Sun 2017
Sun 2017
Sun 2017
Abstract: With the continuous development new, there have been several different names
and evolvement of Internet of Things (IoT), and one of such names is “Internet of Infinite
monolithic application becomes much larger Things”, the dreamworld which everything
in scale and even more complex in structure. may communicate with each other. Today, we
This leads to poor scalability, extensibility and have a large number of physical entities inter-
maintainability. In response to those challeng- connected and integrated into the information
es, microservice architecture has been intro- space to interchange generated data using
duced in the field of IoT application, due to communication technologies. Previously a
its flexibility, lightweight and loose coupling. number of research work [3-4] focused on the
However, the existing IoT framework of mi- connectivity challenges. However, with newly
croservice mainly focus on a specific domain, developed systems, the existing structure has
therefore, this greatly limits its application. In given birth to several new research challenges.
this paper, we propose a general microservice With the development of technology, the IoT
system framework for the IoT application, applications [5-11] have started to consider
which is a better scalable, extendable and how to integrate the existing network facilities
maintainable architecture. We introduce its and the openness and scalability of the system
system design and related microservices, and design. Compared with existing services, such
emphasize on core service and device commu- as telecommunication services or Internet
nication from service layer to physical layer. It applications, IoT service faces with new sit-
has better capacity to support interoperability uation. The huge information collected from
and accommodate heterogeneous objects. In perception layer (involving a large number of
addition, this framework can easily achieve sensors) is further processed and delivered to
more application integration such as automa- different applications according to the require-
tion, intelligence, Geo service and Big Data. ments, then is used to trigger the correspond-
Keywords: Internet of things; IoT; micro ser- ing collaborative business system. As the IoT
vice; software architecture technology is widely used in daily life, the
events produced by sensors and objects are
I. INTRODUCTION becoming astronomical. The task is enormous
Received: Jun. 08,2016
and immense services response to the requests. Revised: Oct. 19. 2016
The term IoT (Internet of things) is not very IoT services system should coordinate man- Editor: Mugen Peng
Symbols and means
(DeviceId, URI)
DeviceId: the unique id of the hardware.
URI: the internet address of the device.
mount Metadata: the metadata which contains the
(DeviceId, URI)
hardware device information.
metadata) Data: the data provided and consumed by
3. publish(topic,
data) Topic: the topic of the Data.
Work process
1. Initialize and register the device
a) Device microservice register (DeviceId,
Fig.3 Device microservice sequence diagram URI) to PluginsRepository in Core service.