Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Laws Notes 2019-2020
Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Laws Notes 2019-2020
Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Laws Notes 2019-2020
By ,
Swetha K H
Asst. professor
Dept. Of ISE
Chapter-1 –Public key cryptography and RSA
Chapter-2- Cryptographic Hash
Chapter-3-Discrete logarithm and its applications
Public key cryptography and RSA
• Key generation:
1) Choose two large prime numbers p and q. The product n=p x q is referred to as the
modulus and φ(n) is called as Euler totient function, where φ(n) =(p-1) x (q-1).
2) Choose an encryption key, e, such that gcd(e, φ(n) )=1. The pair of integers, (e,n) is
referred to as public key.
3) Compute the decryption key, d=e -1 mod φ(n) .
Note: The number of bits, b, used to represent n is referred to as the key size, b.
Example problem: Suppose the RSA prime numbers are p=3 and q=11, l=7 and M=5. Find
the ciphertext c and also message m from decryption.
Sol: given data is , p=3, q=11, message m=5 and l=7 (inverse of e, that is d value)
n= 3x11=33
Problem 2: RSA prime numbers p=3, q=11, e=3, message=00111011. Encrypt and decrypt
using RSA.
m1=14, m2=3
C2=33 mod 33 = 27
m2=277 mod 33 =3
Time complexity:
• Both encryption and decryption involve repeated multiplications (modulo n) of b-bit
• The encryption key is usually a small integer. So encryption involves a small, constant
number modulo n multiplications.
• So, the time complexity of encryption is O(b2)
• Decryption d number of multiplications of b-bit numbers.
• d is of the same order as n, the complexity of decryption operation is O(nb2).
• Execution time of decryption is large as compared to encryption.
• It can be reduced by using square and multiply technique to O(b3)
Speeding up RSA:
• We can speed up the decryption of ciphertext c by computing c,c2,c3…etc up to
maximum of b terms.
• Each multiplication is a modulo n multiplication so the intermediate products are never
more than b-bits.
• This approach which computes squares followed by products, is called as “square and
• Suppose decryption key is 57.
• Then obtain binary representation of 57 (111001).
• Square and multiply approach involves computing c2,c4,c8,c16,c32 each reduced modulo n.
• We selectively multiply c,c8,c16,c32 to obtain the original text.
• So decryption in done using only 5 squares and 3 multiplications.
• In naïve decryption method 56 multiplications are required!
• So in square and multiply approach, decryption involves b-1 square operations and at
most b-1 multiplications.
• Each square and multiplication is followed by modulo n. Hence time complexity for
decryption is O(b3).
Software performance
To combine the speed of secret key cryptography and the convenience of public key
cryptography, a session key is used. It works as follows:
• The sender, chooses a fresh random number, s , as the secret key. This is referred to as
session key.
• Encrypts the message with the session key (E s(m))
• Encrypts the session key with the recipient’s public key (E B.pu(s)).
• Sends the encrypted message and the encrypted session key in the same message
• The receiver uses this private key to decrypt the part of message containing encrypted
session key.
• Then, uses the session key to decrypt the message.
• The session key is valid for the duration of session and is destroyed thereafter.
1) Generating primes
2) Side channel and other attacks.
a) Modulus factorization
b) Small exponent attack
c) Side channel attacks
Generating primes:
• RSA involves choosing two large prime numbers. So test for primality is required. It can
be done using Miller Rabin test. But its time complexity is too high for large numbers.
• There is AKS test which is a deterministic test for primality. Its time complexity after
improvements is O(log6p)
There are several ways in which RSA may be attacked. Three of these are discussed here:
Modulus Factorization: (attack based on mathematical foundation)
Factorization of the modulus n (i.e obtaining prime factors p and q) is one way of
attacking RSA. From p and q attacker can obtain φ(n) and hence decryption key.
• So far no polynomial time algorithm has been devised for factoring a large integer.
• So far, no one has factorized a modulus larger than 663 bits.
• For sensitive financial and military applications key size of 2048 bits or larger is
encryption key(e=3). Then using chinese remainder theorem attacker can reconstruct the
message.(exponent-3 attack).
• The PKCS specifies, format of each block to be encrypted by RSA. The format is:
• The bytes of the block from left should be 00 followed by the byte 02 (in hexadecimal)
followed by at least eight random non-zero bytes and another 00.
• The rest of the block is composed of data.
• The 00 to the right of the random byte string indicates the start of data section in a block.
• By padding a short message with random bytes, the ciphertext will be function of short
message and the random bytes.
• So the attacker will have to guess not only message but also the random bytes.
• So, a solution to the problems with small encryption keys is to pad the message with non-
zero random bit before performing encryption.
• Padding is also important if the message contains data that can be guessed.
Chapter 2
• A hash function is a deterministic function that maps an input element from a larger
(infinite)set to an output element in a much smaller set.
• The input element is mapped to a hash value.
• Hashes are used to speedup insertion, deletion, and querying of databases.
• A cryptographic hash function h(x), maps a binary string of arbitrary length to a fixed
length binary string.
• The properties of h (hash function)are :
1) one-way property
2) Weak collision resistance
3) Strong collision resistance
4) Confusion + diffusion
1) One-way property:
Given a hash value, y(belonging to the range of the hash function), it is computationally
infeasible to find an input x such that h(x)=y
4) Confusion + diffusion:
If a single bit in the input string is flipped, then each bit of the hash value is flipped with
probability roughly equal to 0.5.
Attack complexity
2) Hash computation:
• A 160-bit shift register is used to compute the intermediate hash values.
• It is initialized to a fixed pre-determined value at the start of the hash computation.
• Notation s1,s2,s3,s4 and s5 is used to denote 5 32-bit words making up the shift register.
• The bits of the shift register are then mangled together with each of the words of the array
in turn.
• The mangling is achieved using a combination of the following operations: ~+,ν,
• The SHA-1 hash of a message is the content of the shift register after all message blocks
are processed using procedure below:
• The initial values in s1,s2,s3,s4 and s5 and constants Ki, 1<=i<=80 are all predetermined.
• The function, Fi is defined below:
• The cryptographic hash has diverse applications ranging from secure storage of
passwords to electronic payments.
• Along with secret key cryptography or public key cryptography, it is used in security
protocols to provide authentication, data security and non-repudiation.
• Message authentication code (MAC) is used as a message integrity check and to provide
message authentication.
• The cryptographic hash applied on a message creates a digest or digital fingerprint of the
message. i.e MAC=h(m||k), where m is message and k is secret key.
• It is appended to the message and sent to the receiver.
• A change of even single bit in message or MAC will result in mismatch between the
computed MAC (at receiver) and the received MAC.
a) Sender of message is same entity it shares the secret key with- source authentication.
b) The message has not been corrupted or tampered with in transit- message integrity
• There are many other ways to compute hash MAC.
Given a key and message, HMAC is computed as shown in figure:
• The key is padded with 0’s to form a 64-byte string denoted K’ and XORed with a
constant (denoted IPAD)
• It is then concatenated with the message and a hash is performed on the result.
• K’ is also XORed with another constant (denoted OPAD) after which it is prepended to
the output of the first hash.
• A second hash is then computed to yield the HMAC.
• HMAC performs an extra hash computation but provides greatly enhanced security.
Digital Signatures
• RSA private key operations are very expensive, so private key operation on just hash of
the message is performed rather than on entire message.
• RSA signature is authentic. To verify authenticity, the verifier needs to perform only a
public key operation on the digital signature (using signer’s public key) and a hash on the
EA.pu( = h(m)
• A manual signature depends only on the signer and does not change from document to
• Whereas, person’s digital signature is a function of the document that is signed and the
private key.
Performance estimates
DES is more than twice as expensive compared to SHA-1. RSA is three orders of magnitude
more expensive compared to DES and SHA-1.
The time to compute the hash is a small fraction of the signature time for both file sizes and for
both RSA key sizes.
• It is known that in a class of only 23 random individuals, there is greater than 50%
chance that the birthdays of at least two persons coincide (Birthday collision). This is
referred to as birthday paradox.
• Here is an example which illustrate the birthday attack:
• A malicious individual A wishes to forge signature of B on fake document, F. Then A
does the following:
– He creates millions of documents, F1,F2,....,Fm etc that are clones of F. (some
extra spaces are introduced b/w the words and document F is for example asserts
that B owes A several million rupees)
– He computes the hashes, h(F1), h(F2),...h(Fm) of each of these documents.
Chapter 3
• In RSA, security lies in infeasibility of factoring integers that are product of two prime
• In this chapter schemes for key exchange, encryption, and digital signatures that depend
on hardness of the discrete logarithm problem is discussed.
• i.e, discrete logarithm is used in cryptography.
• Consider the finite, multiplicative group (Z*p,*p), where p is prime. Let g be a generator
of the group. So,
g1 mod p, g2 mod p,...., gp-1 mod p
are the elements of z p.
• Let x be an element in {0,1,..,p-2}. The function
y=gx mod p
is referred to as modular exponentiation
• The inverse operation is expressed as
x=loggy (mod p)
is referred to as discrete logarithm.
• Because of the one-way property of modular exponentiation (easy to compute but hard to
invert it), makes it great use in cryptography.
• There are many applications of the discrete logarithm. Ex: online secret key agreement,
encryption and digital signatures.
• Diffie-hellman key exchange is the method widely used for key exchange.
• Key exchange in this method is as follows:
• Let us assume that both A and B know the base g and modulus p in advance.
1. A chooses a random integer a, 1<a<p-1, computes the “partial key”, ga mod p and
sends this to B.
2. B chooses a random integer b, 1<b<p-1, computes the “partial key”, gb mod p and
sends this to A.
3. On receipt of A’s message, B computes (ga mod p)b mod p=gab mod p.
4. On receipt of B’s message, A computes (gb mod p)a mod p=gab mod p.
• A and B might think that they have secure channel for communications by encrypting all
messages using common secret.
• But A shares the secret gac mod p with C and B shares the secret gbc mod p with C.
• In reality every subsequent message encrypted by A intended for B can be decrypted by
• Likewise, every message from B to A can be decrypted and modified by C.
• This is a classical example of active “man in the middle attack”.
• This attack is possible because they neglected to authenticate the source of the partial
keys they had received.(which can be done by sending partial key with RSA signature).
• To minimize chance of an attacker guessing any of these secrets, they should be chosen
from large pool of integers.
Let (p, g, α) be the public key of A. To encrypt a message m<p-1, to be sent to A, B does the
• He chooses a random number r, 1<r<p-1 such that r is relatively prime to p-1.
• He compute
C1=gr mod p
and uses α from A’s public key to compute
C2=(m * αr) mod p
• He sends the cipher text (C1,C2) to A
To decrypt the cipher text (C1,C2) , A uses her private key, a and computes
(C1-a) * C2 mod p
• The strength of this encryption is related to the difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm
problem for large values of p.
• The same random number should not be used again to avoid attacks.
Let a and (p,g,α) be the private and public keys of A. To sign a message m, A does the
1) She computes the hash h(m) of the message.
2) She chooses a random number r, 1<r<p-1 such that r is relatively prime to p-1.
3) She computes
x=gr mod p
4) She computes
y=(h(m)-ax)r-1 mod (p-1)
5) The signature is the pair (x, y).
Signature verification is performed by computing the value of x using the signer’s public
key and checking whether it equals the value of x received as shown below: