soviet of toilers’ deputies,28 and,

evidently, brought the issue for consideration within this institution.

At that time, Vaks worked for the Headquarters of the Airpower Forces of the

Krasnoznamennyi [Red Banner] Baltic Fleet, camouflaging airfields, together with other

architects. He also camouflaged the Smolny Institute Building, the headquarters of

Leningrad Communist Party, in accordance with the general plan of Leningrad camouflage,

According to historian Elena Zubkova, who refers to recollections of war veterans, fighting mood of Soviet
soldiers was strong, because the war turned the previously abstract public spirit into a concrete aim to fight
the adversary. Thus the victory was seen as just and much expected, which also presupposed the concern
about dealing with post-victory problems. Elena Zubkova, Obshchestvo i reformy 1945-1964 (Moscow:
Rossiia molodaia, 1993), 16-25.
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The Central School of Technical Drawing, named after its father-founder, Baron Alexander Ludvigovich
Stieglitz, was opened on January 29, 1881, with the aim of preparing artists for industry. This was a part of
the reform of art education in Russia, which took place in the second half of the 19 th century and was based
on West European experience. This reform, in turn, was inspired by international industrial exhibitions in
Europe. In 1962, the Stroganov School of Technical Drawing was open in Moscow; Alexander Stieglitz took
this example and granted 1 million silver roubles to the Russian Finance Ministry for opening a school of
technical drawing in St. Petersburg. The Stieglitz school gathered outstanding professors and gave its students
versatile education. After the Revolution in 1917, the school was renamed “Higher School of Decorative
Arts,” and in 1918, it was united Academy of arts as the First State Art-Educational Workshops. In 1922 this
institution was renamed the Petrograd Higher Art-Industrial Institute (Vkhutein). Thus it became a
counterpart to the innovative design school in Moscow – Vkhutemas (Higher Art-Industrial Workshops),
which in 1926 was, too, renamed Vkhutein. In 1930 both schools were closed. Mirzoian and Khelmianov,
Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 13-69.
Mirzoian and Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 125.
TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1 d. 22, ll. 2 (turn), 14.

elaborated by leading city architects. Many artists and architects engaged in this activity at

that time, using their decorative skills for a vital need of wartime. 29 As Vaks later

recollected, immediately after a partial break of the siege on January 18, 1943, he started

giving lectures at the frontline about the history of the city. Now he could apply his

professional skills in another way, making show screens to cover destroyed facades of

architectural monuments, depicting their original condition – to be restored when the war


In October 1943, finally, Vaks’ request was met: the Leningrad Ispolkom

sanctioned opening the Art School of Architectural Decoration of Buildings

(Leningradskoe Khudozhestvennoe Uchilishche po arkhitekturnoi otdelke zdanii - LKhU)

under the City Administration for the Architectural Affairs. Valentin Golli was appointed

the school’s deputy director and Vaks became the Head of the Education section. The

school was officially opened, with the sanction of the Council of People’s Commissars of

RSFSR, on January 1, 1944, which can be considered the starting point of post-war design

education in Soviet Russia.30 According to Vaks’s own recollection, as well as archival

documentation, both Ispolkom and the Party leadership of Leningrad were interested in an

immediate opening of the school. They helped finding the first students - 125 very young

people, 15-18 years-olds, who had been earlier evacuated from Leningrad and now came
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back specifically for being trained as restorers.31 The Leningrad Ispolkom, and personally

its head, Piotr Popkov, also assisted Vaks and his colleague-architects in putting the

interiors of both the school and the dormitory in order and in providing tools and materials

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1 d. 22, l. 4.
Mirzoian and Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 115-117.
Ibid., 125-139.

necessary for the learning process.32 LKhU desperately needed experienced architects,

restorers and decorators as instructors. This was a difficult task: the majority of pre-war

specialists died or had been evacuated from Leningrad. As Vaks recollects, “experts were

sought for and found one by one, like gems,” and all those who remained in Leningrad

were engaged in teaching in the newly opened school. Some art specialists who had left

Leningrad were invited to return.33 All of them had working experience of 35-40 years and

all had graduated, before 1917, from the Imperial Academy of Arts of from Central School

of Technical Drawing.34 Understandably, none of these artists worked in their profession

during the time of siege; they were engaged in the work of barest necessity, such as fixing

utilities for military hospitals or repairing footwear. Vaks managed to gather highly

professional teaching staff, who, however, had traditional art education rather than

experience in avant-garde currents. Quite expectedly, the majority (if not all of them) were

men. Vaks himself soon became the proper director of LKhU35 and held this position until

his dismissal in 1946 for his connection to Popkov, who was among the accused in the

Leningrad Affair. However, Vaks did not lose his job, and even headed the section of

artistic metalware at the Department of Sculpture.36

Students were provided not only with housing, but also with basic clothes, work

wear and free meals. Obviously, future cadres for restoration works were much valued and
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taken care of. LKhU had five departments: decorative painting (mural and plafond painting

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 22, ll. 8-17; 22.
Designers Svetlana Mirzoian and Sergei Khelmianov, authors of the monograph on the history of Mukhina
School, maintain that Vaks included in his least of wanted instructors those artists who had been arrested and
were in prison or in exile, with reference to Vaks’ diaries and recollections. However, the authors do not
specify whether Vaks’ could really use his power as a leading Leningrad architect to secure amnesty at least
for some of these people. Mirzoian and Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 132-133
See footnote 26.
TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 22, l. 5.
Mirzoian and Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 180-181.

– colored painting, grisaille, graffito); decorative molding; stone and marble work;

woodwork (carving, mosaics, and inlay); and metalware (tapping, embossing, smith work,

and casting). Importantly, three more LKhU departments were connected to enterprises:

the Department of artistic ceramics to the Lomonosov porcelain factory; the Department of

glasswork to the Factory of Artistic Glass, and another Department of Metalware (iron and

bronze casting, embossing) to the bronze-casting workshop of the Institute of Painting,

Sculpture and Architecture.37 Students actively took part in restoring architectural

monuments of Leningrad as well as palaces and parks of the city’s famous suburbs, former

tsarist residences - Pavlovsk, Pushkin, Petrodvorets, Gatchina, and Oranienbaum (now

Lomonosov). In addition, LKhU students helped demolish the remainders of destroyed

houses, unload coal and firewood, and clean the streets, thus also, in a way, designing the

face of the liberated city. This work went on throughout the 1950s and even longer. As

designers Svetlana Mirzoian and Sergei Khelmianov argue, no significant building of

Leningrad, which had been destroyed by bombing, was overlooked by LKhU restorers. Yet

their names are still little known even for Petersburg citizens. Among these students were

Svetlana Onufrieva, Leonid Liubimov, Nadezhda Smirnova, Lidiia Strizhova, and Mariia


The next step for giving decorative and applied arts socio-political significance in
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the USSR is also connected to art pedagogy. On February 5, 1945, the Council of People’s

Commissars (SNK) of the USSR launched a Resolution “On Preparing Cadres for Art

Industry and Art-Decorative Works.” It proclaimed the urgent need to educate highly

skilled specialists for participating in the “new construction work and restoration of the

Mirzoian and Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 135.
Ibid., 145.

cities and monuments of art, destroyed by the Nazi aggressors.”39 The two main points of

the Resolution were, first, the directive given to the Main Administration of the Labor

Reserves under the SNK on establishing thirty art-industrial vocational schools with the

total acceptance of 3140 students; and, second, the reopening of two major Russian art-

industrial schools in the status of higher education institutions. One of them was the oldest

professional school of decorative and applied art in Russia, the Stroganov Art School in

Moscow. It was established by the Count and art patron Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov in

1825 and since then existed under different names; in 1918 it was reorganized into

Vkhutemas and later dispersed into several institutions.40 Now the Stroganov Art School

was to be reorganized under the name Moscow Higher School of Art and Industry

(Moskovskoe Vysshee Khudozhenstvenno-Promyshlennoe Uchilishche, henceforth

MVKhPU). Another was the already mentioned Central School of Technical Drawing in

St. Petersburg, named after Baron Stieglitz41; it was to be reestablished as the Leningrad

Higher School of Art and Industry (Leningradskoe Vyshee Khudozhestvenno-

Promyshlennoe Uchilishche, henceforth LVKhPU). In fact, LVKhPU was developed on

the basis of already functioning institution, LKhU. Both schools were expected to prepare

“professional cadres for art industry, technical drawers and masters of decorative-applied

art.”42 The order of listing specializations is important: clearly, the priority was given to
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technical professions over artistic ones. The predominantly practical purpose of this reform

is confirmed by the requirement that both schools had to be provided with educational-

RGALI, f. 2460 op. 1, d. 337, l. 1.
The official website of Stroganov Academy http://www.mghpu.ru/?page=02about/02history, accessed
See footnote 26.
RGALI, f. 2460 op. 1, d. 337, l. 4.

industrial workshops and subordinated directly to the Committee of Architectural Affairs

under the SNK.43 The 1945 Resolution is most remarkable by advocating a substantially

practical approach to decorative and applied arts, generated by the vital needs of the post-

war reconstruction, and by strongly linking architectural and applied art practices.

A parallel design development took place in engineering. This part of the story is

connected to the name of Iurii Soloviev, today referred to as “patriarch” or even “inventor”

of Soviet design. A son of the director of an aircraft factory, Soloviev belonged to the so-

called “gilded youth” of late Stalin’s time and personally knew Stalin’s children, Vasilii

and Svetlana.44 Soloviev graduated from the Moscow Printing Institute in 1943, and in

December 1945 he created and headed the Architecture and Art Bureau under the aegis of

the Ministry of Transport Industry.45 There is a little doubt that establishing the Bureau was

possible thanks to Soloviev’s close connection to the top state administration: Viacheslav

Malyshev, then Minister of the Transportation Industry (and in 1948-49 the Head of the

newly created State Committee for Science and Technology), was his patron and father-in-

law.46 Soloviev himself evaluated the Bureau post factum as the first design organization

in the USSR, but, he added, it was not recognized as such.47 This body dealt with designing

RGALI, f. 2460 op. 1, d. 337, l. 4.
Thus Soloviev had access to Western clothes and other commodities; not surprisingly, he was “well-known
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fashion admirer” and black marketer of Western goods, which well could be stimulating for his interest in
design. Author’s interview with Mikhail Alexeevich Kos’kov, recorded in St. Petersburg 16. 04. 2011;
Azrikan, “VNIITE”; Vladimir Paperny, “Vospominaniia o futurologii,” in Vladimir Paperny, Mos-Angeles -
2 (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozreniie, 2009), 70; Iurii Vasiliev, “Korol’ dizaina,” Itogi 884 (May 20,
2013), http://www.itogi.ru/arts-spetzproekt/2013/20/190033.html, accessed 1.06.2012.
Woodham, Jonathan. A Dictionary of Modern Design. Oxford University Press, 2004, p. 395; “Soloviev!
90 let patriarkhu rossiiskogo dizaina!” [“Soloviev! The Patriarch of Russian Design Turns Ninety!” Interview
with Yuri Soloviev, the webpage of the Union of Designers of Russia. 2010-01-11 11:43:53
Discussion of the blog entry “Back to the USSR” (about Soloviev’s role in Soviet design),
http://kak.ru/columns/designet/a1517/, accessed 21.03.2015.
“Soloviev! 90 let patriarkhu rossiiskogo dizaina!” [“Soloviev! The Patriarch of Russian Design Turns
Ninety!” Interview with Yuri Soloviev, the webpage of the Union of Designers of Russia,

transportation vehicles, for example, passenger river boats, railway cars, trolley buses for

Moscow, and, most prominently, atomic-power ice-breaker “Lenin” (1953-55).48 However,

this organization presented its activity not as industrial design, but as engineering

(“konstruirovaniie”), and its activity was ignored by applied artists. It can be evaluated as

a proto-design stage, or design without theoretical background, which was to be developed

in the 1960s.49

Meanwhile, some restructuring took place within the Moscow and Leningrad

Unions of Soviet Artists (MOSKh and LSSKh). The sector of decorative-ornamental art in

MOSKh was renamed the “section of decorative-applied art” and subdivided into three sub-

sections: decorative-ornamental works, textile, and applied art.50 This section, like its

counterpart in Leningrad, was to gain strength and become a locus of debate about cultural

and social changes in the following decade.

1.2. The Beginning of Applied Artists’ Reformist Propositions (1950-1957)

In the early 1950s, when Stalin was still alive and powerful, and the echo of

“zhdanovshchina” still sounded, the Moscow and Leningrad sections of decorative-applied

art openly argued for the high importance of this art, hitherto seen as mere “fancywork.”

For example, Leningrad book illustrator Vladimir Kochegura, at the meeting of the
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http://design-union.ru/portalnew/place-of/world/482-soloviov90, uploaded 11.01.2010, accessed

Vladimir Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki. Kniga vtoraia (Moscow: Arkhitektura-S, 2007), 225-
Because of his power to influence the authorities, and his privileged social position, Soloviev is a
controversial figure in the history of Soviet industrial design. Both experienced and young designers still
express this ambiguity, revealing the desire to dissociate the activities of designers from power games (see
the comments on the review of Soloviev’s 2004 autobiography: http://kak.ru/columns/designet/a1517/
Nonetheless, his outstanding role in developing Soviet industrial design is undeniable. He appeared as the
agent of institutional change at the time when Soviet art theory was ready to embrace industrial aesthetics.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, l. 34

decorative-applied art section in February 1953, called for pressing the Administration

Board of LSSKh to treat this section equally with others. He complained, in particular, that

painters and easel graphic artists buy all the best paintbrushes in the Union’s kiosk and only

worse-quality ones remain for applied artists – prikladniki, as they were colloquially called.

“By the way,” he reminded, “we need good paintbrushes first of all. I have seen the sketch

of [the architect and interior designer Abram Il’ich] Lapirov, where he made very

meticulous, delicate ornamentation. Its implementation requires very good materials. But

it turns out that we cannot have a claim to such materials equally with the members of other


At the same meeting, interior designer Efrem Sandler complained that, unlike other

visual artists, prikladniki rarely had individual studios where they could do experimental

work and thus develop their professional skills. “This is a rebuke to the Administration

Board, which still does not consider us a competent section.”52 He also opined that only

one section representative in the LSSKh Administration Board, Vsevolod Sulimo-Samuilo,

was not enough. In the case of his illness, no one would defend the interests of applied

artists, so another candidate needed to be proposed.53 Sandler concluded: “Nobody

understands that we are significantly more the artists than graphic artists, who [only]

illustrate books, whereas we deal with books, with interiors, with porcelain, with fabrics,
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with ceramics, with enamels, and so forth.” By the same token, he added, applied artists

are superior to painters: “Try suggesting a painter to make a brooch or illustrate a book –

what will he come up with?”54 Universalism was presented as both a misfortune and an

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385.
Ibid., l. 30.
Ibid., l. 30.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, l. 31.

advantage of applied artists, making them misunderstood creators, victims of the

colleagues’ arrogance. Similarly, at the beginning of 1954, prominent applied artist,

architect and LVKhPU Professor Boris Smirnov spoke of superiority of applied art at a

research conference in Leningrad. “The image-bearing effect [obraznoe vozdeistviie] of

applied art works every day, during one’s whole life, and not episodically, only in museums

and at exhibitions. This is a socially meaningful specificity of applied art as a guide in

certain ideology and sublime artistic taste.”55 Like the productivists, Smirnov called for

reforming everyday life – byt – through the aesthetics of material objects, without, however,

proclaiming the death of art, or denying the significance of decoration. Applied art was to

be one’s own personal socialist realism.

Meanwhile, Moscow artists also spoke about the importance of decorative and

applied art. At the meeting of the decorative-applied art section of MOSKh in September

1953, the artist Chervonnyi insisted that “decorative art is connected to poetry, prose,

music, with the whole diversity of Soviet reality, of Soviet life.” That is, decorative art was

described as a competent and equal part of Soviet culture, broadly defined. Therefore,

Chervonnyi continued, a good decorative artist has to be an all-round, universally educated

person, and “a politically active member of the society,”56 foreshadowing one of the future

approaches to the industrial design profession. Prikladniki from both MOSKh and LSSKh
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positioned themselves as the elite among all Soviet applied artists, bearing responsibility

for improving industrial production, advertisement design of interiors, shop windows,

streets, squares and private apartments in Soviet cities.

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 291, l. 70.
RGALI, f. 2493, op. 1, d. 2470, l. 34.

The pronouncements about the power of applied art were not just a matter of

professional development and personal ambitions. Already at the beginning of 1950s, the

Soviet Party leadership understood well that the improvement of living standards and

consumer goods was an important instrument for keeping the population’s loyalty and the

Soviet Union’s positive image vis-à-vis the capitalist West. As architectural historian

Catherine Cooke described it, “in the appalling physical state of the war-ravaged Soviet

Union it was clear that the attention to living standards was not just a humanistic issue. A

better material environment was the essential machinery for generating the higher

productivity and commitment of individuals on which any attempt of the Soviet Union to

keep up with the West depended in the tough Cold War world.”57 The XIX Communist

Party Congress, in October 1952, laid out directives for the fifth five-year plan, including

mass-scale expansion of the state’s housing construction programs. 58 The new Party

regulations, adopted at the Congress, promised “satisfaction with constantly growing

material and cultural needs of the society,” and this became an important point of reference

for applied artists in their claims for gaining authority.59 This promise presupposed

investments in the development of decorative-applied art. If we are to believe Leningrad

artist Zakharov, the expenditure plan of the USSR Art Fund for 1952, approved by the

USSR Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Finances, allocated 4.5 million rubles for
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decorative-applied art, while only 1.5 million rubles for painting and sculpture each. An

analogous plan for 1953 assigned 5.5 million rubles to decorative-applied art and only 2.5

Catherine Cooke with Susan E. Reid. “Modernity and Realism: Architectural relations in the Cold War.”
In Susan E. Reid and Rosalind P. Blakseley, eds., Russian Art ant the West: A Century of Dialogue in
Painting, Architecture and the Decorative Arts (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2007), 173.
“Direktivy po piatiletnemy planu razvitiia SSSR na 1951-1955 gody,” Pravda, August 20, 1952, 1-2.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 386, l. 1-3.

million rubles to painting and sculpture each.60 Thus, from 1952, applied artists’ appeal for

recognition within their professional community was backed by the state’s material

support. After Stalin’s death, Nikita Khrushchev, whom Cooke describes as “above all a

practical man who got things done,”61 used the issue of improving living standards as a

weapon in his struggle for power. The political situation turned even more favorable for

applied artists, allowing them to cautiously revive the 1920s constructivists’ slogan “into


Indeed, entering industry became the primary objective of Moscow and Leningrad

decorative artists around 1953. At the above mentioned meeting, Moscow artist Chervonnyi

strongly suggested the participation of decorative artists of all kinds in regular fall and

spring exhibitions of MOSKh. “This would have a significant impact upon broad masses

of people through the things which enter the household of a Soviet person; while on the

other hand, it would push production, so that these commodities would be mass-

produced.”62 From the beginning of the 1950s, Moscow textile artists, working at factories,

in the Research Institute of Art Industry (established in 1932) and in the workshops of the

USSR Art Fund, worked hard on reinterpreting folk motives for the mass-produced

commodities used in urban settings. Such modernized ornaments were developed for

carpets, tablecloths, curtains, and fashionable dresses. For example, Vera Aralova, designer
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at the Moscow House of Dress Prototypes, proudly announced to Moscow textile artists

that dresses made from the fabric, designed by artist A. Pod’’apolskaia, had been highly

evaluated at the International Fashion Competition in Prague, in September 1953.63

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 38, l. 36.
Cooke, “Modernity and Realism,” 173.
RGALI, f. 2493, op. 1, d. 2470, l. 27.
RGALI, f. 2493, op. 1, d. 2470, l. 4.

Yet the items made according to high quality designs were mostly of limited

production, available at exhibitions and fashion shows rather than on sale to a regular

consumer.64 In February 1953, Leningrad artists could name three important design

organizations of the city.65 The art-industrial complex Lengoroformlenie, existing since

1950, dealt with decoration of urban space, outdoor advertising, producing and distributing

posters, and also theater set design.66 Torgreklama, established at the beginning of the

1950s, was responsible for advertising commodities.67 Lenizo (1929-1954), a cooperative

organization of Leningrad artists, coordinated the work of factories and workshops,

distributed commissions to artists, and sold artworks through the network of its shops.68

Decorative artist Evgenii Krshizhanovskii regretfully admitted that artists employed in

these organizations were controlled by their directors and had to strictly follow their

requirements. Since these directors were not competent in aesthetic questions, he said, the

quality of production turned out to be quite low. Therefore, members of the decorative-

applied art section were strongly encouraged to take control over this production. “I have

not seen,” Krshizhanovskii claimed, “that the work in this direction stimulated growth of

prestige and artistic quality of these organizations.” Therefore, he concluded, certain

members of the section should be selected for controlling design work within these

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By 1953, the artists of Leningrad and Moscow decorative-applied art sections had

been members of artistic councils – consultative bodies, authorized to select prototypes for

On socialist fashion as ideological construct and propaganda tool see Bartlett, FashionEast, 5-8; 137-180.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, l. 11
http://www.ruan.ru/company/press/101 accessed 28.12.2012.
http://www.advertology.ru/print25257.htm accessed 28.12.2012.
Evgeniia Petrova and Vladimir Leniashin, eds., Gosudarstvennyi Russkii Musei. Katalog muzeinogo
sobraniia. Zhivopis’. Vol. 10. Prevaia polovina XX veka (St. Petersburg: Palace Edition, 2008), 130.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, ll. 11-12

mass production – at many enterprises.70 However, they could not do much for improving

quality, being pressed by factory managers and trade workers to select items which were

easier to produce or, allegedly, more appealing to consumers. Sometimes, however, there

were simply no decent prototypes to choose. This is what happened in winter 1953 at the

meeting of the artistic council of the Leningrad Wallpaper Factory, organized by the

Department Store DLT (Dom Leningradskoi Torgovli). The submitted prototypes “made a

very sad impression,” while the representatives of trade organizations “just cried: if you do

not pass at least one prototype, we will have to stop trading, but the demand for wallpaper

is huge!” Thus the artists had to make a compromise with other council members and

choose mediocre prototypes; otherwise the work of wallpaper factory would stop.71

By the time of Stalin’s death in March 1953, applied artists had several suggestions

for solving, at least partially, the quality problem, and they went on proposing solutions in

a changing political climate. The first suggestion was, essentially, “start with yourself.” All

members of the decorative-applied art sections, those employed at factories, as well as those

working by commissions from the USSR Art Fund, had to be highly qualified professionals

and constantly polish their skills. For this purpose, they were to cross-check each other’s

progress through organizing “creative reviews” (tvorcheskiie prosmotry), “creative

reports” (tvorchesliie otchety), and participation in both large and narrowly thematic
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exhibitions. Thus, during 1951-1953, the decorative-applied section of LSSKh organized

four exhibitions: the exhibition of decorative-applied art for the time period 1951-1952; the

exhibition of the production of the Lomonosov Porcelain Factory; the exhibition of the

State Wallpaper Factory; and the exhibition of porcelain artist Grigorii Zimin. In addition,

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, 386; RGALI, f. 2493, op. 1, d. 2475.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, l. 15.

the section conducted 44 “creative reports” and 10 meetings of the section’s Bureau

(governing board) in Leningrad factories and in LVKhPU. In addition, 71 intra-group

Bureau sessions were held in these three years. They were devoted to selecting new

members, organizing exhibitions, debates on social and everyday life questions, and reports

on the passed exhibitions of decorative art in Moscow.72 The main directive of all these

activities was for the section to assume extensive control over decorative art making in

Leningrad. The artists were expected not just to participate in numerous artistic councils,

but to control all the commodity production. For this reason, the section suggested selecting

“responsible persons” from the section’s Bureau for supervision (“shefstvo”) over the work

of factories where applied artists were employed.73 As architect and monumental artist

Kirill Iogansen expressed it, “The aim is to make the section the headquarters of decorative-

applied work and enter industry; and when our population is able to buy beautiful

commodities, beautiful porcelain, beautiful paintings, and to look at beautifully made

advertisement – then the task will be fulfilled [highlighted in the original].”74 Therefore, at

the start of the aesthetic turn, the task to improve Soviet material environment was

formulated in terms of beauty, understood as visual appeal (further developments of the

concept of beauty will be discussed in the following chapters).

Realistic voices, however, insisted that the task was too big for the forty members
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of the section; it could oversee maximum 2-3 factories.75 One possible solution was to use

the section’s strong contact with the Leningrad city department of beautification (otdel

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 386, l. 6.
Among the members of the sections of decorative-applied art were the artists employed at (or “attached
to”) factories, and the so-called “free” artists, working by commissions, designing public interiors,
exhibitions, shop windows, product labels, etc. They totally depended on the USSR Union of Artists and the
commissions distributed by the Artistic Fund. TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, l. 5.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, l. 20.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, l. 13.

blagoustroistva) as a lever to affect the USSR Chamber of Commerce and the Ministries

of Trade and Light Industry. It was stressed that, doing so, the applied artists would gain

authority in decision-making.76 Another suggestion was to push the leadership of factories

to redesign artistic councils, so that artists and architects would predominate there – or, in

most difficult cases, to request the change of a factory administration itself.77 Decorative

artists were also called for active intervention into the affairs of the Leningrad section of

the USSR Art Fund. Artist Alexei Balashov argued that it was actually possible to control

many factories through expansion of the section by attracting and properly guiding new

staff, mostly from LVKhPU graduates.78

The most radical proposal came from artist Rozanov – organizing “the institute of

planning decorative-applied art” (“institut proektirovaniia dekorativno-prikladnogo

iskusstva”). It was then just a rough idea:

This problem should be put onto a state basis, because this is a problem of state
significance. The question of artistic guidance of all our industry with all its factories
and enterprises has long ripened… It should be entrusted to the people of political
mindset, perhaps it should be discussed elswhere.79

Rozanov repeated the same suggestion right before the momentous XX Congress of

the Communist Party. At the section’s meeting on February 1, 1956, he complained that

the state did not pay proper attention to decorative-applied art, and that the section’s
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influence upon actual production was still miserable. Even worse, many artists were

employed at factories not as artists, but as technical specialists. All these problems, he

insisted, were caused by the lack of a single organizing center for “art industry.”80 Calling

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385, l. l. 20.
Ibid., l. 15.
Ibid., l. 47.
Ibid., l. 41.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 389, l. 33.

for creating such center even more insistently, Rozanov pondered on how to do it without

suppressing the interests of local artists. This means, first, that little had been improved in

Soviet art industry for the past three years, and, second, that new questions had emerged.

Rozanov’s complaint at the 1956 meeting was supported by art historian Nina Iaglova, who

reminded that the artists, employed in industry, were not provided with proper working

conditions. Thus, she emphasized, the slogan of the First All-Russian Conference on Art

Industry (1919)81 - “Artists into production!” - had still not been fulfilled.82

But was there indeed no change at all from February 1953 to February 1956, in the

sphere of decorative art? Even though the real situation remained unfavorable for applied

artists, there was the beginning of an important theoretical development. For the first time

since the early 1920s, a consistent discussion of applied art appeared in the official press.

Notably, the decision was initiated by a representative of the Stalinist art establishment. In

the January-February issue of the major Soviet art journal Iskusstvo from 1954, the

President of the USSR Academy of Arts, Aleksandr Gerasimov, announced the tasks for

development of Soviet art, including decorative art.83 In the style of self-criticism

(samokritika), typical for Stalin’s time, Gerasimov admitted that the Academy of Arts had

been ignoring applied art and advertisement. Many artistic organizations also considered

applied art as a “low” art. Now, according to the Party’s directive to improve art industry,
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the Academy must change its policy: “We must engage in the problems of advertisement,

decoration [khudozhestvennoe oformleniie] of commodities, labels, marks, etc. It must not

Lev Orshanskii, Khudozhestvennaia i kustarnaia promyshlennost SSSR 1917-1927 (Leningrad: Izdaniie
Akademii Khudozhestv, 1927), 74.
accessed 26.01.2013.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 389, l. 36.
Aleksandr Gerasimov, “Nashi zadachi,” Iskusstvo 1 (January-February 1954): 7-11.

be completely entrusted to factories and trade organizations.”84 As Gerasimov added, when

random people, without proper qualification, dealt with applied art, it led to low quality and

petty-bourgeois tastes. He saw the Academy of Sciences as a center for guiding the

development of art industry, like that proposed by Rozanov. Gerasimov particularly urged

the Academy’s Research Institute of History and Theory of Visual Arts (functioning since

1947) to pay more attention to artistic industry (khudozhestvennaia promyshlennost’) as

well as folk art.

This was, however, a formal official statement, following the Party line, without

touching upon the specific problems of applied art. The first professional discussion on this

topic appeared in Iskusstvo in the second (March-April) issue of 1954. In their article “The

experience of creating artistic decorative fabrics,” artists Inessa Tumanian and Ivan

Florinskii called for “development of the methods for producing structurally and

ornamentally complex decorative fabrics in the conditions of mass-scale industrial

production.” However, they stressed, no artistic organization was concerned with this task,

leaving it to factories, which had neither highly qualified artistic staff, nor recourses for

research. As a result, “the produced fabrics are often monotonous in structure, and the

ornaments are insipid and boring. Devoid of their own style, they often copy not the best

West European examples.” Therefore, the authors argued, elaboration of basic theoretical
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principles of textile design was of primary importance.85 In the same issue, art critic Sergei

Gerasimov, “Nashi zadachi,” 10.
Inessa Tumanian and Ivan Florinskii, “Opyt sozdaniia khudozhestvennykh dekorativnykh tkanei,”
Iskusstvo 2 (March-April 1954): 39-42.

Temerin presented a survey of the recent exhibition of Hungarian folk crafts. 86 After that,

applied art did not figure as a subject in this journal until 1955.

In April 1954, Leningrad hosted an exhibition of Estonian applied art.87 Estonia,

together with other Baltic republics, served as immediate example of higher quality

commodities, and the exhibition was received enthusiastically by both specialists and the

general public (it attracted approximately 10 thousand visitors).88 Discussing the event in

LOSKh, Leningrad applied artists regretfully admitted that they had much less production

facilities to experiment and professionally develop, than their Estonian colleagues. They

expressed a wish to follow Estonia’s example of masterful modernization of folk ornaments

and in their creative use of various textures. A comparatively high attendance at the

exhibition made one artist conclude that “applied art begins to be loved by the audience; in

fact, it had been loved before, but somehow escaped attention of certain artistic circles.”89

Meanwhile, in the first half of 1954, Moscow received exhibitions of contemporary Czech

and Lithuanian applied art.90 However, Iskusstvo ignored these events.

December 7, 1954 became a landmark of the aesthetic turn: Khrushchev attacked

irrational, historicist constructions at the All-Union Convention of Soviet Builders and

Architects.91 As a contemporary of the events, art historian Iurii Gerchuck, describes it,

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Sergei Temerin, “Vystavka vengerskogo narodnogo prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 2 (March-April
1954): 66-72.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 387.
Ibid., l. 59.
Ibid., l. 60.
Nilita Sergeevich Khrushchev, O shirokom vnedrenii industrial’nykh metodov, uluchshenii kachestva i
snizhenii stoimosti stroitel’stva: rech’ na Vsesoiuznom soveshchanii stroitelei, arkhitektorov i rabotnikov
promyshlennosti stroitel’nykh materialov, stroitel’nogo i dorozhnogo mashinostroeniia, proektnykh i
nauchno-issledovatel’skikh organizatsii, 7 dekabria 1954 g (Moscow: Politizdat, 1955).

purely economic critique caused, nonetheless, radical aesthetic consequences. It

transformed architecture that was denied even the right to be called art. On the one
hand, architecture at once rid itself of the burden of archaic fake forms and pseudo-
classical traditions, but, on the other hand, it was squeezed into the frames of
extremely rude utilitarianism, subordinated to the dictate of primitive technical and
economic expediency. And yet the architects were the first in the country who
started forming a new artistic language suitable for the transformed spirit of time,
who acquired the right (and even the obligation) to widely use hitherto neglected
foreign experience. Therefore architecture led the way for the related to it applied
and monumental arts and furthered their faster and relatively freer development.92

Catherine Cooke noted that the themes of Khrushchev’s 1954 criticism, such as the

call for type-plans and industrialized building methods, the requirement for architectural

theory to directly serve the practice, and the denunciation of individual architects who had

led the profession before the war, had been familiar to the architectural communities in

European countries, who had to deal with the task of post-war reconstruction. As Cooke

argued, “Even his [Khrushchev’s] statement that ‘not everything the constructivists did was

bad’ was a heart-warming gesture to those pioneers of European modernism who were now

trying to implement a social vision for architecture.”93 Thus, even before the famous

denunciation of the “personality cult” at the Twentieth Party Congress, Khrushchev

initiated and encouraged the shift of architectural practice towards the more open

international direction, even though, as Cooke later added, the information about Western

architectural tendencies was scarce. Closely related to architecture, decorative art also thus
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received an official sanction to improve and update.

This policy change prompted the beginning of serious professional discussion of

applied art in the official Soviet art press. In March 1955, Iskusstvo published a

groundbreaking article by an art historian Alexander Saltykov, a prominent specialist on

Iurii Gerchuk, Krovoizliianiie v MOSKh, ili Khrushchev v Manezhe (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe
Obozreniie), 13.
Cooke, “Modernity and Realism,” 173.

decorative art of Soviet republics. The article explained the key principles of decorative

art, distinguishing it from painting, sculpture, and easel graphics.94 In the July-August issue

of Iskusstvo, Leningrad art critics Nina Iaglova and Helene Kuma presented their review

of the exhibition of the applied art of three Baltic republics, which was currently taking

place in Tallinn.95 In November 1955, this exhibition was brought to Moscow, and

reviewed by Saltykov in Iskusstvo.96 This were the beginning of external contacts of Soviet

Russia’s artists – the Baltic countries demonstrated more advanced design culture and were

the accessible example to emulate.

In the September-October issue of Iskusstvo of the same year, Sergei Temerin gave

a rigorous analysis of the MOSKh-organized exhibition of decorative arts, where he argued

against the pejorative use of the term “applied.”97 He plainly stated, that painting, sculpture

or graphics cannot be simply “applied” to utilitarian objects, because making such objects

“is a special type of artistic creativity, a special kind of art,” which “embraces the process

of creating everyday objects, satisfying people’s aesthetic and utilitarian needs.” This

specific activity, he explained, includes “all the totality of artistic labor,” whereas an

applied artist often combines skills of architect, sculptor and painter. In essence, Temerin

described industrial design, not “applied art” in the sense of hand-making of fancy domestic

objects. This very term, as well as “decorative art,” had become problematic by then: artists
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Aleksandr Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 2 (1955): 30-34. It
must be noted, however, that already in November 1954 Saltykov discussed applied art in the context of
commodity culture, in the specialized periodical about Soviet trade. Alexander Saltykov, “O
khudozhestvennom kachestve promyshlennykh tovarov,” Sovetskaia Torgovlia 9, 1954, 22-31.
Nina Iaglova, and Helene Kuma, “Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo sovetskoi Estonii,” Iskusstvo 4 (July-
August 1955): 54-57.
Aleksandr Saltykov, “Prikladnoe iskusstvo trekh respublik,” Iskusstvo 6 (November-December 1955), 12-
18. Unfortunately, Saltykov gives no concrete information in his article about the exhibition’s location. But
the fact that the review was presented in November by a Moscow art critic allows us to suppose that it was
not about the Summer Exhibition in Tallinn, but about recent or current exhibition in Moscow.
Sergei Temerin. “Iskusstvo bytovykh veshchei,” Iskusstvo 5 (September-October 1955): 13-21.

were debating whether “everyday art” (“bytovoe iskusstvo”) would be better. For Temerin,

this debate seemed a waste of time: what matted is the wide recognition of the importance

of the art, related to everyday needs.98

By the mid-1950s, open professional discussion of decorative art was under way.

Socio-political situation was favorable to this process: Krushchev saw the problem of mass

housing as crucial. The post-war Soviet Union experienced catastrophic shortage of living

space, with barracks and communal apartments as standard habitats for the large majority

of urban dwellers. The housing program was developed already by the Stalinist leadership,

and between 1944 and 1954 some measures were taken. Yet the construction was then on

a limited scale. As Mark B. Smith explains it, “the agencies of the late Stalinist Party,

following Stalin himself, lacked any sustained interest in the way that the individual citizen

lived, or certainly any interest sufficiently advanced to generate widespread practical

effects.”99 I would argue that the applied artists’ main concern was precisely how the

individual citizen lived, and with Khrushchev’s intensified housing program, they could

express this concern openly, as it became relevant.

The first manifestation of the new housing policy was the criticism of “excess” in

December 1954. In November, 1955, this criticism was entailed in the famous Party and

governmental resolution “On Liquidation of Excesses in Planning and Building.”100 The

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Resolution called for developing uniform types of building, rational use of materials and

rejection of embellishment in favor of convenience, echoing the modernist maxim “form

Temerin. “Iskusstvo bytovykh veshchei,” 13.
Mark B. Smith. “Khrushchev’s Promise to Eliminate the Urban Housing Shortage: Rights, Rationality and
the Communist Future.” In Melanie Ilic and Jeremy Smith, eds., Soviet State and Society Under Nikita
Khrushchev (London-New York: Routledge, 2009), 27.
The Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers from November 4,
1955 No. 1871 “On Liquidation of Excesses in Planning and
Building“http://www.sovarch.ru/postanovlenie55/ accessed 28.08.2011.

follows function” and thus giving room for industrial design to legitimately develop. Just

before the acceptance of this resolution, in October 1955, the Soviet delegation headed by

the Minister of Construction I. K. Koziulia made a five-week visit to the U.S. for studying

construction methods of prefabricated housing.101 The first step of the mass-scale housing

program took place between the beginning of 1955 and July 31, 1957, when the Party

housing decree was issued. It recognized the right to housing as belonging to all Soviet

citizens and promised to overcome the housing shortage within ten, or maximum twelve,

years. By then, every Soviet was to be provided with a separate, though small, apartment.102

With this second step of a global housing program, the very concept of domestic space had

to be reconsidered. People were gradually moving into their new apartments and needed to

domesticate them, to furnish them with appropriate commodities. Therefore the experts’

advice became needed, which, in turn, prompted rigorous development of design theory,

not to mention that mass production of high quality commodities became a critical task.

Soviet Russia badly needed industrial designers.

Definitely, Khrushchev’s famous “Secret Speech” at the XX Congress of the

Communist Party in February 1956 also greatly affected the development of Soviet design.

However incompletely, de-Stalinization stimulated the liberalization of culture and

provided opportunities for rethinking Soviet aesthetics. There were two directions: learning
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from contemporary Western experience and a cautious revival of the ideas Russian avant-

garde, including productivist art. Within the artistic community, it became possible to

challenge certain dogmas, as was done by a young Leningrad art critic Moisei Kagan in

Greg Castillo, Cold War on the Home Front: The Soft Power of Midcenturydesign (Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 2010), 130-136.
Smith, ‘Khrushchev’s Promise,” 26-27.

April 1956. Responding his claim about the “architectural” and non-depictive nature of

applied art, Kagan’s colleagues made references to the decisions of the XX congress, such

as the call for innovation in art and rendering art accessible to everyone.103 With his daring,

for that time, views on applied art, Kagan provoked a published response from another

young art critic Nikita Voronov, a “passionate propagator of the ‘Thaw’ art.”104 Voronov’s

criticism in Iskusstvo was quite heated, but Voronov was obviously interested in clearing

the meaning of applied art and setting design principles, not in hitting “the adversary.”105

This was not the battle between the artistic Stalinism and artistic liberalism of the “Thaw,”

but a lively, engaging discussion of two open-minded young professionals. Voronov’s

article argued for the complexity of applied art and pointed to the necessity of a special

forum, dedicated to this art’s problems. At the same time, art figures of the Russian

painterly avant-garde could now be partially rehabilitated. Thus, together with Voronov’s

critique, Iskusstvo published an article by art historian Serafim Druzhinin, an employee of

the State Tretiakov Gallery, devoted to a Cezannist painter Ilia Mashkov (1881-1994),

whose work had been earlier condemned as formalist.106 These debates and re-introductions

in Iskusstvo signaled the growing scholarly interest in applied art, emerging in 1956. The

majority writings on aesthetics issued in 1956 - if not all – devoted at least several pages to

applied art.107 Most prominent of them are Problems of Aesthetic Education by Nina
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Dmitrieva and Content and Form in Art by Viktor Vanslov.108

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 39, ll. 62, 74.
Gerchuk, Krovoizliianiie v MOSKh, 285-286.
Nikita Voronov. “O nekotorykh voprosakh spetsifiki prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 4 (July-August
1965), 18-22.
Serafim Druzhinin, “Ilia Mashkov,” Iskusstvo 4 (July-August 1956), 23-27.
Boris Shragin, “Za desiat’ let,” DI SSSR 12 (December 1967): 38.
Nina Dmitrieva, Voprosy esteticheskogo vospitania (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1956), 115; Viktor Vanslov.
Soderzhanie i forma v iskusstve (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1957), 188-189. These books were immediately
reviewed in Moisei Kagan, “Estetika i prikladnoe iskustvo,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1958): 37-40.

As this survey suggests, by 1957 the aesthetic turn in Soviet Russia had beenwell

under way. The necessity for creating a comprehensive theory of socialist industrial design

was recognized, bolstered by the political and socio-economic reforms. It was time to

conceptualize the profession of designer.

1. 3. From Applied Art to Design (1957 – 1962)

A key event for the growth of the professional design discussion was the First All-

Union Convention of Artists, taking place in Moscow during a week from February 28 to

March 5, 1957.109 This Convention did not only complete the process of organizing the

Union of Artists of the USSR. It also sanctioned the functioning of decorative art on par

with other arts. Decorative artists granted importance to this event: it was their chance to

speak out in front of their colleagues and superiors. Thus, as early on February 1, 1956, at

the meeting of Leningrad section of decorative-applied art, Abram Lapirov called for the

vigorous presentation at the Convention and suggested, for this purpose, to unite with

Moscow applied artists.110 His colleague Iakov Nikolaev was, however, less optimistic:

“Nothing will be said at this Convention, it will be just a fine showy event.” Yet his

skepticism eventuated in a reasonable suggestion:

…we have a different means and… not only the section’s Bureau, but we all, as
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artists, should take measures. Nowadays all press organs are instructed to provide
a creative platform [tvorcheskuiu tribunu] for artists… So let us raise questions
in the press about everything abnormal we have, about everything that hinders
our art… I believe in the power of the press. If earlier no astute question appeared
in the press, then now all such questions do appear, and they will provoke certain
response. All directors lend the attentive ear to the press, and this is enough for
all our city’s Party organizations to take appropriate measures. The press is still a
powerful weapon.111

RGALI, f. 2082, op. 1-2, l. 1.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 389, l. 18.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 389, l. 60.

A minute earlier, Nikolaev assured his colleagues that in 1955 LOSKh sent more

requests, than ever before, to different authorities: the Ministry of Culture, the CSPU

Central Committee, Leningrad regional and city committees.112 Yet, he added, the core

problem is the poor work of the artists themselves. Therefore his appeal to open a discussion

in the press can be also interpreted as a call for open criticism and self-criticism. This

practice goes back to intra-group discussions and the press of Stalin’s time113 – and this

pronouncement was made still before Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech.” However, Nikolaev’s

suggestion indicates a new tendency for open discussion, for using the press as the public

sphere, where hitherto suppressed questions can be raised and debated, for ultimately

achieving practical results.

In spite of Nikolaev’s skepticism about the Convention, Leningrad applied artists

decided to actively use it, too, as a platform for their agenda. They composed an address to

the Convention. It opened with an assertion:

Ideological-artistic significance of this [decorative-applied] art is in no way

smaller than that of painting or sculpture, for it has a much greater mass scale, it
surrounds a person in her daily life. Also, the interest, provoked by Soviet
decorative-applied art at Soviet and international exhibitions, is widely known.
Therefore the neglect of the needs of decorative-applied art is, in fact, neglect of
the needs of our people, and the problems of this art are strictly political.114
As one can see, it was argued that applied art is loved and needed by all Soviet

people, and therefore its support is a crucial political issue. The poor quality of available
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Soviet commodities is a shame, the addressers continued, and concrete appropriate

measures must be urgently taken. Their proposal can be summarized as follows. First, a

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 389, l. 59.
Jeffrey Brooks, Thank You, Comrade Stalin!: Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War
(Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1999).Alexei Kojevnikov. “Rituals of Stalinist Culture at Work:
Science and the Games of IntraParty Democracy circa 1948,” Russian Review 57, No. 1 (January 1998): 25-
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 391.

governing body should be established under the central Soviet and republican Councils of

Ministers, which would supervise all enterprises and organizations, producing “works of

applied art.” The guidance of this body must be both “ideological-artistic” and

“organizational-technical.” Second, all ministries, agencies and big enterprises, related to

art industry should have special artistic councils, where highly qualified artists and art

critics would predominate. Third, the position of Art Director or Head Artist, who is also

the Head of an artistic council, should to be established at all enterprises which manufacture

artistic production. Artists employed at factories should be subjected to special regulations,

determined by the character of their work. They need to be provided with experimental

workshops and laboratories; the copyright of their designs must be protected; the general

labor and wages regulations should not be applied to them. Fourth, art industry should be

exempt from the gross planning of production (plan po valu). Planning, standardization and

financing of the art industry enterprises must be determined by the demand to raise quality

and broaden the assortment of production. The price list system, which makes production

of complicated expensive commodities more profitable, should be abolished. Finally,

industrial artists should be given all possibilities for professional development, such as

participation in design competitions, field trips [“tvorcheslie komandirovki”] both within

the USSR and abroad, and visits to museums of applied art, which should be created in
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Soviet republics, while the All-Union applied art museum in Moscow should be reopened.

One of the concluding suggestions was organizing a special periodical on applied art.115

Evidently, this address was sent to the Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet

Artists, which ran the event. It is unlikely that the address was presented at the Convention.

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 391.

The Soviet Minister of Culture, Nikolai Mikhailov, was strictly concerned about

ideological purity of the event and the “danger” of formalist influence. In his report from

January 21, 1957, he spoke only about “outstanding painters and sculptors of Moscow

Leningrad and Kiev” as appropriate delegates to the Convention.116 Supposedly, he omitted

applied artists as potential propagators of “bourgeois formalism.” According to the memory

of art critic Karl Kantor, there was one presentation on applied art, by Alexander

Saltykov.117 Probably, there were several representatives of decorative artists who,

however, did not speak. So it is improbable that a Leningrad applied artist, too, would

present the cited address on the spot. Yet, very likely, Saltykov brought similar suggestions

in his presentation, because applied artists in Moscow – and, clearly, everywhere in Soviet

Russia – faced basically the same problems, engendered by the central planning of

economy and its centralized administration. Saltykov could be familiar with the address of

his Leningrad colleagues and incorporate their suggestions in his speech, so that they were

widely heard by Soviet artists. As we will see, they found practical response in a few years.

Most probably, the record of Saltykov’s presentation was lost – at least, according

to the later recollection of his colleague, philosopher Karl Kantor. Therefore, one can rely

only on Kantor’s memory about this important speech.118 Saltykov called for widening the

borders of applied art, including traditional handicrafts of Soviet republics, which Saltykov
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painstakingly studied and knew very well. At the same time, he argued for including

“Zapiska ministra kultury SSSR N. A. Mikhailova o vliianii burzhuaznoi kul’tury i ideologii na
khudozhestennuiu intelligentsiu Mosky i Leningrada,” not later than January 21, 1957, Personal archive of
Aleksandr Iakovlev, f. 5, op. 36, d. 48 ll. 16-24 http://www.alexanderyakovlev.org/almanah/inside/almanah-
“Fragment zapisi vospominanii Karla Kantora,” DI 3-4 (2003),
http://www.di.mmoma.ru/history/articles/fragment_zapisi_vospominanij_karla_kantora/ accessed
“Fragment zapisi vospominanii Karla Kantora.”

applied art on equal terms with painting and sculpture into the complex of visual arts. This

is worth doing, he opined, because through making objects a human being becomes a co-

participant in the world of objects and doubles him- or herself in this world.119 Thus,

Saltykov was a proponent of developing craft and unifying all arts, rather than industrial

design – an approach, reminiscent of the initial Bauhaus program to “merge all arts and

crafts into an ideal unity.”120

Saltykov’s speech made its effect: he was elected into the new Secretariat of the

USSR Union of Artists’ governing board. Decorator Konstantin Rozhdestvenskii, a pupil

of Kazimir Malevich, became another representative of decorative artists in the

Secretariat.121 Other results of the Convention, beneficial for applied artists, were the

creation of the “committees on decorative art”122 in the governing boards of the USSR

Union of Artists and the Art Fund, and founding of a special journal on decorative-applied

art.123 The latter was especially important in terms of creating comprehensive design

theory. Kantor attributed the idea of this journal to Saltykov, although, as we have seen, it

had been also proposed by the Leningrad prikladniki. Saltykov hoped to become the chief

editor of the new journal, Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR (Decorative Art of the USSR,

henceforth DI SSSR). But Mikhail Ladur, the main decorator of Moscow since 1947 and

the Head of the MOSKh section of decorative-applied art, more actively aspired for the
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chief editor’s position. Having gained titles and a solid reputation by 1957, plus being a

“Fragment zapisi vospominanii Karla Kantora.”
Description of the permanent exhibition on the Bauhaus-Archiv Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin.
“Fragment zapisi vospominanii Karla Kantora.”
In this period, terms “decorative,” “applied” and “decorative-applied” were often used interchanging,
because the choice of best term for the art, related to mass production, was a subject of debate of specialists.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2514, l. 2.

Party member, Ladur had power to influence the Party authorities.124 As a result, the Central

Committee of CPSU appointed him the chief editor. Ladur was entrusted to set up the

editorial staff, and he selected people whom he knew as appropriate specialists, but also

took advice on selection from his colleagues. Those employed were mostly young art

professionals, not experienced in journalism (there was only one professional journalist in

the editorial staff).125 For example, Liudmila Kramarenko, a Leningrad art critic educated

in the Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, was a distinguished specialist

on ceramics, glass and textile; she visited many enterprises and was well familiar with

production. Stella Bazaziants specialized on monumental art, Konstantin Rozhdestvnskii –

on decoration art (oformitel’skoe iskusstvo). Philosopher Karl Kantor became a deputy

chief editor, responsible for handling everyday tasks.

According to Kantor’s post factum interview, it was him who suggested broadening

the frames of the journal’s discourse, including there not only applied, monumentaland folk

art, but also industrial art and industrial production of commodities.126 Kantor corrected the

editorial, written by Saltykov for the debut issue of DI SSSR (December 1957), shifting the

emphasis from crafts to industry: “Our art industry has been enriched with a number of new

branches, techniques and materials. Fabrics and plastics, metals and silicates, new
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Ladur’s is a vivid example of the career of a Soviet artist, working in the different parts of the USSR. He
graduated from Odessa Artistic Institute in 1930 and started his career as a theatre artist and interior designer
in Odessa, Kharkov and Kiev. In 1935 he was responsible for the design of the first Soviet carnival in
Moscow’s Central park of Culture and Recreation (TsPKiO). In 1938-41 Ladur worked on the interiors of
several pavilions for the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV). For the pavilion “Siberia,” he received
the Badge of Honour in 1939. At the same time, he also designed parades of physical culture. During the war,
Ladur worked in the Karakalpak ASSR, designing sets for theatre performances, city parks and public
interiors, including the National Theatre in Nukus, the capital of the Karakalpak Republic; he gained the title
of Honoured Artist of this republic. In 1947 Ladur became the Head decorator of Moscow. From 1950 to
1955 he was also the chief decorator of the pavilion “Ukraine” at VSKhV. His main post achievements were
the designs of Soviet pavilions for Youth Festivals in Budapest in 1949 and Berlin in 1951. RGALI, f. 2493,
op. 1, d. 2475, ll. 54-55.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 398, l. 6.
“Fragment zapisi vospominanii Karla Kantora.”

transportation means and furnishings, etc, raise many new problems, creative as well as

technical and organizational ones, for the employees of these branches, first of all,

artists.”127 Thus, the development of Soviet design theory from the early 1950s to 1957 was

also, in a way, similar to the trajectory of Bauhaus philosophy – from emphasis on arts and

crafts to the new unity of art and technology. As the Boris Shragin, employee at the

Research Institute of History and Theory of Visual Arts, recalled some time later, the

journal’s founding was motivated by the shift in the consciousness of the Soviet public

(obshchestvennost’). Clearly, Shragin referred to the active community of builders,

architects, economists, artists and art critics, who by 1957 realized that Soviet aesthetic

standards were irrelevant for modern housing. This resulted in a “point of convergence

between economic-practical and aesthetic hopes.”128

Initially, the journal circulated in 2700 copies, and by the end of 1958 its circulation

increased up to 5000. Thus, it could not reach wide readership and was oriented primarily

to professionals and art lovers. But this non-numerous readership proved to be responsive.

They sent their opinions about the journal not only to the editorial board, but also to the

Party’s Central Committee. The latter approved the policy of DI SSSR after a year of the

journal’s functioning, notwithstanding minor criticisms. Some foreign countries subscribed

to the journal, including those outside of the socialist bloc, for example, France and
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Guatemala. The small circulation was intended to be compensated by practical activity

beyond publication. “First of all, we decided to base our strategy upon the key

contemporary question: connection to life. As we know, nowadays this is very fashionable,

“Krasotu v zhizn’,” DI SSSR 1 (December 1957): 3.
Shragin, “Za desiat’ let,” 38.

and this is much talked about, but little has been done yet.”129 One such practical

undertakings was the support of the campaign on the beautification of Dnepropetrovsk,

Ukrainian SSR. In November 1958, the deputies of the local Ispolkom announced the

competition of urban beautification and invited Dnepropetrovsk’s competitors in economic

achievements - Kharkov, Zaporozhie130 and Saratov – to take part. If we are to believe

Ladur’s report, the Kharkov leadership felt their pride hurt, because it was not them who

initiated the competition. This feeling pushed them to create a detailed beautification

program, involving the governing boards of the Party regional and city committees, the

leadership of the city Ispolkom, the leaders and members of the local Unions of Artists and

of Architects, workers of municipal services and trade workers (the latter were responsible

for improving shop windows). Ladur and some of his journal colleagues participated in the

meeting, where the program was discussed, and saw preparations for practical measures

under way; they were impressed and learnt from this example. The Kharkov program

stipulated the introduction of contemporary methods of beautification such as the active

use of small architectural forms and green spaces in new city districts, and establishment

of artistic council within the Ispolkom of the city soviet, consisting of cultural workers,

employees of various enterprises, and scientific organizations. Ladur’s emphasis that artists

would predominate in this council even provoked the reaction of Boris Smirnov: “This is
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impossible!” Ladur, however, assured then that this program is run by “quite reputable

comrades,” adding that Zaporozhie was planning to organize a “garden city.”131

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 398, l. 8.
I use Russian spelling of the cities names, like it was used in the cited discussion and in the publications
of DI SSSR. Ukrainian spellings of these cities names, used in allophone press today, are Dnipropetrovsk
Kharkiv and Zaporizzsia.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 398, ll. 8-13.

However unfeasible these Ukrainian projects may sound (and obviously, not

everything was realized), they inspired Ladur and his colleagues to write addresses to the

Heads of Ispolkoms of the Soviets of People’s Deputies of all big Soviet cities. These

addresses described the project of mass-scale improvement of material culture in four main

parts. The first was the arrangement of green spaces and improvement of architectural

landscape. The second was what Ladur called the “creation of the aesthetics of production”

which should involve not only applied artists, but also engineers, physiologists, and

psychologists, in order to carefully study the environment’s influence upon people’s well-

being and capacity for work (even a special interdisciplinary meeting was prepared in

Moscow in January 26, 1959). At this point, importantly, Ladur spoke about the “tendency

to organize a special designing [proektnogo] institution, which would deal with the problem

of aesthetics in production.” This both recalls the earlier suggestions of applied artists and

points to the development of Soviet design in the next decade.

The third part, where Ladur had a special competence, was the design of festivities,

which would include not only decoration of streets and design of the processions or other

activities, but also design, production and selling of gifts – “objects of very high quality.”

Finally, the fourth part called for the promotion of handicrafts and folk art, which, as Ladur

insisted, cannot be rejected and “pushed off the historical arena,” but, on the contrary,
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should be promoted.132

This daring project is indicative of the progress that began in Soviet management

of material culture after 1957. Five years later, DI SSSR thus evaluated this moment:

That time the fundamental transformations which were unfolding in Soviet

architecture started affecting the sphere of decorative art. They consisted not only
of the liquidation of excesses: that was the struggle for the wide implementation of

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 398, ll. 14-18.

industrial methods of building, the struggle against the discrimination between

unique, lavishly decorated edifices and “all the rest,” that satisfies the utilitarian
but not aesthetic needs of a human being. In short, that was the struggle for
overcoming the gap between architecture “as art” and [real] life. Similar tasks were
proclaimed in the sphere of decorative art. To break the old borders of applied art,
to spread the sphere of applied art onto all the objects of labor and everyday life
(byt) – such a statement was seen as the only correct one that time.133

From a marginal activity, applied art turned into the vehicle of cultural, social and

even political transformations, and thus into an object of wide professional interest. From

1957 it was shown at art exhibitions along with painting, easel graphic art and sculpture.

The first of such exhibitions, which included applied art, was the All-Union Art Exhibition

dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. Reviewing this exhibition in

DI SSSR, Saltykov complained that these items are mostly unsuitable for mass production.

The majority, he claimed, are “not industrial in their form and technology.”134 Whereas for

a fine artist the exhibition is the end point of work, for an applied artist it is only the

beginning; the latter must learn how to hear and understand an industrial worker. Here

Saltykov tacitly revived the rhetoric of the productivists135 and describes the objective of

an industrial designer. Hoverer, unlike the productivists, Saltykov found an artistic image

a necessary element of a mass produced object, as it made the commodity human-


This was the key problem for applied artists of the late 1950s: combining of an
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original artistic image with the mass character of production. DI SSSR devoted many pages

to the discussion of this difficult task. To summarize, it was argued that the solution of the

problem lay within the inherent qualities of materials, including new ones, such as plastics.

“Na pervom vsesoiuznom soveshchanii rabotnikov promyshlennogo iskusstva,” DI SSSR 9 (September
1964): 1.
Saltykov, “Massovost’ i unikalnost’,” DI SSSR 3 (March 1958): 1-5.
Cf., for example: Osip Brik, “Ot kartiny k sittsu,” LEF 6 (1924): 27-30.
Saltykov, “Massovost’ i unikalnost’.”

The attention to materials and proper treatment of them, it was believed, renders

ornamentation unnecessary, while moreover, modern technology gives the artist wide

opportunities for creativity.137 By the end of the 1950s, enthusiasm about rational forms

became widespread, and it was supported and even boosted by DI SSSR. As art critic Boris

Shragin would explain a decade earlier, the journal’s discussion of that time suffered from

utopianism and naïve belief in the power of technology, because that was the stage of

restoring the “lost ABCs of decorative-applied literacy”; presumably, the author meant that

this “literacy” was lost during Stalin’s art dictatorship.138 Moscow and Leningrad applied

artists traveled to the countries of Eastern bloc, first of all East Germany, Czechoslovakia

and Poland, for studying their more advanced methods of industrial design and design

education.139 However, in reality, the fruits of their efforts still rarely went beyond

discourse and exhibitions of innovative commodities.140 At the same time, local industrial

enterprises – factories, trusts, district plants, and small producer’s artels – kept producing

commodities of low quality and, according to critics, bad taste, so that the stores were

flooded with them.141 Consequently, central control over commodity production was badly

needed – and this was understood also on the Party and governmental level.

Already the XX Party Congress issued directives to “broaden the assortment and

improve the quality of consumer products,” and to “organize production of new kinds of
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consumer products and objects of cultural-domestic purpose [predmetov kul’turno-

Boris Smirnov, “Khudozhestvennyi oblik veshchi I sposob ee izgotovleniia,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1958):
Shragin, “Za desiat’ let”: 39-40.
RGALI f. 2460, op. 1, d. 188; RGALI f. 2460, op. 2, d. 220.
Saltykov, “Massovost’ i unikalnost’”; RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, ll. 52-56; RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 517

bytovogo naznacheniia].”142 Three years later, in January-February 1959, the XXI Party

Congress approved the Seventh Five-Year Plan, which included the tasks of increasing the

production of domestic goods and mechanizing domestic appliances and, in general, raising

the life standard of the population.143 This new task already required the work of industrial

designers, not traditionally-thinking applied artists.144 As recent scholarship demonstrated,

mass production of high-quality commodities, including household appliances, was the

Soviet Union’s strong weapon in the Cold War. It promised to generate what political

scientist Joseph Nye termed “soft power” – values, belief systems and moral authority.145

Aspiring for soft power was, obviously, a driving force for signing the Soviet-American

Cultural Agreement on January 28, 1958. In this context, the American National

Exhibition, opened in Moscow in the midsummer of 1959, appears as a clever strategic

move. It has been described in detail by several historians, with emphasis to the famous

“Kitchen Debate” between Khrushchev and the U.S. Vice-President Richard Nixon, which

made obvious the significance of domestic consumption as a factor of political power. 146

Greg Castillo suggests that Khrushchev wisely used the American exhibition as a “wake-

up call” for disorganized Soviet manufacturers.147 Agreeing with this explanation, I add

that it reinforced the desperate wake-up calls from applied artists like Saltykov: the calls to

create feasible designs, not for exhibitions, but for people’s homes.
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TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 389, ll. 35-36.
Vneocherednoi XXI S''ezd Kommunisticheskoi Partii SovetskogoSoiuza: 27 Ianvaria-5 Fevralia 1956
Goda. Stenograficheskii Otchet (Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo politicheskoi literatury, 1959).
Castillo, Cold War at the Home Front, 168.
Joseph Nye, Soft Power: The Means to success in World Politics (New York: Public Affairs, 2004).
Castillo, Cold War at the Home Front, pp. 148-170; Walter L. Hixson, Parting the Iron Curtain:
Propaganda, culture and the Cold War (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996): 151-215; Susan E. Reid, “Who
Will Beat Whom? Soviet Popular Reception of the American National Exhibition in Moscow, 1959,” Kritika,
9, No. 4 (2008): 855-903.
Castillo, Cold War at the Home Front, 163.

Domestic exhibitions of consumer goods, on their part, aimed at educating popular

taste in a “proper” modern way. Susan E. Reid stresses these exhibitions’ dual function:

disseminating expert advice - through display, - and monitoring consumer opinion –

through visitors’ books. This had been characteristic for Soviet community of applied

artists from the beginning of the 1950s: an intertwined didacticism and praise of peoples

“inherent sense of beauty.”148 The biggest and most ambitious of such exhibitions was “Art

into Life” (Iskusstvo v byt”), organized in the spring of 1961 in the Moscow Central

Exhibition Hall “Manége.” It was conceived as a showcase for designs of proper modern

interiors, suitable for happy new settlers in small but separate apartments.149 It was planned

for 1960, yet it took about a year more to handle numerous questions of coordination,

production of exhibits and payments for all participating artists.150 The resulting exhibition

demonstrated the range of commodities – glassware, ceramics, furniture, lamps – arranged

in model interiors. Simple geometric forms, open bright colors and subtle treatment of folk

traditions were predominant. Perhaps, the most emphasized feature was mobility –

transformable and movable furniture allowed functionally rearranging one room in several

ways.151 “Art into Life” enjoyed popularity (even though it was attended predominantly by

Muscovites)152 and responses, both positive and critical. The latter were related to visitor’s

perception of some items as not convenient enough, not suitable for communal flats where
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most of Moscow population still lived, or simply not available on sale.153 Clearly, by 1961,

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 291, l. 72-89.
Susan E. Reid, “Khrushchev Modern: Agency and Modernization in the Soviet Home,” Cahiers Du Monde
Russe 47, no. 1/2 (January 1, 2006): 254-255.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78 op. 1. d. 440, l. 4.
Sergei Gurov, “Dlia vashego doma” (Central Red Banner Studio of Documentary Films, 1962), RGAKFD,
ed. khr. 18199.
Reid, “Khrushchev Modern,” 265.
Ibid., 254-255, 264.

consumer demand had been formed, and a professional design institution was necessary to


As we have seen, this idea was advanced and discussed by applied artists throughout

the 1950s. With the opening of the new decade, Soviet design discourse was enriched by a

new – or, more precisely, rehabilitated from the 1920s – topic: aesthetics of the machine.

In March 1961, Hungarian émigré critic Ivan Matsa (Mácza János), who in the 1920s had

been active in Central European leftist circles, asked in DI SSSR: “Can the machine be a

work of art?”154 This question provoked a big discussion on the journal’s pages, and most

of the participants demonstrated, more or less, deference to and an enthusiastic attitude for

technics.155 In June of the same year Karl Kantor, the propagator of industrial aesthetics

from the journal’s beginning, questioned the established art taxonomy with the article

“Where is the border of applied art?”156 For him, this border was not the machine, because,

as a part of a Soviet person’s working environment, the machine should bear artistic

qualities in order to humanize labour, to raise it to the level of creativity. Neither was this

border the non-figurative character of an object. As Kantor believed, the emotional impact

of an object is not necessary related to its figurative content, as is clear in music and

architecture. Therefore, the critic suggested, applied art embraced the whole totality of

objects, which a person deals with on a daily basis, and is very distinct from fine art in its
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principles. This understanding of “applied art” is distanced from the traditional one and

close to the definition of industrial design. With such discussions, the journal’s profile

shifted from considering folk crafts and decoration methods in relation to mass production,

Ivan Matsa, “Mozhet li mashina byt’ proizvedeniiem iskusstva?” DI SSSR 3 (March 1961):14-16.
For example: A. Gorpenko, “Iskusstvo i tekhnika,” DI SSSR 4, 1961: 20-22; Boris Shragin, “Protiv
privyshnykh predstavlenii,”DI SSSR 5 (May 1961): 26-28.
Karl Kantor, “Gde zhe granitsa prikladnogo iskusstva?” DI SSSR 6 (June 1961): 21-23.

to propagating terse machine aesthetics and rationally calculated comfort. Thus, a distinct,

“secessionist” branch ripened within Soviet art theory. It dealt with the aesthetics of

machines and machine-made goods and was indifferent to problems of ornament, including

abstract decoration.

Around 1962, as design critic Leonid Nevler explained it slightly later, there started

“a very different movement”: trade workers and factory managers finally realized the

potential benefits of industrial design. Those trade organizations, which provided

commodities for export, showed interest in the commodity culture in West Europe,

especially Britain. At the same time, factory managers were interested in increasing labor

efficiency. 157 Meanwhile, the above mentioned Iurii Soloviev, Head of the Architecture

and Art Bureau, worked hard on preparing the basis for a central design institution. His aim

was to achieve recognition and nationwide use of the methods he practiced in his Bureau.

In the beginning of 1961, on the wake of Soviet-British exchange of Trade Fairs (where

capital and, to a lesser extent, consumer goods were showcased), Soloviev travelled to

England for learning design ideas and practical approaches to industrial design. 158 Upon

his return, he managed to convince the stubborn Soviet authorities that industrial design

was worthy of patronizing as “a powerful tool to improve the standard of living without

substantial investment,” stressing its utilitarian usefulness.159 Already in autumn 1961, his
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RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2192, l. 10.
British Trade Fair, jointly sponsored by the Association of British Chambers of Commerce and the All-
Union Chamber of Commerce of the USSR, and organized by Industial Trade Fairs Ltd, was opened in May
1961 in Sokol’niki Park in Moscow, where the American National Exhibition had been held in 1959. Soviet
Trade and Industrial Exhibition was held in Earl Court in London on July 7-29, 1961. “Selling to Russia,”
Design 145 (January 1961): 67; “USSR at Earl Court,” Design 154 (October 1961): 42-49.
Azrikan, “VNIITE,” p. 48. Because of his power to influence the authorities, and his privileged social
position, Soloviev is a controversial figure in the history of Soviet industrial design. Both experienced and
young designers still express this ambiguity, revealing the desire to dissociate the activities of designers from
power games (See the comments on the review of Soloviev’s 2004 autobiography:
http://kak.ru/columns/designet/a1517/) Nonetheless, his outstanding role in developing Soviet industrial

position of the forthcoming institution for design coordination was officially approved.160

Thus, by 1962, the interests of industry-oriented applied artists, engineers, factory

managers and trade workers met and produced the basis for institutionalization of industrial

design – despite the fact that the political climate still did not allow them to use this foreign


1.4. VNIITE and the Formation of the Soviet System of Design (1962-1968)

On April 28, 1962, the USSR Council of Ministers issued the Decree No. 394, “On

perfection of the products of machine-building industry and commodities of everyday

purpose by the means of implementing methods of artistic engineering.”161 It was prepared

by the State Committee on Science and Technology and formulated mostly by Iurii

Soloviev.162 First and foremost, the decree sanctioned the opening of the All-Union

Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE) in Moscow, subordinated to the State

Committee of the Soviet Union. The role of VNIITE was to oversee and control all design

production in the USSR. Quite expectedly, Soloviev became the new institute’s director.163

Thus the Decree fulfilled the lasting dream of applied artists. As long-time VNIITE

employer Dmitrii Azrikan explains it, the first VNIITE team “was recruited among

engineers, representatives of applied arts, art researchers, critics, historians, experts in labor
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theory, psychologists, philosophers, architects, graphics, model-makers and other design

enthusiasts and fans.”164 The organizational structure of VNIITE was under development

design is undeniable. He appeared as the agent of institutional change at the time when Soviet art theory was
ready to embrace industrial aesthetics.
“USSR at Earl Court,” 49.
RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2171. l. 3.
Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki, 229.
RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2171, l. 15-16.
Azrikan, VNIITE, 50.

throughout the whole decade. To summarise, all its units constituted four major clusters:

theoretical, design proper (subdivided into sections of industrial, consumer and public

environment design), experimental (preparing technical documentation and prototypes)

and the cluster which combined and supported all this activity.165

By the end of the 1960s, there were altogether fourteen VNIITE departments, such

as design theory and history, design promotion, ergonomics, materials, color and finish,

transportation design, consumer product design, research and development, etc. –

altogether about 500 employees. The VNIITE publishing house was established in 1964

for supplying all Soviet designers “with design literature, periodicals, VNIITE transactions,

brochures, catalogs, recommendations, methodologies, guidelines, guidebooks,

dictionaries, state decrees and laws related to the field, and many other things.” 166 The

Department of Information, staffed with over thirty employees, studied and interpreted new

professional sources (books, magazines, catalogues, slides, videos, patents, etc)167 from

different countries. The staff included interpreters from major languages for providing

translation. Regarding patents, there were many cases of very close adaptation of foreign

models which can be considered plagiarism, and is described by some today’s Russian

designers as a shameful experience.168 This problem was recognized by Soviet design

critics as early as in 1958: Soviet “industrial artists” were suspected of plagiarizing the car
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designs seen in the Russian-language illustrated journal Amerika.169 Plagiarism was

Azrikan, VNIITE, 50.
Ibid., 59.
Ibid., 55.
For example, see the discussion “Dizain, kotorogo ne bylo” from 13.03.2011, published on 12.04.11 on
http://gogol.tv/video/122 ; accessed on 10.03.2013.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 398, l. 24. This journal was issued by the U. S. State Department in 1945-52 and
by USIA in 1956-1995, for distribution in the Soviet Union as a part of cultural exchanges. Chris Rasmussen,
“The Limits of Amerika: A Case Study of an official Cold War Cultural Exchange,” Paper presented at the

definitely a problematic issue for VNIITE throughout its existence until 1991, and it is not

clear whether designers themselves perceived it as such, or rather as creative re-

interpretation. This certainly important legal and ethical question is, however, beyond the

focus of this dissertation.

The Decree No. 394 responded to another desperate artists’ request, sanctioning a

fundamental regulation: all industrial companies had to officially set the position for “artist-

engineers” (khudozhniki-konstruktory), that is, industrial designers. Design management

was to be organized by the regional principle, in accordance with Khrushchev’s reform of

governance, initiated in 1957. Instead of centralized control of the economy though branch

ministries, Khrushchev introduced regional economic councils – sovnarkhozy.170

Decentralization of the economic system required strong regional centers for coordinating

research in industrial design. Therefore, together with VNIITE, the Decree No. 394

authorized the establishment of “special artistic-engineering bureaus” (spetsial’nye

khudozhestvenno-konstruktorskie biuro, SKhKB) under the seven biggest sovnarkhozy of

the USSR: those in Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Kiev, Riga, Baku, Yerevan and

Tbilisi.171 This measure was perceived as “the turning point in the solution of the problem

of connecting art with production,” and the SKhKBs as “essentially a new effective,

flexible and promising form of artists’ relation to production.”172 The SKhKBs were to be
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cost-accounting (khozraschetnye) organizations, working on contracts with industry,

engineering enterprises and research institutions. These new bodies were assigned multiple

international conference “East-West Cultural Exchanges and the Cold War” at the University of Jyväskülä,
Finland, on 14-16 June 2012.
On sovnarkhozy see Graeme Gill, “Khrushchev and Systemic Development” in McCaley (ed), Khrushchev
and Khrushchevism (London: McMillan Press, 1987) 30-45.
RGALI f. 2802 op. 2 d. 2154, l. 16; V. Sisnev, “Tekhnicheskuiu estetiku – na sluzhbu proizvodstvu,”
Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoe Obshchestvo SSSR 6 (1965): 17-23.
RGALI f. 2802 op. 2 d. 2154, l. 17.

tasks: to design all industrial products of the corresponding sovnarkhozy, including

industrial equipment and transportation; to propose the withdrawal of outdated and poor

quality models from production, and also to summarize and propagate best examples of

Soviet and foreign design. Another important function of the SKhKBs, perhaps even the

most important, was the securing of the legal status of the artists in industry. One of the

most popular complaints of applied artists throughout the 1950s had been the absence of

the official position of artist at many factories, so that artists had to register as engineers,

technicians, even accountants, which limited their rights and opportunities. Now the

previously marginalized “applied artists” were to turn into fully respected industrial

designers. The SKhKBs were conceived as guarantees of the collective work of designers

of different profiles.173

The organization of SKhKBs was taking place slowly, especially beyond Moscow

and Leningrad, yet there was certain progress and optimism. At the beginning of 1964, the

leadership of the USSR Union of Artists stated: “Today the main focus of artistic creativity

in industry is shifting from the enterprises to the [special art-industrial] bureaus.”174 The

stress on scientific calculation and functionality was characteristic for VNIITE, which

guided all SKhKBs in terms of methodology and hence exerted the strongest impact. The

regional Unions of Artists were responsible for determining artistic aspects of the bureaus’
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work. Thus, we see certain dualism in Soviet industrial design services: they had to

combine guidelines from engineers, represented by Soloviev’s team, on the one hand, and

from the Union of Artists, on the other hand. This dualism was reflected even in the name

of the expert body of SKhKBs: “artistic-technical councils” (“khudozhestvenno-

RGALI f. 2802 op. 2 d. 2154, l. 17.

tekhnicheskie sovety”). They were under control of VNIITE and, on the regional level, of

the inter-branch artistic-technical sections of the sovnarkhozy’s technical-economic

councils. Heads of the SKhKBs’ laboratories, highly qualified designers,175 architects,

engineers and art critics (as well as the SKhKBs’ Party and trade union representatives)

made up the councils’ staff. Meeting at least monthly, the artistic-technical councils

surveyed, evaluated and selected designs and prototypes, presented by the SKhKBs and

enterprises of machinery construction, heavy engineering, electrical engineering,

woodworking and light industry; then handed the approved items over to industry or to

further consideration by the regional intra-branch artistic-technical sections. These councils

were expected to “provide scientific approach and objectivity in aesthetic evaluation of

industrial products, design projects and research.”176

Departments of “artistic engineering” were established in art and technical schools,

often on the basis of already existing units. Thus, at LVKhPU the Department of Industrial

Art (kafedra promyshlennogo iskusstva) was created in 1963 out of the section of artistic

metalware, which had been a part of the Department of Sculpture. Iosif Vaks became its

head.177 Similarly, at MVKhPU, the Department of Artistic Engineering (kafedra

khudozhestvennogo konstruirovaniia) was established within the Department of Metalware

on May 27, 1964. It was headed by Aleksandr Korotkevich.178 These departments became
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I use the term “designers” for clarity, but the primary sources use the term “artists” or “artists in industry.”
In the 1960s, the terms “design” and “industrial design” were known by Soviet experts and even, with
reservations, used in professional literature, but it was unacceptable in the official use, clearly, by ideological
RGALI f. 2802 op. 2 d. 2154, l. 5.
Mirzoian and Helmianov, Mukha: Sankt-peterburgskaia shkola dizaina, 238.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, l. 45. The rector of MVKhPU at that time was Zakhar Bykov, a graduate of
Vkhutemas, where among his professors were famous constructivists Alexandr Rodchenko, and Liubov’
Popova. Bykov was usually present at the defenses of diploma projects at the department of artistic
engineering. http://archi.ru/events/extra/event_current.html?eid=4025 accessed 10.03.2013; RGALI, f. 2460,
op. 2, d. 837, 459a.

models for educational institutions throughout the Soviet Union.179 The LKhPU

Department of Industrial Art and personally Iosif Vaks took active part in organizing the

SKhKB of the Leningrad sovnarkhoz. The newly created departments of “industrial art”

and “artistic engineering” in Soviet educational institutions were the primary providers of

new personnel to the SKhKB’s and design positions in industry.

A “scientific approach” was the cornerstone of VNIITE design policy. Evidently,

it was prompted by modernization drive and the tendency to dissociate design from the

traditionally understood applied art. This approach also determined the profile of the

bulletin Tekhnicheskaia Estetika, issued by VNIITE Publishing House since January 1964.

Conceived as the design journal of the USSR, Tekhnicheskaia Estetika put emphasis on

scientific methodology and indifference to applied art and decoration. It published articles

from Western design journals, translated and slightly modified by VNIITE members, and

included summaries in English in every issue. The chief editor was, of course, Iurii

Soloviev. In the opening article of the very first issue, he explained the meaning of the

journal title: technical aesthetics is a science, but a very young one, and therefore it does

not yet have a fixed definition. Generally, technical aesthetics “is a science of the principles

of artistic creativity in the sphere of technics, which it reveals, studying interconnection

between a person and the material objects of her creation.”180 Soloviev compared it with
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other new sciences, such as biochemistry and astronautics, in terms of its interdisciplinary

character. As he went on to explain, technical aesthetics analyses “numerous sociological,

economic, technical, psychological, physiological, hygienic and aesthetic factors,”

“elaborates complex tasks” and, as an outcome, “discovers principles on whose basis it

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 636.
Iurii Soloviev, “O tekhnicheskoi estetike,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika 1 (1964), 1.

formulates the requirements to the environment and the world of objects.”181 It is

noteworthy that Soloviev listed aesthetic factors last, as if the artistic part of technical

aesthetics’ genealogy was purposefully downplayed for rendering it a more “serious”

discipline, based on precise calculations. Throughout the 1960s, VNIITE projects were

marked by a penchant for tables, graphs and schemes.182 Ergonomics was enthusiastically

embraced as a universal means of achieving comfortable environment.183

On May 25, 1964, VNIITE opened the First All-Union Meeting of the Workers of

Industrial Art in Tbilisi (thus Moscow was not always the center of design events). It

gathered delegations of designers from all over the USSR and from the COMECON

members. The problems discussed were economic development, design personnel training,

coordination of research, and development of comprehensive design terminology – which,

as we have seen, was a lack in Soviet design discourse – and others. The meeting presented

the operational definition of industrial design, though termed there “artistic engineering”:

“… the method of making a project of industrial item. This method is based on the

principles of collective creativity of different specialists (representatives of different

professions, including psychologists, artists, not to mention technicians). Only such a

method of designing [proektirovaniie] provides the complex quality of the product

(highlighted in the original).”184 This definition corresponded to the global task of

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Soloviev, “O tekhnicheskoi estetike,” 1.
For example: Russian State archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation (RGANTD), f. 281 “VNIITE”,
op. 1-1, d. 209 “Explanation note to the sketch project of the new composition and form of the automobile-
taxi for giving technical commission to the factory-producer,” 1967; Central State archive of Scientific-
Technical Documentation in St. Petersburg (TsGANTD SPb), f. 146 (“Leningrad filial of VNIITE”), op. 2-
1, d. 13 “Report of Research topic No. 301 ‘Elaboration of methodology (expertise) and conducting of the
expertise of industrially produced object according to requirements of design,” part 4, 1965.
RGANTD, f. 281, op. 1-1, d. 198. Section of ergonomics. “On anthropometric factors in industrial
production”; S. Gellershtein, “Ergonomika – soiuznik khudozhnika-konstruktora,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika
2 (February 1964), 17-18.
“Na pervom vsesoiuznom soveshchanii rabotnikov promyshlennogo iskusstva,” 1.

improving quality of commodities, which required teamwork and, in the conditions of a

planned economy, rigid control over all design services. As Technicheskaia Estetika

propagated it during the decade, Soviet, and by extension, socialist, design was to be based

on technical laws and rational calculations and improving the deep structure of an object in

terms of functionality, ergonomic parameters, convenience of exploitation, maintenance

and repair.

VNIITE’s scientific approach met certain criticism and resistance from the USSR

Union of Artists. “Artistic creativity” was for the Union of Artists a crucial element of

industrial design, and the “artistic control” over the SKhKBs’ work was seen as a means to

avoid the “infantile disorder of obsession with science” (“detskaia bolezn’ nauchnosti”).

At the beginning of 1964, a representative of the Union of Artists complained in his report

that the “artistic factor” is underestimated in almost all SKhKBs. “The necessity to strongly

coordinate projects with functional tasks and with technological and economic

requirements should not lead to the loss of aesthetic merits or to a superficial “functionalist”

stylization.”185 It was not the attention to function that was criticized, but the imbalance in

favor of function, which could become a fetish and lead to a superficial styling – precisely

what the U. S. design was frequently blamed for by Soviet designers. By the same token,

narrowing of design tasks was also problematized by the designers affiliated with the Union
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of Artists, such as the tendency to limit “artistic engineering” only by the products of

machinery, noticed in 1964. Ideally, Soviet design was to be a complex activity, not only

based on teamwork, but also embracing all industrial products: transportation, machine-

tools, domestic appliances, furniture, clothes, etc.186

RGALI, f. 2802, op. 2, d. 2154, l. 18.
Ibid., ll. 30-33.

From 1965, an alarm about excessive rationalism of Soviet design came from the

DI SSSR. In January 1965 the journal’s chief editor Mikhail Ladur called in his editorial for

returning poetry to industrial design that became too much obsessed with rationality and

function.187 This, he argued, resulted in a grim urbanism of new city districts like Moscow’s

“New Cheremushki.” Later Ladur added that unified houses, flats and commodities implied

unified consumers and thus jeopardized diversity, a fundamental need of humanity.188

VNIITE initiated research of consumer demand in 1964,189 but it had a little influence upon

design projects. Designing for particular groups according to age, sex, occupation,

education level, residence, etc. did not develop until the 1970s.190 In the second half of the

1960s, recognizing the diversity of the Soviet consumer meant diversifying the assortment

of commodities through bringing artistic intuition back into design process. A good

designer had to rely upon his or her intuitive artistic skills in order to “perceive the spiritual

constitution of the person-consumer and give it appropriate expression.”191 In 1966, Ladur

called for creating more “degrees of freedom” for consumer choice, for confidence in the

consumer’s ability to use this freedom for revealing their individuality. 192 From 1965, in

contrast to Tekhnicheskaia Estetika, DI SSSR broadened its thematic scope, paying greater

attention diverse folk crafts of different world regions, exhibition design and the world-

wide development of monumental art, especially Mexican muralism. Notably, in the second
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half of the 1960s, in the context of extended Soviet internationalism, Soviet monumental

Mikhail Ladur, “Zametki redaktora,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1965), 1.
Mikhail Ladur, “Zametki redaktora,” DI SSSR 8 (August 1965), 1
Study of consumer demand was, to a limited extent, practiced by shop and trade organization in the Soviet
Union already in 1930s (See Randall, Amy. The Soviet Dream World of Retail Trade and Consumption in
the 1930s. Basingstoke-New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 1930). In 1950s it attracted more attention and
interest as a tool of planning (See Reid, Khrushchev Modern, pp. 49-50).
Kos’kov, Predmetoe tvorchestvo, 65-77.
Shragin, “Za desiat’ let,” 44.
Mikhail Ladur, “Redaktsionnye zametki,” DI SSSR 11 (November 1966), 1.

artists, together with Soviet architects, became actively involved in the work on public

buildings in Guinea and Algeria, sometimes transferring there the ideas inspired by the

Mexican examples.193 Thus Soviet Union came to play an important role in the circulation

of decorative art trends within the Third World – this topic deserves a special research.194

Meanwhile, the system of Soviet industrial design went through transformations

and “corrections” during the second half of the 1960s. On May 31, 1965, The USSR

Academy of Arts and the Union of Artists submitted to the CSPU Central Committee a

proposal for new regulations of design services. Now the position of designer in industry

was described with greater detail. To summarize, depending on the character of production

and amount of work, enterprises and organizations introduced different forms of design

service: design laboratories, artistic sections, artistic groups, and the positions of senior

artists, chief artists and rank-and-file artists.195 The Soviet design system was further

restructured after the abolition of sovnarkhozy in October 1965, in the framework of the

Party’s new economic course after Khrushchev’s dismissal. Regional SKhKBs were

transferred under the control of the USSR Ministry of Machine Construction. In March

1966 they were transformed into VNIITE subsidiaries and subordinated to the State

Committee of Science and Technology.196 By this time, VNIITE had ten regional branches

in the USSR: in Leningrad, Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Khabarovsk, Kiev, Kharkov,

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Irina Azizian, “Stenopis’i prostranstvo,” DI SSSR 6 (June 1967): 2-7. On the cultural dimension of Soviet
expanding internationalism under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, in particular Soviet interest to Latin American
architecture, see Tobias Rupprecht, Soviet Internationalism after Stalin: Interaction and Exchange between
the USSR and Latin America during the Cold War (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press,
The work of architects of socialist countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia has been recently
discussed in the special journal issue: “Socialist Networks and the Internationalization of Building Culture
after 1945,” ed. by Lukasz Stanek, ABE Journal 6 (2014).
RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2171, ll. 15-16
Kos’kov, Predmetoe tvorchestvo, 11.

Minsk, Vilnius, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Baku.197 Thus, only three VNIITE branches,

including the Head institution, were located within Soviet Russia: the “second capital” with

its strong traditions of both art and engineering;198 the one responsible for designing all

manufactured products in the highly industrialized regions the Urals and Siberia; and the

one providing design services in the Far East, including machine construction and

commercial fishing industry.199 At the same time, a network of SKhKB was organized in

attachment to the fields of industry and subordinated to respective ministries.200 As it will

be discussed in some detail in Chapters 3 and 4, VNIITE systems extensively developed

methodologies for design and expert evaluations of design products, thus performing not

only consulting, but also expert and controlling functions in soviet industry. When in 1967

the USSR Soviet of Ministers introduced State Quality Mark for certifying best quality

products and thus stimulating the effectiveness of Soviet production system, VNIITE took

the decisive role in the awarding process.201

The 1960s was a time of active interaction between Soviet industrial designers and

their colleagues from both socialist and capitalist parts of Europe, and the U.S. From its

creation, Tekhnicheskaia Estetika regularly published surveys of industrial design

institutions and practices in European countries on both sides of the Iron Curtain. In the

spring of 1964, VNIITE invited the British Council of Industrial Design (CoID) and the
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Central Office of Information to bring the exhibition of British Industrial Design to

Moscow. It was conceived as “an exhibition of case histories, of methods and techniques

Azrikan, VNIITE, 60-61.
Kos’kov, Predmetoe tvorchestvo, 5-10.
Azrikan, VNIITE, 60-61.
Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki, 231.
Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki, 233.

rather than of goods,”202 which was of primary importance for Soviet industrial design at

the first stage of its post-war incarnation. The CoID Head, Sir Paul Reilly, reacted

positively: “This didactic character and these educational activities were specifically

requested by the Russian CoID, and willingly agreed by the British one, not only in the

long term interests of peace and understanding, but in order to hasten natural process of

equalization, since design, like water, will eventually find its own level and a two-way

traffic of ideas will develop.”203 While VNIITE and CoID were co-organizing the

exhibition, Tekhnicheskaia Estetika familiarized its readers with the history and

contemporary activity of CoID.204 The exhibition “The Role of Industrial Designer in

British Industry” was open in Moscow from August 20 to September 20, 1964. It was

oriented not toward consumers, but toward designers and design teachers, and was

accompanied by a symposium, consisting of a number of seminars. Soviet designers

attended the symposium with interest, but its presentations and discussions revealed

significant differences in Soviet and British visions of industrial design and material

environment in general. The Soviet group was eager to learn from Britain and, evidently,

recognized its lag behind.205 Yet Tekhnicheskaia Estetika published criticism of the British

approach by a prominent design critic Larisa Zhadova; her main point was the British

“bourgeois attitude” to design as the form of setting the rule of commodities, as opposed to
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Soviet design, ultimately aiming at spiritual transformation of the Soviet person through

Paul Reilly, “Anglo-Russian Exchanges,” Design 7 (July 1964): 23.
Reilly, “Anglo-Russian Exchanges.”
“Britanskii Sovet to tekhnicheskoi estetike,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika 6 (June 1964), 23.
Sisnev, “Tekhnicheskuiu estetiku – na sluzhbu proizvodstvu,” 17.

the harmony of things. Nonetheless, Zhadova concluded with the call for effective learning

from the best foreign experience in design.206

VNIITE worked hard on integrating the international design community and to

catch up with Western colleagues. In 1965 VNIITE became a member of International

Council of Societies of Industrial Design.207 In February 1967, VNIITE was involved in

another major foreign design exhibition. As a part of the U.S. – USSR cultural dialogue,

the USIA (the U. S. Information Agency) together with prominent American industrial

designers sent to the USSR an exhibition “Industrial design USA” (In translation it

appeared as “Industrial Aesthetics of the USA”).208 The American “impresario of

modernism”209 George Nelson took the leading organizational role. The exhibition was

supposed to raise a question: “when, in the development of a country, does a modern

profession like industrial design become necessary and feasible?”210 Before the exhibition

opened in Moscow in February 25, James R. Mellow, the chief editor of the U.S. journal

Industrial Design, briefly told to its readers about Soviet Russia’s short design flourishing

in the 1920s and mentioned such names as “Malevich, Tatlin, Rodchenko, El Lissitsky,

Kandinsky,” who “rose to positions of prominence, became effective forces in the technical

institutes and produced some of the most daringly modern product, graphic and

architectural designs.”211 Remarkably, Soviet Russia (and the Soviet Union at large) was
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here presented not as a backward country to be educated, but as a partner with certain

experience in design, which now should be reinvigorated though assistance. According to

Larisa Zhadova. “Obmen opytom,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika, No. 11 (November 1964): 10-13.
Lavrentiev and Nasarov, Russian Design, 172.
James R. Mellow, “The Americans Are Coming,” Industrial Design 14, No. 1 (January-February 1967):
Greg Castillo, Cold War at the Home Front, 39.
Mellow, “The Americans Are Coming.”
Mellow, “The Americans Are Coming.”

Mellow’s report, Nelson, though somewhat skeptical about VNIITE’s current position,

expected its fast professional growth: "On the time line of technological evolution, the

Russians are about 30 years behind the West, but he hardly sees this as a cause for

complacency: they are catching up rapidly.”212

The exhibition was arranged by the principle “before and after,” showing old

product models, such as Model T Ford, together with their model counterparts, such as the

1967 edition of Buick Riviera. The purpose was “to show the evolution, through design, of

a wide variety of manufactured products, the new 'look' developed from technological

advances, and the consumer influence in product design.”213 Mellow proudly noted that

“Industrial Design USA” was different from other “cultural exchange” USIA exhibitions

in the USSR, heavily charged with ideological propaganda.214 Obviously, this exhibition,

too, cannot be evaluated as completely free from propaganda, by the very fact that it

presented best U.S. consumer products. Yet Soviet designers found it useful and left

positive reviews in Tekhnicheskaia Estetika.215 After Moscow, the exhibition was shown

in Leningrad and Kiev. During the exhibition’s work in Moscow, Nelson had a chance to

familiarize with the work of VNIITE. He was surprised by the number of invitations he and

his team had from Soviet designers to give lectures.216 The staff of DI SSSR also did not

miss the chance to talk to Nelson about the problems of modern design. Notably, in this
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conversation Nelson gave some criticism (albeit moderate) to present-day Western

James R. Mellow, “The Soft-Sell on the Cultural Exchange,” Industrial Design 6 (November-December
1967): 95.
Mellow, “The Soft-Sell on the Cultural Exchange.”
V. Proshutinskii, “Promyshlennaia estetika SShA,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika 5 (May 1967): 32; V. Aronov,
“Vystavka ‘Promyshlennaia estetika SShA,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika 7 (June 1967): 24-25. (In this and
further cases, when the first name of the author is difficult to find, I use only the initial of the first name).
Mellow, “The Soft-Sell on the Cultural Exchange.” (In this and further cases, when the first name of the
author is difficult to find, I use only the initial of the first name).

consumerism, which should have been appealing to Soviet design critics with their ideal of

overcoming commodity fetishism and creating harmonious, human-centered


Therefore, by 1967, the system of Soviet industrial design basically took its shape,

and designers of Soviet Russia engaged into a productive international dialogue, even

though most innovative VNIITE designs still remained on paper.218 At the same time, the

applied artists’ turn from industrial aesthetics back to decoration and folk-inspired forms

affected design sphere too. On August 27, 1966, Central Educational-Experimental Studio

(TsUES) was opened on the basis of the design seminar, which had been functioning for

two years at the lake Senezh near Moscow. The new studio was subordinated to USSR

Union of Artists.219 It was concerned with experimental design with the emphasis on

creativity, as opposed to VNIITE’s orientation toward concrete tasks for industry, which

was reflected in the new term “artistic projecting” (khudozhestvennoe proektirovaniie), also

translatable as “art design.” The studio’s head Evgenii Rozenblium criticized a rigid

division into theory and practice and argued that intuition is actually a strong instrument

for elaborating design methods.220 The ambition was also to consider design in a very broad

context, in its connection with various socio-cultural problems, and studied with the tools

of sociology, anthropology and semiotics. The seminars, organized by TsUES in 1968,

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were devoted to such topics as “Semiotics of a thing [veshch] in different cultures”;

“Relevant problems of folk art,” “Contemporary Western mass art, its aims, methods,

RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2192.
Azrikan, VNIITE, pp. 68-77; Author’s interview with Mikhail Alexeevich Kos’kov, recorded in St.
Petersburg 16. 04. 2011.
RGALI, f. 2082, op. 1, dd. 2197, 2209.
RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2171, l. 38-42.

means of problem-solving,” or “Anthropological method in contemporary science,

creativity in science.”221 The creation of TsUES can be considered a symptom of what

designer Vladimir Paperny called “The Great Disappointment in Functionalism” of the late

1960s. According to him, this disappointment affected also VNIITE employees.222 Yet they

still had to think about ultimate results of their work, depending on the current tasks of

industry. TsUES members, on their part, considered the designer project not as the first

stage of work, but a self-sufficient artistic genre, a “cultural model,” aimed at influencing

the thinking and world perception of both designers and consumers.223 They spent much

time doing painterly exercises, experimenting with forms and colors.224 However, some of

their projects, related to urban planning and beautification, were realized.225

To summarize this part of the chapter, the end of the 1960s is marked by two design

trends in Soviet Russia: one was oriented toward industry, represented by VNIITE and its

subsidiaries; another was close to art, represented by the TsUES, and the Artists’s Unions

of the USSR and the RSFSR. This division is illustrated by the acceptance of the USSR

Union of Artists as a member of ICSID in November 1971. 226 However, it was not a clear

bifurcation: many prominent designers and theorists worked both in Senezh Studio and in

the VNIITE structure. Nonetheless, as designer Viacheslav Glazyvhev recalled, the

existence of two important and different design organizations in Moscow provided the
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RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2171, l. 38-42.
Vladimir Paperny, “Kak ia byl dizainerom,” Iunost’ 1 (January 1984): 103.
Ibid., 101.
Author’s interview with Mikhail Alexeevich Kos’kov.
Viacheslav Glayzchev. “Opyt senezhskoi studii” [“The Experience of Senezh Studio”],
http://www.glazychev.ru/publications/articles/2004-03-11_opyt_senezh_studii.htm#1 accessed 27.10.2013;
Tom Cubbin. “Artistic Design on the Edge of Utopia: Senezh Studio 1964-1974,” unpublished paper
presented at the conference: Modernity, Socialism and the Visual Arts, Akademie der Künste Berlin and MS
Greta van Holland, 6-11 October 2013.
RGALI, f. 2082, op. 6. d. 1422, ll. 6-14.

atmosphere of creative competition, favorable for intensive development. 227 The Senezh

studio activity expanded in the 1970s, at the next stage of the development of Soviet design.


The period of the 1950s – 1960s can be characterized as a stage of formation of

design as an officially recognized, institutionalized profession in Soviet Russia. Its

beginning was engendered by engineer’s intention to improve transportation and other

industrial products, on the one hand, and by applied artists’ growing self-consciousness and

aspiration for control in art industry – mass production of objects, traditionally associated

with domestic sphere, such as kitchenware and furniture. By the mid-1950s these two

aspirations found state and Party support due to the unfolding housing reform, which

required the efficient reconsideration of material environment. The result was, first, the

opening of the forum for professional discussions of design problems; second, active

exhibiting of design projects and models; and, finally, establishment of the network of

industrial design institutions. The latter were open for professional growth and international

contacts. In spite of the designers’ and design critics’ striving to harmonically unite art and

engineering in their activity, there was always certain dualism in Soviet industrial design,

illustrated by different agendas of VNIITE and the USSR Union of Artists. This continuing
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dualism can be interpreted positively as the room for a diversity of Soviet approaches to

design. Looking at design discourse the 1950s and 1960s closely will shed light on this


Viacheslav Glazychev, “Opyt senezhskoi studii,” the website of Viacheslav Leonidovich Glazychev,
http://www.glazychev.ru/publications/articles/2004-03-11_opyt_senezh_studii.htm#1 accessed 27.03.2015.

Chapter II: Realism Reconsidered

In the history of art, the Stalin era in the Soviet Union is widely known as the era

of socialist realism. Not even a style (its eclectic character is often emphasized)1 but a

method, after 1934 (the date of its formulation at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet

Writers) socialist realism became a ubiquitous and unavoidable requirement for the artists

in all fields – including decorative arts. Despite its totalizing rhetoric, socialist realism was

not something monolithic. In fact, it had different faces depending on the artist, the genre,

and the medium.2 It even did not preclude artistic individuality – just think of Alexander

Deineka and Alexander Laktionov, painters so different yet both within the framework of

socialist realism.3 Nonetheless, as regards visual arts, socialist realism had a common

feature: according to the official formula, an artist was expected to portray reality “in its

revolutionary development”4 – that is, to create an aesthetic-ideological construct by the

means of depicting recognizable life forms in the desired composition.

This dictate of this artistic method did not end with Stalin’s power, but, as any

historian of Russian/Soviet art knows well, lasted well until perestroika. This implies that

Khrushchev’s reforms of material culture in general and applied arts in particular were also

conducted under the banner of socialist realism. How, then, could socialist realism with its
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Boris Groys, The Total Art of Stalinism: Avant-garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship, and Beyond (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1992).
Matthew Cullerne Bown, Socialist Realist Painting (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998).
On Deyneka see Bown, op. cit; Christina Kiaer, “Was Socialist Realism Forced Labor? The Case of
Alexander Deineka in the 1930s,” Oxford Art Journal 28, No.3 (2005): 321-345. On Laktionov see Susan E.
Reid, “Modernizing Socialist Realism in the Khrushchev Thaw: The Struggle for a ‘Contemporary Style’ in
Soviet art,” In Polly Jones, ed., The Dilemmas of De-Stalinization: Negotiating Cultural and Social Change
in the Khrushchev Era (London: Routledge, 2006), 209-230.
From Andrei Zhdanov’s formulation at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers in August of 134.
“Pervyi Vsesoiuznyi S’’ezd sovetskikh pisatelei. Stenograficheskii otchet,” (Moscow, 1934), 175. Quoted in:
Igor Golomshtok, Totalitarnoe iskusstvo (Moscow: Gallart, 1994), 86.

fixation upon narrative, topicality, and figurative depiction, be reconciled with what Susan

E. Reid calls “Khrushchev Modern”5 - the move towards mass industrial production of

commodities and mass consumption? I suggest that in order to update applied art (and,

broadly, material culture), the concept of realism was to be updated too. It needed to be

refilled with a new meaning, as distinct from the art of high Stalinism as from the art of the

19th century “critical realism” of the “wanderers” (peredvizhniki). This chapter looks at

how this difficult task was handled by artists and critics in the 1950s and 1960s.

2.1. Compromises with Representation (first half of the 1950s)

The tapestry is truly decorative, beautiful and restrained in tender colors. At the
same time, it is clear that in his work, the young artist did not proceed from
decorative spots and ornamentation, but the subject matter itself thrilled him
deeply, and he tried to reveal it in the clearest and artistically soundest form
possible. Depicted on the tapestry is a ceremonial procession of Leningraders
reporting on their triumphs, [and this is] distinctly shown to the viewer, exciting
his empathy.6
This is the evaluation of the diploma work by a Mukhina School graduate, A.

Kirillov – the pattern for the tapestry devoted to Leningrad workers – given by critic V.

Kalinin in 1953. The evaluation is a part of a survey of the graduate projects by Mukhina

School students, defended in summer 1953. The typewritten copy of the survey is preserved

in the archive, in the file of the “decorative-applied art” section of Leningrad Department
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of the Russian Republic’s Union of Artists (LOSKh). Corrected in ink above the

typewritten text, presumably by the author, but also possibly by a censor, the survey looks

like a report to the LOSKh administration. Or perhaps it was a draft article for a local

Susan E. Reid, “Khrushchev Modern: Agency and Modernization in the Soviet Home,” Cahiers du Monde
Russe 4, nos.1-2 (January-June 2006): 227-268.
V. Kalinin, “Budushchie mastera dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” 1953, TsGALI, f. op. 4, d. 533, l. 6.
The article marked as “authorized typescript” (“avtorizirovannaia mashinopis’”) and contains later
corrections in ink; I am quoting according to the original, typewritten text.

newspaper, or a wall newspaper. This document is important to consider by two reasons.

First, in the official press there was hardly a serious discussion on the problems of

decorative, applied, and, as it was termed, “industrial” art, until 1955. Therefore, for earlier

years, archival materials are the main sources of information in this field of art. Second,

Mukhina School, or Mukha, as it was (and still is) popularly known, together with Moscow

“Stroganovka” (Higher School of Art and Industry, former Stroganov School of Technical

Drawing), were the model schools of this kind for the whole Soviet Union. 7 The very title

of the survey, “Future masters of decorative-applied art,” indicates the important role

assigned to Mukhina School by Soviet art establishment. These reasons allow me to dwell

on this survey.

Thus, the student Kirillov’s tapestry depicting a group of marching Leningraders,

praised by the art critic Kalinin, must have reflected certain ideas of what an appropriate

decorative art should look like, generally characteristic for the time not long before Stalin’s

death. In particular, the fact that this oeuvre was evaluated as excellent by the State

Examination Committee points to the importance of topicality in decorative art of the early

1950s. Kalinin emphasizes that, although the color composition is of a high level, it is the

topic and its potential to affect the viewer that matter the most. In their works, students of

decorative and applied art were expected to render the powerful positive image of a
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contemporary – a type (tip); this was an unavoidable requirement of Stalinist artistic policy,

spreading from literature to all the visual arts. The purpose was to portray the “correct type”

Resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR No. 256 “On Preparing Cadres for Artistic
Industry and Artistic-Trimming Works,” RGALI, f. 2460 op. 1, d. 337. Resolution of the Council of People’s
Commissars of the USSR No. 256 “On Preparing Cadres for Artistic Industry and Artistic-Trimming Works.”

of a Soviet personality, the model for identification, while all the decorative techniques –

use of light, color, material, texture – were just the means to achieve it.

Thus, the use of the stained glass in the early 1950s was explained as the way to

add concrete, figurative imagery to architecture, art non-figurative by nature. At that time,

Moscow Research Institute of Decorative and Applied Art elaborated new techniques of

stained glass decoration, such as etching, and engraving, and producing counter-reliefs.

According to Kalinin, these elaborations opened the opportunity to “render more

adequately and realistically life-affirming images of our reality, first of all, images of Soviet

people in the fullest of their spiritual wealth.”8 Consider two examples the author uses to

illustrate his point:

Stained glass by the [female] student V. Statun, depicting a collective farmer girl
laboring, is carried out in a gold yellow, sunny range of colors, which perfectly
expresses its ideological content – free labor in our country as a source of joy and
abundance. The stained glass is rich in chiaroscuro transitions without tincturing.
Subtle mastery of executing various techniques is shown by [student] Galazova in
her stained glass “Abundance of Ukraine,” rich and bright in color, designed for
the Kharkov bus station.9
What is noteworthy here is not the heroic/celebrative imagery – a universal and

predictable feature of late Stalinist art – but the role given to the specific, narrowly

professional means in the official critique. Inherent qualities of glass are connected (or,

rather, subordinated) to Soviet symbolism of cheerfulness, prosperity, and abundance. The

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old type of decorative art has been used in a new way: now it produces not the transcendent,

supernatural imagery of saints as in gothic churches, but expressly earthly, hyper-natural

portraiture of Soviet idolatry – “free labor,” “abundance,” etc. Ironically, here the

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 533, l. 4.
Ibid., l. 5.

transparency of glass should also produce an effect of a miracle – a miracle fulfilled,

according to the Soviet mythology.

By the same token, students of artistic ceramics employed traditional forms for

rendering distinctly Soviet content. Kalinin marks as the most important among the

Mukhina School graduate works of 1953 a pair of porcelain vases with the portraits of

Lenin and Stalin (co-authored by S. Bogdanova and K. Kosenkova). According to Kalinin’s

description, the vases’ “well-composed and sublime” form refers to antique amphorae; at

the same time, their bodies serve as the ground for the subtly painted portraits in the frames

of “festive gold ornament” – perfectly in tune with classicistic sympathies inherent in

socialist realism. As a properly “orthodox” artwork, the vases were exhibited in State

Hermitage Museum.10

Evidently, framing a realistic – or, rather, idealistic – portrait with symbolically

appropriate ornamentation was a tendency in the decorative art of late Stalinism. In the case

just described, the ornament is classic; very often, though, it was folk, or folk-like. In the

course of the post-war active revival of and research on folk arts and crafts, the two key

tasks were, first, the adaptation of folk forms and motives to the contemporary urban

environment, and, second, the invention of tradition in order to spread all decorative arts

throughout all the Soviet republics. It is likely that, for both tasks, the introduction of
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figurative details, including portraiture, was seen as an effective means. For example, at the

meeting of Moscow textile artists in September 1953, Natalia Kaplan (a representative of

the Research Institute of Artistic Industry) spoke of modernizing rug weaving. Artists of

the Institute’s rug laboratory designed patterns for the weavers to fulfill, both for the regions

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d.533, l. 5.

with the strong tradition of rug weaving and for those regions where this tradition was

interrupted or just never existed. Traditional motifs, revived or invented, were being fused

with the depiction of contemporary life, often within the same artwork. As a positive

example Kaplan demonstrated the rug made according to the pattern by artist Novikov,

with the portrait of a Dagestani ashik (amateur poet-bard) Suleiman Stal’skii in the

framework of traditional Dagestani ornamentation. Evidently, this was a vivid illustration

of the off-quoted formula of Soviet culture: “national in form, socialist in content”:

In this rug, artist Novikov, with the help of the rug laboratory’s consultants,
managed to creatively interpret Dagestan’s ornaments without breaking the frames
of traditional Dagestani ornamentation. Artist Novikov created a new object
(veshch), because, as you know, there had never been rugs with realistic portraits
in Dagestan. (…) Moreover, the artist succeeded in… organically including the
portrait into the system of surrounding ornaments. An attentive look reveals that
this is a filigree, fine work, absolutely new in its detail; the artist introduced new
moments, new elements into reality, [and as a result we see] not the old, but the
Soviet Dagestan, and in the whole this is a perfectly Dagestani rug.11
Kaplan also noted that Novikov’s rug had been demonstrated at the exhibition of decorative

art of Russian Republic (RSFSR), was highly evaluated and included into all the exhibition

reviews and the catalogue. This observation suggests that updating and ideologizing the

tradition through realistic portraiture was that time not just widespread, but highly

encouraged. Such an assumption is confirmed by the fact that the same rug was exhibited

again in summer of 1955, at the show organized by the Moscow section of the Artists’
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Union, together with similar artworks. As was recounted by art critic Sergei Temerin, the

exhibited rugs were of diversity: ornamental rugs, rugs with a subject matter (siuzhetnye),

rugs devoted to significant jubilee dates, rugs for children with the depiction of fairytales’

RGALI, f. 2493, op. 1, d. 2470, l. 13.

protagonists, etc. Temetrin opined that such rugs as N. Eremeeva’s “Feat of Harvest” or

Novikov’s Stal’skii rug had been universally recognized as outstanding oeuvres.12

Yet one should not overestimate the role of figurative elements in late Stalinist -

early post-Stalinist decorative art. Though encouraged, realistic depiction was not

unavoidable. First, purely ornamental decoration was justified as based on folk – thus

“people’s” and “democratic” – art. Second, not all realistic motives were indiscriminately

praised, but only those which the critics saw as masterfully adapted to the medium.

Moreover, the critique of “easel style” (stankovizm) in applied and decorative art was

present as early as in 1953 and became stronger with the unfolding of “Thaw.” Thus, in the

aforementioned survey of graduate projects, Kalinin cited stankovizm among the

shortcomings of Mukhina School educational practice since its establishment in 1946. This

unfortunate stankovizm Kalinin explained by the widespread misunderstanding of

decorative art’s specificity, particularly characteristic for painters and sculptors who had

recently come to teach applied art students. For instance,

The lack of understanding the specific character of monumental-decorative

painting from the side of some students has led to big failures and misfortunes at
the defense of graduate works in 1952. Taking the designing of decorative panels
with historic-revolutionary themes as diploma tasks, these students tried to solve
them in the manner of easel painting. As a result, they succeeded in producing
neither easel pictures, nor monumental-decorative painting. 13
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This is a novel and important claim: a heroic, perfectly “Soviet” subject matter, even

together with an artist’s depictive skillfulness, does not yet guarantee a successful result.

The medium should be taken seriously – hence the urge to elaborate new technology of

stained glass making; hence, in general, the growing attention to the qualities of different

Sergei Temerin, “Iskusstvo bytovykh veshchei,” Iskusstvo 5 (October-November 1955): 13-21; 16.
Kalinin, “Budushchie mastera,” 1.

materials. Though mainly emphasizing realistic orientation of the young artists in their

work, Kalinin sometimes shifts the accent from the “progressiveness” of the content to the

richness of the medium: “In their projects, graduates of the metalwork department strived

towards the fullest use of decorative qualities of metal, combining it with other materials –

color stone, glass, plastics and ceramics of various sorts. The result is the artworks, rich in

texture, demonstrating diverse materials and methods of their treatment.”14 Albeit marked

by Stalinist penchant for pomposity and eclecticism, this discourse also reveals professional

considerations with the special attention to techné.

In 1955, a pioneer text of this kind appeared in the spring issue of Iskusstvo, an

official journal of the Artists’ Union of the USSR. This was an article by a prominent art

historian Alexander Saltykov, entitled “Problems of the development of decorative-applied

art,” where the author explicitly criticized the imposition of the figurative, descriptive

method onto decorative and applied art. The latter, Saltykov argued, demands a different

methodology of depiction than easel art. The very beauty of an object, its form and its

tectonics serves the basis for decoration, and this decoration should not be a depiction with

atmospheric perspective. The object should be organically connected with decoration, and

therefore the imitation of easel painting is not acceptable. Instead, “of primary importance

are the foreground [Saltykov would better say “the only ground”] and clear, expressive
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contours; rhythmically arranged and harmonized silhouettes” [my emphasis].15 This is,

evidently, the beginning of substituting the notion of the organic for the canonical concept

of realism in the sphere of decorative and applied art – I will return to this issue later.

Kalinin, “Budushchie mastera,” l. 3.
Aleksandr Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 2 (March-April
1955): 30-34, 30.

But, in this text, Saltykov keeps the notion of realism, criticizing its simplistic

perception as just an illusory depiction. Boldly enough, Saltykov reasoned that decorative

art is not psychological; its artist chooses and arranges real phenomena “with great

freedom,” and sometimes even selects only certain elements of these phenomena.

Decorative compositions can be very close to illusory depiction but can also sufficiently

differ from it. And altogether, “one of indispensable qualities of a decorative artist is wide

and daring fantasy.” How liberal for 1955! But there is more (never mind the usual

terminological confusion): “In applied art with its specific means… the striving to imitate

easel art by all means leads, in industrial practice, to distortions of valuable models and to

the appearance of kitsch (poshlost’).”16 Thus, the article makes clear that socialist realism

is by no meant a universal method; that it can even turn into kitsch and platitude when

misapplied, and, obviously, that there are noble cases when it needs to be revisited.

Elaborating this point further, Saltykov satirically describes the examples of such

poshlost’, “created” by ardent followers of realist principles:

“A glass factory in Diat’kovo [a town in Briansk region] produces flower vases out
of opal glass, of ugly forms, with the depiction of a monumental statue “A tractor
driver and a woman collective farmer” (from the All-Union Agricultural
Exhibition), copied from a photo. The depiction is connected neither with
surrounding ornaments nor with the object itself, and these vases can serve
examples of bad taste. Leningrad glass factory of lead tableware fabricates similar
vases, depicting upon them the monument to [the General Aleksandr] Suvorov,
almost unrecognizable and also unrelated to the vases’ shapes. “Mosshtamp”
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factory produces metal cigarette cases with the bas-relief depiction of three epical
heroes [from the famous 1898 painting] by [Viktor] Vasnetsov. Not much
remained from the heroes [ot bogatyrei malo chto ostalos’], their distorted figures
are in disharmony with the case, and the object indeed looks defective.17

Saltykov then multiplies the examples of awkward transferring of the famous

painting images (mainly by late 19th century realist painters, the so-called “wanderers”

Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” 30.
Ibid., 31.

beloved by the Soviet art establishment) to the works onto powder cases, purses, writing-

pads, and lacquer boxes. In the latter items “poor drawing, distorted color, the impossibility

to render deeply psychological image in the technique of lacquer miniature painting lead to

the saddest results: boxes’ covers look like parodies on big art and vulgarize sublime

images.”18 Note that Saltykov, an ardent proponent of decorative art, still cannot avoid

opposing it to the “big art.” Yet through this opposition, through the graphic description of

kitsch, Saltykov defends self-sufficient creative space for decorative and applied art, free

from the dictate of its “big brother” – easel painting.

To be sure, in two cases Saltykov allowed use of illusory motifs in decorative art:

if the original’s appearance is not being distorted, and if the depiction does not contradict

the form and function of an object. “Quite relevant, say, is to apply some good-quality

reproduction onto the cover of postcard album; but it is absurd to place tragic subjects [of

famous paintings] like Prince Ivan’s death or Menshikov’s exile on ladies’ cosmetic boxes,

as it is often being done, or to use Pushkin monument as a repeating pattern for textile, as

we have seen it at the exhibition in 1952…”19 Thus, sarcastically, Saltykov argued against

profanation of both the fine and the decorative. Yet he did not offer decorative artists any

clear advice on positive creative methodology.

About a year later, Iskusstvo published the polemical article by a young Leningrad
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philosopher and art historian Moisei Kagan entitled “On the specificity and essence of

decorative-applied art,” its significance for the artistic community being comparable with

Saltykov’s.20 Though disagreeing with Saltykov on certain points, Kagan, too, contended

Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” 31.
Moisei Kagan, “O spetsifike i sushchnosti prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 1 (January 1956): 16-21.

that applied art is not illusory by nature and does not represent anything but fulfills concrete

practical needs. In this respect it is kindred to architecture. Of the two functions of

architecture and applied art – practical and what Kagan calls “ideological-aesthetic” – the

former predominates in importance. Artistic content and aesthetic form – the elements

fulfilling ideological function – are subordinated, applied to the practical (utilitarian)

function. Thus, Kagan dared concluding, architecture is also one of applied arts, distinct

just by its monumental character.21

Nevertheless, what interested Kagan the most was not the practical purpose of

applied art, but its content. Similarly to Kalinin and Saltykov, Kagan was concerned not so

much the medium itself as with the way this medium produces artistic image and

emotionally influences the viewer (who is usually also a user). For him, the difference

between applied and fine (figurative) art lies precisely here. In constructing the argument,

Kagan’s key term is essence. A painter, a sculptor and a graphic artist should not just make

an illusory repletion of an object/a phenomenon, but to reveal its essence, through

“expressing his attitude [to this object/phenomenon], thoughts and feelings that had

emerged from the perception of this life’s phenomenon.”22 In applied art, says Kagan, this

basic law is actually similar, it just works differently. “The applied artist constructs the

artistic image first of all upon revealing the essence and purpose of the object, trying to
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render this essence visible and obvious. At the same time, he gives to this object a certain

emotional tune, certain meaning, as if “investing” in it, reflecting in it his thoughts, feelings,

moods.”23 Thus, Kagan’s applied artist is a master of the invisible just like a painter or

Kagan, “O spetsifike i sushchnosti,” 17-18.
Ibid., 18.
Ibid., 18.

sculptor, but (s)he discloses this invisible not through depicting recognizable life forms,

but through creating utilitarian forms – like an architect. Kagan’s scheme is a sort of

romantic utilitarianism.

Further, Kagan reiterates his idea of the “architectural” character of applied art (the

idea by no means new or peculiarly Soviet, as it well known to date back to the nineteenth-

century theoreticians of architecture Viollet le Duc and Gottfried Semper). Now he focuses

more precisely on the methodology of constructing the artistic image. In applied art, as he

explains, this image

is by nature non-figurative, congeneric to the artistic image in architecture. Then it

is not surprising that in its form the artistic image in applied arts is also very close
to the architectural image. Or, more precisely, it is being constructed according to
the same principles, as the artistic image in architecture, through the same means,
just in a different scale. From these means the most important are the relation of
volumes and planes, form, proportions, tectonics, rhythm. If we have concluded
that architecture is a monumental applied art, then now we have a full right to
restate this idea, calling applied art “architecture of minor forms.” Like an architect,
a master of applied art seeks for such a concrete solution of the volumetric-spatial
and color relations of the construction of a furniture item or a tableware object,
such a solution of proportions, such rhythmical structure, which in their totality
would produce an object not just fine or beautiful, but emotionally expressive and
ideologically sensible [emphasis in the original].24

In this way Kagan levels applied art and architecture without reducing the former

to the formal “no excess” approach, associated with the 1955 Party-governmental

resolution. At the same time he protects the domain of applied art from the dictate of
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figurative representation, without challenging the official requirement for art to be

accessible for “the people,” intelligible and “ideologically sensible.”

In fact, Kagan reifies the tendency that had been already there in the late Stalin

period. Besides figurative representations by Mukhina School graduates, Kalinin

appreciated the projects that foster a certain positive mood. This could be done through

Kagan, “O spetsifike I sushchnosti,” 18.

decorative motives - most popularly floral – or the material itself. Take, for example, the

wine set by student Antonova, whose explanatory paper Kalinin cites in his review:

“Creating my set, I wanted to express a bright and joyous perception of life, therefore I

named it “Spring” [“Vesennii”].” Kalinin specifies that the set is designed for mass

production and, indeed, it gives the impression of spring freshness. “Light and refined in

its pattern, this set is made out of transparent cut-glass; delicate blossoms of bird cherry

tree are engraved onto the clear-cut facets of all the articles of the set.”25 Remembering that

it is a wine set, we have almost a hedonistic picture, perhaps exceeding the standard image

of joyful-life-in-the-free-country.

Another example is from the discussion of the exhibition of Estonian applied art,

taking place in Leningrad in 1954, by the applied artists and art historians of Leningrad

Section of the Artists’ Union (LOSKh). The red thread of the discussion was, of course,

that Estonian art is popular, true to the tradition and thus good; yet the emotional effect of

the exhibits was also emphasized. Thus, art historian Nina Iaglova admired the decorative

fabric “Oats and Wheat” by Helga Alling: “The author succeeded in bringing to the viewer

the spontaneous feeling of the piece of a simple, unvarnished nature. Certain stylization is

relevant and justified.”26 The not-so-realistic mode of depiction is less important than the

viewer’s genuine sensation.

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Obviously, none of the cited authors challenged the canon of realism – rather, the

idea of realism proved to be flexible enough to include not just heroic, celebratory and

“politically correct” imagery, but also images of simple joys and unsophisticated feelings

and even trivial sentiments. Illustrative for this point is the praise which Alexei Balashov,

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 533, l. 5.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 387.

the head of the decorative-applied section of LOSKh, gave to his women colleagues in

1953 (probably, on the occasion of March 8, the International Women’s Day, and then

actually around the date of Stalin’s death). Balashov proudly announced that the artists of

the famous Leningrad Porcelain Factory - Tamara Bespalova, Liudmila Protopopova, and

Lidiia Lebedinskaia - created a number of big decorative vases with the subjects, devoted

to “great constructions of Communism,” some of them specially for the decoration of

Leningrad Pavilion at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. But then he emphasized as

“extremely important” that “Lebedinskaia, Bespalova and Protopopova not only create

unique oeuvres, but also make items for mass reproduction; for example, Lebedinskaia

completed a wonderful set “Golden Oak” [“Zolotoi dubok”], and artist Bespalova

completed sets entitled “Little Flower of May” [“Maiskii Tsvetochek”] and “Garden Flax”

[“Sadovyi len”].27 Balashov mentioned these artists again in the final report, summing up

the achievements of the LOSKh’s section of decorative-applied art for 1951-1953.

Noteworthy is his listing of works: “For the Hero of Socialist Labor,” “For the Laureate of

Stalin Prize”, “Builders of Communism,” “Red Square,” etc. (names of the unique large

decorative vases and cups) are followed by “rose peony,” “little raspberry” and “wild

strawberry” (typical names for mass-produced porcelain items).28 The latter imagery may

remind of post-war Stalinist meshchanstvo – petit-bourgeois taste cultivated by new Soviet

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middle class, famously described by Vera S. Dunham, embodied in such notorious objects

as polka-dot teacups and orange lampshades.29 But Lebedinskaia, Bespalova and

Protopopova were experienced artists who must have shared the stance against kitsch and

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 23, l. 97.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4 d. 386, l. 18.
Vera S. Dunham, In Stalin’s Time: Middle Class Values in Soviet Fiction (Durham: Duke University Press,

meshchanstvo with their colleagues. Their sentimental floral images were borne by the

objects of high quality, at least at the level of exemplary models (the shortcomings of

industry was definitely not the artists’ fault).30

All these “little flowers” were justified as proper subject insofar as they were suited

for mass reproduction and thus contributed to constructing, using Balashov words, “truly

realistic everyday life [byt]”31 – after all, cute flowers and sweet berries are too an

undeniable part of our reality. Thus, already in the first half of the 1950s the notion of

socialist realism was not as rigid as one may think of Stalinist art. In this period heroic,

“epic” socialist realism was supplemented with its everyday, “lyric” part that gave room

for elementary coziness and unpretentious joys.32

2.2. Challenging the Visual Canon (around 1956)

The “modest face” of socialist realism became more visible after the 20th Congress

of the Communist Party, where Khrushchev famously denounced the cult of personality in

his “Secret Speech” on February 25, 1956. This is commonly believed to be the starting

point (or, by alternative view, the important landmark) of the “Thaw” - the period of relative

liberalization and modernization of political, social and cultural life, though not without its

“freezes” and contradictions.33 For applied and decorative artists this meant a broader field
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of opportunities to seek for and speak about new means of expression.

Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia,” p. 32.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 23. Alexei Balashov. “Tvorcheskoe sodruzhestvo,” l. 128.
“Epic” and “lyric” realism are the terms of my suggestion, and in all further cases I use it as the terms of
mine, not of the critics discussed.
Martin McCauley, ed., Khrushchev and Khrushchevism (London: McMillan Press, 1987); Elena Zubkova,
Obshchestvo i reformy 1945-1964 (Moscow: Izdatel’skii Tsentr “Rossiia molodaya”, 1993); Polly Jones, ed.,
The Dilemmas of De-Stalinization: Negotiating Cultural and Social Change in the Khrushchev Era (London:
Routledge), 2006; Mark Petrov, “Years Joined Together to Make an Era,” in Yevgenia Petrova et al., eds.,
Times of Change: Art in Soviet Union, 1960-1985, an Exhibition Catalogue of State Russian Museum, St.
Petersburg (St. Petersburg: Palace Editions, 2006), 11-29.

Probably, it was the post - XX Congress atmosphere that inspired applied artists

and art critics of LOSKh to gather and discuss in detail the already published article by

Moisei Kagan on April 9, 1956.34 Kagan (a member of the section of art critique and art

studies) basically restated the main points of his article that his colleagues had already

known for three months. But, curiously, his talk turned out to be agitating, if not outraging.

Among the LOSKh critics and art historians Kagan represented a younger generation, who

came to age at the time when avant-garde art movements had been officially condemned.

By that time, the almost 35-years-old art historian already had a PhD degree in art studies

(kandidat iskusstvovedeniia) and taught in Mukhina School. Yet in comparison with his

colleagues Kagan was still a young and not-so-experienced scholar without sufficient

authority to influence the audience of the artists who had professionally matured during

Stalinism. On the one hand, he was kindly given an opportunity to repeat his opinion in the

“here and now” regime: his elder colleagues chose to open creative discussion rather than

just publish a scathing response in Iskusstvo. On the other hand, probably, after this open

discussion he was ultimately expected to perform the typical Stalinist ritual of criticism and

self-criticism (kritika I samokritika).35 This he did not do anyway, insisting instead upon

the two main points: that applied art is architectural in nature and that it is not and does not

have to be figurative. Moreover, he presented his version of the “everyday” socialist

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realism, different from “cozy” realism of floral tableware and fabrics. Kagan’s is a laconic,

“honest” socialist realism:

I believe that one of the main principles of applied art and one of the requirements
of socialist realism is a particular simplicity, laconism, modest use of decorative
means, which are opposed, on the one hand, to the decorativist (ukrashatelskomu)

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 390.
Alexei Kojevnikov, “Rituals of Stalinist Culture at Work: Science and the Games of IntraParty Democracy
circa 1948,” Russian Review 57, No. 1 (January 1998): 25-52.

style that until recently prevailed in our architecture and applied art, and on the
other hand, to the asceticism of Constructivism that absolutely rejects any use of
decorative means.36
This also looks like an attempt to set the “middle ground” between asceticism of

the 1920s and Stalinist “excess”– perfectly in the fashion of dialectical materialism,

according to the scheme “thesis – antithesis – synthesis.” A good Marxist, Kagan virtuously

used forms of authoritative discourse to update the notion of socialist realism – mutatis

mutandis, this could be applied to state socialism, in the spirit of de-Stalinization. His

objective was to correct the misdeeds of the recent past, arguing against the corrupt

Byzantine grandeur, going back to the original Bolshevik ethos but avoiding the extremes

of the avant-garde’s asceticism. Stalinists and “ancients” of art were not slow to respond.

The main counterattack came from Nina Iaglova, a Professor in the Repin Institute

of Fine Arts, a generation (16 years) older than Kagan, definitely an authority among

Leningrad art historians (however, not a Party member).37 The basis of Iaglova’s outrage

was Kagan’s denial of figurativeness in applied art, and her main purpose was to prove the

opposite – that applied art is figurative, because it is always based on some recognizable

motive, even if often indirectly. This argument Iaglova illustrated with diapositives of

ancient artifacts (pre-Scythian, Scythian, Egyptian, Russian artifacts of the 17th century) –

vessels resembling birds, tables with “animal” legs, etc. Justifying her choice, Iaglova
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claimed that the earliest stage of art’s development is the clearest in demonstrating the

connection between artistic ideas and real life processes, cited Marx and Engels’s “German

Ideology” where art is explained as objective reality passed through consciousness.38 The

only two contemporary examples given by Iaglova were art pieces of late Stalinism:

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 390, l. 14.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 38.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 390, ll. 22-29.

lacework “Squirrels” (the artist is not recorded in the text) and machine-made wall rug by

artist Eremeeva “The Feast of Harvest” – both are nice examples of what can be called

“lyric” realism, which soon will be viewed as Stalinist kitsch by applied art’s “moderns.”

These two examples also perfectly illustrate two faces of late Stalinist realism. “The Feast

of Harvest” is designed for a public interior and depicts “a big topic” - “the unity of the

peoples of the Soviet Union.” And this is how Iaglova describes “Squirrels” (the work from


This object is meant to live in our byt, to bring warmth and joy into our life. The
artist achieves this impression through the topic of Russian nature, which, maybe,
could be expressed in painting far more concretely, but applied art, [in particular]
lace, has its own means, and we enjoy looking at this poetic image of Russian
nature… Every type of art has its own degree of closeness to nature, its own
measure of conditionality.39
Warmth, enjoyment and poetic feeling are the attributes of “lyric” realism; thus,

Iaglova’s artistic Stalinism appears as moderated, verging on the disguised ideology of

Stalin’s middle-class domestic comfort.

Kagan countered Iaglova with the question: is figurativeness a compulsory element

for applied art, “does the object – tableware or furniture - cease to be a work of art if it does

not have birds’ heads?” Clearly, the question was sarcastic and rhetorical. Kagan ridiculed

all Iaglova’s examples of “beasty” furniture legs and bird-like vessels made no sense to

him – they are all from the ancient past, and this naïve animism appeared anachronistic.40
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As for contemporary examples, he probably ignored them precisely as anachronistic (or

this part of his answer was simply not recorded). For Kagan, image [obraz] and portrayal

[izobrazheniie] should not be confused; all the arts are image-bearing [obraznye] in their

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 390, l. 32.
Ibid., l. 98.

own ways, but far not all of them figurative [izobrazitel’nye]41. Applied art is definitely


At the end, Kagan rejected both “epic” and “lyric” versions of socialist realism,

offering instead the way I would call “practical”: “I love art, but a chair is made for sitting,

a cup – for drinking, clothes – for wearing, architecture – for living. And when this

elementary and prosaic fact is forgotten, there appear various aesthetically unpleasant

things.” Not just form follows function, as Louis Sullivan had it, but artistic image follows

function – otherwise we have kitsch.42

Kagan’s presentation can be seen as a symptom for the emerging modernizing urge

of young Soviet designers, whose starting point was the idea of “practical” realism. Yet the

“lyric” current came to develop parallel with it – and that not necessarily if favor of

figurativeness. Illustrative here is a talk “Form and Content in Applied Art,” presented in

January 1957 by art critic Semion Rappoport to the applied artists of MOSKh.43 Basically,

in this lecture Rappoport tried to solve a dilemma of form and content as related to applied

art – his attempt does not look successful, judging by its terminological confusion.

However, some nontrivial thoughts are discernible – first of all, Rappoport’s accent on

emotional effect. What Kagan called artistic image in Rappoport’s scheme appears as

artistic content, which is at the same time an emotional content and essential idea [ideinoe
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soderzhaniie]. The latter should not be confused with literal ideological content:

We all know well, that our mass consumer has a little need in the sets with the
depiction of heroic motives. None of my acquaintances’ families would buy set
with the depiction, say, of [Grand Prince] Alexander Nevskii, or the battle for
Moscow [in 1941-42], etc. Why? Because people prefer not those sets, on which
human faces are drawn, but those sets, which gladden the eye and rejoice the hearts.

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 390, l. 90.
Ibid., l. 107.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2518.

For the artistic contests we produce sets with heroic portraits, but for themselves
buy the sets without such depictions.44

Not a trifling admission: “epic” realism is for the façade (a contest, an exhibition,

an official ceremony and so on), while “lyric” realism is for the home, and this is what

people actually enjoy. Therefore claiming that the “epic” realism is more realist is

misleading up to being absurd: “I remember, once a student’s work was rejected as

defective just because they it did not have [explicit] ideological content, and compelled the

student to draw the emblem of VLKSM [Communist Union of Youth]”.45 But while

Rappoport implicitly argued for divorcing applied art’s imagery from state ideology, he

advocated what I would call “everyday ideology” – the control of domestic environment

through experts producing useful objects.46 “Under Communism, aesthetic requirements

must accompany every step of a person. In this respect the position of applied art is very

high. It should enter byt, flesh and blood of our life [bytie] and become something extremely

sublime and significant [prevratitsia v nechto chrezvychaino vysokoe I bol’shoe].”47 While

this may sounds frightening, Rappoport’s further argumentation suggests that everyday

ideology will be very human-sympathetic, “making our life more pleasant,” and provoking

joyous emotions by non-figurative means. In this regard, for Rappoport, applied art is close

to music and poetry, since both are based on non-objective imagery, in contrast to the well-
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composed plot of a classic novel.

These challenges to the visual canon do not, of course, totally purify applied art of

figurative imagery – this will remain until the end of Soviet Union and after, in more or

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2518, l. 10.
This “everyday ideology” may be compared, at least in some aspects, to the Foucauldian mechanisms of
power. For the discussion of state’s reliance on experts for organizing domestic environments see Reid,
“Khrushchev Modern.”
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2518, l. 11.

less conventional form. But there was certain tendency of de-ideologization and

humanization. In 1958, in the newly founded journal Decorative art of the USSR, Saltykov

– the same author who had attacked stankovizm – criticized contemporary applied art for

the lack of human images. But what he suggested as examples for imitation is not easel

painting but “wonderful Greek and Chinese vases, majolica painting of the Renaissance,

West-European and Russian porcelain” as well as traditional Chinese and Iranian fabrics

and contemporary Indian fabrics. This is hardly a discourse on “epic” realism, but, rather,

an appeal to professional tradition.48

The examples cited are, of course, not exhaustive. But the fact that they are fixed in

stenographic records and, moreover, published in the official press indicate the tendency to

challenge the Stalinist visual canon. But, as I have tried to demonstrate, this challenging

took place within the official discourse of socialist realism, not from without. Michel de

Certeau spoke of “the subtle, stubborn, resistant activity of groups which, since they lack

their own space, have to get along in a network of already established forces and

representations,”49 and this is partially true for Soviet applied artists of the 1950s. In the

situation of Soviet art policy, they did not possess and could not create their own space for

discussion and (creative) action, and their only option was what de Certeau terms “making

do” with what was at stake. But their activity was not even resistant – I would rather
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characterize it as adjustment, for many of them likely believed that socialist realism was

generally fine, it just ought to be modified and divorced from the cult of personality. If their

challenge was political, it was within the common aspirations of the “Thaw.”

Aleksandr Saltykov, “Massovost’ i unikal’nost,’” Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 3 (March 1958): 2.
Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, Vol. 1 (Berkley: University of California Press, 1988),

2.3. The Theme of “Organic” and Its Variations (1957-1970)

I have discussed the “genetic” modifications of socialist realism – its “lyric” and

“practical” types. Now I will try to demonstrate the tactic of shifting away from the notion

of realism without openly rejecting it by using the term “organic” in relation to techniques,

forms and compositions in decorative art. Throughout the 1950s, articles and debates on

decorative art frequently employed the rhetoric of “organic,” usually in the connection to

folk art, folk ornament, or ornament in general in its relation to the form, or to other

decorative details. Thus, for example, the cited rug with the portrait of Suleiman Stal’skii

was praised because artist Novikov managed to “organically include this portrait into the

system of ornaments.”50 In 1954, the textile artists complained in Iskusstvo that none of

artistic bodies is interested in theoretical work on designing textile patterns of the new time,

which could “express contemporary ideas” and at the same time “organically match with

other art types – architecture, painting, sculpture.”51 Saltykov, in his groundbreaking 1955

article, spoke of “organic artistic unity” of the object as a principle of ensemble (of dress,

interior, etc) and as the key aesthetic requirement for applied art. On the level of a single

object, he mentioned “indispensable tight organic bond between the purpose, form and

material of an object, on the one hand, and the graphic, painterly and sculptural depiction
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that decorate this object, on the other hand.”52 Later he uses the term organic in still

different sense: motifs of other cultures (one might guess, folk motifs) should be actively

used in Soviet applied art, but they have to be creatively reinterpreted and “organically

RGALI, f. 2493, op. 1, d. 2470, l. 13.
Inessa Tumanyan and Ivan Florinskii, “Opyt sozdaniia khudozhestvennykh dekorativnykh tkanei,”
Iskusstvo 2 (March-April 1954): 39-42.
Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia,” 31.

included in emotional and ideological order of our art.”53 Again in Iskusstvo, praising the

works of Estonian decorative textile in 1955, Nina Iaglova and Helene Kuma saw there

“organic tie of all the ornamental motifs into a single whole.”54 In 1958, prominent art

historian Nikita Voronov argued for adapting folk traditions to contemporary art in a new

periodical DI SSSR. This adaptation was desired because of the main features of folk art

are universally good: involvement into byt, vividly expressed expedient forms, and

“organic fusion of form and decoration,” that together produce “integral [tselostnoe]

artistic impression.”55 Examples can be multiplied; what is evident is that “organic” was

always used in an unambiguously positive sense, though with different nuances of meaning,

but also as the result of an artist’s masterful arrangement. Often “organic” was used in the

sense of “harmonic,” or alongside this term. When not used, it was implied – form should

correspond to function and decoration, as the in the folk art.

For the applied artists and critics of the 1950s, “organic” was broad but useful term:

useful as both a reaction to Stalinist pomposity and an intellectual tool to criticize

formalism. In the late 1950s, the popularity of this term was furthered by artists’ growing

interest in the inherent qualities of materials and their interconnection with the logic of

form-giving. In some cases, “organic” appeared in professional discussions not as a term

but as a theme, expressed by the terms “live” (“zhivoi”) and “liveliness” (zhivost’), or in
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references to forms and principles of nature, as well as natural qualities of materials used

by artists. Even though this theme was maintained within the (now broadened) framework

of socialist realism, it was by no means specifically Soviet. While the notion of “organic”

Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia,” 33.
Nina Yaglova and Helene Kuma, “Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo sovetskoi Estonii,” Iskusstvo 4 (July-
August 1955): 54.
Nikita Voronov, “Narodnye traditsii i ovremennoe iskusstvo,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1958): 8.

itself has a long and complex history,56 it has also a particular connection with art theory

through the theme “organicism.” According to Caroline van Eck, organicism “is based on

the conviction, generally held in the artistic theory from antiquity to the end of the

nineteenth century, that art should imitate nature, not with the aim of producing perfectly

faithful copies but with the aim of creating the illusion of life, of conferring the qualities of

living nature upon the products of man, in the hope of effectuating the metamorphosis of

dead matter into a living being.”57 Organicism was especially important in the aesthetics of

the eighteenth-century Romantics, who used the notion of organic growth as a metaphor of

creative process.58 This attitude was reinterpreted in the architectural theory and practice

of the 19th century, when organicism functioned as a strategy for justifying stylistic choices

without generating a self-sufficient style. The advent of modernism at the end of the 19th

century stimulated the reformulation of the meaning of organicism from the tool of

mastering the styles of the past to the careful approach to the challenges of the present.59

Instead of imitating forms of nature, the advocates of organic architecture, most famously

Frank L. Wright, professed planning and buildings in harmony with nature and social

To put it shortly, the term “organic” goes back to the 16th century Europe in the sense of engine or tool,
very close to the mechanical; in the 18th and especially the 19th century it came to be contrasted with the
organized, much due to the development of natural history and biology; as Raymond William puts it in his
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“Keywords,” “it was this development in biology and the ‘life sciences’ which laid the basis for the distinction
between the former synonyms organic and mechanical” [highlighted in the original].56 As he explains, this
distinction was developed first in Germany, by the Natural philosophers – it is there that organic became
associated with the whole. In the 19th and the 20th centuries the concept of organic was also applied to the
society: basically, “an organic society was one that was ‘grown’ rather then made’,”56 and this idea was used
in social thought of different kinds and was taken by theorists of architecture – from Hugo Haring to Frank
Lloyd Wright to Bruno Zevi and Peter Bundell Jones. See Raymond Williams. Keywords: A Vocabulary of
Culture and Society (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984), 227-229.
Caroline van Eck, Organicism in Nineteenth-Century Architecture: An Inquiry into its Theoretical and
Philosophical Background (Amserdam: Architectura & Natura Press, 1994), 18.
Isabel Wünsche, “Organic visions and biological models in the Russian avant-garde,” in Oliver A. I. Botar
and Isabel Wünsche, eds., Biocentrism and Modernism (Farnham, Surrey, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate,
2011), 127-152.
Caroline van Eck, Organicism in Nineteenth-Century Architecture, 259-267.

needs, so that architecture becomes “expression of life.”60 This new “organic architecture”

can be seen not only as the reaction to the eclecticism of the19th-century organicism, but

also as the alternative version of modernism, based not on predetermined rationalistic plans,

but on sensitivity to natural surroundings. As different general and case studies of

modernist architecture suggest, organic architecture was not a distinct style, opposed to

modernism, but an approach within modernism, and it shared many of the latter’s objectives

of rationalizing space and making it maximally functional.61 Organicist trends can be also

distinguished in modernist art and design, including Russian avant-garde: thus, Christina

Lodder discussed specifically “Organic Constructivism” of Vladimir Tatlin and Piotr

Miturch,62 while Isabel Wünsche more recently emphasized “organic visions” in the

painting of Malevch, Mikhail Matiushin and Pavel Philonov. In 1940, the exhibition of

domestic furniture titled “Organic design” was famously held by MOMA in 1940. The

curator Elliot Noyes stated in the exhibition catalogue: “A design may be called organic

when there is a harmonious organization of the parts within the whole, according to

structure, material, and purpose. Within this definition there can be no vain ornamentation

or superfluity, but the part of beauty is none the less great -- in ideal choice of material, in

visual refinement, and in the rational elegance of things intended for use.”63 Essentially,
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Frank Lloyd Wright, “An Organic Architecture,” in Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (ed.), Frank Lloyd Wright.
Collected Writings (Rizzoli/ New York: The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, 1993).
Bruno Zevi, “Meaning and Scope of the Term Organic in Modern Architecture,” Towards an Organic
Architecture (London, Faber & Faber, 1950): 66-76; Sarah Williams Goldhagen, “Something to Talk about:
Modernism, Discourse, Style,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 64, no. 2 (June 2005): 144–
67; See the discussion of organic attitudes in Soviet architecture of the 1960 in a recent dissertation: Daria
Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern: A History of Architectural Profession in the USSR, 1954-1971”
(PhD diss., European University Institute, 2014), 197-254.
Christina Lodder, Russian Contructivism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985). Wünsche, “Organic
visions and biological models in the Russian avant-garde.”
Elliot Noyes. Organic Design in Home Furnishings (New York, Museum of Modern Art, 1941), inside
cover, https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox accessed 27.03.2013.

this definition is quite similar to the way Soviet reformist critics described the principles of

applied art since the 1950s.

In analyzing “organic” theme in the context of Soviet Russia, I find it useful to rely

on the concept “Organicist Modern,” suggested by anthropologist Krisztina Fehérváry in

her article on home décor in socialist Hungary.64 According to Fehérváry’s argument, the

state’s 1960-s campaign on mass housing and furnishing in “contemporary style,”

promoted in magazine articles, newspaper editorials and at exhibitions, produced a set of

materialities, images and attitudes which she calls “Socialist Modern.” In the 1970s, the

mass disappointment with “Socialist Modern” as lived experience prompted its

transformation into “Socialist Generic” – the criticism of poor quality and alienating effect

of mass-produced apartments and furnishings. This change, in turn, generated the formation

of “Organicist Modern” – the trend to appreciate “authentic” Hungarian material culture

and organic materials, shapes and colors. Intellectuals, in particular professional architects

and designers, embraced and propagated “Organicist Modern” as the alternative to

compromised “Socialist Modern”: they offered cozy and healthy environments as a

response to impersonal and shoddy spaces, dictated by the state. Fehervary suggests that

certain political dissent was disguised beyond this aesthetic shift:

Replacing or covering up “man-made” materials with so-called natural materials

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aligned with popular condemnations of the socialist state’s modernist

“experiment” and its godlike ambitions: of exerting total control over the future
through central planning, insisting on man’s dominance over nature, and
attempting to eradicate beliefs in any power above the scientific principles of
Marxism-Leninism. The socialist project of privileging the material and repressing
the spiritual was a denial of the existence of forces more powerful than human
industry and scientific knowledge.65

Krisztina Fehervary, “From Socialist Modern to Super-Natural Organicism: Cosmological Transformations
through Home Decor,” Cultural Anthropology 27, no. 4 (2012): 615–640.
Krisztina Fehervary, “From Socialist Modern to Super-Natural Organicism,” 627-628.

In the Hungarian context that Fehérváry analyzes, the interest to organic had clear

nationalist, or traditionalist, overtones and thus acted as the resistance to Soviet Union’s

aesthetic dictatorship. However, I would argue, “Organicist modern” did not necessarily

have follow the logic of a particular cultural nationalism as opposed to Soviet

internationalism.66 For instance, in her incisive study of the history Soviet architectural

profession in the time of late socialism, Daria Bocharnikova demonstrates how a group of

young Moscow architects in the 1960s employed the idea of organic environment with the

aim to improve, rather than reject, the ideals of Socialist Modern.67 The book by Aleksei

Gutnov and his colleagues, recent graduates of Moscow Architectural Institute, titled New

Element of Settlement. On the Road to the New City, was published in 1966. Its authors

addressed the problems, generated by the current Soviet approach to urban planning, and

suggested the new toolkit for achieving a harmonious urban environment. As

Bocharnikova emphasizes, these young architects conceptualized the New Element of

Settlement (NER) as a living organism, as opposed to mechanical urban schemes,

predominant in the 1960s both in the socialist bloc and the capitalist Euro-Atlantic world.

They defined their objective as finding “a structure that responds organically to the social

and economic functions of new urban life.”68 Without rejecting the modernist vision of

architecture, and, in particular, its socialist version, so-called “Socialist Modern,” Gutnov
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et al attempted to correct its pitfalls such as the monotony of urban landscape, or an

understanding of the city as mechanical combination of architectural “pieces.” Instead, the

As Isabelle Wünche argued, already in the pre-revolutionary Russian avant-garde organicism could be
combined with international artistic outlook, rather than specifically in Russian folk art. Wünche, “Organic
visions,’ 128.
Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern,” 197-254.
Andrey Baburov et al., Novyi Element Rasselenia. Na Puti K Novomu Gorodu (Moskva: Stroiizdat, 1966),
8, quoted in Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern,” 227.

books’ authors called for the diversification of building types, thinking in terms of integral

space, and plasticity as the leading principle of architecture and planning, with the ultimate

goal to create the “world of human curvature,”69 where buildings, zones and transportations

of different kinds would be organically interconnected. Just like Fehérváry’s Hungarian

architects and designers, Bocharnikova’s Moscow NER group employed the concept of

“organic” as the instrument for rethinking the ideas of modern functionality.

I suggest that similar conceptual development took place in the sphere of decorative

arts in Soviet Russia, whereas socialist realism appeared a particular variation of Socialist

Modern in need for correction. If in the mid-1950s architectural profession in the Soviet

Union was greatly affected by the state campaign for mass construction, visual artists were

still, like in the Stalin period, expected to follow the method of socialist realism. In both

cases, “organic” was taken as a rejuvenating force. I suppose that indeed, the theme of

“organic” provided a relatively free creative space within the dominant artistic field and

allowed downplaying ideological claims of socialist realism. In what follows I analyze

three variations of this theme: a professional debate on the notion of “liveliness”; the

“organic” treatment of porcelain by prominent Leningrad artist Anna Leporskaia; and,

finally, the vision of the relations between nature and designer’s work presented by artist,

architect and designer Boris Smirnov.

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Baburov et al., Novyi Element Rasselenia, 106. Quoted in Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern,”

Zhivost’: Conceptualizing the Expression of Life in Useful Objects

On January 30, 1959, the art historian Aleksandr Chekalov delivered his lecture,

“Peculiarities of life reflection in artistic-industrial items,” at the meeting of MOSKh’s

section of decorative-applied art.70 Like Kagan, Chekalov belonged to a young generation

of historians and theoreticians of art (iskusstvovedy) – he was just 31 in 1959 but, most

likely, already had a kandidat degree in art history.71 And, similarly to his Leningrad

colleague, Chekalov undertook an attempt to shake the canon using its own terms. At the

beginning, he brought forward three major questions for discussion:

1. What are artistic-industrial items – art or non-art? If [they are] art, can they be
ascribed to visual art? Where is the border between artistic and non-artistic?
[My emphasis].
2. Can the term “realism” be used in regard to decorative-applied art? If yes, how
should we deal with the notions of typicality (tipichnost’), artistic image and
so on? Because, you know, we have to speak of the standard (tipovoi) [items],
but this is a different matter.
3. If we speak of realism, should we then speak of the opposite notions –
formalism or abstractionism? Can we, for example, call “abstract”
geometrically-shaped items of decorative72 art?73

Chekalov’s agenda can be viewed as arranged from the general philosophical question –

“Where is the border between artistic and non-artistic?” – to the more particular problem

of resolving canonical requirement of realism with practical tasks of industrial (but also

decorative) art, the latter, as he emphasized, being more important for current state of
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affairs. Essentially, all the three questions were concentrated into one: how can concrete

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550.
I did not find precise information on Chekalov’s biography, but, given that in 1961 his first monograph
came out (Aleksandr Chekalov, Iskusstvo v bytu (Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Khudozhestv, 1961), it is
reasonable to assume that he either finished or was about to finish his PhD dissertation by 1959.
Here Chekalov demonstrates the very “terminological confusion” that so upset Kagan: “decorative” and
“applied” are used as interchangeable.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 2.

forms of life be reflected in the items that are “constructive and non-figurative”? This

“particular yet large” question is the least elaborated in our aesthetics, regretted Chekalov.74

In order to solve the puzzle of an unlikely marriage of realism and decorative and

“industrial” art, Chekalov proposed a “revisionist” theory of realism. He proceeded from

explanation of aesthetic evaluation that sounds as the opposition to Kant’s theory of

disinterested aesthetic judgment:

However ingenuously we perceive this or that object of decorative art – a rug, a

statuette, an architectural decoration, wallpaper, furniture, a toy – we always
mentally evaluate it. The basis of this evaluation is our general impression of this
object, depending on which we call it beautiful or non-beautiful. Even the most
superficial analysis allows realizing that we associate the beautiful with the live.
Our eye distinguishes between “live” and “dead” forms, between colors and lines
[which are] intensive, taut, or, on the contrary, languid. We always prefer bold,
melodious, rich details and reject those looking dry, stiff and stunted. The living is
for us is a kind of a synonym for the artistic.75

Clearly, a speaker downplays the concept “realism” by replacing it with the notion of

“liveliness” (“zhivost’”) and equating it with beauty. This notion is convenient because,

first, it rhymes with the typically Soviet cult of health, cheerfulness and physical culture,

and, second, it is flexible enough to be extended onto stylized figurative and even non-

figurative images. Thus, Chekalov argued, characters of Greek vase painting or grotesque

figures of birds and animals which decorated ancient and folk vessels are not less “live”

than highly realistic art forms. Furthermore, geometrically shaped objects, geometric
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ornaments and even “one-color yet texturally expressive fabrics” are as “live”!76 Note the

parallel with Iaglova’s reasoning: if for her the animalistic forms of ancient artifacts were

an argument in favor of figurativeness, for Chekalov they are valuable because of their

stylized character, a certain abstraction from nature. More precisely, as the art historian

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 3.
Ibid., l. 4.
Ibid., l. 3.

explains later, the ancient custom to render concrete forms of nature to the objects was

naïve and originated from animism. In modern time this method became even more

nonsensical – Chekalov does not use the term “kitsch,” but it is implicit in his speech.77 As

his argument goes, often the applied art works with very naturalistic forms or patterns are

the worst. Naturalism is to be opposed to the “live beauty” that always consists in only

slight semblance of reality, in the relative connection to reality, in allowing the viewer to

think up the image.

Actually, such a position pertains to the orthodoxy of visual art – a late Stalinist –

early post-Stalinist campaign against naturalism in painting, recorded on the pages of

Iskusstvo and reflected in discussions by art critics and art historians.78 However,

Chekalov’s critique goes beyond that – he manages defending abstraction almost without

using this word: “Even simple checks and chequers can be extremely ‘live’ and full of

artistic content, but they can be also dry, rigid, and ‘dead’ like a technical drawing. It

depends on intention and implementation.”79 In art, close semblance to life is deadly and

repulsive – Chekalov does not see a contradiction here. By his explanation,

We like the lively, the vital, but our taste requires that this living, sensible, concrete
certainly become more abstract, lose its immediate concreteness, in a way, die as a
particular phenomenon and then it becomes reborn in a completely different quality
– as something absolutely not resembling reality, built according to different
principles. And only such a converted form is perceived as ‘live’; it suddenly gives
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us a new wonderful idea of the whole sensible, concrete, genuine life in all its
beauty and variety.80

In order to justify the odd claim that the living should symbolically die and resurrect in art,

Chekalov relies on Marx’s authority – but, peculiarly, that of a young Marx. Evidently,

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. l. 12.
For example: “Sovetskoe Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo v 1952 godu. O Vsesoiuznoi khudozhestvennoi
vystavke,” Iskusstvo 1 (January-February 1953): 3-4; TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 435.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 5.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, ll. 5-6.

Marx’s 1844 “economic and philosophical manuscripts,” in particular the part on alienated

labor, became the important point of reference for the “Thaw” generation of art critics.

Special attention was given to the passage when Marx compares the production processes

in animal and human world. While the animal produces only according to the immediate

need of itself or of its young, man can produce also “free of physical need”; if the animal

builds according to the standard of its species, man creates “according to the laws of

beauty.” Thus man’s production is creative; it is the means of self-production “not only

intellectually, as in consciousness, but also actively in a real sense” as man “sees himself

in a world he made.”81 Drawing on this point, Chekalov portrays an art objects as a “real

product of conscious human labor,” as man’s self-expression with spiritual dimension,

including one’s aesthetic views.82 Consequently, any man-made - or, for that matter, man-

designed and machine-made – object is an expression of real life, real creative labor. We

evaluate objects of “everyday art” (bytovogo iskusstva) by human measure, and therefore

good objects are those which correspond to our ideas of convenience and beauty alike, -

concludes Chekalov, anticipating Soviet designers’ obsession with ergonomics.83 From

precisely this point of view he appreciates folk art – its forms are organic and functionally


From the idea of zhivost’ followed representation of an object as “organic,” “living”

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according to its function. Hence Chekalov’s emphasis on expediency as both humanistic

an aesthetic quality: “An object without real function is devoid of human content and hence

also of artistic meaning.” [12] But “organic” also meant an organic combination of

Karl Marx, Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society (Hackett Publishing, 1997), 293.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 8.
Ibid., l. 9.
Ibid., l. 19.

function, construction, outer appearance and emotional content – that is, perfection. Here

Chekalov combined Kagan’s “architectonic” vision of applied art and Rappoport’s

comparison with poetry and music. Perfect objects provoke “poetic associations,” their

forms are subdued to “musical-rhythmical principle,” yet construction and the qualities of

the material – “steadiness, solidity, plasticity,” – are also extremely important.85

Approaching the issue of contemporary industrial production, Chekalov points to

the problem of the improvement of architecturally-constructive qualities of objects at the

expense of individuality. He admitted that “the image of objects gradually becomes more

and more general, so to say, international. It more and more shows an abstract person, a

human being as such…. Material culture knows no borders.”86 This is a striking confession

for 1959, surprisingly devoid of the usual for that time reservations about irreconcilability

between socialist and capitalist values. But what bothers Chekalov is not the danger of

bourgeois consumerism but the threat to artistic individuality. In order to avoid it, the art

historian suggests for artists such methods as learning and revealing better intrinsic

qualities of material, varying color and treatment of surface, creative use of color, etc. It is

amazing how picturesque is the language when the speaker describes the diverse qualities

of an object’ form:

Mass in the ready article is already not just a quantity of material but also a certain
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quality of a volumetric form: monumentality or delicacy, lightness, completeness

or openness and so on. The borderline of mass is not only the boundary of volume,
but also an artistically found contour. The line itself becomes expressive – not just
straight or curved, but flexible or restless, rhythmic or melodic. All the elements of
form appear as if in the endless clash and movement and at the same time in
harmonic coordination and unity. It is precisely this that we perceive as “live” in
the best items of everyday art.87

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 14.
Ibid., l. 21.
Ibid., ll. 14-15

This passage is noteworthy for two reasons. First, there is virtually no official

cliché, no trace of authoritative discourse. In a way, this is a hint on what an ideal,

professional discourse of Soviet applied artists would be like – the one desired but

impossible in public space (press, Artists Congresses, etc.) that demanded a compromise.88

Second, there is evident (even of unintentional) echoing of the description of Vladimir

Tatlin’s famous project of the Monument of Third International produced by a prominent

art historian Nikolai Punin in 1919: “The form wants to overcome the matter, the force of

gravitation; the force of resistance is big and massive; straining the muscles, the form seeks

for emancipation along the most resilient and dynamic lines the world only knows – the

spirals. They are full of movement, striving, running, and they are tight like creative will

and strained muscle.”89 Just like two counter-spirals of Tatlin’s Tower, the elements of

form of Chekalov’s “perfect object” are in constant clash and movement; Chekalov’s

organic metaphor reminds of Punin’s portraying of Tower as a Promethean man, and,

broader, the avant-garde’s obsession with drawing parallels between organic world and

industrial art.90

Finally, Chekalov forecasted the two ideas which will become very popular among

Soviet designers in a decade – design of environments and research on consumers’

opinions. First, he claimed that true applied artist humanizes not only a single object of his
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This type of discourse is used nowadays by applied artists and professors of Art Studies – at least, as shows
the example of St. Petersburg Artistic-Industrial Academy (successor of Mukhina School).
Nikolai Punin. “Pamiatnik III Internatsionala, in Vasilii Rakitin and Irina Punina, ed., Nikolai Punin. O
Tatline (Moscow: RA, 1994), 20.
In the light of the resonance to Wilhelm Röntgen’s experiments in Russia, the iron frame could be
associated with the skeleton. As Olga Matich and John E. Bowlt argue, “the artists of the avant-garde were
fascinated to discover mechanical parallels between zoological structures made clear with the X-ray and the
industrial frames of the new iron buildings towering above Moscow and St. Petersburg.” John E. Bowlt and
Olga Matich, Introduction. In John E. Bowlt and Olga Matich, eds. Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian
avant-garde and cultural experiment (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1996), 12.

making, but “the whole sphere of activity related to this object.” Thus, a gunsmith does not

just produce a rifle but he “organizes the entire process of hunting,” while “sometimes

human life depends on the form of his items.” By the same token, a tailor not just fits the

seams – he is responsible for making the client a better person by giving her a proper outfit.

The same applies to the designer of a pavilion, a bus, a canteen – or so the argument goes.91

Second, according to Chekalov, the humanism of the new art was in its openness, allowing

a consumer to actively participate in art-making – hence life-constructing – through

creating ensembles of interior, dress, and so on. Yet this explanation of humanism has a

didactic note – “every person is obliged (obiazan) to be an artist, to have an active artistic

taste.”92 Thus, being invited to participate in the creative process, an imagined consumer

was at the same time pressed to accept taste standards worked out by experts. In his

concluding remarks Chekalov called the artists to “break the customs” and reflect in their

art the “new pulse of life” and equated realism with functionality and feasibility, while

formalism, respectively, with pretentiousness and uselessness.93

The discussion, provoked by Chekalov’s theory of the lively, was lively too. Some

repudiated his re-conceptualizing of formalism and accused the speaker precisely in this

artistic “sin.” Maria Nazarevskaia, for example, reminded of the danger coming with

abstract art works that had been exhibited in Moscow during International Youth Festival
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in 1957 and were currently shown at the exhibition “Art of Socialist Countries” in the

Manege exhibition hall.94 She argued that many artists turn to the West as the source of

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 10.
Ibid., l. 28.
Ibid., l. 30-31.
Susan E. Reid, “Art of Socialist Countries, Moscow 1958-59, and the Contemporary Style of Painting,” in
Susan Emily Reid and David Crowley, eds., Style and Socialism: Modernity and Material Culture in Post-
War Eastern Europe (Oxford: Berg, 2000), 101–32.

fashion just out of fear to look vulgar. Nazarevskaya went so far as to compare the adoption

of the geometric patterns of West European design to the widespread usage of swastika in

Europe as a visual symbol of Nazi propaganda in the 1930s (a strange position from the

VKhUTEIN graduate, whose textile patterns of the 1930s, though figurative, were

sufficiently stylized, based on expressive geometric lines).95

But there were sympathizers with Chekalov’s views as well: art historian Sergei

Temerin called the colleagues’ attention to the fact that nature itself contains abstraction to

some extent, and it is thus absolutely appropriate for practically useful artworks. His

uncertainty about the borders of abstractionism-cum-formalism was explicit. Pointing to

the art works exhibited right there, in the meeting room, Temerin remarked: “There is a

rug, it is pictorial (izobrazitel’nyi), but if a contemporary artist, a Soviet artist exhibited a

picture like this, he would be torn in pieces (ego by v klochia razorvali) for showing pure

formalism.”96 Artist Rabotnova admitted that she liked the idea of “lively” and “deadly”

objects and in this connection recalled a talk of Saltykov when he gave an example of a

vase, perfect in formal criteria, but “without a soul – like a silly handsome man” (kak glupyi

krasavets).97 Rabotnova clarified her idea of the “live”: “I believe that one of the necessarily

conditions of any art work is an inner rhythm, melodiousness of lines [pevuschest’ linii]. It

may be in a vase’s silhouette, it may be even not an ornament but one color accent –
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harmony of proportions and harmony of color.” She goes on: “Why folk art so charms us?

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, ll. 45-47. Nazarevskaya’s creative biography is discussed in: Maria Blumin,
Vliianiie iskusstva avangarga na ornamental’nye motivy tkanei 1910-kh – 1939kh godov: na promere stran
Zapadnoi Evropy i Rossii (PhD Dissertation : St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry, 2006) ;
avtoreferat is available at http://www.dissercat.com/content/vliyanie-iskusstva-avangarda-na-
ornamentalnye-motivy-tkanei-1910-1930-kh-godov-na-primere-st, accessed 08.11.2011.
Ibid., l. 57.
Ibid., l. 64.

Because there this harmony is fulfilled with maximum strength.”98 This is a vivid example

of “liveliness,” “harmony” and “folk art” coming together. But, Rabotnova argues, such

harmony, especially in regards to color range, is evident in the works of today’s textile

artists, who, on her view started to design “amazingly”. And even the majority of Western

geometric fabrics should not be labeled (bad) abstractionism – their ornamentation

“acceptable” by virtue of its rhythmical and coloristic harmony. Only those artworks where

rhythmical balance is disturbed and asymmetry predominates are indeed “abstract” – they

do not reflect the function honestly, they look like errors, deviations, and thus cannot

gladden the eye. That is why Rabotnova, with the mainstream, condemned Polish

abstractionism: “For me, these pictures provoke physically unpleasant feelings”99 - indeed,

the abstract, that is, the non-organic, is physically perceived as alien.

The artist Zamskikh objected to this claim, stating that it does not matter whether

an object’s form or ornament is symmetrical or not; what matters is how this object is

combined with other objects (the principle of ensemble): “The structure of ornament can

be non-rhythmical, the whole [ensemble] should be rhythmical.”100 Furthermore, he

claimed that the current ideas of realism and decoration are outdated. First of all, they are

too narrow and reductionist:

The point is that if we observe all our fabrics, we will see virtually the same motifs
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everywhere, repeated in endless variations – these will be geometric, animalistic

or floral ornaments. But our world is much richer. When contemporary artist, in
particular Western artist, starts reflecting today’s world in a wider diapason, it
seems unusual at first glance, and many think that it is non-realistic. Currently I am
working on decorating the pavilion “Science” [for the All-Union Exhibition of
People’s Economy], and when I encounter drawings and photos of
microorganisms, I see there a lot of amazing motifs for textile patterns. Take
various sections that we can see through the microscope; take animal organism,

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 67.
Ibid., l. 67-68.
Ibid., l. 79.

some mollusks or shells – these are amazing things, but we do not see and do not
repeat them [in our patterns].101

Thus the ideological dichotomy “realism versus abstractionism” is being questioned:

abstract can be also organic – and therefore also realistic.

Nikolai Musatov, an interior decorator and a VKhUTEIN graduate, interpreted

Chekalov’s hypothesis as an effective update of the concept of socialist realism – the

concept, evidently, much compromised in the eyes of applied artists by the end of the 1950s.

Notably, Musatov appreciated the talk for “the originality of formulations” and “completely

new language”: “We are used to this expression, ‘socialist realism.’ What is ‘socialist

realism’? Where does it exist in our art? But after this talk I feel like seeing an answer [A

vot v etom doklade ia pochuvstvoval otvet]. [Chekalov] speaks in the simplest language; he

speaks about dead and live art” [My emphasis].102 As if Chekalov finally resolved the

puzzles of authoritarian discourse that had obscured the idea of realism in particular and

true art in general, reducing both to a number of formulations. Supposedly, Chekalov’s

presentation was not his personal breakthrough but a symptom of the common implicit

demand of de-ideologizing the art discourse. That is why it provoked resonance. Now

realism could mean not only standard tirade “Party-mindedness, ideological content and

people’s spirit” (partiinost’, ideinost’, narodnost’), but also the lively, the expressive, and
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even the exciting. As Musatov suggested, “it is [precisely] this contemporary, intense, and

exciting art, which is the realism that affects us today.”103

Remarkably, Chekalov’s lecture took place at the same time as Soviet architects

voiced criticism of current building and urban planning practice in the Soviet Union and

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 78.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 72.
Ibid., l. 72.

abroad.104 In particular, P. Volodin warned against taking the “road of oversimplification”

in mass construction and insisted that an architect’s attention should not be limited to

technological questions, but should include broader artistic issues. Volodin called for

“diversity, variety and irregularity” in urban design105 – similarly to Chekalov’s and

Zamskikh’s defense of asymmetry as a particular characteristic of “liveliness.” It is notable,

too, that the notion of “plasticity” that Volodin and his colleagues presented as desired

characteristic of urban design, also appeared in Chekalov’s speech, though in a slightly

different sense: as the quality of the material which needs to be masterfully revealed by

decorative artist, so that the final artwork would be “lively.”106 The notion of “plasticity”

was frequently aligned with the notion “organic” in evaluations of artistic strategies and

products, especially in case of such “plastic” materials as ceramics and glass. Evidently,

the criticisms of mass construction and of socialist realism, which developed in parallel

from mid-1950s on, featured similar themes. This can be interpreted as a general tendency

for challenging limitations of Socialist Modern in its different manifestations.

Though the concept “zhivost’” per se did not generate a clear-cut artistic trend of

late Soviet art, it nonetheless offered the possibility to critically approach the

characteristics, or guidelines, of new Soviet modernism that were being formed in the late

1950s. This critical view, in turn, affected actual artistic production, divergent from the
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strict requirements of standardization and utility. In the next sub-section of this chapter I

consider the particular variant of such modification of Socialist Modern in the sphere of

artistic porcelain.

Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern,” 231-232.
RGALI, f. 674, op. 3, d. 32, l. 200-201; 204. Quoted in Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern,” 231.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2550, l. 14.

Anna Leporskaia’s Porcelain: Organicism as Post-Suprematism

The repository of the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St. Petersburg has

a whole drawer filled with monochrome vessels, predominantly vases, teapots and jugs of

simple but not rigid shapes. Their smooth outlines and “soft” silhouettes produce the effect

of “plasticity” and an invite to a tangible experience (Fig. 2.1). The curator of the Soviet

porcelain collection, Natalia Sergeevna Petrova, insisted that there was no need to

photograph these pieces, because all of them are reproduced in high quality in several books

and catalogues. Some of them are also exhibited in the museum.107 Nonetheless, I

photographed the vessels arranged in a row, in order to capture the rhythmic structure

generated by repeated curves of the porcelain body. The biological metaphor is employed

not accidentally: the peculiar “organicism” of these porcelain works is important for my

analysis of the “organic” version of socialist realism. The author of these “plastic” vessels,

Anna Leporskaia, is relatively well-known, but hardly beyond professional circles, and she

definitely deserves much more public and scholarly attention.

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Conversation with Natalia Sergeevna Petrova at the Museum of Imperial Porcelain Factory, Petersburg,
March 20, 2014.

Figure 2.2. Porcelain ware by Anna Leporskaia. Repository of the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory
in St. Petersburg.

Notably, porcelain, a traditional material for fine tableware, became a promising

ground for modernist experimentation from the mid-1950s. Both young porcelain artists

and older ones who traced the pulse of the time, took a new approach to tectonics, looking

for an optimal solution of utilitarian form and the refusal of overtly decorative details, not

harmonized with the porcelain body. As the art historian Iurii Gerchuk noted in his article

from 2000, this was a common tendency in the socialist bloc, in particular Czechoslovakia,

East Germany and Poland. A contemporary of the “Thaw” generation of artists, Gerchuk

recollected that the “search was on for laconic silhouettes, flowing contours and fluid bends
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on the surface of a single synthetic form.”108 He goes on to cite the Lomonosov Porcelain

Factory in Leningrad as an active participant in this trend, and singles out Anna Leporskaia

as a master of innovative forms.109 I would like to develop Gerchuk’s argument by focusing

Iurii Gerchuk, “The Aesthetics of Everyday Life in the Khrushchev Thaw in the USSR (1954-64),” in
Susan E. Reid and David Crowley, eds., Style and Socialism: Modernity and material culture in Post-War
Eastern Europe (Oxford: Berg, 2000), 81-100; 98.
Ibid., 98.

of the “organicism” of certain Leporskaia’s works and placing them within what I call

“organic trend of Soviet modernism,” or, to borrow Fehervary’s term, “Organicist


Anna Leporskaia’s creative biography is a vivid example of the continuity between

the 1920s avant-garde, the art of the 1930s – 1950s, associated with socialist realism, and

Soviet modernism of the 1950s – 1960s. She was one of the most faithful students of

Kazimir Malevich, the inventor of Suprematism – one of most influential currents of

international avant-garde. Born in Chernigov, Kiev Governorate, in 1900 in the family of

a teacher of classic languages, Leporskaia spent her childhood and early youth in Pskov,

where she graduated from the School for Art and Industry. In 1922, she moved to Petrograd

and was admitted to the Vkhutein (not to be confused with the Moscow school of the same

name), a successor of the Imperial Academy of Arts, where among her teachers were two

prominent artists, painter Kuz’ma Petrov-Vodkin and sculptor Aleksandr Matveev.

Because of the deepening clash between tradition and renewal, the Vkhutein curriculum

was inconsistent and the free creative spirit not always encouraged. As a result, several

students, including Leporskaia, left the institution in 1925.110 In the same year, she became

an intern at the State Institute of Artistic Culture (GINKHUK) – Malevich’s brainchild,

conceived as a laboratory for studying modern art. There Leporskaia became fully
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immersed in Malevich’s theories of art. Together with her close friend and later husband,

Nikolai Suetin, Leporskaia took part in research on the so-called “additive element” - a

universal analytical tool for investigating the development of form, color and composition

in modern painting, from Impressionism to Suprematism, a final stage of painting, or, as

TsGALI, f. 78, op. 5, d. 117, ll. 29-32; Troels Andersen (ed), K. S. Malevich. The Leporskaia Archive
(Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2011), 5.

Leporskaia termed it, “the edge of the abyss beyond which there was no place for pictorial

description of nature.”111 She had an opportunity to implement some of Malevich’s visions

of color and form in several designs and color schemes for public interiors. Leporskaia also

participated in designing the interiors of Soviet pavilions at World Exhibitions in Paris,

1937 and New York, 1939. Her post-war artistic career until her death in 1982 was

connected to the State Porcelain Factory in Leningrad - the successor of the Imperial

Porcelain Factory that produced exclusive items for the court.

I would suggest that Leporskaia’s “organicist” approach to porcelain owes much to

her internship at GINKHUK. Taking careful record of Malevich’s talks, instructions and

analyses of artworks,112 Leporskaia paid attention to his vision of nature as a source for

painterly work. Thus, her note from September 1926 states: “Our contemporary epoch is

eclectic. Young people look at nature through various lenses. We need a method that would

allow looking at nature through all the lenses at once, in order to discover a new point of

view, to reveal new sensations of nature’s phenomena.”113 Such interest in nature might

seem surprising for the artist who symbolically buried the objective world in his world-

famous “Black Square.” As scholars often argue, Malevich was not interested in the

materiality of objects and saw the non-objective world as the only true reality.114 When in

1923 Malevich worked for the State Porcelain factory in Petrograd, designing Suprematic
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forms and decors, he envisioned de-materialization of porcelain ware, replacing traditional

Anna Leporskaia, “The Beginning and the End of Figurative Painting and Suprematism,” in Malewitsch
zum 100 Geburstag (Köln: Galerie Gmurzynska, 1978), 65.
Szymon Bojko, “Commentary,” in Malewitsch zum 100 Geburstag, 71.
Anna Leporskaia, ‘Iz dnevnika,” in Irina Vakar. and Tatiana Mikhienko, eds, Malevich o sebe.
Sovremenniki o Maleviche. Pis’ma, dokumenty, vospominaniia, kritika. Vol. II.Moscow: RA, 2004, 320.
Jean-Claude Marcade, “What is Suprematism?,” in Malewitsch zum 100 Geburstag, 189-190; Ekaterina
Degot’, Russkoe iskusstvo XX veka (Moscow: Trilistnik, 2002), 34.

“applied art” with laboratory work for generating new forms for the future.115 Supposedly,

Malevich’s interest to nature was driven not by its concrete, tangible materiality, but by the

principles of composition and proportions to be found in the natural world. These principles

were primarily important in his art pedagogy. One of his usual assignments for students at

GINKHUK was a “prescribed still-life,” where a harmony of similar objects was interrupted

by an “alien” body, representing a different painterly culture. Thus, for example, Malevich

would include a samovar tube, an element of Cubist universe, into Cezannist still-life with

pears, thus challenging a student to overcome the contradiction and logically arrive at the

next stage of painterly organization. Even though the final destination of this path through

forms was the non-objective world of Suprematism, within the process students could

master “contemporary plastic culture” (the expression of art historian Evgenii Kovtun).116

Unlike his older colleague Mikhail Matiushin, who ran the Department of Organic Culture

at GINKHUK, Malevich did not give that much importance to research in a natural

environment. However, in Leporskaia’s recollection, Malevich frequently visited the village

of Nemchinovka in Moscow, where he painted many open air landscapes. According to the

entry in Leporskaia’s diary from 1932, Malevich seemed to “completely coincide” with this

landscape and once admitted: “To copy nature, to paint as it is – and how beautiful it is! But

this painting will be uninteresting. Some addition is needed [nuzhno chto-to vnesti].117
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In a letter to art critic Nikolai Punin from July 8, 1923, envisioning the laboratory of new forms at the
Porcelain Factory, Malevich insisted: “Non-objective abstraction must overthrow an object as a utilitarian
nonsense (nedomysel), for only then new technical opportunities can open.” K. Malevich’s letter to N. Punin,
June, 1923. Quoted in: Tamara Kudriavtseva, “Vokrug kvadrata,” in Podneseniie k Rozhdestvu. Vokrug
Kvadrata, Exhibition catalogue (St. Petersburg: State Hermitage Publishing House, 2009), 17-85, 37.
Evgenii Kovtun, introduction to L. N. Vostretsova, Dukh dyshit, gde khochet. Vladimor Vasilievich
Sterligov (1904-1973) (St. Petersburg: Museum, 1995), 7-8.
Leporskaia, ‘Iz dnevnika,” 338.

Leporskaia’s special attention to Malevich’s non-imitational attitude to nature may have

helped her to elaborate her own creative strategies as a porcelain artist.

Precision was always the main guide for Leporskaia in her work, and this is what she

most appreciated in Malevich. Suetin, who continued experiments with Suprematic

porcelain as the director of the Porcelain Factory’s Art Laboratory, adopted and kept this

principle even when he had make concessions to “heroic” socialist realism in the late Stalin

period (he died just one year after Stalin, in 1954). In the 1971 collection of ceramic artists’

autobiographies and creative credos, Suetin’s name is cited many times by thankful pupils

to whom he taught precision.118 Leporskaia, in particular, connected this precision with

deep, structural understanding of nature: “Work with them [Malevich and Suetin] gave me

a sense of the basic origins of the plasticity óf any form, its growing like a live natural

element, flower or plant, and understanding of this magic ‘a tiny bit’ (‘chut’- chut’) that can

either create amazing harmony of a thing or make it ugly. In the work on form in porcelain

it is clear that neither function nor technology should break the main principle – the harmony

of an object.”119 Such understanding of harmony as a “natural” condition of any object,

nature-made or man-made, develops the theme of “harmony” recurrent in art critiques of

the 1950s and at the same time points to the continuity of interest in the inherent qualities

of materials, characteristic of the Russian avant-garde. Thus, through her focus on

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proportions, Leporskaia, in a way, synthesized certain elements of two leading movements

of the Russian avant-garde, Suprematism and Constructivism into an individual manner of

making tangible things for modernized Soviet homes and exhibitions.

Khudozhniki ob iskusstve keramiki. 1954-1964 (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1971).
“Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia,” in Khudozhniki ob iskusstve keramiki, 148.

Leporskaia’s education in artistic ceramics started already in the Pskov School for Art

and Industry, where the instructor Alisa Bruscetti-Mitrokhina taught students to understand

inherent qualities of faience, majolica and porcelain.120 Later Leporskaia recalled from those

formative years her pleasure from “pulling” the vessel’s form on a potter’s wheel. 121 Later,

at Ginkhuk, she was surrounded by artists who had experience in porcelain: not only

Malevich and Suetin, but also Malevich’s famous students Ilya Chashnik and Lazar’

Khidekel. In 1940-41 she designed a number of porcelain wares for mass production, such

as vases, milk jugs, biscuit dishes and trays.122 These pieces, made by hand, were, in

essence, miniature sculptures.123 The elaboration of the technology for mass production was

interrupted by the war, when the Porcelain Factory was evacuated to Irbit, Sverdlovsk region

(Leporskaia remained in Leningrad, working in the Leningrad Headquarters of the Guerilla

Movement as a designer of exhibitions and then the Museum of Defense of Leningrad). In

1945 Leporskaia received an offer from the Porcelain Factory (now named after Russian

polymath, Mikhail Lomonosov) to develop forms for mass production, which were in urgent

need after the war. Her first work in this area was the tea set “Cone” (“Konus”) of sharp,

geometric silhouette and very expressive forms, with the dynamism of diagonal lines and

rhythmic repetition of handles, lids and knobbles. This is reminiscent of certain examples

of early 19th century Russian classicist porcelain, but even more of Malevich’s Suprematist
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experiments in a softened version. Leporskaia’s biographer, Marina Tikhomirova, marks

out the accordance of all the forms and proportions in this set, as well as the combination of

Marina Tikhomirova, Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia (Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1970), 19.
Khudozhniki ob iskusstve keramiki. 1954-1964, 148.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 5, d. 117 “Personal File of Anna Leporskaia,” 33.
Tikhomirova, Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia, 35.

diversity and unity, a golden middle between chaos and monotony.124 Thus, Leporskaia

made a successful debut in designing an integral ensemble of objects rather than a single

piece – an approach, anticipating the decorative artists’ preoccupation with complexes of

things in the 1950s that generated the notion of complex design in the mid-1960s. With

“Cone,” Leporskaia affirmed herself as an artist among older and more experienced

colleagues, who started their careers in the 1920s and 1930s. The fine geometry of this set

in combination with the vividness of outlines can be evaluated as a proto-stage of

Leporskaia’s “organicist porcelain.”

In 1948, Leporskaia joined the Lomonosov factory. Even though, after “Cone,” she

designed a number of conventional forms and in 1949 even overlooked the design and

production of the large vase to be given to Stalin on the occasion of his 70 th birthday.125

From mid-1954 Leporskaia developed her “organicist” line – a series of objects and sets of

clean silhouettes and smooth, melodic lines, devoid of purely decorative attachment. The

first step in this direction was, most probably, a jug “Round” (“Kruglyi”), designed in 1954

(Fig. 2.2). Its full, roundish body with elegant outline, floating from the neck to the handle

and to the bases produces the impression of “organic” integrity, as if one part naturally

grows from another. Marina Tikhomirova characterized this model, together with similar

Leporskaia designs of the mid-1950s, as the combination of the harmonic form and “vividly
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expressed utility,” up to a “certain intentional ‘sterility’ of the image.” She hastens to specify

that these objects are not “featureless,” but skillfully and deliberately created as neutral.126

Indeed, the “Round” jug in its original, undecorated version, does not celebrate anything

Tikhomirova, Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia, 40.
Vasilii Rakitin, Nikolai Suetin. 1897-1954 (St. Petersburg: RA; Palace Editions, 2008), 26.
Tikhomirova, Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia, 44.

and does not refer to a particular style of the past. Neither does it offer a radically new

formal solution, as Malevich did in his famous Suprematist tea-pot and semi-cup. Rather, it

attracts the eye by its roundness, shine and smoothness, and invites us to touch and to use.

It also provokes association with the drop of milk – the presumed liquid content of the jug.

A specialist on Russian avant-garde should immediately grasp this jug’s similarity

with the model of feeding cup, made in 1930 by a Vkhutein student A. Sotnikov, under

Vladimir Tatlin’s supervision. Tatlin, famous for his designs of useful objects for the new

byt, elaborated new forms in ceramics from 1923, and from the late 1920s he taught at the

department of ceramics at Vkhutein. As Selim Khan-Magomedov notes in his fundamental

work on “pioneers of Soviet design,” Tatlin was enthusiastic about the plastic possibilities

of ceramics and presented to his student a new concept of forming, based on tactile qualities.

“Tatlin, with his high attention to the organicism of form and its contact with a human body,

saw in porcelain ware new impulses of form-giving,” writes Khan-Magomedov, bringing

the example of a feeding cup as perfectly “fitting” a human hand (Fig. 2.3).127 Khan-

Magomedov also cites the prominent design historian Larisa Zhadova, who in her 1979

article on Tatlin compared the feeding cup’s form to that of a female breast. “In this case,”

Zhadova argued, “this is not only new, but a maximally functional adaptation of the eternal

form. It appears as a child’s vessel-sculpture, a ‘live thing,’ and a form-image.”128 While

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avoiding clear anatomical references, Leporskaia, too, evidently had the contact with human

hands as one of the guiding principles in designing her early work of the “organic” series.

Selim Khan-Magomedov, Pionery sovetskogo dizaina (Moscow: Galart, 1995), 55.
Larisa Zhadova, “Pervaia posuda dlia detei,” Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 11 (November 1979), 38.

And, though never directly cooperating with Tatlin, Leporskaia very probably would have

been familiar with porcelain designs through her contacts with the avant-garde milieus.

Figure 2.2 Anna Leporskaia, jug “Round,” porcelain, colorless glaze, 1954; Figure 2.3. A. Sotnikov (Vkhutein)
under supervision of Vladimir Tatlin. Feeding cup for infants. 1930.

From the late 1950s and throughout the 1960s Leporskaia produced a significant

number of models for vases, jugs and teapots. Most of them were reproduced in small

editions for sale as utilitarian everyday objects. Their forms are diverse: from highly laconic,

like in vases “Novgorodskaia” (1959) and “Birch” (“Beriozka,” 1962), to playful, like in

vine vessels “Peasant Woman” (“Baba,” 1960), “Rooster” (Petushok), “Squab” (“Tolstiak”)

(both 1961) and many others. But her main attention was dedicated to vases of the variety

of forms, and many of them are now preserved in the collection of the Porcelain Factory

Museum in St. Petersburg in their original, undecorated versions, which strike a viewer by

their “organicist” expressiveness. Nowadays, Leporskaia is famous first of all as an

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outstanding porcelain sculptor, “the master of white porcelain.”129 In fact, most of her forms,

especially those which went to mass production and sale, were decorated by the factory’s

painters or sometimes by Leporskaia herself. However, she never painted her small-size

vases, preferring to show them at exhibitions undecorated in order to stress the plasticity

Larisa Zhadova, “Belyi farfor Anny Leporskoi,” DI SSSR 6 (June 1979): 40-43.

and integrity of form. In particular, Leporskaia’s white vessels were awarder gold medal at

the International Exhibition in Prague in May 1962.130 As for the items and sets for mass

production, according to the keeper of the Museum of Imperial Porcelain Factory, Natalia

Petrova, they were never white, with the exception of those made of bone china (soft-paste

porcelain).131 Indeed, when artists and trade representatives discussed the guidelines for

mass production, white models were rarely mentioned: evidently, painted porcelain was

believed to be of consumer preference, while too “abstract” or “cosmopolitan” decoration

was unwelcome. There was also a technical reason: mass reproduction of undecorated forms

demanded a good amount of high quality raw material, for in the absence of decoration all

the deficiencies are immediately visible. But even if good quality undecorated objects were

mass-produced, they would be unprofitable, because, in the usual Soviet fashion, the USSR

Ministry of Finance set the prices proportionally to the amount of décor on a certain

commodity type. As a result, modernist experiments could hardly go beyond the level of

exhibitions.132 Thus, Leporskaia’s white porcelain remained at a conceptual stage, while

Soviet consumers, lucky to obtain objects of her design, would in most cases have them

decorated. Even though some painters chose tactful decorations that did not obscure the

form but accentuated it, in other cases the original “organicism” of Leporskaia’s design was

lost on the way to the consumer.

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Leporskaia’s work in porcelain thus exemplifies the tension between conceptual and

practical levels of Soviet applied art – or, to say more appropriately to the 1960s, product

Galina Demosfenova, “Anna Akelsandrovna Leporskaia – dizainer farfora,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika 5
(May 1979): 25-29; 25.
Conversation with Natalia Sergeevna Petrova in the Museum of Imperial Porcelain Factory, Petersburg,
March 20, 2014.
Central State Archive of St. Petersburg (TsGA SPb), f. R-111, op. 27, d. 526a, l. 5-7; 59-61.

design. White porcelain was definitely very important for Leporskaia’s credo as artist and

designer as manifestation of the respect for the material. Refusal of decoration gave the

opportunity to reveal its beauty in utility as opposed to its traditional association with luxury

and exclusivity. At the same time, Leporskaia, by her own admission, painstakingly worked

on perfecting forms in order to elevate white porcelain from the status of “raw material” to

the medium of art.133 She argued in the late 1960s: “Porcelain, with its amazing whiteness

and shine, which produce the impression of jewelry, should take its proper place as modern

material with big potential for development and use in architecture.”134 Leporskaia was not

alone in this attitude: from the late 1950s, white porcelain became a significantly popular

trend and frequently appeared at exhibitions. According to Tikhomirova, this trend had

“deep and organic” roots in artists’ striving to maximally reveal the inherent opportunities

of materials.135 By 1962-63, when Leporskaia had produced the first series of her

“organicist” forms, some critics took the extreme position, arguing that painted porcelain

does not correspond to contemporary taste and that only the most laconic décor is

acceptable.136 Leporskaia explained the popularity of white porcelain in the late 1950s –

early 1960s by its appeal as “natural” and “external” materials, actively searched for since

the post-war years. She also supposed that white porcelain was valued for its association

with the whiteness of snow and thus with Russian winter – thus the artist herself stressed
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the organicist character of her work.137 Some critics also suppose that Leporskaia’s

preference for white forms was inspired by the architecture of the medieval Russian

Demosfenova, “Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia,” 25.
Khudozhniki ob iskusstve keramiki, 48.
Tikhomirova, Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia, 68.
Ibid., 68; (TsGA SPb), f. R-111, op. 27, d. 526a, l.6.
Demosfenova, “Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia,” 25.

churches in Pskov, where she received her first artistic education.138 In any case, the “genre”

of white porcelain was for Leporskaia the laboratory for experiment with proportions,

tectonics and nature-inspired imagery, as well as the way to express her distinct creativity

among the factory employees, yet it hardly became the available “socialist” commodity that

could have broad impact at people’s daily activities and relations.

One of most popular and frequently reproduced designs by Leporskaia is the tea- and

coffee-set “Drop” (“Kaplia,” 1959, Fig. 2.4).139 It was demonstrated, most probably, in the

white edition, at the international exhibition of Ceramics in Ostend, Belgium, in 1959, and

it is logical to presume that “Drop” was designed intentionally for this event. In comparison

to “Cone,” based on abstract geometric forms, here an elongated drop, an ephemeral natural

shape, is taken as a module. This form is presented in full in the coffee-pot and the vase,

whereas in smaller pots, sugar-bowl and cups, we find truncated drops. The same shape is

given to knobbles, and even handles produce drop-like outlines. Leporskaia’s “cult of

proportions,” learnt from Malevich and Suetin, here finds its clear expression. The

“organicism” of this set is not of the style of traditional Japanese Raku ware, where the

ceramic body is hand-shaped and glaze is let flowing naturally. Instead, this is carefully

thought-out organicism: a natural form is used here as the departure point for proportioning.

Even though Leporskaia herself participated in the production process, her forms transmit
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not so much the “live movement of the hand,” as design critic Galina Demosfenova viewed

it,140 but rather clarity of thought and precision of the eye. Similarly to her celebrated teacher

Demosfenova, “Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia,” 5.
TsGALI, f. 78, op. 5, d. 117, 25. In the reference, given to Leporskaia by the Leningrad Union of Artists,
it is not specified whether the white or decorated version of “Drop” was exhibited. But given the fact that
Leporskaia preferred to exhibit her works undecorated, I would presume that was also the case with “Drop”
in 1959.
Quoted in Demosfenova, op. cit., 27.

(who was, though, still a semi-forbidden “formalist” in the 1950s – 1960s), Leporskaia used

her observations of nature for her own ideas of form-giving and imagery.

Figure 2.4. Anna Leporskaia, coffee set “Drop,” porcelain, colorless glaze, 1959.
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Figure 2.5. Variants of painting of “Drop’ by different artists of the Lomonosov Factory, 1960.

Figure 2.6. Coffee Set “Evening,” painting by A. Semionova on the form ‘Drop by A. Leporskaia. Overglaze
polychrome painting. 1960.

Figure 2.7. Anna Leporskaia, saucer “Leaf,” porcelain, colorless glaze, 1960.
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Figure 2.8. Anna Leporskaia, Coffee set “Little Elephant,”porcelain, colorless glaze, 1960.

Figure 2.9. Anna Leporskaia, Coffee set “Flowers and Leaves,” colorless glaze, 1966.

A similar method can be seen in later works, such as the saucer “Leaf” (“List,” 1960,

Fig. 2.7), the coffee set “Little Elephant” (“Slonik,” 1960, Fig. 2.8) or the coffee set

“Flowers and Leaves” (“Tsvety i listia,” 1966, Fig. 2.9). Instead of copying nature in a

naturalist manner, the artist “processes” it and produces qualitatively new energetic,

intense, vivid forms – very much like Chekalov described it in his lecture. As Natalia

Petrova keenly emphasized, Leporskaia’s works appeared “not out of the storm and chaos

of sudden inspiration, but as a result of deliberately set and attentively conducted

experiment.” This does not mean that “dry theoretic calculation” prevails over “free
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creativity” – the point is that Leporskaia’s creative process is subordinated to “conscious

discipline.”141 Sharing this view, one can term Leporskaia’s style “arranged organicism,”

or “conceptual organicism.” This case can serve to the extension of Bruno Zevi’s argument

Natalia Petrova, ed., Zasluzhennyi khudozhnik RSFSR, laureat Gos. premii imeni I. E. Repona Anna
Aleksandrovna Leporskaia. Vystavka proizvedenii. Katalog (Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1977), 3.

about all architecture being both “arranged” and “organic,”142 or of the thesis of the master

of “organic architecture,” Frank Lloyd Wright, that architecture as such is “the organic

pattern of all things” and also “the geometric pattern of all things, of life, of social and

human world.”143 If the relation “arranged vs. organic” is to be envisioned as a scale, then

in the sphere of porcelain Leporskaia moved significantly nearer to the second pole than

Malevich, who acted against the logic of material in creating his strictly geometric, angular


Leporskaia’s ability to apply Malevch’s lessons to concrete production and to the

requirements of utility brought her to excellence not just as decorative artist, but as product

designer. Not accidentally, when Leporskaia’s personal exhibition took place in 1978 in

the Leningrad Union of Artists, it was reviewed by two prominent design historians – Larisa

Zhadova for Decorative art of the USSR and Galina Demosfenova (VNIITE researcher) for

Technical Aesthetics, and the latter review was pointedly titled “Anna Leporskaia, Designer

of Porcelain.”144 The exhibition strongly impressed the Leningrad art professionals and

attracted their colleagues from Moscow, and, probably, of other Soviet cities. Exhibition

designer, Leonid Liak, covered exhibition pedestals with bright blue fabric that stressed the

whiteness, shine, architectonic clarity of and “organicist” vividness of white porcelain (Fig.

2.10). The exhibition was the personal statement of the aged and experienced artist and
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designer, and, according to Zhadova, the first manifestation of the aesthetic power of white

porcelain. Moreover, Zhadova captured its potential for structuring space: “White porcelain

Bruno Zevi, “Meaning and Scope of the Term Organic in Architecture,” In Towards an Organic
Architecture (London: Faber&Faber, 1950), 66-76.
Frank Lloyd Wright, “Architecture and Modern Life,” in Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (ed.), Frank Lloyd Wright.
Collected Writings (Rizzoli/ New York: The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, 1993), 216-249.
Zhadova, “Belyi farfor”; Demosfenova, “Anna Aleksandrovna Leporskaia – dizainer farfora.”

as material, with its semi-transparent structure, with its inner spatiality, was especially

advantageous for the development of the new concept of environment.” This concept could

be, evidently, an “organic environment,” as it was actually presented at the exhibition:

notably, Zhadova spoke of exhibits in biological terms as “families” of sets and “keens” of

vases, cups, and saucers.145 This observation suggests the trajectory of Leporskaia’s

creative work from product design with its technical and institutional limitations (first of

all, the inevitability of décor as guarantor of “salability”) to “environment design,” in tune

with experimentations of the 1970s, most strikingly represented by the Senezh studio of

experimental design near Moscow. Whether Leporskaia’s exhibition had an actual impact

on Soviet environment design of the 1970s and 1980s is a question that deserves further

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Figure 2.10. Leonid Liak, design of Anna Leporskaia’s personal exhibition in Leningrad, 1978.

Zhadova, “Belyi farfor,” 42.

Figure 2.11. Anna Leporskaia, 20.08.1964.

Even though it had little effect on consumer practices and the daily activities of

ordinary people in Leningrad and beyond, Leporskaia “white porcelain” has significance

as revealing the potential of traditional material for modern design thinking and practice.

It demonstrates the modern way to adapt natural forms to design and mass production

without slipping into kitsch and sentimentality. Importantly, it was also a practical response

to the post-war tendency to reflect on a creative process and the artist’s relations with the

medium. The next section turns to a particular theoretical response to the same tendency.

Defamiliarization and Inquiry in the Nature of Things

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From the beginning, nature gave people the example for creating object reality
[predmetnuiu deistvitel’nost’]. A human being needed to find in everything that
surrounded her (not only at home, in daily life, but also in nature) something
transformable, adaptable to her own purposes. The anatomy of an animal, its
plasticity and typical movements suggested the utilitarian and aesthetic form of a
vessel. “Throat” and “handle,” - the parts of a bird, a beast or even a human being, -
underwent creative interpretation and were forever fixed as functional element of a
vessel, a bowl (think of Etruscan or Mexican vessels). 146

Boris Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei (Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1970), 7.

Such interpretation of an “organic” theme in Soviet aesthetics belongs to Boris Smirnov, a

person of diverse talent. An outstanding Leningrad glass artist and pedagogue (he taught

at LVKhPU and MVKhPU) and a chief designer of the State Optic Institute in Leningrad,

in the 1960s he recognized the necessity to reflect on his 40-year professional experience

and, broader, to the meaning of an artist’s work in a contemporary society. The resulting

book, published in 1970 in Leningrad, was aptly titled Artist on The Nature of Things

(Khudozhnik o prirode veshvhei) – with the clear allusion to Lucretius’ De rerum natura.

Appropriately, the author used the line from Lucretius as his first epigraph: “Since it is like

that – what we see with the mind like what we see with the eye – it must come about in a

like way.”147 Then Smirnov proceeded to unfold his argument about nature as the ultimate

powerful source for even the most sophisticated and abstract artistic forms. For this

purpose, the book was illustrated by objects from different cultures and ages, including

Smirnov’s own works. After the discussion of particular objects, the author proceeded to

reflect on the objectives and methods of designer’s work. Smirnov himself designed the

book, including the setup of illustrations, captions and commentaries,148 thus appearing as

an author in two respects and, in a way, implementing the idea of art synthesis that was

clearly pronounced in the Soviet art discourse in the 1960s. Today Smirnov’s book is

undeservedly little known beyond artistic circles on post-Soviet space, although it is a rare
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example of a Soviet artist’s extensive analysis of professional activity. In particular, this

book-album signals the growing need to inquire into the nature of creative work in the

Quoted in Boris Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 3. Smirnov relied on a Russian translation by
Fedor A. Petrovskii, first published in 1936 and later several times reprinted. Here I quoted after the English
translation by W. H. D. Rouse: Titus Lucretius Karus, De Rerum Natura (Cambridge: Harward University
Press, 1992): 335. The quote is line 750 from Book Four, in Latin: “quatenus hoc simile est illi, quod mente
videmus atque oculis, simili fieri ratione necesse est.”
Nonna Stepanian, “Boris Smirnov. Flagman i ego eskadra,” Problemy Dizaina 4, 2007. I am thankful to
Aleksandr Terebenin for bringing this text to my attention and providing me with its electronic version.

second half of the 1960s, which I consider as a particular manifestation of Soviet

“Organicist Modern.”

As Smirnov explained in the introduction, the book was about “the creating of a

consumer object,” (“potrebitel’skoi veshchi.”).149 “Consumer object” should be a better

translation than “commodity,” because Smirnov envisioned an object that is not only

practically, but also spiritually useful and user-friendly. The designer of such object was

expected to deeply understand nature: “only the one who can see, know and feel the

surrounding reality, can create a useful object that will be a consumer’s best friend.”150 The

theme of object-as-friend, or commodity-as-comrade, famously appeared in Aleksanr

Rodchenko’s 1925 letter from Paris to his fellow productivist artist and wife Varvara

Stepanova: “Our things (veshchi) in our hands should also be equal, be comrades, and not

black and gloomy slaves like here. (…) Things will be comprehended and become friends

and comrades of people; and people will learn to laugh, rejoice and communicate with

things.”151 Christina Kiaer noted in her insightful study of socialist objects, that the leading

theorist of Constructivism Boris Arvatov characterized proper socialist thing as “co-

worker” and the “embodiment of human thought” in contrast to a capitalist commodity that

is always a fetish and acts as a substitute for human relations.152 This “productivist” vision

of things as friends and comrades was evidently shared by Smirnov already in the 1920s-
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1930s, when worked as designer in different spheres and co-produced a number of

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 6.
Idid, 6.
Aleksandr Rodchenko’s letter to Varvara Stepanova from May 4, 1925, in Aleksandr Rodchenko, Opyty
dlia budushchego (Moscow: Grant, 1996), 152. Rodchenko arrived to Paris in April 1925 for work on
decorating the Soviet section of the International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts and,
in particular, installing his famous morel for Workers’ Club. He wrote to Stepanova almost every day.
Christina Kiaer, Imagine No Possessions: The Socialist Objects of Russian Constructivism (Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 2005), 34-38.

Constructivist buildings. His turn to this theme in the 1970 was obviously prompted by his

ongoing concern with the meaning of consumer object in a socialist society. Yet he did not

limit his analysis to socialist objects and avoided a discussion of socio-economic context

of the functioning of things, focusing instead on the principles and hidden possibilities of

work with different materials and artistic images. According to the recent observation of

art critic Nonna Stepanian, Smirnov’s book “aspired to become a universal judgment on

the world of objects.”153 Indeed, his selection of objects for analysis runs across centuries

and world regions, whereas the essential connection to the principles of nature is claimed

to be their common feature.

Smirnov’s reasoning is more strongly affected by another avant-garde concept -

“defamiliarization” (“ostranenie”), first introduced by Viktor Shklovsky, a representative

of the formalist school of literaty criticism. In his 1916 essay “Art as Technique,”

Shklovsky famously discussed the perception of habitual things, by which he meant not

only material objects, but also actions, such as handwriting or house cleaning.154 He argued

that habitual things are not seen but automatically recognized; they appear to us as

“packed” and observable only on the surface. An artist’s task is to rescue things from “the

sphere of the unconsciousness-automatic,” and the method for this is ostranenie, usually

translated as “defamiliarization,” but also translatable as “estrangement.” Distancing from

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habitual things and making them strange is, in Shklovsky’s vision, the primary technique

of art. He claimed:

…in order to return the sense of life, to feel the things, in order to make a stone be
a stone [chtoby sdelat’ kamen’ kamennym], there exists something called art. The
aim of art is to give the sense of a thing as a vision, not as a recognition; the

Stepanian, “Boris Smirnov. Flagman i ego eskadra.”
Viktor Shklovsky, “Art as Technique,” in O teorii prozy (Moscow: Krug, 1925), 7-20. Cited from:
http://www.opojaz.ru/manifests/kakpriem.html accessed 3.10.2014

technique of art is “defamiliarization” of things and the method of complicated

form, which increases difficulty and length of perception, because the process of
perception in art is self-sufficient and must be extended; art is the way to
experience the making of a thing, but what is made in art is not important
[emphasis in the original]155

Shklovsky explains this idea on the examples from literature, and tangible things interest

him only as described – and defamiliarized - in a literary text. According to him, the process

of making things is a worthy literary subject, but not ready forms, which are habitual,

automatically recognized, and therefore “not important” in (literary) art.

Smirnov could be well aware of the concept of defamiliarization as early as in the

1920s, when he studied at the Department of Architecture of at Petrograd Vkhutein,

mastered book illustration under prominent graphic artist Nikolai Tyrsa, and then headed

decorative-artistic in the Leningrad experimental film workshop. Though Smirnov was 10

years younger than Shklovsky, he, too, belong to the progressive literary-artistic

community in Leningad in the 1920s, where ideas could broadly circulate, or he even could

know Shklovsky personally. It is therefore possible to suggest that already as a young man,

Smirnov was influenced by the idea of defamiliarization in his understanding of material

culture and the objectives of designer’s work.156 Smirnov could also discover this concept

later in his life, in the late 1950s-1960s, when Shklovsky’s early, “formalist” works were
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Shklovsky, “Art as Technique.”
As I have argued in Chapter 1, even if there was no official design profession in the 1920s Soviet Russia,
many artists, especially the representatives of the avant-garde, were often employed at industrial enterprises,
or worked as decorators of festivals and parades. It was widespread that the same person worked in different
spheres of cultural production – architecture, painting, graphic art, graphic and product design, decoration of
festivities. Boris Smirnov, just like more well-known Vladimir Tatlin, Varvara Stepanova, Aleksandr
Rodchenko, El Lisitsky, Nikolai Suetin, etc. – is a perfect representative of this universalist approach to
shaping material culture, characteristic for the avant-garde. On Smirnov’s pre-war artistic career see Ildar
Galeev, ed., Boris Aleksandrovich Smirnov, 1903-1986. Arkhitektor, Dizainer, Grafik. Dovoennyi Period
(Moscow: Galeev galereia, 2010). For his detailed biography, see the facebook webpage, devoted to Smirnov:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Борис-Александрович-Смирнов-1903-1986/457473480969925?fref=ts
accessed 5.10.2014

known in artistic circles.157 In any case, “defamiliarization” clearly reads between the lines

of Smirnov’s 1970 book as the key to understanding “the nature of things.” However,

Smirnov mostly avoided using the term “defamiliarization,” mentioning it only once in

passing. Moreover, he actually never referred to Shklovsky’s “Art as Technique” and

mentioned Shklovsky also just once, when selectively quoting one of his late essays. While

for a contemporary reader this looks like plagiarism, in the context of cultural production

in the 1960s Soviet Russia this could be the way to evade censorship. Even though

Shklovsky’s later books were officially published in the 1950s and 1960s, and the entry on

Ostranenie by a linguist Aleksei Leontiev even appeared in the Short Literary

Encyclopedia, published in 1968,158 his early works were still half-prohibited and could

not be freely quoted by any author.159 Most probably, Smirnov abstained from quoting

Shklovsky properly out of caution and in order to make his book publishable. To use again

Michel de Certeau’s concept, this was Smirnov’s art of making do, his tactic of promoting

semi-prohibited concept as useful for Soviet aesthetics. Even though Smirnov referred to

several authors and notions in his text, I suggest that reading it through the lenses of

defamiliarization is most productive for elucidating its relation to the theme of “organic.”

In “Art as Technique,” Shklovsky mentions the act of writing by pen as the example

of habitual, automated process. Smirnov also uses this image in the opening line of his
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I am looking at the quill and gradually collecting my thoughts, concentrating. A

habitual appearance of a quill calms me down, I forget about it, and nothing
distracts me any more. But is it always so? What if the quill itself would attract my
attention? For example, it was occasionally replaced by another pen, an unusual,

Ilya Kukulin, email to the author from October 5, 2014.
Aleksei Leontiev, “Ostranenie,” in Kratkaia literaturnaia entsiklopediia (Moscow: Sovetskaia
entsiklopediia, 1968), 488-489. I am indebted to Ilya Vladimirovich Kukulin for bringing this text to my
Ilya Kukulin, email message to author, October 5, 2014.

new one, or boring old one, or damaged, bad, scratching, or weak, or the one that
produces too bold line, or the one with too heavy or too light holder, for example,
not wooden or plastic, but cold metal holder; or, simply ugly pen, very complicated
in form and non-plastic. Or maybe, as a surprise I’ve got a new, very beautiful and
original, never seen before fountain pen. It so conveniently goes in my hand, and
its color is so wonderful.160
Thus, we are reminded that the very process of creative work, including that of the designer

outlining a new idea, is strongly influenced by a utilitarian object. The dual nature of pen

as both the symbol of creativity and a consumer object, and, at the same time, as both the

tool and the object of creative process, prompted Smirnov to take it as starting point for

implicitly introducing the idea of defamiliarization. A pen signifies here a habitual thing

that escapes our attention, unless an attentive user “unpacks” it by looking beneath its

surface: “The construction of a quill is very simple. Formally, it consists of sharply cut and

split edge of the stem (tube), and thus with the pressure of hand, ink flowing from the tube

produces trace.”161 A creative person, Smirnov insists, should turn special attention on these

minutiae instead of dismissing them. If Shklovsky’s artist defamiliarizes habitual things in

literary texts, presenting them in a new light, Smirnov’s artist makes them strange by

inquiring in their structures and principle of functioning, thus seeing the ways to improve

them. This is how the quill evolved into fountain pen and then into ballpoint pen. Thus, in

Smirnov’s theory, defamiliarizarion appears as the fuel for design process and the

defamiliarizing artist as a designer.

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Similarly to Shklovsky, Smirnov includes on the sphere of the habitual not only

mundane objects but also actions and the sounds produced by actions with objects, like

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 4.
Ibid., 5.

clinking of the kitchenware or tinkling of sewing machine.162 Moreover, Smirnov extends

the sphere of the habitual to the nature-made world:

Cicada’s jingle in a summer evening on the seaside that provokes a very special
feeling in the first day of summer is [usually] barely noticeable, as we quickly get
used to it. However, if we paid attention to it, we would learn how interestingly and
wittily is created the instrument producing these sounds – the rhythmic contractions
of the muscles of the sound apparatus of the singing cicada that provoke the clinking
reaction of the membrane located in the belly.163

Smirnov goes on with such examples as the beetle’s complicated mechanism of flight or

the way the leaf unfolds from a bud, “as if it has been preliminary carefully folded and

wrapped.”164 The nature, he argues, provides a wide choice of phenomena for an artist to

explore and adopt for creative work, but this choice should be smart. Therefore an artist

should be broadly educated and familiar with the latest scientific discoveries and with

emerging disciplines, such as cybernetics, bionics and biocybernetics. Armed with

knowledge, artists will not mechanistically copy the forms of nature or vulgarize them but,

instead, will scrutinize them “with mind and the eyes,” just like they scrutinize social

phenomena, with the aim to create harmonious world of objects. These objects will have a

deep, structural link with nature and thus possess not only “consumer utility” but also

“emotional, aesthetic utility,” and in some cases the latter would be more significant than

the former.165

A decisive component of such “emotional utility” is, for Smirnov, the object’s
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capability to amaze - by its form, decoration, texture, and proportions. In Smirnov’s theory,

amazement appears as both artistic (or design) technique and the effect produced by the

object: “Surprise and amazement are the best stimulants of creativity, not only for a

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 7.
Ibid., 7.
Ibid., 7.
Ibid., 7-8.

professional working in art, but also for everyone who can fully comprehend their creative

activity.”166 An ordinary consumer should be thus also a creative agent, at lest on the level

of comprehending natural and man-made objects. In the introduction to the illustrated part

of the book, Smirnov stated that he

will be satisfied if he manages to fixate the reader’s attention not only on the
unseen, but also on the well familiar, thereby provoking emotional experience and
the sense of amazement (amazement is the beginning of art) and stimulating the
desire to aesthetically comprehend an object, in an uncommon, nontrivial, new
way” [my emphasis].167
Though this passage reads like a disguised call for “defamiliarizing” the images of objects,

it actually alludes to Shklovsky’s later work, which, nonetheless, can also be considered a

development of the idea of defamiliarization. The book Artistic Prose: Reflections and

Analyses by Shklovsky, published in Moscow in 1959, included the essay “The Birth of a

New Novel” (the analysis of Cervantes’s Don Quixote) and within it a short chapter “On

Amazement.168 A knowledgeable reader would definitely not miss the implicit reference.

But at the end of the book Smirnov quoted the same text openly, returning at the same time

to his own earlier argument:

Viktor Shklovsky writes: ‘Amazement is the beginning of the comprehension of

life… it is the discovery of the distance between oneself and the phenomenon, the
criticism of the phenomenon, its evaluation…’ On the very first pages of my book
I noted that the ability to see, know and feel helps a person to perceive and
understand art, thus enriching her life. To be good at watching and seeing is to be
amazed by what you see. 169
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In the original quote, Shklovsky spoke about the importance of amazement as writer’s

technique of depicting reality, a technique whose effect is broadening the readers’ outlook

and making them see the contradictions of life. For Shklovsky, amazement is the incentive

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei,, 182.
Ibid., 8.
Viktor Shklovsky, “Rozhdeniie novogo romana,” in Khudozhestvennaia proza. Razmyshleniia i razbory
(Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1959), 272-279.
Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 182.

for innovation: “Amazement is the beginning of the comprehension of life. It is dangerous

for conservatives” [my emphasis]. In the following few sentences, Shklovsky brought the

example of Coketown, a fictional city from Dickens’s novel Hard Times, where the feeling

of amazement was prohibited by the authorities, and then continued: “Amazement is the

discovery of the distance between oneself and the phenomenon, the criticism of the

phenomenon, its evaluation.”170 Supposedly, Smirnov omitted the middle of the quote

because of its rather strong political overtones, or simply because he did not find it directly

relevant to his argument. Yet he definitely had in mind the potential of amazement as the

source of personal freedom of thinking and the challenge to dogmas. This idea, resonant

with optimism of the “Thaw” era, found its expression across types of art criticism. Careful

reading of Smirnov’s book and his articles of the 1950s – 1960s suggests that the idea of

amazement as engine for creative innovation was not just a borrowing from Shklovsky but

also the result of his solid experience as architect, artist and designer. Encouraging his

readers to “see by their minds” (with the reference to Lucretius), Smirnov raised many

important issues, which are impossible to cover within the framework of this chapter.

Therefore, I focus on three issues, most relevant for the theme of “the organic.”

First, forms and constructions of natural objects, such as poppy boxes, bird nests,

pumpkins or wings and jaws of big and small beetles (zhuki i zhichishki), are perfect as the
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models for diverse forms and mechanisms. Adopting these models, in turn, affects the

technology of production: “An artist invents new and original solutions of vessels, whose

artistic image, noticed in nature [podsmotrennyi u prirody], is built on a mutual

coordination of form and method of its implementation, that is, technology,” Smirnov

Shklovsky, “Rozhdeniie novogo romana,” 275.

argued.171 Bringing the example of his favorite area, artistic glass, Smirnov supposed that

the of free-blown glass was originally inspired by the form of pumpkin, though not directly,

but via the so-called kolebas, or tykvianka – a vessel produced by the growth of pumpkin,

bandaged in the middle. The use of such vessels by Australian and African aborigines

suggests their ancient origin, but in the 20th century they were also widespread in Ukraine

and Turkmenistan. A kolebas is a product of minimal human intervention into the process

of natural growth, while free blown glass is a man-made product requiring strong effort.

Yet Smirnov finds here structural analogy:

The continuity of the form-giving to vessels is …related to the technology of

production. Hence the closeness, similarity of forming blown glass objects: the
fruit of pumpkin is filled by growing seeds; the original blank – “bullet” – of a
blown glass object is inflated by air; for both, the natural form is a spherical body
of maximal volume and minimal surface, that is, a drop. In both cases a human
hand intervenes by pinching the form.172

While Smirnov’s hypothesis about the direct genealogical link between free-blown glass

and the kolebas is debatable, his observation of the analogy on the levels of form and

technology allows a glass artist and a consumer to broader their perception of habitual

objects - glass vessels. In other words, by defamiliarizing the production process and

product, Smirnov revealed its kinship with nature on a structural level. This “convergence

of vessels”173 was illustrated by the decanter of colored glass, designed in 1941 by

Smirnov’s teacher Nikolai Tyrsa in the experimental shop of the Leningrad mirror factory
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(which after the war developed into Leningrad Factory of Art Glass, one of Smirnov’s

workplaces). In this case, indeed, the artist was inspired by the form of kolebas, but created,

on Smirnov’s view, “a second nature,” which is “already not natural but human-oriented –

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 114-115; 140; 148-153.
Ibid., 153.
Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 153.

humanlike, friendly [dlia cheloveka – chelovecheskaia, svoia], even if can very much

resemble nature.”174 In essence, Smirnov suggested a new understanding of realism,

beyond immediately recognizable forms and motives and based on the technology of form-

giving (Fig. 2.12).

Figure 2.12. Left: Vessel-tykvianka; Right: Nikolai Tyrsa, decanter for water, colored glass, 1941.

Second, Smirnov emphasized the importance of natural textures in creating new

forms and artistic images. In this respect, he shared the argument of many reformist art

critics, such as Aleksandr Saltykov or Moisei Kagan: natural texture provides excellent

décor and constitutes the basis for clear and laconic image. And the same time, Smirnov

noticed the diversity of decorative effects, reached by the processing of natural material,
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such as wood. He illustrated this point by pieces woodenware, designed by contemporary

Soviet artists: “The revealed (not blurred) beauty of the material – the texture of wood –

accentuates the plasticity of an object and defines its image”175 (Fig. 2.13).

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 140.
Ibid., 115.

Figure 2.13. Top left: I. N. Sokolova and L. F. Amchislavskii, bucket, glued laminated timber, 1966. Top Right:
L. N. and D. N. Sushkanov, mug, wood, 1965. Bottom: L. N. and D. N. Sushkanov, trough, wood, 1965.

But Smirnov moves beyond the usual modernist rhetoric of “revealing natural

texture” by suggesting two ways to play with the theme of texture. One is them is creating

texture by technical means, as long as it does not contradict the qualities of the material: as

a result, the texture will look “organic,” harmonized with the material and form. For

example, the artist of Leningrad Factory of Artstic Glass A. M. Ostroumov in his vase

“Accord” from lead glass (1966, Fig. 2.14) created a clear geometric pattern of facets. As
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Smirnov emphasized, so-called “crystal” lead glass properly reveals its glitter only in

facets, and the quality of faceting defines the artistic value of the material.176 Ostroumov’s

simple solution of the faceting produced not just a refined composition in tune with the

modernist penchant for geometry, but also the impression of texture. As Smirnov put it,

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 172.

using the term from Constructivist lexicon, “the ornament arranged so organically that it is

perceived almost as faktura.”177 While in this statement “faktura” has a sense of a natural

texture, the very artistic effect that Smirnov describes is close to the Constructivist

understanding of faktura. Leading theorist of Constructivism Aleksei Gan wrote in his 1922

book-manifesto: “… faktura is the organic condition of the processed material or new state

of its organism.”178 Gan specified that faktura means the processing of the material through

and through, not just its surface. In Smirnov’s example, glass, the synthetic material not

existing in nature, acquires “natural” texture through careful processing, that is, faktura.

Another way of playing with the theme texture is quite the opposite: depicting

texture on the object’s surface, thus reducing it to décor. This approach to texture seems at

odds with the modernist principle of respect for materials that Smirnov himself so actively

promoted in this book and elsewhere. However, the status of celebrated art and design

expert allowed Smirnov to challenge one of the sacred cows of the Socialist Modern.

Smirnov aptly noted that the tendency to revisit the notion of realism had resulted in

uncompromising rejection of depiction in applied art and design. Thus, for example, the

19th century method of depicting the texture of wood upon porcelain ware was perceived

by Soviet reformist art critics as forgery (Fig. 2.15). Smirnov objected to this opinion by

presenting the texture not only as a structural element of design, but also as pattern valuable
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for its natural beauty and thus admirable as such. Though this reads as almost an advocacy

of “pure art,” Smirnov rather called for open-mindedness in thinking of decoration. If floral

motives are traditional in porcelain décor, why a beautiful texture of wood cannot be so?

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 116.
Aleksei Gan, Konstruktivizm (Tver’: 2-ia Gostipografiia, 1922), 62.

Similarly to the artist Zamskikh at Chekalov’s lecture, Smirnov argued for diversifying the

range of ornamental motives through exploring natural world:

How wonderful is the beauty of natural patterns of everything visible in nature –

from micro-world to fingerprint patterns. [Think about] the boundless multitude of
most diverse patterns of texture, color combinations, a shade changing the pattern of
the same surface, like shell or a bark, with the movement of the sun. And [think
about] butterfly wings, hummingbird feathers, the shell of swallow’s eggs, snake
skin, threads of a leave, etc. And flowers are the essence of nature’s beauty. Their
depiction on a cup’s surface does not imitate or forge a flower bouquet. And even if
it imitates, no one will be deceived and no one will try to smell flower aroma in the
cup. If this [the depiction] is talented and creative, this is the feast for an eye, the
Smirnov thus used the technique of defamiliarization to rejuvenate the traditional

understanding of nature as a source for decorative motives. This approach can also be seen

as postmodernist: nature as a source for citation, where the body of object acts as quotation

marks. Eduard Krimmer’s porcelain set “Beriozka” (“Littre Birch Tree,” 1958, Fig. 2.16),

used by Smirnov to illustrate his argument, thus appears as a perfectly postmodernist object.

The natural dots and stripes of birch bark, are reinterpreted here as colorful, vivid pattern,

by no means the making porcelain ware imitations of birch trees. In a utilitarian set of

laconic modernist forms, the artist plays with the traditional theme of “Russian birch,”

much trivialized in Russian/Soviet visual and literary culture: habitual poetic image

transfers into a design element.

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Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 174.

Figure 2.14. A. M. Ostroumov, vase “Accord,” lead glass, faceting, 1966.

Figure 2.15. Unknown artist, tea-cup and saucer, porcelain, over-glaze painting, Russia, 19th century.
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Figure 3.16. Eduard Krimmer, tea-set “Little Birch,” fragment, porcelain, polychrome over-glaze painting,

By celebrating freedom in the use of nature’s motives and playfulness in decoration,

Smirnov expanded the notion of “consumer object” (potrebitel’skaia veshch). As I will

discuss in following chapters, Smirnov was one of the initiators of the shift in applied arts

away from utilitarianism and towards decorativeness and conceptual solutions. In a way,

his book is an explanation and justification of this shift. Here comes the third important

theme of the book: designer’s right for breaking rules. In accordance with his advocacy for

defamiliarization and amazement as artistic techniques, Smirnov argued that “creative

transgression” (“tvorcheskoe narusheniie”), or even “mistake” (“oshibka”) is the

beginning for innovation. This was not, however, a call for unlimited artistic freedom.

According to Smirnov, thoughtful observation of nature and social environment was a

necessary ground for “creative transgression”: in order to break rules, one needs to

thoroughly know them; a mistake is acceptable when committed consciously. 180 This was

the guiding principles for Smirnov’s experiments with colored blown glass since mid-

1960s, when his careful study of the Russian and Ukrainian traditions of glass-blowing

resulted in explicitly non-utilitarian or fantastic decorative objects, like teapots with

soldered lids or figures of anthropomorphic bears. Smirnov argued: “There are no bad

techniques, there are bad artists.”181 He believed that as long as the object is masterfully

implemented and emotionally expressive, it is a proper consumer object, Smirnov believed.

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The diversity and irregularity that Smirnov envisioned in socialist material environment are

comparable to those in nature.

In Smirnov’s argument for diversification of materials, techniques of processing

materials and ornamentation, we find the notion of zhivost’ (“liveliness”) that have

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 163.
Ibid., 176.

appeared earlier in Chekalov’s 1957 lecture. Not necessarily familiar with that particular

Moscow discussion, Smirnov verbalized used quite similar rhetoric, but with reliance on

the idea of defamliarization. Like Chekalov, Smirnov connected zhivost’ with the refutation

of naturalism and with the distancing from concrete natural forms. He explained that the

effect of zhivost’ can be achieved, for example, through rendering the typical plasticity of

animal or human being in plastic materials like glass or ceramics, or through arranging

stylized figurative depictions on concave surfaces, like in Smirnov’s series of vessels

“Orchestra” (lead glass, 1963). Here, too, defamiliarization appears as crucial technique:

“In order for the visual image to become “live” in our perception, we should be in one space

with it, to co-exist with the image in this space. This is most easy for a child who does not

yet have habitual ideas about surrounding objects.”182 Thus, in Smirnov’s theory,

defamiliarization appears as the opposite of and panacea against naturalism. But even more,

defamiliarization is the link between an artist/designer and a consumer: “The less naturalist

is the object, the easier, faster and stronger the consumer can grasp the aesthetic idea of an


The conclusion of Smirnov’s book makes it clear that it was addressed primarily to

artists and designers as an invitation to reflect on their work and the materials involved in

it. Claiming that he not believes in recipes for artistic work, Smirnov explained that his
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book aimed at provoking critical thinking and courage in overcoming the habitual and

looking for new solutions. But the most important aim of the book was to outline the

genealogy of usual artistic techniques and thus to remind “for whom we, the artists, work

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 181.
Ibid., 183.

and from which fathers, from which land our keen originates.”184 In Smirnov’s

interpretation, the very creative process is essentially organic, as it is always directed to the

optimal solution of the questions of technology, form-giving and emotional effectiveness.

Accordingly, the result of this process, consumer object, is the “live” object, “co-existing

with us” and emotionally affective – as long as both its designer and its consumer possess

the skill of defamliarzation and amazement.

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Figure 2.17. Boris Smirnov, Glass, bottle for brandy and shot from the set “Orchestra,” lead glass, engraving
by pobedit pencil, 1963.

Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei, 185.


The aesthetic turn from Stalinist celebratory art to Socialist Modern was to a great

extent centered on redefinition of the notion of socialist realism. The advocates of the

specific value of applied art, such as Aleksandr Saltykov in Moscow and Moisei Kagan in

Leningrad, argued against figurativeness as the necessary requirement for realist (that is,

properly Soviet) art. This thesis was delivered in contradictory ways: sometimes critics

claimed that applied art is not psychological and therefore should not be used as the ground

for complex subjects and portraits, while at other times precisely the emotional influence

of applied art was emphasized in order to demonstrate its non-figurative realism. Both

claims could be made by the same critic and within one lecture, as in the case with Kagan’s

1956 presentation. But whether it was usefulness or emotionality that critics emphasized as

the main feature of applied art, the aim was the same: to demonstrate qualitative difference

from painting and sculpture and thus to release applied artists from the obligation to depict

“socialist reality in its revolutionary development.” From the late 1950s, the theme of

“organic” became more and more pronounced as the tool to criticize the rigid understanding

of realism. Remarkably, this theme accommodated both visions of applied art: as

practically-oriented and as emotionally or psychologically expressive. This theme

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developed throughout the 1960s and affected not only art theory, but also practical work of

applied artists, who can also be called product designers, working in different media. In

particular, Anna Leporskaia demonstrated the “organicist” potential of Suprematism in

carefully proportioning her white porcelain ware and making them pleasant for the eye and

human hand. Her sets and vases, which critics often perceived as “organically” beautiful,

were the result of precise calculations and refined sense of composition with the exclusion

of the slightest mistake – at least, according to the artist’s own description of her work. In

contrast, Boris Smirnov, in his reflection on the nature of things and of creative work,

arrived at understanding of mistake, transgression and amazement as key methods of

processing reality – natural and social phenomena and objects – into positively affective

consumer objects. He demonstrated that the sense of “liveliness” can be achieved in objects

in many different ways, including figurative imagery, which Smirnov rehabilitated from

the undiscriminating criticism of the 1950s- early 1960s. Smirnov’s daring analysis of

many contemporary objects, presented in his 1970 book, suggests that by that time the

notion of realism, and, thus, the freedom of applied artists was considerably expanded in

comparison with 1953. The theme of “the organic” manifested not just the new discourse

of art, but the discourse of a new art, whose central question was “what is a proper art for

this new age of reinvigorated socialism?” How this question was discussed and dealt with

is the subject of the following chapter.

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Chapter III: Updating the Material Environment

As the studies of socialist material culture clearly demonstrate, design in socialist

countries was an integral element of the socialist variant of modernity. Notably, the

landmark exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum that manifested the growing

interest in socialist design was titled (quite provocatively) “Cold War Modern.”1 A pioneer

of the history of post-war Soviet design Susan E. Reid wrote of the “modernization of

Soviet home” and characterized the move towards mass housing and mass consumption,

attended by the changes in visual culture, as “Khrushchev Modern.”2 As I discussed in the

previous chapter, the concepts “Socialist Modern” and “Organicist Modern” were analyzed

by Khristina Fehérváry in her study of material culture of socialist Hungary.3 The examples

can be multiplied. To sum up, recent scholarship presents design in the socialist bloc and

in the USSR in particular as a symptom of modernity, a tool of modernization, a modern

phenomenon, as well as, essentially, a part of international modernism (notwithstanding all

the official pronouncements against “bourgeois modernism”).

The picture is complicated by the fact that all these terms with the root “modern”

are much debatable and polysemantic. For example, if we take the understanding of

modernism as the critique of, or resistance to, modernity,4 then the meaning of design in a
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The exhibition was co-curated by Jane Pavitt and David Crowley. According to Pavitt, it was quite difficult
to convince the administration of the V&A to open the exhibition with such provocative title (Public lecture
"Cold War Modern: Design 1945-70” by Prof. Jane Pavitt, Open Society Archives, Budapest, October 4,
2013). See the catalogue of the exhibition: David Crowley and Jane Pavitt, eds. Cold War Modern: Design
1945-70 (London: V&A Pub., 2008).
Susan E. Reid, “Khrushchev Modern: Agency and Modernization in the Soviet Home,” Cahiers du Monde
Russe 4, nos.1-2 (January-June 2006): 227-268.
Krisztina Fehervary, “From Socialist Modern to Super-Natural Organicism: Cosmological Transformations
through Home Decor,” Cultural Anthropology 27, no. 4 (2012): 615–640.
This understanding appears, more or less explicitly, in the work of many critics and scholars of the twentieth
century, most famously, Walter Benjamin. On modernism’s critical aspect as related to material culture, see:
Bill Brown, “Things,” Critical Inquiry, Vol. 28, No. 1, Things (Fall 2001), 1-22.

socialist society appears quite ambiguous. Thus, though Soviet design was generated by

modern technology and science and influenced, through competition, by Western consumer

culture, it also could offer critical stance on Soviet modernity, in particular, in its

technocratic aspects.5 The work of Boris Smirnov, analyzed in the previous chapter, is the

example of Soviet applied art’s self-criticism that can be evaluated, depending on the

approach, as modernist or postmodernist. But in the context of Soviet design, modernity

can be also considered in its immediate sense of “contemporaneity” or “up-to-datedness,”

both translated to Russian as “sovremennost’,” literally, “in tune with the time.” This was

the notion that guided designers in their actual work. The abstract idea of modernization

was fuelled by the professionals’ desire to be up-to-date. How was this desire translated

into concrete strategies of updating consumer goods, interiors, outdoor decorative objects?

While designing an aircraft or a vacuum cleaner in the 1960s is clearly a modernizing act,

what does it mean for a porcelain or textile designer to be up-to-date? Does a glass artist

become “contemporary” when she or he starts working also with such innovative materials

as plastics? Susan Reid argued that after 1954 official repudiation of “excess” in

architecture, “reformist cultural intelligentsia,” i. e. progressively thinking architects,

applied artists and critics, “advocated a return to functionalist design principles and set out

to formulate a 'contemporary style' on the basis of a reassessment of indigenous

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Constructivism and international modernism.”6 What considerations, debates and,

probably, personal artistic ambitions stood behind this reassessment? And how can diverse

objects with different functions constitute a “contemporary style”?

Tom Cubbin, “From Technocracy to Techno-Utopia: Futurology and the Soviet Home at VNIITE, 1964-
1974” (MA diss.: Royal College of Arts, 2012).
Susan E. Reid, “Destalinization and Taste, 1953-1963,” Journal of Design History 10, no. 2 (January 1,
1997): 178.

These questions prompt an inquiry into the very possibility of a useful, tangible

object to express the spirit of a present time, especially defined by the rapid development

of science and technology, vibrant consumer culture and fashion. Bill Brown, in his attempt

to arrive at “Thing Theory,” suggests that the objects of everyday life are constituted not

only by consumer desires and affections, but also by the inevitability of obsolescence. He

writes about “a basic disjunction, a human condition in which things inevitably seem too

late – belated, in fact, because we want things to come before ideas, before theory, before

the word, whereas they seem to persist in coming after: as the alternative to ideas, the limit

to theory, victims of the word.”7 According to Brown, the only way for a thing to escape

belatedness is to move from everyday life to the realm of art, where it would resume an

affective power. A Surrealist readymade or a Claes Oldenburg’s Pop-Artistic “sculptures”

are not “dead commodities,” like their obsolescent everyday-life prototypes, but “living

works” that inspire the viewer to reflect upon the meaning of things and their functions.

Thus, in Brown’s example, Oldenburg’s 1999 Typewriter Eraser of shiny chrome

possesses the power “to dramatize the generational divide and to stage (to melodramatize,

even) the question of obsolescence.” He then generalizes: “Released from the bond of being

equipment, sustained outside the irreversibility of technological history, the object becomes

something else.”8
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Proceeding from Brown’s argument, I suggest that Soviet applied artists-turned-

designers, too, aspired for releasing the object from the doom of obsolescence by

transcending the “basic disjunction” between ideas and things, as well as between art and

everyday life. “Dead commodities” that Brown analyzes belong to the sphere of market

Bill Brown, “Things,” Critical Inquiry 28, no. 1 (Fall 2001), 1-22, 16.
Ibid., 15.

relations, where the newness is the instrument for profit. Could, probably, a planned

economy be as effective in rescuing things from obsolescence as Surrealism or Pop Art?

Clues for the Soviet answer are to be found in the theory of “productivist art”

(proizvodstvennoe iskusstvo) developed in the 1920s within Constructivism, and

concurrently with Surrealism.9 The leading theorist of productivist art, Boris Arvatov,

stated in his 1925 article “Everyday Life and the Culture of the Thing” (“Byt i kul’tura

veshchi”): “The construction of proletarian culture, that is, of a culture consciously

organized by the working class, requires the elimination of that rupture between Things

and people that characterized bourgeois society.”10 As soon as class barriers fall, so do the

divisions between labor and daily life and between production and consumption, Arvatov

explained. In a bourgeois society, things are passive and static - merely ready-made objects

to be rearranged (Arvatov’s argument, I would suggest, is aptly illustrated by Duchamp’s

ready-mades). In the upcoming proletarian society, on the contrary, the thing becomes

dynamic, active participant in social life, “an instrument and a co-worker.” 11As the theorist

envisioned, “The mechanism of a thing, the connection between the elements of a thing

and its purpose, were now transparent, compelling people practically, and thus also

psychologically, to reckon with them, and only with them.”12 Such “affective” objects13
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Notably, Brown considers Constructivism and Surrealism as two conscious attempts “to achieve greater
intimacy with things and to exert a different determination for them.” Brown, op. cit., 11.
Boris Arvatov, “Byt i kul’tura veshchi,” in Al’manakh proletkul’ta (Moscow, 1925), 75-72. Quotes are
taken from Christina Kiaer’s translation: Boris Arvatov and Christina Kiaer, “Everyday Life and the Culture
of the Thing (Toward the Formulation of the Question),” October 81 (1997): 119, 122.
Arvatov, “Byt i kul’tura veshchi,” 79.
Arvatov and Kiaer, “Everyday Life and the Culture of the Thing,” 126.
The concern with the affective components of objects, characteristic for Arvatov’s theory and for the
Russian avant-garde in general, was taken by Sergei Oushakine as the starting point for a new scholarly trend,
which he calls “the materiology of emotions.” The landmark event for this trend was the interdisciplinary
conference “Objects of Affection: Towards the Materiology of Emotions” (Princeton University, May 4-6,
2012): http://objectsofaffection.wordpress.com/about/ Selected presentations of this conference constituted a
section of Russian scholarly journal New Literary Observer in 2013. See Sergei Oushakine,
“Dinamiziruiushchaia veshch,” Novoe Literaturnoe Obozreniie 120 (2013): 29-34.

seem to be immune from obsolescence and, therefore, always up-to-date. Arvatov’s

“dynamized” Thing offers the possibility of continuous update, in tune and interconnection

with the world of technology. Was this idea implemented, at least partially, in the

industrialized Soviet society, as it faced competition with Western consumerism in the

1950s and 1960s? The “reassessment of indigenous Constructivism” in the 1950s

reformers, mentioned by Reid, could probably include a reassessment of the productivist

understanding of a Thing, which underlined the professional critique of Western

obsolescence. This is the conceptual ground for explaining the development of the ideas of

up-to-datedness by Soviet artists, designers and critics from the last years of Stalin’s power

to the establishment of state design system under Brezhnev. From discussing the applied

artists’ initial striving to overcome their “lag” in artistic production, this chapter proceeds

to the analysis of the particular exercise in “up-to-datedness” in the young designers’

projects for the interiors of the Moscow Pioneer Palace, and then to the observation of the

approaches to the problem of contemporary style practiced in the 1960s within the officially

recognized design profession.

3.1 “To Catch Up and Overtake”: Transcending the Lag of Decorative Arts (1954-

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In September 1954, the Minister of Culture of the USSR Georgii Aleksandrov sent

a note to the Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Nikolai Shatalin, describing the

unfortunate condition of Soviet visual art. He claimed that insufficient and poorly organized

financing for the work of Soviet painters, sculptors as well as decorative artists (mentioned

in passing) resulted in visual art’s “lagging behind the needs of our people and the task of

ideological-artistic education of the toiling masses.”14 From the document it is clear that by

“lagging behind” the Minister meant backwardness and inadequacy to the current political

and cultural situation. The theme of “lagging behind” can be frequently found in Soviet

critical pronouncements throughout the 1950s, both in Party and government documents

and in published articles on various aspects of Soviet system. “Lagging behind” was a

familiar trope of Soviet rituals of criticism and self-criticism, a justification of the Party’s

tight control over art production. Yet its function was not merely performative: it could be

used as an argument in requests for policy changes, and, thus, as a trigger for updates, like

in the example with Aleksandrov’s letter. Reviewing the All-Union Art Exhibition of 1952,

the editorial board of the journal Iskusstvo (headed by the Academy of Arts President

Aleksandr Gerasimov) called for the attention of the State Committee for Art Affairs to the

“lag” of visual art in Soviet republics, perfectly in tune with the Soviet civilizing ambition.

The same article announced the latest requirements to artists:

The general level of an exhibition and its success depend on the level of the depth
and talent of the artists’ depiction of the present [sovremennost’] and its needs.
Speaking about contemporary genre as such, we mean, first, the works devoted to
the historical events of the present time [sic!], second, the works, depicting our
everyday life, the sprouts of the new, of Communism within it.15

Though this reads like a familiar definition of socialist realism, the use of the term

“contemporary genre” is worth noticing, as it shows the concern of the Soviet art
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establishment not only with ideological correctness, but also with up-to-datedness of visual

art. That is, even though it drew on visual languages of the past, socialist realism was

“Zapiska ministra kul’tury SSSR G. F. Aleksandrova o sostoianii sovetskogo izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva I
merakh po ulichsheniiu truda khudozhnikov,” 27 September 1954, RGANI f. 5 op. 30 d. 85, ll. 34-56.
Reprinted in E. S. Afanasieva et al, eds., Apparat TsK I kul’tura. 1953-1957. Dokumenty (Moscow: Rosspen,
2001), 299-313.
“Sovetskoe izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo v 1952 godu,” Iskusstvo 1 (January-February 1953): 3.

envisioned as a modern art, and, moreover, in constant need for update in order not to “lag

behind” the development of Soviet politics, economy and social life. Notably, in the

argument of Gerasimov et al., everyday life is listed together with historical events as a

proper subject for contemporary Soviet art. The authors of the review of the All-Union Art

Exhibition appreciated the significant presence of paintings devoted to everyday life, but

hastened to explain that everyday life is not a banal, private matter:

Artists in their works tell… about the new, which continuously emerges in our
daily life [v nashem bytu], where the personal and the public are inseparable. From
these canvases we learn that simple Soviet people are involved in all the interests
of their country, and they have vital interest in the fate of progressive humanity,
the struggle for peace in the world and struggle against warmongers.16

Thus, at the very end of Stalin’s time, up-to-datedness (sovremennost’) was officially

defined through the everyday, permeated by the official Soviet ideology and expressed in

its clichés: in order to be contemporary, an artist had to accurately reflect the latest Soviet

position in the international scene; failing to do so would make art lag behind. What I have

called in the previous chapter “heroic” socialist realism was presented as modern, given its

capacity to raise contemporary daily life to the level of public significance.

After Stalin’s death, the understanding of daily life as a contemporary artistic

subject was shifting towards an emphasis on lyricism and particularity. Broadening the

thematic scope was now presented as a necessary update of visual art. For example,
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Leningrad critic Ivan Smolianinov argued in his lecture in 1954 that socialist realism as a

method relies on a premise that “the whole diversity and fullness of the surrounding

reality,” including “private everyday life” (chastnyi byt), deserves to be reproduced in art.

He criticized the “idealistic theory of the personality cult,” referring, of course, not to Stalin

“Sovetskoe izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo v 1952 godu.”

(this would be unthinkable until Khrushchev’s 1956 “Secret Speech”) but to an idealized

historical personality as such. As Smolianinov explained, artists had paid too much

attention to “historical-revolutionary subjects” and particular historical leaders, at the

expense of relevant contemporary topics and many “vivid and important aspects of the life

of Soviet people.”17 Yet this new definition of “contemporary” was still based on the

content, not the formal qualities of painting/sculpture.18 With the growing openness of the

Soviet Union, first of all, Moscow and Leningrad, to Western culture, marked by such

famous events as the Picasso exhibition in Moscow and the exhibition of contemporary

Italian graphics in Leningrad 1956, the International Youth Festival of the 1957, the

exhibition “Art of Socialist Countries” in Moscow in 1958-59, and the American National

Exhibition in Moscow, 1959, the idea of the “contemporary” in visual art was broadening,

though with steady reservations about Western “formalism.”19 In particular, young painters

turned their attention to formal elements such as silhouette, line, mass, volume, color and

texture of the paint, which most famously resulted in the “severe style” of painting. 20

Just like easel artists, applied artists worried about their art lagging behind.

Throughout the 1950s, however, the idea of “lag” was not uniform: it was defined in

relation to different phenomena and also expressed in different terms: the verb “otstavat’”
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Ivan Smolianonov, “Sotsialisticheskii realizm - tvorcheskii metod sovetskogo iskusstva” (1954), TsGALI
SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 562.
On similar explanation of the contemporary in Soviet art, though still with strong emphasis on heroism in
the everyday, see the record of the speech of Dmitrii Shepilov, Secretary of the Central Committee of CPSU:
“Za dal’neischii rastsvet sovetskogo khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva,” Iskusstvo 2 (March-April 1957): 6-
RGALI f. 2973 op. 1 d. 104, l. 2; Susan E. Reid, “The Exhibition Art of Socialist Countries, Moscow 1958-
9 and the Contemporary Style of Painting,” in Susan Emily Reid and David Crowley, eds., Style and
Socialism: Modernity and Material Culture in Post-War Eastern Europe (Oxford: Berg, 2000), 101-132; Pia
Koivunen, “The 1957 Moscow Youth Festival : Propagating a New, Peaceful Image of the Soviet Union,” in
Melanie Ilic and Jeremy Smith (eds), Soviet State and Society under Nikita Khrushchev (London; New York:
Routledge, 2009), 46–65.
Anatolii Dmitrenko, “The Severe Style: Disposition, Form and Image,” in Time of Change: Art in the Soviet
Union, 1960-1985 (St. Petersburg: Palace Editions, 2006), 43-44.

(to lag or fall behind), the adjective “otstalyi’” (backward) or the participle “ustarevshee”

(out of date). Even though these different definitions often overlapped, for analytic

purposes three levels of the understanding of “lag” can be distinguished. Considering them

should be helpful for tracing the early formation of the visual aesthetics of what is known

as post-war Soviet modernism.

Lagging behind Easel Arts

The claim that applied art lags behind painting, sculpture and easel graphics served

as a major incentive for the aesthetic turn. Most important at this level was the recognition

of the disparity between decorative art’s role in Soviet people’s lives and its low status

within Soviet artistic community – or, borrowing the concept of Pierre Bourdieu, the field

of cultural production.21

This recognition was manifested as early as in late 1943, soon after the Leningrad

Art School of Architectural Decoration of Buildings (LKhU) was established. Its rector,

Iosif Vaks, in his letter to the Head of the SNK’s Council for Architectural Affairs, Arkadii

Mordvinov, complained that the few surviving “masters of applied art,”22 were

undeservedly unknown. He claimed: “In contrast to those working in theater, music and

fine art, for whom various honorable titles are set in the USSR, the granting of honorable
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titles to the masters of decorative and applied art is very rare.”23 Therefore, on behalf of

LKhU, Vaks asked Mordvinov to submit a petition to the SNK of the USSR to setting the

Pierre Bourdieu, The Field of Cultural Production, ed. Randal Johnson, 1st edition (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1993).
Among these, Vaks listed sculptors-decorators Leopold Ditrikh and A. Bolshakov, experts on marble works
P. Smirnov and D. Sprishin, decorative painter V. Shcherbakov, majolica and leatherwork artist O. Borodina,
and art historian, the senior researcher of State Hermitage Ernest Kverfel’d. All of them joined the faculty of
the LKhU.
TsGALI SPb, f. 266 op. 1, d. 22, l. 5.

appropriate titles for Soviet applied artists “with the aim of popularizing the names of

applied and decorative artists in our country”; the request, however was not properly

satisfied until the late 1960s.24 Of Vaks’s concern was not merely the satisfaction of

professional ambitions, but, again, raising decorative art’s status and adequately responding

to wartime demands. In general, Vaks’ care about the proper location of the new institution,

its supply with materials and qualified teaching personnel was about modernizing the

profession of decorative artist and through this, the material environment of the USSR –

after the immediate task of dealing with war damage would be fulfilled. 25 However, in

1954, after LKhU was reformed in the higher institution (LVKhPU named after Vera

Mukhina), its administration expressed worry about lagging in terms of the “constrained”

condition of learning, that is, the lack of room for workshops, and an insufficient number

of instructors with academic degrees and titles.26 The Moscow Higher School for Art and

Industry (former Stroganov School) had similar problems in 1955.27 Not only students, but

also established decorative and applied artists, members of the Artists’ Unions, experienced

difficulty in creative development caused by poor material conditions. As I have discussed

in Chapter 1, in 1953 Leningrad artists, for example, showed a high concern about their
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I have not succeeded to trace the fate of Vaks’s request, but in the available archival and published
materials, the title “Honorable artist of the RSFSR” appears with applied artists only in 1967, when artists
Anna Leporskaia and Eduard Krimmer were granted this title. Hitherto, only exceptional figures of applied
and decorative arts were granted honorable titles, for example, Mikhail Ladur, who in the 1930s and 1940s
excelled as theater artist and a designer public festivities, exhibitions and the pavilions of the All-Union
Exhibition of Agriculture, received a title “Honorable Art Figure of Karakalpak Soviet Republic.” RGALI,
d. 2943, op. 1, d. 2475, l. 57. According to artist Julia Gusarova, applied artists more rarely, than easel artists,
bothered to undergo a bureaucratic procedure of applied for a title of “Honored artist.” She helped her father,
painter and monumental artist Vassilii Gusarov, to file the application in the 1980s, while her mother, textile
artist Larisa Romanova, was eligible to apply but was too busy to consider this option. Email from Julia
Gusarova from 31.10.2014.
TsGALI SPb, f. 266 op. 1, d. 22.
TsGALI SPb, f. 266, d. 281, l. 5, 7, 15.
RGALI, f. 2460 op. 1 d. 379, l. 54.

inferior status within the city Union of Artists and, consequently, the worse supply of tools,

studios and workshops.28

Difficult material conditions were constantly problematized precisely as

impermissible in relation to the professionals concerned with updating material

environment. Thus, the same reports of MVKhPU and LVKhPU that voiced complaints

also stressed the schools’ orientation at being advanced in terms of methodologies, the

themes for diploma projects and, importantly, cooperation with industry. Notably, for

example, the 1954 report on the activity of LVKhPU demonstrates a twofold understanding

of up-to-datedness: as depiction of contemporary Soviet reality, like in easel art, and, on

the other hand, as connectedness to the architectural environment and an orientation at

consumer needs. The report stated:

The diploma works are carried out in porcelain, faience, wood, clay, glass, plastics,
metal, marble, stainless steel and other materials. The themes of diploma works
reflect the interests of contemporary life [sovremennosti]. (…) The diploma works
demonstrate a lot of new and interesting. (…) 42 works have been accepted for
installment in situ. 60% of the works are related to architecture, 22% are the objects
of people’s consumption [narodnogo potrebleniia] and 18% deal with historical
topics that are, in essence, academic.29

This phrasing vividly demonstrates the updating of the profession in process: while

figurativeness and narrations are still presented as appropriate for applied art, their presence
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in the total body in diploma works is considerably less compared with the works based on

utility and integration with the architectural environment. Indeed, tightening the connection

with architecture and industry was the way for applied artists to overcome the lag behind

easel arts in terms of recognition, financing and visibility to the broader public. Both

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385.
TsGALI SPb, f. 266, d. 281, l. 10.

LVKhPU and MVKhPU were founded precisely as schools of restoration and decoration

[khudozhestvennaia otdelka] of buildings, but in the early 1950s student works were more

and more reoriented from restoring architectural heritage to decorating new buildings and

designing new interiors and transportation.30 On the institutional level, this reorientation

was prompted by these schools’ subordination to the USSR Academy of Architecture in

195331 and later by Khrushchev’s famous statement against architectural excess at the All-

Union Convention of of Construction Workers and Architects in December 1954.32 Even

though the problem of synthesis of decorative arts and architecture was actively discussed

at All-Union conferences on decorative-applied and monumental art, organized by the

USSR Academy of Arts, the Organizational Committee of the Union of Soviet Artists, the

Moscow Union of Artists and various ministries and departments since 1951,33 critics

stressed the non-figurative “architectural” nature of applied art again and again throughout

the 1950s. Thus, critic Aleksandr Saltykov in his two pioneering articles on applied art in

1954 and in 1955 (one addressed trade workers, another artists) carefully constructed

argumentation for applied art’s specificity and the inapplicability of the methods of easel

art in this sphere.34 The most ardent proponent of the architectural character of applied art

was Leningrad philosopher Moisei Kagan. His claim about the analogy of image-

construction in applied arts and architecture, discussed in Chapter 2, can be also understood
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Notably, from its beginning throughout the 1950s and further LVKhPU was headed by architects, as were
many of its departments. Svetlana Mirzoian and Sergei Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola
Dizaina (St. Petersburg: Iunikont Design, 2011).
TsGALI SPb, f. 266 op. 1 d. 218, l. 86-87; d. 319; RGALI f. 2460, op. 1, d. 351.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 1 d. 379, l. 47.
Sergei Temerin, “Izuchenie dekorativnogo iskusstva v sovetskom iskusstvoznanii za 40 let,“ Dekorativnoe
iskusstvo SSSR 1 (January-February 195): 30-36; S. Temerin, “O razvitii prikladnogo i dekorativnogo
iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 3 (1956): 9-17.
Aleksandr Saltykov, “O khudozhestvennom kachestve promyshlennykh tovarov,” Sovetskaia Torgovlia 9
(1954): 22–31; Aleksandr Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo, no. 2
(1955): 30–34.

in the light of the drive to update applied art.35 Speaking of “specificity,” Saltykov, Kagan

and like-minded critics looked for the optimal way for applied art to “catch up with” and

“overtake” the development of easel art.

However, the idea that applied art is kindred to architecture rather than easel art did

not necessarily imply complete divorce from the latter. Often, easel art was presented as an

advisable skill of applied artist, but not the model for imitation. For example, in his

extensive article on the current problems of applied art, published in Iskusstvo in early

1956, Moscow critic Sergei Temerin argued:

There are still many artists-craftsmen [khudozhnikov-remeslennikov] who know

their narrow specialty, who can, for example, make a competent pattern for a fabric
or a carpet, the design [proiekt] of a tablecloth, dress or some domestic object
[bytovoi veshchi]. But they do not invest creative pathos in their work, do not
possess good artistic taste, and do not work on developing their mental outlook.
They are not interested in the adjacent branches of art, do not systematically
practice painting and drawing.

Such narrow-mindedness of applied artists, according to Temerin, not only compromised

the profession, but also, eventually, caused a disaster in everyday material environment:

As a result of the limited horizon and the insufficient artistic-cultural education,

applied artists cannot gain proper authority in industry and fall under the total
influence of engineer-technical personnel. The guild-like spirit [dukh uzkoi
tsekhovshchiny], the dissociation of the artists of different branches, inability to
raise and defend fundamental creative and legal issues, the absence of the sections
of decorative-applied art in many creative unions, and the scornful and
condescending attitude to applied artists from the side of painters, sculptors and
[easel] graphics – this is what nourishes to a great extent the muddy stream of
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eclectics, hack-work and tastelessness that provokes fair indignation of Soviet


Thus, in Temerin’s vision, applied artists can overcome the lag not by distancing

themselves from easel artists, but, instead, by outdoing them on their own ground. A

broadly educated applied artist would be not less, but more than an easel artist, as well as

Moisei Kagan, “O spetsifike i sushchnosti prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 1 (January 1956): 16-21.
Temerin, “O razvitii prikladnogo i dekorativnogo iskusstva,” 31.

more than an engineer. Narrowness appears here as the gravest danger and the source of

humiliation and backwardness: notably, the term “narrow” (“uzkii”) is used three times in

this quotation. This rhetoric of universalism resonates with the aforementioned

pronouncements of the Leningrader Efrem Sandler, who claimed in February 1953 that he

and his colleagues deal with all sorts of materials and create diverse objects, unlike easel

artists, and even book illustrators, who stick to their media.37 Such ideas furthered the

concern about the synthesis of arts with the leading role of architecture, which became

especially pronounced in the 1950s.

Lagging behind People’s Needs

The failure to meet actual people’s needs and tastes was time and again discussed

by applied critics and artists. At this level, the task of overcoming the “lag” was often

formulated in terms of finding proper “contemporary style.” As the administration of the

section of decorative-applied art at LSSKh stated in the official report at the end of 1953,

“because of the mass character of decorative-applied art, and because domestic goods and

decorations are in constant contact with the population, the question of style here is

especially burning.”38 The survival of “outdated tendencies of taste” from the late 19th

century and fin de siècle (historicism and the Russian version of Art Nouveau) was
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characterized as “bad tradition” and a major obstacle for the development of the new style

and for “improving general stylistic culture.” Two ways of cultivating outdated tastes were

named: first, uses of the remaining pre-revolutionary objects in daily life, and, second, the

current production of the copies of old models, or of new goods inspired by old eclecticism.

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 385.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78. op. 4, d. 386, l. 9.

Therefore, the main tasks of the LSSKh and in particular its decorative-applied art section

were claimed to be “the struggle for inculcation of the principles of socialist realism, [and]

the pursuit of the style responding to the great principles and achievements of the Stalin

era.”39 Like in painting and sculpture, socialist realism was presented here as the modern

method and the tool for updating applied art. How was this update envisioned, and what

would be the new “contemporary style,” replacing the “decadent” eclecticism? The leaders

of LSSKh applied artists offered a formula: “For creating contemporary Soviet style, the

Administration recommends critical assimilation of Old Russian art as well as classical

heritage. At the same time, very important is to study and use, in appropriate elaboration,

folk art of the peoples of the USSR and older Soviet models.”40 Ironically, this definition

is eclectic too, but this new “eclecticism” was presented as close to the literal meaning of

the term – “choosing the best.” This formula for Soviet contemporary style was based on

the selective attitude to tradition: “bad tradition” of pre-Revolutionary urban visual culture

was to be completely wiped out of Soviet art and industry, while “good” traditions of

Russian medieval art, Russian classicism and diverse folk art were to be reinterpreted and

fused into something qualitatively new. The precise methods of the latter process were,

however, not specified, and in their practical work applied artists had to rely on such vague

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Nonetheless, according to the report, some artists actually succeeded in

implementing this new “contemporary style” – for example, the employees of the textile

factory named after Vera Slutskaia. Its nine most outstanding artists, including the members

of LSSKh decorative-applied art section Maria Shraiber and E. Gambarian, created 200

TsGALI SPb, f. 78. op. 4, d. 386, l. 11.

new textile patterns in 1951-1953. “The quality of artistic design [khudozhestvennogo

oformleniia] of textiles has been significantly improved; they have become more

intentional and colorful. The artists now more frequently turn to folk national heritage,” the

section’s leadership reported. Earlier, it was recalled, the artists paid little attention to color

combinations, which gave poor results. In order to improve the situation, the Leningrad

Party committee had organized the artistic commission that included experienced

professionals: textile artist Sara Buntsis and porcelain artist Anna Leporskaia (later the

master of “organicist” white porcelain). They suggested a number of innovations, and,

eventually, the factory’s production became significantly better in terms of color and even

was awarded the first prize at the Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter All-Union inspections

of textiles. The comparison of two archival photos of the Slutskaia factory production, one

from 1948 and another from 1956, even though they cannot give an idea of the

improvement of colors, nicely shows a turn from rather naturalistic floral patterns to

stylized and geometric ones (Fir. 3.1 and 3.2). Some of the patterns captured in the second

photo recall Constructivist textile patterns by Liubov’ Popova and Varvara Stepanova,

while others represent highly stylized floral motives.41 Probably, the older artists of the

Slutskaia factory had been familiar with Constructivist textile designs of the mid-1920s,

but the new “geometrism” could be as well the reinterpretation of certain folk patterns. In
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their effort to overcome “decadent taste,” the artists of Slutskaia factory, in a way, followed

the steps of Popova and Stepanova, who offered an alternative to customary floral patterns

On Constructivist textile designs by Popova and Stepanova see: Selim Khan-Magomedov, Pionery
Sovetskogo Dizaina (Moscow: Galart, 1995), 284-288; Christina Kiaer, Imagine No Possessions: The
Socialist Objects of Russian Constructivism (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2005), 89-140

copied from Western models, but at the same time tried to “guess” and meet the tastes of

peasant women.42

Thus, the new stylistic trend in textile, launched in 1951 but developed more fully

with de-Stalinization, was based on a combination of different kinds of heritage –

traditional craft as well as the avant-garde. While some critics still condemned stylization

and geometrism in press in the mid-1950s, certain innovative geometric patterns were

officially welcomed and encouraged, such as, for example, patterns with optical effect

elaborated by P. Mel’nikov, the deputy director of the First Textile Print Factory in

Moscow. Notably, Mel’nikov’s patterns were intended to emphasize “advantages” and

conceal “disadvantages” of any body shape – for example, a woman’s dress with particular

arrangement of horizontal stripes with shade effect would visually enhance the bust (Fig.

3.3).43 Thus, the new “contemporary style” revealed a potential to shape the body of a New

Soviet Person of the post-Stalin era – the socialist consumer.

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“Pamiati L. S. Popovoi,” LEF 6 (1924): 3-4; Khan-Magomedov, Pionery, 284-288.
P. A. Mel’nikov, “Risunki s tenevymi effektami v krupnom rapporte,” Tekstil’naia promyshlennost’ 2
(February 1956): 67-68.

Figure 3.2. Artists of the Slutskaya factory N. E. Sorokin,

Figure 3.1. Artist of the Slutskaia factory V. E. M. Garbarian and Iu. A. Parnitsyna examine the
Kosovich examines the fabric with new pattern, designs for textile patterns, Leningrad, February 6,
Leningrad, November 19, 1948. 1956.
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Figure 3.3. All-Union House of Dress Protorypes, the dress from the staple viscose fabric designed by P.
Mel’nikov, 1955.

The success of the updating of textile patterns to a great extent depended on the

technological competence of the artists – those employed at factories as well as those who

worked on contracts and participated in factories’ artistic councils. In this respect, too,

textile reformers followed the example of the 1920s Constructivists, especially the

instructors of the textile department of Vkhutemas who prepared not traditional applied

artists, but artists-technologists.44 In general, the avant-garde understanding of artist as

producer and industrial worker, most successfully implemented at Vkhutemas, gained a

new relevance in the late 1940s, long before the revival of particular Constructivist ideas

and methods became ideologically safe. First of all, this understanding was cultivated

within the two advanced art-and-industry schools. Unlike in Vkhutemas, students of

LVKhPU and MVLhPU were taught techniques and ornamental motives of traditional

applied art, but technical disciplines played a highly significant role in the curricula: these

schools aimed to prepare not decorators, but broadly educated specialists on material

culture, aesthetics and technology. Iosif Vaks, the head of the sub-department of artistic

metalware at the Mukhina School, took a rigid position on this issue: “I prefer to take in a

student who is insufficiently versed in drawing but with good [high school] grades in math

and physics, than the one who is well-prepared in drawing but low-graded in math and

without any gift for technology. One can learn to draw, but the passion for technology
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[liubov’ k tekhnike] is hard to attain.”45 That is, the founder of a leading applied art school

put the predisposition for exact sciences much higher than artistic skill in the rank of

requirements for a student preparing to work in industry. In accordance with this stance,

Khan-Magomedov, Pionery sovetskogo dizaina, 206-300.
Diary of Iosif Vaks, personal archive of Svetlana Mirzoian. Quoted in: Mirzoian and Khelmianov, Mukha:
Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 180.

Vaks’s sub-department employed a former senior technologist of the Leningrad Kirov

Plant, Ilya Orlenko, for reading a course on the technology of materials. According to the

recollection of his student, designer Svetlana Mirzoian, Orlenko was a man “of

encyclopedic knowledge,” had an experience of probation work in the U. S. in the 1930s

and knew personally the heads of many Leningrad industrial enterprises. He frequently

brought students to metal-working and founding shops in order to familiarize them with

actual technologies of metal processing.46 In the Moscow School for Art and Industry

(former Stroganov School), studies of technology also took a significant place in syllabi

since the late 1940s.47 This also affected the way of studying art history. K. Soloviev, the

head of the department of the History of Russian Art at MVKhPU, argued in 1949: “The

history of Russian artistic industry requires, of course, paying great attention to the aesthetic

aspect, but emasculating [vykholashchovanie] the aesthetic side by abstracting it from

socio-economic, technological and everyday issues, would inevitably lead not only to the

rupture between form and content, but also to the lordly [barskomu] snobbism and

aestheticism, incompatible with the principles of Soviet education and patriotism.”48 This

rhetoric clearly presents technology as vital, “masculine” element of applied art, linking it

to concrete Soviet reality. The orientation on preparing strong technological ground from

stylistic update further developed in both schools in the 1950s.

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Established artists, too, were expected to enhance their competence in technology –

those employed at factories as well as – and probably even more – those who worked on

contracts and participated in factories’ artistic councils, like the aforementioned Buntsis

Mirzoian and Khelmianov, Mukha: Sankt-Peterburgskaia Shkola Dizaina, 207.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 1 d. 50.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 1 d. 45, l. 4.

and Leporskaia. “Working in artistic councils of industrial enterprises, the artists learn the

technology of production, and this helps them correctly apply their energy to production,”

reported the leadership of Leningrad prikladniki in late 1953.49 Again, textile industry is a

good example of this development due its orientation to people’s very basic needs –

clothing, covering, and creating domestic comfort, and due to its close connection to

fashion. The official periodical of the USSR Ministry of Industrial Goods of Broad

Consumption, Textile Industry (“Tekstil’naia promyshlennost’), manifested the

professionals’ growing preoccupation with the concept of “up-to-datedness” in its

connection with technological issues as well as aesthetic concepts. Careful reading of these

discussions can reveal the attitudes to the relation between ideas and objects, crucial for the

formation of contemporary style.

In March 1953, Textile Industry published an article by G. Shuvalov, the head of

the engraving sector of the Moscow textile combine “Fifth October,” which seems like a

restatement of the common sense: a textile artist should always consider technological and

economic conditions, such as the economy of dyes, the durability and size of the engraved

copper roller, and the mode of engraving.50 However, the meticulous listing of strict

regulations implies their frequent violation at Soviet factories, which, together with often

outdated equipment, caused a large percentage of spoilage. Therefore, a number of essential

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requirements had to be clearly voiced, such as: the size of the pattern unit must be

determined by the size of the engraved copper roller, and the printing area scope – by the

width of the fabric; the elements of each pattern unit must be arranged in the same way,

TsGALI SPb, f. 78. op. 4, d. 386, l.14.
G. A. Shuvalov, “Tekhnika khudozhestvennogo oformleniia tekstil’nykh risunkov,” Tekstil’naia
promyshlennost’ 3 (March 1955): 52-53.

and the pattern should be reversible, without top and bottom, lest the pattern takes different

directions in a dress from this fabric; tender and intensive colors cannot be combined in

one pattern, because this would require technically complicated combination of different

rollers – and so on. He added that in order to raise her qualification, an artist “is obliged to”

carefully oversee the industrial process of creating the pattern: engraving, printing and

further processing of the fabric. This can be characterized as calling the artists’ attention to

the “biography of a pattern” – to borrow the concept of “biography of object,” suggested

in 1929 by LEF critic Serguei Tretiakov as the “expedient” building principle of a socialist

novel.51 Just like the movement of Tretiakov’s object-protagonist through the conveyer belt

was to reveal important social dynamics, the formation of textile pattern in actual

production process was presented by Shuvalov as the expression of the artistic collective’s

professional competence. Yet unlike the structurally “transparent” socialist object,

envisioned by LEF theorists, Soviet textile of the early post-Stalin years was seen as

performative as much as functional. Even though Shuvalov called upon excellent

knowledge of the fabrics to be decorated, he encouraged to use this knowledge for visual

effects: “One should manage to create the effect of polychrome pattern while using small

number of dyes (which reduces the cost of processing)… Skillfully working on the pattern,

one can make a simple fabric look rich and expensive, for example, render cotton cloth
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similar to wool or silk.”52 In this case, update of quality is understood as enrichment, based

not on superficial decoration, but on a deep structural knowledge of the production process.

Sergei Tretiakov, “Biografiia veshchi,” in Literatura fakta: pervyi sbornik materialov rabotnikov LEFa,
ed. by N. Chuzhak [reprint of 1925 edition] (Moscow: Zakharov, 2000), 68-72.
Shuvalov, “Tekhnika khudozhestvennogo oformleniia tekstil’nykh risunkov,” 53.

The final destination of the “biography of a pattern” would always be, of course, the hands

of happy and thankful consumer.

As Shuvalov urged for the fundamental improvement of patterns, the personnel of

Shcherbakov silk combine in Moscow actively and “tirelessly” worked on creating new

fabrics and improving “structures, artistic and color decoration” of already existing types.53

Remarkably, this process united artists and technical workers, dessinateurs (the

francophone term “dessinator” was used in Russian for naming the specialists on

interlacing and processing fabrics). For example, in 1954 the dessinateur R. Granovskii

developed the crepe “Shcherbakovskii” for men’s shirts, based on viscose silk (Fig. 3.4).54

“The fabric is dyed in light or medium colors. Shiny stripes in warp beautifully and

spectacularly rise above its mat surface,” explained its author, adding that a special

processing regime was found in order to minimize the fabric’s potential shrinkage. The

fabric, in different color variants, was introduced into production from the third quarter of

1954 and, according to Granovskii, provoked a high consumer demand.55 The modest fabric

for classical garments, with subtle decoration based on the contrast of textures (mat and

shiny), was considered as a successful case of updating the assortment. Three years later,

in the newly created journal DI SSSR, artist of the Shcherbakov combine V. Alekseeva

noted the productive cooperation of artists and dessinateurs (predominantly women!) in

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creating “fabrics of the new type,” where the pattern is always determined by the texture of

the material. She emphasized that in order to properly satisfy consumer needs, specialists

M. Sh. Girshgorn and R. G. Granovskii, “Novye shelkovye tkani kombinata Shcherbalova,” Tekstil’naia
promyshlennost’ 4 (April 1955): 9-12
The journal article was illustrated by actual samples of fabrics, pasted into each issue. Figure 3.4 is my
photograph of such sample.
Girshgorn and Granovskii, “Novye shelkovye tkani kombinata Shcherbalova,” 9.

of different professions – textile artists, dessinateurs and dress designers [model’ery] –

should work in close contact and mutual consultation.56

Figure 3.4. Crepe “Sherbakovskii,” Shcherbakov silk combine, 1954 (author’s photograph of an actual fabric
sample attached to the article).

Lagging behind Western Design

During the second half of the 1950s, the idea of “lag” was taken up to the

international level: it was more and more defined not only in relation to domestic issues,

but also to Western design and production of goods. Rejection of “bourgeois” and

“formalist” influences was gradually replaced – on the official level – by the eagerness to
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learn Western experience and select the “best”, that is, most appropriate for contemporary

Soviet situation – just like it was practiced with Russian classic and folk heritage.

“Recently, we have got a solid amount of Western influence, but we should be careful,

because alone with very good things [veshchiami] we see things of a bad character. And

V. Alekseeva, “Tvorcheskii kollektiv,” Dekoratvnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 3 (March 1958): 7-8.

you know, that many people have a weakness for everything Western without properly

understanding what should be accepted and what should not,” Leningrad designer Abram

Lapirov warned his colleagues in February 1956, two weeks before the landmark XX Party

Congress.57 Evidently, by “people” Lapirov meant not the ordinary consumers who had

little access to Western goods and could not see them at exhibitions until 1956, but applied

artists who could read Western design literature in specialized libraries. Yet such selective

and skeptical learning led to new frustrations and, consequently striving for more vigorous

update of applied art and especially what was called “industrial art” (before the emergence

of the term “artistic engineering”). The story of the Soviet Union’s greater openness to

Western influences and increasing scope cultural contacts has been discussed in different

aspects by a good number of historians;58 the new understanding of “lag” and “up-to-

datedness” by Soviet art professionals was one of the particular results of this global


The discussions of “contemporary style” in applied art/ artistic industry/ industrial

art of the second half of the 1950s were inevitably constructed with the reference to the

West, either negative or positive. One of the leading reformers of applied art, Leningrader

Boris Smirnov, in March 1954 in his conference paper “Contemporary traits in the articles

of artistic industry” criticized Western design for its strong emphasis on function at the
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expense of aesthetics. If in 1949 the aforementioned K. Soloviev had argued that without

technology and economic considerations artistic industry becomes “emasculated,”

TsGALI SPb, f. 7, op. 4, d. 389, l. 16
For example: Polly Jones, The Dilemmas of Destalinisation: Negotiating Cultural and Social Change in
the Khrushchev Era (Routledge, 2006); Melanie Ilic and Jeremy Smith, eds., Soviet State and Society Under
Nikita Khrushchev, 1 edition (London ; New York: Routledge, 2009); Kristin Roth-Ey, Moscow Prime Time:
How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire That Lost the Cultural Cold War (Ithaca: Cornell University
Press, 2011).

Smirnov now implied that the concern with technology, economy and function should not,

on the contrary, oust the aesthetic component of art industry, which, on his opinion, is

anyway most appealing to the consumer. Probably self-censorship prompted Smirnov the

former constructivist to claim: “… we all know well that constructivist and functionalist-

physiological aspects totally displaced aesthetics in the designs [v resheniiakh] of ultra-

modernist furniture of the capitalist West. No doubt, any consumer would be first of all

interested in the appearance of a commodity – its aesthetic qualities.”59 Imitation of

Western models is presented here as increasing the lag behind “people’s needs,” while the

proper way of updating production is suggested to be the enhancement of aesthetic

qualities. Four years later, in the second published issue of DI SSSR, Smirnov claimed that

the possibilities of modern technology broaden artists’ outlook and stimulate their

creativity in producing new forms that respond to the needs of a contemporary Soviet

person.60 He specified, however, that he by no means advocated asceticism: “contemporary

Soviet art should not be ascetic, let alone featureless and ugly [bezobraznym; literally

“image-less]; it should not imitate fashionable Western art that often contradicts any

human ideas of beauty and artistry.”61 But as much as he condemned Western “image-

less” asceticism, Smirnov also attacked Western “archaic images of domestic comfort”

such as electric fireplaces “in Georgian style” that, in Smirnov’s understanding, were
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precisely the reaction to asceticism. Thus, the split of Western design was split into “ultra-

modern” and “archaic” trends were to be opposed by harmonic synthesis of contemporary

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 291, l. 71.
Boris Smirnov, “Khudozhestvennyi oblik veshchi i sposob ee izgotovleniia,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1958):
Ibid., 17.

and traditional, national and international in Soviet artistic industry (the term Smirnov

preferred to use).

But whatever superiority over the West Soviet art professionals proclaimed in the

press, in intra-group discussions they had to admit serious lag. At the same time as

Smirnov’s article was published, a meeting of applied artists and critics from Moscow and

Leningrad took place in LOSKh for discussing the start and further objectives of DI SSSR.

There the executive secretary of the LOSKh Administration Leonid Karateev spoke about

lagging in “the aesthetic of machinery,” that had been just recently recognized as a subject

of applied artists’ concern.62 In order to overcome the lag, Soviet applied artists should

attentively study current Western production of goods, Karateev argued. Criticizing the

wrong approach to the Western example, Karateev spoke in terms of patent infringement

and lack of originality:

I am sure that if we published in our journal [DI SSSR] the images of a range of
consumer goods [tovarov shirokogo potrebleniia] produced by our factories, we would
receive complaints from abroad for the transfer of models into any sphere of industry:
motor-car construction, the production of kitchenware and other houseware (…) It’s
time to have our state national pride in dealing with the achievements of the West.63

Karateev added that on the whole, Soviet “material-artistic culture” was in a very poor

condition and urged his colleagues to raise this problem “sharply and strongly” on the pages

of DI SSSR.64 In mid-January 1959 at the discussion of the decorative-applied art section

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of the Fall Exhibition of Leningrad artists, architect and designer Boris Kreitser (a

colleague of Boris Smirnov since the early 1920s), voiced a similar complaint: “In some

cases, young artists, who have not yet fond their creative personality [ne naidia svoego

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 398, l. 32.
Ibid., l. 32
Ibid., d. 398, l. 33.

litsa], tend to copy West European models.” He added, however, that thoughtless copying

of national crafts’ motives and forms is also unfortunate and labeled this approach “rooster-

obsession” [petushkovost’], implying the popularity of rooster as traditional decorative

motive. “We need to seek for our own path, our means of expression. We are neither in a

rooster Russia [petushkovaia Rossiia] nor in the abstract West. This is why the task of

decorative-applied artists is to find the images related to our contemporary life, to our

contemporary interests.”65 Mastery of the production process is crucial for successfully

fulfilling this task, Kreitser emphasized. Like Karateev, Kreitser understood contemporary

style in terms of originality, while also echoing to campaign for enhancing artists’

technological competency – in a way, a revival of the objectives of the 1920s productivists.

Thus, by the end of 1950s, the lag of applied art – or, as it was often formulated,

“artistic industry”– was clearly recognized by professionals in Leningrad and Moscow on

several levels and in several contexts: the search for professional identity, the artists’ role

and responsibility in industry, the development of technology, the changing life standards

and needs of the population, and, of course, the economic and cultural competition with the

West as an aspect of the Cold War. The “contemporary style” was envisioned as the

response to this lag, but never defined precisely. Indeed, its definition was rather negative:

neither repetition of archaic forms, nor revival of the “decadent” Art Nouveau, nor the
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shameful and legally problematic imitation of contemporary Western models. It was often

implied that the “contemporary” character of a product would stem naturally from the

artist’s technical competence and overall cultural education, as well as the active

communication with the workers of industry and trade and consumers through lectures and

TsGALI SPb, f. 7, op. 4, d. 397, l. 8.

conferences in factories and department stores. An ideal contemporary object of the 1950s

was different from the object of Russian Constructivism in its proclaimed connection to

traditional crafts and applied art and its pronounced aesthetic appearance rather than

rejection of aesthetics as a “bourgeois” quality. The up-to-date socialist object of the late

1950s was envisioned as qualitatively different from a Western commodity while also freed

from the legacy of Stalinist material culture; it needed to be, in the words of one Moscow

textile artist, “connected to the new interior, to construction, to all our life.”66 Modern

construction, embraced by the Soviet state and experts from 1954, provided an excellent

ground for implementing the ideal of contemporary style – this is the subject of the

following section.

3.2. Designing for the Rising Generation: Student Projects for Moscow Pioneer

Palace (1959-60)

The appeal of Leonid Karateev to address the problem of the lag of Soviet material

culture on the pages of DI SSSR was enthusiastically shared by many art reformists. As a

result, by 1960s the journal published a number of articles discussing the architecture-led

synthesis of spatial arts. The guidelines for decorative artists working for new architectural

projects were most clearly articulated in the statement by Iurii Arndt, published in DISSR
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in May 1958 and symptomatically titled “Notes of architect-artist.67 A brief overview of

this article should be helpful before proceeding to the analysis of art students’ participation

in the Pioneer Palace project.

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1 d. 2477, l. 29.
Iurii Arndt, “Zametki arkhitektora-khudozhnika,” DI SSSR 5 (May 1958): 24-26.

Synthesis of Architecture and Arts: New Directions

The article opened by pondering, what the famous “anti-excess” resolution of 1955

had meant for decorative artists. Had the new tendencies in Soviet architecture reduced the

scope of the prikladniki’s activity? Arndt’s question was yes and no. Yes, he admitted, “the

extent of molding works has decreased; there are fewer commissions for fretwork and

almost no need of Florentine mosaics and stained-glass windows.” Arndt clarified that the

Resolution targeted primarily “constructive” excesses, like towers and columns, and not

decorative ones, like molded friezes or fretwork wooden panels. The latter, in fact,

constituted the lesser percentage of over-expenditures, yet they became “unacceptable” (in

the sense of “obsolete”) with industrialization and standardization of construction. The

elaboration of new, relevant methods of interior design had only started. Arndt gave an

example: with the lowering of heights of public interiors, fittings tended to be hidden within

the ceilings, which in many cases required transferring decorative accents to the walls or

even to the floor, but only few artists had yet learnt to properly do it.

Arndt gave a number of general suggestions. First of all, the idea of “grand”

(“paradnyi”) interior, he argued, has to be rejected. A decorative artist should therefore

“pay more attention to the creation of the sense of warmness and certain intimacy, of

course, without the hint of philistinism [meshchanstva]. Entering a club, a sanatorium, a

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restaurant, or a theater, a person should feel ease.” Arndt opined that, without complete

refusal of solemnity, Soviet architects and decorative artists should work on the

rapprochement of public [obshchestvennoi] and private [chastnoi] life, because “this

rapprochement is intrinsic in socialist society.” The “warmness of everyday life” was to be

introduced into public interiors, but not at the expense of their specificity. Second, since

reinforced concrete framework allows using fewer bearing walls, a new interior should be

not a fragmented, but a unified, “flowing” space, zoned by screens, furniture, or flower

beds. Third, illusory decoration is outdated and has to be replaced with monumental

painting stressing the flatness of the wall. However, this, too, cannot be a dogma, and some

types of relief are welcome in a contemporary interior, like application to the wall of the

flat shapes of contrasting material. Even a louver or a “shelf with folk ceramics” can serve

“decorative spots” of the interior.68

Fourth, Arndt touched upon the question of up-to-datedness and its relation to

tradition. He disapproved the rejection of tradition as much as its slavish repetition, calling

instead of smart adaptation of tradition to the relevant tasks of the day. The newly

proclaimed constructive and decorative techniques, as Arndt argued, had historical

precedents: “Active floor, flat painting, and the columns without order [bezordernaia

opora] were known by [medieval] Pskov architects, and [15th century Russian icon painter]

Dionisius, and the masters of Italian proto-Renaissance, and many other great artists, whose

experience we, unfortunately, overlook.”69 Thus, the theme of “good tradition” was adapted

here to the requirements of contemporary building practice. Arndt concluded that

“contemporary architecture” implied greater responsibility of applied artists than before:

“Interior is the organic complex of layout, utilitarian and decorative elements, that is,
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fittings, furniture, built-in and moveable furniture. Cloakrooms, external lobbies, shop

counters and windows, as well as all sorts of tables, chairs, armchairs, louvers and radiators,

lamps and shades – all these are objects of artist’s work.”70

Arndt, “Zametki arkhitektora-khudozhnika,” 25.
Ibid., 25.
Ibid., 26.

While Arndt composed these lines, his project of hotel “Iunost’” [‘Youth’] was

being implemented in Moscow (Fig. 3.5). Its interiors more or less responded to the

principles that Arndt preached in DI SSSR, and the hotel became one of the main icons of

Soviet post-war architectural modernism. Critic Vladimir Tasalov evaluated “Iunost’” as a

successful example of arts synthesis and the break from the dictate of passed styles: “The

artists’ creative will produced the image that not for a moment reminds of a bygone ‘style.’

Everything is new here – from the organization of space to lamps.”71 Notably, the critic

used of the term “style” with quotation marks, separating its retrospective and current

meanings - the upcoming contemporary style, based on the whole complex of technical,

social, economic and aesthetic principles, versus the stylization of the forms of passed

epochs. Arndt himself viewed even Constructivism as a historic style, like Baroque or

Classicism. Accordingly, he disagreed with those critics who looked for analogies between

Constructivist and contemporary architecture and called for “socialist architectural ‘style,’”

(again, using “style” in quotation marks).72 Arndt was not alone in this stance. As Daria

Bocharnikova demonstrates in her study, since the landmark Convention of Architects and

Builders, there were many voices against merely copying Constructivism and for

developing an “alternative approach to the artistic aspect of the program of modern

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The search for qualitatively new style based on the synthesis of architecture,

decorative and easel art eventuated in several modernist buildings in the 1960s. Of them,

most well-known were located in Moscow and finished in the early 1960s: Mikhail

Vladimir Tasalov, “Segodnia I zavtra iunosti,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1962): 24-31; 26.
Iurii Arndt, “Novaia arkhitektura I ee trebovaniia,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1962): 22-23.
Bocharnikova, “Intenving Socialist Modern,” 54.

Posokhin’s Kremlin Palace of Congresses (1961), Arndt’s Iunost’ (1961) and The Pioneer

Palace by Viktor Egerev et al (1962). The latter was constructed with the aim of updating

of the traditional idea of the Palace, or, by the expression of Susan E. Reid, “destalinizing

the ‘Palatial.” It was the seminal project of shaping environment for the proper upbringing

of the future inhabitants of Communist society (which, according to the Third Party

Program, was to be built by 1981). For decorative artists, on the wake of their recognition

as designers, the Palace project provided an excellent ground for the exercise in

contemporary style and in architectural synthesis.

Figure 3.5. Hotel “Iunost’” (Moscow), 1961, entrance hall.

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The Project of the Pioneer Palace on the Lenin Hills: An Overview

Pioneer Palaces (or Houses) were Soviet extra-curricular institutions, subordinated

to the Ministries of Enlightenment of Soviet republics and aimed at all-round creative

education of children and adolescents. Their programs, covering diverse set of activities,

from singing to aircraft modeling, from amateur theater to various sports, were defined and

guided by the branches of the All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League, or Komsomol.

Pioneer Palaces/ Houses were the headquarters of the Pioneer Organization, organized

under the auspices of Komsomol in 1922 for preparing children from ten to fifteen year old

to be proper Soviet citizens. The first Pioneer House was opened in Moscow in 1922, and

in the 1930s they spread throughout the USSR, by 1939 reaching the number 852 only in

the RFSFSR.74 Early Pioneer Palaces/Houses were located in the pre-revolutionary

mansions of aristocracy, and those newly built in the 1930s imitated classical models.

In 1958, the Komsomol Central Committee initiated the plan for a new Pioneer

Palace, build from modern materials and radically different from previously existing

models. The chosen location, the Lenin Hills at the south-west of Moscow (before 1935

called “Sparrow Hills”), had been traditionally a popular leisure resort for Muscovites.

Under Stalin, it gained importance as the location of the grandiose Moscow State

University (MGU), one of the “Seven Sisters,” skyscrapers built in the late 1940s – early

1950s as a ring around the never-realized Palace of Soviets. In the second half of the 1950s,

Moscow’s south-west because the site of experiments for innovative planning and building,

from the second project for the Palace of Soviets (also eventually abandoned) to the

residential bloc of five-store prefabricated buildings “New Cheremushki.”75 Accordingly,

the Lenin Hills needed a new, post-Stalin and “post-excess” landmark, an architectural
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response to the MGU. In 1958, the Komsomol Cenral Committee and Moscow Party

Committee announced a competition for the palace that would respond to the newest

construction techniques as well as to the task of all-round education of the inhabitants of

M. V. Fokina et al, eds., Stranitsy istorii iunykh lenintsev (materialy dlia besed) (Moscow: Kniga po
trebovaniiu, 1976): 71-72.
Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern,” 115-154; 198-205.

the Communist society. It was expected to be not just a building, but a whole complex of

buildings and recreation objects, for which a plot of fifty-four hectares in a park was

assigned. 76

The winner was a team of young architects from the construction institute

Mosproekt: Viktor Egerev, Vladimir Kubasov, Feliks Novikov, and their leader Igor’

Pokrovskii. In resonance with current tendencies in Western architecture and in contrast to

the customary practice of the Stalin era, they suggested embedding the building within the

plot rather than aligning it to a street.77 According to their plan, the Palace complex would

include the main two-stored building with four perpendicularly attached wings, connected

by the gallery with the concert hall. The main building and the concert hall would comprise

an “L” shape embracing the parade ground for pioneer rituals. This building structure also

implied a number of semi-closed outdoor spaces for various activities, opening into the

park that would include recreational structures like pavilions and artificial lakes. All

buildings were to be constructed by industrial methods from standard details of reinforced

concrete. 78

The project was further elaborated by the winning team with the addition of Boris

Palui and Mikhail Khazhakian. It was envisioned as an appropriate element of the new

centrifugal city plan and an embodiment of Khrushchevist decentralization of power,

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socialist democracy, and new optimism about scientific and technological progress. Upon

the completion of the Palace, Egerev commented:

Reid, “Khrushchev’s Children Paradise,” 154-156
Sarah Williams Goldhagen and Rejean Legault, “Introduction: Critical Themes of Postwar Modernism,”
in Sarah Williams Goldhagen and Rejean Legault, eds., Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar
Architectural Culture (Montréal : Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 2001), 22.
Viktor Eegerev et al., Moskovskii dvorets pionerov (Moscow: Izdatel’stvo literatury po stroitel’stvu, 1964),

The manifold function of the Palace could not be resolved in the rigid frames of
symmetric composition. (…) Thus, we had to find free way of arranging plans and
functions while also providing their essential interconnection. This freedom of
composition can be traced in the building’s interiors, linked together by sliding glass
partitions, open stairways and galleries. This principle allows transforming the interiors,
widely and diversely using the inner space of the Palace. (…) We have strived to
honestly express the building’s function, the work of supporting structures, and the
nature of construction materials.79

The principles of free plan and functionalism,80 characteristic for the architectural

modernism of the 1920s – 1930s, were employed for expressing Soviet ideals of the post-

Stalin era. Thus, what had become commonplace of Western architecture, on the Soviet

soil was reinterpreted to become an innovative force for the negation of Stalinist art-deco

and neoclassicism.
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Figure 3.6. Pioneer Palace on Sparrow (Lenin) Hills, entrance to the main building, photo by Polina Kirilenko.

Eegerev, Moskovskii dvorets pionerov, 7.
It should be noted that the attitudes to functionalism differed among the architects of the modern movement,
and not all of them even had functionalist intentions. See Stanford Anderson, “The Fiction of Function,”
Assemblage, no. 2 (February 1987): 18.

Figure 3.7. Pioneer Palace on Sparrow (Lenin) Hills, Concert Hall, photo by Polina Kirilenko.
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Figure 3.8. Pioneer Palace on Sparrow (Lenin) Hills, Parade Ground, photo by Denis Esakov.

The Palace’s interiors, too, had to speak to the new course of Soviet architecture.

For this purpose, the construction team involved the graduating students of the Department

of Industrial Art at MVKhPU. Why was the task of designing interiors of a highly

important building entrusted to the people barely experienced in industrial design (as it was

then called, “industrial art”)? There are two possible explanations. First, this decision was

beneficial for the Komsomol and architectural team due to its pertinence to overall

conceptual framework. The Palace, envisioned as rejuvenating architectural statement, was

designed by young architects (all, except for Khazhakian, aged below 40) for the youngest

audience, a rising generation of Soviet people. Accordingly, its interiors and environs could

best be authored by young students, who had started their design education in September

1954, slightly before the famous anti-excess resolution, and mostly had not been exposed

to the Stalin-era aesthetic principles such as obligatory figurativeness, focus on the subject

matter and lush decoration of unique objects. In short, a fresh force of designers was

needed, of which MVKhPU was the most obvious provider.

Second, such cooperation was beneficial for the school, too, as it responded to the

campaign of the curriculum’s fuller orientation at concrete tasks of industry and

construction in response to the all-Union school reform, conducted by the Soviet

government since 1958.81 A part of this campaign was the resolution “On the Forms and
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On December 24, 1958 The Supreme Soviet of the USSR accepted a statute “On Strengthening the
connection of School with Life and Further Development of the System of People’s Education,” aimed at
global-scale training of technically competing personnel for industry and agriculture. According to it, only 8
years of secondary school education were mandatory, after which the students could either enter vocational
schools, or study three more years in high school where 2 days of a week were scheduled for internship at
industrial or agricultural enterprises. School graduates received a certificate of technical profession. (“Ob
ukrupnenii sviazi shkoly s zhisniu i dal’neishem razvitii sistemy narodnogo obrazovaniia,” in A. A.
Abakumov et al., eds., Narodnoe obrazovaniie v SSSR. Obshcheobrazovatel’naia shkola. Sbornik
dokumentov. 1917-1973 (Moscow: Pedagogika, 1974): 53-61. The lack of positions for school interns in
industry impeded the successful realization of this reform, and by mid-1960s it was curtailed. (“Priniat zakon
‘Ob ukrupnenii sviazi shkoly s zhisniu I dal’neishem razvitii sistemy narodnogo obrazovaniia’,” the website
of B. N. Eltsin Presidential Library, http://www.prlib.ru/History/Pages/Item.aspx?itemid=365 accessed

Terms of Education in Higher Institutions and the Production Internship of Students,”

issued by the USSR Soviet of Ministers in August 1959.82 In particular, it obliged full-time

students of higher art schools to work as employees or paid interns at industrial enterprises

for one year. The topics for diploma projects for the academic year 1959-1960, set at

MVKhPU in September right after the issue of the Resolution, were all related to practical

spheres - mass housing, construction of public buildings, transportation and factory

equipment. Therefore, the involvement of MVKhPU final-year students in the ambitious

Pioneer Palace Project can be seen as a strategic move within the state and Party-led

campaign for updating architectural, social and cultural landscape of the Soviet capital city.

During the academic year, students were expected to design furniture, lamps,

lattices, fountains, monumental panels, decorative sculpture, and other types of decorative

and utilitarian furnishings - altogether 33 projects.83 The students were provided access to

experimental workshops and technical assistance of the Palace’s team. On June 9-13, 1960,

students presented the results of their work to the State Examination Committee that

included Palace’s architects Egerev, Kubasov and Khazhakian, as well as engineers Nikolai

Maikov and Iakov Kerzon. The diploma projects included technical drawings and three-

dimensional models. Some of these defenses are available for scrutiny as stenographic

records – namely, those of the sections of metalware and woodware at the Department of
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Industrial Art, in that time headed by architect and designer Aleksansr Korotkevich.84

18.12.2014 For a detailed account on Khrushchev’s educational reform, see Laurent Caumel, “The Scientist,
the Pedagogue and the Party Official: Interest Groups, Public Opinion and Decision-Making in the 1958
Education Reform,” in Ilic and Smith, Soviet State and Society Under Nikita Khrushchev, 66–85.
“O formakh i srokakh obucheniia v vysshykh uchebnykh zavedeniiakh i o proizvodstvennoi praktike
studentov,” Resolution by the USSR Council of Ministers from August 4, 1959,
http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=ESU;n=9934 accessed 18.11.2014
RGALI, f. 2466 op. 2 d. 137, l. 12.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167; RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1168.

According to this source, out of 34 diploma works defended in June 1960 by the students

of the metalware section, 5 were dedicated to the Palace. In the section of woodware, the

percentage was even higher: 11 of 21.

The sections of metalware and woodware deserve special attention not only because

of the availability of relevant archival materials, but also due to their historical precedents.

The Departments of woodwork and woodware at Vkhutemas, with such prominent

instructors as Vladimir Tatlin, Aleksandr Rodchenko, El Lissitzky and Anton Lavinsky,

decisively broke with methods of traditional applied art and introduced advanced

propaedeutic courses and technical disciplines. In 1926, the two Departments were united

into a Department of wood- and metalware – famous dermetfak, which became the cradle

of Soviet proto-design by preparing “the first detachment of qualified designers,” as Selim

Khan-Magomedov phrases it.85 Two of these pre-war graduates, Zakhar Bykov and Nikolai

Sobolev (in 1923 noted by Varvara Stepanova among Rodchenko’s best students),86 in the

late 1950s headed the MVKhPU sections of metalware and woodware, respectively; Bykov

was, moreover, the School’s rector. Another dermetfak graduate, Boris Sokolov, taught at

woodware section and supervised several diploma projects for Pioneer Palace. Thus, in the

late 1950s, MVKhPU updated its education policy not by inventing approaches and

methods from scratch, but by drawing from the experience of the 1920s. The continuity
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with Constructivism and the productivist movement was established here through

experienced professionals. What could their own students, intellectual “grandchildren” of

Khan-Magomedov, 366. Khan-Magomedov argues that the Department of wood- and metalware most fully
responded to the initial program of Vkhutemas that was stated in the Decree by the Council of People’s
Commissars from 25. 12. 1920. This program aimed at, essentially, educating specialists for raising quality
of the industrial production of useful objects. The text of the Decree was published in: Izvestiia 291/1138
(December 25, 1920).
Varst (Vasvara Stepanova), “O rabotakh konstruktivistskoi molodezhi,” LEF 3 (1923): 53.

Rodchenko and other constructivists, offer for the crucial construction project of the

Khrushchev era?

There are two major hindrances to the investigation of this question. Firstly, no

illustrations, such as drawings or photographs of models, are attached to the archived

stenographic records.87 This leaves a historian with a highly challenging task to reconstruct

the projects by their verbal descriptions. Secondly, none of these projects was directly

implemented, despite all the praise from experts. A few of them, however, were realized in

a more or less modified form by the Palace’s architects and established sculptors. The

resulting works were reproduced in publications, and one of them is still partially present

in the Palace. This circumstance not only gives a clue about original projects, but also

reveals the historicity of design process by showing what was carried to the level of actual

construction and what was rejected on the way. The reappearance, however altered, in the

actual building, was the main criterion for selecting projects for the current analysis.

In what follows I focus on specific ways by which students solved the task of

adjusting to the rigid technical requirements while also adequately expressing ideas of up-

to-datedness, creativity and progress, associated with the new Palace. From analyzing

verbal presentations and commentaries at student defenses, I proceed to discussing the

ways they find (or failed to) influence actual Palace interiors.
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Student Defenses: Demonstrating Lightness and Other Qualities

The first day of defenses was opened by student V. Gubarev. He presented the

model of decorative lattice, intended for dividing a winter garden from a gallery in the

The illustrations of these projects may exist in the archive of the Stroganov State Academy of Art and
Design (former MVKhPU), but they were not found in RGALI. In this text, I can rely only on descriptions.

large foyer of the Palace’s main building. The lattice’s model was constituted by bars 25

mm in diameter. Upon them, decorative elements - silhouettes of flora and fauna - were

riveted; the student explained that for actual lattice, electric welding should be used.88

Some of them could be cut from 2 mm thick iron sheet, while others bent from 40 mm

wide steel strips. For the sake of protection from corrosion, all the lattice details would

undergo color bluing and oil polishing. The lattices would also include horizontal supports

for ceramic flower pots. As Gubarev argued, “the combination of the monochrome metal

with ceramic pots of various colors produces the general impression of a noble form

[blagorodnuiu obshchuiu formu].”89 Definitely, he alluded to the “nobleness”

(“blagorodstvo”) in the sense of fineness of composition and mastery of processing the

material, not in the old sense of social distinction. Yet he also unwittingly commented to

the redefinition to the Palatial: in socialist society, the palaces are open for everyone, and

art is universally accessible. And just as the young Pioneers of Moscow would finally have

specially built complex rather than an appropriated mansion of pre-revolutionary nobility,

inside they would see not the intricate lace of a lattice, but a very simple structure with the

accent on color contrast and stylized figurative décor. The trope of nobleness was also used

by the project’s official reviewer L. Ia. Talalai, architect of the older generation, co-author

of the famous art deco house on Novinskii Boulevard in Moscow (1940). He opined: “the
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chosen diameter of tubes, the dimensions of strip steel and other elements of the

composition testify to the fact that student Gubarev properly knows and feels the material.

The overall composition of lattices is elegant, well-articulated [khorosho prorisovana] and

tastefully arranged. The blued texture [faktura] of the lattice’s elements is noble

The model was carried out in MVKhPU’s workshop, where welding was technically unavailable.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 15.

[blagorodna].”90 Thus, rather than characterizing the project in terms of tradition and

innovation, Talalai focused on student’s skill.91 Gubarev’s supervisor Nikolai Mikhailov

expressed his view similarly: “[U]sing the simplest materials, roughly speaking, iron and

clay, he translates them into an artistic visual language, making them sound fantastically.

Simple cheap materials and well-found techniques produce the impression of preciousness

in this significantly inexpensive thing [veshchi].”92 This rhetoric resonates with the “anti-

excess” campaign in architecture: the student was praised for his ability to create “rich”

and “fantastic” object without over-expenditure.93

One of the Palace’s architects, Viktor Egerev, evaluated the project in terms of

laconicism: “The student correctly fulfilled the given tasks. And these tasks are completely

real, connected to actual construction. I would like to emphasize the silhouette character

[siluetnost’] of this solution … and the fact that the lattice is not oversaturated with images.

(…) This gives contemporary character and lightness [to the lattice].”94 The accordance

between the decorative detail and the overall concept of the Palace is what, for Egerev,

constituted the contemporary character of the student’s project. Particularly, on a syntactic

level, Egerev connected contemporary character with lightness, alluding to the lightness of

the building itself – with its free plan, glass facades, flat roof and thin supports of the main

entrance’s canopy. Indeed, in contrast to the nearby massive MGU building, the Pioneer
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RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 17.
As Daria Bocharnikova convincingly demonstrates in her dissertation, the debate, spurred by the Second
All-Union Convention of Construction Workers and Architects, was not between modernists and neo-
classicists or between reformers and conservatives, but between progressists, eager to incorporate the best
achievements of Soviet architecture, be it Constructivism of Neo-classic school of Ivan Zholtovsky, and, on
the other side, “a group of waverers and political survivors of different kinds” perceived as conservatives
(Bocharnikova, op. cit., 90-114. Evidently, Talalai sided with progressists, caring not so much about stylistic
guidelines as about quality and social usefulness of architectural, as well as design, work. This is why he was
chosen, or volunteered, as a reviewer for several projects for the Pioneer Palace interiors.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l.19.
One lattice would not cost more than 5000 rubles, which in 1960 equaled 1250 US dollars.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 20.

Palace was conceived as a light building, free from the burden of the symbols of Stalinist

past. As architectural critic Grigorii Revzin noticed in his recent interview, the Palace was

the first landmark building of the Khrushchev era (“pervoe khrushchevskoe zdaniie”),

“very light, as if flying.” According to Revzin’s interpretation, it was the result of the young

architects’ use of the anti-excess resolution - that was actually oriented at practical issues,

not aesthetics - for realizing their creative ambitions.95

At the defenses of Gubarev’s colleagues, lightness, too, was often explicitly or

implicitely emphasized as virtue. I suggest that “lightness” here acted as signifier of up-to-

datedness, or what philosopher Charles Pierce calls “qualisign.”96 In her study of material

culture of socialist Hungary, anthropologist Krisztina Fehérváry uses the concept of

qualisign for exploring, in the framework of Peircean semiotics, the influence of

materialities upon the process of signification. As she explains, qualisigns are qualities that

“can produce affective responses that may or may not come to constitute a recognizable

aesthetic regime.” Textures, colors and properties, found in multiple objects, substances

and bodies, have a potential to become qualisigns: “The qualia of gray in a rug, for

example, is shared by a slab of concrete, a dawn fog, and pebbles on the lakeshore”; this

gray is usually mingles with other material properties such as texture or fragility.97

According to Fehervary, the presence of qualisigns allows uniting diverse realms into a
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coherent style. Relying on this argument, one can argue that post-Stalin “contemporary

“Arkhitektura ot Stalina do Khrushcheva,” Vitali Dymarskii’s interview with Grigorii Revzin, transcribed
record of the radio program from June 20, 2010 at Ekho Moskvy:
http://echo.msk.ru/programs/hrushev/687897-echo/ accessed 17.11.2014
Charles S. Peirce, The Philosophy of Peirce: Selected Writings, International Library of Psychology,
Philosophy, and Scientific Method (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1950), 101; 110; 115.
Krisztina Fehérváry, Politics in Color and Concrete: Socialist Materialities and the Middle Class in
Hungary (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013), 7-8.

style” was built upon sensuous qualities of materials rather than a lexicon of figurative

elements. This is why the lightness and “noble” faktura of Gubarev’s lattice were seen

more important than its figurative elements.

Another example is the project by Boris Borisovskii, where “lightness” contributed

to the process of signification in combination with other qualities. The construction plan

presupposed the range of monuments dedicated to the “most important landmarks of the

development of human society” to be set on the grass in front of the main façade. The

recent launch of Sputnik in October 1957 was considered one of such landmarks. The

optimism about space exploration needed to be properly celebrated in a monument

observable from the Parade ground, where important pioneer rituals were to be conducted.

Borisovskii’s suggestion was a sphere constituted by arrows of gilded steel strips, as well

as the figure of space rocket, cut from sheet iron. The diameter of the sphere would be 3

meters and the span of arrows 7.5 meters; a one-fifth scale model was presented to the

Examination Committee. The sphere and the rocket were supported by a solid skeleton of

metal tubes, cased with stainless steel.

According to project’s author, the sphere represented the Cosmos as perceived by

Earthmen (“the firmament”), and the arrows – rays of constellations. Sharp glittering rays,

pointing to different directions, signified rapid movement, helping the artist to “reflect a
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moment when emancipated human thought rushed beyond the limits of atmosphere.” 98 But

in the review by MVKhPU professor A. Zavistovskii, the rays were interpreted differently

- as astrological imagery that Soviet science was to disavow:

Very convincing artistic technique, used by the author, is the contrast between tangibly
dense [material’no-plotnogo] element of the monument that symbolizes the dynamic
force of human thought, transformed in to the energy, triumphant and entering the

RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 142.

space, and the open-work, almost weightless sphere that symbolizes the medieval
views of human beings about the Cosmos, which is intensified by medieval [sic!]
astrological signs.99

On the whole, therefore, the monument thus appears as the interconnection of astrological

and astronomic images, of myth and science, prejudice and reason, together comprising the

Soviet myth100 of progress. In terms of anthropology based on Peircean semiotics, the

material properties of the monument – lightness, glitter, sharpness, as well as firmness, -

entered the process of signification through resemblance, or iconic extension,101 to concepts

like weightlessness, energy, dynamism, but also fantasy and mysticism. Unlike the 110-

metres tall Monument to the Conquerors of Space, erected three years after the Gagarin

flight, near the VDNKh,102 Borisovskii’s monument was modest in scale and easily

comprehensible, as Zavistovskii did not fail emphasize.103 The monument would thus be

up-to-date in a double sense: celebrating latest achievements in space exploration while

RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 145.
Given the monument’s reference to Soviet mythology, it is tempting to explain its signification in terms
of Roland Barthes’s concept of myth as as a second-order semiological system. Proceeding from a Sasseurean
relation between the signifier and a signified, Barthes point to the third element - the sign, “which is the
associative total of the first two terms.” For example, if a bouquet of roses is a signifier and passion is a
signified, the “passionified” roses is a sign, which is, in contrast to empty signifier, is full of meaning. In the
case of Borisovskii’s monument, for example, the particularly shaped gilded steel would be a signified, the
Firmament a signifier, and the weightless space with constellations – a sign. This system of signification is
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the first-order semiological system where the sign is the final term. On the level of myth, however, the sign
empties itself and becomes a signifier for a new signified. In our case, this would be Soviet triumph in space.
(See Roland Barthes, “Myth as a Semiological system,” in Roland Barthes, Mythologies, trans. Annette
Lavers (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1972), 110-116). But such reading would imply that, by
entering (Soviet) myth, the monument is emptied of its first-level significance, that is, its materiality.
However, I would side with anthropologists inspired by Peircean semiology in recognizing the active role of
materialities in the process of signification. See Fehervary, op. cit; W. Keane, “Semiotics and the Social
Analysis of Material Things,” Language and Communication 23, no. 3 (July 1, 2003): 409–25; Anne
Meneley, “Oleo-Signs and Quali-Signs: The Qualities of Olive Oil,” Ethnos 73, no. 3 (2008): 303-326.
The term “iconic extension” is used by Fehervary to explain the relationship between qualia and concepts
as well as the significance people attach to qualia. Fehérváry, Politics in Color and Concrete.
This Monument’s authors were sculptor A. P. Faidysh Krandievskii and architects M. o. Barshch and A.
N. Kolchin.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 145.

also responding to Soviet pedagogy’s orientation at stimulating children’s interest in

science and technology.

Among the diploma projects dedicated to the Palace interiors, many included metal

furniture. Such projects were presented in both sections under consideration, but metalware

students combined metal frames with plastic and woodware students mostly with wood.104

As a progressive furniture type, invented and popularized by the Bauhaus student Marcel

Breuer, tubular steel furniture was considered most suitable for the new Palace. This attitude

was a part of a broad campaign for updating furniture production, unfolded by the Soviet

government from 1958 in connection with mass housing construction and as the response

to the population’s demand.105 The use of new technologies and materials, such as plastics

and rubber foam, was seen as primary way of overcoming the lag of furniture production.

This, in turn, demanded the update of forms. As architect N. Borushko expressed it in

summer 1960: “The established types of sideboards, cupboards, beds, etc., cease to be

attractive not just because their size does not correspond to contemporary apartments, but

also because outdated [ustarevshiie] forms do not correspond to new aesthetic views.” 106

Students of both departments in many cases designed similar objects – furniture, and worked with similar
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materials – tubular steel, plastic, and wood –in different combination. This fact reveals the problematic of
institutional division according to the materials processed rather than according to the products designed. The
necessity to unite industrial designers in one section, thus distinguishing them from sculptors and decorators
working with similar materials, will be soon realized at the governmental level. This problem was realized
by the MVKhPU administration in the 1960s, and during this decade the disciplinary division was several
times restructured. In particular, in 1965 the section of wood ware was transformed into the department of
furniture and transferred into the Department of interior and equipment, while a special section of “artistic
engineering” (the term uses for industrial design) was organized on the basis of the section of metalware.
RGALI, f. 2460, introduction to op. 2.
Steven E. Harris, Communism on Tomorrow Street: Mass Housing and Everyday Life after Stalin
(Washington, D.C. : Baltimore: Woodrow Wilson Center Press/ Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013), 231-
N. Orieva, “Krasota truda,” Tekhnika – Molodezhi 7 (July 1960): 2-4; 4. On the criticism of old furniture
types see V. Dele, “O sovremennot mebeli,” DI SSSR 5 (May 1958): 28-32.

The search for new types of furniture, adequate for small-size apartments, was, of

course, not a novelty of post-Stalin years, but a famous initiative of the avant-garde

architects and proto-designers of the 1920s. Then, the ideal of asceticism in everyday life

was generated both by economic necessity and by collectivist spirit, and the projects of

collapsible furniture were of equal interest for architects, designers and workers who

inhabited the rooms appropriated from bourgeoisie and the newly built houses-communes.

Theorist of productivist art Boris Arvatov celebrated collapsible furniture as an example of

a new Thing, “functional and active, connected like a co-worker with human practice.”107

In accordance with this the productivist idea of socialist object, students of dermetfak at

Vkhutemas designed various types of collapsible furniture, mostly of wood, but in some

cases with the use of steel tubes. Upon graduating in the late 1920s, some of these “pioneers

of Soviet design”108 entered industrial enterprises and actually influenced, though on quite

a limited scale, Soviet production.109

After the predominance of traditional furniture forms in the 1930s - early 1950s,

collapsible furniture again found state and Party support as a tool of modernizing material

culture, but unlike in the 1920s, now the industry had capacity to produce such furniture on

a mass scale. Thus, Arvatov’s “co-workers” could now enter every home. Modernist public

buildings like Pioneer Palace were supposed to display most advanced furniture models to
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be mass-reproduced. But since the line of educating furniture designers, initiated at

Vkhutemas, was interrupted for three decades, in 1960 Soviet design of metal furniture was

Arvatov and Kiaer, “Everyday Life and the Culture of the Thing,” 126.
This is the term is by Selim Khan-Magomedov, used as the title of his seminal 1995 book, with a clear
allusion to Nikolaus Pevsner’s famous work Pioneers of the Modern Movement: from William Morris to
Walter Gropius (Faber&Faber, 1936).
A. Abramova, “Naslediie Vkhutemasa,” DI SSSR 4 (April 1964), 8-12. Khan-Magomedov, Pionery
Sovetskogo Dizaina, 383-399.

still, by expression of Khazhakian, “most lagging front” [samym otstaiushchim frontom].110

While assigning furniture designs to students, the Palace’s architects also conducted

research on the latest models of Finnish and Swedish furniture and as a result ordered 40%

of all furniture, planned for the Palace, from Finland. This decision, however, was regretted

after the architects saw student projects, which surpassed their expectations and were

evaluated as good enough to equip the whole Palace, no worse than Finnish furniture. At

least in this particular sphere of design, the lag behind the West was promised soon to be


In all these furniture projects, lightness was emphasized in various ways. Furniture

for the beach of an artificial lake in the Palace’s park was presented by its author Igor

Akimov as “convenient, light and beautiful, and also easily collapsible, so it would serve

longer and be conveniently stored in winter time.”111 The furnishings for waiting rooms,

designed by Elena Bondarenko, would include convenient wooden chairs “of very light

type” (“ochen’ legkogo tipa”).112 Valentin Konovalov’s equipment for concert hall was

praised for the use of “new progressive materials: thin-walled metal tubes in place of

massive legs for chairs and foam rubber for seats instead of springs.” 113 For the kitchen of

the Palace’s ‘housekeeping school’ student E. Fomina designed functional and hygienic

furniture arranged along walls. Her reviewers found the design simple and effective: plastic
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coatings of working surfaces would be easily (legko) cleaned; the central table with narrow

metal legs would appear light and produce the sense of spaciousness. 114 Similarly, for the

RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 131.
Ibid., ll. 127-133.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1168, ll. 46-53.
Ibid., l. 125.
Ibid., l. 36-44

Palace’s park, Nodari Gogoberidze designed benches, chairs, tables and chaise-lounges -

“firm, light and easily transportable,” conveniently foldable and collapsible, but also light

and bright in terms of color and reasonable in terms of production costs.115

In the context of general enthusiasm of the Examination Committee about these

projects, critical responses present special interest as shedding light at the difficulties

accompanying the actual work on new socialist objects. For example, woodware student

M. Vlasov-Klimov was challenged with the assignment to design the interior for the

Palace’s dining hall, which implied arranging the places for 176 people to comfortably eat

and easily clearing the tables after meal, while also leaving a free passageway for a maid

with food-cart.116 The task was further complicated by the unusual ellipsoid configuration

of the room, sail-shaped [vsparushennyi] ceiling supported by a solid pillar in the center,

and large glass wall, opening the view on stadium and artificial lake. Vlasov-Klimov’s

response to the challenge was the design of small square tables, easily adjustable to the

curve of the wall and to the position of the pillar. The tables were accompanied by light

chairs of advanced construction: seat and back to be bent from a single piece of nine-layer

plywood, and the legs produced of two steel tubes intersecting at one point and fixed not

to the back, as usual, but to the seat. The tables would have two tops, the lower serving as

shelf for children’s possessions. For decorative effect as well as additional protection, front
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sides of chairs and upper tops of tables would be coated by PVC and covered by

nitrocellulose lacquer. The student also presented models of a sharp-cornered table for used

dishes and a complex buffet, probably inspired by the late 1920s projects of kitchen units

RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1168, 231-233.
Ibid., l. 89-91.

and transformable furniture: it would include a table with two glass showcases, cold-air

unit and several shelves with adjustable height.

Nikolai Sobolev, Vkhutemas graduate and the current head of the woodware

section, found the table design uneconomical: “Why such efforts for supporting these

tables? I calculated that you used [altogether] forty meters of excessive tubes, while we

always use metal sparingly.”117 Vlasov-Klimov defended his choice: the legs are fixed not

to the sides of a table top, but to its middle, so that they don’t disturb the legs of the sitters.

Such construction, though ergonomic, is not enough stable and requires additional fixing

element – hence the use of extra tubes. Several committee members disapproved the shape

of the table for dirty dishes. Thus, Zakhar Bykov, another Vkhutemas graduate and head

of metalware section, characterized this shape as “accidental and unwarranted,” and,

contrary to what the student claimed, unreasonable in terms of hygiene. He also, together

with engineer Nikolai Maikov criticized pointed angles of the table top as “somewhat

disturbing” and suggested that rounded angles would be safer for children approaching the

table with used dishes. Vlasov-Klimov explained that the sharp square form of the table

top was determined by the parameters of the interior. The quality of “lightness,” implied

by tubular steel furniture, also appeared questionable: one committee member doubted that

children would be able to move the chairs, for example, for cleaning the dining hall. Again,
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the student reassured that his chairs are “very light,” adding that rubber endings (“hoofs”)

of the legs make this chairs also stable. These arguments revealed the contradictions

between different principles of modernist design, embraced by Soviet architects and

applied artists by 1960: economy, functionalism, ergonomics and ease of maintenances.

RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1168, l. 92.

While trying to follow some of these principles, the student unwittingly violated others.

Thus, square tables would produce elegant composition but be potentially dangerous for

their users: formal considerations overshadowed ergonomic requirements. In the case of

tables’ legs, on the contrary, ergonomic considerations led to the over expenditure of

material. These shortcomings are easily explainable by the author’s status of a student and

hence lack of experience. Yet they can be viewed in the context of contradictory legacy of

Vkhutemas design that much influenced Soviet design education in the late 1950s but was

mostly untraceable in everyday environment, so that students had to follow abstract models

and move toward effective solutions through trial and error.

Vlasov-Klimov’s fellow student at the woodware department, V. Goriunova, was

also assigned a challenging project – furnishing a very spacious playroom for 7 to 9 years

old schoolchildren (oktiabriata), located in the main building within the winter garden.118

Her work was determined by the specific character of walls: side walls as sliding glass

doors, one wall made from wooden blocks and the fourth wall, totally from glass; with

opening side doors, the hall would be united with the main enfilade of the Palace, in

accordance with the principle of “flowing space,” described by architect Arndt in DI SSSR.

In accordance with transparency and transformability of the walls, and, broader, in

accordance to the current ideas of communist upbringing and new types of educational
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space,119 Goriunova was instructed to create a dynamic and interactive interior. In the

existing Soviet educational institutions, she did not find proper models for emulation:

“There was nothing to look at.” Rejecting familiar interiors, the student attempted to create

RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1168, l. 198-206.
E. Koridalina, “Oni zdes’ khoziaeva,” Semia i Shkola 4 (1962): 9-10; Reid, ““Khrushchev’s Children

completely new complex of furniture, toys and wall decorations, where everything would

be entertaining and cognitively useful. Goriunova explained: “I aimed to create the

conditions for children to feel freedom; to create ingenious children’s world; therefore I

proceeded from the principle of simple forms, accessible and amusing for children.” She

designed collapsible furniture that could be easily folded when the hall is opened and

included into the general enfilade. From wooden sections and foam-rubber cushions,

children would compose different pieces of furniture, like table or coach. The toys, too,

were designed as collapsible from different parts. Architect Sergei Nikulin approvingly

noted that both furniture and toys will stimulate children’s interest to DIY practices and

raise the activity of collective games, which would be “correct in terms of the methodology

of upbringing.” The sliding partition walls were to be decorated by appliqué landscape

compositions that would thematically correlate with the actual landscape visible through

the glass wall. Lest the only opaque wall be “somewhat boring” (“skuchnovatoi”), the

student offered to decorate it by subtle drawing in mild colors. In all decorations she

claimed to have relied “on children’s drawing and children’s taste.” To make playing even

more comfortable, she suggested covering the floor with the grass-imitating mat. In spite

of the criticism that some toys’ details cannot be fixed well enough, Goriunova’s project

generally met the expectations of the Palace’s architects.

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Even though Goriunova claimed that her project was unprecedented in the Soviet

Union, its description resembles that of the interior design of a kindergarten’s playroom, a

diploma work defended in June 1953 by V. Orlovskaia.120 There, too, convenience,

coziness and simplicity of forms were main objectives. Light wall paintings and even a

RGALI, f. 2460 op. 1 d. 285.

decorated transparent partition also appeared in that project. Yet Orlovskaia did not suggest

collapsible furniture or interactive toys: though light and spacious, her playroom would

keep children follow the rules set by adults rather than inviting them to arrange and

transform the environment according to their own needs. Goriunova could hardly be

unfamiliar with the work of her predecessor, but, evidently, she found it obsolete in its


Goriunova’s approach to the playroom was up-to-date in terms of its resonance with

the concern for freedom, prominent among post-war architects and designers in Europe and

the U. S. As Sarah Goldhagen underlines, an important component of this concern was the

ideal of homo ludens, man at play, inspired by Johan Huisinga’s 1938 book of the same

name. Play, understood as the source of spontaneous self-expression and resistance to the

socio-political pressures, required proper architectural spaces. Accordingly, play often

served as reference for architects, such as Alison and Peter Smithson and Cedric Price in

Britain, Jaap Bakema and Aldo Van Eyck in the Netherlands and the members of Situalist

International in France, especially by the late 1950s.121 Although in that time Soviet

architects and applied artist were concerned with the problems of interaction and collective

activities, spontaneous play was not pronounced to be a crucial part of human life. In this

respect, childhood was a prominent exception. The objects Goriunova designed promised
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to be not co-workers, but toys, or playmates. Goriunova’s playroom, as well as the whole

Pioneer Palace project, was envisioned as a segregated space of freedom within a

regimented socialist society. The emphasis on “lightness” in many student defenses can

Goldhagen and Legault, “Introduction: Critical Themes of Postwar Modernism,” 19. Several essays from
this volume deal specifically with the theme of homo ludens as related to architecture.

therefore be also considered as a symptom of the striving to downplay the institutional

pressure and let children reveal their genuine interests and capacities.

Implementation: Plagiarism or Reinterpretation for Better Design?

All the projects for the Palace from the sections of metalware and woodware –

altogether 16 – were expected to be implemented within the next half a year. Khazhakian

called for finding “organization forms” for realizing the projects in situ. “It should be said

that we witness the birth of such a great mastery,” he enthused.122 Architect Georgii

Zakharov, the pro-rector of MVKhPU, stated clearly that the elaboration of these

“organizational forms” should be the responsibility of the Palace team and Komsomol as

much as of the School.123 But the cooperation between Palace’s architects and the

MVKhPU administration remained at the level of good intentions. In April 1962, three

months before the opening of the Pioneer Palace, the Administration Board of the Moscow

Organization of the USSR Union of Architects met with the MVKhPU representatives for

discussing students’ diploma works and the prospects for their implementation into

industry. At this meeting, rector Bykov complained that architects rarely turn to MVKhPU

for cooperation, and even if they do, the resulting student works are often eventually

neglected. He cited the Pioneer Palace as a vivid example: “Unfortunately, none of the
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student projects has been realized, even though they all have been approved and the

students strongly wished to implement them in situ.” 124 No commentary on this particular

case followed from the architects.

RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 131
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1168, l. 160.
RGALI, f. 2466, op. 2, d. 137.

The Palace was ceremoniously opened in 1962 in the International Day of

Protection of Children – June 1. The published materials on the new Palace, as well as

archival sources, reveal that, in fact, some of MVKhPU projects were implemented without

involving and acknowledging of the students, in more or less modified form. These sources,

however, do not give a clue for the reason of what essentially was plagiarism (though not

a legal problem, since student works were not protected by Soviet copyright law). 125 Most

likely, while students’ ideas were indeed appreciated as relevant and innovative, the

inclusion of students into the Palace team process turned out to be a difficult organizational

task that could slow down the construction process. The official profession of industrial

designer was not yet established, and as a result, the authors could not benefit from their

own work. Was this probably also an attempt to update student work to a more professional

level, to better adjust its qualities to the actual building? A brief survey of the modified

projects by Gubarev, Borisovskii, Vlasov-Klimov and Goriunova will shed light on this


The project of decorative lattice was, evidently, the only one implemented almost

without changes – by Egerev and sculptor P. Shimeson (Fig. 3.9). The technique of bluing,

suggested by Gubarev, was neglected; yet the laconic silhouettes of birds, fishes, crabs and

insects, fixed on thin iron bars, as well as decorative flower-pots quite accurately
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corresponded to the original design. Indeed, the lattice appears very light, in tune with the

In 1960, there was no special law about industrial standards in the USSR. The 1924 Resolution of the
Central Executive Committee and the Council of People’s Commissars “On Industrial Standards” (drawings
and models) was invalidated in 1936. No replacing document was issued. Technical drawings were now
protected by the copyright law while models (prototypes) fell under the category “technical improvements”
and were protected by the 1931 Regulation on inventions and technical improvements, according to which
“author license,” rather than patents, became the main form of protecting rights of inventors. Evidently,
student projects, drawings as well as models, were not considered as belonging to either of these categories,
because they were ultimately not admitted into industrial production and thus not given author licenses. A. P.
Sergeev, Pravo intellektual’noi sobstvennosti v Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Moscow: Prospekt, 2003), 34-48.

metal furniture and flower-beds located in the foyer. Its composition is at once free and

rhythmically structured: highly stylized images of fauna are asymmetrically arranged upon

the regular grid. This contrast produces strong visual, but also potentially tactile, effect. To

use the conceptual framework of the Constructivists, the lattice combined elements of

construction (expedient processing of material) and composition (arrangement of elements,

or “spots,” as architect Vladimir Krinskii defined it in 1921).126 While the figures of fauna

are by no means necessary, they are produced by minimal means, and thus do not

oversaturate the lattice, just as Egerev remarked at Gubarev’s defense. At the professional

meeting in June 1962, after the Palace’s opening, young art critic V. Lebedev noted: “The

figures thematically correspond to the hall’s purpose [winter garden with pool and

fountain], they are clearly comprehensible, expressive, rhythmically sharp, and expressive

as see-through [khorosho rabotaiut na prosvet].”127 However, Lebedev, as well as Egerev

himself, found the location of the lattice unfortunate: it was partially obscured by the strings

of staircases and by trees, so that proper perception of the lattice was hindered.128 One can

only guess whether the implementation would be better or worse if student Gubarev

conducted it; in any case, the compositional mistake greatly weakened the lattice’s

integrity, lightness and “contemporary character.” (Notably, the lattice is still in place,
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The definitions of composition and construction were famously discussed at the series of meetings at the
Institute of Artistic Culture (Inkhuk) in Moscow in January 1920-21. The meetings were held by the newly
founded “Group of Objective Analysis” that included artists Aleksandr Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova,
Liubov’ Popova, Nadezhda Udal’tsova, Vasilii Kandinskii, Aleksei Babichev, and others; architects
Vladimir Krinskii, Nikolai Ladovskii and others. The participants’ views on composition and construction
significantly differed, yet at the end it was mostly agreed that construction was connected to necessity (the
principle “nothing excessive”) and composition – with tasteful and arrangement of optional elements. Most
ardent proponents of this view were Rodchenko and Stepanova. Stenographic records of the construction vs.
composition debates, currently in a private archive, will be published in the forthcoming volume: Serguei
Alex. Oushakine (ed), Formal’nyi metod: Antologiia rossiiskogo modernizma (Yekaterinburg: Kabinetnyi
uchenyi, 2015). I am indebted to Serguei Oushakine for providing a copy of this pre-published document.
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 2 d. 82, l. 17
Ibid.; Egerev, Moskovskii dvorets pionerov, 63.

almost unchanged, and it looks strikingly obsolete with the background of vending

machines with beverages of Western brands – see Fig. 3.10).

Figure 3.9. V. Egerev and P. Shimeson, decorative lattice of the winter garden (after the project by V. Gubarev).
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Figure 3.10. Contemporary view on the lattice (photo by the author, July 2014).

Borisovskii’s project for the monument of space exploration turned out never to

inspire the Moscow pioneers to become new Gagarins, or aerospace engineers. Only the

figures of constellations were implemented – as the decoration of the curved walls of the

planetarium, a special volume within the left end of the main building (Fig. 3.11). Applied

to the black, PVC-coated wall, the metal arrows are not any more perceived as openwork

and hardly produce the impression of weightlessness. Rather, they look like smartly

arranged decoration and, to use the Constructivist dyad again, act as composition, not as

construction. Nonetheless, their authors, sculptors D. Shakhovskoi and M. Lukashevker,

succeeded in revealing the visual qualities of materials, contrasting the grooved surface of

PVC laths and think strips and silhouettes of silvery aluminum, as both critic Lebedev and

architect Egerev did not fail to mention. Lebedev positively noticed this work’s dynamic

plasticity – the interchange of protuberances and hollows intensified by strong contours –

yet he found the composition oversaturated with figures, whose “graphic sharpness” was,

in his opinion, somewhat lost.129 Though Shakhovskoi’s and Lukashevker’s work does not

produce a complicated signification that Borisovskii envisioned, it has an advantage of

better comprehensibility: rather than being a free-standing symbolic structure, it encircles

the room-theater where children actually learn the basics of astronomy.

Close to the planetarium, in the first side wing of the Palace, under the auditorium
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the architects located the pioneer café – the same oval room with the column in the center

that had been previously planned as dining hall. Vlasov-Klimov’s suggestion of numerous

square tables on thin metal legs was quite accurately implemented (though the available

photograph does not reveal the way of fixing table’s legs, a subject of debate at the student’s

RGALI, f. 2943, op. 2 d. 82, l. 17; Egerev, Moskovskii dvorets pionerov, 62.

defense). Like in the original project, table tops were coated with white plastics and chairs

with red ones.130 The formation of chair seat and back from a single piece of plywood,

offered by Vlasov-Klimov, was neglected in favor of more customary type of a chair with

metal frame (Fig. 3.12). However, the plywood chairs with unified back and seat did appear

in the buffet of the Pioneer Theater in the fourth side wing, but they are more likely to have

been modeled after contemporary Scandinavian futniture rather than after Vlasov-Klimov’s

design, given that a part of the Palace’s furniture was produced at Finnish factories.131 After

all, the student himself could have well imitated these same Finnish models. The rest of

furniture (Egerev does not specify the percentage) was designed by the Central Moscow

Project and Construction Bureau of Moscow sovnarkhoz (TsMPKB), most probably,

including the café’s chairs, which clearly lack the elegant simplicity of Finnish furniture.

These chairs obviously were solid enough to stand the energy of young and hungry users,

just as Vlasov-Klimov’s chairs were supposed to do, but en masse they produce rather a

chaotic vision, a forest of metal legs, somewhat in discordance with both the transparency

of the café’s wall and the solidity of its reinforced concrete support. Their slightly clumsy

form will soon became ubiquitous throughout the USSR until its collapse; it still visible in

public interiors, like schools and canteens, well into the 1990s – obsolete, material

signifiers of the past era, just like the lattice of winter garden.
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Egerev, Moskovskii dvorets pionerov, 35.
Egerev, Moskovskii dvorets pionerov, 94.

Figure 3.11. D. Shakhovskoi and M. Lukashevker, decoration in the foyer of Planetarium, fragment.

Figure 3.12. Pioneer café interior.

Finally, V. Goriunova’s project for the oktiabriata playroom was also partially

modified (Fig. 3.13). Reporting on the Palace’s opening, the official newspaper of the
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Komsomol paid special attention to this interior: “And to the right [from the winter garden],

behind the wall is a green lawn. This is the oktiabriata room. The floor is covered here by

the thin carpet of soft plastics, and all the toys are on the floor. They are selected in such a

way that one cannot play with them alone – only with peers.”132 In his book, Egerev

E. Bruskova and S. Soloveichik, “Kliuch ot strany romantikov,” Komsomol’skaia Pravda, June 2, 1962,
1-2. Notably, one of the article’s authors, Simon Soloveichik, initiated the liberal trend in upbringing, based

specified that the carpet was made from nylon, and the toys were “cars and cranes,

construction equipment, rockets and ships, dolls and bricks – everything that can give

pleasure to a child.”133 The accent on pleasure, rather than prohibition and punishment,

echoes Goriunova’s emphasis on entertainment and freedom of movement in her project.

Indeed, two of her suggestions – green grass-like carpet and dynamic toys – were met by

the architects in the actual interior. However, instead of sectional furniture of the original

project, TsMPKB designed low tables of multagonal shapes. Though irregular and

amusing, these tables are static props for children’s games rather than transformable

objects-playmates. The decoration of glass partitions, another suggestion of Gorinova, was

also neglected in favor of transparency and, implicitly, easier control over playing children.

As a result, the actual playroom environment turned out more restrictive of children’s

freedom than the student’s diploma project.

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Figure 3.12. Playroom for oktiabriata.

on tolerance to children’s initiative. See Catriona Kelly, Children’s World: Growing Up in Russia, 1890-
1991 (Yale University Press, 2007), 388.
Egerev, Moskovskii dvorets pionerov, 32.

While the story of students’ painstaking work on designing interiors for the Pioneer

Palace has been mostly forgotten, the building itself, on the contrary, became one of the

main icons of Khrushchev-era modernism.134 Enthusiastic reviewers praised it as a “country

of romantics.” Professional critics believed it to be a breakthrough, or, as Lebedev phrased

it, “the leap forward in the process of architectural development.”135 Thus, in the eyes of

contemporaries, the Pioneer Palace came to signify the overcoming of lag, of backwardness

and of the Stalinist past. Its interiors, too, were perceived in that light. Behind this festive

image is the story of the clashing visions of up-to-datedness, feasibility and functionality,

and the negotiations between the bearers of Vkhutemas traditions, their students, and the

young architects who pursued their careers as modernizers of Soviet architecture. The latter

also deprived “Rodhcenko’s grandchildren” from the rightful status of Soviet design

modernizers (the reasons for this that remain to be found in the course of further research).

But the fact that student decisions were partially retained in the final construction testifies

to their good quality and novelty – in particular, in terms of smart use of materials and the

production of dynamic forms and spaces. If the architects acted as tactful guides rather than

appropriators, the Palace construction would be perhaps a more decisive leap towards new

synthesis of arts.
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3.3. Technical Aesthetics as an Updating Tool (the 1960s)

While the Pioneer Palace was being designed and constructed, the lag of Soviet

production of consumer goods – behind people’s needs, behind the level of Western

On the today’s attitude of architectural expert and broader educated public in Russia to this building see:
“Arkhitektura ot Stalina do Khrushcheva”; “Iurii Bolotov – o tom, pochemu Dvorets Pionerov – samoe
luchshee mesto v Moskve,” November 16, 2014, http://www.the-village.ru/village/city/modern-
architecture/169531-dvorets-pionerov-na-vorobievyh accessed 18.11.2014
RGALI, f. 2943, op. 2, d. 82, l. 6.

production and behind the advance of science and technology both in the West and in the

socialist bloc – impelled decisive steps from by the Soviet leadership. Following the

objective of the XXI Party Congress to advance in “fully satisfying the constantly growing

material and cultural demands of Soviet people,”136 in October 1959 the Party TsK and the

government issued a decree criticizing the scarcity and technological backwardness of

Soviet domestic goods (“tovarov kul’turno-bytovogo naznacheniia i khoziaistvennogo

obikhoda”), promising to urgently solve this problem and ordering the republican and

regional governments, Soviet ministries, departments and sovnarkhozy to take appropriate

measures.137 The Third Party Program, adopted at the XXII Party Congress, proclaimed the

task to “guarantee in the Soviet Union the highest life standard in comparison with any

capitalist country,” not least by the means of increasing production of commodities and

large-scale mass housing and construction of public buildings. It also promised fruitful

development of all arts and aesthetic enlightenment of the working masses, so that art

would “even stronger animate labor, beautify everyday life and ennoble people.”138 Taken

together, these claims implied the urgent need of an appropriate profession and field of

expertise. In this context, the governmental Decree of April 28, 1962 that established

VNIITE and launched the elaboration of state design system, appears as an inevitable step,

even though it was very much impacted by the outstanding personality of Iurii Soloviev.
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This institution, responsible for the design activities in the whole Soviet Union, can be

“Kontrol’nye tsifry razvitiia narodnogo khoziaistva na 1959-1965 gody,” in Vneocherednoi XXI sezd
kommunisticheskoi partii Sovetskogo Soiuza : 27 ianvaria-5 fevralia 1956 goda. Stenograficheskii otchet.
Vol. 2. (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo politicheskoi literatury, 1959): 456-549; 485.
“O merakh po uvelicheniiu proizvodstva, rasshireniiu assortimenta i uluchsheniiu kachestva tovarov
kul’turno-bytovogo naznacheniia i khoziaistvennogo obikhoda,” Vpered 125 (October 20, 1959): 1-2
Programma Kommunisticheskoi Partii Sovetskogo Soiuza (Moscow: Politizdat, 1974). This text is
available at http://leftinmsu.narod.ru/polit_files/books/III_program_KPSS_files/III_program_KPSS.htm
accessed 26.12.2014.

viewed as a laboratory of new, post-Constructivist socialist objects, objects that are more

than mere consumer goods or equipment. In other worlds, VNIITE emerged as a promising

platform for strengthening the tendencies started in the 1950s at factories and at two major

Soviet design schools. The “TE” of this institution’s acronym, “technical aesthetics,” was

promoted as multidisciplinary science studying the “laws of artistic activity in the sphere

of technology” and thus promising to finally determine the role and objectives of an artist

within socialist production. Equipped with sophisticated methodology, VNIITE designers

in the 1960s strived to produce fundamentally useful objects, not susceptible to arbitrary

changes of fashion yet also adequate to current progress of science and technology. VNIITE

was established as a modern institution par excellence, staffed by an interdisciplinary team

of 2,000 specialists - not only designers, but also engineers, scientists, economists,

architects, art historians, philosophers, sociologists, and psychologists. And while up-to-

datedness was the primary value and aim of this institution, it was understood not merely

in terms of “contemporary style,” but as a complex and harmonious interconnection of

diverse criteria. Unlike the applied artists who reasoned in terms of objects [veshchi] in the

1950s and still in the 1960s (think of Smirnov’s Artist on the Nature of Things), VNIITE

designers preferred the terms “production,” “types” and “environments.”

By the end of the 1960s, VNIITE’s orientation towards design of environments

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rather than single objects became clearly pronounced and intensified further, resulting in

the late 1970s in an obsession with “design programs” that included not only projects of

complex socio-cultural environments, but also the organization of the processes of

implementing these projects.139 In the late 1960s, understanding of up-to-datedness at

Vladimir Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki. Kniga vtoraia (Moscow: Arkhitektura-S, 2007), 262-

VNIITE was mainly shaped by Soviet reception of Western futurology. In 1968, a group

of designers at the head VNIITE, led by architect Aleksandr Riabushin, launched the

research on the domestic environment of the future that was strongly influenced by the

ideas of Western avant-garde architectural groups – London’s Archigram and Viennese

Haus-Rucker-Co.140 There work was also much informed by theoretical writings of

philosopher Karl Kantor, especially his concept of “deartifactualization”

(razveshchestvleniie)141 – the refusal of a single object that always posts a danger of

commodity fetishism, in favor on dynamic complexes.142 By that time, designers also

embraced cybernetics as the tool for rational organization of environments.

Soviet experiments with futurology, cybernetics and systems theory have been

recently discussed in detail by design historians Tom Cubbin and Diana West.143 I would

like to move beyond the evident modernizing and futurological orientation of VNIITE by

looking at particular ways of designers’ participation in solving current problems of

industry. To use conceptual distinction offered by Leningrad VNIITE designer Vsevolod

Medvedev,144 I concentrate on contemporary (sovremennoe) rather than prospective

(perspektivnoe) course of VNIITE work, inquiring in what designers could offer for the

present rather than for glorious “deartifactualized” future, envisioned by Kantor et al. First,
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Tom Cubbin, “The Domestic Information Machine: Futurological Experiments in the Soviet Domestic
Interior, 1968–76,” Home Cultures 11, No.1 (March 2014): 5-32.
I consider Tom Cubbin’s translation of “razveshchestvlenie” as “deartifactualization” to be the most
Karl Kantor, Krasota i pol’za (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1967), 272. As Kantor explained in this book, the
concept of defamiliarization was inspired by the idea of “material setting’ (material’naia ustanovka,)
elaborated in 1922 by the theorist of productivist art Boris Kushner and presented at Inkhuk (Institute of
Artistic Culture, 1920-1924). On Kushner’s presentation see Khan-Magomedov, Pionery sovetskogo dizaina,
Cubbin, “The Domestic Information Machine,” Diana Kurkovsky West, “CyberSovietica: Planning,
Design and the Cybernetics of Soviet Space, 1954-1986 (Ph. D. Diss., Princeton University, 2013).
Vsevolod Medvedev, “Dizain budushchego i budushchee dizaina,” in Nauchnye aspekty dizaina: sbornik
statei (St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, 2014): 194-211.

I discuss the attempt to update professional language by developing original and

comprehensive design terminology. Then I analyze VNIITE’s visions of up-top-datedness

the prism of technical aesthetics’ intervention in two spheres widely associated with

aspirations of Soviet modernity: civil aviation and mass housing.

Coming to Terms with Design

As it was mentioned in the introduction of this dissertation, the Anglophone term

“design” was used by art professionals of the 1960s exclusively in relation to the West, but

never as a term for the new Soviet profession. I would suggest that the neglect of the term

“design” for the newly established profession was more than a tactic in negotiating with

Soviet authorities who would never sanction an institution promoting a ‘bourgeois” concept

(though this was definitely an important factor, recalled today by former VNIITE

employees).145 It could be also an attempt to establish the continuity with the productivists’

discussion on defining the industry-oriented art, thus emphasizing specific character of

Soviet design – also in a response to the perceived lag behind the West.

This continuity was explicitly stated by prominent art historian Larisa Zhadova in

her talk at the Convention on Artistic Engineering that was organized by VNIITE in Tbilisi

in May 1964 and gathered designers from all over the Soviet Union (except for Central
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Asia where design organizations were not yet established) as well as Poland,

Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany and Bulgaria.146 This was, in fact, the first

See interviews with former VNIITE designers conducted by the curators of Moscow design museum in
2012 on the museum’s youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MoscowDesignMuseum Irina
Kostenko, director of VNIITE’s design center that operated from 1975, shared a memory of “design” as
strictly forbidden world at the conference (De)Construcing Utopia: Design in Eastern Europe from Thaw to
Perestroika (May 2-3 2014, Sheffield University).
Larisa Zhadova, “O terminogogii i poniatiakh v sfere promyshlennogo iskusstva,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika
7 (July 1964): 14-17.

international event in the sphere of socialist design. Calling for the universal design

terminology throughout the socialist bloc, she searched for its roots in early Soviet Russia.

She recalled the imperfect terms of the late 1910s - 1920s, “technical art” (“tekhnichskoe

iskusstvo”) and “industrial art” (“industrial’noe iskusstvo”), the former meaning artistic

impact on technical tools and the latter adjusting applied art to industrial technology. A

better term, emergent in the early 1920s, “production art” (proizvodstvennoe iskusstvo),

accentuated the “principal novelty of the nascent phenomenon” and the “radical shift of

aesthetics towards material practice and production.” However, Zhadova argued, in the

current situation this term sounded “naïve, limited and unclear,” as “production” can refer

equally to handicraft, manufactory and modern industry. It was considered no more

relevant in 1964 than the Anglophone “industrial design,” criticized as too broad and vague.

The developed socialist planned economy necessitated reliable, theoretically advanced

terminology for the new profession, which was clearly recognized in Eastern Europe – at

this point Zhadova emphasized the Czech origin of the term “technical aesthetics.”

For Zhadova and her colleagues, European socialist countries were not only the

mediators of the knowledge about Western design, but also the providers of original

knowledge of their own. In particular, Czechoslovakia, an industrially developed country

with rich tradition of glass-making, had attracted Soviet designers since the early 1950s.
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This interest intensified by the end of the decade, when Czechoslovakia became a popular

destination for artists’ research trips (tvorcheskie komandirovki), including the prominent

Leningrader Boris Smirnov.147 In 1959, Moscow hosted the exhibition of Czech glass and

in the next year the exhibition “Czechoslovakia 60” that included work instruments

TsGALI SPb, f. 7, op. 1, d. 38.

designed by Petr Tucny, the author of the term “technical aesthetics” (technická estetika)148

The exhibition, evidently, revealed the lag in Soviet industry and cultural production, so

that in November 1960 the USSR Ministry of Higher and Vocational Education sent a

group artists, architects, engineers of different profiles, economists and linguists from

Moscow, Kiev, Sverdlovsk and Alma-Ata to Czechoslovakia for a year to learn from Czech

industry, design, art and pedagogy.149 The delegation included the aforementioned

Aleksandr Korotkevich, the head of the Department of Industrial Art at MVKhPU, who

was impressed by Czech designers’ participation in the mass housing campaign and

industrial production of goods, including machine tools. In particular, he noted “the science

of industrial aesthetics” promoted by Zdenek Kovar, professor of the Prague Institute for

Arts and Crafts. As a result, Korotkevich’s doctoral dissertation “Artist and Industry,”

completed upon his return to Moscow, had one of its two parts entitled “Industrial aesthetics

in the work of Soviet and Czech artists.” Clearly, “industrial aesthetics” is used here in the

sense of a progressive quality rather than scientific discipline.

As Korotkevich worked hard to learn from Kovar’s example, Tucny accepted an

invitation for a short-term work in Moscow. In cooperation with the construction bureau of

the famous aerospace engineer Andrei Tupolev, he designed a number of machine tools for

aviation industry.150 This is how Tucny’s “technical aesthetics” was planted into the Soviet
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soil, yet in a distorted form. While Tucny used “technical aesthetics” as the theory of

Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki, 285.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 220.
Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki, 285.

improving the condition of industrial labor through ergonomic machine tools, Soviet

designers interpreted this term in relation a culture of production in general.151

Thus, the Czech import of yet unstable terms, coupled with their diverse

interpretations in Soviet design community, created a logical confusion that was further

intensified by the chaos of definitions for artists working in industry in cooperation with

other specialists. The situation resembled the search for the proper term for industry-

oriented artists in the late 1920s, when such terms as “artist-constructor,” “constructivist,”

“artist-technologist,” “engineer-artist” or even the cumbersome “engineer-artist-

constructivist” were used at different moments and in different settings.152 In the mid-

1960s, when “satisfying the growing needs of working people” was a crucial political

matter throughout socialist bloc, the profession responsible for this task had to be equipped

with clear terminological apparatus – hence Zhadova’s appeal at the Tbilisi convention.

She admitted that absolutely clear terminology is a utopia, given the diversity of

grammatical and semantic traditions of the participants. Nonetheless, for the Russian-

speaking Soviet designers, Zhadova offered a conventional scheme, systematizing the

terms that had been already in circulation for a while:

…the new sphere of artistic creativity is industrial art (promyshlennoe iskusstvo);

the method of practical fulfilment of the task of industrial art - artistic engineering
(khudozhestvennoe konstruirovanie);153 the theory of industrial art - technical
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aesthetics (tekhnicheskaia estetika), and the new type of artist, different from
applied artists and decorator – artist-constructor (khudozhnik-konstruktor).154

Zhadova, “O terminogogii i poniatiakh v sfere promyshlennogo iskusstva,” 15-16; author’s interview with
Mikhail Alekseevich Kos’kov, recorded in St. Petersburg on 16.04, 2011.
Khan-Magomedov, Pionery sovetskogo dizaina, 383.
Though it was not mentioned by Zhadova in her talk, the term “khudozhestvennoe konstruirivaie” was
sometimes used by the Constructivsts in the 1920s. See Christina Lodder, Russian Contructivism (New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1985), 4.
Larisa Zhadova, “O terminogogii i poniatiakh v sfere promyshlennogo iskusstva,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika
7 (July 1964): 14-17.

This terminology was officially accepted, even though the implications of each term

continued to be debated, specified and expanded at professional meetings and in special

press throughout the 1960s and further, until the Anglophone terms “dizain” and “dizainer”

were officially accepted in the mid-1980s. Thus, coming to terms with the avant-garde

legacy, with the Western model and with the experience of socialist colleagues, Soviet

designers outlined a contemporary style of speaking about their profession and a

terminological toolkit to more effectively solve concrete tasks.

Overcoming Monotony: Experiments in Aircraft Interiors

Aircraft design became the matter of national pride and competition in the U.S.,

Europe and the USSR in the interwar period. As design historian John Heskett notes,

aircraft design in the Soviet Union in the 1930s reflected the grandiosity of Stalinist

architecture.155 Most vivid example is a huge eight-engine passenger liner ANT-20 Maxim

Gorky, designed in the early 1940s by Andrei Tupolev after the suggestion by journalist

Mikhail Koltsov to honor the 40th anniversary of the prominent writer’s career. Its interior

design was defined by propaganda purposes: a newspaper office was located in one wing

and photographic dark-room in another, while loudspeakers and lights under the wings

were supposed to broadcast and flash celebratory slogans and panegyrics to Stalin.156 The
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1950s was the time of worldwide expansion of civic aviation, and in 1954 first Soviet jet

airliner, TU-104, was manufactured at Tupolev design bureau157 (konstruktorskoe biuro,

KB). First aircrafts of this type had interiors equipped by ornate furniture in Russian Revival

John Heskett, Industrial Design, World of Art (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1993), 187.
Its history is darkened by two crashes – on in 1935 during a demonstration flight over Moscow, and in
1942 (when the model had been redesigned as six-engine PS-124), during the flight from Chardzhou to
Tashkent. Paul Duffy and A. I. Kandalov, Tupolev: The Man and His Aircraft (SAE, 1996), 61-63.
Here design is understood in technical sense, “konstruirovannie” in Russian.

style and embroidered curtains that contrasted with slim outer look that was perceived as

contemporary, or, as designer Vladimir Runge recalls, “supermodern”

(supersovremennyi).158 At the same time, rapid expansion of civil aviation in the West

affected the understanding of aircraft interiors: with their increasing complexity, the

organization of cabin space became the concern of manufacturers rather than airlines, the

latter being restricted to specifying colors, textures, seat design, and the type and number

of galleys. An aircraft was now considered not just the airline operator’s showcase, but,

importantly, a comfortable environment for the passenger. After the World War II, the U.S.

took the lead in working for “passenger appeal”; in the 1950s this attitude spread in Europe

and was promoted by the International Air Transport Association. 159 In the Soviet Union,

since the functions of operator and manufacturer were performed by the Council of

Minister’s Chief Administration of Civil Air Forces (from 1964 USSR Ministry of Civil

Aviation), there was an opportunity and ambition to optimize all aircraft interior design,

making it an ultimate expression of Soviet “contemporary style.”

In the early 1950s, the problem of passenger service was overshadowed by the

concern with technical progress, but from the mid-1950s Council of Ministers’ State

Committee for Aviation Technology demonstrated growing recognition of the importance

of interior organization of aircrafts, including visual aspects. For example, in 1956 the
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Tupolev design bureau raised the question of improving interiors, with the emphasis of

overcoming the tube effect – transforming the monotonous elongated form of a cabin. This

task was delegated to the employees of a special kind, versed in artistic matters, who were

Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki. , 227.
Robert Spark, “Aircraft Interiors,” Design 200 (1965): 39-53.

already in the late 1950s called khudozhniki-konstruktory.160 Following the basic

requirements to the cabin, elaborated in the USSR Civil Air Forces, they were expected to

arrange the interior rationally and beautifully. I. Babin, G. Ozerov and N. Babenkov solved

the problem of the tube effect by splitting the cabin in several sections furnished by chairs

with collapsible backs. This design to a great extent repeated those by British interior

designer Gaby Schreiber, who advanced the idea of breaking a monotonous cigar-shaped

cabin into sections and paid special attention to surface finishing.161

For art professionals, aircraft interiors emerged as primary sites of up-to-datedness

in design. In 1957, Leningrad critic Virko Blek, claiming that aesthetic component is

indispensable in modern (sovremennykh) machines, brought an example of TU-104, which,

similarly to Volga passenger car and atomic-powered ice-breaker, “fascinates us with the

severity of contours, laconic form and contemporary look.”162 In the second published issue

of DI SSSR, Boris Smirnov used aircraft interior as the etalon, or litmus paper, for the up-

to-datedness in artistic work. He argued: “It would hard to imagine a passenger of the

airliner TU-104 drinking coffee from a unique porcelain cup with the Gardner163 trademark,

or even a contemporary cup produced at Leningrad Porcelain Factory. Undoubtedly,

anyone would notice the irrelevance of its look.” Such a cup, according to Smirnov, would

contradict the “new aesthetic perception of reality,” determined by the progress of science
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In Soviet terminology, engineering designers, like Tupolev, were called “konstruktory”, while designers
concerned with form-giving were defined as “khudozhniki-konstruktory”; they were mainly graduates of
architecture departments and, in the 1960s, of the newly opened departments of “artistic engineering”
(khudozhestvenoe konstruirovannie).”
Gaby Schreiber, “Design Philosophy – The consultant’s Role,” Flight, January 27, 1961, 109-111,
http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1961/1961%20-%200120.html accessed 2.03.2015.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 517, l. 2.
Gardner factory was a private porcelain enterprise established in 1766 by the English merchant Francis
Gardner in the village of Verbilki, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow Province. The porcelain produced at this
factory was of outstanding quality, comparable to that of the production of Imperial Porcelain Factory in St.

and technology and the new lifestyles and worldviews of the Soviet people. For the

passenger of TU-104 “it is more convenient to drink coffee from a light unbreakable cup

with a simple handle. All the pieces of such coffee service are fixed in the special holes of

a small tray. The form and details of each piece correspond to its purpose and harmonize

with each other.” 164

While Smirnov enthused about a brave new world of increasing mobility of people

and objects, critic V. Mokichev in his 1961 presented the Western genealogy of TU-104

interior design not as weakness and backwardness, but as successful mastery of progressive

design models and a timely response to global developments in aircraft design. He also

expressed confidence in Soviet designers’ power to create the sense of domesticity in a

cabin, turning it into a “cozy living room” – but not of a petty-bourgeois kind. Compact,

rationally arranged furniture, synthetic upholstery of diverse textures and colors and

miniature lamps of mild lighting were portrayed as elements of relaxing atmosphere.165

From 1964, the problems of aircraft cabin design, expanding with the emergence of new

airliner types, became regularly discussed in DI SSSR as well as in the newly launched

VNIITE bulletin Tekhnicheskaia Estetika. By that time, the idea of “domesticating” aircraft

interior was considered out of date and replaced by the notion of modern dynamic space.

As one author, engineer I. Bubnov, argued, “The trip by an airship should be pleasant,
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interesting and unforgettable communication with contemporary technology.” He

suggested using newspapers, radio and, in the future, television for educating passengers

about the aircraft technology, so that they can overcome the sense of danger and “distrust

Smirnov, “Khudozhestvennyi oblik veshchi I sposob ee izgotovleniia,” 17.
V. Mokichev, “V samolete,” DI SSSR 2 (February 1961): 32.

in technology.”166 Passengers’ apprehension was a common problem of young civil

aviation of the 1960s, and Western airlines were eager to solve it, with the help of designers,

by providing comfortable seats, optimal temperature and restful colors.167 Soviet

passengers, however, were expected to achieve confidence not through passive relaxation,

but through active, collectivized rest and enlightenment.

In the 1960s, VNIITE designers joined those employed in design bureaus of aviation

industry in search for optimal aircraft interiors.168 VNIITE professed a complex approach

to the task: not just creating cozy and “homey” aircraft interior, but elaborating the entire

environment of civic aviation, including airport interiors, the system of indicator boards,

dispatching equipment, work of check-in and luggage registration, airport bus service, and,

as regards the aircraft, optimal arrangement of seats, luggage compartments, lighting

equipment, etc., and service on board.169 Within this broad and largely unexplored topic,

one particular theme deserves attention as the manifestation of up-to-datedness – upholstery

(otdelochnye materialy). The expansion of the Soviet chemical industry in the late 1950s

and 1960s presented a challenge to applied artists and designers – finding the appropriate

forms and decorations for synthetic materials. In the sphere of consumer goods, synthetics

signified cheapness, vividness and lightness; in transportation design, they emerged as

irreplaceable components with a number of progressive qualities. Thus, synthetic fabrics,

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used for finishing in aircraft interiors, emerged as a tangible link between domesticity,

I. Bubnov, “Interier passazhirskogo samoleta,” Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 5 (May 1964): 33-37.
Spark, “Aircraft interiors,” 40.
In his article, Bubnov voiced an idea of creating an organization specifically concerned with developing
standard aircraft interiors, similar to Charles Butler Associates in the UK. The Research Institute of the USSR
Civic Air Forces could be transformed in this direction (Bubnov, “Interier passazhirskogo samoleta”). I was
not able to trace the fate of this initiative; evidently, this function was delegated to VNIITE as ultimate
coordinator of all Soviet design.
Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki, 228; Mikhail Kos’kov, Predmetnoe tvorchestvo, Vol. 3, Part VI
(St. Petersburg: Ikar, 1996): 13.

traditionally associated with textiles, and state-promoted scientific and technical progress.

As Bubnov noticed, color and texture of materials appeared as “powerful weapons” of

designers dealing with aircraft interiors.170

From 1962, VNIITE’s Department No. 5 (“Material, Color and Finish”) advised

Soviet Civic Air Forces (GVF) on textiles best suitable for updating upholstery of passenger

aircrafts. First and foremost, VNIITE team examined textiles used in interiors of all Soviet

passenger airliners currently in operation, in order to determine concrete problems to be

fixed.171 According to the research report, most of these textiles, first, were of “low

decorative qualities” (such as dull colors or inexpressive texture and ornament) and,

second, did not meet technical requirements (such as low combustibility and lightness);

remarkably, decorative shortcomings were discuss before technical deficiencies. 172 The

next stage of the project was the research on new textiles with reduced combustibility,

elaborated in 1960-1963 at the Central Research Institute of Silk specifically for aircrafts.

Four types of experimental textiles were offered: rayon for various trimming purposes;

nylon 6 (in Soviet terminology, kapron) fabrics for seat covets; chlorinated PVC

(atsetolkhlorin, newly developed at All-Union Research Institute of Fibres) and mixed

fabrics of atsetolkhlorin and lavsan. Most of the textiles were tested within GVF aircrafts

under the monitoring of VNIITE team. The results were not always positive: for example,
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one test flight of a TU-104 with the cabin upholstered by experimental textiles of several

types revealed that not all of them were properly abrasion-resistant while “excessive

brightness does not provide necessary serenity in the interior.” But even those textiles that

Bubnov, “Interier passazhirskogo samoleta,” 34.
RGANTD, f. 281, op. 1-1, d. 4.
Ibid., l. 3.

passed the test and were approved by aviation industry were not yet introduced in mass


Therefore, when commissioned by the GVF repair plant no. 400 to consult on

updating the upholstery of the TU-104 cabin, the VNIITE team had to choose from an

existing assortment of fabrics, produced at different factories across the USSR. The most

suitable synthetic fabrics for seat upholstery, in terms of color, pattern, texture, as well as

cost, were found to be produced at the factory “Audejas” in Vilnius, Lithuania, and at the

Moscow Weaving and Finishing Combine. Suitable items were also selected for floor

carpets strips, curtains (fabrics with printed patterns), and trimming of bulkheads and

partitions. From the total sum of samples, VNIITE designers arranged 20 color schemes

and presented them to the customer. On this basis, designers employed at factory no. 400

developed three variants of interior for TU-104 that were actually implemented, but each

only in one cabin. Thus, because of the lack of coordination between R&D and industry,

the painstaking work of VNIITE designers reached only a limited number of passengers.

Rather than agents of updating environments of most advanced transport vehicles, VNIITE

designers had to take the role of compromise-makers and admit that the development of

little-combustible, sturdy and decoratively expressive fabrics is in need of significant

expansion. No commentary on the expected psychological impact on passengers, like

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undermining tube-effect, reducing apprehension and boredom, is mentioned in the final

report by Department no. 5.174 It is likely that one of the resulting interiors was reproduced

in DI SSSR aforementioned Bubnov’s article from May 1964 (Fig. 3.14), with a critical

commentary: “The design reveals the striving to fill up every bit of space. ‘Homey’ style

Ibid., l. 4-30.
RGANTD, f. 281, op. 1-1, d. 4, l. 32-33.

from the era of embellishment (ukrashatel’skikh vremen) does not accord with the speed of

900 km/h.”175 While it is difficult to judge by black-and-white reproduction of a cabin’s

tiny fragment, evidently, light seat covers and cushions were perceived by specialists like

Bubnov as out of date and place as wooden tables with rounded angles and wide

lampshades. As this example suggests, creating new materiality, adequate to the

sophisticated technology and dynamism of a jet airliner, was a challenging task laden with

negotiations and adjustment to constraints. In the midst of a cutting-edge machine, a specter

of petty-bourgeois embellishment was constantly lurking, revealing the need for more

sophisticated design methodologies.

Figure 3.14. Interior of the jet aircraft TU-105B, 1963-64.

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Overcoming Chaos: The Leningrad Edition of Modern Kitchen

While in comparison to a jet interior, the kitchen may seem a static and traditional

environment, recent scholarship has revealed the kitchen’s critical roles in twentieth-

century history: as a laboratory of modernization, a showcase of advanced technology and

Bubnov, “Interier passazhirskogo samoleta,” 34.

consumption, a space for embodying gender stereotypes, and a battleground of economic

systems and ideologies. The debate between Nikita Khrushchev and U. S. Vice-President

Richard Nixon in front of the General Electric’s model kitchen at American National

Exhibition in Moscow in 1959 had become an iconic image of the Cold War.176 In a special

volume, devoted to the kitchen of Cold War era, Ruth Oldenziel and Karin Zachmann

presented kitchen “as a complex, technological artefact that ranks with computers, cars, and

nuclear missiles,” and more specifically, as “the sum total of artifacts, an integrated

ensemble of standardized parts, a node in several technological systems, and a special

arrangement.”177 In Soviet society under Khrushchev, the modern kitchen was an integral

part of the mass housing campaign and the site for implementing promises of technological

progress and material abundance (recall the model kitchen of the Moscow Pioneer Palace,

where girls were trained in housewifery). According to the results of a questionnaire survey

conducted by the central VNIITE in 1965, cooking was the most time-consuming burden

of Soviet housewives, and it was expected to be mechanized first of all.178 While the CPSU

Third Program promised rapid development of public dining facilities in the context of

Nicholas Bullock, “First the Kitchen: Then the Façade,” Journal of Design History 1, no. 3/4 (January 1,
1988): 177–92. Ruth Schwartz Cowan, More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from
the Open Hearth to the Microwave (Basic Books, 1983); Ghislane Hermanuz, “Outgrowing the Corner of
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the Kitchen Table,” in Joan Rothschild and Alethea Cheng, Design and Feminism: Re-Visioning Spaces,
Places, and Everyday Things (Rutgers University Press, 1999); Victoria de Grazia, Irresistible Empire:
America’s Advance through Twentieth-Century Europe (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2006), 453-457;
Susan E. Reid, “Our Kitchen Our Kitchen Is Just as Good”: Soviet Responses to the American National
Exhibition in Moscow,” in David Crowley and Jane Pavitt, eds., Cold War Modern: Design 1945-1970
(London: V&A Pub, 2008), 154-162; Susan E. Reid, “The Khrushchev Kitchen: Domesticating the Scientific-
Technological Revolution,” Journal of Contemporary History 40, no. 2 (April 1, 2005): 289–316. Greg
Castillo, Cold War on the Home Front: The Soft Power of Midcentury Design (U of Minnesota Press, 2010);
Ruth Oldenziel and Karen Zachmann, “Introduction,” in Ruth Oldenziel and Karin Zachmann, eds., Cold
War Kitchen: Americanization, Technology, and European Users (MIT Press, 2011), 2-3.
Russian State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation (RGANTD), f. 281, op. 1-1, ed. khr. 85,
“Social-Economic Research of Consumer Demands to the Tools Mechanizing Domestic Labor,” December

welfare policy,179 and utopian visions of total collectivization of cooking and dining,

echoing those of the 1920s, appeared in press,180 housewife’s labor in the kitchen – now

more and more often an individual, rather than communal, kitchen – was a ubiquitous

reality. It needed to be maximally rationalized and automotized, and, accordingly, in

popular journals and household literature the kitchen was presented as a modern workshop,

akin to the site of industrial production. In VNIITE, the kitchen of a prefabricated apartment

was approached as a proper testing ground for the principles of technical aesthetics.

Since its establishment in September 1962, the Leningrad branch of VNIITE

(before 1967 – the Special Artistic-Engineering Bureau of Leningrad council of people’s

economy)181 actively participated in the centrally initiated campaign against “chaos of

forms.” This problem was recognized and variously approached by Western designers at

that time, as it was clearly manifested at the 1963 ICSID congress in Paris. 182 While in

their discussions Soviet designers portrayed chaos of forms as one of the ills of market

economy, they also unwittingly admitted that the planned economy also suffers from this

disease, and probably even more because of its rigidity and emphasis on quantity. As

designers tirelessly emphasized, not only newly built apartments often showed poor layout,

Programma Kommunisticheskoi Partii Sovetskogo Soiuza
Aleksandr Riabushin, “Zhilishchen ovogo tipa,” DI SSSR 2 (1963), 5-10.
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Before 1966, VNIITE regional and republican branches were organized as special artistic-engineering
bureaus (SKhKB) of the councils of people’s economy (sovnarkhozy, relatively self-sufficient economic
units, introduced in 1957 within Khrushchev’s decentralizing reform). With the liquidation of sovnarkhozy
in September 1965, all SKhKB were transferred to the jurisdiction of the all-Union and republican ministries,
depending on the predominant orientation of their design work: thus, Leningrad SKhKB became answerable
to the USSR Ministry of Machine Building for Light and Food Industries. In 1966, all major SKhKB were
transferred to the State Committee for Science and Technology, and in 1967 they were rebranded as VNIITE
Branches (Filialy VNIITE).However, there remained SKhKB of particular industry branches (for example,
light mechanical engineering). TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, introduction to op. 2-1, l. 3-4; Runge, Istoriia dizaina,
nauki i tekhniki, 231. For the sake of convenience, I will further use the abbreviation LF VNIITE.
Simon Bojko, “Na tretiem kongresse IKSIDa,” Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 11 (November 1963): 23-
48; Evgenii Rozenblium, “Problemy dizaina,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1966): 2-5; „Un esprit de l’Industrial
design? Icsid Paris 1963,” Design et Histories, Le blog de Jocelyne Leboeuf, January 6, 2013,

they also could hardly be properly furnished and domesticated.183 Accordingly, producers

of domestic goods were blamed, but not so much for insufficient production as for the

excess and chaos of models resulting from the lack of coordination between enterprises. In

widespread practice, goods of the same category (e. g. refrigerators) were produced by

several factories answerable to different ministries; these models were similar to each other

and often, as designers painfully noted, obsolete. Accordingly, a large percentage of them

fell out of demand and filled warehouses. At the same time, available domestic goods of

different categories were often stylistically in discord. The outcome was a paradoxical

situation: an inflated assortment blocked the possibility to obtain a properly coherent and

up-to-date set of home equipment. In the very first issue of Tekhnicheskaia Estetika,

VNIITE economist Ia. Orlov presented this problem as the evidence of “the lack of integral

technical and aesthetic policy.”184 From 1965, with Brezhnev-Kosygin reforms on the re-

centralization of Soviet planning,185 the task of policy integration and production control

became even more acute. In his 1966 article, Riabushin called for rigorous scientific

methodologies of regulating (uporiadochenie) the production of consumer goods, without

which any discussion of stylistic unity would be impossible. Predicting the objection that

standardization contradicts consumer interest in limitless diversity, Riabushin drew the

distinction between the terms “nomenclature” and “assortment,” the first understood as the
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typology of goods and the latter as the sum total of produced goods. Ideal types of the

nomenclature would therefore constitute a harmonious order that would be then embodied

G. Liubimova, “Veshchi v dome,” DI SSSR 8 (August 1965): 2-5.
Ia. Orlov, “Tsena plokhogo kachestva,“ Tekhnicheskaa Estetika 1 (January 1964): 27-29.
On Brezhnev-Kosygin economic reforms, see Mark Harrison, “Economic growth and Slowdown,” in
Edwin Bacon and Mark Sandle, eds., Brezhnev Reconsidered, Studies in Russian and East European History
and Society (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2002).

into sensible and tangible models of the assortment. While nomenclature, he believed,

would rationalize production and modernize mass housing, assortment would encompass

the variety of consumer tastes.186 This was the stance of VNIITE: combating the chaos of

form, engendered by planned economy, by more efficient planning. The next logical step

would be the total regulation of the material environment, which, indeed, constituted the

major objective of VNIITE’s activity in the second half of the 1960s. Major proponents of

this totalistic vision of design were Riabushin and Kantor, as well as the philosophers of

the Moscow Methodological Circle, headed by Georgii Shchedrovitskii, who joined

VNIITE in 1965. The Circle’s critical approach to systems theory in its Western variants

and methodological understanding of all kinds of activity resonated with technical

aesthetics’ aspiration for the status of a universal science of design.187

On the level of concrete tasks, the regulation of the production of domestic goods

took the form of so-called artistic-engineering elaborations (khudozhestvenno-

konstruktorskiie razrabotki, KhKR) – multistage projects of particular objects or

complexes of objects. In LF VNIITE, the lead on KhKR was taken by an enthusiastic

researcher Vsevolod Medvedev, who by 1966 presented a detailed algorithm of KhKR,

with four major stages: research of relevant theoretical materials, foreign models, existing

assortment and consumer demand; sketch design (eskiznoe proektirovaniie), accompanied

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by consultation with the customer and relevant experts; technical design (tekhnicheskoe

Aleksandr Riabushin, “Zadachi i sposoby opredeleniia bytovogo oborudovaniia,” Tekhnicheskaia estetika
6 (June 1966): 3-5.
Anatolii Piskoppel’, “G. P. Shchedrovitskii – podvizhnik i myslitel’,” in N. I. Kuznetsova, ed.,
Poznaiushchee myshleniie i sotsial’noe deistviie. Naslediie G. P. Shchedrovitskogo v kontekste
otechestvennoi i mirovoi sotsial’noi mysli (Moscow: 2004), 24-34. VNIITE’s interaction with
Shchedrovitsky’s school is a subject of special research, currently conducted by Tom Cubbin. See his
personal website https://tcubbin.wordpress.com/

proektirovanie), e. g. defining the details of objects and preparing sketches and mock-ups

to be discussed at VNIITE’s artistic-technical council and submitted to the customer; and,

finally, the introduction of the design into industry.188 While this algorithm includes the

multi-level analysis technological, functional, economic, ergonomic and aesthetic factors,

the user with her or his preferences is conspicuously absent. As a prominent LF VNIITE

designer, Mikhail Kos’kov, commented later on this approach, in KhKR “a human being

was considered in the tradition of functionalism: first, predominantly from an engineering,

rationalistic point of view, ignoring their personal, spiritual needs, and, second, on average,

as a person fitting into norms.”189 This was not a specifically Leningrad feature: as Diana

West demonstrated in her recent study, in many design projects of the 1960s and further,

human agents appeared as but extensions of rational systems or were altogether


In terms of concrete application of KhKR, one of the major works of LF VNIITE

was the design of standard sets of kitchenware for the model apartment worked out in

1965-66 by the central VNIITE in collaboration Central Research and Project Institute for

Housing and Public Buildings and other construction institutions.191 The Leningrad design

team, headed by Medvedev, painstakingly passed through the three stages of KhKR:

examined the latest Western literature on household management and kitchenware models
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(mostly British, French and West German), the data of opinion polls undertaken by trade

organizations, and the assortment, previously developed by the Central Research Institute

of Housing (TsNIIEP zhilishcha), and the (uncoordinated) kitchenware production by

TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, op. 2-1, d. 78, l. 13-16.
Kos’kov, Predmetnoe tvorchestvo, 11-12.
West, CyberSovietica, 152.
TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, op. 2-1, d. 77.

Soviet factories; on the basis of this research and the consultation with an economist and

art critic (the already familiar Moisei Kagan), created a nomenclature of dimension-types

(tiporazmerov) of kitchenware objects;192 prepared detailed technical drawings and mock-

ups with consideration of current and perspective production of relevant materials. This

KhKP was focused on the set for the family of 3-4 people, as it was a complementation to

the particular project of furniture set, run in parallel at Moscow VNIITE. One set was to

be made of polished aluminum, another of enameled steel. According to the KhHR report,

the kitchenware would ideally fit the kitchen furniture, so that the space would be used

most wisely (Fig. 3.15). Contrary to the conventional classification of kitchenware

according to material and technology of production, Medvedev’s team connected the

classification to specific labor processes in the kitchen, such as washing and cutting

foodstuffs, cooking (boiling, frying, steaming, baking, etc), and storing. For the sake of the

economy of space (and, of course, raw material for the stage of production), designers

introduced inlay vessels (vkladyshi) for different purposes – such as porridge cooking, milk

boiling or steam cooking – to be used with a single pot at different times and stored

together. All modeled ware was of rational, laconic forms, with functional details

appearing as decorative elements (Fig. 3.16 - 3.19). In the aluminum set, all the lids’

surfaces were to be both heat-protected and decorated by color anodizing. This solution
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followed Western example and would be innovation in the USSR. Suggesting various

colors for anodizing – from yellow to turquoise – the designers argued: “Addition of color

to the cold surfaces of polished ware, emphasized by the black spots of [plastic]

The results of the second stage of KhKR were presented in press: V. Medvedev, “Assortiment kukhonnoi
posudy,” Tekhnicheskaia estetika 6 (June 1966): 13-17.

significantly enriches its decorative sounding.”193 This solution would meet the consumer

demand for “bright and trim kitchen ware,” indicated in opinion polls. Another technical

innovation with decorative effect, chromium-plated polished rim, would be used in the

enameled set: “White or colored enamel, accentuated by shiny edging, makes an item more


Figure 3.15. Project of arranging kitchenware and implements for the family of 3-4 people, LF VNIITE, 1966.
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TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, op. 2-1, d. 77, l. 36. Unfortunately, the archival file of this KhKR includes only
black-and-white illustrations.
TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, op. 2-1, d. 77, l. 39.

Figure 3.16. Technical drawing of aluminum frying pan, LF VNIITE, 1966.

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Firuge 3.17. Mock-up of aluminum frying pan, LF VNIITE, 1966.


Figure 3.18. Technical drawing of enameled steel teapot, LF VNIITE, 1966

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Figure 3.18. Mock-up of enameled steel teapot, LF VNIITE, 1966.


Not only the kitchen tools, but also the prepared food was supposed to be beautiful.

Such items as vegetable- or egg-cutters would render the meals aesthetically appealling,

diversifying the domestic menu and, ultimately, stimulating healthy digestion. Of course,

hygiene and economy, too, acted as important factors for designing. Simple typified plastic

cans with tight lids for storing different kinds of foodstuffs would keep them from untimely

rotting or drying. The cans for marinades would have square shapes with rounded corners

for the convenience of washing. In the aluminum set, the teapot for brewing tea would be

technically impossible to put over the teapot for boiling water, as it was customary in pre-

revolutionary Russia and still, evidently, practiced by many in the 1960s. The project’s

authors characterized this way of tea-making as unhygienic, so the very forms of the

designed items were meant to preclude it. Thus, the offered assortment manifested up-to-

datedness in several aspects – advanced materials technologies, new color combinations

and hygienic standards perceived as appropriate for rational kitchen. This vision of up-to-

datedness was presumed to be universally applicable, regardless of individual social

behavior, culinary habits, ethnic/cultural identities, aesthetic views, etc. The designers’

suggestion to sell the kitchenware not only in sets, but also as separate items “for giving

consumers the opportunity to select sets according to their individual needs”195 was but a

small step towards flexibility.

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However, the fourth stage of this KhKR, most closely connected to the current

reality (sovremennost’) was not successfully fulfilled. Medvedev’s team envisioned that the

set will be most in demand by new settlers of prefabricated apartments and that, unlike

current kitchenware items, the new ones not will be piled unsold in warehouses. For the

TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, op. 2-1, d. 77, l. 58.

beginning, it was planned to produce a pilot lot of 3-5 thousand sets and thus determine the

new assortment’s economic efficiency more precisely.196 The guidelines for introducing the

design into production were prepared by 1968 and sent to several Leningrad factories.197

The designers were ready to make compromises in terms of materials. Yet the factories

refused all the suggestions because they lacked of necessary materials and technological

possibiloites. The trip to Vilnius and Kaunas with the attempt to make agreements with

local factories brought only partial success: the Kaunas factory of consumer goods

“Pirmunas” agreed to select some pieces for assimilation. Because of the failure to establish

proper contracts with industry, the research on this topic was discontinued.

Evidently, this was not the only case of an aborted KhKR, while many others had to

be strongly modified to fit the real possibilities of Soviet industries. Yet in the shifting focus

from economic efficiency to technical aesthetics as theory and science, one can evaluate

this project as a successful escape from chaos of forms and obsolescence. Unlike actually

produced kitchenware that was in danger of ending up in a warehouse, VNITE’s shiny pots

and pans with ergonomic handles, transparent containers for grains and colorful jars for tea

and coffee remained outside of the spheres of production, consumption and use, but also of

control and dictate. They are frozen as pure concepts of ever-relevant socialist objects and

coherence, and as the documents of designers’ painstaking attempt to bring order into chaos.
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KhKR thus can be approached not as utopian undertakings, impossible to be implemented

by the rigid planned economy, but as a particular mode of thinking up-to-datedness, of

making sense of the multiplicity of Soviet objects and of creating hierarchies of things and

uses – “objectively defining necessary and sufficient minimum of items, capable of

TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, op. 2-1, d. 77, l. 61.
TsGANTD SPb, f. 146, op. 2-1, d. 79.

providing a contemporary level of comfort.”198 They were, therefore, expressive elements

of what Serguei Oushakine calls “Soviet productivism” – a cultural practice of late

socialism that echoed the ideas of the 1920s theorists and focused on rationalizing the

relations between sensuous characteristics, forms and social functions of things.199 The

same productivist logic underpinned the projects for rationalizing design of jet cabins, from

functional schemes of seats to the patterns of window curtains, which in practice could

shrink to selection of least unsatisfactory items of imperfect production. As the analysis of

two VNIITE projects demonstrates, the category of up-to-datedness within Soviet

institutionalized design was replete with imbalances, clashes and compromises that

stemmed from a designer’s assumed powerful – but actually fragile - role as coordinator of

production, distribution and use of things.


This chapter has attempted to bring the broad notion of Soviet modernization to the

level of useful objects and look at it through the eyes of art professionals. The result is a

tentative outline, by no means the only possible one. The survey of statements, debates,

strictly practical and visionary projects has demonstrated the elusive nature of the category

of up-to-datedness in the social economic and political context of the Khrushchev and early
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Brezhnev eras. Up-to-datedness never appeared as a clear-cut notion, and exceeded the

confines of “contemporary style.” Instead, it accompanied, or, rather, was submerged

within discussions of such heated problems as an artist’s place in industry, Soviet economic

and cultural competition with the West, research on and satisfaction of people’s needs,

Riabushin, “Zadachi i sposoby,” 3.


Serguei Alex. Oushakine, “‘Against the Cult of Things’: On Soviet Productivism, Storage Economy, and

Commodities with No Destination,” The Russian Review 73, no. 2 (April 2014): 198–236.

comprehensive synthesis of arts and architecture and, eventually, large-scale – but also

meticulous – regulation of production, distribution and uses of things. This trajectory can

be summarized as art professionals’ perpetual attempt to control the flow of time in order

to be on the forefront of cultural, technical and economic developments. While actual

objects – be these furnishings of a pioneer palace, upholstery for a jet cabin, or kitchenware

for a compact kitchen - kept coming after ideas, theories and words (to paraphrase Bill

Brown), technical aesthetics was turning more and more towards the future, where the

irregular historicity of things would be overcome.

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Chapter IV: Excess and Taste

Figure 4.1 A still from the film “There is Such a Lad,” 1964.

A 1964 film by Vasilii Shukshin, “There is Such a Lad” (“Zhivet takoi paren’”) has

a memorable episode.1 The main protagonist, young truck driver Pashka (Pavel)

Kolokolnikov, gives a lift to an educated woman from the city on a Siberian road. Pashka

complains that the countryside life is a bore, and the woman answers that it is the villagers’

own fault, because they fail to make their lives “really beautiful.” And the beauty, she

argues, is in the detail: “I have just been in the home of one young [female] collective

farmer. She’s got all kinds of stuff! Pillows, bedside tables, stupid elephant figurines…
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What do you think is it for? For ‘happiness.’ You’re a young man – don’t you understand?”

On Pashka’s awkward attempt to defend domestic coziness, she responds didactically:

Look, it is philistinism! Elementary philistinism. Incredible! Is it so difficult to replace

all this with two or three reproductions of contemporary artworks, to put an ottoman

Vasilii Shukshin, Zhivet takoi paren’ (Kinosdudiia imeni M. Gor’kogo, 1962). Available at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGLgp6AP1gQ accessed 31.05.2014. The role of Pashka was played by
Leonid Kuravlev.

instead of a merchant-style bed, to buy a floor lamp. By the way, lighting means a lot.
To place a contemporary beautiful vase on the table. Is it really so hard? And such
furnishing will be no more expensive [than the habitual one]!

This passionate speech is very similar to numerous articles on good taste which had been

published in the Soviet press by the early 1960s. Obviously, the educated passenger is well

familiar with them. She appropriated the expert discourse on good taste, and now acts as

an agent of modernization in the countryside. Her call indeed affects the driver, an open-

hearted country lad. The next film shot captures the picture of Pashka’s fantasy: a room

arranged in a minimalist fashion, with modest furniture, window curtains with geometric

patterns and few reproductions on the walls, one of them even featuring abstract painting.

This is a recognizable picture which one could see in Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR,

Tekhnicheskaia Estetika or even the popular Ogoniek. A young woman with the bubble

haircut, in a latest-fashion dress welcomes him in “French,” as imagined by the driver.

However, he himself appears in a caricature smoking-and-top-hat suit, pretentiously

imitating French sounds (Fig. 4.1 and 4.2).

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Figure 4.2. Still from the film “There is Such a Lad,” 1964.

The episode ironically reveals both the ubiquity of taste advice and its insensitivity

to the particular contexts, which leads to superficiality and absurdity. But did Soviet art

professionals really believe, just like the film protagonist, that the beauty of daily life is

achieved by simply throwing out the knick-knacks and obtaining a proper floor lamp? What

was behind the post-Stalin taste dictatorship?

Taste is a complex concept, laden with social, economic and political connotations.

For more than a century taste has been extensively discussed by sociologists (and from the

1980s also by anthropologists) as not only a matter of aesthetics but also a powerful marker

of social stratification and a tool for building symbolic hierarchies.2 In his celebrated book,

Pierre Bourdieu presented taste as a key component of habitus – the generative principle

for social practices and at the same time the system of their classification. He argued:

Taste, the propensity and capacity to appropriate (materially or symbolically) a

given class of classified, classifying objects or practices, is the generative formula
of life-style, a unitary set of distinctive preferences which express the same
expressive intention in the specific logic of each of the symbolic sub-spaces,
furniture, clothing, language, or body texts.3

This understanding of taste is mostly associated with the fin-de-siècle studies by two prominent sociologists:
the American Thorstein Veblen and the German Georg Simmel. See, for example: Georg Simmel, Georg
Simmel on Individuality and Social Forms, ed. by Donald N. Levine (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1972), Orig. pub. 1904; Thorstein Veblen and C. Wright Mills, The Theory of the Leisure Class (New
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Brunswick, U.S.A: Transaction Publishers, 1992). The theme of taste, alone with manners, was famously
treated in 1939 by German sociologist Norbert Elias in his seminal book on the cultural and political
development of European society, later published in English as: Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process: The
History of Manners (Urizen Books, 1978). Taste prominently appeared in post-war American sociology as
an element of consumption and mass culture (particularly David Riesman, The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the
Changing American Character (New York: Doubleday, 1953) and Herbert J. Gans, Popular Culture and
High Culture: An Analysis and Evaluation of Taste, Rev. & updated ed (New York: Basic Books, 1999). A
classic sociological study of taste is the 1979 book by Pierre Bourdieu (see the next footnote) which, though
confined to the specificities of the French society, became a theoretical inspiration by a number of studies. In
particular, Bourdieu’s vision of taste as a manifestation of class distinction was drawn upon and also criticized
in the 1980s and 1990s by anthropologists concerned with material culture and consumption: Daniel Miller,
Material Culture and Mass Consumption, Social Archaeology (Oxford, OX, UK: Blackwell, 1993), 147-217;
Mary Douglas, Thought Styles: Critical Essays on Good Taste (London: Sage Publications, 1996), 21-49;
Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (London: Routledge, 1992), 173.

In particular, Bourdieu emphasized that the tastes of dominant classes are largely built on

restraint: “It is well known that all dominant aesthetics set a high value on the virtues of

sobriety, simplicity, economy of means, which are as much opposed to first-degree poverty

and simplicity as to the pomposity or affectation of the ‘half-educated’.”4 This dominant

aesthetics is appropriated not only by upper middle class, the possessors of economic

capital, but also by middle-class intellectuals, e. g. secondary and higher education

teachers, endowed with a strong cultural capital but often weak in economic recourses.

Even though Bourdieu’s theory had been criticized as being reductionist and confined to

French conditions, his understanding of the negation of the “vulgar” as the act of social

distinction quite accurately characterizes the modernist stance against ornamentation. This

critique is not only of the pitfalls of machine-based industry but also a manifested

distinction from certain social groups - from the “uneducated public… with too much

money and no time, or with no money and no time,” as Nikolaus Pevsner phrased it his

famous account on modern architecture.5 Taste, therefore, is never socially and politically

innocent – it is intimately linked with social hierarchies and can be instrumentalized by

intellectuals as a marker of their symbolic superiority over “uneducated public,” or as a

tool for radical criticism of mass culture stemming from capitalist economic conditions, as

was done by Marxist thinkers, from Theodor Adorno to Guy Debord.6

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Under state socialism the class distinction, described by Bourdieu, would be

unthinkable. Several scholars stressed the holistic understanding of culture, officially

Bourdieu, Distinction, 227.
Nikolaus Pevsner, Pioneers of Modern Design, from William Morris to Walter Gropius (London: Penguin
Books, 1991), 21.
Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno ,“The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass deception,” in
Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments (Stanford University Press, 2002), 94- 136; Guy
Debord, the Society of the Spectacle (New York: Zone Books, 1995).

promoted in the Soviet Union from its beginning until perestroika. Instead of “high” and

“low” or “mass” and “elite” cultures and diverse lifestyles, Soviet officials and

professionals spoke of universally popular and enlightening culture where ballet, classic

literature, film comedies and folk art are harmonically combined – “an anti-masscult culture

for the masses,” by an apt expression of Kristin Roth-Ey.7 This would imply a single

universal taste. Yet the notion of homogeneous culture was an ideological construct, which,

as Stephen Lovell rightly notes, concealed actual tensions and inequalities that never

disappeared from the Soviet society.8 I suggest that the use of the notion of taste in public

and professional discourses can be perceived as an unwitting recognition and even the

barometer of these tensions.

Thus, in the 1920s, taste was portrayed mostly negatively, as the hindrance to the

rational reorganization of social life. While in the French capitalist society, as Bourdieu

suggests, tastes are justified through refusals of other tastes and thus “tastes are perhaps

first and foremost distastes,”9 in the Soviet society taste was often defined as that of the

defeated other – aristocracy and petite-bourgeoisie. Accordingly, with the reappearance of

the latter as Nepmen in the time of New Economic Policy, taste turned to the attribute of an

internal other and a demarcation line for leftist intellectuals, especially the artists associated

with Proletkult (artistic organization under the Commissariat of Enlightenment) and the
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journal LEF. In the new proletarian culture, taste had to be replaced with technical and

utilitarian necessity: this stance was vividly expressed in the famous composition-

Kristin Roth-Ey, Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire That Lost the Cultural
Cold War (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011), 2.
Stephen Lovell, The Russian Reading Revolution: Print Culture in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Eras, Studies
in Russia and East Europe (Basingstoke, Hampshire: MacMillan, 2000), 15-21.
Bourdieu, Distinction, 56.

construction debate at the Institute of Artistic Culture in January-March 1921. And if in

1923, Osip Brik enthused that Constructivist Rodchenko was “revolutionizing taste,” 10 in

1925 Boris Arvatov portrayed taste as an inherently bourgeois category, a symptom of the

alienation of consumption from production that will be overcome in a proletarian society.

In a broader socio-political context, taste appeared as a pejorative term in the state-

supported campaign for reorganizing everyday life (byt) at in the time of curtailing NEP

and unfolding First Five-Year Plan. One of the strongest voices of this campaign, the

newspaper Komsomolskaia Pravda (official print organ of the Communist Youth League),

in 1928 repeatedly urged its readers to break “the dictatorship of the workshop of faience

figurines” and “summon bric-a-brac to the public trial.”11 Bad taste in home furnishing

came to signify alien class ideology.

As a number of recent studies demonstrated, the period of 1930s, especially after

the abolition of rationing in 1935, witnessed the formation of a specific Soviet consumer

culture that reflected the new social hierarchies in the allegedly classless society. 12 This

new social order was disrupted by the dramatic experience of World War II, whose

devastating impact was felt long after the official proclamation of victory. War trauma and

exhaustion, as well as Soviet soldiers’ encounter with Central European countries during

the offensive of 1944-1945, prompted a desire for better living standards and even modest
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Osip Brik, “V Proizvodstvo!” LEF 1 (1923), 105.
Komsomolskaia Pravda, November 4, 1928, quoted in Svetlana Boym, Common Places: Mythologies of
Everyday Life in Russia (Harvard University Press, 1994), 35. The quotation is translated by Boym.
Jukka Gronow, Caviar with Champagne: Common Luxury and the Ideals of the Good Life in Stalin’s
Russia, Leisure, Consumption, and Culture (Oxford: Berg, 2003); Julie Hessler, A Social History of Soviet
Trade: Trade Policy, Retail Practices, and Consumption, 1917-1953 (Princeton, N.J: Princeton University
Press, 2004); Amy E. Randall, The Soviet Dream World of Retail Trade and Consumption in the 1930s,
(Basingstoke [England]; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).

luxuries as justly deserved by sacrifice.13 Therefore, the painful process of post-war

recovery and reconstruction was accompanied by the flourishing of illegal economy and

black market.14 In these circumstances, taste emerged as both reverberation and instrument

of social change: while people often showed the penchant for material possessions – which

became, as Vera Dunham famously argued, the prerogative and reward of the newly formed

middle class15 – art professionals assumed the role of taste regulators.

The social order was shaken once again by the death of Stalin and the following

denunciation his personality cult; Khrushchev’s reforms, most prominently the full-scale

expansion of mass housing campaign and the establishment of cultural exchange with the

West, intensified industrialization, scientific and technical progress and the dramatic

growth of urban population16 open the floor for diversification of tastes. At the same time,

the campaign against architectural “excess” impelled the strictures of domestic comfort and

decoration, both in everyday life and in the artistic production. In the first instance, moving

to a one-family prefabricated apartment from a communal one meant not only the advance

in living standard, but also rejection of old beloved possessions, such as massive ornate

furniture. In the second instance, decorative artists could now use the cause of mass housing

as argument of their important status of furnishing advisors and taste arbiters, but they also
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Susan J. Linz, ed., The Impact of World War II on the Soviet Union (Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld and
Company, 1985); Vera S. Dunham, In Stalin’s Time: Middleclass Values in Soviet Fiction, Enlarged and
updated ed, Studies of the Harriman Institute (Durham: Duke University Press, 1990), 3-18; E. IU Zubkova,
Russia after the War: Hopes, Illusions, and Disappointments, 1945-1957, New Russian History (Armonk,
N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 1998), 31-56; 101-108.
Jeffrey W. Jones, Everyday Life and the “Reconstruction” of Soviet Russia during and after the Great
Patriotic War, 1943-1948 (Bloomington, Ind: Slavica Publishers, 2008), 180-212.
Dunham, In Stalin’s Time.
Chauncy D. Harris, “Urbanization and Population Growth in the Soviet Union, 1959-1970,” Geographical
Review 61, no. 1 (January 1, 1971): 102–24; Melanie Ilič and Jeremy Smith, eds., Soviet State and Society
under Nikita Khrushchev (London ; New York: Routledge, 2009); Steven E. Harris, Communism on
Tomorrow Street: Mass Housing and Everyday Life after Stalin (Washington, D.C. : Baltimore: Woodrow
Wilson Center Press / Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013).

had to solve the methodological puzzle of translating new principles of architecture into

their profession.17

For art professionals in the mid-1950s, the notion of taste became a tool for making

sense of the socio-political and economic transformations and for defining their new roles

and responsibilities in Soviet society. As the Shukshin’s film episode suggests, the

comprehensive regulation of mass tastes was little more than a utopia. This chapter

considers the trajectory of taste and its implications as used by art professionals in the time

of “struggle with excess” and the institutionalization of design. It starts with introducing

the concept of “honest object,” proceeds to discussing the diversification if the idea of

“good taste” after the establishment of VNIITE and, finally, looks at the specific

“decorativist turn” within the aesthetic turn that took place in the mid-1960s and signaled

the crisis of the normative understanding of “good taste.”

4.1. In search of a “honest” object (mid-1950s – early 1960s)

At the Second All-Union Convention of Construction Workers in December 1954,

before Khrushchev’s seminal speech, architect Georgii Gradov stood up advocating the

principles of modern architecture:

Sometimes it is argued in defense of such squandering and ornamentation that

architecture cannot serve only utilitarian purposes. This is right. But can false
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architecture delight the eye of the Soviet people, who are educated to appreciate
honesty and reasonability and have a keen sense of modernity? No, it cannot; it can
satisfy only retrograde petty-bourgeois tastes.18

Art historian Iurii Gerchuk, one of the agents of the aesthetic turn, argues in his recent book that the critique
of architectural excess by Khrushchev and a number of high-ranking architects brought “radical aesthetic
consequences” that affected decorative art. Iurii Gerchuk, Krovoizliianiie v MOSKh, ili Khrushchev v
Manezhe (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozreniie, 2008), 13.
“Vystupleniie’ tovarishcha G.A. Gradova, rukovoditelia sektora Instituta arkhitektury obshchestvennykh i
promyshlennykh sooruzhenii,” Moskovskii stroitel,’ 651, December 3, 1954, 2. Translated by Daria
Bocharnikova and quoted in Inventing Socialist Modern, 70. I slightly changed the translation, using
“honesty,” rather than “truthfulness,” for the Russian term “pravdivost’.”

This passage does not only recall cross-discipline character of the fight against “petty-

bourgeois tastes.” It also suggests that honesty (pravdivost’) was an important element of

the new Soviet understanding of modern architecture. In his later speech, which actually

restated most of Gradov’s points, Khrushchev listed “the right usage of texture and color

of facing materials” and “honest appearance of wall details” as the elements of the desired

modernist beauty of Soviet buildings’ facades.19 About half a year earlier, the decree “On

the Development of Precast Reinforced Concrete” had been issued as a key measure for

effective standardization of construction.20 This material soon became a manifestation of

socialist modernity and the “honest” material par excellence. Architectural historian Elidor

Mёhilli notes that, although the history of reinforced concrete in the socialist bloc was

“characterized by leaps and bounds, waves of entrepreneurial investment and capitulation,

periods of almost utter disillusionment and sudden fits of enthusiasm and productivity,” it

inspired city planners’ and architects’ enthusiasm as structurally “honest” material. 21

Applied artists, too, tended to view honesty as one of the main virtues to pursue in

their work. While they did not always use the word “honesty” (pravdivost’ or chestnost’),

the theme of honesty as opposed to falsity, usually connected to pomposity, pretention, etc.,

prominently runs through their professional discourse in the second half of the 1950s –

early 1960s. This theme was expressed in different terms and phrasings, such as “clarity”,
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“harmony” or “accordance of form to material and function.” The term “honesty” is chosen

for the current analysis as most comprehensive. I suggest that, by appealing to honesty, art

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, “O Shirokom vnedrenii industrialnykh metodov, uluchshenii kachestva i
snizhenii stoimosti stroitel’stva,” Moskovskii Stroitel’, December 28, 1954, transl. by Daria Bocharnikova,
quoted in Bocharnikova, “Inventing Socialist Modern,” 72.
Vitalii Lagutenko, “Vedushchaia Rol’ Zhelezobetona v Industrializatsii Stroitel’stva,” Stroitel’naia Gazeta,
September 1, 1954, 3.
Elidor Mehilli, “The Socialist Design: Urban Dilemmas in Postwar Europe and the Soviet Union,” Kritika
13:3 (Summer 2012): 635-665; 652.

professionals were looking for the symbolic order that would unite art, industry and

consumption in the way appropriate for the Soviet society overcoming the traumas of war

and late Stalin’s repressions. At the decisive moment of defining the future trajectory of

applied art, honesty was seen as the core of a socialist object, the basis for its symbolic

meaning, utility and social impact. The notion of an “honest” object can be also viewed in

the context of intelligentsia’s hunger for “objective truth” or and sincerity after Stalin’s

death and especially after the XX Party congress.22

The criticism of excessive and pretentious ornamentation appeared in Soviet press

even before the official attack on architectural excess. In September 1954, the journal

Sovetskaia Torgovlia (Soviet Trade) published an article by art historian Alexander

Saltykov, where he explained to trade workers that a good commodity is “first of all

convenient, solid and durable,” while its form must not contradict these qualities but reveal

them. Commodities that fail to meet this criterion, according to Saltykov, had to be rejected

as kitsch (khaltura) that “distorts people’s ideas of art and spoils the taste of broad masses”

and officially withdrawn from trade by the USSR Central Council of Producers’

Cooperatives.23 In the spring of the next year, already in tune with the changing policy of

architecture and building, Saltykov promoted the idea of honesty in his article addressed to

applied artists and the managers of artistic organizations. He argued that “artistry in
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This urge was both expressed and further stimulated by the series of essays by Vladimir Pomerantsev,
entitled “On Sincerity in Literature,” launched by the literary journal Novy Mir in December 1953. V. M.
Pomerantsev, “Ob iskrennosti v literature,” Novy Mir 12 (December 1953), 218-219. Fort the meanings of
truth and sincerity in post-Stalin intellectual milieus and broader public culture, see Zubkova, Russia after
the War; V. M Zubok, Zhivago’s Children: The Last Russian Intelligentsia (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap
Press of Harvard University Press, 2011). In a non-scholarly, but essayistic manner, the issue of “search for
deep truth” in the 1960s is considered in a book by two writers who reckon themselves among the
shestidiesiatniki (“people of the 1960s”): Piotr Vail’ and Aleksandr Genis, 60-e: mir sovetskogo cheloveka
(Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1988).
Aleksandr Saltykov. “O khudozhestvennom kachestve promyshlennykh tovarov,” Sovetskaia Torgovlia 9
(September 1954): 22.

decorative-applied art means first of all that the object clearly manifests its function by its

appearance, being itself in form and material, and not imitating anything else.” 24 This

article was an attempt to justify applied artists’ preference of form over decoration, which

should not be mistaken for “bourgeois formalism”: form deserved attention as long as it

was “honest.” Disregarding plain forms is an unfortunate mistake, Saltykov claimed,

because “[t]he object itself must also be beautiful, its proportions, silhouette, and contours

must be perfect, vivid, emotionally saturated; its parts must constitute well-found harmonic

whole, simply and clearly expressing its practical destination and fully corresponding to its


This article by Saltykov presented the first publically available portrayal of the image

of socialist object: well-proportioned and clear, not trying to seduce a viewer but honestly

declaring the way it has been manufactured and the way it should be used. It can be read as

the reinvigoration of the 1920s productivists’ focus on construction, the necessary and

sufficient basis of an artwork, rather than composition, an arbitrary and subjective

arrangement of superfluous elements. 26 Indeed, the theme of honesty is at the centre of the

Aleksandr Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” Iskusstvo 2 (1955): 30-34; 30.
The debates on the nature of composition and construction were held at the Institute of Artistic Culture
(INkhUK) in January-May 1921. While the participants of this debate showed diverse opinions, a particularly
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strong voice was taken by those who saw construction as arbitrary combination of elements, depending on an
artist’s subjective vision, and construction as essential and clear basis of an artwork, an architectural edifice
or a useful object. For example, Aleksandr Rodchenko defined construction as the only possible expression
of an artists’ concrete aim, while composition had been a symptom of aimless art of the past; he also compared
construction to the organization of politics and social life in Soviet Russia. (“Protokol no.9 of 1/1-1921 g.
Rabochaia gruppa ob’’ektivnogo analiza Inkhuka. Analiz poniatii konstruktsiia i kompozitsiia i moment ikh
razgranizheniia,” private archive). At another session, Varvara Stepanova stressed “tremendous distinction”
between composition and construction: if the former is based on superfluity, the latter is devoid of excessive
materials and elements. (Zasedaniie sektsii otdel’nykh iskusstv Inkhuka 25 ianvaria 1931 g. prot. no.22.
Analiz poniatii konstruktsiia i kompozitsiia i moment ikh razgranizheniia (prodolzheniie),” private archive;
the copies of both documents are provided by courtesy of Serguei Oushakine). The results of this became a
decisive factor for the development of Constructivism as the movement for integrating art into industrial
production and social policy. Like the 1950s discussion of “honest object,” the composition-construction
debate can be interpreted as the search for symbolic order in the situation of social and political turmoil and
change. The debate has been analyzed in a number of scholarly works. For the concise analysis of this debate,

Constructivist vision of both the artist’s ethics (the producer of useful objects for the broad

masses rather than pure art for the selected public) and a socialist object (modest, utilitarian,

clearly manifesting the way it was produced, that is, the invested labor). An honest socialist

object was opposed to a seductive capitalist commodity which is at once a deceiver and, as

Rodchenko sharply expressed it, a “black slave.”27 Structural honesty of an object,

therefore, precluded commodity fetishism. As Boris Arvatov argued in 1926,

Exposure of the methods of artistic skill, liquidation of fetishistic “mystery,” transfer

of these methods from the artist-producer to a consumer – this is the only condition
for the disappearance of the ages-old border separating art and practice. Artistic
products, which exist within byt and develop together with it, thus stop to be
distinguished into the rank of “unicums” and be preserved as absolutes. An obsolete
thing will be replaced by a new one; fetishism of art will fall, because the mystery
of artistic creativity will be disclosed, and it [artistic creativity] will thence be
understood as a highest degree of skill. 28

Therefore, the 1950s art professionals demonstrated a similar strategy to that of the

productivists: the belief in the honesty of the material as opposed to changing “Party line”

and ideological pronouncements, the striving beyond ornamentalism towards the essence

of things, towards the embodiment of labor of an artist and a factory worker (who were,

contrary to the productivist ideal, usually different people). However, professional

discussions and published texts of the 1950s betray a hesitance to completely deny the

“mystery” of artistic creativity and, indeed, the importance of aesthetic appeal. To use the
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constructivist vocabulary again, the aesthetic turn was to a great extent organized around

the fluctuation between “composition” and construction.” For example, Boris Smirnov, at

see: Christina Lodder, Russian Contructivism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985), 83-94. For the more
detailed discussion, based on newly available archival documents, see Maria Gough, The Artist as Producer:
Russian Constructivism in Revolution (University of California Press, 2005), 21-60.
Aleksandr Rodchenko, Opyty dlia budushchego. Dnevniki. Stat’i. Pis’ma (Moscow: Grant, 1996), qupted
in Ekaterina Degot’, “Ot tovara k tovarishchu: k estetike nerynochnogo predmeta, Logos 26 (5-6. 2000): 37;
http://www.ruthenia.ru/logos/number/2000_5_6/2000_5-6_04.htm accessed 11.06.2014
Arvatov, Iskusstvo i proizvodstvo, 128.

the theoretical conference at LVKhPU in January 1954, argued that too much fixation upon

functionalism leads to economic inefficiency, because ordinary Soviet people possess

inherent “artistic sense” (“chuvstrvo khudozhestvennogo”) and expect a commodity to be

first of all beautiful and only then convenient and durable. 29 In addition, according to

Smirnov, the prevalence on constructive and “functional-physiological” aspects was a

feature of capitalist commodities, for example, “ultra-fashionable furniture.” One can read

this as the reverse of the Constructivist credo: exposed functionalism (“construction”) as

the source of commodity fetishism and beauty (“composition”) as the distinctive trait of

socialist object. However, art professionals like Smirnov and Saltykov undertook a more

sophisticated attempt: to draw the line between socialist honesty and falsity (both capitalist

and “petty-bourgeois” in socialist society) across the realms of function/construction and

ornament/aesthetic appeal. In search of appropriate criteria they turned to folk art, which

since mid-1930s had been officially praised as expression of truly popular creativity. In

doing so, applied artists did not simply hijack the official rhetoric, but also followed the

line of professional study, preservation and promotion of peasant art that stemmed from the

late 19th century patronage of artistic crafts, was gradually revived after the Revolution and

the civil war and again after World War II.30

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Boris Alexandrovich Smirnov. “Cherty sovremennosti v izdeliiakh khudozhestvennoi promyshlennosti.”
Paper presented at the theoretical conference in Leningrad Higher School of Art and Industry named after
Vera Mukhina .January-March 6, 1954, TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 291, ll. 72-89.
Sergei Temerin, “Izucheniie dekorativnogo iskusstva v sovetskom iskusstvoznanii za 40 let,” Dekorativnoe
iskusstvo SSSR 1 (January 1958): 30-36; Richard Stites, “Anti-iconoclasm,” in Revolutionary Dreams:
Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution (Oxford-New York: Oxford University
Press, 1989), 76-78; Julia Vasilievna Gusarova, “Leningradskaia keramika kak Fenomen Otechestvennoi
Kul’tyry Vtoroi Poloviny XX veka” (PhD Diss.: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2011), 49-
51. But, though certain craft cooperatives received support of art historians and were able to raise the artistic
quality of their production (most prominent example is Aleksandr Saltykov’s work for pottery cooperatives
in Gzhel’), many other were still poorly equipped and managed in the late 1960s, to a great extent because
they had to subsume to general management and planning guidelines and wage norms, set by the Central
Council for Industrial Cooperatives. RGANI, f. 5 op. 36 d. 48, ll. 103-106.

A reference to folk art allowed reconciling not only functional structure and

ornament, (“construction” and “composition”) but also technical skill and “artistic

mystery,” which was positively reconceptualized as “fantasy.” As Smirnov argued in the

aforementioned talk, fantasy, integral in peasant everyday life and art, serves for the

development of a meaningful image, and thus, say, an ornamental rooster is a means to

provoke a festive mood and a signifier of certain typical features of peasant life.31 Thus,

ornament was justified as an essential element of joyful labor and source of the consumer’s

positive emotions, and the “folk wisdom,” carefully mastered by professional applied

artists, was to guarantee the ornament’s “honesty.” In short, folk ornament was to be a

measuring stick for an artist who struggled with the contradiction between pleasing the

consumer and honestly revealing the material and function.

By the same token, Saltykov, a connoisseur of folk art and ardent supporter of craft

cooperatives in the traditional pottery region Gzhel’, maintained that folk ornament is

“deeply honest” and has nothing to do with “falsity and perversity of formalism.”32 But,

like Smirnov, he warned applied artists against a literal adoption of the folk models. In the

autumn of 1955, reviewing the exhibition of applied art from the Baltic republics, Saltykov

specified that contemporary artists should not mechanically copy forms and ornaments of

folk art, but always carefully adopt them to the contemporary context. Forms, ornamental
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compositions and even color schemes of certain objects can get obsolete and irrelevant.

What a contemporary artist should take from folk art is the deep structural principle of

coherence of all parts and subjection of form to function.33 In Leningrad, head of the

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 291, l. 81.
Aleksandr Saltykov, “Voprosy razvitiia dekorativno-prikladnogo iskusstva,” 32.
Aleksandr Saltykov, “Prikladnoe iskusstvo trekh respublik (o vystavke proizvedenii khudozhnikov Latvii,
Litvy i Estonii,” Iskusstvo 6 (November-December 1955):12.

decorative-applied art section of LSSKh Aleksei Balashov discussed the 1954 exhibition

of Estonian applied art and marked the examples of knitted ware where the silhouette

follows the “inner qualities of ornamental form” and corresponds to the color: such objects

relate to folk tradition while having contemporary character.34 “Soviet artists must learn

from the [village] folk to create simple and convenient things,” advised art historian Nikita

Voronov, the son of the prominent specialist on folk art Vasilii Voronov (1887-1940), in

his 1957 article in DI SSSR. The heritage of peasant art, he believed, should offer the

solution of a “burning” problem of expediency.35 Among the objects illustrating this

proposition was a ceramic fruit set by artist M. Levina, produced at the faience factory in

the Kalinin (now Tver’) region by the combination of manual and machine techniques (Fig.

4.3).36 The set’s plate and saucer are decorated by technique of free-flowing glaze, which

produces different patterns on each particular object. Thus the ornament is the explicit trace

of the very industrial process of glazing – it tells the story of labor invested in the product.
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Figure 4.3. M. Levina, fruit set “Flame,” Faience, Kalinin Faience factory, 1957.

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4 d. 378, l. 62.
Nikita Voronov, “Narodnye traditsii I sovremennoe iskusstvo,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1958): 8-16; 9.

Artists from the Baltic countries were viewed in Moscow and Leningrad as

champions of folk-inspired honesty in their works. In his review of the decorative art

section at All-Union Art Exhibition in 1957, Saltykov appreciated the model furniture set

by a Lithuanian applied artist Jonas Prapuolenis (Fig. 4.4) for its wise use of the tradition

of peasant furniture-making. Made from light-coloured wood, probably beech or white

spruce, the set is, indeed, expressive in its laconic forms, conditioned by the technology of

its making and the requirements of steadiness and durability. Ornamentation is limited to

few parallel incised strips and round holes on the chairs’ tops; otherwise, naked wood

creates decorative effect by itself. The simplicity of details and joints makes the set mass-

reproducible. This model is, in a way, an example of a standard Soviet notion of art

“national in form, socialist in content,” here content meaning expedience and cheapness.

Prapuolenis’s work illustrated Saltykov’s claim that in search for specificity of applied art,

an artist should proceed from the material and working conditions, not from speculative

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Figure 4.4. Jonas Prapuolenis (Lithuanian SSR), model furniture set, wood, 1957

The key to successful translation of folk art principles into mass production was

often seen in the “deep respect” for the material.”37 Applied artists believed – or hoped –

that material cannot lie. “Considering the material as the means of embodying the ideal

conception of the work, [an artist] should use its artistic and technological qualities with

maximal width,” Smirnov argued. He added that each material possesses inherent

decorative qualities and brought the example of his favorite material, glass: “The main

expressive qualities of glass [are achieved by] light: the refraction of light in facets;

condensation of light within glass; free, almost unchanging, passage of light through glass;

and coloring of light through glass by almost any color.”38 Wood, textile, ceramics, glass,

as well as plastics, were expected to be treated skillfully, so that the best qualities of each

materials could be revealed.39

Plastics present an especially interesting case in this respect. As a new sort of

material, devoid of the tradition of artistic treatment, plastics were the challenge to an

applied artist. Still in the same 1954 conference talk, Boris Smirnov suggested an approach

to plastics that seems at odds with the ideal of honesty. Since this material was still “in its

infancy”, and its “expressive aesthetic qualities” had not yet been found, they could be used

as a cheaper replacement of gems, so much beloved by Soviet people. If gems are not

available for mass production of commodities, let their beauty be reproduced in plastics –
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this is the part of Smirnov’s argument for democratizing good taste. Was it a call for

imitation and thus deception of a consumer? By no means, Smirnov emphasized: his

An expression used by Aleksei Balashov, head of the LSSKh section of decorative-applied art, at a meeting
devoted to the discussion of Estonian applied art, April 16, 1954. TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 287, l. 63.
TsGALI SPb, f. 266 op. 1, d. 291, l. 82.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 287, l. 56.

proposal was about “a sort of approximation [priblizheniie] of the beautiful natural

materials.”40 He explained the difference:

If you thoroughly copy the structure, for example, of such material as malachite,
imitating the characteristic articulation of its pattern, produced by the technique of
composition from different cut plates of a rock, then you get either a quite expensive
museum copy, or in case of bad-quality work, merely ersatz in the worst sense of the
word. However, you can masterfully give new expression to a beautiful material,
proceeding from specific possibilities of plastics. Create a new, more or less similar,
pattern, keeping the characteristic green color, or probably even changing it. Create
a new, not less beautiful red or blue “malachite” – actually, the “malachite” only by

The gem as a theme for creative reference, not as a model for falsification – this is

Smirnov’s peculiar scheme for what I would call “honest imitation.” An object of “red

malachite” was not to fool a consumer but to make her appreciate the skill and fantasy of

the artist-producer.

The actual production of plastic commodities was, however, far from such an ideal

picture. In 1957, Leningrad critic Virko Blek found the majority of plastic objects, - such

as bread-baskets, plates and vases, - produced by the enterprises of local industry, terribly

distasteful and overloaded with ornaments. This is the extreme case of the lack of respect

for the material, Blek argued. Unlike Smirnov, she called artists to explore inner qualities

of this new medium. “Plastic is one of the most perfect materials, harboring broad

opportunities. And here one should first of all operate with line, color, strict and restrained
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forms. I believe that complex forms and ornamentation are not appropriate for plastics.”42

At the conference on “Problems and the Situation of the Propaganda of Visual Arts in

Leningrad” in March 1959, young Leningrad art critic Moisei Kagan commented on this

subject more sharply: “When [artists] try to hide aesthetic qualities of new materials, being

TsGALI SPb, f. 266, op. 1, d. 291, l. 88.
TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 517, l. 6.

ashamed of these qualities, when these materials are used for faking traditional and

precious ones – gold or silver, velvet or marble, - the result is tastelessness [bezvkusitsa] in

the sphere of applied art.”43 His colleague B. A. Oleneva complained that the types of

objects, which used to be produced from traditional materials, when carried out in plastics

look like cheap imitation. For this, she blamed directors of various small cooperatives

[arteli i artel’ki] as well as the lack of proper technical equipment for processing plastics.44

Thus, “the age of plastics,” as Oleneva called her time, made the task of producing “honest”

objects quite difficult. In the U. S. and Western Europe, by the 1960s plastic acquired a

dual reputation as both super-modern material and an evil substitute for authentic materials

and feelings, famously epitomized in popular culture by the film The Graduate (1967) and

the song “Substitute” by the rock band The Who.45 Not surprisingly, in the Soviet Union

that emulated Western example, plastics could hardly appear as a truthful material, despite

artists’ and critics’ striving to reveal its “hidden possibilities.” Yet this striving, too, had

Western precedents of which people like Blek and Kagan could be well aware. For

example, Austrian-born British designer Gaby Schreiber (mentioned in the previous

chapter as author of innovative jet interiors) argued already the early 1950s for creating

new forms in plastics and against imitating those set down in other materials like clay and

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A particular variation of the theme of “truth to materials” was an ability to make

certain materials to reveal more than expected, or, in other words, to “work” at their best.

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 4, d. 46, l. 11.
Ibid., 85-86.
Susannah Handley, Nylon: The Story of a Fashion Revolution. A Celebration of Design from Art Silk to
Nylon and Thinking Fibres (John Hopkins University Press, 2000).
“Flying Colors,” Design 152 (August 1961): 66-67.

In the same text where she criticized available plastic goods, Blek opined that cheapness

of the material was no excuse for the poor quality of an object. Cheap materials can be

processed very skillfully, she claimed, bringing the examples of Riga-produced brooches,

“where amber is mounted in the silver-looking metal,” or well-colored glass.47 As it was

discussed in Chapter 3, the diploma project of MVKhPU student V. Gubarev, decorative

grid for Moscow Pioneer Palace, was also praised for appearing “precious” while being

inexpensive.48 Supposedly, specialists in applied art had to carefully distinguish between

distasteful imitation and masterful processing: the border was sometimes very thin, if not


From professional discussions and publications in DI SSSR, the theme of honesty

spread into popular advice literature. In a peculiar way, for example, this theme was

considered in the 1960 book by prominent art historian Nina Dmitrieva, ambitiously

entitled On Beauty (O prekrasnom) – a comprehensive explanation of the contemporary

Soviet aesthetics and its practical applications.49 A home of a modern person, Dmitrieva

insisted, should be free of all things false and pretentious: no chairs where you cannot sit,

no plates and dishes from which you never eat, and no vases where you do not place fresh

flowers. Objects’ functions should be not just honestly expressed, but also fulfilled. This

position brings to mind the famous argument of art critic Ekaterina Degot about “non-
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market” aesthetics of Soviet goods. For Degot, “Soviet things – in their ideal, rarely

fulfilled variant – resist to the aesthetics of ‘market appearance’ and proceed straight to the

essence of function: thick trousers make you warm, pasta feeds you, antiaircraft machine

TsGALI SPb, f. 78 op. 4 d. 517, l. 5.
RGALI, f. 2460, op. 2, d. 1167, l. 19.
Nina Dmitrieva, O prekrasnom (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1960).

guns shoot.”50 But if “unfashionable” and “formless” objects that Degot describes filled

Soviet apartments and now constitute a part of collective memory about Soviet

everydayness, this is not an ideal to post-war which art professionals aspired. Like many

of her colleagues, Dmitrieva propagated, first of all, beauty understood as an essential, not

superfluous, characteristic. “Everywhere in domestic environment, beauty is inseparable

from expediency,” she maintained. Functionality, expressed in an adequate form,

correspondent to contemporary visual language, is what constituted “non-market

aesthetics” of Soviet objects in the late 1950s – early 1960s, not formlessness or

awkwardness. In her advice, Dmitrieva endowed Soviet objects with moral, human

characteristics and also with visual appeal: you don’t have to “struggle” or conflict with

them; they do not “oppress” you, but predict your “wishes and needs.”51 Evidently,

Dmitrieva understood these “wishes and needs” as authentic, not imposed by any external

force, and therefore easily met by simple, beautiful and useful goods.

Thus, the “honest” object was imagined at the intersection between functionalism

and ornamentalism, beauty and utility, artists’ aesthetic principles and consumers’

preferences. Indeed, who would prefer falsity over honesty, especially if, as Smirnov,

Dmitrieva, and others believed, urban consumers were predisposed to honest beauty just

like peasant craftsmen and were open to the professional advice? The Soviet consumer was
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imagined as the designer’s ally in the battle for good taste against the agents of falsity and

kitsch - undereducated managers of factories and crafts cooperatives, narrow-minded trade

Ekaterina Degot’, “Ot tovara k tovarishchu: k estetike nerynochnogo predmeta, Logos 26 (5-6. 2000): 37;
http://www.ruthenia.ru/logos/number/2000_5_6/2000_5-6_04.htm accessed 11.06.2014
Dmitrieva, O prekrasnom, 69.

workers and philistine instructors for amateur craft-making circles.52 This idealistic view

culminated in April-June 1961 all-Union exhibition “Art into Life” [“Iskusstvo v byt”]

sponsored by the USSR Ministry of Culture, Academy of Arts and the Unions of Artists

and Architects and held in the Moscow Central Exhibition Hall (“Manege”). The exhibition

aimed to showcase best models of domestic objects for mass production – from furniture

to glass – produced at factories across the Soviet Union, as well as model interiors for

prefabricated apartments. Art professionals optimistically viewed it as the beginning of the

radical transformation of the mass production of domestic goods and the enhancement of

their role as advisors to industry and arbiters of mass taste. The scope, diversity and quality

of the exhibits were perceived to signify the triumph of art-making oriented at mass

production and satisfaction of consumer needs. One reviewer enthusiastically noted that

“simple economic objects” (prostye khoziaistvennye predmety) were exhibited alongside

objects traditionally ascribed to applied art (like porcelain cups or glass vases). 53 Thus,

aluminum and enameled kitchenware, produced at two Leningrad factories 54 were

symbolically equated with a modestly decorated porcelain tea set from the Leningrad

Porcelain Factory as embodiments of honest artistic labor (Fig. 4.5 and 4.6). Glassware

from Moscow and Moscow oblast, Leningrad and Byarozowka (Byelorussia) and much
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Amateur craft-making circles (kruzhki samodeiatel’nosti) were encouraged in Soviet Russia, at least in big
urban centers, since the famous restructuring of artistic organizations in 1932. In this year the sector of
amateur art was opened in the newly founded Moscow Regional Union of Soviet Artists (MOSSKh) (RGALI,
f. 2943, op. 1, l. 32). In 1953, the USSR Ministry of Culture allocated 90000 rubles for maintaining amateur
circles in the Russian Soviet Republic (RGAE, f. 7733 op. 42 d. 1152, l. 30). In Leningrad, by 1954 every
House of Culture included a studio of knitting, open for visitors TsGALI, f. 78, op. 4, d. 287, l. 39). The
popularity of these circles, impelled professional artists to take control over their activity, perceived as
potentially damaging to mass taste, since the circles’ instructors often had now special artistic education. This
problem was often discussed in gender terms, since “housewives” were reported to constitute the majority of
the circles’ attendees. RGALI, f. 2943, op. 1, d. 2477, l. 52.
“Iskusstvo v byt,” DI SSSR 6 (June 1961): 5.
This same kitchenware was considered out-of-date by the employees of Leningrad VNIITE and was to be
replaced by rational models, designed in 1965-66, as discussed in Chapter 3.

praised Lithuanian furniture were, probably, most pronouncedly “honest” exhibits, where

the play of light with transparent glass walls (just as discussed by Smirnov) and the texture

and structure of naked wood, respectively, were expressed for the maximum of aesthetic

effect (Fig. 4.7 and 4.8). Above all, the exhibition was arranged in an “honest” way:

designers A. Vilup and M. Pless were complimented for proceeding for achieving

“maximal simplicity and clarity” and avoidance of “spectacular techniques” and

“deliberate embellishment” (narochitoi nariadnosti).55

Figure 4.5 Kitchenware produced at the Factories of Leningrad sovnarkhoz: “Emal’-posuda no. 2” and
“Krasnyi Vyborzhets,” before 1961.
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O. Baiar, “Krasivoe v prostom,” DI SSSR 7 (July 1961): 1.

Figure 4.6. A. Semenova (author of painting), V. Semenov (author of form), tea set “Snezhnyi,” porcelain,
before 1961. Leningrad Porcelain Factory.
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Figure 4.7. S. Beskinskaia, glassware set “Domashnii,” sulfide glass; E. Ivanova, vase “Romashka”, sulfide
glass. Both before 1961. Factory “Krasnyi Mai,” Tver’ oblast.

Figure 4.8. A. and V. Naskitis. Furnishing of the dining room of a two-room apartment, design bureau of
Lithuanian sovnarkhoz.

For the agents of the aesthetic turn, the exhibition gave a hope of the artist’s full

integration into industrial production and unity of art and everyday life – the choice of a

“productivist” slogan for the title was no accident. The exhibition manifested the

emergence of the concept of Soviet design-as-practice (khudozhestvennoe

konstruirovaniie, “artistic engineering”) and its profound impact upon applied art in terms

of the relation to industry. As applied artist I. Chizhova commented seven years later, “it

seemed that the paths of khudozhestvennoe konstruirovaniie and applied art are
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converging, and this is the only possible way to further the creation of objects for people,

first and foremost, rational in form, convenient and beautiful.”56 However, as viewers and

art professionals themselves complained, the majority of the exhibits were still unique

objects rather than sample of already mass-produced goods.57 While a newsreel about the

TsGALI SPb, f. 78, op. 5, d. 413, l. 10.
“Iskusstvo v byt.”

exhibition, produced in 1962, presented the visitor’s criticisms as minor and stemming

from the general curiosity and excitement with the new,58 the responses in guest books, as

Susan Reid demonstrated in her study,59 were far from uniformly enthusiastic. Evidently,

taste hierarchies, as imagined by art professionals (socialist honesty vs. petty-bourgeois

excess and/or capitalist ultra-fashionable functionalism) could hardly reflect social reality.

In what follows I outline art professionals’ recognition of this disparity and their conceptual

responses to it.

4.2. “Dynamizing” the Notion of Taste (mid-1960s)

The optimism of the early 1960s about the art professionals’ power to regulate mass

tastes and improve everyday life was gradually replaced by skepticism, shared by critics,

applied artists, designers and architects. Research in consumer needs – from polls organized

by VNIITE, the Institute for Public Opinion under the auspices of Komsomol’skaia Pravda

newspaper, and central department stores, to experts’ intervention into domestic

environment – revealed the necessity to seriously revisit the notion of “good taste.” At the

same time, the attentive study of Western design journals showed the “fluidity” of hitherto

unquestioned principles and generated the doubt in the existence of one universally correct

way of theorizing and practicing design. DI SSSR both supported and documented this
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uneasy way of conversion. Its initial stage can be captured through a case study, publicized

by the journal.

Sergei Gurov, “Dlia vashego doma” (Central Red Banner Studio of Documentary Films, 1962), RGAKFD,
d. 18199.
Susan E. Reid, “Khrushchev Modern: Agency and Modernization in the Soviet Home,” Cahiers Du Monde
Russe 47, no. 1/2 (January 1, 2006): 227–68. 234-235, 255-267.

“Everything is much more complicated”: the Case of Kalinin Youth Dormitories

At the beginning of 1963 art critic Leonid Nevler, by the assignment of DI SSSR

editorial board, undertook a “field trip” to student and workers dormitories in the town of

Kalinin (now Tver’) with the aim to learn about actual people’s tastes and give them

specialist advice. The trip report was published in the journal’s March issue.60 What Nevler

saw was far from the designers’ vision of an ideal Soviet home. All dormitories had in

common “first, corridor system; second, predominance of the brown color; third, identical

iron beds; fourth, identical milk-white cone-shaped lampshades; fifth, the artistic and anti-

artistic consequences of all this.” Yet there was a significant difference by dweller’s gender:

young men accepted these gloomy interiors as they were, while young women took effort

to domesticate them according to their ideas of coziness. In women’s rooms, Nevler

observed: piles of cushions; colored carpet strips over bed covers; red bows tied up to bed

frames; postcards with flowers, kissing couples and movie stars, pinned to cushions or put

to walls and bedside tables; artificial flowers; handmade cross-stitched embroideries

(mostly kittens and flowers); figurines and kitten-shaped money boxes – the whole

assortment of bric-a-brac that had been numerously attacked by art professionals for about

a decade (Fig. 4.9, 4.10).

However, instead of usual condemnation of the remnants of petty-bourgeois taste,

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Nevler approached dormitory interiors as meaningful individual and social statements, or,

as Bourdieu would have it, “manifested preferences.”61 He noticed that the embroideries

made by these women often showed “an excellent sense of color” and thus could not be

dismissed as sheer kitsch. Second, the rooms’ dwellers proved to be not backward

Leonid Nevler, “Tut vse gorazdo slozhnee,” DI SSSR 3 (March 1963): 29.
Bourdieu, Distinction, 172.

meshchanki, but “quite modern women, with modern haircuts, in modern jumpers and

convenient short trousers; jolly, nice, and independent.”62 Why did these artistically gifted

people, with the taste for modern dress, decorate their living space in a “grandmother’s

fashion”? Nevler suggested that while in their dress and behavior the young women

followed the requirements of their social environment (working place, university, places

for leisure activities), in domestic space they recreated the atmosphere of their parental

homes. Though the author does not pronounce it clearly, the tone of his prose implies the

theme of social mobility: transition from small villages and towns, where traditional ideas

of domestic coziness prevailed, to a bigger city with modern infrastructures of labor and

leisure. Therefore, amateur decoration and fancy-work served as the means to settle in and

adapt to the new urban and collectivized daily life. Rather than being distasteful, Nevler

argued, dormitory dwellers “consistently and painstakingly” followed the taste principles

of their “home environment” (domashnei sredy). Therefore,

so widespread stylistic incongruity between [dwellers’] attires and interiors is not only
aesthetic, but also sociological and psychological. And it is absolutely meaningless (if
not offending) to equate out-of-datedness [nesovremennost’] with philistinism
[meshchanstvo] and grandparents’ traditions with tastelessness, as some zealous
journalists do. Everything is much more complicated [emphasis in the original].63
Moreover, Nevler suggested treating the popular way of dormitory decorations not as

eclecticism, but as a specific style, which, had it been the subject of an opinion poll, would
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prove to be popular in the USSR far beyond women’s dormitories. If this style is loved by

people, why should it be rejected, let alone destroyed? It should be taken seriously, Nevler

insisted, because it reflects real lives and values.

Nevler, “Tut vse gorazdo slozhnee,” 30.
Ibid., 31.

Nevler’s article was the first manifestation of moving away from the dictatorship of

taste and towards the recognition of people’s individual desires and preferences. However,

rather than letting people enjoy what they prefer, Nevler suggested further improving the

quality of the commodities sold in urban stores. Also, on his view, old-fashioned

domestication was prompted by the “commandant-bureaucratic style” of dormitory

interiors, with eclectically combined clumsy furniture and walls painted brown. At

professionals had to intervene and create “modern, rational, and modest comfort” that

would be appreciated by inhabitants. Nevler admitted that “embroideries and kittens”

would, probably, still be brought into modernized interiors, but less and less frequently. At

this point, he folded back his argument about decoration as personal agency: young women

furnish their dormitory corners as they do not out of conscious choice to follow family

traditions, but rather because of the lack of information about modern alternatives. In fact,

Nevler reminded, a dormitory (in Russian obshchezhitiie, literally “a place for communal

living”) is not a usual domestic environment, but rather a site of collectivism in much need

of “massive artistic intervention.” The militarist rhetoric strikingly contrasts with Nevler’s

earlier nuanced explanation of people’s choices and reveals the professional anxiety in

social mobility and a growing youth culture. While encouraging youth’s reception of

Western fashion and certain elements of mass culture, designers and critics assumed the
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role of mediators in this process through publishing advice literature and shaping the spaces

of socialization – hence the proliferation of modern youth cafes in the 1960s. Nevler,

however, opined that youth cafés attract too much of designers’ attention at the expense of

the interiors of young people’s transient homes, where “the society’s life-style can and

should be manifested more vividly than in ‘private’ home environment” [emphasis in the

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Figures 4.9 and 4.10. Interiors of women’s rooms in students’ and workers’ dormitory in Kalinin, 1963.

Nevler, “Tut vse gorazdo slozhnee,” 32.

Though still confident in professionals’ capacity to regulate tastes and, through them,

social hierarchies, Nevler clearly expressed his uncertainty in terms of methods to do it in

the most ethical and efficient way. Ironically noting how easy it is to criticize bric-a-brac,

he concluded with blatantly questioning his colleagues: “But can you offer something

instead? Can you? Then why aren’t you offering?”65

A chorus of offers, repudiations, criticisms and revisions followed soon, culminating

in 1965. In this year, the DI SSSR introduced an editorial - evidently, modeled after the

practice of the British journal Design – which became a platform of expressing doubts and

offering solutions. In the very first editorial, Mikhail Ladur openly lamented the loss of

“great mystery of art” in pursuit of rationality by “the admirers of the aesthetics of numbers

and compasses.”66 Not anymore rejected as fake or fetishistic, “mystery” was now seen as

necessary for art to stay humanistic and responsive to people’s complex emotions:

... a true artist will never remove the cover of a ductile image in order to show the
harmony of ligaments, tendons and neurons of an object. So why the naked
function of our world of objects now claims the dominant place in our soul, why
do I have to admire only the perfectly ideal harmony of a mathematic formula?67

In a few months Ladur added that unified houses, flats and commodities imply unified

consumers and thus jeopardize diversity, a fundamental characteristic of humanity. “Our

[Soviet] people are different, and we should not make them identical by the means of art.”68

The terms “emotions,” “spirituality,” “depth,” “width,” “diversity” and “complexity”

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became frequent in DI SSSR editorials, usually appearing within interrogative sentences.

“The journal managed to get rid of the illusory simplicity of convenient schemes,

underwent the difficult break of habitual notions and proceeded to the new pursuit,”

Nevler, “Tut vse gorazdo slozhnee,” 32.
Mikhail Ladur, “Zametki redaktora” DI SSSR 1 (January 1965): 1.
Mikhail Ladur, “Zametki redaktora,” DI SSSR, No. 8, 1965, p. 1

recalled design historian Viacheslav Glazychev three years later.69 The role of the arbiter

of good taste now became more challenging and was probed in a number of ways.

Towards More “Degrees of Freedom”

Within the realm of VNIITE, the notion of taste was approached pragmatically.

Retaining its didactic orientation, taste became only one of multiple guiding lines for

evaluating a product or a complex of products. It was now culturally meaningful not by

itself, as a personal matter, but as an element of a toolkit.

From the mid-1960s, the methodology for expert evaluation of industrial products

“from the position of technical aesthetics” became a crucial topic at VNIITE. In the 1965

guidelines for expert evaluation, elaborated at the Leningrad branch of VNIITE, the notion

of taste is only implicitly present within “aesthetic analysis of a product,” which was a

responsibility of a designer and a “critic of technical aesthetics” (iskusstvoved po

tekhnicheskoi estetike), who worked in one team with an engineer, technologist, chemist,

ergonomist, and physician-hygienist. The main criteria for aesthetic analysis were

“architectonics,” “surface texture,” and “socio-aesthetic qualities,” each of them divided

into several sub-criteria. If two former criteria were based on precise characteristics (such

as scale and proportions, or the length of a light wave), the latter implied the consideration
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of consumer taste, including such variables as “the degree of correspondence of a product’s

consumer qualities to the existing public demand” and “the degree of aesthetic impact

(informational expressivity, originality and educational significance).”70 The subjective

Viacheslav Glazychev, “1968 god – ot osnovaniia ‘DI SSSR’ odinadtsatyi,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1968): 21.
TsGANTD, f. 281, op. 2-1, d. 13, l. 15.

understanding of taste is replaced here with supposedly objective parameters, in tune with

the rationalist orientation of Soviet design.

However, the “Methodological Directives for Conducting Expert Evaluation of

Products in Terms of Technical Aesthetics,” published by VNIITE in 1967 in small

circulation for professional use, recognizes the role of individual taste – both a designer’s

and a consumer’s – in designing and evaluating a product. First, through stressing the

importance of qualitative assessment of the consumer quality of goods, the VNIITE experts

stated that, using the principles of ergonomics, arguments of sociological research, results

of laboratory and full-scale tests, resorting to consultative methods of work and relying on

the artist’s intuition and taste, one can reach quite satisfactory results even without

elaborate quantitative measurement for quality evaluation.”71 Here taste appears as

significant instrument of evaluation on a par with precise data, reflecting a dual nature of a

new profession of “artist-engineer” (“khudozhnik-konstructor”) (though this dualism was

an object of criticism by design theorists such as Karl Kantor).72 Second, the brochure

singles out sociological, operational and aesthetic aspects of quality evaluation. The latter

was explained as connected with the emotional influence of the product, whereas “the sum

of emotional experiences of a person in the process of production and consumption is

formed of subjective evaluations of the objective qualities of a product and depends on the
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consumer’s affiliation with certain consumer groups and his ethical views.” 73 Thus, even

though one of the key objectives of the expert evaluation methodology was the “education

Metodologicheskie ukazaniia po provedeniiu ekspertizy promyshlennykh izdelii s pozitsii tekhnichsekoi
estetiki (Moscow: VNIITE, 1967), 14
Karl Kantor, Krasota i pol’za (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1967).
Metodologicheskie ukazaniia, 16.

of the population’s taste,”74 a diversity of consumer preferences was recognized, at least in


Even though the emergent Soviet designers re-discovered, re-interpreted and even

propagated certain ideas of the 1920s avant-garde, they did not adopt the predecessors’

militant stance towards the notion of taste. Rather than revolutionizing taste up to its

annihilation, the 1960s designers integrated it into a broader discussion where such notions

as fashion and even prestige were introduced. 75 The diversity of consumer demand became

VNIITE’s significant concern around mid-1960s.76 DI SSSR and Tekhnicheskaia Estetika

now tended to present a more nuanced understanding of taste. For example, Viacheslav

Glazychev, a connoisseur of Western industrial design, in the May issue of DI SSSR from

1966 called readers’ attention to the problem of home decoration.77 He recognized the dual

nature of a home interior: standardized and yet individual. This duality was for him a socio-

psychological problem. As Glazychev admitted, even though Soviet people are more or

less equal in terms of income, there exist different social strata defined by education,

cultural habits, the prestige of profession, etc. These strata have different tastes and

consumer preferences, which cannot be satisfied by standard domestic “comfort.” From

here follows the growing propensity for hand-made home decoration, both in the Soviet

Union and in the capitalist West. Penchant for irrationality and spontaneity is a normal
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human trait. But, again, specialists should not let things go freely: “designers need to

Ibid., 10.
G. P. Tolubaev, “Khudozhestvennoe konstruirovaniie bytovykh izdelii,”in Tekhnicheskaia estetika i
problemy kompleksnogo proektirovaniia: tezisy dokladov na mezhoblastnom seminare (Cheliabinsk:
Ural’skii filial VNIITE, 1968), 21-22.
RGANTD, f. 281, op. 1-1, d. 85; d. 122; RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2171, l. 5; V. Shbili. “Chto daiut
konkretno-sotsiologicheskiie issledovaniia promyshlennosti I torgovle,” Tekhnicheskaia Estetika 2 (February
1964), pp. 1-2.
Viacheslav Glazychev, “Kak u vsekh ili ne kak u vsekh,” Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR 5 (May 1966), 2-

elaborate a simple and effective system of small elements-blanks [elementov-zagotovok]

for assembling. Professional applied art and modernized folk crafts should provide a wide

choice of irrational decorative objects.”78 All the rest is up to the consumer. In Glazychev’s

view, specialists should abstain from rigid recommendations. Instead, their job is to

carefully plan “spontaneity.” This proposal can be interpreted as the disavowal of taste

dictatorship, but also as its development into a more sophisticated form.

Glazychev’s article soon underwent criticism in one of Ladur’s editorials. From his

authoritative position, Ladur claimed that bringing some DIY activities to a standard

apartment can only “slightly conceal uniformity.”79 Rather than giving a ready recipe for

coping with individual consumers’ wishes, Ladur urged the professional community –

applied artists, designers and architects – to carefully reflect on this problem. He did not

speak explicitly of taste, but warned against the dictatorship of functionalism, even in its

disguised form, and raised the problem of “the connection of architecture and environment”

to be solved both by architects and by inhabitants. Ladur suggested looking for “some kind

of different, not constraining standards.” Ironically adopting the term from exact sciences,

he urged designers to create “a great number of ‘degrees of freedom’ for a person, with the

trust to her, and with the confidence that she can properly deal with them and use them for

expressing her individual rational and aesthetic preferences, probably for the things what
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exist only for the sake of beauty, but not for making one look like one’s neighbor.”80

In 1966, in addition to Ladur’s editorials, DI SSSR introduced another platform for

debating – the section ‘Problems.” The first appearance of this section included a polemical

Glazychev, “Kak u vsekh ili ne kak u vsekh,” 6.
Mikhail Ladur, “Zametki redaktora,” DI SSSR 11 (November 1966): 1.
Ladur, “Zametki redaktora.”

article by a young architect and theorist Viacheslav Loktev “On dynamic functionalism”

that explicitly connected the flexibility of the material environment with the freedom of a

consumer.81 Loktev argued that in the contemporary world functions of material structures

(from cities to consumer objects) change much faster than their forms, and the latter hinder

the development of these very functions. The result is the disintegration and chaos, when

conservative forms are not adequate to the needs. “The dynamism of needs is not satisfied,

because the mechanism of the interconnection of the factors that define the direction in

which the population’s taste, interests and needs develop is not studied.”82 Designers,

Loktev complained, work on discreet objects, disregarding systems, and are not interested

in consumer feedback. As a result of such “blind designing,” most of issued commodities

remain unsold. Random commodities, Loktev believed, do not guarantee flexible use and

thus deny a consumer’s creativity and self-expression; moreover, such objects “deform the

developing needs.” For a solution of this problem, Loktev suggested elaborating “flexible

spacious structures and ensembles of objects” and controlling them with cybernetic models.

Somewhat paradoxically, Loktev claimed that precise mathematic calculation of the

interaction of elements within a system as well as the latter’s interaction with other systems

with allow managing their dynamics, thus preventing chaos of forms and, in addition,

stimulating “a consumer’s maximal creative participation in forming his objective-spatial

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environment.”83 Today’s designers and applied artists “arrogantly impose… standard

leveled tastes and a single manner of living to the endless diversity of people’s characters.”

The control over the flexible systems, which Loktev called the “method of dynamic

Viacheslav Loktev, “O dinamicheskom funktsionalizme,” DI SSSR 98 (January 1966), 6-8.
Ibid., 7.
Loktev, “O dinamicheskom funktsionalizme,” 8.

functionalism,” on the contrary, presupposes consumers’ active participation in correcting

object systems. At the same time, Loktev adds, “by modeling dynamic systems, we provide

the opportunity to manage consumer’s initiative.”84 This is the credo of a “taste expert”

adjusted to the age of cybernetics: the consumer is given a freedom of taste, but this

freedom is to be managed by the designer.

Thus, in Soviet design theory of the mid-1960s, not only an object was dynamized,

as it had been celebrated by Arvatov in 1925, but also the idea of consumer taste.

Institutionalzation of design as specific profession, intensified learning of foreign

experience, rising economic and social impact of science and technology, and the

emergence of systematic research on public opinion – all these factors stimulated art

professionals to reconsider their position as arbiters of mass taste. This, in turn, revealed

tension between two professional positions: the trust to rigorous design methodologies,

more and more inspired by cybernetics, and the trust to consumers whose wishes cannot

always be rationally explained. The first position was more characteristic for VNIITE and

voiced in its publications, first of all Tekhnicheskaia Estetika, while the second – to a great

extent, the reaction at the first - was professed by art reformists within the Union of Artists,

who attached significance to artistic intuition and spontaneous creativity. One prominent

outcome of the former position was Central Educational and Experimental Studio of the
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Union of Artists of the USSR, established in 1964 and actively developed from 1996 which

emphasized artistic rather than engineering component of design;85 its activity will be

Loktev, “O dinamicheskom funktsionalizme,” 8.
RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2, d. 2797, ll. 7-54; d. 2209.

extensively explored in the upcoming study by Tom Cubbin.86 The chapter now proceeds

to introducing another significant outcome that I call the “decorativist turn.”

4.3. Beyond Utility: The “Decorativist Turn” (second half of the 1960s)

As designers turned to cybernetics for systematizing objects, needs and uses,

decorative artists87 turned to reconsidering their role in industry. From mid-1950s,

decorative artists’ efforts to comply with the parameters of mass production became subject

to criticism – recall Ladur’s lamentation over the “great mystery of art.” In his editorial

from March 1965, Ladur reiterated this claim by describing the abundance of image-less

forms that did not reflect artists’ individual thinking. To be sure, he put major blame on the

stubborn members of artistic councils who prevented original, creative works from

transition to exhibitions and eventually to industry. But he also pointed to artists’ own

responsibilities: “The artist’s true and legitimate right, or, if you wish, duty, is to select the

most meaningful from the sea of phenomena, without being false [ne fal’shivia] neither to

himself nor to his friend viewer.”88 The reformulation of professional duty, publicized in

an authoritative journal, reads like radicalization of the notion of “honesty”: not just truth

to materials but honest expression of one’s artistic visions. But it also, essentially, restated

the dilemma, first voiced by Smirnov and Saltykov in early 1958s – unique artistic imagery
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vs. mass production (or, to use Benjamin’s famous formulation, “the work of art in the age

of its mass reproducibility”).

Tom Cubbin, Soviet Design on the Edge of Utopia: Senezh Studio 1964-1984 (Ph.D. Diss: University of
Sheffield, forthcoming). See https://tcubbin.wordpress.com/cv-and-contact/
From the mid-1960s, the term “decorative art” in Soviet professional discourse became slightly narrower
– it still included applied and monumental art but excluded crafts, produced by cooperatives in villages and
small towns. My narrative follows this terminological alteration.
Mikhail Ladur, “Zametki Redaktora,” DI SSSR 3 (March 1965): 1.

Ladur’s argumentation was a symptom of art professionals’ uncertainty in the time

of the growing authority of VNIITE- affiliated designers and their impact on the public

discourse on material culture. In the mid-1960s decorative artists faced a number of burning

questions. Do decorative artists have to subordinate their creative impulses to the

requirements of mass production and, in terms of destination, to mass housing? Or could

they delegate these concerns to designers and “strive forward” to experimenting with craft-

based imagery? Then would they still be useful for the Soviet society? Could they compete

with designers for the status of taste arbiters? Or could they answer people’s aesthetic and

spiritual needs, not calculable by statistical methods? To rephrase the question, raised in

1921 by INKhUK member Vladimir Khrakovskii, how a Soviet decorative artist of post-

Khrushchev era could justify his or her existence?89 Can, after all, Soviet decorative artist

be at once a producer and a creator with distinctive style?

One possible response was to treat the work on unique pieces as the laboratory for

the formulae for mass-produced socialist objects. This approach legitimized artist’s work

on forms and techniques, not easily adaptable for mass production. While the reviews of

decorative art expositions of the late 1950s – early 1960s, in particular “Art into Life,” are

full of complaints about the limited reproducibility of the exhibits, from 1965 DI SSSR

demonstrates a gradual recognition of the conceptual value of singular or small-edition

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pieces. “After appearing in a unique artwork, an idea often gets processed, adjusted to the

conditions of industrial production and enters the new life in a mass edition. Notably, many

among our artists work both in the sphere of unique works and directly for artistic industry,”

explained critic Nonna Stepanian in her review of the decorative art section of the

“Preniia po dokladu t. Stepanovoi ‘O konstruktivizme’ 22 dekabria 1921 goda,” 1921, typescript, 13 pp,

Khan-Magomedov collection. Quoted in Gough, The Artist as Producer, 104.


exhibition “Soviet Russia,” held in Moscow in spring 1965. She illustrated her thesis about

individual creativity as useful for mass production by reviewing three works of Moscow

ceramic artist Vladimir Ol’shevskii. His large decorative vase, made of chamotte,90

according to Stepanian, finely expressed gravity (due to the increased volume at the

bottom) and made an impression of a natural form, thus perfectly suiting its function as the

element of park environment (Fig. 4.11). The hand-made geometric relief added the

perception of integrity and “architectural character” (arkhitekturnost’). The method of

slightly increasing weight towards the bottom was used in a faience tea set with modest

detailing of handles and spouts; handmade underglaze painting, combined with relief,

echoed the décor of the chamotte vase and “underlined the basic volume of the objects”

(Fig. 4.12). Finally, the silhouette probed in these two works found its way to people’s

homes in a porcelain tea set mass-produced at Dmitrovskii porcelain factory (Fig. 4.13).

Here the loss of the “feeling of the natural life of the material” was compensated by easy

reproducibility and “machine clarity,” accentuated with a mechanized geometric décor.

Similar skill of adopting artistic ideas to mass production was noticed by Stepanian in the

work of many of the exhibition’s participants, especially the artists of the Leningrad

Porcelain Factory. The article concluded that whatever form takes the interrelation between

unique works and the artistic industry, it always, essentially, reflects “the dialogue between
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the human being and the machine.”91

Chamotte, or grog – ceramic raw material with high percentage of silica and alumina.
Nonna Stepanian, “Unikal’nye obraztsy i khudozhestvennaia promushlennost’,” DI SSSR 6 (June 1965):

Figure 4.11 V. Ol’shevskii, decorative vase, chamotte, before 1965.

Figure 4.12. V. Ol’shevskii, teapot from tea set, faience, before 1965.
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Figure 4.13 V. Ol’shevskii, sugar bowl from tea set, porcelain, before 1965.

The “Soviet Russia” exhibition was, probably, the earliest manifestation of what I

call the “decorativist turn” – the growing emphasis on experimental art making and its

legitimation as the prolegomena to the improvement of mass production, as well as the

artistic organization of public spaces (e. g. city parks). This special turn within the aesthetic

turn was by no means momentous and uniform – it is remarkable precisely by its diversity

and openness for new (re)definitions of the decorative (hence my choice of the term for this

historical phenomenon). It affected artists working in different media - ceramics, textile,

wood, metal, glass, or more than one; indeed, its distinguished feature was artists’ striving

to move beyond one particular material.92 And, contrary to Stepanian’s picture of the

genesis of ideas from unique pieces to batch and bulk production, many artists tended to

view their experimental works as purely conceptual, beyond the logic of mass production.

The decorativist turn was stimulated by decorative artists’ search for distinction from

designers of the VNIITE system and by their reinvigorated interest in folk art (this time far

beyond the USSR borders, in tune with new a Soviet internationalism) as not just the model

of good socialist taste, but as a source for diverse ideas and the tool to proceed beyond the

constraints of mass production.93 Creative reinterpretations of folk art, often in playful,

theatrical manner, were especially characteristic for decorative artists in the Baltic and

Caucasian Soviet republics, whose example was enthusiastically perceived by the

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Liudmila Kramarenko, “O tvorchestve Shushkanovykh,” DI SSSR 7 (July 1966): 27-29.
This interest to folk art was also internationalized in terms of professional dialogue. In July 1965 DI SSSR
launched the poll “Folk Art in the Age of Automatics,” which was set to decorative artists, designers, museum
curators and other art professionals in socialist bloc, Western Europe (in particular, Britain and Italy, whose
design experience was most revered and emulated in Soviet Russia), Cuba abd Egypt. The poll inquired about
the ways to preserve and promote folk art in industrially advanced countries. While some responses
envisioned the inevitable extinction of folk traditions, many others voted for the promotion of crafts in the
spheres of business (or, in socialist countries, state-sponsored cooperation), various social initiatives,
including courses of craft-making, and encouragement of DIY activities. Based on the responses, DI SSSR
presented folk art as the powerful source of humanization of machine-dominated industrial societies.
“Narodnoe iskusstvo v vek avtomatiki,” DI SSSR 7 (July 1965):1-2; DI SSSR 8 (August 1965): 2-5; DI SSSR
9 (September 1965): 2-3; DI SSSR 10 (October 1965): 2-5; DI SSSR 11 (November 1965): 45-47.

colleagues in Soviet Russia. Special research is needed to discover to what extent

“decorative turn” was informed by nationalist moods, or, in particular, related to the

development of “village prose”; however, DI SSSR portrayed it as a new, “sincere”

manifestation of cultural diversity and dialogue – not just between a human being and a

machine, but between people with different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and,

accordingly, different tastes.

Presenting picturesque, sophisticated, playful and sometimes paradoxical works for

exhibition, decorative artists questioned the accepted notions – which they themselves

introduced a decade ago. In other words, the “decorativist turn” signaled the need to

reconsider the criteria of the profession. Symptomatically, “Our Criteria” was the title of a

programmatic article by critic K. Makarov, published in November 1967 as a reflection on

the latest experimentations and provocations by decorative artists. In a reversal to

Dmitrieva’s portrayal of honest socialist objects, Makarov opened his address by

welcoming the change:

One of the major tendencies in the development of contemporary decorative-applied

art has been the move away from narrowly understood utilitarianism and towards
decorativeness and monumentalization of ordinary everyday [bytovykh] form, on
whose constructive basis unique decorative works are created. The latter are unique
in terms of the originality of artistic solution and the beauty of abstract [otvlechennoi]
form. Bottles, flasks and cups exist today not for wine, vases not for flowers, carpets
not for warming the living space, spinning wheel [prialki] not for spinning, and
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chandeliers with candles not for lightening the house. 94

This is also the reversal of Stepanian’s scheme: not unique pieces work as generating forms

for mass production, but, on the contrary, unique decorative works result from the synthesis

of everyday forms – from mundane to sudden and surprising. As long as an artists is honest

in his or her choices, the artworks are not any more required to honestly express function.

K. Makarov, “Nashi kriterii,” DI SSSR 11 (November 1967): 11.

For example, in spite of its functional obsolescence, a spinning wheel becomes not an

ethnographic item, but an “abstract” decorative object, suggested as a tool of taste

distinction in the modern world of pre-fabricated flats – much as it was described in

Glazychev’s aforementioned article. Purely decorative objects were now rehabilitated, and

beauty emancipated from the dictate of utility. As philosopher (and future human rights

activist) Boris Shragin remarked in his 1967 survey of the 10 years of DI SSSR publication:

“Gone are the days when glass artist Boris Smirnov ironically spoke of the decay of

Western tastes, like in electric lamps imitating kerosene lamps. Finally, it became clear that

‘everything is much more complicated’” (here Shragin intentionally quoted the title of

Nevler’s article on youth dormitories).95

Smirnov was mentioned not by accident – he became a prominent agent of the

decorativist turn and, more particularly, a participant of the trend for reinterpreting the

tradition of Ukrainian blown glass (gutnoe steklo).96 This trend had a practical basis: from

1966, glass artists acquired the opportunity for experimental work in the All-Union

experimental workshops in Lvov,97 which allowed them to test fresh ideas.98 This became

a laboratory for new creative forms - unfortunately only one in the whole Soviet Union (a

similar production base was opened in Rostov-on-Don only in the 1970s).99 The Leningrad

Factory of Art Glass, where Smirnov was employed, had a rigid plan and could not provide
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its shops for any artistic experiments not related directly to art production. To the great

displeasure of artists, the Leningrad Artists’ Union, the second in its power in the USSR,

Boris Shragin, „Za desiat’ let,” DI SSSR 12 (December 1967): 38-45; 44.
V. Protsenko, “Ob osennei vystavke v Moskve,” DI SSSR 4 (April 1966): 42-43.
Russian spelling of the toponym (Lviv in Ukrainian) is used here in accordance with the way it was used
by Russian art professionals.
Natalia Titova, “Khudozhniki eksperimentiruiut,” DI SSSR 11 (November 1966): 20-22.
Author’s conversation with Natalia Malevskaia-Malevich, St. Petersburg, March 18, 2014.

could not establish a proper experimental base. “I revere Boris Smirnov,” avowed artist

Abram Lapirov in one professional discussion in 1967, “and I claim that the things he

makes are being achieved with great difficulty. Why does he have to go to Lvov, even

though he is not 20 years old? Why cannot he create his pieces in Leningrad?”100 However,

despite this difficulty, the 63 years old Smirnov demonstrated in 1966 a vivid artistic

provocation, quite youthful in spirit, which became the central theme of the decorativist


Smirnov’s “Tea couple” (“Para chaia”) of colorful glass, carried out by Lvov

glassblowers, can be termed “decorative sculpture” (Fig. 4.14). It represents a small teapot

placed on the top of a larger one – the method of tea-making which in the same year was

criticized as “unhygienic” by VNIITE designers (as discussed in the part 3.3). Critic Natalia

Titova praised its work for “diversity and mirth of colors,”101 while the author himself

explained that it refers to the images of a traditional Russian tea-room, celebrated in the

famous late 19th century plays by Aleksandr Ostrovsky and paintings by Boris Kustodiev102

– that is, the images of pre-revolutionary lower urban classes and merchants, whose tastes

had been fiercely criticized by art professionals just few years earlier. Within a decade,

Smirnov’s professional position developed from the emphasis on beauty over utility and

praise of folk fantasy as the approved form of “mystery” in art making (1954),103 to fierce
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criticism of “cheap effects” of 19th-century petty-bourgeois glass and dishonesty of

Western commodities (1958),104 and, finally, to the openly declared intention to astonish

TsGALI SPb, f. 78 op. 4. d. 408, l. 51.
Titova, “Khudozhniki eksperimentiruiut,” 21.
Leonid Karateev, “Vsesoiuznaia vystavka dekorativnogo iskusstva,” DI SSSR 154 (September 1970): 6.
Smirnov, “Cherty sovremennosti.”
Boris Smirnov, “Khudozhestvennyi oblik veshchi i sposob ee izgotovleniia,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1958):

a viewer (mid-1960s). In the latter stance he referred, however, not to the tricks of

commercial production, but to the tradition of peasant art: “Surprise is the folk principle.

Take everything from fairytales to ceramic and glass ware: all these aim to surprise. This

is what an artist should provide… Where surprise appears, art begins.” 105 (This idea

received further development in Smirnov’s 1970 book Artist on the Nature of Things, as

discussed in Chapter 2).106 Later Smirnov added that he cannot imagine a viewer who

would perceive his decorative work as “real teapots.”107

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Figure 4.14. Boris Smirnov, decorative sculpture “Tea couple,” colored class, 1966, Photo by the author.

Quoted in Titova, “Khudozhniki eksperimentiruiut,” 21.
Boris Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei (Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1970.
Karateev, “Vsesoiuznaia vystavka,” 6.

But when the “Tea couple” was shown at a Moscow exhibition in summer 1966,

some viewers and critics understood it as a mockery of real teapots, first of all because of

the soldered lids. This seemingly trivial detail produced heated professional debates and,

in a way, became a symbol of the “decorativist turn.” Definitely, the “Tea couple” is far

away from ergonomic and highly functional teapots from the model set by LF VNIITE

(discussed in Chapter 3): it is of no practical help to a Soviet housewife, but, as Smirnov

would believe, of importance for her critical thinking and creativity. Some criticized it as a

“dishonest” object and as the artist’s evasion of the duty to “serve the people,” but others

took it as inspiration for redefining the concept of function. Among the latter was Makarov

who spoke of “spiritual” usefulness.108 His argument unfolded as follows: a teapot does not

always have to be a device for tea-drinking; it can be, like Smirnov’s, a decorative object

that plays its role in “aesthetic organization of objective-spatial environment” and elevates

people’s feelings. Absurd objects like Smirnov’s teapots, quite visible at all-Union and

local exhibitions by late 1967, provided an opportunity to transcend a narrow understanding

of utility. Broadly conceived, utility is about an artist’s clear sense of what and for what

aim he or she is creating. Moreover, a contemporary decorative artist should reflect on how

else his work can function in real life today. From this Makarov proceeded to the idea of

different contexts of use. That is, a cup functions differently at a business breakfast and at
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wedding ceremony; a teapot can be simply put on the table, but can be also “solemnly

presented.” As the functions of design and decorative art are being differentiated, Makarov

reasoned, the latter tends to elaborate objects for contemplation and aesthetic pleasure.

Makarov, “Nashi kriterii.”

Another work that outstandingly challenged the notion of the “honest” and

functional object was “Troika” by Leningrad class artist Iurii Biakov – a vase, or glass,

devoid of bottom and placed on its side (Fig. 4.15). Made of transparent colorless glass, it

was decorated by a stylized image of three harnessed horses – the traditional Russian troika

– by the method of sand blasting. Shown at the exhibition “Decorative Art of the USSR”

in Moscow in December 1968, this piece, just like Smirnov’s, provoked debates. For

example, it inspired Leningrad ceramic artist Grigorii Kapelian for the conceptual

deconstruction of an object: “…if the glass is not for drinking, but for an exhibition, it can

be without a bottom. In fact, if its original purpose is lost, why should it be a container,

even if only for emptiness? It can be just a solid glass cylinder. And why necessarily a

cylinder, and why necessarily of glass?”109 Thus, whereas design professionals like

Riabushin, Loktev and Kantor, were looking for functionalism beyond objects,110 “new

decorativists” offered objects beyond functionalism.

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Figure 4.15. Iurii Biakov, object “Troika,” glass, sand blasting, depolishing, 1968, photo by the author.

Grigorii Kapelian, “Nashi kriterii,” DI SSSR 12 (December 1968): 2-5; 4.
Loktev, “O dinamicheskom funktsionalizme”; Kantor, Krasota i pol’za; Cubbin, “The Domestic
Information Machine.”

To be precise, the “decorativist turn” had also a moderate version, as exemplified

by Olshevskii’s work discussed by Stepanian. In this version, instead of blatant

impracticality, artists opted for anesthetization, or ritualization, of practical functions. For

example, tea sets by the artists of the Leningrad Porcelain Factory, such as Eduard

Krimmer, Vladimir Gorodetskii, Nina Slavina and others, produced in the late 1960s, could

be both functional goods and feasts for the eye. Praising Gorodetskii’s set “Blossoming

cobalt” (Fig. 4.16), critic Liudmila Kramarenko opined: “With this set at home, you can

specially invite guests for tea, like you do it for listening to music or seeing a collection of

paintings.” She also emphasized the “incomparable joy” of touching a beautifully painted

porcelain cup and drinking from it.111 In this statement, joy, or pleasure – both visual and

sensual – overshadowed “taste” as major element of socialist consumption and domestic

order. However, such pleasures would be available only on a limited scale, as the discussed

objects were made predominantly by hand and could be produced only in small series – or

even only as single exhibition items. But, when used in public interiors, they would

aesthetically and spiritually enrich Soviet material environment, - or so art professionals


Probably, the central work of the “new decorativism” in Leningrad glass became

Smirnov’s “Festive table,” first exhibited in 1967 – a large composition of colored free-
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blown class, consisting of multiple objects, hardly attributable to customary categories (Fig.

4.17 and 4.18). The artist explained this work as an attempt to “create in the human soul a

joyful sense of a feast” and also as a set of curiosities, alluding to folklore images, such as

a bear, a rooster, and even various folk demons, as well as to traditional vessels for a peasant

Liudmila Kramarenko, “Prazdnik vokrug tebia,” DI SSSR 12 (January 1969): 4-6; 5.

feast.112 While producing, as critic Irina Uvarova noted, the overall impression of a

traditional trade fair,113 “Festive Table” can be also seen an (self-)ironic commentary on

modern urbanite’s fascination with tradition and penchant for spontaneous play as retreat

from order and rationalism (especially poignant given Smirnov’s position as chief designer

of Leningrad State Optic Institute). Somewhat poetically, Makarov characterized this work

as “an expression of the contemporary artist’s view on the nature of artistic glass through

the prism of folk understanding of beauty.”114 On the reasonable question by the public and

critics about the actual use of this artwork, Smirnov replied that he imagined the “Festive

table” at an organization like “The House of Friendship,” for receptions of, or ceremonial

dinners with, foreign guests. This would be relevant, the artist argued, because “today

people not only in the USSR, but also in the whole world, demonstrate the thirst for

something amazing, expressive, and colourful.”115 Obviously, not by accident, Smirnov’s

explanation of the “Festive table” in the 1969 December issue of Decorative Art of the

USSR was immediately followed by the survey of the work of Italian designer Ettore

Sottsass - the future founder of the Memphis Group, famous for his provocative objects

that betokened postmodern design.116

A large 1968 exhibition “Decorative art of the USSR,” where Biakov’s Troika

spurred a debate, was the triumph of the decorativist turn. The exhibition received high
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attendance.117 Visitors’ responses were mixed: some complained about unavailability of

the exhibited commodities, some found them unsuitable for daily use; others, on the

Boris Smirnov,“Krizis? Chego?,” DI SSSR 12 (December 1969): 27-29.
Irina Uvarova, “Rus‘-67,“ DI SSSR 12 (December 1967), 1-10; 4.
Makarov, “Nashi Kriterii,” 12.
Smirnov, „Krizis? Chego?,“ 29.
Larisa Zhadova, “Ettore Sottsass,“ DI SSSR 12 (December 1969):
Kramarenko, “Prazdnik vokrug tebia,” 5.

contrary, praised colorfulness and diversity, and still others wanted more sophisticated

decoration.118 About two-thirds of DI SSSR January issue of 1969 were given to the reviews

of this exhibitions and reflections on the new directions of decorative art. Kramarenko

positively admitted the arrival of “a special genre of decorative-unique art.”119 Defending

the anti-utilitarianism of recent art, Makarov welcomed the “division of labor” within

Soviet aesthetics and, moreover, ascribed to decorative art leading role in the synthesis

between material objects and technical and natural environments. He argued: “Narrowing

its possibilities in producing specifically utilitarian objects, since this task has been partially

transferred to design, decorative art broadens its special rights in the synthesis, thus

pressing monumental art to focus on certain urgent [udarnykh] ideological tasks.”120 The

concern with new synthesis became a publically pronounced justification of decorative

artist’s existence as a professional within Soviet field of (cultural) production.

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Figure 4.16. Vladimir Gorodetskii, tea set “Blossoming cobalt,” porcelain, underglaze painting, 1968.

“Govoriat zriteli,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1969): 7.
Kramarenko, “Prazdnik vokrug tebia,” 4.
“Suzhaia svoi vozhmozhnosti v proizvodstve sugubo utilitarnykh veshchei, ibo chast’zadach padaet na
dizain, dekorativnoe iskusstvo rasshiriaet svoi prava v sinteze, i, v chastnosti, ono tesnit monumental’noe
iskusstvo, ostavliaia na ego doliu resheniie kakikh-to udarnykh ideologicheskikh zadach.” K. Makarov,
“Novye formy, novye zhanry,” DI SSSR 1 (January 1969): 27-29.

Figure 4.17. Boris Smirnov, composition “Festive Table,” fragment, color glass, 1966.
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Figure 4.18. Boris Smirnov, composition “Festive Table,” fragment, color glass, 1966.

More than simply a reaction of VNIITE rationalism, the “decorativist turn” signaled

the art professionals’ disappointment with the populist aspirations of Khrushchev era and,

evidently, tiredness with the role of regulators of mass tastes and consumption patterns.

Turning from regulation to reflection, decorative artists broadened the borders of good

taste, and reconsidered the relationship of people and things in the age of people’s growing

dependence on machines. However, these artists also marked a new social distinction based

on post-functionalist aesthetics – the distinction not only from colleagues at VNIITE

system but also from mass consumers, who had only a limited chance to experience the

“spiritual usefulness” of unique conceptual objects at art exhibitions or some public

interiors, like Smirnov’s imagined “House of Friendship.” One can presume that “new

decorativist” objects were produced more for the authors’ colleagues than for “the people.”

Probably the decorativist turn was more about symbolic and economic redistribution in the

Soviet field of artistic production than about bringing amazement and joy to people’s lives,

or achieving a happy synthesis of material culture and nature. And yet, an agent of the

decorativist turn hoped for an impact on the viewer/consumer, albeit a selective and

educated one. At the end of 1960, repudiating some critic’s alarming on the crisis of Soviet

decorative art, Smirnov maintained that true rationality is inseparable from emotional

effectiveness: “… today we should not ‘apply’ emotions to the rational; we should work in
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such a way that rational becomes organically emotional. This is a human need, a human

essence.”121 Almost a year later, in his interview to the secretary of the USSR Union of

Artists’ Administration Leonid Karateev, Smirnov explained:

I offer a viewer a work of art, not a commodity, that is, I want to bring the viewer to
the state of non-consumerist attitude to it. I want to make him diverge from the

Smirnov, “Krizis? Chego?,” 29.

perception of the form of a useful object and present it as an object of advanced

emotion. I introduce this form into the circle of the values of art work, not the values
of everyday life objects.122

From this perspective, the “decorative” turn seems like a new, post-Constructivist

attempt to overcome commodity fetishism and eventually arrive at a spiritually useful

socialist object and affective environment.


Proceeding from the idea of taste as a tool of building symbolic hierarchies, this

chapter showed how uses of this tool by Soviet art professionals were developing

throughout the Khrushchev and early Brezhnev periods. Even before Khrushchev and his

spokesmen announced their anti-excess policy in architecture and construction, decorative

artists opted for modesty and practicality, based on folk traditions, as the ideal to pursue in

of their work and the basis for good taste to be broadly propagated. By the early 1960s, this

ideal developed as the notion of honest object wherein the invested creative labor was

easily traceable. This notion came to be problematic by the mid-1960s, with the growing

recognition of the diversity of consumer needs and greater familiarity with Western design

trends. Within the working ethics of VNIITE, taste became just one element of rigorous

methodologies for designing useful objects. However, gradually some of VNIITE members
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and other art professionals came to view the object itself as an “excess,” as almost an

impermissible luxury in the situation when the whole environment needed to be urgently

modernized. As a reaction to this, excess became a subject of almost postmodernist play

for some applied artists, who by the late 1960s viewed their art as more “decorative” than

“applied,” or even a new type of “fine art,” where objects refused to be commodities by

Karateev, “Vsesoiuznaia vystavka,” 7.

virtue of their non-utility. By the end of the decade, taste appeared as structuring principle

within the artistic community, where decorative artists assumed the roles of producers of

social affects and leaders of the new synthesis between arts, techniques and nature.
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Three months after celebrating the jubilee of the October revolution with an

expressive image gallery, the journal DI SSSR marked another, though much more modest,

anniversary – 10 years from its launch. Among the official greetings from honored artists,

heads of regional and republican artists’ unions, representatives of artistic industry, and art

professionals from East European countries, was the short address from a Westerner –

designer Tomas Maldonado, a faculty member at Ulm School of Design (Hochschule für

Gestaltung Ulm), Royal College of Arts in London, and Princeton University. This was not

an accidental choice: since his encounter with Soviet art professionals in Warsaw in 1963,

Maldonado was respected in the Soviet Union as an ally in promoting socially responsible

design,1 while the Ulm School was praised as the “revived Bauhaus” (quite adequately to

the school’s genealogy and self-positioning).2 Congratulating the journal, Maldonado

According to Karl Kantor’s recollection, during the 1963 encounter, a copy of DI SSSR was handed to
Maldonado in exchange for the copy of his brainchild journal Ulm.“Fragment zapisi vospominanii Karla
Kantora,” DI 3-4 (2003),
http://www.di.mmoma.ru/history/articles/fragment_zapisi_vospominanij_karla_kantora/ accessed
03.08.2012. In July 1964, DI SSSR published a translated and modified text of one of Maldonado’s Warsaw
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lectures, followed by Kantor’s critical commentary. Tomás Maldonado, “Aktual’nye problemy dizaina,” DI
SSSR 7 (July 1964): 18-19; Karl Kantor, “Vozrozhdennyi Bauhaus,” DI SSSR 7 (July 1964): 21-24.
Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm was founded in 1953 by Inge Scholl and Otl Aicher, who as children were
connected to the underground resistance circle “White Rose” whose members were executed by the Nazis,
among them Inge Scholl’s sister and brother. According to design historian Greg Castillo, as “a postwar
memorial to her martyred siblings, Scholl wanted to found an institute of higher education that would bolster
a postwar democracy distinctly socialist in inclination.” Under the pressure of American authorities, Scholl
excluded socialism from the agenda in her proposal, introducing instead a liberal-democratic one. However,
when the school’s first rector, Bauhaus alumnus Max Bill prepared the curriculum, he, under the advice of
Walter Gropius, downplayed the political element and put emphasis on architecture and city planning.
Maldonado, who joined the faculty in 1956, emphasized social agenda in his theoretical pronouncements and
teaching. Greg Castillo, Cold War on the Home Front: The Soft Power of Midcentury Design (U of Minnesota
Press, 2010), 42-46; Jonathan M. Woodham, Twentieth-Century Design (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1997, 177-178.

expressed confidence that it “will maximally contribute to the birth of a new quality in the

sphere of design, a specifically socialist one” (highlighted in the original).3

Evidently, this quote was used to please the administration and Party bosses of the

USSR Union of Artists – showcasing the support of a friendly Western “socialist”4 as an

argument for further ideological and financial support of the periodical. However, there is

little reason to doubt the editorial staff’s sincere enthusiasm about their work being

appreciated by such a prominent professional. The whole issue was prominently optimistic.

Ladur’s editorial told the success story of the journal’s expansion towards the coverage of

various forms of creative work virtually around the globe. The journal’s further mission

was firmly stated: “to do our best in struggling for the creation of a more perfect material

world, for its harmony, for its humanistic essence in socialist society. We should lead an

energetic attack on ignorance and primitive understanding of creative tasks.” 5 Such

statements suggest that all doubts, voiced in earlier editorials, had been overcome and

designer socialism was just around the corner.

A few pages later, philosopher Boris Shragin presented a different account on the

journal’s 10-years-long activity, honestly and ironically highlighting tensions, mistakes and

compromises. Shragin particularly worried about some of his colleagues’ ongoing

aspiration to manipulate people by the means of art and design. Yet he ended on a positive
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“Privetstviia zhurnalu,” DI SSSR 12 (January 1968): 26.
In fact, Maldonado did not have such clear-cut political affiliation, in spite of his sympathy for socialist
design and hopes about its humanistic potential. In his seminal 1970 book “Design, Nature and Revolution”
he did not speak about anything like socialist revolution, but, rather, of “Revolution by Design” as a result of
both technological and social transformations – to some extent, akin to the concept proposed slightly earlier
by R. Buckminster Fuller. See the English Translation: Tomás Maldonado, Design, Nature, and Revolution:
Toward a Critical Ecology (Harper & Row, 1972), 27-29.
Mikhail Ladur, “Desiat’ let stanovleniia,” DI SSSR 12 (January 1968): 24.

Thus, aesthetic and humanist pursuits of the journal brought it to the recognition of
the immanent value [samotsennost’] of a human personality in its freedom, in its
originality, in its organic connection with other personalities, with past and future
histories. Importantly, this recognition was announced on the journal’s pages not
pretentiously, not by sloganeering, not by clichéd phraseology, but in accordance
with the inner nature of art.6

The anniversary issue of DI SSSR captures the heterogeneity – or, to use Mikhail Bakhtin’s

term, heteroglossia - of the aesthetic turn at the high point of its unfolding. It encompassed

the smart appropriation of official Soviet discourse for the professional statement (Ladur’s

proclamation of “struggle” and “energetic attack”), the expression of internationalism in

design sphere (Maldonado’s anticipation of specifically socialist design, highlighted by the

editors), and the attempt of sincere speech, devoid of ideological clichés (Shragin’s

admission of mistakes and appeal to human personality). Design socialism was to have a

human face, an international outlook, but also the skill to hijack the slogans of state

socialism for its aims.

Soon after the issue’s publication, four Moscow intellectuals, authors of samizdat

publications, were accused of “anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda” and put on trial.

Shragin signed two letters in defense of the accused – one to the General Prosecutor of the

USSR and the Supreme Court of RSFSR and another to the Presidium of the Budapest

Convention of Communist parties; both denounced the lack of transparency at the trial and

demanded reconsideration of the case according to the proper legal procedure. For this
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advocacy of the “immanent value” of human personality beyond the sphere of design,

Shragin was fired from the Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts in April

1968 (and soon took less prestigious position at the Research Institute of Artistic Industry).7

From then on, Shragin’s name disappeared from DI SSSR yet became noticeable in

Boris Shragin, “Za desiat’ let,” DI SSSR 12 (December 1967): 40.
Khronika tekushchikh sobytii 1 (April 30, 1968), l. 9, OSA, f. 300-85-49, box 50:13.

samizdat and tamizdat. Disillusioned about the possibility of creating a humanistic

environment within the socialist system,8 in 1974 he emigrated to the U.S.9 In August 1968,

an attempt to implement alternative approach to socialism was violently crushed in Prague

– the event popularly perceived to end the optimistic era of the 1960s.10 In two months, the

Ulm School of Design, seen in Soviet Russia as the headquarters of humanistic design in

the West, was closed due to the funding cut by the federal government.11

While these events signaled certain crises in the aesthetic turn, it was not over:

VNIITE experimented with cybernetic models and prognoses, maintained and expanded its

international contacts, in particular through its activities in ICSID. In September 1969, at

the ICSID Congress in London, Iurii Soloviev was elected Vice President, alone with such

outstanding designer as Eliot Noyes and Gino Valle.12 In November 1969, just after the end

of his term as ICSID President, Maldonado visited Moscow and Leningrad and, in

particular, was guided by Iosif Vaks and architectural historian Marietta Gize through the

departments of Mukhina School.13At the same time, DI SSSR further inquired in the

meanings of decoration, functionalism, and relations between people and things as well as

In his 1970 article, published under a pseudonym in the samizdat journal Herald of Russian Christian
Movement, Shragin wrote: “Nothing can be said about art: it has practically disappeared from official
exhibitions after the hooliganistic row in Manezh organized by Khrushchev.” Lev Ventsov, “To Think,” in
Mikhail Meerson-Aksenov and Boris Shragin, eds., The Political, Social, and Religious Thought of Russian
“Samizdat”: An Anthology (Belmont, Mass: Nordland Publishing Company, 1977), 148.
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Shragin emigrated together with his wife Natalia Sadomskaia, anthropologist and human right activist. In
the U. S., he worked as a writer, producer and narrator of broadcasts for Radio Liberty for 14 years. He also
taught at Amherst College, Queens College, Hunter College, the University of Pittsburgh and Harvard and
Columbia Universities. Shragin died in 1990, at the age of 63. Adele Marie Barker and Bruce Grant, The
Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics (Duke University Press, 2010), 559. In his
Vladislav Zubok, Zhivago’s Children: The Last Russian Intelligentsia (Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press
of Harvard University Press, 2009), 282-296; Petr Vail and Aleksandr Genis, 60-e: Mir Sovetskogo Cheloveka
(Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1988), 280-292.
Woodham, Twentieth-Century Design, 177-178.
“Past Executive Boards,” International Council of Societies of Industrial Design,”
http://www.icsid.org/about/people/articles202.htm accessed 26.03.2015.
TsGAKFFD SPb, ed. khr. Ar-94432. “Designer, Vice-President of ICSID Tomás Maldonado at the
Department of Industrial Art looks at students’ term projects. Lecturer Marietta E. Gize and Prof. Iosif A.
Vaks give explanations. November 20, 1969. Photo by V. G. Martynov.

the advantages of Western design; apart from the loss of a thoughtful contributor, Shragin,

it seemed little affected by the toughening of political climate. While after the Prague events

the Party favored the professionals loyal to the new conservative, to some extent re-

Stalinizing course,14 the USSR Union of Artists was headed by a sculptor Ekaterina

Belashova, who from 1957 had defended artists from accusations of “formalism,”

advocated the removal of the hierarchy of “fine” and “applied” arts, the new synthesis of

arts and architecture, and the strengthening of artists’ position in industry; she held this

position until her death in 1971.15 By 1970, a “decorativist turn” gained many supporters

from solid art professionals as just another, legitimate side of the “integral process of the

development of our aesthetic culture.”16 This year, two prominent books were published:

Viacheslav Glazychev’s Essays on Theory and Practice of Western Design that confirmed

the international orientation of Soviet design,17 and Boris Smirnov’s Artist on the Nature

of Things, that, as it has been discussed in Chapter 2, argued for inherent unity and freedom

of all types of creative activity.18 Smirnov’s book, just like the late 1960s articles by

Glazychev, Kramarenko, Shragin, Ladur and others, turned out to have many common

ideas with the now classic book by a cosmopolitan designer Victor Papanek, Design for the
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Mark Sandle, “A Triumph of Ideological Hairdressing? Intellectual Life in the Brezhnev Era
Reconsidered,” in Edwin Bacon and Mark Sandle, eds., Brezhnev Reconsidered, Studies in Russian and East
European History and Society (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2002), 149-150.
Belashova took this stance by virtue of her position as the secretary of the Administration Board of the
USSR Artists’ Union, from where she was promoted to become the Head. She was a graduate of Leningrad
Vkhutein, and in 52-65 she taught at MVKhPU. RGANI, f. 5, op. 36, d. 47, ll. 55-56; RGASPI, f. 556, op.
16, d. 84, ll. 91-93; “Iz vystuplenniia t. Belashovoi,” DI SSSR 9 (September 1960): 2; RGALI, f. 2082, op. 2,
d. 2171, ll. 35-36; d. 2792, ll. 7-8, 10.
Leonid Karateev, “Vsesoiuznaia vystavka dekorativnogo iskusstva,” DI SSSR 154 (September 1970): 1.
Viacheslav Glazychev, O dizaine. Ocherki po teorii i praktike dizaina na Zapade, (Moscow: Iskusstvo,
Boris Smirnov, Khudozhnik o prirode veshchei (Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1970).

Real World,19 and, to some extent, with Maldonado’s Design, Nature and Revolution both

published in 1971 and 1972 respectively.20 The third important book on design, published

in Soviet Russia in 1970, was a collection of essays by Malevich’s pupil Konstantin

Rozhdestvenskii, the designer of Soviet expositions at international fairs – from the 1937

Exposition Internationale in Paris to Expo-58 in Brussels to Expo-70 in Osaka.21 In

particular, Rozhdestvenskii argued for the emotional essence of decorative art and the value

of an artist’s individuality; a black square was chosen as a headpiece for this book – clearly,

a reference to Malevich (whose notorious painting was then known to but a bunch of

connoisseurs). Thus, an alleged “formalism” could be legitimately reproduced under the

guise of “contemporary” and “tasteful” book design.

In 1971 VNIITE introduced the international practice-oriented seminar

“Interdesign.”22 In the same year, Natalia Titova, the energetic Deputy Art Director of the

Senezh Studio, voiced her colleagues’ protest against the usurpation of the international

image of Soviet design by VNIITE. In her appeal to the Union of Artists’ Committee for

Cultural Contacts with Foreign Countries, Titova explained that the term “design” in

Western vocabularies is very broad and includes not only form-giving to machines and

mass-produced commodities, which prevails at VNIITE, but also applied art and all kinds

of decorative works. She proposed the inclusion of the USSR Union of Artists into ICSID
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for representing “the large and diverse activity in the sphere of art design

[khudozhestvennoe proektirovaniie]” and strengthening the Soviet position in the

Victor J. Papanek, Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change (London: Thames and
Hudson, 1971).
Tomás Maldonado, Design, Nature, and Revolution.
Konstantin Rozhdestvenskii, Ansambl’ i ekspozitsiia (Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1970).
Vladimir Runge, Istoriia dizaina, nauki i tekhniki. Kniga vtoraia (Moscow: Arkhitektura-S, 2007), 233-

international design community.23 As a result, the Union of Artists became the second

Soviet member of ICSID and could no longer be perceived in the West as merely a hotbed

of propagandist kitsch. By the early 1970s, the aesthetic turn brought the Soviet artistic

community to the level of a new seriousness in international dialogue on design as a

universal creative and goal-oriented activity.

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Figure 5.4 Tomas Maldonado with Marietta Gize and Iosif Vaks in the Mukhina School, November 20, 1969.

This dissertation offered a view of post-war Soviet design in this broad sense, not

reducible to genealogies of institutions, biographies of particular professionals, or a stylistic

evolution from socialist realism to socialist modernism. Therefore, instead of building a

RGALI, f. 2082, op. 6, d. 1422, l. 6.

linear account, this study mapped the space of manifold ideas, activities and objects. Or, to

use the term of Régis Debray,24 it analyzed the mediological basis for different creative

activities that intensified, or just emerged, after Stalin, and constituted an essential

component of Soviet culture and internationalism under Brezhnev. This analysis was

undertaken via three different prisms, popularly associated with Soviet art and culture:

socialist realism (the only permitted method, often mistakenly recalled as a style), up-to-

datedness (the ideal goal of the Soviet modernization drive), and taste (the key element of

the Soviet civilizing process). Such optics highlighted numerous tensions and anxieties,

and optimistic hopes of art professionals who took responsibility for bringing art beyond

the exhibition halls, metro stations and central city squares down to the level of the daily

routines of ordinary Soviet people. The development of each of three major aesthetic

categories – (socialist) realism, up-to-datedness and taste – followed a similar path from a

cautious evasion of the orthodoxies set by easel art through the appeal to folk tradition, to

a decisive embrace of functionalism, stimulated by the unprecedented architectural reform,

to, finally, the recognition of diversity of the criteria for “proper” socialist art and design,

and, hence, growing skepticism about the possibility for one optimal way to improve the

Soviet material environment. In other words, the analysis throughout the “thematic”

chapters (2-4) revealed a number of common, or basic, problems that run through different
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settings and debates: the artist’s status and role in industry; the adoption of folk traditions

to mass production and urban lifestyles; the limits of representation; the tensions between

intuition and calculation in a creative process and between artistic individuality and mass

reproducibility; the challenge of new materials and the inquiry into hidden possibilities of

Régis Debray, “Socialism: A Life-Cycle,” New Left Review, II, no. 46 (August 2007): 5-28.

traditional ones; the blurry line between structure and ornament, or necessity and excess;

and, probably, most essentially, the interrelations between people and things (including

machines and commodities, that is, means and ends of production). While by the end of

1960s art professionals hardly solved any of these problems successfully, they created – or,

to put it more pointedly, designed - a field of possibilities to probe, criticize, repudiate and

defend. Therefore, the notion of realism could be projected onto the wide world of nature

but also onto the creative process; up-to-datedness could be expressed through materiality,

assortment or comprehensibility; and taste could be reduced to just one point in a

sophisticated methodology, only to reemerge as a signifier of social diversity beyond

rationalistic calculations. While agreeing with Diana West that Soviet design, just like

science and planning, was strongly directed towards total control over the environment and

“complete automation,”25 I demonstrate another facet of Soviet design, replete with

uncertainties and endless redefinition of concepts. In institutional terms, this facet was

formed within the Union of Artists’ and design schools. Further inclusion of other

institutions into the inquiry should produce an even more vivid, multifaceted picture of

Soviet design, distinct from the popular image of grey and uniform intellectual and material

culture of late socialism. Taken in a broader sense, as the entire field of creative activities

aimed at transforming the material environment, Soviet design was as eclectic as it was
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totalistic, and the ubiquitous “Socialist Generic”26 – all these uniform prefabricated

apartments, minimalist collapsible furniture, standard kitchenware, streamlined vacuum

Diana Kurkovsky West, “CyberSovietica: Planning, Design and the Cybernetics of Soviet Space, 1954-
1986 (Ph. D. Diss., Princeton University, 2013), 27; 263.
As I mention in Chapter 2, this term was offered by Krisztina Fehervary for the devaluation of modern
housing and design in the socialist Hungary in the early 1970s. Krisztina Fehérváry, “From Socialist Modern
to Super-Natural Organicism: Cosmological Transformations Through Home Decor,” Cultural Anthropology
27, no. 4 (November 2, 2012): 624-626.

cleaners, and radio receivers – barely reflected the colorful picture of professional debates,

original student projects, and provocations at decorative art exhibitions.

This concluding argument presents an alternative to the two narratives of Soviet

design, predominant in the public discourse of contemporary Russia and informed by the

politics of memory about the Soviet past. One is the narrative of shame and neglect. It

depicts Soviet design as plagiaristic, low-quality, neglectful of the consumer, or altogether

non-existent. It is presented by some former employees of VNIITE and the USSR Union

of Designers, created by Iurii Soloviev in 1987, who felt constrained by the bureaucratic

structures of these institutions and upset that so few of their ideas could be implemented.

Their current attitudes are often influenced by the memory of professional ambitions and

the perceived conflict “creative people vs. design-bureaucrats,” – a variant of a broader

dichotomy personality vs. state/Party machine. In particular, Soloviev (who lived a long

life until 2013) is remembered within Russian design community as an odious figure – an

adventurous politician and functionary (according to some mythologies, patronized by the

KGB), aspiring for personal fame rather than for the real impact on production and people’s

daily life. As outstanding graphic designer Sergei Serov, President of the Moscow Global

Biennale of Graphic Design “Golden Bee,” expressed this attitude in a 2006 online

commentary on the announcement about Soloviev’s freshly published autobiography:27 “I

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have worked in design for 33 years and spent my best years at VNIITE. But I do not want

to go back to the USSR,28 and I do not want to be a part of this false and mythologized

Iurii Soloviev, Moia zhizn’ v dizaine (Moscow: Soiuz dizainerov Rossii), 2006.
The phrase “back to the USSR” was used in English in the original – as a reiteration to the announcement’s
title, but also, evidently, as a bitterly ironic reference to the catch-phrase, resonant with the post-Soviet
nostalgia that developed in the 2000s Russia.

history that is being written by former and current design bosses.”29 Serov’s colleagues

who were less successful in building post-Soviet design careers, evidently, remember their

VNIITE experience with a mixture of nostalgia, reproach and regrets about missed

opportunities. For example, Mikhail Kos’kov, former Leningrad VNIITE designer, and

currently design theorist and lecturer at the Stieglitz Academy of Art and Design (LVKhPU

successor), criticizes the Soviet design community for insufficient rigor in establishing

methodologies and utopianism, in particular, for undue infatuation with “fashionable

sciences” like semiotics.30

The negative narrative is supported by graphic designers who started their careers

during perestroika and especially during the time of the painful restructuring of Russian

economy, when the collapsed industries precluded any development of product design, but

the insipient market for advertisement opened new opportunities for talented and

businesslike graphic designers. Recently, this narrative was wholeheartedly expressed in

an Internet talk-show by a graphic designer Irina Dragunskaia (a 1999 graduate of Moscow

State University of Printing Arts) and her father, writer and liberal journalist Denis

Dragunskii. In their conversation, Soviet design was presented as amoral, corrupted by the

absence of rules (and thus the proliferation of plagiarism), replete with hack-work and

neglectful of the consumer – in accordance with the system where “a person was alienated
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from the world of thing.”31

A commentary on the entry in the Internet version of the journal Kak: Aleksandr Matveev and Vladimir
Samoilov, “Back to the USSR,” http://kak.ru/columns/designet/a1517/
Author’s interview with Mikhail Alekseevich Kos’kov, recorded in St. Petersburg on 16.04.2011.
“Dizain, kotorogo ne bylo,” video program recorded 17.03.2011, http://gogol.tv/video/122 published
12.04.2011, accessed 30.03.2015.

The second, positive narrative on Soviet design is centered on the notions of

national pride and lost heritage that should be revived and popularized. This narrative has

also been created by former VNIITE employees (some of whom are still members of this

just formally existing organization),32 who expect their decades-long painstaking work to

be justly acknowledged, and by sympathetic younger designers and critics. From the latter

group stemmed a recent initiative to publicize the VNIITE legacy through establishing a

Moscow Design Museum. It started in 2011 as a mobile exposition in a bus, inspired by

early Soviet agit-trains, which travels around Moscow and plans to reach other Russian

cities. In addition, the museum organizes temporary exhibitions in different Moscow

settings. As this dissertation was in the middle of its progress, the Museum’s first

exhibition, “Soviet Design 1950s – 1980s” was opened on November 30, 2012, in the

prestigious setting – the Manege Exhibition Hall near the Red Square.33 Based on

meticulous archival research at VNIITE and state industrial enterprises and on contacts

with VNIITE employees, including the 93-years old Soloviev, the exhibition showcased a

variety of objects – both mass-produced goods and prototypes that were never realized -

and video-interviews with designers. The museum’s director, designer Aleksandra

San’kova, aimed to demonstrate to a young generation that post-war Soviet visual culture

consisted not merely of propaganda and to present a complex approach to design, professed
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at VNIITE. As she explained, “according the contemporary idea of design, an object should

VNIITE announced to officially close its doors on June 14, 2013, but this event passed virtually without
any notice in Russian press and still nominally exists in the same location at the All-Russia Exhibition of
Economy (a successor of a famous Soviet VDNKh, whose historical name has just been returned after the
area’s massive reconstruction) and co-organizes design conferences; in the spring of 2014, I was still able to
work in its rarely visited library, thanks to its only librarian Ruf’ Liutfievna Nurrulaeva. However, VNIITE,
evidently, has no more authority and prestige among Russian designers of various profiles.
“Soviet Design 1950s – 1980s,” http://www.moscowdesignmuseum.ru/en/exhibitions/1/, accessed

possess at least two qualities: functionalism and consumer appeal. Is this idea compatible

to the notion of ‘the Soviet?’ Our exhibition aimed to answer this question.”34 The great

popularity and high attendance of the exhibition implied the positive answer - or, at least,

the contemporary Russians’ (and foreign visitors’) willingness to dwell on it.

Western design historians and curators, too, increasingly contribute to the positive

narrative, but from a more critical, distanced position; they appreciate precisely what

people like Kos’kov find as errors: interdisciplinary approaches, drawing on the findings

of philosophy and sociology, and orientation towards the harmonization of the environment

rather than sheer profit.35 In her review of the Moscow Design Museum’s debut exhibition,

Swedish design historian Margareta Tillberg shifted the focus from plagiarism and

imitation to the affective power of Soviet objects:

Even if Soviet design was often — but far from always — based on originals borrowed
from the West, the individual objects exude a personal charm, variation, and
quirkiness that makes them well worth preserving, exhibiting, and discussing.
Certainly, one might think the Vyatka is merely an unnecessary repetition of the
original Vespa, only heavier, of poorer quality, and, because it was not mass-produced,
much more expensive. But I still believe the Russian-made scooter deserves more
notice than it has been given thus far. It says something about a time and a system that
may seem alien, but which had tremendous impact on what our world looks like
CEU eTD Collection

“Dizain – massovoe proizvodstvo. A v Rossii proizvodstva net,” Alena Lapina’s interview with Aleksandra
San’kova, Bolshoi Gorod, November 28, 2012,
http://bg.ru/entertainment/my_byli_po_odnu_storonu_barrikad_a_vstali_po_druguju-15852/ accessed
This evaluation is most prominently proposed by Susan E. Reid, Margareta Tillberg and, in a younger
generation, Tom Cubbin and the researchers of Baltic countries’ design – Lolita Jablonskienė, Iliana
Veinberga, Mari Laamanets and Andres Kurg. A number of scholars and curators similarly approach the
design of the European countries of the socialist bloc, most prominently, David Crowley, who has been
extensively researched and published on design and popular culture of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary;
in 2008, with Jane Pavitt, he co-curated the exhibition “Cold War Modern” at the Victoria and Albert
Museum, London.
Margareta Tillberg, “Exhibition in Moscow, Soviet Design 1950s – 1980s,” Baltic Worlds 1:2013, pages
28-29, http://balticworlds.com/soviet-design-1950%E2%80%931980/, published 13.05.2013, accessed

Tillberg’s evaluation may suggest that in the Soviet system, the exchange-value of Soviet

models, like Italian Vespa scooters or American Hoover vacuum cleaners, was converted

into what Soviet economists termed “use-value” (potrebitel'naia stoimost'),37 based on

honest practicality and sensuous qualities of objects – their “realism, weight, volume, and

earth,” to use an expression from the 1920s internationalist Soviet avant-garde.38 In this

interpretation, the perceived amorality of designers appears as their care for consumers and

their wish to translate the advancements of world design into their daily environment –

while working on original models, developing sophisticated systems of domestic

equipment and envisioning de-artifactualization. The stereotype about clumsiness and

unoriginality of Soviet commodities obscures the story that took place behind and beyond

them - theoretical debates, lectures, interdisciplinary seminars, and conceptually daring

projects. The profound interest in this story informed Tom Cubbin’s evaluation of the same

2012 exhibition: “Importantly, this show makes the point that during late socialism there

was a community of designers who believed that design in the Soviet Union could be a

socially active discipline that would change the lives of citizens for the better.”39

This dissertation, too, revealed the conceptual ground behind Soviet things, behind

the establishment of VNIITE, and behind the division of form-giving into different
CEU eTD Collection

“Kachestvo – trebovanie dnia,” Sovetskaia torgovlia, 1976, no. 2:63. Quoted in Serguei Alex. Oushakine,
“‘Against the Cult of Things’: On Soviet Productivism, Storage Economy, and Commodities with No
Destination,” The Russian Review 73, no. 2 (April 2014): 204. In this article, Oushakine takes the Soviet
economists' emphasis on "use-value" of things, in the absence of their market circulation, as a key
characteristic of what he calls "productivist worldview, directed at revealing inner qualities of things and their
comprehensive systematization.
These elements were presented as constitutive of a new type of objects, anticipated in an editorial of the
famous trilingual avant-garde journal Veshch/Gegenstand/Objet published by artist (or, more properly,
design) Lazar’ Lissitzky and writer Ilya Ehrenburg in 1922 in Berlin. El Lissitzky and Ilya Ehrenburg,
“Blokada Rossii konchaetsia,” Veshch-Objet-Gegenstand 1-2 (1922): 1-4.
Tom Cubbin, Back to the Future: what the New Moscow Design Museum Can Learn from the Soviet Past,”
The Calvert Journal, accessed 30.03.2014,

professional activities. It argued that the aesthetic turn was concerned with the regulation

of concepts and categories as the necessary prerequisite for the regulation of production

and consumption, and that this concern gradually led art professionals to develop a fresh,

original view on a socialist society as composed of diverse individuals, with their particular

consumer preferences, ideals and “spiritual needs.” This view was quite openly discussed

in DI SSSR and embodied at decorative art exhibitions even – and especially - after August

1968, when Brezhnev’s leadership turned towards conservatism and tighter ideological

control over Soviet intellectual life. Art professionals, the designers of the aesthetic turn,

were therefore akin to the reformist intellectuals within the Party under Brezhnev, who, as

historian Mark Sandle argues, occupied a political-ideological space between “dissent” and

“orthodoxy” and later, by virtue of their training in critical thinking, formed the intellectual

elite at the core of perestroika.40 While not dealing directly with political and economic

issues, art professionals of the late 1960s created the vibrant intellectual space between

“dissent” and “orthodoxy” in art – between nonconformist artists and the guardians of the

canon of socialist realism. If they have not created properly socialist objects, as anticipated

by the productivists of the 1920s, they established the legitimate forum for proposing and

discussing multiple visions of such objects. Whether driven by personal ambitions and

status-seeking or by the sincere care about the society’s well-being, reformist art-
CEU eTD Collection

professionals chose to reject what Maldonado called “nihilism in design”41 in changing and

disturbing political circumstances, thus dynamizing the intellectual life of Soviet Russia’s

late socialism.

Sandle, “A Triumph of Ideological Hairdressing?
Maldonado, Design, Nature, and Revolution, 29.


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