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Building Information Security Using New Expanded RSA Cryptosystem

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International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

ISSN: 2455-0876; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.44
Received: 13-09-2019; Accepted: 15-10-2019
Volume 5; Issue 4; October 2019; Page No. 65-68

Building information security using new expanded RSA cryptosystem

Hammawa MB1, Owolabi O2, Abdulganiyu A3, Mishra Amit4
1, 2
Department of Computer Science, University of Abuja, Nigeria
Department of Computer Science, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Nigeria
Baze University, Abuja, Nigeria

Our article Expanded-RSA algorithm is to bring about an innovative and enrichment of data security over Internet network
(Mathur, Gupta, Goar, & Choudhary, 2018). The proposed plan strengthen data by increasing dispersion in ciphertext using
Expanded-RSA to rebrand our information from unauthorized access. Thus, unauthorized personnel determination needs extra
period to access the information and we find a resolution to differential attack, linear bout and brute-force attack. Our
anticipated research results are done by comparing the existing RSA on the time of encryption and period it takes to decryption
text historically. Our outcome shows the manipulated expanded algorithm takes little stretch for encryption period with less
stint of decryption. This has upgrades safety of the information.

Keywords: encryption, expanded RSA, information security, cryptography, modification

Introduction drawbacks of asymmetric encryption algorithms but is better

On the net, information’s are vulnerable to varieties of than symmetric in computing resources such as processing
attacks. Security of information is the foremost importance time, power consumption and memory usage, (Kamardan et
during data management, transfer of information, or al., 2018) [10].
wireless communication. This has help us to accomplishing A proposed protocol architecture by Ren (Dixit, Gupta,
confidentiality in data transfer. Numerous cryptography Trivedi, & Yadav, 2018) [9], the DES procedure are apply in
schemes are introduced. Cryptography are apply in data communication because of its effectiveness. The RSA
messages that are to be sent, this give confidentiality, with algorithm is good in place of key encryption due to merits it
low adjustment and offer quality protection to data when has on key cipher. The fuzz key RSA encryption and the
transmitting on the internet (Chaudhury et al., 2017) [6]. encryption message from DES encryption are sent out. The
Cryptography is a method of altering a message into non- decryption algorithm is the inverse of encryption algorithm.
readable presentation, this prevents the text from illegal The limitation of this research is using traditional RSA
entree to the data, or make look unimportant. Previously, algorithm which most hackers has been working had to
numerous decryption and encryption procedures are bypass. We need to upgrade the RSA algorithm to
acquainted with which provide a safe broadcast of data on strengthen security surrounding data.
the internet. Hence, the focal goal is to ensuring security by developing
Cryptography practices are divided into two main new expanded cryptography protocol. This new security
categories, the asymmetric cryptosystem and symmetric protocol using Expanded encryption RSA cryptographic
cryptosystem. Symmetric cryptosystem it functions in a techniques is proposed systems help us to eliminate the
means that the same key is used for public and private key disadvantages on the existing protocols. This will increase
process. This cryptosystem might be stream cryptograph the security of the key plus increasing security using
text or block cryptograph text. In stream cipher, information cryptography. Finally, we will have cipher text cannot be
or data are manipulated one by one, while in block cipher decrypted except the recipient
text, nearly all bits are manipulated in units. Occasionally,
lining in plaintext are required, this could make manifold of RSA Algorithm
block size. Blowfish is a good representation of symmetric RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman ) is one of the commonly use
cryptosystem (Akash Kumar Mandal & Tiwari, 2012) [1]. public key cryptosystem, that uses two keys, one for
while asymmetric cryptosystem defers as two keys are apply encryption and the other one for decryption procedure such
to manipulate and decryption. The manipulation key is as public key and private key, respectively. The real-world
called public key and is known to both person and is for exertion of factorization of two or more large prime
encryption while the other key is hidden as private key, it’s numbers gives strength and defines the security of RSA
used for decryption; RSA algorithm is a good illustration of algorithm (Aules Centeno et al., 2016) [2]. RSA Key
asymmetric cryptosystem. generation and implementation goes as follows:
Here are several weaknesses for secret encryption key
maintenance is one of the challenges in secret encryption RSA key generation Pseudocode
systems and weak security strength, in asymmetric 1. Randomly Select dual number prime, f and g which their
encryption methods key maintenance is easy. There are product f *g is n
International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

2. Calculate n= f g and strength of the RSA algorithm in terms of information

3. Ø(n)=(f −1)*(g −1). security. It is also shown that time, memory used, and
4. Choice a number e, such that 1<e <Ø(n), such that GCD performing encryption and decryption are period take little
(e, Ø(n)) time than other RSA algorithm, because computations are
5. Calculate the secret key d, 1<d <Ø(n), such that e *d performed on the client and server. The main setback was
1(mod Ø(n)). that when the size of prime numbers increases then the
6. (e, n) as the encryption key while (d, n) represent the number of rounds unrolled and this rise was initially
private key. counterpoise by packing the round keys within round
where (Cordova, Maata, Halibas, & Al-Azawi, 2017; Davis, 2017)
• n is modulus, [7, 8]
Their examination goals is to offer safekeeping of
• e is the public exponent and d is the secret exponent or information within the cloud utilizing, increasing
decryption. Homomorphic method. This coding procedure is completed
with RSA algorithmic rule, Shor's algorithmic rule is
Encryption pseudocode employed to creating Public Key part, that improves the
Assume a user A sending message “m” to user B. safety Shor's algorithmic plays imperative in creating public
1. Obtain a public key (e, n) of user B. key. Chinese Remainder Theorem is employed to accelerate
2. Present plaintext as positive integer m. de encryption. Thus, it demonstrates however the CRT
3. Calculate the cipher text c me mod n, using user B’s portrayal of numbers in metal is used to perform isolated
public key. operation regarding fruitfully utilizing 3 extra esteems pre-
4. Send the ciphertext c to user B. processed from the prime variables of n. Thus, security is
improved within the cloud provider. These individual tries
Decryption psuedocode to expand an affordable execution of the foremost usually
User B will retrieve the original message from cipher utilised RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) algorithmic rule
text. within the encoding. The key limitation of those schemes
1. Use private key (d, n) to compute m cd mod n. was that they supply security to a specific parameter at the
2. Extract the plaintext m from c. value of different.
(Barnes, 2016) [3] Proposed using RSA algorithm applying
Literature survey three primes numbers as against the two prime number
Numerous ways out for solving information security in RSA. The significant part of RSA cryptosystem is the
centralize information in a server nonetheless putting into picking of public key and generation of private key. Public
application, strong security for which large data (size > key can be randomly generated. The strength of RSA is
1Terra Byte). According to (Chaudhary et al., 2018) [5], based on the fact the encryption role is one way and so it is
giant data built on electronic information has been computationally difficult for an unauthorize hackers to
increasing annually since 2011. Based on the current decipher text messages. Mersenne primes technique are
investigation, it suggested that about 3.5 zettabytes (3.5 x apply to improve the security. The strength of this research
1021 bytes) of data were held in 2012. Privacy is a main is using large prime number as dependent on three factors, f,
challenge in information center which hold information in a g, and h. This make it hard to break the large figure into
proper management technique. three. The limitation of their research is the use of Mersenne
(Chandravathi & Lakshmi, 2017) [4] Their research primes numbers, which means only selected prime numbers
objectives is to bring safety of information in applying can be used. In the result algorithm generated using minor
Multiplicative Homomorphic Method. This encryption numbers, and proposed algorithm were never verify using
procedure is implemented using RSA algorithm adding any mathematical tools like MATLAB.
Shor’s algorithm was used to generating encryption Key Another approach was proposed for combining symmetric
Module, Shor’s algorithm has a crucial part in computing and public key methods in (Cordova et al., 2017) [8] research
encryption key. main Text is manipulated with encryption on application using multi-level encryption with Data
Key to produce Secret Text and for decryption a Chinese Encryption Standard (DES) with modified RSA Algorithm,
Remainder Theorem is integrated to fasten calculations. the multi-prime RSA. In Her research multi-level RSA and
This CRT is applied to implement modular exponentiation DES overcome the disadvantage of using DES encrypting
which is more efficiently applying three additional values key. The cryptography tools used are RSA, DES and
pre-calculated from the prime factors of n. This makes Random Number Generator. This technique is more
security improve over cloud provider. This researcher tries profound on small amount of data like passwords.
to add a fair performance of the most used RSA (Rivest-
Shamir-Adleman) algorithm in the data encryption. Problem description
This Method postures privacy concerns with popular cloud Most establishments and private information that are kept
services provider, to bar unauthorize hacker from sensitive over the Internet or cloud computing. This information
information are lost. The keys are hacked by impostor, the deposited are extremely confidential and which
encrypted material is shared with impostor that suppose not unauthorized people should not have access to it.
to have access the content. Besides, untrusted servers and Manipulating of data is most traditional practice which
cloud workers can hold back essentials data of users long highly secure our information, applying few unadventurous
after users end the bond with the services provided, algorithms, which is in existence or modify. The most
(Aules Centeno et al., 2016) [2] research target is to perfect commonly encryption method is generation of key in
the RSA encryption system by increasing the security and symmetric and asymmetric key. Currently hackers are
integrity of information. The output shows an efficiency and proficient to disruption secret keys with the help of
International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

contemporary high processing power of technologies. Key Generation

Currently we need a strongly modifying or expanded Predict any four prime numbers: f = 101, g = 103, h = 107, i
encrypted data which was difficult to decrypt using = 109
cryptanalysis. 1. Calculation of parameters: N = f x g x h x i = 101 x 103
From our conclusion after literature study, the best method x 107 x 109 = 121, 330, 189
to offer safety to data is to use a new Expand asymmetric 2. phi(n), Ø (N) = (f – 1) (g – 1) (h – 1) (i – 1 100 x 102 x
RSA algorithms on the data. We used new RSA to encrypt 106 x 108 = 116, 769, 600
our data, then the private key will be manipulated using our 3. (3) Gcd (e,phi(n)) = 1 public key e= 140
expanded RSA algorithm for more data security. Our 4. Pick integers j and k such that {sqr(j/k)=e}a.
research target on how to expand the prime number of RSA 5. (5) The manipulated e will be: {j, n}: {1176000, 121,
algorithm so to make it difficult in predicting the prime 330, 189} {k, n}: {60, 121, 330, 189}
factor. We also changed the public key of RSA before 6. (6) private key d= 47762873
sending the modification to the receiver.
Proposed method 1. Selecting the random integer ‘a’ such as: GCD (a,
Extended-prime RSA is a variation of RSA in which the 134243153) = 1 a=202
modulus is the result of in excess of two particular primes. 2. Cipher texts: [C= 106310778] [C2= 707324781]
The upside of Extended-prime RSA over standard RSA lies
with the expansion of numbers of prime, this will strengthen Decryption for Proposed Scheme
the security process (Liu, Tang, Liu, Zhang, & Ma, 2018). 140d (mod 116, 769, 600) = 1
The encryption procedure is also modified to strengthen the 834, 068.5714
standard of RSA. 0.5714284 ≈ 1
We start by showing a streamlined variant Extended-prime 66, 725, 477.37
RSA. For any whole number r≥2, r - prime RSA comprises ≈ 66, 725, 477
of the accompanying seven algorithms:
Results and discussion
Method of generating Key in Proposed Scheme While using the above stated methodology, we came across
Phase 1: Let F,G,H,I represents a large prime number various advantages of using New Expanded RSA
Phase 2: The product n=F*G*H*I and phi (n) = (f-1) (g-1) cryptosystem which is an advancement over simple RSA.
(h-1) (i-1). The plaintext is encrypted with new Expanded RSA
Stage 3: Select e with a definitive target that (e, phi(n)) are cryptosystem, this help data securely stored on cloud
overall co-prime. system. Proposed system is highly efficient against
Stage 4: Pick out two whole figure j and k to such an extent, malicious data it provides high security with good execution
to the point j=ke2. time. Encryption New Expanded RSA has ensured
Stage 5 Solve e= sqr(j/k) competence and trustworthiness in store servers. During
Stage 6: Find d by utilizing the recipe e*d = 1 mod (phi(n)). messages are sent in the cloud computing it improve
security of cipher text message send during communication,
Encryption for Proposed Scheme it also reduced time consumption and storage size. The new
To scamper the substance M step are as per the going with: expansion algorithm which is an improvement on traditional
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