Winnicott D 1945 Primitive Emotional Development
Winnicott D 1945 Primitive Emotional Development
Winnicott D 1945 Primitive Emotional Development
IT WILL BE CLEAR at once from my title that I have chosen a very wide sub-
ject. All I can attempt to do is to make a preliminary personal statement, as
if writing the introductory chapter to a book.
I shall not first give an historical survey and show the development of my
ideas from the theories of others, because my mind does not work that way.
What happens is that I gather this and that, here and there, settle down to
clinical experience, form my own theories and then, last of all, interest myself
in looking to see where I stole what. Perhaps this is as good a method as any.
About primitive emotional development there is a great deal that is not
known or properly understood, at least by me, and it could well be argued
that this discussion ought to be postponed five or ten years. Against this there
is the fact that misunderstandings constantly recur in the Society's scientific
meetings, and perhaps we shall find we do know enough already to prevent
some of these misunderstandings by a discussion of these primitive emotional
Primarily interested in the child patient, and the infant, I decided that I
must study psychosis in analysis. I have had about a dozen psychotic adult
patients, and half of these have .been rather extensively analysed. This hap-
pened in the war, and I might say that I hardly noticed the blitz, being all the
time engaged in analysis of psychotic patients who are notoriously aad
maddeningly oblivious of bombs, earthquakes, and floods.
As a result of this work I have a great deal to communicate and to bring
into alignment with current theories, and perhaps this paper may be taken as
a beginning.
By listening to what I have to say, and criticizing, you help me to take my
Read before the British Psycho-Analytical Society, November 28,1945. Int. f. Psycho-
Anal., Vol. XXVI, 1945.
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D. W. W 1 N N 1 C O T T : C O L L E C T E D P A P E R S
next step, which is the study of the sources of my ideas, both in clinical work analyst's) depression, or shall I say guilt and grief resultant from the destruc-
and in the published writings of analysts. It has in fact been extremely difficult tive elements in his own (the analyst's) love. To progress further along these
to keep clinical material out of this paper, which I wished nevertheless to keep lines, the patient who is asking for help in regard to his primitive, pre-depres-
short so that there might be plenty of time for discussion.
sive relationship to objects needs his analyst to be able to see the analyst's un-
displaced and co-incident love and hate of him. In such cases the end of the
hour, the end of the analysis, the rules and regulations, these all come in as
First I must prepare the way. Let me try to describe different types of important expressions of hate, just as the good interpretations are expressions
psycho-analysis. It is possible to do the analysis of a suitable patient taking of love, and symbolical of good food and care. This theme could be developed
into account almost exclusively that person's personal relation to people, extensively and usefully.
along with the conscious and unconscious fantasies that enrich and compli-
cate these relationships between whole persons. This is the original type of
psycho-analysis. In the last two decades we have been shown how to develop Before embarking directly on a description of primitive emotional develop-
our interest in fantasy, and how the patient's own fantasy about his inner ment I should also like to make it clear that the analysis of these primitive
organization and its origin in instinctual experience is important as such.1 We relationships cannot be undertaken except as an extension of the analysis of
have been shown further that in certain cases it is this, the patient's fantasy depression. It is certain that these primitive types of relationship, so far as
about his inner organization, that is vitally important, so that the analysis of they appear in children and adults, may come as a flight from the difficulties
depression and the defences against depression cannot be done on the basis arising out of the next stages, after the classical conception of regression. It is
only of consideration of the patient's relations to real people and his fantasies right for a student analyst to learn first to cope with ambivalence in external
about them. This new emphasis on the patient's fantasy of himself opened up relationships and with simple repression and then to progress to the analysis
the wide field of analysis of hypochondria in which the patient's fantasy about of the patient's fantasy about the inside and outside of his personality, and the
his inner world includes the fantasy that this is localized inside his own body. whole range of his defences against depression, including the origins of the
It became possible for us to relate, in analysis, the qualitative changes in the persecutory elements. These latter things the analyst can surely find in any
individual's inner world to his instinctual experiences. The quality of these analysis, but it would be useless or harmful for him to cope with principally
instinctual experiences accounted for the good and bad nature of what is depressive relationships unless he was fully prepared to analyse straightfor-
inside, as well as for its existence. ward ambivalence. It is likewise true that it is useless and even dangerous to
This work was a natural progression in psycho-analysis; it involved new analyse the primitive pre-depressive relationships, and to interpret them as
understanding but not new technique. It quickly led to the study and analysis they appear in the transference, unless the analyst is fully prepared to cope
of still more primitive relationships, and it is these that I wish to discuss in this with the depressive position, the defences against depression, and the per-
paper. The existence of these more primitive types of object relationship has secutory ideas which appear for interpretation as the patient progresses.
never been in doubt.
I have said that no modification in Freud's technique was needed for the I have more preparatory remarks to make. It has often been noted that, at
extension of analysis to cope with depression and hypochondria. It is also five to six months, a change occurs in infants which makes it more easy than
true, according to my experience, that the same technique can take us to still before for us to refer to their emotional development in the terms that apply
more primitive elements, provided of course that we take into consideration to human beings generally. Anna Freud makes rather a special point of this
the changes in the transference situation inherent in such work.
and implies that in her view the tiny infant is concerned more with certain
I mean by this that a patient needing analysis of ambivalence in external care-aspects than with specific people. Bowlby recently expressed the view
relationships has a fantasy of his analyst and the analyst's work that is differ- that infants before six months are not particular, so that separation from their
ent from that of one who is depressed. In the former case the analyst's work is mother does not affect them in the same way as it does after six months. I my-
thought of as done out of love for the patient, hate being deflected on to hate- self have previously stated that infants reach something at six months, so that
ful things. The depressed patient requires of his analyst the understanding whereas many infants of five months grasp an object and put it to the mouth,
that the analyst's work is to some extent his effort to cope with his own (the it is not till six months that the average infant starts to follow this up by
Chiefly through the work of Melanie Klein.
deliberately dropping the object as part of his play with it.
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In specifying five to six months we need not try to be too accurate. If a five to six months? I know that the view is quite sincerely held in some quar-
baby of three or even two months or even less should reach the stage of ters that the answer is 'No'. This view must be given its due, but it is not mine.
development that it is convenient in general description to place at five The main object of this paper is to present the thesis that the early emo-
months, no harm will be done. tional development of the infant, before the infant knows himself (and there-
In my opinion the stage we are describing, and I think one may accept this fore others) as the whole person that he is (and that they are), is vitally im-
description, is a very important one. To some extent it is an affair of physical portant: indeed that here are the clues to the psychopathology of psychosis.
development, for the infant at five months becomes skilled to the extent that
he grasps an object he sees, and can soon get it to his mouth. He could not EARLY DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESSES
have done this earlier. (Of course he may have wanted to. There is no exact
parallel between skill and wish, and we know that many physical advances, There are three processes which seem to me to start, very early: (1) integra-
such as the ability to walk, are often held up till emotional development re- tion, (2) personalization, and (3), following these, the appreciation of time
leases physical attainment. Whatever the physical side of the matter, there is and space and other properties of reality — in short, realization.
also the emotional.) We can say that at this stage a baby becomes able in his A great deal that we tend to take for granted had a beginning and a condi-
play to show that he can understand he has an inside, and that things come tion out of which it developed. For instance, many analyses sail through to
from outside. He shows he knows that he is enriched by what he incorporates completion without time being ever in dispute. But a boy of nine who loved
(physically and psychically). Further, he shows that he knows he can get rid to play with Ann, aged two, was acutely interested in the expected new baby.
of something when he has got from it what he wants from it. AH this repre- He said: 'When the new baby's born will he be born before Ann?' For him
sents a tremendous advance. It is at first only reached from time to time, and time-sense is very shaky. Again, a psychotic patient could not adopt anj
every detail of this advance can be lost as a regression because of anxiety. routine because if she did she had no idea on a Tuesday whether it was lasl
The corollary of this is that now the infant assumes that his mother also has week, or this week, or next week.
an inside, one which may be rich or poor, good or bad, ordered or muddled. The localization of self in one's own body is often assumed, yet a psychotic
He is therefore starting to be concerned with the mother and her sanity and patient in analysis came to recognize that as a baby she thought her twin at
her moods. In the case of many infants there is a relationship as between the other end of the pram was herself. She even felt surprised when her twin
whole persons at six months. Now, when a human being feels he is a person was picked up and yet she remained where she was. Her sense of self and
related to people, he has already travelled a long way in primitive develop- other-than-self was undeveloped.
ment. Another psychotic patient discovered in analysis that most of the time she
Our task is to examine what goes on in the infant's feelings and personality lived in her head, behind her eyes. She could only see out of her eyes as out
before this stage which we recognize at five to six months, but which may be of windows and so was not aware of what her feet were doing, and in conse-
reached later or earlier. quence she tended to fall into pits and to trip over things. She had no 'eyes ia
There is also this question: how early do important things happen? For in- her feet'. Her personality was not felt to be localized in her body, which was
stance, does the unborn child have to be considered? And if so, at what age like a complex engine that she had to drive with conscious care and skill.
after conception does psychology come in? I would answer that if there is an Another patient, at times, lived in a box 20 yards up, only connected with her
important stage at five to six months there is also an important stage round body by a slender thread. In our practices examples of these failures in primi-
about birth. My reason for saying this is the great differences that can be tive development occur daily, and by them we may be reminded of the
noticed if the baby is premature or post-mature. I suggest that at the end of importance of such processes as integration, personalization, and realization.
nine months' gestation an infant becomes ripe for emotional development, It may be assumed that at the theoretical start the personality is uninU-
and that if an infant is post-mature he has reached this stage in the womb, and grated, and that in regressive disintegration there is a primary state to which
one is therefore forced to consider his feelings before and during birth. regression leads. We postulate a primary unintegration.
On the other hand a premature infant is not experiencing much that is vital Disintegration of personality is a well-known psychiatric condition, and its
till he has reached the age at which he should have been born, that is to say psychopathology is highly complex. Examination of these phenomena in
some weeks after birth. At any rate this forms a basis for discussion. analysis, however, shows that the primary unintegrated state provides a basis
Another question is: psychologically speaking, does anything matter before for disintegration, and that delay or failure in respect of primary integration
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predisposes to disintegration as a regression, or as a result of failure in other one's person is in one's body. Again it is instinctual experience and the repeated
types of defence. quiet experiences of body-care that gradually build up what may be called
Integration starts right away at the beginning of life, but in our work we satisfactory personalization. And as with disintegration so also the deper-
can never take it for granted. We have to account for it and watch its sonalization phenomena of psychosis relate to early personalization delays.
Depersonalization is a common thing in adults and in children, it is ofter
An example of unintegration phenomena is provided by the very common hidden for instance in what is called deep sleep and in prostration attacks with
experience of the patient who proceeds to give every detail of the week-end corpse-like pallor: 'She's miles away', people say, and they are right.
and feels contented at the end if everything has been said, though the analyst A problem related to that of personalization is that of the imaginary com-
feels that no analytic work has been done. Sometimes we must interpret this panions of childhood. These are not simple fantasy constructions. Study of
as the patient's need to be known in all his bits and pieces by one person, the the future of these imaginary companions (in analysis) shows that they are
analyst. To be known means to feel integrated at least in the person of the sometimes other selves of a highly primitive type. I cannot here formulate a
analyst. This is the ordinary stuff of infant life, and an infant who has had clear statement of what I mean, and it would be out of place for me to explain
no one person to gather his bits together starts with a handicap in his own this detail at length now. I would say, however, that this very primitive and
self-integrating task, and perhaps he cannot succeed, or at any rate cannot magical creation of imaginary companions is easily used as a defence, as il
maintain integration with confidence. magically by-passes all the anxieties associated with incorporation, digestion,
The tendency to integrate is helped by two sets of experience: the technique retention, and expulsion.
of infant care whereby an infant is kept warm, handled and bathed and
rocked and named, and also the acute instinctual experiences which tend to
gather the personality together from within. Many infants are well on the way DISSOCIATION
toward integration during certain periods of the first twenty-four hours of Out of the problem of unintegration comes another, that of dissociation.
life. In others the process is delayed, or setbacks occur, because of early Dissociation can usefully be studied in its initial or natural forms. According
inhibition of greedy attack. There are long stretches of time in a normal to my view there grows out of unintegration a series of what are then called
infant's life in which a baby does not mind whether he is many bits or one dissociations, which arise owing to integration being incomplete or partial. For
whole being, or whether he lives in his mother's face or in his own body, example, there are the quiet and the excited states. I think an infant cannot be
provided that from time to time he comes together and feels something. Later said to be aware at the start that while feeling this and that in his cot or enjoy-
I will try to explain why disintegration is frightening, whereas unintegration ing the skin stimulations of bathing, he is the same as himself screaming for
is not.
immediate satisfaction, possessed by an urge to get at and destroy something
In regard to environment, bits of nursing technique and faces seen and sounds unless satisfied by milk. This means that he does not know at first that the
heard and smells smelt are only gradually pieced together into one being to mother he is building up through his quiet experiences is the same as the power
be called mother. In the transference situation in analysis of psychotics we behind the breasts that he has in his mind to destroy.
get the clearest proof that the psychotic state of unintegration had a natural Also I think there is not necessarily an integration between a child asleep
place at a primitive stage of the emotional development of the individual. and a child awake. This integration comes in the course of time. Once dreams
It is sometimes assumed that in health the individual is always integrated, as are remembered and even conveyed somehow to a third person, the dissocia-
well as living in his own body, and able to feel that the world is real. There is, tion is broken down a little; but some people never clearly remember their
however, much sanity that has a symptomatic quality, being charged with fear dreams, and children depend very much on adults for getting to know their
or denial of madness, fear or denial of the innate capacity of every human dreams. It is normal for small children to have anxiety dreams and terrors.
being to become unintegrated, depersonalized, and to feel that the world is At these times children need someone to help them to remember what they
unreal. Sufficient lack of sleep produces these conditions in anyone.1 dreamed. It is a valuable experience whenever a dream is both dreamed and
Equally important with integration is the development of the feeling that remembered, precisely because of the breakdown of dissociation that this
Through artistic expression we can hope to keep in touch with our primitive selves
represents. However complex such a dissociation may be in child or adult, the
whence the most intense feelings and even fearfully acute sensations derive, and we are poor fact remains that it can start in the natural alternation of the sleeping and
indeed if we are only sane.
awake states, dating from birth.
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In fact the waking life of an infant can be perhaps described as a gradually material is used in the hallucination. In this way he starts to build up a capa-
developing dissociation from the sleeping state. city to conjure up what is actually available. The mother has to go on giving
Artistic creation gradually takes the place of dreams or supplements them, the infant this type of experience. The process is immensely simplified if the
and is vitally important for the welfare of the individual and therefore for infant is cared for by one person and one technique. It seems as if an infant is
mankind. really designed to be cared for from birth by his own mother, or failing that
Dissociation is an extremely widespread defence mechanism and leads to by an adopted mother, and not by several nurses.
surprising results. For instance urban life is a dissociation, a serious one for It is especially at the start that mothers are vitally important, and indeed it
civilization. Also war and peace. The extremes in mental illness are well is a mother's job to protect her infant from complications that cannot yet be
known. In childhood dissociation appears for instance in such common con- understood by the infant, and to go on steadily providing the simplified bit of
ditions as somnambulism, incontinence of faeces, in some forms of squinting, the world which the infant, through her, comes to know. Only on such a foun-
etc. It is very easy to miss dissociation when assessing a personality. dation can objectivity or a scientific attitude be built. All failure in objectivity
at whatever date relates to failure in this stage of primitive emotional develop-
ment. Only on a basis of monotony can a mother profitably add richness.
REALITY ADAPTATION One thing that follows the acceptance of external reality is the advantage to
Let us now assume integration. If we do, we reach another enormous sub- be gained from it. We often hear of the very real frustrations imposed by ex-
ject, the primary relation to external reality. In ordinary analyses we can and ternal reality, but less often hear of the relief and satisfaction it affords. Real
do take for granted this step in emotional development, which is highly com- milk is satisfying as compared with imaginary milk, but this is not the point.
plex and which, when it is made, represents a big advance in emotional The point is that in fantasy things work by magic: there are no brakes on
development, yet is never finally made and settled. Many cases that we con- fantasy, and love and hate cause alarming effects. External reality has brakes
sider unsuitable for analysis are unsuitable indeed if we cannot deal with the on it, and can be studied and known, and, in fact, fantasy is only tolerable at
transference difficulties that belong to an essential lack of true relation to ex- full blast when objective reality is appreciated well. The subjective has tre-
ternal reality. If we allow analysis of psychotics, we find that in some analyses mendous value but is so alarming and magical that it cannot be enjoyed
this essential lack of true relation to external reality is almost the whole thing. except as a parallel to the objective.
I will try to describe in the simplest possible terms this phenomenon as I see It will be seen that fantasy is not something the individual creates to deal
it. In terms of baby and mother's breast (I am not claiming that the breast is with external reality's frustrations. This is only true of fantasying. Fantasy
essential as a vehicle of mother-love) the baby has instinctual urges and pre- is more primary than reality, and the enrichment of fantasy with the world's
datory ideas. The mother has a breast and the power to produce milk, and the riches depends on the experience of illusion.
idea that she would like to be attacked by a hungry baby. These two pheno- It is interesting to examine the individual's relation to the objects in the self-
mena do not come into relation with each other till the mother and child live created world of fantasy. In fact there are all grades of development and
an experience together. The mother being mature and physically able has to sophistication in this self-created world according to the amount of illusion
be the one with tolerance and understanding, so that it is she who produces a that has been experienced, and so according to how much the self-created
situation that may with luck result in the first tie the infant makes with an world has been unable or able to use perceived external world objects as
external object, an object that is external to the self from the infant's point of material. This obviously needs a much more lengthy statement in another
view. setting.
I think of the process as if two lines came from opposite directions, liable to In the most primitive state, which may be retained in illness, and to which
come near each other. If they overlap there is a moment of illusion — a bit of regression may occur, the object behaves according to magical laws, i.e. it
experience which the infant can take as either his hallucination or a thing exists when desired, it approaches when approached, it hurts when hurt.
belonging to external reality. Lastly it vanishes when not wanted.
In other language, the infant comes to the breast when excited, and ready to This last is most terrifying and is the only true annihilation. To not want,
hallucinate something fit to be attacked. At that moment the actual nipple as a result of satisfaction, is to annihilate the object. This is one reason
appears and he is able to feel it was that nipple that he hallucinated. So his why infants are not always happy and contented after a satisfactory feed.
ideas are enriched by actual details of sight, feel, smell, and next time this One patient of mine carried this fear right on to adult life and only grew up
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from it in analysis, a man who had had an extremely good early experience I can bring in here the great fear of disintegration as opposed to the simple
with his mother and in his home.1 His chief fear was of satisfaction. acceptance of primary unintegration. Once the individual has reached the
I realize that this is only the bare outline of the vast problem of the initial stage of concern he cannot be oblivious to the result of his impulses, or to the
steps in the development of a relation to external reality, and the relation of action of bits of self such as biting mouth, stabbing eyes, piercing yells, sucking
fantasy to reality. Soon we must add ideas of incorporation. But at the start a throat, etc., etc. Disintegration means abandonment to impulses, uncontrolled
simple contact with external or shared reality has to be made, by the infant's because acting on their own; and, further, this conjures up the idea of similarly
hallucinating and the world's presenting, with moments of illusion for the uncontrolled (because dissociated) impulses directed towards himself.1
infant in which the two are taken by him to be identical, which they never in
fact are.
For this illusion to be produced in the baby's mind a human being has to be PRIMITIVE RETALIATION
taking the trouble all the time to bring the world to the baby in understand- To go back half a stage: it is usual, I think, to postulate a still more primi-
able form, and in a limited way, suitable to the baby's needs. For this reason tive object relationship in which the object acts in a retaliatory way. This is
a baby cannot exist alone, psychologically or physically, and really needs one prior to a true relation to external reality. In this case the object, or the envir-
person to care for him at first. onment, is as much part of the self as the instinct is which conjures it up.2 In
The subject of illusion is a very wide one that needs study; it will be found introversion of early origin and therefore of primitive quality the individual
to provide the clue to a child's interest in bubbles and clouds and rainbows lives in this environment which is himself, and a very poor life it is. There is
and all mysterious phenomena, and also to his interest in fluff, which is most no growth because there is no enrichment from external reality.
difficult to explain in terms of instinct direct. Somewhere here, too, is the
interest in breath, which never decides whether it comes primarily from within
or without, and which provides a basis for the conception of spirit, soul, anima. To illustrate the application of these ideas I add a note on thumb-sucking
(including fist- and finger-sucking). This can be observed from birth onwards,
P R I M I T I V E R U T H L E S S N E S S (STAGE OF P R E - C O N C E R N ) and therefore can be presumed to have a meaning which develops from the
We are now in a position to look at the earliest kind of relationship between primitive to sophistication, and it is important both as a normal activity and
a baby and his mother. as a symptom of emotional disturbance.
If one assumes that the individual is becoming integrated and personalized We are familiar with the aspect of thumb-sucking covered by the term auto-
and has made a good start in his realization, there is still a long way for him to erotic. The mouth is an erotogenic zone, specially organized in infancy, and
go before he is related as a whole person to a whole mother, and concerned the thumb-sucking child enjoys pleasure. He also has pleasurable ideas.
about the effect of his own thoughts and actions on her. Hate is also expressed when the child damages his fingers by too vigorous
We have to postulate an early ruthless object relationship. This may again or continuous sucking, and in any case he soon adds nail-biting to cope with
be a theoretical phase only, and certainly no one can be ruthless after the con- this part of his feelings. He is also liable to damage his mouth. But it is not
cern stage except in a dissociated state. But ruthless dissociation states are certain that all the damage that may be done to a finger or mouth in this way
common in early childhood, and emerge in certain types of delinquency, and is part of hate. It seems that there is in it the element that something must
madness, and must be available in health. The normal child enjoys a ruthless suffer if the infant is to have pleasure: the object of primitive love suffers by
relation to his mother, mostly showing in play, and he needs his mother be- being loved, apart from being hated.
cause only she can be expected to tolerate his ruthless relation to her even in 1
Crocodiles not only shed tears when they do not feel sad — pro-concern tears; they also
play, because this really hurts her and wears her out. Without this play with readily stand for the ruthless primitive self.
her he can only hide a ruthless self and give it life in a state of dissociation.2 1
This is important because of our relationship to Jung's analytical psychology. We try to
' I will just mention another reason why an infant is not satisfied with satisfaction. He reduce everything to instinct, and the analytical psychologists reduce everything to this part
feels fobbed off. He intended, one might say, to make a cannibalistic attack and he has been of the primitive self which looks like environment but which arises out of instinct
put off by an opiate, the feed. At best he can postpone the attack. (archetypes). We ought to modify our view to embrace both ideas, and to see (if it is true)
that in the earliest theoretical primitive state the self has its own environment, self-created,
* There is in mythology a ruthless figure — Lilith — whose origin could be usefully which is as much the self as the instincts that produce it. This is a theme which requires
studied. development.
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We can see in finger-sucking, and in nail-biting especially, a turning-in of
love and hate, for reasons such as the need to preserve the external object of
interest. Also we see a turning-in to self, in face of frustration in love of in
external object.
The subject is not exhausted by this kind of statement and deserves further
I suppose anyone would agree that thumb-sucking is done for consolation,
not just pleasure; the fist or finger is there instead of the breast or mother, or
someone. For instance, a baby of about four months reacted to the loss of his
mother by a tendency to put his fist right down his throat, so that he would
have died had he not been physically prevented from acting this way.
Whereas thumb-sucking is normal and universal, spreading out into the
use of the dummy, and indeed to various activities of normal adults, it is also
true that thumb-sucking persists in schizoid personalities, and in such cases
is extremely compulsive. In one patient of mine it changed at 10 years into i
compulsion to be always reading.
These phenomena cannot be explained except on the basis that the act is ai
attempt to localize the object (breast, etc.), to hold it half-way between in and
out. This is either a defence against loss of object in the external world or in
the inside of the body, that is to say, against loss of control over the object.
I have no doubt that normal thumb-sucking has this function too.
The auto-erotic element is not always clearly of paramount importance and
certainly the use of dummy and fist soon becomes a clear defence against
insecurity feelings and other anxieties of a primitive kind.
Finally, every fist-sucking provides a useful dramatization of the primitive
object relationship in which the object is as much the individual as is the desire
for an object, because it is created out of the desire, or is hallucinated, and at
the beginning is independent of co-operation from external reality.
Some babies put a finger in the mouth while sucking the breast, thus (in a
way) holding on to self-created reality while using external reality.
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