(IJCST-V7I5P12) :tahamina Yesmin
(IJCST-V7I5P12) :tahamina Yesmin
(IJCST-V7I5P12) :tahamina Yesmin
Transmission of data through internet has become very common now a day so, it is important to have secure
communication over internet. Cryptography and Steganography are two important methods for providing secure
communication. We know cryptography and steganography are two methods used for data protection. The
cryptography distorts the data and steganography hides the existence of data. But both of them have their own
vulnerabilities, in this paper we are focused to combine cryptography and steganography in various ways to
enhance the security of data.
Keywords:- Cryptography, Steganography, Encryption, Decryption, Advance encryption standard (AES), Data
Security, Information Hiding, Information Security, Data hiding.
One of the reasons why attackers become
1. The cryptography and steganography are successful in intrusion is that they have an
two widely used techniques for confidentiality of opportunity to read and understand most
data exchange. Cryptography is used to cipher information from system. The most important
information and steganography is used to hide the motive for attacker to benefit from intrusion is
existence of data communication. To manipulate or value of confidential data he can obtain by
hide the existence of a message, cryptography and attacking the system. Hackers may expose the data,
steganography are two best techniques. alter it, distort it or employ it for more difficult
Cryptography scrambles the message so that the attacks. The solution for this problem has led to the
message cannot be understood. And steganography development of cryptography and steganography.
hides the existence of the message so that the By combining cryptography and steganography in
message is not visible. And combination of both one system we can ensure enhanced security [2].
Cryptography and steganography makes the
communication more confidential and secure. A We can use steganography over the cryptography,
cryptographic key was used to decode the message these are very closely related to each other. The use
that was known only by the authorized persons. of cryptography as a way to secure the hidden
The limitation of cryptography was that other message mainly addresses the security requirement
person came to know that the message had a hidden in the Information-Hiding system. For the purpose
text in it and so the probability of message being of steganography, symmetric encryption is
decoded by other person increased. To overcome followed. The symmetric encryption is a method of
this limitation the technique of steganography was encryption that uses the same key to encrypt and
introduced. decrypt a message.
If one person encrypts and decrypts data, that
Information transmission through internet may person must keep the key secret. If the data is
include sensitive personal data which may be transmitted between parties, each party must agree
intercepted. Also, there are many applications on on a shared secret key and find a secure method to
the internet and many web sites require the users to exchange the key. The security of encrypted data
fill forms that include sensitive personal depends on the secrecy of the key.
information such as telephone numbers, addresses,
and credit card information. So, the users may need It is noted that steganography and cryptography
private and secure communications for many alone is insufficient for the security of information,
reasons such as protect their confidential therefore if we combine these systems, we can
information from hackers during it passed over an generate more reliable and strong approach [3].
open channel, so the confidentiality and data The combination these two strategies will improve
integrity are required to protect against the security of the information secret. This
unauthorized access and use. Cryptography and combined will fulfill the prerequisites, for example,
steganography are the common methods to secure memory space, security, and strength for important
communications [1]. information transmission across an open channel.
Also, it will be a powerful mechanism which stego image. Various methods used for
enables people to communicate without interferes steganography are like LSB, Transform Domain,
of eavesdroppers even knowing there is a style of DFT and many more. All the techniques have some
communication in the first place. [4]. advantages and disadvantages. In this paper
enhanced LSB technique is developed by the
The studies that attack the encrypted message and author who overcomes the limitations of other
detect the hidden messages are called as techniques. LSB technique for color images by
Cryptanalysis and Steganalysis. So, we should embedding the information into three planes of
apply those algorithms that are hard to crack. RGB image in a way that enhances the quality of
image and achieves high embedding capacity. The
II. RELATED WORKS PSNR value of the proposed technique is better
than previous steganography methods.
In [5] authors proposed a method that increase the
security of data transfer by combining In [9], authors proposed a highly-secured
cryptography and steganography. Mp3 file is taken steganography technique by combining DNA
as the cover media and the secret message is sequence with Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography.
encrypted using AES algorithm using a key that has This approach executes the benefits of both
been processed by MD5 hash function. The secret techniques to afford a high level of security
message was inserted in the homogeneous frame in communication. Also, it uses the benefits of both
mp3 files with addition of a key code. The MD5 DNA cryptography and Steganography. This
algorithm is a widely used cryptographic hash algorithm tries to hide a secret image in another
function used to verify data integrity. cover image by convert them into DNA sequence
using the nucleotide to the binary transformation
In [6] authors presented an enhanced safe data table. On the sender side, the embedding method
transfer scheme in smart Internet of Things (IoT) includes three steps. First, they convert the values
environment. They proposed a technique that of a pixel of both the cover image and secret image
employs an integrated approach of steganography to their respective DNA triplet value utilizing
and cryptography during data transfer between IoT characters to the DNA triplet conversion. Secondly,
device & home server and home server & cloud they convert the triplet values to binary values
server. The sensed data from IoT device is format. In the final stage, apply the XOR logic
encrypted and embedded in the cover image along between binary values of both secret image and
with message digest of sensed data and send to the cover image to generate a new image which called
home server for authentication purpose. At the stego image.
home server the embedded message digests and
encrypted data version is extracted. The received The paper at [10] presented a method based on
digest is compared with newly computed digest to combining both the strong encrypting algorithm
ensure data integrity and authentication. The same and steganographic technique to make the
procedure is carried out between home server and communication of confidential information safe,
cloud server. secure and extremely hard to decode. An
encryption technique is employed for encrypting a
In [7] authors give an example where, secret message before encoding it into a QR code.
Steganography can be used in a lot of useful They used AES-128 key encryption technique.
applications. For example copyright control of They encrypted a message, in UTF-8 format is
materials, to enhance the robustness of an image converted into base64 format to make it compatible
search engines and smart identity cards where the for further processing. The encoded image is
details of individuals are embedded in their scrambled to achieve another security level. The
photographs. Other applications include video- scrambled QR code is finally embedded in a
audio synchronization, TV broadcasting, TCP/IP suitable cover image, which is then transferred
packets where a unique ID is embedded in an securely to deliver the secret information. They
image to analyses the network traffic of particular utilized a least significant bit method to accomplish
users. the digital image steganography. At the receiver’s
side, the secret data is retrieved through the
[8] In this paper the author states that decoding process. Thus, a four-level security has
steganography is a technique which hides the data been rendered for them a secret message to be
in such a way that it is not visible to user. transferred.
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Audio, Video, Text, Image. In case of image In [11], proposed an encrypting technique by
steganography data is hidden behind the image. In combining cryptography and steganography
this cover image is used to hide the data. The image techniques to hide the data. In cryptography
obtained after embedding the data is known as process, they proposed an effective technique for
large, just 50% of the bits in a picture should be Steganography Using AES Encryption and
altered to conceal a mystery message utilizing the MD5 Hash Function”, International
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way perceived by the human visual framework [7] Johnson, N.F. and S. Jajodia, “Exploring
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[8] Singh,A. “An Improved LSB based Image
III. CONCLUSIONS Steganography Technique for RGB Images”,
Electrical, Computer and Communication
Technologies (ICECCT), 2015 IEEE
Cryptography and steganography are outstanding
International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp
techniques for information security. To upgrade the
security we can utilize consolidated cryptography
[9] Vijayakumar, P., Vijayalakshmi, V. and
and steganography as opposed to utilizing
Zayaraz, G. “An improved level of security
cryptography or steganography alone. In this paper
for dna steganography using hyperelliptic
we have checked on different mixes of
curve cryptography,” Wireless Personal
cryptography and steganography techniques.
Communications, pp. 1–22, 2016.
Breaking a steganographic framework needs the
[10] Karthikeyan, B., Kosaraju, A. C. and Gupta,
aggressor to distinguish that steganography has
S. “Enhanced security in steganography
been utilized and he can peruse the installed
using encryption and quick response code,”
message. As indicated by, steganography gives
in Wireless Communications, Signal
methods for mystery correspondence, which can't
Processing and Networking (WiSPNET),
be evacuated without fundamentally modifying the
International Conference on. IEEE, 2016,
information where it is inserted. What's more, the
pp. 2308–2312.
security of old style steganography framework
[11] Dhamija, A. and Dhaka, V. “A novel
depends on mystery of the information encoding
cryptographic and steganographic approach
framework. When the encoding framework is
for secure cloud data migration,” in Green
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