Hiding Encrypted Speech Using Steganography: Atef J. Al-Najjar, Aleem K. Alvi, Syed U. Idrees, Abdul-Rahman M. Al-Manea
Hiding Encrypted Speech Using Steganography: Atef J. Al-Najjar, Aleem K. Alvi, Syed U. Idrees, Abdul-Rahman M. Al-Manea
Hiding Encrypted Speech Using Steganography: Atef J. Al-Najjar, Aleem K. Alvi, Syed U. Idrees, Abdul-Rahman M. Al-Manea
Abstract: — In this paper, we have proposed a cryptosystem Steganography is used to hide the secret message data using
using state of the art technology. We used the minimum possible any other innocent cover object (may be text, image, audio or
compressed speech file for encryption. Additionally we applied video etc.) in such a way that another person could not know
data compression to speech files and added further compression.
Then we applied data encryption techniques to minimize security
about the existence of the original message. However it is
threats. We applied the symmetric and asymmetric encryption different with cryptography in the sense that cryptography
algorithms to the compressed speech files. This was followed by encrypts the data to be secured, which is generally understood
hiding these files into cover images using steganography. This and visible. Any one can try brute force or any other algorithm
camouflages the secret data and reduces chances of to break it.
eavesdropping. By using compression, the capacity has been
increased. However, after applying encryption, the size of the
encrypted data becomes much greater than the input file size, Capacity
therefore hiding it in a cover demands more capacity. We have
analyzed the size of the cipher texts of the compressed speech
data for further enhancement of the capacity.
Robustness Transparency
T his paper deals with the proposed cryptosystem including
compression, encryption and steganography. The Figure 1: Tradeoff between capacity, transparency and
proposed system incorporates these technologies in steps. The robustness [1]
objective of the system is to send the secret speech data with Steganography does not use algorithms to encrypt
security, transparency and robustness. Figure 1 shows the information. On the contrary, it is a process to hide data
relation between capacity, transparency and robustness. If we within another object so that it is hard to detect its presence. A
increase the capacity of any cover to store data with more than secret message can be hidden in a wav file, graphic file, exe
certain threshold value, then its transparency will be affected. file or html using tags etc.
With high capacity, the steganography is not strong enough to
keep transparent from the eavesdroppers. Similarly it is vise In this paper we hide the compressed speech data after
versa for robustness. It is a tradeoff between the capacity, applying selected cryptographic algorithms. Nowadays, secure
robustness and transparency. It is required to select all communication means the object data send by encryption
parameters in such a way that steganography can be achieved either it is half duplex or full duplex, real time or non real
on the best level. time, the security is one of the major parameters. This is the
war between eavesdroppers and cryptography experts who
Dr. Atef Jawad Al-Najjar is an Assistant Professor at the Department of develop the algorithms for secure communications. Always
Computer Engineering, College of Computer Science & Engineering, King the need of better secure communications in comparison of the
Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (contact at
e-mail: alnajjar@kfupm.edu.sa). existing ones is creating the motivations to develop more and
Aleem Khalid Alvi is a Lecturer–B and doing Ph.D. at the Department of more secure systems. However, by applying encryption
Computer Engineering, College of Computer Science & Engineering, King techniques, we can have encrypted data of our speech ready
Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (contact at
e-mail: akalvi@kfupm.edu.sa).
for transmission, but is it still secure? The answer depends on
Syed Usama Idrees is a Research Assistant and MS student at the the type of encryption techniques, the time required to break
Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computer Science & it. However, in addition to this, by using steganography
Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi
techniques we reduce the chances of suspicion on secret data
Arabia, (contact at e-mail: usama@kfupm.edu.sa)
Abdul-Rahman Muhammad Al-Manea is a EDP System Analyst at the from eavesdropper who caught the message object (cover).
SAP Computer Center, Saudi Aramco, and MS student at the Department of
Information & Computer Science, College of Computer Science & In symmetric key algorithms, when DES was broken by
Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia, (contact at e-mail: mr.alman3@gmail.com) using special computing power [2], 3DES algorithm was
suggested for increasing the key size three times that of DES internet, e-commerce, mobile telephones, banks, automatic
without changing the DES algorithm [3]. RSA as asymmetric teller machines, and in digital rights management, etc.
algorithm use longer keys for more security [4]. However, this
cannot eliminate the struggle against eavesdropping entirely. Cipher
150 Uncompressed file format However, successfully using cryptosystems to ensure security
100 Lossless compression format is not hundred percent sure. Any weakness or flaw in the
Lossy compression format
50 system design or execution can allow successful attacks from
0 the eavesdroppers.
Audio codecs extensions
Today, many algorithms show their stability for secure
Figure 2: A comparison of audio samples communications, e.g. RSA with large key size, say 1024, as
public key cipher or AES as private key cipher. However it
We found that the Windows Media Audio (WMA) format provides more security if eavesdroppers can not detect the
is the best candidate among others for encryption and then presence of the secret message either encrypted or not. If
steganography. Because WMA file format gives the smallest encrypted secret message is detected then eavesdropper starts
file size (with using specific settings for encoding). We found to work out the message by applying the technique to decrypt.
a further reduction of 1KB in size from the original (WMA At this stage cipher algorithms must be sophisticated that the
file of sample) after applying the LZ77 algorithm. time for breaking it, is must be beyond the present context.
An encrypted hidden message into a cover object makes
eavesdropping more difficult.
Encryption is the process of transforming information; e.g. The word “Steganography” is of Greek origin and means
plaintext, into encrypted text called ciphertext. That ciphertext “covered or hidden writing”. Hiding media may be text,
can only be decrypted by having specific information. image, audio, video, binary or html file etc. This apparent
Decryption refers to the reverse process. media object looks as a message called cover. For instance, in
Encryption/decryption has been used from ancient times to old ages, a message may be hidden by using invisible ink
modern age for secret communication. Nowadays, use of between the visible lines of innocuous documents. Modern
security is for communication either real time or not, in steganographic techniques differ with the historical ones.
the internet and on other communication media. Apply LZW compression Open zip file in Encryption Binary conversion Hide data using
integer numbers steganography
A cover can be created in any way, e.g. 2 least significant Figure 5: Sending-End of the proposed cryptosystem
bits of each byte of an image can be replaced with the bits of Now only the recipient knows the technique to recover the
the secret message. This LSB replacement does not greatly message and then decrypt it using the receiving-end part of the
affect the cover object (image) to reveal the change. cryptosystem, discussed later
Table 1 describes the significant change in size from wav to 400 AES
Size in KB
using WMA (codec) with maintaining the quality of speech. 300 3DES
Additionally, by applying the LZW compression algorithm, 200
further reduction in size is obtained. However there is no 100
difference between zip and rar compression. 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We have done additional experiments to understand the Samples
effect of the size of the secret message in terms of the
different linguistics. We have selected three languages: Figure 7: A comparison of cipher text
Arabic, English and Urdu for this purpose. We have taken the
same secret message in all three languages recorded in wav Figure 7 show that the comparison of the cipher text after
and WNA formats. It is observed that different file sizes were encryption and that gives the requirement of the capacity of
obtained for the same message in different languages, and the cover object. This shows that the RSA (asymmetric
Urdu has taken more file size in comparison of Arabic and algorithm) has more cipher text in size as compared to the
English. We left it for future research to repeat the same 3DES and AES (symmetric algorithms). In this case, the less
experiment with as many languages as possible, and find the capacity symmetric algorithm is best to encrypt the data. On
language in which the secret message is always stored the other hand, if the capacity is available, (e.g. cover object
as video) then RSA will be preferable because it solves the
(statistically) in a lower size. Then we can manage the
key management problem.
language translation for from one end of the crypto system to
In [13], Lisa M. Marvel elaborates on the capacity of a
B. Receiving End cover by developing a capacity metric that can be used as a
The receiving-end of the cryptosystem performs the reverse performance criterion for the class of steganographic methods
that add the secret speech data. It is used for all types of cover
of all steps which have been done before. The detailed
data including imagery and audio. It is used to calculate
diagram of the receiving-end cryptosystem is shown in Figure
precise estimate of the maximum amount of payload that can
be embedded and successfully extracted from the cover data. [13] Lisa M. Marvel, Image Steganography for Hidden Communication,
Ph.D. Dissertation, Spring 1999, University of Delaware, US.Kaushal
[14] M. Solanki, Multimedia Data Hiding: From Fundamental Issues to
In [14] Kaushal M. Solanki have introduced a general Practical Techniques, Ph.D. Dissertation, December 2005, University of
framework for a data hiding system, based on the following California, Santa Barbara, US.
steps i.e. (1)encoding of message & host image with secret
key, (2) generation of a composite image, (3) avoiding VII. APPENDIX A
intentional/unintentional processing attacks, (4) decoding with In this appendix A we have given he scripts of the all the
the secret key to get original message. speeches which we have used in the Table 1.
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